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Ths Nguyễn Thanh Tú

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Ths Nguyễn Thanh Tú
Đơn vị tài trợ / phát hành / chia sẻ học thuật :
Nguyen Thanh Tu Group

Hỗ trợ trực tuyến

Mobi/Zalo 0905779594
Ngày thi: 17/12/2023
ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút, không kể thời gian phát đề
(Đề gồm 10 trang)

I. LISTENING (4.0 points)

PART 1. Listen to the recording twice and write on your answer sheet with ONE WORD AND/OR A
NUMBER for each answer. (1.0 point)
Phone number: (1) _______________
USA Address : 509 Clark House,
1137 (2) _______________ drive in Seattle
Packing day: Monday
Date: 11th (3) _______________
Clean-up by: 5:00 p.m.
Day: (4) _______________
About the Price: Rather expensive
Storage Time: (5) _______________

PART 2. You will hear part of a tutorial between two students and their tutor. The students are doing a
research project on computer use.
Listen to the conversation carefully and mark the correct answer A, B, or C on your answer sheet. You
will listen to the recording twice. (1.0 point)
1. Sami and Irene decided to do a survey about access to computer facilities because _______________
A. mostly no one had investigated this before.
B. their tutor suggested this topic.
C. this was a problem for many students.
2. Sami and Irene had problems with the reading for their project because _______________
A. the language was too technical.
B. not much had been written about this topic.
C. they could not locate the books in the library.
3. How did Sami and Irene get the key data in their survey after having an idea?

A. From face-to-face interviews
B. From observation of students
C. From online questionnaires
4. How many access computer centres at the university did they go to get the data?
A. 3
B. 5
C. 7
5. What proportion of students surveyed thought that a booking system would be the best solution?
A. 45%
B. 65%
C. 77%

PART 3. You will hear a teacher giving her students advice for exams. Listen carefully and complete
the passage below. Write on your answer sheet NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS OR NUMBERS
for each blank. (2.0 points)
Advice for Exams
- The audience are advised to (1) ___________ as she is talking.
- Food can give you energy but eat sweets or drinking cola or sugar won't help you study but (2)
___________ will, for example apples.
- Find a comfortable place, not 'too' comfortable, with (3) ___________ when studying.
- Try and keep a positive mind and be relaxed. Have a break If you start (4) ___________ like going out
for a stroll around the block.
- Choose the (5) ___________ the things that will get you most points in an exam.
- Learn the main ideas and don't worry too much about (6) ___________.
- Make notes of (7) ___________ and read them, then cover them up and try to remember all the points.
- Use past exam papers in the library to help you understand what kind of questions (8) ___________.
- Take (9) ___________ while you are studying. Five-minutes is usually enough.
- Drink a glass of water to (10) ___________.

II. LEXICO - GRAMMAR (4.0 points)

A. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following sentences.(1,5 points)

1. I am supposed to submit the assignment by Friday, _________ ?
A. aren't I B. did I C. don't I D. shall I
2. Yesterday I met my friend _________ gave me a cat on my birthday.
A. that B. whom C. which D. whose
3. After graduating from school, I am going to ________ for a job in mobile marketing.
A. shortlist B. recruit C. apply D. specialise
4. My favourite pastime is playing _______ guitar, but my best friend prefers playing _________ tennis.
A. x/x B. the/x C. a/a D. a/the
5. After my father got a well-paid job at an international company, we moved to a ___________
A. respect B. respectful C. respecting D. respectable
6. Hard-working and talented students should be given more opportunities _________ their skills.
A. developing B. to develop C. developed D. develop
7. Some chemicals which ________ the air quality and cause health problems can be used for cleaning
A. affect B. dispose C. breathe D. promote
8. My parents _________ a lot of their time writing letters before they started using social media to
connect with their relatives.
A. spent B. had spent C. can spend D. spends
9. My plane _________ fifty minutes late so I missed a date with Dr. Watson last week.
A. turned round B. carried on C. put out D. took off
10 . Many people believe that the novel will be a best seller when it ________.
A. will be publised B. was publised C. is publised D. has published
11. After a hesitation took them six weeks, they decided to ________ on the business deal.
A. speak of the devil B. feel under the weather
C. cut corners D. see eye to eye
12. My best friend is upset because she has to ________ school next week.
A. drop out of B. run out of C. talk back to D. come up with
13. John went to bed early last night _________ he was tired.
A. although B. because C. but D. so that
14. Employers always want job _________ to be able to demonstrate their skills and qualities.
A. employees B. workers C. staff D. applicants
15. I would be grateful for an opportunity to visit your company and discuss my application with you in

A. privacy B. face C. individual D. person

B. Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits
in the space in the same line. Write your answers on the answer sheet. (0.5 point)


I was really (1) ________________ (ENTHUSIASM) about my first visit to a fashion show. I
had always loved fashion but had only ever seen models in advertisements on TV. Finally, I was going to
see a real show! I got out my most fashionable clothes. I wanted to look as (2) ________________
(STYLE) as the models. I don't know if I was completely successful, but I never had much money to
spend on clothes and I felt (3) _______________ (ATTRACT), which is the main thing. When we got
there, it was fantastic! There were so many beautiful women! The show started and imagine my surprise
when, completely (4) _________________ (EXPECT), the first model was wearing clothes just like I
was! Everyone saw the (5) _________________ (SIMILAR) and a couple of people asked me who my
stylist was! Amazing!

C. Read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct, but some have a
word which should not be there. If a line is correct, put a tick (✓) in the space provided on your
answer sheet. If a line has a word which should not be there, write the word in the space provided on
your answer sheet. (1 point)
1. My wedding has been being arranged for months. I knew exactly what
2. I wanted for that special day. I had the caterers to give me a menu and
3. have got them to provide me with samples so that I could be sure we
4. would have the best food. I also wanted to have us a string quartet play
5. a classical music and I arranged that, too. My dress was being made
6. especially and I had the dressmaker put silver thread in it. Finally, the
7. big day when arrived. My dress was being delivered in the morning,

8. but by at ten it still hadn't arrived. They called me and said it had been

9. damaged! I was furious! I had my best friend quickly pop out and get a

10. new dress. I got my lawyer that to call to get my money back.

D. Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs in the brackets. Write your answers on the
answer sheet. (0,5 point)
In the US, many high school students learn to drive and get part-time jobs after celebrating their
16th birthday. At 18, people in the United States (1. vote) _____________ in government will elections
and join the military, but they are prohibited from going into nightclubs, buying alcohol like beer or
wine, or (2. gamble) ______________ until they are 21.
In many Latin American countries, a young woman's 15th birthday is important. At this age, she
is no longer considered to be a girl, but a woman. (3. mark) _____________ this special day, families
with 15-year-old daughters have a celebration called a quinceañera. The day (4. begin) ______________
with the young woman and her family going to the church. Later, there is a party to which many guests
(5. invite) ______________.

E. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with suitable particles. (0) has been done as an example.
Write your answers on the answer sheet. (0,5 point)
0. Look out! The tree is falling towards you.

1. Lots of people got ill when the Covid-19 pandemic broke _________ in April.
2. Meggie came down _________ the cold, which meant she couldn't work.
3. The policewoman chased _________ the pickpocket, brought him to the ground and finally arrested
4. Luckily, the bomb disposal squad defused the bomb before it went _________.
5. I know we had an argument, and now we decided to break _________.

III. READING (5.0 points)

A. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase
that best fits each of the numbered blanks. (1 point)

It seems entirely natural to us that there are teams of (1) __________ in universities and other
institutions around the world, attempting to discover the way the world works. However, it hasn't always
been that way. (2) __________ the scientific method is now four or five hundred years old, the ancient
Greeks, for example, believed that they could work out the (3) __________ of natural events just by the
power of thought.
During the 17th century, more and more people began to realize that they could test their
scientific ideas by designing a relevant experiment and seeing what happened. A lot of (4) __________
was made in this way by individual scientists. These men and women often worked alone, carrying out
research into many different areas of science, and they often received very little reward for their hard

work. (5) __________ the start of the 20th century, though, it became clear that science was becoming
more complicated and more expensive. This individual scientist disappeared, to be replaced by highly
qualified teams of experts. Modern science was born.
1. A. scientists B. science C. scientific D. scientifically
2. A. Therefore B. Instead of C. Because D. Although
3. A. aims B. causes C. purposes D. reasons
4. A. analysis B. attempt C. progress D. event
5. A. At B. In C. On D. For

B. Read the following passage and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in
each. (2 points)
What do you imagine cities will be (1) __________ in the future? Will we have smart buildings
and flying cars? Or robots that will pick up our rubbish? What about schools? Will we still travel to
school or will we study (2) __________ from home? Perhaps all the buildings and roads will be
underground and we'll just have parks and cycle lanes above.
Maybe ... or maybe not, but what we do know is that in the future, cities are going to (3)
__________ more and more people living in them. More than half (4) __________ world's people
already live in cities, and by 2050, cities will become home to about 6.5 billion people.
That's a lot of people and very little space! More people means that we're going to have more
pollution, traffic and noise. It also means that we'll need much (5) __________ homes, schools,
hospitals, jobs and transport. We'll need more resources, like water and energy, and more ways to grow
food too. Oh, and more parks (6) __________ play in!
Many cities are already planning for the future. For example, Bristol is a cycling city in England.
You can hire a bike, (7) __________ of taking a car or bus, and ride in cycle lanes (8) __________ are
separated from the traffic. In Singapore, people are looking 'up' to grow food! To save space, they grow
vegetables in lots of layers in special tall buildings, (9) __________ 'vertical farms'. And in Amsterdam
in the Netherlands, there are 'floating houses' built (10) __________ water instead of on land! What do
you think city life will be like in the future?

C. Read the following passage and put A, B, C, D and E into the blanks from 1 to 5 to indicate the
information which is suitable for each paragraph.(1 point)


Yoga is a healthy lifestyle. One of the benefits of yoga is that you can choose a yoga style that is
suitable for your lifestyle, such as hot yoga, power yoga, relaxation yoga, etc. If you are a yoga beginner,
Hatha Yoga, which focuses on basic postures at a comfortable pace, would be great for you. If you want
to increase strength through using more of your own body's resistance, (1) __________. Whether you
prefer you're at home, in a private session, watching a DVD or at a studio or gym, there are a huge
variety of options available to suit your goals and needs.
(2) ____________. During your first class, you probably won't be able to touch your toes. But if
you stick with it, you'll notice a gradual loosening, and eventually, seemingly impossible poses will
become possible. Each of the yoga poses is built to reinforce the muscles around the spine, the very
center of your body, which is the core from which everything else operates. When the core is working
properly, posture is improved, thus alleviating back, shoulder, and neck pain.
Strong muscles do more than look good. They also protect us from conditions like arthritis and
back pain, and help prevent falls in elderly people. And when you build strength through yoga, you
balance it with flexibility. (3) ___________.
Yoga gets your blood flowing. More specifically, the relaxation exercises you learn in yoga can
help your circulation, especially in your hands and feet. (4) __________. Twisting poses are thought to
wring out venous blood from internal organs and allow oxygenated blood to flow in once the twist is
(5) __________ and led to greater levels of happiness and better immune function.

A. Improved flexibility is one of the first and most obvious benefits of yoga
B. Power Yoga may be right for you
C. Many studies found that a consistent yoga practice improved depression
D. Yoga also gets more oxygen to your cells, which function better as a result
E. If you just went to the gym and lifted weights, you might build strength at the expense of flexibility

D. Read the following passage and choose A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the
questions. (1 point)
Twenty-five students from Walling School are currently living in France. They are there for three
months as part of a living-abroad project. The 16- and 17-year-old students are living with French
families and attending a French school. Most of the students have taken French language classes for 3 or
4 years and are finally getting an opportunity to use their French.
Not only are students learning a new language, but they are learning about a new culture, too.
Students have been particularly surprised about the French attitude towards food. "They won't leave

anything on their plate," says Vanessa Athol. "They aren't wasteful at all." Vanessa has vowed to be more
careful with waste when returning to the United States.
The group's chaperone, Mrs. Smith, has been pleased with the students' acquisition of language.
"Even the most timid are trying their best to speak. The students are learning a lot. I'm very impressed,"
she said. Mrs. Smith added that she thinks living with a French family makes a difference because
students are forced to speak French. "We are all very grateful to the French families who are hosting us."
The French families are happy to have the students, as they are getting to learn about American
culture. Both groups will be celebrating the exchange at a large potluck dinner at the end of the stay.
There will be a slide show of memories and the students will speak about their experiences. Currently,
the American students are periodically posting pictures and student essays on the Walling School
website. "Living in France is an experience I'll never forget," writes student Tina Davis. "I know I'll want
to eat these croissants and this Camembert for the rest of my life!"
1. Which title would be the most suitable for this article?
A. French Families Love America
B. Student Tina Davis Lives in France
C. Walling School Website Posts Student Essays
D. Walling School Students Stay Abroad in France
2. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?
A. Students from Walling School are now staying in the USA.
B. These students are immigrants from the USA.
C. Walling School students are now staying with French families.
D. Walling School students are applying for jobs in France.
3. What can be implied about the culture in France?
A. It scares the students. B. It requires fluency in French.
C. It can be learned from a book. D. It's different from the culture in America.
4. In paragraph 2, the word vowed is closest in meaning to __________.
A. promised B. saved C. received D. changed
5. Based on the passage, what does Mrs. Smith probably think about learning French language?
A. It is more beautiful than Spanish.
B. It is very important for international communication.
C. It's best to learn it from living with a French family.
D. It is something each and every student needs to know.

IV. WRITING (5.0 points)

A. Write the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one. (1 point)
1. Teenagers are very excited with challenging video games.
→ The more .....................................................................................................................................................
2. People think that the local authority will build a supermarket in this town.
→ A supermarket .............................................................................................................................................
3. Richard took over the family business because his father decided to retire early.
→ If it hadn't ....................................................................................................................................................
4. The train arrived at the station. Shortly after that passengers rushed towards it.
→ No sooner ....................................................................................................................................................
5. Wearing face masks is compulsory at public places. It is a must-do for everyone.
→ Under no .....................................................................................................................................................

B. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word in capitals, and so that the meaning stays the
same. (1 point)
1. His family was too poor. He couldn't keep on studying at university. (PREVENTED)
→ ...................................................................................................................................................................
2. Even though it was raining heavily, the explorers decided to continue their journey. (AS)
→ ....................................................................................................................................................................
3. I wasn't surprised to hear that Bob had failed the driving test. (CAME)
→ ....................................................................................................................................................................
4. You could be arrested for not giving a breath sample to the police. (REFUSAL)
→ ....................................................................................................................................................................
5. It was unnecessary for you to pick her up at the airport. Harry drove her home. (NEEDN'T)
→ ....................................................................................................................................................................

C. Write an essay (about 180-250 words) (3 points)

Many people prefer using public transportation while others say that personal cars are the best means of
transportation. Excessive use of private cars is considered to be the main reason for the traffic jam in
many cities and that's why the use of public transportation is encouraged.
In your opinion, what are the advantages of using public transport?


Ngày thi: 17/12/2023
ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút, không kể thời gian phát đề
(Đề gồm 10 trang)

I. LISTENING (4.0 points)

PART 1. Listen to the recording twice and write on your answer sheet with ONE WORD AND/OR A
NUMBER for each answer. (1.0 point)
Phone number: (1) ____94635550____
USA Address : 509 Clark House,
1137 (2) ___University____ drive in Seattle
Packing day: Monday
Date: 11th (3) ___March____
Clean-up by: 5:00 p.m.
Day: (4) ____Thursday___
About the Price: Rather expensive
Storage Time: (5) _______1 month________

CLERK: Good morning, ma’am, and welcome to “Australia’s Moving Experience”! How can I help
WOMAN: Well, I... I hope you can help me. I’m so up in the air right now... I...
CLERK: Just calm down, now. Let me guess: you’re moving and it has you a little confused.
WOMAN: That’s it exactly. You see, I’m relocating to the United States next month and I’m having a
hard time getting organised.
CLERK: Here, fill out your name and address, and let me ask you a few questions. Oh, what should I
call you?
WOMAN: My name is Jane, Jane Bond.
CLERK: OK, Jane, first of all, what’s your work phone number? In case I have any questions about
WOMAN: My work phone is 94635550. But please try not to call me too often there. My boss hates

personal calls.
CLERK: So does mine, ma’am, so does mine. And what address should we ship your things to?
WOMAN: My new company is letting me stay temporarily at 509 Clark House, that’s C-L-A-R-K, 1137
University Drive in Seattle.
CLERK: Seattle? Beautiful city, I hear. Mountains right beside the ocean, almost. Cooler than Australia,
too. OK, and when should we come pack your things?
WOMAN: I guess that would be on Monday, March 11th.
CLERK: Do you want any help with an after-packing clean-up? We do that for a small additional
WOMAN: Yes, that would be helpful. I promised the landlord I’d give her the keys back by 5:00 p.m.
on Thursday, the 14th.
CLERK: Great, we’ll just schedule the clean-up for that day. That way, the place will smell clean and
there’ll be no dust.
WOMAN: Well, you do think of everything! Oh, how much is this going to cost?
CLERK: Here is a list of our basic prices.
WOMAN: Oh dear, this seems rather expensive!
CLERK: Yes ma’am, but you’re paying for the best. We’re careful and we’re fast. Like we say, the only
thing we break are speed records getting you moved.
WOMAN: Well... maybe that’s so... Oh, I nearly forgot to tell you. I don’t want my furniture shipped
with me. I won't be looking for an apartment till after I arrive in America. Would it be possible to put my
furniture in storage here for a month, then have it sent along later?
CLERK: Of course, we do that all the time. A couple of other things. Here at "A Moving Experience”,
we try to pack your things logically. We don’t just throw stuff in boxes.

PART 2. You will hear part of a tutorial between two students and their tutor. The students are doing a
research project on computer use.
Listen to the conversation carefully and mark the correct answer A, B, or C on your answer sheet. You
will listen to the recording twice. (1.0 point)
1. Sami and Irene decided to do a survey about access to computer facilities because _______________
A. mostly no one had investigated this before.
B. their tutor suggested this topic.
C. this was a problem for many students.
2. Sami and Irene had problems with the reading for their project because _______________
A. the language was too technical.

B. not much had been written about this topic.
C. they could not locate the books in the library.
3. How did Sami and Irene get the key data in their survey after having an idea?
A. From face-to-face interviews
B. From observation of students
C. From online questionnaires
4. How many access computer centres at the university did they go to get the data?
A. 3
B. 5
C. 7
5. What proportion of students surveyed thought that a booking system would be the best solution?
A. 45%
B. 65%
C. 77%
TUTOR: Dr. Barrett, Sami, come in. Is Irene with you?
SAMI: Yes.
TUTOR: Good. Sit down. Right, we're looking at how far you've got with your research project since we
last met. You decided to do a survey about computer facilities at the university, didn't you?
SAMI: That's right. We decided to investigate the university's open access centres, and in particular the
computer facilities. Lots of the students are having trouble getting access to a computer when they need
one. So we thought it would be a useful area to research.
TUTOR: Good. Fine. It's not a topic anyone has looked at before, as far as I know, so it's a good choice.
So what background reading did you do?
IRENE: Well, we looked in the catalogues in the library, but we couldn't find much that was useful. It's
such a specialised subject, hardly anything seems to have been published about it.
SAMI: And as well as that, the technology is all changing so quickly.
IRENE: But the Open Access Centre has an online questionnaire on computer use that it asks all the
students to do at the end of their first year. And the supervisor gave us access to that data, so we used it
as a starting point for our research. It wasn't exactly what we needed, but it gave us an idea of what we
wanted to find out in our survey. Then we designed our own questionnaire.
TUTOR: How did you use it?
SAMI: We approached students individually and went through our questionnaire with them on a one-to-
one basis.

TUTOR: So you actually asked them the questions?
SAMI: That's right. We made notes of the answers as we went along, and actually we found we got a bit
of extra information that way as well, about the underlying attitudes of the people we were interviewing
by observing the body language and things like that.
TUTOR: How big was your sample?
IRENE: Well, altogether we interviewed a random sample of 65 students, 55% male and 45% female.
TUTOR: And what about the locations and times of the survey?
IRENE: We went to the five Open Access computer centres at the university, and we got about equal
amounts of data at each one. It took us three weeks. We did it during the week, in the day and in the
TUTOR: Not the weekends.
TUTOR: So presumably your respondents were mostly full-time students?
IRENE: Yes. Oh, you mean we should have collected some data at the weekends from the part-time
students? We didn't think of that.
TUTOR: Okay, it's just an example of how difficult it is to get a truly random sample. So how far have
you got with the analysis of results?
SAMI: Well, everyone agreed there was a problem, but we're more interested in what they think should
be done about it. The most popular suggestion was for some sort of booking system. About 77% of the
students thought that would be best, but there were other suggestions. For example, about 65% of people
thought it would help if the opening hours were longer, like 24 hours a day.

PART 3. You will hear a teacher giving her students advice for exams. Listen carefully and complete
the passage below. Write on your answer sheet NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS OR NUMBERS
for each blank. (2.0 points)
Advice for Exams
- The audience are advised to (1) _____make some notes______ as she is talking.
- Food can give you energy but eat sweets or drinking cola or sugar won't help you study but (2) ______
fruit and cereals_____ will, for example apples.
- Find a comfortable place, not 'too' comfortable, with (3) ______plenty of light_____ when studying.
- Try and keep a positive mind and be relaxed. Have a break If you start (4) _____feeling anxious______
like going out for a stroll around the block.
- Choose the (5) _____the important things______ the things that will get you most points in an exam.
- Learn the main ideas and don't worry too much about (6) _____the details______.

- Make notes of (7) _____these key points______ and read them, then cover them up and try to
remember all the points.
- Use past exam papers in the library to help you understand what kind of questions (8) ___come up___.
- Take (9) ____regular breaks___ while you are studying. Five-minutes is usually enough.
- Drink a glass of water to (10) _____keep hydrated______.
Morning, everyone. Quiet, please. Right, OK. So, today I'm going to give you some advice to help you
prepare for the exams next week. So, make some notes as I'm talking, please. Everybody ready?

Now, while you're studying, eat food that gives you energy. Don't be tempted to eat sweets or drink cola.
Sugar won't help you study but fruit and cereals will. Apples, actually, are especially good.

Find a comfortable place with plenty of light when you study. But not 'too' comfortable or you'll fall

Try and keep a positive mind. It is easier to study when you are positive and relaxed. Now, if you start
feeling anxious, have a little break. Go out for a stroll around the block.

Don't try to learn everything. There isn't time. Just choose the 'important' things, the things that'll get
you the most points in an exam. And if you aren't sure about this, ask me.

First, learn the main ideas and don't worry too much about the details. If you have time, you can come
back later and read the details.

Make notes of these key points and read them, then cover them up and try to remember all the points.
Now, it might be boring, but repetition helps you to remember.

Use past exam papers to study. They will help you understand what kind of questions come up. There
are plenty of past exam papers in the library. You can photocopy them and take them home.

Take regular breaks while you're studying. A five-minute break every half hour is usually enough. Get
some fresh air and stretch your arms and legs. Drink a glass of water too. It's important to keep

And, last but not least, good luck! I'm sure you'll all do your best.

II. LEXICO - GRAMMAR (4.0 points)

A. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following sentences.(1,5 points)
1. I am supposed to submit the assignment by Friday, _________ ?
A. aren't I B. did I C. don't I D. shall I
- Hỏi đuôi của I am là aren’t I (vì am không có dạng phủ định viết tắt nên mượn aren’t)
Dịch: Tôi phải nộp bài tập vào thứ sáu phải không?

2. Yesterday I met my friend _________ gave me a cat on my birthday.

A. that B. whom C. which D. whose
- Loại B vì whom không làm S
- Loại C vì which thay cho N chỉ vật
- Loại D vì whose + N
Dịch: Hôm qua tôi gặp người bạn đã tặng tôi một con mèo vào ngày sinh nhật của tôi.

3. After graduating from school, I am going to ________ for a job in mobile marketing.
A. shortlist B. recruit C. apply D. specialise
- shortlist (v): chọn vào danh sách ngắn, lựa chọn các ứng viên tiềm năng
- recruit (v): tuyển dụng, chiêu mộ
- apply for: nộp đơn, ứng tuyển
- specialise in: chuyên sâu, chuyên môn hoá về
Dịch: Sau khi tốt nghiệp trường, tôi sẽ nộp đơn xin việc trong lĩnh vực tiếp thị di động.

4. My favourite pastime is playing _______ guitar, but my best friend prefers playing _________ tennis.
A. x/x B. the/x C. a/a D. a/the
- Dùng the trước N chỉ nhạc cụ và đứng sau V play.
- Không dùng mạo từ trước N chỉ các môn thể thao.
Dịch: Trò tiêu khiển yêu thích của tôi là chơi ghi-ta, nhưng người bạn thân nhất của tôi lại thích chơi
quần vợt hơn.

5. After my father got a well-paid job at an international company, we moved to a ___________

A. respect B. respectful C. respecting D. respectable
- respect (v/n): (sự) tôn trọng
- respectful (adj): biểu hiện sự tôn trọng, lịch sự
- respectable (adj): đáng tôn trọng, đáng kính trọng

Dịch: Sau khi cha tôi có một công việc được trả lương cao tại một công ty quốc tế, chúng tôi đã chuyển
đến một khu phố đáng kính trọng.

6. Hard-working and talented students should be given more opportunities _________ their skills.
A. developing B. to develop C. developed D. develop
- To V chỉ mục đích
Dịch: Các sinh viên chăm chỉ và tài năng nên được cung cấp nhiều cơ hội hơn để phát triển kỹ năng của

7. Some chemicals which ________ the air quality and cause health problems can be used for cleaning
A. affect B. dispose C. breathe D. promote
- affect (v): ảnh hưởng đến
- dispose (v): vứt bỏ, xử lý
- breathe (v): hít thở, thở
- promote (v): thúc đẩy, khuyến khích
Dịch: Một số hóa chất ảnh hưởng đến chất lượng không khí và gây ra vấn đề sức khỏe có thể được sử
dụng để làm sạch bề mặt.

8. My parents _________ a lot of their time writing letters before they started using social media to
connect with their relatives.
A. spent B. had spent C. can spend D. spends
- Cấu trúc: Before S Ved, S had p2
Dịch: Cha mẹ tôi đã dành rất nhiều thời gian để viết thư trước khi họ bắt đầu sử dụng mạng xã hội để kết
nối với người thân.

9. My plane _________ fifty minutes late so I missed a date with Dr. Watson last week.
A. turned round B. carried on C. put out D. took off

- turn round: quay lại, đổi hướng
- carry on: tiếp tục, duy trì
- put out: tắt, dập lửa
- take off: cất cánh, khởi hành
Dịch: Máy bay của tôi đã cất cánh muộn năm mươi phút nên tôi đã bỏ lỡ một cuộc hẹn với Tiến sĩ
Watson tuần trước.

10 . Many people believe that the novel will be a best seller when it ________.
A. will be publised B. was publised C. is publised D. has published
- Trong mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian ở tương lai, động từ chia ở hiện tại => Loại A và B.
- Loại D vì cần bị động.
Dịch: Nhiều người tin rằng cuốn tiểu thuyết sẽ bán chạy nhất khi được xuất bản.

11. After a hesitation took them six weeks, they decided to ________ on the business deal.
A. speak of the devil B. feel under the weather
C. cut corners D. see eye to eye
- Speak of the devil: vừa nói đến thì xuất hiện
- Feel under the weather: cảm thấy không khỏe
- Cut corners: thực hiện một cách vội vã hoặc không đầy đủ, thường để tiết kiệm thời gian hoặc tiền bạc
nhưng thường là không an toàn hoặc không chất lượng.
- See eye to eye: đồng tình hoặc đồng ý với ai đó về một vấn đề.
Dịch: Sau một sự do dự kéo dài đến sáu tuần, họ quyết định đồng tình với nhau về thỏa thuận kinh

12. My best friend is upset because she has to ________ school next week.
A. drop out of B. run out of C. talk back to D. come up with
- drop out of: bỏ học, rời khỏi
- run out of: hết, cạn kiệt
- talk back to: nói lại, phản đối
- come up with: nảy ra, đề xuất
Dịch: Bạn thân của tôi buồn vì cô ấy phải bỏ học vào tuần sau.

13. John went to bed early last night _________ he was tired.
A. although B. because C. but D. so that

- although: mặc dù
- because: vì
- but: nhưng
- so that: để
Dịch: John đã đi ngủ sớm tối qua vì anh ấy mệt.

14. Employers always want job _________ to be able to demonstrate their skills and qualities.
A. employees B. workers C. staff D. applicants
- employee (n): nhân viên, người lao động
- worker (n): công nhân, lao động
- staff (n): nhân viên, đội ngũ nhân viên
- applicant (n): người nộp đơn xin việc
Dịch: Nhà tuyển dụng luôn muốn người nộp đơn việc có thể thể hiện được kỹ năng và phẩm chất của họ.

15. I would be grateful for an opportunity to visit your company and discuss my application with you in
A. privacy B. face C. individual D. person
- in person: trực tiếp
Dịch: Tôi sẽ rất biết ơn nếu có cơ hội đến thăm công ty của bạn và trực tiếp thảo luận về đơn đăng ký
của tôi với bạn.

B. Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits
in the space in the same line. Write your answers on the answer sheet. (0.5 point)


I was really (1) ____enthusiastic___ (ENTHUSIASM) about my first visit to a fashion show. I
had always loved fashion but had only ever seen models in advertisements on TV. Finally, I was going to
see a real show! I got out my most fashionable clothes. I wanted to look as (2) ____stylish____
(STYLE) as the models. I don't know if I was completely successful, but I never had much money to
spend on clothes and I felt (3) ____attractive___ (ATTRACT), which is the main thing. When we got
there, it was fantastic! There were so many beautiful women! The show started and imagine my surprise
when, completely (4) ___unexpectedly___ (EXPECT), the first model was wearing clothes just like I
was! Everyone saw the (5) ____similarity___ (SIMILAR) and a couple of people asked me who my
stylist was! Amazing!

1. Sau tobe là adj => enthusiastic (adj): nhiệt tình
Dịch: Tôi thực sự hào hứng với lần đầu tiên tham dự một buổi trình diễn thời trang.
2. look + adj: trông như thế nào đó
Dịch: Tôi muốn trông phong cách như người mẫu.
3. feel + adj => attractive (adj): thu hút, hấp dẫn
Dịch: Tôi không biết liệu mình có thành công hoàn toàn hay không, nhưng tôi chưa bao giờ có nhiều tiền
để mua quần áo và tôi cảm thấy mình hấp dẫn, đó mới là điều quan trọng.
4. Bổ nghĩa cho cả câu dùng adv => unexpectedly (adv): một cách bất ngờ
Dịch: Buổi biểu diễn bắt đầu và tôi tưởng tượng sự ngạc nhiên của mình khi, hoàn toàn bất ngờ, người
mẫu đầu tiên cũng mặc quần áo giống tôi!
5. Sau mạo từ là N => similarity (n): sự tương tự, giống nhau
Dịch: Mọi người đều thấy sự giống nhau và một vài người hỏi tôi rằng nhà tạo mẫu của tôi là ai! Tuyệt

C. Read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct, but some have a
word which should not be there. If a line is correct, put a tick (✓) in the space provided on your
answer sheet. If a line has a word which should not be there, write the word in the space provided on
your answer sheet. (1 point)
1. being My wedding has been being arranged for months. I knew exactly what
2. to I wanted for that special day. I had the caterers to give me a menu and
3. have have got them to provide me with samples so that I could be sure we
4. us would have the best food. I also wanted to have us a string quartet play
5. a a classical music and I arranged that, too. My dress was being made

6. ✓ especially and I had the dressmaker put silver thread in it. Finally, the
big day when arrived. My dress was being delivered in the morning,
7. when
but by at ten it still hadn't arrived. They called me and said it had been
8. at
damaged! I was furious! I had my best friend quickly pop out and get a
9. ✓
new dress. I got my lawyer that to call to get my money back.
10. that

1. Bị động của hiện tại hoàn thành: have/ has been p2

2. have sb Vnt: bảo ai đó làm gì
3. had và got song song cùng thì QKĐ
4. have chỉ có 1 tân ngữ
5. music không đếm được nên không dùng mạo từ
6. không có gì sai
7. 1 câu sẽ có 1S 1V chính, trong câu này the big day là S chính, arrived là V chính
8. by ten hoặc at ten, sẽ không có cả 2 cùng lúc, by là dấu hiệu của TLHT/ QKHT, do có hadn’t arrived
nên giữ by
9. không có gì sai
10. get sb to V: bảo ai đó làm gì

D. Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs in the brackets. Write your answers on the
answer sheet. (0,5 point)
In the US, many high school students learn to drive and get part-time jobs after celebrating their
16th birthday. At 18, people in the United States (1. vote) ______can vote_______ in government will
elections and join the military, but they are prohibited from going into nightclubs, buying alcohol like
beer or wine, or (2. gamble) _______gambling_______ until they are 21.
1. can + Vnt chỉ khả năng có thể, cho phép
2. Cấu trúc song song, going, buying and gambling
Dịch: Tại Mỹ, nhiều học sinh trung học học lái xe và kiếm việc làm bán thời gian sau khi kỷ niệm sinh
nhật thứ 16. Ở tuổi 18, người dân ở Hoa Kỳ có thể bỏ phiếu trong các cuộc bầu cử chính phủ và gia nhập
quân đội, nhưng họ bị cấm vào các hộp đêm, mua các loại rượu như bia hoặc rượu hoặc đánh bạc cho
đến khi 21 tuổi.

In many Latin American countries, a young woman's 15th birthday is important. At this age, she
is no longer considered to be a girl, but a woman. (3. mark) _____To mark________ this special day,
families with 15-year-old daughters have a celebration called a quinceañera. The day (4. begin)
________begins______ with the young woman and her family going to the church. Later, there is a party
to which many guests (5. invite) ________are invited______.
3. Rút gọn 2 mệnh đề cùng chủ ngữ ở dạng to V – chỉ mục đích.
4. Nhận thấy các câu trước đều sử dụng hiện tại đơn => begins. (có thể hiểu là thói quen trong văn hoá
5. Bị động của hiện tại đơn be p2
Dịch: Ở nhiều nước Mỹ Latinh, sinh nhật lần thứ 15 của một thiếu nữ rất quan trọng. Ở tuổi này, cô
không còn được coi là con gái nữa mà là phụ nữ. Để đánh dấu ngày đặc biệt này, các gia đình có con gái
15 tuổi tổ chức lễ kỷ niệm gọi là quinceañera. Ngày bắt đầu với việc người phụ nữ trẻ và gia đình đi đến
nhà thờ. Sau đó, có một bữa tiệc được mời đến rất nhiều khách.

E. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with suitable particles. (0) has been done as an example.
Write your answers on the answer sheet. (0,5 point)
0. Look out! The tree is falling towards you.

1. Lots of people got ill when the Covid-19 pandemic broke ____out_____ in April.
- break out: nổ ra/ bùng phát (chiến tranh/ bệnh dịch)
Dịch: Nhiều người bị ốm khi đại dịch Covid-19 bùng phát vào tháng Tư.

2. Meggie came down ____with_____ the cold, which meant she couldn't work.
- come down with: mắc bệnh
Dịch: Meggie bị cảm lạnh, điều này có nghĩa là cô ấy không thể làm việc.

3. The policewoman chased _____after____ the pickpocket, brought him to the ground and finally
arrested him.
- chase after: đuổi theo
Dịch: Nữ cảnh sát đuổi theo kẻ móc túi, đạp hắn xuống đất và cuối cùng bắt hắn.

4. Luckily, the bomb disposal squad defused the bomb before it went _____off____.
- go off: nổ
Dịch: May mắn thay, đội xử lý bom đã kịp thời xử lý quả bom trước khi nó phát nổ.

5. I know we had an argument, and now we decided to break ____up_____.

- break up: chia tay
Dịch: Tôi biết chúng ta đã có một cuộc cãi nhau, và bây giờ chúng ta quyết định chia tay.

III. READING (5.0 points)

A. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase
that best fits each of the numbered blanks. (1 point)

It seems entirely natural to us that there are teams of (1) __________ in universities and other
institutions around the world, attempting to discover the way the world works. However, it hasn't always
been that way. (2) __________ the scientific method is now four or five hundred years old, the ancient
Greeks, for example, believed that they could work out the (3) __________ of natural events just by the

power of thought.
1. A. scientists B. science C. scientific D. scientifically
- Sau giới từ là N => loại C là adj, loại D là adv
- scientist (n): nhà khoa học # science (n): khoa học
Dịch: Đối với chúng tôi, dường như hoàn toàn tự nhiên khi có các nhóm nhà khoa học ở các trường đại
học và các tổ chức khác trên khắp thế giới đang cố gắng khám phá cách thế giới vận hành. Tuy nhiên, nó
không phải lúc nào cũng như vậy.

2. A. Therefore B. Instead of C. Because D. Although

- Therefore: do đó
- Instead of: thay vì
- Because: vì
- Although: mặc dù

3. A. aims B. causes C. purposes D. reasons

- aim (n): mục tiêu
- cause of (n): nguyên nhân
- purpose (n): mục đích
- reason for (n): lý do
Dịch: Mặc dù phương pháp khoa học hiện nay đã được bốn hoặc năm trăm năm tuổi, chẳng hạn, người
Hy Lạp cổ đại tin rằng họ có thể tìm ra nguyên nhân của các sự kiện tự nhiên chỉ bằng sức mạnh của tư

During the 17th century, more and more people began to realize that they could test their
scientific ideas by designing a relevant experiment and seeing what happened. A lot of (4) __________
was made in this way by individual scientists. These men and women often worked alone, carrying out
research into many different areas of science, and they often received very little reward for their hard
work. (5) __________ the start of the 20th century, though, it became clear that science was becoming
more complicated and more expensive. This individual scientist disappeared, to be replaced by highly
qualified teams of experts. Modern science was born.
4. A. analysis B. attempt C. progress D. event
- analysis (n): sự phân tích
- attempt (n): sự cố gắng, nỗ lực
- make progress: tiến bộ

- event (n): sự kiện
Dịch: Trong thế kỷ 17, ngày càng nhiều người bắt đầu nhận ra rằng họ có thể kiểm tra các ý tưởng khoa
học của mình bằng cách thiết kế một thí nghiệm phù hợp và xem điều gì đã xảy ra. Rất nhiều tiến bộ đã
được thực hiện theo cách này bởi các nhà khoa học cá nhân. Những người đàn ông và phụ nữ này thường
làm việc một mình, thực hiện nghiên cứu ở nhiều lĩnh vực khoa học khác nhau và họ thường nhận được
rất ít phần thưởng cho sự chăm chỉ của mình.

5. A. At B. In C. On D. For
- at the start of: đầu của cái gì
Dịch: Tuy nhiên, vào đầu thế kỷ 20, rõ ràng là khoa học ngày càng trở nên phức tạp và tốn kém hơn. Nhà
khoa học cá nhân này biến mất, được thay thế bởi đội ngũ chuyên gia có trình độ cao. Khoa học hiện đại
ra đời.

B. Read the following passage and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in
each. (2 points)
What do you imagine cities will be (1) _____like_____ in the future? Will we have smart
buildings and flying cars? Or robots that will pick up our rubbish? What about schools? Will we still
travel to school or will we study (2) _____online_____ from home? Perhaps all the buildings and roads
will be underground and we'll just have parks and cycle lanes above.
1. what like: trông như thế nào
2. study online: học trực tuyến
Dịch: Bạn tưởng tượng các thành phố sẽ như thế nào trong tương lai? Liệu chúng ta sẽ có những tòa nhà
thông minh và ô tô bay? Hay robot sẽ nhặt rác của chúng ta? Còn trường học thì sao? Chúng ta sẽ vẫn
đến trường hay sẽ học trực tuyến tại nhà? Có lẽ tất cả các tòa nhà và đường sá sẽ ở dưới lòng đất và
chúng ta sẽ chỉ có công viên và làn đường dành cho xe đạp ở trên.

Maybe ... or maybe not, but what we do know is that in the future, cities are going to (3)
_____have_____ more and more people living in them. More than half (4) _____the_____ world's
people already live in cities, and by 2050, cities will become home to about 6.5 billion people.
3. have sb Ving: diễn tả hành động ai đó đang làm gì (hoàn cảnh – yếu tố ngoại cảnh tác động) # have sb
Vnt: bảo ai đó làm gì
4. the world – N chỉ sự duy nhất nên có the
Dịch: Có thể... hoặc có thể không, nhưng điều chúng ta biết là trong tương lai, các thành phố sẽ ngày

càng có nhiều người sinh sống. Hơn một nửa dân số thế giới đã sống ở các thành phố và đến năm 2050,
các thành phố sẽ trở thành nơi sinh sống của khoảng 6,5 tỷ người.

That's a lot of people and very little space! More people means that we're going to have more
pollution, traffic and noise. It also means that we'll need much (5) _____more_____ homes, schools,
hospitals, jobs and transport. We'll need more resources, like water and energy, and more ways to grow
food too. Oh, and more parks (6) _____to_____ play in!
5. much/ far bổ nghĩa cho so sánh hơn => more, ngoài ra câu trước đã sử dụng more và từ liên kết các
câu ở đây là also means => cũng phải là more.
6. to V chỉ mục đích
Dịch: Đó là rất nhiều người và rất ít không gian! Nhiều người hơn có nghĩa là chúng ta sẽ có nhiều ô
nhiễm, giao thông và tiếng ồn hơn. Điều đó cũng có nghĩa là chúng ta sẽ cần nhiều nhà cửa, trường học,
bệnh viện, việc làm và phương tiện đi lại hơn. Chúng ta sẽ cần nhiều tài nguyên hơn, như nước và năng
lượng, cũng như nhiều cách hơn để trồng lương thực. Ồ, và nhiều công viên hơn để chơi!

Many cities are already planning for the future. For example, Bristol is a cycling city in England.
You can hire a bike, (7) _____instead_____ of taking a car or bus, and ride in cycle lanes (8)
_____which/that_____ are separated from the traffic. In Singapore, people are looking 'up' to grow food!
To save space, they grow vegetables in lots of layers in special tall buildings, (9) _____called_____
'vertical farms'. And in Amsterdam in the Netherlands, there are 'floating houses' built (10)
_____on_____ water instead of on land! What do you think city life will be like in the future?
7. instead of Ving: thay vì làm gì
8. which/ that thay cho N chỉ vật và làm S của are
9. called: được gọi là
10. on water instead of on land – cấu trúc song song
Dịch: Nhiều thành phố đã lên kế hoạch cho tương lai. Ví dụ, Bristol là một thành phố đi xe đạp ở Anh.
Bạn có thể thuê một chiếc xe đạp thay vì đi ô tô hoặc xe buýt và đi trên làn đường dành cho xe đạp tách
biệt với luồng giao thông. Ở Singapore, người dân đang 'nghiên cứu' trồng lương thực! Để tiết kiệm
không gian, họ trồng rau thành nhiều tầng trong những tòa nhà cao tầng đặc biệt, được gọi là 'trang trại
thẳng đứng'. Và ở Amsterdam, Hà Lan, có những 'ngôi nhà nổi' được xây dựng trên mặt nước thay vì trên
đất liền! Bạn nghĩ cuộc sống ở thành phố trong tương lai sẽ như thế nào?

C. Read the following passage and put A, B, C, D and E into the blanks from 1 to 5 to indicate the
information which is suitable for each paragraph.(1 point)

Yoga is a healthy lifestyle. One of the benefits of yoga is that you can choose a yoga style that is
suitable for your lifestyle, such as hot yoga, power yoga, relaxation yoga, etc. If you are a yoga beginner,
Hatha Yoga, which focuses on basic postures at a comfortable pace, would be great for you. If you want
to increase strength through using more of your own body's resistance, (1) ____ B. Power Yoga may be
right for you______. Whether you prefer you're at home, in a private session, watching a DVD or at a
studio or gym, there are a huge variety of options available to suit your goals and needs.
1. Câu điều kiện loại 1: If S Vs/es, S may/can/ will Vnt
Dịch: Yoga là một lối sống lành mạnh. Một trong những lợi ích của yoga là bạn có thể chọn một phong
cách yoga phù hợp với lối sống của mình, chẳng hạn như yoga nóng, yoga sức mạnh, yoga thư giãn, v.v.
Nếu bạn là người mới bắt đầu tập yoga, Hatha Yoga, tập trung vào các tư thế cơ bản tại một tốc độ thoải
mái, sẽ rất tốt cho bạn. Nếu bạn muốn tăng sức mạnh thông qua việc sử dụng nhiều sức đề kháng
của cơ thể hơn, Power Yoga có thể phù hợp với bạn. Cho dù bạn thích ở nhà, trong một buổi riêng tư,
xem DVD hay ở studio hay phòng tập thể dục, có rất nhiều lựa chọn sẵn có để phù hợp với mục tiêu và
nhu cầu của bạn.

(2) ______ A. Improved flexibility is one of the first and most obvious benefits of yoga______.
During your first class, you probably won't be able to touch your toes. But if you stick with it, you'll
notice a gradual loosening, and eventually, seemingly impossible poses will become possible. Each of
the yoga poses is built to reinforce the muscles around the spine, the very center of your body, which is
the core from which everything else operates. When the core is working properly, posture is improved,
thus alleviating back, shoulder, and neck pain.
2. Thiếu câu chủ đề của đoạn. Đọc các câu sau nói về những buổi học đầu về yoga, các tư thế và cơ
xương bị cứng => dần dần giãn ra và linh hoạt => improved flexibility
Dịch: Cải thiện tính linh hoạt là một trong những lợi ích đầu tiên và rõ ràng nhất của yoga. Trong
buổi học đầu tiên, bạn có thể sẽ không chạm được ngón chân của mình. Nhưng nếu bạn kiên trì, bạn sẽ
nhận thấy sự nới lỏng dần dần và cuối cùng, những tư thế tưởng chừng như không thể sẽ trở thành có
thể. Mỗi tư thế yoga được xây dựng để củng cố các cơ xung quanh cột sống, trung tâm cơ thể của bạn, là
cốt lõi mà mọi thứ khác hoạt động. Khi lõi hoạt động bình thường, tư thế sẽ được cải thiện, do đó giảm
đau lưng, vai và cổ.

Strong muscles do more than look good. They also protect us from conditions like arthritis and
back pain, and help prevent falls in elderly people. And when you build strength through yoga, you

balance it with flexibility. (3) ______ E. If you just went to the gym and lifted weights, you might build
strength at the expense of flexibility_____.
3. So sánh lợi ích của yoga và gym, tập yoga giúp cơ thể khoẻ mạnh, cơ thể linh hoạt và tránh được
nhiều bệnh khi về già, trong khi đó tập gym chỉ làm cho cơ thể săn chắc và đẹp.
Dịch: Cơ bắp khỏe mạnh có nhiều tác dụng hơn là chỉ trông đẹp. Chúng cũng bảo vệ chúng ta khỏi các
tình trạng như viêm khớp và đau lưng, đồng thời giúp ngăn ngừa té ngã ở người già. Và khi bạn xây
dựng sức mạnh thông qua yoga, bạn sẽ cân bằng nó bằng sự linh hoạt. Nếu bạn chỉ đến phòng tập thể
dục và nâng tạ, bạn có thể xây dựng sức mạnh nhưng phải đánh đổi sự linh hoạt.

Yoga gets your blood flowing. More specifically, the relaxation exercises you learn in yoga can
help your circulation, especially in your hands and feet. (4) ____ D. Yoga also gets more oxygen to your
cells, which function better as a result______. Twisting poses are thought to wring out venous blood
from internal organs and allow oxygenated blood to flow in once the twist is released.
4. Chỗ trống nói thêm về lợi ích của yoga nên mới dùng từ “also”
Dịch: Yoga giúp máu bạn lưu thông. Đặc biệt hơn, các bài tập thư giãn mà bạn học được trong yoga có
thể giúp ích cho quá trình tuần hoàn của bạn, đặc biệt là ở tay và chân. Yoga cũng nhận được nhiều oxy
hơn đến các tế bào của bạn, nhờ đó hoạt động tốt hơn. Tư thế vặn xoắn được cho là có tác dụng ép
máu tĩnh mạch ra khỏi các cơ quan nội tạng và cho phép máu giàu oxy chảy vào sau khi động tác xoắn
được thả ra.

(5) ______ C. Many studies found that a consistent yoga practice improved depression____ and
led to greater levels of happiness and better immune function.
5. Nhận thấy cấu trúc song song: improved and led
Dịch: Nhiều nghiên cứu cho thấy việc tập yoga đều đặn sẽ cải thiện tình trạng trầm cảm và mang
lại mức độ hạnh phúc cao hơn cũng như chức năng miễn dịch tốt hơn.

A. Improved flexibility is one of the first and most obvious benefits of yoga
B. Power Yoga may be right for you
C. Many studies found that a consistent yoga practice improved depression
D. Yoga also gets more oxygen to your cells, which function better as a result
E. If you just went to the gym and lifted weights, you might build strength at the expense of flexibility

D. Read the following passage and choose A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the
questions. (1 point)

Twenty-five students from Walling School are currently living in France. They are there for three
months as part of a living-abroad project. The 16- and 17-year-old students are living with French
families and attending a French school. Most of the students have taken French language classes for 3 or
4 years and are finally getting an opportunity to use their French.
Not only are students learning a new language, but they are learning about a new culture, too.
Students have been particularly surprised about the French attitude towards food. "They won't leave
anything on their plate," says Vanessa Athol. "They aren't wasteful at all." Vanessa has vowed to be more
careful with waste when returning to the United States.
The group's chaperone, Mrs. Smith, has been pleased with the students' acquisition of language.
"Even the most timid are trying their best to speak. The students are learning a lot. I'm very impressed,"
she said. Mrs. Smith added that she thinks living with a French family makes a difference because
students are forced to speak French. "We are all very grateful to the French families who are hosting us."
The French families are happy to have the students, as they are getting to learn about American
culture. Both groups will be celebrating the exchange at a large potluck dinner at the end of the stay.
There will be a slide show of memories and the students will speak about their experiences. Currently,
the American students are periodically posting pictures and student essays on the Walling School
website. "Living in France is an experience I'll never forget," writes student Tina Davis. "I know I'll want
to eat these croissants and this Camembert for the rest of my life!"
1. Which title would be the most suitable for this article?
A. French Families Love America
B. Student Tina Davis Lives in France
C. Walling School Website Posts Student Essays
D. Walling School Students Stay Abroad in France
(Tiêu đề nào sẽ phù hợp nhất cho bài viết này?
A. Gia đình Pháp yêu nước Mỹ
B. Sinh viên Tina Davis Sống ở Pháp
C. Trang web của trường Walling đăng tải bài viết của sinh viên
D. Học sinh trường Walling ở nước ngoài tại Pháp)
- Thông tin: Twenty-five students from Walling School are currently living in France: 25 sinh viên
trường Walling hiện đang sống ở Pháp.

2. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?

A. Students from Walling School are now staying in the USA.
B. These students are immigrants from the USA.

C. Walling School students are now staying with French families.
D. Walling School students are applying for jobs in France.
(Theo đoạn văn, điều nào sau đây là ĐÚNG?
A. Học sinh trường Walling hiện đang ở Mỹ.
B. Những sinh viên này là người nhập cư từ Mỹ.
C. Học sinh trường Walling hiện đang ở cùng các gia đình người Pháp.
D. Sinh viên trường Walling đang xin việc ở Pháp.)
- Thông tin: They are there for three months as part of a living-abroad project. The 16- and 17-year-old
students are living with French families and attending a French school: Họ ở đó trong ba tháng như một
phần của dự án sống ở nước ngoài. Các em học sinh 16, 17 tuổi đang sống cùng gia đình người Pháp và
đang theo học tại một trường học ở Pháp.

3. What can be implied about the culture in France?

A. It scares the students. B. It requires fluency in French.
C. It can be learned from a book. D. It's different from the culture in America.
(Điều gì có thể được ngụ ý về văn hóa ở Pháp?
A. Nó làm học sinh sợ hãi. B. Nó đòi hỏi sự thông thạo tiếng Pháp.
C. Nó có thể được học từ một cuốn sách. D. Nó khác với văn hóa ở Mỹ.)
- Thông tin: Students have been particularly surprised about the French attitude towards food: Sinh viên
đặc biệt ngạc nhiên về thái độ của người Pháp đối với đồ ăn.

4. In paragraph 2, the word vowed is closest in meaning to __________.

A. promised B. saved C. received D. changed
(Trong đoạn 2, từ thề có nghĩa gần nhất với __________.
A. đã hứa B. đã lưu C. đã nhận được D. đã thay đổi)
- Thông tin: Vanessa has vowed to be more careful with waste when returning to the United States:
Vanessa từng thề sẽ cẩn thận hơn với rác thải khi trở về Mỹ.

5. Based on the passage, what does Mrs. Smith probably think about learning French language?
A. It is more beautiful than Spanish.
B. It is very important for international communication.
C. It's best to learn it from living with a French family.
D. It is something each and every student needs to know.
(Dựa vào đoạn văn, bà Smith có thể nghĩ gì về việc học tiếng Pháp?

A. Nó đẹp hơn tiếng Tây Ban Nha.
B. Nó rất quan trọng đối với giao tiếp quốc tế.
C. Tốt nhất nên học nó khi sống với một gia đình người Pháp.
D. Đó là điều mà mỗi học sinh cần biết.)
- Thông tin: Mrs. Smith added that she thinks living with a French family makes a difference because
students are forced to speak French: Bà Smith nói thêm rằng bà nghĩ việc sống chung với một gia đình
người Pháp sẽ tạo nên sự khác biệt vì học sinh buộc phải nói tiếng Pháp.

IV. WRITING (5.0 points)

A. Write the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one. (1 point)
1. Teenagers are very excited with challenging video games.
→ The more challenging video games are, the more excited teenagers become.
- So sánh càng thì càng: the so sánh hơn/ kém SV, the so sánh hơn/ kém SV
Dịch: Trò chơi điện tử càng có nhiều thử thách thì thanh thiếu niên càng trở nên hào hứng hơn.

2. People think that the local authority will build a supermarket in this town.
→ A supermarket is thought to be built by the local authority in this town/ is thought to be built in this town
by the local authority.
- Bị động đặc biệt/ bị động với các động từ chỉ quan điểm ý kiến:
Cấu trúc chủ động: S1 (people/ everyone/ someone...) + V1 (think/ say/ believe...) + (that) + S2 + V2
Cấu trúc bị động:
+ Cách 1: It + V1 bị động + that S2 V2
+ Cách 2: S2 + V1 bị động + to V2
V2 có 4 dạng:
1. to V (TH còn lại)
2. to be Ving (khi V2 tiếp diễn)
3. to have p2 (khi V2 xảy ra và hoàn thành trước V1)
4. to have been Ving (kết hợp TH2 và TH3)
Dịch: Một siêu thị được cho là do chính quyền địa phương xây dựng ở thị trấn này.

3. Richard took over the family business because his father decided to retire early.
→ If it hadn't been for his father’s early retirement, Richard wouldn’t have taken over the family business.
- Câu điều kiện loại 3: If it hadn’t been for + N, S would/could have p2: nếu không có/ nếu không vì
Dịch: Nếu không phải cha anh nghỉ hưu sớm thì Richard đã không tiếp quản công việc kinh doanh của gia đình.

4. The train arrived at the station. Shortly after that passengers rushed towards it.
→ No sooner had the train arrived at the station than passengers rushed towards it.
- No sooner had S p2 than S Ved: Vừa mới ... thì ...
Dịch: Tàu vừa đến ga thì hành khách đã đổ xô về phía đó.

5. Wearing face masks is compulsory at public places. It is a must-do for everyone.

→ Under no circumstances should people stop wearing face masks at public places.
- Under no circumstances + TĐT + S + Vnt: Trong bất kì trường hợp nào cũng không
Dịch: Trong mọi trường hợp mọi người không nên ngừng đeo khẩu trang ở những nơi công cộng.

B. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word in capitals, and so that the meaning stays the
same. (1 point)
1. His family was too poor. He couldn't keep on studying at university. (PREVENTED)
→ His family's (extreme/ absolute) poverty prevented him from keeping on studying at university.
Or That his family was too poor prevented him from keeping on studying at university.
Or His family was too poor, which prevented him from keeping on studying at university.
- prevent sb from doing sth: ngăn chặn ai làm gì
Dịch: Sự nghèo khó của gia đình khiến anh không thể tiếp tục học đại học.

2. Even though it was raining heavily, the explorers decided to continue their journey. (AS)
→ Heavily as it was raining, the explorers decided to continue their journey.
- adj/adv + as/though SV, SV: mặc dù ... nhưng ...
Dịch: Dù trời đang mưa to, các nhà thám hiểm vẫn quyết định tiếp tục cuộc hành trình.

3. I wasn't surprised to hear that Bob had failed the driving test. (CAME)
→ It came as no surprise to me (to hear) that Bob had failed the driving test.
- it comes/came as no surprise to sb to V: ai đó không ngạc nhiên khi làm gì
Dịch: Tôi không ngạc nhiên khi nghe tin Bob đã trượt bài thi lấy bằng lái xe.

4. You could be arrested for not giving a breath sample to the police. (REFUSAL)
→ Refusal to give a breath sample to the police could result in/ lead to/ cause/ bring about your arrest.
- refusal to V: từ chối làm gì
- result in/ lead to/ cause/ bring about: dẫn đến

Dịch: Việc từ chối cung cấp mẫu hơi thở cho cảnh sát có thể dẫn đến việc bạn bị bắt giữ.

5. It was unnecessary for you to pick her up at the airport. Harry drove her home. (NEEDN'T)
→ You needn’t have picked her up at the airport because/as/since Harry drove her home.
- needn’t have p2: lẽ ra không nên làm gì nhưng đã làm rồi
Dịch: Bạn lẽ ra không cần phải đón cô ấy ở sân bay vì Harry chở cô ấy về nhà rồi.

C. Write an essay (about 180-250 words) (3 points)

Many people prefer using public transportation while others say that personal cars are the best means of
transportation. Excessive use of private cars is considered to be the main reason for the traffic jam in
many cities and that's why the use of public transportation is encouraged.
In your opinion, what are the advantages of using public transport?
Public transportation stands as a pivotal solution to several challenges faced by modern urban
environments. Its advantages extend far beyond mere convenience, touching upon crucial aspects of
sustainability, economic viability, and social equity.

Foremost among its benefits is its capacity to mitigate traffic congestion. The prevalence of private cars
contributes significantly to gridlock in urban areas, impacting productivity, air quality, and overall
quality of life. Public transportation systems offer a collective mode of travel that efficiently reduces the
number of individual vehicles on the road, thereby easing congestion and enhancing traffic flow.

Moreover, public transport plays a pivotal role in environmental stewardship. By promoting shared rides
and utilizing more fuel-efficient modes of transit, such as buses and trains, it substantially reduces carbon
emissions and air pollution. This contributes to the mitigation of climate change and the preservation of
urban air quality, safeguarding the health and well-being of city residents.

From an economic standpoint, public transportation offers a cost-effective alternative to private car
ownership. Commuters can save considerably on fuel, maintenance, and parking expenses by opting for
public transit, making it an attractive option for budget-conscious individuals and families.

Additionally, public transportation fosters social inclusivity by providing mobility options for diverse
segments of the population, including those with limited financial means or physical abilities. It
enhances access to essential services, educational opportunities, and employment centers, thereby

promoting social cohesion and equitable urban development.

In summation, the advantages of public transportation encompass not only pragmatic considerations such
as congestion relief and cost efficiency but also profound societal benefits related to environmental
sustainability and social equity. Encouraging its widespread adoption and continual improvement is
imperative for creating vibrant, resilient, and inclusive urban communities.


HÀ TĨNH NĂM HỌC 2023-2024
ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC Thời gian làm bài: 120 phút
Đề thi có 10 trang


Part 1. Listen to the talk and then choose the correct letter A, B, or C. You are going to listen to the
recording twice.
1. What does the charity Forward thinking do?
A. It funds the art exhibitions in hospitals.
B. It produces affordable materials for art therapy.
C. It encourages the use of arts projects in healthcare.
2. What benefit of Forward thinking's work does Jasmine mention?
A. People avoid going to hospital.
B. Patients require fewer drugs.
C. Medical students do better in tests.
3. When did the organization become known as Forward thinking?
A. 1986 B. in the 1990's C. 2005
4. Where does Forward thinking operate?
A. within Clifton city
B. in all parts of London
C. in several towns and villages near Clifton
5. Jasmine explains that the Colvin Centre is
A. a school for people with health problems.
B. a venue for a range of different activities.
C. a building which needs repairing.
Part 2: You will hear part of a scientific television programme for young people in which the speaker
explains what meteors' are. For questions 6 -15, complete the notes. Write NO MORE THAN THREE
WORDS for each answer.
'Meteors' is another name for (6) ________________.
To help explain meteors, planet Earth is compared to a (7) __________________.
You can think of meteors as a group of (8) __________________.
In reality, meteors are very small chunks of (9) _________________.

The circular path the Earth travels around the Sun is called its (10) ___________________.
When Earth comes close to a meteor, the meteor is pulled (11) _________________ by gravity.
A meteor travels very fast - a hundred times faster than (12) ________________.
Due to the speed it travels through the air, the meteor becomes (13) _______________.
Because of the heat, the meteor becomes less hard, (14) ________________ and then burns.
We are lucky that most meteors burn up and never (15) ________________.
Part 3: For questions 16-20, listen to an interview with a woman called Grace Connolly who is talking
about her travel experiences in New Zealand. Decide if each sentence is True (T) or False (F). Write your
answers in the corresponding numbered boxes.
16. The first part of Grace's journey took her along the east coast of South Island.
17. When Grace took a day trip to the place called Kaikuora, she particularly wanted to see dolphins.
18. Grace hired a bike to go around the island because it was cheap.
19. Grace had to visit a hospital because she injured her shoulder.
20. Grace plans to go walking with friends when she next visits North Island.


Part 1: Choose the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence. Write your answers A, B, C or D in
the numbered boxes.
1. She is reported to be ___________ a spectator.
A. an athlete more than B. more an athlete than
C. an athlete of more than D. more of an athlete than
2. I have rarely seen such an impressive sight as a ____________ of elephants roaming over the plains.
A. flock B. swarm C. pack D. herd
3. John: This grammar test is the hardest one we've ever had this semester.
Mary: ____________ but I think it's quite easy.
A. I couldn't agree more B. I understand what you're saying
C. You're wrong D. I don't see in that way
4. The doctor may be able to help you, but I don't expect him to ____________ miracles.
A. work B. turn C. create D. develop
5. My mother has just bought me two shirts. __________, however, is my cup of tea.
A. Neither shirts B. Neither shirt C. Neither of shirts D. Either shirt
6. On his desk ___________, which he usually sits in front of and looks at.
A. stood the picture of us B. the picture of us stands
C. standing the picture of us D. stands the picture of us

7. Unfortunately, there are no ____________ rules related to English spelling.
A. one and only B. hard and fast C. high and dry D. fair and square
8. ______________ her job, her sons and the housework, she doesn't have a minute for herself.
A. What with B. If it weren't for C. Barring D. Given
9. He is impressed by her house because it has a beautiful patio with many __________.
A. terracotta circular flower-filled pots B. circular flower- filled terracotta pots
C. circular terracotta flower-filled pots D. flower-filled circular terracotta pots
10. No matter how much pressure you put on Stevens, he won't budge a(n) __________.
A. mile B. meter C. foot D. inch
11. There is a 20 minute parking ___________ here, so we must get back to the car very quickly.
A. permission B. limit C. allowance D. ability
12. Don't forget to ____________ your sources; you don't want to get accused of stealing information.
A. quote B. cite C. name D. refer
13. It has been a good year. I've written two books and a couple of articles, and ___________ are now in print.
A. both of which B. both of them C. all of which D. all of them
14. One of Kim's secretarial works include taking the ____________ of the meeting.
A. gist B. crux C. minutes D. fundamentals
15. The police detective had been in ___________ of the suspect for two days.
A. pursuit B. employment C. expedition D. chase
16. I know you didn't want to upset me but I'd sooner you ____________ me the whole truth yesterday.
A. had told B. told C. have told D. could have told
17. The police have been investigating a crime in which a young man strangled his girlfriend in a _________ of
A. burst B. flash C. fit D. spell
18. No decision has been taken about the building of the new airport. The authorities are still __________.
A. beating about the bush B. comparing apples and oranges
C. sitting on the fence D. holding all the aces
19. I ____________ my best suit - everyone else was very casually dressed.
A. needn't wear B. mustn't wear C. needn't have worn D. mustn't have worn
20. She had a strong desire to be a dancer but failed to make the ____________.
A. grade B. term C. mark D. degree
Part 2: Complete each sentence with one suitable preposition or particle. Write your answers in the
numbered boxes.
21. The butter was left out of the fridge and now it's gone ____________.

22. For a whole month, Muslims abstain _____________ eating and drinking during daylight hours.
23. I am not averse _____________ an occasional glass of champagne myself.
24. She stands ____________ as one of the finest contemporary British novelists around at the moment.
25. A lorry had broken ______________ on the motorway and we had to wait for over an hour.
26. The noise from the unruly fans celebrating their team's victory didn't let __________ until early in the
27. Your plan doesn't allow _____________ changes in the weather.
28. He said he would make me a rich man, but I saw _______________ him immediately.
29. Owing to circumstances ______________ our control, the flight to Rome has been cancelled.
30. He has an inspirational politician, who put ______________ his ideas with clarity.
Part 3: Use the word given in CAPITAL to form a word that fits in the text. Write your answers in the
numbered space provided in the column on the right.
There are a myriad of lifestyle issues affecting the youth of today. Such is the pressure heaped on many
school-goers to achieve academic excellence by their parents that these (31. REAL) ________________
expectations are causing children to become hopelessly depressed. Indeed, some in their (32. DESPAIR)
___________________ to escape and their sense of guilt at being unable to reach the levels of success
demanded of them by their (33. PUSH) __________________ parents, either rebel in what is tantamount to a
cry for help, or, worse still, engage in self-harm. It is no (34. COINCIDE) _______________ that suicide rates,
especially among young males, have been rising steadily for some time now. These are tough times to be a teen.
Then there are those who get hooked on the Internet; the (35. VIRTUE) _________________ world becomes
their reality. For these teens, their social circle shrinks (36. DRAMA)_________________ until, at last, their
friendship sphere is limited solely to their online buddies. Not alone do they commonly suffer from sleep (37.
DEPRIVE) _______________ on account of their destructive addiction to game play and net-surfing, their
behaviour may become so erratic and peculiar over time as to be considered (38. SOCIETY)
_________________. And while they sit at their computer screens (39. HIDE) _________________ away in
splendid isolation from the real world, such is lack of exercise they get that their calorie intake far exceeds what
is necessary for them to maintain a stable weight. In essence, due to their sedentary lifestyle, their weight
skyrockets until such time as they become morbidly (40. OBESITY) __________________.


Part 1: Read the following passage and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each gap. Write your
answers in the numbered boxes.
A number of scientists around the world are now investigating a phenomenon called synaesthesia that
may (1)___________ as many as one in 2,000 people. The name (2) ____________ from the Greek words for

together and perception and means that some people’s senses work in combination. For example, some people
see (3) ____________ when they hear particular sounds. Similarly, a smell or taste may be (4) ___________ as
a reaction to information received from the eyes. However, the most common form of synaesthesia occurs
among people who associate certain letters or words with colours. Scientists at Cambridge University
conducted experiments to (5) _____________ whether this is actually a product of mental activity or if some
individuals are just highly imaginative. They discovered that synaesthetes, people who experience synaesthesia,
(6) _____________ associate the same letters or words with the same colours. Brain scans revealed unusual (7)
_____________ in the brain when subjects were listening to words, suggesting that it is a physical condition.
The most (8) ______________ explanation is that synaesthetes have slightly different connections between the
areas of the brain which control their (9) ___________. Synesthesia is not a medical problem, however, and
synaesthetes often (10) ____________ from an unusually good memory, probably because they have extra
information to help them recall things like names and numbers.
1. A. grieve B. infect C. suffer D. affect
2. A. reminds B. derives C. prescribes D. distracts
3. A. image B. picture C. colour D. information
4. A. retained B. perceived C. thought D. responded
5. A. determine B. realize C. recognize D. comprehend
6. A. perfectly B. earnestly C. practically D. consistently
7. A. activity B. material C. action D. thought
8. A. laudable B. eligible C. plausible D. practical
9. A. consciences B. attitudes C. senses D. conditions
10. A. deter B. defer C. profit D. benefit
Part 2: Fill in the gap with ONE suitable word. Write the answers in the numbered boxes.
Gift exchange, which is also (11) __________ ceremonial exchange, is the transfer of goods or services
that, (12) _____________ regarded as voluntary by people involved, is part of the expected social behaviour.
Gift exchange may be distinguished from (13) ____________ types of exchange in several respects: the first
offering is made in a generous manner and there is (14) ____________ haggling between donor and recipient;
the exchange is an expression of an existing social relationship or of the establishment of a new one that differs
from impersonal market relationships; and the profit in gift exchange may be (15) ___________ the sphere of
social relationships and prestige (16) ___________ than in material advantage. The gift-exchange cycle entails
obligations to give, to receive and to return.
Sanction may exist to induce people to give, disapproval or loss of prestige (17) ___________ from a
failure to do so. Refusal to accept a gift may be seen as rejection of social relations and may (18)
____________ to enmity. The reciprocity of the cycle rests in the necessity to return the gift; the prestige

associated with the appearance of generosity dictates that the value of the return be approximately (19)
____________ to or greater than the value of the original gift. Alongside (20) ____________ obvious economic
functions, gift exchange is significant expression of social relations.
Part 3: Read the passage including seven paragraphs and do the following tasks. Choose the correct
heading for each paragraph from the list of headings below.
Write the correct number, i-viii, in boxes 21-25 below.
List of Headings
i Different accounts of the same journey
ii Bingham gains support
iii A common belief
iv The aim of the trip
v A dramatic description
vi A new route
vii Bingham publishes his theory
viii Bingham's lack of enthusiasm

Paragraph A iv
21. Paragraph B ...
22. Paragraph C ...
23. Paragraph D ...
24. Paragraph E ...
25. Paragraph F ...
Paragraph G iii

The Lost City

An explorer's encounter with the ruined city of Machu Picchu, the most famous icon of the Inca civilisation

When the US explorer and academic Hiram Bingham arrived in South America in 1911, he was ready for what
was to be the greatest achievement of his life: the exploration of the remote hinterland to the west of Cusco, the
old capital of the Inca empire in the Andes mountains of Peru. His goal was to locate the remains of a city
called Vitcos, the last capital of the Inca civilisation. Cusco lies on a high plateau at an elevation of more than
3,000 metres, and Bingham's plan was to descend from this plateau along the valley of the Urubamba river,
which takes a circuitous route down to the Amazon and passes through an area of dramatic canyons and

mountain ranges.

When Bingham and his team set off down the Urubamba in late July, they had an advantage over travellers who
had preceded them: a track had recently been blasted down the valley canyon to enable rubber to be brought up
by mules from the jungle. Almost all previous travellers had left the river at Ollantaytambo and taken a high
pass across mountains to rejoin the river lower down, thereby cutting a substantial corner, but also therefore
never passing through the area around Machu Picchu.

On 24 July they were a few days into their descent of the valley. The day began slowly, with Bingham trying to
arrange sufficient mules for the next stage of the trek. His companions showed no interest in accompanying him
up the nearby hill to see some ruins that a local farmer, Melchor Arteaga, had told them about the night before.
The morning was dull and damp, and Bingham also seems to have been less than keen on the prospect of
climbing the hill. In his book Lost City of the Incas, he relates that he made the ascent without having the least
expectation that he would find anything at the top.

Bingham writes about the approach in vivid style in his book. First, as he climbs up the hill, he describes the
ever-present possibility of deadly snakes, "capable of making considerable springs when in pursuit of their
prey"; not that he sees any. Then there's a sense of mounting discovery as he comes across great sweeps of
terraces, then a mausoleum, followed by monumental staircases and, finally, the grand ceremonial buildings of
Machu Picchu. "It seemed like an unbelievable dream the sight held me spellbound ..." he wrote.

We should remember, however, that Lost City of the Incas is a work of hindsight, not written until 1948, many
years after his journey. His journal entries of the time reveal a much more gradual appreciation of his
achievement. He spent the afternoon at the ruins noting down the dimensions of some of the buildings, then
descended and rejoined his companions, to whom he seems to have said little about his discovery. At this stage,
Bingham didn't realise the extent or the importance of the site, nor did he realise what use he could make of the

However, soon after returning it occurred to him that he could make a name for himself from this discovery.

When he came to write the National Geographic magazine article that broke the story to the world in April
1913, he knew he had to produce a big idea. He wondered whether it could have been the birthplace of the very
first Inca, Manco the Great, and whether it could also have been what chroniclers described as "the last city of
the Incas". This term refers to Cilcabamba, the settlement where the Incas had fled from Spanish invaders in the
1530s. Bingham made desperate attempts to prove this belief for nearly 40 years. Sadly, his vision of the site as
both the beginning and end of the Inca civilisation, while a magnificent one, is inaccurate. We now know that
Vilcabamba actually lies 65 kilometres away in the depths of the jungle.

One question that has perplexed visitors, historians and archaeologists alike ever since Bingham, is why the site
seems to have been abandoned before the Spanish Conquest. There are no references to it by any of the Spanish
chroniclers - and if they had known of its existence so close to Cusco they would certainly have come in search
of gold. An idea which has gained wide acceptance over the past few years is that Machu Picchu was a moya, a
country estate built by an Inca emperor to escape the cold winters of Cusco, where the elite could enjoy
monumental architecture and spectacular views. Furthermore, the particular architecture of Machu Picchu
suggests that it was constructed at the time of the greatest of all the Incas, the emperor Pachacuti (c.1438-71).
By custom, Pachacuti's descendants built other similar estates for their own use, and so Machu Picchu would
have been abandoned after his death, some 50 years before the Spanish Conquest.

❖ For questions 26-28, do the following statements agree with the information given in the passage?
True if the statement agrees with the information
False if the statement contradicts the information
Not Given if there is no information on this
26. Bingham went to South America in search of an Inca city.
27. Bingham chose a particular route down the Urubamba valley because it was the most common route used
by travellers.
28. Bingham returned to Machu Picchu in order to find evidence to support his theory.
❖ For questions 29-30, complete the sentences below. Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the passage for
each answer.
29. The track that took Bingham down the Urubamba valley had been created for the transportation of
30. Bingham found out about the ruins of Machu Picchu from a ___________ in the Urubamba valley.

Part 1. Rewrite each of the following sentences using the suggested word(s) so that its meaning stays the
same. Write each answer in the space provided.
1. The Mediterranean is warm, whereas the North Sea is much colder.
 The North Sea is nowhere ...........................................................................................................................
2. The boy was so scared that he could hardly breathe.
 Such.............................................................................................................................................................
3. In my opinion, it's better to talk calmly than to argue.
 I'd prefer ......................................................................................................................................................
4. Many creatures still survive and thrive in the harsh conditions of the deserts.
 Harsh ...........................................................................................................................................................
5. Nick told one of the detectives that he had taken the cashbox.
 Nick admitted ..............................................................................................................................................
Part 2. Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first printed, using the word
given in CAPITAL. Do not change the word given. You must use between THREE and SIX words. Write
each answer in the space provided.
6. The company tried unsuccessfully to secure a bank loan. (AVAIL).
 The company's.......................................................................................................... securing a bank loan.
7. I'm sorry I said that your new hat looked like a lampshade. (BACK).
 I .................................................................................. said about your new hat looking like a lampshade.
8. Peter grimaced as he swallowed the foul-tasting medicine. (PULLED).
 Peter ................................................................................................................... the foul-tasting medicine.
9. Although the manager is sluggish, he is a smooth speaker. (GIFT)
 Sluggish as the manager is, he ....................................................................................................................
10. I can't find the answer without a calculator. (OUT).
 I can't ...................................................................................................................................... a calculator.
Part 3: Write an essay of about 200 words on the following topic.
Parents are supposed to respect their children's privacy in both virtual and real world. To what extent do
you agree or disagree with this view.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experience.



HÀ TĨNH NĂM HỌC 2023-2024
ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC Thời gian làm bài: 120 phút
Đề thi có 10 trang


Part 1. Listen to the talk and then choose the correct letter A, B, or C. You are going to listen to the
recording twice.
1. What does the charity Forward thinking do?
A. It funds the art exhibitions in hospitals.
B. It produces affordable materials for art therapy.
C. It encourages the use of arts projects in healthcare.
(Tổ chức từ thiện Tư duy tiến bộ làm gì?
A. Nó tài trợ cho các cuộc triển lãm nghệ thuật trong bệnh viện.
B. Nó sản xuất ra những vật liệu có giá cả phải chăng cho liệu pháp nghệ thuật.
C. Nó khuyến khích việc sử dụng các dự án nghệ thuật trong chăm sóc sức khỏe.)

2. What benefit of Forward thinking's work does Jasmine mention?

A. People avoid going to hospital.
B. Patients require fewer drugs.
C. Medical students do better in tests.
(Jasmine đề cập đến lợi ích gì của công việc Tư duy tiến bộ?
A. Mọi người tránh đến bệnh viện.
B. Bệnh nhân cần ít thuốc hơn.
C. Sinh viên y khoa làm bài kiểm tra tốt hơn.)

3. When did the organization become known as Forward thinking?

A. 1986 B. in the 1990's C. 2005
(Khi nào tổ chức này được biết đến với cái tên Tư duy tiến bộ?
A. 1986 B. vào những năm 1990 C. 2005)

4. Where does Forward thinking operate?

A. within Clifton city

B. in all parts of London
C. in several towns and villages near Clifton
(Tư duy tiến bộ hoạt động ở đâu?
A. trong thành phố Clifton
B. ở tất cả các vùng của Luân Đôn
C. ở một số thị trấn và làng mạc gần Clifton)

5. Jasmine explains that the Colvin Centre is

A. a school for people with health problems.
B. a venue for a range of different activities.
C. a building which needs repairing.
(Jasmine giải thích rằng Trung tâm Colvin là
A. một trường học dành cho những người có vấn đề về sức khỏe.
B. một địa điểm cho một loạt các hoạt động khác nhau.
C. một tòa nhà cần sửa chữa.)
Fergus: And now here's Jasmine, who's come to tell us about this week's charity.
Jasmine: Hi Fergus. This week I'm going to talk about Forward thinking and their plans for the Colville Centre.
So, in recent years people have realised how useful the arts can be within healthcare.
Jasmine: The idea behind Forward thinking is to use the arts to promote wellbeing (Ý tưởng đằng sau Tư duy
tiến bộ là sử dụng nghệ thuật để nâng cao phúc lợi). The charity develops projects for people with special needs
and health problems. and also delivers training to healthcare professionals in using the arts, as well as supplying
them with information and advice.
Jasmine: Forward thinking doesn't just run art and craft classes to distract people who are ill, or recovering
from illness, but arranges longer-term projects and courses, as it's been shown that the arts can bring all sorts of
positive changes in patients, including benefits such as shortening the length of stay in hospital and reducing the
amounts of medicine they need. (bao gồm các lợi ích như rút ngắn thời gian nằm viện và giảm lượng thuốc họ
Fergus: I see.
Jasmine: Forward thinking has experience of working with a broad range of people from young adults with
learning difficulties to older people in homes or daycare centres, and people with physical disabilities.
Jasmine: The organisation's been around since 1986, and it gradually expanded during the 1990s. Then, in the
new millennium, it was decided to find a memorable name, so it's been operating as Forward thinking for
several years, er, in fact since 2005. (Sau đó, trong thiên niên kỷ mới, người ta quyết định tìm một cái tên dễ

nhớ, vì vậy nó đã hoạt động theo tư duy Tiến bộ trong vài năm, ờ, thực tế là từ năm 2005)
Jasmine: It's quite a locally based charity, mainly for people in the southern part of this region, which includes
all rural and urban communities outside the city of Clifton, which has its own organisation. (Đây là một tổ chức
từ thiện có trụ sở tại địa phương, chủ yếu dành cho người dân ở phần phía nam của khu vực này, bao gồm tất cả
các cộng đồng nông thôn và thành thị bên ngoài thành phố Clifton, nơi có tổ chức riêng.)
Jasmine: There are of course some similar charities in other parts of the country, in London and so on.
Fergus: Mm. And what's the present fundraising in aid of?
Jasmine: Yeah. Well, the charity needs funding in order to buy the Colville Centre. This is a former village
school, which was built in 1868. It was modernised and refurbished by the present owners last year, so it's ideal
for art classes and for small social events, performances, seminars and so on. Forward thinking is fund-raising
to purchase the building so they can use it to continue running classes and so on for the general public and
eventually also for some of the people they help. (Tư duy cầu tiến là gây quỹ để mua tòa nhà để họ có thể sử
dụng nó để tiếp tục tổ chức các lớp học, v.v. cho công chúng và cuối cùng cho một số người mà họ giúp đỡ)

Part 2: You will hear part of a scientific television programme for young people in which the speaker
explains what meteors' are. For questions 6 -15, complete the notes. Write NO MORE THAN THREE
WORDS for each answer.
'Meteors' is another name for (6) ________shooting stars________.
To help explain meteors, planet Earth is compared to a (7) __________car________.
You can think of meteors as a group of (8) _________insects_________.
In reality, meteors are very small chunks of (9) ________iron_________.
The circular path the Earth travels around the Sun is called its (10) _________orbit__________.
When Earth comes close to a meteor, the meteor is pulled (11) _________downwards________ by gravity.
A meteor travels very fast - a hundred times faster than (12) ________a jet plane________.
Due to the speed it travels through the air, the meteor becomes (13) _______hotter and hotter________.
Because of the heat, the meteor becomes less hard, (14) _________melts_______ and then burns.
We are lucky that most meteors burn up and never (15) ________reach the ground________.
Presenter: Even if you have never watched the sky at night, you probably know what you would see if you
did. The view is best on a night with no moon. You stare upwards into the inky blackness over which are
scattered millions of tiny points of light. These, of course, are the stars. Then just as you’re beginning to get
bored with this unchanging scene, a tiny white streak of light shoots across the sky. It’s going too fast to be a
plane. Then two seconds later you see another one. What you are witnessing is the beginning of a shower of
meteors or shooting stars. (Những gì bạn đang chứng kiến là sự khởi đầu của một trận mưa sao băng hay còn

gọi là sao băng)

To understand what is happening, it helps us to imagine a car driving fast along the road. In a way, our planet
Earth is like that car (Để hiểu điều gì đang xảy ra, nó giúp chúng ta tưởng tượng một chiếc ô tô đang chạy
nhanh trên đường. Theo một cách nào đó, hành tinh Trái đất của chúng ta giống như chiếc ô tô đó). As it is
racing along, it comes towards a large group of insects all flying together just above the road. (Khi nó đang
chạy đua, nó tiến về phía một nhóm côn trùng lớn đang bay cùng nhau ngay phía trên con đường.)

