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ne Seog Tent Be | Faber & an a Comair, Oso, certats plop he ana siening ~en vidual ~~ Physical Jetoud Mathtnes. = Y f | AL fep_ cloud. provideas Support Kuberne tes, v v * ister, G Goals developed On inkaned syskre colted theta? Cates rarmid as Orme) to deploy ® martag, thousand: google Loplicahin eI sewteh on then ebaly, 1 2 |Tn 201 + google introduced Fubearikes an open source Y olbiferm ovitka in *Gotany? RI dota denotid Ho NCP. oO Crctoud Native campating found iediog ONLINE PLATFORM FoR kSS y Kubeunetes Plogeround : Ploy coth Feel Plaly with Fisbeaneks _ Cloanroor Cloud Based EBs Santas j Git Goel Pubanidkes Sevites. SAS 2 Azo Fubuneks Sevice. —3 Amaren Urs + (Clase. Kubeaneles Services). LISS SN ¥ (@ Scanned with OKEN Scanner KuseRneres INSTALLATION | ON “Tool ff Pecklerne wath Sealing Gp He. Goleta | “G (Centeines cannot communicate vetth each otha,» > Pevtescnbing “RK bead Beery toas not * possible k f + | i Gridines Fad Jo be mranogd corefoty. ' C V U chibe Fears a Kubounetes. > seppowlt Tybwd Closd Ovtheslvadtion CClushaing of any: not Sf, sented rrenning en effect Grjus’y)* Auto Scoting . (Verticad B Hesiseniel Seating ) Auto eating 5 lead Baonetng ot ° PlaMown Indepindent (Cloud Sorrel /Phygicol fasdt “Teleante CNode /pop failae). Reliback Cycing back to previous Version). SIMU Ia fl fe | Heath + Monvlowing. ef Gonitinas. Both Erection Cone! time » SequanHal 7 Parotid) | al (@ Scanned with OKEN Scanner ‘Seppets “EBs can west Lith woevk cathy almod alt cenletnas deck onl, / ape Like Rocket, oy Conleine | ii » cemtoiner) 4 CHUL Guz Axailale GUL” net - = availble | L == i I oO Shokeed with} tan be Shoud ~ pote! Volarned ote I samme) wlth any othe r Pop 1 condemned, ~Up&cstis % Pollack | Poocess Schad do mamein seqavices ahi “apa. A 16-SeoQt Support Vertiiad R “¢ Hovizentel Fakta ——I a _Legdi Tnbuilt tol pres aT dos Moniterity Rqoniteg |! 7 U (@ Scanned with OKEN Scanner (= / ¥ Archies of Kabaneks 6 “Mosk -Slowé Clea =Seuas 5 F 4 = SS i ~ [ ; t . a) | Z (LLL (@ Scanned with OKEN Scanner Lect! 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Gomporents CN moskit thot unk controller. fy Node Conivell > for chiokig the clead SS provide. to detamin, Te Oo nade hos ban diteckd dn ohn Cloud fee +t rt Stops “esperdivg.. > Rok - Controle responsible. for settig. ——— _nekoosk Soutes of sou S 0 P Sevite Cnbellea o Responsible Tad on free “cloud. Net Services, of qt Botanica. (@ Scanned with OKEN Scanner aT ia amount volumes andj < eth the cloud “Pines do Ore a “a —T_ volume. Zz - “plots (Kiba and Ce ceo Boge) < * [Node ts to ven 3 ienbesterey piese aL Eras + fag @hublt = a6 faere wenninge on dhe nok. aD t > use Pork l02sS i = Send = Qurecess Zfel 2 sepork do rash i © Confetner. Ergin _ Crock. , Pocket) ___ 4 works with jeubelet _ L SS Pou penagens wulistet slop “Conieines ey SL Bou posing “contend pos Sperified ra MS eran] . 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Spent flannel is ea +e ar Biron in} each node. ty ORs Fubect] -f ilps 2] eroso 9 Phebe |e tenent tom / core nef J rash, (Documentation) . J Fabe “Ponnd arn] oe j (@ Scanned with OKEN Scanner Se aha) on™ “Bezarniaion ede Pngt | | Detarniation /ieas-rranifats /F yh: yet: cies . . = = |] paste Y command in both the notes, — = pe emma = + go +0 pas pe a ||Kebke HA get neds {et : _ (@ Scanned with OKEN Scanner ‘pet Kebeneks in Bete “ aE a lye constant] Werk to encune treat — - og COhet con tai \\s\ [fet tolerance. Ve Labancks tes objects Se epeient tea stk Luster qe rized —applicad: “Tondo ek reat . The policies oround hous those opp lichen, behave 7 Such as vest policies ep 28 afer Once