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1 .How are personal values reflected in everyday community life?
A. Bulling friends
B. Stealing goats
C. Raping other
D. Greeting elders
2. Which of the following is a common family problem?
A. cooperation
B. Hard worker
C. Respecting values
D. unemployment
3. Why are personal values important?
A. Teaches to have a good positive relationships with others
B. Cause problems in our society
C. Lead our lives in a negative way
D. Lead to street kid
4. Which of the following can lead to serious family conflict
A. Lack of trust
B. Honesty
C. Loyalty
D. Love
5. Which of the following is a personal value?
A. Divorce
B. Honesty
C. Frustration
D. Greedy
6. What is the common cause of violence?
A. Happiness
B. Cooperation
C. Tolerance
D. Lack of communication
7. What is equality?
A. The equal treatment of citizens
B. Unequal treatment of citizens
C. Bulling other co-workers
D. Displaying bad behavior
8. Which of the following is a community value?
A. Punishment
B. Disrespect
C. Respect
D. Hatred

9. Which of the following is a traditional community group?

A. Livestock
B. Diphiri
C. Graves
D. Class
10. Which of the following head the structure of council
A. Mayor
B. Councilors
C. Chairperson
D. Council Secretary
11. How can families resolve their conflicts?
A. Discussing
B. Quarrelling
C. Fighting
D. Crying
12. Which of the following is a right of HIV/AIDS infected people?
A. Raping
B. Sickness
C. Good health
D. Discrimination
13. Women gathered and help their friends at the lands. After finishing their work, they were
given food and drinks. Which activities are they practicing?
A. Molaletsa
B. Motshelo
C. Majako
D. Mafisa
14. What is meant by naturalization?
A. Lived in Botswana for at least ten years
B. Lived outside Botswana for at least ten years
C. Born to Batswana parents
D. Born to foreign parents.
15. Which of the following Setswana saying is associated with violence?
A. Ntwakgolo ke ya molomo
B. Sedibana pele ga se ikanngwe
C. Tlhotsa pele ga se e swa pele
D. Se are go tlogelwa tsatsing se ikise meriting
16. What is Village Development Committee?
A. A health center where people are taken care of.
B. An education center where children go to learn
C. A community structure that is responsible for helping the rich.
D. A community structure that is responsible for helping the rich
17. How are councilors elected?
A. Chosen by chief
B. Selected by PTA
C. Through a ballot box
D. Chosen by the president
18. What is a citizen?
A. A person who stays in another country
B. A person who belongs to a country by birth
C. A person who belong to village
D. A person who stays in a country
19. What can violence lead to?
A. Family Unity
B. Good health
C. Happiness
D. Civil war
20. Which of the following is NOT a cause of inequality?
A. Discrimination
B. Prejudice
C. Injustice
D. Love
21. Which one does NOT show how to investigate a history of a village?
A. Search
B. Interview
C. Questionnaire
D. Reading old documents
22. All these services are offered in towns and cities EXCEPT
A. Health services
B. Road construction
C. Ploughing and harvesting
D. sewage collections
23. Which of the following is not a religious denomination?
D. Roman Catholic Church

For questions 24-28, write True for correct for statement and False for incorrect statement
in the spaces provided.
24. People at the cattle post help each other by dipping cattle. True/False
25. Nowadays people can hire tractors to plough at the lands. True/False
26. Letsema is a common activity nowadays. True/False
27. A pregnant woman is not allowed to enter a Ploughing field. True/Field
28. The duty of a councilor is to appoint the dikgosi. True/False
Complete the structure of a council using the words provided below
Council secretary Treasurer Council Chairperson Additional


Vice council chairperson



Complete the following sentences with the words provided for numbers 31-37

Councilor, Mafisa, home based care, mayor, head scarf, Eloyi, Pope, collecting waste, drug
abuse, mosimama, deputy mayor.

31. A widowed woman must throw a herb called _________________________ in the kraal.
32. The leader of a Catholic Church is ______________.
33. A Christian denomination in Botswana is _____________________.
34. _________________________________ is a committee that helps in taking care of the sick
in a village.
35. A form of cooperation where people help the less privileged with their cattle is
36. ____________________ is a cause of violence.
37. The letter W stands for_________________ in the town/city structure below.



Match the religious with their duties.

