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MAY 2024
School Newsletter | Issue #3 E-GENESIS


As the school secretary, I am thrilled to address you all with a
message emphasizing the importance of being actively involved in
co-curricular activities and your studies. At our school, we believe
in nurturing well-rounded individuals who excel not only
academically but also in various other aspects of life.
Benefits of Co-Curricular Activities
Participating in co-curricular activities such as sports, clubs, arts,
and community service can greatly enhance your overall school
experience. These activities provide opportunities for personal
growth, skill development, and social interaction. By engaging in
these activities, you can:
Develop Leadership Skills: Being part of a team or club can help
you hone your leadership abilities, communication skills, and
Explore Interests: Co-curricular activities offer a platform to
explore your interests outside the classroom, helping you discover
new passions and talents.
Enhance Well-Being: Engaging in physical activities like sports or creative pursuits like music and art
can improve your mental and physical well-being.
While participation in co-curricular activities is important, it is equally crucial to maintain a balance
with your academic responsibilities. Here are some tips to help you manage both effectively:
Time Management: Create a schedule that allocates time for both studies and activities. Prioritise tasks
and set realistic goals to stay organized. Stay Focused: When studying, eliminate distractions and focus
on the task at hand. Similarly, give your full attention to your chosen co-curricular activities to make
the most of them.
Seek Support: Don't hesitate to seek help from teachers, mentors, or peers if you feel overwhelmed.
They can provide guidance and support to help you succeed in both areas.
In conclusion, I urge you to actively participate in co-curricular activities while maintaining a strong
focus on your studies. By striking a balance between the two, you can experience holistic growth,
develop valuable skills, and create lasting memories during your time at school.
Remember, your school journey is not just about academics; it's about embracing opportunities,
exploring your potential, and becoming well-rounded. So, seize the chance to get involved, challenge
yourself, and make the most of your school experience.
Have a successful and fulfilling academic year ahead!

Er. Deepak Sharda

School Newsletter | Issue #3 E-GENESIS


Esteemed Students, Faculty, and Staff,

The vitality of a prestigious school community lies in the

robustness of our relationships. These connections are the
cornerstone of a positive learning atmosphere, promoting
student well-being, and ultimately paving the way for academic
Interactions between Students and Teachers:
It brings me immense joy to witness the blossoming
camaraderie among our students. Whether it be through
extracurricular engagements, peer tutoring initiatives, or casual
conversations in the corridors, these connections instill a sense
of belonging and solidarity. Equally imperative are the positive
student-teacher bonds. When students feel at ease approaching
their teachers for guidance or a friendly chat, they are more
likely to be engaged and driven.
Connections between Teachers and Administration:
Effective communication between teachers and administration
is paramount. It enables us to comprehend your needs and
obstacles, celebrate your achievements, and collaborate on
crafting programs and resources that benefit both students and
educators. We urge you to continue availing of our open-door
policy and scheduled meetings to voice your opinions and
Anticipating the Future:
We are steadfast in our commitment to nurturing a culture of
strong connections within MPS INTERNATIONAL. Here are
some initiatives we will be delving into:

Student-led social gatherings: Promoting student leadership and fostering opportunities for interaction
beyond the classroom.
Mentorship schemes: Pairing older students with younger ones to cultivate peer support and learning.
Teacher professional development workshops: Concentrating on cultivating robust student-teacher
relationships and effective communication strategies.
Regular "Coffee with the Principal" sessions: Establishing an informal setting for candid conversations
with faculty and staff.
Through collaborative efforts, we can cultivate a dynamic school environment where students, teachers,
and administrators feel interconnected, supported, and empowered to realize their full potential.
We extend our gratitude for your unwavering commitment to our school community.

Ms. Manju Sharma

School Newsletter | Issue #3 E-GENESIS



जो बीत गई सो बात गई- हरिवंश राय बच्चन जी ने क्या खूब लिखा है--
जीवन में एक सितारा था,
माना वह बेहद प्यार था ,
वह डूब गया तो डूब गया,
अंबर के आंँगन को देखो,
कितने इसके तारे टूटे
कितने इसके प्यारे छू टे
जो छू ट गए फिर कहांँ मिले
पर बोलो टूटे तारों पर कब अंबर शोक मनाता है ,
जो बीत गई सो बात गई।

