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4 PCR-Based Diagnostics: Beyond and

Because of COVID
COVID accelerated advances already underway.

8 Tools to Streamline Infectious

Disease Workflows
Novel technology is helping to accelerate workflows and
advance discoveries.

12 Advanced Tools for Influenza Virus

Immunodetection and Vaccine Development
A large number of reagents have an important role in controlling
the influenza virus.

18 Characterization of Cytotoxic Immune Cells

in Human Peripheral Whole Blood
Assessment of phenotypic and functional markers using a 16-color panel
and the BD FACSymphony™ A1 Cell Anaylzer

Produced with Support from:

Biocompare Tel: 800-637-1277

395 Oyster Point Blvd., Suite 300
South San Francisco, CA 94080

PCR-Based Diagnostics:
Beyond and Because of COVID
COVID accelerated advances already underway.

Nowadays, everyone is familiar with molecular di- over the past few years because they offer the con-
agnostics, or knows what a PCR test is, because of venience of providing a lot of information in one
COVID. However, important advances were taking test. Carlos Salama, M.D., Attending Physician in
place in molecular diagnostics even before COVID. Global Health at Elmhurst Hospital and Professor at
Most molecular diagnostic assays are PCR-based, Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, gives an example of
meaning they rely on amplification of specific ge- how, within the past two years, his hospital started
netic material where primers, polymerase, and using BioFire Diagnostic’s CSF (cerebrospinal fluid)
probes are added. According to a recently pub- panel because one test on a patient’s sample can
lished report about molecular testing trends on reveal the most common infections seen in his city, the global molecular hospital’s diverse population base.
diagnostic market is predicted to grow from $19 to
$30 billion in worth from 2021 to 2027. “Now I don’t have to worry when I am called for
a consult, that the emergency department, espe-
Advances in infectious disease and cancer diagnos-
cially when it’s super busy, may have forgotten to
tics, the main applications of molecular diagnosis,
can be grouped as: (1) tests that provide more an- test for certain pathogens.” However, Salama notes
swers (2) whole-genome sequencing/detection (3) there are still situations where empirical diagnosis
point-of-care molecular testing. Clinicians and re- is quicker and cheaper, as well as instances where
searchers interviewed concur that, although many panels aren’t designed to detect pathogens com-
innovations occurred pre-COVID, they were all ac- mon to a subset of the population.
celerated because of COVID.
Array testing was enabled by advances in real time
One test/many answers for (RT)-PCR, also known as quantitative (q)PCR, which
infectious diseases uses fluorescent probes that allow for multiplexing
and quantification, explains Heba Mostafa, Ph.D.,
The use of PCR-based panels or genetic array test- Director of Molecular Virology at The Johns Hop-
ing in infectious diseases has drastically increased kins Hospital. But Mostafa believes COVID enabled

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clinical labs such as hers to more widely adopt pan- to share viral genomic sequences and associated
el testing by focusing labs’ and technology provid- data,” explains Mostafa. Now whole-genome se-
ers’ attention on optimization improvements such quencing is being applied to influenza and adeno-
as faster turn-around time and scale-up. viral infections for research-based surveillance.

In cancer, whole-genome sequencing is also a

One test/many answers for
dream closer to fruition. “Five years ago, people
cancer diagnostics talked about the $1K genome. Now the $100 ge-
In cancer molecular diagnostics, a multiplex equiv- nome may soon be possible,” says Harris. “Compa-
alent is tumor testing panels. The tumor panels nies are always looking at different chemistries, dif-
are based on NGS (next-generation sequencing), ferent polymerases, and ways to innovate. I have no
which relies on massively parallel PCR-based se- doubt that as speed and accuracy increase, costs
quencing and enables the detection of many mu- will continue to drop.” Harris believes once it is
tations from one DNA sample. Knowing whether cost-effective to sequence each person’s genome,
specific mutations are present in a tumor cell’s DNA no other tumor diagnostic tests may be needed.
often enables the physician to determine the best
treatment course, says Lyndsay Harris, M.D., Associ- Point-of-care innovations in
ate Director of Cancer Diagnostics at the National infectious disease
Cancer Institute.

