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Creating a Self-Care Plan

Creating a self-care plan is essential for maintaining balance and well-being during your studies. A
good self-care plan will help you manage stress, stay healthy, and perform better academically.
Here’s how you can create a personalized self-care plan:

1. Evaluate Your Current Self-Care Practices

 Reflect on how you currently take care of yourself.
 Identify areas where you might need more attention (physical, emotional, mental,

2. Set Clear and Achievable Goals

 Define specific goals for each area of self-care.
 Ensure your goals are realistic and can be achieved within a reasonable timeframe.
 Examples:
o Physical: Exercise for 20 minutes three times a week.
o Emotional: Practice mindfulness for 5 minutes daily.
o Mental: Spend 15 minutes a day on a hobby you enjoy.
o Social: Meet or call a friend once a week.

3. Develop Specific Action Steps

 Break down each goal into actionable steps.
 Be clear and specific about what you will do and when you will do it.
 Examples:
o Physical: Join a sports club, set a schedule for workouts.
o Emotional: Download a mindfulness app, set a daily reminder.
o Cognitive: Choose a hobby (e.g., drawing, playing an instrument), set time for it.
o Social: Make a list of friends to contact, set dates in your calendar.

4. Ensure Balance Across Self-Care Areas

 Aim for a well-rounded plan that covers different aspects of self-care.
 Avoid focusing too much on one area while neglecting others.

5. Personalize Your Plan

 Tailor your plan to suit your individual needs, preferences, and lifestyle.
 Make sure it feels relevant and motivating to you.

6. Incorporate Flexibility
 Be prepared to adjust your plan as needed.
 Life circumstances may change, and your self-care plan should be adaptable.

7. Set Measurable Outcomes

 Determine how you will track your progress.
 Examples:
o Physical: Log your workouts.
o Emotional: Keep a journal of your mindfulness practice.
o Mental: Track your progress in your hobby.
o Social: Note down social activities in a calendar.

8. Commit to Regular Practice

1. Establish a routine and stick to it.
2. Regularly engage in self-care activities to build habits.

9. Review and Revise Your Plan

 Periodically review your self-care plan to see what’s working and what’s not.
 Make adjustments as necessary to keep it effective and enjoyable.
Self-Care Plan Sample

I. Current personal stress situation (List and explain your own sources of stress. Please be as personal
and as specific as you can.)

1. I feel overwhelmed and anxious, leading to late nights and reduced sleep due to the pressure of
completing multiple assignments and prepare for tests within a short timeframe.
2. I experience physical exhaustion and finds it difficult to balance my athletic commitments with personal
exercise goals while managing schoolwork.
3. I find it hard to concentrate to focus because of personal conflicts and feels emotionally drained
throughout the day
4. I feel frustrated and mentally fatigued, missing out on activities that will usually help me relax and
unwind. I want to have time to do hobbies that will stimulate my mind while keeping up with the
increased schoolwork.
5. I feel anxious, struggling to balance my social life and responsibilities and everything in between which
led me to isolation and stress.
6. I cannot manage my time given all the responsibilities and other activities in between.

II. Self-care plan (The self-care plan should address the stressors that you identified above.)

Physical Self-Care
 Goal: Stay physically active.
 Action Steps:
o Exercise for 20 minutes, three times a week.
o Participate in a school sports team.
o Drink at least 6 glasses of water daily.
 Measurable Outcome: Track workouts and water intake in a journal.

Emotional Self-Care
 Goal: Manage stress and maintain emotional health.
 Action Steps:
o Practice mindfulness for 5 minutes every morning.
o Write in a gratitude journal every night.
 Measurable Outcome: Reflect on mindfulness sessions and journal entries weekly.

Cognitive Self-Care
 Goal: Engage in activities that stimulate your mind.
 Action Steps:
o Read for pleasure for 15 minutes every day.
o Solve puzzles or play educational games twice a week.
 Measurable Outcome: Log books read and puzzles completed.

Behavioral/Social Self-Care
 Goal: Maintain strong social connections.
 Action Steps:
o Meet or call a friend once a week.
o Join a school club or group.
 Measurable Outcome: Record social interactions and club meetings in a calendar.

Tips for Success

 Start Small: Begin with small, manageable goals and gradually increase them as you build your routine.
 Stay Consistent: Make self-care a regular part of your routine, just like attending classes or doing
 Be Kind to Yourself: It's okay to miss a day or two. Just get back on track without being hard on
 Seek Support: Share your self-care plan with friends or family for encouragement and accountability.
Creating a self-care plan can help you manage stress, stay healthy, and improve your overall well-being. By
following these instructions, you can develop a self-care strategy that supports your academic success and
personal happiness.


Name: ______________________________________
Course and Section: __________________________

I. Current personal stress situation (List and explain your own sources of stress. Please
be as personal and as specific as you can.) List as much as you can.

II. Self-care plan (The self-care plan should address the stressors that you identified
above.) You may add as much goal as you should.

Physical Self-Care
 Goal #1:
 Action Steps:
 Measurable Outcome:

 Goal #2:
 Action Steps:
 Measurable Outcome:

Emotional Self-Care
 Goal #1:
 Action Steps:
 Measurable Outcome:

 Goal #2:
 Action Steps:
 Measurable Outcome:

Cognitive Self-are
 Goal #1:
 Action Steps:
 Measurable Outcome:

 Goal #2:
 Action Steps:
 Measurable Outcome:

Behavioral/Social Self-Care
 Goal #1:
 Action Steps:
 Measurable Outcome:

 Goal #2:
 Action Steps:
 Measurable Outcome:

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