The lines of this poem are absolutely meaningful when a person retires after
thirty-thirty-five years of service. Retirement is not the end of life but the
beginning of a new phase. Many people among us think that now that we have
retired, we are no longer of any use, but this thinking is wrong. I believe that
life after retirement is more important because then you can spend your time
on the welfare of society and your country.
I learned this from one of my close relatives,
He has recently retired but his passion for work is worth seeing. Even today
he is not sitting at home but is continuously engaged in his work. Therefore,
instead of saying that a precious time of your life has ended, celebrate the
joys of new life. It is important to take retirement positively. After retirement,
by properly investing our hard-earned money, we can contribute fully to other
social services without being financially worried

Renu Singh
MPS International


School Newsletter | Issue #3 E-GENESIS


*_संस्कृ तनिष्ठ हो शिक्षा_*
विद्या ददाति विनयं, विनयाद् याति पात्रताम्।
पात्रत्वाद् धनमाप्नोति, धनाद् धर्मं ततः सुखम्॥
इस श्लोक का भावार्थ है कि विद्या विनय (नम्रता) प्रदान करती है, विनय से पात्रता
आती है, पात्रता से धन की प्राप्ति होती है, धन से धर्म (कर्तव्य) का पालन होता है
और धर्म से सुख की प्राप्ति होती है। यह श्लोक यह दर्शाता है कि विद्या के वल ज्ञान
की प्राप्ति के लिए नहीं है, बल्कि यह एक व्यक्ति को नैतिक और सामाजिक मूल्यों के
साथ जीवन जीने की कला सिखाती है।
अगर भारत को विश्व गुरु जैसे सर्वोच्च शिखर पर प्रतिष्ठित करना है। तो मूल्य शिक्षा
के बिना यह के वल दिवास्वप्न है क्योंकि कोई भी राष्ट्र के वल धन-दौलत और भौतिक
संसाधनों के बल पर वैश्विक नेतृत्व नहीं कर सकता है। योग्य, चरित्रवान, कर्त्तव्यनिष्ठ
और ईमानदार नागरिक ही किसी राष्ट्र के महान बनने की पटकथा की पृष्ठभूमि की
रचना करते हैं और के वल मूल्य शिक्षा ही इस प्रकार के नागरिकों को तैयार करने में
सक्षम है। वर्तमान समय शिक्षा में भौतिकवादी दर्शन के तत्व की प्रधानता हो गई है।
विद्यार्थी, अभिभावक और शिक्षक, तीनों ही ज्ञानार्जन के बजाय धनार्जन से अधिक
प्रभावित हैं। यदि विद्यार्थी को नौकरी नहीं मिलती है तो वह अपने जीवन को व्यर्थ
मानकर कु ण्ठा और हताशा के सागर में डूब जाता है। यदि वर्तमान शिक्षा प्रणाली से
युवा पीढ़ी की ऐसी फौज तैयार हो रही है तो यह बहुत बड़ी राष्ट्रीय क्षति है। यहाँ यह
समझना और समझाना आवश्यक है कि नौकरी न मिलने से शिक्षा और जीवन व्यर्थ
नहीं हो जाते हैं। जीवन में यदि धन कमाना आवश्यक ही है तो अन्य कई तरीके भी हैं
लेकिन जीवन की सार्थकता धन कमाने से बहुत ऊँ ची है |
श्वरीय ज्ञान के आधार पर लोगों में व्याप्त अज्ञानता और देहअभिमान को परिवर्तन करके कालचक्र के नकारात्मक प्रवाह
को सकारात्मक दिशा में मोड़कर, सतयुगी दुनिया की संकल्पना को साकार करना सम्भव है। यह वैज्ञानिक रूप से प्रमाणित
तथ्य है कि यदि किसी स्थान की जनसंख्या के एक प्रतिशत लोग किसी एक ही प्रकार के संकल्प में स्थित होते हैं तो उससे
उत्पन्न प्रकम्पनों के शक्तिशाली प्रभाव से अन्य लोगों के विचार और व्यवहार में भी परिवर्तन आने लगता है। जब सत्कर्म
करने वाले व्यक्ति एक ही स्थान पर एक सतयुगी समाज की नवरचना का संकल्प करते हैं तो वायुमण्डल में पवित्रता के
प्रकम्पनों का प्रवाह शक्तिशाली होने लगता है । मनुष्य और प्रकृ ति के तत्वों के गुण-धर्म बदलने लगते हैं ।
मनुष्य का मन अत्यन्त संवेदनशील होता है और वह वातावरण से अत्यन्त सक्रिय रूप से प्रभावित होता है इसलिए यदि
हम वास्तव में विद्यालयों के वातावरण को सकारात्मक बनाकर योग्य और चरित्रवान नागरिकों का निर्माण करना चाहते हैं
तो इसका एकमात्र साधन है पाठ्यक्रम में मूल्य शिक्षा को लागू करना तथा संस्कृ त भाषा का ज्ञान प्राप्त कर उसके नैतिक
मूल्यों को जीवन में