Improvements in sample-to-answer speed and For PCR-based assays, point-of-care (POC) diagnos-
costs have increased adoption of tumor panels tics, which means the test is analyzed onsite and
by more physicians. “Some hospitals or practices results are relatively rapid, are not easy. The ther-
have their own pathology labs with PCR-capable mocyclers needed for PCR, especially those with
machines and platforms that can couple with the high throughput, are big and expensive machines
various NGS tumor testing kits. Practices can also that often only exist in a reference lab, so it can take
collect the tumor sample but send it to a reference a few days before results are available.
lab for analysis and still obtain results within a rea- Salama explains that BioFire Diagnostics has creat-
sonable time frame now,” adds Harris. ed specialized rapid PCR-based tests where many
institutions can keep the appropriate machines
Whole-genome sequencing and cartridges onsite. For example, BioFire has a
rapid PCR detection kit so that he can know within
Whole-genome sequencing has also vastly im-
24 hours if a patient has an MRSA (Methicillin-resis-
proved over the past two years and is another PCR-
tant Staphylococcus aureus) infection or not, which
based diagnostic application. However, for infec-
has enabled him to reduce the number of unneces-
tious diseases, the impact of COVID has been more
sary antibiotics prescribed.
on “mindset” rather than technological improve-
ments. “Following viral variants such as Omicron COVID also spurred innovations in PCR-based
highlighted the importance of access to and ability tests that are POC. A few companies (Cephe-

id though it had POC/PCR applications before Mostafa points out that developing PCR-based di-
COVID, Thermo Fisher Scientific, and Abbott) agnostics for POC requires a lot of rigorous testing.
make smaller and more affordable machines for Personnel needs to be well-trained, and well-writ-
PCR analysis associated with kits/reagents for ten instructions become more critical. However,
SARS-CoV-2 detection that can be performed at she has faith in, and has witnessed, how quickly
the point of care. industry innovates.

Tools to Streamline Infectious
Disease Workflows
Novel technology is helping to accelerate workflows
and advance discoveries.

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the im- xMAP analyzers, the FLEXMAP 3D and xMAP IN-
portance of infectious disease research and its TELLIFLEX, can be connected to plate-handling
close relationship with public health. In a global systems for automation.
effort to stem the waves of coronavirus infections
Preconfigured assay panels can also save time in
and deaths, the furious storm of pandemic-related
assay development, screening, and epidemiologi-
research revealed a silver lining of advanced tech-
cal research. “Most researchers are under pressure
nologies now available to streamline workflows in
to do more with less,” says Dunbar. “Being able to
infectious disease labs worldwide. This article looks
test for multiple targets simultaneously in a multi-
at technologies and tools that are helping to accel-
plexed panel saves time and cost, as well as reduc-
erate workflows and advance discoveries in infec-
es the amount of sample required.” Luminex’s assay
tious disease research.
panels, such as the xTAG GPP and NxTAG RPP, allow
researchers to test for the most common patho-
Automation and multiplexing gens causing gastrointestinal and respiratory in-
fections, respectively.
As in many fields, reducing bottlenecks using au-
tomated solutions can greatly impact workflow. Andy Lane, Commercial Director at The Native An-
“Automation is being used more frequently in to- tigen Company, observes that multiplex testing to
day’s laboratories as researchers strive to simplify investigate pathogenic targets is becoming more
their technologies, reduce the chance for opera- widespread. Traditionally, a patient’s symptoms
tor error, and also alleviate workforce shortages,” lead to testing for the most likely infection, and
says Sherry Dunbar, Senior Director of Global Sci- then subsequently the next most likely. However,
entific Affairs at Luminex. In addition, automation this approach can lead to delays and ultimately
coupled with multiplexing is increasing workflow worse patient outcomes, with increased costs of
more than ever. Luminex’s xMAP Technology, for multiple tests. Multiplex testing allows researchers
example, can measure up to 500 analytes in a to look for multiple markers of existing or previous
single reaction, and Luminex’s high-throughput infections simultaneously. “This not only provides