Religious leader Duty

38. Archbishop A Born to position.
39. Imam B. Chosen by church community.
40. ATR C. Study for many years.
E. Teaches children how to read the





Arrange the following in alphabetical order

1. Zoo Zip Zoom

2. Book Bought Boy

Respond negatively to the questions below

3. Are you going to town?

4. Did they buy food?

The word Tie can mean a lot of things. The following are some of the meaning of
the word tie


Meaning 1. A cloth worn by men around the neck.

Meaning 2. An even score.
Meaning 3. To fasten two pieces of a string.

5. The game ended in a tie.

6. Mr. Jackson was a wearing a very beautiful tie.

Complete the table below

Singular Plural
7. Potato
8. Carrot
9. Knife

Change the following statements to questions.

10. Statement: Mike is wearing a blue jersey?

Question: ____________________________________________________________

11. Statement: The time is 9 O’clock.

Question: ____________________________________________________________

12. Statement: Jane is going to the shops.

Question: ____________________________________________________________

Change the following sentences into the tenses provided below

13. The baby is crying loudly.

Past tense: ___________________________________________________________

14. He swept the class alone.

Future tense: _________________________________________________________

15. He will drive to the hospital.

Present tense: ________________________________________________________

Use the following punctuation marks to complete sentences below

. ! ? , “

16. What a lovely dress__

17. John___ Joseph and Jacob were having lunch in a restaurant.
18. How did they manage to travel to town___
19. His parents are sleeping behind the house___
Sentences (i) to (iv) tell a story when they are arranged in the correct order. Arrange them
in order in which they happened. Use the spaces provided.
(i) They came back in the afternoon.
(ii) They bought winter clothes.
(iii) The Johnson family went to town.
(iv) They visited a lot of shops
20. _____________________________________________________________________

Read the story below and answer questions 21 to 27.

Many years ago, there was a young man named Julian, who lived in the village of Tshesebe. He
had a big scar on his cheek.
One day the chief of Tshesebe announced that he could not find his lovely daughter. He said that
whoever finds her will be allowed to marry her.
Julian who had always wanted to marry the chief’s daughter, started searching for her. He went
to a neighboring village. When he got the village, the villagers were having a party. He went to
the top of a hill and waited there until all the villagers had all gone to bed. He then crept down
the hill quietly. As he walked through the village, he heard someone groaning from a nearby
hut. That sounded like the girl he was looking for. Julian went into the hut where the noise was
coming from and saw the girl tied to a pole. The girl was alone and shaking with fear. He untied
her and put her on his back and hurried out.
As Julian and the girl were about to leave the village, an old woman saw them. She started
screaming and this woke her neighbors. The neighbors ran after them and caught them. They
told Julian that if he could only be allowed to take the girl home if he could walk past a lion with
the girl on his back. He was told that if he did not manage to walk past the lion, both of them
would be killed.
Julian was strong and brave. He was able to walk past the lion with the girl on his back and was
allowed to take her home. The chief and all the people in the village were happy to see Julian
come home with the girl. The next day, Julian and the chief’s daughter got married and were
given a place to live.

Circle the letter of the correct answer from question 21 to 27.

21. Who had a big scar on the cheek?
A. The chief’s daughter
B. The chief
C. Julian
22. Why did Julian decide to look for the chief’s daughter?
A. He wanted to marry the girl.
B. He wanted to kill her.
C. He loved the chief
23. The word groaning shows that the girl was
A. Happy.
B. Dreaming.
C. Frightened.

24. Where was the chief’s daughter found?

A. On top of a hill.
B. At home.
C. In a hut.
25. Who saw Julian when he was about to leave the village?
A. An old woman
B. The villagers
C. The chief
26. Screaming means that the old woman cried
A. Softly
B. Loudly
C. Silently
27. What is the story about?
A. Julian’s search of the chief’s daughter
B. Julian’s visit to the village
C. Julian’s fear of the lion

For questions 28 to 29, write your answers in the spaces provided.

28. Why did Julian wait for the people to go to bed?


29. How did the chief feel after her daughter was brought back home?

Circle the word or words which correctly complete each of the sentences in
question 30 to 40.

30. Elaine is (tallest, tall, taller) than Angel.

31. John is the (older, oldest, old) pupil in class.
32. This is the (beautiful, more beautiful, most beautiful) building in town.
33. Tom (had, have, has a new pair of shoes yesterday.
34. The train is going (under, before, between) the bridge.
35. We need (little, plenty of, less water) for our school garden.
36. (That, This, Those) books are mine.
37. The shops open (at, on, in) 9 O’clock.
38. There are (many, much more) boys in our class.
39. Benny loves (hers, him his) dog.
40. (Them, Their, They) classroom is dark.