Taranjeet Kaur
MPS International


School Newsletter | Issue #3 E-GENESIS


परिवार व् विद्यालय दोनों मिलकर ही संतुलित व् समायोजित बालक का निर्माण करते हैं l
शिक्षा ,संस्कार और परवरिश ये तीनों बातें एक दूसरे से इस तरह जुडी हुई हैं कि किसी एक के विषय में बात करें तो शेष दोनों पर
भी स्वतः ही चर्चा हो जाती है l
आजकल आमतौर पर अभिभावकों की यह धारणा बनती जा रही है कि हम महँगे और सुविधापूर्ण माहौल में बच्चों को रखें ताकी
उन्हें जीवन के संघर्षों से जूझना न पड़े इसलिए वे उन्हें महँगे और सुविधापूर्ण विद्यालयों में पढ़ाना पसंद करते हैंlअधिकतर
अभिभावक स्वयं को वर्किंग बनाए रखना चाहते हैं जिससे वे अधिक धन कमा सकें और आरामदायक व् भव्य जीवन जी सके ,ये
आधुनिक जीवन शैली की आवश्यकता बनती जा रही है l ऐसे में अपने बच्चों की शिक्षा ,संस्कार और परवरिश की जिम्मेदारी
विद्यालय पर डालकर वे निश्चिन्त हो जातें हैं l
ये समझना जरुरी है कि जैसे तैरना सीखने के लिए पानी में उतरना आवश्यक है वैसे ही जीवन जीना सीखने के लिए संघर्ष और
समस्याओ से उलझना उनके समाधान ढूँढना भी बालक तभी सीख पाएगा जब वो उनसे गुज़रेगा l
आराम और सुविधाएँ देते हुए उनसे एक चूक हो जाती है वे अपने बच्चों को अपने पारिवारिक माहौल ,परम्पराओं ,संस्कारों का
व्यक्तिगत अनुभव नहीं दे पाते l
कहीं न कही हम ये समझने में भूल कर रहें है कि विद्यालय में बालक व्यक्तिगत रूप में नहीं बल्कि सामूहिक रूप में सीख रहा हैl
वह विद्यालय में अन्य बच्चों के सम्पर्क में आता है जिनका परिवेश, उनके पारिवारिक परिवेश से अलग है l
बच्चा शोशल मिडिया ,इंटरनेट और बाहरी सोर्सेज के द्वारा भी जानकारियाँ प्राप्त कर रहा है lवे भी उन्हें सामूहिक परिवेश के
अनुसार ही मिलती हैं l
इसे एक उदाहरण से समझिए कि एक बच्चे ने किसी दूसरे बच्चे को बहुत अच्छी ड्रेस पहने देखा और उसे उस ड्रेस के प्रति
आकर्षण महसूस हुआ lउसने उसे खरीदकर पहन लिया l बाद उसे अहसास हुआ कि वो ड्रेस उस पर उतनी अच्छी नहीं लग रही
जितनी देखने पर लग रही थी l
यहाँ इस बच्चे के पास व्यक्तिगत अनुभव कि कमी होने से ऐसा हुआ lउसने अपने शरीर ,रुप आदि के बारे में नहीं सोचा के वल उस
ड्रेस के बारे में सोचा इसलिए वह अपना नुकसान कर बैठा l
अगर उसके पास अपनी परिवेशगत दृष्टि होती तो वह उस नुकसान से बच जाता l
ये परिवेशगत दृष्टि उसे परिवार से ही मिलती है
अतः परिवार में दी गई शिक्षा ,संस्कार और परवरिश भी उतने ही महत्वपूर्ण हैं जितने विद्यालय में दी गयी शिक्षा ,संस्कार और परवरिश l
अब इसी बात को दूसरी दृष्टि से देखते हैं एक बच्चे ने अपनी व्यक्तिगत आवश्यकताओ के अनुसार ड्रेस खरीदी और पहनी लेकिन उसे किसी ऐसे परिवेश में जाना पड़ा जहाँ उस ड्रेस में उसे असुविधा हुई
l चूँकि उसके पास के वल व्यक्तिगत दृष्टि थी वह स्वयं को बाहरी परिवेश में नहीं ढाल सकाl ऐसे में विद्यालय में मिली शिक्षा ,संस्कार और परिवेश काम आयेंगे l
कहने का अर्थ ये है कि परिवार और विद्यायल दोनों में मिली शिक्षा ,संस्कार व् परवरिश बालक के सम्पूर्ण विकास के लिए जरुरी है lसामाजिक जीवन और व्यक्तिगत जीवन में सही तालमेल वही बच्चा
बिठा सकता है जिसे परिवार व् विद्यालय दोनों स्थानों पर समुचित शिक्षा मिली हो l
अब एक प्रश्न उठता है कि वैदिक काल में जब बच्चे गुरुकु लों में रहते थे l25 वर्ष बाद वे घर आते थे तो उनकी पारिवारिक शिक्षा का क्या होता था ?
इसका उत्तर भी इसी में छिपा है कि उस समय गुरुकु लों में रहनेवाले बच्चे बिलकु ल घर की तरह अपनी जिम्मेदारियाँ निभाया करते थे वे घर में किए जाने वाले अपने सारे काम खुद ही करते थे उसमे