Now, not all the insects are hit by the car, but several of them crash into the car’s windscreen with an unpleasant
noise. In many ways, the meteors are similar to the swarm of insects, although they aren’t re ally animals. In
fact, meteors are mostly tiny pieces of iron that look like little stones. (Trên thực tế, sao băng chủ yếu là những
mảnh sắt nhỏ trông giống như những viên đá nhỏ.)

In a similar way, the Earth is not really moving along a road. But it does follow the same circular route around
the sun once every year. This enormous circular path is called the Earth’s ‘orbit’ (Đường tròn khổng lồ này
được gọi là 'quỹ đạo' Trái đất). All the other planets are in orbits like this as well. Now, there are small groups
of those stones waiting in certain places along the Earth’s route around the sun. Some of them are fixed in one
orbit while others are moving around the sun in their own orbits. Once every year, the Earth’s circular path
around the sun takes us through some of these groups of little rocks.

Now, when the earth approaches one of these stones, it is pulled downwards towards our planet by a strong
force called gravity (Bây giờ, khi trái đất đến gần một trong những hòn đá này, nó bị kéo xuống phía hành tinh
của chúng ta bởi một lực rất mạnh gọi là trọng lực.). And when the meteor starts to rush towards the ground, a
shooting star is born. Normally, as shooting stars fall, they are travelling at speeds of 10 kilometres every
second. This is about a hundred times faster than a jet plane (Tốc độ này nhanh hơn khoảng một trăm lần so
với máy bay phản lực). However, before the meteor can reach the Earth, it must go through the air around it –
the atmosphere. Now, because it is going through the air so fast, the shooting star starts to become hotter and
hotter and the air around it gets very hot too (Bây giờ, vì nó di chuyển trong không khí quá nhanh nên ngôi sao
băng bắt đầu ngày càng nóng hơn và không khí xung quanh nó cũng rất nóng.). This is a bit like the head of a
match rubbing along the side of a matchbox. Now, very soon the outside of this piece of iron gets very hot
indeed and, as a result, it gets soft and melts and then starts to burn (Bây giờ, rất nhanh chóng, bên ngoài miếng
sắt này thực sự sẽ rất nóng và kết quả là nó mềm ra, tan chảy và sau đó bắt đầu cháy.). So, as this hot little rock
rushes through the atmosphere, it leaves a tail of hot burning metal and flames behind it. This is the bright
streak we can see from the ground – 100 kilometres below. Yes, you see, fortunately for us, most meteors are so

small that they have completely burned up long before they could ever reach the ground (Vâng, bạn thấy đấy,
thật may mắn cho chúng ta, hầu hết các thiên thạch đều nhỏ đến mức chúng đã cháy rụi hoàn toàn từ rất lâu
trước khi có thể chạm tới mặt đất.) – which is just as well because, otherwise, we would need to carry rather
stronger umbrellas!

Part 3: For questions 16-20, listen to an interview with a woman called Grace Connolly who is talking
about her travel experiences in New Zealand. Decide if each sentence is True (T) or False (F). Write your
answers in the corresponding numbered boxes.
16. The first part of Grace's journey took her along the east coast of South Island. F
(Phần đầu tiên trong cuộc hành trình của Grace đưa cô dọc theo bờ biển phía đông của Đảo Nam.)
17. When Grace took a day trip to the place called Kaikuora, she particularly wanted to see dolphins. T
(Khi Grace thực hiện chuyến đi trong ngày đến nơi có tên Kaikuora, cô ấy đặc biệt muốn nhìn thấy cá heo.)
18. Grace hired a bike to go around the island because it was cheap. F
(Grace thuê một chiếc xe đạp để đi vòng quanh đảo vì nó rẻ.)
19. Grace had to visit a hospital because she injured her shoulder. F
(Grace phải đến bệnh viện vì bị thương ở vai.)
20. Grace plans to go walking with friends when she next visits North Island. T
(Grace dự định đi dạo với bạn bè khi cô đến thăm Đảo Bắc lần tới.)

Grace: Hi there. My name’s Grace Connolly and I’m just back from a fantastic trip to New Zealand. It really
was the trip of a lifetime, and I’d like to tell you all about it.

New Zealand has two main islands – the North Island and the South Island. I went to the South Island and it’s
even more beautiful than I’d expected. There are many ways to see it − you can hire a car and drive, or some
people go around by motorbike − you can even see the island by boat, but I went on what’s known as the green
bus. Our driver was so helpful and really helped to make it a memorable journey.

So, what route did we take? Well, we started in Nelson, in the northwest of the island. Then we headed off
down the west coast stopping at various places and then inland up to our final destination, Christchurch on the
east coast, the second largest city in New Zealand.

I also went on a day tour to a place called Kaikoura, which is a hundred and fifty kilometres north of there. It’s
on the coast and is famous for its sea life and also for being one of the most exciting places in the world to see

ocean birds. To really experience the day you have to opt for one of these trips. It was dolphins I was keenest to
see, but there are whales too. It was an absolutely amazing day.

I made so many new friends on the trip, which was always fun. There were people from all over the world,
Korea, Russia, North America … I’ve stayed in regular contact with a girl I met from Japan. Most of us were
quite young, but there was one guy from Germany in his sixties.

New Zealand’s famous for the sports you can do, but it can work out expensive to hire the equipment you need
to do things. You had to pay rental charges and so on for everything. I actually took my own bike along with
me, and did a fair bit of cycling around. I rented a surfboard for a day or half day, and though it was more
expensive, I also went out on a quad bike one day.

But the highlight of the trip for me was jet boating at place called Buller River. I’d strongly recommend
Adventure Tours, the company I did it with – nothing was too much trouble and they really made it fun and
exciting. I didn’t try the other company, which was called Great Days, but friends said it was OK too.

Every trip has some problems – I fell and hurt my shoulder horse-riding on a beach. Luckily the sand was soft
enough to prevent it being anything serious, and I didn’t need treatment. But then I actually had to go to
Christchurch Hospital after doing something to my foot – climbing over some rocks. Anyway, it was nothing
major and was fine after a couple of days. There are interesting things to buy on the South Island. Nelson
Saturday Market’s brilliant.

There are stalls selling food – honey, bread and fruit − all sorts of things. I got a fantastic wooden mask as a
souvenir, but there were also paintings and jewellery and stuff that would’ve been nice to bring home too.

The accommodation was great the whole way – the hostels we stayed in were all good. Like The Fairway in
Christchurch, or my favourite The Lakeside in Nelson. That’s the place I’d advise anyone to stay. If you go, say
Grace told you about it!

I’m already planning a return visit to New Zealand – to North Island this time. It’s got famous mud pools and
hot springs, which I might get to visit, but sightseeing’s not my main aim. In fact the reason I’m going is that
some friends have offered to take me walking with them round all the best places. I’m really looking forward to

Part 1: Choose the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence. Write your answers A, B, C or D in
the numbered boxes.
1. She is reported to be ___________ a spectator.
A. an athlete more than B. more an athlete than
C. an athlete of more than D. more of an athlete than
- more of sb/sth than sb/sth: là ai/ cái gì hơn là ai/ cái gì
Dịch: Cô được cho là giống một vận động viên hơn là một khán giả.

2. I have rarely seen such an impressive sight as a ____________ of elephants roaming over the plains.
A. flock B. swarm C. pack D. herd
- collocation: a herd of elephants: một đàn voi
Dịch: Tôi hiếm khi được chứng kiến cảnh tượng ấn tượng như đàn voi lang thang khắp vùng đồng bằng.

3. John: This grammar test is the hardest one we've ever had this semester.
Mary: ____________ but I think it's quite easy.
A. I couldn't agree more B. I understand what you're saying
C. You're wrong D. I don't see in that way
- I couldn’t agree more: tôi hoàn toàn đồng ý
- I understand what you're saying: tôi hiểu những gì bạn nói
- You’re wrong: bạn sai rồi
- I don’t see in that way: tôi không hiểu theo cách đó
Dịch: John: Bài kiểm tra ngữ pháp này là bài kiểm tra khó nhất mà chúng tôi từng làm trong học kỳ này.
Mary: Tôi hiểu những gì bạn đang nói nhưng tôi nghĩ nó khá dễ dàng.

4. The doctor may be able to help you, but I don't expect him to ____________ miracles.
A. work B. turn C. create D. develop
- work miracles: tạo lên kì tích
Dịch: Bác sĩ có thể giúp được bạn, nhưng tôi không mong đợi ông ấy sẽ tạo lên điều kỳ tích.

5. My mother has just bought me two shirts. __________, however, is my cup of tea.
A. Neither shirts B. Neither shirt C. Neither of shirts D. Either shirt
- Động từ chia số ít => Loại A
- Loại C vì neither of + từ hạn định + N

- Loại D vì either đi với câu phủ định
Dịch: Mẹ vừa mua cho tôi hai chiếc áo sơ mi. Tuy nhiên, cả chiếc áo sơ mi đều không phải là gu của tôi.

6. On his desk ___________, which he usually sits in front of and looks at.
A. stood the picture of us B. the picture of us stands
C. standing the picture of us D. stands the picture of us
- Có cụm giới từ chỉ địa điểm đứng đầu => đảo trực tiếp động từ lên trước chủ ngữ => Loại B
- Loại C vì thiếu V chính của câu (Ving chỉ là dạng của V)
- Loại A vì không hoà hợp thì với sits ở phía sau.
Dịch: Trên bàn làm việc của anh ấy có hình của chúng tôi, mà anh ấy thường ngồi trước mặt và nhìn vào.

7. Unfortunately, there are no ____________ rules related to English spelling.

A. one and only B. hard and fast C. high and dry D. fair and square
- one and only: duy nhất, không thể thay thế
- hard and fast: cứng nhắc, không linh hoạt
- high and dry: bị bỏ rơi, không có sự giúp đỡ hoặc hỗ trợ
- fair and square: công bằng, không thiên vị
Dịch: Rất tiếc, không có các quy tắc cứng nhắc và không linh hoạt liên quan đến chính tả tiếng Anh.

8. ______________ her job, her sons and the housework, she doesn't have a minute for herself.
A. What with B. If it weren't for C. Barring D. Given
- What with: vì
- If it weren’t for: nếu không có/ nếu không vì
- Barring: nếu không có
- Given: xét về, cân nhắc
Dịch: Vì công việc, con trai và việc nhà, cô ấy không có lấy một phút cho riêng mình.

9. He is impressed by her house because it has a beautiful patio with many __________.
A. terracotta circular flower-filled pots B. circular flower- filled terracotta pots
C. circular terracotta flower-filled pots D. flower-filled circular terracotta pots
- Trật tự tính từ: OpSASCOMTP
shape (circular) – material (terracotta) – type (flower-filled)
Dịch: Anh ấn tượng với ngôi nhà của cô vì nó có một khoảng sân xinh đẹp với nhiều chậu đất nung hình tròn
cắm đầy hoa.

10. No matter how much pressure you put on Stevens, he won't budge a(n) __________.
A. mile B. meter C. foot D. inch
- not budge/ give an inch: không hề lay chuyển
Dịch: Cho dù bạn có gây áp lực lên Stevens đến đâu, anh ấy cũng sẽ không hề lay chuyển.

11. There is a 20 minute parking ___________ here, so we must get back to the car very quickly.
A. permission B. limit C. allowance D. ability
- permission (n): quyền cho phép
- limit (n): giới hạn, hạn chế
- allowance (n): sự phép thuộc, sự cho phép
- ability (n): khả năng
- Trong câu, "20 minute parking limit" (giới hạn đỗ xe trong 20 phút) chỉ ra một khoảng thời gian tối đa được
phép đỗ xe.
Dịch: Ở đây có giới hạn đỗ xe là 20 phút nên chúng ta phải quay lại xe thật nhanh.

12. Don't forget to ____________ your sources; you don't want to get accused of stealing information.
A. quote B. cite C. name D. refer
- quote (n): Trích dẫn một phần của văn bản hoặc lời nói của ai đó.
- cite (n): Đề cập đến nguồn thông tin cụ thể, thường là trong văn bản viết.
- name (n): Đặt tên hoặc gọi tên ai đó hoặc cái gì đó.
- refer to (n): Liên kết hoặc nhắc đến một nguồn tham khảo hoặc nguồn tài liệu khác để hỗ trợ hoặc minh họa
cho một điều gì đó.
Dịch: Đừng quên trích dẫn nguồn của bạn; bạn không muốn bị cáo buộc đạo văn.

13. It has been a good year. I've written two books and a couple of articles, and ___________ are now in print.
A. both of which B. both of them C. all of which D. all of them
- both dùng cho 2 đối tượng nhưng bên trên nói đến 4 đối tượng => Loại A và B
- Loại C vì sau and là một mệnh đề độc lập chứ không phải mệnh đề phụ thuộc
Dịch: Đó là một năm tốt đẹp. Tôi đã viết hai cuốn sách và một vài bài báo, và tất cả chúng đều đã được in.

14. One of Kim's secretarial works include taking the ____________ of the meeting.
A. gist B. crux C. minutes D. fundamentals
- gist (n): Ý chính, điểm chính của một văn bản hoặc cuộc trò chuyện.

- crux (n): Điểm chính, vấn đề quan trọng nhất hoặc khó khăn nhất của một vấn đề hoặc vấn đề.
- minutes (n): Bản ghi lại chi tiết về những gì đã được thảo luận, quyết định và các sự kiện khác trong một cuộc
họp hoặc cuộc họp.
- fundamentals (n): Những nguyên tắc hoặc khái niệm cơ bản và quan trọng nhất của một vấn đề hoặc lĩnh vực.
Trong câu, việc "taking the minutes of the meeting" đề cập đến việc ghi chép chi tiết về cuộc họp.
Dịch: Một trong những công việc thư ký của Kim bao gồm ghi biên bản cuộc họp.

15. The police detective had been in ___________ of the suspect for two days.
A. pursuit B. employment C. expedition D. chase
- pursuit (n): việc theo đuổi hoặc săn lùng ai đó hoặc cái gì đó.
- employment (n): việc được thuê làm công việc hoặc được sử dụng.
- expedition (n): một cuộc hành trình hoặc chuyến đi, thường là một cuộc phiêu lưu.
- chase (n): sự đuổi theo hoặc truy đuổi một ai đó hoặc cái gì đó.
=> in pursuit of: theo đuổi, truy đuổi, săn lùng
Dịch: Thám tử cảnh sát đã truy đuổi nghi phạm trong hai ngày.

16. I know you didn't want to upset me but I'd sooner you ____________ me the whole truth yesterday.
A. had told B. told C. have told D. could have told
- would sooner/ rather S had p2: muốn ai đó làm gì trong quá khứ (dấu hiệu yesterday)
Dịch: Tôi biết bạn không muốn làm tôi buồn nhưng tôi muốn bạn nói cho tôi toàn bộ sự thật ngày hôm qua.

17. The police have been investigating a crime in which a young man strangled his girlfriend in a _________ of
A. burst B. flash C. fit D. spell
- in a fit of jealousy: do ghen/ vì ghen tuông.
Dịch: Cảnh sát đang điều tra vụ án một nam thanh niên bóp cổ bạn gái vì ghen tuông.

18. No decision has been taken about the building of the new airport. The authorities are still __________.
A. beating about the bush B. comparing apples and oranges
C. sitting on the fence D. holding all the aces
- beat about the bush: Tránh né hoặc không nói trực tiếp về vấn đề quan trọng/ vòng vo.
- compare apples and oranges: So sánh hai thứ không tương đương hoặc không liên quan đến nhau.
- sit on the fence: Không quyết định, giữ lập trường không rõ ràng hoặc không ủng hộ một phía cụ thể.
- hold all the aces: Có tất cả các lợi thế hoặc quyền lực trong một tình huống.

Dịch: Không có quyết định nào được đưa ra về việc xây dựng sân bay mới. Các cơ quan quản lý vẫn đang giữ
lập trường không rõ ràng.

19. I ____________ my best suit - everyone else was very casually dressed.
A. needn't wear B. mustn't wear C. needn't have worn D. mustn't have worn
- Do có was => loại A và B là hiện tại
- Loại D vì không có mustn’t have p2
- needn’t have p2: lẽ ra không cần làm gì nhưng đã làm rồi
Dịch: Tôi lẽ ra không cần phải mặc bộ đồ đẹp nhất của mình - những người khác đều ăn mặc rất giản dị.

20. She had a strong desire to be a dancer but failed to make the ____________.
A. grade B. term C. mark D. degree
- make the grade: đạt tiêu chuẩn/ yêu cầu.
Dịch: Cô có ước muốn mãnh liệt trở thành một vũ công nhưng không đạt yêu cầu.

Part 2: Complete each sentence with one suitable preposition or particle. Write your answers in the
numbered boxes.
21. The butter was left out of the fridge and now it's gone ______off______.
- go off: hỏng, ôi thiu
Dịch: Bơ đã bị để ngoài tủ lạnh và giờ đây nó đã bị hỏng.

22. For a whole month, Muslims abstain _______from______ eating and drinking during daylight hours.
- abstain from: từ chối/ kiêng làm gì
Dịch: Trong một tháng nguyên, người Hồi giáo từ chối ăn uống vào ban ngày.

23. I am not averse _______to______ an occasional glass of champagne myself.

- averse to sth: ghét
Dịch: Tôi không ghét việc uống một ly champagne đôi khi.

24. She stands _______out_____ as one of the finest contemporary British novelists around at the moment.
- stand out: nổi bật
Dịch: Cô ấy nổi bật như một trong những nhà văn Anh đương đại xuất sắc nhất hiện nay.

25. A lorry had broken _______down_______ on the motorway and we had to wait for over an hour.
- break down: hỏng
Dịch: Một xe tải đã hỏng trên xa lộ và chúng tôi phải đợi hơn một giờ.

26. The noise from the unruly fans celebrating their team's victory didn't let _____up_____ until early in the
- let up: ngừng
Dịch: Tiếng ồn từ những người hâm mộ náo loạn ăn mừng chiến thắng của đội bóng họ không ngừng cho đến
sáng sớm.

27. Your plan doesn't allow _______for______ changes in the weather.

- allow for: cân nhắc
Dịch: Kế hoạch của bạn không cho cân nhắc thay đổi theo thời tiết.

28. He said he would make me a rich man, but I saw _______through________ him immediately.
- see through: nhìn thấu bản chất
Dịch: Anh ta nói rằng anh ta sẽ làm tôi trở thành một người giàu có, nhưng tôi đã nhìn thấu bản chất anh ta
ngay lập tức.

29. Owing to circumstances ______beyond________ our control, the flight to Rome has been cancelled.
- beyond one’s control: ngoài tầm kiểm soát
Dịch: Do những tình huống ngoài tầm kiểm soát của chúng tôi, chuyến bay đến Rome đã bị hủy bỏ.

30. He has an inspirational politician, who put ______across________ his ideas with clarity.
- put across: trình bày
Dịch: Anh ta là một nhà chính trị truyền cảm hứng, người trình bày ý tưởng của mình một cách rõ ràng.

Part 3: Use the word given in CAPITAL to form a word that fits in the text. Write your answers in the
numbered space provided in the column on the right.
There are a myriad of lifestyle issues affecting the youth of today. Such is the pressure heaped on many
school-goers to achieve academic excellence by their parents that these (31. REAL) ______unrealistic______
expectations are causing children to become hopelessly depressed. Indeed, some in their (32. DESPAIR)
______desperation____ to escape and their sense of guilt at being unable to reach the levels of success
demanded of them by their (33. PUSH) ______pushy____ parents, either rebel in what is tantamount to a cry

for help, or, worse still, engage in self-harm. It is no (34. COINCIDE) ____coincidence____ that suicide rates,
especially among young males, have been rising steadily for some time now. These are tough times to be a teen.
Then there are those who get hooked on the Internet; the (35. VIRTUE) _____virtual_____ world becomes
their reality. For these teens, their social circle shrinks (36. DRAMA) _____dramatically_____ until, at last,
their friendship sphere is limited solely to their online buddies. Not alone do they commonly suffer from sleep
(37. DEPRIVE) _____deprivation___ on account of their destructive addiction to game play and net-surfing,
their behaviour may become so erratic and peculiar over time as to be considered (38. SOCIETY)
______antisocial____. And while they sit at their computer screens (39. HIDE) ____hidden____ away in
splendid isolation from the real world, such is lack of exercise they get that their calorie intake far exceeds what
is necessary for them to maintain a stable weight. In essence, due to their sedentary lifestyle, their weight
skyrockets until such time as they become morbidly (40. OBESITY) ______obese_____.
31. Trước N là adj => unrealistic (adj): viển vông
Dịch: Áp lực mà cha mẹ đặt ra cho nhiều học sinh phải đạt thành tích học tập xuất sắc đến nỗi những kỳ vọng
viển vông này đang khiến trẻ em trở nên chán nản vô vọng.
32. Sau tính từ sở hữu là N => desperation (n): tuyệt vọng
33. Trước N là adj => pushy (adj): áp đặt
Dịch: Thật vậy, một số người trong lúc tuyệt vọng muốn trốn thoát và cảm giác tội lỗi khi không thể đạt được
mức độ thành công mà cha mẹ áp đặt của họ yêu cầu, hoặc nổi loạn tương đương với tiếng kêu cứu, hoặc tệ hơn
nữa là tự làm hại mình.
34. Sau no là N => coincidence (n): sự trùng hợp
Dịch: Không phải ngẫu nhiên mà tỷ lệ tự tử, đặc biệt là ở nam thanh niên, đã tăng đều đặn trong một thời gian.
35. Trước N là adj => virtual (adj): ảo
Dịch: Đây là thời điểm khó khăn đối với một thiếu niên. Rồi có những người bị cuốn hút vào Internet; thế giới
ảo trở thành hiện thực của họ.
36. Bổ nghĩa cho V dùng adv => dramatically (adv): đáng kể
Dịch: Đối với những thanh thiếu niên này, vòng kết nối xã hội của họ thu hẹp đáng kể cho đến khi cuối cùng,
phạm vi tình bạn của họ chỉ giới hạn ở những người bạn trực tuyến.
37. Sau giới từ là N => deprivation (n): sự mất/ thiếu
38. consider sth adj: coi cái gì như thế nào => antisocial (adj): phản xã hội
Dịch: Họ không chỉ thường xuyên bị thiếu ngủ do nghiện chơi game và lướt mạng, hành vi của họ có thể trở
nên thất thường và kỳ dị theo thời gian đến mức bị coi là chống đối xã hội.
39. Rút gọn mệnh đề quan hệ ở bị động => p2 => hidden (p2): được giấu
Và trong khi họ ngồi trước màn hình máy tính, cách biệt hoàn toàn với thế giới thực, thì việc thiếu tập thể dục
khiến lượng calo tiêu thụ của họ vượt xa mức cần thiết để duy trì cân nặng ổn định.

40. become + adj => obese (adj): béo phì
Dịch: Về bản chất, do lối sống ít vận động, cân nặng của họ tăng vọt cho đến khi họ trở nên béo phì một cách
không lành mạnh.


Part 1: Read the following passage and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each gap. Write your
answers in the numbered boxes.
A number of scientists around the world are now investigating a phenomenon called synaesthesia that
may (1)___________ as many as one in 2,000 people. The name (2) ____________ from the Greek words for
together and perception and means that some people’s senses work in combination. For example, some people
see (3) ____________ when they hear particular sounds. Similarly, a smell or taste may be (4) ___________ as
a reaction to information received from the eyes. However, the most common form of synaesthesia occurs
among people who associate certain letters or words with colours. Scientists at Cambridge University
conducted experiments to (5) _____________ whether this is actually a product of mental activity or if some
individuals are just highly imaginative. They discovered that synaesthetes, people who experience synaesthesia,
(6) _____________ associate the same letters or words with the same colours. Brain scans revealed unusual (7)
_____________ in the brain when subjects were listening to words, suggesting that it is a physical condition.
The most (8) ______________ explanation is that synaesthetes have slightly different connections between the
areas of the brain which control their (9) ___________. Synesthesia is not a medical problem, however, and
synaesthetes often (10) ____________ from an unusually good memory, probably because they have extra
information to help them recall things like names and numbers.
1. A. grieve B. infect C. suffer D. affect
- grieve (v): gây đau buồn
- infect (v): lây nhiễm
- suffer from: chịu đựng
- affect (v): ảnh hưởng
Dịch: Một số nhà khoa học trên khắp thế giới hiện đang nghiên cứu một hiện tượng gọi là cảm giác kèm, có thể
ảnh hưởng đến 1/2.000 người.

2. A. reminds B. derives C. prescribes D. distracts

- remind (v): nhắc nhở
- derive from: bắt nguồn từ
- prescribe (v): kê đơn
- distract (v): gây xao lãng

Dịch: Cái tên này bắt nguồn từ các từ tiếng Hy Lạp có nghĩa là cùng nhau và nhận thức và có nghĩa là các giác
quan của một số người hoạt động phối hợp với nhau.

3. A. image B. picture C. colour D. information

- image (n): hình ảnh
- picture (n): bức tranh
- colour (n): màu sắc
- information (n): thông tin
Dịch: Ví dụ, một số người nhìn thấy màu sắc khi họ nghe thấy những âm thanh cụ thể.

4. A. retained B. perceived C. thought D. responded

- retain (v): giữ lại
- perceive (v): coi là
- think (v): suy nghĩ
- respond (v): phản ứng
Dịch: Tương tự, mùi hoặc vị có thể được coi là phản ứng với thông tin nhận được từ mắt.

5. A. determine B. realize C. recognize D. comprehend

- determine (v): xác định
- realize (v): nhận ra
- recognize (v): nhận diện, công nhận
- comprehend (v): hiểu
Dịch: Tuy nhiên, hình thức đồng cảm phổ biến nhất xảy ra ở những người liên kết một số chữ cái hoặc từ với
màu sắc. Các nhà khoa học tại Đại học Cambridge đã tiến hành thí nghiệm để xác định xem đây thực sự là sản
phẩm của hoạt động tinh thần hay một số cá nhân chỉ có trí tưởng tượng cao.

6. A. perfectly B. earnestly C. practically D. consistently

- perfectly (adv): một cách hoàn hảo
- earnestly (adv): một cách đứng đắn
- practically (adv): thực tế/ gần như
- consistently (adv): thường/ luôn
Dịch: Họ phát hiện ra rằng những người có giác quan đồng cảm, những người trải nghiệm cảm giác đồng cảm,
luôn liên kết các chữ cái hoặc từ giống nhau với cùng màu sắc.

7. A. activity B. material C. action D. thought
- activity (n): hoạt động
- material (n): chất liệu
- action (n): hành động
- thought (n): suy nghĩ
Dịch: Quét não cho thấy hoạt động bất thường trong não khi các đối tượng nghe từ ngữ, cho thấy đó là một tình
trạng thể chất.

8. A. laudable B. eligible C. plausible D. practical

- laudable (adj): đáng khen
- eligible (adj): có năng lực
- plausible (adj): hợp lý
- practical (adj): thực tế

9. A. consciences B. attitudes C. senses D. conditions

- conscience (n): lương tâm
- attitude (n): thái độ
- sense (n): giác quan
- condition (n): tình trạng
Dịch: Lời giải thích hợp lý nhất là các khớp thần kinh có những kết nối hơi khác nhau giữa các vùng não điều
khiển các giác quan của chúng.

10. A. deter B. defer C. profit D. benefit

- deter (v): răn đe, ngăn chặn
- defer (v): trì hoãn
- profit (v): kiếm lợi nhuận
- benefit from: có lợi từ
Dịch: Tuy nhiên, giác quan kèm không phải là một vấn đề y tế và người bị cảm giác kèm thường được hưởng
lợi từ trí nhớ tốt bất thường, có thể vì họ có thêm thông tin giúp họ nhớ lại những thứ như tên và số.

Part 2: Fill in the gap with ONE suitable word. Write the answers in the numbered boxes.
Gift exchange, which is also (11) _____called_____ ceremonial exchange, is the transfer of goods or
services that, (12) _______though/although______ regarded as voluntary by people involved, is part of the
expected social behaviour. Gift exchange may be distinguished from (13) ______other______ types of

exchange in several respects: the first offering is made in a generous manner and there is (14) _____no_______
haggling between donor and recipient; the exchange is an expression of an existing social relationship or of the
establishment of a new one that differs from impersonal market relationships; and the profit in gift exchange
may be (15) _____in______ the sphere of social relationships and prestige (16) _____rather______ than in
material advantage. The gift-exchange cycle entails obligations to give, to receive and to return.
Sanction may exist to induce people to give, disapproval or loss of prestige (17) ______resulting_____
from a failure to do so. Refusal to accept a gift may be seen as rejection of social relations and may (18)
______lead______ to enmity. The reciprocity of the cycle rests in the necessity to return the gift; the prestige
associated with the appearance of generosity dictates that the value of the return be approximately (19)
______equal______ to or greater than the value of the original gift. Alongside (20) ______its______ obvious
economic functions, gift exchange is significant expression of social relations.
11. be called: được gọi là
12. though/ although: mặc dù (voluntary >< expected)
Dịch: Trao đổi quà tặng, còn được gọi là trao đổi nghi lễ, là việc chuyển giao hàng hóa hoặc dịch vụ, mặc dù
được những người liên quan coi là tự nguyện, nhưng lại là một phần của hành vi xã hội được mong đợi.
13. other + N số nhiều: những cái khác
14. there is no + N: không có ...
Dịch: Trao đổi quà tặng có thể được phân biệt với các hình thức trao đổi khác ở một số khía cạnh: món quà đầu
tiên được thực hiện một cách hào phóng và không có sự mặc cả giữa người tặng và người nhận; trao đổi là sự
biểu hiện của một mối quan hệ xã hội hiện có hoặc của việc thiết lập một mối quan hệ xã hội mới khác với các
mối quan hệ thị trường khách quan.
15. in the sphere of: trong phạm vi
16. rather than: hơn là
Dịch: và lợi nhuận trong việc trao đổi quà tặng có thể nằm trong phạm vi quan hệ xã hội và uy tín hơn là lợi ích
vật chất. Chu trình trao đổi quà tặng bao gồm các nghĩa vụ cho, nhận và trả lại.
17. result from: do (rút gọn mệnh đề quan hệ chủ động => Ving)
Dịch: Hình phạt có thể tồn tại nhằm xúi giục mọi người đưa ra, không đồng tình hoặc làm mất uy tín do không
làm như vậy.
18. lead to: dẫn đến
Dịch: Việc từ chối nhận quà có thể được coi là sự từ chối các mối quan hệ xã hội và có thể dẫn đến thù địch.
19. equal to: bằng
Dịch: Tính tương hỗ của chu kỳ nằm ở sự cần thiết phải trả lại món quà; uy tín gắn liền với vẻ ngoài hào phóng
cho thấy giá trị của món quà nhận lại phải xấp xỉ bằng hoặc lớn hơn giá trị của món quà ban đầu.
20. its ám chỉ gift exchange

Dịch: Bên cạnh chức năng kinh tế rõ ràng, trao đổi quà tặng là biểu hiện quan trọng của các mối quan hệ xã hội.

Part 3: Read the passage including seven paragraphs and do the following tasks. Choose the correct
heading for each paragraph from the list of headings below.
Write the correct number, i-viii, in boxes 21-25 below.
List of Headings
i Different accounts of the same journey
ii Bingham gains support
iii A common belief
iv The aim of the trip
v A dramatic description
vi A new route
vii Bingham publishes his theory
viii Bingham's lack of enthusiasm

Paragraph A iv
21. Paragraph B vi
22. Paragraph C viii
23. Paragraph D v
24. Paragraph E i
25. Paragraph F vii
Paragraph G iii

The Lost City

An explorer's encounter with the ruined city of Machu Picchu, the most famous icon of the Inca civilisation

When the US explorer and academic Hiram Bingham arrived in South America in 1911, he was ready for what
was to be the greatest achievement of his life: the exploration of the remote hinterland to the west of Cusco, the
old capital of the Inca empire in the Andes mountains of Peru. His goal was to locate the remains of a city
called Vitcos, the last capital of the Inca civilisation. Cusco lies on a high plateau at an elevation of more than
3,000 metres, and Bingham's plan was to descend from this plateau along the valley of the Urubamba river,
which takes a circuitous route down to the Amazon and passes through an area of dramatic canyons and
mountain ranges.

B vi A new route (Một tuyến đường mới)
When Bingham and his team set off down the Urubamba in late July, they had an advantage over travellers who
had preceded them: a track had recently been blasted down the valley canyon to enable rubber to be brought up
by mules from the jungle (Khi Bingham và nhóm của anh ấy khởi hành đến Urubamba vào cuối tháng 7, họ đã
có lợi thế hơn những du khách đi trước: một con đường gần đây đã bị phá hủy xuống hẻm núi thung lũng để
những con la từ trong rừng có thể mang cao su lên). Almost all previous travellers had left the river at
Ollantaytambo and taken a high pass across mountains to rejoin the river lower down, thereby cutting a
substantial corner, but also therefore never passing through the area around Machu Picchu.

C viii Bingham's lack of enthusiasm (Bingham thiếu nhiệt tình)

On 24 July they were a few days into their descent of the valley. The day began slowly, with Bingham trying to
arrange sufficient mules for the next stage of the trek. His companions showed no interest in accompanying him
up the nearby hill to see some ruins that a local farmer, Melchor Arteaga, had told them about the night before.
The morning was dull and damp, and Bingham also seems to have been less than keen on the prospect of
climbing the hill (Buổi sáng buồn tẻ và ẩm ướt, và Bingham dường như cũng không mấy hào hứng với viễn
cảnh leo đồi.). In his book Lost City of the Incas, he relates that he made the ascent without having the least
expectation that he would find anything at the top.

Dv A dramatic description (Một mô tả đầy kịch tính)

Bingham writes about the approach in vivid style in his book (Bingham viết về cách tiếp cận này theo phong
cách sống động trong cuốn sách của mình). First, as he climbs up the hill, he describes the ever-present
possibility of deadly snakes, "capable of making considerable springs when in pursuit of their prey"; not that he
sees any. Then there's a sense of mounting discovery as he comes across great sweeps of terraces, then a
mausoleum, followed by monumental staircases and, finally, the grand ceremonial buildings of Machu Picchu.
"It seemed like an unbelievable dream the sight held me spellbound ..." he wrote.

Ei Different accounts of the same journey (Các tường thuật khác nhau của cùng một hành trình)
We should remember, however, that Lost City of the Incas is a work of hindsight, not written until 1948, many
years after his journey. His journal entries of the time reveal a much more gradual appreciation of his
achievement (Những dòng nhật ký của anh ấy vào thời điểm đó cho thấy sự đánh giá dần dần về thành tích của
anh ấy.). He spent the afternoon at the ruins noting down the dimensions of some of the buildings, then
descended and rejoined his companions, to whom he seems to have said little about his discovery. At this stage,
Bingham didn't realise the extent or the importance of the site, nor did he realise what use he could make of the


F vii Bingham publishes his theory (Bingham công bố lý thuyết của mình)
However, soon after returning it occurred to him that he could make a name for himself from this discovery.
When he came to write the National Geographic magazine article that broke the story to the world in April
1913, he knew he had to produce a big idea (Khi đến viết bài cho tạp chí National Geographic và đăng tải câu
chuyện này ra thế giới vào tháng 4 năm 1913, ông biết mình phải tạo ra một ý tưởng lớn.). He wondered
whether it could have been the birthplace of the very first Inca, Manco the Great, and whether it could also have
been what chroniclers described as "the last city of the Incas". This term refers to Cilcabamba, the settlement
where the Incas had fled from Spanish invaders in the 1530s. Bingham made desperate attempts to prove this
belief for nearly 40 years. Sadly, his vision of the site as both the beginning and end of the Inca civilisation,
while a magnificent one, is inaccurate. We now know that Vilcabamba actually lies 65 kilometres away in the
depths of the jungle.

One question that has perplexed visitors, historians and archaeologists alike ever since Bingham, is why the site
seems to have been abandoned before the Spanish Conquest. There are no references to it by any of the Spanish
chroniclers - and if they had known of its existence so close to Cusco they would certainly have come in search
of gold. An idea which has gained wide acceptance over the past few years is that Machu Picchu was a moya, a
country estate built by an Inca emperor to escape the cold winters of Cusco, where the elite could enjoy
monumental architecture and spectacular views. Furthermore, the particular architecture of Machu Picchu
suggests that it was constructed at the time of the greatest of all the Incas, the emperor Pachacuti (c.1438-71).
By custom, Pachacuti's descendants built other similar estates for their own use, and so Machu Picchu would
have been abandoned after his death, some 50 years before the Spanish Conquest.

❖ For questions 26-28, do the following statements agree with the information given in the passage?
True if the statement agrees with the information
False if the statement contradicts the information
Not Given if there is no information on this
26. Bingham went to South America in search of an Inca city. TRUE
(Bingham tới Nam Mỹ để tìm kiếm một thành phố của người Inca.)
- Thông tin: His goal was to locate the remains of a city called Vitcos, the last capital of the Inca civilisation:
Mục tiêu của ông là xác định vị trí tàn tích của thành phố Vitcos, thủ đô cuối cùng của nền văn minh Inca.

27. Bingham chose a particular route down the Urubamba valley because it was the most common route used
by travellers. FALSE
(Bingham đã chọn một tuyến đường cụ thể đi xuống thung lũng Urubamba vì đây là tuyến đường được nhiều
du khách sử dụng nhất.)
- Thông tin: Almost all previous travellers had left the river at Ollantaytambo and taken a high pass across
mountains to rejoin the river lower down, thereby cutting a substantial corner, but also therefore never passing
through the area around Machu Picchu: Hầu hết tất cả những du khách trước đó đã rời sông ở Ollantaytambo và
vượt qua những ngọn núi để nối lại dòng sông ở phía dưới, do đó đi khá tắt, nhưng do đó cũng không bao giờ đi
qua khu vực xung quanh Machu Picchu.

28. Bingham returned to Machu Picchu in order to find evidence to support his theory. NOT GIVEN
(Bingham quay trở lại Machu Picchu để tìm bằng chứng ủng hộ lý thuyết của mình.)
- Giải thích: There is no mention in the passage of Bingham returning to Machu Picchu specifically to find
evidence to support his theory. While it's mentioned that he made desperate attempts to prove his belief that
Machu Picchu was the "last city of the Incas," there is no indication that he returned to the site for this purpose.:
Không có đề cập nào trong đoạn Bingham quay trở lại Machu Picchu để tìm bằng chứng hỗ trợ cho lý thuyết
của mình. Mặc dù người ta đề cập rằng ông đã cố gắng hết sức để chứng minh niềm tin của mình rằng Machu
Picchu là "thành phố cuối cùng của người Inca", nhưng không có dấu hiệu nào cho thấy ông quay lại địa điểm
này vì mục đích này.

❖ For questions 29-30, complete the sentences below. Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the passage for
each answer.
29. The track that took Bingham down the Urubamba valley had been created for the transportation of
- Thông tin: When Bingham and his team set off down the Urubamba in late July, they had an advantage over
travellers who had preceded them: a track had recently been blasted down the valley canyon to enable rubber
to be brought up by mules from the jungle (Khi Bingham và nhóm của anh ấy khởi hành đến Urubamba vào
cuối tháng 7, họ đã có lợi thế hơn những du khách đi trước: một con đường gần đây đã bị phá hủy xuống hẻm
núi thung lũng để những con la từ trong rừng có thể mang cao su lên).

30. Bingham found out about the ruins of Machu Picchu from a ______farmer_____ in the Urubamba valley.
- Thông tin: His companions showed no interest in accompanying him up the nearby hill to see some ruins that
a local farmer, Melchor Arteaga, had told them about the night before (Những người bạn đồng hành của anh tỏ

ra không quan tâm đến việc cùng anh lên ngọn đồi gần đó để xem một số tàn tích mà một nông dân địa phương,
Melchor Arteaga, đã kể cho họ nghe về đêm hôm trước.)


Part 1. Rewrite each of the following sentences using the suggested word(s) so that its meaning stays the
same. Write each answer in the space provided.
1. The Mediterranean is warm, whereas the North Sea is much colder.
 The North Sea is nowhere near as warm as the Mediterranean.
- nowhere near as + adj/adv + as: còn lâu mới ... bằng
Dịch: Biển Bắc còn lâu mới ấm áp bằng Địa Trung Hải.

2. The boy was so scared that he could hardly breathe.

 Such was his fear that the boy could hardly breathe.
- such + tobe + S/N + that: đến mức mà
Dịch: Nỗi sợ hãi lớn đến nỗi cậu bé khó thở.

3. In my opinion, it's better to talk calmly than to argue.

 I'd prefer to talk calmly rather than argue/ have an argument.
- would prefer to do sth rather than do sth: muốn/ thích làm gì hơn làm gì
Dịch: Tôi thích nói chuyện một cách bình tĩnh hơn là tranh cãi.

4. Many creatures still survive and thrive in the harsh conditions of the deserts.
 Harsh as/though the conditions of the deserts are, many creatures still survive and thrive.
- adj/adv as/though SV, SV: Mặc dù ... nhưng ...
Dịch: Dù điều kiện của sa mạc rất khắc nghiệt nhưng nhiều sinh vật vẫn tồn tại và phát triển.

5. Nick told one of the detectives that he had taken the cashbox.
 Nick admitted to one of the detectives that he had taken the cashbox.
- admit to sb (that): thừa nhận với ai rằng
Dịch: Nick thừa nhận với một trong những thám tử rằng anh ta đã lấy hộp đựng tiền.

Part 2. Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first printed, using the word
given in CAPITAL. Do not change the word given. You must use between THREE and SIX words. Write
each answer in the space provided.

6. The company tried unsuccessfully to secure a bank loan. (AVAIL).
 The company's efforts were to/of no avail in securing a bank loan.
- to/ of no avail in doing sth: không thành công trong việc làm gì
Dịch: Những nỗ lực của công ty đều không có kết quả trong việc đảm bảo khoản vay ngân hàng.

7. I'm sorry I said that your new hat looked like a lampshade. (BACK).
 I take back what I said about your new hat looking like a lampshade.
- take back: rút lại ý kiến
Dịch: Tôi rút lại những gì tôi đã nói về chiếc mũ mới của bạn trông giống như một cái chao đèn.

8. Peter grimaced as he swallowed the foul-tasting medicine. (PULLED).

 Peter pulled a face as he swallowed the foul-tasting medicine.
- pull a face: nhăn mặt
Dịch: Peter nhăn mặt khi nuốt thứ thuốc có mùi hôi.

9. Although the manager is sluggish, he is a smooth speaker. (GIFT)

 Sluggish as the manager is, he has the gift of the gab.
- have the gift of the gab: có tài ăn nói
Dịch: Dù là một người quản lý chậm chạp nhưng anh ta lại có năng khiếu ăn nói.

10. I can't find the answer without a calculator. (OUT).

 I can't work out the answer without a calculator.
- work out: tìm ra/ giải quyết
Dịch: Tôi không thể tìm ra câu trả lời nếu không có máy tính.

Part 3: Write an essay of about 200 words on the following topic.

Parents are supposed to respect their children's privacy in both virtual and real world. To what extent do
you agree or disagree with this view.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experience.
Respecting children's privacy, whether in the virtual or real world, is imperative for fostering trust, autonomy,
and healthy development. I strongly agree with this view. Parents should recognize that their children, like
individuals of any age, deserve personal space and boundaries.

In the digital age, maintaining privacy is especially crucial. Children navigate an online landscape where
personal information can be easily accessed and exploited. Respecting their privacy entails refraining from
invasive monitoring or surveillance, allowing them to explore the digital realm independently while providing
guidance on safe practices.

In the real world, respecting privacy builds a foundation of mutual respect and understanding. Children learn to
assert their boundaries and develop a sense of autonomy when their privacy is respected. Conversely, intrusive
behavior from parents can breed resentment and hinder the development of open communication.

As an example, constant monitoring of a child's online activities without their consent can erode trust and lead
to secretive behavior. Conversely, when parents respect their child's privacy by discussing boundaries and
trusting them to make responsible choices, it fosters a healthy parent-child relationship built on mutual respect.

In conclusion, respecting children's privacy in both the virtual and real world is essential for their emotional
well-being and development. By acknowledging their autonomy and boundaries, parents nurture trust and
communication, empowering their children to navigate the world with confidence and integrity.


HẢI DƯƠNG NĂM HỌC 2023 - 2024
ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC Ngày thi: 12 tháng 01 năm 2024
Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút, không kể thời gian giao đề
(Đề thi gồm 13 trang)
I. There are FIVE short conversations and choose the correct answer to each question. (5.0 points)
1. What can't the woman find?
A. the knife B. the scissors C. the hammer D. the paintbrush
2. What is the weather forecast for tomorrow?
A. wet and cold B. hot and dry weather
C. sunshine and light shower D. heavy rain
3. What did the boy buy?
A. bread and orange juice B. bread, orange juice and newspaper
C. bread, orange juice and tomatoes D. bread, toothpaste and salad
4. Which present has the girl bought her mother?
A. earrings B. a gold-colored pen
C. a CD D. a necklace
5. Which TV program will they watch together?
A. a rock concert B. a football match
C. a wildlife program D. a basketball match

II. You will hear a radio announcer talking about activities at a museum called Science World. Complete
the with NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. (5.0 points)

Next week’s Special Events


* Electricity workshop Monday afternoon
* Experiments with water (6) ____________
* Talk about (7) ____________ by well-known scientist from the
US: Saturday evening

Science World entrance fees are: £3.00 Adults
£2.00 Children
Tickets for Special Events cost extra: (8) £ _____________ Adults
Reduced prices for children
Get tickets direct from Science World on 284311, or from the (9) ______________.
Newton Café is next to the (10) ______________ (snacks available all day).
Phone Science World for free ticket to exhibition about computers.

III. You will hear a man talking about Tanya Perry's life. Complete the note below with NO MORE
THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. (5.0 points)
Born in London in 1948
Her family moved to (11) ________________ in 1952.
Tanya spent happy days at school where she began writing (12) _________________.
During the early 1970s, she worked as a (13) ______________.
In the year (14) ______________, she gave up her day job to write full-time.
The film "City Life" directed by Robin won the prize for the (15) ______________ at a French
Film Festival in 1984.

IV. Listen to Thomas Lambert talking about his life as a ballet dancer and choose the correct answer to
each question. (5.0 points)
Question 16. How did Thomas feel about doing performing arts?
A. It was important to maintain a family tradition.
B. It was something he was born to do.
C. He wasn't talented enough to become a pianist.
D. He found it interesting and important.
Question 17. Thomas went to different ballet schools because _________.
A. he liked performing in different places.
B. he enjoyed travelling to different countries.
C. he needed to find out what suited him best.
D. he wanted to get the widest range of experience.
Question 18. What does Thomas like best about ballet?
A. It's difficult to get it right. B. It involves more than movement.
C. Each ballet tells a story and it attracts him. D. It's fun performing in front of an audience.
Question 19. What does Thomas like best about awards?
A. Some of them are worth more than others.
B. It is very important to him.
C. Dancers have to win them while they are young.
D. It's difficult to win them because dancers have a short career.
Question 20. Thomas says that by the time he stops dancing he wants to have _________.
A. studied more about ballet. B. started to teach ballet to new students.
C. increased audiences for ballet. D. made the most of his time on stage.


I. Choose the word, phrase or expression that best completes each sentence below. (10.0 points)
Question 21. Measles is a highly contagious viral disease _________ by a characteristic skin rash.
A. accompany B. is accompanied C. accompanied D. that are accompanied
Question 22. _________ seasonal rainfall, especially in regions near the tropics, is winds that blow in an
opposite direction in winter than in summer.
A. That cause B. Causing C. What causes D. To cause
Question 23. Mrs. Smith has __________ painting since she retired two years ago.
A. taken up B. taken off C. taken over D. taken in
Question 24. __________ further rioting to occur, the government would be forced to use its emergency
A. Had B. Should C. Were D. If
Question 25. Global warming has progressed __________ glaciers everywhere are shrinking.
A. too much that B. to such an extent that
C. enough to cause D so great an extent that
Question 26. On returning home, John discovered __________ his horror that the pipes had burst and the entire
house was flooded.
A. by B. of C. to D. at
Question 27. Although _________ cold climates, they can thrive in hot, dry climates as well.
A. sheep adapted well B. well-adapted sheep
C. sheep, well-adapted to D. sheep are well adapted to
Question 28. The automobile, along with several other important inventions, __________ an incredibly
complex world.
A. has been created B. have created C. have been created D. has created
Question 29. Perhaps the most dramatic changes in future robots will __________ from their increasing ability

to reason.
A. raise B. rise C. increase D. arise
Question 30. Insects are harmful to plants, but their existence contributes a great part to __________ which
helps to make balanced environment.
A. biology B. biophysics C. biochemistry D. biodiversity
Question 31. Mortgage advisors urge anyone on a ___________ budget to choose a fixed rate so they know
they can afford the repayments.
A. tight B. cheap C. close D. hard
Question 32. My mother often __________ our mistakes, whereas my father is very strict and punishes us for
even the slightest one.
A. passes B. neglects C. avoids D. overlooks
Question 33. My decision to leave university after two years is one I now _________ regret.
A. harshly B. painfully C. keenly D. heavily
Question 34. Henry was badly depressed after the car accident. Now he is beginning to think that there could be
the light at the end of the ___________.
A. passage B. subway C. tunnel D. journey
Question 35. The university has ___________ a campus-wide campaign to reduce the use of plastic bags.
A. launched B. published C. made D. invented
Question 36. Jane and Cathy are in the classroom.
- Jane: "You must have found reading my essay very tiring."
- Cathy: "___________. I enjoyed it."
A. Not in the least B. Just in case
C. At all costs D. I couldn't agree with you more
Question 37. Nora and Peter are talking in the garden.
- Nora: "Can we meet this Saturday to discuss our plan for the graduation ceremony?"
- Peter: "___________.”
A. Yes, we did that. B. Saturday is the weekend.
C. Saturday suits me fine. D. Saturday is a great day.
Question 38. Lee and Mike are in the hall.
- Lee: "I'd like to hear your ideas on how to protect vulnerable species."
- Mike: “___________.”
A. I'd say people's awareness is very important.
B. You're always asking me for advice.
C. I like your ideas so much.

D. These animals are vulnerable.
Question 39. Laura is being interviewed by Mr. Johnson.
- Mr. Johnson: "What qualities do you have that make you a suitable candidate for this post?"
- Laura: “___________.”
A. Well, I have a lot of qualifications that match.
B. I'm highly qualified for the post.
C. I used to work in a similar position for two years.
D. I consider myself to be trustworthy, responsible and punctual.
Question 40. Timothy and Carol, two students, are talking about studying abroad.
- Timothy: "I think studying abroad is the only way to get a well-paid job."
- Carol: "__________. There're still many different ways to get it."
A. You're exactly right B. That's what I think
C. I don't think so D. There's no doubt about it

II. Give the correct form of the words in brackets. (5.0 points)
Question 41. People judged to be functionally (LITERACY) ____________ lack the basic reading and writing
Question 42. The newspapers provided very little (LIGHT) ____________ about the cause of the President's
Question 43. The discussion was about whether the child was old enough to make an (INFORM) ___________
Question 44. Jack examined the parcel (SUSPECT) _____________ as he had no idea what it could be.
Question 45. Could you please help me (AMBIGUOUS) _____________ the two words "differ" and

III. Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence below that needs correcting. (5.0 points)
Question 46. Only when you have had a chance to know various occupations you will decide on your career.

Question 47. The ocean probably distinguishes the earth from other planets of the solar system, for scientists
believe that large bodies of water are not existing on the other planets.

Question 48. That water has a very high specific heat means that, without a large temperature change, water can
absorb or release a large number of heat.

Question 49. Although pure diamond is colorless and transparent, when contaminated with other minerals it
may appear in variously colors, ranging from pastel to opaque black.

Question 50. The techniques of science and magic are quite different, but their basic aims - to understand and
control nature - they are very similar.

I. Look at the text in each question. What does it say? Choose the correct explanation A, B, C or D. (5.0

Question 51.
A. People will be asked to discuss their favorite
SWEET MEMORIES childhood sweets at the lecture.

Can you remember your candy store B. The lecture will be about how sweet shops have

favorites? changed over the last century.

Lecture by historical expert: C. The lecture will cover some surprising facts about

The unusual story behind candy sweets.

Everyone welcome! D. Customers are welcome to buy candy for historical


Question 52.
A. The school secretary will post students their essays
To: All students on Thursday.
From: School secretary B. Students may hand in their essays after Thursday if
Monday, 8 January they can prove illness.
May I remind you that all essays are due this C. Unless students' essays are due by Thursday, they do
Thursday. No late work will be accepted not need to reply
unless accompanied by a doctor's letter. D. Students cannot hand in their essays after Thursday
if they are not accompanied by a doctor.

Question 53.
A. You shouldn't come into the café as all the tables
are reserved for the party.
TROPICAL CAFE B. Only people invited to the party can come into the

SORRY café.
Tables at the front of the café are reserved for C. If you're coming to the party, you shouldn't use the
a birthday party tables at the front.
D. Don't sit at the front of the café unless you are
attending the party.

Question 54.
Mike should
A. remind Marta that someone is picking her up for
Mike, band practice
I'll be back late. Don't forget Marta needs a B. check Marta is dressed properly and take her to
lift to band practice at the stadium - please band practice
make sure she is in uniform. C. ask Marta to give him a lift to band practice at the
Jenny stadium
D. make Marta practice before she goes to band

Question 55.
A. Lily should join a different riding class because the
12 o'clock lesson is full
The riding school rang. Nobody from Lily's B. Lily would be the only rider at twelve today, so she
group has booked for the midday class. For should come later.
this week only, she'll have to ride at 2 C. Lily must change groups because riding classes will
o'clock instead. no longer take place at 12.
D. Lily won't be able to ride this week as nobody has
booked for classes.

II. Read the passage below and fill in each blank with ONE suitable word. (5.0 points)
Air pollution is a cause of ill-health in human beings. In many countries, there are laws limiting the
amount of smoke which factories can produce. Although there isn't enough information on the (56) __________
of smoke in the atmosphere, doctors have proved that air pollution causes lung diseases.
The (57) ___________ from the exhausts of cars have also increased air pollution in most cities. The
lead in petrol produces a poisonous gas which often collects in busy streets (58) ______________ by high
buildings. Children who live in areas where there is a lot of lead in the atmosphere cannot think as quickly as

other children and are clumsy (59) ______________ they use their hands. There are other long-term effects of
pollution. If the gases in the atmosphere continue to increase, the (60) _____________ climate may become
warmer. A lot of the ice near the poles may melt and may cause serious floods.

III. Read the passage below and decide which option A, B, C or D best fits each space. (10.0 points)
Many parents believe that they should begin to teach their children to read when they are scarcely more
than toddlers. This is fine if the child shows a real interest but forcing a child could be (61) ___________ if she/
he isn't ready. Wise parents will have a (62) ____________ attitude and take the lead from their child. What
they should provide is a selection of (63) ____________ books and other activities. Nowadays there is plenty of
good material available for young children, and of course, seeing plenty of books in use about the house will
also (64) _____________ them to read.
Of course, books are no longer the only source of stories and information. There is also a huge range of
videos, which can (65) ______________ and extend the pleasure a child finds in a book and are equally
valuable in helping to increase vocabulary and concentration. Television gets a bad (66) ______________ as far
as children are concerned, mainly because too many spend too much time watching programs not intended for
their age group. Too many television programs induce an incurious, uncritical attitude (67) _____________ is
going to make learning much more difficult. (68) _____________, discriminating viewing of programs
designed for young children can be useful. Just as adults enjoy reading a book after seeing it (69)
_____________ on television, so children will pounce on books which feature their favorite television
characters and videos can add a new (70) ______________ to a story known from a book.
Question 61. A. useful B. unproductive C. counter-productive D. productive
Question 62. A. cheerful B. contented C. relaxed D. hopeful
Question 63. A. bright B. thrilling C. energetic D. stimulating
Question 64. A encourage B. cause C. make D. promote
Question 65. A. uphold B. found C. assist D. reinforce
Question 66. A. revision B. press C. criticism D. result
Question 67. A. it B. which C. what D. Ø
Question 68. A. Therefore B. However C. Furthermore D. Moreover
Question 69. A. serialized B. revised C. transfered D. visualized
Question 70. A. revival B. dimension C. option D. existence

IV. Read the following passage and choose the best answer to each question. (10.0 points)
By 1776 the fine art of painting as it had developed in western Europe up to this time had been
introduced into the American colonies though books and prints, European visitors and immigrants, and

traveling colonists who brought back copies (and a few original) of old master paintings and acquaintance with
European art institutions.
By the outbreak of the Revolution against British rule in 1776, the status of the artists had already
undergone change. In the mid-eighteenth century, painters had been willing to assume such artisan-related
tasks as varnishing, gilding teaching, keeping shops, and painting wheel carriages, houses, and signs. The
terminology by which artists were described at the time suggests their status: "limner" was usually applied to
the anonymous portrait painter up to the 1760's: "painter" characterized anyone who could paint a flat surface.
By the second half of the century, colonial artists who were trained in England or educated in the classics
rejected the status of laborer and thought of themselves as artists. Some colonial urban portraitists, such as John
Singleton Copley, Benjamin West, and Charles Wilson Peale, consorted with affluent patrons. Although subject
to fluctuations in their economic status, all three enjoyed sufficient patronages to allow them to maintain an
image of themselves as professional artists, an image indicated by their custom of signing their paintings. A few
art collectors James Bowdoin III of Boston, William Byrd of Virginian, and the Aliens and Hamiltons of
Philadelphia introduced European art traditions to those colonists privileged to visit their galleries, especially
aspiring artists, and established in their respective communities the idea of the value of art and the need for
institutions devoted to its encouragement.
Although the colonists tended to favor portraits, they also accepted landscapes, historical works, and
political engravings as appropriate artistic subjects. With the coming of independence from the British Crown, a
sufficient number of artists and their works were available to serve nationalistic purposes. The achievements of
the colonial artists, particularly those of Copley, West, and Peale, lent credence to the boast that the new nation
was capable of encouraging genius and that political liberty was congenial to the development of taste a
necessary step before art could assume an important role in the new republic.
Question 71. What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. European influence on colonial American painting
B. The importance of patronage to artist
C. The changing status of artists in the American colonies in the eighteenth century
D. Subjects preferred by artists in the American colonies in the eighteenth century
Question 72. The word "undergone" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to
A. led to B. transformed C. preferred D. experienced
Question 73. According to the passage, before the American Revolution the main task of limners was to
A. paint wheel carriages B. paint portraits
C. varnish furniture D. paint flat surfaces
Question 74. It can be inferred from the passage that artists who were trained in England __________.

A. considered artists to be superior to painters B. barely painted portraitists
C. were often very wealthy D. imitated English painters
Question 75. The word "consorted" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ___________.
A. made decisions B. studied C. agreed D. associated
Question 76. The word "sufficient" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ___________.
A. adequate B. temporary C. friendly D. expensive
Question 77. According to the passage, artists such as Copley, West and Peal signed their paintings because it
A. increased the monetary value of the paintings
B. made it more difficult for other artists to copy the paintings
C. supported the artists' image of professionalism
D. distinguished colonial American artists from European artists
Question 78. The author mentions James Bowdoin IT and William Byrd in paragraph 2 as examples of which of
the following?
A. Art gallery owners who displayed only European art
B. Art collectors who had a profound influence on American attitudes toward art
C. Artists who gave financial support to other artists
D. Patrons who helped to encourage artisans to become artists
Question 79. With which of the following would the author be most likely to agree?
A. Countries that have not had a political revolution are unlikely to dev develop great art.
B. The most successful art collectors are usually artists themselves.
C. The value of colonial American paintings decreased after the Revolution.
D. Colonial artists made an important contribution to the evolving culture of the new nation.
Question 80. Which of the following best describes the tone of the passage?
A. argumentative B. humorous C. serious D. sarcastic

I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed
befor it. (5.0 points)
Question 81. The collision didn't damage his car much.
 Not a great .........................................................................................................................................
Question 82. You didn't think carefully enough before you applied for the job in Manchester.
 You ought ..........................................................................................................................................
Question 83. He would do almost anything to win the girl's heart.

 He would go to ..................................................................................................................................
Question 84. What Laura hates most about these school reunions is posing for photos.
 There is nothing ................................................................................................................................
Question 85. It doesn't matter which chemical you put t in the mixture first.
 It makes .............................................................................................................................................

II. This is part of a letter you have received from Vera, your pen pal from New Zealand. In about 100-120
words, write a letter to answer her questions. (10.0 points)

I have just been nominated as the head of the school music club. Everything is new to me. Could you
give me some advice? What qualities should I have? What should I do to make the club successful?

NOTE: You are required to sign your name as Trung!



III. Write a paragraph of about 140-160 words about the importance of discipline in a student's life. (15.0


HẢI DƯƠNG NĂM HỌC 2023 - 2024
ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC Ngày thi: 12 tháng 01 năm 2024
Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút, không kể thời gian giao đề
(Đề thi gồm 13 trang)
I. There are FIVE short conversations and choose the correct answer to each question. (5.0 points)
1. What can't the woman find?
A. the knife B. the scissors C. the hammer D. the paintbrush
2. What is the weather forecast for tomorrow?
A. wet and cold B. hot and dry weather
C. sunshine and light shower D. heavy rain
3. What did the boy buy?
A. bread and orange juice B. bread, orange juice and newspaper
C. bread, orange juice and tomatoes D. bread, toothpaste and salad
4. Which present has the girl bought her mother?
A. earrings B. a gold-colored pen
C. a CD D. a necklace
5. Which TV program will they watch together?
A. a rock concert B. a football match
C. a wildlife program D. a basketball match
1 What can’t the woman find?
Mum: I’m going to mend and paint the cupboard in your bedroom today.
Daughter: Great, Mum. Anything I can do to help?
Mum: Yes, can you go to the shop and get me a new hammer – this one’s broken. But before you do that, ask
your dad what he’s done with the paintbrush – I’ve looked everywhere for it. There weren’t any in the garage;
all I could find was this knife which I lost months ago!
2 What is the weather forecast for tomorrow?
Man: And now for those of you planning to go to the rock festival tomorrow, you’ll want to know what the
weather’s going to be like. As we go through today, the heave rain will gradually disappear by the end of the
afternoon. Tomorrow we can expect some sunshine with just a few light showers, and then some very hot and
dry weather is likely by the weekend.

3 What did the boy buy?
Son: I got most of the shopping you asked for, Mum. I got the last of the bread and some orange juice but
sorry, there weren’t any newspapers left.
Mum: Oh, never mind, I need to remember to go in the morning. But what about the tomatoes for the salad?
Son: Ah … I forgot. I’ll go back for them.
Mum: Oh, don’t worry, I’ll stop and pick some up when I go out to collect your sister.
4 Which present has the girl bought her mother?
Jane: Hi … it’s me, Jane … I’ve got Mum’s birthday present. I think she’ll like it … Yes, that’s right, a gold-
coloured one. She’s always writing letters, so she’ll find it useful … Mmm. I thought about a CD but I’m never
really sure what music she likes, and Dad’s bought her a new pair of earrings for her birthday anyway. I’m sure
she’ll like what I’ve got her.
5 Which TV programme will they watch together?
Girl: Hasn’t that basketball match finished yet? You know I want to watch the wildlife programme at nine
Boy: It’s cancelled, and everything’s running late because the rock concert finished later than expected. Sit
down and watch this match with me. It’s really exciting, and more interesting than looking at animals.
Girl: Oh, OK then.

II. You will hear a radio announcer talking about activities at a museum called Science World. Complete
the with NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. (5.0 points)

Next week’s Special Events


* Electricity workshop Monday afternoon
* Experiments with water (6) __Wednesday morning___
* Talk about (7) ____space travel___ by well-known scientist
from the US: Saturday evening

Science World entrance fees are: £3.00 Adults

£2.00 Children
Tickets for Special Events cost extra: (8) £ ____1.75___ Adults
Reduced prices for children

Get tickets direct from Science World on 284311, or from the (9) ___tourist office___.
Newton Café is next to the (10) ___beach___ (snacks available all day).
Phone Science World for free ticket to exhibition about computers.

Man: This week in the local activities part of the show, we’re taking a look at Science World, the new place to
visit for a family day out. During your visit you’ll be able to find out about all the latest developments in
science, as well as trying lots of experiments for yourself. This is no ordinary museum, I promise you! There’s a
programme of special events, which next week includes an Electricity Workshop on Monday afternoon, and the
chance to do some experiments with water on Wednesday morning. Of special interest is the regular Saturday
evening talk: next week Science World welcome a famous American scientist who is going to talk about space
It isn’t expensive to visit Science World, with tickets priced at three pounds for adults and two pounds for
children. Talks and other special events are extra, though, with an entrance fee of £1.75 for adults and there are
reductions for children. If you want to go to a special event or talk, then book your tickets direct from Science
World on 284311, or pick them up from the tourist office.
While you’re at Science World, you’ll be able to enjoy a snack in the Newton Café – it’s a bit small, but the
food is good. It’s open all day and it has a lovely view because it’s beside the beach.
Still not sure? Well, why not give Science World a call on 284311? If you say you heard about Science World
on this programme they will send you one free ticket to next month’s exhibition which is about computers. It’s
suitable for families and school parties.
And now let’s look at …

III. You will hear a man talking about Tanya Perry's life. Complete the note below with NO MORE
THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. (5.0 points)
Born in London in 1948
Her family moved to (11) ____(the) north west___ in 1952.
Tanya spent happy days at school where she began writing (12) ____short stories____.
During the early 1970s, she worked as a (13) ____waitress___.
In the year (14) ___1976___, she gave up her day job to write full-time.
The film "City Life" directed by Robin won the prize for the (15) ___best foreign film___ at a
French Film Festival in 1984.

Interviewer: Hello and welcome. We’re spending the first part of today’s programme talking about Tanya
Perry, and with me today is Ray Potter, her friend and colleague for many years …
Ray: Yes, well, I’ve known Tanya for nearly 20 years. Not many people know that she was born in London, in
1948. In 1952, her parents moved with Tanya and her brother to the north west. They lived in various places,
before finally coming to Manchester in 1956.
Tanya spent a very happy period at school. In fact she was in the same class as Jack Peters, the famous poet.
David Thompson, the artist, was also at the school – a couple of years below her, I think. So it was an
interesting time for Tanya, who actually began to write short stories while she was at school. One of her stories
appeared in the school magazine – I have a copy here. It’s extraordinary, you can see a lot of her ideas starting
to grow. When Tanya left school, she didn’t go to university, as Jack Peters did, but got a job immediately. She
was never interested in university life. what she wanted was to be part of the real world, to meet different
people and get more experience of life. So in the early 1970s she became a waitress, working in what was then
one of the most popular cafés in Manchester. She was writing at night and in 1975 she had her first play
performed, at the Edinburgh Festival.
She gave up her day job the following year, to be able to write full-time. Several of her plays were performed,
including one at the Court Theatre in London. This was where she met film director Robin Newgate, who she
later married. Robin introduced her to the film word and, in 1979, she wrote the story which later became the
film ‘City Life’, which Robin directed. It won the prize for best foreign film at an important French Film
Festival in 1984.
Tanya could have moved to Hollywood then, but she was still married to the theatre – and to Robin – so she
decided to stay here. Now she has 24 plays in print, 18 in translation, which makes her work very widely
known all over the world.

IV. Listen to Thomas Lambert talking about his life as a ballet dancer and choose the correct answer to
each question. (5.0 points)
Question 16. How did Thomas feel about doing performing arts?
A. It was important to maintain a family tradition.
B. It was something he was born to do.
C. He wasn't talented enough to become a pianist.
D. He found it interesting and important.
Question 17. Thomas went to different ballet schools because _________.
A. he liked performing in different places.
B. he enjoyed travelling to different countries.

C. he needed to find out what suited him best.
D. he wanted to get the widest range of experience.
Question 18. What does Thomas like best about ballet?
A. It's difficult to get it right. B. It involves more than movement.
C. Each ballet tells a story and it attracts him. D. It's fun performing in front of an audience.
Question 19. What does Thomas like best about awards?
A. Some of them are worth more than others.
B. It is very important to him.
C. Dancers have to win them while they are young.
D. It's difficult to win them because dancers have a short career.
Question 20. Thomas says that by the time he stops dancing he wants to have _________.
A. studied more about ballet. B. started to teach ballet to new students.
C. increased audiences for ballet. D. made the most of his time on stage.

WOMAN: On Arts Today we are talking to Thomas Lambert, a young ballet dancer. Thomas, how did you get
into dancing in the first place?
THOMAS: My family were all heavily into performing arts in different forms. My uncle was a theatre director,
my cousin was a lighting designer, my father played in a band and my mother worked behind the scenes doing
make-up for actors. At first I tried to go in other directions, like I tried sport because my body was very flexible,
but performing was in my blood. I learned to play the piano, but I couldn't sit still whenever there was any
music being played. It was my mother who took me to a dance class when I was about 8 or 9 I think.
WOMAN: You chose to study at a number of different ballet schools. Why was that?
THOMAS: I started at a full time ballet school in my hometown when I was 12 years old. I was there for a
number of years, but you know, I'm a pretty independent kind of person. And I wanted to do things my way. I
didn't want to learn only one way of dancing. So when I was a teenager, I moved to a school in Prague in the
Czech Republic, and then later I went to the US. I was hoping that by learning different styles, I might be able
to take the best of them all, which would make me a better dancer.
WOMAN: What appeals to you about ballet over other types of performing arts?
THOMAS: I love the movement and the physical demands it makes on my body, but also that you have to be
an actor. So many ballets tell a story, and you have to get that across to the audience without using words, while
never forgetting the technical side of your training while you do it. It's a challenge, but when it all goes well,
that's what gives me a buzz.
WOMAN: You've won various awards already. Are they important to you?

THOMAS: It's always a good feeling to be accepted by your peers. The awards from outside the world of
dancing mean less to me. I don't do it for recognition. I dance because I have this need inside me to do it. And I
know that my time as a dancer might not be very long. I might get injured. And of course, most dancers have to
give up by the time they're 40 anyway, because although the mind is still keen and the response to the music is
still there, the body is no longer at its peak.
WOMAN: What would you like to have achieved by the time you stop dancing?
THOMAS: I think that it's important to make ballet accessible to a wider audience. Many people think it's elite,
only for the rich, or they don't understand it and think it's difficult. Of course, there are certain conventions in
dance, like story ballets, which have a lot of mind in them. There are movements where we tell the story
through gestures. People need to learn them to understand what they mean. But if I can bring dancing to people
who don't know anything about it, pass on some of the pleasure I get from it, then I'll feel that my performances
on stage have been worthwhile.


I. Choose the word, phrase or expression that best completes each sentence below. (10.0 points)
Question 21. Measles is a highly contagious viral disease _________ by a characteristic skin rash.
A. accompany B. is accompanied C. accompanied D. that are accompanied
- Loại A và B vì 1S 2V
- Loại D vì that thay cho disease số ít nên không thể là are, mà phải là is
- Chọn C rút gọn mệnh đề quan hệ ở dạng bị động
Dịch: Sởi là một bệnh do virus rất dễ lây lan kèm theo phát ban da đặc trưng.

Question 22. _________ seasonal rainfall, especially in regions near the tropics, is winds that blow in an
opposite direction in winter than in summer.
A. That cause B. Causing C. What causes D. To cause
- Loại A vì nếu coi cause là N thì cause và rainfall không có gì để liên kết với nhau. Nếu coi cause là V thì that
số ít nên cause phải chia số ít.
- Loại B và D vì không hợp nghĩa.
- Chọn C, what = the thing that
Dịch: Nguyên nhân gây ra lượng mưa theo mùa, đặc biệt là ở các vùng gần vùng nhiệt đới, là gió thổi ngược
hướng vào mùa đông so với mùa hè.

Question 23. Mrs. Smith has __________ painting since she retired two years ago.
A. taken up B. taken off C. taken over D. taken in

- take up: bắt đầu một thói quen/ sở thích
- take off: cất cánh; cởi đồ; thành công; nhại
- take over: tiếp quản
- take in: hiểu; lừa ai
Dịch: Bà Smith bắt đầu vẽ tranh từ khi bà nghỉ hưu cách đây hai năm.

Question 24. __________ further rioting to occur, the government would be forced to use its emergency
A. Had B. Should C. Were D. If
- Đảo ngữ câu điều kiện loại 2: Were S to V, S would/could Vnt
Dịch: Nếu bạo loạn tiếp tục xảy ra, chính phủ sẽ buộc phải sử dụng quyền lực khẩn cấp của mình.

Question 25. Global warming has progressed __________ glaciers everywhere are shrinking.
A. too much that B. to such an extent that
C. enough to cause D. so great an extent that
- Loại A vì too adj/adv + to V
- Loại C vì 1S 2V (has progressed và are shrinking)
- Loại D vì progress là nội động từ không cần tân ngữ
Dịch: Sự nóng lên toàn cầu đã tiến triển đến mức các sông băng ở khắp mọi nơi đang bị thu hẹp lại.

Question 26. On returning home, John discovered __________ his horror that the pipes had burst and the entire
house was flooded.
A. by B. of C. to D. at
- To one’s N chỉ cảm xúc: ai đó rất như thế nào
Dịch: Khi trở về nhà, John kinh hoàng phát hiện ra rằng đường ống đã vỡ và toàn bộ ngôi nhà bị ngập.

Question 27. Although _________ cold climates, they can thrive in hot, dry climates as well.
A. sheep adapted well B. well-adapted sheep
C. sheep, well-adapted to D. sheep are well adapted to
- Loại A vì không hoà hợp về thì với vế sau.
- Loại B vì 2N sheep và climates không có từ nối.
- Loại C vì although SV, SV
Dịch: Mặc dù cừu thích nghi tốt với khí hậu lạnh nhưng chúng cũng có thể phát triển mạnh ở vùng khí hậu khô
và nóng.

Question 28. The automobile, along with several other important inventions, __________ an incredibly
complex world.
A. has been created B. have created C. have been created D. has created
- Loại A và C vì không dùng bị động do tân ngữ vẫn còn.
- Loại B vì S là automobile số ít.
Dịch: Ô tô, cùng với một số phát minh quan trọng khác, đã tạo ra một thế giới vô cùng phức tạp.

Question 29. Perhaps the most dramatic changes in future robots will __________ from their increasing ability
to reason.
A. raise B. rise C. increase D. arise
- raise (v): nâng cao
- rise = increase (v): tăng
- arise from (v): phát sinh, nảy sinh từ
Dịch: Có lẽ những thay đổi mạnh mẽ nhất ở robot trong tương lai sẽ xuất phát từ khả năng suy luận ngày càng
tăng của chúng.

Question 30. Insects are harmful to plants, but their existence contributes a great part to __________ which
helps to make balanced environment.
A. biology B. biophysics C. biochemistry D. biodiversity
- biology (n): sinh học
- biophysics (n): vật lý sinh học
- biochemistry (n): hóa sinh
- biodiversity (n): đa dạng sinh học
Dịch: Côn trùng có hại cho cây trồng, nhưng sự tồn tại của chúng đóng góp một phần lớn vào sự đa dạng sinh
học, giúp tạo ra một môi trường cân bằng.

Question 31. Mortgage advisors urge anyone on a ___________ budget to choose a fixed rate so they know
they can afford the repayments.
A. tight B. cheap C. close D. hard
- on a tight budget: ngân sách eo hẹp
Dịch: Các cố vấn thế chấp kêu gọi bất kỳ ai có ngân sách eo hẹp nên chọn lãi suất cố định để họ biết rằng họ có
đủ khả năng trả nợ.

Question 32. My mother often __________ our mistakes, whereas my father is very strict and punishes us for
even the slightest one.
A. passes B. neglects C. avoids D. overlooks
- pass (v): trôi qua, đi qua
- neglect (v): sao lãng
- avoid (v): tránh, né tránh
- overlook (v): bỏ qua, không để ý, tha thứ
Dịch: Mẹ tôi thường bỏ qua những sai lầm của chúng tôi, trong khi cha tôi rất nghiêm khắc và phạt chúng tôi
ngay cả với những sai sót nhỏ nhất.

Question 33. My decision to leave university after two years is one I now _________ regret.
A. harshly B. painfully C. keenly D. heavily
- painfully regret: cực kì hối hận
Dịch: Quyết định rời trường đại học sau hai năm là quyết định mà giờ đây tôi vô cùng hối hận.

Question 34. Henry was badly depressed after the car accident. Now he is beginning to think that there could be
the light at the end of the ___________.
A. passage B. subway C. tunnel D. journey
- the light at the end of tunnel: sau cơn mưa trời lại sáng; hạnh phúc ở cuối con đường
Dịch: Henry đã chịu đựng nhiều đau khổ sau tai nạn xe hơi. Nhưng bây giờ, anh ấy đang bắt đầu nhìn nhận rằng
có thể có hy vọng ở phía trước.

Question 35. The university has ___________ a campus-wide campaign to reduce the use of plastic bags.
A. launched B. published C. made D. invented
- launch (v): khởi đầu, bắt đầu
- publish (v): công bố, xuất bản
- make (v): làm
- invent (v): phát minh
Dịch: Trường đại học đã khởi đầu một chiến dịch trên toàn trường để giảm việc sử dụng túi nhựa.

Question 36. Jane and Cathy are in the classroom.

- Jane: "You must have found reading my essay very tiring."
- Cathy: "___________. I enjoyed it."
A. Not in the least B. Just in case

C. At all costs D. I couldn't agree with you more
Jane và Cathy đang ở trong lớp học.
- Jane: "Chắc hẳn bạn thấy đọc bài luận của tôi rất mệt mỏi."
- Cathy: "___________. Tôi rất thích nó."
A. Không hề B. Chỉ để đề phòng thôi
C. Bằng mọi giá D. Tôi không thể đồng ý với bạn hơn

Question 37. Nora and Peter are talking in the garden.

- Nora: "Can we meet this Saturday to discuss our plan for the graduation ceremony?"
- Peter: "___________.”
A. Yes, we did that. B. Saturday is the weekend.
C. Saturday suits me fine. D. Saturday is a great day.
Nora và Peter đang nói chuyện trong vườn.
- Nora: "Thứ bảy tuần này chúng ta có thể gặp nhau để thảo luận về kế hoạch tổ chức lễ tốt nghiệp được
- Peter: "___________.”
A. Vâng, chúng tôi đã làm điều đó. B. Thứ bảy là cuối tuần.
C. Thứ bảy oke đó. D. Thứ bảy là một ngày tuyệt vời.

Question 38. Lee and Mike are in the hall.

- Lee: "I'd like to hear your ideas on how to protect vulnerable species."
- Mike: “___________.”
A. I'd say people's awareness is very important.
B. You're always asking me for advice.
C. I like your ideas so much.
D. These animals are vulnerable.
Lee và Mike đang ở trong hành lang.
- Lee: "Tôi muốn nghe ý kiến của bạn về cách bảo vệ các loài dễ bị tổn thương."
- Mike: “___________.”
A. Tôi cho rằng nhận thức của mọi người là rất quan trọng.
B. Bạn lúc nào cũng xin tôi lời khuyên.
C. Tôi rất thích ý tưởng của bạn.
D. Những động vật này dễ bị tổn thương.

Question 39. Laura is being interviewed by Mr. Johnson.
- Mr. Johnson: "What qualities do you have that make you a suitable candidate for this post?"
- Laura: “___________.”
A. Well, I have a lot of qualifications that match.
B. I'm highly qualified for the post.
C. I used to work in a similar position for two years.
D. I consider myself to be trustworthy, responsible and punctual.
Laura đang được ông Johnson phỏng vấn.
- Ông Johnson: “Bạn có những tố chất gì khiến bạn trở thành ứng viên phù hợp cho vị trí này?”
- Laura: “___________.”
A. Ồ, tôi có rất nhiều bằng cấp phù hợp.
B. Tôi có trình độ cao cho vị trí này.
C. Tôi đã từng làm việc ở vị trí tương tự trong hai năm.
D. Tôi cho rằng mình là người đáng tin cậy, có trách nhiệm và đúng giờ.

Question 40. Timothy and Carol, two students, are talking about studying abroad.
- Timothy: "I think studying abroad is the only way to get a well-paid job."
- Carol: "__________. There're still many different ways to get it."
A. You're exactly right B. That's what I think
C. I don't think so D. There's no doubt about it
Timothy và Carol, hai sinh viên, đang nói về việc du học.
- Timothy: "Tôi nghĩ du học là cách duy nhất để có được một công việc được trả lương cao."
- Carol: "__________. Vẫn còn nhiều cách khác nhau để có được nó."
A. Bạn nói hoàn toàn đúng B. Đó là điều tôi nghĩ
C. Tôi không nghĩ vậy D. Không còn nghi ngờ gì nữa

II. Give the correct form of the words in brackets. (5.0 points)
Question 41. People judged to be functionally (LITERACY) ______illiterate______ lack the basic reading and
writing skills.
- Trước N là adj => illiterate (adj): mù chữ
Dịch: Người được xác định là mù chữ chức năng, thiếu kỹ năng đọc, viết cơ bản.

Question 42. The newspapers provided very little (LIGHT) ______enlightenment______ about the cause of the
President's death.