1. Which of the following is a type of energy source?

A. Moon
B. Air
C. Wind
D. Star
2. How can a farmer protect his crops from locusts?
A. Using dips
B. Using herbicides
C. Using insecticides
D. Using doom
3. Which of the following pests attacks field crops?
A. Grasshopper
B. Tick
C. Tape worm
D. Flies
4. Which of the following is a requirement for plant growth?
A. Lack of plant food
B. Very low temperature
C. Sunlight
D. Diseases
5. How does a stalk borer destroy crops?
A. It eats the plant leaves.
B. It destroys the plant roots.
C. It sucks up sap from plant cells.
D. It makes holes in the stems of the plant.
6. What will happen if trees are cut?
A. Soil will be protected.
B. More plants will grow.
C. Soil erosion will take place.
D. There will be enough wood for roofing
7. How does vegetation conserve soil?
A. Blows the soil away.
B. Increase soil temperature.
C. Slow down the speed of flowing water over soil.
D. Plants roots do not hold soil particle together.
8. In which soil do plants grow best?
A. Clay
B. Sandy
C. Loam
D. Gravel
9. Why is wood commonly used at the cattle post?
A. It is expensive.
B. Readily available.
C. Not easily available
D. Not easily collected
10. Which kind of energy is used in towns and cities?
A. Electricity
B. Wood
C. Paraffin
D. Coal
11. Which source of energy gets its power from the sun?
A. Wind
B. Solar
C. Electricity
D. Water
12. Which is a modern way of conserving animals?
A. Using animals as taboos
B. Killing female animals
C. Not controlling hunting seasons
D. Use of game reserves and national parks
13. Which of the following is not an endangered animal species
A. Horse
B. Lion
C. Python
D. Giraffe
14. Which of the following is a traditional method of conserving animals?
A. Building paddock
B. Hunting and killing more animals
C. Not killing pregnant animals
D. Making it an offence to kill animals
15. Which of the following is a soil constituent?
A. Chlorophyll
B. Water
C. Trees
D. Animals
16. Which soil constituent is represented by the letter Y?

A. Water C. Air
B. Inorganic matter D. Organic matter
17. Which of the following is NOT a planet?
A. Neptune
B. Earth
C. Star
D. Venus
18. What is the name of the instrument used to measure rainfall?
A. Rain gauge
B. Wind vane
C. Barometer
D. Anemometer
19. How can we conserve energy?
A. Driving a car to work
B. Using hot water in summer
C. Switching off lights in empty rooms
D. Switching on lights in empty rooms

Write true for correct statement and false for incorrect statement
20. Taboos were traditionally used to conserve animals………………………
21. Insects have nine legs……………….
22. Water may be unsafe to drink because of contamination………………
23. Locusts destroy crops by boring them…………………
24. Plants roots hold sold particles to avoid soil erosion……………..




25. Groundnuts A. Dog
26. Sorghum B. Termite
27. Millet C. Dove
D. Cutworm

From the list below, choose three sources of energy used at the cattle post for
questions 28-30

(Electricity, Petrol, Firewood, Water, Wind)

28. ____________________
29. ____________________
30. ____________________
31. Electrical energy E. Paraffin
32. Solar energy F. Windmill
33. Wind energy G. Electricity
34. Fuels H. Star
I. Sun

Complete the following sentences using the correct word below

(Floods, Water, Saturn, Organic Matter, Jupiter, Air, Nine, Pluto,
35. Too much rain causes_______________________.
36. 45% of the soil is covered by _________________________.
37. _________________ has rings around it.
38. The biggest planet is _____________________.
39. There are __________ planets.
40. ________________ is the coldest planet.




Bala polelo e e latelang o bo o araba dipotso 1-8

Mangole ne e le mosimane yo o sa tsamaeng bobe. O ne a tlwatse masimo a ga bone thata. O ne

a sena ditsala tse dintsi jaaka Basimane ba bangwe.

Nako nngwe o ne a tsamaela kgakalanyana a re o ya go bona masimo a mangwe mme a timela.

Bosigo jwa tsena a ntse a batla ya go boela gae. A tsena fa mokgorong mongwe mme a bolelela
batho ba teng gore o timetse. A kopa boroko mme ba bo ba mo fa.