you Create tre object » the Eobaneks vat epuist KR rrotelein's cluskalg duaived grate eS x Cue Eirberneka abject includes eo meted fretds tro# = the object confty- the bie! Spec “ots 1 Siobe, |! g 3 PT eohth we provide. ) describes your desi Stele for the wbyect - the choraMshee thet you want dhe Object de haves V _o|TAc gles deauibes He actua) stati of heh Ber kts Supplied and opieted by Yn ~_[pibeneks “syatem': t 3 a ‘ * { SDL A objects one dented, byw anique name, [era Urb: u q ! : a (@ Scanned with OKEN Scanner Thee Beate eebanedks Spent Predede = (T) Pod ® peewee 6) Seviee @_ ony Foes Volurre, ® Deplopmranits & Namespace (QQ Fobs - ® Pepli Sats (Ie) Daemons - : pant { He SSN os YAMIL fles. Tt cepaten ag ° + e You. Cred. tise and then push them to Ye. Febeuncte sel cwoith Fubect. Pop rrenoss ae icoset Tre Che Savices _ empose me do the cedside world. Configmopt ar secre co ge haps gow Op Seok, hte Spe Replies G72) Sine: Clorncot Stunts) Narre Post Vole. Ustala) pul bef LAL os Joep emd pelathed, (dntoutt) \ } | | | (@ Scanned with OKEN Scanner Live Objects + .' 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Now onwards, we wilt ate fubect{ eammandy Ly fo chucle nodes in FORA J he Jeabect] discsibe node ip. Fa 3134-66 a, (@ Scanned with OKEN Scanner i ahoX i + wba ~ - 4 command! L'/binfsash", "6", “ahi ° tree; do edo Hetto ~Ghespindty j Sles}s | | ey Letvestoth polity » fe Ee Nowe, = eg, By 2f Kubect] apy hy Ppa oll wat | =f podiryrn| Hf et , i 6 2 ofp 3 Ped Jrestped — Creacted . ory | =! [Febecit get pack | a Fi i [PF eat pod T/s Punt sll Kat elf you want Jo gee, whue exactly pod is SH antes so NX va s! Kei gels =O wide sd esas) gh ee [ } (@ Scanned with OKEN Scanner Fobead dacribe pod tained | oy : pal dascite “ped, fealped Tuk if info obet He ped. 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Jobols te deg nedss. = U | | yeux the Sete tS ed abel acelecters = Specify He. pot UH, por of specific. neds. t o |fivet we give Lobel fo fhe node . | : | > [tRen ubbe Aed selector te ft ae ee —_|Hien: | By PodGyrnt v [CBRE pot ~Sd ~_ Spesion: vi } || meladates { — ramet nodelobels SH Lotels : oe || envy leyeloperanth “SL i} E j (@ Scanned with OKEN Scanner Vcomdetnns: snare} COO 4 ge barks . cendrent? 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Gg > ; i \2| Rolling, Updates 9 Opis yo Savice. br | | lacing pods ome by one. nl MK] “F $4 ¢ “I r (@ Scanned with OKEN Scanner lee Grete I —— coryyo} 44° replicon controller is ao object thas. “atl ou 48 easily cacke Bible a ee sone Hret number pod }— ce mush: U =, oe pod cracked using RC coltt be qutoralcatly replaced ep tage dees evesh] elles) ov Wmindtied » T Rc tS wecommendd If you just wonth 46 rrake SUL pod ke! Weoade.. neenrieg ¥ gv ever atk. sugen -rebeols. 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Greets 1. al|[FabecH dlde —-$ sagged J ¢ G of”s =Rplicationcontrellan —Crriprep lin SL - Ut : | EobecH gat re + . maar Solps No ~esounces und 7 i} | C : je fe Sofas! Tames} oh ee jeabeay py pe t @ (& Scanned with OKEN Scanner \Ne 2 4 B Rapltost wath than fC Peplicalion Conbelle Tt aseds bg nether cbecda Like! deplgrent ] 5 etn t ReplisGet Uke , alae? opps Nt J oe (@ Scanned with OKEN Scanner “| kind. © Baplinsed ap ealen appe/vi Mamet mys sreplicass 2 sebctor; rmatch Sepuaien ~eieg is myname, opamoterr 5 Tn, = bea! anv » opercdor; Notin , + “CT @hupindsk » nt y hope values, Cpveduckens } Fergie mmetadote.’ Tomes testpod dobdss * mareme! Bhupindar spect ions? —Mamet coo + irrege ubanta, [| fommand $C" /bin/besh”, *=6", "echile “rae 5 de cho Technitod ~ Guplou 7 slesbS 5 re] vy aes ay? 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