माता पिता का कोई हस्तक्षेप नहीं होता थाl चाहे कोई राजा का बेटा हो या गरीब बच्चा हो lसभी की जिम्मेदारियाँ और कार्य व्यवस्था समान थी अतः बालक सम्पूर्ण शिक्षा प्राप्त करते थे l
अतः हमारे शास्त्रों में गुरु को ब्रह्मा ,विष्णु और महेश के समतुल्य बताया गया l
किन्तु आजकल बच्चा अपने घर में अलग माहौल और विद्यालय में अलग माहौल में जी रहा है उसे दोनों जगह में संतुलन बैठना पड़ता है जो काफी मुश्किल हैl अतः यह समय की मांग है कि परिवार
द्वारा उसे व्यक्तिक और पारिवारिक जीवन मूल्य सिखाए जाएँ और विद्यालय उनके साथ सामंजस्य बिठाते हुए सामाजिक ,राष्ट्रीय और मानवीय मूल्यों की शिक्षा दें lदोनों ही संस्थाओ को मिलकर बच्चे के
सम्पूर्ण विकास के लिए काम करना चाहिए lबदलते परिवेश में जीवन मूल्य व् शैक्षिक मूल्य भी तेज़ी से बदल रहे हैंl आज हमारी चुनौती बालक को जानकारियों से भरना नहीं बल्कि उसके चिंतन ,विवेक
को जाग्रत कर उसे समायोजित और संतुलित व्यक्तित्व का स्वामी बनाना है अतः अब न के वल शैक्षिक परिवेश बल्कि पारिवारिक परिवेश की ओर नवीन दृष्टि से सोचना व् अपनाना जरुरी है l
अभिभावक अपने घर के परिवेश को आदर्श व् जीवनोपयोगी बनाएँ ये उनका कर्तव्य है के वल जीवन के आराम की
मशीनरी उपलब्ध करवाना अभिभावक का कर्तव्य नहींl
दूसरी तरफ विद्यालय और शिक्षक बालक को पहले व्यक्तिगत रूप से समझें और फिर उसे सामाजिक जीवन के अनुरुप जीने के योग्य बनाने का प्रयास करें l
ऐसे में शिक्षक का दायित्व सिर्फ किताबें पढ़ाना ही नहीं बल्कि उनके जीवन की किताब के हर पृष्ठ पर लिखी अनकही बातों ,अल्फाज़ो ,जज्बातों और सपनो को समझना और उन्हें ये समझाना कि उनमे
क्या अलग और अनोखा है जो उनकी अपनी अलग पहचान बना सकता है ,जरुरी है lबालक के साथ आत्मीय रूप से जुड़कर ही उसे बेहतरीन तरीके से सिखाया जा सकता है lउसकी पारिवारिक एवं
व्यक्तिगत दशाओं को समझकर ही उसके संतुलित व्यक्तित्व का विकास किया जा सकता है l
*आज हम देखते हैं कि अच्छी सैलेरी और मनचाही जॉब लगने के बाद भी बच्चे कु समायोजन का शिकार होकर कभी बार बार जॉब छोड़ते हैं तो कभी आत्महत्या तक कर लेते हैं कभी गहरे डिप्रेशन
का शिकार होकर अपनी सालो की मेहनत को गवाँ बैठतें हैं*l अतः आज शिक्षा को समायोजित ,संतुलित ,भावनात्मक रूप से मजबूत और प्रसन्न नागरिक समाज को देना समय आवश्यकता बन गया है
शिक्षक बालक के भीतर कहि गहरे छिपी प्रतिभा को ढूँढ़कर उसे बाहर लाकर निखारता है lवही सही मायने में उसके जीवन का ब्रह्मा यानि रचनाकार बनता है इसलिए गुरु को ब्रह्मा समतुल्य माना गया
है l
जैसे भगवान विष्णु प्राणियों में विवेक ,क्षमता और सुंदरता का उन्नयन करते हैं वैसे ही गुरु भी उनके भीतर सद्गुण ,सद्विचार ,चिंतन मनन ,विवेक ,बुद्धि ,प्रज्ञा को जाग्रत करता है इतना ही नहीं भगवान
महेश की तरह गुरु अपने शिष्य की नकारात्मक वृत्तियों ,तनाव ,मानसिक रुग्णता , भय और संदेह आदि का विनाश कर उसे देश ,समाज व मानवता के योग्य बनाता है l
अतः गुरु को ब्रह्मा ,विष्णु और महेश के माना गया है l
यही स्थान हमारी संस्कृ ति में मातापिता को भी प्राप्त है l
बालक की प्रथम शिक्षक माँ हैl इस बात को गहराई से समझना और अपनाना बहुत ज़रूरी हैl माँ *अगर जीजाबाई और कौशल्या जैसी होगी तो संतान भी शिवाजी और श्री राम जैसी बनेंगीl
अस्तु परिवार तथा विद्यालय दोनों मिलकर ही बालक के संतुलित व्यक्तित्व का विकास कर सकतें हैं l