- little + N không đếm được => enlightenment (n): sự khai sáng
Dịch: Báo chí đưa tin rất ít về nguyên nhân cái chết của Tổng thống.

Question 43. The discussion was about whether the child was old enough to make an (INFORM)
______informed_____ decision.
- Trước N là adj => informed (adj): sáng suốt
Dịch: Cuộc thảo luận xoay quanh việc liệu đứa trẻ có đủ tuổi để đưa ra quyết định sáng suốt hay không.

Question 44. Jack examined the parcel (SUSPECT) ______suspiciously_______ as he had no idea what it
could be.
- Bổ nghĩa cho V dùng adv => suspiciously (adv): một cách nghi ngờ
Dịch: Jack xem xét bưu kiện một cách nghi ngờ vì anh ấy không biết nó có thể là gì.

Question 45. Could you please help me (AMBIGUOUS) ______disambiguate_______ the two words "differ"
and "differentiate”?
- help sb Vnt => disambiguate (v): phân biệt
Dịch: Bạn có thể giúp tôi phân biệt hai từ “differ” và “differentiate” được không?

III. Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence below that needs correcting. (5.0 points)
Question 46. Only when you have had a chance to know various occupations you will decide on your career.
- Only when SV + TĐT + S + V => will you decide
Dịch: Chỉ khi đã có cơ hội tìm hiểu nhiều nghề khác nhau thì bạn mới quyết định được nghề nghiệp của mình.

Question 47. The ocean probably distinguishes the earth from other planets of the solar system, for scientists
believe that large bodies of water are not existing on the other planets.
- “Exist” là động từ chỉ trạng thái, không có dạng tiếp diễn => don’t exist
Dịch: Đại dương có lẽ phân biệt trái đất với các hành tinh khác trong hệ mặt trời, vì các nhà khoa học tin rằng
các khối nước lớn không tồn tại trên các hành tinh khác.

Question 48. That water has a very high specific heat means that, without a large temperature change, water can
absorb or release a large number of heat.
- number of + N số nhiều => amount of + N không đếm được
Dịch: Nước có nhiệt dung riêng rất cao nghĩa là nếu nhiệt độ không thay đổi nhiều thì nước có thể hấp thụ hoặc
toả một lượng nhiệt lớn.

Question 49. Although pure diamond is colorless and transparent, when contaminated with other minerals it
may appear in variously colors, ranging from pastel to opaque black.
- Trước N là adj => various
Dịch: Kim cương nguyên chất tuy không màu và trong suốt nhưng khi bị nhiễm các khoáng chất khác nó có thể
xuất hiện nhiều màu sắc khác nhau, từ màu nhạt đến màu đen đục.

Question 50. The techniques of science and magic are quite different, but their basic aims - to understand and
control nature - they are very similar.
- they are => are vì đã có S là their basic aims rồi
Dịch: Các kỹ thuật của khoa học và ma thuật khá khác nhau, nhưng mục đích cơ bản của chúng - hiểu và kiểm
soát thiên nhiên - rất giống nhau.

I. Look at the text in each question. What does it say? Choose the correct explanation A, B, C or D. (5.0

Question 51.
A. People will be asked to discuss their favorite
SWEET MEMORIES childhood sweets at the lecture.

Can you remember your candy store B. The lecture will be about how sweet shops have

favorites? changed over the last century.

Lecture by historical expert: C. The lecture will cover some surprising facts about

The unusual story behind candy sweets.

Everyone welcome! D. Customers are welcome to buy candy for historical


- Giải thích: Lecture by historical expert: The unusual story behind candy: Bài giảng của chuyên gia lịch sử:
Câu chuyện bất thường đằng sau chiếc kẹo => some surprising facts => C.

Question 52.
A. The school secretary will post students their essays
To: All students on Thursday.

From: School secretary B. Students may hand in their essays after Thursday if
Monday, 8 January they can prove illness.
May I remind you that all essays are due this C. Unless students' essays are due by Thursday, they do
Thursday. No late work will be accepted not need to reply
unless accompanied by a doctor's letter. D. Students cannot hand in their essays after Thursday
if they are not accompanied by a doctor.

- Giải thích: No late work will be accepted unless accompanied by a doctor's letter: Việc làm muộn sẽ không
được chấp nhận nếu không có kèm theo thư của bác sĩ. => làm muộn sẽ okay nếu có giấy khám bệnh => prove
illness => B.

Question 53.
A. You shouldn't come into the café as all the tables
are reserved for the party.
TROPICAL CAFE B. Only people invited to the party can come into the
SORRY café.
Tables at the front of the café are reserved for C. If you're coming to the party, you shouldn't use the
a birthday party tables at the front.
D. Don't sit at the front of the café unless you are
attending the party.

- Giải thích: Tables at the front of the café are reserved for a birthday party: Bàn ở phía trước quán cà phê được
dành riêng cho tiệc sinh nhật => Nếu không được mời dự tiệc thì đừng ngồi ở bàn phía trước => D.

Question 54.
Mike should
A. remind Marta that someone is picking her up for
Mike, band practice
I'll be back late. Don't forget Marta needs a B. check Marta is dressed properly and take her to
lift to band practice at the stadium - please band practice
make sure she is in uniform. C. ask Marta to give him a lift to band practice at the
Jenny stadium
D. make Marta practice before she goes to band

- Giải thích: please make sure she is in uniform: hãy chắc chắn rằng cô ấy đang mặc đồng phục => dressed
properly => B.

Question 55.
A. Lily should join a different riding class because the
12 o'clock lesson is full
The riding school rang. Nobody from Lily's B. Lily would be the only rider at twelve today, so she
group has booked for the midday class. For should come later.
this week only, she'll have to ride at 2 C. Lily must change groups because riding classes will
o'clock instead. no longer take place at 12.
D. Lily won't be able to ride this week as nobody has
booked for classes.

- Giải thích: Nobody from Lily's group has booked for the midday class: Chưa có ai trong nhóm của Lily đăng
ký lớp học buổi trưa => the only rider => B.

II. Read the passage below and fill in each blank with ONE suitable word. (5.0 points)
Air pollution is a cause of ill-health in human beings. In many countries, there are laws limiting the
amount of smoke which factories can produce. Although there isn't enough information on the (56)
_____effects_____ of smoke in the atmosphere, doctors have proved that air pollution causes lung diseases.
56. effects (n): ảnh hưởng/ tác động
Dịch: Ô nhiễm không khí là nguyên nhân gây ra bệnh tật ở con người. Ở nhiều quốc gia, có luật hạn chế lượng
khói mà các nhà máy có thể tạo ra. Mặc dù không có đủ thông tin về tác động của khói thuốc trong khí quyển
nhưng các bác sĩ đã chứng minh rằng ô nhiễm không khí gây ra các bệnh về phổi.

The (57) _____gases_____ from the exhausts of cars have also increased air pollution in most cities.
The lead in petrol produces a poisonous gas which often collects in busy streets (58) ______surrounded_____
by high buildings. Children who live in areas where there is a lot of lead in the atmosphere cannot think as
quickly as other children and are clumsy (59) _____when____ they use their hands. There are other long-term
effects of pollution. If the gases in the atmosphere continue to increase, the (60) _____earth’s/ global____
climate may become warmer. A lot of the ice near the poles may melt and may cause serious floods.
57. gases (n): khí thải
Dịch: Khí thải từ ô tô cũng làm tăng ô nhiễm không khí ở hầu hết các thành phố.
58. surrounded (p2): được bao quanh

Dịch: Chì trong xăng tạo ra một loại khí độc thường tích tụ trên các đường phố đông đúc được bao quanh bởi
các tòa nhà cao tầng.
59. SV when SV: ... khi ...
Dịch: Trẻ em sống ở khu vực có nhiều chì trong không khí không thể suy nghĩ nhanh như những đứa trẻ khác
và vụng về khi sử dụng tay.
60. the earth’s/ global climate: khí hậu trái đất/ toàn cầu
Dịch: Có những ảnh hưởng lâu dài khác của ô nhiễm. Nếu lượng khí trong khí quyển tiếp tục tăng, khí hậu trái
đất/toàn cầu có thể trở nên ấm hơn. Rất nhiều băng gần các cực có thể tan chảy và có thể gây ra lũ lụt nghiêm

III. Read the passage below and decide which option A, B, C or D best fits each space. (10.0 points)
Many parents believe that they should begin to teach their children to read when they are scarcely more
than toddlers. This is fine if the child shows a real interest but forcing a child could be (61) ___________ if she/
he isn't ready. Wise parents will have a (62) ____________ attitude and take the lead from their child. What
they should provide is a selection of (63) ____________ books and other activities. Nowadays there is plenty of
good material available for young children, and of course, seeing plenty of books in use about the house will
also (64) _____________ them to read.
Question 61. A. useful B. unproductive C. counter-productive D. productive
- useful (adj): hữu ích
- unproductive (adj): không hiệu quả
- counter-productive (adj): phản tác dụng
- productive (adj): có hiệu quả
Dịch: Nhiều bậc cha mẹ tin rằng họ nên bắt đầu dạy con đọc khi chúng vừa mới chập chững biết đi. Điều này là
bình thường nếu trẻ thể hiện sự quan tâm thực sự nhưng việc ép buộc trẻ có thể phản tác dụng nếu trẻ chưa sẵn

Question 62. A. cheerful B. contented C. relaxed D. hopeful

- cheerful (adj): vui vẻ
- contented (adj): hài lòng
- relaxed (adj): thoải mái
- hopeful (adj): hi vọng
Dịch: Cha mẹ khôn ngoan sẽ có thái độ thoải mái và dẫn dắt con mình.

Question 63. A. bright B. thrilling C. energetic D. stimulating

- bright (adj): thông minh, sáng dạ
- thrilling (adj): li kì
- energetic (adj): năng động
- stimulating (adj): kích thích
Dịch: Những gì họ nên cung cấp là tuyển tập những cuốn sách kích thích và các hoạt động khác.

Question 64. A. encourage B. cause C. make D. promote

- encourage (v): khuyến khích
- cause (v): khiến
- make (v): làm
- promote (v): thúc đẩy
Dịch: Ngày nay có rất nhiều tài liệu hay dành cho trẻ nhỏ, và tất nhiên, việc thấy nhiều sách về ngôi nhà được
sử dụng cũng sẽ khuyến khích chúng đọc.

Of course, books are no longer the only source of stories and information. There is also a huge range of
videos, which can (65) ______________ and extend the pleasure a child finds in a book and are equally
valuable in helping to increase vocabulary and concentration. Television gets a bad (66) ______________ as far
as children are concerned, mainly because too many spend too much time watching programs not intended for
their age group. Too many television programs induce an incurious, uncritical attitude (67) _____________ is
going to make learning much more difficult. (68) _____________, discriminating viewing of programs
designed for young children can be useful. Just as adults enjoy reading a book after seeing it (69)
_____________ on television, so children will pounce on books which feature their favorite television
characters and videos can add a new (70) ______________ to a story known from a book.
Question 65. A. uphold B. found C. assist D. reinforce
- uphold (v): ủng hộ
- found (v): thành lập
- assist (v): giúp đỡ
- reinforce (v): củng cố
Dịch: Tất nhiên, sách không còn là nguồn thông tin và câu chuyện duy nhất nữa. Ngoài ra còn có rất nhiều
video có thể củng cố và mở rộng niềm vui của trẻ khi đọc sách và có giá trị không kém trong việc giúp tăng vốn
từ vựng và sự tập trung.

Question 66. A. revision B. press C. criticism D. result

- get a bad press: bị báo chỉ trích

Dịch: Truyền hình bị báo chí chê bai về vấn đề trẻ em, chủ yếu là do có quá nhiều trẻ em dành quá nhiều thời
gian để xem các chương trình không dành cho lứa tuổi của chúng.

Question 67. A. it B. which C. what D. Ø

- which thay attitude và làm S của is going to make
Dịch: Quá nhiều chương trình truyền hình gây ra thái độ thiếu tò mò, thiếu phê phán và điều này sẽ khiến việc
học trở nên khó khăn hơn nhiều.

Question 68. A. Therefore B. However C. Furthermore D. Moreover

- Therefore: do đó
- However: tuy nhiên
- Furthermore = Moreover: ngoài ra

Question 69. A. serialized B. revised C. transfered D. visualized

- serialize (v): phát theo từng kì
- revise (v): ôn lại
- transfer (v): chuyển
- visualize (v): mường tượng

Question 70. A. revival B. dimension C. option D. existence

- revival (n): sự hồi sinh
- dimension (n): sự đo lường; hướng, cách
- option (n): lựa chọn
- existence (n): sự tồn tại
Dịch: Tuy nhiên, việc xem xét một cách phân biệt các chương trình được thiết kế cho trẻ nhỏ có thể hữu ích.
Cũng giống như người lớn thích đọc một cuốn sách sau khi xem nó được đăng nhiều kỳ trên truyền hình, trẻ em
sẽ vồ lấy những cuốn sách có các nhân vật truyền hình yêu thích của chúng và các video có thể thêm một chiều
hướng mới cho một câu chuyện được biết đến từ một cuốn sách.

IV. Read the following passage and choose the best answer to each question. (10.0 points)
By 1776 the fine art of painting as it had developed in western Europe up to this time had been
introduced into the American colonies though books and prints, European visitors and immigrants, and
traveling colonists who brought back copies (and a few original) of old master paintings and acquaintance with
European art institutions.

By the outbreak of the Revolution against British rule in 1776, the status of the artists had already
undergone change. In the mid-eighteenth century, painters had been willing to assume such artisan-related
tasks as varnishing, gilding teaching, keeping shops, and painting wheel carriages, houses, and signs. The
terminology by which artists were described at the time suggests their status: "limner" was usually applied to
the anonymous portrait painter up to the 1760's: "painter" characterized anyone who could paint a flat surface.
By the second half of the century, colonial artists who were trained in England or educated in the classics
rejected the status of laborer and thought of themselves as artists. Some colonial urban portraitists, such as John
Singleton Copley, Benjamin West, and Charles Wilson Peale, consorted with affluent patrons. Although subject
to fluctuations in their economic status, all three enjoyed sufficient patronages to allow them to maintain an
image of themselves as professional artists, an image indicated by their custom of signing their paintings. A few
art collectors James Bowdoin III of Boston, William Byrd of Virginian, and the Aliens and Hamiltons of
Philadelphia introduced European art traditions to those colonists privileged to visit their galleries, especially
aspiring artists, and established in their respective communities the idea of the value of art and the need for
institutions devoted to its encouragement.
Although the colonists tended to favor portraits, they also accepted landscapes, historical works, and
political engravings as appropriate artistic subjects. With the coming of independence from the British Crown, a
sufficient number of artists and their works were available to serve nationalistic purposes. The achievements of
the colonial artists, particularly those of Copley, West, and Peale, lent credence to the boast that the new nation
was capable of encouraging genius and that political liberty was congenial to the development of taste a
necessary step before art could assume an important role in the new republic.
Question 71. What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. European influence on colonial American painting
B. The importance of patronage to artist
C. The changing status of artists in the American colonies in the eighteenth century
D. Subjects preferred by artists in the American colonies in the eighteenth century
(Đoạn văn chủ yếu thảo luận là gì?
A. Ảnh hưởng của châu Âu đối với hội họa thuộc địa Mỹ
B. Tầm quan trọng của sự bảo trợ đối với nghệ sĩ
C. Tình trạng thay đổi của nghệ sĩ ở thuộc địa Mỹ thế kỷ XVIII
D. Những chủ đề được các nghệ sĩ ở thuộc địa Mỹ ưa thích ở thế kỷ XVIII)
- Thông tin: By the outbreak of the Revolution against British rule in 1776, the status of the artists had already
undergone change: Khi Cách mạng chống lại sự cai trị của Anh năm 1776 bùng nổ, địa vị của các nghệ sĩ đã có
nhiều thay đổi.

Question 72. The word "undergone" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to
A. led to B. transformed C. preferred D. experienced
(Từ "undergone" ở đoạn 2 có nghĩa gần nhất với
A. dẫn đến B. biến đổi C. ưa thích D. trải qua)
- Thông tin: By the outbreak of the Revolution against British rule in 1776, the status of the artists had already
undergone change: Khi Cách mạng chống lại sự cai trị của Anh năm 1776 bùng nổ, địa vị của các nghệ sĩ đã có
nhiều thay đổi.

Question 73. According to the passage, before the American Revolution the main task of limners was to
A. paint wheel carriages B. paint portraits
C. varnish furniture D. paint flat surfaces
(Theo đoạn văn, trước Cách mạng Hoa Kỳ, nhiệm vụ chính của thợ vẽ là __________.
A. sơn toa xe B. vẽ chân dung
C. sơn bóng đồ nội thất D. sơn bề mặt phẳng)
- Thông tin: The terminology by which artists were described at the time suggests their status: "limner" was
usually applied to the anonymous portrait painter up to the 1760's: Thuật ngữ mà các nghệ sĩ được mô tả vào
thời điểm đó gợi ý địa vị của họ: "limner" thường được áp dụng cho họa sĩ vẽ chân dung vô danh cho đến
những năm 1760.

Question 74. It can be inferred from the passage that artists who were trained in England __________.
A. considered artists to be superior to painters B. barely painted portraitists
C. were often very wealthy D. imitated English painters
(Có thể suy ra từ đoạn văn rằng các nghệ sĩ được đào tạo ở Anh __________.
A. coi nghệ sĩ là cao cấp hơn họa sĩ B. vẽ chân dung hầu như không vẽ
C. thường rất giàu có D. bắt chước họa sĩ người Anh)
- Thông tin: By the second half of the century, colonial artists who were trained in England or educated in the
classics rejected the status of laborer and thought of themselves as artists: Đến nửa sau thế kỷ này, các nghệ sĩ
thuộc địa được đào tạo ở Anh hoặc được đào tạo về kinh điển đã từ chối địa vị của người lao động và tự coi
mình là nghệ sĩ.

Question 75. The word "consorted" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ___________.

A. made decisions B. studied C. agreed D. associated
(Từ "consorted" ở đoạn 2 gần nghĩa nhất với ___________.

A. đưa ra quyết định B. nghiên cứu C. đồng ý D. liên kết)
- Thông tin: Some colonial urban portraitists, such as John Singleton Copley, Benjamin West, and Charles
Wilson Peale, consorted with affluent patrons: Một số họa sĩ vẽ chân dung đô thị thuộc địa, chẳng hạn như
John Singleton Copley, Benjamin West và Charles Wilson Peale, kết hợp với những khách hàng quen giàu có.

Question 76. The word "sufficient" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ___________.

A. adequate B. temporary C. friendly D. expensive
(Từ "sufficient" ở đoạn 2 gần nghĩa nhất với ___________.
A. đầy đủ B. tạm thời C. thân thiện D. đắt tiền)
- Thông tin: Although subject to fluctuations in their economic status, all three enjoyed sufficient patronages to
allow them to maintain an image of themselves as professional artists, an image indicated by their custom of
signing their paintings: Mặc dù có những biến động về tình trạng kinh tế, cả ba đều nhận được đủ sự bảo trợ để
cho phép họ duy trì hình ảnh của mình như những nghệ sĩ chuyên nghiệp, một hình ảnh được thể hiện qua
phong tục ký tên vào tranh của họ.

Question 77. According to the passage, artists such as Copley, West and Peal signed their paintings because it
A. increased the monetary value of the paintings
B. made it more difficult for other artists to copy the paintings
C. supported the artists' image of professionalism
D. distinguished colonial American artists from European artists
(Theo đoạn văn, các nghệ sĩ như Copley, West và Peal đã ký tên vào bức tranh của họ vì nó __________.
A. tăng giá trị tiền tệ của các bức tranh
B. gây khó khăn hơn cho các họa sĩ khác trong việc sao chép tranh
C. ủng hộ hình ảnh chuyên nghiệp của nghệ sĩ
D. phân biệt nghệ sĩ thuộc địa Mỹ với nghệ sĩ châu Âu)
- Thông tin: Although subject to fluctuations in their economic status, all three enjoyed sufficient patronages to
allow them to maintain an image of themselves as professional artists, an image indicated by their custom of
signing their paintings: Mặc dù có những biến động về tình trạng kinh tế, cả ba đều nhận được đủ sự bảo trợ để
cho phép họ duy trì hình ảnh của mình như những nghệ sĩ chuyên nghiệp, một hình ảnh được thể hiện qua
phong tục ký tên vào tranh của họ.

Question 78. The author mentions James Bowdoin IT and William Byrd in paragraph 2 as examples of which of
the following?

A. Art gallery owners who displayed only European art
B. Art collectors who had a profound influence on American attitudes toward art
C. Artists who gave financial support to other artists
D. Patrons who helped to encourage artisans to become artists
(Tác giả đề cập đến James Bowdoin IT và William Byrd trong đoạn 2 làm ví dụ về điều nào sau đây?
A. Chủ phòng trưng bày nghệ thuật chỉ trưng bày tác phẩm châu Âu
B. Những nhà sưu tập nghệ thuật có ảnh hưởng sâu sắc đến thái độ của người Mỹ đối với nghệ thuật
C. Nghệ sĩ đã hỗ trợ tài chính cho các nghệ sĩ khác
D. Những người bảo trợ đã giúp khuyến khích các nghệ nhân trở thành nghệ sĩ)
- Thông tin: A few art collectors James Bowdoin III of Boston, William Byrd of Virginian, and the Aliens and
Hamiltons of Philadelphia introduced European art traditions to those colonists privileged to visit their
galleries, especially aspiring artists, and established in their respective communities the idea of the value of art
and the need for institutions devoted to its encouragement: Một số nhà sưu tầm nghệ thuật James Bowdoin III ở
Boston, William Byrd ở Virginian, Người ngoài hành tinh và Hamiltons ở Philadelphia đã giới thiệu truyền
thống nghệ thuật châu Âu cho những người dân thuộc địa có đặc quyền đến thăm phòng trưng bày của họ, đặc
biệt là các nghệ sĩ đầy tham vọng, và thiết lập ý tưởng về giá trị trong cộng đồng tương ứng của họ. của nghệ
thuật và sự cần thiết của các tổ chức dành riêng cho việc khuyến khích nó.

Question 79. With which of the following would the author be most likely to agree?
A. Countries that have not had a political revolution are unlikely to dev develop great art.
B. The most successful art collectors are usually artists themselves.
C. The value of colonial American paintings decreased after the Revolution.
D. Colonial artists made an important contribution to the evolving culture of the new nation.
(Tác giả có thể đồng ý với điều nào sau đây nhất?
A. Những quốc gia chưa có cách mạng chính trị khó có thể phát triển được nghệ thuật vĩ đại.
B. Những nhà sưu tập nghệ thuật thành công nhất thường là các nghệ sĩ.
C. Giá trị các bức tranh thuộc địa của Mỹ giảm sút sau Cách mạng.
D. Các nghệ sĩ thuộc địa đã có đóng góp quan trọng cho nền văn hóa đang phát triển của quốc gia mới.)
- Thông tin: The achievements of the colonial artists, particularly those of Copley, West, and Peale, lent
credence to the boast that the new nation was capable of encouraging genius and that political liberty was
congenial to the development of taste a necessary step before art could assume an important role in the new
republic: Thành tựu của các nghệ sĩ thuộc địa, đặc biệt là của Copley, West và Peale, đã tạo nên niềm tin cho lời
khoe khoang rằng quốc gia mới có khả năng khuyến khích các thiên tài và rằng tự do chính trị phù hợp với sự
phát triển của thị hiếu, một bước cần thiết trước khi nghệ thuật có thể đảm nhận một vai trò quan trọng. vai trò

quan trọng trong nền cộng hòa mới.

Question 80. Which of the following best describes the tone of the passage?
A. argumentative B. humorous C. serious D. sarcastic
(Điều nào sau đây mô tả đúng nhất giọng điệu của đoạn văn?
A. tranh luận B. hài hước C. nghiêm túc D. mỉa mai)
- Giải thích: The passage discusses the introduction of fine art into the American colonies, the changing status
of artists, their contributions to the cultural landscape, and the significance of their works in shaping the identity
of the new nation. It does so in a straightforward and informative manner, without employing humor, sarcasm,
or a confrontational stance. Therefore, the tone is serious, as it deals with historical and cultural aspects in a
respectful and factual manner.: Đoạn văn thảo luận về việc đưa mỹ thuật vào các thuộc địa của Mỹ, sự thay đổi
vị thế của các nghệ sĩ, những đóng góp của họ cho bối cảnh văn hóa và tầm quan trọng của các tác phẩm của họ
trong việc hình thành bản sắc của quốc gia mới. Nó làm như vậy một cách thẳng thắn và giàu thông tin, không
sử dụng sự hài hước, mỉa mai hoặc lập trường đối đầu. Vì vậy, giọng điệu rất nghiêm túc vì nó đề cập đến các
khía cạnh lịch sử và văn hóa một cách tôn trọng và thực tế.

I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed
befor it. (5.0 points)
Question 81. The collision didn't damage his car much.
 Not a great deal/amount of damage was caused/ done to his car in/by the collision.
- a great deal/ amount of + N không đếm được: nhiều
- cause/ do damage to sth: gây thiệt hại cho
Dịch: Không có nhiều thiệt hại lớn được gây ra cho chiếc xe của anh ta trong vụ va chạm.

Question 82. You didn't think carefully enough before you applied for the job in Manchester.
 You ought to have thought carefully enough/ more carefully before you applied for the job in
- ought to have p2: lẽ ra nên làm gì nhưng không làm
Dịch: Lẽ ra bạn phải suy nghĩ kỹ càng/ cẩn thận hơn trước khi nộp đơn xin việc ở Manchester.

Question 83. He would do almost anything to win the girl's heart.

 He would go to any/ great/ some/ extraordinary length to win the girl’s heart.
- go to any/ great/ some/ extraordinary length to V: cố gắng hết sức/ làm mọi cách để làm gì

Dịch: Anh sẽ làm mọi cách để chiếm được trái tim cô gái.

Question 84. What Laura hates most about these school reunions is posing for photos.
 There is nothing Laura hates more about these school reunions than posing for photos.
- so sánh hơn: more ... than
Dịch: Không có gì Laura ghét trong những buổi họp mặt ở trường này hơn là việc tạo dáng chụp ảnh.

Question 85. It doesn't matter which chemical you put t in the mixture first.
 It makes no difference which chemical you put t in the mixture first.
- make no difference: không tạo ra sự khác biệt
Dịch: Việc bạn cho hóa chất nào vào hỗn hợp trước không có gì khác biệt.

II. This is part of a letter you have received from Vera, your pen pal from New Zealand. In about 100-120
words, write a letter to answer her questions. (10.0 points)

I have just been nominated as the head of the school music club. Everything is new to me. Could you
give me some advice? What qualities should I have? What should I do to make the club successful?

NOTE: You are required to sign your name as Trung!

Dear Vera,

Congratulations on your nomination as the head of the school music club! That's fantastic news! To make the
club successful, consider embodying qualities such as patience, good communication, and organization.
Encourage creativity and collaboration among members. Setting clear goals and delegating tasks efficiently will
be crucial. Foster a welcoming and inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and encouraged to
participate. Seek input from others and be open to learning and adapting along the way. Remember, leadership
is about inspiring and supporting others. You're embarking on an exciting journey, and I have no doubt you'll do

Best wishes,

III. Write a paragraph of about 140-160 words about the importance of discipline in a student's life. (15.0

Discipline plays a pivotal role in shaping a student's life and future prospects. It acts as a guiding
principle, instilling a sense of responsibility, organization, and self-control. Students who adhere to discipline
exhibit better academic performance as they prioritize their studies over distractions. Moreover, discipline
fosters time management skills, enabling students to allocate their time efficiently for studying, extracurricular
activities, and personal development. Beyond academics, discipline cultivates virtues such as perseverance and
resilience, preparing students to tackle challenges head-on and bounce back from setbacks. It also contributes to
the development of good habits, which are crucial for long-term success in both personal and professional
realms. Furthermore, disciplined students tend to exhibit better behavior, fostering a positive learning
environment conducive to growth and collaboration. In essence, discipline serves as the cornerstone of a
student's journey towards realizing their full potential and achieving their goals.



HẢI PHÒNG NĂM HỌC 2023 – 2024


Thời gian: 150 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề)

Ngày thi: 22/3/2024

(Đề thi gồm 11 trang)

Chú ý: Thí sinh làm bài vào phiếu trả lời và không sử dụng bất cứ tài liệu gì.

Cán bộ coi thi không giải thích gì thêm.


I. Listen to a piece of news from a newspaper about low gas prices in 2016 and supply the blanks with
the missing information. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS taken from the recording for each
answer. Write your answers on the answer sheet. (10 points)

Crude oil (1) ______ to the lowest price in nearly a decade. Accordingly, the average U.S. household
has saved an estimated $700 this year and drivers can expect more savings in 2016.

Thanks to lower prices, Brady can do volunteer more easily and help out (2) ______

According to Kloza, the prices of gas tend to increase when refineries have to shut down (3) ______ or
switch to (4)______ that produce less smog in the summer.

To show their concern about the environment, the U.S pledged in Paris to reduce greenhouse (5) ______
and address climate change.

Amy Myers Jaffe, the executive director of energy and sustainability, is doubtful about pickup (6)
______ as the choices will be a big factor that members of the (7) ______ generation make.

It is suspected that they will continue to embrace things like (8) ______ or and more efficient hybrid and
electric cars.

Myers Jaffe says that the trend of sharing or renting cars at weekends will have a negative impact on
the (9) ______ and positive on climate solutions.

Low prices can make the big oil states like Russia, Iran and Saudi Arabia less stable and if one of those
countries experiences (10) ______ or even falls, the reduction in world oil production and the increase in
prices are inevitable.
II. Listen to a conversation about the New Year's Party. Then choose the correct answer A, B, C or
D. Write your answers (A, B, C or D) on the answer sheet. (5 points)

1. When will the New Year’s Party be held?

A. December 29th B. December 30th C. December 31st D. December 9th

2. The best place for holding the party is_________.

A. the restaurant B. the common room C. the stadium D. Tulip Garden

3. How much does everyone should pay?

A. £15 B. £50 C. £15.50 D. $15

4. How many days should they choose the menu in advance?

A. a week B. three days C. seven working days D. six days

5. How much deposit should they pay in advance?

A. $70 B. £80 C. £90 D. £70


I. Choose the word whose bold part is pronounced differently from that of the others in each group.
Write your answers (A, B, C or D) on the answer sheet. (5 points)

1. A. chanteuse B. cholera C. chenille D. champagne

2. A. preparation B. preponderance C. preference D. presbytery

3. A. northern B. bathe C. thereabouts D. thiamine

4. A. drought B. sought C. wrought D. nought

5. A. resilient B. resultative C. resonant D. response

II. Pick out the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others in each group. Write
your answers (A, B, C or D) on the answer sheet. (5 points)

1. A. memorandum B. magnificent C. oxymoron D. confidential

2. A. synecdoche B. meteorite C. encomium D. community

3. A. fatigue B. humane C. igloo D. bedaub

4. A. majority B. extravagant C. legitimate D. carpetbagger

5. A. hypersensitive B. reconveyance C. preferentially D. interpretative


I. Choose the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence. Write your answers (A, B, C or D)
on the answer sheet. (10 points)

1. English is still the main ______ of instruction in Nigeria.

A. method B. solution C. result D. medium

2. ______ its clarity of style, the book is not easy reading.

A. In all B. Of all C. In pursuance of D. For all

3. He was arrested on suspicion of driving under the ______ of alcohol.

A. power B. influence C. effect D. force

4. ______ more points to discuss, the meeting has now come to an end.

A. On account of B. Regardless of C. Not having D. There being no

5. She has lived in a _____ since 2008.

A. five-floors building B. five-floor building

C. five-floor buildings D. five-floors buildings

6. He was still under his father's ______.

A. finger B. hand C. thumb D. fingertip

7. She had to take out a bridging _____ until she could sell her house.

A. loan B. finance C. capital D. debt

8. Very little was said about his failure, _____?

A. wasn't it B. was it C. was there D. wasn't he

9. If you're on a diet, you should ______ honey for sugar in your tea.

A. change B. substitute C. replace D. convert

10. “Why don't you invite Paula to come with us?” “______.”

A. No idea B. There's an idea C. Not idea D. Negative idea

11. They said they could order it for me because they didn’t have my size in______.

A. shop B. hold C. store D. stock

12. “When will you be informed of the test result?” “Not until Monday, so I'll be ____ all

A. at needles and pins B. on pins and needles

C. on needles and pins D. at pins and needles

13. Susan was alone in the house when the fire _____.

A. broke in B. broke out C. broke off D. broke up

14. I can’t possibly lend you any money. It is quite out of the ______.

A. order B. question C. practice D. place

15. I didn’t think he’d _______such a pathetic lie, but he believed every word of it.

A. take up B. fall out C. take in D. fall for

16. Before you send them any money, make sure the company really exists, or the whole thing could be a

A. deceit B. lack C. joke D. con

17. “Look, we're doing our best to fix it.” “Well, you could have ______ me.”

A. lied B. fooled C. tricked D. cheated

18. I wouldn’t say he was brilliant at his job, but he’s quite ______.

A. cautious B. wary C. effective D. competent

Choose the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in the following sentence.

19. Don't beat around the bush. Ask for your account to be paid, and paid quickly.

A. cut to the chase B. hold a depute on C. cut a deal D. do battle

Choose the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in the following sentence.

20. He said he was only joking, but his comments were so close to the bone.

A. annoying B. offensive C. personal D. respectful

II. Give the correct form of the words in brackets. Write your answers on the answer sheet. (5
1. I can't see why the board of leaders keep (COMMIT) _______________ over the debate about
whether or not to dismiss the current coach.
2. I hate admitting defeat but in this case the opposition is (REFUTE) _______________ correct.
3. When he was still unmarried ten years ago, he was (FEET) _______________ and fancy-fee.
4. The venom of many snakes, especially cobras, acts as a (HALLUCINATE) _______________,
producing ecstatic visions.
5. A circle is a shape on which all the points are (DISTANCE) _______________ from a fixed central
6. He stood at the door to make sure that no one (GATE) _______________ the party.
7. It’s (CHARACTER) _______________ of him to lose his temper like that - he’s usually very calm.
8. He (KNOW) _______________ that he had been at fault.
9. She's in the (ENVIOUS) _______________ position of being able to choose who she works for.
10. He was (CEREMONY) _______________ removed from the list of members for gross misconduct.

III. Fill each gap in the following sentences with a suitable preposition or an adverb particle. Write
your answers on the answer sheet. (10 points)

1. I would like to apply ______ the position of sales clerk that you advised______ the Sunday newspaper.
2. The clerk ______ that counter said those purses were______ sale.
3. _____ 35% we can see that electronics and appliance sector accounted______ the majority of online
sales in 2005.

4. He isn’t independent______ any means. He depends on his father ______ everything.

5. Someone broke______ the shop and made ______ with several TVs and videos.
6. She advised me ______ taking public transport ______ rush hours.
7. Brian was______ pressure from his boss to finish the project ______ the deadline.

8. Your promotion definitely calls ______ a celebration; let’s go ______ to a nice restaurant tonight and
have a bottle of champagne.

9. Since he had waited ______ line for hours to buy his ticket, Brian was______ the first to see the new
“Star Wars” movie.
10. It was obvious ______ the expression on his face that Mike was quite surprised______ the result of
his exam.
IV. Give the correct form or tense of the verbs in brackets. Write your answers on the answer sheet.
(5 points)

1. I suppose when you (return) ___________ next year, all these old buildings (pull) __________ down.
2. If he (not drink) ___________ so much last night, he (not be) ___________ so tired now.
3. The building (guard) ___________ at the moment by the police to prevent it from (enter)
4. I meant (buy) ___________ an evening paper but I didn't see anyone (sell) ___________ them.
5. He (leave) ___________ us 3 hours ago. By now he must (be) ___________ at home.

V. Point out one of the underlined parts in each sentence that is not correct and get it right.

Write A, B, C or D and your corrections on the answer sheet. Number 0 is an example. (5 points)

0. She hardly never goes to the supermarket without buying some bread and cheese.

1. By the 1960s, it was becoming more acceptance for women to work in management.

2. Pay particular attention to the warnings printing on the label.


3. I looked at her and felt a piece of hope.


4. Mohandas K.Gandhi, who was called Mahatma, lived a noble life of fasting and poor in order to work
for peace

and independence.

5. Before the invention of railroads, the only mean of land transportation was the horse.


I. Read the passage and choose the correct answer to each question. Write your answers (A, B, C or
D) on the answer sheet. (10 points)

These stories of killer bees in the news in recent years have attracted a lot of attention as the bees
have made their way from South America. Killer bees are reputed to be extremely aggressive in nature,
although experts that their aggression may have been somewhat inflated.
The killer bee is a combination of the very mild European strain of honeybees and the considerably
more aggressive African bee, which was created when the African strain was imported into Brazil in 1955.
The African bees were brought into Brazil because their aggression was considered an advantage: they
were far more productive than their European counterparts in that they spent a higher percentage of their
time working and continued working longer in inclement weather than did the European bees.
These killer bees have been known to attack humans and animals, and some fatalities have occurred.
Experts point out, however, that the mixed breed known as the killer bee is actually not at all as aggressive
as the pure African bee. They also point out that the attacks have a chemical cause. A killer bee stings only
when it has been disturbed; it is not aggressive by nature. However, after a disturbed bee stings and flies
away; it leaves its stinger embedded in the victim. In the viscera attached to the embedded stinger is the
chemical isoamyl acetate, which has an odor that attracts other bees. As other bees approach the victim of
the original sting, the victim tends to panic, thus disturbing other bees and causing them to sting. The new
stings create more of the chemical isoamyl acetate which attracts more bees and increases the panic level
of the victim. Killer bees tend to travel in large clusters or swarms and thus respond in large numbers to the
production of isoamyl acetate.

1. The subject of the paragraph before paragraph 1 was mostly likely_________.

A. the creation of the killer bee B. the chemical nature of killer bees’ attacks
C. stories in the media about killer bees D. ways of producing honey
2. The word "inflated" in paragraph 1 means_________.
A. aired B. exaggerated C. blown D. burst
3. Why were African bees considered beneficial?
A. They spent their time traveling.
B. They were productive, even in inclement weather.
C. They produced an unusual type of honey.
D. They didn't work hard in inclement weather.
4. The word 'their' in paragraph 2 refers to_________.
A. the European bees' B. the African bees'
C. the killer bees' D. the honey bees'
5. It is stated in the passage that killer bees_________.
A. are less aggressive than African bees B. never attacks animals
C. are more deadly than African bees D. always attack African bees
6. The pronoun 'They' in paragraph 3 refers to_________.
A. humans and animals B. fatalities C. experts D. killer bees
7. Which is NOT mentioned in the passage as a contributing factor in an attack by killer bees?
A. Panic by the victims B. The odor of isogamy acetate
C. Disturbance of the bees D. In clement weather
8. In which paragraph does the author describe the size of the groups in which killer bees move?
A. Paragraph 3 B. Paragraph 2
C. Paragraph 2 and 3 D. Paragraph 1
9. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of killer bees?
A. attack humans and animals
B. are aggressive by nature
C. travel in large clusters
D. are a combination of the European honeybees and the African bees
10. The main idea of this passage is that killer bees_________.
A. are not purebred
B. have been moving unexpectedly
C. have been in the news a lot recently
D. are not as aggressive as their reputation suggests
II. Read the passage and choose the correct word for each blank. Write your answers (A, B, C, or D)
on the answer sheet. (5 points)

Every ten minutes, one kind of animal, plant or insect dies (1) ______ forever. If nothing is done
about it, one million species that are alive today will have become (2) ______ twenty years from now.

The seas are in (3) ______ They are being filled with poison: industrial and nuclear (4) ______,
chemical fertilizers and pesticides, sewage. The Mediterranean is already nearly dead; the North Sea is
following. If nothing is done about it, one day soon nothing will be able to live in the seas.

The tropical rainforests, which are the (5) ______ of half the earth’s living things (including many
rare animals and plants), are being destroyed. If nothing is done about it, they will have nearly disappeared
in twenty years. The (6) ______ on the world's climate - and on our agriculture and food supplies - will be

Fortunately, somebody is trying to do something about it. In 1961, the World Wildlife Fund was (7)
______ - a small group of people who wanted to raise money to save animals and plants from extinction.
Today, the World Wildlife Fund is a large international organization. It has raised over £35 million for

conservation projects, and has created or given (8) ______ to National Parks in five continents. It has helped
30 mammals and birds – including the tiger – to (9) ______ Perhaps this is not much, but it is a start. If
more people give more money and if more governments wake up to what is happening, perhaps the World
Wildlife Fund will be able to help us to avoid the disaster that (10) ______ the natural world, and all of us
with it.

1. A. off B. on C. out D. over

2. A. extinguished B. extinct C. distinct D. invalid
3. A. danger B. death C. debt D. despair
4. A. waste B. rubbish C. essence D. mixture
5. A. container B. origin C. house D. home
6. A. result B. impression C. effect D. motivation
7. A. founded B. found C. funded D. fixed
8. A. defense B. support C. preservation D. rescue
9. A. continue B. endure C. prolong D. survive
10. A. occurs B. pollutes C. threatens D. suffers

III. Fill each blank in the following passage with ONE suitable word. Write your answers on the
answer sheet. (10 points)

The biologist’s (1) ______ in society as well as his moral and ethical responsibility in the discovery
and development of new ideas has (2) ______ to a reassessment of his social and scientific value systems.
A scientist can no (3) ______ ignore the consequences of his discoveries; he is as concerned with the
possible misuses of his findings as he is with the basic research in which he is (4) ______. This emerging
social and political role of the biologist and all other scientists requires a weighing of values that cannot be
done with the accuracy or the objectivity of a laboratory balance. As a member of society, it is necessary
for a biologist now to redefine his social obligations and his functions, (5) ______ in the realm of making
judgments about such ethical problems as man's control of his environment or his manipulation of (6)
______ to direct further evolutionary development.

As a result of recent discoveries concerning hereditary mechanisms, genetic engineering, by which

human traits are made to order, may soon be a reality. As desirable as it may seem to be, such an
accomplishment would entail many value judgments. Who would decide, for example, which traits should
be selected for change? In cases of genetic deficiencies and disease, the desirability of the change is obvious,
(7) ______ the possibilities for social misuse are so numerous that they may far outweigh the benefits.
Probably the greatest biological problem of the future, as it is of the present, will be to find ways to
curb environmental pollution without interfering with man’s constant effort to (8) ______ the quality of his
life. Many scientists believe that underlying the spectre of pollution is the problem of surplus human
population. A rise in population necessitates an increase in the operations of modern industry, the waste
products of which increase the pollution of air, water, and soil. The question of how many people the
resources of the Earth can support is one of critical importance.
Although the solutions to these and many other problems are yet to be (9) ______, they do indicate
the need for biologists to work with social scientists and other members of society in (10) ______ to
determine the requirements necessary for maintaining a healthy and productive planet. For although many
of man’s present and future problems may seem to be essentially social, political, or economic in nature,
they have biological ramifications that could affect the very existence of life itself.


I. Finish the second sentence in such a way that it means the same as the original one. Write your
answers on the answer sheet. (10 points)

1. Although the fish appears to be harmless, it is quite dangerous.

→ Contrary .....................................................................................................................................................

2. He got down to writing a letter as soon as he returned from his work.

→ No ................................................................................................................................................................

3. It was wrong of you to allow a four-year-old child to walk home alone.

→ You should .................................................................................................................................................

4. “OK. It’s my mistake. I’m sorry”, Peter said.

→ Peter admitted ...........................................................................................................................................

5. I am not a solitary person, I'm sociable.

→ Rather .........................................................................................................................................................

6. It was more of a business arrangement than a marriage.

→ It was not ....................................................................................................................................................
7. I could hold a big party due to my mom’s help.
→ Had it ..........................................................................................................................................................
8. Sally showed absolutely no fear when climbing the wall.

→ Sally showed a total ...................................................................................................................................

9. He is so ambitious- he's determined that he'll be successful in the company.

→ He is determined to make his ...................................................................................................................
10. I didn't notice I had left my umbrella on the bus until it started to rain.

→ It was not until ...........................................................................................................................................

II. Rewrite each sentence in such a way that it means the same as the original one, using the word in
the bracket at the end of each sentence. Do not change this word in any way. Write your answers
on the answer sheet. (5 points)

1. John was shocked to hear that he had failed his driving test. (CAME)


2. The public reaction to the design of the new theater turned out to be bitterly critical. (TEETH)


3. The warmth of her welcome surprised me. (ABACK)


4. I don't mind staying in on a Saturday night if I have good company. (AVERSE)


5. We were surprised to see that he got mad at our decision. (RED)




HẢI PHÒNG NĂM HỌC 2023 – 2024


Thời gian: 150 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề)

Ngày thi: 22/3/2024

(Đề thi gồm 11 trang)

Chú ý: Thí sinh làm bài vào phiếu trả lời và không sử dụng bất cứ tài liệu gì.

Cán bộ coi thi không giải thích gì thêm.


I. Listen to a piece of news from a newspaper about low gas prices in 2016 and supply the blanks with
the missing information. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS taken from the recording for each
answer. Write your answers on the answer sheet. (10 points)

Crude oil (1) ___has plummeted___ to the lowest price in nearly a decade. Accordingly, the average
U.S. household has saved an estimated $700 this year and drivers can expect more savings in 2016.

Thanks to lower prices, Brady can do volunteer more easily and help out (2) ___with grandkids___

According to Kloza, the prices of gas tend to increase when refineries have to shut down (3) ___for
maintenace___ or switch to (4)___gasoline blends___ that produce less smog in the summer.

To show their concern about the environment, the U.S pledged in Paris to reduce greenhouse (5) ___gas
emissions___ and address climate change.

Amy Myers Jaffe, the executive director of energy and sustainability, is doubtful about pickup (6) ___in
demands___ as the choices will be a big factor that members of the (7) ___huge milennial___ generation

It is suspected that they will continue to embrace things like (8) ___carpooling___ or and more efficient
hybrid and electric cars.

Myers Jaffe says that the trend of sharing or renting cars at weekends will have a negative impact on
the (9) ___oil industry___ and positive on climate solutions.

Low prices can make the big oil states like Russia, Iran and Saudi Arabia less stable and if one of those
countries experiences (10) ___significant upheaval___ or even falls, the reduction in world oil production
and the increase in prices are inevitable.


Gas prices are under $2 a gallon across much of the country. That's because crude oil has plummeted to
the lowest price in nearly a decade.

The average U.S. household has saved an estimated $700 this year because of lower gas prices. And drivers
can expect more savings in 2016.

Recently, Sharlene Brown was filling up her minivan at a Philadelphia gas station. When prices are down,
Brown says, she drives more.

"It changes where I go, who I pick up because a lot of times I pick up and do errands for the church," she

Lower prices make it easier for her to volunteer more and help out with grandkids. So what's her wish for
the price of gas in 2016?

"Hopefully it'll go down some more," Brown says.

That's likely to happen, says Tom Kloza, head of energy analysis with the Oil Price Information Service.

"I wouldn't be surprised to see a year where we might see gasoline prices nationally average between, let's
say, $1.85 and $2.75, which will be very similar to this year," he says.

Kloza says the variation will depend on refinery operations near you. Gas prices tend to go up when
refineries have to shut down for maintenance or switch to gasoline blends that produce less smog in the

In addition to lower prices prompting people to drive more, Kloza says there's evidence consumers are
again starting to buy bigger cars that use more gas.

"I would hope that people might make good choices and buy vehicles recognizing that somewhere in the
life of that vehicle we're going to see high gas prices again," he says.

Beyond what it costs the individual driver there are environmental concerns. The U.S. is among countries
that pledged in Paris to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and address climate change.

But if people start driving more because of lower prices, that will work against the goal. And there are some
in the oil industry predicting that low oil prices will prompt more demand by the second half of 2016.

Amy Myers Jaffe, executive director of energy and sustainability at the University of California, Davis,
says she is skeptical of a pickup in demand. She says a big factor will be the choices that members of the
huge millennial generation make.

She suspects they will continue to embrace things like carpooling and more efficient hybrid and electric
cars. "And car sharing — you know, where you don't own a car but you just rent your car when you're
going skiing for the weekend. All of those trends really are going to have a substantial impact — negative
on the oil industry and positive on climate solutions," Myers Jaffe says.

She says in a world with plenty of oil reserves, that could eventually lead to an interesting outcome: low
gas prices forever because demand is low.

But that's looking way into the future. One thing Myers Jaffe suggests watching closely next year is the big
oil states like Russia, Iran and Saudi Arabia. Low prices can make those governments less stable. She says
if one of them goes through a significant upheaval or even falls, that could reduce world oil production
dramatically and drive up prices again.

II. Listen to a conversation about the New Year's Party. Then choose the correct answer A, B, C or
D. Write your answers (A, B, C or D) on the answer sheet. (5 points)

1. When will the New Year’s Party be held?

A. December 29th B. December 30th C. December 31st D. December 9th

2. The best place for holding the party is_________.

A. the restaurant B. the common room C. the stadium D. Tulip Garden

3. How much does everyone should pay?

A. £15 B. £50 C. £15.50 D. $15

4. How many days should they choose the menu in advance?

A. a week B. three days C. seven working days D. six days

5. How much deposit should they pay in advance?

A. $70 B. £80 C. £90 D. £70


Woman: Hi Sam. Let's try and get it sorted out today, Ok? Mna; Yeah, sure. It's time we started working
out details.

Woman: Exactly. What should we begin with?

Man: Date.

Woman: OK. When is the best time to hold the New Year's Party?

Man: How about the 30th of December?

Woman: I'm afraid that's a bit late.

Man: Yeah, the day before?

Woman: Fine, 29th of December.

Man: What about a venue?

Woman: In a restaurant? Which restaurant were we in last year?

Man: Let me think. It is Tulip Garden. But I don't think it was a good choice.

Woman: Why?

Man: The venue is too small. And we have about 30 people more than last year.

Woman: You are right.

Man: So how about our common room on the second floor?

Woman: Great idea.

Man: And then let's think about invitations...

Woman: All staff and all students.

Man: How about last year students?

Woman: What do you mean?

Man: I know someone who has graduated already but sitll stay in the city, he might want to come to the
next month's Graduation Ceremony.

Woman: Fine. I will confirm the person later.

Man: Right.

Woman: How about the cost? Fifteen pounds, is that OK?

Man: What? Fifty?

Woman: No. fifteen.

Man: Right.

Woman: The next one is the food and drink. In my mind, it's better for us to book them from a restaurant.

Man: Definitely. Which one do you prefer?

Woman: How about Tulip Garden?

Man: Ok. And we should choose the menu and pay in advance by deposit. How many days in advance? A

Woman: A week is not enough. I think at least seven working days.

Man: OK.

Woman: How much is the deposit?

Man: I'm not sure. Maybe eighty pounds?

Woman: I think it's a little too much.

Man: Seventy pounds?

Woman: Right


I. Choose the word whose bold part is pronounced differently from that of the others in each group.
Write your answers (A, B, C or D) on the answer sheet. (5 points)

1. A. chanteuse B. cholera C. chenille D. champagne

/ʃɑ̃ˈtøːz/ /ˈkɒlərə/ /ʃəˈniːl/ /ʃæmˈpeɪn/

2. A. preparation B. preponderance C. preference D. presbytery

/ˌprɛpəˈreɪʃən/ /prɪˈpɒndərəns/ /ˈprɛfərəns/ /ˈprɛzbɪtəri/

3. A. northern B. bathe C. thereabouts D. thiamine

/ˈnɔːðən/ /beɪð/ /ˈðɛərəˈbaʊts/ /ˈθaɪəmiːn/

4. A. drought B. sought C. wrought D. nought

/draʊt/ /sɔːt/ /rɔːt/ /nɔːt/

5. A. resilient B. resultative C. resonant D. response

/rɪˈzɪlɪənt/ /rɪˈzʌltətɪv/ /ˈrɛzənənt/ /rɪˈspɒns/

II. Pick out the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others in each group. Write
your answers (A, B, C or D) on the answer sheet. (5 points)

1. A. memorandum B. magnificent C. oxymoron D. confidential

/ˌmɛməˈrændəm/ /mæɡˈnɪfɪsənt/ /ˌɒksɪˈmɔːrɒn/ /ˌkɒnfɪˈdɛnʃəl/

2. A. synecdoche B. meteorite C. encomium D. community

/sɪˈnɛkdəki/ /ˈmiːtɪəraɪt/ /ɪnˈkəʊmɪəm/ /kəˈmjuːnɪti/

3. A. fatigue B. humane C. igloo D. bedaub

/fəˈtiːɡ/ /hjuːˈmeɪn/ /ˈɪɡluː/ /bɪˈdɔːb/

4. A. majority B. extravagant C. legitimate D. carpetbagger

/məˈdʒɒrɪti/ /ɪkˈstrævəɡənt/ /lɪˈdʒɪtɪmət/ /ˈkɑːpɪtˌbæɡər/

5. A. hypersensitive B. reconveyance C. preferentially D. interpretative

/ˌhaɪpəˈsɛnsɪtɪv/ /ˌriːkənˈveɪəns/ /ˌprɛfəˈrɛnʃəli/ /ɪnˈtɜːprɪtətɪv/


I. Choose the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence. Write your answers (A, B, C or D)
on the answer sheet. (10 points)

1. English is still the main ______ of instruction in Nigeria.

A. method B. solution C. result D. medium

- method (n): phương pháp

- solution (n): giải pháp

- result (n): kết quả

- medium (n): phương tiện

Dịch câu: Tiếng Anh vẫn là phương tiện chính để dạy ở Nigeria.

2. ______ its clarity of style, the book is not easy reading.

A. In all B. Of all C. In pursuance of D. For all

- In all: trong tất cả

- Of all: trong số tất cả

- In pursuance of: theo đuổi

- For all: mặc dù

Dịch câu: Dù có phong cách rõ ràng, cuốn sách này không dễ đọc.

3. He was arrested on suspicion of driving under the ______ of alcohol.

A. power B. influence C. effect D. force

- under the influence of: dưới ảnh hưởng/ tác động của

Dịch câu: Anh ta bị bắt giữ vì nghi ngờ lái xe dưới tác động của rượu.

4. ______ more points to discuss, the meeting has now come to an end.

A. On account of B. Regardless of C. Not having D. There being no

- On account of: vì, do

- Regardless of: bất kể

- Not having: không có => rút gọn sai 2 mệnh đề cùng chủ ngữ (câu này không cùng chủ ngữ)

- There being no: vì không có => rút gọn 2 mệnh đề khác chủ ngữ (cấu trúc tuyệt đối)

Dịch câu: Vig không có nhiều điểm để thảo luận, cuộc họp đã kết thúc.

5. She has lived in a _____ since 2008.

A. five-floors building B. five-floor building

C. five-floor buildings D. five-floors buildings

- a + N số ít

Dịch: Cô ấy đã sống trong một tòa nhà năm tầng từ năm 2008.

6. He was still under his father's ______.

A. finger B. hand C. thumb D. fingertip

- under one’s thumb: dưới sự kiểm soát của ai

Dịch: Anh ấy vẫn còn dưới sự kiểm soát của cha mình.

7. She had to take out a bridging _____ until she could sell her house.

A. loan B. finance C. capital D. debt

- a bridging loan: một khoản vay tạm thời

Dịch: Cô ấy phải vay một khoản vay tạm thời cho đến khi cô ấy có thể bán nhà của mình.

8. Very little was said about his failure, _____?

A. wasn't it B. was it C. was there D. wasn't he

- little phủ định => sau khẳng định => loại A và D

- Little + N không đếm được => S là it

Dịch: Rất ít điều được nói về thất bại của anh ấy, phải không?

9. If you're on a diet, you should ______ honey for sugar in your tea.

A. change B. substitute C. replace D. convert

- change sth into: thay đổi thành

- substitute sth for: thay thế cho

- replace sth with: thay thế bằng

- convert sth into: chuyển đổi thành

Câu dịch: Nếu bạn đang ăn kiêng, bạn nên thay thế đường bằng mật ong trong trà của bạn.

10. “Why don't you invite Paula to come with us?” “______.”

A. No idea B. There's an idea C. Not idea D. Negative idea

- There’s an idea: được đấy, hay đấy.

Dịch: "Tại sao bạn không mời Paula đi cùng chúng ta?" "Hay đấy."

11. They said they could order it for me because they didn’t have my size in______.

A. shop B. hold C. store D. stock

- have sth in stock: có sẵn

Câu dịch: Họ nói họ có thể đặt hàng cho tôi vì họ không có sẵn kích thước của tôi.

12. “When will you be informed of the test result?” “Not until Monday, so I'll be ____ all

A. at needles and pins B. on pins and needles

C. on needles and pins D. at pins and needles

- on pins and needles - lo lắng, căng thẳng.

Câu dịch: "Khi nào bạn sẽ được thông báo kết quả kiểm tra?" "Chỉ vào thứ Hai, nên tôi sẽ lo lắng suốt cả
cuối tuần."

13. Susan was alone in the house when the fire _____.

A. broke in B. broke out C. broke off D. broke up

- break in: đột nhập

- break out: bùng phát

- break off: chấm dứt, ngừng lại

- break up: chia tay

Câu dịch: Susan đang ở một mình trong nhà khi đám cháy bùng phát.

14. I can’t possibly lend you any money. It is quite out of the ______.

A. order B. question C. practice D. place

- out of order: hỏng

- out of the question: không thể

- out of practice: lâu ngày không tập

- out of place: lạc lõng

Câu dịch: Tôi không thể nào cho bạn mượn tiền được. Điều đó hoàn toàn không thể.

15. I didn’t think he’d _______such a pathetic lie, but he believed every word of it.

A. take up B. fall out C. take in D. fall for

- take up: bắt đầu, tham gia vào

- fall out: cãi nhau, xảy ra xích mích

- take in: hiểu, lừa dối

- fall for: tin vào, bị lừa

Câu dịch: Tôi không nghĩ rằng anh ấy sẽ tin vào một cái nói dối như vậy, nhưng anh ấy tin mỗi từ của nó.
16. Before you send them any money, make sure the company really exists, or the whole thing could be a

A. deceit B. lack C. joke D. con

- Deceit: Sự lừa dối, hành động giả mạo hoặc lừa đảo. (Hành động hoặc hành vi gian lận hoặc lừa dối
người khác bằng cách không nói sự thật hoặc che giấu thông tin quan trọng.)

- Lack: Sự thiếu thốn, thiếu hụt.

- Joke: Sự đùa cợt, không nghiêm túc.

- Con: Việc lừa đảo hoặc sự gian lận, hành động nhằm lừa đảo người khác với mục đích lợi ích cá nhân.
(Một kế hoạch hoặc hành động gian lận nhằm lấy tiền hoặc tài sản của người khác một cách bất hợp pháp
hoặc không công bằng.)

Dịch: Trước khi bạn gửi bất kỳ tiền nào, hãy đảm bảo rằng công ty thực sự tồn tại, hoặc cả mọi thứ có thể
là một trò lừa đảo.

17. “Look, we're doing our best to fix it.” “Well, you could have ______ me.”

A. lied B. fooled C. tricked D. cheated

- you could have fooled me: bạn lừa/ đùa tôi ấy à.

Dịch: Nhìn này, chúng tôi đang cố gắng hết sức để sửa chữa nó." “Anh đùa tôi đấy à?”

18. I wouldn’t say he was brilliant at his job, but he’s quite ______.

A. cautious B. wary C. effective D. competent

- cautious (adj):cẩn thận

- wary (adj): đề phòng

- effective (adj): hiệu quả

- competent (adj): có khả năng

Câu dịch: Tôi không thể nói anh ấy giỏi công việc, nhưng anh ấy khá có khả năng.

Choose the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in the following sentence.

19. Don't beat around the bush. Ask for your account to be paid, and paid quickly.

A. cut to the chase B. hold a depute on C. cut a deal D. do battle

- cut to the chase: đi thẳng vào vấn đề >< beat around the bush: vòng vo

- hold a depute on: tổ chức một cuộc tranh luận về

- cut a deal: kích hoạt một thỏa thuận

- do battle: tham gia vào một cuộc chiến

Dịch câu: Đừng vòng vo tam quốc. Yêu cầu thanh toán tài khoản của bạn, và thanh toán nhanh chóng.

Choose the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in the following sentence.

20. He said he was only joking, but his comments were so close to the bone.

A. annoying B. offensive C. personal D. respectful

- annoying (adj): khó chịu

- offensive (adj): xúc phạm = close to the bone

- personal (adj): cá nhân

- respectful (adj): tôn trọng

Dịch câu: Anh ấy nói rằng anh ấy chỉ đùa, nhưng nhận xét của anh ấy gần như làm tổn thương.

II. Give the correct form of the words in brackets. Write your answers on the answer sheet. (5
1. I can't see why the board of leaders keep (COMMIT) _______non-committal________ over the
debate about whether or not to dismiss the current coach.
- keep adj => non-committal (adj): lửng lở, nước đôi
Dịch: Tôi không hiểu tại sao ban lãnh đạo lại không cam kết trong cuộc tranh luận về việc có nên sa thải
huấn luyện viên hiện tại hay không.

2. I hate admitting defeat but in this case the opposition is (REFUTE) ________irrefutably_______
- Trước adj => adv => irrefutably (adj): không thể chối cãi
Dịch: Tôi ghét thừa nhận thất bại nhưng trong trường hợp này phe đối lập là đúng không thể chối cãi.

3. When he was still unmarried ten years ago, he was (FEET) ________footloose_______ and fancy-
- Sau tobe là adj => footloose (adj): tự do
Dịch: Cách đây mười năm, khi anh ấy vẫn chưa lập gia đình, anh ấy là người tự do và xa hoa.

4. The venom of many snakes, especially cobras, acts as a (HALLUCINATE)

_______hallucinogen________, producing ecstatic visions.
- Sau mạo từ là N => hallucinogen (n): gây ảo giác
Dịch: Nọc độc của nhiều loài rắn, đặc biệt là rắn hổ mang, có tác dụng gây ảo giác, tạo ra những ảo ảnh
ngây ngất.

5. A circle is a shape on which all the points are (DISTANCE) ________equidistant_______ from a
fixed central point.
- Sau tobe là adj => equidistant (adj): cách đều
Dịch: Hình tròn là hình mà tất cả các điểm đều cách đều một điểm cố định ở tâm.

6. He stood at the door to make sure that no one (GATE) ________gatecrashed_______ the party.
- Sau S là V, chia QKĐ vì có stood => gatecrashed (Ved): không mời mà đến
Dịch: Anh đứng ở cửa để đảm bảo rằng không có ai xông vào bữa tiệc.

7. It’s (CHARACTER) _______uncharacteristic________ of him to lose his temper like that - he’s
usually very calm.
- Sau tobe là adj => uncharacteristic (adj): không như mọi khi
Dịch: Việc anh ấy mất bình tĩnh như vậy là điều không bình thường - anh ấy thường rất bình tĩnh.

8. He (KNOW) ________acknowledged_______ that he had been at fault.

- Sau S là V, chia Ved vì có had been => acknowledged (Ved): công nhận, thừa nhận
Dịch: Anh thừa nhận mình có lỗi.

9. She's in the (ENVIOUS) ________enviable_______ position of being able to choose who she works

- Trước N là adj => enviable (adj): đáng mong muốn
Dịch: Cô ấy đang ở vị thế có thể lựa chọn người mình làm việc cho.

10. He was (CEREMONY) ________unceremoniously_______ removed from the list of members for
gross misconduct.
- Bổ nghĩa cho p2 dùng adv => unceremoniously (adv): một cách không thương tiếc
Dịch: Anh ta đã bị loại khỏi danh sách thành viên một cách không thương tiếc vì hành vi sai trái nghiêm

III. Fill each gap in the following sentences with a suitable preposition or an adverb particle. Write
your answers on the answer sheet. (10 points)

1. I would like to apply ___for___ the position of sales clerk that you advised___in___ the Sunday
- apply for: nộp đơn xin việc
- in the newspaper: trên báo

Dịch: Tôi muốn nộp đơn cho vị trí nhân viên bán hàng mà bạn đã giới thiệu trong báo chủ nhật.

2. The clerk ___at___ that counter said those purses were___on___ sale.

- at that counter: ở quầy đó

- on sale: đang được giảm giá

Dịch: Người nhân viên ở quầy đó nói rằng những chiếc túi đó đang được giảm giá.

3. ___At__ 35% we can see that electronics and appliance sector accounted___for___ the majority of
online sales in 2005.

- At + con số (giá, tốc độ, phần trăm): với …

- account for: chiếm

Dịch: Với 35%, chúng ta có thể thấy rằng ngành điện tử và thiết bị gia dụng chiếm đa số doanh số bán
hàng trực tuyến vào năm 2005.

4. He isn’t independent___by___ any means. He depends on his father ___for___ everything.
- by no means: không hề
- depend on sb for sth: phụ thuộc vào ai để có được

Dịch: Anh ấy không độc lập theo bất kỳ cách nào. Anh ấy phụ thuộc vào bố mình cho mọi thứ.

5. Someone broke___into___ the shop and made ___off___ with several TVs and videos.
- break into: đột nhập vào
- make off with: cuỗm đi

Dịch: Ai đó đột nhập vào cửa hàng và lấy đi một số TV và video.

6. She advised me ___against___ taking public transport ___at/during___ rush hours.

- advise sb against Ving: khuyên ai không làm gì
- at/ during rush hours: vào giờ cao điểm

Dịch: Cô ấy khuyên tôi về việc sử dụng phương tiện giao thông công cộng vào giờ cao điểm.

7. Brian was___under___ pressure from his boss to finish the project ___by/before___ the deadline.

- under pressure: chịu áp lực

- by/before the deadline: trước hạn

Dịch: Brian đang chịu áp lực từ sếp của mình để hoàn thành dự án trước thời hạn.

8. Your promotion definitely calls ___for___ a celebration; let’s go ___out___ to a nice restaurant
tonight and have a bottle of champagne.
- call for: cần phải
- go out: đi ra ngoài

Dịch: Việc thăng chức của bạn chắc chắn cần phải ăn mừng; hãy đi ra ngoài và dùng bữa tại một nhà
hàng sang trọng và uống một chai rượu sâm banh tối nay.

9. Since he had waited ___in___ line for hours to buy his ticket, Brian was___among___ the first to see
the new “Star Wars” movie.
- in line: xếp hàng:
- among: trong số

Dịch: Vì đã đợi trong hàng đợi suốt giờ đồng hồ để mua vé, Brian là người đầu tiên xem bộ phim mới
"Star Wars".

10. It was obvious ___from___ the expression on his face that Mike was quite surprised___at/by___ the
result of his exam.
- from the expression: từ biểu cảm
- be surprised at/by: bị ngạc nhiên bởi
Dịch: Rõ ràng từ biểu cảm trên khuôn mặt của anh ấy, Mike đã khá ngạc nhiên với kết quả của bài kiểm
tra của mình.

IV. Give the correct form or tense of the verbs in brackets. Write your answers on the answer sheet.
(5 points)

1. I suppose when you (return) _____return______ next year, all these old buildings (pull) _____will
have been pulled_____ down.
- Trong mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian ở tương lai, V chia HT, vế sau chia TLHT, nhấn mạnh hành động sẽ
xảy ra và hoàn thành trước hành động khác trong TL, đó là return
Dịch: Tôi cho rằng khi bạn trở lại vào năm sau, tất cả những tòa nhà cũ này sẽ bị phá bỏ.

2. If he (not drink) _____hadn’t drunk______ so much last night, he (not be) ______wouldn’t
be_____ so tired now.
- last night => chia loại 3, now => chia loại 2
- Câu điều kiện kết hợp 3-2: if S had p2, S would/could Vnt
Dịch: Nếu anh ấy không uống quá nhiều đêm qua, anh ấy sẽ không mệt như vậy bây giờ.

3. The building (guard) ____is being guarded_______ at the moment by the police to prevent it from
(enter) _____being entered______.
- at the moment => chia HTTD, có by O => bị động.
- prevent sb/sth from Ving, không có O sau V => bị động
Dịch: Tòa nhà đang được bảo vệ bởi cảnh sát để ngăn chặn việc nhập vào.

4. I meant (buy) _____to buy______ an evening paper but I didn't see anyone (sell)
______selling_____ them.
- mean to V: có ý định làm gì
- see sb Ving: thấy ai làm gì
Dịch: Tôi có ý định mua một tờ báo buổi tối nhưng tôi không thấy ai đang bán chúng.

5. He (leave) ______left_____ us 3 hours ago. By now he must (be) ______have been_____ at home.
- ago => chia QKĐ
- must have p2: chắc chắn đã làm gì trong quá khứ.
Dịch: Anh ấy rời khỏi chúng tôi cách đây 3 giờ. Đến giờ này, anh ấy phải đã ở nhà rồi.

V. Point out one of the underlined parts in each sentence that is not correct and get it right.

Write A, B, C or D and your corrections on the answer sheet. Number 0 is an example. (5 points)

0. She hardly never goes to the supermarket without buying some bread and cheese.

- hardly ever: hầu như không (không dùng 2 lần phủ định)

Dịch: Cô ấy hầu như không bao giờ đi siêu thị mà không mua một ít bánh mì và pho mát.

1. By the 1960s, it was becoming more acceptance for women to work in management.

- become adj => acceptable/ accepted

Dịch: Đến những năm 1960, việc cho phép phụ nữ làm việc trong quản lý trở nên phổ biến hơn.

2. Pay particular attention to the warnings printing on the label.


- Rút gọn mệnh đề quan hệ ở dạng bị động => printed

Dịch: Hãy chú ý đặc biệt đến các cảnh báo được in trên nhãn.

3. I looked at her and felt a piece of hope.

- piece => flicker/ glimmer/ ray/ spark of hope: tia hy vọng

Dịch: Tôi nhìn cô ấy và cảm thấy một chút hi vọng.

4. Mohandas K.Gandhi, who was called Mahatma, lived a noble life of fasting and poor in order to work
for peace

and independence.

- N and N song song => poverty

Dịch: Mohandas K. Gandhi, người được gọi là Mahatma, sống một cuộc đời cao quý với việc ăn kiêng và
sống trong nghèo khó để làm việc cho hòa bình và độc lập.

5. Before the invention of railroads, the only mean of land transportation was the horse.

- mean => means (means of transportation: phương tiện vận tải)

Dịch: Trước khi có sự phát minh của đường sắt, phương tiện duy nhất để vận chuyển trên đất liền là ngựa.


I. Read the passage and choose the correct answer to each question. Write your answers (A, B, C or
D) on the answer sheet. (10 points)

These stories of killer bees in the news in recent years have attracted a lot of attention as the bees
have made their way from South America. Killer bees are reputed to be extremely aggressive in nature,
although experts that their aggression may have been somewhat inflated.
The killer bee is a combination of the very mild European strain of honeybees and the considerably
more aggressive African bee, which was created when the African strain was imported into Brazil in 1955.
The African bees were brought into Brazil because their aggression was considered an advantage: they

were far more productive than their European counterparts in that they spent a higher percentage of their
time working and continued working longer in inclement weather than did the European bees.
These killer bees have been known to attack humans and animals, and some fatalities have occurred.
Experts point out, however, that the mixed breed known as the killer bee is actually not at all as aggressive
as the pure African bee. They also point out that the attacks have a chemical cause. A killer bee stings only
when it has been disturbed; it is not aggressive by nature. However, after a disturbed bee stings and flies
away; it leaves its stinger embedded in the victim. In the viscera attached to the embedded stinger is the
chemical isoamyl acetate, which has an odor that attracts other bees. As other bees approach the victim of
the original sting, the victim tends to panic, thus disturbing other bees and causing them to sting. The new
stings create more of the chemical isoamyl acetate which attracts more bees and increases the panic level
of the victim. Killer bees tend to travel in large clusters or swarms and thus respond in large numbers to the
production of isoamyl acetate.

1. The subject of the paragraph before paragraph 1 was mostly likely_________.

A. the creation of the killer bee B. the chemical nature of killer bees’ attacks
C. stories in the media about killer bees D. ways of producing honey
(Chủ đề của đoạn văn trước đoạn 1 hầu hết có khả năng là_________.
A. sự sáng tạo của ong sát thủ
B. bản chất hóa học của các cuộc tấn công của ong sát thủ
C. những câu chuyện trên các phương tiện truyền thông về loài ong sát thủ
D. cách sản xuất mật ong)
- Thông tin: These stories of killer bees in the news in recent years have attracted a lot of attention as the
bees have made their way from South America: Những câu chuyện về loài ong sát thủ được đưa tin trong
những năm gần đây đã thu hút rất nhiều sự chú ý vì loài ong này đã tìm đường đến từ Nam Mỹ.

2. The word "inflated" in paragraph 1 means_________.

A. aired B. exaggerated C. blown D. burst
(Từ "inflated" ở đoạn 1 có nghĩa là_________.
A. phát sóng B. phóng đại C. thổi D. bùng nổ)
- Thông tin: Killer bees are reputed to be extremely aggressive in nature, although experts that their
aggression may have been somewhat inflated: Những con ong sát thủ được cho là có bản chất cực kỳ
hung dữ, mặc dù các chuyên gia cho rằng sự hung dữ của chúng có thể đã phần nào bị thổi phồng.

3. Why were African bees considered beneficial?

A. They spent their time traveling.
B. They were productive, even in inclement weather.

C. They produced an unusual type of honey.
D. They didn't work hard in inclement weather.
(Tại sao ong châu Phi được coi là có lợi?
A. Họ dành thời gian đi du lịch.
B. Họ làm việc hiệu quả ngay cả trong điều kiện thời tiết khắc nghiệt.
C. Họ sản xuất ra một loại mật ong khác thường.
D. Họ không làm việc chăm chỉ trong điều kiện thời tiết khắc nghiệt.)
- Thông tin: The African bees were brought into Brazil because their aggression was considered an
advantage: they were far more productive than their European counterparts in that they spent a higher
percentage of their time working and continued working longer in inclement weather than did the
European bees: Những con ong châu Phi được đưa vào Brazil vì sự hung hãn của chúng được coi là một
lợi thế: chúng có năng suất cao hơn nhiều so với những con ong châu Âu ở chỗ chúng dành phần trăm
thời gian làm việc cao hơn và tiếp tục làm việc lâu hơn trong thời tiết khắc nghiệt so với những con ong
châu Âu.

4. The word 'their' in paragraph 2 refers to_________.

A. the European bees' B. the African bees'
C. the killer bees' D. the honey bees'
(Từ their trong đoạn 2 đề cập đến_________.
A. của những con ong châu Âu' B. của những con ong châu Phi
C. của những con ong sát thủ D. của những con ong mật)
- Thông tin: The African bees were brought into Brazil because their aggression was considered an
advantage: they were far more productive than their European counterparts in that they spent a higher
percentage of their time working and continued working longer in inclement weather than did the
European bees: Những con ong châu Phi được đưa vào Brazil vì sự hung hãn của chúng được coi là một
lợi thế: chúng có năng suất cao hơn nhiều so với những con ong châu Âu ở chỗ chúng dành phần trăm
thời gian làm việc cao hơn và tiếp tục làm việc lâu hơn trong thời tiết khắc nghiệt so với những con ong
châu Âu.

5. It is stated in the passage that killer bees_________.

A. are less aggressive than African bees B. never attacks animals
C. are more deadly than African bees D. always attack African bees
(Trong đoạn văn có nói rằng những con ong sát thủ_________.
A. ít hung dữ hơn ong châu Phi B. không bao giờ tấn công động vật
C. nguy hiểm hơn ong châu Phi D. luôn tấn công ong châu Phi)

- Thông tin: Experts point out, however, that the mixed breed known as the killer bee is actually not at all
as aggressive as the pure African bee: Tuy nhiên, các chuyên gia chỉ ra rằng giống ong hỗn hợp được gọi
là ong sát thủ thực sự không hung dữ bằng ong thuần chủng châu Phi.

6. The pronoun 'They' in paragraph 3 refers to_________.

A. humans and animals B. fatalities C. experts D. killer bees
(Đại từ 'they' trong đoạn 3 đề cập đến_________.
A. con người và động vật B. tử vong C. chuyên gia D. ong sát thủ)
- Thông tin: Experts point out, however, that the mixed breed known as the killer bee is actually not at all
as aggressive as the pure African bee. They also point out that the attacks have a chemical cause: Tuy
nhiên, các chuyên gia chỉ ra rằng giống ong hỗn hợp được gọi là ong sát thủ thực sự không hung dữ như
ong thuần châu Phi. Họ cũng chỉ ra rằng các cuộc tấn công có nguyên nhân hóa học.

7. Which is NOT mentioned in the passage as a contributing factor in an attack by killer bees?
A. Panic by the victims B. The odor of isogamy acetate
C. Disturbance of the bees D. In clement weather
(Điều nào KHÔNG được đề cập trong đoạn văn như một yếu tố góp phần dẫn đến cuộc tấn công của ong
sát thủ?
A. Nạn nhân hoảng loạn B. Mùi của isogamy acetate
C. Sự quấy rầy của đàn ong D. Trong thời tiết khắc nghiệt)
- Thông tin: A killer bee stings only when it has been disturbed; it is not aggressive by nature. However,
after a disturbed bee stings and flies away; it leaves its stinger embedded in the victim. In the viscera
attached to the embedded stinger is the chemical isoamyl acetate, which has an odor that attracts other
bees. As other bees approach the victim of the original sting, the victim tends to panic, thus disturbing
other bees and causing them to sting: Con ong sát thủ chỉ đốt khi bị quấy rầy; bản chất nó không hung dữ.
Tuy nhiên, sau khi bị ong quấy rầy đốt và bay đi; nó để lại vết chích của nó trong cơ thể nạn nhân. Trong
nội tạng gắn liền với ngòi đốt có chất hóa học isoamyl axetat, có mùi thu hút những con ong khác. Khi
những con ong khác tiếp cận nạn nhân của vết đốt ban đầu, nạn nhân có xu hướng hoảng sợ, do đó làm
phiền những con ong khác và khiến chúng đốt.

8. In which paragraph does the author describe the size of the groups in which killer bees move?
A. Paragraph 3 B. Paragraph 2
C. Paragraph 2 and 3 D. Paragraph 1
(Trong đoạn văn nào tác giả mô tả quy mô của các nhóm ong sát thủ di chuyển?
A. Đoạn 3 B. Đoạn 2
C. Đoạn 2 và 3 D. Đoạn 1)

- Thông tin: Killer bees tend to travel in large clusters or swarms and thus respond in large numbers to the
production of isoamyl acetate: Ong sát thủ có xu hướng di chuyển theo đàn hoặc đàn lớn và do đó phản
ứng với số lượng lớn trước việc sản xuất isoamyl axetat.

9. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of killer bees?

A. attack humans and animals
B. are aggressive by nature
C. travel in large clusters
D. are a combination of the European honeybees and the African bees
(Đặc điểm nào sau đây KHÔNG phải là đặc điểm của loài ong sát thủ?
A. tấn công con người và động vật
B. có tính chất hung hăng
C. di chuyển theo cụm lớn
D. là sự kết hợp giữa ong mật châu Âu và ong châu Phi)
- Thông tin: A killer bee stings only when it has been disturbed; it is not aggressive by nature: Con ong
sát thủ chỉ đốt khi bị quấy rầy; bản chất nó không hung dữ.

10. The main idea of this passage is that killer bees_________.

A. are not purebred
B. have been moving unexpectedly
C. have been in the news a lot recently
D. are not as aggressive as their reputation suggests
(Ý chính của đoạn văn này là những con ong sát thủ_________.
A. không thuần chủng
B. đã di chuyển bất ngờ
C. đã được đưa tin rất nhiều gần đây
D. không hung dữ như danh tiếng của nó cho thấy)
- Thông tin: Killer bees are reputed to be extremely aggressive in nature, although experts that their
aggression may have been somewhat inflated: Những con ong sát thủ được cho là có bản chất cực kỳ
hung dữ, mặc dù các chuyên gia cho rằng sự hung dữ của chúng có thể đã phần nào bị thổi phồng.

II. Read the passage and choose the correct word for each blank. Write your answers (A, B, C, or D)
on the answer sheet. (5 points)

Every ten minutes, one kind of animal, plant or insect dies (1) ______ forever. If nothing is done
about it, one million species that are alive today will have become (2) ______ twenty years from now.

1. A. off B. on C. out D. over
- die out: tuyệt chủng
Dịch: Cứ mười phút lại có một loại động vật, thực vật hoặc côn trùng chết vĩnh viễn.

2. A. extinguished B. extinct C. distinct D. invalid

- extinguish (v): dập tắt
- extinct (adj): tuyệt chủng
- distinct (adj): rõ ràng, khác biệt
- invalid (adj): không hợp lệ
Dịch: Nếu không hành động gì, một triệu loài còn sống ngày nay sẽ bị tuyệt chủng sau hai mươi năm nữa.

The seas are in (3) ______ They are being filled with poison: industrial and nuclear (4) ______,
chemical fertilizers and pesticides, sewage. The Mediterranean is already nearly dead; the North Sea is
following. If nothing is done about it, one day soon nothing will be able to live in the seas.

3. A. danger B. death C. debt D. despair

- in danger: gặp nguy hiểm
Dịch: Biển đang gặp nguy hiểm.

4. A. waste B. rubbish C. essence D. mixture

- waste (n): chất thải
- rubbish (n): rác
- essence (n): bản chất
- mixture (n): hỗn hợp
Khi cả "waste" và "rubbish" được sử dụng làm danh từ (nouns), có một số sự khác biệt nhỏ trong ý nghĩa
và cách sử dụng:
1. "Waste" thường ám chỉ đến một loại vật liệu hoặc tài nguyên đã không còn được sử dụng và được
xem là không cần thiết. Nó có thể bao gồm các loại rác thải, nhưng cũng có thể ám chỉ đến các tài
nguyên đã bị lãng phí.
 Ví dụ: "industrial waste" (chất thải công nghiệp), "nuclear waste" (chất thải hạt nhân).
2. "Rubbish" thường chỉ đến các vật liệu không cần thiết, không dùng được nữa, thường là những
thứ mà chúng ta vứt đi.
 Ví dụ: "household rubbish" (rác nhà), "plastic rubbish" (rác nhựa).
Về cơ bản, "waste" có thể rộng hơn, bao gồm cả "rubbish", nhưng "rubbish" thường được sử dụng để mô
tả những vật liệu cụ thể mà chúng ta vứt đi hàng ngày.

