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13. Cell Membranes and Phospholipid Bilayer.

notebook November 20, 2023

Cell Membrane Structure

Spec point:

2.2 Explain how models such as the fluid mosaic model of cell membranes
are interpretations of data used to develop scientific explanations of the
structure and properties of cell membranes.

Learning Objectives

2.2a) Describe the structure of the phospholipid bilayer.

2.2b) Apply knowledge of the properties of phospholipids to explain why bilayers

form in aqueous environments.

2.2c) Explain what is meant by the fluid mosaic model of cell structure.

2.2d) Analyse data to explain how it provides evidence for the fluid mosaic model of
cell membranes.
13. Cell Membranes and Phospholipid Bilayer.notebook November 20, 2023

Cell Membrane Keywords

A molecule that contains 2 fatty acid tails, a

........................ glycerol and a phosphate head joined by an
ester bond

Hydrophobic A property that results in a molecule

........................ orientating away from water

Hydrophilic A property that results in a molecule

orientating towards from water

........................ A molecule which is has an uneven
distribution of charge

........................ A molecule which is has an even
distribution of charge

........................ Two layers
13. Cell Membranes and Phospholipid Bilayer.notebook November 20, 2023

Why do cells have so many


Cell surface membrane/plasma membrane

nuclear envelope


outer mitochondrial membrane

inner mitochondrial membrane

outer chloroplast membrane

HINT: At GCSE, what did you learn was the function of cell
13. Cell Membranes and Phospholipid Bilayer.notebook November 20, 2023

Why do cells have so many


Membranes control the movement of substances

This creates cellular compartments with different



H+ Predict which cellular component will have a

H+ lower pH and justify your answer? (2)
H+ H+ H+
lysosome Suggest why different compartments need
H+ H+ H+ to maintain a different pH? (1)
H+ H+
pH 4.8
H+ Contains digestive enzymes,
optimum pH 4.5 - 4.8
pH 7.2
13. Cell Membranes and Phospholipid Bilayer.notebook November 20, 2023

The structure of a phospholipid:

The key component of cell membranes

Key components: Phosphate, Fatty acid tails, glycerol, ester bond

13. Cell Membranes and Phospholipid Bilayer.notebook November 20, 2023

Checkpoint On MWBs



13. Cell Membranes and Phospholipid Bilayer.notebook November 20, 2023

Applying your knowledge of the properties of phospholipids draw a

diagram to illustrate phospholipids are placed in water

Using the diagram above to help you, suggest what is

formed if a phospholipids are completely surrounded by
13. Cell Membranes and Phospholipid Bilayer.notebook November 20, 2023

Orientation of Phospholipids in the Cell Membrane

Tissue Fluid

TISSUE FLUID - Aqueous Solution

CYTOPLASM - Aqueous Solution

13. Cell Membranes and Phospholipid Bilayer.notebook November 20, 2023

The structure of cell


Predict which type of microscope created

this image?
13. Cell Membranes and Phospholipid Bilayer.notebook November 20, 2023
13. Cell Membranes and Phospholipid Bilayer.notebook November 20, 2023

Checkpoint On MWBs

ꞏ Phospholipids have a hydrophilic ………….…… .................. and

two hydrophobic …………… …………. ................

ꞏ The hydrophilic …………………..will orientate itself ……………….

the aqueous cytoplasm.

ꞏ The hydrophobic …………………….will orientate themselves

……………. from the aqueous cytoplasm.

ꞏ As cells are surrounded by aqueous cytoplasm on all sides,

the phospholipids will form a .................... with the
hydrophobic ………………….. facing ……………… and hydrophilic
…………………….. groups facing …………………….

bilayer outward tails tails heads towards

phosphate head fatty acid tails away heads
13. Cell Membranes and Phospholipid Bilayer.notebook November 20, 2023


1. The mitochondria of the cell have a folded inner membrane made of

Describe the structure of a phospholipid. (3)


2. Explain how the structure of a phospholipid molecule contributes to

the structure of a cell membrane (4 marks) (2)


3. Compare and contrast the structure of between a DNA mononucleotide

and a phospholipid (3)

13. Cell Membranes and Phospholipid Bilayer.notebook November 20, 2023

Mark Scheme

1. Contains a phosphate head

Two fatty acid chains

Joined together by an ester bond/glycerol backbone

• Phospholipids form a bilayer
• Tails are hydrophobic
• Heads are hydrophilic
• The phospholipid molecules orientate themselves so
the heads face out and tails face inwards

3. Both contain a phosphate group

Phospholipids contain fatty acid chains where a DNA nucletide

does not.