Vijaylaxmi Jangid
MPS international


School Newsletter | Issue #3 E-GENESIS

It all starts when the darkness of night
took over the brightness of day,
It's when the mind starts this
mischievous play.
The attempts to sleep result in futile
The ability to think rationally vanishes
off so hastily.
The mature self gets lost immaturity
rules off.
And Overthinking hugs you painfully
and whispers all the impulsive
decisions leaving you in melancholy.

Injla Shariq
12th B
Editor Compilation

Identity and self-perception are fundamental to our existence, shaping how we view
the world and our place within it. Our identity is a complex tapestry woven from
personal experiences, cultural backgrounds, beliefs, and societal roles. Self-
perception, the lens through which we see ourselves, profoundly impacts our
confidence, behavior, and interactions. When our self-perception is positive, we are
empowered to pursue our goals and foster meaningful relationships. Conversely, a
negative self-view can trap us in cycles of doubt and insecurity. Embracing and
understanding our unique identity, while challenging external expectations, allows us
to live authentically and cultivate deeper, more fulfilling connections with others and
Tanisha Sharma
12th B
Editor- Designing and Graphics


School Newsletter | Issue #3 E-GENESIS

Till death you said,

I didn’t know you’d kill me so early for that
You didn’t stab me
But you didn’t set me free
You didn’t torture me
But you didn’t show me glee

Killing me one day at a time

Till death you wanted
So you just killed me?

“I love you,” they said

While slowly burning me
The fire is now catching on
While their remains are far gone

“I’m breaking,” said I

“Break me more” they heard
And, amidst the fire screaming in pure agony
They just let me be…

Twisha Jethani
9th B
Junior Editor-in-Chief
My journey Toward efficiency and Productivity

This month, I have significantly increased my productivity in my studies by adopting several effective practices.
I limit my phone usage to no more than two hours per day and keep myself motivated by remembering my
goals and ambition to become a lawyer and achieve better marks in 12th grade compared to 11th grade. I realized
that out of 24 hours in a day, I only sleep for six hours and spend a maximum of nine hours on chores and other
activities, prompting me to evaluate how I utilize the remaining 15 hours.
Focusing on practical subjects like Quantitative Aptitude and Accountancy has been particularly helpful, and I
ensure I learn something new every day. To further improve my routine, I avoid using my phone before
bedtime, choosing instead to read self-help or courtroom novels. Additionally, I have replaced watching Netflix
with engaging documentaries. These changes have collectively contributed to a more disciplined and productive
study schedule.

