Vrei Cheng

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Last version: 8/28/2018

No one knows exactly who stablished the V Reich operating around the Scrapbridge area, but they undoub-
tedly were some folks who found a heavy load of 20th century History books and they clearly lost control of
their grip with all the national-socialist regalia linked with the European fascist regimes from the 30s and 40s.
Staying away from the anarch-punk attitude and looks of the regular gangers, this person or persons founded
a highly-militarized, organized and hierarchical organization, stocking loads of military apparel in a fortress-
like settlement they baptized as Festung Germania. As the books that survived from the World of Before sta-
ted very old dates, and doubting if there had been another Reich after the Third they had read so much about,
they decided to name the new organization as the Fifth Reich, just in case.

In spite of their grand ideals, not so long ago this group was a bunch of losers who got asskicked by any other
faction around. But in a twist of fate two random events turned the tide. In a military bunker they found some
old cryogenic chambers with genetically enhanced soldiers ready for war, stronger and less inteligent than the
average band member, who immediately became the elite shock troops of the Reich. And during a rutinary
mission in search of supplies, a patrol found a trapdoor hidden under the rubble of a mansion from the World
of Before. It led to the personal private museum of Edward Berhart, World War II collector and enthusiast,
with hundreds of original uniforms and weapons which were an ideal stock for this faction.
The basic principles of the V Reich are a deep hate towards Mutards, whom they consider animals unworthy
of sharing the same land as humans, as well as some kind of fatalistic doomsday cult, as they think that the
true end of the World is yet to come and they must get ready for it. That said, you need to know that as long
as you don’t have extra limbs, scales, tail or some weird-ass mutation, the V Reich will receive you with open
arms no matter your gender, race or religion: women, latinos, jews and black people fill the ranks of this or-
ganization, which is currently ruled by midget Führer Aaron Schwartzmann.
Members of the V Reich are used to fighting with army-grade equipment including firearms and cutting or
blunt weapons of the finest quality (military sabers, army knives, police batons, etc. They might plunder this
kind of equipment from other factions, but they will never take or use bows, crossbows, blunderbusses,
pumper guns o vaporetas, contraptions they deem unworthy of them.

Personalities: there can be only one Personality in any given gang. Besides, if you take one Personality in your
gang list you won’t be able to include any Merc. A The attributed included in brackets are already modified by
the miniature’s equipment or special rules.

Soldats are the V Reich’s eyes and ears, its basic troop to all effects. They are seasoned soldiers who perform
recon, recovery or punishment missions, well-trained to obey any order in the blink of an eye, equipped with
the best that the armories of Festung Germania can offer. Those weapons from scruffy gangers, such as bows
and crossbows, are completely forbidden according to the Reich rules and no soldier would stoop to using
any of them.
Actions Combat Precision Agility Strength Tough. Tech
Soldat 2 4 5 4 4 3 3
Weapons: must be equipped with at least ONE of the following weapons and up to two (can’t take two wea-
pons with the Two-handed special rule).
Small blade 4 pts. Pistol 5 pts.
Throwing knives 3 pts. Shotgun 6 pts.
Rifle 8 pts.
Armour: has Hardened leather.
Equipment: can take a walkie-talkie for +8 points. Can take a mastiff for +9 points.
Cost: 40 points.
The übersoldat are a bunch of genetically-altered soldiers that the V Reich had the sheer luck to find in an
old army bunker near the Pentagon. In the abandoned cryogenic chambers they could only recover a fistful
of these improved humans (not mutants, as the Reich doctors keep repeating to everyone), who are greatly
appreciated above anything else by the Reich leaders and are not randomly exposed to open combat unless
there is a dire situation urging to do so. When deployed, they will act as ruthless stormtroopers and close-
combat killing machines.

Actions Combat Precision Agility Strength Tough. Tech

Übersoldat 2 4 4 5 6 5 2

Weapons: must be equipped with at least ONE of the following weapons and up to two (can’t take two wea-
pons with the Two-handed special rule).
Mace 5 pts. Pistol 5 pts.
Medium blade 10 pts. Shotgun 6 pts.
Heavy mace 6 pts. Automatic rifle 10 pts.
Heavy blade 8 pts.
Armour: has Hardened leather. Can instead take Metallic armour for +10 points, or Metal plate for +15
Equipment: can take a walkie-talkie for +8 points.
Cost: 50 points.

