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Chap 1. Basic Of Software Testing And Testing Method 14m

Q1 Define Software Testing.

- Software Testing Is defined as performing Verification and Validation of the
Software product for its correctness and Accuracy of Working.
-Software Testing Is The Process Of Executing a Program with the intent of
finding errors

Q2 List Objectives Of Testing

- Identify Defect In Software
- Verifying Software Functionality
- Validating User Requirement
- Immediate goles
- Long-term goles
- Post implementation goles
- To prevent defects

Q3 Define Error,Defect,Fault,Bug Terminology

1. Error:-
An Error Is A Mistake A Coader Makes During The Software Development
2. Fault:-
In Software Testing A Fault is an error or Defect in an program that cause it to
produce incorrect or unexpected result
3. Defect:-
A defect is an error,flow,failure,fault in computer program that cause it to
produce an increment or unexpected result
4. Bug:-
The Presence of error at the time of execution of the software. Failure:
Deviation of the software from its expected result. It is an event. Its called
Q4 State The Entry And Exit Criteria For The Software Testing

- Entry criteria is a set of conditions that must be met before testing start.
- It ensures that testing being with a solid foundation.
- Enter criteria checks if the testing environment is ready.
- It verify that the software build is complete and stable.
- Test data must be available and relevant to the testing process
- The test team must be trained and experienced.
- Test plan must be approved and in place.
- The testing shadow must be realistic and agreed upon.
- Stakeholders must approve the entry into testing .
- Entry criteria ensure that the testing start on the right foot, reducing errors
and defect.
- It ensures the test team is trained.
- It ensures the test team is experienced.
- It verifies the test plan is approved .
- It Ensure the test schedule is realistic.
- Entry criteria is must have before starting software testing

- Exit criteria is a set of conditions that must be made before ending software
- It ensures that testing is completed and successful
- It verifies that all test cases have been executed.
- It ensures that all defects have been fixed and retested.
- It cheque if the software meets the requirement.
- It ensures that the software is stable and reliable.
- It verifies that the software performs as expected
- It ensures that all taste data has been removed
- It verifies that the tasting environment is clean up.
- It ensures that the software is ready for relies.
- It verifies stakeholders are satisfied
- It ensures all test data has been removed
- Exit criteria is must have before ending software testing.
Q5. State diff Between Verification And Validation
Verification Validation
It Focuses On the It focus on the user experience
Development process
It is done during the It is done during the testing
development phase phase
It meets recruitment It meets user experience
It is a static testing It is a dynamic testing
It done in control quality process It done in validate scope process

It is an internal process It is a external process

No code execution is required Code execution is required
It comes before validation It comes after validation
Q6 Statue difference between quality Assurance and quality
Quality assurance Quality Control
It ensures quality during It ensures quality after
development development
It is a proactive It is a reactive
It identifies and mitigates risks It finds and fix defects
It ensures quality gates It ensures quality checkpoints
It is a prevents error It is a correct error
It focus on process It focus on product
It starts from recruitment It starts from test planning
It ensures customer stratification It ensure product reliability

Q7. Describe V Model With Diagram

- Above diagram represented as v model
- Verification and validation model makes the V model
- It is a sequential path of execution of process
- Each phase must be completed before the next phase beings
- Under V Model, the corresponding testing phase of the development phase
is planned in parallel.
-So there is a verification on one side of V And validation phase on the other
side of the
-Verification phase includes recruitment system requirements, global design,
detailed Designed
-Validation phase includes unit test integration test system test acceptance test.

-Requirement phase
. It collects user requirements through interviews and surveys
. A define functional and non functional requirement
. It involves stakeholders in the requirements gathering process
. It used techniques like use cases and user stories
. It identifies user expectations

- System requirement phase

. It defines the systems functional and nonfunctional
requirements .It identifies the system boundaries and interfaces
. It determines the system performance and security requirements. .It
developed a high level system architecture
.It developed system recruitment document

-Global design Phase

. It develops a high level design of the system architecture. .It defines the
system components and interfaces
.it identifies the system’s data flow and processing.
. It determines the system performance and security constraints. .it developed
global design document

-Detailed design phase

. It develops detail design of a system component.
.It defines the algorithms and data structure
.It identifies the system’s database and data storage requirement . It develops
auditor design document.
. It identifies potential design flows and risks

-Unit test case Execution

. It ensures each unit works as expected.
.It Write test cases for each unit.
.It executive tests and report results.
.It fixes defects and reset.
. It ensure units are stable and reliable.

- Integration Test Cases Execution

. It writes test cases for integration scenarios
. it ensure integration with others Systems or components . It executes test and
report results.
.It fix defects and result.
. It ensures more data flow and communication.

-System test execution

. it write test cases for System sceneries.
. It test the entries software system end to end
. It fix defects and retest
. It used system testing tool and frameworks.
. It executes tests and report results

-Acceptance Test Execution

.It tastes the software from the users perspective.
.It ensures the software meets user requirement
.It writes test cases for users scenarios
.It executes test and report result.
. It ensures software is user friendly

Q8 Diff Between Static And Dynamic Testing

Static Testing Dynamic Testing
It comes Under Verification It comes under Validation
No Execution Required Execution Required
It Performed Before It Performed After
compilation compilation
It is a Form Of Passive Testing It is a form of Active Testing
It Is a low cost finding defect It is a High cost Finding defect
It is a Implicit It is a Explicit
It involves checklist It Involves test cases
It is less costly It is a High costly
It is less Time required It is More time required
It is Less Expensive It is More Expensive
Advantages:- Advantages
1. Early Defect Detection 1. Detects Logical Error
2. Cost effective 2. Tests Software Functionality
Disadvantages:- Disadvantages
1. Time-Consuming 1. It is Expensive
2. Limited Test Data 2. Requires Skill Resources
Q9. Diff Between Black Box Testing And White Box Testing

Black Box Testing White Box Testing

It is mostly done by tester It is mostly done by Software
It is the functional test of the It is the structural test of the
software Software
It is also called as closed box It is also called as clear box
testing. tasting
Implementation of code is not Implementation of code is
needed needed
It is a outer and external It is a inner and internal
software testing software testing
It is Less time consuming It is a more time consuming
It is applicable to the lower It is applicable to the higher
Level of testing level of testing
It is based on recruitment It is based on detailed design
specification document document

Q Define Boundary Value analysis With Suitable example

- This is one of the software testing technique in which

the test cases are designed to include values at the
- Boundary value analysis is another black box test design
technique and it is used to find the errors at boundaries
of input domain
- Boundary value analysis is based on testing the
boundary values
- Boundary value is a specific value that marks the limit
of input range.
- Input range is a range of values that a software accepts
as input - Minimum value is the smallest value in the
input range.
- Maximum value is the largest value in the input range.
- Just inside is a Value just below the maximum, or just
above the minimum
- Just outside is a value just above the maximum, or just
below the minimum
- Edge case is a value at extreme of the input range
- Testing is very fine software behaviour at boundary
values to ensure correctness
- Error handling is ensuring software handles invalid or
out of range input
- Boundary values reduce test cases and ensure through
testing of input boundaries.
- Boundary value Detects defect like input validation
error or buffer overflows.

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