faster results, but a greater degree of certainty with Instead, alternative immunoassay formats have
regards to the infecting pathogen,” says Lane. “A been developed to measure indicators of neutral-
common diagnostic example is testing for several ization, using methods that are both faster and
respiratory viruses together—often SARS-CoV-2, cell-free. “For example, in vitro assays can be de-
influenza A and B, and respiratory syncytial virus.” veloped to measure the competitive interactions
between viral antigens, their target receptor,
In the lab, more multiplex testing means more mul-
and neutralizing antibodies,” says Lane. “Wheth-
tiplex-enabled methods. “For immunoassays, this is
increasingly taking the form of bead-based tech- er patient-derived or monoclonal, different anti-
nologies and mass spectrometry,” says Lane. “For bodies at different titers can be evaluated in this
molecular assays, technologies such as microar- way to assess neutralizing ability as a means of
rays, next-generation sequencing, and new forms understanding host protection from natural or
of PCR, are proving to be better.” vaccine-induced immunity, as well as identify-
ing therapeutic candidates.” The Native Antigen
Antibody neutralization Company offers a range of such immunoassay re-
agents, particularly for SARS-CoV-2, as well as oth-
Among his customers, Lane notes that a major area er viral and bacterial pathogens.
of research is assessing the functionality and dy-
namics of antibodies in disease states, particularly NGS and nucleic acid synthesis
neutralizing antibodies. Normally, the neutralizing
ability of an antibody is evaluated by testing the ef- NGS has become a critical tool for infectious disease
fect of patient sera on viral infectivity in cell culture workflows, allowing faster viral sequencing and
assays. But such experiments require specialized vaccine development. Sylvain Gariel, Co-founder
training and can take up to a week. and COO at DNA Script, believes that NGS will be

critical to detecting and combating the next pan- reliably reach the 75% efficacy goal set by the
demic in the earliest days when it’s easier to stop. World Health Organization.
“The wide adoption of NGS will be critical for viral
detection and surveillance, for monitoring its evo- Besides being an important public health tool,
lution and mutations,” he says, also predicting that vaccines also comprise a valuable asset for nation-
the combination of NGS and single-cell techniques al defense—especially when they can be created
will be powerful for treating patients with severe rapidly. DNA Script is working with multiple part-
disease. “Single-cell sequencing can help us un- ners to develop tools for detecting and responding
derstand the immune system and how a virus [like to emerging biothreats. The SYNTAX System will
SARS-CoV-2] is interacting with a patient’s lungs,” allow the French Department of Defense to manu-
he notes. “This will be a critical tool in understand- facture their own primers and probes without out-
ing severe reactions such as cytokine storms in sourcing. In addition, Moderna and GE Research
some patients.” have partnered with DNA Script to develop mobile,
rapid production of mRNA-based vaccines and
DNA Script offers the benchtop SYNTAX System,
therapeutics as part of the U.S.’s Defense Advanced
which uses an enzyme-based process to synthe-
Research Projects Agency’s (DARPA) Nucleic Acids
size oligonucleotides within several hours, accel-
On-Demand World-Wide (NOW) Program. “The first
erating infectious disease workflows by reducing
the time required to obtain nucleic acids. Most labs step is to make short pieces of DNA, and then as-
outsource this step, but waiting for the arrival of semble them into larger pieces that might become
these important reagents can cause delays of days a plasmid for a DNA vaccine, or could go through
or weeks (even when not in the middle of a pan- an individual transcription step to become an
demic). “We want to enable our clients to be au- mRNA molecule for an mRNA vaccine,” says Gariel.
tonomous and get access to the nucleic acids they “We’re also developing multiple different biochem-
need in a few hours instead of a few days or weeks,” istries that we hope will enable customers to make
says Gariel. long RNA molecules more efficiently than the exist-
ing chemistry.”
mRNA-based vaccines In contrast to the agents of infection, host cells
The technology behind the successful develop- may also shed new light on diagnosing and treat-
ment of mRNA vaccines is also likely to accel- ing infectious diseases. “Another exciting area of
erate infectious disease research. For example, infectious diseases research is understanding the
BioNTech is developing a vaccine for malaria role of host proteins and host protein networks in
with the same mRNA technology used in its the pathogenicity of microorganisms,” says Dunbar.
successful Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine, “This research could identify host protein biomark-
with clinical tests planned by the end of 2022. ers as early indicators of infection and the class of
The University of Oxford’s Jenner Institute is also microorganism responsible, as well as detect new
working on a non-mRNA-based malaria vaccine. targets for therapeutics.” Approaching infectious
The only malaria vaccine currently available to- diseases from multiple angles will give us our best
day, Mosquirix from GlaxoSmithKline, does not chance at defeating infectious agents.