E rile nako ya dijo e goroga, Mangole a tsholelwa le Teko, mosimane wa lelapa. Teko a bua le
Mangole gore ba tseye dijo tsa bone ba katoge bagolo. Fa ba tshwanetse go ja, Teko a gana ka
dijo, a tima Mangole. Mangole a mo ikanela a re, “Ke tlaa go tshwara monna.”

Fa go robalwa ba ne ba alelwa mmogo. E rile ga bosigo, Mangole a mo re tlwe! Teko a kua a re,
“ Mma wee! Ke tshwerwe ke Mangole.” Mmaagwe a araba ka gore, “nama maoto!”

Mosimane a tswelela ka go kua, “Mma ka re nthusa! Mangole o ntshwere!” karabo ya nna,

“nama dikgonyana tse o reng maoto tseo.” Mosadimogolo a simolola go tlhobaela. A tsoga a
nanabelela kwa basimaneng. Mangole a mo utlwa mme a ingabaa yaaka phage.

E rile maphakela a matona, mosadimogolo a boa a ba ratela gape. O ne a fitlhela Mangole a

khubame Teko. Mangole ka pelo a re, matlho o mpontshang! A betsega, a sutlha legora mme a
inaya naga.
Mosadimogolo a kua a re, “Bathong, nthusang! Tshwarang mosimane yoo!” Borre ba babedi ba
sala Mangole morago. Ga tabogwa go sa tshamekwe. Mosadimogolo a boa a kua gape are,
“borre, tshwarang Mangole!”
Ija, kana banna ba inama ba tshwara mangole a bone. Ya re ba santse ba iname jalo,Mangole a
nyamela mo sekgweng. E rile ba inamologa ke fa mosimane a sa bonale. Ba itlhoboga.

1. Ke eng Mangole a ne a timela nako e a neng a tsamaetse kgakala le masimo a bone?

A. O ne a sa tlwaela go tsamaya.
B. O ne a batla go bona masimo mangwe.
C. O ne a sena ditsala tse dintsi tsa Basimane.
2. Ke eng se Mangole o neng a se dira se se sa tsamaelanang le botshelo jwa malatsi a
A. Go tsamaya a ya masimo.
B. Go lwantsha batho o saba itse.
C. Go kopa boroko mo bathing o sa ba itse.

3. Ke eng Teko a ne a raya Mangole a re ba tseye dijo tsa bone ba katoge bagolo?
A. O ne a batla go botsa mangole sengwe.
B. O ne a sa batle go tlhodia bagolo.
C. O ne a batla go tima Mangole dijo.

4. Teko o ne a raya jang fa a re “o tshwerwe ke Mangole”?

A. O ne a ruruga mangole.
B. O ne a kgamilwe ke Mangole.
C. O ne a tshwerwe ke bogatsu.

5. Go ne ga diragala eng fa Mangole a re “matlho o mpontshang”?

A. Mangole o ne a lemoga fa mmaagwe Teko a mo tshwerwe.
B. Mangole o ne a bona matlho a ga Teko a rotogile.
C. Mangole o ne a bona mmaagwe Teko a itshikinya.

6. Lefoko tlhobaela le le mo temaneng ya botlhano le raya eng?

A. Go sa Itumeleng sentle.
B. Go belaela.
C. Go boifa.

7. Fa banna ba ne ba sa tshwara mangole a bone mmaagwe Teko a kpa thuso go ka bo go ne

ga diragala eng?
A. Ba ne ba ka bo ba tshwere mosimane.
B. Ba ka bo ba beditse mosimane.
C. Ba ne ba ka bo ba tabogile thata.

8. Ke eng se o se lemogang ka temana ya bofelo?

A. Banna ba tsiediwa ke lefoko mangole.
B. Banna ba siilwe ke mosimane.
C. Mangole a banna a botlhoko.
Kwalolola diele tsa dipotso 9 go ema ka 11 o dirisa matshwao a mokwalo a a
, ? . !

9. Gaborone ke toropokgolo ya Botswana.


10. Rangwane o itse go betla dikika metshe le megopo


11. A o tlaa tsamaya le rona

Fetolela diele tsa dipotso 12 le 13 kwa Setswaneng.
12. I like playing football.
A. Ke rata go tshameka kgwele ya dinao.
B. Ke tshameka kgwele ya dinao.
C. Ke rata kgwele ya dinao.