Medics are the field support of the Reich. The books of old talked about a great interest in the ancient Reich
for blood purity, medical investigations and genetical experiments, so they have tried to create their own
medical department with doctors with knowledge in those fields. So far their grasp of the matters, not to
mention their success rates, have been far less than satisfactory. But although they lack any formal education
worthy of an academic degree, you will want to have them nearby when bullets start to fly.

Actions Combat Precision Agility Strength Tough. Tech

Medic 2 3 3 4 3 3 5

Weapons: must be equipped with at least ONE of the following weapons and up to two (can’t take two wea-
pons with the Two-handed special rule).
Small blade 4 pts. Pistol 5 pts.
Light mace 3 pts. Shotgun 6 pts.
Small blade, light mace, mace, pistol, shotgun.
Armour: has Thick clothes. Can take Hardened leather for +5 points.
Equipment: First-aid kit. Cant take a walkie-talkie for +8 points.
First-aid kit: a miniature with a first-aid kit can try to patch a Downed friendly miniature, and keep them
fighting for a little longer. The miniature with the first-aid kit will need to get into base-to-base contact with
the Downed miniature, spend an Action to tend its most serious wounds and then succeed in a Tech test to
see if everything has gone well. If this is so, the Downed miniature will be back into the game from its next
Action turn, but with a -1 penalty to its physical atributes (Agility, Strength and Toughness) due to trauma
and the weakness caused by its injuries, blows or loss of blood. It will only be possible to make a single try
to patch each Downed miniature; if the Tech roll fails, the Medics won’t be able to figure out how to treat the
wounds and will not risk trying again and making things worse.
Cost: 40 points.
The Field marshal, or Feldmarschall, is the leader on the ground of any combat party of the V Reich. He
answers only before the Führer and has absolute power to take decisions, issue orders and plan any strategy
that takes his men to victory in an incursion. Although some marshals can take dozens of men under their
command, it is not unusual that they also be in charge of smaller combat units when they go on a mission
out in the Wasteland.

There can only be one Marshal in each V Reich band.

Actions Combat Precision Agility Strength Tough. Tech

Mariscal 3 5 5 5 4 4 4

Weapons: must be equipped with at least ONE of the following weapons and up to two (can’t take two wea-
pons with the Two-handed special rule).
Small blade 4 pts. Pistol 5 pts.
Medium blade 10 pts. Shotgun 6 pts.
Light mace 3 pts. Automatic rifle 10 pts.
Mace 5 pts.
Armour: has Hardened leather. Can instead take Metallic armour for +10 points, or a Bulletproof vest for +10
Equipment: walkie-talkie. Can take a mastiff for +9 points.
Chain of command: the Marshal can issue orders with his walkie-talkie to any miniature in his band that
is also equipped with one of this items. Doing so, he will give them one of his Actions for that Action turn,
which the other miniature must use at once when receiving the order. The Action to use the walkie-talkie
is the same that is given to the friendly miniature, so the Marshal will be able to use this Special rule up to
three times in his Turn (in this case he won’t be able to do anything else apart from talking all the time on
the walkie). He can’t issue two orders to the same miniature in the same Action turn (ie., you can’t give two
additional Actions to the same miniature in a single Turn).
Cost: 60 points.

Subhumans are a failed product of the poor genetic engineering developed by the V Reich doctors. Excited
by the discovery of the cryogenic chambers in which the Übersoldat laid, the mad geniuses of Festung Ger-
mania embarked on a project to replicate the effects of their improvements and be able to clone the enhanced
humans speeding up the process, but without really knowing what they were getting into or how they were
supposed to do so. The outcome has been devastating, to put it mildly, and all the experiments conducted
so far have only produced hybrid freaks, vegetative beings or sometimes raging beasts out of control, with
their brain utterly destroyed. But sometimes Marshals find some use for these rabid creatures, shielding their
bodies with thick armour plates to throw them against their enemies like living, savage tanks who rend and
tear limbs apart in their wake.

Actions Combat Precision Agility Strength Tough. Tech

Subhuman 2 2 - 2 3 3 -

Weapons: claws and teeth.