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Advanced Tools for Influenza
Virus Immunodetection and
Vaccine Development
A large number of reagents have an important role in controlling
the influenza virus.

Influenza (also known as flu) is an acute respiratory

illness caused by the influenza viruses A, B, C, and
D. Among them, influenza A, B, and C can affect hu-
mans (Table 1). Influenza A and B viruses can cause
epidemic (seasonal or interpandemic) influenza,
and influenza A viruses can also cause pandemics.
Figure 1. Diagram of Influenza Virus
Inflfluenza Virus Structure
Influenza A viruses contain eight negative-sense, nucleoprotein (NP). Polymerase complexes, which
single-stranded viral RNA (vRNA) gene segments consist of three polymerase proteins, PB1, PB2, and
encoding ten viral proteins (Figure 1). The eight PA, are located at the ends of nucleocapsids. These
genome segments are loosely encapsulated by the helical capsids are encircled by the matrix protein

Table 1. Classification of Influenza Virus

Influenza A Influenza B Influenza C
Hosts Humans, waterfowl, poultry, pigs, Humans, seals Humans, pigs, dogs
horses, sea mammals, bats
Gene Segments 8 8 7
Proteins 11 11 9
Clinical Features Moderate to severe illness Milder disease than Influenza A Largely subclinical
Epidemiological Features Causes pandemics Less severe epidemics than Does not cause epidemics
Influenza A; no pandemics or pandemics

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Influenza B

Influenza A Many Other Hard-to-find Viral Proteins from

CMV, Ebola, RSV, Zika, etc.

Sino Biological US Inc. (U.S.A) Sino Biological Europe GmbH (Europe)

Tel: +1-215-583-7898 Tel: +49(0)6196 9678656
Email: Email:
1 (M1) and a host-derived lipid bilayer envelope
Inflfluenza Pandemics and Strains
in which the viral surface glycoprotein hemagglu-
tinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA) and the matrix Historically, influenza pandemics were caused by
protein 2 (M2) are embedded. influenza A viruses, which can be further divided
into different subtypes depending on HA and NA
HA, NA, and NP are three major antigens of the differences. Four influenza pandemics occurred in
influenza virus, which play essential roles in the the past 100 years: the H1N1 Spanish flu pandemic
(1918–1920), the H2N2 Asian influenza pandemic
lifecycle of a virus (Table 2). Their recombinant pro-
(1957–1958), the H3N2 Hong Kong flu pandemic
teins are widely used in basic research, therapeu- (1968–1969), and the H1N1/09 swine flu pandemic
tics, vaccine development, and diagnosis. (2009–2010) (Table 3).
Table 2. Major Antigens of Influenza Virus
Antigens Functions in Lifecycle Applications
HA Binding to sialic acid receptors on the surface of the Basic research; Vaccine development; Anti-hemagglutinin
host cell membrane, helping the interfusion of the viral antibody development; Detection reagents development
envelope with the host cell membrane.
NA Mediating the release of nascent viral particles Antiviral drug development; Basic Research;
assembled in the host cells by cleaving sialic acid Vaccine development; Antibody development;
groups from glycoproteins. Detection reagents development
NP A major component of the ribonucleoprotein complex, Antiviral drug development; Basic Research; Antibody
engaging in viral gene replication, transcription, development; Detection reagents development
and translation.