Dịch: Chúng chứa đầy chất độc: chất thải công nghiệp và hạt nhân, phân bón hóa học và thuốc trừ sâu,
nước thải. Địa Trung Hải gần như đã chết; Biển Bắc đang theo sau. Nếu không hành động gì, một ngày
nào đó sẽ không có gì có thể sống được ở biển.

The tropical rainforests, which are the (5) ______ of half the earth’s living things (including many
rare animals and plants), are being destroyed. If nothing is done about it, they will have nearly disappeared
in twenty years. The (6) ______ on the world's climate - and on our agriculture and food supplies - will be

5. A. container B. origin C. house D. home

- container (n): vật đựng
- origin (n): nguồn gốc
- house (n): nhà
- home (n): ngôi nhà, nơi ở; chỗ sinh sống (sinh vật)
Dịch: Các khu rừng mưa nhiệt đới, nơi sinh sống của một nửa sinh vật trên trái đất (bao gồm nhiều loài
động vật và thực vật quý hiếm), đang bị phá hủy. Nếu không có hành động gì, họ sẽ gần như biến mất sau
hai mươi năm nữa.

6. A. result B. impression C. effect D. motivation

- result (n): kết quả
- impression (n): ấn tượng
- effect (n): ảnh hưởng, tác động
- motivation (n): động lực
Dịch: Ảnh hưởng đến khí hậu thế giới - và đến nguồn cung cấp lương thực và nông nghiệp của chúng ta -
sẽ rất thảm khốc.

Fortunately, somebody is trying to do something about it. In 1961, the World Wildlife Fund was (7)
______ - a small group of people who wanted to raise money to save animals and plants from extinction.
Today, the World Wildlife Fund is a large international organization. It has raised over £35 million for
conservation projects, and has created or given (8) ______ to National Parks in five continents. It has helped
30 mammals and birds – including the tiger – to (9) ______ Perhaps this is not much, but it is a start. If
more people give more money and if more governments wake up to what is happening, perhaps the World
Wildlife Fund will be able to help us to avoid the disaster that (10) ______ the natural world, and all of us
with it.

7. A. founded B. found C. funded D. fixed

- found (v): thành lập

- find (v): tìm thấy
- fund (v): tài trợ
- fix (v): sửa chữa
Dịch: May mắn thay, ai đó đang cố gắng làm điều gì đó về nó. Năm 1961, Quỹ Động vật hoang dã Thế
giới được thành lập - một nhóm nhỏ người muốn quyên tiền để cứu các loài động vật và thực vật khỏi bị
tuyệt chủng.

8. A. defense B. support C. preservation D. rescue

- defense (n): sự phòng thủ, bảo vệ
- support (n): sự hỗ trợ
- preservation (n): bảo tồn
- rescue (n): cứu hộ
Dịch: Ngày nay, Quỹ Động vật hoang dã Thế giới là một tổ chức quốc tế lớn. Nó đã quyên góp được hơn
35 triệu bảng Anh cho các dự án bảo tồn và đã tạo ra hoặc hỗ trợ cho các Công viên Quốc gia ở năm châu

9. A. continue B. endure C. prolong D. survive

- continue (v): tiếp tục
- endure (v): chịu đựng
- prolong (v): kéo dài
- survive (v): sống sót
Dịch: Nó đã giúp 30 loài động vật có vú và chim – bao gồm cả hổ – sống sót. Có lẽ điều này không nhiều,
nhưng nó là một sự khởi đầu.

10. A. occurs B. pollutes C. threatens D. suffers

- occur (v): xảy ra
- pollute (v):làm ô nhiễm
- threaten (v): đe dọa
- suffer (v): chịu đựng
Dịch: Nếu có nhiều người cho nhiều tiền hơn và nếu có nhiều chính phủ nhận thức được những gì đang
xảy ra, có lẽ Quỹ Động vật hoang dã Thế giới sẽ có thể giúp chúng ta tránh được thảm họa đang đe dọa
thế giới tự nhiên và tất cả chúng ta cùng với nó.

III. Fill each blank in the following passage with ONE suitable word. Write your answers on the
answer sheet. (10 points)

The biologist’s (1) ___role___ in society as well as his moral and ethical responsibility in the
discovery and development of new ideas has (2) ___led___ to a reassessment of his social and scientific
value systems. A scientist can no (3) ___longer___ ignore the consequences of his discoveries; he is as
concerned with the possible misuses of his findings as he is with the basic research in which he is (4)
___involved/engaged___. This emerging social and political role of the biologist and all other scientists
requires a weighing of values that cannot be done with the accuracy or the objectivity of a laboratory
balance. As a member of society, it is necessary for a biologist now to redefine his social obligations and
his functions, (5) ___particularly/ especially___ in the realm of making judgments about such ethical
problems as man's control of his environment or his manipulation of (6) ___genes___ to direct further
evolutionary development.

1. role (n): vai trò

2. led to: dẫn đến

Dịch: Vai trò của nhà sinh học trong xã hội cũng như trách nhiệm đạo đức và đạo đức của anh ta trong việc
khám phá và phát triển các ý tưởng mới đã dẫn đến một sự đánh giá lại của các hệ thống giá trị xã hội và
khoa học của anh ta.

3. no longer: không còn nữa

4. be involved/ engaged in: tham gia vào/ liên quan đến

Dịch: Một nhà khoa học không còn có thể lờ đi những hậu quả của các khám phá của mình; anh ta quan
tâm đến các sử dụng sai của những phát hiện của mình cũng như đến nghiên cứu cơ bản mà anh ta tham

5. particularly/ especially: đặc biệt, cụ thể là

6. genes (n): gen

Dịch: Vai trò xã hội và chính trị mới nổi của nhà sinh học và tất cả các nhà khoa học khác yêu cầu một cân
nhắc về các giá trị mà không thể thực hiện được với độ chính xác hoặc tính khách quan của một cân bằng
phòng thí nghiệm. Là một thành viên của xã hội, việc tái định nghĩa lại các nghĩa vụ xã hội và các chức
năng của một nhà sinh học là cần thiết, đặc biệt là trong lĩnh vực đưa ra các đánh giá về các vấn đề đạo đức
như việc kiểm soát môi trường của con người hoặc việc can thiệp vào gen để chỉ đạo phát triển tiến hóa
tiếp theo.

As a result of recent discoveries concerning hereditary mechanisms, genetic engineering, by which

human traits are made to order, may soon be a reality. As desirable as it may seem to be, such an
accomplishment would entail many value judgments. Who would decide, for example, which traits should
be selected for change? In cases of genetic deficiencies and disease, the desirability of the change is obvious,
(7) ___but___ the possibilities for social misuse are so numerous that they may far outweigh the benefits.
7. but: nhưng (desirability of the change >< social misuse)
Dịch: Kết quả của các khám phá gần đây về cơ chế di truyền, kỹ thuật kỹ thuật gen, trong đó các đặc điểm
của con người được làm theo đơn đặt hàng, có thể sớm trở thành hiện thực. Dù có vẻ mong muốn như thế
nào đi nữa, một thành tựu như vậy sẽ đòi hỏi nhiều đánh giá về giá trị. Ai sẽ quyết định, ví dụ, các đặc điểm
nào nên được lựa chọn để thay đổi? Trong trường hợp của các khuyết điểm di truyền và bệnh tật, sự mong
muốn về sự thay đổi là rõ ràng, nhưng các khả năng lạm dụng xã hội lại rất nhiều đến mức chúng có thể
vượt xa những lợi ích.

Probably the greatest biological problem of the future, as it is of the present, will be to find ways to
curb environmental pollution without interfering with man’s constant effort to (8)
___improve/raise/enhance___ the quality of his life. Many scientists believe that underlying the spectre
of pollution is the problem of surplus human population. A rise in population necessitates an increase in
the operations of modern industry, the waste products of which increase the pollution of air, water, and soil.
The question of how many people the resources of the Earth can support is one of critical importance.
8. improve/raise/ enhance the quality of life: nâng cao chất lượng cuộc sống

Dịch: Có lẽ vấn đề sinh học lớn nhất của tương lai, như của hiện tại, sẽ là tìm cách kiềm chế ô nhiễm môi
trường mà không làm trở ngại đến nỗ lực không ngừng của con người để cải thiện chất lượng cuộc sống
của mình. Nhiều nhà khoa học tin rằng nguyên nhân của vấn đề ô nhiễm là vấn đề dư thừa dân số con
người. Sự tăng dân số đòi hỏi sự gia tăng của các hoạt động công nghiệp hiện đại, các sản phẩm chất thải
của nó làm tăng ô nhiễm không khí, nước và đất đai. Câu hỏi về bao nhiêu người mà các tài nguyên của
Trái đất có thể hỗ trợ là một trong những vấn đề quan trọng đặc biệt.

Although the solutions to these and many other problems are yet to be (9) ___found/discovered___,
they do indicate the need for biologists to work with social scientists and other members of society in (10)
___order___ to determine the requirements necessary for maintaining a healthy and productive planet. For
although many of man’s present and future problems may seem to be essentially social, political, or
economic in nature, they have biological ramifications that could affect the very existence of life itself.
9. found/discovered (p2): được tìm ra (find/discover solutions to: tìm ra giải pháp cho)

10. in order to V: để làm gì

Dịch: Mặc dù các giải pháp cho những vấn đề này và nhiều vấn đề khác vẫn chưa được tìm thấy, chúng chỉ
ra sự cần thiết cho các nhà sinh học phải làm việc cùng các nhà khoa học xã hội và các thành viên khác của
xã hội để xác định các yêu cầu cần thiết để duy trì một hành tinh khỏe mạnh và sản xuất. Bởi vì mặc dù
nhiều vấn đề của con người hiện tại và tương lai có vẻ là vấn đề xã hội, chính trị hoặc kinh tế theo bản chất,
chúng có những hệ quả sinh học có thể ảnh hưởng đến sự tồn tại của cuộc sống chính mình.


I. Finish the second sentence in such a way that it means the same as the original one. Write your
answers on the answer sheet. (10 points)

1. Although the fish appears to be harmless, it is quite dangerous.

→ Contrary to it’s harmless appearance, the fish is quite dangerous.

- Contrary to sth: trái với

Dịch: Trái ngược với vẻ ngoài vô hại, loài cá này khá nguy hiểm.

2. He got down to writing a letter as soon as he returned from his work.

→ No sooner had he returned from his work than he got down to writing a letter.

- No sooner had S p2 than S Ved: Vừa mới … thì …

Dịch: Vừa đi làm về anh đã bắt tay vào viết một lá thư.

3. It was wrong of you to allow a four-year-old child to walk home alone.

→ You should not have allowed a four-year-old child to walk home alone.

- shouldn’t have p2: lẽ ra không nên làm gì trong QK

Dịch: Lẽ ra bạn không nên để một đứa trẻ bốn tuổi đi bộ về nhà một mình.

4. “OK. It’s my mistake. I’m sorry”, Peter said.

→ Peter admitted to making/ having made a mistake and apologized.

- admit to Ving: thừa nhận làm gì

Dịch: Peter thừa nhận đã phạm sai lầm và xin lỗi.

5. I am not a solitary person, I'm sociable.

→ Rather than being/ be a solitarity person, I’m sociable.

- Rather than Ving/ Vnt: thay vì

Dịch: Thay vì là một người cô độc, tôi là người hòa đồng.

6. It was more of a business arrangement than a marriage.

→ It was not so much a marriage as a business arrangement.
- Not so much sth as sth: không phải … mà là …
Dịch: Đó không hẳn là một cuộc hôn nhân mà là một sự sắp xếp kinh doanh.

7. I could hold a big party due to my mom’s help.

→ Had it not been for my mom’s help, I couldn’t have held a big party.
- Đảo ngữ câu điều kiện loại 3: Had it not been for + N, S could/would have p2: nếu không có/ nếu không
vì …
Dịch: Nếu không có sự giúp đỡ của mẹ thì tôi đã không thể tổ chức được một bữa tiệc lớn.

8. Sally showed absolutely no fear when climbing the wall.

→ Sally showed a total disregard for/ of her own safety when climbing the wall.

- show a total disregard for: hoàn toàn không quan tâm đến/ coi thường cái gì

Dịch: Sally tỏ ra hoàn toàn coi thường sự an toàn của bản thân khi leo tường.

9. He is so ambitious- he's determined that he'll be successful in the company.

→ He is determined to make his mark/ success in the company.
- make one’s mark/ success: thành công
Dịch: Anh ấy quyết tâm làm nên thành công của mình trong công ty.

10. I didn't notice I had left my umbrella on the bus until it started to rain.

→ It was not until it started to rain that I noticed I had left my umbrella on the bus.
- It was not until SV/ mốc time that S Ved: Mãi đến khi … thì …

Dịch: Mãi đến khi trời bắt đầu mưa, tôi mới nhận ra mình đã để quên ô trên xe buýt.

II. Rewrite each sentence in such a way that it means the same as the original one, using the word in
the bracket at the end of each sentence. Do not change this word in any way. Write your answers
on the answer sheet. (5 points)

1. John was shocked to hear that he had failed his driving test. (CAME)

→ It came as a shock to John to hear that he had failed his driving test.

- It comes/ came as a shock to sb to V: ai đó rất bất ngờ khi làm gì

Dịch: John thực sự bị sốc khi biết tin anh đã trượt bài kiểm tra lái xe.

2. The public reaction to the design of the new theater turned out to be bitterly critical. (TEETH)

→ The public reaction the design of the new theater turned out to be like a kick in the teeth.

- like a kick in the teeth: một sự phũ phàng

Dịch: Phản ứng của công chúng về thiết kế của nhà hát mới hóa ra giống như một sự phũ phàng.

3. The warmth of her welcome surprised me. (ABACK)

→ I was taken back by the warm of her welcome.

- take sb aback: khiến ai ngạc nhiên

Dịch: Tôi ngạc nhiên trước sự chào đón nồng nhiệt của cô ấy.

4. I don't mind staying in on a Saturday night if I have good company. (AVERSE)

→ I’m not averse to staying in on a Saturday night if I have good company.

- averse to Ving: ghét/ ngại làm gì

Dịch: Tôi không ngại ở lại vào tối thứ Bảy nếu có bạn đồng hành tốt.

5. We were surprised to see that he got mad at our decision. (RED)

→ We were surprised to see that he saw red at our decision.

- see red: tức giận

Dịch: Chúng tôi rất ngạc nhiên khi thấy anh ấy tức giận trước quyết định của chúng tôi.


HƯNG YÊN NĂM HỌC 2023-2024
Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH
(Đề thi gồm 10 trang) Thời gian: 150 phút, không kể thời gian giao đề


Bài nghe gồm 2 phần, mỗi phần thí sinh được nghe 2 lần. Thí sinh làm theo hướng dẫn của giám thị
coi thi.
Part 1: You will hear a man phoning a woman who live in an English city called Banford to get
some advice about moving to that city and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A
NUMBER for each answer on your answer sheet. You will hear twice. First, you have some time to
look at question from 1 to 10. (2.0 points)

Moving to Banford City

Linda recommends living in suburb of: …..Dalton…..

● Average rent: (1) £ ___________ a month
● Linda (2) ___________ to work.
● There is almost (3) ____________ in city centre
● (4) ___________ to London every 30 minutes
● Poor (5) _____________ at weekends
Advantages of living in Banford
● (6) __________ new cinema opened recently
● (7) __________ has excellent reputation
● Good (8) ___________ on Bridge Street
Meet Linda
● Meet Linda on (9) ___________ after 5.30 pm
● In the (10) ___________ opposite the station

Part 2: You will hear an interview with a student called Sarah Mercer, who is planning to become a
weather forecaster. Listen and choose the correct answer to each question. Write A, B, C or D on
your answer sheet. You will hear the conversation twice (2.0 points)
1. Why did Sarah first become interested in the weather?
A. She studied weather in school science lessons.
B. She saw programs about weather on TV.
C. She had experience of bad weather where she lived.
D. She heard programs about weather on radio.
2. Who encouraged Sarah's interest in the weather at home?
A. her uncle B. her father C. her grandfather D. her mother
3. Pupils at Sarah's school club _________.
A. provided information to the school for projects
B. produced a book about the weather
C. set up equipment for studying the weather
D. give information to the school club
4. What mistake did Sarah's family make during a sailing trip?
A. They failed to check weather forecasts regularly.
B. They hadn't made preparations for bad weather.
C. They didn't recognize signs of bad weather coming.
D. They made preparations for good weather.
5. Sarah thinks in the future she'd like to ________.
A. work in the area of sport C. stay in the area
B. be on TV weather programs D. travel abroad for her job


Part 1. Choose the best word or phrase to complete the following sentences. Write A, B, C or D on
your answer sheet. (1.5 points)
1. Linda wore a ________ hat to the festival last week.
A. yellow Mexican beautiful B. Mexican yellow beautiful
C. beautiful yellow Mexican D. beautiful Mexican yellow
2. We will have to wait __________ three weeks for the results.
A. another B. other C. the others D. others
3. It is necessary that he _________ English because it is useful for his work.
A. learns B. learn C. to learn D. has learned
4. The new school complex cost __________ the city council had budgeted for.
A. twice more by far than B. twice as many as

C. almost twice as much as D. twice more than
5. It seems that she doesn't have the ability to explain things clearly, __________?
A. doesn't it B. does she C. does it D. doesn't she
6. Vitamin E is available from so many food sources that no normal diet could possibly be deficient
__________ it.
A. in B. of C. from D. for
7. Sportsmen __________ their political differences on the sports field.
A. take place B. put aside C. take part D. keep apart
8. The teacher asked a difficult question, but finally Ted _________ a good answer.
A. put up with B. keep pace with C. made way for D. came up with
9. A few kind words at the right time __________ all the difference.
A. do B. give C. make D. take
10. After the concert, everyone had to __________ home through the thick snow.
A. trudge B. tread C. trace D. trickle
11. Before stir-frying, you should __________ the sliced beef in a little oil for half an hour. It will be
tender that way.
A. marinate B. garnish C. embroider D. versatile
12. Don't worry about her, she was rather ill this morning, but now she's full of _________.
A. sprouts B. beans C. chips D. berries
13. How can he treat his own _________ that way?
A. heart to heart B. flesh and blood C. heart and soul D. skin and bone
14. Paul and Daisy are discussing about life in the future.
Paul: "I believe space travel will become more affordable for many people in the future."
Daisy: "__________"
A. It doesn't matter at all. B. I am sorry to hear that.
C. It is very kind of you to say so. D. There's no doubt about that.
15. Mr. Pike, a teacher of Maths, is talking to Mai about the ways to study effectively.
Mr. Pike: "Self-studying is an inseparable part of effective learning." - Mai: "___________”
A. By all means! B. Good job! C. I'll say! D. I got a clue.
Part 2. Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to
the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. (0.3 point)
1. We are conducting a survey to find out what our customers think of their local bus service.
A. making up B. carrying out C. taking part in D. responding
2 . How are governments addressing the problem of inequality in wages?

A. solving B. raising C. creating D. ignoring
3. The psychology of girls at puberty will have many changes leading to different personalities,
thoughts and habits.
A. in infancy B. in adolescence C. in youth D. in the lees of life
Part 3. Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D to indicate the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE
in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions. (0.2 point)
1. Today students are under a lot of pressure due to the high expectation from their parents and teachers.
A. relaxation B. nervousness C. emotion D. stress
2. Another twenty engineers have been taken on to accelerate the design work in the assembly department.
A. employed B. sacked C. promoted D. demoted

Part 4. Supply the appropriate form of the words in CAPITAL to complete each sentence. Write
them on your answer sheet. (2.0 points)
1. The __________ unit in France was the Franc. (MONEY)
2. People must learn about keeping the environment ____________. (POLLUTE)
3. There were only a ___________ of people at the match. (HAND)
4. Traditional ___________ are good source of fun and entertainment. (CELEBRATE)
5. He was fined 500€ and ____________ from driving for three years. (QUALIFY)
6. I ____________ dropped my smart phone into the water. I did it by mistake. (INTEND)
7. It was hard to ____________ between the two styles of music. (DIFFERENCE)
8. Parental divorce has often been assumed to have ____________ effects on children. (DELETE)
9. While it is crucial to learn and grow from the disappointments, it is ___________ important to
recognise accomplishments. (EQUAL)
10. To avoid __________ on the journey, we'd better pack these glasses in either cotton wool or soft
paper. (BREAK)


Part 1: Read the following passage and choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) to fill in each of
the blanks. Write them on your answer sheet. (2.0 points)
Although the earth was formed about 4,500 million years ago, human beings have (1)
__________ it for less than half a million years. Within this time, population has increased hugely and
people have had a vast impact (2) __________ the earth. They have long been able to put the forces of
nature to use. Now, with modern technology, they have the power to (3) ___________ the balance of life

on earth.
Reports back from the first astronauts helped dispel the dangerous (4) __________ that the world
had no boundaries and had limitless resources. Moreover, ecologists have shown that all forms of life on
earth are interconnected, so it (5) ____________ that all human activity has an effect on the natural
In recent years, people have been (6) _____________ the environment under stress. (7)
____________, certain raw materias such as timber, water and minerals are beginning to run short.
Pollution and the disposal of waste are already critical issues, and the state of the environment is fast
becoming the most pressing problem (8) ____________ us all. The way we respond to the challenge will
have a profound effect on the earth and its life support (9) ___________.
However, despite all these threats there are (10) __________ signs. Over the past few decades,
the growth in population has been more than matched by food production, indicating that we should be
able to feed ourselves for some time yet.
1. A. invaded B. owned C. inhabited D. evolved
2. A. in B. for C. upon D. with
3. A. alter B. make C. exchange D. stand
4. A. judgement B. notion C. reflection D. concept
5. A. results B. follows C. complies D. develops
6. A. putting B. threatening C. creating D. covering
7. A. As a result B. Moreover C. Otherwise D. However
8. A. encountering B. opposing C. meeting D. confronting
9. A. projects B. systems C. methods D. routines
10. A. stimulating B. welcoming C. satisfying D. reassuring

Part 2. Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word. Write the words on your answer sheet.
(2.0 points)
Animal behaviorists used to think that a dog's bark was simply a way of (1) __________
attention. Now a new study suggests that dogs have specific barks, and that they vary the pitch and pace
of these to (2) __________ different messages. The scientists (3) ___________ carried out the research
are now suggesting that dogs usually use high-pitched single barks when they are separated (4)
___________ their owners and a lower, harsher superbark when strangers move towards them or the
doorbell rings.
During their research, the scientists also wondered what other abilities dogs possessed; for
example, were they (5) ___________ to recognize quantity? To test this, the dogs were first shown treats

before a screen was lowered so that the treats were out of (6) ___________. Then the treats were (7)
____________ left as they were, added to or reduced. If a treat was added or taken away, the dogs
looked at them for longer, presumably because the numbers did not (8) ____________ their expectations.
The scientists concluded that dogs know they are receiving fewer treats because they have a basic
mathematical ability that enables them to tell when one pile of objects is bigger than (9) ___________.
This ability may present because dogs are descended from wolves, which not only have a large neo-
cortex the brain center of reasoning - but live in large social groups. This mathematical ability could have
been used to work out how (10) ___________ enemies and allies they had in a pack.

Part 3. Read the following passage and choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). Write them on
your answer sheet. (1.0 point)
The principle of use and disuse states that those parts of organisms' bodies that are used grow
larger. Those parts that are not tend to wither away. It is an observed fact that when you exercise
particular muscles, they grow. Those that are never used diminish. By examining a man's body, we can
tell which muscles he uses and which he doesn't, we may even be able to guess his profession or his
reaction. Enthusiasts of "body-building" can make use of the principle of use and disuse to "build" their
bodies, almost like a piece of sculpture, into whatever unnatural shape is demanded by fashion in this
peculiar minority culture. Muscles are not the only parts of the body that respond to use in this kind of
way. Walk barefoot and you acquire harder skin on your soles. It is easy to tell a farmer from a bank
teller by looking at their hands alone. The farmer's hands are horny, hardened by long exposure to rough
work. The teller's hands are relatively soft
The principle of use and disuse enables animals to become better at the job of surviving in their
world, progressively better during their lifetime as a result of living in that world. Humans, through
direct exposure to sunlight, or lack of it, develop a skin color that equips them better to survive in
particular local conditions.
Too much sunlight is dangerous. Enthusiastic sunbathers with very fair skin are susceptible to
skin cancer. Too little sunlight, on the other hand, leads to vitamin D deficiency and rickets. The brown
pigment melanin which is synthesized under the influence of sunlight, makes a screen to protect the
underlying tissues from the harmful effects of further sunlight. If a suntanned person moves to a less
sunny climate, the melanin disappears, and the body is able to benefit from what little sun there is. This
can be represented as an instance of the principle of use and disuse: skin goes brown when it is "used",
and fades to white when it is not.
1. What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. How the principles of use and disuse change people's concepts of themselves.

B. The way in which people change themselves to conform to fashion.
C. The changes that occur according to the principle of use and disuse.
D. The effects of the sun on the principle of use and disuse.
2. The word "they" in line 3 refers to ________.
A. organisms B. bodies C. parts D. muscles
3. From the passage, it can be inferred that the author views bodybuilding ________.
A. with enthusiasm B. as an artistic form
C. with scientific interest D. of doubtful benefit
4. The word "horny" in line 9 is closest in meaning to _________.
A. firm B. strong C. tough D. dense
5. It can be inferred from the passage that the principle of use and disuse enables organisms to _______.
A. change their existence B. automatically benefit
C. survive in any condition D. improve their lifetime


Part 1. Choose the underlined word or phrase that needs correcting. Write A, B, C or D on your
answer sheet. (1.0 point)
1. Is it important that the secretary finishes the typing today?

2. Tommy, that arrived late, was not permitted to enter the room.

3. The longer you delay making a decision, the worst the consequences will be.

4. The amount of women earning Master's Degree has risen sharply in recent years.

5. A persimmon tastes best when it is such ripe that it looks wrinkled and almost spoiled.

6. Some companies are not only raising their prices but also decreasing the production of its products.

7 . A new advanced water plant which will eventually serve 300,000 customers is now on construction.

8. The first important requirements for you to become a mountain climber are your strong passion and
you have good health.

9. In the early grades, the academic performance of girls are equal to that of boys in Maths and almost
equal to boys in science.

10. Snapping turtles are easily recognized because of the large head, the long tail and the shell that
protect seems insufficiently to protect the body.

Part 2. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the
sentence printed before it. Write your answers on the answer sheet. (1.0 point)
1. I regret not buying any tickets for the concert.
→ I wish ................................................................................................................................................
2. Electronic devices are bad for your eyes. Their radiation is very harmful.
→ Electronic devices ............................................................................................................................
3. People rumor that the house was set on fire deliberately.
→ The house ..........................................................................................................................................
4. How did you persuade Tom to lend you the money?
→ How did you talk ..............................................................................................................................
5. Anna doesn't claim to have a lot of musical talent.
→ Anna makes.......................................................................................................................................

Part 3. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using
the word given in CAPITAL. DO NOT CHANGE THE WORD GIVEN. Write your answers on
the answer sheet. (1.0 point)
1. I'm sure he knew all the details about the robbery. (MUST)
→ He must ..................................................................................... all the details about the robbery.
2. We are looking forward to watching the program. (WAIT)
→ We ........................................................................................................................... the program.
3. They're telling me that I must make a decision soon. (PRESSURE)
→ They are .......................................................................................... me to make a decision soon.
4. I thought very hard but couldn’t remember the answer. (RACKED)
→ I ................................................................................................................. remember the answer.
5. Peter doesn't blog as his writing skills are quite lacking. (SCRATCH)
→ As Peter's writing skills ................................................................, he doesn't t do any blogging.

Part 4. Nowadays, the use of smartphones and other electronic devices among teenagers is

becoming more and more popular. Many people think that teenagers should spend more time
taking part in sports and outdoor activities instead of using such devices. To what extent do you
agree or disagree with this opinion? You should write about 200 words. (2.0 points)


HƯNG YÊN NĂM HỌC 2023-2024
Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH
(Đề thi gồm 10 trang) Thời gian: 150 phút, không kể thời gian giao đề


Bài nghe gồm 2 phần, mỗi phần thí sinh được nghe 2 lần. Thí sinh làm theo hướng dẫn của giám thị
coi thi.
Part 1: You will hear a man phoning a woman who live in an English city called Banford to get
some advice about moving to that city and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A
NUMBER for each answer on your answer sheet. You will hear twice. First, you have some time to
look at question from 1 to 10. (2.0 points)

Moving to Banford City

Linda recommends living in suburb of: …..Dalton…..

● Average rent: (1) £ ______850_____ a month
● Linda (2) ______cycles_____ to work.
● There is almost (3) ______no parking______ in city centre
● (4) ______Trains_____ to London every 30 minutes
● Poor (5) ______train service_______ at weekends
Advantages of living in Banford
● (6) _____(A) brand_____ new cinema opened recently
● (7) ______(The) hospital____ has excellent reputation
● Good (8) _____dentist______ on Bridge Street
Meet Linda
● Meet Linda on (9) ______Thursday_____ after 5.30 pm
● In the (10) _____ café______ opposite the station

LINDA: Hello, Linda speaking.
MATT: Oh hi, Linda. This is Matt Brooks. Alex White gave me your number. He said you’d be able to
give me some advice about moving to Banford.
LINDA: Yes, Alex did mention you. How can I help?
MATT: Well, first of all – which area to live in?
LINDA: Well, I live in Dalton, which is a really nice suburb – not too expensive, and there’s a nice park.
MATT: Sounds good. Do you know how much it would be to rent a two bedroom flat there?
LINDA: Yeah, you should be able to get something reasonable for 850 pounds per month. That’s what
people typically pay. You certainly wouldn’t want to pay more than 900 pounds. That doesn’t include
bills or anything.
MATT: No. That sound alright. I’ll definitely have a look there. Are the transport links easy from where
you live?
LINDA: Well, I’m very lucky. I work in the city centre so I don’t have to use public transport. I go by
MATT: Oh, I wish I could do that. Is it safe to cycle around the city?
LINDA: Yes, it’s fine. And it keeps me fit. Anyway, driving to work in the city centre would be a
nightmare because there’s hardly any parking. And the traffic during the rush hour can be bad.
MATT: I’d be working from home but I’d have to go to London one or two days a week.
LINDA: Oh, that’s perfect. Getting to London is no problem. There’s a fast train every 30 minutes
which only takes 45 minutes.
MATT: That’s good.
LINDA: Yeah, the train service isn’t bad during the week. And they run quite late at night. It’s
weekends that are a problem. They’re always doing engineering work and you have to take a bus to
Hadham and pick up the train there, which is really slow. But other than that, Banford’s a great place to
live. I’ve never been happier.
LINDA: There are some nice restaurants in the city centre and a brand new cinema which has only
been open a couple of months. There’s a good arts centre too.
MATT: Sounds like Banford’s got it all.
LINDA: Yes! We’re really lucky. There are lots of really good aspects to living here. The schools are
good and the hospital here is one of the best in the country. Everyone I know who’s been there’s had a
positive experience. Oh, I can give you the name of my dentist too in Bridge Street, if you’re interested.
I’ve been going to him for years and I’ve never had any problems.
MATT: Oh, OK. Thanks!
LINDA: I’ll find his number and send it to you.
MATT: Thanks, that would be really helpful.

LINDA: Are you planning to visit Banford soon?
MATT: Yes. My wife and I are both coming next week. We want to make some appointments with estate
LINDA: I could meet you if you like and show you around.
MATT: Are you sure? We’d really appreciate that.
LINDA: Either a Tuesday or Thursday is good for me, after 5.30.
MATT: Thursday’s preferable – Tuesday I need to get home before 6 pm.
LINDA: Okay great. Let me know which train your catching and I’ll meet you in the cafe outside. You
can’t miss it. It’s opposite the station and next to the museum.
MATT: Brilliant. I’ll text you next week then. Thanks so much for all the advice.
LINDA: No problem. I’ll see you next week.

Part 2: You will hear an interview with a student called Sarah Mercer, who is planning to become a
weather forecaster. Listen and choose the correct answer to each question. Write A, B, C or D on
your answer sheet. You will hear the conversation twice (2.0 points)
1. Why did Sarah first become interested in the weather?
A. She studied weather in school science lessons.
B. She saw programs about weather on TV.
C. She had experience of bad weather where she lived.
D. She heard programs about weather on radio.
2. Who encouraged Sarah's interest in the weather at home?
A. her uncle B. her father C. her grandfather D. her mother
3. Pupils at Sarah's school club _________.
A. provided information to the school for projects
B. produced a book about the weather
C. set up equipment for studying the weather
D. give information to the school club
4. What mistake did Sarah's family make during a sailing trip?
A. They failed to check weather forecasts regularly.
B. They hadn't made preparations for bad weather.
C. They didn't recognize signs of bad weather coming.
D. They made preparations for good weather.
5. Sarah thinks in the future she'd like to ________.
A. work in the area of sport C. stay in the area

B. be on TV weather programs D. travel abroad for her job

Interviewer: In our series on careers, I’m talking to college student Sarah Mercer, who wants to become
a weather forecaster. Sarah, when did you become interested in weather?
Sarah: Well, I could actually read a weather map when I was ten! I remember we had really cold winters
in my hometown that made travelling difficult, so I’d switch on the TV forecast to see when we’d have
good weather. My science teacher was surprised how much I knew during our lessons on weather at
Interviewer: And did your family encourage you?
Sarah: My grandfather recorded the weather every day, but I was too young to remember that. It
probably influenced my father, though - he became a science teacher. But my mum bought me special
notebooks to record the weather, just like my grandfather had done, and those helped me a lot.
Interviewer: And you started a weather club at your school. What happened there?
Sarah: Well, my teacher asked me to help other pupils learn about the weather, so I started the club. The
school already had a mini weather station, so we used what we found out from that to put in a daily
weather diary – that’s now kept in the school library. And I found the information very useful for school
projects I worked on!
Interviewer: And your family’s hobby is sailing, isn’t it? Have you had any bad experiences with
weather on your trips?
Sarah: Well, one day we went sailing when the forecast that morning was for good weather. But we
didn’t listen to it again later, which you should always do, because it changed, and we got caught in a
storm. At least we were wearing our wet-weather clothes! But now I always watch the clouds to see if
bad weather’s on the way.
Interviewer: So what kind of job will you have in the future?
Sarah: My friends think I’m doing this to get a job as a TV weather presenter, but I’d be too nervous for
that! But I’m attracted by the idea of going to different countries to work. And there are good jobs
working with international sailing teams, but I’m not sure if that’s for me.
Interviewer: So finally, Sarah – what’s your favourite weather?
Sarah: Well, everyone likes it when it’s sunny, and I do, too, but when it’s pouring down outside you get
great grey clouds that are really beautiful, so I usually rush out in the wet! Fog is interesting, too, the
way it suddenly appears, but it’s a bit dangerous, so I can’t say I really like it.
Interviewer: Thanks, Sarah

Part 1. Choose the best word or phrase to complete the following sentences. Write A, B, C or D on
your answer sheet. (1.5 points)
1. Linda wore a ________ hat to the festival last week.
A. yellow Mexican beautiful B. Mexican yellow beautiful
C. beautiful yellow Mexican D. beautiful Mexican yellow
- Trật tự tính từ: OpSASCOMP
Opinion (beautiful) – color (yellow) – origin (Mexican)
Dịch: Linda đội chiếc mũ Mexico màu vàng xinh đẹp đến lễ hội tuần trước.

2. We will have to wait __________ three weeks for the results.

A. another B. other C. the others D. others
- another + N số ít: người/ cái khác; another + số lượng + N số nhiều: thêm bao nhiêu nữa
- other + số nhiều/ không đếm được: những người/ cái khác
- the others: những người/ cái còn lại
- others = other + N số nhiều/ không đếm được.
Dịch: Chúng ta sẽ phải đợi thêm ba tuần nữa mới có kết quả.

3. It is necessary that he _________ English because it is useful for his work.

A. learns B. learn C. to learn D. has learned
- Hiện tại giả định: necessary that S (should) Vnt
Dịch: Dịch: Anh ấy cần học tiếng Anh vì nó hữu ích cho công việc của anh ấy.

4. The new school complex cost __________ the city council had budgeted for.
A. twice more by far than B. twice as many as
C. almost twice as much as D. twice more than
- Loại A, D vì so sánh gấp mấy lần phải dùng so sánh bằng.
- Loại B vì cost là tốn bao nhiêu tiền, money không đếm được nên không thể dùng many.
Dịch: Khu phức hợp trường học mới có giá gần gấp đôi so với dự toán của hội đồng thành phố.

5. It seems that she doesn't have the ability to explain things clearly, __________?
A. doesn't it B. does she C. does it D. doesn't she
- it seems that SV => hỏi đuôi theo vế sau that.
Dịch: Có vẻ như cô ấy không có khả năng giải thích mọi chuyện một cách rõ ràng phải không?

6. Vitamin E is available from so many food sources that no normal diet could possibly be deficient
__________ it.
A. in B. of C. from D. for
- deficient in: thiếu
Dịch: Vitamin E có sẵn từ rất nhiều nguồn thực phẩm mà không một chế độ ăn uống bình thường nào có
thể thiếu được.

7. Sportsmen __________ their political differences on the sports field.

A. take place B. put aside C. take part D. keep apart
- take place: diễn ra
- put aside: bỏ qua, tạm gác sang một bên
- take part: tham gia
- keep apart: giữ xa, không để gần nhau
Dịch: Các vận động viên gạt bỏ những khác biệt chính trị của họ trên sân thể thao.

8. The teacher asked a difficult question, but finally Ted _________ a good answer.
A. put up with B. keep pace with C. made way for D. came up with
- put up with: chịu đựng, tha thứ
- keep pace with: theo kịp với
- make way for: nhường chỗ cho, tạo điều kiện cho
- come up with: đưa ra (một ý kiến, một giải pháp)
Dịch: Giáo viên đặt một câu hỏi khó, nhưng cuối cùng Ted đã đưa ra một câu trả lời tốt.

9. A few kind words at the right time __________ all the difference.
A. do B. give C. make D. take
- make the difference: tạo ra sự khác biệt
Dịch: Một vài lời tử tế vào thời điểm đúng có thể tạo ra sự khác biệt to lớn.

10. After the concert, everyone had to __________ home through the thick snow.
A. trudge B. tread C. trace D. trickle
- trudge (v): đi bộ mệt nhọc, chậm chạp, lê bước
- tread (n): bước chân, dấu chân
- trace (v): lần theo dấu vết, theo dõi

- trickle (v) chảy chậm, rò rỉ
Dịch: Sau buổi hòa nhạc, mọi người phải lê bước về nhà qua tuyết dày.

11. Before stir-frying, you should __________ the sliced beef in a little oil for half an hour. It will be
tender that way.
A. marinate B. garnish C. embroider D. versatile
- marinate (v): ướp gia vị
- garnish (v): trang trí, rắc (đồ ăn)
- embroider (v): thêu, trang trí
- versatile (adj) đa năng
Dịch: Trước khi xào, bạn nên ướp thịt bò thái lát trong một ít dầu trong khoảng nửa giờ. Cách đó thịt sẽ
mềm mại hơn.

12. Don't worry about her, she was rather ill this morning, but now she's full of _________.
A. sprouts B. beans C. chips D. berries
- full of beans: tràn đầy năng lượng
Dịch: Đừng lo lắng về cô ấy, sáng nay cô ấy khá là ốm, nhưng bây giờ cô ấy đầy năng lượng.

13. How can he treat his own _________ that way?

A. heart to heart B. flesh and blood C. heart and soul D. skin and bone
- heart to heart: chân thành
- flesh and blood: máu mủ ruột thịt
- heart and soul: toàn tâm toàn ý
- skin and bone: da bọc xương, gầy
Dịch: Làm sao anh ấy có thể đối xử với người thân của mình như vậy?

14. Paul and Daisy are discussing about life in the future.
Paul: "I believe space travel will become more affordable for many people in the future."
Daisy: "__________"
A. It doesn't matter at all. B. I am sorry to hear that.
C. It is very kind of you to say so. D. There's no doubt about that.
(Paul và Daisy đang thảo luận về cuộc sống trong tương lai.
Paul: "Tôi tin rằng du lịch vũ trụ sẽ trở nên hợp lý hơn với nhiều người trong tương lai."
Daisy: "__________"

A. Nó không quan trọng chút nào. B. Tôi rất tiếc khi nghe điều đó.
C. Bạn thật tử tế khi nói như vậy. D. Không có nghi ngờ gì về điều đó.)

15. Mr. Pike, a teacher of Maths, is talking to Mai about the ways to study effectively.
Mr. Pike: "Self-studying is an inseparable part of effective learning." - Mai: "___________”
A. By all means! B. Good job! C. I'll say! D. I got a clue.
(Thầy Pike, giáo viên dạy Toán, đang trao đổi với Mai về cách học hiệu quả.
Thầy Pike: “Tự học là một phần không thể tách rời của việc học tập hiệu quả”. - Mai: “___________”
A. Bằng mọi cách! B. Làm tốt lắm! C. Em đồng ý! D. Em hiểu rồi.)

Part 2. Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to
the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. (0.3 point)
1. We are conducting a survey to find out what our customers think of their local bus service.
A. making up B. carrying out C. taking part in D. responding
(Chúng tôi đang tiến hành một cuộc khảo sát để tìm hiểu xem khách hàng nghĩ gì về dịch vụ xe buýt địa
phương của họ.
A. bịa ra B. thực hiện C. tham gia vào D. trả lời)

2 . How are governments addressing the problem of inequality in wages?

A. solving B. raising C. creating D. ignoring
(Các chính phủ giải quyết vấn đề bất bình đẳng về tiền lương như thế nào?
A. giải quyết B. nâng cao C. tạo ra D. bỏ qua)

3. The psychology of girls at puberty will have many changes leading to different personalities,
thoughts and habits.
A. in infancy B. in adolescence C. in youth D. in the lees of life
(Tâm lý của các bạn gái ở tuổi dậy thì sẽ có nhiều thay đổi dẫn đến tính cách, suy nghĩ và thói quen
khác nhau.
A. lúc sơ sinh B. ở tuổi thiếu niên C. ở tuổi trẻ D. ở giai đoạn cuối đời)

Part 3. Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D to indicate the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE
in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions. (0.2 point)
1. Today students are under a lot of pressure due to the high expectation from their parents and teachers.
A. relaxation B. nervousness C. emotion D. stress

(Ngày nay học sinh chịu nhiều áp lực do kỳ vọng cao từ bố mẹ và thầy giáo.
A. thư giãn B. hồi hộp C. cảm xúc D. căng thẳng)

2. Another twenty engineers have been taken on to accelerate the design work in the assembly department.
A. employed B. sacked C. promoted D. demoted
(Hai mươi kỹ sư khác đã được tuyển dụng để đẩy nhanh công việc thiết kế ở bộ phận lắp ráp.
A. được tuyển dụng B. bị sa thải C. thăng chức D. bị giáng chức)

Part 4. Supply the appropriate form of the words in CAPITAL to complete each sentence. Write
them on your answer sheet. (2.0 points)
1. The ______monetary____ unit in France was the Franc. (MONEY)
- Trước N là adj => monetary (adj): tiền tệ
Dịch: Đơn vị tiền tệ ở Pháp là Franc.

2. People must learn about keeping the environment ______unpolluted______. (POLLUTE)

- keep sth adj => unpolluted (adj/p2): không bị ô nhiễm
Dịch: Mọi người phải học cách giữ cho môi trường không bị ô nhiễm.

3. There were only a _____handful______ of people at the match. (HAND)

- a handful of: số ít
Dịch: Trận đấu chỉ có một số ít người.

4. Traditional _____celebrations______ are good source of fun and entertainment. (CELEBRATE)

- Sau adj là N, số nhiều vì V là are => celebrations (n): lễ kỉ niệm
Dịch: Lễ kỷ niệm truyền thống là nguồn vui và giải trí tốt.

5. He was fined 500€ and ______disqualified______ from driving for three years. (QUALIFY)
- Song song p2 and p2 => disqualified (p2): bị tước/ cấm
Dịch: Anh ta bị phạt 500 € và bị cấm lái xe trong ba năm.

6. I ______unintentionally______ dropped my smart phone into the water. I did it by mistake. (INTEND)
- Bổ nghĩa cho V dùng adv => unintentionally (adv): vô tình
Dịch: Tôi vô tình làm rơi điện thoại thông minh của mình xuống nước. Tôi đã làm điều đó một cách vô tình.

7. It was hard to ______differentiate______ between the two styles of music. (DIFFERENCE)
- to V=> differentiate (v): phân biệt
Dịch: Thật khó để phân biệt giữa hai phong cách âm nhạc.

8. Parental divorce has often been assumed to have _______deleterious_____ effects on children. (DELETE)
- Trước N là adj => deleterious (adj): xấu
Dịch: Việc cha mẹ ly hôn thường được cho là có những ảnh hưởng xấu đến con cái.

9. While it is crucial to learn and grow from the disappointments, it is _____equally______ important to
recognise accomplishments. (EQUAL)
- Trước adj là adv => equally (adv): bằng, không kém
Dịch: Mặc dù việc học hỏi và trưởng thành từ những thất vọng là điều quan trọng nhưng việc ghi nhận những
thành tựu cũng quan trọng không kém.

10. To avoid _____breakage_____ on the journey, we'd better pack these glasses in either cotton wool or
soft paper. (BREAK)
- avoid sth => breakage (n): đổ vỡ
Dịch: Để tránh bị vỡ trên đường đi, tốt hơn hết chúng ta nên gói những chiếc kính này vào bông gòn hoặc giấy


Part 1: Read the following passage and choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) to fill in each of
the blanks. Write them on your answer sheet. (2.0 points)
Although the earth was formed about 4,500 million years ago, human beings have (1)
__________ it for less than half a million years. Within this time, population has increased hugely and
people have had a vast impact (2) __________ the earth. They have long been able to put the forces of
nature to use. Now, with modern technology, they have the power to (3) ___________ the balance of life
on earth.
1. A. invaded B. owned C. inhabited D. evolved
- invade (v): xâm chiếm
- own (v): sở hữu
- inhabit (v): sống ở đâu
- evolve (v): tiến hoá

Dịch: Mặc dù trái đất được hình thành khoảng 4.500 triệu năm trước nhưng con người mới sinh sống
trên đó chưa đầy nửa triệu năm.

2. A. in B. for C. upon D. with

- have an impact on/ upon: có ảnh hướng đến
Dịch: Trong thời gian này, dân số đã tăng lên nhanh chóng và con người đã có tác động to lớn đến trái

3. A. alter B. make C. exchange D. stand

- alter (v): thay đổi
- make (v): làm
- exchange (v): trao đổi
- stand (v): đứng
Dịch: Từ lâu họ đã có thể sử dụng sức mạnh của thiên nhiên. Giờ đây, với công nghệ hiện đại, họ có khả
năng thay đổi sự cân bằng của cuộc sống trên trái đất.

Reports back from the first astronauts helped dispel the dangerous (4) __________ that the world
had no boundaries and had limitless resources. Moreover, ecologists have shown that all forms of life on
earth are interconnected, so it (5) ____________ that all human activity has an effect on the natural
4. A. judgement B. notion C. reflection D. concept
- judgement (n): sự đánh giá
- notion (n): quan niệm
- reflection (n): sự phản ánh
- concept (n): khái niệm
Dịch: Các báo cáo từ các phi hành gia đầu tiên đã giúp xóa tan quan niệm nguy hiểm rằng thế giới không
có ranh giới và có nguồn tài nguyên vô tận.

5. A results B. follows C. complies D. develops

- it follows that: do đó
Dịch: Hơn nữa, các nhà sinh thái học đã chỉ ra rằng tất cả các dạng sống trên trái đất đều có mối liên hệ
với nhau, do đó mọi hoạt động của con người đều có ảnh hưởng đến môi trường tự nhiên.

In recent years, people have been (6) _____________ the environment under stress. (7)

____________, certain raw materias such as timber, water and minerals are beginning to run short.
Pollution and the disposal of waste are already critical issues, and the state of the environment is fast
becoming the most pressing problem (8) ____________ us all. The way we respond to the challenge will
have a profound effect on the earth and its life support (9) ___________.
6. A. putting B. threatening C. creating D. covering
- put sth/sb under stress: tạo áp lực cho
Dịch: Trong những năm gần đây, con người đang gây áp lực lên môi trường.

7. A. As a result B. Moreover C. Otherwise D. However

- as a result: do đó, kết quả là
- moreover: ngoài ra
- otherwise: nếu không thì
- however: tuy nhiên
Dịch: Kết quả là một số nguyên liệu thô như gỗ, nước và khoáng sản đang bắt đầu thiếu hụt.

8. A. encountering B. opposing C. meeting D. confronting

- encounter (v): chạm trán, bắt gặp
- oppose (v): phản đối
- meet (v): gặp
- confront sb: ai đó phải đối mặt
Dịch: Ô nhiễm và xử lý chất thải đã là những vấn đề nghiêm trọng và tình trạng môi trường đang nhanh
chóng trở thành vấn đề cấp bách nhất mà tất cả chúng ta phải đối mặt.

9. A. projects B. systems C. methods D. routines

- project (n): dự án
- life support system: hệ thống hỗ trợ duy trì sự sống
- method (n): phương pháp
- routine (n): thói quen hàng ngày
Dịch: Cách chúng ta ứng phó với thách thức sẽ có ảnh hưởng sâu sắc đến trái đất và các hệ thống hỗ trợ
sự sống trên đó.

However, despite all these threats there are (10) __________ signs. Over the past few decades,
the growth in population has been more than matched by food production, indicating that we should be
able to feed ourselves for some time yet.

10. A. stimulating B. welcoming C. satisfying D. reassuring
- stimulate (v): kích thích
- welcome (v): hoan nghênh
- satisfy (v): làm hài lòng
- reassure (v): trấn an
Dịch: Tuy nhiên, bất chấp tất cả những mối đe dọa này, vẫn có những dấu hiệu trấn an. Trong vài thập kỷ
qua, tốc độ tăng trưởng dân số không phù hợp với sản xuất lương thực, cho thấy rằng chúng ta vẫn có thể
tự nuôi sống bản thân trong một thời gian nữa.

Part 2. Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word. Write the words on your answer sheet.
(2.0 points)
Animal behaviorists used to think that a dog's bark was simply a way of (1) _____attracting____
attention. Now a new study suggests that dogs have specific barks, and that they vary the pitch and pace
of these to (2) _____convey_____ different messages. The scientists (3) ______who/that_____ carried
out the research are now suggesting that dogs usually use high-pitched single barks when they are
separated (4) _____from______ their owners and a lower, harsher superbark when strangers move
towards them or the doorbell rings.
1. attract attention: thu hút sự chú ý, sau of + Ving
Dịch: Các nhà nghiên cứu hành vi động vật từng nghĩ rằng tiếng sủa của chó chỉ đơn giản là một cách để
thu hút sự chú ý.
2. convey messages: truyền tải thông điệp
Dịch: Giờ đây, một nghiên cứu mới cho thấy loài chó có những tiếng sủa cụ thể và chúng thay đổi cường
độ cũng như tốc độ của những tiếng sủa này để truyền tải những thông điệp khác nhau.
3. who/that thay cho scientists và làm V của carried
4. be separated from: tách khỏi
Dịch: Các nhà khoa học thực hiện nghiên cứu hiện đang gợi ý rằng loài chó thường sử dụng những tiếng
sủa đơn the thé khi chúng bị tách khỏi chủ và tiếng sủa trầm hơn, gay gắt hơn khi có người lạ tiến về
phía chúng hoặc tiếng chuông cửa reo.

During their research, the scientists also wondered what other abilities dogs possessed; for
example, were they (5) _____able______ to recognize quantity? To test this, the dogs were first shown
treats before a screen was lowered so that the treats were out of (6) _____sight______. Then the treats
were (7) ______either______ left as they were, added to or reduced. If a treat was added or taken away,
the dogs looked at them for longer, presumably because the numbers did not (8) ______meet______

their expectations. The scientists concluded that dogs know they are receiving fewer treats because they
have a basic mathematical ability that enables them to tell when one pile of objects is bigger than (9)
______another_____. This ability may present because dogs are descended from wolves, which not only
have a large neo-cortex the brain center of reasoning - but live in large social groups. This mathematical
ability could have been used to work out how (10) ______many_____ enemies and allies they had in a
5. be able to V: có thể làm gì
Dịch: Trong quá trình nghiên cứu, các nhà khoa học cũng tự hỏi loài chó có những khả năng nào khác; ví
dụ, họ có thể nhận ra số lượng không?
6. out of sight: ngoài tầm nhìn
Dịch: Để kiểm tra điều này, những con chó lần đầu tiên được cho xem đồ ăn trước khi màn được hạ xuống để đồ
ăn không thể nhìn thấy được.
7. either ... or ...: hoặc ... hoặc ...
Dịch: Sau đó, đồ ăn vặt được giữ nguyên, được thêm vào hoặc giảm đi.
8. meet expectations: đáp ứng mong đợi
Dịch: Nếu phần thưởng được thêm vào hoặc bớt đi, lũ chó sẽ nhìn chúng lâu hơn, có lẽ là do số lượng phần thưởng
không đáp ứng được kỳ vọng của chúng.
9. one .... another: cái này ... cái kia
Dịch: Các nhà khoa học kết luận rằng chó biết rằng chúng nhận được ít đồ ăn vặt hơn vì chúng có khả năng toán
học cơ bản cho phép chúng biết khi nào đống đồ vật này lớn hơn đống đồ vật khác.
10. how many: bao nhiêu
Dịch: Khả năng này có thể xuất hiện bởi vì chó có nguồn gốc từ chó sói, loài không chỉ có vỏ não mới
lớn làm trung tâm lý luận của não - mà còn sống trong các nhóm xã hội lớn. Khả năng toán học này có
thể được sử dụng để tính xem họ có bao nhiêu kẻ thù và đồng minh trong một đàn.

Part 3. Read the following passage and choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). Write them on
your answer sheet. (1.0 point)
The principle of use and disuse states that those parts of organisms' bodies that are used grow
larger. Those parts that are not tend to wither away. It is an observed fact that when you exercise
particular muscles, they grow. Those that are never used diminish. By examining a man's body, we can
tell which muscles he uses and which he doesn't, we may even be able to guess his profession or his
reaction. Enthusiasts of "body-building" can make use of the principle of use and disuse to "build" their
bodies, almost like a piece of sculpture, into whatever unnatural shape is demanded by fashion in this
peculiar minority culture. Muscles are not the only parts of the body that respond to use in this kind of

way. Walk barefoot and you acquire harder skin on your soles. It is easy to tell a farmer from a bank
teller by looking at their hands alone. The farmer's hands are horny, hardened by long exposure to rough
work. The teller's hands are relatively soft
The principle of use and disuse enables animals to become better at the job of surviving in their
world, progressively better during their lifetime as a result of living in that world. Humans, through
direct exposure to sunlight, or lack of it, develop a skin color that equips them better to survive in
particular local conditions.
Too much sunlight is dangerous. Enthusiastic sunbathers with very fair skin are susceptible to
skin cancer. Too little sunlight, on the other hand, leads to vitamin D deficiency and rickets. The brown
pigment melanin which is synthesized under the influence of sunlight, makes a screen to protect the
underlying tissues from the harmful effects of further sunlight. If a suntanned person moves to a less
sunny climate, the melanin disappears, and the body is able to benefit from what little sun there is. This
can be represented as an instance of the principle of use and disuse: skin goes brown when it is "used",
and fades to white when it is not.
1. What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. How the principles of use and disuse change people's concepts of themselves.
B. The way in which people change themselves to conform to fashion.
C. The changes that occur according to the principle of use and disuse.
D. The effects of the sun on the principle of use and disuse.
(Đoạn văn chủ yếu thảo luận là gì?
A. Nguyên tắc sử dụng và không sử dụng thay đổi quan niệm của mọi người về bản thân họ như
thế nào.
B. Cách mọi người thay đổi bản thân để phù hợp với thời trang.
C. Những thay đổi xảy ra theo nguyên tắc sử dụng và không sử dụng.
D. Tác dụng của ánh nắng mặt trời đến nguyên lý sử dụng và không sử dụng.)
- Giải thích: The passage primarily discusses the principle of use and disuse and its effects on various
aspects of the human body, such as muscles, skin, and pigmentation. It explains how different parts of
the body respond to use or lack thereof, leading to changes in their size, strength, and appearance.
Additionally, it discusses how exposure to sunlight affects skin color and adapts to local conditions,
which can be seen as an instance of the principle of use and disuse.: Đoạn văn chủ yếu thảo luận về
nguyên tắc sử dụng và không sử dụng cũng như tác dụng của nó đối với các khía cạnh khác nhau của cơ
thể con người, chẳng hạn như cơ bắp, da và sắc tố. Nó giải thích cách các bộ phận khác nhau của cơ thể
phản ứng khi sử dụng hoặc thiếu chất đó, dẫn đến những thay đổi về kích thước, sức mạnh và hình dáng
bên ngoài của chúng. Ngoài ra, nó thảo luận về việc tiếp xúc với ánh sáng mặt trời ảnh hưởng như thế

nào đến màu da và sự thích nghi với điều kiện địa phương, có thể được coi là một ví dụ về nguyên tắc sử
dụng và không sử dụng.

2. The word "they" in line 3 refers to ________.

A. organisms B. bodies C. parts D. muscles
(Từ "they" ở dòng 3 đề cập đến ________.
A. sinh vật B. cơ thể C. bộ phận D. cơ bắp)
- Thông tin: It is an observed fact that when you exercise particular muscles, they grow: Một thực tế
được quan sát thấy là khi bạn tập luyện các cơ cụ thể, chúng sẽ phát triển.

3. From the passage, it can be inferred that the author views bodybuilding ________.
A. with enthusiasm B. as an artistic form
C. with scientific interest D. of doubtful benefit
(Từ đoạn văn, có thể suy ra rằng tác giả quan điểm về thể hình ________.
A. với sự nhiệt tình B. như một hình thức nghệ thuật
C. với sự quan tâm khoa học D. như một lợi ích đáng ngờ)
- Thông tin: Enthusiasts of "body-building" can make use of the principle of use and disuse to "build"
their bodies, almost like a piece of sculpture, into whatever unnatural shape is demanded by fashion in
this peculiar minority culture: Những người đam mê "tập thể hình" có thể tận dụng nguyên tắc sử dụng
và không sử dụng để "xây dựng" cơ thể của họ, gần giống như một tác phẩm điêu khắc, thành bất kỳ
hình dạng phi tự nhiên nào mà thời trang yêu cầu trong nền văn hóa thiểu số đặc biệt này.
Đây là câu hỏi không đơn giản, đòi hỏi ta phải hiểu sắc thái từ ngữ mà tác giả sử dụng. Các từ mang ý
nghĩa tương đối không hài lòng, không có cảm tình lắm như: unnatural (không tự nhiên), peculiar (dị
biệt, lập dị), minority (thiểu số).

4. The word "horny" in line 9 is closest in meaning to _________.

A. firm B. strong C. tough D. dense
(Từ "horny" ở dòng 9 gần nghĩa nhất với _________.
A. chắc chắn B. mạnh mẽ C. cứng rắn D. dày đặc)
- Thông tin: The farmer's hands are horny, hardened by long exposure to rough work: Bàn tay người
nông dân sừng sững, chai sạn do tiếp xúc lâu dài với công việc nặng nhọc.

5. It can be inferred from the passage that the principle of use and disuse enables organisms to _______.
A. change their existence B. automatically benefit

C. survive in any condition D. improve their lifetime
(Có thể suy ra từ đoạn văn rằng nguyên tắc sử dụng và không sử dụng cho phép sinh vật _______.
A. thay đổi sự tồn tại của họ B. tự động được hưởng lợi
C. tồn tại trong mọi điều kiện D. cải thiện tuổi thọ của chúng)
- Thông tin: The principle of use and disuse enables animals to become better at the job of surviving in
their world, progressively better during their lifetime as a result of living in that world. Humans, through
direct exposure to sunlight, or lack of it, develop a skin color that equips them better to survive in
particular local conditions: Nguyên tắc sử dụng và không sử dụng cho phép động vật thực hiện tốt hơn
công việc sinh tồn trong thế giới của chúng, dần dần trở nên tốt hơn trong suốt cuộc đời nhờ sống trong
thế giới đó. Con người, thông qua việc tiếp xúc trực tiếp với ánh sáng mặt trời hoặc thiếu ánh sáng mặt
trời, sẽ phát triển màu da giúp họ trang bị tốt hơn để tồn tại trong những điều kiện địa phương cụ thể.


Part 1. Choose the underlined word or phrase that needs correcting. Write A, B, C or D on your
answer sheet. (1.0 point)
1. Is it important that the secretary finishes the typing today?
- Hiện tại giả định: important that S (should) Vnt => (should) finish
Dịch: Có quan trọng không khi mà thư ký hoàn thành việc gõ máy hôm nay?

2. Tommy, that arrived late, was not permitted to enter the room.
- that khi đóng vai trò làm đại từ quan hệ không đứng sau dấu phẩy => who
Dịch: Tommy, người đã đến muộn, không được phép vào phòng.

3. The longer you delay making a decision, the worst the consequences will be.
- So sánh càng thì càng: the so sánh hơn/ kém SV, the so sánh hơn/ kém SV => worse
Dịch: Càng bạn trì hoãn việc đưa ra quyết định, hậu quả càng tồi tệ.

4. The amount of women earning Master's Degree has risen sharply in recent years.
- amount of + N không đếm được => number of + N số nhiều
Dịch: Số phụ nữ đạt bằng Thạc sĩ đã tăng đáng kể trong những năm gần đây.

5. A persimmon tastes best when it is such ripe that it looks wrinkled and almost spoiled.
- such + (a/an) + (adj) + N + that => so + adj/adv + that
Dịch: Một quả hồng chín sẽ thơm ngon nhất khi nó chín đến mức trông nhăn nhám và gần như hỏng.

6. Some companies are not only raising their prices but also decreasing the production of its products.
- its => their (ám chỉ companies)
Dịch: Một số công ty không chỉ tăng giá sản phẩm mà còn giảm sản xuất sản phẩm của họ.

7 . A new advanced water plant which will eventually serve 300,000 customers is now on construction.
- under construction: đang được xây dựng
Dịch: Một nhà máy nước tiên tiến mới, sẽ phục vụ 300.000 khách hàng cuối cùng, đang được xây dựng.

8. The first important requirements for you to become a mountain climber are your strong passion and
you have good health.
- Cấu trúc song song: N and N => good health
Dịch: Yêu cầu quan trọng đầu tiên để bạn trở thành một người leo núi là đam mê mạnh mẽ và sức khỏe

9. In the early grades, the academic performance of girls are equal to that of boys in Maths and almost
equal to boys in science.
- S là performance => V chia số ít => is
Dịch: Ở các lớp sơ cấp, hiệu suất học tập của các cô gái bằng với của các bạn nam trong môn Toán và
gần như bằng các bạn nam trong môn Khoa học.

10. Snapping turtles are easily recognized because of the large head, the long tail and the shell that
protect seems insufficiently to protect the body.
- seem + adj => insufficient
Dịch: Rùa cắn dễ dàng được nhận diện bởi cái đầu to, cái đuôi dài, và vỏ sò có vẻ không đủ để bảo vệ cơ
thể của chúng.

Part 2. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the
sentence printed before it. Write your answers on the answer sheet. (1.0 point)
1. I regret not buying any tickets for the concert.
→ I wish I had bought some tickets for the concert.
- Ước trái QK: Wish S had p2
Dịch: Tôi ước rằng tôi đã mua một số vé cho buổi hòa nhạc.

2. Electronic devices are bad for your eyes. Their radiation is very harmful.
→ Electronic devices whose radiation is very harmful are bad for your eyes.
- whose + N thay thế cho tính từ sở hữu + N
Dịch: Các thiết bị điện tử phát ra sóng phóng xạ rất có hại làm tổn thương mắt của bạn.

3. People rumor that the house was set on fire deliberately.

→ The house is rumored to have been set on fire deliberately.
- Bị động đặc biệt/ bị động với các động từ chỉ quan điểm ý kiến:
Cấu trúc chủ động: S1 (people/ everyone/ someone...) + V1 (think/ say/ believe...) + (that) + S2 + V2
Cấu trúc bị động:
+ Cách 1: It + V1 bị động + that S2 V2
+ Cách 2: S2 + V1 bị động + to V2
V2 có 4 dạng:
1. to V (TH còn lại)
2. to be Ving (khi V2 tiếp diễn)
3. to have p2 (khi V2 xảy ra và hoàn thành trước V1)
4. to have been Ving (kết hợp TH2 và TH3)
 Thuộc TH3.
Dịch: Ngôi nhà được đồn đại là đã bị châm lửa một cách cố ý.

4. How did you persuade Tom to lend you the money?

→ How did you talk Tom into lending you the money?
- talk sb into doing sth: thuyết phục ai đó làm gì
Dịch: Bạn đã thuyết phục Tom cho bạn mượn tiền như thế nào?

5. Anna doesn't claim to have a lot of musical talent.

→ Anna makes no pretence of having a lot of musical talent.
- make no pretence of Ving: không giả vờ làm gì
Dịch: Anna không giả vờ có nhiều tài năng âm nhạc.

Part 3. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using
the word given in CAPITAL. DO NOT CHANGE THE WORD GIVEN. Write your answers on
the answer sheet. (1.0 point)
1. I'm sure he knew all the details about the robbery. (MUST)

→ He must have known all the details about the robbery.
- must have p2: chắc chắn đã làm gì trong QK
Dịch: Anh ấy chắn hẳn đã biết tất cả các chi tiết về vụ cướp.

2. We are looking forward to watching the program. (WAIT)

→ We cannot wait to watch the program.
- cannot wait to V: quá háo hức/ rất mong chờ làm gì
Dịch: Chúng tôi quá háo hức để xem chương trình.

3. They're telling me that I must make a decision soon. (PRESSURE)

→ They are putting pressure on me to make a decision soon.
- put pressure on sb to V: gây áp lực cho ai để làm gì
Dịch: Họ đang gây áp lực lên tôi để tôi phải đưa ra quyết định sớm.

4. I thought very hard but couldn’t remember the answer. (RACKED)

→ I racked my brain(s) to/ but couldn’t remember the answer.
- rack one’s brain(s): vắt óc suy nghĩ
Dịch: Tôi đã cố gắng suy nghĩ một cách căng thẳng để nhớ câu trả lời.

5. Peter doesn't blog as his writing skills are quite lacking. (SCRATCH)
→ As Peter's writing skills are not up to scratch, he doesn't t do any blogging.
- up to scratch: đặt chuẩn/ yêu cầu.
Dịch: Vì kỹ năng viết của Peter không đạt yêu cầu, anh ấy không làm bất kỳ việc blogging nào.

Part 4. Nowadays, the use of smartphones and other electronic devices among teenagers is
becoming more and more popular. Many people think that teenagers should spend more time
taking part in sports and outdoor activities instead of using such devices. To what extent do you
agree or disagree with this opinion? You should write about 200 words. (2.0 points)
In today's digital age, the prevalence of smartphones and electronic devices among teenagers is
undeniable. While some argue that teenagers should allocate more time to sports and outdoor activities
rather than indulging in screen time, I believe that both activities can coexist harmoniously, each offering
unique benefits to adolescent development.

Engaging in sports and outdoor activities undoubtedly promotes physical health, fosters teamwork, and
cultivates essential life skills like discipline and resilience. These activities encourage teenagers to lead
active lifestyles and form meaningful connections with their peers. However, the pervasive use of
electronic devices also holds value in the modern world. Smartphones and computers provide access to a
wealth of information and facilitate communication and learning opportunities. They can enhance
creativity, problem-solving skills, and even serve as platforms for self-expression and advocacy.

Rather than viewing smartphones and outdoor activities as mutually exclusive, we should encourage a
balanced approach. Teenagers can benefit from integrating both into their daily routines. Moderation and
time management are key; allocating time for physical activities while also allowing for healthy use of
electronic devices can promote holistic development.

In conclusion, while participation in sports and outdoor activities is important for teenagers' physical and
social development, the use of smartphones and electronic devices also offers valuable opportunities for
learning and self-expression. A balanced approach that incorporates both is essential for nurturing well-
rounded individuals in today's digital era.



LONG AN NĂM HỌC 2023 – 2024


ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC Ngày thi: 31/3/2024

Thời gian: 150 phút (không kể thời gian phát đề)

(Đề thi gồm 12 trang) • Thí sinh làm bài ngay trên đề thi.

• Trả lời vào phần Your answers bên dưới mỗi phần thi.

• Không được sử dụng tài liệu, kể cả từ điển.

• Cán bộ coi thi không giải thích gì thêm.


I. You will hear people talking in five different situations. For questions 1 - 5, choose the
best answer A, B or C. You will hear the recording twice. (2.0 points)
1. You hear a young woman who is an apprentice cook talking about her apprenticeship.
How does she feel about it?
A. grateful to be working in a four-star restaurant
B. pleased that her teacher told her about the opportunity
C. confident about fulfilling her ambitions
2. You hear two friends talking about advertising.
What does the woman say about advertisements?
A. They are merely a form of entertainment.
B. They make people buy things they don’t need.
C. They give people misleading information about new products.
3. You hear a comedian called Geoff Knight talking on the radio about his profession.
What does Geoff like his act to contain?
A. stories that give people a surprise
B. things that everybody can relate to
C. material that nobody has used before
4. You hear a tour guide telling a group of tourists about a view.
Which feature does the guide think will be most familiar to them?
A. the park B. the river C. the wood
5. You hear a woman talking to a work colleague about moving abroad for a new job.
What does the woman feel disappointed about?
A. the inflexible attitude to the start date
B. the lack of job security involved

C. the relatively low status of the work
Your answers:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

II. You will hear a talk on the topic of what factors make people happy or unhappy with
their job. For questions 6-10, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase. You will
hear the recording twice. (2.0 points)

Herzberg’s Two
Factor theory
A model for understanding what causes employee satisfaction and dissatisfaction with
their job.
- Two factors
a. Factors that lead to increased satisfaction: (6) _____________
b. Factors that lead to increased dissatisfaction: (7) _____________ factors
- Factors leading to satisfaction and dissatisfaction are considered to be (8) _____________, hence
‘two factor’ theory
- Factors that increase satisfaction:
a. Achievement
b. (9) _____________
c. Enjoyment of work
d. More responsibilities
e. Personal recognition
- Factors that increase dissatisfaction:
a. Salary (never enough)
b. Company policy and administration
c. Relations with (10) _____________
d. Working conditions
e. Relations with colleagues
- Possible combinations
Your answers:

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

I. Choose the correct answer. (2.0 points)
1. Nobody has any firm information, so we can only _____________ on what caused the accident.
A. guess B. speculate C. contemplate D. assume
2. I’ll have to go by bus as my car _____________.
A. was being repaired B. is repaired C. is being repaired D. will be repaired
3. With a little hard work, I’m sure you’ll _____________ a lot this year.
A. achieve B. succeed C. qualify D. reach
4. I think you need to set _____________ your ideas more clearly so that the reader doesn’t get
A. off B. out C. for D. up
5. No sooner _____________ down than the phone rang.
A. did I sit B. do I sit C. was I siting D. had I sat
6. They’re always going to pass you _____________ for promotions if you don’t set yourself apart.
A. in B. over C. on D. away
7. Ben crept ______ on Lisa and put his hands over her eyes.
A. up B. out C. round D. off
8. _____________ up the phone, Mitchel dialed a number.
A. Being picked B. Picked C. To pick D. Picking
9. I suppose you mix with _____________ people in your job.
A. a wide variety of B. a half of C. a great deal D. a small amount of
10. He is looking for a _____________ bag that matches with his outfit.
A. black stylish leather B. stylish black leather
C. leather stylish black D. black leather stylish
Your answers:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

II. Complete the sentences by changing the form of the word in capitals. (2.0 points)

1/ Being the hardest natural substance, diamond is practically _____________. (DESTROY)

2/ The Minister attempted to _____________ the dispute, saying it was just a minor disagreement.

3/ What I don’t like about school uniform is that it completely destroys all _____________.
4/ My family have always gone in for traditional country _____________, such as hunting,
shooting and fishing. (PURSUE)
5/ We were all jumping around _____________ in the corridor, desperately waiting to hear if it
was a boy or a girl. ( PATIENT)
6/ I’m not convinced that there’s a _____________ link between pollution and global warming.
7/ In formal writing, it is unusual to make use of the _____________ mark to express surprise.
8/ There’s a _____________ difference between photography and still-life drawing. (QUALITY)
9/ It’s pure _____________ - there’s no evidence to support these allegations at all. (HEAR)
10/ She _____________ the qualities of a good teacher. (EXAMPLE)
Your answers:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

III. Fill in the blank with ONE suitable word. (2.0 points)
Teenagers and Television
Until very recently, teenagers have been hooked on television. Parents have worried that their
children are becoming fat, lazy (1) _____________ potatoes, and teenagers seem to have preferred
watching TV (2) _____________ almost any other activity in the home. Except perhaps sleeping.
But no more! According to the latest statistics, teenagers have (3) _____________ off TV and are
turning off in droves. Given the choice (4) _____________ TV and the internet, it’s clear what
most teens prefer. The internet (5) _____________ an interactive, social need that TV doesn’t.
Teenagers at a loose (6) _____________ in their bedrooms can hang (7) _____________ with
their mates in cyberspace. As websites such as MySpace have (8) _____________ off, teenagers
have been only (9) _____________ eager to join in their millions and spend hours a day - and
night - online. We’re witnessing the birth of the generation of the ‘keyboard potato’, for (10)
_____________ of a better expression.
Your answers:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


I. You are going to read an article about the growing amount of waste created by electronic
goods. Six sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A - G
the one which fits each gap (1 - 5). There is ONE extra sentence which you do not need to
use. There is one example (0) for you. (1.0 point)
The problem of electronic waste
Michael McCarthy
Modern electronic devices might look clean on the outside, but inside they contain a lot of
materials used in manufacture which may be dangerous to human health. Most of these
substances can be removed safely, but a lot of investment in waste-handling equipment is needed
to do so. Many countries have refused to make the investment and instead taken the 'out of sight,
out of mind' attitude, and simply shipped their e-waste abroad, usually to developing nations. (0)
The latest United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) report estimates that, worldwide,
electronic waste is increasing by about 40 million tons a year. Globally more than a billion mobile
phones were sold last year, with most of them likely to be thrown away at the end of their lives.
In many parts of Africa, telephone communications have skipped the landline stage and gone
from no phones to mobile phones in one step. (1) _____________ “The issue is exploding”, says
Ruediger Kuehr, of the United Nations University in Tokyo.
So what can we do about it? The first thing to do is recognise the problem. The electronics
revolution of the past 30 years has seemed different in kind from the original industrial
revolution, with its chimneys pouring out very obvious dirt. (2) ___________ But we have
gradually come to realise that in two ways in particular, modern hi-tech can be bad for the planet
The first is its energy use; the worldwide scale of information technology is so enormous that
electronics now produce fully two per cent of global carbon emissions, which is about the same
as the highly controversial emissions of aeroplanes, (3) _____________ This, increasingly, is
pretty short. We have hardly noticed this important stream of waste, so much so that a Greenpeace
report on e-waste two years ago referred to it as “the hidden flow”. We need to be aware of it.
The European Union has recognised the problem by adopting a key principle: producer

responsibility. (4) _____________ In practice, an EU regulation now means that electronics
dealers must either take back the equipment they sold you, or help to finance a network of drop-
off points, such as council recycling sites. Its main feature is quite ambitious: it aims to deal with
“everything with a plug”.
The new UN report suggests that all countries should start to establish proper e-waste management
networks, which could both cut down on health problems and generate employment, reduce
greenhouse gas emissions and recover a wide range of valuable substances from gold to copper.
They could also do something about the problem with a change in design. Groups such as
Greenpeace have led the way in putting pressure on major manufacturing companies to find
substitutes for the toxic chemicals inside their products. (5) _____________ This may be the real
way forward.

A. Encouragingly, they have had some success in forcing them to develop non-poisonous
alternatives to these.
B. In other words, making it the duty of manufacturers of electronic goods to ensure their
safe disposal at the end of their lives.
C. Compared with that, it has seemed clean and green.
D. Much of this, such as the plastic covering on cables, is worth nothing at all.
E. There, instead of being properly processed, items are either dumped in unmanaged
landfills or broken up in unofficial recycling facilities - often by children.
F. Add to that the vast amounts of e-waste that are still being imported from rich countries,
and you have an enormous e-waste mountain in prospect, with its corresponding
dangers for human health and the environment.
G. The other is the hardware, when it comes to the end of its natural life.

Your answers:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

II. Read the text below and decide which option A, B, C or D best fits each gap. (2.0 points)
The importance of drawing
In the nineteenth century, John Ruskin, an English writer and art critic, made great efforts to
encourage people to draw. He believed that drawing was a skill that was greatly neglected in
schools and (1) ____________ that it was more important to the human (2) ____________ than
In order to do something to improve the (3) _____________, he published two books on drawing
and gave a series of lectures at the Working Men’s College in London. His books were (4)

_____________ read, and his lectures attracted large audiences. This further (5) _____________
Ruskin’s belief that everybody should be given the opportunity to learn how to draw.
Ruskin’s efforts were not (6) _____________ at turning people into good artists but at making
them happier. For him, drawings were of value even when they were done by people with no talent,
as drawing teaches people to (7) _____________ things rather than just to see them. He felt that
when we are involved in the process of drawing something, we have to look at it very (8)
_____________ and become aware of the different parts which (9) _____________ up the whole.
It is in this way that we (10) _____________ to a deeper appreciation and understanding of the
thing itself.
1. A. claimed B. convinced C. recommended D. expressed
2. A. family B. people C. race D. beings
3. A. state B. condition C. case D. situation
4. A. vastly B. broadly C. immensely D. widely
5. A. strengthened B. raised C. ensured D. grew
6. A. designed B. aimed C. pointed D. intended
7. A. observe B. regard C. witness D. look
8. A. closely B. distinctly C. definitely D. exactly
9. A. work B. set C. make D. take
10. A. arrive B. come C. reach D. achieve
Your answers:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

III. You are going to read an passage about possible reasons for the downfall of the Khmer
city of Angkor. For questions 1-5, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best
according to the text. (2.0 points)


After rising to sublime heights, the sacred city may have engineered its own downfall.
An Empire's Fall
A. Almost hidden amid the forests of northern Cambodia is the scene of one of the greatest vanishing
acts of all time. This was once the heart of the Khmer Kingdom. At its height, the Khmer Empire
dominated much of Southeast Asia, from Myanmar (Burma) in the west to Vietnam in the east. As
many as 750,000 people lived in Angkor, its magnificent capital. The most extensive urban

complex of the preindustrial world, Angkor stretched across an area the size of New York City.
Its greatest temple, Angkor Wat, is the world's largest religious monument even today.

B. Yet when the first Europeans arrived in Angkor in the late 16th century, they found a city that was
already dying. Scholars have come up with a list of suspected causes for Angkor's decline,
including foreign invaders, a religious change of heart, and a shift to maritime trade. But it's mostly
guesswork: Roughly 1,300 inscriptions survive on temple doors and monuments, but the people
of Angkor left not a single word explaining their kingdom's collapse.

C. Some scholars assume that Angkor died the way it lived: by the sword. The historical records of
Ayutthaya, a neighboring state, claim that warriors from that kingdom "took" Angkor in 1431. No
doubt Angkor would have been a rich prize - inscriptions boast that its temple towers were covered
with gold. After its rediscovery by Western travelers just over a century ago, historians deduced
from Angkor's ruins that the city had been looted by invaders from Ayutthaya.

D. Roland Fletcher, co-director of a research effort called the Greater Angkor Project, is not
convinced. Some early scholars, he says, viewed Angkor according to the sieges and conquests of
European history. "The ruler of Ayutthaya, indeed, says he took Angkor, and he may have taken
some formal regalia back to Ayutthaya with him,” says Fletcher. But after Angkor was captured,
Ayutthaya's ruler placed his son on the throne. “He's not likely to have smashed the place up before
giving it to his son."

E. A religious shift may also have contributed to the city's decline. Angkor's Kings claimed to be the
world emperors of Hindu mythology and erected temples to themselves. But in the 13th and 14th
centuries, Theravada Buddhism gradually took over from Hinduism, and its principles of social
equality may have threatened Angkor's elite. "It was very subversive, just like Christianity was
subversive to the Roman Empire," says Fletcher.

F. A new religion that promoted ideas of social equality might have led to a worker rebellion. The
city operated on a moneyless economy, relying on tribute and taxation, and the kingdom's main
currency was rice. For one temple complex, Ta Prohm, more than 66,000 farmers produced nearly
3,000 tons of rice a year, which was then used to feed the temple's priests, dancers, and workers.
Scholars estimate that farm laborers comprised nearly half of Greater Angkor's population.

G. Or maybe the royal court simply turned its back on Angkor. Angkor's rulers often erected new
temple complexes and let older ones decay. This may have doomed the city when sea trade began
to develop between Southeast Asia and China. Maybe it was simple economic opportunism that

had caused the Khmer center of power to shift: The move to a location closer to the Mekong River,
near Cambodia's present-day capital, Phnom Penh, allowed it easier access to the sea.

H. Economic and religious changes may have contributed to Angkor's downfall, but its rulers faced
another foe. Angkor was powerful largely thanks to an advanced system of canals and reservoirs,
which enabled the city to keep scarce water in dry months and disperse excess water during the
rainy season. But forces beyond Angkor's control would eventually bring an end to this carefully
constructed system.