Armour: has Metal plate.
Special rules: Berserk, Mong.
Cost: 20 points.
Ilse, She-wolf of the V Reich (personality)
The V Reich hates all mutant creatures produced by nuclear winter, radioactive rain and exposure to radia-
tion created after the armageddon which brought the end of the World of Before, but Ilse could very well win
a prize for it. Even among the ranks of the V Reich there are few daring to cross in the path of this fanatical
mutard huntress, who has rightfully earned her “She-wolf ” nickname due to her ferocity and bloodlust. Ru-
mors exist about she even has a private facility away from Festung Germania, where she conducts hideous
experiments on the mutards she captures alive, or that she just tortures them for the sake of it, with a small
group of followers who worship her as an ebony goddess.
Actions Combat Precision Agility Strength Tough. Tech
Ilse 2 3 4 5 3 (4) 4 3
Weapons: she has Crop (see below) and Pistol.
Armour: Thick clothes.
Special rules:
Crop: Ilse always carries a riding crop with her, which she uses in combat to humiliate and aggravate
her rivals rather than taking them out. It has the same statistics as a Small blade, but each time she hits an
enemy with the crop but doesn’t wound them, such enemy will lose 1 accumulative Combat point, as anger
and shame of being whipped in public will make them lose their temper.
Mutard huntress: the She-wolf of the V Reich loves hunting the mutant wretchs of the of the Waste-
land and she will go off-limits to eliminate them. When she is used in a game against Mutards, she will have
the Berserk and Bloodlust Special rules.
Cost: 45 puntos.
Red Helmet (personality)
Red Helmet is a former V Reich marshal who went through a traumatic event that changed his life forever.
He doesn’t like to talk about it, but it seems that at some point in his career he was taken prisoner by some
unidentified hostile elements. His captivity period made him lose his mind completely, turning him into an
even more paranoid, fatalist and conspiracy theorist than his faction mates. After a daredevil escape, he took
command of a lesser V Reich unit and started to indoctrinate the men and women in it with terrible visions
of an underwater enemy, reptilian mutants living in a city under the ocean and pose a looming threat on all
humanity. The soldiers of this so-called Kraken Organization were the ones to find the Ubersoldats and are
ready to forfeit their lives for their leader, as they completely believe in what he has seen and the unseen me-
nace under the sea. They know mankind has not yet faced his true ordeal and that extinction is closer than
most of us know. Apart from Mutards, Red Helmet and his troops are also willing to wipe out any human
enemy who cross their path.
Actions Combat Precision Agility Strength Tough. Tech
Red Helmet 3 5 5 5 4 4 4
Weapons: he has a Pistol.
Armour: Metallic armour.
Equipment: walkie-talkie.
Special rules:
Chain of command: Red Helmet can act as the Marshal for a V Reich band, and he can use the Chain
of Command Special rule.
Red Helmet: Red Helmet never takes off the piece of armour which grants him his nickname. There
are rumors that it’s somehow fused into his own skull and it’s part of him, while others swear to have seen
infernal flames burning in the dark eye sockets of his mask. Whatever the case, being close to this imposing
zealot can make anyone shit down their pants, so any enemy miniature at 8″ or less from Red Helmet and
with Line of sight to him will suffer a -1 penalty to Combat, Agility and Strength.
Agents of Kraken: Red Helmet can summon his own agents of Kraken instead of regular V Reich
troops. Any Soldat or Ubersoldat miniature can become an Agent of Kraken for +15 points, gaining +1 bo-
nuses to Combat and Agility.
Hate to Captain Hammerica: Captain Hammerica is the only living proof of the viability of the
Ubersoldat serum one of the Reich scientists stole from him, and his mere existence is a provocation. If Red
Helmet faces Captain Hammerica and Downs him, he will get 3 extra Victory points for his band.
Cost: 95 puntos.
The V Reich also has this generic equipment at its disposal.

· Any member of the V Reich can take Biohazard protection for +5 points.
· Any member of the V Reich can take a Bayonet for a firearm for +4 points.

Members of the V Reich own some pieces of equipment used exclusively by them and that they don’t share
with any other faction. No miniature of any other band can loot or use this equipment in any way.

The V Reich loves animals much more than they love mutards, specially fierce and powerful dogs they can
train for lookout, tracking or even combat duties.
Short leash: mastiffs go with their masters at all times, like any other equipment piece. When they have to
fight, the master gives an order and releases them to attack the same target. A miniature with the help of a
mastiff gets a +1 bonus to Combat.
Man’s best friend: if his master is Downed the mastiff will stay with him, loyal to the end. He will remain by
the marker of his master and will prevent any enemy miniature from looting his body. If a friendly miniature
wants to take his master’s equipment, the mastiff will recognise him as an ally and allow it.
Cost: 9 points.

A miniature with a walkie-talkie will be able to communicate directly with the Marshal of the V Reich band,
gaining the benefits of the Chain of command Special rule. If the miniature is engaged in close combat it
won’t be able to use the walkie, so won’t gain such benefits.
Cost: 8 points.

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