Table 3. Four Influenza Pandemics in the Past 100 Years

Name Date Subtype Infected (est.) Deaths Case Fatality Rate
Spanish Flu 1918-1920 H1N1 500 million or >1 billion 17–100million 2–3%, or ~4%, or ~10%
Asian Flu 1957-1958 H2N2 >500 million 1–4 million <0.2%
Hong Kong Flu 1968-1969 H3N2 >500 million 1–4 million <0.2%
Swine Flu 2009-2010 H1N1/09 0.7–1.4 billion 151,700–575,400 0.01%

Figure 2. Emerging Potential Pandemic Strains in the Last 20 Years

Table 4. Influenza Pandemic Strains
Subtype Strain Year Antigen Proteins Antigen Antibodies
H1N1 A/Brevig Mission/1/1918 1918 HA, HA1, M1, NP HA
H1N1 A/California/04/2009 2009 HA, HA0, HA1, NA HA, NA
H2N2 A/Guiyang/1/1957 1957 HA, HA1
H3N2 A/Hong Kong/1/1968 1968 HA, HA1,NP NP
H5N1 A/Hong Kong/483/97 1997 HA,HA1 HA
H7N7 A/Netherlands/219/2003 2003 HA, HA1, NA HA, NA
H7N9 A/Shanghai/1/2013 2013 HA, HA1, HA1+HA2, NA, NP HA
H9N2 A/Hong Kong/35820/2009 2009 HA, HA1

The strains responsible for the four pandemics, recommends annual vaccination to prevent sea-
H1N1 (Spanish flu and swine flu), H2N2 (Asian flu), sonal influenza.
and H3N2 (Hong Kong flu), have attracted wide-
spread attention. In the last 20 years, multiple po- Immunodetection
tential pandemic strains have emerged with sev- Immunodetection is a common method to di-
eral zoonotic influenza events (Figure 2). agnose flu. Antibodies targeting NP proteins are
Sino Biological has developed a panel of antigen commonly used for immunodetection in different
proteins and antibodies for influenza pandemic assays, including enzyme-linked immunosorbent
strains (Table 4) designated to be used for var- assay, lateral flow assay, and direct fluorescent
ious biochemical assays, such as the antibody antibody tests. Due to the high frequency of an-
titer, antigen detection, and antigenic character- tigenic drift or shift in various influenza strains,
ization assays. broad-spectrum influenza antibodies are particu-
larly desired to diagnose flu.
Flu Prevention and Control
Sino Biological has identified six pan-antibody
Early diagnosis and vaccination are important pairs each against the NP protein of influenza A
ways to prevent and control flu. Early diagnosis and B (Table 5). These matched pairs can detect
and treatment can effectively shorten the illness broad-spectrum strains within the target subtype
duration, relieve symptoms, and control the vi- without any cross-reactivity with other subtypes
rus spread. The World Health Organization (WHO) (Figure 3).

Table 5. Pan Antibody Pairs for NP Detection

Pair No. Capture Ab Detection Ab Pair No. Capture Ab Detection Ab
PanA-1 40205-MM16 40208-R014 PanB-1 40438-R004 40438-MM10
PanA-2 40205-R063 40205-MM18 PanB-2 40438-R036 40438-MM10
PanA-3 40208-R117 40205-MM18 PanB-3 40438-MM05 40438-R036

Figure 3. Six Pan antibody pairs each against the NP protein can detect different NP proteins of influenza A or B virus by ELISA assay

products include HA, NA, and NP and are designed

Vaccine Development
for vaccine development.
Flu, especially seasonal flu, is a global threat to
human health. Vaccination is the most effective Summary
way to prevent the spread of infection. Each year,
Despite the ongoing coronavirus disease 2019
several different flu strains are selected as vaccine
pandemic, influenza continues to occur each year,
strains based on the surveillance data of the recent
resulting in substantial morbidity and mortality.
isolates and their performance in the previous sea- Many relevant studies are underway to help con-
son. In recent decades, most vaccines are trivalent trol the influenza virus.
or quadrivalent, including one H1N1, one H3N2,
and Yamagata and/or Victoria-type flu B. The advanced tools developed by Sino Biological
contain a large collection of recombinant virus
Sino Biological has released a panel of recombinant proteins and a library of antiviral antibodies. These
antigen products covering all WHO-recommend- reagents can be widely used for immunodetection
ed vaccine strains in recent years (Table 6). These and vaccine development for the influenza virus.