DNA contains deoxyribose sugar where phospholipids do not

13. Cell Membranes and Phospholipid Bilayer.notebook November 20, 2023

Cell Membrane Video


Name the other components of the cell membrane?

13. Cell Membranes and Phospholipid Bilayer.notebook November 20, 2023

The structure of a cell membrane

Fundamentally, cell membranes are made of lipids and many type of protein
Key Components:

Phospholipids, Cholesterol, glycoproteins, carrier proteins, channel proteins

Look at how the components of the cell membrane are


Glycoprotein Channel protein

A protein with a carbohydrate

Used to transport large,
group attached. Use for cell
polar molecules across
signalling and recognition. Very
important in recognising which
the membrane.
cells are foreign and need to
be destroyed by immune

Carrier protein Cholesterol

Associates with fatty acid

Used to actively or chains and affects the
passively transport large, fluidity of membrane.
polar molecules across More cholesterol=more
the membrane. rigid (less fluid)


Contains hydrophobic fatty acid chains and hydrophilic

phosphate heads. Forms the bilayer.
13. Cell Membranes and Phospholipid Bilayer.notebook November 20, 2023
13. Cell Membranes and Phospholipid Bilayer.notebook November 20, 2023

What am I?

1 3 6 4


5 9 10
I am a protein that has a carbohydrate group attached?

I am associated with the fatty acid chains and affect the fluidity
of the membrane

I allow large, charged molecules to pass through the membrane

I have a hydrophobic phosphate head and a hydrophilic fatty acid


I am involved in recognition of molecules and cell signalling

13. Cell Membranes and Phospholipid Bilayer.notebook November 20, 2023


Many human proteins are attached to specific sugars that are important
in the functioning of the protein. Some of these proteins are found in the
plasma (cell surface) membrane. The diagram below represents a protein
of this type.
What is this type of protein?

13. Cell Membranes and Phospholipid Bilayer.notebook November 20, 2023


Jackson labels structure A as a

glycoprotein. Explain whether or not he
is correct.
13. Cell Membranes and Phospholipid Bilayer.notebook November 20, 2023

Bringing it all together...

Describe structure of cell membrane (3)

A cell membrane is made up of phospholipids. The

phospholipids orient themselves so that the phosphate head
faces towards water and the fatty acid tails face away from
water. This forms a bilayer

How many marks would you give this answer?

13. Cell Membranes and Phospholipid Bilayer.notebook November 20, 2023

13. Cell Membranes and Phospholipid Bilayer.notebook November 20, 2023
13. Cell Membranes and Phospholipid Bilayer.notebook November 20, 2023
13. Cell Membranes and Phospholipid Bilayer.notebook November 20, 2023
13. Cell Membranes and Phospholipid Bilayer.notebook November 20, 2023

Application Questions
Artificial membranes have a variety of medical applications.
It is possible to make an artificial membrane like the one below.

Compare and contrast the structure of a cell membrane found in a human cell with
the artificial membrane shown above (4)


2. The membranes of the mitochondria are more fluid than regular cell
membranes. Applying your knowledge of cell membranes, suggest how the
structure of the mitochondrial membrane may be different (2)

13. Cell Membranes and Phospholipid Bilayer.notebook November 20, 2023

Mark Scheme

- both made up of phospholipids

- both form a bilayer


- no proteins in membrane
- no cholesterol
-no glycoproteins

Contains less cholesterol

Cholesterol provides rigidity

13. Cell Membranes and Phospholipid Bilayer.notebook November 20, 2023

The Discovery of the structure of cell membranes

1972, Singer and Nicholson presented the fluid mosaic model of

the cell membrane.

Their model displayed the cell membrane as an integration of

proteins and other molecules into the phospholipid bilayer.