13. My grandfather was sick last week.

A. Ntatemogolo o a lwala.
B. Ntatemogolo o ne a lwala maabane.
C. Ntatemogolo o ne a lwala beke e e fetileng.

Mo dipotsong 14 le 15 , o filwe mafoko mo mabokosong a a tlhokang go tlhomaganngwa.

Tlhopha a a rulagantsweng sentle go ya ka go tlhomagana ga ditlhaka.

Koloi, setena, lorako,nonyane

A. Setena, koloi, lorako, nonyane

B. Koloi, lorako,nonyane, setena
C. Lorako, nonyane, koloi, setena
Pitsa, selepe, thipa, emere

A. Emere, thipa, selepe, pitsa

B. Emere, selepe, thipa, selepe
C. Emere, pitsa, selepe, thipa
Tlhomaganya ditiragalo tse di latelang go dira polelwana.
16. i. Mmaagwe o ne a mmotsa gore o tswa kae
ii. MmaNeo o ne a mo tlhasela ka moretlwa.
iii. Neo o ne a goroga ka nako ya lesome bosigo.
iv. Ga a ise a nne le nako ya go fetola mafoko a ga mmaagwe.


Tlhopha seele se se kwadilweng ka mokwalo o o siameng

17. A. Ba nna kwa lehelong le le kgakala.
B. Ba nna kwa lefelong le le kgakala.
C. Ba nna lofelong le le kgakala.
18. A. Tlhaga e go tweng motlho, e ratega thata.
B. Tlhaga e go tweng motho, e ratega thata.
C. Thaga e gotweng motho, e ratega thata.
Tlhopha lefoko le le sa tsamaelanang le a mangwe.
19. Legapu, moretlwa, Lephutshe
20. Morula, mosetlha, bojang
21. Tau, tlou, kgokong

Bolela paka e e dirisitsweng mo dieleng 22 le 23

22. Mme o tlaa ya masimo ka moso.
A. Paka e e tlang.
B. Paka jaanong
C. Paka e e fetileng
23. Re ne re apeile bogobe.
A. Paka e e tlang.
B. Paka jaanong
C. Paka e e fetileng

Bala polelo e e latelang o bo o araba dipotso 24 go ema ka 30.

Mosidi e ne e le Ngwana wa ga Dineo le Mothusi ba motse wa Dinare. Nkokoagwe o ne a mo
rata thata ka a ne a kgone go dira ditiro tse di farologaneng tsa masimo.
E ne ya re nako e a neng a ya go simolola sekole, nkokoagwe a utlwa botlhoko thata ka a ne a
itse gore o ya go simololago dira dilo tse di sa siamang. Mosadimogolo o ne a akanya gore
sekole se ne se dira gore bana ba tlhoke Maitseo. Sekole se se siameng mo go ene e ne e le sa mo
gae. Selo se se neng se dira gore a akanya jaana ke gore ngwana wa ga Mma Puso o ne a buile
kwa Moeng a tla a imile, asena go itsalanya le basimane koo. O ne a tla go nna mo lapeng a sa
dire sepe.
Mosidi o ne a tswelela le dithuto tsa gagwe a ba a fetsa lokwalo lwa bosupa mme a tsaya maduo
a a siameng thata. O ne a dumelelwa kwa sekoleng se segolo sa Moeng goya go dira lokwalo la
ntlha. Letsatsi lengwe pele fa a ya go simolola kwa Moeng, Mosidi le nkokoagwe ba ne ba
iketlile ba tlotla kwa masimo. “Nkoko ke eng o lebega o sa itumela?” Nkokoagwe o ne a araba
ka go re, “ga se jalo ngwanaka, ke gore ke akanya gore o tlile go sotlega, o felele o senyegile.”
“O raa yang nkoko?”
“Ga o bone gore Nametso o diragaletswe ke eng? O nale ngwana gompieno. Batsadi ba gagwe
ba tlhabiwa ke ditlhong. Go nna le ditsala tsa basimanea ise a tlhalefe go mo tsentse mo
mathateng. Basimane dinoga ngwanaka, o ba tshabe.” Letsatsi la gore dikolo di bulwe le ne la
goroga. E rile Mosidi a emelela, nkokoagwe amo tlhaeletsa a re, “o seka wa re swabisa, o
itlhokomele. O se lebale sephirinyana sa rona.”
Basimane ba bangwe kwa sekoleng ba feta ba leka go itsalanya le ene. A ba itlhokomolosa
Ngwana wa ga Dineo, a gopotse nkokoagwe fa a ne a re, “Basimane dinoga.” Mosidi o ne a dira
ka natla mo dithutong mo barutabana ba gagwe ba neng ba itumela.. e rile ngwaga wa gagwe wa
bofelo o ya bokhutlong, Mosidi a tsaya matshwao a a kwa godimo mo dithutong. Selo se se ne sa
dira gore ba puso ba mo duelele go ya go dira booki. Gompieno jaana, Mosidi o dira mo
kokeleng ya Princess Marina.