Table 6. Antigens for 2015-2022 Vaccine Strains
Strains HA NA NP Year
A/Brisbane/02/2018 (H1N1) 40719-V08H 40767-V08B 40776-V08B 2019-2020
A/California/7/2009 (H1N1) 11085-V08B 40205-V08B 2016-2017,
A/Cambodia/e0826360/2020 (H3N2) 40789-V08H 40784-V08B 40778-V08B 2021-2022
A/Guangdong-Maonan/SWL1536/2019 (H1N1) 40717-V08H 40723-V08B 2020-2021
A/Hawaii/70/2019 (H1N1) 40717-V08H 40724-V08B 2020-2021
A/Hong Kong/2671/2019 (H3N2) 40721-V08H 40753-V08B 2020-2021
A/Hong Kong/45/2019 (H3N2) 40765-V08H 40754-V08B 2020-2021
A/Hong Kong/4801/2014 (H3N2) 40555-V08B 40569-V08B 40781-V08B 2017-2018, 2016-2017
A/Kansas/14/2017 (H3N2) 40720-V08H 40766-V08B 40779-V08B 2019-2020
A/Michigan/45/2015 (H1N1) 40567-V08H1 40568-V08B 40777-V08B 2018-2019, 2017-2018
A/Singapore/INFIMH-16-0019/2016 (H3N2) 40580-V08H 40779-V08B 2018-2019
A/Switzerland/9715293/2013 (H3N2) 40497-V08B 40499-V08B 2015-2016
A/Victoria/2570/2019 (H1N1) 40787-V08H 40785-V08B 40774-V08B 2021-2022
A/Wisconsin/588/2019 (H1N1) 40787-V08H 40785-V08B 40785-V08B 2021-2022
B/Brisbane/60/2008 40016-V08B 40203-VNAHC 40783-V08B 2017-2018, 2016-2017,
B/Colorado/06/2017 40581-V08H 40782-V08B 2019-2020, 2018-2019
B/Phuket/3073/2013 40498-V08B 40502-V07B 40500-V08B 2021-2022, 2020-2021,
2017-2018, 2016-2017,
B/Washington/02/2019 40722-V08H 40790-V08B 40755-V08B 2021-2022, 2020-2021

Additional Resources
Viral Antigen Bank

Characterization of Cytotoxic
Immune Cells in Human
Peripheral Whole Blood
Assessment of phenotypic and functional markers using a 16-color
panel and the BD FACSymphony™ A1 Cell Analyzer

timized buffer system that allows simultaneous red

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Analyzer that leverages BD FACSymphony™ a BD FACSymphony™ A1 Cell Analyzer, which en-
abled the use of several bright or very bright fluo-
instrument technology in a compact size
rochrome-conjugated antibodies for optimal reso-
• Analyze up to 16 colors and 19 parameters lution of the cytolytic proteins and other markers
(including optional small particle side that are rather low expressed in cytotoxic cells.
scatter channel) to detect various subsets
Altogether, a coordinated analysis of a total of 16
of cytotoxic cells in blood using four high-
intracellular or surface markers helped to detect
power lasers
various subsets of cytotoxic cells in blood.
• Get clear resolution of dim signals when
optimal panel design is combined with high Protocol
instrument sensitivity
Human peripheral blood was collected in sterile
Cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) and natural killer BD Vacutainer® Blood Collection Tubes containing
(NK) cells have become attractive therapeutic tar- sodium heparin. Predetermined optimal concen-
gets for cancer immunotherapy because of their ef- trations of fluorochrome-conjugated antibodies
ficient mechanisms of killing cancerous cells. Both against surface markers (Table 1) were mixed in the
effector CTLs and mature NK cells present a com- presence of BD Horizon™ Brilliant Stain Buffer Plus
plex expression pattern of cytolytic proteins that and dispensed in 5 mL Corning™ Round-Bottom
dictates their ability to kill target cells. Using an op- Polysterene Test Tubes. Next, 200 µL of heparinized