I. Few ancient sites in southern Asia could compare to Angkor in its ability to guarantee a steady
water supply. The first scholar to appreciate the scale of Angkor's waterworks was French
archeologist Bemard - Philippe Groslier. In 1979, he argued that the great reservoirs served two
purposes: to symbolize the Hindu cosmos and to irrigate the rice fields. Unfortunately, Groslier
could not pursue his ideas further. Cambodia's civil war, the brutal regime of the Khmer Rouge,
and the subsequent arrival of Vietnamese forces in 1979 turned Angkor into a no - go zone for two

J. In the 1990s, Christophe Pottier followed up on Groslier's ideas and discovered that the south part
of Angkor was a vast landscape of housing, water tanks, shrines, roads, and canals. Then, in 2000,
Roland Fletcher and his colleague Damian Evans - as part of a collaborative study with Pottier -
viewed some NASA radar images of Angkor. The researchers marveled at the sophistication of
Angkor's infrastructure. "We realized that the entire landscape of Greater Angkor is artificial,”
Fletcher says. Teams of laborers constructed hundreds of kilometers of canals and dikes that
diverted water from the rivers to the reservoirs. Overflow channels bled off excess water that
accumulated during the summer monsoon months, and after the monsoon, irrigation channels
dispensed the stored water. "It was an incredibly clever system,'' says Fletcher.

K. Fletcher was therefore baffled when his team made a surprising discovery. An extraordinary piece
of Angkorian workmanship - a vast structure in the waterworks - had been destroyed, apparently
by Angkor's own engineers. "The most logical explanation is that the dam failed,” Fletcher says.
The river may have begun to erode the dam, or perhaps it was washed away by a flood. The Khmer
broke apart the remaining stonework and modified the blocks for other purposes.

L. Any weakening of the waterworks would have left the city vulnerable to a natural phenomenon
that none of Angkor's engineers could have predicted. Starting in the 1300s, it appears that
Southeast Asia experienced a period of extreme climate change, which also affected other parts of

the world. In Europe, which endured centuries of harsh winters and cool summers, it was known
as the Little Ice Age.

M. To an already weakened kingdom, extreme weather would have been the final blow. "We don't
know why the water system was operating below capacity,' says Daniel Penny, co-director of the
Greater Angkor Project. "But what it means is that Angkor... was more exposed to the threat of
drought than at any other time in its history". If inhabitants of parts of Angkor were starving while
other parts of the city were hoarding a finite quantity of rice, the most likely result was social
instability. "When populations in tropical countries exceed the carrying capacity of the land, real
trouble begins," says Yale University anthropologist Michael Coe, "and this inevitably leads to
cultural collapse". A hungry army weakened by internal problems would have exposed the city to
attack. Indeed, Ayutthaya's invasion happened near the end of a long period of drought.

N. Add to the climate chaos the political and religious changes already affecting the kingdom, and
Angkor's prospects were bleak, says Fletcher. "The world around Angkor was changing; society
was moving on. It would have been a surprise if Angkor persisted."

O. The Khmer Empire was not the first civilization brought down by climate catastrophe. Centuries
earlier, loss of environmental stability likewise brought down another powerful kingdom halfway
around the world. Many scholars now believe that the fall of the Maya followed a series of
droughts in the ninth century. "Essentially, the same thing happened to Angkor," says Coe.

P. In the end, the tale of Angkor is a lesson in the limits of human ingenuity. "Angkor's hydraulic
system was an amazing machine, a wonderful mechanism for regulating the world," Fletcher says.
Its engineers managed to keep the civilization's achievement running for six centuries - until a
greater force overwhelmed them.

1. What information does the passage NOT include?

A. The Khmer Empire's conflicts with foreign powers
B. the history of Angkor before the ninth century
C. inscriptions left in the temples by the people of Angkor
D. the purpose of Angkor's irrigation system
2. According to the information in paragraphs A and B, which of the following is NOT true about
A. It once ruled a large part of Southeast Asia.
B. It was at one time the largest urban center in the world.
C. It once held as many people as New York City does today.

D. It was in decline when Europeans arrived in the 16th century.
3. In the first sentence of paragraph C, the phrase “by the sword” is closest in meaning to A.
B. unexpectedly
C. violently
D. secretively
4. In the last sentence of paragraph D, the word “it” refers to _____________.
A. the kingdom of Ayutthaya
B. the destruction of Angkor
C. the formal regalia
D. the city of Angkor
5. Why does the author mention the Little Ice Age in paragraph L?
A. to show that climate change caused more cultures to fail in Europe than in Asia
B. to emphasize the extent and significance of climate change in the 1300s
C. to explain why European cities were not as advanced as Angkor
D. to show how Angkor's climate in the 1300s was different to Europe's
Your answers:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


I. Rewrite the sentences as requested. (2.0 points)
For questions 1–5, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence, using the word given. DO NOT CHANGE THE WORD GIVEN. YOU MUST USE
1. My cousin has decided that he isn’t going to finish his engineering course. (DROP)
 My cousin has decided ______________________ his engineering course.
2. Despite being a grandmother, Edna still tries to dress fashionably. (FACT)
 In spite ___________________ is a grandmother, Edna still tries to dress fashionably.
3. Daniel didn’t get the job because he was considerably less experienced than Hannal. (DEAL)
 Hannal got the job because she had a ______________________ Daniel.
4. They have been building the new stadium for much longer than they orginally estimated.
 The new stadium _________________ for much longer than they orginally estimated.
5. I left my last job because I didn’t really agree with my manager’s approach. (EYE)
 I left my last job because I didn’t really ______________________ with my manager.

Your answers:






For questions 6-10, complete the sentences so that the meaning remains the same.
6. The value of a picture depends on how famous the artist is.
 The more ____________________________________________________________.
7. I’m sure he knew all about the secret because he was there when we were talking.
 He must _____________________________________________________________.
8. No matter how hard Fred tried to start the car, he didn’t succeed.
 However _____________________________________________________________.
9. His friends supported and encouranged him. He did really well in the competition.
 Had _________________________________________________________________.
10. Try to stay level with the other runners at the start of the race.
 Try not ______________________________________________________________.
Your answers:






II. Write a PARAGRAPH (about 120 – 150 words) to express your ideas about the
statement: (3.0 points)

“Nowadays, more and more young people choose to stay in big cities to work.”
Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.





Họ và tên thí sinh: __________________________ Số báo danh: ___________________

Chữ kí CBCT 1:______________________ Chữ kí CBCT 2: ______________________


LONG AN NĂM HỌC 2023 – 2024


ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC Ngày thi: 31/3/2024

Thời gian: 150 phút (không kể thời gian phát đề)

(Đề thi gồm 12 trang) • Thí sinh làm bài ngay trên đề thi.

• Trả lời vào phần Your answers bên dưới mỗi phần thi.

• Không được sử dụng tài liệu, kể cả từ điển.

• Cán bộ coi thi không giải thích gì thêm.


I. You will hear people talking in five different situations. For questions 1 - 5, choose the best
answer A, B or C. You will hear the recording twice. (2.0 points)
1. You hear a young woman who is an apprentice cook talking about her apprenticeship.
How does she feel about it?
A. grateful to be working in a four-star restaurant
B. pleased that her teacher told her about the opportunity
C. confident about fulfilling her ambitions
Woman: I did well at school but wasn’t sure what to do next: to carry on studying, or get a job
straightaway. Then I discovered the apprenticeship scheme. And now I’m in college for part of
the week, studying professional cookery, and an apprentice working in local restaurants –
including a four-star one – for the rest of it. The restaurant work is exhausting and, because I’m
never in the same kitchen two days running, it’s hard to settle into a routine. But the experience
is invaluable and it’s paving the way to realising my dream of opening my own restaurant. And
I’ve learnt so many different cooking techniques from my teacher at college!

2. You hear two friends talking about advertising.

What does the woman say about advertisements?
A. They are merely a form of entertainment.
B. They make people buy things they don’t need.
C. They give people misleading information about new products.
Man: Have you seen that new mobile phone ad?
Woman: Oh year, it’s everywhere. It’s quite fun, though I can’t say I feel that way about most

Man: Some of them are very clever, though, aren’t they?
Woman: Yes, when it comes to persuading people they can’t live without stuff that’s actually
completely useless! Or at least they usually already have something just as good, so why replace
Man: But it’s interesting to know what’s out there, isn’t it?
Woman: Well I’d say there are better ways of finding out about whether new products are any
good than believing an ad that’s cost millions to make!
Man: Yeah, maybe, but they don’t do any harm, really.

3. You hear a comedian called Geoff Knight talking on the radio about his profession.
What does Geoff like his act to contain?
A. stories that give people a surprise
B. things that everybody can relate to
C. material that nobody has used before
Man: When I’m doing my comedy act, at theatres or clubs or on TV, I’ll often get my ideas
from keeping my ears close to the ground. I try to pick up on all the strange and humorous
everyday stuff, sometimes even boring … that you get in life … and I build it into my act.
Obviously I do also get ideas from listening to other comedians too. I like to think that three
generations of one family can sit at my show and know they won’t feel threatened, because I’m
not rude. Even in big arenas people feel like I’m talking to them individually. It’s a comfort thing
for them.

4. You hear a tour guide telling a group of tourists about a view.

Which feature does the guide think will be most familiar to them?
A. the park B. the river C. the wood
Woman: Let me just stop here to enable you to savour the spectacular view. So over to your
left, if you look down you can see a little circular wood. Well that’s quite a famous landmark
locally because the poet Francis Alder actually used to have a cabin in that wood. Now down in
the valley below there you can make out the River Thorn at its widest point, which Alder
actually wrote about in many of his poems we all read when we were at school. Then if you look
to halfway up the hill I’m sure you can see a large green area known as Callaway Park that’s

popular with young families.

5. You hear a woman talking to a work colleague about moving abroad for a new job.
What does the woman feel disappointed about?
A. the inflexible attitude to the start date
B. the lack of job security involved
C. the relatively low status of the work
Man: Two years living away is a long time!
Woman: Yes, but I don’t have to worry about whether I can return to my old position. That’s
guaranteed. Anyway, I’m 24 now and opportunities like this aren’t common.
Man: … Especially to oversee new project developments!
Woman: Yes … I mean, I was doing that already, in a way, so I’m not sure I can think of it as a
promotion. The only thing is, I tried to negotiate a delay to the contract so I’d have a bit more
time to get myself together, but it couldn’t be done. I felt I didn’t have any say in the matter.
Man: Oh well, don’t let that get in the way!

II. You will hear a talk on the topic of what factors make people happy or unhappy with their
job. For questions 6-10, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase. You will hear the
recording twice. (2.0 points)
Herzberg’s Two
Factor theory
A model for understanding what causes employee satisfaction and dissatisfaction with
their job.
- Two factors
a. Factors that lead to increased satisfaction: (6) ______motivators_______
b. Factors that lead to increased dissatisfaction: (7) ______hygiene_______ factors
- Factors leading to satisfaction and dissatisfaction are considered to be (8)
________independent_____, hence ‘two factor’ theory
- Factors that increase satisfaction:
a. Achievement
b. (9) ______advancement_______
c. Enjoyment of work
d. More responsibilities

e. Personal recognition
- Factors that increase dissatisfaction:
a. Salary (never enough)
b. Company policy and administration
c. Relations with (10) _______supervisor______
d. Working conditions
e. Relations with colleagues
- Possible combinations
Morning everyone, this semester we are focusing on different approaches for understanding how
employees can be motivated to perform well at their jobs. Today, we are going to be looking at the
theory developed in the 1960s by a German psychologist named Frederick Herzberg, which has been
very influential on management training courses. However, it is not without its drawbacks, as we shall
see later.

Now, the basic idea that Herzberg developed is that, in a given workplace, there are two types of
factors at play. On the one hand, there are those factors that create increased job satisfaction, which
Herzberg called the motivators. On the other hand, there are those aspects of a job that lead to an
increased dissatisfaction, which are labeled hygiene factors. Having identified these two factors, these
motivators and hygiene factors, Herzberg went on to state that a consequence of his theory was that the
underlying reasons for job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction must be understood as independent of
each other, hence the common name of this approach, the two-factor theory.

Let's firstly consider the former set of factors in more detail. What aspects of a job tend to motivate
employees and thus bring about greater job satisfaction? Well, Herzberg's own conclusions were not
based on armchair speculation, but rather supported by research carried out within a variety of
corporations. Perhaps unsurprisingly, he found that achievement was a number one factor leading to
increased satisfaction. Obviously, everyone likes to be a success. This was followed by recognition,
that is to say, having one's contribution valued. The work itself, having more responsibility, and
personal advancement, such as getting a promotion, completed the list.

Now, some of you may have noticed something missing from the list that usually gets included when
people give their main reasons for working hard. Salary. So, why isn't it there? Well, the answer is
that, for Herzberg, salary is not a great motivator because any pay rise will never completely satisfy.

Instead, it will eventually give rise to a demand for more money, while insufficient salary will
contribute to the employee dissatisfaction.

Apart from salary, what are some of the other factors leading to employee dissatisfaction? Well, again,
based on Herzberg's research, the findings tell us that company policy and administration, relationship
with one supervisor, work conditions, and how well the employee gets on with colleagues, are also
key hygiene factors. However, it is perhaps not surprising that how well an individual interacts with
the people around them will affect their degree of satisfaction with their job.

Okay, so we have looked at the two different types of factors and discussed why, according to the
theory, some factors increase employee satisfaction, and some contribute to dissatisfaction. Before we
move on, are there any questions?


I. Choose the correct answer. (2.0 points)
1. Nobody has any firm information, so we can only _____________ on what caused the accident.
A. guess B. speculate C. contemplate D. assume
- guess (v): đoán
- speculate on (v): suy đoán, phỏng đoán
- contemplate (v): ngẫm nghĩ, suy nghĩ
- assume (v): giả định
Dịch câu: Không ai có thông tin chắc chắn, vì vậy chúng ta chỉ có thể suy đoán về nguyên nhân gây ra
tai nạn.

2. I’ll have to go by bus as my car _____________.

A. was being repaired B. is repaired C. is being repaired D. will be repaired
- HTTD diễn tả hành động đang diễn ra tại thời điểm nói
Dịch câu: Tôi sẽ phải đi bằng xe buýt vì xe của tôi đang được sửa.

3. With a little hard work, I’m sure you’ll _____________ a lot this year.
A. achieve B. succeed C. qualify D. reach
- achieve (v): đạt được
- succeed (v): thành công
- qualify (v): đủ điều kiện
- reach (v): đến

Dịch câu: Với một chút công việc chăm chỉ, tôi chắc chắn rằng bạn sẽ đạt được nhiều thành công trong
năm nay.

4. I think you need to set _____________ your ideas more clearly so that the reader doesn’t get confused.
A. off B. out C. for D. up
- set off: khởi hành, bắt đầu
- set out: bắt đầu, khởi đầu một công việc; trình bày
- set for: đi đến một địa điểm nhất định
- set up: thiết lập
Dịch câu: Tôi nghĩ bạn cần phải trình bày ý tưởng của mình một cách rõ ràng hơn để độc giả không bị
lẫn lộn.

5. No sooner _____________ down than the phone rang.

A. did I sit B. do I sit C. was I siting D. had I sat
- No sooner had S p2 than S Ved: Vừa mới … thì …
Dịch: Tôi vừa mới ngồi xuống thì điện thoại reo.

6. They’re always going to pass you _____________ for promotions if you don’t set yourself apart.
A. in B. over C. on D. away
- pass sb over: bỏ qua, bỏ lỡ
- pass on: truyền tiếp, chuyển giao
- pass away: qua đời, mất đi
Dịch câu: Họ luôn sẽ bỏ qua bạn cho các cơ hội thăng tiến nếu bạn không làm cho bản thân mình nổi

7. Ben crept ______ on Lisa and put his hands over her eyes.
A. up B. out C. round D. off
- creep up on: lén lút đến gần ai
Dịch câu: Ben lén tiến lên phía sau Lisa và che mắt cô ấy.

8. _____________ up the phone, Mitchel dialed a number.

A. Being picked B. Picked C. To pick D. Picking
- Rút gọn 2 mệnh đề cùng chủ ngữ ở dạng chủ động => Ving, loại A vì being p2 là bị động
Dịch: Nhấc điện thoại lên, Mitchel bấm số.

9. I suppose you mix with _____________ people in your job.
A. a wide variety of B. a half of C. a great deal D. a small amount of
- a wide variety of + N số nhiều: đa dạng
- a half of: một nửa
- a great deal of + N không đếm được: nhiều
- a small amount of + N không đếm được: một lượng nhỏ
Dịch: Tôi cho rằng bạn giao tiếp với một loạt đa dạng các người trong công việc của bạn.

10. He is looking for a _____________ bag that matches with his outfit.
A. black stylish leather B. stylish black leather
C. leather stylish black D. black leather stylish
- Trật tự tính từ: OpSASCOMP
stylish (opinion) – black (color) – leather (material)
Anh ấy đang tìm kiếm một chiếc túi da màu đen thời trang để phù hợp với trang phục của mình.

II. Complete the sentences by changing the form of the word in capitals. (2.0 points)

1/ Being the hardest natural substance, diamond is practically _______indestructible______.

- Sau tobe là adj => indestructible (adj): không thể phá huỷ
Dịch: Là chất tự nhiên cứng nhất, kim cương thực tế không thể phá hủy được.

2/ The Minister attempted to ______downplay_______ the dispute, saying it was just a minor
disagreement. (PLAY)
- attempt to V: cố gắng làm gì => downplay (v): hạ thấp
Dịch: Bộ trưởng đã cố gắng hạ thấp tranh chấp, nói rằng đó chỉ là một bất đồng nhỏ.

3/ What I don’t like about school uniform is that it completely destroys all _______individuality______.
- all + N số nhiều/ không đếm được => individuality (n): cá tính
Dịch: Điều mà tôi không thích về đồng phục học đường là nó hoàn toàn làm mất đi sự độc đáo của mỗi
cá nhân.

4/ My family have always gone in for traditional country _______pursuits______, such as hunting,
shooting and fishing. (PURSUE)
- Sau for là N/ cụm N, N số nhiều vì có 3 ví dụ phía sau => pursuits (n): các hoạt động
Dịch: Gia đình tôi luôn theo đuổi các hoạt động truyền thống của đồng quê, chẳng hạn như săn bắn, bắn
súng và câu cá.

5/ We were all jumping around _______impatiently______ in the corridor, desperately waiting to hear
if it was a boy or a girl. ( PATIENT)
- Bổ nghĩa cho V dùng adv => impatiently (adv): một cách mất bình tĩnh, sốt ruột
Dịch: Tất cả chúng tôi đều sốt ruột nhảy quanh hành lang, tuyệt vọng chờ đợi xem đó là trai hay gái.

6/ I’m not convinced that there’s a ________causal_____ link between pollution and global warming.
- Trước N là adj => causal (adj): thuộc nguyên nhân
Dịch: Tôi không tin rằng có mối liên hệ nhân quả giữa ô nhiễm và hiện tượng nóng lên toàn cầu.

7/ In formal writing, it is unusual to make use of the _______exclamation______ mark to express

surprise. (EXCLAIM)
- Trước N là N để chỉ loại => exclamation mark: dấu chấm than
Dịch: Trong văn viết trang trọng, việc sử dụng dấu chấm than để thể hiện sự ngạc nhiên là điều không
bình thường.

8/ There’s a ______qualitative_______ difference between photography and still-life drawing.

- Trước N là adj => qualitative (adj): về chất
Dịch: Có sự khác biệt về chất giữa nhiếp ảnh và tranh tĩnh vật.

9/ It’s pure _______hearsay______ - there’s no evidence to support these allegations at all. (HEAR)
- Sau N là adj => hearsay (n): tin đồn
Dịch: Đó chỉ là tin đồn - không có bằng chứng nào chứng minh những cáo buộc này cả.

10/ She ______exemplifies_______ the qualities of a good teacher. (EXAMPLE)

- Sau S là V, chia số ít vì S là ngôi ba số ít => exemplify (v): là ví dụ của/ minh hoạ
Dịch: Cô ấy minh hoạ cho những phẩm chất của một giáo viên giỏi.

III. Fill in the blank with ONE suitable word. (2.0 points)
Teenagers and Television
Until very recently, teenagers have been hooked on television. Parents have worried that their children
are becoming fat, lazy (1) ______couch_______ potatoes, and teenagers seem to have preferred
watching TV (2) ______to_______ almost any other activity in the home. Except perhaps sleeping. But
no more! According to the latest statistics, teenagers have (3) ______gone_______ off TV and are
turning off in droves. Given the choice (4) _______between______ TV and the internet, it’s clear what
most teens prefer. The internet (5) ______meets/answers/fulfils/satisfies_______ an interactive, social
need that TV doesn’t. Teenagers at a loose (6) ______end_______ in their bedrooms can hang (7)
_______out______ with their mates in cyberspace. As websites such as MySpace have (8)
_______taken______ off, teenagers have been only (9) _______too______ eager to join in their millions
and spend hours a day - and night - online. We’re witnessing the birth of the generation of the ‘keyboard
potato’, for (10) ______want_______ of a better expression.

1. couch potato: người lười biếng chỉ xem TV

2. prefer sth to sth: thích cái gì hơn cái gì

Dịch: Cho đến gần đây, thanh thiếu niên vẫn bị cuốn hút vào truyền hình. Các bậc cha mẹ lo lắng rằng
con cái của họ đang trở nên béo phì, lười biếng và thanh thiếu niên dường như thích xem TV hơn hầu
hết các hoạt động khác trong nhà. Có lẽ ngoại trừ việc ngủ.

3. have p2, go off: không còn thích nữa

Dịch: Nhưng không còn nữa! Theo số liệu thống kê mới nhất, thanh thiếu niên đã không còn thích TV
nữa và ngày càng tắt TV.

4. between … and …: giữa

Dịch: Với sự lựa chọn giữa TV và Internet, rõ ràng hầu hết thanh thiếu niên thích gì hơn.

5. meet/answer/fulfil/ satisfy … need: đáp ứng nhu cầu

Dịch: Internet đáp ứng nhu cầu tương tác, xã hội mà TV không có.

6. at a loose end: lúc rảnh rỗi

7. hang out with: đi chơi với

Dịch: Thanh thiếu niên rảnh rỗi trong phòng ngủ có thể đi chơi với bạn bè trên không gian ảo.

8. take off: phát triển, thành công, have p2

9. too adj to V: quá đến nỗi làm gì

Dịch: Khi các trang web như MySpace phát triển, thanh thiếu niên đã quá háo hức tham gia vào hàng
triệu trang web của họ và dành hàng giờ mỗi ngày - và đêm - trực tuyến.

10. for want of: vì thiếu

Dịch: Chúng ta đang chứng kiến sự xuất hiện của thế hệ "người nằm suốt ngày trước bàn phím", vì
thiếu sự diễn đạt một cách hình tượng hơn.


I. You are going to read an article about the growing amount of waste created by electronic goods.
Six sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A - G the one which
fits each gap (1 - 5). There is ONE extra sentence which you do not need to use. There is one
example (0) for you. (1.0 point)
The problem of electronic waste
Michael McCarthy
Modern electronic devices might look clean on the outside, but inside they contain a lot of materials
used in manufacture which may be dangerous to human health. Most of these substances can be removed
safely, but a lot of investment in waste-handling equipment is needed to do so. Many countries have
refused to make the investment and instead taken the 'out of sight, out of mind' attitude, and simply
shipped their e-waste abroad, usually to developing nations. (0) ___E___
The latest United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) report estimates that, worldwide, electronic
waste is increasing by about 40 million tons a year. Globally more than a billion mobile phones were
sold last year, with most of them likely to be thrown away at the end of their lives. In many parts of
Africa, telephone communications have skipped the landline stage and gone from no phones to mobile
phones in one step. (1) _______ F. Add to that the vast amounts of e-waste that are still being imported
from rich countries, and you have an enormous e-waste mountain in prospect, with its corresponding
dangers for human health and the environment.______ “The issue is exploding”, says Ruediger Kuehr,
of the United Nations University in Tokyo.
- Đang nói đến hơn 1 tỷ mobile phones sẽ có thể bị vứt bỏ khi hết tuổi thọ => an enormous e-wates
Dịch: Báo cáo mới nhất của Chương trình Môi trường Liên hợp quốc (UNEP) ước tính rằng trên toàn

thế giới, rác thải điện tử đang tăng khoảng 40 triệu tấn mỗi năm. Trên toàn cầu, hơn một tỷ điện thoại
di động đã được bán vào năm ngoái, hầu hết trong số đó có khả năng sẽ bị vứt đi khi hết tuổi thọ. Ở
nhiều nơi ở Châu Phi, thông tin liên lạc qua điện thoại đã bỏ qua giai đoạn điện thoại cố định và chuyển
từ không có điện thoại sang điện thoại di động chỉ trong một bước. Thêm vào đó là một lượng lớn rác
thải điện tử vẫn đang được nhập khẩu từ các nước giàu và bạn có thể thấy trước mắt là một núi rác thải
điện tử khổng lồ với những mối nguy hiểm tương ứng đối với sức khỏe con người và môi trường. Ruediger
Kuehr, thuộc Đại học Liên hợp quốc ở Tokyo, cho biết: “Vấn đề đang bùng nổ”.

So what can we do about it? The first thing to do is recognise the problem. The electronics revolution of
the past 30 years has seemed different in kind from the original industrial revolution, with its chimneys
pouring out very obvious dirt. (2) _____ C. Compared with that, it has seemed clean and green.______
But we have gradually come to realise that in two ways in particular, modern hi-tech can be bad for the
planet too.
- Để ý thì ta thấy có sự so sánh giữa the electronics revolution với the original industrial revolution thông
qua từ different => compared with
Dịch: Vậy chúng ta nên làm thế nào với nó đây? Điều đầu tiên cần làm là nhận ra vấn đề. Cuộc cách
mạng điện tử trong 30 năm qua dường như khác hẳn với cuộc cách mạng công nghiệp ban đầu, với
những ống khói của nó thải ra chất bẩn rất rõ ràng. So với đó, nó có vẻ sạch và xanh. Nhưng chúng ta
dần dần nhận ra rằng theo hai cách cụ thể, công nghệ cao hiện đại cũng có thể gây hại cho hành tinh.

The first is its energy use; the worldwide scale of information technology is so enormous that electronics
now produce fully two per cent of global carbon emissions, which is about the same as the highly
controversial emissions of aeroplanes, (3) ______ G. The other is the hardware, when it comes to the
end of its natural life._______ This, increasingly, is pretty short. We have hardly noticed this important
stream of waste, so much so that a Greenpeace report on e-waste two years ago referred to it as “the
hidden flow”. We need to be aware of it.
- in two ways, the first is its energy use => the second = the other
Dịch: Đầu tiên là việc sử dụng năng lượng; quy mô công nghệ thông tin trên toàn thế giới rất lớn đến
mức các thiết bị điện tử hiện tạo ra đủ 2% lượng khí thải carbon toàn cầu, tương đương với lượng khí
thải gây tranh cãi của máy bay. Phần còn lại là phần cứng, khi nó đã hết tuổi thọ tự nhiên. Điều này
ngày càng trở nên khá ngắn ngủi. Chúng ta hầu như không chú ý đến dòng chất thải quan trọng này,
đến mức một báo cáo của Greenpeace về chất thải điện tử hai năm trước đã gọi nó là “dòng chất thải
ẩn”. Chúng ta cần phải nhận thức được nó.

The European Union has recognised the problem by adopting a key principle: producer responsibility.

(4) ______ B. In other words, making it the duty of manufacturers of electronic goods to ensure their
safe disposal at the end of their lives._______ In practice, an EU regulation now means that electronics
dealers must either take back the equipment they sold you, or help to finance a network of drop-off
points, such as council recycling sites. Its main feature is quite ambitious: it aims to deal with “everything
with a plug”.
- responsibility = duty
Dịch: Liên minh Châu Âu đã nhận ra vấn đề bằng cách áp dụng một nguyên tắc then chốt: trách nhiệm
của nhà sản xuất. Nói cách khác, nhiệm vụ của các nhà sản xuất hàng điện tử là đảm bảo việc xử lý an
toàn khi hết tuổi thọ của chúng. Trên thực tế, quy định của EU hiện nay có nghĩa là các đại lý điện tử
phải lấy lại thiết bị họ đã bán cho bạn hoặc hỗ trợ tài trợ cho mạng lưới các điểm giao hàng, chẳng hạn
như các địa điểm tái chế của hội đồng. Tính năng chính của nó khá tham vọng: nó nhằm mục đích giải
quyết “mọi thứ chỉ bằng một phích cắm”.

The new UN report suggests that all countries should start to establish proper e-waste management
networks, which could both cut down on health problems and generate employment, reduce greenhouse
gas emissions and recover a wide range of valuable substances from gold to copper. They could also do
something about the problem with a change in design. Groups such as Greenpeace have led the way in
putting pressure on major manufacturing companies to find substitutes for the toxic chemicals inside
their products. (5) ______ A. Encouragingly, they have had some success in forcing them to develop
non-poisonous alternatives to these._______ This may be the real way forward.

- substitutes = alternatives

Dịch: Báo cáo mới của Liên Hợp Quốc gợi ý rằng tất cả các quốc gia nên bắt đầu thiết lập mạng lưới
quản lý rác thải điện tử phù hợp, điều này có thể vừa cắt giảm các vấn đề sức khỏe vừa tạo việc làm,
giảm phát thải khí nhà kính và thu hồi nhiều loại chất có giá trị từ vàng đến đồng. Họ cũng có thể giải
quyết vấn đề bằng cách thay đổi thiết kế. Các nhóm như Greenpeace đã đi đầu trong việc gây áp lực lên
các công ty sản xuất lớn để tìm ra chất thay thế cho các hóa chất độc hại có trong sản phẩm của họ.
Thật đáng khích lệ, họ đã đạt được một số thành công trong việc buộc họ phải phát triển các chất thay
thế không độc hại cho những thứ này. Đây có thể là con đường thực sự phía trước.

A. Encouragingly, they have had some success in forcing them to develop non-poisonous
alternatives to these.
B. In other words, making it the duty of manufacturers of electronic goods to ensure their safe
disposal at the end of their lives.
C. Compared with that, it has seemed clean and green.
D. Much of this, such as the plastic covering on cables, is worth nothing at all.
E. There, instead of being properly processed, items are either dumped in unmanaged landfills
or broken up in unofficial recycling facilities - often by children.
F. Add to that the vast amounts of e-waste that are still being imported from rich countries, and
you have an enormous e-waste mountain in prospect, with its corresponding dangers for
human health and the environment.
G. The other is the hardware, when it comes to the end of its natural life.

II. Read the text below and decide which option A, B, C or D best fits each gap. (2.0 points)
The importance of drawing
In the nineteenth century, John Ruskin, an English writer and art critic, made great efforts to encourage
people to draw. He believed that drawing was a skill that was greatly neglected in schools and (1)
____________ that it was more important to the human (2) ____________ than writing.
1. A. claimed B. convinced C. recommended D. expressed
- claim (v): cho rằng
- convince (v): thuyết phục
- recommend (v): gợi ý, đề xuất
- express (v): thể hiện

2. A. family B. people C. race D. beings

- the human race: con người, loài người = human beings
Dịch: Vào thế kỷ 19, John Ruskin, một nhà văn và nhà phê bình nghệ thuật người Anh, đã có nhiều nỗ
lực để khuyến khích mọi người vẽ tranh. Ông tin rằng vẽ là một kỹ năng bị bỏ quên ở trường học và
cho rằng nó quan trọng đối với loài người hơn là viết.

In order to do something to improve the (3) _____________, he published two books on drawing and
gave a series of lectures at the Working Men’s College in London. His books were (4) _____________
read, and his lectures attracted large audiences. This further (5) _____________ Ruskin’s belief that

everybody should be given the opportunity to learn how to draw.
3. A. state B. condition C. case D. situation
- improve the situation: cải thiện tình hình
Dịch: Để làm điều gì đó nhằm cải thiện tình hình, ông đã xuất bản hai cuốn sách về vẽ và giảng một
loạt bài tại Trường Cao đẳng Công nhân ở London.

4. A. vastly B. broadly C. immensely D. widely

- be widely read: được đọc nhiều
Dịch: Sách của ông được nhiều người đọc và các bài giảng của ông thu hút được một lượng lớn khán

5. A. strengthened B. raised C. ensured D. grew

- strengthen (v): củng cố
- raise (v): nâng cao
- ensure (v): đảm bảo
- grow (v): phát triển
Dịch: Điều này càng củng cố thêm niềm tin của Ruskin rằng mọi người nên có cơ hội học cách vẽ.

Ruskin’s efforts were not (6) _____________ at turning people into good artists but at making them
happier. For him, drawings were of value even when they were done by people with no talent, as drawing
teaches people to (7) _____________ things rather than just to see them. He felt that when we are
involved in the process of drawing something, we have to look at it very (8) _____________ and become
aware of the different parts which (9) _____________ up the whole. It is in this way that we (10)
_____________ to a deeper appreciation and understanding of the thing itself.
6. A. designed B. aimed C. pointed D. intended
- design (v): thiết kế
- aim at Ving: nhằm mục đích
- point (v): chỉ vào
- intended for: dành cho
Dịch: Những nỗ lực của Ruskin không nhằm mục đích biến mọi người thành những nghệ sĩ giỏi mà là
làm cho họ hạnh phúc hơn.

7. A. observe B. regard C. witness D. look

- observe (v): quan sát
- regard (v): coi như, xem như

- witness (v): chứng kiến
- look (v): nhìn
Dịch: Đối với ông, những bức vẽ có giá trị ngay cả khi chúng được thực hiện bởi những người không
có tài năng, vì vẽ dạy mọi người quan sát mọi thứ thay vì chỉ nhìn thấy chúng.

8. A. closely B. distinctly C. definitely D. exactly

- look at sth closely: nhìn chăm chú

9. A. work B. set C. make D. take

- make up: tạo nên
Dịch: Anh ấy cảm thấy rằng khi tham gia vào quá trình vẽ một thứ gì đó, chúng ta phải nhìn nó thật kỹ
và nhận thức được các phần khác nhau tạo nên tổng thể.

10. A. arrive B. come C. reach D. achieve

- come to: có được/ đạt được
Dịch: Bằng cách này, chúng ta đạt được sự đánh giá và hiểu biết sâu sắc hơn về bản thân sự vật.

III. You are going to read an passage about possible reasons for the downfall of the Khmer city of
Angkor. For questions 1-5, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according
to the text. (2.0 points)


After rising to sublime heights, the sacred city may have engineered its own downfall.
An Empire's Fall
A. Almost hidden amid the forests of northern Cambodia is the scene of one of the greatest vanishing acts
of all time. This was once the heart of the Khmer Kingdom. At its height, the Khmer Empire dominated
much of Southeast Asia, from Myanmar (Burma) in the west to Vietnam in the east. As many as 750,000
people lived in Angkor, its magnificent capital. The most extensive urban complex of the preindustrial
world, Angkor stretched across an area the size of New York City. Its greatest temple, Angkor Wat, is
the world's largest religious monument even today.

B. Yet when the first Europeans arrived in Angkor in the late 16th century, they found a city that was
already dying. Scholars have come up with a list of suspected causes for Angkor's decline, including
foreign invaders, a religious change of heart, and a shift to maritime trade. But it's mostly guesswork:

Roughly 1,300 inscriptions survive on temple doors and monuments, but the people of Angkor left not
a single word explaining their kingdom's collapse.

C. Some scholars assume that Angkor died the way it lived: by the sword. The historical records of
Ayutthaya, a neighboring state, claim that warriors from that kingdom "took" Angkor in 1431. No doubt
Angkor would have been a rich prize - inscriptions boast that its temple towers were covered with gold.
After its rediscovery by Western travelers just over a century ago, historians deduced from Angkor's
ruins that the city had been looted by invaders from Ayutthaya.

D. Roland Fletcher, co-director of a research effort called the Greater Angkor Project, is not convinced.
Some early scholars, he says, viewed Angkor according to the sieges and conquests of European history.
"The ruler of Ayutthaya, indeed, says he took Angkor, and he may have taken some formal regalia back
to Ayutthaya with him,” says Fletcher. But after Angkor was captured, Ayutthaya's ruler placed his son
on the throne. “He's not likely to have smashed the place up before giving it to his son."

E. A religious shift may also have contributed to the city's decline. Angkor's Kings claimed to be the world
emperors of Hindu mythology and erected temples to themselves. But in the 13th and 14th centuries,
Theravada Buddhism gradually took over from Hinduism, and its principles of social equality may have
threatened Angkor's elite. "It was very subversive, just like Christianity was subversive to the Roman
Empire," says Fletcher.

F. A new religion that promoted ideas of social equality might have led to a worker rebellion. The city
operated on a moneyless economy, relying on tribute and taxation, and the kingdom's main currency was
rice. For one temple complex, Ta Prohm, more than 66,000 farmers produced nearly 3,000 tons of rice
a year, which was then used to feed the temple's priests, dancers, and workers. Scholars estimate that
farm laborers comprised nearly half of Greater Angkor's population.

G. Or maybe the royal court simply turned its back on Angkor. Angkor's rulers often erected new temple
complexes and let older ones decay. This may have doomed the city when sea trade began to develop
between Southeast Asia and China. Maybe it was simple economic opportunism that had caused the
Khmer center of power to shift: The move to a location closer to the Mekong River, near Cambodia's
present-day capital, Phnom Penh, allowed it easier access to the sea.

H. Economic and religious changes may have contributed to Angkor's downfall, but its rulers faced another
foe. Angkor was powerful largely thanks to an advanced system of canals and reservoirs, which enabled
the city to keep scarce water in dry months and disperse excess water during the rainy season. But forces
beyond Angkor's control would eventually bring an end to this carefully constructed system.

I. Few ancient sites in southern Asia could compare to Angkor in its ability to guarantee a steady water
supply. The first scholar to appreciate the scale of Angkor's waterworks was French archeologist Bemard
- Philippe Groslier. In 1979, he argued that the great reservoirs served two purposes: to symbolize the
Hindu cosmos and to irrigate the rice fields. Unfortunately, Groslier could not pursue his ideas further.
Cambodia's civil war, the brutal regime of the Khmer Rouge, and the subsequent arrival of Vietnamese
forces in 1979 turned Angkor into a no - go zone for two decades.

J. In the 1990s, Christophe Pottier followed up on Groslier's ideas and discovered that the south part of
Angkor was a vast landscape of housing, water tanks, shrines, roads, and canals. Then, in 2000, Roland
Fletcher and his colleague Damian Evans - as part of a collaborative study with Pottier - viewed some
NASA radar images of Angkor. The researchers marveled at the sophistication of Angkor's
infrastructure. "We realized that the entire landscape of Greater Angkor is artificial,” Fletcher says.
Teams of laborers constructed hundreds of kilometers of canals and dikes that diverted water from the
rivers to the reservoirs. Overflow channels bled off excess water that accumulated during the summer
monsoon months, and after the monsoon, irrigation channels dispensed the stored water. "It was an
incredibly clever system,'' says Fletcher.

K. Fletcher was therefore baffled when his team made a surprising discovery. An extraordinary piece of
Angkorian workmanship - a vast structure in the waterworks - had been destroyed, apparently by
Angkor's own engineers. "The most logical explanation is that the dam failed,” Fletcher says. The river
may have begun to erode the dam, or perhaps it was washed away by a flood. The Khmer broke apart
the remaining stonework and modified the blocks for other purposes.

L. Any weakening of the waterworks would have left the city vulnerable to a natural phenomenon that none
of Angkor's engineers could have predicted. Starting in the 1300s, it appears that Southeast Asia
experienced a period of extreme climate change, which also affected other parts of the world. In Europe,
which endured centuries of harsh winters and cool summers, it was known as the Little Ice Age.

M. To an already weakened kingdom, extreme weather would have been the final blow. "We don't know
why the water system was operating below capacity,' says Daniel Penny, co-director of the Greater
Angkor Project. "But what it means is that Angkor... was more exposed to the threat of drought than at
any other time in its history". If inhabitants of parts of Angkor were starving while other parts of the city
were hoarding a finite quantity of rice, the most likely result was social instability. "When populations
in tropical countries exceed the carrying capacity of the land, real trouble begins," says Yale University
anthropologist Michael Coe, "and this inevitably leads to cultural collapse". A hungry army weakened

by internal problems would have exposed the city to attack. Indeed, Ayutthaya's invasion happened near
the end of a long period of drought.

N. Add to the climate chaos the political and religious changes already affecting the kingdom, and Angkor's
prospects were bleak, says Fletcher. "The world around Angkor was changing; society was moving on.
It would have been a surprise if Angkor persisted."

O. The Khmer Empire was not the first civilization brought down by climate catastrophe. Centuries earlier,
loss of environmental stability likewise brought down another powerful kingdom halfway around the
world. Many scholars now believe that the fall of the Maya followed a series of droughts in the ninth
century. "Essentially, the same thing happened to Angkor," says Coe.

P. In the end, the tale of Angkor is a lesson in the limits of human ingenuity. "Angkor's hydraulic system
was an amazing machine, a wonderful mechanism for regulating the world," Fletcher says. Its engineers
managed to keep the civilization's achievement running for six centuries - until a greater force
overwhelmed them.

1. What information does the passage NOT include?

A. The Khmer Empire's conflicts with foreign powers
B. the history of Angkor before the ninth century
C. inscriptions left in the temples by the people of Angkor
D. the purpose of Angkor's irrigation system
(Đoạn văn KHÔNG bao gồm thông tin gì?
A. Xung đột của Đế quốc Khmer với các thế lực nước ngoài
B. Lịch sử Angkor trước thế kỷ thứ chín
C. chữ khắc để lại trong các đền đài của người dân Angkor
D. mục đích của hệ thống thủy lợi của Angkor)
- Thông tin:
+ Câu A: Scholars have come up with a list of suspected causes for Angkor's decline, including foreign
invaders, a religious change of heart, and a shift to maritime trade: Các học giả đã đưa ra một danh sách
các nguyên nhân bị nghi ngờ dẫn đến sự suy tàn của Angkor, bao gồm cả những kẻ xâm lược nước ngoài,
sự thay đổi tâm hồn về tôn giáo và sự chuyển hướng sang thương mại hàng hải.
+ Câu C: Roughly 1,300 inscriptions survive on temple doors and monuments, but the people of Angkor
left not a single word explaining their kingdom's collapse: Khoảng 1.300 chữ khắc còn sót lại trên cửa
đền và tượng đài, nhưng người dân Angkor không để lại một lời nào giải thích sự sụp đổ của vương quốc
của họ.

+ Câu D: In 1979, he argued that the great reservoirs served two purposes: to symbolize the Hindu
cosmos and to irrigate the rice fields: Năm 1979, ông lập luận rằng các hồ chứa lớn phục vụ hai mục
đích: tượng trưng cho vũ trụ của đạo Hindu và để tưới cho ruộng lúa.

2. According to the information in paragraphs A and B, which of the following is NOT true about
A. It once ruled a large part of Southeast Asia.
B. It was at one time the largest urban center in the world.
C. It once held as many people as New York City does today.
D. It was in decline when Europeans arrived in the 16th century.
(Theo thông tin ở đoạn A và B, điều nào sau đây KHÔNG đúng về Angkor?
A. Nó từng cai trị một phần lớn Đông Nam Á.
B. Nơi đây từng là trung tâm đô thị lớn nhất thế giới.
C. Nó từng chứa nhiều người như thành phố New York ngày nay.
D. Nó đã suy tàn khi người châu Âu đến vào thế kỷ 16.)
- Thông tin:
+ Câu A: At its height, the Khmer Empire dominated much of Southeast Asia, from Myanmar (Burma)
in the west to Vietnam in the east: Vào thời kỳ đỉnh cao, Đế quốc Khmer thống trị phần lớn Đông Nam
Á, từ Myanmar (Miến Điện) ở phía tây đến Việt Nam ở phía đông.
+ Câu B: The most extensive urban complex of the preindustrial world, Angkor stretched across an area
the size of New York City: Khu phức hợp đô thị rộng lớn nhất của thế giới tiền công nghiệp, Angkor
trải dài trên một khu vực có diện tích bằng Thành phố New York.
+ Câu D: Yet when the first Europeans arrived in Angkor in the late 16th century, they found a city that
was already dying: Tuy nhiên, khi những người châu Âu đầu tiên đến Angkor vào cuối thế kỷ 16, họ đã
tìm thấy một thành phố đang chết dần chết mòn.

3. In the first sentence of paragraph C, the phrase “by the sword” is closest in meaning to
A. suddenly
B. unexpectedly
C. violently
D. secretively
(Trong câu đầu tiên của đoạn C, cụm từ “by the Sword” có nghĩa gần nhất với
A. đột nhiên
B. bất ngờ
C. bạo lực

D. bí mật)
- Thông tin: Some scholars assume that Angkor died the way it lived: by the sword: Một số học giả cho
rằng Angkor đã chết theo cách nó tồn tại: bằng vũ khí.

4. In the last sentence of paragraph D, the word “it” refers to _____________.

A. the kingdom of Ayutthaya
B. the destruction of Angkor
C. the formal regalia
D. the city of Angkor
(Trong câu cuối cùng của đoạn D, từ “it” đề cập đến _____________.
A. vương quốc Ayutthaya
B. sự hủy diệt của Angkor
C. vương giả trang trọng
D. thành phố Angkor)
- Thông tin: But after Angkor was captured, Ayutthaya's ruler placed his son on the throne. “He's not
likely to have smashed the place up before giving it to his son.": Sau khi Angkor bị chiếm, vua của
Ayutthaya đã đặt con trai của mình lên ngai vàng. "Anh ta không có khả năng đã phá hủy nơi đó trước
khi nhường lại cho con trai mình."

5. Why does the author mention the Little Ice Age in paragraph L?
A. to show that climate change caused more cultures to fail in Europe than in Asia
B. to emphasize the extent and significance of climate change in the 1300s
C. to explain why European cities were not as advanced as Angkor
D. to show how Angkor's climate in the 1300s was different to Europe's

(Tại sao tác giả lại nhắc đến Kỷ băng hà nhỏ ở đoạn L?

A. để chỉ ra rằng biến đổi khí hậu đã khiến nhiều nền văn hóa ở châu Âu thất bại hơn ở châu Á

B. để nhấn mạnh mức độ và tầm quan trọng của biến đổi khí hậu trong những năm 1300

C. giải thích tại sao các thành phố châu Âu không phát triển như Angkor

D. để cho thấy khí hậu của Angkor vào những năm 1300 khác với khí hậu châu Âu như thế nào)

- Thông tin: Starting in the 1300s, it appears that Southeast Asia experienced a period of extreme climate
change, which also affected other parts of the world: Bắt đầu từ những năm 1300, có vẻ như Đông Nam

Á đã trải qua thời kỳ biến đổi khí hậu khắc nghiệt, điều này cũng ảnh hưởng đến các khu vực khác trên
thế giới.


I. Rewrite the sentences as requested. (2.0 points)
For questions 1–5, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
1. My cousin has decided that he isn’t going to finish his engineering course. (DROP)
 My cousin has decided to drop out of his engineering course.
- decide to V: quyết định làm gì, drop out of: bỏ học
Dịch: Anh họ tôi đã quyết định bỏ học ngành kỹ sư.

2. Despite being a grandmother, Edna still tries to dress fashionably. (FACT)

 In spite of the fact (that) she is a grandmother, Edna still tries to dress fashionably.
- In spite of the fact that SV: mặc dù …
Dịch: Mặc dù đã là bà nhưng Edna vẫn cố gắng ăn mặc thời trang.

3. Daniel didn’t get the job because he was considerably less experienced than Hannal. (DEAL)
 Hannal got the job because she had a great/ good deal more experience than Daniel.
- a great/ good deal = much nhấn mạnh so sánh hơn
Dịch: Hannal nhận được công việc đó vì cô ấy có nhiều kinh nghiệm hơn Daniel.

4. They have been building the new stadium for much longer than they orginally estimated. (UNDER)
 The new stadium has been under construction for much longer than they orginally estimated.
- under construction: đang được xây dựng
Dịch: Sân vận động mới đã được xây dựng lâu hơn nhiều so với ước tính ban đầu của họ.

5. I left my last job because I didn’t really agree with my manager’s approach. (EYE)
 I left my last job because I didn’t really see eye to eye with my manager.
- see eye to eye with sb = agree with sb: đồng ý, đồng tình với ai

Dịch: Tôi đã rời bỏ công việc cuối cùng của mình vì tôi không thực sự đồng ý với cách tiếp cận của
người quản lý.

For questions 6-10, complete the sentences so that the meaning remains the same.
6. The value of a picture depends on how famous the artist is.
 The more famous the artist is, the more valuable a picture is.

- So sánh càng thì càng: the + so sánh hơn SV, the + so sánh hơn SV
Dịch: Nghệ sĩ càng nổi tiếng thì bức tranh càng có giá trị.

7. I’m sure he knew all about the secret because he was there when we were talking.
 He must have known all about the secret because he was there when we were talking.

- must have p2: chắc chắn đã làm gì trong QK

Dịch: Chắc hẳn anh ấy đã biết tất cả bí mật vì anh ấy đã ở đó khi chúng tôi nói chuyện.

8. No matter how hard Fred tried to start the car, he didn’t succeed.
 However hard Fred tried, he couldn’t start the car./hard Fred tried to start the car, he didn’t
- However adj/adv SV, SV: mặc dù … nhưng …
Dịch: Dù Fred đã cố gắng hết sức nhưng anh ấy cũng không thể khởi động được chiếc xe./ Dù Fred đã
cố gắng hết sức để khởi động chiếc xe nhưng anh ấy vẫn không thành công.

9. His friends supported and encouranged him. He did really well in the competition.
 Had it not been for his friends’ support and encouragement/his friends not supported and
encouraged him, he couldn’t have done so well in the competition.
- Đảo ngữ câu điều kiện loại 3 (không có thật ở quá khứ):
+ Had it not been for + N/Ving, S would/could have p2: nếu không có, nếu không vì …
+ Had S p2, S would/could have p2: nếu …
Dịch: Nếu không có sự ủng hộ và động viên của bạn bè/ nếu bạn bè không ủng hộ và động viên anh ấy
thì anh ấy đã không thể thi đấu tốt như vậy.

10. Try to stay level with the other runners at the start of the race.
 Try not to fall behind the other runners at the start of the race.
- fall behind sb: tụt lại phía sau
Dịch: Cố gắng không tụt lại phía sau các vận động viên khác khi bắt đầu cuộc đua.

II. Write a PARAGRAPH (about 120 – 150 words) to express your ideas about the statement:
(3.0 points)

“Nowadays, more and more young people choose to stay in big cities to work.”
Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.
In contemporary society, the trend of young individuals opting to reside and work in major
urban centers is on the rise. Several factors contribute to this phenomenon. Firstly, big cities often
offer a plethora of job opportunities across various industries, providing young professionals with a
wide array of career paths to explore and pursue. Additionally, urban areas are hubs of innovation and
creativity, fostering an environment conducive to personal and professional growth. Moreover, the
allure of cultural diversity, vibrant nightlife, and endless entertainment options often appeals to the
younger demographic, making city life an attractive prospect. Furthermore, the presence of top-notch
educational institutions and access to networking opportunities further solidify the decision for young
people to choose urban settings for their careers. Ultimately, the dynamic and fast-paced nature of big
cities aligns well with the ambitions and aspirations of today's youth, driving the trend of urban
migration for work purposes.


NGHỆ AN NĂM HỌC 2023-2024
(Đề thi gồm có 15 trang) Thời gian: 150 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề)


Part 1. (30 pts) You will hear a talk. For questions 1-15, listen and complete the text below by writing
NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER in the spaces provided. Write your
answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided.
Mother's Day - the day when we pay special tribute to mothers, motherhood and (1) ____________
in general as well as to the positive contributions that they make to society through their personal sacrifice
and love and of course, for putting up with us during those (2) ____________. How did Mother's Day come
about? It had its beginning to the efforts of Julia Ward Howe, who was a (3) _____________ and the author
of a song you might have heard of "The Battle Hymn of the Republic". After the Civil War, how focused her
activities are the (4) _____________ and women's suffrage. In 1870, she wrote her Mother's Day
Proclamation asking women from the world to join for world peace. In (5) ___________, she asked that
Mother's Day be celebrated on 2nd June, however, her efforts were unsuccessful. Mother's Day may have
never (6) _____________ if it hadn't been for the work of Anne Jarvis and her daughter Anna.
In 1868, Anne Jarvis created a committee to establish a Mother's Friendship Day to reunite families
that had been divided during the Civil War. Anne wanted to expand this into an (7) ______________ for
mothers but she died in 1905 before the celebration became popular, her daughter Anna would continue to
work for her mother's efforts. On (8) ____________, Anna held a memorial to her mother and afterwards (9)
____________ a campaign to make Mother's Day a recognized holiday. She finally succeeded in making it
nationally recognized in 1914 when President Woodrow Wilson issued a proclamation declaring the first
National Mother's Day.
By the 1920s, Anna Jarvis became embittered by the commercialization of the holiday, she railed
against the practice of purchasing (10) _____________ which she saw as a sign of being too lazy to write the
more personal letter. She was even once arrested in 1948 for disturbing the peace during her protest against
the commercialization of the holiday. She and her sister spent the family (11) ______________ campaigning
against what the holiday had become. Sadly, both died in poverty as a result. Anna Jarvis never credited Julia
Howard Howe's (12) _____________ to establish Mother's Day as a national holiday, claiming that the
creation of the holiday was entirely hers. In most countries Mother's Day is a recent observance (13)
_____________ the holiday as it has evolved in the United States as adopted by other countries and cultures.

The holiday has different meanings is associated with different (14) ____________ or legendary events and
is celebrated on different dates but one thing remains the same and that's what the holiday is meant to honour
the mothers whose love and sacrifice (15) _____________ the ideals of mother.

Part 2. (10 pts) You will hear two psychology students called Luke and Susie discussing their
assignment on sleep and dream. Listen and do the tasks that follow. Write your answers in the
corresponding numbered boxes provided.
Questions 16-19: Choose the correct answer A, B or C.
Assignment on sleep and dreams
16. Luke read that one reason why we often forget dreams is that ___________.
A. our memories cannot cope with too much information
B. we might otherwise be confused about what is real
C. we do not think they are important
17. What do Luke and Susie agree about dreams predicting the future?
A. It may just be due to chance.
B. It only happens with certain types of events.
C. It happens more often than some people think.
18. Susie says that a study on pre-school children having a short nap in the day __________.
A. had controversial results
B. used faulty research methodology
C. failed to reach any clear conclusions
19. In their last assignment, both students had problems with __________.
A. statistical analysis B. making an action plan C. self-assessment

Questions 20-25: Complete the flow chart below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
Assignment plan
Decide on research question:
Is there a relationship between hours of sleep and number of dreams?

Decide on sample:
Twelve students from the (20) _____________ department

Decide on methodology:


Decide on procedure:
Answers on (21) ______________

Check ethical guidelines for working with (22) ________________
Ensure that risk is assessed and (23) ______________ is kept to a minimum

Analyse the results
Calculate the correlation and make a (24) ______________

(25) _____________ the research

Part 3. (10 pts) For questions 26-30, listen and decide whether the following statements are True (T) or
False (F). Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes.
26. The class have already talked about at least three of the physical effects sport has on the human body.
27. There are no real benefits associated with doing individual sport.
28. Swimmers or tennis players are responsible for their own achievements.
29. Collaborating with other members is essential for a team to be successful.
30. It doesn't matter which sport you choose, as long as you're good at it.


Part 1. (12 pts) Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences. Write A, B, C or D
in the corresponding numbered boxes provided.
1. She has asked me to ________ her sincere thanks to you for everything you have done to help her.
A. report B. transfer C. confide D. convey
2. _________ I see Tom and Jerry, I always feel interested because the cartoon is so exciting.
A. Whatever frequency B. However many
C. No matter how many times D. No matter what times
3. You are not allowed to drive ________ the influence ________ alcohol.
A. under/of B. in/of C. under/by D. by/in
4. It was ________ that he was kept in hospital for nearly a month.
A. so a serious accident B. so serious an accident
C. such serious an accident D. a such serious accident
5. When the delay was announced, we realized that we ________ enough time to catch our connecting flight.

A. wouldn't have B. won't have C. hadn't had D. weren't having
6. As soon as it started to rain we turned round and _________ home.
A. made out B. made for C. made off D. made over
7. Many countries face some serious problems of land use, _________ result from population growth and the
demands of modern technological living.
A. of most which B. which most C. most which D. most of which
8. Don't worry! It's __________ natural to feel annoyed when people let you down.
A. utterly B. fully C. perfectly D. highly
9. Many people claim that insults or negative comments are _________, but in reality, many of them are
upset by such things.
A. like water off a duck's back B. great minds think alike
C. Jacks-of-all-trades D. beggar on horseback

10. Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D to indicate the words CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
bold words in the following question.
The psychology of girls at puberty will have many changes leading to different personalities, thoughts and
A. in infancy B. in youth C. in the lees of life D. in adolescence
11. Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D to indicate the words OPPOSITE in meaning to the
underlined bold words in the following question.
Many of us fret about ways in which modern technology distances us from understanding and keeping our
customs and traditions.
A. no worry about B. feel like
C. are unconcerned about D. get involved in
12. Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D to indicate the most suitable response to complete the
following exchange. Lily and Joanna are discussing a new subject that they have at school.
- Lily: "The subject is so hard. There is a lot of information to remember."
- Joanna: " _________. The information is logically ordered and it is not that difficult to learn."
A. I couldn't agree with you more B. I beg to differ
C. I'm with you D. Let's drop it

Part 2. (8 pts) Read the passage below, which contains 8 mistakes. Identify the mistakes and write the
corrections in the corresponding numbered boxes provided.
Line Eating in the industrialized world has changed quite significantly in recent decades and

1 it continues to be deeply affected by two apparent contradictory trends. The first is the growing
2 tendency to consume that is known as fast food. In the modern era, when spare time is a rare
3 commodity and convenience is the more desirable quality in any product, fast food chains
4 flourish, frozen and ready-made foods in the supermarket are consumed in alarming quantities,
5 and people are growing fatter and falling victim of heart disease more than ever before.
6 Therefore, an opposing trend in the realm of food consumption is also discernible – the
7 increasing demand for healthier foods. Health experts and consumers are now realising the
8 benefits of livestock raised without the aid of hormones and crops growing without chemical
9 fertilisers.
10 Unfortunately, the cost of organic foods is high, and so it is mainly the educated rich
11 who consume it. This adds a demographic dimension to the problem of good health since, by
12 and large, the health benefits of organic production are not available to those who might need
13 them most, namely the young and the elderly.

SECTION C. READING (70 points)

Part 1. (15 pts) Read the passage and choose the best answer. Write your answers A, B, C or D in the
corresponding numbered boxes provided.
The expression on your face can actually dramatically alter your feelings and perceptions, and it has
been proved that (1) __________ smiling or frowning can create corresponding emotional responses. The
idea was first (2) __________ by a French physiologist, Israel Waynbaum, in 1906. He believed that
different facial (3) __________ affected the flow of blood to the brain, and that this could create positive or
negative feelings. A happy smile or irrepressible (4) __________ increased the blood flow and contributed to
joyful feelings. But sad, angry expressions decreased the flow of oxygen-carrying blood, and created a
vicious (5) __________ of gloom and depression by effectively (6) ___________ the brain of essential fuel.
Psychologist Robert Zajonc rediscovered this early (7) __________, and (8) ___________ that the
temperature of the brain could affect the production and synthesis of neurotransmitters which definitely
influence our moods and energy levels. He argues that an impaired blood flow could not (9) __________
deprive the brain of oxygen, but create further chemical imbalance (10) ___________ inhibiting these vital
hormonal messages. Zajonc goes on to propose that our brains remember that smiling is associated with
being happy, and that by deliberately smiling through your tears you can (11)___________ your brain to
release uplifting neurotransmitters-replacing a depressed condition (12) ___________ a happier one. People
suffering from psychosomatic (13) ___________ depression and anxiety states could (14) ___________
from simply exercising their zygomatic (15) ____________ which pull the corners of the mouth up and back

to form a smile-several times an hour.
1. A. desperately B. determinedly C. deliberately D. decidedly
2. A. put off B. put down C. put by D. put forward
3. A. aspects B. looks C. expressions D. appearances
4. A. laughter B. sadness. C. humour D. depression
5. A. cycle B. spiral C. circle D. vortex
6. A. cutting B. starving C. removing D. eliminating
7. A. result B. subject C. research D. experiment
8. A. advises B. wants C. demands D. suggests
9. A. even B. only C. ever D. always
10. A. by B. without C. when D. from
11. A. make B. persuade C. allow D. decide
12. A. through B. by C. after D. with
13. A. disease B. illness C. infection D. ailment
14. A. recover B. improve C. benefit D. progress
15. A. muscles B. nerves C. veins D. bones

Part 2. (15 pts) Read the text below and fill in each gap with ONE suitable word. Write the answers in
the corresponding numbered boxes provided.
The transition (1) __________ childhood to adulthood can be a very painful one. The physical and
emotional changes young people experience during puberty (2) ___________ confusing, and this confusion often
(3) ___________ to unpredictable behaviour and mood swings - one minute they are over the (4) __________
and the next they are down in the dumps. Constant parental nagging and pressure to do well at school simply
compound the problem and can result in rebellious behaviour and create tension at (5) __________.
Parents of teens should not be surprised when their advice (6) ___________ on deaf ears, as in their
struggle for independence, adolescents are (7) ___________ inclined to turn to their friends for guidance.
This is often (8) __________ to the teen's perception that adults play the role of 'oppressor' and deny them
the liberty they crave while constantly finding fault with (9) __________ they do. Therefore, mum and dad
are the (10) ___________ people adolescents will want to talk to about sensitive issues. This friction also
means that even if parental advice is sound, it is (11) ___________ to go in one ear and out the other. (12)
___________, such a situation is not unusual, and parents should not be too hard on their children. They
must learn to accept them as individuals who are capable of making their (13) __________ decisions.
It is important for parents to realise that struggles occur in all families, and that (14) ___________
patience and understanding will likely be rewarded by their children (15) ___________ healthy and

responsible adults.

Part 3. (20 pts) Read the following passage and choose the correct answer to each of the questions.
Write your answers A, B, C or D in the corresponding numbered boxes provided.
Sally Thwaite left behind her routine life and headed for the Italian hills.
If you walk into any bookstore there is an entire shelf dedicated to books about people who decide to
change their lives by relocating to another country. This usually involves selling their house and car in the UK,
buying a run-down old house abroad and renovating it, experiencing amusing cultural misunderstandings and
meeting charming locals along the way. I used to sneer at those kinds of books and wonder why anyone
would put themselves through the discomfort of going to live in a foreign country - all in pursuit of a simple
One day, instead of walking straight past this section, I found myself stopping to browse, and ended
up selecting a book to read on the train. The cover showed a cluster of villages clinging to a steep cliff,
surrounded by blue-green water. It was about an accountant who realised one day how boring her life was,
so she bought a ticket to Italy. After reading the book, I started watching a reality TV show called A New
Home in Tuscany, about a couple who leave London and move to the Italian hills. I became so hooked that if
friends called on Tuesday nights I would make some excuse not to go out. Soon the idea of moving abroad
had lodged itself in my mind and was turning into a magnificent possibility.
I resigned from the hospital where I worked, sold my apartment and moved to the region of Umbria
in Italy. Once there, I rented an apartment and hired a little motorbike. I loved sampling the local cuisine and
I even signed up for a short cooking course. A very charming local called Francesco ran the course. When he
told me that I cooked like a local myself, I didn't care whether this was a little white lie or genuine praise. By
the end of each lesson, not only had we learnt how to prepare an authentic Umbrian dish, we were also
rolling around the floor in fits of laughter, since Francesco was a natural storyteller and we enjoyed his talent
for imitating people.
I also took a three-month Italian language course. It is fair to say that my attempts at cooking were
more successful than my attempts, at this later stage in my life, to acquire a new language. I persevered,
however, and after a few weeks of lessons I actually had a short conversation with a local - OK, I only asked
for directions to the train station. In my mind, though, this was a triumph of communication and I was
satisfied with my modest progress.
It was at one of these language classes that I heard a fellow student, John, mention that his neighbour,
Sandro, was moving to Rome and selling his farmhouse for a song. John said he wished he had the money to
purchase it himself, as the property was sure to be snapped up soon. I couldn't believe that it cost less than

half the amount that I had sold my tiny apartment for. Would I dare to copy the writers of all those books,
and the couple on the TV reality show?
I had to go and have a look, of course. The farmhouse was located on the top of a lush hill, and
although it was very run-down, it possessed charm. There were extensive orchards with well-kept trees, so I
would have nature's bounty literally on my doorstep. I bought it straight away.
The project wasn't without its difficulties, though. The farmhouse was constructed entirely of stone
and wood in 1857, and was collapsing in several places. My first priority, therefore, was to hire some local
craftsmen to add supports to the building. I also strengthened the foundations, installed a new kitchen and
renovated the rest of the property. In the end, all the cost and effort were worthwhile, because I felt I
belonged here as much as I did anywhere in the world, and I was determined to make it my home. I must say
I sometimes look at my collection of books on Italy and think I'd like to have a go at writing one myself! I'd
like to share my experience and let other dreamers out there know that the difficulty is worth it. I didn't quite
find the simple life, but I did find what the Italians call the sweet life - la dolce vita.
1. What did the writer originally think of books about going to live in a foreign country?
A. They took up too much space in bookstores.
B. They contained many entertaining stories.
C. They didn't interest her in any way.
D. They included a lot of useful information.
2. The word "sneer" in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ________.
A. mock B. laugh C. underrate D. joke
3. The author didn't want to go out on Tuesday nights because _______.
A. she was busy making plans to move abroad
B. she was really interested in her book about Italy
C. she wanted to watch a television programme
D. she preferred not to see friends during the week
4. The impression that the writer gives of Francesco is that ________.
A. he could only cook local food
B. he wasn't honest with his students
C. his cookery course was too short
D. his students found him amusing
5. What did the writer realise about learning the Italian language?
A. That she could learn Italian easily in spite of her age
B. That a three-month course of lessons would be enough
C. That it was harder than learning to cook local dishes

D. That it would help her to get on better with the locals
6. The writer uses the phrase "for a song" in paragraph 5 to suggest the farmhouse was being sold.
A. as quickly as possible B. for personal reasons
C. for reasons of pleasure D. at a very low price
7. When she first went to see the farmhouse, the writer ________.
A. believed it could be made into a charming home
B. mistakenly thought it would be easy to repair it
C. was surprised by how run-down the property was
D. thought the orchards were too close to the farmhouse
8. What did the writer conclude about her decision to move to Italy?
A. She felt that the unexpected difficulties had spoilt her dreams.
B. She was disappointed that she couldn't find the simple life she wanted.
C. She knew anywhere else in the world would feel just as much like home.
D. She felt that, despite the problems, her decision had been a good one.
9. The word "run-down" in paragraph 6 is closest in meaning to _________.
A. old B. steep C. neglected D. broken
10. How did the writer's attitude change, during the time she writes about, towards books about moving to
A. She began to understand why their authors write them.
B. She now realised they made it seem easier than it really was.
C. She began to rely on them for information on moving to Italy.
D. She started to enjoy collecting them as a hobby.

Part 4. (20 pts) Read the following passage and do the tasks that follow. Write your answers in the
corresponding numbered boxes provided.
A. There is evidence of agriculture in Africa prior to 3000 B.C. It may have developed independently, but
many scholars believe that the spread of agriculture and iron throughout Africa linked it to the major centers
of the Near East and Mediterranean world. The drying up of what is now the Sahara desert had pushed many
peoples to the south into sub-Saharan Africa. These settled at first in scattered hunting- gathering bands,
although in some places near lakes and rivers, people who fished, with a more secure food supply, lived in
larger population concentrations. Agriculture seems to have reached these people from the Near East, since
the first domesticated crops were millets and sorghums whose origins are not African but West Asian. Once
the idea of planting diffused, Africans began to develop their own crops, such as certain varieties of rice, and

they demonstrated a continued receptiveness to new imports. The proposed areas of the domestication of
African crops lie in a band that extends from Ethiopia across southern Sudan to West Africa. Subsequently,
other crops, such as bananas, were introduced from Southeast Asia.

B. Livestock also came from outside Africa. Cattle were introduced from Asia, as probably were domestic
sheep and goats. Horses were apparently introduced by the Hyksos invaders of Egypt (1780- 1560 B.C.) and
then spread across the Sudan to West Africa. Rock paintings in the Sahara indicate that horses and chariots
were used to traverse the desert and that by 300-200 B.C, there were trade routes across the Sahara. Horses
were adopted by peoples of the West African savannah, and later their powerful cavalry forces allowed them
to carve out large empires. Finally, the camel was introduced around the first century A.D. This was an
important innovation, because the camel's ability to thrive in harsh desert conditions and to carry large loads
cheaply made it an effective and efficient means of transportation. The camel transformed the desert from a
barrier into a still difficult, but more accessible, route of trade and communication.

C. Iron came from West Asia, although its routes of diffusion were somewhat different than those of
agriculture. Most of Africa presents a curious case in which societies moved directly from a technology of
stone to iron without passing through the intermediate stage of copper or bronze metallurgy, although some
early copperworking sites have been found in West Africa. Knowledge of iron making penetrated into the
forests and savannahs of West Africa at roughly the same time that iron making was reaching Europe.
Evidence of iron making has been found in Nigeria, Ghana, and Mali.

D. This technological shift caused profound changes in the complexity of African societies. Iron represented
power. In West Africa the blacksmith who made tools and weapons had an important place in society, often
with special religious powers and functions. Iron hoes, which made the land more productive, and iron
weapons, which made the warrior more powerful, had symbolic meaning in a number of West African
societies. Those who knew the secrets of making iron gained ritual and sometimes political power.

E. Unlike in the Americas, where metallurgy was a very late and limited development, Africans had iron
from a relatively early date, developing ingenious furnaces to produce the high heat needed for production
and to control the amount of air that reached the carbon and iron ore necessary for making iron. Much of
Africa moved right into the Iron Age, taking the basic technology and adapting it to local conditions and

F. The diffusion of agriculture and later of iron was accompanied by a great movement of people who may

have carried these innovations. These people probably originated in eastern Nigeria. Their migration may
have been set in motion by an increase in population caused by a movement of peoples fleeing the
desiccation, or drying up, of the Sahara. They spoke a language, proto-Bantu ("bantu" means "the people"),
which is the parent tongue of a large number of Bantu languages still spoken throughout sub-Saharan Africa.
Why and how these people spread out into central and southern Africa remains a mystery, but archaeologists
believe that their iron weapons allowed them to conquer their hunting-gathering opponents, who still used
stone implements. Still, the process is uncertain, and peaceful migration - or simply rapid demographic
growth - may have also caused the Bantu explosion.

Questions 1-6
The reading passage has six sections, A-F.
Choose the correct heading for sections A-F from the list of headings below.
Write the correct number i-x in boxes 1-6 on your answer sheet.
List of Headings
i. The profound impact of the use of tools on society
ii. Trade in metal ore between continents begins
iii. The use of domestic animals for farming and travel
iv. How alloys like copper were created
v. One of the first continents to use metal
vi. The story of the development of metal tools
vii. How the first crops were introduced to Africa
viii. A nation using metal weapons to subdue their neighbours
ix. The drying of north Africa leading to the movement of people and the further spread of metal
technology across the continent
x. Metal working replacing the use of stone tools

1. Section A ________
2. Section B ________
3. Section C ________
4. Section D ________
5. Section E ________
6. Section F ________

Questions 7-10

Do the following statements agree with the information given in the reading passage? Write:
TRUE if the statement agrees with the information
FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this
7. Larger communities, who lived near water, were more assured of a constant food source.
8. As the Sahara expanded, the camel gained in importance, eventually coming to have religious
9. There was a slow gradual progress from the use of stone tools to metal tools.
10. Today's Bantu-speaking peoples are descended from people possessing iron-making technologies
spreading throughout Africa.

SECTION D. WRITING (60 points)

Part 1. (10 pts)
Use the word given in brackets and make any necessary additions to complete a new sentence in such
a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence. Do not change the form of the
given word.
1. She rented the house because she wanted to open a restaurant. (VIEW)
→ With ........................................................................................................................... she rented the house.
2. His theory was the opposite to the beliefs of his time. (RAN)
→ His theory ................................................................................................................ the beliefs of his time.
3. What has this experience taught you? (DRAWN)
→ What ................................................................................................................................. this experience?
4. When they started their trek, they had no idea how bad the weather would become. (OUTSET)
→ Nobody realized ............................................................................... how bad the weather would become.
5. He has completely forgotten what happened. (RECOLLECTION)
→ He has ............................................................................................................................... what happened.

Part 2. (20 pts) You and your friend have booked tickets to go to the theatre. You are now unable to go but
have found another friend to accompany him/her instead.
Write a letter (80-100 words) to your friend. DO NOT write your real name and any addresses.
In your letter,
• explain why you cannot go to the theatre with your friend
• say who can go instead of you
• tell them why you think this person would be good to go with


Part 3. (30 pts) Choose ONE of the following options:
Option 1: Your English teacher has asked you to write a story (200-250 words) for your school story writing
competition. Your story MUST begin with the following sentence:
After all the unexpected things, Hana still believed that it had been one of the most memorable days in
her life.

Option 2: Online shopping is now replacing shopping in the store. Do you think it is a positive or negative
In about 250 words, write an essay to express your opinion on the issue. Use reasons and examples to
support your position.


NGHỆ AN NĂM HỌC 2023-2024
(Đề thi gồm có 15 trang) Thời gian: 150 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề)


Part 1. (30 pts) You will hear a talk. For questions 1-15, listen and complete the text below by writing
NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER in the spaces provided. Write your
answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided.
Mother's Day - the day when we pay special tribute to mothers, motherhood and (1) ______maternal
bonds______ in general as well as to the positive contributions that they make to society through their
personal sacrifice and love and of course, for putting up with us during those (2) ______adolescent
years______. How did Mother's Day come about? It had its beginning to the efforts of Julia Ward Howe,
who was a (3) ______social activist_______ and the author of a song you might have heard of "The Battle
Hymn of the Republic". After the Civil War, how focused her activities are the (4) _______causes of
pacifism______ and women's suffrage. In 1870, she wrote her Mother's Day Proclamation asking women
from the world to join for world peace. In (5) ______1872_____, she asked that Mother's Day be celebrated
on 2nd June, however, her efforts were unsuccessful. Mother's Day may have never (6) _______become
officially recognized______ if it hadn't been for the work of Anne Jarvis and her daughter Anna.
In 1868, Anne Jarvis created a committee to establish a Mother's Friendship Day to reunite families
that had been divided during the Civil War. Anne wanted to expand this into an (7) ________annual
memorial______ for mothers but she died in 1905 before the celebration became popular, her daughter
Anna would continue to work for her mother's efforts. On (8) ______May 12th, 1907______, Anna held a
memorial to her mother and afterwards (9) ______embarked on______ a campaign to make Mother's Day a
recognized holiday. She finally succeeded in making it nationally recognized in 1914 when President
Woodrow Wilson issued a proclamation declaring the first National Mother's Day.
By the 1920s, Anna Jarvis became embittered by the commercialization of the holiday, she railed
against the practice of purchasing (10) ______greeting cards_______ which she saw as a sign of being too
lazy to write the more personal letter. She was even once arrested in 1948 for disturbing the peace during her
protest against the commercialization of the holiday. She and her sister spent the family (11)
________inheritance______ campaigning against what the holiday had become. Sadly, both died in poverty
as a result. Anna Jarvis never credited Julia Howard Howe's (12) _______initial efforts______ to establish
Mother's Day as a national holiday, claiming that the creation of the holiday was entirely hers. In most

countries Mother's Day is a recent observance (13) ______derived from_______ the holiday as it has
evolved in the United States as adopted by other countries and cultures. The holiday has different meanings
is associated with different (14) ______religious historical______ or legendary events and is celebrated on
different dates but one thing remains the same and that's what the holiday is meant to honour the mothers
whose love and sacrifice (15) _______embody______ the ideals of mother.

Part 2. (10 pts) You will hear two psychology students called Luke and Susie discussing their
assignment on sleep and dream. Listen and do the tasks that follow. Write your answers in the
corresponding numbered boxes provided.
Questions 16-19: Choose the correct answer A, B or C.
Assignment on sleep and dreams
16. Luke read that one reason why we often forget dreams is that ___________.
A. our memories cannot cope with too much information
B. we might otherwise be confused about what is real
C. we do not think they are important
17. What do Luke and Susie agree about dreams predicting the future?
A. It may just be due to chance.
B. It only happens with certain types of events.
C. It happens more often than some people think.
18. Susie says that a study on pre-school children having a short nap in the day __________.
A. had controversial results
B. used faulty research methodology
C. failed to reach any clear conclusions
19. In their last assignment, both students had problems with __________.
A. statistical analysis B. making an action plan C. self-assessment
SUSIE: So Luke, for our next psychology assignment we have to do something on sleep and dreams.
LUKE: Right. I've just read an article suggesting why we tend to forget most of our dreams soon after we
wake up. I mean, most of my dreams aren't that interesting anyway, but what it said was that if we
remembered everything, we might get mixed up about what actually happened and what we dreamed. So it's
a sort of protection. I hadn't heard that idea before. I'd always assumed that it was just that we didn't have
room in our memories for all that stuff.
SUSIE: Me too. What do you think about the idea that our dreams may predict the future?
LUKE: It's a belief that you get all over the world.

SUSIE: Yeah, lots of people have a story of it happening to them, but the explanation I've read is that for
each dream that comes true, we have thousands that don't, but we don't notice those, we don't even
remember them. We just remember the ones where something in the real world, like a view or an action,
happens to trigger a dream memory.
LUKE: Right. So it's just a coincidence really. Something else I read about is what they call segmented
sleeping. That's a theory that hundreds of years ago, people used to get up in the middle of the night and
have a chat or something to eat, then go back to bed. So I tried it myself.
LUKE: Well it's meant to make you more creative. I don't know why. But I gave it up after a week. It just
didn't fit in with my lifestyle.
SUSIE: But most pre-school children have a short sleep in the day don't they? There was an experiment
some students did here last term to see at what age kids should stop having naps. But they didn't really find
an answer. They spent a lot of time working out the most appropriate methodology, but the results didn't
seem to show any obvious patterns.
LUKE: Right. Anyway, let's think about our assignment. Last time I had problems with the final stage,
where we had to describe and justify how successful we thought we'd been. I struggled a bit with the action
plan too.
SUSIE: I was OK with the planning, but I got marked down for the self-assessment as well. And I had big
problems with the statistical stuff, that's where I really lost marks.
LUKE: Right.
Questions 20-25: Complete the flow chart below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
Assignment plan
Decide on research question:
Is there a relationship between hours of sleep and number of dreams?

Decide on sample:
Twelve students from the (20) _______history______ department

Decide on methodology:

Decide on procedure:
Answers on (21) ______paper________

Check ethical guidelines for working with (22) ________humans/people________
Ensure that risk is assessed and (23) ________stress______ is kept to a minimum

Analyse the results
Calculate the correlation and make a (24) _______graph_______

(25) _______Evaluate______ the research
SUSIE: So shall we plan what we have to do for this assignment?
SUSIE: First, we have to decide on our research question. So how about 'Is there a relationship between
hours of sleep and number of dreams?'
LUKE: OK. Then we need to think about who we'll do the study on. About 12 people?
SUSIE: Right. And shall we use other psychology students?
LUKE: Let's use people from a different department. What about history?
SUSIE: Yes, they might have interesting dreams! Or literature students?
LUKE: I don't really know any.
SUSIE: OK, forget that idea. Then we have to think about our methodology. So we could use observation,
but that doesn't seem appropriate.
LUKE: No. It needs to be self-reporting I think. And we could ask them to answer questions online.
SUSIE: But in this case, paper might be better as they'll be doing it straight after they wake up ... in fact
while they're still half-asleep.
LUKE: Right. And we'll have to check the ethical guidelines for this sort of research.
SUSIE: Mm, because our experiment involves humans, so there are special regulations.
LUKE: Yes, I had a look at those for another assignment I did. There's a whole section on risk assessment,
and another section on making sure they aren't put under any unnecessary stress.
SUSIE: Let's hope they don't have any bad dreams!
LUKE: Yeah.
SUSIE: Then when we've collected all our data we have to analyse it and calculate the correlation between
our two variables, that's time sleeping and number of dreams and then present our results visually in a
LUKE: Right. And the final thing is to think about our research and evaluate it. So that seems quite
SUSIE: Yeah. So now let's ...

