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Business Communication, Organization, Management & Writing:

Defining communication, Process of communication, Communication Model, Channels of

communication, Types of communication, Dimensions of communication, Barriers to communication
Verbal, Non-Verbal, Formal, Informal communication, Fundamental of Business writing, Format of
Business, Types of Business letter, Inquiry letter, complaint letter Persuasive letter, Proposal, Report
Writing, Employment Messages Writing Resume, Application letter, Writing the opening paragraph,
Writing the closing paragraph, summarizing

 Communication Process Model

 Formal Communication
 Informal Communication
 Objectives of Communication
 Essentials of Communication
 Barriers of Communication
 7C’s of Communication

 Communication is simply the act of transferring information from one place, person or group to
 Every communication involves (at least) one sender, a message and a recipient.
 The sender ‘encodes’ the message, usually in a mixture of words and nonverbal communication.
It is transmitted in some way (for example, in speech or writing), and the recipient ‘decodes’ it.

The Communication Process Model:

1 Business Computing


Forms of Communication:
Communication may be in various forms, Communication may be classified on the following basis

Formal Communication:
Formal communication is a flow of information through formally established channels in an
organization. It is mainly controlled by managers or people occupying higher position in an
organization. Formal communication is exchanging official information between two or more people
within the same organization, by following predefined rules and using official channels of
communication. Mostly, it is done in written form. Formal channels include emails, meetings,
conference calls, speeches, handouts, etc.

2 Business Computing


Informal Communication:
Informal Communication refers to communication on the basis of personal relations. It is
unstructured, unofficial and unplanned. It does not follow the formal channels established by the
management, it often flows between friends and intimates and related with personal rather than
‘positional’ matters. It cannot be demonstrated on chart and not regulated by formal rules and
procedure. It is also referred to grapewine communication. Grapewine communication carries
unofficial information. It is not a reliable source of communication.

Informal communication refers to the communication that flows without following the formal
defined path. An informal communication system is also known as grapevine. Under informal
communication, a piece of information flows in all directions without paying any heed to the level or
authority. Examples of informal oral communication include: Face-to-face conversations.

Vertical communication
Vertical communication is sharing information hierarchically — from top to bottom (Downward) or
bottom to top (Upward).

3 Business Computing


Downward Communication:
Downward communication is the formal chain of direction to subordinates and conveys information,
pertaining to organization's objectives, policies and strategies.

Nature of Downward Communication is Authoritative and Directive

Flow: Superior to subordinate.

Purpose: To give orders, instructions, advice or assign responsibilities.

Examples: Circulars and Notices

Upward Communication:
Upward communication is the line of communication through which subordinates can convey
information, to their seniors.

Nature of Upward Communication is Participative and Appellative

Flow: Subordinate to superior.

Purpose: To make complaints or appeal, give feedback and suggestions

Examples: Reports, direct letters and proposals

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Horizontal Communication:
 Horizontal communication sometimes referred to as lateral communication.
 Horizontal communication is sharing information across all organizational levels among people,
departments or teams at the same level in an organization.
 The goal here is to promote a feeling of unity and collaboration. For that reason, it often goes
hand-in-hand with a bottom-up leadership style.
 It’s becoming more popular in businesses today, especially creative ones.
 It’ll help everyone feel equally empowered to share their ideas and shape the company.

Advantages of horizontal communication

 Promotes teamwork and a company-wide sense of unity

 Decreases misunderstandings because the same information is shared with everyone
 Improves problem-solving skills and boosts creativity
 Makes it easier to coordinate teams and tasks
 Helps employees feel empowered
 Boosts transparency

Diagonal Communication:

Verbal Communication
Verbal communication is a type of communication where we use spoken and written words to get
our message and information across to the other person.

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Oral Communication:
Oral communication is the process of verbally transmitting information and ideas from one
individual or group to another.

It is a process that involves face to face conversation, telephonic conversation, speech, radio,
television, voice over the internet.

Nonverbal Communication:
Nonverbal communication, transfer of information from one person to another without the use of
words or spoken language. Nonverbal communication can occur in a variety of ways, including
through facial expressions, gestures, and body posture or position.

1. Stronger Decision Making: Your ability to communicate effectively increases productivity, both
yours and your organization.
2. Increased Productivity: With good communication skills, you can anticipate problems, make
decisions, co-ordinate work flow, supervise others, develop relationships and promote products
and services.
3. Steadier Work Flow: Communication acts as tool for the effective work related flow of
4. To give and Receive Information: Communication’s main idea is to give and receive information
because managers need complete, accurate and precise information to plan and organize

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