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© 2021 BD. All rights reserved. BD-41270 (v1.0) 0821
blood and 2 µL of BD Horizon™ Fixable Viability washes, the cells were acquired in the BD FACSym-
Stain 575V at 0.6 µg/µL were sequentially added to phony™ A1 Cell Analyzer.
the tubes and briefly vortexed. After 20 min incu-
bation at room temperature in the dark, 4 mL of BD Cell Analysis Results
Phosflow™ Lyse/Fix Buffer (1X) was added to the
tubes for red blood cells lysis and leucocytes fixa- The BD FACSymphony™ A1 Cell Analyzer is equipped
tion. Following 15 min incubation, the cells were with four lasers (Violet, Blue, Yellow-Green and Red)
spun down and washed twice with BD Pharmin- and allowed the detection of cells stained with 13
gen™ Stain Buffer (FBS). Then, the fixed cells were bright or very bright fluorochrome-conjugated
permeabilized in 100 µL of BD Phosflow™ Perm/ antibodies. The high sensitivity of the instrument
Wash I Buffer for 20 min at 4 °C and incubated with combined with the bright fluorochromes resulted
antibodies against intracellular markers for an ad- in highly efficient resolution of markers that are ex-
ditional 60 min protected from light. After two pressed at variable or low levels among cytotoxic

Table 1. Instrument configuration and reagents in the cytotoxic immune cells panel
Laser Filter Fluorochrome Specificity Clone Catalog Purpose §
Antibody Volume
Number (mL)/ mL Blood or
Perm Buffer
450/50 BV421 Perforin dG9 563393 Cytolytic abilities 5
525/50 BV480 CD159a (NKG2A) 131411 747923 Inhibitory receptor 5
CD19 HIB19 740394 Exclusion/B cells 1.25
CD14 M5E2 564054 Exclusion/monocytes 5
BV605 Exclusion/plasmacytoid dendritic cells
610/20 CD123 7G3 564197 5
and eosinophils
CD141 1A4 740421 Exclusion/myeloid cells and platelets 5
Violet 405 FVS575V - - 565694 Viability 1
nm 670/30 BV650 CD3 UCHT-1 563851 T cells 5
710/50 BV711 CD314 (NKG2D) 1D11 563688 Activating receptor 5
780/60 BV786 HLA-DR G46-6 564041 Activation marker 2.5
530/30 FITC CD57 NK-1 555619 Maturation and differentiation marker 10
Blue 488 nm
710/50 PerCP-Cy5.5 CD8 RPA-T8 560662 Cytotoxic T cells 5
586/15 PE CD158 (KIRs) HP-MA4 567158 Maturation and differentiation marker 5
610/20 PE-CF594 CD56 R19-760 564963 NK cells/activation marker 5
670/30 PE-Cy5 CD95 (Fas) DX2 559773 Differentiation marker 20
Green 561
Differentiation marker/innate
nm 710/50 PE-Cy5.5 CD127 (IL7R-a) eBioRDR5 35-1278-42# 1.25
lymphoid cells
780/60 PE-Cy7 CD38 HIT2 560677 Differentiation marker 2.5
670/30 AF647 Granzyme K G3H69 566655 Cytolytic abilities 5
Red 637 nm 710/50 R718 Granzyme B GB-11 566964 Cytolytic abilities 1.25
780/60 APC-H7 CD16 (FcgRIII) 3G8 560195 NK cells/cytolytic abilities 5
BV, BD Horizon Brilliant Violet™; FVS, BD Horizon™ Fixable Viability Stain; AF, Alexa Fluor™; #Thermo Fisher Scientific; §See Certificate of Analysis for antibody
concentration; Perm: Permeabilization.