Part 3. (10 pts) For questions 26-30, listen and decide whether the following statements are True (T) or
False (F). Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes.
26. The class have already talked about at least three of the physical effects sport has on the human body. T
27. There are no real benefits associated with doing individual sport. F
28. Swimmers or tennis players are responsible for their own achievements. T
29. Collaborating with other members is essential for a team to be successful. T
30. It doesn't matter which sport you choose, as long as you're good at it. F
Teacher: Good morning, class.
Students' voices: Morning, miss / Morning.
Teacher: So, today we're going to carry on with what we were talking about last class which are the
advantages of doing sport on a regular basis. Let's start by seeing how much you remember about the
benefits of sport. I'm going to ask you some questions and in your groups I'd like you to answer them. OK,
so the first question is, can you remember three of the specific physical benefits sport offers to the human
body that we discussed last class? OK, Group B. What do you think?
Group B spokesperson: Um, well we've got two.
Teacher: OK, let's hear them.
Group B spokesperson: We think that doing sport reduces high blood pressure and the chance of getting
Teacher: Absolutely. OK does anyone have any other advantages? Yes, Group D?
Group D spokesperson: Yeah, sport is good for your bones.
Teacher: That's right. It strengthens our bones, particularly while we are still growing. OK, we also
discussed that sport can be good for our minds too because of the chemicals that our brains release when we
exercise. Can anyone remember the name of these chemicals and how they make us feel? Mmm, Group A?
Group A spokesperson: Are they called euphoria?
Teacher: Not exactly. Anyone else? OK, Group B again.
Group B spokesperson: Endorphins and they make you feel euphoric or really happy.
Teacher: That's right. So sport can help us feel happy and put us in a good mood because of these chemicals
that are present in our bodies when we exercise. It also improves our capacity to concentrate, which is why
doing PE at school can actually help you do better in exams. OK, so that was basically what we covered last
week and what we're going to move on to today is thinking about whether it's better for us to take part in
individual or team sports. So let's have a quick show of hands to see what you think. Those who think it's
better for us to do individual sports put up your hands. OK, thank you. And now those who think it's better to

do a team sport? OK. Well, there are certain advantages to both individual and team sports, but, in my
opinion, the benefits of team sport do seem to outweigh those of individual sport. Can you shout out a couple
of examples of individual sports?
Group C spokesperson: Yeah, like, karate or swimming?
Group D spokesperson: And tennis.
Teacher: Good. Well, you won't be surprised to hear that in order to succeed in individual sport we need to
have a fair amount of self-discipline to motivate ourselves, which is easier said than done for some people.
However, with regular practice, it may be easier to see progress. Also, it's worth pointing out that our
individual successes and failures are completely down to the individual, no one else. OK, I'd like you to have
a think in your groups about the possible advantages of doing sport as part of a team as opposed to by
Teacher: OK, Group C. What have you come up with?
Group C spokesperson: Well, we were saying that it might be, like, easier to be more motivated to actually
do a sport if you're in a team because you, like, you don't want to let anyone down, so you, like, always turn
up for sports practice, you know, so you are sort of more committed to doing the sport.
Teacher: That's a very good point. Yes, being a team member certainly helps people feel motivated and
make an effort to turn up and play on a regular basis. Well done, Group C. Any other ideas? Group D?
Group D spokesperson: Err, because it's boring doing sport by yourself and it's more fun if you're with your
Teacher: Absolutely! And the sense of being involved and belonging to a group is very positive for most
people. Some experts actually believe that belonging to a group or a team makes us less likely to suffer from
depression, as members develop positive bonds between them. And there are other benefits too. When you
work as part of a team you are learning to work together and rely on each other. Everyone is responsible for
the success of the team, so there's less pressure on an individual and consequently it's less stressful. And
finally, can you think of any skills you develop when you work as part of a team?
Teacher: Group A?
Group A spokesperson: Well, you need communication skills to talk to everyone on the team.
Teacher: Yes, very good, Group A. Any more? Group C?
Group C spokesperson: Err … could it be, like, negotiation skills?
Teacher: Yes, you need to communicate and negotiate with your fellow teammates. You also develop trust
as you work together with others to achieve a common aim or goal, and all these skills are ones that come in
handy in other areas of your life as well as in sport. So you can see that there are many all-round benefits to
being in a team. However, perhaps, at the end of the day, the most important point is that you choose a sport
you actually like, regardless of whether it's an individual or team sport.

Part 1. (12 pts) Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences. Write A, B, C or D
in the corresponding numbered boxes provided.
1. She has asked me to ________ her sincere thanks to you for everything you have done to help her.
A. report B. transfer C. confide D. convey
- report (v): báo cáo
- transfer (v): chuyển giao
- confide (v): tâm sự
- convey (v): truyền đạt
Dịch: Cô ấy đã yêu cầu tôi truyền đạt lời cảm ơn chân thành của cô ấy đến bạn về mọi điều bạn đã làm để
giúp đỡ cô ấy.

2. _________ I see Tom and Jerry, I always feel interested because the cartoon is so exciting.
A. Whatever frequency B. However many
C. No matter how many times D. No matter what times
- No matter how many + N số nhiều SV, SV: cho dù ... vẫn ...
Dịch: Bất kể tôi đã xem Tom và Jerry bao nhiêu lần, tôi luôn cảm thấy thích thú vì bộ phim hoạt hình đó rất
hấp dẫn.

3. You are not allowed to drive ________ the influence ________ alcohol.
A. under/of B. in/of C. under/by D. by/in
- under the influence of sth: dưới tác động/ ảnh hưởng của
Dịch: Bạn không được phép lái xe dưới tác động của rượu.

4. It was ________ that he was kept in hospital for nearly a month.

A. so a serious accident B. so serious an accident
C. such serious an accident D. a such serious accident
- so + adj + a/an + N + that = such + a/an + adj + N + that: đến mức mà
Dịch: Đó là một vụ tai nạn nghiêm trọng đến mức anh ấy đã phải ở lại viện gần một tháng.

5. When the delay was announced, we realized that we ________ enough time to catch our connecting flight.
A. wouldn't have B. won't have C. hadn't had D. weren't having
- Loại B vì tương lai không đi với QK

- Loại C vì QKHT xảy ra trước QKĐ, tức là việc không có đủ thời gian xảy ra trước hành động announced
=> sai nghĩa.
- Loại D vì động từ have không dùng ở dạng tiếp diễn.
Dịch: Khi thông báo về sự trễ được công bố, chúng tôi nhận ra rằng chúng tôi sẽ không có đủ thời gian để
kịp chuyến bay kết nối của chúng tôi.

6. As soon as it started to rain we turned round and _________ home.

A. made out B. made for C. made off D. made over
- make out: nhận ra, hiểu được
- make for: đi về phía
- make off: bỏ trốn, tẩu thoát
- make over: làm mới, thay đổi
Dịch: Ngay khi trời bắt đầu mưa, chúng tôi quay lại và đi về nhà.

7. Many countries face some serious problems of land use, _________ result from population growth and the
demands of modern technological living.
A. of most which B. which most C. most which D. most of which
- Most of + N, which ở đây thay cho N – problems.
Dịch: Nhiều quốc gia đối diện với một số vấn đề nghiêm trọng về sử dụng đất, hầu hết là do sự tăng dân số
và yêu cầu của cuộc sống công nghệ hiện đại.

8. Don't worry! It's __________ natural to feel annoyed when people let you down.
A. utterly B. fully C. perfectly D. highly
- perfectly natural: hoàn toàn bình thường
Dịch: Đừng lo lắng! Hoàn toàn bình thường khi cảm thấy khó chịu khi người khác làm bạn thất vọng.

9. Many people claim that insults or negative comments are _________, but in reality, many of them are
upset by such things.
A. like water off a duck's back B. great minds think alike
C. Jacks-of-all-trades D. beggar on horseback
- like water off a duck's back: giống như nước đổ đầu vịt, không ảnh hưởng.
- great minds think alike: tư tưởng lớn gặp nhau
- Jacks-of-all-trades: người thông thạo nhiều nghề.
- beggar on horseback: sáo đội lông công

Dịch: Nhiều người cho rằng lời sỉ nhục hoặc nhận xét tiêu cực không ảnh hưởng gì đến họ, nhưng thực tế,
nhiều người vẫn bị làm phiền bởi những điều đó.

10. Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D to indicate the words CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
bold words in the following question.
The psychology of girls at puberty will have many changes leading to different personalities, thoughts and
A. in infancy B. in youth C. in the lees of life D. in adolescence
- in infancy: ở độ tuổi sơ sinh
- in youth: ở độ tuổi thanh niên
- in the lees of life: trong các năm cuối đời
- in adolescence: ở tuổi dậy thì = at puberty
Dịch: Tâm lý của các cô gái trong thời kỳ dậy thì sẽ có nhiều thay đổi dẫn đến các tính cách, suy nghĩ và thói
quen khác nhau.

11. Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D to indicate the words OPPOSITE in meaning to the
underlined bold words in the following question.
Many of us fret about ways in which modern technology distances us from understanding and keeping our
customs and traditions.
A. no worry about B. feel like
C. are unconcerned about D. get involved in
- no worry about: không lo lắng về (loại vì không có V)
- feel like: cảm thấy như
- are unconcerned about: không quan tâm đến >< fret about: lo lắng
- get involved in: tham gia vào
Dịch: Nhiều người trong chúng ta lo lắng về cách mà công nghệ hiện đại làm chúng ta xa lánh khỏi việc hiểu
và duy trì phong tục và truyền thống của chúng ta.

12. Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D to indicate the most suitable response to complete the
following exchange. Lily and Joanna are discussing a new subject that they have at school.
- Lily: "The subject is so hard. There is a lot of information to remember."
- Joanna: " _________. The information is logically ordered and it is not that difficult to learn."
A. I couldn't agree with you more B. I beg to differ
C. I'm with you D. Let's drop it

- I couldn't agree with you more: Tôi hoàn toàn đồng ý với bạn.
- I beg to differ: Tôi xin phép không đồng ý.
- I'm with you: Tôi đồng ý với bạn.
- Let's drop it: Bỏ qua đi.
Lily: "Môn học này khó quá. Có rất nhiều thông tin phải nhớ."
Joanna: "Tôi xin phép không đồng ý với bạn. Thông tin được sắp xếp logic và không khó để học."

Part 2. (8 pts) Read the passage below, which contains 8 mistakes. Identify the mistakes and write the
corrections in the corresponding numbered boxes provided.
Line Eating in the industrialized world has changed quite significantly in recent decades and
1 it continues to be deeply affected by two apparent contradictory trends. The first is the growing
2 tendency to consume that is known as fast food. In the modern era, when spare time is a rare
3 commodity and convenience is the more desirable quality in any product, fast food chains
4 flourish, frozen and ready-made foods in the supermarket are consumed in alarming quantities,
5 and people are growing fatter and falling victim of heart disease more than ever before.
6 Therefore, an opposing trend in the realm of food consumption is also discernible – the
7 increasing demand for healthier foods. Health experts and consumers are now realising the
8 benefits of livestock raised without the aid of hormones and crops growing without chemical
9 fertilisers.
10 Unfortunately, the cost of organic foods is high, and so it is mainly the educated rich
11 who consume it. This adds a demographic dimension to the problem of good health since, by
12 and large, the health benefits of organic production are not available to those who might need
13 them most, namely the young and the elderly.

1. apparent => apparently (Trước adj là adv)

Dịch: Việc ăn uống ở thế giới công nghiệp hóa đã thay đổi khá đáng kể trong những thập kỷ gần đây và nó
tiếp tục bị ảnh hưởng sâu sắc bởi hai xu hướng trái ngược nhau rõ ràng.
2. that => what (what = the thing that, the thing là tân ngữ của consume và that thay cho the thing làm chủ
ngữ của is known)
Dịch: Đầu tiên là xu hướng tiêu dùng ngày càng tăng được gọi là thức ăn nhanh.
3. more => most (so sánh nhất the most + adj/adv)
4. of => to (fall victim to: là nạn nhân của)
Dịch: Trong thời đại hiện đại, khi thời gian rảnh rỗi là thứ hàng hiếm và sự tiện lợi là chất lượng được mong

muốn hơn trong bất kỳ sản phẩm nào, các chuỗi cửa hàng thức ăn nhanh phát triển mạnh mẽ, thực phẩm
đông lạnh và làm sẵn trong siêu thị được tiêu thụ với số lượng đáng báo động, con người ngày càng béo lên
và trở thành nạn nhân của bệnh tim hơn bao giờ hết.
5. Therefore => However/ Nevertheless/Nonetheless (disease >< healthier foods)
Dịch: Tuy nhiên, cũng có thể thấy rõ một xu hướng trái ngược trong lĩnh vực tiêu thụ thực phẩm – nhu cầu
ngày càng tăng về thực phẩm lành mạnh hơn.
6. growing => grown (rút gọn mệnh đề quan hệ ở dạng bị động)
Dịch: Các chuyên gia y tế và người tiêu dùng hiện đang nhận ra lợi ích của việc chăn nuôi mà không cần sự
trợ giúp của hormone và cây trồng phát triển không cần phân bón hóa học.
7. it => them (them thay cho organic foods)
Dịch: Thật không may, giá thực phẩm hữu cơ cao nên chủ yếu chỉ những người giàu có có học thức mới tiêu
thụ chúng.
8. production (n): sự sản xuất => products (n): sản phẩm
Dịch: Điều này bổ sung thêm một khía cạnh nhân khẩu học cho vấn đề sức khỏe tốt vì nhìn chung, lợi ích
sức khỏe của các sản phẩm hữu cơ không dành cho những người cần chúng nhất, cụ thể là người trẻ và
người già.

SECTION C. READING (70 points)

Part 1. (15 pts) Read the passage and choose the best answer. Write your answers A, B, C or D in the
corresponding numbered boxes provided.
The expression on your face can actually dramatically alter your feelings and perceptions, and it has
been proved that (1) __________ smiling or frowning can create corresponding emotional responses. The
idea was first (2) __________ by a French physiologist, Israel Waynbaum, in 1906. He believed that
different facial (3) __________ affected the flow of blood to the brain, and that this could create positive or
negative feelings. A happy smile or irrepressible (4) __________ increased the blood flow and contributed to
joyful feelings. But sad, angry expressions decreased the flow of oxygen-carrying blood, and created a
vicious (5) __________ of gloom and depression by effectively (6) ___________ the brain of essential fuel.
Psychologist Robert Zajonc rediscovered this early (7) __________, and (8) ___________ that the
temperature of the brain could affect the production and synthesis of neurotransmitters which definitely
influence our moods and energy levels. He argues that an impaired blood flow could not (9) __________
deprive the brain of oxygen, but create further chemical imbalance (10) ___________ inhibiting these vital
hormonal messages. Zajonc goes on to propose that our brains remember that smiling is associated with
being happy, and that by deliberately smiling through your tears you can (11)___________ your brain to

release uplifting neurotransmitters-replacing a depressed condition (12) ___________ a happier one. People
suffering from psychosomatic (13) ___________ depression and anxiety states could (14) ___________
from simply exercising their zygomatic (15) ____________ which pull the corners of the mouth up and back
to form a smile-several times an hour.
1. A. desperately B. determinedly C. deliberately D. decidedly
- desperately (adv): một cách tuyệt vọng
- determinedly (adv): một cách quyết tâm
- deliberately (adv): một cách cố ý, có chủ ý
- decidedly (adv): một cách rõ ràng, dứt khoát
Dịch: Biểu cảm trên khuôn mặt thực sự có thể làm thay đổi đáng kể cảm xúc và nhận thức của bạn, và người
ta đã chứng minh rằng việc cố tình mỉm cười hoặc cau mày có thể tạo ra những phản ứng cảm xúc tương

2. A. put off B. put down C. put by D. put forward

- put off: trì hoãn hoặc hoãn lại một việc gì đó.
- put down: viết xuống, chôn cất
- put by: để dành, tiết kiệm
- put forward: đề xuất, đề nghị
Dịch: Ý tưởng này lần đầu tiên được đưa ra bởi nhà sinh lý học người Pháp, Israel Waynbaum, vào năm

3. A. aspects B. looks C. expressions D. appearances

- aspect (n): khía cạnh, góc độ
- look (n): ngoại hình, vẻ bề ngoài
- ficial expression (n): nét mặt
- appearance (n): vẻ bề ngoài, diện mạo
Dịch: Ông tin rằng những nét mặt khác nhau sẽ ảnh hưởng đến lưu lượng máu đến não và điều này có thể tạo
ra cảm giác tích cực hoặc tiêu cực.

4. A. laughter B. sadness. C. humour D. depression

- laughter (n): tiếng cười
- sadness (n): nỗi buồn
- humour (n): sự hài hước
- depression (n): trầm cảm, sự chán nản

Dịch: Một nụ cười vui vẻ hay một tiếng cười không thể kìm nén được sẽ làm tăng lưu lượng máu và góp
phần mang lại cảm giác vui vẻ.

5. A. cycle B. spiral C. circle D. vortex

- cycle (n): chu trình, chu kỳ
- spiral (n): xoắn ốc
- vicious circle: vòng luẩn quẩn
- vortex (n): xoáy, xoáy nước

6. A. cutting B. starving C. removing D. eliminating

- cut (v): cắt
- starve sth of sth: khiến cho cái gì không có đủ ...
- remove (v): loại bỏ, di chuyển
- eliminate (v): loại bỏ, tiêu diệt

7. A. result B. subject C. research D. experiment

- result (n): kết quả
- subject (n): môn học, chủ đề, đề tài
- research (n): nghiên cứu
- experiment (n): thí nghiệm

8. A. advises B. wants C. demands D. suggests

- advise (v): khuyên bảo, tư vấn
- want (v): muốn
- demand (v): yêu cầu
- suggest (v): đề xuất, gợi ý; cho thấy
Dịch: Nhưng những biểu hiện buồn bã, tức giận làm giảm lưu lượng máu vận chuyển oxy và tạo ra một vòng
luẩn quẩn của sự u ám và trầm cảm bằng cách khiến não bộ bị thiếu nhiên liệu thiết yếu. Nhà tâm lý học
Robert Zajonc đã khám phá lại nghiên cứu ban đầu này và cho rằng nhiệt độ của não có thể ảnh hưởng đến
việc sản xuất và tổng hợp các chất dẫn truyền thần kinh, điều này chắc chắn ảnh hưởng đến tâm trạng và
mức năng lượng của chúng ta.

9. A. even B. only C. ever D. always

- not only ... but also ...: không những ... mà còn ...

10. A. by B. without C. when D. from
- by Ving: bằng cách
- without: mà không có
- when: khi
- from: khỏi
Dịch: Ông lập luận rằng lưu lượng máu bị suy giảm không chỉ có thể làm não mất oxy mà còn tạo ra sự mất
cân bằng hóa học hơn nữa bằng cách ức chế các thông điệp nội tiết tố quan trọng này.

11. A. make B. persuade C. allow D. decide

- make sb Vnt: bắt ai đó làm gì
- persuade sb to V: thuyết phục ai đó làm gì
- allow sb to V: cho phép ai làm gì
- decide to V: quyết định làm gì

12. A. through B. by C. after D. with

- replace sth with sth: thay thế cái gì bằng cái gì
Dịch: Zajonc tiếp tục đề xuất rằng bộ não của chúng ta hãy nhớ rằng mỉm cười có liên quan đến hạnh phúc,
và bằng cách cố tình mỉm cười trong nước mắt, bạn có thể thuyết phục não giải phóng các chất dẫn truyền
thần kinh nâng cao tinh thần - thay thế tình trạng chán nản bằng tình trạng hạnh phúc hơn.

13. A. disease B. illness C. infection D. ailment

- disease: bệnh tật, thường là một trạng thái không bình thường của cơ thể hoặc một phần của cơ thể, thường
có các triệu chứng cụ thể và có thể được chẩn đoán và điều trị. Ví dụ: heart disease (bệnh tim), Alzheimer's
disease (bệnh Alzheimer).
- illness: bệnh tật, trạng thái không bình thường của cơ thể hoặc tâm trí, thường có thể được chẩn đoán bằng
các triệu chứng và có thể ảnh hưởng đến sức khỏe hoặc chất lượng cuộc sống. Từ này cũng có thể ám chỉ bất
kỳ tình trạng bệnh tạm thời nào. Ví dụ: respiratory illness (bệnh đường hô hấp), mental illness (bệnh tâm
- infection: sự nhiễm trùng, trạng thái khi vi khuẩn, vi rút hoặc các tác nhân gây bệnh xâm nhập vào cơ thể
và gây ra một phản ứng bệnh tật. Ví dụ: bacterial infection (nhiễm trùng vi khuẩn), viral infection (nhiễm
trùng virus).
- ailment: tình trạng bệnh nhẹ hoặc tạm thời, thường không nghiêm trọng hoặc không kéo dài. Từ này

thường được sử dụng để chỉ các vấn đề sức khỏe nhỏ và thường không được coi là nghiêm trọng. Ví dụ:
minor ailments (các tình trạng bệnh nhẹ), common ailments (các bệnh thông thường).

14. A. recover B. improve C. benefit D. progress

- recover (v): hồi phục, phục hồi
- improve (v): cải thiện, tiến triển
- benefit (v): có lợi
- progress (v): tiến triển, tiến bộ

15. A. muscles B. nerves C. veins D. bones

- muscle (n): cơ bắp
- nerve (n): dây thần kinh
- vein (n): tĩnh mạch
- bone (n): xương
Dịch: Những người mắc bệnh tâm lý trầm cảm và trạng thái lo âu có thể được hưởng lợi từ việc chỉ cần tập
luyện cơ xương gò má giúp kéo khóe miệng lên và ra sau để tạo thành nụ cười - vài lần một giờ.

Part 2. (15 pts) Read the text below and fill in each gap with ONE suitable word. Write the answers in
the corresponding numbered boxes provided.
The transition (1) _____from_____ childhood to adulthood can be a very painful one. The physical
and emotional changes young people experience during puberty (2) ______are_____ confusing, and this
confusion often (3) ______leads____ to unpredictable behaviour and mood swings - one minute they are
over the (4) _____moon_____ and the next they are down in the dumps. Constant parental nagging and
pressure to do well at school simply compound the problem and can result in rebellious behaviour and create
tension at (5) _____home_____.
1. from ... to ...
Dịch: Quá trình chuyển đổi từ thời thơ ấu sang tuổi trưởng thành có thể là một quá trình rất đau đớn.
2. Câu thiếu V chính, mà phía sau là adj => V là tobe, chia số nhiều vì changes.
3. leads to: dẫn đến
4. over the moon: sung sướng, hạnh phúc Dịch: Những thay đổi về thể chất và cảm xúc mà những người trẻ
tuổi trải qua trong tuổi dậy thì rất khó hiểu và sự nhầm lẫn này thường dẫn đến những hành vi không thể
đoán trước và sự thay đổi tâm trạng - một phút họ đang vui mừng và phút tiếp theo họ lại rơi xuống bãi rác.
5. at home: ở nhà
Dịch: Sự cằn nhằn liên tục của cha mẹ và áp lực phải học tốt ở trường chỉ làm phức tạp thêm vấn đề và có

thể dẫn đến hành vi nổi loạn và tạo ra căng thẳng ở nhà.

Parents of teens should not be surprised when their advice (6) ______falls_____ on deaf ears, as in
their struggle for independence, adolescents are (7) _____more______ inclined to turn to their friends for
guidance. This is often (8) ______due____ to the teen's perception that adults play the role of 'oppressor' and
deny them the liberty they crave while constantly finding fault with (9) ____what______ they do. Therefore,
mum and dad are the (10) _____last______ people adolescents will want to talk to about sensitive issues.
This friction also means that even if parental advice is sound, it is (11) ______likely_____ to go in one ear
and out the other. (12) _____However/ Nevertheless/Nonetheless/Still/Yet______, such a situation is not
unusual, and parents should not be too hard on their children. They must learn to accept them as individuals
who are capable of making their (13) ______own____ decisions.
6. falls on deaf ears: bị bỏ ngoài tai
7. more + adj: ... hơn
Dịch: Cha mẹ của thanh thiếu niên không nên ngạc nhiên khi lời khuyên của họ không được lắng nghe, vì
trong cuộc đấu tranh giành độc lập, thanh thiếu niên có xu hướng tìm đến bạn bè để được hướng dẫn.
8. due to: vì
9. what they do: những gì họ làm
Dịch: Điều này thường là do thanh thiếu niên nhận thức rằng người lớn đóng vai 'kẻ áp bức' và từ chối quyền
tự do mà họ khao khát trong khi liên tục tìm ra lỗi lầm trong những việc họ làm.
10. the last people: người cuối cùng
Dịch: Vì vậy, bố và mẹ là người cuối cùng mà thanh thiếu niên muốn nói chuyện về những vấn đề nhạy cảm.
11. be likely to V: có khả năng làm gì
Dịch: Sự xích mích này cũng có nghĩa là ngay cả khi lời khuyên của cha mẹ có đúng đắn thì nó cũng có khả
năng đi vào tai này và ra tai kia.
12. However/ Nevertheless/Nonetheless/Still/Yet: Tuy nhiên
Dịch: Tuy nhiên, tình trạng như vậy không phải là hiếm và cha mẹ không nên quá khắt khe với con mình.
13. one’s own N: của chính ai
Dịch: Họ phải học cách chấp nhận họ như những cá nhân có khả năng tự đưa ra quyết định.

It is important for parents to realise that struggles occur in all families, and that (14) ______their_____
patience and understanding will likely be rewarded by their children (15) ______becoming_____ healthy and
responsible adults.
14. their + N: của họ (their ám chỉ parents)
15. by + Ving, becoming: trở nên, trở thành

Dịch: Điều quan trọng là cha mẹ phải nhận ra rằng mọi gia đình đều gặp khó khăn và sự kiên nhẫn cũng như
hiểu biết của họ có thể sẽ được đền đáp khi con cái họ trở thành những người trưởng thành khỏe mạnh và có
trách nhiệm.

Part 3. (20 pts) Read the following passage and choose the correct answer to each of the questions.
Write your answers A, B, C or D in the corresponding numbered boxes provided.
Sally Thwaite left behind her routine life and headed for the Italian hills.
If you walk into any bookstore there is an entire shelf dedicated to books about people who decide to
change their lives by relocating to another country. This usually involves selling their house and car in the UK,
buying a run-down old house abroad and renovating it, experiencing amusing cultural misunderstandings and
meeting charming locals along the way. I used to sneer at those kinds of books and wonder why anyone
would put themselves through the discomfort of going to live in a foreign country - all in pursuit of a simple
One day, instead of walking straight past this section, I found myself stopping to browse, and ended
up selecting a book to read on the train. The cover showed a cluster of villages clinging to a steep cliff,
surrounded by blue-green water. It was about an accountant who realised one day how boring her life was,
so she bought a ticket to Italy. After reading the book, I started watching a reality TV show called A New
Home in Tuscany, about a couple who leave London and move to the Italian hills. I became so hooked that if
friends called on Tuesday nights I would make some excuse not to go out. Soon the idea of moving abroad
had lodged itself in my mind and was turning into a magnificent possibility.
I resigned from the hospital where I worked, sold my apartment and moved to the region of Umbria
in Italy. Once there, I rented an apartment and hired a little motorbike. I loved sampling the local cuisine and
I even signed up for a short cooking course. A very charming local called Francesco ran the course. When he
told me that I cooked like a local myself, I didn't care whether this was a little white lie or genuine praise. By
the end of each lesson, not only had we learnt how to prepare an authentic Umbrian dish, we were also
rolling around the floor in fits of laughter, since Francesco was a natural storyteller and we enjoyed his talent
for imitating people.
I also took a three-month Italian language course. It is fair to say that my attempts at cooking were
more successful than my attempts, at this later stage in my life, to acquire a new language. I persevered,
however, and after a few weeks of lessons I actually had a short conversation with a local - OK, I only asked
for directions to the train station. In my mind, though, this was a triumph of communication and I was
satisfied with my modest progress.
It was at one of these language classes that I heard a fellow student, John, mention that his neighbour,

Sandro, was moving to Rome and selling his farmhouse for a song. John said he wished he had the money to
purchase it himself, as the property was sure to be snapped up soon. I couldn't believe that it cost less than
half the amount that I had sold my tiny apartment for. Would I dare to copy the writers of all those books,
and the couple on the TV reality show?
I had to go and have a look, of course. The farmhouse was located on the top of a lush hill, and
although it was very run-down, it possessed charm. There were extensive orchards with well-kept trees, so I
would have nature's bounty literally on my doorstep. I bought it straight away.
The project wasn't without its difficulties, though. The farmhouse was constructed entirely of stone
and wood in 1857, and was collapsing in several places. My first priority, therefore, was to hire some local
craftsmen to add supports to the building. I also strengthened the foundations, installed a new kitchen and
renovated the rest of the property. In the end, all the cost and effort were worthwhile, because I felt I
belonged here as much as I did anywhere in the world, and I was determined to make it my home. I must say
I sometimes look at my collection of books on Italy and think I'd like to have a go at writing one myself! I'd
like to share my experience and let other dreamers out there know that the difficulty is worth it. I didn't quite
find the simple life, but I did find what the Italians call the sweet life - la dolce vita.
1. What did the writer originally think of books about going to live in a foreign country?
A. They took up too much space in bookstores.
B. They contained many entertaining stories.
C. They didn't interest her in any way.
D. They included a lot of useful information.
(Ban đầu người viết nghĩ gì về những cuốn sách nói về việc đi sống ở nước ngoài?
A. Chúng chiếm quá nhiều không gian trong hiệu sách.
B. Chúng chứa đựng nhiều câu chuyện thú vị.
C. Chúng không thu hút cô ấy chút nào.
D. Chúng bao gồm rất nhiều thông tin hữu ích.)
- Thông tin: I used to sneer at those kinds of books and wonder why anyone would put themselves through
the discomfort of going to live in a foreign country - all in pursuit of a simple life!: Tôi từng chế nhạo những
loại sách đó và tự hỏi tại sao lại có người phải trải qua cảm giác khó chịu khi đến sống ở nước ngoài - tất cả
chỉ để theo đuổi một cuộc sống đơn giản!

2. The word "sneer" in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ________.

A. mock B. laugh C. underrate D. joke
(Từ "sneer" ở đoạn 1 gần nghĩa nhất với ________.
A. chế nhạo B. cười C. đánh giá thấp D. trò đùa)

- Thông tin: I used to sneer at those kinds of books and wonder why anyone would put themselves through
the discomfort of going to live in a foreign country - all in pursuit of a simple life!: Tôi từng chế nhạo những
loại sách đó và tự hỏi tại sao lại có người phải trải qua cảm giác khó chịu khi đến sống ở nước ngoài - tất cả
chỉ để theo đuổi một cuộc sống đơn giản!

3. The author didn't want to go out on Tuesday nights because _______.

A. she was busy making plans to move abroad
B. she was really interested in her book about Italy
C. she wanted to watch a television programme
D. she preferred not to see friends during the week
(Tác giả không muốn ra ngoài vào tối thứ Ba vì _______.
A. cô ấy đang bận lên kế hoạch chuyển ra nước ngoài
B. cô ấy thực sự quan tâm đến cuốn sách của mình về nước Ý
C. cô ấy muốn xem một chương trình truyền hình
D. cô ấy không muốn gặp bạn bè trong tuần)
- Thông tin: After reading the book, I started watching a reality TV show called A New Home in Tuscany,
about a couple who leave London and move to the Italian hills. I became so hooked that if friends called on
Tuesday nights I would make some excuse not to go out: Sau khi đọc cuốn sách, tôi bắt đầu xem một chương
trình truyền hình thực tế có tên A New Home in Tuscany, kể về một cặp vợ chồng rời London và chuyển đến
những ngọn đồi ở Ý. Tôi trở nên say mê đến mức nếu bạn bè gọi điện vào tối thứ Ba, tôi sẽ kiếm cớ để
không đi chơi.

4. The impression that the writer gives of Francesco is that ________.

A. he could only cook local food
B. he wasn't honest with his students
C. his cookery course was too short
D. his students found him amusing
(Điều mà tác giả ấn tượng về Francesco là ________.
A. anh ấy chỉ có thể nấu đồ ăn địa phương
B. anh ấy không thành thật với học sinh của mình
C. khóa học nấu ăn của anh ấy quá ngắn
D. học sinh của anh ấy thấy anh ấy thật thú vị)
- Thông tin: By the end of each lesson, not only had we learnt how to prepare an authentic Umbrian dish, we
were also rolling around the floor in fits of laughter, since Francesco was a natural storyteller and we

enjoyed his talent for imitating people.: Vào cuối mỗi bài học, chúng tôi không chỉ học được cách chế biến
một món ăn Umbrian đích thực mà còn lăn lộn trên sàn cười vì Francesco là một người kể chuyện bẩm sinh
và chúng tôi rất thích tài năng bắt chước mọi người của anh ấy.

5. What did the writer realise about learning the Italian language?
A. That she could learn Italian easily in spite of her age
B. That a three-month course of lessons would be enough
C. That it was harder than learning to cook local dishes
D. That it would help her to get on better with the locals
(Người viết đã nhận ra điều gì khi học tiếng Ý?
A. Rằng cô ấy có thể học tiếng Ý dễ dàng bất chấp tuổi tác của mình
B. Một khóa học kéo dài ba tháng là đủ
C. Khó hơn việc học nấu các món ăn địa phương
D. Rằng điều đó sẽ giúp cô ấy hòa nhập tốt hơn với người dân địa phương)
- Thông tin: I also took a three-month Italian language course. It is fair to say that my attempts at cooking
were more successful than my attempts, at this later stage in my life, to acquire a new language: Tôi cũng đã
tham gia một khóa học tiếng Ý kéo dài ba tháng. Công bằng mà nói, những nỗ lực nấu ăn của tôi thành công
hơn những nỗ lực của tôi, ở giai đoạn sau này của cuộc đời, để học được một ngôn ngữ mới.

6. The writer uses the phrase "for a song" in paragraph 5 to suggest the farmhouse was being sold.
A. as quickly as possible B. for personal reasons
C. for reasons of pleasure D. at a very low price
(Tác giả sử dụng cụm từ “for a song” ở đoạn 5 để gợi ý rằng ngôi nhà ở trang trại đã được bán.
A. càng nhanh càng tốt B. vì lý do cá nhân
C. vì lý do vui vẻ D. ở mức giá rất thấp)
- Thông tin: It was at one of these language classes that I heard a fellow student, John, mention that his
neighbour, Sandro, was moving to Rome and selling his farmhouse for a song: Chính tại một trong những
lớp học ngôn ngữ này, tôi đã nghe một bạn học tên John kể rằng người hàng xóm của anh ấy, Sandro, đang
chuyển đến Rome và bán ngôi nhà ở trang trại của mình với giá rẻ.

7. When she first went to see the farmhouse, the writer ________.
A. believed it could be made into a charming home
B. mistakenly thought it would be easy to repair it
C. was surprised by how run-down the property was

D. thought the orchards were too close to the farmhouse
(Khi cô ấy đến thăm trang trại lần đầu tiên, nhà văn ________.
A. tin rằng nó có thể được biến thành một ngôi nhà quyến rũ
B. lầm tưởng sửa chữa sẽ dễ dàng
C. ngạc nhiên trước sự xuống cấp của tài sản
D. nghĩ rằng vườn cây quá gần trang trại)
- Thông tin: The farmhouse was located on the top of a lush hill, and although it was very run-down, it
possessed charm: Ngôi nhà trang trại nằm trên đỉnh một ngọn đồi tươi tốt, mặc dù rất xập xệ nhưng nó có
sức hấp dẫn riêng.

8. What did the writer conclude about her decision to move to Italy?
A. She felt that the unexpected difficulties had spoilt her dreams.
B. She was disappointed that she couldn't find the simple life she wanted.
C. She knew anywhere else in the world would feel just as much like home.
D. She felt that, despite the problems, her decision had been a good one.
(Người viết đã kết luận gì về quyết định chuyển đến Ý của cô?
A. Cô cảm thấy những khó khăn bất ngờ đã làm hỏng ước mơ của mình.
B. Cô ấy thất vọng vì không tìm được cuộc sống đơn giản như mình mong muốn.
C. Cô ấy biết bất cứ nơi nào khác trên thế giới cũng sẽ có cảm giác giống như ở nhà.
D. Cô ấy cảm thấy rằng, bất chấp những vấn đề, quyết định của cô ấy là một quyết định đúng đắn.)
- Thông tin: In the end, all the cost and effort were worthwhile, because I felt I belonged here as much as I
did anywhere in the world, and I was determined to make it my home: Cuối cùng, mọi chi phí và công sức
đều đáng giá, vì tôi cảm thấy mình thuộc về nơi này cũng như bất cứ nơi nào trên thế giới và tôi quyết tâm
biến nơi đây thành nhà của mình.

9. The word "run-down" in paragraph 6 is closest in meaning to _________.

A. old B. steep C. neglected D. broken
(Từ "run-down" trong đoạn 6 gần nghĩa nhất với _________.
A. cũ B. dốc C. bị bỏ bê D. hỏng)
- Thông tin: The farmhouse was located on the top of a lush hill, and although it was very run-down, it
possessed charm: Ngôi nhà trang trại nằm trên đỉnh một ngọn đồi tươi tốt, mặc dù rất xập xệ nhưng nó có
sức hấp dẫn riêng.

10. How did the writer's attitude change, during the time she writes about, towards books about moving to

A. She began to understand why their authors write them.
B. She now realised they made it seem easier than it really was.
C. She began to rely on them for information on moving to Italy.
D. She started to enjoy collecting them as a hobby.
(Thái độ của nhà văn đã thay đổi như thế nào trong thời gian cô ấy viết về những cuốn sách về việc chuyển
đến Ý?
A. Cô ấy bắt đầu hiểu tại sao tác giả lại viết chúng.
B. Bây giờ cô ấy nhận ra rằng họ khiến mọi việc có vẻ dễ dàng hơn thực tế.
C. Cô bắt đầu dựa vào họ để biết thông tin về việc chuyển đến Ý.
D. Cô ấy bắt đầu thích sưu tầm chúng như một sở thích.)
- Giải thích: This can be inferred from the passage where the writer reflects on her initial attitude towards
books about moving to Italy: "I used to sneer at those kinds of books and wonder why anyone would put
themselves through the discomfort of going to live in a foreign country - all in pursuit of a simple life!"
However, as the passage progresses, the writer starts to find herself drawn to such books and eventually
decides to move to Italy herself. This indicates a shift in her attitude towards these books, suggesting that she
now understands the motivations behind their authors and perhaps sees the appeal of such a lifestyle.: Điều
này có thể được suy ra từ đoạn văn mà tác giả phản ánh thái độ ban đầu của mình đối với những cuốn sách
nói về việc chuyển đến Ý: "Tôi đã từng chế nhạo những loại sách đó và tự hỏi tại sao có người lại đặt mình
vào cảm giác khó chịu khi phải sống ở nước ngoài." - tất cả đều theo đuổi một cuộc sống đơn giản!" Tuy
nhiên, khi đoạn văn tiến triển, người viết bắt đầu thấy mình bị cuốn hút bởi những cuốn sách như vậy và
cuối cùng quyết định tự mình chuyển đến Ý. Điều này cho thấy sự thay đổi trong thái độ của cô đối với
những cuốn sách này, cho thấy rằng giờ đây cô đã hiểu được động cơ đằng sau các tác giả của chúng và có lẽ
nhận thấy sự hấp dẫn của lối sống như vậy.

Part 4. (20 pts) Read the following passage and do the tasks that follow. Write your answers in the
corresponding numbered boxes provided.
A. vii. How the first crops were introduced to Africa (Làm thế nào những cây trồng đầu tiên được giới
thiệu đến Châu Phi)
There is evidence of agriculture in Africa prior to 3000 B.C. It may have developed independently, but many
scholars believe that the spread of agriculture and iron throughout Africa linked it to the major centers of the
Near East and Mediterranean world. The drying up of what is now the Sahara desert had pushed many
peoples to the south into sub-Saharan Africa. These settled at first in scattered hunting- gathering bands,

although in some places near lakes and rivers, people who fished, with a more secure food supply, lived in
larger population concentrations. Agriculture seems to have reached these people from the Near East, since
the first domesticated crops were millets and sorghums whose origins are not African but West Asian. Once
the idea of planting diffused, Africans began to develop their own crops, such as certain varieties of rice, and
they demonstrated a continued receptiveness to new imports: Nông nghiệp dường như đã đến với những
người này từ vùng Cận Đông, vì những loại cây trồng được thuần hóa đầu tiên là kê và lúa miến có nguồn
gốc không phải từ châu Phi mà từ Tây Á. Một khi ý tưởng trồng trọt được phổ biến, người châu Phi bắt đầu
phát triển cây trồng của riêng mình, chẳng hạn như một số giống lúa nhất định, và họ tiếp tục thể hiện khả
năng tiếp thu các loại hàng nhập khẩu mới.. The proposed areas of the domestication of African crops lie in a
band that extends from Ethiopia across southern Sudan to West Africa. Subsequently, other crops, such as
bananas, were introduced from Southeast Asia.

B. iii. The use of domestic animals for farming and travel (Việc sử dụng vật nuôi để trồng trọt và du
Livestock also came from outside Africa. Cattle were introduced from Asia, as probably were domestic
sheep and goats. Horses were apparently introduced by the Hyksos invaders of Egypt (1780- 1560 B.C.) and
then spread across the Sudan to West Africa. Rock paintings in the Sahara indicate that horses and chariots
were used to traverse the desert and that by 300-200 B.C, there were trade routes across the Sahara. Horses
were adopted by peoples of the West African savannah, and later their powerful cavalry forces allowed them
to carve out large empires. Finally, the camel was introduced around the first century A.D. This was an
important innovation, because the camel's ability to thrive in harsh desert conditions and to carry large loads
cheaply made it an effective and efficient means of transportation. The camel transformed the desert from a
barrier into a still difficult, but more accessible, route of trade and communication.: Cuối cùng, lạc đà được
giới thiệu vào khoảng thế kỷ thứ nhất sau Công nguyên. Đây là một sự đổi mới quan trọng, bởi vì lạc đà có
khả năng phát triển mạnh trong điều kiện sa mạc khắc nghiệt và chở được tải trọng lớn với giá rẻ khiến nó
trở thành một phương tiện vận chuyển hiệu quả và hiệu quả. Lạc đà đã biến sa mạc từ một rào cản thành một
tuyến đường thương mại và liên lạc vẫn còn khó khăn nhưng dễ tiếp cận hơn.

C. x. Metal working replacing the use of stone tools (Gia công kim loại thay thế việc sử dụng công cụ
bằng đá)
Iron came from West Asia, although its routes of diffusion were somewhat different than those of agriculture.
Most of Africa presents a curious case in which societies moved directly from a technology of stone to iron
without passing through the intermediate stage of copper or bronze metallurgy, although some early
copperworking sites have been found in West Africa: Hầu hết châu Phi trình bày một trường hợp kỳ lạ trong

đó các xã hội chuyển trực tiếp từ công nghệ đá sang sắt mà không trải qua giai đoạn trung gian của luyện
đồng hoặc luyện kim đồng, mặc dù một số địa điểm chế tác đồng sớm đã được tìm thấy ở Tây Phi. .
Knowledge of iron making penetrated into the forests and savannahs of West Africa at roughly the same time
that iron making was reaching Europe. Evidence of iron making has been found in Nigeria, Ghana, and Mali.

D. i. The profound impact of the use of tools on society (Tác động sâu sắc của việc sử dụng các công cụ
đối với xã hội)
This technological shift caused profound changes in the complexity of African societies. Iron represented
power. In West Africa the blacksmith who made tools and weapons had an important place in society, often
with special religious powers and functions. Iron hoes, which made the land more productive, and iron
weapons, which made the warrior more powerful, had symbolic meaning in a number of West African
societies: Ở Tây Phi, thợ rèn chế tạo công cụ và vũ khí có một vị trí quan trọng trong xã hội, thường có
quyền lực và chức năng tôn giáo đặc biệt. Cuốc sắt giúp đất đai phì nhiêu hơn và vũ khí bằng sắt giúp chiến
binh trở nên mạnh mẽ hơn, có ý nghĩa biểu tượng trong một số xã hội Tây Phi.. Those who knew the secrets
of making iron gained ritual and sometimes political power.

E. v. One of the first continents to use metal (Một trong những lục địa đầu tiên sử dụng kim loại)
Unlike in the Americas, where metallurgy was a very late and limited development, Africans had iron from a
relatively early date, developing ingenious furnaces to produce the high heat needed for production and to
control the amount of air that reached the carbon and iron ore necessary for making iron. Much of Africa
moved right into the Iron Age, taking the basic technology and adapting it to local conditions and resources.:
Không giống như ở châu Mỹ, nơi mà ngành luyện kim phát triển rất muộn và hạn chế, người châu Phi đã có
sắt từ khá sớm, phát triển các lò luyện khéo léo để tạo ra nhiệt lượng cao cần thiết cho sản xuất và kiểm soát
lượng không khí đạt được lượng cacbon và quặng sắt cần thiết. để làm sắt. Phần lớn châu Phi đã chuyển
ngay sang Thời đại đồ sắt, sử dụng công nghệ cơ bản và điều chỉnh nó cho phù hợp với điều kiện và nguồn
lực địa phương.

F. ix. The drying of north Africa leading to the movement of people and the further spread of metal
technology across the continent: Sự khô hạn ở Bắc Phi dẫn đến sự di chuyển của con người và sự lan
rộng hơn nữa của công nghệ kim loại trên khắp lục địa.
The diffusion of agriculture and later of iron was accompanied by a great movement of people who may
have carried these innovations. These people probably originated in eastern Nigeria. Their migration may
have been set in motion by an increase in population caused by a movement of peoples fleeing the
desiccation, or drying up, of the Sahara: Cuộc di cư của họ có thể được thúc đẩy bởi sự gia tăng dân số gây

ra bởi sự di chuyển của các dân tộc chạy trốn khỏi tình trạng khô hạn hoặc khô cằn của sa mạc Sahara. They
spoke a language, proto-Bantu ("bantu" means "the people"), which is the parent tongue of a large number of
Bantu languages still spoken throughout sub-Saharan Africa. Why and how these people spread out into
central and southern Africa remains a mystery, but archaeologists believe that their iron weapons allowed
them to conquer their hunting-gathering opponents, who still used stone implements. Still, the process is
uncertain, and peaceful migration - or simply rapid demographic growth - may have also caused the Bantu

Questions 1-6
The reading passage has six sections, A-F.
Choose the correct heading for sections A-F from the list of headings below.
Write the correct number i-x in boxes 1-6 on your answer sheet.
List of Headings
i. The profound impact of the use of tools on society
ii. Trade in metal ore between continents begins
iii. The use of domestic animals for farming and travel
iv. How alloys like copper were created
v. One of the first continents to use metal
vi. The story of the development of metal tools
vii. How the first crops were introduced to Africa
viii. A nation using metal weapons to subdue their neighbours
ix. The drying of north Africa leading to the movement of people and the further spread of metal
technology across the continent
x. Metal working replacing the use of stone tools

1. Section A ____vii____
2. Section B ____iii____
3. Section C ____x____
4. Section D ____i____
5. Section E ____v____
6. Section F ____ix____

Questions 7-10
Do the following statements agree with the information given in the reading passage? Write:

TRUE if the statement agrees with the information
FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this

7. Larger communities, who lived near water, were more assured of a constant food source. T
(Các cộng đồng lớn hơn, sống gần nước, được đảm bảo hơn về nguồn thực phẩm ổn định)
- Thông tin: These settled at first in scattered hunting- gathering bands, although in some places near lakes
and rivers, people who fished, with a more secure food supply, lived in larger population concentrations: Lúc
đầu, những người này định cư thành các nhóm săn bắn hái lượm rải rác, mặc dù ở một số nơi gần sông hồ,
những người đánh cá, với nguồn cung cấp thực phẩm an toàn hơn, sống ở những nơi tập trung dân số lớn

8. As the Sahara expanded, the camel gained in importance, eventually coming to have religious
significance. NG
(Khi sa mạc Sahara mở rộng, lạc đà ngày càng trở nên quan trọng và cuối cùng mang ý nghĩa tôn giáo.)
- Giải thích: The passage mentions the importance of the camel in facilitating trade and transportation across
the Sahara due to its ability to thrive in harsh desert conditions. However, it does not specifically state that
camels gained religious significance as the Sahara expanded. Since there is no information provided
regarding the religious significance of camels, the statement is NOT GIVEN.: Đoạn văn đề cập đến tầm
quan trọng của lạc đà trong việc tạo thuận lợi cho thương mại và vận chuyển xuyên qua sa mạc Sahara nhờ
khả năng phát triển mạnh trong điều kiện sa mạc khắc nghiệt. Tuy nhiên, nó không nói rõ rằng lạc đà có ý
nghĩa tôn giáo khi sa mạc Sahara mở rộng.

9. There was a slow gradual progress from the use of stone tools to metal tools. F
(Có một sự tiến bộ dần dần từ việc sử dụng các công cụ bằng đá đến các công cụ bằng kim loại.)
- Thông tin: Most of Africa presents a curious case in which societies moved directly from a technology of
stone to iron without passing through the intermediate stage of copper or bronze metallurgy, although some
early copperworking sites have been found in West Africa: Hầu hết châu Phi trình bày một trường hợp kỳ lạ
trong đó các xã hội chuyển trực tiếp từ công nghệ đá sang sắt mà không trải qua giai đoạn trung gian của
luyện đồng hoặc luyện kim đồng, mặc dù một số địa điểm chế tác đồng sớm đã được tìm thấy ở Tây Phi.

10. Today's Bantu-speaking peoples are descended from people possessing iron-making technologies
spreading throughout Africa. T
(Những dân tộc nói tiếng Bantu ngày nay là hậu duệ của những người sở hữu công nghệ luyện sắt lan rộng

khắp châu Phi.)
- Giải thích: In the passage, section F discusses the migration of people from eastern Nigeria, possibly driven
by factors like population increase and desertification, and their spread across central and southern Africa. It
mentions that these migrants spoke a language known as proto-Bantu and were associated with the spread of
iron-making technologies. The passage states, "Their migration may have been set in motion by an increase
in population caused by a movement of peoples fleeing the desiccation, or drying up, of the
Sahara...archaeologists believe that their iron weapons allowed them to conquer their hunting-gathering
Although the passage doesn't explicitly state that today's Bantu-speaking peoples are descended from these
migrants, it strongly implies a connection between the migration of proto-Bantu-speaking peoples and the
spread of iron-making technologies. Therefore, based on the information provided, we can infer that today's
Bantu-speaking peoples are likely descended from these migrants.

Trong đoạn văn, phần F thảo luận về sự di cư của người dân từ miền đông Nigeria, có thể do các yếu tố như
tăng dân số và sa mạc hóa, cũng như sự lan rộng của chúng khắp miền trung và miền nam châu Phi. Nó đề
cập rằng những người di cư này nói một ngôn ngữ được gọi là Proto-Bantu và có liên quan đến sự phổ biến
của công nghệ sản xuất đồ sắt. Đoạn văn nêu rõ, "Cuộc di cư của họ có thể được thúc đẩy bởi sự gia tăng
dân số gây ra bởi sự di chuyển của các dân tộc chạy trốn khỏi sự khô hạn hoặc khô cằn của sa mạc
Sahara...các nhà khảo cổ tin rằng vũ khí sắt của họ đã cho phép họ chinh phục việc săn bắn của mình -tập
hợp đối thủ."
Mặc dù đoạn văn không tuyên bố rõ ràng rằng những dân tộc nói tiếng Bantu ngày nay là hậu duệ của
những người di cư này, nhưng nó hàm ý mạnh mẽ mối liên hệ giữa sự di cư của những dân tộc nói tiếng
Bantu nguyên thủy và sự phổ biến của công nghệ luyện sắt. Do đó, dựa trên thông tin được cung cấp, chúng
ta có thể suy ra rằng những dân tộc nói tiếng Bantu ngày nay có khả năng là hậu duệ của những người di cư

SECTION D. WRITING (60 points)

Part 1. (10 pts)
Use the word given in brackets and make any necessary additions to complete a new sentence in such
a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence. Do not change the form of the
given word.
1. She rented the house because she wanted to open a restaurant. (VIEW)
→ With a view to opening a restaurant, she rented the house.
- With a view to Ving: để/ có ý định làm gì

Dịch: Với mục đích mở nhà hàng, cô thuê nhà.

2. His theory was the opposite to the beliefs of his time. (RAN)
→ His theory ran counter to the beliefs of his time.
- run counter to sth: đi ngược lại
Dịch: Lý thuyết của ông đi ngược lại với niềm tin của thời đại ông.

3. What has this experience taught you? (DRAWN)

→ What conclusion have you drawn from this experience?
- draw conclusion from: rút ra kết luận từ
Dịch: Bạn rút ra được kết luận gì từ trải nghiệm này?

4. When they started their trek, they had no idea how bad the weather would become. (OUTSET)
→ Nobody realized at the outset of their trek how bad the weather would become.
- at the outset of sth: đầu của cái gì
Dịch: Không ai nhận ra ngay từ đầu chuyến đi rằng thời tiết sẽ trở nên tồi tệ như thế nào.

5. He has completely forgotten what happened. (RECOLLECTION)

→ He has no recollection of what happened.
- have no recollection of sth: quên cái gì
Dịch: Anh ấy không có ký ức về những gì đã xảy ra.

Part 2. (20 pts) You and your friend have booked tickets to go to the theatre. You are now unable to go but
have found another friend to accompany him/her instead.
Write a letter (80-100 words) to your friend. DO NOT write your real name and any addresses.
In your letter,
• explain why you cannot go to the theatre with your friend
• say who can go instead of you
• tell them why you think this person would be good to go with
Dear [Friend],

I hope this letter finds you well. Unfortunately, I won't be able to accompany you to the theatre as planned
due to an unexpected commitment that has come up. However, I've arranged for [Name of Another Friend]

to take my place. I believe [Name of Another Friend] will be a great companion for you as they share similar
interests in theatre and always bring a positive energy to outings like this. I'm confident you'll both have a
fantastic time together.

Apologies once again for the inconvenience, and I hope you enjoy the show!

Best regards,
[Your Name]

Part 3. (30 pts) Choose ONE of the following options:

Option 1: Your English teacher has asked you to write a story (200-250 words) for your school story writing
competition. Your story MUST begin with the following sentence:
After all the unexpected things, Hana still believed that it had been one of the most memorable days in
her life.
After all the unexpected things, Hana still believed that it had been one of the most memorable days in her
life. It began like any other Saturday morning, with sunlight streaming through her window and the scent of
pancakes wafting from the kitchen. But what made this day extraordinary was the impromptu adventure that
awaited her.

As Hana strolled through the bustling streets of her neighborhood, she noticed a flyer pinned to a lamppost
advertising a community art contest. Excitement bubbled within her, igniting a newfound passion to create
something extraordinary. Determined, she hurried home to gather her art supplies.

With a blank canvas before her, Hana poured her heart and soul into her creation. Hours flew by, her
brushstrokes weaving tales of imagination and creativity. Lost in her world of colors and shapes, she hardly
noticed the time slipping away.

When she finally stepped back to admire her masterpiece, the sun had long set, casting a soft glow over her
room. Exhausted but elated, Hana marveled at what she had accomplished.

The next day, at the art contest, Hana's piece stood out among the rest, earning her the top prize. Surrounded
by applause and congratulations, she realized that sometimes, the most unforgettable moments come from
the unexpected twists and turns of life. And as she held the trophy in her hands, she knew that this day would

forever hold a special place in her heart.

Option 2: Online shopping is now replacing shopping in the store. Do you think it is a positive or negative
In about 250 words, write an essay to express your opinion on the issue. Use reasons and examples to
support your position.
The shift from traditional in-store shopping to online shopping represents a significant evolution in consumer
behavior, and it has sparked debates regarding its overall impact. While both methods have their advantages
and disadvantages, I believe that the rise of online shopping is primarily a positive development.

Firstly, online shopping offers unparalleled convenience. With just a few clicks or taps, consumers can
browse through a vast array of products from the comfort of their homes or even on the go. This convenience
is particularly beneficial for individuals with busy schedules or those living in remote areas with limited
access to physical stores. Moreover, online shopping eliminates the hassle of commuting, finding parking,
and dealing with crowds, making the entire shopping experience more efficient and stress-free.

Additionally, online shopping often provides better access to a wider range of products and competitive
prices. Unlike physical stores limited by shelf space, online retailers can showcase an extensive inventory,
including niche or specialty items that might not be readily available locally. Furthermore, fierce competition
among online sellers tends to drive prices down, offering consumers the opportunity to find deals and
discounts more easily than in brick-and-mortar stores.

Furthermore, online shopping enables personalized shopping experiences through data analytics and
algorithms. By analyzing consumers' browsing and purchase history, online retailers can offer tailored
recommendations and promotions, enhancing the overall shopping experience and satisfaction.

However, it's essential to acknowledge some drawbacks of online shopping, such as the inability to
physically inspect products before purchase and potential delays in shipping. Nonetheless, these concerns are
often mitigated by generous return policies and faster shipping options offered by many online retailers.

In conclusion, while traditional in-store shopping still holds its place in certain contexts, the rise of online
shopping represents a positive development overall due to its unmatched convenience, access to a wide
variety of products, competitive pricing, and personalized shopping experiences. As technology continues to

advance, the trend toward online shopping is likely to persist and further transform the retail landscape for
the better.


PHÚ THỌ LỚP 9 THCS NĂM HỌC 2023 – 2024
Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH
ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC (Đề thi gồm 10 trang)

SECTION 1: LISTENING (20 points)

I. You will hear a radio interview with a man who works on an international camp. Choose A, B, C, or D
which fits best according to what you hear. Write your answers in the space provided. (10 points)
1. If you want to apply for the Camp, you must ________.
A. be a student B. be at least twenty-four years old
C. speak more than one language D. be an emloyee
2. In a Camp tent, you can expect to _________.
A. mix with other nationalities B. share with five other people
C. know the other people D. write diaries
3. What do you have to take to the Camp?
A. A tent. B. A map. C. Pictures. D. Cellphones.
4. As a Camp member, you should ________.
A. be a good singer B. join in performances
C. be good at acting D. have experience in camping
5. The Camp fees must be paid _________.
A. in dollars B. by cheques C. before the Camp start D. during the Camp

II. You will hear a student union representative talking to some new students. Listen and complete the table
with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each blank. Write your answers in the
space provided. (10 points)
Main Refectory Hall 500 vegetarian, fish, (6) (7) ___________ - £3
Open: 11.30-2.30 ___________
Arts Building Café (8) ___________ tea, coffee, hot £1.15
Open: 9-6 chocolate, sandwiches
(9) ____________ tea, coffee, (10) £1.30
Open: 10-4 ___________

SECTION 2: PHONETICS (10 points)

III. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest by writing your answers
A, B, C, or D in the space provided. (6 points)
1. A. artisan B. residence C. pedestrian D. president
2. A. meteor B. faucet C. decline D. basket
3. A. influenced B. relaxed C. focused D. sunbathed

IV. Choose the word whose primary stress is different from that of the others by writing A, B, C, or D in the
space provided. (4 points)
4. A. asset B. cassette C. lettuce D. hostel
5. A. versatile B. celery C. prestigious D. marinate


V. Choose the best answer to complete each of the sentences by writing A, B, C, or D in the space provided.
(60 points)
1. Having been selected to represent the Association of American Engineers at the International Convention,
A. the member applauded him B. he gave a short acceptance speech
C. a speech had to be given by him D. the remember congratulated him
2. __________ more water than the ground can absorb, the excess water flows to the lowest level, carrying
loose material.
A. Any area receiving B. When might any area receive
C. Whenever any area receives D. If any area is receiving
3. As far as orchids are concerned, the most experienced person is undoubtedly Miss Ito. She appears
___________ all the relevant articles in special journals.
A. to read B. having read C. to have read D. reading
4. It is desirable that the hotel manager ___________ to call the maintenance staff every 6 months to clean up
the air conditioners.
A. remember B. will remember C. must remember D. remembers
5. After a number of incidents with the police, we decided to close down the club. But now I think that maybe
we _________ it open.
A. should be keeping B. should have kept
C. must have kept D. must be keeping
6. As we were in an urgent need of syringes and other medical equipment, the aid organization promised to

deliver them __________ the double.
A. with B. in C. at D. round
7. He was so mean that he couldn't bear to _________ the smallest sum of money for the charity appeal.
A. pay off B. part with C. give in D. let out
8. __________ saying was so important that I asked everyone to stop talking and listen.
A. What the woman was B. The woman was
C. What was the woman D. That the woman was
9. _________, he gained lots of experience in teamwork skills.
A. Having lived abroad for years B. In order to live abroad for years
C. Live abroad for years D. To live abroad for years
10. _________ Keith made in his attempt to catch the dog that he strained his back.
A. Such a great effort B. Such was the effort
C. So was the effort that D. So great effort
11. The student was _________ of understanding the theory even after the professor's profound explanation.
A. incompetent B. incapable C. helpless D. unsuccessful
12. As a pianist his _________ is brilliant, but I don't care much for his interpretation.
A. technique B. mastery C. technology D. attitude
13. I left the company by __________, not because I was forced to.
A. choice B. option C. selection D. preference
14. The woman was in a _________ emotional state after hearing of her son's accident.
A. doubtfully B. greatly C. largely D. highly
15. His theory __________ some interesting questions for the scientific community.
A. assumes B. poses C. proposes D. faces
16. My sunburnt nose made me feel rather __________ for the first few days of the holiday.
A. self-conscious B. self-confident C. self-evident D. self-centred
17. Growing __________ are something many businesses experience when competition heats up.
A. failures B. hurts C. troubles D. pains
18. A __________ of locusts ate all the wheat in the field.
A. flock B. swarm C. herd D. pack
19. There was a(n) _________ of violence when the concert organisers told ticket holders they would have to
pay again to get their tickets validated.
A. setting B. epidemic C. attack D. outbreak
20. In any case, unfortunately, there is a __________ chance of finding alternative employment in this
despoiled area, which to an untutored eye looks rich in natural assets.

A. big B. fat C. good D. huge
21. Once people have given up their heritage, traditional beliefs, and other aspects of their native culture, they
are about to lose their sense of _________.
A. humor B. responsibility C. self D. honesty
22. It's important to try to spend plenty of ___________ time with your family.
A. benefit B. value C. quality D. merit
23. Janny was left to carry the __________ when the project ended in failure although she didn't have to take
any responsibility for this project.
A. bucket B. bag C. tray D. can
24. The performance in the National Theatre really brought the _________ down last night. The actors were
given a standing ovation.
A. stage B. house C. hall D. world
25. Tooth decay can be kept at __________ by fluoride toothpaste and good dentistry.
A. gulf B. sea C. lake D. bay
26. He paid too much for expensive items without thinking about it. He spent money like __________ and I
wonder where he got it all from.
A. paper B. waste C. water D. air
27. His company went bankrupt and not much later his wife walked out on him. However he managed to
___________ and make a fresh start in his life is a mystery to me.
A. kill two birds with one stone B. put the cat among the pigeons
C. take the bull by the horns D. get out of the rat race

* Write your answer A, B, C, or D in the space provided to indicate the word CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined word in the following sentence.
28. The way the care-taker treated those little children was deplorable therefore she must be punished for what
she did.
A. respectable B. satisfactory C. unacceptable D. mischievous

* Write your answer A, B, C, or D in the space provided to indicate the words OPPOSITE in meaning to the
underlined words in the following sentence.
29. She's decided to make a fresh start and regards all her old problems as water under the bridge.
A. worth looking at B. worth worrying about
C. happening for a long time D. unlikely to be changed

* Write your answer A, B, C, or D in the space provided to indicate the sentence that best completes the
following exchange.
30. Anne and Jim are talking about the preparation for her birthday.
- Anne: "What are you going to get me for my birthday?"
- Jim: "_________”
A. Hang on, give me a moment. Wait and see! B. Oh, congratulations!
C. Never you mind. D. In your dreams!

VI. Identify the mistake in each sentence by writing your answers A, B, C, or D in the space provided. (10
31. According to many economists, international specialisation in the production of some goods, such as cars
and computers, increase world efficiency and output, making all nations richer.
A. According to B. specialisation C. increase D. making
32. It's a great complement to be asked to do the job that we always dreamed of when we were at university.
A. a B. complement C. to do D. dreamed of
33. The villagers are highly appreciable of the volunteers' efforts in reconstructing their houses after the
devastating storm.
A. highly appreciable B. volunteers' efforts C. reconstructing D. devastating
34. Police sealed off the town-centre for two hours meanwhile they searched for the bomb.
A. off B. for C. meanwhile D. searched
35. The warm weather of the last week has given way to colder conditions in the last two days, putting the
weekend prospects on the balance.
A. The B. has given way C. putting D. on the balance

SECTION 4: READING (60 points)

VII. Read the following passage and write your answers A, B, C, or D in the space provided to indicate the
correct word for each of the blanks. (20 points)
Homework can cause friction between parents and children, especially in middle-class families (1)
__________ concerns about a child's future can lead to a climate of pressure to succeed, according to a recent
report. Homework can also create anxiety, boredom, fatigue and emotional exhaustion in children, who resent
the encroachment on their free time, (2) __________ they think homework helps them do well at school.
The resulting (3) ___________ to the parent-child relationship may (4) ___________ any educational
advantage homework may (5) ____________, the Institute claimed. The report found that problems can (6)

____________ when parents try to help with homework, especially when they feel they (7) ___________ the
knowledge or the time. Parents may (8) ____________ their children's effectiveness in doing homework by
trying to control the homework environment telling children when and where to do homework or trying to
eliminate distractions instead of helping them adapt it to (9) ____________ their learning styles, the body said.
On the plus side, parental (10) ____________ in homework has been shown to be the strongest
predictor of better grades, the report said. Report author Dr Susan Hallam said: "Parents have the most positive
influence when they offer moral support, make appropriate resources available and discuss general issues. They
should only actually help with homework when their children specifically ask them to."
1. A. which B. where C. who D. whom
2. A. meanwhile B. although C. supposing D. if
3. A. damage B. injury C. destruction D. detriment
4. A. exceed B. overbalance C. outweigh D. compensate
5. A. bring B. take C. make D. gain
6. A. proceed B. derive C. rise D. arise
7. A. go without B. miss C. lack D. are deprived of
8. A. interfere B. interrupt C. indicate D. inhibit
9. A. satisfy B. suit C. match D. fulfil
10. A. involvement B. contribution C. collaboration D. connection

VIII. Read the following passage and write your answers A, B, C, or D in the space provided to indicate the
correct answers to each of the questions. (20 points)
We live in a world of tired, sleep deprived people. In his book Counting Sheep, Paul Martin – a
behavioural biologist – describes a society which is just too busy to sleep and which does not give sleeping the
importance it deserves.
Modern society has invented reasons not to sleep. We are now a 24/7 society where shops and services
must be available all hours. We spend longer hours at work than we used to, and more time getting to work.
Mobile phones and email allow us to stay in touch round the clock and late-night TV and the Internet tempt us
away from our beds. When we need more time for work or pleasure, the easy solution is to sleep less. The
average adult sleeps only 6.2 hours a night during the week, whereas research shows that most people need
eight or even eight and a half hours’ sleep to feel at their best. Nowadays, many people have got used to
sleeping less than they need and they live in an almost permanent state of ‘sleep debt’.
Until the invention of the electric light in 1879 our daily cycle of sleep used to depend on the hours of
daylight. People would get up with the sun and go to bed at nightfall. But nowadays our hours of sleep are
mainly determined by our working hours (or our social life) and most people are woken up artificially by an

alarm clock. During the day caffeine, the world’s most popular drug, helps to keep us awake. 75% of the
world’s population habitually consume caffeine, which up to a point masks the symptoms of sleep deprivation.
What does a chronic lack of sleep do to us? As well as making us irritable and unhappy as humans, it
also reduces our motivation and ability to work. This has serious implications for society in general. Doctors,
for example, are often chronically sleep deprived, especially when they are on ‘night call’, and may get less
than three hours’ sleep. Lack of sleep can seriously impair their mood, judgment, and ability to take decisions.
Tired engineers, in the early hours of the morning, made a series of mistakes with catastrophic results. On our
roads and motorways lack of sleep kills thousands of people every year. Tests show that a tired driver can be
just as dangerous as a drunken driver. However, driving when drunk is against the law but driving when
exhausted isn’t. As Paul Martin says, it is very ironic that we admire people who function on very little sleep
instead of criticizing them for being irresponsible. Our world would be a much safer, happier place if everyone,
whatever their job, slept eight hours a night.
11. Which of the following could best serve as the title of the passage?
A. An Alarming Rise in Sleepless People B. Sleep Deprivation: Causes and Effects
C. A Society of Sleepless People D. Sleep Deprivation: Symptoms and Solutions
12. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE about Paul Martin?
A. He is a scientist who is chronically deprived of sleep.
B. He gives an interesting account of a sleepless society.
C. He shows his concern for sleep deprivation in modern society.
D. He describes the modern world as a place without insomnia.
13. The phrase round the clock in the second paragraph is similar in meaning to _________.
A. having a round clock B. surrounded with clocks
C. during the daytime D. all day and night
14. The word it in the first paragraph refers to _________.
A. society B. importance C. sleeping D. book
15. The writer mentions the Internet in the passage as __________.
A. an easy solution to sleep deprivation B. a temptation that prevents us from sleeping
C. an ineffective means of communication D. a factor that is not related to sleep deprivation
16. All of the following are mentioned as those whose performance is affected by sleep debt EXCEPT
A. biologists B. drivers C. doctors D. engineers
17. According to the third paragraph, which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?
A. Our social life has no influence on our hours of sleep
B. The sun obviously determined our daily routines.

C. The electric light was invented in the 19th century.
D. The electric light has changed our daily cycle of sleep.
18. Which of the following is TRUE, according to the last paragraph?
A. Sleep deprivation has negative effects on both individuals and society.
B. Our motivation decreases with the bigger number of hours we sleep.
C. Doctors on "night call" do not need more than three hours of sleep a day.
D. Thousands of people are killed by drunken drivers every day.
19. The word chronic in the last paragraph probably means _________.
A. lasting for a long time B. temporarily available
C. being wrongly diagnosed D. likely to become worthless
20. Which of the following would the writer of the passage approve of?
A. Both drunken drivers and sleep-deprived people should be criticized.
B. Our world would be a much safer place without drinkers.
C. There is no point in criticizing irresponsible people in our society.
D. We certainly can function well even when we hardly sleep.

IX. Read the passage below and fill each numbered blank with ONE suitable word. Write your answers in
the space provided. (20 points)
In a small village nestled between lush green hills, (21) ___________ lived a young girl named Sara.
Despite growing up in humble surroundings, Sara dreamed of becoming a renowned singer and sharing her
voice (22) __________ the world.
(23) __________, doubts and insecurities often clouded Sara's mind. She feared that her dreams were
(24) ___________ big for someone like her, with no formal training or connections in the music industry.
Despite these doubts, Sara refused to give up on her passion. Every day, she (25) __________ practice
singing in the fields, pouring her heart and soul into each note, believing that one day her voice would be heard.
One evening, a traveling musician passed through the village and heard Sara singing. Mesmerized by
her talent and determination, he offered to mentor her and help her (26) ____________ her dreams.
With the guidance of her mentor and unwavering belief in herself, Sara embarked on a journey of self-
discovery and growth. She (27) ___________ at local events and competitions, captivating audiences with her
soulful melodies.
Years later, Sara's perseverance (28) ___________ off when she received an invitation to perform at a
prestigious music festival. Standing on (29) ___________, surrounded by thousands of cheering fans, Sara
realized that dreams (30) __________ come true when you have the courage to believe in yourself. Her story

inspired others to achieve their own ambitions, no matter how impossible they may seem.

SECTION 5: WRITING (40 points)

X. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence
printed before it. Write your answers in the space provided. (10 points)
1. We have had reports that the Prime Minister is making a surprise visit to Singapore.
→ The Prime Minister ...........................................................................................................................
2. I explained what had happened but they totally refused to accept what I said.
→ They found ........................................................................................................................................
3. Both the doctors I consulted were confident of curing me.
→ I consulted.........................................................................................................................................
4. I expected the book to be far better because it had been written by such a good novelist.
→ The book fell .....................................................................................................................................
5. Sue left the office right before the manager arrived there.
→ No sooner ..........................................................................................................................................

XI. Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one, using the capitalized word
in bold given without changing the word. Write your answers in the space provided. (10 points)
6. "Don't cancel your trip because of us, " we said to John. OFF
→ We told John .............................................................................................................. because of us.
7. We took the ring road because we didn't want to get caught in traffic in the city centre. AS
→ We took the ring road ......................................................................................... in the city centre.
8. Michael didn't want to spend his holidays in London, but in the end he did. RATHER
→ Michael ........................................................................................................................... in London.
9. You may not like what I have to say, but you don't have to yell at me. HEAD
→ You don't have to ..........................................................................if you don't like what I'm saying.
10. You have to realise there's a problem that needs to be dealt with. WAKE
→ In regards to the problem at hand, you ................................................................................... coffee.

XII. Paragraph writing: (20 points)

Should teenagers earn their pocket money to make a donation to charity?
In about 150 words, write a paragraph to give your own opinions about this topic.
Write your paragraph in the space provided.


PHÚ THỌ LỚP 9 THCS NĂM HỌC 2023 – 2024
Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH
ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC (Đề thi gồm 10 trang)

SECTION 1: LISTENING (20 points)

I. You will hear a radio interview with a man who works on an international camp. Choose A, B, C, or D
which fits best according to what you hear. Write your answers in the space provided. (10 points)
1. If you want to apply for the Camp, you must ________.
A. be a student B. be at least twenty-four years old
C. speak more than one language D. be an emloyee
2. In a Camp tent, you can expect to _________.
A. mix with other nationalities B. share with five other people
C. know the other people D. write diaries
3. What do you have to take to the Camp?
A. A tent. B. A map. C. Pictures. D. Cellphones.
4. As a Camp member, you should ________.
A. be a good singer B. join in performances
C. be good at acting D. have experience in camping
5. The Camp fees must be paid _________.
A. in dollars B. by cheques C. before the Camp start D. during the Camp

Presenter: Hi there. On last week’s programme we interviewed the man behind the idea of the International
Camps. So I thought that this week you’d be interested to hear more about one of the Camps which will be held
later this year. Over to you, Michael …
Michael: Thank you. Yes, the Camp is open to everyone between the ages of 18 to 23. You don’t have to be a
student – you don’t even have to be employed, but you must be able to speak one foreign language in addition
to your mother tongue.
Presenter: OK. And what about accommodation?
Michael: Well, the International Camp organisers supply tents which sleep up to four people but you are
unlikely to know the people who you’ll be sharing a tent with. The nationalities are mixed, so you’ll be sharing
with people who may not even speak your language?
Presenter: Sounds interesting. Who does the cooking at the Camp?

Michael: Everybody is expected to help with the running of the Camp. That means helping to prepare food,
keeping the camp site clean and tidy, and so on. The Camp organisers are looking for people who can get along
with others whatever happens.
Presenter: And is there anything you need to take?
Michael: Well as I’ve said, tents are provided but you’ll need to bring your own pillow, knife, fork and spoon.
If you get chosen, you’re also asked to bring along photographs, postcards – anything that shows some of the
traditions and customs of your own country. Everything goes into an exhibition at the start of the Camp,
together with a huge map of the world showing the different countries people come from.
Presenter: And is there any entertainment?
Michael: Yes, there is. Everyone helps to provide the Camp entertainment. You are expected to sing, dance or
play something musical – it doesn’t matter how good or bad you are. There is a space on the form to write down
what you cand do.
Presenter: Sounds great fun. And what does it all cost?
Michael: Well, you have to find your own way to the Camp, so it’s up to you whether you fly, cycle, walk,
hitch-hike or whatever. The charge for a week’s Camp is 300 dollars, but you’ll have to change that into your
own currency to get a better idea of the cost. You have to pay the full cost before you arrive, but you can pay in
any currency you want or you can use a credit card if you have one. Right. Now for the phone number to ring

II. You will hear a student union representative talking to some new students. Listen and complete the table
with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each blank. Write your answers in the
space provided. (10 points)
Main Refectory Hall 500 vegetarian, fish, (6) (7) ____£1.50___ - £3
Open: 11.30-2.30 ___pasta and salad__
Arts Building Café (8) ___50/fifty___ tea, coffee, hot £1.15
Open: 9-6 chocolate, sandwiches
(9) ___Theatre Bar____ tea, coffee, (10) £1.30
Open: 10-4 ___toasted sandwiches___

A. Hello, everyone, and welcome to Borchester University. If you ‘d like to split into small groups of about ten,
a guide will take you around the campus – the first thing they’ll show you is the most important – where to get
food! OK, please divide into smaller groups now, the guides are here on the left.

[ guide] Right,..., nine, ten – that’s about right. OK let’s start. As the coordinator said, we’ll look at where to eat
on campus first. The principle place to buy food is here – the Main Refectory. As you can see this is large – it
holds about five hundred people – so it’s very busy.
What can you buy here? They always have a good choice. Usual choices are vegetarian, fish, pasta and salad –
as well as a main menu, including the budget choice. Sometimes they do special menus for a week – last week
it was Chinese food. Mmm – I remember they had some wonderful choices. [laughter]
Of course, to get the best choice you need to get here early. The main hall is open from 11.30 to half past two –
but by about two the choices are rather reduced. Unless you like chips and pies, that is – the budget menu is
always available. What’s the cost here? Well, it varies – from about £1.50 for the budget to £3. It sounds
expensive, but if you eat here you probably won’t want to eat so much in the evening as the portions are huge.
OK, so much for the refectory. The next place to eat is the café near the Arts Building – that’s here on the map.
This is small – much smaller, with only space for about 50 people. It’s also a shop, so it’s very busy all day. It’s
open from nine in the morning until 6 in the evening. What can you buy here? Well, really only tea, coffee, hot
chocolate and sandwiches. The cost of a meal is about £1.15. One nice thing about here is that you can surf the
Internet while you eat – absolutely free, as long as you are a customer of course. There are six computers for
customers to use. Oh, I said there’s a shop too – it sells all the usual things, chocolate, newspapers, sweets,
cakes and bottled drinks. It’s very convenient.
Another nice place to eat is the bar area in the theatre. Again, this is small, but there's more space than the cafe
and no shop, so it tends to be less crowded. It's still quite busy, though, because it's very comfortable with nice
chairs. It's open from 10 to 4. What can you get to eat here? Again, it's really only drinks like tea and coffee and
toasted sandwiches. The toasted sandwiches here are better, since they also have a garnish, tomatoes and
lettuce with them, but the average meal costs more about £1.30. One problem is that they run out quickly here.
You are not likely to find much to eat after about £1.30.

SECTION 2: PHONETICS (10 points)

III. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest by writing your answers
A, B, C, or D in the space provided. (6 points)
1. A. artisan B. residence C. pedestrian D. president
/ˈɑːtɪzən/ /ˈrɛzɪdəns/ /pəˈdɛstrɪən/ /ˈprɛzɪdənt/

2. A. meteor B. faucet C. decline D. basket

/ˈmiːtiər/ /ˈfɔːsɪt/ /dɪˈklaɪn/ /ˈbæskɪt/

3. A. influenced B. relaxed C. focused D. sunbathed
/ˈɪnflʊənst/ /rɪˈlækst/ /ˈfoʊkəst/ /ˈsʌnbeɪðd/

IV. Choose the word whose primary stress is different from that of the others by writing A, B, C, or D in the
space provided. (4 points)
4. A. asset B. cassette C. lettuce D. hostel
/ˈæsɛt/ /kəˈsɛt/ /ˈlɛtɪs/ /ˈhɒstəl/

5. A. versatile B. celery C. prestigious D. marinate

/ˈvɜːrsətəl/ /ˈsɛləri/ /preˈstɪdʒəs/ /ˈmærɪneɪt/


V. Choose the best answer to complete each of the sentences by writing A, B, C, or D in the space provided.
(60 points)
1. Having been selected to represent the Association of American Engineers at the International Convention,
A. the member applauded him B. he gave a short acceptance speech
C. a speech had to be given by him D. the remember congratulated him
- Rút gọn 2 mệnh đề cùng chủ ngữ ở dạng bị động => chủ ngữ phải là he do động từ là được chọn để đại diện.
Dịch: Được chọn làm đại diện cho Hiệp hội Kỹ sư Hoa Kỳ tại Hội nghị Quốc tế, ông đã có bài phát biểu nhận
giải ngắn

2. __________ more water than the ground can absorb, the excess water flows to the lowest level, carrying
loose material.
A. Any area receiving B. When might any area receive
C. Whenever any area receives D. If any area is receiving
- Loại A vì 2S 1V
- Loại B vì không phải câu hỏi nên không được đảo ngữ.
- Loại D vì dựa vào nghĩa của câu, diễn tả sự thật hiển nhiên => dùng câu điều kiện loại 0.
Dịch: Khi một khu vực nhận được nhiều nước hơn là đất có thể hấp thụ, nước dư chảy xuống các điểm thấp
nhất, mang theo vật liệu lỏng.

3. As far as orchids are concerned, the most experienced person is undoubtedly Miss Ito. She appears
___________ all the relevant articles in special journals.

A. to read B. having read C. to have read D. reading
- appear to V => loại B và D
- appear to have p2: dường như đã làm gì trong quá khứ
Dịch: Về hoa lan, người có kinh nghiệm nhất chắc chắn là cô Ito. Có vẻ như cô ấy đã đọc tất cả các bài báo liên
quan trên các tạp chí đặc biệt.

4. It is desirable that the hotel manager ___________ to call the maintenance staff every 6 months to clean up
the air conditioners.
A. remember B. will remember C. must remember D. remembers
- Hiện tại giả định: desirable that S (should) Vnt
Dịch: Điều mong muốn là người quản lý khách sạn nhớ gọi nhân viên bảo trì 6 tháng một lần để dọn dẹp máy
điều hòa.

5. After a number of incidents with the police, we decided to close down the club. But now I think that maybe
we _________ it open.
A. should be keeping B. should have kept
C. must have kept D. must be keeping
- Decided là QK => loại A và D là hiện tại.
- should have p2: lẽ ra nên làm gì trong QK nhưng không làm
- must have p2: chắc chắn đã làm gì trong QK
Dịch: Sau một số sự cố với cảnh sát, chúng tôi quyết định đóng cửa câu lạc bộ. Nhưng bây giờ tôi nghĩ có lẽ
chúng ta lẽ ra nên để nó mở.

6. As we were in an urgent need of syringes and other medical equipment, the aid organization promised to
deliver them __________ the double.
A. with B. in C. at D. round
- at/on the double: rất nhanh chóng
Dịch: Vì chúng tôi đang rất cần ống tiêm và các thiết bị y tế khác nên tổ chức viện trợ hứa sẽ cung cấp chúng
một cách nhanh chóng.

7. He was so mean that he couldn't bear to _________ the smallest sum of money for the charity appeal.
A. pay off B. part with C. give in D. let out
- pay off: trả nợ, trả hết tiền
- part with: miễn cưỡng cho đi

- give in: đầu hàng, từ bỏ
- let out: để ra, phát ra
Dịch: Anh ta cay độc đến mức không thể chịu đựng khi miễn cưỡng cho đi một khoản tiền nhỏ nhất cho việc từ

8. __________ saying was so important that I asked everyone to stop talking and listen.
A. What the woman was B. The woman was
C. What was the woman D. That the woman was
- Loại B vì 1S 2V
- Loại C vì không phải câu hỏi (do không có dấu hỏi chấm) nên không được đảo ngữ.
- Mệnh đề danh từ: what/ that SV + V số ít.
Cách để phân biệt là dịch SV xem đã đúng và đủ về ngữ nghĩa và ngữ pháp chưa, nếu đủ thì chọn that.
Trong câu trên the woman was saying: người phụ nữ đang nói => nói cái gì? => chưa đủ => chọn what.
Dịch: Những gì người phụ nữ đang nói quan trọng đến mức tôi yêu cầu mọi người ngừng nói và lắng nghe.