Krityasudha Vyas
12th E


School Newsletter | Issue #3 May 2024



In order to create sensitivity towards Principal Ms. Manju Sharma also gave
the environment and birds and to the message to the students to help
develop a sense of social the birds and animals by placing the
responsibility, MPS International School bird feeders made by them at their
organised an exchange of bird feeders homes and taking proper care of them
and nests among the students. Along and thus contributing to the
with this, the children learnt to share conservation of the environment.
their things, thoughts and experiences.


School Newsletter | Issue #3 May 2024


Class 7 students of MPS International School While visiting the bio lab, the inspector
visited the Science Park under which the also explained to the students in detail
students got special information related to the about the ancient medical system and all
traffic park, planetarium and bio lab. the stages of its development. School
Planetarium was a special attraction for the Secretary Mr. Deepak Sharda and Principal
students in which the students got to know Ms. Manju Sharma assured the students
about the solar system, planets, stars, earth that more plans will be made for
revolving around the sun etc. The students also educational tours in the coming session
learnt difficult principles of physics while which will help in increasing the knowledge
playing. Along with this, the students also got and entertainment of the students.
special information related to 3D theatre and
its working system and space science.


School Newsletter | Issue #3 May 2024



On the occasion of Hand Holder's Day, the Principal Ms. Manju Sharma wished the
supporting staff working in MPS International supporting staff on Hand Holders Day and
School was honored. In the special prayer said that all of them are the backbone of
meeting, the students expressed their feelings the institution. It is only with their
through poetry recitation and dance. Also, by cooperation that the work in the institution
asking questions through a quiz, they goes on smoothly. The Principal changed
presented the importance of the supporting the name of Labor Day and announced to
class and their role in social and economic celebrate it as Hand Holder's Day every year
development to all the students. The school on 2 May in MPS International School and
family also organized some entertaining games also announced to give special honor to the
for the supporting staff. Mr. Mukesh and best performing hand holder. Along with
Hemlata ji inspired all the supporting staff to honoring the employees, they were also
work with full devotion and honesty with their given gifts.
blessings and expressed their gratitude to the
school family.


School Newsletter | Issue #3 May 2024


MPS International recently hosted a comprehensive Following the training session, students
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) training and teachers were encouraged to
program aimed at enhancing life-saving skills among attend a one-day training program.
students. The program was led by esteemed
doctors from Mahatma Gandhi Hospital, Dr. Shristi At the end of the session, mementos
Jain, Dr. Sulekha Saxena and Dr. Priyanshi Gupta were distributed to all our guests by
Gupta, and catered to students of classes 11 and 12. School Secretary Er. Deepak Sharda,
The program focused on both theoretical Principal Ms. Manju Sharma and
knowledge and practical application, and the event Teachers Ms. Anamika Parashar and
commenced with insightful remarks from the School Ms. Anita Dhabbas.
Secretary, Er. Deepak Sharada. He emphasized the
importance of being proactive in helping others and
being a God for someone.


School Newsletter | Issue #3 May 2024



At MPS International, various programs were Mr. Deepak ji Sharda, the school secretary
organized to celebrate Mother's Day. The and a Computer Engineer, praised the
event was graced by special guests, children's performances and emphasized
including the indescribable nature of a mother's love.
Mrs. Chhabi ji Soni, Mrs. Khushboo ji Parwal, Principal Ms. Manju Sharma emphasized
Mrs. Meenakshi ji Kabra, Mrs. Kiran ji Birla, and that mothers are the second form of God
Mrs. Sudha ji Kahalya, who were all felicitated on earth, and their sacrifice and dedication
with saplings. The program began with the deserve to be honored not just on one day,
chanting of the Hanuman Chalisa, followed but every day. Building Secretary Mr.
by a wonderful dance performance by the Mahesh Chandak extended his gratitude to
children. The children also expressed their all the mothers and special guests present.
love for their mothers through songs, Mementos were presented to all the guests
creating an emotional atmosphere. The by the Secretary, Building Secretary, MMC
presence of the children's mothers made the members, and the Principal.
occasion even more special.