cell populations, such as CD3, CD56, perforin, CD314 major cell subsets of interest: (pink) CD56brightCD3–
(NKG2D) and CD159 (NKG2A) (Figures 1 and 2). cytokine-producing NK cells, (blue) CD56dimCD3–
cytotoxic NK cells, (brown) CD56dimCD3+ including
Detection of rare populations was achieved by re-
NKT cells, (green) CD56dimCD3bright including γδ T
cording a minimum of 150,000 lymphocytes and
cells and (purple) conventional CD8 cytotoxic T
then excluding doublets, dead cells and non-rele-
(Figure 1).
vant cell lineages during cell analysis using Flow-
Jo™ v10.7.2 Software. A total of eight healthy do- NK and cytotoxic T cell subsets utilize common
nors were pre-evaluated and the results shown mechanisms to kill infected or transformed cells
in this panel sheet are from one donor whose pe- via the granule exocytosis pathway. The key com-
ripheral blood presented high frequencies of five ponents of the cytolytic granules are perforin and

Figure 1. Clear separation of cytotoxic immune cell populations in healthy human peripheral blood. Based on forward and side scatter
cell features, an initial gate around lymphocytes excluded debris and most monocytes/granulocytes. Subsequent gates eliminated cell
doublets. Then, FVS575V-labeled dead cells and other lineage cells (CD19+/CD14+/CD123+/CD141+) were also excluded enriching the
samples with T cells and NK cells. Within live and lineage-negative cells, analysis of CD56 versus CD3 revealed various cell populations
that were color coded as cytokine-producing NK cells (pink), cytotoxic NK cells (blue), CD56+ T cells containing NKT cells (brown), CD56+ T
cells containing γδ T cells (green) and cytotoxic CD8+ T cells (purple).

several serine esterases, termed granzymes. Herein, as other differentiation markers were expressed
we simultaneously assessed the intracellular levels in a range from low to high levels across the dif-
of granzyme K (GrzmK), granzyme B (GrzmB) and a ferent cell populations. Thus, the use of high-per-
series of differentiation markers for a comprehen- formance reagents and instrumentation were
sive analysis of the functional status of these cells critical to examine even the lowest expressed
(Figures 2 and 3).
proteins for a thorough assessment of circulat-
ing cytotoxic cell populations.
In this study, we described an assay that provid-
ed a means to compare different types of circu-
Additional Resource
lating cytotoxic cells based on the expression of FACSymphony™ A1 Cell Analyzer
effector cytolytic proteins. These proteins as well

Figure 2. Comparative analysis of circulating cytotoxic cells. Each colored histogram represents a cell population gated as depicted in Fig-
ure 1. A. The top row reveals the expression of key granzymes (GrzmK and GrzmB) and perforin. B. The bottom row shows the expression
of two major activating (CD314, NKG2D) and inhibitory (CD159a, NKG2A) receptors and the death receptor CD95 (Fas). The fluorescence
minus one (FMO) histograms were generated after gating on the total live and lineage negative cells.

Figure 3. Phenotyping of circulating cytotoxic cells using a 16-color panel. The plots represent the analysis of cytolytic proteins in
combination with various cell differentiation markers, enabling a deeper characterization of the cell populations gated in Figure 1. A.
Overlay of NK cell subsets. B. Analysis of CD56dimCD3+ T cell subsets, highlighting cell subsets that express either GrzmB or GrzmK. C.
Analysis of CD56dimCD3bright T cell subsets also showing GrzmB and GrzmK in the different subsets. D. Identification of activated CD8 T
cells based on the expression of CD38 and HLA-DR. The HLA-DR FMO staining helped to determine the gating boundaries for proper
detection of the double positive cells. The figure also depicts different CD8 T cell subsets based on the expression of GrzmB versus
GrzmK or CD95 versus CD57.


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