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Unidad 4
Educational Administration

Tema 1
School programs and institutional development projects

MSc. Lisseth Cabanilla García

To explain the foundations of school programs and projects through a
group discussion in order to be aware of the importance and benefit of their
implementation in the classroom.
School programs and institutional development projects play a vital role in
enhancing the quality of education and promoting the overall growth and
development of educational institutions. These initiatives encompass a broad
range of activities, such as curriculum development, teacher training, student
enrichment programs, and infrastructure improvements.

SUBTOPIC: 1.- Logical framework

SUBTOPIC: 2.- Project management institute

Do you think having

great ideas is hard?

Explain your thinking

to the class!

4 simple ways to have a great idea | Richard St.

SUBTOPIC: 1.- Logical Framework

What is the logical framework approach?

The Logical Framework Approach (LFA) is a method

for project planning that emphasizes stakeholder
participation in all phases of project design. LFA is a
bottom-up approach that always begins by listening
to the target groups.
SUBTOPIC: 1.- Logical Framework

(NORAD, 1999)
SUBTOPIC: 1.- Logical Framework
The logframe is a tool for concisely
describing the results of an LFA project
design process, as it summarises in a
standard format:
• What the project is going to achieve
• What activities will be carried out
• What means/resources/inputs (human,
technical, infrastructural, etc.) are required
• What potential problems could affect the
success of the project
• How the progress and ultimate success of
the project will be measured and verified

A logframe has four basic levels each of

which relates to a specific crosscutting
SUBTOPIC: 1.- Logical Framework

Why is it important?

The LFA provides a structured

and systematic way to define
project goals and objectives,
identify potential risks and
constraints, and develop a plan
for project implementation and

SUBTOPIC: 1.- Logical Framework
SUBTOPIC: 1.- Logical Framework

The LFA typically

involves nine key
SUBTOPIC: 1.- Logical Framework
SUBTOPIC: 1.- Logical Framework
SUBTOPIC 2: Project management institute

• Foreign language development programs and projects can play a critical role
in improving educational outcomes and enhancing economic opportunities in
developing countries.

• These initiatives can include a wide range of activities, such as curriculum

development, teacher training, student exchange programs, and language
immersion experiences.
SUBTOPIC 2: Project management institute

In addition to promoting economic

opportunities, foreign language Promote cultural
development programs can also help to understanding.
promote cultural understanding and
cross-cultural communication.
By learning a new language and exploring
different cultures, students can develop a
greater appreciation for diversity and Develop a greater
appreciation for diversity
develop skills that are valuable in a and develop skills
globalized world.
SUBTOPIC 2: Project management institute

The best practices to consider

Developing and implementing successful school programs and institutional

development projects requires careful planning, execution, and evaluation. Here
are some best practices to consider (EDC, 2020):

Establish clear Allocate Monitor and

Engage Communicate
goals and resources Build capacity evaluate
stakeholders effectively
objectives effectively progress
SUBTOPIC 2: Project management institute
Read the following document, pages 5 to 7

Then, create a graphic organizer in which you include the answers to the following

What is the Logical Framework Approach?

When should Logical Framework Approach be used?
Who should be involved?
Which are the phases of Logical Framework Approach?

SUBTOPIC: 3.- Leading the charge of continuous

To determine how to improve school programs and
projects through a collaborative task in order to
propose alternatives to enhance them.
SUBTOPIC 3: Leading the charge of continuous improvement

Continuous improvement is an ongoing effort to enhance the

quality of education by constantly reviewing and assessing current
practices, identifying areas for improvement, and implementing
changes to make the learning experience better for students.
It involves a systematic approach to problem-solving, using data
and feedback to inform decision-making and drive progress.
SUBTOPIC 3: Leading the charge of continuous improvement

Establish a culture of continuous improvement:

This involves creating an environment

where educators feel comfortable
identifying areas for improvement and
taking ownership of the process.
SUBTOPIC 3: Leading the charge of continuous improvement
Use data to inform decision-making:
Data can provide valuable insights into student
performance and help identify areas that need
improvement. It's important to use data to
make informed decisions and measure

Encourage collaboration:
Encourage collaboration: Collaboration is key to
continuous improvement. Leaders should
encourage teachers to work together to share
best practices and strategies for improvement.
SUBTOPIC 3: Leading the charge of continuous improvement

Provide professional development: Providing teachers with professional

development opportunities can help them stay up-to-date on the latest trends and
best practices in education.

Communicate progress: It's important

to keep stakeholders informed about
progress being made towards
continuous improvement. Leaders
should regularly communicate
progress to teachers, students,
parents, and other stakeholders.
SUBTOPIC 3: Leading the charge of continuous improvement

Answer the following questions:

How can teachers grow professionally?

How teacher professional development affects

student achievement?

What are some barriers for teachers professional


What is your personal professional development plan

as a future teacher?
Suggested readings:'_Professional_Development
SUBTOPIC 3: Leading the charge of continuous improvement
Continuous improvement according to the National Guidelines.
• Harnessing the power of integrated strategies to provide learners, workers,
families, colleges, employers, and policymakers with information can help
leaders improve their economies and also the quality of life for their

• Connecting the education system to careers has the potential to help state
governments use public education and training funds more efficiently and
promote economic development and growth. This would revitalize the
Ecuadorian education system as the gateway to economic opportunity.
∙ Marzano, Pickering, & Pollock. (2001) Classroom Instruction That Works:
Research-Based Strategies for Increasing Student Achievement
∙ Wiggins & McTighe. (2005) Understanding by Design
∙ The Art and Science of Teaching: A Comprehensive Framework for Effective Instruction
(Marzano, 2007)
∙ Visible Learning: A Synthesis of Over 800 Meta-Analyses Relating to Achievement
(Hattie, 2009)
∙ Better Learning Through Structured Teaching: A Framework for the Gradual Release of
Responsibility (Fisher & Frey, 2008)
∙ Productive Group Work: How to Engage Students, Build Teamwork, and
∙ Promote Understanding (Frey, Fisher, & Everlove, 2009)

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