School Newsletter | Issue #3 May 2024



In a motivating event held on 11th May at Ms. Monica Mukhi and
MPS International AV Room, students of Ms. Deepsikha Ghai provided valuable
classes 11 and 12 delved into the theme of insights as a guest speaker, while the event
self-discovery. Organized by OCS (Office commenced with the words of the school
of Career Services) spearheaded by - counselor, Dr. Bhoomika Kabra Ma'am.
The occasion served as a platform for
Ms. Deepshikha Ghai and supported by
students to reflect on their identities and
Principal Ms. Manju Sharma Ma'am. The
embrace the journey of self-discovery,
event saw enthusiastic participation from
emphasizing the significance of self-
the students. introspection in personal development.
Several students took the stage to share
their thoughts, highlighting the challenge
of speaking about oneself as compared to
speaking about others. The event aimed
to underscore the importance of self-
awareness and self-discovery in one's
personal growth journey.


School Newsletter | Issue #3
May 2024


Janvika Biyani
Janvika Biyani, a student from MPS International School Jaipur, secured a remarkable
percentage of 99.8% in the Class 10 CBSE board exams and achieved the title of City
The results were released on May 13, 2024.
Heartiest congratulations to Janvika Biyani for her remarkable achievement.
Heemika Maheshwari, a student at MPS International, secured a commendable
percentage of 94.4% in the Class 12 CBSE board exams and became the School
Topper from the Science Stream.
Moreover, MPS International witnessed exceptional performances from its Commerce
and Humanities streams. Mannat Sharma from the Humanities stream scored 96.2%
in the Class 12 CBSE board exams and achieved the title of School Topper in
In addition, Hardik Khandelwal from the Commerce Section achieved outstanding
results, scoring 97.2% and securing the title of School Topper in the Commerce
MPS INTERNATIONAL is extremely proud of them and wishes them all the best of luck
for their future.


School Newsletter | Issue #3 May 2024

Education Trip For Students
The students of classes 9 to 12 at M.P.S.
International enjoyed an educational tour of
Mussoorie, Rishikesh, and Haridwar. In
Mussoorie, the students visited Mall Road,
Kempty Falls, and Gun Hill, where they learned
about their natural and historical significance.

In Rishikesh, they visited Robbers Cave,

Buddha Temple, Eco Park, Adventure Park,
Mussoorie~Haridwar and the Forest Research Institute. The
~Rishikesh students found peace at the Buddha
Temple and gained knowledge about social
forestry, environment, entomology, and
research at the Forest Research Institute

In Haridwar, the students participated in the Ganga

Aarti, experiencing spiritual and mental peace while
learning about the Ganga's social, religious, and
scientific importance. The educational tour was
completed under the guidance of the school secretary,
Mr. Deepak Sharda, a computer engineer, and the
building Secretary, Mr. Mahesh Chandak. Teacher
Harish Vijay led the tour. Principal Ms. Manju Sharma
stated that educational tours are useful for enhancing
children's mental and intellectual development and
their overall personality, and similar educational tours
will be organized in the future.


School Newsletter | Issue #3 May 2024


Rudra Maheshwari Hetvi Vaswani


Manik Chawala
Mansavita Mathur
School Newsletter | Issue #3 May 2024

I gave the best I had,
But he gave nothing good,
It was all my error
The person who taught me the ways to utilize
Was I!
That I let them go away from my heart,
I always aid them in flying their ideology so hard.

Now see they are manipulating me,

Now see they are killing my children,
Now see they are killing their brothers and sisters, Kritika Baheti
And I have no weapon to fight, X-F
I can now only shout
By the thunderstorm I had,
And just warn them
By putting my hands off,
Away from their head.

It is all when I will burst,

And nothing will stay in my heart,
Just the ashes retired.

After a few years,

I will give a new birth to my new tots,
And carrying my soul in a deep core
As my jewels,
That is behind the barrier,
Where I still cry louder and louder, Aarav Singh Parihar
And ever! VIII-C
For the mess that had then...
Purvi Malpani


School Newsletter | Issue #3 May 2024

Coming Up
Internships for school students are vital as

CAREER they provide practical experience, skill

development, and career exploration.
They help students apply classroom

SERVICES knowledge in real-world

enhancing critical thinking and problem-
solving abilities. Internships

Success is the sum of networking opportunities, resume building,
small efforts, repeated day
and increased employability, often leading
in and day out." —Robert
to job offers. They foster personal growth,
responsibility, and confidence, and can
OCS is a platform that is organized to take
improve academic engagement.
a step toward many new and varied
Additionally, internships strengthen college
career options, Career Counselling, letting
applications by demonstrating commitment
the students know about their passion and and providing content for essays and
abilities, making the students prepare for recommendations. Overall, internships
their future by training them about the bridge the gap between education and
various important documents required to professional work, offering significant
give their future a flight. benefits for students.

