SCR Higher Education

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Standing Committee Report Summary

Issues and challenges before higher educational sector in

 The Standing Committee on Human Resource teaching more lucrative, faculty should be encouraged
Development (Chair: Dr. Satyanarayan Jatiya) to undertake consultancy projects and be provided
submitted its report on ‘Issues and challenges before financial support for start-ups.
higher educational sector in India’ on February 8,
 Accountability and performance of teachers: At
2017. The report examined the challenges of higher
present, there is no mechanism for ensuring the
education in India after studying the higher education
accountability and performance of professors in
institutions in Hyderabad, Chandigarh, Patiala,
universities and colleges. This is unlike foreign
Thiruvananthapuram, Udaipur, Chennai,
universities where the performance of college faculty
Vishakhapatnam, Bhopal and Indore. The Committee
is evaluated by their peers and students. In this
also interacted with public sector banks regarding the
context, a system of performance audit of professors
education loan facilities being provided to students
based on the feedback given by their students and
for higher education.
colleagues should be set up. Other inputs like
 The key observations and recommendations of the research papers, publications by teachers should be
Committee are as follows: added in the performance audit in due course of time.
 Shortage of resources: Bulk of the enrolment in  Lack of employable skills: Lack of employable
higher education is handled by state universities and skills in students of technical education has been
their affiliated colleges. However, these state observed. Identification of skill gaps in different
universities receive very small amounts of grants in sectors and offering courses for enhancing
comparison. Nearly 65% of the University Grants employability in them has been recommended. Some
Commission (UGC) budget is utilised by the central strategies in this regard can include: (i) Industry
universities and their colleges while state universities Institute Student Training Support, (ii) Industrial
and their affiliated colleges get only the remaining Challenge Open Forum, (iii) Long Term Student
35%. The Committee recommends that the Industry Placement Scheme, and (iv) Industrial
mobilisation of funds in state universities should be Finishing Schools.
explored through other means such as endowments,
 Accreditation of institutions: The Committee notes
contributions from industry, alumni, etc.
that accreditation of higher educational institutions
 Teacher vacancies: According to UGC, the total needs to be at core of the regulatory arrangement in
number of sanctioned teaching posts in various higher education. Further, quality assurance agencies
Central Universities are 16,699 for professors, 4,731 should guarantee basic minimum standards of
for associate professors, and 9,585 for assistant technical education to meet the industry demand for
professors. Out of the total sanctioned teaching posts, quality manpower. The National Board of
5,925 (35%) professor posts, 2,183 (46%) associate Accreditation should act as a catalyst towards quality
professor posts and 2,459 (26%) assistant professor enhancement and quality assurance of higher
posts are vacant. technical education.
 The Committee reasoned that this could be due to two  Credit rating agencies, reputed industry associations,
reasons: (i) young students don’t find the teaching media houses and professional bodies should be
profession attractive; or (ii) the recruitment process is encouraged to carry forward the process of rating of
long and involves too many procedural formalities. Indian universities and institutions. A robust rating
The recruitment process should start well before a system will give rise to healthy competition amongst
post is vacated. In addition, to make the profession of universities and help improve their performance.
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Nivedita Rao February 28, 2017
PRS Legislative Research  Institute for Policy Research Studies
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