24. Ke mang yo go buiwang ka ene thata mo polelong e?

25. Go ya ka polelo e, Mosidi ke motho yo o ntseng jang?
A. Yo o matepe
B. Yo o Lorato
C. Yo o boi

26. Ditiragalo tsa polelo e, di diragala mo pakeng efe?

27. Ke eng se o se ithutileng mo polelong e?

28. Fao bona nkokoagwe Mosidi o ne a iktlwa jang fa Mosidi a sena go fetsa sekolo kwa

29. (a) O ka fa batho batho ba ba tshwanang le Nametso kgakololo efe?

(b) Ke ka go reng o ka ba fa kgakololo e?

Rulaganya ditiragalo tse di fa tlase go ya ka fa di diragetseng ka teng mo polelong

i. Mosidi o duelelwa ke puso go ya go ithutela booki
ii. Mosidi o ya dithutong tsa gagwe kwa Moeng
iii. Basimane ba sekolo ba leka go itsalanya le Mosidi
30. A. i ii iii
B. ii iii i
C. iii ii i
Dirisa mafoko mangwe mo go a a mo lebokosong go feleletsa temana e e filweng
fa tlase.

Yone lelodi raya sone letlapa

Dipelo o ne a tsamaela kgakala le ditsala tsa gagwe. O ne a sa batle le go utlwa monko wa dijo.
O ne a a bua a le nosi a re, “ ke tlaa ba kapa letsatsi lengwe. Ba nnetse go nthumula ke sa ba 31
_________________ sepe. Ke ya go ipatlela 32 _______________ gore ke otlhe seme. Fa ke ka
le bona, kgosi ya basimane 33__________________, e tlaa tshwanelwa ke go atlhola gore ke
mang mo go rona yo o bodipa.

Dirisa diteng tsa buka tse di latelang go araba dipotso 34 le 35


Kgaolo 1 Kwa Thabala 1

Kgaolo 2 Dinoga tsa metsi 6
Kgaolo 3 Dikgosi maloba 13
Kgaolo 4 Bongaka jwa setso 26

34. Fa motho a batla go tlhaloganya thata ka Dinoga tsa metsi, o ka bala mo kgaolong efe?


35. Ke eng se go buiwang ka sone mo tsebeng ya lesome le bosupa?


Kwalolola seele se se mo lebokosong le le fa tlase o dirisa mokwalo o o amogelesegang.

Badisa bane ba timeditse dikgomo mme ba di tsaya ka motlhala.
Fa tlase o filwe mafoko mo mabokosong. Bopa mafoko a le mabedi ka go dirisa mafoko go
tswa mo mabokosong a X le Y

More tona

Kgala mogolo

Tau potsane





1. Which of the following is a traditional game?
A. Cricket
B. Football
C. Mhele
D. Chess

2. Which of the following is a safety measure to be followed when using tools to prevent
A. Leave materials lying on the floor after working.
B. Play with tools in the workshop.
C. Make sure all containers have name tags on them.
D. Store all dangerous fluids under your desk.

3. Which of the following activities contributes to good health?

A. Exercise daily.
B. Eat expired food.
C. Drink a lot of alcohol.
D. Eat unbalanced diet.

4. Which of the following words rhyme?

A. Cook Cup
B. Boil Trail
C. Caught Taught
D. Lion Done

5. Which of the following is NOT a painting technique?

A. Shading
B. Sponging
C. Spattering
D. Painting with a brush

6. Which of the following materials is not suitable for making a table?

A. Soil
B. Wood
C. Plastic
D. Metal
7. What would you wear before getting in a dusty area?
A. Socks
B. Gloves
C. Nose mask
D. Umbrella