Use the thought bubbles to jot down your ideas

1. What do these words mean to you?

2. How might these words relate to the structure of the cell membrane?

13. Cell Membranes and Phospholipid Bilayer.notebook November 20, 2023

Fluid mosaic model of the cell membrane:

MOSAIC Proteins are randomly embedded in the membrane

Fusion of cell membranes

FLUID Vesicle formation

- Cell membranes can fuse

- Proteins can change position and move through the

13. Cell Membranes and Phospholipid Bilayer.notebook November 20, 2023

Evidence for the Fluid Mosaic Model

In an experiment, the membrane proteins of two cells were dyed red and blue.
The cells were mixed together in a solution and later analysed.



Explain how the results of this experiment provide evidence for

the fluid mosaic model? (2)

The cells membranes have fused together showing that

the membranes are fluid.

The position of red and blue proteins in the fused cell

differs than their original position showing that the
membrane is fluid as there has been considerable
sideways movement of proteins.

The new cell contains the combined number of proteins

as the original cells and they are integrated within the
membrane in a mosaic pattern.
13. Cell Membranes and Phospholipid Bilayer.notebook November 20, 2023

In an experiment, the membrane proteins of two cells were dyed red and blue.
The cells were mixed together in a solution and later analysed.



1. Explain how the results of this experiment show that the

membrane is a mosaic.(1)

There are proteins randomly embedded throughout the


2. Explain how the results of this experiment show that the

membrane is fluid. (2)

The membranes have fused to form one cell

The proteins have changed position within the membrane

showing that they are able to move because of the fluid
nature of the bilayer
13. Cell Membranes and Phospholipid Bilayer.notebook November 20, 2023


(c) In an investigation into the properties of the cell membrane, the proteins in the membranes of two cells, A and
B, were stained using different dyes. The proteins of one cell were stained green and the proteins of the other cell
were stained red. The cells were then fused (merged together) to form a single cell.

The diagram below shows the distribution of the proteins in the cell membranes before and after fusion.

(i) Describe the distribution of the proteins in this single cell after fusion.

(ii) Describe how the results of this investigation can be explained by the fluid
mosaic model.
13. Cell Membranes and Phospholipid Bilayer.notebook November 20, 2023
13. Cell Membranes and Phospholipid Bilayer.notebook November 20, 2023

Compare and contrast the two models for cell membrane


13. Cell Membranes and Phospholipid Bilayer.notebook November 20, 2023


13. Cell Membranes and Phospholipid Bilayer.notebook November 20, 2023
13. Cell Membranes and Phospholipid Bilayer.notebook November 20, 2023

The movement of charged particles through a membrane has to take

place through a carrier protein that spans the protein membrane.

Which method supports this

method of transport?
13. Cell Membranes and Phospholipid Bilayer.notebook November 20, 2023


- Charged molecules require a channel protein which spans the


- there are no transmembrane protins present in the Davson-

Danielli model
13. Cell Membranes and Phospholipid Bilayer.notebook November 20, 2023

How big is a cell membrane?

Suggest what the thickness of a cell membrane is.

7.5 nm -10 nm on average

Explain how the image on the

left could have been used to
work out the thickness of a
cell membrane.
13. Cell Membranes and Phospholipid Bilayer.notebook November 20, 2023
13. Cell Membranes and Phospholipid Bilayer.notebook November 20, 2023

Maths Application
13. Cell Membranes and Phospholipid Bilayer.notebook November 20, 2023
13. Cell Membranes and Phospholipid Bilayer.notebook November 20, 2023

Do now!

1. Draw and label the structure of a phospholipid. (2)

2. Describe how phospholipids would orientate themselves if

completely surrounded by water. You may draw a diagram to
help you. (2)
13. Cell Membranes and Phospholipid Bilayer.notebook November 20, 2023

Cell Membrane Starter Questions

1) What are the main components of a phospholipid? (3)

2) Explain how the head and tail of the phosholipid have different properties? (2)

3) Sketch how the phospholipids interact with one aqueous surface?


4) How will the phospholipids orientate themselves in they are completely


5) How will the phospholipids orientate themselves if there are two aqueous


Extracellular fluid

6) The fluid mosaic model describes the structure of a cell

membrane - Explain why this term is used? (2)
13. Cell Membranes and Phospholipid Bilayer.notebook November 20, 2023

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