9. _________, he gained lots of experience in teamwork skills.

A. Having lived abroad for years B. In order to live abroad for years
C. Live abroad for years D. To live abroad for years
- Loại B và D vì giống nhau đều chỉ mục đích.
- Loại C vì rút gọn 2 mệnh đề cùng chủ ngữ không có dạng Vnt.
Dịch: Sống ở nước ngoài nhiều năm, anh đã tích lũy được nhiều kinh nghiệm về kỹ năng làm việc nhóm.

10. _________ Keith made in his attempt to catch the dog that he strained his back.
A. Such a great effort B. Such was the effort
C. So was the effort that D. So great effort
- Loại A vì đảo ngữ của such là: such + tobe + S + that/ such + a/an + adj + N + tobe + S + that
- Loại C và D vì đảo ngữ của so là: so + adj + tobe + S + that/ so + adv + TĐT + S + V + that
Dịch: Nỗ lực bắt con chó của Keith khiến lưng anh bị căng cứng.

11. The student was _________ of understanding the theory even after the professor's profound explanation.
A. incompetent B. incapable C. helpless D. unsuccessful
- incompetent (adj): không có năng lực, không đủ khả năng
- incapable of: không có khả năng
- helpless (adj): bất lực, không thể giúp được

- unsuccessful in: không thành công
Dịch: Học sinh không có khả năng hiểu lý thuyết thậm chí sau khi giáo sư giải thích sâu sắc rõ ràng.

12. As a pianist his _________ is brilliant, but I don't care much for his interpretation.
A. technique B. mastery C. technology D. attitude
- technique (n): kỹ thuật
- mastery (n): sự thành thạo, sự thông thạo
- technology (n): công nghệ
- attitude (n): thái độ
Dịch: Là một nghệ sĩ dương cầm, kỹ thuật của anh ta rất xuất sắc, nhưng tôi không quan tâm nhiều đến cách
anh ta diễn giải.

13. I left the company by __________, not because I was forced to.
A. choice B. option C. selection D. preference
- by choice: tự nguyện
Dịch: Tôi rời công ty một cách tự nguyện chứ không phải vì bị ép buộc.

14. The woman was in a _________ emotional state after hearing of her son's accident.
A. doubtfully B. greatly C. largely D. highly
- highly emotional: đầy xúc động
Dịch: Người phụ nữ vô cùng xúc động sau khi nghe tin con trai mình bị tai nạn.

15. His theory __________ some interesting questions for the scientific community.
A. assumes B. poses C. proposes D. faces
- assume (v): giả định
- pose (v): đặt ra (câu hỏi, vấn đề)
- propose (v): đề xuất
- face (v) đối mặt
Dịch: Lý thuyết của anh ta đặt ra một số câu hỏi thú vị cho cộng đồng khoa học.

16. My sunburnt nose made me feel rather __________ for the first few days of the holiday.
A. self-conscious B. self-confident C. self-evident D. self-centred
- self-conscious (adj): tự ti
- self-confident (adj): tự tin

- self-evident (adj): rõ ràng, hiển nhiên
- self-centred (adj): tự trọng, tự giữ cho bản thân
Dịch: Bộ phận mũi tôi bị cháy nắng làm tôi cảm thấy khá tự ti trong những ngày đầu của kỳ nghỉ.

17. Growing __________ are something many businesses experience when competition heats up.
A. failures B. hurts C. troubles D. pains
- Growing pains: khó khăn ban đầu
Dịch: Khó khăn ban đầu là điều mà nhiều doanh nghiệp gặp phải khi cạnh tranh ngày càng nóng lên.

18. A __________ of locusts ate all the wheat in the field.

A. flock B. swarm C. herd D. pack
- flock (n): bầy (chim)
- swarm (n): bầy (côn trùng)
- herd (n): đàn (động vật có vú)
- pack (n): bầy (động vật hoang dã, hoặc các con số ít)
Dịch: Một bầy châu chấu đã ăn hết lúa trong cánh đồng.

19. There was a(n) _________ of violence when the concert organisers told ticket holders they would have to
pay again to get their tickets validated.
A. setting B. epidemic C. attack D. outbreak
- setting (n): bối cảnh, điều kiện
- epidemic (n): dịch bệnh
- attack (n): cuộc tấn công
- outbreak (n): sự bùng phát, sự bùng nổ
Dịch: Có một sự bùng phát của bạo lực khi tổ chức buổi hòa nhạc thông báo cho các người giữ vé rằng họ sẽ
phải trả tiền một lần nữa để nhận lại vé của mình.

20. In any case, unfortunately, there is a __________ chance of finding alternative employment in this
despoiled area, which to an untutored eye looks rich in natural assets.
A. big B. fat C. good D. huge
- "Fat chance" là một collocation, nghĩa là khả năng rất ít, gần như không có.
Dịch: Dù sao đi nữa, không may thay, có một khả năng rất ít để tìm việc làm thay thế trong khu vực này bị hủy
hoại, mà đối với một ánh mắt không được dạy, dường như là giàu tài nguyên thiên nhiên.

21. Once people have given up their heritage, traditional beliefs, and other aspects of their native culture, they
are about to lose their sense of _________.
A. humor B. responsibility C. self D. honesty
- humor (n): sự hài hước
- responsibility (n): trách nhiệm
- self (n): bản thân, tự tôn
- honesty (n): sự trung thực, lòng trung thực
Dịch: Một khi mọi người đã từ bỏ di sản, niềm tin truyền thống và các khía cạnh khác của văn hóa bản địa của
họ, họ sắp mất đi ý thức về bản thân.

22. It's important to try to spend plenty of ___________ time with your family.
A. benefit B. value C. quality D. merit
- quality time: thời gian quý báu
Dịch: Điều quan trọng là bạn phải cố gắng dành nhiều thời gian quý báu cho gia đình.

23. Janny was left to carry the __________ when the project ended in failure although she didn't have to take
any responsibility for this project.
A. bucket B. bag C. tray D. can
- carry the can: chịu trách nhiệm
Dịch: Janny phải chịu trách nhiệm khi dự án kết thúc trong thất bại mặc dù cô không phải chịu bất kỳ trách
nhiệm nào về dự án này.

24. The performance in the National Theatre really brought the _________ down last night. The actors were
given a standing ovation.
A. stage B. house C. hall D. world
- bring the house down: khiến cho khán phòng vỗ tay nhiệt liệt
Dịch: Buổi biểu diễn ở Nhà hát Quốc gia thực sự đã khiến cả khán phòng vỗ tay nhiệt liệt vào tối qua. Các diễn
viên đã được hoan nghênh nhiệt liệt.

25. Tooth decay can be kept at __________ by fluoride toothpaste and good dentistry.
A. gulf B. sea C. lake D. bay
- keep sth at bay: ngăn ngừa
Dịch: Sâu răng có thể được ngăn chặn bằng kem đánh răng có fluoride và nha khoa tốt.

26. He paid too much for expensive items without thinking about it. He spent money like __________ and I
wonder where he got it all from.
A. paper B. waste C. water D. air
- spend money like water: tiêu tiền như nước
Dịch: Anh ấy đã trả quá nhiều tiền cho những món đồ đắt tiền mà không hề suy nghĩ về nó. Anh ta tiêu tiền như
nước và tôi tự hỏi anh ta lấy đâu ra số tiền đó.

27. His company went bankrupt and not much later his wife walked out on him. However he managed to
___________ and make a fresh start in his life is a mystery to me.
A. kill two birds with one stone B. put the cat among the pigeons
C. take the bull by the horns D. get out of the rat race
- kill two birds with one stone: giải quyết hai vấn đề cùng một lúc
- put the cat among the pigeons: gây ra sự rối loạn hoặc hỗn loạn
- take the bull by the horns: đương đầu với khó khăn thử thách
- get out of the rat race: thoát khỏi cuộc sống hàng ngày căng thẳng và không có hướng đi
Dịch: Công ty của anh ấy phá sản và không lâu sau đó vợ anh ấy rời bỏ anh ấy. Tuy nhiên, cách mà anh ấy đã
thành công trong việc đương đầu với khó khăn thử thách và bắt đầu lại cuộc sống mới là một bí ẩn đối với tôi.

* Write your answer A, B, C, or D in the space provided to indicate the word CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined word in the following sentence.
28. The way the care-taker treated those little children was deplorable therefore she must be punished for what
she did.
A. respectable B. satisfactory C. unacceptable D. mischievous
Cách người chăm sóc đối xử với những đứa trẻ đó thật đáng trách nên cô ấy phải bị trừng phạt vì những gì
mình đã làm.
A. đáng kính B. thỏa đáng C. không thể chấp nhận D. tinh nghịch

* Write your answer A, B, C, or D in the space provided to indicate the words OPPOSITE in meaning to the
underlined words in the following sentence.
29. She's decided to make a fresh start and regards all her old problems as water under the bridge.
A. worth looking at B. worth worrying about
C. happening for a long time D. unlikely to be changed
Cô quyết định bắt đầu lại và coi mọi vấn đề cũ của mình như chuyện đã qua.
A. đáng xem B. đáng lo ngại

C. xảy ra trong một thời gian dài D. khó có thể thay đổi

* Write your answer A, B, C, or D in the space provided to indicate the sentence that best completes the
following exchange.
30. Anne and Jim are talking about the preparation for her birthday.
- Anne: "What are you going to get me for my birthday?"
- Jim: "_________”
A. Hang on, give me a moment. Wait and see! B. Oh, congratulations!
C. Never you mind. D. In your dreams!
Anne và Jim đang nói về việc chuẩn bị cho sinh nhật của cô ấy.
- Anne: "Bạn định tặng gì cho tôi vào ngày sinh nhật?"
- Jim: "_________”
A. Đợi đã, cho tôi một lát. Chờ và xem! B. Ồ, xin chúc mừng!
C. Đừng bận tâm. D. Trong giấc mơ của bạn!

VI. Identify the mistake in each sentence by writing your answers A, B, C, or D in the space provided. (10
31. According to many economists, international specialisation in the production of some goods, such as cars
and computers, increase world efficiency and output, making all nations richer.
A. According to B. specialisation C. increase D. making
- S là specialization số ít => increases
Dịch: Theo nhiều nhà kinh tế, chuyên môn hóa quốc tế trong sản xuất một số hàng hóa, như ô tô và máy tính,
làm tăng hiệu quả và sản lượng của thế giới, làm cho tất cả các quốc gia trở nên giàu có hơn.

32. It's a great complement to be asked to do the job that we always dreamed of when we were at university.
A. a B. complement C. to do D. dreamed of
- complement (n): sự bổ sung => compliment (n): lời khen
Dịch: Thật là một lời khen tuyệt vời khi được yêu cầu làm công việc mà chúng ta luôn mơ ước khi còn học đại

33. The villagers are highly appreciable of the volunteers' efforts in reconstructing their houses after the
devastating storm.
A. highly appreciable B. volunteers' efforts C. reconstructing D. devastating
- appreciable (adj): đáng kể => appreciative (adj): cảm kích, trân trọng

Dịch: Người dân dân làng cảm kích sự nỗ lực của các tình nguyện viên trong việc xây dựng lại nhà cửa sau cơn
bão tàn khốc.

34. Police sealed off the town-centre for two hours meanwhile they searched for the bomb.
A. off B. for C. meanwhile D. searched
- meanwhile: trong lúc đó, đến lúc đó (đứng trước dấu phẩy) => while: trong khi
1. Meanwhile:
 "Meanwhile" thường được sử dụng để chỉ ra một sự kiện đang diễn ra đồng thời với một sự kiện
khác, nhưng nằm ở một ngữ cảnh khác. Nó thường được sử dụng để chuyển đổi từ một phần của
câu chuyện hoặc tình huống sang một khía cạnh khác mà vẫn liên quan.
 Ví dụ: "John was studying for his exam. Meanwhile, his friends were playing football outside."
2. While:
 "While" thường được sử dụng để chỉ ra một khoảng thời gian cụ thể trong khi một sự kiện khác
diễn ra.
 Ví dụ: "John studied for his exam while his friends played football."
Về cơ bản, "meanwhile" được sử dụng để đưa ra một sự so sánh hoặc sự song song giữa hai hoạt động khác
nhau, trong khi "while" chỉ tập trung vào một khoảng thời gian cụ thể khi hai hoạt động diễn ra đồng thời.
Dịch: Cảnh sát đã phong tỏa trung tâm thị trấn trong hai giờ trong khi tìm kiếm quả bom.

35. The warm weather of the last week has given way to colder conditions in the last two days, putting the
weekend prospects on the balance.
A. The B. has given way C. putting D. on the balance
- in the balance: vẫn chưa chắc chắn, trong tình trạng bất lợi
Dịch: Thời tiết ấm áp trong tuần qua đã nhường chỗ cho điều kiện lạnh hơn trong hai ngày qua, đặt tình hình
cuối tuần vào tình trạng bất lợi.

SECTION 4: READING (60 points)

VII. Read the following passage and write your answers A, B, C, or D in the space provided to indicate the
correct word for each of the blanks. (20 points)
Homework can cause friction between parents and children, especially in middle-class families (1)
__________ concerns about a child's future can lead to a climate of pressure to succeed, according to a recent
report. Homework can also create anxiety, boredom, fatigue and emotional exhaustion in children, who resent
the encroachment on their free time, (2) __________ they think homework helps them do well at school.

1. A. which B. where C. who D. whom
- where cho cho N chỉ địa điểm
Dịch: Theo một báo cáo gần đây, bài tập về nhà có thể gây ra xích mích giữa cha mẹ và con cái, đặc biệt là
trong các gia đình trung lưu, nơi những lo ngại về tương lai của con cái có thể dẫn đến bầu không khí áp lực
phải thành công.

2. A. meanwhile B. although C. supposing D. if

- meanwhile: trong lúc đó
- athough: mặc dù (anxiety >< help do well)
- supposing: giả sử
- if: nếu
Dịch: Bài tập về nhà cũng có thể tạo ra sự lo lắng, buồn chán, mệt mỏi và kiệt sức về mặt cảm xúc ở trẻ em,
những người phẫn nộ vì bị xâm phạm thời gian rảnh rỗi, mặc dù chúng cho rằng bài tập về nhà giúp chúng học
tốt ở trường.

The resulting (3) ___________ to the parent-child relationship may (4) ___________ any educational
advantage homework may (5) ____________, the Institute claimed. The report found that problems can (6)
____________ when parents try to help with homework, especially when they feel they (7) ___________ the
knowledge or the time. Parents may (8) ____________ their children's effectiveness in doing homework by
trying to control the homework environment telling children when and where to do homework or trying to
eliminate distractions instead of helping them adapt it to (9) ____________ their learning styles, the body said.
3. A. damage B. injury C. destruction D. detriment
- damage to sth: tổn hại đối với
- injury (n): sự tổn thương
- destruction (n): sự phá hoại
- detriment (n): sự thiệt hại

4. A. exceed B. overbalance C. outweigh D. compensate

- exceed (v): vượt qúa
- overbalance (v): mất cân bằng
- outweigh (v): lớn hơn, nhiều hơn
- compensate (v): bù đắp

5. A. bring B. take C. make D. gain

- bring (v): mang lại
Dịch: Viện tuyên bố rằng thiệt hại đối với mối quan hệ giữa cha mẹ và con cái có thể lớn hơn bất kỳ lợi ích giáo
dục nào mà bài tập về nhà có thể mang lại.

6. A. proceed B. derive C. rise D. arise

- proceed (v): tiến hành
- derive sth from: có được cái gì từ
- rise (v): tăng
- arise (v): nảy sinh

7. A. go without B. miss C. lack D. are deprived of

- lack the knowledge: thiếu kiến thức
Dịch: Báo cáo cho thấy các vấn đề có thể nảy sinh khi cha mẹ cố gắng giúp con làm bài tập về nhà, đặc biệt khi
họ cảm thấy thiếu kiến thức hoặc thời gian.
Parents may (8) ____________ their children's effectiveness in doing homework by trying to control the
homework environment telling children when and where to do homework or trying to eliminate distractions
instead of helping them adapt it to (9) ____________ their learning styles, the body said.

8. A. interfere B. interrupt C. indicate D. inhibit

- interfere (v): can thiệp
- interrupt (v): làm gián đoạn
- indicate (v): chỉ ra
- inhibit (v): cản trở

9. A. satisfy B. suit C. match D. fulfil

- satisfy (v): làm hài lòng
- suit (v): điều chỉnh cho phù hợp
- match (v): xứng với
- fulfill (v): hoàn thành
Dịch: Tổ chức này cho biết, cha mẹ có thể hạn chế hiệu quả làm bài tập về nhà của con mình bằng cách cố gắng
kiểm soát môi trường làm bài tập về nhà, yêu cầu trẻ làm bài tập về nhà khi nào và ở đâu hoặc cố gắng loại bỏ
những phiền nhiễu thay vì giúp chúng điều chỉnh nó cho phù hợp với phong cách học tập của mình.

On the plus side, parental (10) ____________ in homework has been shown to be the strongest

predictor of better grades, the report said. Report author Dr Susan Hallam said: "Parents have the most positive
influence when they offer moral support, make appropriate resources available and discuss general issues. They
should only actually help with homework when their children specifically ask them to."
10. A. involvement B. contribution C. collaboration D. connection
- involvement in (n): sự dính líu vào
- contribution (n): sự đóng góp
- collaboration (n): sự cộng tác
- connection (n): sự kết nối
Dịch: Về mặt tích cực, báo cáo cho biết, sự tham gia của phụ huynh vào bài tập về nhà đã được chứng minh là
yếu tố dự báo mạnh mẽ nhất về điểm số cao hơn. Tác giả báo cáo, Tiến sĩ Susan Hallam cho biết: "Phụ huynh
có ảnh hưởng tích cực nhất khi họ đưa ra sự hỗ trợ về mặt tinh thần, cung cấp các nguồn lực phù hợp và thảo
luận về các vấn đề chung. Họ thực sự chỉ nên giúp làm bài tập về nhà khi con cái họ yêu cầu cụ thể."

VIII. Read the following passage and write your answers A, B, C, or D in the space provided to indicate the
correct answers to each of the questions. (20 points)
We live in a world of tired, sleep deprived people. In his book Counting Sheep, Paul Martin a behavioral
biologist - describes a society which is just too busy to sleep and which does not give sleeping the importance it
Modern society has invented reasons not to sleep. We are now a 24/7 society where shops and services
must be available at all hours. We spend longer hours at work than we used to, and more time getting to work.
Mobile phones and email allow us to stay in touch round the clock and late-night TV and the Internet tempt us
away from our beds. When we need more time for work or pleasure, the easy solution is to sleep less. The
average adult sleeps only 6.2 hour a night during the week, whereas research shows that most people need eight
or even eight and a half hours' sleep to feel at their best. Nowadays, many people have got used to sleeping less
than they need and they live in an almost permanent state of sleep debt.
Until the invention of the electric light in 1879, our daily cycle of sleep used to depend on the hours of
daylight. People would get up with the sun and go to bed at nightfall. But nowadays our hours of sleep are
mainly determined by our working hours (or our social life) and most people are woken up artificially by an
alarm clock. During the day caffeine, the world's most popular drug, helps to keep us awake. 75% of the world's
population habitually consume caffeine, which up to a point masks the symptoms of sleep deprivation.
What does a chronic lack of sleep do to us? As well as making us irritable and unhappy as humans, it
also reduces our motivation and ability to work. This has serious implications Doctors, for example, are often
chronically sleep deprived, especially when they are on "night call", and may for society in general. get less
than three hours' sleep. Lack of sleep can seriously impair their mood, judgment, and ability to take decisions.

Tired engineers, in the early hours of the morning, made a series of mistakes with catastrophic results. On our
roads and motorways, lack of sleep kills thousands of people every year. Tests show that a tired driver can be
just as dangerous as as a drunken driver. However, driving when drunk is against the law but driving when
exhausted isn't. As Paul Martin says, it is very ironic that we admire people who function on very little sleep
instead of criticizing them for being irresponsible. Our world would be a much safer, happier place if everyone,
whatever their job, slept eight hours a night.
11. Which of the following could best serve as the title of the passage?
A. An Alarming Rise in Sleepless People B. Sleep Deprivation: Causes and Effects
C. A Society of Sleepless People D. Sleep Deprivation: Symptoms and Solutions
(Điều nào sau đây có thể dùng làm tiêu đề của đoạn văn tốt nhất?
A. Sự gia tăng đáng báo động ở những người mất ngủ
B. Thiếu ngủ: Nguyên nhân và hậu quả
C. Một xã hội của những người mất ngủ
D. Thiếu ngủ: Triệu chứng và giải pháp)
- Giải thích: The passage primarily discusses the causes and effects of sleep deprivation in modern society. It
highlights various factors contributing to sleep deprivation, such as busy lifestyles, technology, and work
demands. Additionally, it explores the consequences of sleep deprivation, including reduced motivation,
impaired work performance, and increased risks in various settings like healthcare and transportation.
Therefore, "Sleep Deprivation: Causes and Effects" best encapsulates the central theme and content of the
passage: Đoạn văn chủ yếu thảo luận về nguyên nhân và ảnh hưởng của tình trạng thiếu ngủ trong xã hội hiện
đại. Nó nhấn mạnh các yếu tố khác nhau góp phần gây ra tình trạng thiếu ngủ, chẳng hạn như lối sống bận rộn,
công nghệ và nhu cầu công việc. Ngoài ra, nó còn khám phá những hậu quả của việc thiếu ngủ, bao gồm giảm
động lực, giảm hiệu suất làm việc và gia tăng rủi ro trong các môi trường khác nhau như chăm sóc sức khỏe và
giao thông. Vì vậy, “Mất ngủ: Nguyên nhân và kết quả” gói gọn tốt nhất chủ đề và nội dung trọng tâm của đoạn

12. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE about Paul Martin?
A. He is a scientist who is chronically deprived of sleep.
B. He gives an interesting account of a sleepless society.
C. He shows his concern for sleep deprivation in modern society.
D. He describes the modern world as a place without insomnia.
(Theo đoạn văn, câu nào sau đây là ĐÚNG về Paul Martin?
A. Ông ấy là một nhà khoa học thường xuyên bị thiếu ngủ.
B. Anh ấy đưa ra một câu chuyện thú vị về một xã hội không ngủ.

C. Anh ấy thể hiện mối quan tâm của mình đối với tình trạng thiếu ngủ trong xã hội hiện đại.
D. Ông mô tả thế giới hiện đại là một nơi không có chứng mất ngủ.)
- Thông tin: We live in a world of tired, sleep deprived people. In his book Counting Sheep, Paul Martin a
behavioral biologist - describes a society which is just too busy to sleep and which does not give sleeping the
importance it deserves.: Chúng ta đang sống trong một thế giới của những người mệt mỏi, thiếu ngủ. Trong
cuốn sách Đếm cừu của mình, Paul Martin, một nhà sinh học hành vi - đã mô tả một xã hội quá bận rộn để ngủ
và không coi việc ngủ là quan trọng xứng đáng.

13. The phrase round the clock in the second paragraph is similar in meaning to _________.
A. having a round clock B. surrounded with clocks
C. during the daytime D. all day and night
(Cụm từ round the clock trong đoạn thứ hai có nghĩa tương tự như _________.
A. có một chiếc đồng hồ tròn B. được bao quanh bởi những chiếc đồng hồ
C. vào ban ngày D. cả ngày và đêm)
- Thông tin: Mobile phones and email allow us to stay in touch round the clock and late-night TV and the
Internet tempt us away from our beds: Điện thoại di động và email cho phép chúng ta giữ liên lạc suốt ngày
đêm còn TV đêm khuya và Internet lôi kéo chúng ta rời khỏi giường.

14. The word it in the first paragraph refers to _________.

A. society B. importance C. sleeping D. book
(Từ it trong đoạn đầu tiên đề cập đến _________.
A. xã hội B. tầm quan trọng C. ngủ D. cuốn sách)
- Thông tin: In his book Counting Sheep, Paul Martin a behavioral biologist - describes a society which is just
too busy to sleep and which does not give sleeping the importance it deserves.: Trong cuốn sách Đếm cừu của
mình, Paul Martin, một nhà sinh học hành vi - đã mô tả một xã hội quá bận rộn để ngủ và không coi việc ngủ là
quan trọng xứng đáng.

15. The writer mentions the Internet in the passage as __________.

A. an easy solution to sleep deprivation B. a temptation that prevents us from sleeping
C. an ineffective means of communication D. a factor that is not related to sleep deprivation
(Tác giả đề cập đến Internet trong đoạn văn như __________.
A. một giải pháp dễ dàng cho tình trạng thiếu ngủ
B. một sự cám dỗ khiến chúng ta không thể ngủ được
C. một phương tiện giao tiếp không hiệu quả

D. một yếu tố không liên quan đến thiếu ngủ)
- Thông tin: Mobile phones and email allow us to stay in touch round the clock and late-night TV and the
Internet tempt us away from our beds: Điện thoại di động và email cho phép chúng ta giữ liên lạc suốt ngày
đêm còn TV đêm khuya và Internet lôi kéo chúng ta rời khỏi giường.

16. All of the following are mentioned as those whose performance is affected by sleep debt EXCEPT
A. biologists B. drivers C. doctors D. engineers
(Tất cả những người sau đây đều được đề cập là những người có hiệu suất làm việc bị ảnh hưởng bởi tình trạng
thiếu ngủ NGOẠI TRỪ ____________.
A. nhà sinh vật học B. lái xe C. bác sĩ D. kỹ sư)
- Thông tin: This has serious implications Doctors, for example, are often chronically sleep deprived, especially
when they are on "night call", and may for society in general. get less than three hours' sleep. Lack of sleep can
seriously impair their mood, judgment, and ability to take decisions. Tired engineers, in the early hours of the
morning, made a series of mistakes with catastrophic results. On our roads and motorways, lack of sleep kills
thousands of people every year.: Điều này có ý nghĩa nghiêm trọng. Chẳng hạn, các bác sĩ thường bị thiếu ngủ
kinh niên, đặc biệt là khi họ trực đêm và có thể ảnh hưởng đến xã hội nói chung. ngủ ít hơn ba giờ. Thiếu ngủ
có thể làm suy giảm nghiêm trọng tâm trạng, khả năng phán đoán và khả năng đưa ra quyết định của họ. Những
kỹ sư mệt mỏi ngay từ rạng sáng đã mắc hàng loạt sai sót dẫn đến hậu quả thảm khốc. Trên đường bộ và đường
cao tốc của chúng ta, việc thiếu ngủ có thể giết chết hàng nghìn người mỗi năm.

17. According to the third paragraph, which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?
A. Our social life has no influence on our hours of sleep
B. The sun obviously determined our daily routines.
C. The electric light was invented in the 19th century.
D. The electric light has changed our daily cycle of sleep.
(Theo đoạn thứ ba, câu nào sau đây KHÔNG ĐÚNG?
A. Đời sống xã hội không ảnh hưởng đến số giờ ngủ của chúng ta
B. Mặt trời rõ ràng đã quyết định thói quen hàng ngày của chúng ta.
C. Đèn điện được phát minh vào thế kỷ 19.
D. Ánh đèn điện đã thay đổi chu kỳ giấc ngủ hàng ngày của chúng ta.)
- Thông tin: But nowadays our hours of sleep are mainly determined by our working hours (or our social life)
and most people are woken up artificially by an alarm clock: Nhưng ngày nay số giờ ngủ của chúng ta chủ yếu
được quyết định bởi giờ làm việc (hoặc đời sống xã hội của chúng ta) và hầu hết mọi người đều bị đánh thức

một cách giả tạo bởi đồng hồ báo thức.

18. Which of the following is TRUE, according to the last paragraph?

A. Sleep deprivation has negative effects on both individuals and society.
B. Our motivation decreases with the bigger number of hours we sleep.
C. Doctors on "night call" do not need more than three hours of sleep a day.
D. Thousands of people are killed by drunken drivers every day.
(Điều nào sau đây là ĐÚNG, theo đoạn cuối?
A. Thiếu ngủ có tác động tiêu cực đến cả cá nhân và xã hội.
B. Động lực của chúng ta giảm đi khi chúng ta ngủ càng nhiều giờ.
C. Các bác sĩ trực đêm không cần ngủ quá ba tiếng mỗi ngày.
D. Hàng nghìn người thiệt mạng do lái xe say rượu mỗi ngày.)
- Thông tin: On our roads and motorways, lack of sleep kills thousands of people every year. Tests show that a
tired driver can be just as dangerous as as a drunken driver: Trên các con đường và đường cao tốc của chúng ta,
tình trạng thiếu ngủ giết chết hàng nghìn người mỗi năm. Các cuộc thử nghiệm cho thấy một người lái xe mệt
mỏi cũng có thể nguy hiểm như một người lái xe say rượu.

19. The word chronic in the last paragraph probably means _________.
A. lasting for a long time B. temporarily available
C. being wrongly diagnosed D. likely to become worthless
(Từ mãn tính ở đoạn cuối có lẽ có nghĩa là _________.
A. kéo dài trong một thời gian dài B. tạm thời có sẵn
C. bị chẩn đoán sai D. có khả năng trở nên vô giá trị)
- Thông tin: What does a chronic lack of sleep do to us?: Thiếu ngủ mãn tính gây ra hậu quả gì cho chúng ta?

20. Which of the following would the writer of the passage approve of?
A. Both drunken drivers and sleep-deprived people should be criticized.
B. Our world would be a much safer place without drinkers.
C. There is no point in criticizing irresponsible people in our society.
D. We certainly can function well even when we hardly sleep.
(Điều nào sau đây sẽ được người viết đoạn văn tán thành?
A. Cần phải chỉ trích cả những người lái xe say rượu và những người thiếu ngủ.
B. Thế giới của chúng ta sẽ là một nơi an toàn hơn nhiều nếu không có người uống rượu.
C. Chẳng ích gì khi chỉ trích những người vô trách nhiệm trong xã hội chúng ta.

D. Chắc chắn chúng ta có thể hoạt động tốt ngay cả khi chúng ta khó ngủ.)
- Thông tin: On our roads and motorways, lack of sleep kills thousands of people every year. Tests show that a
tired driver can be just as dangerous as as a drunken driver: Trên các con đường và đường cao tốc của chúng ta,
tình trạng thiếu ngủ giết chết hàng nghìn người mỗi năm. Các cuộc thử nghiệm cho thấy một người lái xe mệt
mỏi cũng có thể nguy hiểm như một người lái xe say rượu.

IX. Read the passage below and fill each numbered blank with ONE suitable word. Write your answers in
the space provided. (20 points)
In a small village nestled between lush green hills, (21) _____there______ lived a young girl named
Sara. Despite growing up in humble surroundings, Sara dreamed of becoming a renowned singer and sharing
her voice (22) _____with_____ the world.
21. there lives/lived + S: ai đó sống ở đó
Dịch: Tại một ngôi làng nhỏ nép mình giữa những ngọn đồi xanh tươi, có một cô gái trẻ tên Sara.
22. share sth with: chia sẻ cái gì với
Dịch: Mặc dù lớn lên trong môi trường khiêm tốn nhưng Sara vẫn mơ ước trở thành ca sĩ nổi tiếng và chia sẻ
giọng hát của mình với thế giới.

(23) _____However/ Nonetheless/ Nevertheless/Notwithstanding/Still_____, doubts and insecurities

often clouded Sara's mind. She feared that her dreams were (24) ______too_____ big for someone like her,
with no formal training or connections in the music industry.
23. However/ Nonetheless/ Nevertheless/Notwithstanding/Still: tuy nhiên (dreamed of becoming a renowned
singer >< feared)
Dịch: Tuy nhiên, những nghi ngờ và bất an thường che mờ tâm trí Sara.
24. too adj/adv for sb: quá đối với ai
Dịch: Cô sợ rằng ước mơ của mình quá lớn đối với một người như cô, không được đào tạo bài bản hay có mối
quan hệ nào trong ngành âm nhạc.

Despite these doubts, Sara refused to give up on her passion. Every day, she (25) _____would_____
practice singing in the fields, pouring her heart and soul into each note, believing that one day her voice would
be heard.
25. would Vnt: thói quen trong QK = used to
Dịch: Bất chấp những nghi ngờ này, Sara vẫn không từ bỏ niềm đam mê của mình. Hàng ngày, cô ra đồng tập
hát, dồn cả tâm hồn vào từng nốt nhạc, tin rằng một ngày nào đó giọng hát của cô sẽ được nghe thấy.

One evening, a traveling musician passed through the village and heard Sara singing. Mesmerized by
her talent and determination, he offered to mentor her and help her (26) ______pursue/ chase/follow/ realize/
fulfill/ achieve______ her dreams.
26. pursue/ chase/follow/ realize/ fulfill/ achieve dreams: theo đuổi/ hiện thực hoá ước mơ
Dịch: Một buổi tối, một nhạc sĩ du hành đi ngang qua làng và nghe Sara hát. Bị mê hoặc bởi tài năng và sự
quyết tâm của cô, anh đề nghị cố vấn cho cô và giúp cô theo đuổi/thực hiện ước mơ của mình.

With the guidance of her mentor and unwavering belief in herself, Sara embarked on a journey of self-
discovery and growth. She (27) _____performed/sang______ at local events and competitions, captivating
audiences with her soulful melodies.
27. performed/ sang: biểu diễn/ hát
Dịch: Với sự hướng dẫn của người cố vấn và niềm tin vững chắc vào bản thân, Sara bắt đầu hành trình khám
phá và trưởng thành bản thân. Cô biểu diễn/hát tại các sự kiện và cuộc thi địa phương, chinh phục khán giả
bằng những giai điệu có hồn.

Years later, Sara's perseverance (28) ______paid_____ off when she received an invitation to perform at
a prestigious music festival. Standing on (29) _____stage______, surrounded by thousands of cheering fans,
Sara realized that dreams (30) _____do_____ come true when you have the courage to believe in yourself. Her
story inspired others to achieve their own ambitions, no matter how impossible they may seem.
28. paid off: được đền đáp (chia QKĐ do có received)
Dịch: Nhiều năm sau, sự kiên trì của Sara đã được đền đáp khi cô nhận được lời mời biểu diễn tại một lễ hội âm
nhạc danh giá.
29. on stage: trên sân khấu
Dịch: Đứng trên sân khấu, được vây quanh bởi hàng nghìn người hâm mộ đang cổ vũ.
30. do + Vnt: nhấn mạnh
Dịch: Sara nhận ra rằng ước mơ sẽ thành hiện thực khi bạn có đủ can đảm để tin vào chính mình. Câu chuyện
của cô đã truyền cảm hứng cho những người khác đạt được tham vọng của riêng họ, bất kể chúng có vẻ không
thể đến mức nào.

SECTION 5: WRITING (40 points)

X. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence
printed before it. Write your answers in the space provided. (10 points)
1. We have had reports that the Prime Minister is making a surprise visit to Singapore.

→ The Prime Minister has been reported to be making/ paying a surprise visit to Singapore.
- Bị động đặc biệt/ bị động với các động từ chỉ quan điểm ý kiến: Cấu trúc chủ động: S1 (people/ everyone/
someone...) + V1 (think/ say/ believe...) + (that) + S2 + V2
Cấu trúc bị động:
+ Cách 1: It + V1 bị động + that S2 V2
+ Cách 2: S2 + V1 bị động + to V2
V2 có 4 dạng:
1. to V (TH còn lại)
2. to be Ving (khi V2 tiếp diễn)
3. to have p2 (khi V2 xảy ra và hoàn thành trước V1)
4. to have been Ving (kết hợp TH2 và TH3)
 Thuộc TH2
Dịch: Được biết Thủ tướng đang có chuyến thăm bất ngờ tới Singapore.

2. I explained what had happened but they totally refused to accept what I said.
→ They found my explanation of what had happened (was) totally unacceptable.
- find sb/sth adj: thấy ai/ cái gì như thế nào
Dịch: Họ nhận thấy lời giải thích của tôi về những gì đã xảy ra là hoàn toàn không thể chấp nhận được.

3. Both the doctors I consulted were confident of curing me.

→ I consulted two doctors, both of whom were confident of curing me.
- whom thay cho two doctors và nối 2 mệnh đề lại với nhau.
Dịch: Tôi đã hỏi ý kiến hai bác sĩ, cả hai đều tự tin chữa khỏi bệnh cho tôi.

4. I expected the book to be far better because it had been written by such a good novelist.
→ The book fell short of my expectations although/ (even) though it had been written by such a good
- fall short of: không đáp ứng được.
- SV although/ (even) though SV: mặc dù
Dịch: Cuốn sách không như mong đợi của tôi mặc dù nó được viết bởi một tiểu thuyết gia giỏi như vậy.

5. Sue left the office right before the manager arrived there.
→ No sooner had Sue left the office than the manager arrived there.
- No sooner had S p2 than S Ved: Vừa mới ... thì ...

Dịch: Sue vừa rời khỏi văn phòng thì người quản lý đã đến đó.

XI. Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one, using the capitalized word
in bold given without changing the word. Write your answers in the space provided. (10 points)
6. "Don't cancel your trip because of us, " we said to John. OFF
→ We told John not to call off his trip because of us.
- tell sb to V: bảo ai đó làm gì
- call off: huỷ
Dịch: Chúng tôi đã bảo John đừng hoãn chuyến đi vì chúng tôi.

7. We took the ring road because we didn't want to get caught in traffic in the city centre. AS
→ We took the ring road so as not to get caught in the city centre.
- so as (not) to V: để (không) làm gì
Dịch: Chúng tôi đi theo đường vành đai để không bị kẹt vào trung tâm thành phố.

8. Michael didn't want to spend his holidays in London, but in the end he did. RATHER
→ Michael would rather not have spent his holidays in London.
- would rather have p2: muốn làm gì ở quá khứ
Dịch: Michael không muốn dành kỳ nghỉ ở Luân Đôn.

9. You may not like what I have to say, but you don't have to yell at me. HEAD
→ You don't have to bite my head off if you don't like what I'm saying.
- bite one’s head off: nổi điên với ai, mắng ai té tát
Dịch: Bạn không cần phải nổi điên với tôi nếu bạn không thích những gì tôi đang nói.

10. You have to realise there's a problem that needs to be dealt with. WAKE
→ In regards to the problem at hand, you must/ have to wake up and smell the coffee.
- wake up and smell the coffee: tỉnh mộng đi cưng
Dịch: Liên quan đến vấn đề hiện tại, bạn phải nhận thức được điều đó.

XII. Paragraph writing: (20 points)

Should teenagers earn their pocket money to make a donation to charity?
In about 150 words, write a paragraph to give your own opinions about this topic.
Write your paragraph in the space provided.


In my opinion, teenagers should be encouraged to earn their pocket money and consider making donations to
charity. By earning their own money, adolescents learn valuable lessons about responsibility, hard work, and
financial management. Moreover, contributing to charitable causes instills a sense of empathy and altruism in
young individuals, fostering a deeper understanding of social issues and the importance of giving back to the
community. Encouraging teenagers to donate a portion of their earnings not only benefits those in need but also
helps cultivate a mindset of generosity and compassion that can last a lifetime. Additionally, involving
teenagers in the process of choosing which charities to support empowers them to become actively engaged
citizens, shaping them into socially conscious adults who are eager to make a positive impact on the world
around them. Therefore, promoting the idea of earning pocket money to donate to charity is not only beneficial
for the recipients of the donations but also for the personal growth and development of teenagers themselves.


Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH
Thời gian: 150 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề)
(Đề gồm có 09 trang) Khóa thi ngày: 12/4/2024


 Bài nghe gồm 3 phần, mỗi phần được nghe 2 lần.
 Mở đầu và kết thúc bài nghe có tín hiệu nhạc.
 Mọi hướng dẫn cho thí sinh (bằng tiếng Anh) đã có trong bài nghe.
Part 1. You will hear a radio announcer talking about Plymouth Sea Life Centre, then complete
the notes below. For questions 1-10, write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR
NUMBERS for each answer. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. (2.0 pts)
* Adults: £ 3.70, children: £ 2.00.
* Special prices for over sixties and (1) ………………………………….
* (2) …………………………………. of the year except the 25th and 26th of December
* Special quiz.
* Feeding animals every hour from (3) ………………………………….
* (4) ………………………………….. from the biggest to the smallest can be seen.
* (5) …………………………………. shows from 10.00 am.
* Guided tours available - ask at the (6) ………………………………….
* Walk through the big tunnel made of (7) ………………………………….
* See (8) ………………………………….. swimming
* Family dining area sells snack, cold drinks, ice creams.
* A bookshop and a souvenir shop near the (9) ……………………………. sell all kinds of things.
* FOR MORE INFORMATION, TELEPHONE: (10) ………………………………….
Part 2. You will hear a piece of news about cycling. For questions 11-15, listen and decide whether
the statements are true (T) or false (F). Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. (1.0 pt)
11. Mr. Jones is travelling on his own.
12. Mr. Jones only stays in hotels.
13. Edward Genochio couldn’t complete a 41,000km trip to China and back.
14. Cycling is becoming more popular in the UK.
15. Boris Johnson cycles to show people that he cares about the environment
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Part 3. You will hear a conversation which takes place in a busy restaurant between a couple,
Ivan and Hannah Smythe, and a young waiter, Joel. For questions 16-20, choose the best answer
A, B or C. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. (1.0 pt)
16. How would the manager probably react to an order of two starters?
A. He would not be agreeable.
B. He would be happy to oblige.
C. It wouldn’t matter to him.
17. What did Joel use to be?
A. A waiter B. A customer C. A vegetarian
18. Why does Ivan complain about the numbers?
A. They are confusing.
B. He doesn’t like the idea of using numbers on a menu.
C. He can’t see them.
19. What does Ivan want with Banana Spilt?
A. lemon sauce B. additional cream C. nuts
20. Why can’t meals be changed?
A. They are pre-prepared.
B. The meals are assembled off-site.
C. The waiter is busy.
Part 1. For questions 21 – 32, choose the option (A, B, C or D) that best completes each of the
following questions. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. (2.4 pts)
21. By tomorrow morning, everything ______ set up in time for the performance.
A. will have been B. will be C. had already been D. have already been
22. My brother really ______ pride in his achievement at university.
A. catches B. takes C. keeps D. makes
23. The bomb ______ in the garage; fortunately, no one hurt.
A. put on B. went off C. got out D. kept up
24. I am sorry, but we have to ______the discussion. We have no more time.
A. make room for B. put effort into C. take advantage of D. put an end to
25. We bought some ______.
A. lovely old round German sunglasses B. lovely German round old sunglasses
C. lovely round old German sunglasses D. lovely round German old sunglasses
26. The truck ______ crashed into the back of a bus scattering glass everywhere.
A. it was loading with empty bottles B. loaded with empty bottles
C. which loading with empty bottles D. loading with empty bottles
27. I’d give up my job ______ if only I could find a better one.
A. at one swoop B. at the drop of a hat
C. on the dot D. on the spur of the moment
28. Jane wasn't in when I arrived. I suppose she ______ I was coming.
A. must have forgotten B. must forget C. may forget D. can't have forgotten

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29. The teacher ______ the girl's mobile phone until after school because she was using it during lessons.
A. commissioned B. collected C. confiscated D. conceded
30. Nam is a ______ boy in the family and his parents always give him everything he wants.
A. blue-eyed B. naked-eyed C. black sheep D. spoiled
31. After years of loyal service, he was fired just before he would have qualified for a ______.
A. wage B. salary C. income D. pension
32. George and Frankie are talking about action films.
George: “In my opinion, action films are exciting. This kind of film makes me relaxed.”
Frankie: “______”
A. Yes. Congratulations! B. There’s no doubt about it.
C. What an opinion! D. You shouldn’t have said that.

Part 2. For questions 33 - 40, read the text below. Use the word given in CAPITAL at the end of
some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. Write your answers on the
Answer Sheet. (1.6 pts)


"Self-study" is a blanket term which means different things to different
people. It can be used to mean "autodidactic", or refer to self-help
material for those who, for (0) __ whatever __ reason do not have access WHAT
to a teacher.
For students following a distance learning course, such methods are
(33) ______ as they are designed for those who cannot attend WORTH
(34) ______ courses, which are far more expensive. RESIDENCE
There are many drawbacks to self-study for university students,
however, as one studies in (35) ______ and cannot enjoy exactly the ISOLATE
same lifestyle as the traditional type of (36) ______, who is combining GRADUATE
new social and academic experiences. Those who choose to use
self-study as a path into the realms of (37) ______ do so for very ACADEMY
different reasons, which depend on their financial background to a large
extent. Today, no one frowns on this, seeing it as a positive step towards
(38) ______. LIGHT
Self-help courses are also available for those who (39) ______ they have RECOGNITION
some kind of psychological problem but who cannot afford the fees
charged by psychoanalysts. Such courses need to be carefully selected,
but they can be (40) ______ to those who seek self-help. BENEFIT

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Part 3. (0.8 pts)
a. For questions 41 - 42, choose the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
part in each of the following questions. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet.
41. Through the years, voluntary environmentalists have made significant contributions to
species conservation.
A. attention B. protection C. production D. induction
42. I strongly recommend that you should take out an insurance policy in the house for your own
peace of mind.
A. to stop you sleeping B. to stop you believing
C. to stop you worrying D. to stop you thinking
b. For questions 43 - 44, choose the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the
underlined part in each of the following questions. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet.
43. After months of fruitless negotiations with team owners, the city withdrew its offer to build a
new stadium.
A. successful B. qualified C. unexpected D. significant
44. Even though I am not happy to quit my stable job and begin a new career, I know I need to bite
the bullet and pursue my passion.
A. make a speech B. take a rest
C. avoid a difficult task D. have a pleasant moment

Part 4. For questions 45 - 50, read the text below. There are 6 mistakes in the passage.
Write the mistakes and correct them in the space provided in the column on the right.
Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. (1.2 pts)
1 Young women entering the current job market has more than fifty years to wait
2 before they could be paid the same as men. Female managers saw their pay increase half
3 a percentage point faster than their male counterparts last year, according to a study by
4 the Chartered Management Institute. Even if that rates of improvement continues, the
5 pay gap will not be closed until 2067.
6 Women’s salaries increased by 2.8 per cent in 2009, compared with 2.3 per cent
7 for men. There is better news in the boardroom, therefore, where female managers
8 out-earn men with an average salary of $144,729 compared with $138,765. At the other
9 end of the career ladder, junior male executives receive $ 22,252 for average - $ 1,065
10 more than their female counterparts.
11 The largest pay gaps were in the IT and pharmaceutical industries, at $17,736 and
12 $14,018 respective. The Midlands has the worst regional division.
13 The recession also appears to have hit women managers hard, with 4.5 per cent of
14 the female workforce took redundant last year, compared with three per cent of men.
15 The general secretary of the trade union Unison, said: “It is a disgrace that women will
16 have to wait until 2067 for the pay gap to close – nearly 100 years after the Equal Pay
17 Act. This glacial progress towards fairness can not be allowed to go on.”
(Adapted from Reading for Ielts by Els Van Geyte)

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Part 1. For questions 51 - 57, read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C, or D best fits
each space. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. (1.4 pts)
Whatever line of work you’re in, there’s a lot to learn when you start a new job. At big
Japanese companies, new employees have to undergo (51) ______ weeks of formal instruction in
the basics of how to behave at work. After mastering the company song, new recruits are taught
everything (52) ______ how to shake hands to how to hand over a cup of tea correctly. In Japan,
manners play an important role in all aspects of adult life. Business has its own rules of behaviour,
(53) ______ must be adhered to. Business cards, for example, must be presented and received with
the body held at a specific angle. Cards must be (54) ______respectfully as they are considered an
extension of the holder’s identity. An (55) ______ businessman, for instance, who put a card he
had just received into his trouser pocket would cause great offense. This would seriously diminish
his chances of closing a deal. (56) ______, the correct gestures have to be learnt and practised.
Even after completing the training course, new employees may still find that (57) ______ life is
not easy. Workers at large Japanese firms are expected to sacrifice a great deal for the company.
They often live in company-owned accommodation with their colleagues and put in long hours at
work. In offices, workers are not free to leave until their superiors have done so.
(Mastermind use of English)
51. A. every B. another C. much D. several
52. A. about B. of C. in D. from
53. A. which B. whom C. where D. who
54. A. activated B. demanded C. handled D. solved
55. A. experience B. inexperience C. inexperienced D. experienced
56. A. Moreover B. Therefore C. Although D. Otherwise
57. A. mutual B. corporate C. commercial D. collaborative

Part 2. For questions 58 – 62, read the passage and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to
each of the questions. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. (1.0 pt)
Marine experts estimate about 40,000 humpback whales are now migrating through
Australian waters annually, up from about 1,500 half a century ago. The humpbacks’ annual
journey from Antarctica to subtropical waters along Australia’s east and west coasts is one of
nature’s great migrations. It is a journey of up to 10,000 kilometers and is undertaken between
April and November. Scientists have estimated 40,000 humpback whales have been in Australian
waters to mate and breed. It is a remarkable recovery from the height of commercial whaling in the
early 1960s when it was estimated there were fewer than 1,500 humpbacks. They were slaughtered
mainly for their oil and baleen, or “whalebone.”
Australia’s environment department says no other whale species has recovered as strongly
as the humpback since the end of commercial hunting, which ceased in Australia in 1978. Australia
is now considering removing humpback whales from the endangered species list because of their
growing numbers. The acrobatic humpbacks that can grow to 16 meters would still be protected in
Australia. Conservationists, though, argue that they need more, not fewer, environmental
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safeguards to monitor the impact of climate change on krill – their main source of food. Krill is
affected by the absorption of more carbon dioxide into the ocean.
Olaf Meynecke, a research fellow in Marine Science at Queensland’s Griffith University, says
vigilance is needed to ensure the whales continue to thrive. “Generally speaking, yes, it is a great
success story that humpback whales have come back. But obviously we also need to ask questions
as how this will continue in the future, how present threats are already impacting the population, and
how we are going to detect changes in the future,” Meynecke said. Scientists say humpbacks face a
combination of other threats including the overharvesting of krill, pollution, habitat degradation, and
entanglement in fishing nets. Calves also face attack by whales or sharks killers.
The recovery of the humpback has helped the rapid growth of Australia’s whale-watching
industry. As their numbers have grown, much about the humpback, a species famous for its song,
remains a mystery. Scientists do not know exactly, for example, where on Australia’s Great Barrier
Reef they mate and calve. Humpback whales live in all the world’s oceans. They take their
common name from a distinctive hump on the whale’s back.
(Adapted from

58. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?
A. Humpback Whales’ Migration from Antarctic to Australian Oceans
B. The Role of Humpback Whales in Australia’s Economy
C. Present Threats to Humpback Whales’ Population
D. The Recovery of Humpback Whales in Australian Waters
59. The word ceased in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ______.
A. stopped B. postponed C. prohibited D. persisted
60. The word they in paragraph 4 refers to ______.
A. scientists B. numbers C. humpback whales D. oceans
61. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
A. The humpback whale’s names come from a distinguishing feature on their bodies.
B. The annual journey of humpback whales takes more than half a year.
C. Humpback whales are still considered an endangered species in Australia.
D. Humpback whales’ population is threatened mainly because of changing habitats.
62. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
A. Humpback whales are only valuable for their bone, oil and baleen.
B. Without appropriate measures, the humpback whale population could be at stake.
C. Humpback whales will definitely find another place to mate and breed in the future.
D. Humpback whales’ recovery threatens other species in the oceans.
Part 3. For questions 63 – 70, fill each of the following numbered blanks with ONE suitable
word. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. (1.6 pts)
Surprising Benefits of Volunteering
With a busy student life, it can be hard to find time to volunteer. (63) ______, if you want to boost
your educational experience and learn new skills, volunteering can be a rewarding option.
Sometimes even more helpful than networking events or internship, it offers (64) ______ of
surprising benefits to students.

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1: Learn or Develop a New Skill
It is never too late to learn something new and volunteering is a great way to develop a unique skill
or discover something you are good at. No matter what type of volunteering work you do, you
may be certain to acquire the following (65) ______: teamwork, self-motivation, planning,
problem- solving, time management, goalsetting, persuasion, critical thinking.
2: Stay Physically and Mentally Healthy
Volunteering is good both for your mind and body. It has a profound effect (66) ______ your
psychological well-being, (67) ______ stress and anxiety, combats depression and makes you
happy. The (68) ______ you feel about yourself, the more positive view you’ll have on your life
and future goals. Moreover, as a volunteer, you’ll be more physically active and fit, strengthen your
bones and muscles and as a result, reduce the risk of many (69) ______, including heart attack and
3: Make New Friends
Volunteering provides a great opportunity to develop your social skills as you are regularly meeting
with people who have the (70) ______ interests. Even if you are shy and find it difficult to make
new contacts, you’ll have a chance to develop and practice your relationship skills.

Part 4. For questions 71 – 75, read an article about a woman who works with celebrities as a
fashion stylist. Five sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences
A–F the one which fits each gap. There is one extra sentence which you DO NOT NEED to use.
Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. (1.0 pt)
Rachel Fanconi is a fashion stylist who has worked with many stars. She was interviewed by
Alex McRae
Fashion styling is basically about making people look nice. I work on editorial photo shoots,
styling models for fashion spreads in magazines and newspapers, and I also style celebrities for big
awards ceremonies. (71) ______ . There’s actually a strong commercial element to styling.
A typical day usually starts with me packing up and returning clothes worn at an awards ceremony
the night before, then heading out to find new things for my next assignment. Some stylists go
through public relations agencies to find clothes. (72) ______ . As a stylist, your contacts are
extremely important, so I’m very protective of mine. If I’m finding clothes for someone new, I’ll
call the person first to discuss their likes and dislikes, which helps me to put together a profile.
Then I’ll spend the day shopping and bring back lots of different outfits for them to choose from.
The best thing about my job is shopping. I hope that doesn’t sound too shallow. (73) ______ . I
work with a big list of people – models, make-up artists, photographers – on various different
assignments, and it’s lovely checking in with them if I haven’t seen them for a few months. You’re
collaborating together to make something look gorgeous, and when things come together, it’s
hugely satisfying.
It’s easy, however, to get caught up in the glamour of the job. I feel that with any demanding
career, it’s important to have a balance. Otherwise, you could let styling take over your life and
become a caricature ‘fashion’ person, in a bubble. My husband and I are both stylists and we try to
avoid this. We’re great football fans – we go to lots of games and try to keep one part of our lives
separate from our jobs.
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There are a range of skills you need to be a top fashion stylist. It’s not enough to have an
artistic eye. (74) ______ . For example, if you go to gigs, exhibitions, and plays, it will inform your
work. During a fashion shoot, you have to be hawk-eyed, ready to swoop on any uneven hemlines.
It is important to be really thorough and careful. I take digital photos and print out suggestions of
shoe, bag, and outfit combinations, to make sure everything goes together.
So the reality is that it’s a lot of hard work. If you want to be a fashion stylist, get a
qualification under your belt – not necessarily a degree in fashion styling, but maybe in design.
(75) ______ . Then do work experience with a stylist in the most stressful environment possible –
probably fashion shoots for a newspaper – so you learn to work under pressure to a deadline. Try
to learn your craft from a stylist you admire, be as professional as you can, and be prepared to do
a lot of work for free.
(Adapted from Complete First by Barbara Thomas Amanda Thomas)
A. More important is planning and organization.
B. You should try to find inspiration in unexpected places.
C. I work differently in that I prefer to deal with people directly, and I try to support
London designers.
D. Their clothes are usually loaned, because when an outfit appears in a magazine or on a
celebrity, it’s advertising.
E. That will give you a useful range of skills.
F. Apart from that, it’s the social aspect of the job which is important to me.


Part 1. For questions 76 - 82, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the
sentence printed before it, beginning with the given word(s) or phrase. Write your answers on the
Answer Sheet. (1.4 pts)
76. Mary is having a lot of trouble now because she lost her identity card last week.
→ If ________________________________________________________________________.
77. People believe that the Chinese invented paper in 105 A.D.
 Paper _____________________________________________________________________.
78. Many people were severely critical of the proposals for the new supermarket.
→ There was__________________________________________________________________.
79. The respond to their appeal is so great that they have to recruit more volunteers.
→ Such ______________________________________________________________________.
80. He may be disqualified if he doesn’t obey the regulations.
→ Failure ____________________________________________________________________.
81. My cousin was about to cry when he was reprimanded by his mother.
→ My cousin was on ___________________________________________________________.
82. “Nothing will persuade me to sleep in that haunted cottage”, the lady said
→The lady flatly_______________________________________________________________.

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Part 2. For questions 83 - 90, use the word in bracket to finish each of the following sentences
so that it has a similar meaning to the sentences printed before it. DO NOT CHANGE THE
WORD GIVEN. You must use between THREE and FIVE words. Write your answers on the
Answer Sheet. (1.6 pts)
83. How did your son manage to carry such a heavy backpack? (COPE)
→ How did your son _____________________________ a heavy backpack?
84. The value of a picture depends on how famous the artist is. (VALUABLE)
→ The more famous the artist is, _____________________________ is.
85. I think you should be tolerant of other people’s weaknesses. (ALLOWANCE)
→ I think you should _____________________________ other people’s weaknesses.
86. Peter and his friends started arguing about the hot topic of bullying at school. (INTO)
→ Peter _____________________________ his friends about the hot topic of bullying at school.
87. My friend, Peter is not very good at writing assignments. (FLAIR)
→ My friend, Peter _____________________________ writing assignments.
88. The manager wouldn’t want to restrict the freedom of the workers in any way (IMPOSE)
→ The manager wouldn’t want to _____________________________ the freedom of the workers.
89. Finding the survivors is our number one priority. (UTMOST)
→ It is of the _____________________________ the survivors.
90. David would do almost anything to win the girl’s hand. (LENGTHS)
→ David _____________________________ to win the girl’s hand.

Part 3. Write an essay about 150 – 200 words on the following topic on the Answer Sheet. (2.0 pts)
Nowadays more and more people, especially the young prefer shopping online to shopping
at the local markets because the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give reasons for your answer.

---------- THE END ----------

- Thí sinh không được sử dụng tài liệu. Cán bộ coi thi không giải thích gì thêm.
- Họ và tên thí sinh: ………………………………….. Số báo danh: ……........

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Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH
Thời gian: 150 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề)

(Đề gồm có 09 trang) Khóa thi ngày: 12/4/2024


 Bài nghe gồm 3 phần, mỗi phần được nghe 2 lần.
 Mở đầu và kết thúc bài nghe có tín hiệu nhạc.
 Mọi hướng dẫn cho thí sinh (bằng tiếng Anh) đã có trong bài nghe.

Part 1. You will hear a radio announcer talking about Plymouth Sea Life Centre, then complete the
notes below. For questions 1-10, write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR NUMBERS for
each answer. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. (2.0 pts)


* Adults: £ 3.70, children: £ 2.00.
* Special prices for over sixties and (1) ………………school groups ………………….
* (2) ……………………every day……………. of the year except the 25th and 26th of December
* Special quiz.
* Feeding animals every hour from (3) ………………9.30 (a.m)………………….
* (4) …………………sea creatures……………….. from the biggest to the smallest can be seen.
* (5) …………………slide and video………………. shows from 10.00 am.
* Guided tours available - ask at the (6) ………………information desk………………….
* Walk through the big tunnel made of (7) ……………glass…………………….
* See (8) …………………enormous fish……………….. swimming
* Family dining area sells snack, cold drinks, ice creams.
* A bookshop and a souvenir shop near the (9) ………………main entrance……………. sell all kinds of

* FOR MORE INFORMATION, TELEPHONE: (10) ………………01743 564219………………….
Man: … and finally Mary James has been visiting the new Sea Life Centre at Plymouth. What can you tell
us about it, Mary?
Woman: Well, it’s an extremely exciting place. There are so many things to see and everything is
enjoyable as well as educational. It costs £3.70 for adults, £2 for children and less for over sixties and school
groups. It’s open every day of the year except the 25th and 26th of December.
Special attractions for children include a quiz and hourly feeding times for all the different animals and fish,
starting at 9.30. You can see everything here from the most enormous of sea creatures to the smallest.
Every morning from 10.00 there are slide and video shows for children in the sea life theatre, and someone
is always there to answer questions about what you’ve seen. If you are in a group of six or more people,
they can give you a special guided tour of the centre. But you need to arrange this at the information desk
when you arrive.
The latest attraction at the centre is a big glass tunnel you can walk through; all around you, you will see
enormous fish swimming – sometimes even over your head. You certainly have the clearest possible view
of the world beneath the waves. Children love it and it’s really amazing for adults too!
When you get hungry, there is a relaxed family dining area serving snacks, cold drinks and ice creams. Near
the main entrance there is an excellent bookshop and there’s also a souvenir shop selling all kinds of things
connected with the sea.
I warmly recommend this visit; for more information phone 01743 564219.

Part 2. You will hear a piece of news about cycling. For questions 11-15, listen and decide whether the
statements are true (T) or false (F). Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. (1.0 pt)
11. Mr. Jones is travelling on his own. T
12. Mr. Jones only stays in hotels. F
13. Edward Genochio couldn’t complete a 41,000km trip to China and back. F
14. Cycling is becoming more popular in the UK. T
15. Boris Johnson cycles to show people that he cares about the environment T
What's the furthest you have ever cycled? Perhaps you cycle to school or to work, or maybe at most a
short cycling trip with friends? How would you feel about spending months on the road travelling solo
from the UK to China, by bike?
For British cyclist Pete Jones, camping rough and cycling long distances through inhospitable terrain are
second nature. Mr Jones is currently undertaking a mammoth trip across the Eurasian continent from
Britain to China.

Pete Jones is no stranger to China. But he says many people there are puzzled by his passion for cycling,
asking why he would choose to cycle when he can afford a car. Indeed, while there are an estimated 400
million bicycles in China, where it has long been the preferred form of transport, rapid economic growth
has fuelled an explosive expansion in car ownership.
Edward Genochio, another British cyclist who completed a 41,000km trip to China and back, said one of
his aims was to "promote cycling as a safe, sustainable and environmentally benign means of getting
In the UK, the last few years have seen a rise in the number of people choosing two wheels over four,
with some estimates saying the number of people cycling to work has almost doubled in the last five
Politicians also see cycling as a way to boost their eco-credentials, with people such as London mayor
Boris Johnson often riding to work under his own steam. But we may have to wait some time before we
see him emulating Pete Jones in attempting to cycle all the way to China!

Part 3. You will hear a conversation which takes place in a busy restaurant between a couple, Ivan and
Hannah Smythe, and a young waiter, Joel. For questions 16-20, choose the best answer A, B or C. Write
your answers on the Answer Sheet. (1.0 pt)
16. How would the manager probably react to an order of two starters?
A. He would not be agreeable.
B. He would be happy to oblige.
C. It wouldn’t matter to him.
17. What did Joel use to be?
A. A waiter B. A customer C. A vegetarian
18. Why does Ivan complain about the numbers?
A. They are confusing.
B. He doesn’t like the idea of using numbers on a menu.
C. He can’t see them.
19. What does Ivan want with Banana Spilt?
A. lemon sauce B. additional cream C. nuts
20. Why can’t meals be changed?
A. They are pre-prepared.
B. The meals are assembled off-site.
C. The waiter is busy.
Ivan: I say, waiter. We’re ready to order.
Hannah: Not so loud, darling – people are looking.
Ivan: Ah, there you are. What kept you? er… Jo-elle.

Joel: Just a little mix-up with one of the other orders, sir.
Ivan: I’m not surprised. I don’t know who wrote this load of nonsense but it’s all Greek to me…
Hannah: Darling, it’s perfectly plain and obvious. I’ve just explained it. You choose a starter from list A,
a main course from list B and dessert from list C and the prices are all colour-coded.
Ivan: Well, what if I wanted two starters.
Joel: I’d have to ask the manager about that, sir and I don’t think he’d be too happy.
Ivan: No, no, there’s no need for that Jo-elle, we’ll just order one of everything as my wife said.
Joel: Well, do you know what you’d like, sir?
Ivan: Well, my wife will have the garlic mushrooms and a T-bone steak well-done on both sides and…
Joel: Sorry, sir. You have to give me the numbers. You see the garlic mushrooms are A36 up here.
Ivan: Oh, I see. Well, you could try writing the numbers a bit more clearly. Er, can you deal with this,
dear? I’ve left my reading glasses in the car.
Hannah: Uh, uh. Now, where were we?.. Oh yes. We’ll have one A36, one B7 and one C15 and my
husband will have A12, B3… oh hang on, did you want to ask about the quiche, dear?
Ivan: Ah, oh yes. Does the quiche contain animal fat, Joelle?
Joel: I’ve never really thought about that – I used to be a vegetarian but I eat almost everything now.
Hannah: I’m sure the quiche is fine, dear. We’ll have one B3, Joelle.
Joel: It’s Joel actually, you don’t pronounce the ‘E’.
Ivan: I could go for something else. Can you see anything, dear?
Hannah: Oh, sorry. Er, yes. There’s a nut roast – number B33 and it’s with lemon sauce – sounds nice.
Ivan: Lemon sauce? That’s a bit odd. Is it any good er… ‘Joel’?
Joel: I don’t know, sir. I don’t eat nuts myself – they don’t agree with my digestion.
Ivan: I wasn’t asking about you Joel, I just wanted to know if it’s popular.
Joel: Ah, it’s one of our most popular dishes, sir.
Ivan: Okay then, nut roast and lemon B33 and one banana split.
Hannah: That’s C11.
Ivan: Thank you, dear – and don’t forget the extra cream.
Joel: I’m sorry, sir, but all our meals are assembled in advance and nothing extra can be added – or
Ivan: What kind of restaurant is this?
Hannah: Ivan, calm down. He’s doing his best.
Joel: Will that be all then?
Ivan: Suppose it’ll have to be.
Joel: Well, if you’ll wait just one and a half minutes, I’ll bring you your food.
Ivan: My word, that’s very efficient. Even the officer’s canteen in Stanbroke isn’t that fast. Just shows
what a bit of organisation and…

Part 1. For questions 21 – 32, choose the option (A, B, C or D) that best completes each of the following
questions. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. (2.4 pts)
21. By tomorrow morning, everything ______ set up in time for the performance.
A. will have been B. will be C. had already been D. have already been
- By + khoảng thời gian => chia TLHT/QKHT => loại B và D
- Loại C vì tomorrow là tương lai
Dịch: Đến sáng mai, mọi thứ sẽ được chuẩn bị sẵn sàng cho buổi biểu diễn.

22. My brother really ______ pride in his achievement at university.

A. catches B. takes C. keeps D. makes
- take pride in: tự hào về
Dịch: Anh trai tôi thực sự tự hào về thành tích của mình ở trường đại học.

23. The bomb ______ in the garage; fortunately, no one hurt.

A. put on B. went off C. got out D. kept up
- put on: mặc quần áo
- go off: nổ
- get out: ra khỏi.
- keep up: duy trì, tiếp tục.
Dịch: Bom đã nổ trong nhà ga; may mắn là không ai bị thương.

24. I am sorry, but we have to ______the discussion. We have no more time.

A. make room for B. put effort into C. take advantage of D. put an end to
- make room for: nhường chỗ cho, dành chỗ cho.
- put effort into: đầu tư nỗ lực vào.
- take advantage of: tận dụng.
- put an end to: chấm dứt, kết thúc.
Dịch: Tôi xin lỗi, nhưng chúng ta phải kết thúc cuộc thảo luận. Chúng ta không còn thời gian nữa.

25. We bought some ______.

A. lovely old round German sunglasses B. lovely German round old sunglasses
C. lovely round old German sunglasses D. lovely round German old sunglasses
- Trật tự tính từ OpSASCOMP:
Opinion (lovely) – age (old) – shape (round) – origin (German)
Dịch: Chúng tôi đã mua một số kính râm Đức cổ, tròn và đẹp.

26. The truck ______ crashed into the back of a bus scattering glass everywhere.
A. it was loading with empty bottles B. loaded with empty bottles
C. which loading with empty bottles D. loading with empty bottles
- Rút gọn mệnh đề quan hệ ở dạng bị động p2
Dịch: Chiếc xe tải chở đầy chai rỗng đâm vào đuôi xe buýt khiến kính văng tung tóe khắp nơi.

27. I’d give up my job ______ if only I could find a better one.
A. at one swoop B. at the drop of a hat
C. on the dot D. on the spur of the moment
- at one swoop: một cú đánh, một cú đập.
- at the drop of a hat: ngay lập tức, không cần suy nghĩ.
- on the dot: đúng giờ.
- on the spur of the moment: đột ngột, không lập kế hoạch trước.
Dịch: Tôi sẽ từ bỏ công việc của mình ngay lập tức nếu chỉ có thể tìm được một công việc tốt hơn.

28. Jane wasn't in when I arrived. I suppose she ______ I was coming.
A. must have forgotten B. must forget C. may forget D. can't have forgotten
- Loại B và C vì hiện tại không đi với quá khứ
- must have p2: chắc chắn đã làm gì trong QK
- can’t have p2: chắc chắn đã không làm gì trong QK
Dịch: Jane không có ở nhà khi tôi đến. Tôi cho rằng cô ấy hẳn đã quên tôi sắp đến.

29. The teacher ______ the girl's mobile phone until after school because she was using it during lessons.
A. commissioned B. collected C. confiscated D. conceded
- commission (v): ủy thác, giao việc.
- collect (v): thu thập.
- confiscate (v): tịch thu.
- concede (v): thừa nhận, chấp nhận.
Dịch: Giáo viên đã tịch thu điện thoại di động của cô gái cho đến sau giờ học vì cô ấy đã sử dụng nó
trong giờ học.

30. Nam is a ______ boy in the family and his parents always give him everything he wants.
A. blue-eyed B. naked-eyed C. black sheep D. spoiled
- blue-eyed (adj): con cưng
- naked-eyed (adj): không đeo kính, không ẩn giấu gì.
- black sheep: con cừu đen, người nổi loạn, người ngoan cố.
- spoiled (adj): được chiều chuộng quá mức.

Dịch: Nam là đứa con cưng trong gia đình và bố mẹ anh luôn cho anh mọi thứ anh muốn.

31. After years of loyal service, he was fired just before he would have qualified for a ______.
A. wage B. salary C. income D. pension
- wage (n): tiền lương theo tuần.
- salary (n): tiền lương theo tháng.
- income (n): thu nhập.
- pension (n): tiền lương hưu, trợ cấp hưu trí.
Dịch: Sau nhiều năm phục vụ trung thành, anh ta bị sa thải ngay trước khi anh ta được hưởng lương hưu.

32. George and Frankie are talking about action films.

George: “In my opinion, action films are exciting. This kind of film makes me relaxed.”
Frankie: “______”
A. Yes. Congratulations! B. There’s no doubt about it.
C. What an opinion! D. You shouldn’t have said that.
- Yes. Congratulations!: Đúng rồi. Chúc mừng!
- There’s no doubt about it: Không có nghi ngờ gì về điều đó, tôi hoàn toàn đồng ý
- What an opinion!: Ý kiến thú vị!
- You shouldn’t have said that: Anh không nên nói như vậy.
Dịch: George và Frankie đang nói về phim hành động.
George: “Theo tôi, phim hành động rất thú vị. Loại phim này khiến tôi thư giãn.”
Frankie: “Tôi hoàn toàn đồng ý”

Part 2. For questions 33 - 40, read the text below. Use the word given in CAPITAL at the end of some
of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet.
(1.6 pts)


"Self-study" is a blanket term which means different things to different people.
It can be used to mean "autodidactic", or refer to self-help material for those
who, for (0) __ whatever __ reason do not have access to a teacher. WHAT
For students following a distance learning course, such methods are
(33) ___worthwhile___ as they are designed for those who cannot attend
(34) ___residential___ courses, which are far more expensive. WORTH
33. Sau tobe là adj => worthwhile (adj): đáng RESIDENCE
34. Trước N là adj => residential (adj): nội trú

Dịch: Đối với những sinh viên theo học khóa học từ xa, những phương pháp GRADUATE
như vậy rất có giá trị vì chúng được thiết kế cho những người không thể tham
gia các khóa học nội trú, vốn đắt hơn nhiều. ACADEMY

There are many drawbacks to self-study for university students, however, as

one studies in (35) ___isolation___ and cannot enjoy exactly the same LIGHT
lifestyle as the traditional type of (36) ___undergraduate___, who is RECOGNITION
combining new social and academic experiences. Those who choose to use
self-study as a path into the realms of (37) ___academia___ do so for very
different reasons, which depend on their financial background to a large BENEFIT
extent. Today, no one frowns on this, seeing it as a positive step towards
(38) ___enlightenment___.
35. Sau giới từ là N => isolation (n): sự cách ly, cô lập
36. Sau giới từ là N => undergraduate (n): sinh viên đại học
Dịch: Tuy nhiên, có nhiều hạn chế đối với việc tự học của sinh viên đại học,
vì người ta học một cách cô lập và không thể tận hưởng lối sống giống hệt như
kiểu sinh viên đại học truyền thống, những người đang kết hợp trải nghiệm
học tập và xã hội mới.
37. Sau giới từ là N => academia (n): hàn lâm, học thuật
Dịch: Những người chọn sử dụng việc tự học như một con đường vào lĩnh vực
học thuật làm như vậy vì những lý do rất khác nhau, điều này phụ thuộc phần
lớn vào nền tảng tài chính của họ.
38. Sau giới từ là N => enlightenment (n): sự khai sáng, giác ngộ
Dịch: Ngày nay, không ai cau mày về điều này, coi đó là một bước tích cực
hướng tới sự giác ngộ.

Self-help courses are also available for those who (39) ___recognize___ they
have some kind of psychological problem but who cannot afford the fees
charged by psychoanalysts. Such courses need to be carefully selected, but
they can be (40) ___beneficial___ to those who seek self-help.
39. Sau S là V => recognize (v): nhận ra, cộng nhận
Dịch: Các khóa học tự trợ giúp cũng có sẵn cho những người nhận ra rằng họ
có một số vấn đề về tâm lý nhưng không đủ khả năng chi trả phí do các nhà
phân tâm học tính.
40. Sau tobe là adj => beneficial (adj): có lợi
Dịch: Những khóa học như vậy cần phải được lựa chọn cẩn thận, nhưng chúng
có thể mang lại lợi ích cho những người đang tìm kiếm sự tự lực.

Part 3. (0.8 pts)
a. For questions 41 - 42, choose the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part
in each of the following questions. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet.
41. Through the years, voluntary environmentalists have made significant contributions to species
A. attention B. protection C. production D. induction
- attention: sự chú ý.
- protection: sự bảo vệ. = conservation
- production: sự sản xuất.
- induction: sự đưa vào, sự giới thiệu.
Dịch: Qua những năm qua, các nhà bảo vệ môi trường tự nguyện đã đóng góp đáng kể vào việc bảo tồn
các loài động vật.

42. I strongly recommend that you should take out an insurance policy in the house for your own peace
of mind.
A. to stop you sleeping B. to stop you believing
C. to stop you worrying D. to stop you thinking
- to stop you sleeping: để ngăn bạn ngủ.
- to stop you believing: để ngăn bạn tin.
- to stop you worrying: để ngăn bạn lo lắng. >< for your own peace of mind: để bạn yên lòng
- to stop you thinking: để ngăn bạn suy nghĩ.
Dịch: Tôi mạnh mẽ khuyên bạn nên mua một chính sách bảo hiểm cho ngôi nhà của bạn để bạn không
cần phải lo lắng.

b. For questions 43 - 44, choose the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part
in each of the following questions. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet.
43. After months of fruitless negotiations with team owners, the city withdrew its offer to build a new
A. successful B. qualified C. unexpected D. significant
- successful (adj): thành công. >< fruitless (adj): vô ích
- qualified (adj): đủ tư cách, đủ điều kiện.
- unexpected (adj): không mong đợi, bất ngờ.
- significant (adj): đáng kể, quan trọng.
Dịch: Sau nhiều tháng đàm phán không kết quả với các chủ nhà của đội, thành phố đã rút lại đề nghị xây
dựng một sân vận động mới.

44. Even though I am not happy to quit my stable job and begin a new career, I know I need to bite the
bullet and pursue my passion.
A. make a speech B. take a rest
C. avoid a difficult task D. have a pleasant moment
- make a speech: phát biểu.
- take a rest: nghỉ ngơi.
- avoid a difficult task: tránh một nhiệm vụ khó khăn. >< bite the bullet: ngậm đắng nuốt cay, cắn răng chịu
- have a pleasant moment: có khoảnh khắc dễ chịu.
Dịch: Dù tôi không vui khi phải từ bỏ công việc ổn định của mình và bắt đầu một sự nghiệp mới, nhưng
tôi biết tôi cần phải vượt qua khó khăn và theo đuổi đam mê của mình.

Part 4. For questions 45 - 50, read the text below. There are 6 mistakes in the passage.
Write the mistakes and correct them in the space provided in the column on the right. Write your
answers on the Answer Sheet. (1.2 pts)
1 Young women entering the current job market has more than fifty years to wait before
2 they could be paid the same as men. Female managers saw their pay increase half a percentage
3 point faster than their male counterparts last year, according to a study by the Chartered
4 Management Institute. Even if that rates of improvement continues, the pay gap will not be
5 closed until 2067.
6 1. has => have (S số nhiều women)
7 Dịch: Phụ nữ trẻ tham gia vào thị trường việc làm hiện tại phải chờ hơn 50 năm trước khi được
8 trả lương ngang bằng với nam giới. Theo một nghiên cứu của Viện Quản lý Chartered, các nhà
9 quản lý nữ nhận thấy mức lương của họ tăng nhanh hơn nửa điểm phần trăm so với các đồng
10 nghiệp nam vào năm ngoái.
11 2. rates (n): thuế địa phương => rate (n): tốc độ
12 Dịch: Ngay cả khi tốc độ cải thiện đó tiếp tục, khoảng cách về lương sẽ không được thu hẹp cho
13 đến năm 2067.
14 Women’s salaries increased by 2.8 per cent in 2009, compared with 2.3 per cent for men.
15 There is better news in the boardroom, therefore, where female managers out-earn men with
16 an average salary of $144,729 compared with $138,765. At the other end of the career ladder,
17 junior male executives receive $ 22,252 for average - $ 1,065 more than their female
3. therefore: do đó => however: tuy nhiên

Dịch: Lương của phụ nữ tăng 2,8% trong năm 2009, so với 2,3% của nam giới. Tuy nhiên, có
tin tốt hơn trong phòng họp, nơi các nhà quản lý nữ kiếm được nhiều tiền hơn nam giới với mức
lương trung bình là 144.729 USD so với 138.765 USD.
4. for => on (on average: trung bình)
Dịch: Ở đầu bên kia của nấc thang sự nghiệp, các giám đốc điều hành nam cấp dưới nhận được
trung bình 22.252 USD - nhiều hơn 1.065 USD so với các đồng nghiệp nữ.

The largest pay gaps were in the IT and pharmaceutical industries, at $17,736 and $14,018
respective. The Midlands has the worst regional division.
5. respective => respectively (adv): lần lượt, theo thứ tự)
Dịch: Khoảng cách lương lớn nhất là trong ngành CNTT và dược phẩm, lần lượt ở mức 17.736
USD và 14.018 USD. Midlands có sự phân chia khu vực tồi tệ nhất.

The recession also appears to have hit women managers hard, with 4.5 per cent of the
female workforce took redundant last year, compared with three per cent of men. The general
secretary of the trade union Unison, said: “It is a disgrace that women will have to wait until
2067 for the pay gap to close – nearly 100 years after the Equal Pay Act. This glacial progress
towards fairness can not be allowed to go on.”
6. took => made (make sb redundant: sa thải)
Dịch: Suy thoái kinh tế dường như cũng ảnh hưởng nặng nề đến các nhà quản lý nữ, với 4,5%
lực lượng lao động nữ bị dư thừa vào năm ngoái, so với 3% nam giới. Tổng thư ký công đoàn
Unison cho biết: “Thật đáng xấu hổ khi phụ nữ sẽ phải đợi đến năm 2067 để khoảng cách về
lương được thu hẹp – gần 100 năm sau Đạo luật Trả lương Bình đẳng. Không thể cho phép tiến
trình băng giá hướng tới sự công bằng này tiếp tục.”

(Adapted from Reading for Ielts by Els Van Geyte)


Part 1. For questions 51 - 57, read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C, or D best fits each
space. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. (1.4 pts)
Whatever line of work you’re in, there’s a lot to learn when you start a new job. At big Japanese
companies, new employees have to undergo (51) ______ weeks of formal instruction in the basics of how
to behave at work. After mastering the company song, new recruits are taught everything (52) ______ how
to shake hands to how to hand over a cup of tea correctly. In Japan, manners play an important role in all
aspects of adult life. Business has its own rules of behaviour, (53) ______ must be adhered to. Business
cards, for example, must be presented and received with the body held at a specific angle. Cards must be

(54) ______respectfully as they are considered an extension of the holder’s identity. An (55) ______
businessman, for instance, who put a card he had just received into his trouser pocket would cause great
offense. This would seriously diminish his chances of closing a deal. (56) ______, the correct gestures
have to be learnt and practised. Even after completing the training course, new employees may still find
that (57) ______ life is not easy. Workers at large Japanese firms are expected to sacrifice a great deal for
the company. They often live in company-owned accommodation with their colleagues and put in long
hours at work. In offices, workers are not free to leave until their superiors have done so.
(Mastermind use of English)
51. A. every B. another C. much D. several
- every + N số ít: mọi, mỗi
- another + N số ít: người/ cái khác
- much + N không đếm được: nhiều
- several + N số nhiều: một vài
Dịch: Tại các công ty lớn của Nhật Bản, nhân viên mới phải trải qua vài tuần hướng dẫn chính thức những
kiến thức cơ bản về cách cư xử tại nơi làm việc.