E-GENESIS MAY 2024 Page 19

School Newsletter | Issue #3 May 2024

Internships by YouVah

You can apply for different in-demand

courses like Digital marketing, Video editing,
Graphic designing etc.

15 Days of hands-on Intensive Training
with Top Mentor
1 month guaranteed internship in Top
Brands of India after training.
Training Certificate corresponded to IIM
Ahmedabad and IIM Bangalore.
Internship Certificate from Top Brands
of India.

E-GENESIS MAY 2024 Page 20

School Newsletter | Issue #3 May 2024

Internship with Pledge a Smile

Interning with the PLEDGE A SMILE TEAM has been a great
way to learn more about the world around you every day.
It is a wonderful way to stay connected to social justice
issues and learn about cutting-edge social and
environmental activism and help PLEDGE A SMILE
FOUNDATION amplify the work done by change-makers in
the country.

They provide opportunities for you to contribute to society

and explore by devoting a few hours per day. As of now,
they’re offering an internship in the 5 Major Fields
described below:

1 Educational Outreach
2.Digital Marketing and Promotions
3. Content Writing
4. Survey and Reporting
5. Fund Raising

E-GENESIS MAY 2024 Page 21

School Newsletter | Issue #3 May 2024

Internship by Muskurahat Foundation

Internship by Muskurahat Foundation
As a fundraising intern you will -

Dedicate a month to this internship - 30 Days

Work from home with flexible hours as per your
Upon successful completion receive a certificate
for internship
Learn the basics of crowdfunding, and get certified
for the same
Get paid for your contribution of skills and time

What will you learn

Crowdfunding 101
Interpersonal Skills
Overview Of Social Sector

E-GENESIS MAY 2024 Page 22

School Newsletter | Issue #3 May 2024

Student Corner
Vacation Study Tip
During vacations, maintain a light study routine by
setting aside a specific time each day for brief, focused
study sessions. This helps keep your mind engaged and
prevents forgetting what you've learned, while still
allowing you to enjoy your break. For example, dedicate
30 minutes each morning to review key concepts or
practice problems before starting your day.

Pomodoro Method
Another effective study tip is to implement the Pomodoro
Technique. Break your study time into intervals, typically
25 minutes of focused work followed by a 5-minute break.
After four intervals, take a longer break of 15-30 minutes.
This approach helps maintain high levels of focus and
productivity while preventing burnout.

1. Ephemeral - Lasting for a very short time.
- Example: The beauty of the sunset was ephemeral, fading within minutes.
2. Sagacious - Having or showing keen mental discernment and good judgment; wise.
- Example: The sagacious leader guided the team through the crisis with wisdom and tact.
3. Languid - Displaying or having a disinclination for physical exertion or effort; slow and relaxed.
- Example: She spent the languid afternoon reading in the hammock.
4. Ubiquitous - Present, appearing, or found everywhere.
- Example: Smartphones have become ubiquitous in modern society.
5. Acrimonious - (Typically of speech or a debate) angry and bitter.
- Example: The discussion turned acrimonious, with both parties raising their voices in
6. Obfuscate - Render obscure, unclear, or unintelligible.
- Example: The politician's answers only served to obfuscate the issue further.
7. Serendipity - The occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial
- Example: Finding the quaint little café was pure serendipity during our walk through the city.

E-GENESIS MAY 2024 Page 23


1. Krityasudha Vyas XII-E - Chief Editor

2. Dakshita Tyagi XI-D - Associate Editor

3. Injla Shariq XII-B - Editor- Compilation

4. Tanisha Sharma XII-B - Editor- Designing and


5. Vidush Jain XII-C - Incharge- OCS Blog

6. Twisha Jethani IX-B - Junior Chief Editor

7. Krishangi Mukhi VIII- D - Junior Associate


8. Mahi Maheshwari VIII-C - Junior Editor

E-GENESIS 2024-2025

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