8. Which material is soft to touch and absorbs water?

A. Plastic
B. Cloth
C. Wood
D. Iron

9. Which of the following is a stage of designing?

A. Evaluation
B. Testing
C. Learning
D. Teaching

10. What is coping saw used for?

A. Cutting wood
B. Cutting metal
C. Cutting stone
D. Cutting paper

11. Which color do you get when you mix yellow and blue?
A. Green
B. Orange
C. Purple
D. Blue-yellow

12. The following races are staggered EXCEPT_______________.

A. 100m
B. 200m
C. 400m
D. 800m
13. Which type of lettering is used below?
A. Cursive
B. Bolding
C. Printing
D. Italics

14. Which one is an example of wheel and axle system?

A. Wheel barrow
B. Spade
C. Digging fork
D. Rubber rake

15. What are pulleys used for?

A. Build walls
B. Design
C. Decorate
D. Lift

16. Which color do you get when mixing red and yellow?
A. Yellow
B. Orange
C. Green
D. Purple

17. Which of the following is a rule for skipping?

A. Two players holding a rope
B. The first player bounces the ball.
C. The players hop on one leg only.
D. The player have to be naked when playing

18. Which of the following is a man-made structure?

A. Snail
B. Tree
C. Spider
D. Bicycle
From the list below, write name of each instrument under the correct heading

Drum, Guitar, Keyboard, Knife, Recorder, Hammer

Percussion instrument Wind instrument Stringed instrument Electronic

19. _____________ 20.______________ 21.___________ 22.__________

Match the material below with their characteristics

Material Characteristics
23. Wool A. Very shiny and light
24. Clear plastic B. Sticky when wet
25. Foil C. Transparent
26. Clay D. water proof
E. Soft

Write True for correct statement and False for incorrect statement.

27. Eating in the lab is allowed. True/False

28. A secondary color is obtained by mixing two primary colors. True/False

29. Sponging is a painting technique. True/False

30. Netball is a traditional game. True/False





Answer all questions in the spaces provided

1. Write the following amount in thebes


Answer…………………………………………… (1 mark)

2. Write the following in Pula.


Answer …………………………………… (1 mark)

Work out the following fractions

3. 3 2
- + -=
6 6

4. P70. 75 (b) P2. 25

-P12. 50 x 6
_______ _________
_______ _______

(2 marks)
Match the angles with their correct names.

A. Reflex angle

B. Obtuse angle

C. Acute angle

D. Right angle
Find the area of the square below
2 cm Working

Answer _______________(2)

7. Find the perimeter of the shape below.




8. Thapelo weighs 50kg. When she weighs herself carrying her school bag, she weighs 53kg.
What is the mass of her school bag?

Answer __________________ (2)

Use the information below to answer question 9
9. 6000= Answer ___________________ kg (1)

Use the bill below to answer questions 10 and 11. Circle letter of the correct answer.
Item Number of items Unit price Total price
Can of drink 2 P4.75
Eggs 1 P5.50 P5.50
Grand total

10. What is the total amount of the drink?

A. P4.75
B. P9.50
C. P24.75
D. P11.50 (1 mark)

11. Calculate the total amount of the bill.

A. P10.25
C. P15.25
D. P15.00 (1 mark)
12. What is the amount of the water in the container below?






Answer………………………………… (1)

13. Write the following fractions starting with the smallest

5 6 1 2 4
-, -, -, - -
8 8 8 8 8
Use the guide below to answer the following questions

10mm = 1 cm

14. (a) 80mm=_______________cm

(b) 9cm =_______________mm

1m = 100cm
(c) 4m=________________cm

15. Work out

259 1000
+ 140 - 38
------------- --------------
------------- --------------

339 924 ÷7
X 3
Choose the correct sign to compare the numbers below

= > <
16. (a) 104______401
(b)89_______80+9 (2)

17. What is the place value of the underlined digit?

(a) 3 485 _______________________
(b) 8 496 _______________________ (2)

18. Shade 6/8 of the shape below


19. (a) Write 344 in words


(c) Write the number sixty five in numerals

Use the numbers given below to answer question 20 (a and b)
1, 2, 3, 4, 5

20. (a) Which of the numbers are even?

_______________________________________________ (2)

(b) Which of the following numbers are factors of 18?

___________________________________________ (3)

21. A litre of petrol costs P7.95. Mr. James buys 5 litres.

How much money does Mr. James have to pay?


Answer ________________________ (2)

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