52. A. about B. of C. in D. from

- from … to …: từ
Dịch: Sau khi thành thạo bài hát của công ty, các tân binh sẽ được dạy mọi thứ, từ cách bắt tay cho đến
cách trao tách trà đúng cách.

53. A. which B. whom C. where D. who

- Loại B và D vì không thay cho vật
- Loại C vì không làm được chủ ngữ
Dịch: Doanh nghiệp có những quy tắc ứng xử riêng cần phải tuân thủ. Ví dụ, danh thiếp phải được trao và
nhận với phần thân được giữ ở một góc cụ thể.

54. A. activated B. demanded C. handled D. solved

- activate (v): kích hoạt
- demand (v): yêu cầu
- handle (v): xử lý
- solve (v): giải quyết (vấn đề)
Dịch: Ví dụ, danh thiếp phải được trao và nhận với phần thân được giữ ở một góc cụ thể. Danh thiếp phải
được xử lý một cách tôn trọng vì chúng được coi là phần mở rộng danh tính của chủ sở hữu.

55. A. experience B. inexperience C. inexperienced D. experienced

- experience (v): trải qua

- inexperienced (adj): không có kinh nghiệm
- experienced (adj): có kinh nghiệm
Dịch: Chẳng hạn, một doanh nhân thiếu kinh nghiệm nhét tấm thẻ vừa nhận được vào túi quần sẽ gây phản
cảm lớn.

56. A. Moreover B. Therefore C. Although D. Otherwise

- Moreover: Hơn nữa, thêm vào đó.
- Therefore: Do đó, vì vậy.
- Although: Mặc dù.
- Otherwise: Nếu không thì.
Dịch: Điều này sẽ làm giảm nghiêm trọng cơ hội đạt được thỏa thuận của anh ấy. Vì vậy, những cử chỉ
đúng phải được học và thực hành.

57. A. mutual B. corporate C. commercial D. collaborative

- mutual (adj): tương hỗ, cùng nhau.
- corporate (adj): công ty, tập đoàn.
- commercial: thương mại, quảng cáo.
- collaborative: cộng tác, hợp tác.
Dịch: Ngay cả khi đã hoàn thành khóa đào tạo, nhân viên mới vẫn có thể thấy rằng cuộc sống ở công ty
không hề dễ dàng. Người lao động tại các công ty lớn của Nhật Bản được cho là sẽ hy sinh rất nhiều cho
công ty. Họ thường sống trong khu nhà ở do công ty sở hữu cùng với đồng nghiệp và làm việc nhiều giờ.
Trong văn phòng, nhân viên không được tự do rời đi cho đến khi cấp trên của họ làm như vậy.

Part 2. For questions 58 – 62, read the passage and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to each of
the questions. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. (1.0 pt)
Marine experts estimate about 40,000 humpback whales are now migrating through Australian waters
annually, up from about 1,500 half a century ago. The humpbacks’ annual journey from Antarctica to
subtropical waters along Australia’s east and west coasts is one of nature’s great migrations. It is a journey
of up to 10,000 kilometers and is undertaken between April and November. Scientists have estimated
40,000 humpback whales have been in Australian waters to mate and breed. It is a remarkable recovery
from the height of commercial whaling in the early 1960s when it was estimated there were fewer than
1,500 humpbacks. They were slaughtered mainly for their oil and baleen, or “whalebone.”
Australia’s environment department says no other whale species has recovered as strongly as the
humpback since the end of commercial hunting, which ceased in Australia in 1978. Australia is now
considering removing humpback whales from the endangered species list because of their growing
numbers. The acrobatic humpbacks that can grow to 16 meters would still be protected in Australia.
Conservationists, though, argue that they need more, not fewer, environmental safeguards to monitor the

impact of climate change on krill – their main source of food. Krill is affected by the absorption of more
carbon dioxide into the ocean.
Olaf Meynecke, a research fellow in Marine Science at Queensland’s Griffith University, says
vigilance is needed to ensure the whales continue to thrive. “Generally speaking, yes, it is a great success
story that humpback whales have come back. But obviously we also need to ask questions as how this will
continue in the future, how present threats are already impacting the population, and how we are going to
detect changes in the future,” Meynecke said. Scientists say humpbacks face a combination of other threats
including the overharvesting of krill, pollution, habitat degradation, and entanglement in fishing nets. Calves
also face attack by whales or sharks killers.
The recovery of the humpback has helped the rapid growth of Australia’s whale-watching industry.
As their numbers have grown, much about the humpback, a species famous for its song, remains a mystery.
Scientists do not know exactly, for example, where on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef they mate and calve.
Humpback whales live in all the world’s oceans. They take their common name from a distinctive hump
on the whale’s back.
(Adapted from

58. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?
A. Humpback Whales’ Migration from Antarctic to Australian Oceans
B. The Role of Humpback Whales in Australia’s Economy
C. Present Threats to Humpback Whales’ Population
D. The Recovery of Humpback Whales in Australian Waters
(Điều nào sau đây có thể là tiêu đề tốt nhất cho đoạn văn?
A. Sự di cư của cá voi lưng gù từ Nam Cực tới đại dương Australia
B. Vai trò của Cá voi lưng gù trong nền kinh tế Úc
C. Hiện tại có mối đe dọa đối với quần thể cá voi lưng gù
D. Sự phục hồi của cá voi lưng gù ở vùng biển Australia)
- Giải thích: The passage primarily discusses the recovery of humpback whales in Australian waters,
highlighting their increasing numbers and the factors contributing to their resurgence. It mentions the
drastic increase in the humpback whale population over the past half-century, the cessation of commercial
hunting in Australia, and the consideration of removing humpback whales from the endangered species list
due to their growing numbers. Therefore, the best title for the passage would be "The Recovery of
Humpback Whales in Australian Waters.": Đoạn văn chủ yếu thảo luận về sự phục hồi của cá voi lưng gù
ở vùng biển Úc, nêu bật số lượng ngày càng tăng của chúng và các yếu tố góp phần vào sự hồi sinh của
chúng. Nó đề cập đến sự gia tăng mạnh mẽ về quần thể cá voi lưng gù trong nửa thế kỷ qua, việc ngừng
săn bắn thương mại ở Úc và việc xem xét loại cá voi lưng gù khỏi danh sách các loài có nguy cơ tuyệt
chủng do số lượng ngày càng tăng của chúng. Vì vậy, tựa đề hay nhất cho đoạn văn sẽ là "Sự phục hồi của
cá voi lưng gù ở vùng biển Australia".

59. The word ceased in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ______.
A. stopped B. postponed C. prohibited D. persisted
(Từ dừng ở đoạn 2 có nghĩa gần nhất với ______.
A. dừng lại B. hoãn lại C. bị cấm D. vẫn tồn tại)
- Thông tin: Australia’s environment department says no other whale species has recovered as strongly as
the humpback since the end of commercial hunting, which ceased in Australia in 1978: Bộ môi trường
Australia cho biết không có loài cá voi nào khác phục hồi mạnh mẽ như cá voi lưng gù kể từ khi chấm dứt
hoạt động săn bắt thương mại ở Australia vào năm 1978.

60. The word they in paragraph 4 refers to ______.

A. scientists B. numbers C. humpback whales D. oceans
(Từ they ở đoạn 4 đề cập đến ______.
A. nhà khoa học B. số C. cá voi lưng gù D. đại dương)
- Thông tin: As their numbers have grown, much about the humpback, a species famous for its song,
remains a mystery. Scientists do not know exactly, for example, where on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef
they mate and calve.: Khi số lượng của chúng tăng lên, nhiều thông tin về cá lưng gù, loài nổi tiếng với
tiếng hót của nó, vẫn còn là một bí ẩn. Ví dụ, các nhà khoa học không biết chính xác nơi chúng giao phối
và sinh con ở rạn san hô Great Barrier của Australia.

61. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
A. The humpback whale’s names come from a distinguishing feature on their bodies.
B. The annual journey of humpback whales takes more than half a year.
C. Humpback whales are still considered an endangered species in Australia.
D. Humpback whales’ population is threatened mainly because of changing habitats.
(Câu nào sau đây KHÔNG ĐÚNG theo đoạn văn?
A. Tên của cá voi lưng gù xuất phát từ đặc điểm nổi bật trên cơ thể chúng.
B. Hành trình hàng năm của cá voi lưng gù kéo dài hơn nửa năm.
C. Cá voi lưng gù vẫn được coi là loài có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng ở Australia.
D. Quần thể cá voi lưng gù bị đe dọa chủ yếu do môi trường sống thay đổi.)
- Thông tin:
+ Câu A: They take their common name from a distinctive hump on the whale’s back: Chúng lấy tên chung
từ cái bướu đặc biệt trên lưng cá voi.
+ Câu B: It is a journey of up to 10,000 kilometers and is undertaken between April and November.: Đó là
một hành trình dài tới 10.000 km và được thực hiện từ tháng 4 đến tháng 11.
+ Câu C: Australia is now considering removing humpback whales from the endangered species list
because of their growing numbers: Úc hiện đang xem xét loại cá voi lưng gù khỏi danh sách các loài có
nguy cơ tuyệt chủng vì số lượng ngày càng tăng của chúng.

62. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
A. Humpback whales are only valuable for their bone, oil and baleen.
B. Without appropriate measures, the humpback whale population could be at stake.
C. Humpback whales will definitely find another place to mate and breed in the future.
D. Humpback whales’ recovery threatens other species in the oceans.
(Điều nào sau đây có thể được suy ra từ đoạn văn?
A. Cá voi lưng gù chỉ có giá trị vì xương, dầu và tấm sừng hàm.
B. Nếu không có biện pháp thích hợp, quần thể cá voi lưng gù có thể bị đe dọa.
C. Cá voi lưng gù chắc chắn sẽ tìm nơi khác để giao phối và sinh sản trong tương lai.
D. Sự phục hồi của cá voi lưng gù đe dọa các loài khác trong đại dương.)
- Thông tin: Olaf Meynecke, a research fellow in Marine Science at Queensland’s Griffith University, says
vigilance is needed to ensure the whales continue to thrive. “Generally speaking, yes, it is a great success
story that humpback whales have come back. But obviously we also need to ask questions as how this will
continue in the future, how present threats are already impacting the population, and how we are going to
detect changes in the future,” Meynecke said: Olaf Meynecke, một nhà nghiên cứu về Khoa học Hàng hải tại
Đại học Griffith của Queensland, cho biết cần phải cảnh giác để đảm bảo cá voi tiếp tục phát triển mạnh.
“Nói chung, vâng, việc cá voi lưng gù quay trở lại là một câu chuyện thành công lớn. Nhưng rõ ràng chúng
ta cũng cần đặt câu hỏi về điều này sẽ tiếp tục như thế nào trong tương lai, các mối đe dọa hiện tại đang tác
động đến dân chúng như thế nào và chúng ta sẽ phát hiện những thay đổi trong tương lai như thế nào,”
Meynecke nói.

Part 3. For questions 63 – 70, fill each of the following numbered blanks with ONE suitable word. Write
your answers on the Answer Sheet. (1.6 pts)
Surprising Benefits of Volunteering
With a busy student life, it can be hard to find time to volunteer. (63) ___However/Nevertheless___, if you
want to boost your educational experience and learn new skills, volunteering can be a rewarding option.
Sometimes even more helpful than networking events or internship, it offers (64) ___plenty/lots___ of
surprising benefits to students.
63. However/ Nevertheless: tuy nhiên (hard time >< rewarding option)
Dịch: Với cuộc sống sinh viên bận rộn, thật khó để tìm được thời gian làm tình nguyện. Tuy nhiên, nếu bạn
muốn nâng cao trải nghiệm học tập và học các kỹ năng mới, hoạt động tình nguyện có thể là một lựa chọn
bổ ích.
64. plenty/lots of + N số nhiều/ không đếm được: nhiều
Dịch: Đôi khi còn hữu ích hơn cả các sự kiện kết nối hoặc thực tập, nó mang lại nhiều lợi ích đáng ngạc
nhiên cho sinh viên.

1: Learn or Develop a New Skill
It is never too late to learn something new and volunteering is a great way to develop a unique skill or
discover something you are good at. No matter what type of volunteering work you do, you may be certain
to acquire the following (65) __skills____: teamwork, self-motivation, planning, problem- solving, time
management, goalsetting, persuasion, critical thinking.
65. skills (n): kĩ năng (phía sau nêu ra rất nhiều skills)
Dịch: Không bao giờ là quá muộn để học điều gì đó mới và hoạt động tình nguyện là một cách tuyệt vời
để phát triển một kỹ năng độc đáo hoặc khám phá điều gì đó mà bạn giỏi. Cho dù bạn làm loại công việc
tình nguyện nào, chắc chắn bạn sẽ có được những kỹ năng sau: làm việc nhóm, tự tạo động lực, lập kế
hoạch, giải quyết vấn đề, quản lý thời gian, đặt mục tiêu, thuyết phục, tư duy phản biện.

2: Stay Physically and Mentally Healthy

Volunteering is good both for your mind and body. It has a profound effect (66) ___on___ your
psychological well-being, (67) ___reduces/lessens___ stress and anxiety, combats depression and
makes you happy. The (68) ___better___ you feel about yourself, the more positive view you’ll have on
your life and future goals. Moreover, as a volunteer, you’ll be more physically active and fit, strengthen
your bones and muscles and as a result, reduce the risk of many (69) ___diseases___, including heart attack
and diabetes.
66. have an effect on: có ảnh hưởng đến
67. reduces/ lessens (v): giảm (chia song song với has)
Dịch: Tình nguyện là tốt cho cả tinh thần và cơ thể của bạn. Nó có tác động sâu sắc đến sức khỏe tâm lý
của bạn, giảm căng thẳng và lo lắng, chống trầm cảm và khiến bạn hạnh phúc.
68. the so sánh hơn SV, the so sánh hơn SV => better (adj): tốt hơn
Dịch: Bạn càng cảm thấy tốt hơn về bản thân, bạn sẽ càng có cái nhìn tích cực hơn về cuộc sống và các
mục tiêu tương lai của mình.
69. many + N số nhiều => diseases (n): bệnh
Dịch: Hơn nữa, với tư cách là một tình nguyện viên, bạn sẽ năng động và khỏe mạnh hơn, tăng cường
xương và cơ bắp, nhờ đó giảm nguy cơ mắc nhiều bệnh, bao gồm đau tim và tiểu đường.

3: Make New Friends

Volunteering provides a great opportunity to develop your social skills as you are regularly meeting with
people who have the (70) ___similar/same___ interests. Even if you are shy and find it difficult to make
new contacts, you’ll have a chance to develop and practice your relationship skills.
70. the similar/same + N: tương tự
Dịch: Hoạt động tình nguyện mang lại cơ hội tuyệt vời để phát triển các kỹ năng xã hội của bạn vì bạn
thường xuyên gặp gỡ những người có cùng sở thích. Ngay cả khi bạn nhút nhát và cảm thấy khó khăn khi
kết bạn mới, bạn vẫn có cơ hội phát triển và rèn luyện các kỹ năng quan hệ của mình.

Part 4. For questions 71 – 75, read an article about a woman who works with celebrities as a fashion
stylist. Five sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A–F the one which
fits each gap. There is one extra sentence which you DO NOT NEED to use. Write your answers on the
Answer Sheet. (1.0 pt)
Rachel Fanconi is a fashion stylist who has worked with many stars. She was interviewed by Alex
Fashion styling is basically about making people look nice. I work on editorial photo shoots, styling
models for fashion spreads in magazines and newspapers, and I also style celebrities for big awards
ceremonies. (71) ___ D. Their clothes are usually loaned, because when an outfit appears in a magazine or
on a celebrity, it’s advertising. ___ . There’s actually a strong commercial element to styling.
- their clothes => ám chỉ clothes của celebrities
Dịch: Phong cách thời trang về cơ bản là làm cho mọi người trông đẹp hơn. Tôi làm công việc chụp ảnh
biên tập, tạo mẫu cho người mẫu thời trang trên các tạp chí và báo, đồng thời tôi cũng tạo kiểu cho những
người nổi tiếng tại các lễ trao giải lớn. Quần áo của họ thường được mượn, vì khi một bộ trang phục
xuất hiện trên tạp chí hoặc trên người nổi tiếng thì đó là quảng cáo. Thực sự có một yếu tố thương mại
mạnh mẽ trong việc tạo kiểu tóc.

A typical day usually starts with me packing up and returning clothes worn at an awards ceremony
the night before, then heading out to find new things for my next assignment. Some stylists go through
public relations agencies to find clothes. (72) ___ C. I work differently in that I prefer to deal with people
directly, and I try to support London designers. ___ . As a stylist, your contacts are extremely important,
so I’m very protective of mine. If I’m finding clothes for someone new, I’ll call the person first to discuss
their likes and dislikes, which helps me to put together a profile. Then I’ll spend the day shopping and bring
back lots of different outfits for them to choose from.
- a typical day usually starts => differently
Dịch: Một ngày điển hình thường bắt đầu bằng việc tôi thu dọn đồ đạc và trả lại quần áo đã mặc tại lễ
trao giải vào đêm hôm trước, sau đó ra ngoài tìm đồ mới cho nhiệm vụ tiếp theo. Một số nhà tạo mẫu phải
thông qua các cơ quan quan hệ công chúng để tìm quần áo. Tôi làm việc khác ở chỗ tôi thích giao dịch
trực tiếp với mọi người hơn và tôi cố gắng hỗ trợ các nhà thiết kế ở London. Là một nhà tạo mẫu, những
mối liên hệ của bạn cực kỳ quan trọng, vì vậy tôi rất bảo vệ mối liên hệ của mình. Nếu tôi đang tìm quần
áo cho người mới, tôi sẽ gọi cho người đó trước để thảo luận về sở thích và sở thích của họ, điều này giúp
tôi lập hồ sơ. Sau đó, tôi sẽ dành cả ngày để mua sắm và mang về rất nhiều bộ trang phục khác nhau để
họ lựa chọn.

The best thing about my job is shopping. I hope that doesn’t sound too shallow. (73) ___ F. Apart
from that, it’s the social aspect of the job which is important to me. ___ . I work with a big list of people –

models, make-up artists, photographers – on various different assignments, and it’s lovely checking in with
them if I haven’t seen them for a few months. You’re collaborating together to make something look
gorgeous, and when things come together, it’s hugely satisfying.
- the best thing is shopping, apart from, the social aspect of the job is important to me
Dịch: Điều tuyệt vời nhất trong công việc của tôi là mua sắm. Tôi hy vọng điều đó không có vẻ quá nông
cạn. Ngoài ra, khía cạnh xã hội của công việc rất quan trọng đối với tôi. Tôi làm việc với một danh sách
lớn mọi người – người mẫu, nghệ sĩ trang điểm, nhiếp ảnh gia – trong nhiều công việc khác nhau và thật
thú vị khi liên lạc với họ nếu tôi không gặp họ trong vài tháng. Các bạn đang cộng tác cùng nhau để làm
cho thứ gì đó trông thật lộng lẫy và khi mọi thứ kết hợp với nhau, bạn sẽ vô cùng hài lòng.

It’s easy, however, to get caught up in the glamour of the job. I feel that with any demanding career,
it’s important to have a balance. Otherwise, you could let styling take over your life and become a caricature
‘fashion’ person, in a bubble. My husband and I are both stylists and we try to avoid this. We’re great
football fans – we go to lots of games and try to keep one part of our lives separate from our jobs.
There are a range of skills you need to be a top fashion stylist. It’s not enough to have an artistic
eye. (74) ___ B. You should try to find inspiration in unexpected places. ___ . For example, if you go to
gigs, exhibitions, and plays, it will inform your work. During a fashion shoot, you have to be hawk-eyed,
ready to swoop on any uneven hemlines. It is important to be really thorough and careful. I take digital
photos and print out suggestions of shoe, bag, and outfit combinations, to make sure everything goes
- Unexpected places => For example: gigs, exhibitions, plays
Dịch: Có rất nhiều kỹ năng bạn cần để trở thành một nhà tạo mẫu thời trang hàng đầu. Chỉ có con mắt
nghệ thuật thôi là chưa đủ. Bạn nên cố gắng tìm cảm hứng ở những nơi không ngờ tới. Ví dụ: nếu bạn
đi biểu diễn, triển lãm và biểu diễn, nó sẽ cung cấp thông tin cho công việc của bạn. Trong buổi chụp hình
thời trang, bạn phải có con mắt diều hâu, sẵn sàng lao vào bất kỳ đường viền không đồng đều nào. Điều
quan trọng là phải thực sự kỹ lưỡng và cẩn thận. Tôi chụp ảnh kỹ thuật số và in ra các gợi ý về cách kết
hợp giày, túi xách và trang phục để đảm bảo mọi thứ ăn khớp với nhau.

So the reality is that it’s a lot of hard work. If you want to be a fashion stylist, get a qualification
under your belt – not necessarily a degree in fashion styling, but maybe in design. (75) ___ E. That will
give you a useful range of skills. ___ . Then do work experience with a stylist in the most stressful
environment possible – probably fashion shoots for a newspaper – so you learn to work under pressure to
a deadline. Try to learn your craft from a stylist you admire, be as professional as you can, and be prepared
to do a lot of work for free.
- qualifications => give you a useful range of skills
Dịch: Vì vậy, thực tế là nó có rất nhiều công việc khó khăn. Nếu bạn muốn trở thành một nhà tạo mẫu thời
trang, hãy có bằng cấp chuyên môn - không nhất thiết phải là bằng cấp về tạo kiểu thời trang mà có thể là

thiết kế. Điều đó sẽ cung cấp cho bạn một loạt các kỹ năng hữu ích. Sau đó, hãy trải nghiệm làm việc với
nhà tạo mẫu trong môi trường căng thẳng nhất có thể - có thể là chụp ảnh thời trang cho một tờ báo - để
bạn học cách làm việc dưới áp lực đúng thời hạn. Cố gắng học nghề từ một nhà tạo mẫu mà bạn ngưỡng
mộ, trở nên chuyên nghiệp nhất có thể và sẵn sàng làm nhiều việc miễn phí.

(Adapted from Complete First by Barbara Thomas

Amanda Thomas)
A. More important is planning and organization.
B. You should try to find inspiration in unexpected places.
C. I work differently in that I prefer to deal with people directly, and I try to support London
D. Their clothes are usually loaned, because when an outfit appears in a magazine or on a
celebrity, it’s advertising.
E. That will give you a useful range of skills.
F. Apart from that, it’s the social aspect of the job which is important to me.


Part 1. For questions 76 - 82, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the sentence
printed before it, beginning with the given word(s) or phrase. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. (1.4
76. Mary is having a lot of trouble now because she lost her identity card last week.
→ If Mary hadn’t lost her identity card last week, she wouldn’t be having a lot of trouble now.
- Câu điều kiện hỗn hợp 3-2: if S had p2, S would/could Vnt
Dịch: Nếu Mary không bị mất chứng minh nhân dân vào tuần trước thì bây giờ cô ấy đã không gặp nhiều rắc
rối như vậy.

77. People believe that the Chinese invented paper in 105 A.D.
 Paper is believed to have been invented by the Chinese in 105 A.D.
- Bị động đặc biệt/ bị động với các động từ chỉ quan điểm ý kiến: Cấu trúc chủ động: S1 (people/
everyone/ someone...) + V1 (think/ say/ believe...) + (that) + S2 + V2
Cấu trúc bị động:
+ Cách 1: It + V1 bị động + that S2 V2
+ Cách 2: S2 + V1 bị động + to V2
V2 có 4 dạng:
1. to V (TH còn lại)
2. to be Ving (khi V2 tiếp diễn)
3. to have p2 (khi V2 xảy ra và hoàn thành trước V1)

4. to have been Ving (kết hợp TH2 và TH3)
→ Thuộc TH3, do có by nên bị động be p2 => to have been p2
Dịch: Giấy được cho là do người Trung Quốc phát minh ra vào năm 105 sau Công nguyên.

78. Many people were severely critical of the proposals for the new supermarket.
→ There was severe criticism (by many people) of the proposals for the new supermarket.
- There be N: có
Dịch: Đã có những lời chỉ trích gay gắt (của nhiều người) về những đề xuất thành lập siêu thị mới.

79. The respond to their appeal is so great that they have to recruit more volunteers.
→ Such is the great respond to their appeal that they have to recruit more volunteers.
- Such + be + N that: đến mức mà
Dịch: Đó là phản ứng tuyệt vời trước lời kêu gọi của họ nên họ phải tuyển thêm tình nguyện viên.

80. He may be disqualified if he doesn’t obey the regulations.

→ Failure to obey the regulations may cause (/ result in/ lead to) his disqualification.
- Failure to V: không làm gì
- cause/result in/lead to: dẫn đến
Dịch: Việc không tuân thủ các quy định có thể dẫn đến việc anh ta bị loại.

81. My cousin was about to cry when he was reprimanded by his mother.
→ My cousin was on the point of crying when he was reprimanded by his mother.
- on the point of Ving: sắp sửa/ suýt làm gì
Dịch: Em họ tôi suýt khóc khi bị mẹ khiển trách.

82. “Nothing will persuade me to sleep in that haunted cottage”, the lady said
→The lady flatly refused to sleep in that/the haunted cottage.
- flatly refuse to V: từ chối làm gì
Dịch: Người phụ nữ thẳng thừng từ chối ngủ trong ngôi nhà bị ma ám đó.

Part 2. For questions 83 - 90, use the word in bracket to finish each of the following sentences so that
it has a similar meaning to the sentences printed before it. DO NOT CHANGE THE WORD GIVEN.
You must use between THREE and FIVE words. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. (1.6 pts)
83. How did your son manage to carry such a heavy backpack? (COPE)
→ How did your son cope with carrying such a heavy backpack?
- cope with: xử lý
Dịch: Con trai của bạn đã làm thế nào để mang theo một chiếc ba lô nặng như vậy?

84. The value of a picture depends on how famous the artist is. (VALUABLE)
→ The more famous the artist is, the more valuable a/ the picture is.
- So sánh càng thì càng: the so sánh hơn SV, the so sánh hơn SV
Dịch: Nghệ sĩ càng nổi tiếng thì bức tranh càng có giá trị.

85. I think you should be tolerant of other people’s weaknesses. (ALLOWANCE)

→ I think you should make allowance for other people’s weaknesses.
- make allowance for: chiếu cố cho
Dịch: Tôi nghĩ bạn nên chiếu cố cho những điểm yếu của người khác.

86. Peter and his friends started arguing about the hot topic of bullying at school. (INTO)
→ Peter got into an argument with his friends about the hot topic of bullying at school.
- get into an argument with: bắt đầu tranh cãi với
Dịch: Peter đã tranh cãi với bạn bè về chủ đề nóng hổi về nạn bắt nạt ở trường.

87. My friend, Peter is not very good at writing assignments. (FLAIR)

→ My friend, Peter doesn’t have (much) flair for writing assignments.
- have a flair for sth/Ving: giỏi/ có năng khiếu làm gì
Dịch: Bạn tôi, Peter không có (nhiều) năng khiếu viết bài.

88. The manager wouldn’t want to restrict the freedom of the workers in any way (IMPOSE)
→ The manager wouldn’t want to impose any/ a restriction on the freedom of the workers.
- impose a restriction on: áp đặt giới hạn lên
Dịch: Người quản lý sẽ không muốn áp đặt bất kỳ/sự hạn chế nào đối với quyền tự do của người lao động.

89. Finding the survivors is our number one priority. (UTMOST)

→ It is of the utmost importance that we find the survivors.
- of the utmost importance: quan trọng nhất
Dịch: Điều quan trọng nhất là chúng ta phải tìm được những người sống sót.

90. David would do almost anything to win the girl’s hand. (LENGTHS)
→ David would go to any/ great lengths to win the girl’s hand.
- go to ant/great lengths: cố gắng hết sức/ tìm đủ mọi cách
Dịch: David sẽ cố gắng hết sức để có được bàn tay của cô gái.

Part 3. Write an essay about 150 – 200 words on the following topic on the Answer Sheet. (2.0 pts)

Nowadays more and more people, especially the young prefer shopping online to shopping at the
local markets because the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give reasons for your answer.
Online shopping has become increasingly popular, particularly among the younger generation, due to its
perceived advantages over shopping at local markets. While there are certainly benefits to online
shopping, such as convenience, variety, and sometimes lower prices, it is essential to consider both sides
of the argument.

Firstly, online shopping offers unparalleled convenience. With just a few clicks, shoppers can browse
through a vast array of products from the comfort of their homes, without the hassle of traveling to
physical stores. Additionally, online platforms often provide a wider selection of goods than local
markets, catering to diverse preferences and needs.

However, there are drawbacks to online shopping as well. One major concern is the lack of tangibility
and personal interaction. Unlike local markets, where shoppers can physically inspect items and interact
with sellers, online transactions can feel impersonal and may lead to dissatisfaction if the product does
not meet expectations.

In conclusion, while online shopping offers undeniable convenience and variety, it cannot fully replace
the experience of shopping at local markets. Ultimately, the choice between online and local shopping
depends on individual preferences and needs, and both options have their merits and drawbacks.

---------- THE END ----------

THANH HOÁ NĂM HỌC 2023 - 2024


Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút, không kể thời gian phát đề
(Đề thi có 09 trang, gồm 100 câu)

SECTION A: LISTENING (15.0 points)


* Bài nghe gồm 3 phần, mỗi phần được nghe 2 lần, mỗi lần cách nhau khoảng 15 giây, mở đầu và kết
thúc mỗi phần nghe có tín hiệu âm thanh. Mở đầu và kết thúc bài nghe có tín hiệu nhạc.
* Mọi hướng dẫn bằng tiếng Anh đã có trong bài nghe. Giáo viên coi thi chỉ bật một lần.

Part I. You will hear a conversation between a Scottish student called John and a Finish student
called Pirkko about the Tampere Student Games in Finland. For questions 1-5, complete the notes
below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer in the
corresponding numbered boxes. (5.0 points)

Tampere Student Games

Dates of the games: (1) ______________
Cost of taking part (2) ______________ euros per day each
Entry fee includes competition entrance, meals and (3) ______________
Hotel (4) ______________ has a special rate during the games
Hotel is close to the (5) ______________
Website address:

Part II. You will hear a radio interview with Ryan Patterson, the inventor of a new device. Decide
whether the statements are true (T) or false (F). (5.0 points)
Statements True False
6. The idea for the invention occurred to Ryan while waiting at a Burger King

7. A cell phone is used as the receiver when using the Sign Language Translator.
8. The invention brought Ryan money to cover the costs of his further education.
9. Ryan had no previous experience of building electronic devices.
10. Ryan has sold this invention to a deaf community center.

Part III. You will hear part of a radio interview with an author called Mickey Smith, who is talking
about becoming excellent at sport. For questions 11-15, choose the best answer A, B, C or D. (5.0
11. When asked about his theory on talent, Mickey says that __________.
A. he is doing further research with other people
B. he realizes some people disagree with him
C. he has not yet fully proved his ideas
D. he does not like the people in his company
12. Mickey believes that outstanding football players __________.
A. have better levels of concentration than other players
B. are faster runners than other players
C. are more attractive and friendly
D. are aware of the positions of other players on the pitch
13. How did Mickey feel when he first became successful at gymnastics?
A. He was convinced he had a natural aptitude for the sport.
B. He felt conscious that others in his area didn't have the same chances.
C. He felt lucky to have had one of the best training routines.
D. He had to train very hard for his success.
14 . Mickey says that coaches working with young people need to understand that _______.
A. children and adults have different thought processes
B. young people have a built-in drive to succeed in areas like sport
C. it is important to focus on mental rather than physical techniques
D. they always think that he is a lucky person
15. According to Mickey, what can cause some sports people to fail at important events?
A. They can become too aware of their actions.
B. They haven't trained enough.
C. They are inexperienced at dealing with pressure.
D. They are not lucky enough.

Question I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in the
same line. (3.0 points)
16. A. thread B. bead C. feather D. bread
17. A. paused B. pleased C. promised D. raised
18. A tension B. decision C. provision D. precision
Question II. Find the word with the stress pattern different from that of the other three words in each
question. (2.0 points)
19. A. dominant B. reticent C. hesitant D. consistent
20. A. infamous B. inventory C. medicinal D. atmosphere


Question I. Choose the most suitable word or phrase to complete each sentence. (10.0 points)
21. _________ his advice, I would never have got the job.
A. Except B. Apart from C. But for D. As for
22. The accident is said __________ the driver's careless driving and the thick fog.
A. to have resulted in B. to result from
C. having resulted in D. to have resulted from
23. "Why don't you take a break?" - “__________”.
A. Because I'm tired B. I guess I should
C. Sure, go ahead D. I don't agree
24. Your son has the ________ of a fine musician.
A. beginnings B. looks C. talents D. makings
25. Scientists think that resource shortages will cause an escalation of conflicts during this century, and will
widen the _________ between the rich and the poor.
A. gulf B. blank C. difference D. distance
26. They must have gone away, __________?
A. shouldn't they B. mustn't they C. haven't they D. didn't they
27. __________ in large quantities is not necessarily an indication of its quality.
A. That a product is sold B. It is a product sold
C. A product is sold D. What a product is sold
28. I was scared ________ when I looked down from the top of the cliff.
A. stiff B. tight C. hard D. solid

29. The noise from the unruly fans celebrating their team's victory didn't ________ until early in the morning.
A. carry off B. let up C. give away D. fall over
30. The headmaster at my last school was a stern disciplinarian and made sure we _________ the line.
A. went B. faced C. toed D. touched

Question II. Write the correct tense or form of the verbs in brackets. (8.0 points)
31. The guests are coming at 8 p.m. I (finish) ___________ cooking by then.
32. It is very important that we (notify) __________ as soon as there's a change in the patient's condition.
33. The roads were very dangerous because it (snow) ____________ most most of the morning.
34. The chef (plan) ___________ a themed Asian cuisine night, but the restaurant owner wouldn't let him go
ahead with it.
35. He (not/commit) ___________ that crime. He was in prison at that time!
36. They were fortunate (rescue) ____________ from the fire before the building collapsed.
37. My dictionary (lose) ____________, I had to buy a new one.
38. I won't have those children (make) ___________ a noise in my house.

Question III. Supply the correct form of the words in bold. (7.0 points)
39. It is ______________ of him to lose his temper like that. He's usually very calm. (CHARACTER)
40. Many fish ______________ protect their eggs from predators. (GENIUS)
41. She was struck by the ______________ of the houses. (SAME)
42. He completely ____________ the sign telling slow down, and ended up crashing into a wall. (REGARD)
44. Sleeping during day and working when night comes sounds seemingly ____________. (SCIENCE)
44. Bob is a(n) ______________ of an intelligent student. (TYPE)
45. In a(n) _____________ manner, he stepped into the room and shouted at the top of his voice. (DOUBT)

Question IV. The passage below contains 5 mistakes (only ONE word for ONE mistake from 46 to 50.
Find out the mistakes and correct them. Write the correct answers on your answer sheet. (5.0 points)
Passage Line
Sociologists believe groups form in two basic ways. One is through social cohesion, which is 1
when people come together base on interpersonal attraction, or in other words, when they 2
admire one another's personality traits. In contrast, other groups form through social identity, 3
which is centred round a person's sociable category. This involves economic status, profession, 4
ethnicity, and other such factors. Furthermore, with social identity, it is important for the 5
individual to exclude certain people from their group. Thus they feel distinctly different from 6

other groups, in which strengthens their own identity. A third, less common group, known as 7
an emergent group, forms as opposition to some types of sudden events, such as a disaster. 8
However these individuals have no prior knowledge of each other and may not possess mutual 9
attractive personality traits or shared identities, they can form strong lasting bonds nonetheless. 10

SECTION D: READING (30.0 points)

Question I. Read the following passage then fill in each gap with ONE suitable word. Write the answers on
your answer sheet. (10.0 points)
Math and literature will be the only two mandatory subjects for Vietnam's high school graduation exam
in 2025, meaning English will not be compulsory, the education ministry announced Wednesday. Students will
get to take exams (51) __________ two more subjects of their choice from foreign languages, history, physics,
chemistry, biology, geography, economy and law, computing, and technology. They will take literature tests in
essay form and others in (52) __________ choice form, as in recent years. The national exam, which is usually
held in late June, currently includes six subjects: math, literature, a foreign language (which is usually English),
and (53) __________ a combination of three natural science subjects or a combination of three social science
subjects. The Ministry of Education and Training said it came up with the new (54) _________ after collecting
opinions from teachers and education officials on three examination plans. Plan 1 would include the
compulsory subjects of math and literature, while (55) __________ two subjects could be chosen by students
from among the following options: foreign language, history, physics, chemistry, biology, geography, law and
economics, computing and technology. Plan 2 would have math, literature and foreign language (56)
___________ its mandatory subjects, allowing students to choose two more subjects from the above lists. Plan
3 would make math, literature, foreign language and history all compulsory, while two more subjects would
(57) ___________ up to students. The ministry (58) __________ nearly 130,700 teachers and education
officials across the country, and nearly 74% chose Plan 2. In a (59) ___________ survey about all three plans
that included 18,000 teachers and education officials in Ho Chi Minh City, Long An, Tay Ninh, Lang Son and
Bac Giang Provinces, 60% chose Plan 1. The ministry said it wanted to reduce pressure on students and (60)
___________ on families as the new plans could mean one fewer exam session that needs to be prepared for.

Question II. For each gap, choose the correct answer A, B, C or D which best fits the context. (10.0 points)
So much sentimentality is attached to the rose in (61) __________ culture that it is difficult to separate
the original mythological and folkloric beliefs from the emotional excess that (62) _________ the flower. Yet if
we look into the beliefs, we find that the rose is much more than the mere (63) __________ of romantic love
invoked by every minor poet and painter.
One of the rose's most common (64) _________ in folklore is with death. The Romans often decked the

tombs of the dead with roses; in fact, Roman wills frequently (65) _________ that roses were to be planted on
the grave. To this day, in Switzerland, cemeteries are known as rose gardens. The Saxons (66) _________ the
rose with life, and they believed that when a child died, the figure of death could be seen plucking a rose
outside the house.
The rose has a long association with female beauty. Shakespeare mentions the rose more frequently than
(67) ___________ flower, often using it as a token of all that is lovely and good. For the Arabs, (68)
___________, the rose as a symbol not of feminine but of masculine beauty.
Later the rose became a sign of secrecy and silence. The expression sub rosa, "under the rose," is (69)
__________ to the Roman belief. During the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, it was common (70)
_________ to carve or paint roses on the ceilings of council chambers to emphasize the intention of secrecy.
61. A. famous B. popular C. diverse D. outdated
62. A. gathers B. covers C. surrounds D. embraces
63. A. trace B. sign C. tail D. symbol
64. A. relations B. connections C associations D. combinations
65. A. specified B. showed C. required D. expressed
66. A. equalized B. equated C. leveled D. considered
67. A. a B. other C. any other D. the
68. A. for lack of B. nevertheless C. therefore D. in fact
69. A. traced B. originated C. based D. contributed
70. A. practice B. usage C. symbol D. standard

Question III. Read the passage and choose the best answers to questions below. (10.0 points)
Animation traditionally is done by hand-drawing or painting successive frames of an object, each
slightly different than the preceding frame. In computer animation, although the computer may be the one to
draw the different frames, in most cases the artist will draw the beginning and ending frames and the computer
will produce the drawings between the first and the last drawing. This is generally referred to as computer-
assisted animation, because the computer is more of a helper than an originator.
In full computer animation, complex mathematical formulas are used to produce the final sequence of
pictures. These formulas operate on extensive databases of numbers that define the objects in the pictures as
they exist in mathematical space. The database consists of endpoints, and color and intensity information.
Highly trained professionals are needed to produce such effects because animation that obtains high degrees of
realism involves computer techniques for three-dimensional transformation, shading, and curvatures.
High-tech computer animation for film involves very expensive computer systems along with special
color terminals or frame buffers. The frame buffer is nothing more than a giant image memory for viewing a

single frame. It temporarily holds the image for display on the screen.
A camera can be used to film directly from the computer's display screen, but for the highest quality
images possible, expensive film recorders are used. The computer computes the positions and colors for the
figures in the picture, and sends this information to the recorder, which captures it on film. Sometimes,
however, the images are stored on a large magnetic disk before being sent to the recorder. Once this process is
completed, it is repeated for the next frame. When the entire sequence has been recorded on the film, the film
must be developed before the animation can be viewed. If the entire sequence does not seem right, the motions
mast be corrected, recomputed, redisplayed, and rerecorded. This approach can be very expensive and time
consuming. Often, computer-animation companies first do motion tests with simple computer-generated line
drawings before selling their computers to the task of calculating the high-resolution, realistic-looking images.
71. According to the passage, in computer-assisted animation the role of the computer is to draw the _______.
A. entire sequence of frames B. first frame
C. last frame D. middle frames
72. The word "they" in the second paragraph refers to _________.
A. formulas B. databases C. numbers D. objects
73. According to the passage, the "frame buffers" mentioned in the third paragraph are used to __________.
A. add color to the images B. expose several frames at the same time
C. store individual images D. create new frames
74. According to the passage, the positions and colors of the figures in high-tech animation are determined by
A. enlarging one frame at a lime
B. using computer calculations
C. analyzing the sequence from different angles
D. drawing several versions
75. The word "captures" in the fourth paragraph is closest in meaning to _________.
A. separates B. registers C. describes D. numbers
76. The word "Once" in the fourth paragraph is closest in meaning to ________.
A. before B. since C. after D. while
77. According to the passage, how do computer-animation companies often test motion?
A. They experiment with computer-generated line drawings.
B. They hand-draw successive frames.
C. They calculate high-resolution images.
D. They develop extensive mathematical formulas.
78. The word "task" in the 4th paragraph is closest in meaning to __________.

A. possibility B. position C. time D. job
79. Which of the following statements is supported by the passage?
A. Animation involves a wide range of technical and artistic skills.
B. In the future, traditional artists will no longer be needed.
C. Artists are unable to produce drawings as high in quality as computer drawings.
D. Computers have reduced the costs of animation.
80. What aspect of computer animation does the passage mainly discuss?
A. The role of the artist B. The equipment needed
C. The high cost D. The production process

SECTION E: WRITING (20.0 points)

Question I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to
the sentence printed before it. (5.0 points)
81. Press photographers are banned from taking photographs backstage.
→ On no ..........................................................................................................................................................
82. Vitamin intake and intelligence are not connected.
→ There is .......................................................................................................................................................
83. More people are infected with HIV this year than they were five years ago.
→ Not ..............................................................................................................................................................
84. The Mountain Rescue Team is pessimistic about the missing climbers.
→ The Mountain Rescue Team doesn't hold ...................................................................................................
85. I really admire you for your improvement.
→ I take ...........................................................................................................................................................

Question II. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word
given. Do not change the word given. (5.0 points)
86. Pauline doesn't want to be given a main part in the school play. RATHER
→ Pauline .......................................................................................................................................................
87. The minister's popularity suffered as a result of the scandal. EFFECT
→ The scandal .................................................................................................................................................
88. When she sold the jewelry at such a low price, she was cheated. RIDE
→ When ..........................................................................................................................................................
89. "Let's not make any plans and just see what happens". EAR
→ Peter suggested ..........................................................................................................................................

90. The Japanese are the best at making pocket-sized technology. COMES
→ The Japanese are .........................................................................................................................................

Question III. Paragraph writing. (10.0 points)

In recent years in Vietnam, many students no longer show their respects to their teachers as much as
students in the past used to. Which factors have led to this change in students' attitude?
Write a paragraph (130-160 words) to show your point of view about this.

THANH HOÁ NĂM HỌC 2023 - 2024


Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút, không kể thời gian phát đề
(Đề thi có 09 trang, gồm 100 câu)

SECTION A: LISTENING (15.0 points)


* Bài nghe gồm 3 phần, mỗi phần được nghe 2 lần, mỗi lần cách nhau khoảng 15 giây, mở đầu và kết
thúc mỗi phần nghe có tín hiệu âm thanh. Mở đầu và kết thúc bài nghe có tín hiệu nhạc.
* Mọi hướng dẫn bằng tiếng Anh đã có trong bài nghe. Giáo viên coi thi chỉ bật một lần.

Part I. You will hear a conversation between a Scottish student called John and a Finish student
called Pirkko about the Tampere Student Games in Finland. For questions 1-5, complete the notes
below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer in the
corresponding numbered boxes. (5.0 points)

Tampere Student Games

Dates of the games: (1) _____20th-23rd May_____
Cost of taking part (2) ____18___ euros per day each
Entry fee includes competition entrance, meals and (3) ____floor space_____
Hotel (4) ____Hermica___ has a special rate during the games
Hotel is close to the (5) ___University of Technology____
Website address:

John: Hello, Pirkko. I'm phoning to let you know that my college basketball team are very keen to come over
to Finland to take part in the Tampere Student Games.
Pirkko: Well, that's great. We're hoping to make it a really special event this year, as it's the 80th anniversary of
Finnish Student Sport!

John: Fantastic! We're all looking forward to coming. Let me just check - the games start on May 19th, right?
Pirkko: Oh, that was the provisional plan when you first contacted me, that they'd run from the 19th to the
23rd. But we've cut the programme by a day, so now it'll begin on the 20th, still ending on the 23rd (1). There's
going to be an opening ceremony on the first evening.
John: We don't want to miss that, do we! And how much is the entry fee for the Games?
Pirkko: This year it's gone up from 16 to 18 euros (2) a day per person. I'm afraid, but you get a lot for that.
John: How do you mean?
Pirkko: Well, of course it covers the competition entrance, but you also get three meals a day and even floor
space (3) if you want it - we can't manage beds for everyone!
John: Sounds a bit basic to me. Can you recommend a hotel?
Pirkko: Well, Tampere is quite a big city, so there are a lot of hotels. The Homeland would be convenient if you
come by train, or maybe you'd prefer the Hermica, as it's offering a reduced rate for participants in the games.
It's spelt H-E-R-M-I-C-A (4). Its a very nice hotel.
John: And where is it exactly?
Pirkko: Well, that's the other good thing from your point of view, it's in the Hervanta district of Tampere, near
the University of Technology (5)
John: And why is that good for us?
Pirkko: Because all the basketball matches are taking place near there.
John: Oh, I see
Pirkko: Look, why don't you give the website address, and then you can look up the programme and find
anything else you need to know.
John: Good idea. So, what is it?
Pirkko: OK, it's www dot sellgames - that's S-E-doublei-G-A-M-E-S dot com
John: Brilliant! I'll have a look now. Thanks, Pirkko.
Pirkko: See you soon, then. Bye, John.

Part II. You will hear a radio interview with Ryan Patterson, the inventor of a new device. Decide
whether the statements are true (T) or false (F). (5.0 points)
Statements True False
6. The idea for the invention occurred to Ryan while waiting at a Burger King x
7. A cell phone is used as the receiver when using the Sign Language Translator. x
8. The invention brought Ryan money to cover the costs of his further education. x

9. Ryan had no previous experience of building electronic devices. x
10. Ryan has sold this invention to a deaf community center. x

Kathie Holmes: Good afternoon, this is Kathie Holmes in our program, “Young and Brainy”. Today I’m going
to be speaking to Ryan Patterson, a teenager whose invention may bridge the communication gap between the
deaf and those that can hear. Ryan, tell us how it all started.
Ryan Patterson: It was 2 years ago. I was waiting to be served at our local Burger King and I
noticed a group of customers using sign language to place an order. They were obviously deaf. They
communicated with a speaking interpreter and he relayed their choices to a cashier. I thought it would make
things easier if they had an electronic interpreter instead. I remembered the idea later, when I was
thinking of a new project for a science competition. I called it Sign language Translator. It consists of
a glove which is lined with ten sensors. The sensors detect the hand positions that are used to shape the alphabet
of American Sign language. Then a microprocessor transmits that information to a small portable receiver.
The receiver has a screen similar to those cell phones, and this screen displays the words, letter by
letter. In this way people can read the words, even if they don’t understand sign language, and people
who use sign language can communicate without a interpreter.
K: Are you impressed? So were judges at the 2001 Siemens Science and Technology Competition. The
project received top honors, along with $100,000 college scholarship for the young inventor. And now Ryan’s
project is already patented. Ryan, how long did you experiment with the invention before you finally produced
the prototype?
R: Around nine months. I started with searching how sign language works. Then I had to figure out how to
translate all that electronically. I’ve always had an interest in electronics. I’ve liked wiring things together
since I was 4 years old. I also had hands on experience from my part time job at a robotic equipment
K: Did you have problems finding appropriate materials?
R: I’m used to hunting for hardware to build competition robots, but for this project I also had to try on many
different gloves. A golf glove turned out to be the best solution. It’s soft and flexible and fits closely.
K: According to the National Institute of Deafness, one to two million people in the US are
profoundly deaf. And most of them use sign language to communicate. Will your invention make an impact?
J: There was a demonstration at our local deaf community center and the people were interested. What
I have now isn’t ready for production. I’m sure it’ll be very different by the time it’s actually manufactured. But
I do hope to see it on the market one day.

Part III. You will hear part of a radio interview with an author called Mickey Smith, who is talking
about becoming excellent at sport. For questions 11-15, choose the best answer A, B, C or D. (5.0
11. When asked about his theory on talent, Mickey says that __________.
A. he is doing further research with other people
B. he realizes some people disagree with him
C. he has not yet fully proved his ideas
D. he does not like the people in his company
12. Mickey believes that outstanding football players __________.
A. have better levels of concentration than other players
B. are faster runners than other players
C. are more attractive and friendly
D. are aware of the positions of other players on the pitch
13. How did Mickey feel when he first became successful at gymnastics?
A. He was convinced he had a natural aptitude for the sport.
B. He felt conscious that others in his area didn't have the same chances.
C. He felt lucky to have had one of the best training routines.
D. He had to train very hard for his success.
14 . Mickey says that coaches working with young people need to understand that _______.
A. children and adults have different thought processes
B. young people have a built-in drive to succeed in areas like sport
C. it is important to focus on mental rather than physical techniques
D. they always think that he is a lucky person
15. According to Mickey, what can cause some sports people to fail at important events?
A. They can become too aware of their actions.
B. They haven't trained enough.
C. They are inexperienced at dealing with pressure.
D. They are not lucky enough.
Woman: Today on the programme we have Mickey Smith, author of the book The Power of Practice.
Mickey, in your book you talk about what makes a champion sportsperson. Your argument is that talent –
a natural aptitude or skill – doesn’t exist. Right?
Man: Right. I know that’s controversial because it’s thought that people are born with natural abilities. I
have my critics but the evidence from research I’ve done backs up my argument. [11] If you look at

anyone who’s reached a high level in any complex task, you’ll find they’ve spent many years building up
to it. This has started other people thinking and doing their own research. I’ve no doubt they’ll reach the
same conclusions I have.
Woman: What about physical abilities like speed? Isn’t that what makes one footballer better than
another, for example?
Man: There are physical issues that are significant in some activities. However, in virtually all complex
tasks the limiting factor is a mental thing. People don’t become the greatest footballers because they
move around the pitch quickly. While he may not realise it, the way a great footballer understands where
his teammates are around him on the field is what helps him score goals, rather than speed. [12]
Woman: In your book you also talk about geographical areas where lots of people become experts in the
same activity. Gymnastics, for example.
Man: The town I grew up in produced the top gymnasts of my generation, myself included. My initial
reaction when I got to the top was, ‘Wow’, I must have been born with this ability to do
gymnastics. [13] But what about the others? What I now understand is that this excellence was down to
having access to a fantastic coach and a 7-day-a-week gymnastics club, where we transformed ourselves
from ordinary to extraordinary. Opportunity’s another factor determining success.
Woman: Your argument is that to become excellent you have to practise for thousands of hours. That’s a
lot of training.
Man: That’s right. How successful you are is down to how long you’re prepared to work. Evidence
suggests those who make it believe excellence relies on practice. If you believe being good at something
is down to natural ability, when you fail, you’ll think you don’t have enough of it – and you’re more
likely to give up. If you believe excellence is about effort, when you fail you’re going to see it as an
opportunity to grow.
Woman: What approach should coaches take when training youngsters in sport?
Man: The way to go about it is to ensure the child enjoys what they’re learning – that it becomes an
internal desire to progress. Coaching young people is more about psychology than it is about the
technical side of things – it’s making the young performer really care about where they’re going,
motivating them in the right way [14], that will enable them to actually get there – little difference from
how you encourage adults really.
Woman: Why don’t more people who play sport try harder to improve?
Man: Well, they see sports stars and assume they were born brilliant, but there’s no evidence to suggest
that. You just don’t see the painstaking process it took to get them there when they’re winning games on
your TV screen. If you did, their brilliance wouldn’t seem so miraculous. The illusion is to think they got
there quickly and think ‘Oh my goodness, I could never get up that slope.’

Woman: Given everything you’ve said about top performers, why do they sometimes fail at crucial
moments? That’s called ‘choking’, right?
Man: Yes. It’s to do with the expectation to succeed, no matter how many times they’ve done it before.
When you first practise a skill you have to exert conscious control over it. When you become proficient
you’re able to do it subconsciously. When you choke you become so anxious that instead of delivering
your skill automatically, you become conscious of what you’re doing and it’s like you’ve never done it
before. [15]
Woman: Thank you very much


Question I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in the
same line. (3.0 points)
16. A. thread B. bead C. feather D. bread
/θred/ /biːd/ /ˈfeð.ər/ /bred/
17. A. paused B. pleased C. promised D. raised
/pɔːzd/ /pliːzd/ /ˈprɒm.ɪst/ /reɪzd/
18. A tension B. decision C. provision D. precision
/ˈten.ʃən/ /dɪˈsɪʒ.ən/ /prəˈvɪʒ.ən/ /prɪˈsɪʒ.ən/

Question II. Find the word with the stress pattern different from that of the other three words in each
question. (2.0 points)
19. A. dominant B. reticent C. hesitant D. consistent
/ˈdɒmɪnənt/ /ˈrɛtɪsənt/ /ˈhɛzɪtənt/ /kənˈsɪstənt/
20. A. infamous B. inventory C. medicinal D. atmosphere
/ˈɪnfəməs/ /ˈɪnvəntri/ /mɪˈdɪsənl/ /ˈæt.mə.sfɪər/


Question I. Choose the most suitable word or phrase to complete each sentence. (10.0 points)
21. _________ his advice, I would never have got the job.
A. Except B. Apart from C. But for D. As for
- Except = apart from: ngoại trừ
- But for: nếu không có, nếu không vì
- As for: còn về

Dịch: Nếu không có lời khuyên của anh ấy, tôi sẽ không bao giờ có được công việc đó.

22. The accident is said __________ the driver's careless driving and the thick fog.
A. to have resulted in B. to result from
C. having resulted in D. to have resulted from
- Bị động đặc biệt/ bị động với các động từ chỉ quan điểm ý kiến:
Cấu trúc chủ động: S1 (people/ everyone/ someone...) + V1 (think/ say/ believe...) + (that) + S2 + V2
Cấu trúc bị động:
+ Cách 1: It + V1 bị động + that S2 V2
+ Cách 2: S2 + V1 bị động + to V2
V2 có 4 dạng:
1. to V (TH còn lại)
2. to be Ving (khi V2 tiếp diễn)
3. to have p2 (khi V2 xảy ra và hoàn thành trước V1)
4. to have been Ving (kết hợp TH2 và TH3)
=> Loại C và B (vì thuộc TH3)
- result in: dẫn đến # result from: do
Dịch: Vụ tai nạn được cho là do tài xế lái xe bất cẩn và sương mù dày đặc.

23. "Why don't you take a break?" - “__________”.

A. Because I'm tired B. I guess I should
C. Sure, go ahead D. I don't agree
- Because I'm tired: Bởi vì tôi đang mệt.
- I guess I should: Tôi đoán là tôi nên làm như vậy.
- Sure, go ahead: Chắc chắn rồi, làm đi.
- I don't agree: Tôi không đồng ý.
Dịch: Nghỉ ngơi đi bạn? – tôi nghĩ là tôi nên làm như vậy.

24. Your son has the ________ of a fine musician.

A. beginnings B. looks C. talents D. makings
- have the makings of: có đủ khả năng trở thành
Dịch: Con trai của bạn có đủ khả năng trở thành một nhạc sĩ tài năng.

25. Scientists think that resource shortages will cause an escalation of conflicts during this century, and will

widen the _________ between the rich and the poor.
A. gulf B. blank C. difference D. distance
- gulf (n): khoảng cách, sự chênh lệch (+ between)
- blank (adj): trống rỗng, không có gì
- difference (n): sự khác biệt
- distance (n): khoảng cách, xa cách (về địa lý)
Dịch: Các nhà khoa học cho rằng sự thiếu hụt tài nguyên sẽ gây ra sự leo thang của các xung đột trong
thế kỷ này, và sẽ làm mở rộng khoảng cách giữa người giàu và người nghèo.

26. They must have gone away, __________?

A. shouldn't they B. mustn't they C. haven't they D. didn't they
- Hỏi đuôi của must have p2 là have/ has + not + S?
Dịch: Chắc họ đã đi xa rồi phải không?

27. __________ in large quantities is not necessarily an indication of its quality.

A. That a product is sold B. It is a product sold
C. A product is sold D. What a product is sold
- Loại B và C vì 1S 2V
- Mệnh đề danh từ: What/ That SV + V(số ít) (Dựa vào SVS ngay sau what/ that, nếu nó đủ nghĩa và
hoàn thiện về cấu trúc câu thì sẽ chọn that và ngược lại)
Dịch: Việc một sản phẩm được bán hàng loạt không nhất thiết là một chỉ báo về chất lượng của nó.

28. I was scared ________ when I looked down from the top of the cliff.
A. stiff B. tight C. hard D. solid
- scared stiff là một idiom có nghĩa là rất sợ, sợ đến mức cứng đờ.
Dịch: Tôi đã sợ đến mức cứng đờ khi nhìn xuống từ đỉnh của vách đá.

29. The noise from the unruly fans celebrating their team's victory didn't ________ until early in the morning.
A. carry off B. let up C. give away D. fall over
- carry off: thành công, hoàn thành một cách xuất sắc
- let up: giảm bớt, dừng lại
- give away: phát miễn phí, tiết lộ, để lộ
- fall over: ngã, té
Dịch: Tiếng ồn từ những người hâm mộ không trật tự ăn mừng chiến thắng của đội của họ không dừng

lại cho đến sáng sớm.

30. The headmaster at my last school was a stern disciplinarian and made sure we _________ the line.
A. went B. faced C. toed D. touched
- toe the line là một idiom có nghĩa là tuân thủ quy tắc hoặc nguyên tắc; làm theo hướng dẫn hoặc yêu
Dịch: Hiệu trưởng ở trường trước của tôi là một người kiến tạo nghiêm khắc và đảm bảo rằng chúng tôi
tuân thủ quy tắc.

Question II. Write the correct tense or form of the verbs in brackets. (8.0 points)
31. The guests are coming at 8 p.m. I (finish) ___will have finished__ cooking by then.
- By là dấu hiệu của TLHT/ QKHT, do có are coming => TLHT
Dịch: Khách sẽ đến lúc 8 giờ tối. Lúc đó tôi sẽ nấu xong rồi.

32. It is very important that we (notify) ___(should) be notified__ as soon as there's a change in the patient's
- Hiện tại giả định: important that S (should) Vnt, và cần bị động be p2
Dịch: Rất quan trọng là chúng ta được thông báo ngay khi có sự thay đổi trong tình trạng của bệnh nhân.

33. The roads were very dangerous because it (snow) ____had been snowing____ most most of the morning.
- Giải thích cho 1 sự vật hiện tượng ở QK chia QKHT, nhấn mạnh thời gian nên chia QKHTTD
Dịch: Các con đường rất nguy hiểm vì tuyết đã rơi suốt sáng.

34. The chef (plan) ___was planning___ a themed Asian cuisine night, but the restaurant owner wouldn't let him
go ahead with it.
- QKTD diễn tả hành động sắp diễn ra trong QK nhưng không diễn ra vì một lý do nào đó.
Dịch: Đầu bếp định lên kế hoạch cho đêm ẩm thực châu Á theo chủ đề, nhưng chủ nhà hàng không cho
anh ta tiến hành.

35. He (not/commit) ____can’t/couldn’t have committed__ that crime. He was in prison at that time!
- can’t/couldn’t have p2: chắc chắn đã không làm gì trong QK
Dịch: Anh ấy chắc chắn không phạm tội đó. Anh ấy đã ở trong tù vào thời điểm đó!

36. They were fortunate (rescue) ____to have been rescued____ from the fire before the building collapsed.

- sau adj là to V, to have p2 nhấn mạnh sự hoàn thành trước hành động khác, cần bị động nên to have been p2
Dịch: Họ may mắn được cứu thoát khỏi đám cháy trước khi tòa nhà sụp đổ.

37. My dictionary (lose) ___having been lost___, I had to buy a new one.
- Cấu trúc độc lập/ rút gọn 2 mệnh đề cùng chủ ngữ ở dạng bị động => p2, nhưng cần mạnh sự hoàn thành của
hành động này so với hành động khác => having been p2.
Dịch: Vì từ điển của tôi đã mất, nên tôi phải mua một cái mới.

38. I won't have those children (make) ___making___ a noise in my house.

- not have sb Ving: không cho phép ai làm gì
Dịch: Tôi sẽ không cho phép những đứa trẻ làm ồn trong nhà tôi.

Question III. Supply the correct form of the words in bold. (7.0 points)
39. It is ____uncharacteristic____ of him to lose his temper like that. He's usually very calm. (CHARACTER)
- Sau tobe là adj => uncharacteristic (adj): không giống mọi khi
Dịch: Điều đó là điều không điển hình của anh ấy khi mất bình tĩnh như vậy. Anh ấy thường rất điềm

40. Many fish _______ingeniously_______ protect their eggs from predators. (GENIUS)
- Bổ nghĩa cho V dùng adv => ingeniously (adv): khéo léo
Dịch: Nhiều loài cá khéo léo bảo vệ trứng của chúng khỏi kẻ săn mồi.

41. She was struck by the ____sameness____ of the houses. (SAME)

- Sau mạo từ là N => sameness (n): sự giống nhau
Dịch: Cô ấy bị ấn tượng bởi sự giống nhau của các căn nhà.

42. He completely ____disregarded____ the sign telling slow down, and ended up crashing into a wall.
- Sau S là V, chia QKĐ vì song song với ended. => disregard (v): coi thường
Dịch: Anh ta hoàn toàn bỏ qua biển báo yêu cầu giảm tốc độ và cuối cùng va vào một bức tường.

44. Sleeping during day and working when night comes sounds seemingly _____anti-scientific____. (SCIENCE)
- sound + adj: nghe có vẻ => anti-scientific (adj): phản khoa học
Dịch: Ngủ vào ban ngày và làm việc khi đêm đến nghe có vẻ phản khoa học.

44. Bob is a(n) ____ archetype_____ of an intelligent student. (TYPE)
- Sau a/an là N => archetype (n): mẫu điển hình
Dịch: Bob là một loại mẫu điển hình của một học sinh thông minh.

45. In a(n) _____redoubtable____ manner, he stepped into the room and shouted at the top of his voice. (DOUBT)
- Trước N là adj => redoubtable (adj): đáng nể, đáng kính, đáng gờm
Dịch: Một cách đáng gờm, anh ta bước vào phòng và hét lên bằng giọng to nhất của mình.

Question IV. The passage below contains 5 mistakes (only ONE word for ONE mistake from 46 to 50.
Find out the mistakes and correct them. Write the correct answers on your answer sheet. (5.0 points)
Passage Line
Sociologists believe groups form in two basic ways. One is through social cohesion, which is 1
when people come together base on interpersonal attraction, or in other words, when they 2
admire one another's personality traits. In contrast, other groups form through social identity, 3
which is centred round a person's sociable category. This involves economic status, profession, 4
ethnicity, and other such factors. Furthermore, with social identity, it is important for the 5
individual to exclude certain people from their group. Thus they feel distinctly different from 6
other groups, in which strengthens their own identity. A third, less common group, known as an 7
emergent group, forms as opposition to some types of sudden events, such as a disaster. 8
However these individuals have no prior knowledge of each other and may not possess mutual 9
attractive personality traits or shared identities, they can form strong lasting bonds nonetheless. 10

1. Line 2: base => based (based on: dựa vào)

Dịch: Các nhà xã hội học tin rằng các nhóm hình thành theo hai cách cơ bản. Một là thông qua sự gắn
kết xã hội, đó là khi mọi người đến với nhau dựa trên sự hấp dẫn giữa các cá nhân, hay nói cách khác là
khi họ ngưỡng mộ những đặc điểm tính cách của nhau.
2. Line 4: sociable (adj): hoà đồng => social (adj): thuộc về xã hội
Dịch: Ngược lại, các nhóm khác hình thành thông qua bản sắc xã hội, tập trung vào phạm trù xã hội của
một người.
3. Line 7: in => bỏ vì in which = where không thể làm S của strengthens
Dịch: Điều này liên quan đến tình trạng kinh tế, nghề nghiệp, dân tộc và các yếu tố khác. Hơn nữa, với
bản sắc xã hội, điều quan trọng là cá nhân phải loại một số người nhất định khỏi nhóm của họ. Vì vậy, họ
cảm thấy khác biệt rõ rệt với các nhóm khác, điều này củng cố bản sắc riêng của họ.

4. Line 9: However => although/though (however không thể làm liên từ nối 2 mệnh đề trong cùng 1 câu
mà là trạng từ quan hệ nối 2 câu đơn)
5. Line 9: mutual => mutually (trước adj là adv)
Dịch: Nhóm thứ ba, ít phổ biến hơn, được gọi là nhóm mới nổi, hình thành để phản đối một số loại sự
kiện bất ngờ, chẳng hạn như thảm họa. Mặc dù những cá nhân này không có hiểu biết trước về nhau và
có thể không sở hữu những đặc điểm tính cách hấp dẫn lẫn nhau hoặc bản sắc chung, nhưng họ có thể
hình thành mối liên kết bền chặt lâu dài.

SECTION D: READING (30.0 points)

Question I. Read the following passage then fill in each gap with ONE suitable word. Write the answers on
your answer sheet. (10.0 points)
Math and literature will be the only two mandatory subjects for Vietnam's high school graduation exam
in 2025, meaning English will not be compulsory, the education ministry announced Wednesday. Students will
get to take exams (51) _____on_____ two more subjects of their choice from foreign languages, history,
physics, chemistry, biology, geography, economy and law, computing, and technology. They will take literature
tests in essay form and others in (52) _____multiple_____ choice form, as in recent years. The national exam,
which is usually held in late June, currently includes six subjects: math, literature, a foreign language (which is
usually English), and (53) _____either_____ a combination of three natural science subjects or a combination
of three social science subjects. The Ministry of Education and Training said it came up with the new (54)
_____option/ choice____ after collecting opinions from teachers and education officials on three examination
plans. Plan 1 would include the compulsory subjects of math and literature, while (55) ____another______ two
subjects could be chosen by students from among the following options: foreign language, history, physics,
chemistry, biology, geography, law and economics, computing and technology. Plan 2 would have math,
literature and foreign language (56) ______as_____ its mandatory subjects, allowing students to choose two
more subjects from the above lists. Plan 3 would make math, literature, foreign language and history all
compulsory, while two more subjects would (57) _____be______ up to students. The ministry (58)
_____surveyed_____ nearly 130,700 teachers and education officials across the country, and nearly 74% chose
Plan 2. In a (59) _____later______ survey about all three plans that included 18,000 teachers and education
officials in Ho Chi Minh City, Long An, Tay Ninh, Lang Son and Bac Giang Provinces, 60% chose Plan 1. The
ministry said it wanted to reduce pressure on students and (60) ______costs/ burdens_____ on families as the
new plans could mean one fewer exam session that needs to be prepared for.
51. take exams on: thi môn gì đó
Dịch: Học sinh sẽ được thi thêm 2 môn tự chọn là ngoại ngữ, lịch sử, vật lý, hóa học, sinh học, địa lý, kinh tế và
pháp luật, tin học và công nghệ.

52. multiple choice: trắc nghiệm
Dịch: Họ sẽ làm bài kiểm tra văn học dưới dạng bài luận và những bài khác dưới dạng trắc nghiệm, như những
năm gần đây.
53. either ... or ...: hoặc ... hoặc ...
Dịch: Kỳ thi quốc gia thường được tổ chức vào cuối tháng 6 hiện bao gồm 6 môn: toán, văn, ngoại ngữ (thường
là tiếng Anh) và tổ hợp 3 môn khoa học tự nhiên hoặc tổ hợp 3 môn khoa học xã hội.
54. option/ choice (n): sự lựa chọn/ phương án
Dịch: Bộ Giáo dục và Đào tạo cho biết đã đưa ra phương án mới sau khi lấy ý kiến giáo viên và cán bộ giáo dục
về 3 phương án thi.
55. another + số lượng + N số nhiều: thêm bao nhiêu
Dịch: Phương án 1 sẽ bao gồm các môn bắt buộc là toán và văn, trong khi hai môn học còn lại sẽ được học sinh
lựa chọn trong số các môn sau: ngoại ngữ, lịch sử, vật lý, hóa học, sinh học, địa lý, luật và kinh tế, máy tính và
công nghệ.
56. as: là
Dịch: Phương án 2 sẽ có môn toán, văn và ngoại ngữ là môn học bắt buộc, cho phép học sinh chọn thêm 2 môn
học trong danh sách trên.
57. be up to sb: tuỳ ai
Dịch: Kế hoạch 3 sẽ bắt buộc môn toán, văn, ngoại ngữ và lịch sử, trong khi hai môn nữa sẽ tuỳ cho học sinh
58. survey (v): khảo sát, chia QKĐ vì song song với chose ở phía sau.
Dịch: Bộ đã khảo sát gần 130.700 giáo viên, cán bộ giáo dục trên cả nước và gần 74% chọn Phương án 2.
59. later (adj): sau
Dịch: Trong một cuộc khảo sát sau đó về cả ba phương án với 18.000 giáo viên và cán bộ giáo dục ở Thành phố
Hồ Chí Minh, Long An, Tây Ninh, Lạng Sơn và Bắc Giang, 60% chọn Phương án 1.
60. costs/ burdens (n): chi phí/ gánh nặng
Dịch: Bộ cho biết họ muốn giảm áp lực cho sinh viên và chi phí cho các gia đình vì kế hoạch mới có thể đồng
nghĩa với việc cần phải chuẩn bị ít buổi thi hơn.

Question II. For each gap, choose the correct answer A, B, C or D which best fits the context. (10.0 points)
So much sentimentality is attached to the rose in (61) __________ culture that it is difficult to separate
the original mythological and folkloric beliefs from the emotional excess that (62) _________ the flower. Yet if
we look into the beliefs, we find that the rose is much more than the mere (63) __________ of romantic love
invoked by every minor poet and painter.
61. A. famous B. popular C. diverse D. outdated

- famous (adj): nổi tiếng
- popular culture: văn hoá đại chúng
- diverse (adj): đa dạng
- outdated (adj): lỗi thời

62. A. gathers B. covers C. surrounds D. embraces

- gather (v): thu thập
- cover (v): che phủ
- surround (v): bao quanh
- embrace (v): ôm chặt
Dịch: Quá nhiều tình cảm gắn liền với hoa hồng trong văn hóa đại chúng đến mức khó có thể tách biệt
niềm tin thần thoại và văn hóa dân gian ban đầu từ cảm xúc dư thừa bao quanh bông hoa.

63. A. trace B. sign C. tail D. symbol

- trace (n): dấu vết
- sign (n): dấu hiệu
- tail (n): đuôi
- symbol (n): biểu tượng
Dịch: Tuy nhiên, nếu nhìn vào niềm tin, chúng ta sẽ thấy rằng hoa hồng không chỉ là biểu tượng đơn
thuần của tình yêu lãng mạn mà mọi nhà thơ và họa sĩ nhỏ tuổi đều nhắc tới.

One of the rose's most common (64) _________ in folklore is with death. The Romans often decked the
tombs of the dead with roses; in fact, Roman wills frequently (65) _________ that roses were to be planted on
the grave. To this day, in Switzerland, cemeteries are known as rose gardens. The Saxons (66) _________ the
rose with life, and they believed that when a child died, the figure of death could be seen plucking a rose
outside the house.
64. A. relations B. connections C associations D. combinations
- 4 từ đều mang nghĩa mối liên hệ/ sự gắn với nhưng ta có cụm association with
Dịch: Một trong những mối liên hệ phổ biến nhất của hoa hồng trong văn hóa dân gian là với cái chết.

65. A. specified B. showed C. required D. expressed

- specify (v): định rõ, quy định
- show (v): cho thấy
- require (v): yêu cầu

- express (v): biểu lộ
Dịch: Người La Mã thường trang trí mộ người chết bằng hoa hồng; trên thực tế, di chúc của người La
Mã thường quy định rằng hoa hồng phải được trồng trên mộ.

66. A. equalized B. equated C. leveled D. considered

- equalize (v): cân bằng
- equate sth with sth: đánh đồng
- level (v): làm bằng phẳng
- consider (v): coi là/ xem là/ cân nhắc
Dịch: Người Saxon đánh đồng bông hồng với sự sống và họ tin rằng khi một đứa trẻ chết, người ta có thể
nhìn thấy thần chết đang hái một bông hồng bên ngoài nhà.

The rose has a long association with female beauty. Shakespeare mentions the rose more frequently than
(67) ___________ flower, often using it as a token of all that is lovely and good. For the Arabs, (68)
___________, the rose as a symbol not of feminine but of masculine beauty.
67. A. a B. other C. any other D. the
- more than any other + N số ít: hơn bất kì cái gì khác
Dịch: Hoa hồng có mối liên hệ lâu dài với vẻ đẹp của phụ nữ. Shakespeare đề cập đến hoa hồng thường
xuyên hơn bất kỳ loài hoa nào khác, thường sử dụng nó như một dấu hiệu của tất cả những gì đáng yêu
và tốt đẹp.

68. A. for lack of B. nevertheless C. therefore D. in fact

- for lack of: vì thiếu
- nevertheless: tuy nhiên
- therefore: do đó
- in fact: trên thực thế
Dịch: Tuy nhiên, đối với người Ả Rập, hoa hồng không phải là biểu tượng của vẻ đẹp nữ tính mà là vẻ
đẹp nam tính.

Later the rose became a sign of secrecy and silence. The expression sub rosa, "under the rose," is (69)
__________ to the Roman belief. During the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, it was common (70)
_________ to carve or paint roses on the ceilings of council chambers to emphasize the intention of secrecy.
69. A. traced B. originated C. based D. contributed
- be traced to sth: được tìm thấy ở/ có nguồn gốc từ

- originate (v): bắt nguồn
- based on: dựa vào
- contribute to: đóng góp
Dịch: Về sau hoa hồng trở thành biểu tượng của sự bí mật và im lặng. Cụm từ sub rosa, có nghĩa là "dưới
hoa hồng", bắt nguồn từ niềm tin của người La Mã.

70. A. practice B. usage C. symbol D. standard

- common practice: thông lệ, phong tục tập quán
- usage (n): sự sử dụng
- symbol (n): biểu tượng
- standard (n): tiêu chuẩn
Dịch: Trong thế kỷ 16 và 17, Đó là thông lệ để khắc hoặc sơn hoa hồng trên trần của các phòng hội đồng
để nhấn mạnh ý định giữ bí mật.

Question III. Read the passage and choose the best answers to questions below. (10.0 points)
Animation traditionally is done by hand-drawing or painting successive frames of an object, each
slightly different than the preceding frame. In computer animation, although the computer may be the one to
draw the different frames, in most cases the artist will draw the beginning and ending frames and the computer
will produce the drawings between the first and the last drawing. This is generally referred to as computer-
assisted animation, because the computer is more of a helper than an originator.
In full computer animation, complex mathematical formulas are used to produce the final sequence of
pictures. These formulas operate on extensive databases of numbers that define the objects in the pictures as
they exist in mathematical space. The database consists of endpoints, and color and intensity information.
Highly trained professionals are needed to produce such effects because animation that obtains high degrees of
realism involves computer techniques for three-dimensional transformation, shading, and curvatures.
High-tech computer animation for film involves very expensive computer systems along with special
color terminals or frame buffers. The frame buffer is nothing more than a giant image memory for viewing a
single frame. It temporarily holds the image for display on the screen.
A camera can be used to film directly from the computer's display screen, but for the highest quality
images possible, expensive film recorders are used. The computer computes the positions and colors for the
figures in the picture, and sends this information to the recorder, which captures it on film. Sometimes,
however, the images are stored on a large magnetic disk before being sent to the recorder. Once this process is
completed, it is repeated for the next frame. When the entire sequence has been recorded on the film, the film
must be developed before the animation can be viewed. If the entire sequence does not seem right, the motions

mast be corrected, recomputed, redisplayed, and rerecorded. This approach can be very expensive and time
consuming. Often, computer-animation companies first do motion tests with simple computer-generated line
drawings before selling their computers to the task of calculating the high-resolution, realistic-looking images.
71. According to the passage, in computer-assisted animation the role of the computer is to draw the _______.
A. entire sequence of frames B. first frame
C. last frame D. middle frames
(Theo đoạn văn, trong hoạt hình có sự hỗ trợ của máy tính, vai trò của máy tính là vẽ _______.
A. toàn bộ chuỗi khung hình B. khung hình đầu tiên
C. khung cuối cùng D. khung giữa)
- Thông tin: In computer animation, although the computer may be the one to draw the different frames, in most
cases the artist will draw the beginning and ending frames and the computer will produce the drawings between
the first and the last drawing: Trong hoạt hình máy tính, mặc dù máy tính có thể là người vẽ các khung hình khác
nhau nhưng trong hầu hết các trường hợp, họa sĩ sẽ vẽ các khung hình bắt đầu và kết thúc và máy tính sẽ tạo ra các
hình vẽ giữa khung hình đầu tiên và khung hình cuối cùng.

72. The word "they" in the second paragraph refers to _________.

A. formulas B. databases C. numbers D. objects
(Từ "they" trong đoạn thứ hai đề cập đến _________.
A. công thức B. cơ sở dữ liệu C. số D. đối tượng)
- Thông tin: These formulas operate on extensive databases of numbers that define the objects in the pictures as
they exist in mathematical space: Các công thức này hoạt động trên cơ sở dữ liệu rộng lớn về các con số xác định
các đối tượng trong ảnh khi chúng tồn tại trong không gian toán học.

73. According to the passage, the "frame buffers" mentioned in the third paragraph are used to ________.
A. add color to the images B. expose several frames at the same time
C. store individual images D. create new frames
(Theo đoạn văn, "bộ đệm khung" được đề cập trong đoạn thứ ba được sử dụng để
A. thêm màu sắc cho hình ảnh B. hiển thị nhiều khung hình cùng một lúc
C. lưu trữ các hình ảnh riêng lẻ D. tạo khung hình mới)
- Thông tin: The frame buffer is nothing more than a giant image memory for viewing a single frame. It
temporarily holds the image for display on the screen: Bộ đệm khung không gì khác hơn là một bộ nhớ hình ảnh
khổng lồ để xem một khung hình. Nó tạm thời giữ hình ảnh để hiển thị trên màn hình.

74. According to the passage, the positions and colors of the figures in high-tech animation are determined by

A. enlarging one frame at a lime
B. using computer calculations
C. analyzing the sequence from different angles
D. drawing several versions
(Theo đoạn văn, vị trí và màu sắc của các nhân vật trong hoạt hình công nghệ cao được xác định bởi ________.
A. phóng to từng khung hình một
B. sử dụng tính toán máy tính
C. phân tích trình tự từ các góc độ khác nhau
D. vẽ nhiều phiên bản)
- Thông tin: The computer computes the positions and colors for the figures in the picture, and sends this
information to the recorder, which captures it on film: Máy tính tính toán vị trí và màu sắc của các hình trong ảnh
rồi gửi thông tin này đến máy ghi để ghi lại trên phim.

75. The word "captures" in the fourth paragraph is closest in meaning to _________.
A. separates B. registers C. describes D. numbers
(Từ "captures" trong đoạn thứ tư có nghĩa gần nhất với _________.
A. tách B. ghi lại C. mô tả D. số)
- Thông tin: The computer computes the positions and colors for the figures in the picture, and sends this
information to the recorder, which captures it on film: Máy tính tính toán vị trí và màu sắc của các hình trong ảnh
rồi gửi thông tin này đến máy ghi để ghi lại trên phim.

76. The word "Once" in the fourth paragraph is closest in meaning to ________.
A. before B. since C. after D. while
(Từ "Once" trong đoạn thứ tư có nghĩa gần nhất với ________.
A. trước khi B. kể từ khi C. sau khi D. trong khi)
- Thông tin: Once this process is completed, it is repeated for the next frame: Khi quá trình này hoàn tất, nó sẽ
được lặp lại cho khung tiếp theo.

77. According to the passage, how do computer-animation companies often test motion?
A. They experiment with computer-generated line drawings.
B. They hand-draw successive frames.
C. They calculate high-resolution images.
D. They develop extensive mathematical formulas.

(Theo đoạn văn, các công ty hoạt hình máy tính thường kiểm tra chuyển động như thế nào?
A. Chúng thử nghiệm các bản vẽ đường nét do máy tính tạo ra.
B. Chúng vẽ tay các khung hình liên tiếp.
C. Chúng tính toán những hình ảnh có độ phân giải cao.
D. Chúng phát triển các công thức toán học sâu rộng.)
- Thông tin: Often, computer-animation companies first do motion tests with simple computer-generated line
drawings before selling their computers to the task of calculating the high-resolution, realistic-looking images:
Thông thường, các công ty hoạt hình máy tính trước tiên thực hiện thử nghiệm chuyển động bằng các đường vẽ
đơn giản do máy tính tạo ra trước khi bán máy tính của họ để tính toán các hình ảnh có độ phân giải cao, trông
giống như thật.

78. The word "task" in the 4th paragraph is closest in meaning to __________.
A. possibility B. position C. time D. job
(Từ "task" trong đoạn 4 gần nghĩa nhất với __________.
A. khả năng B. vị trí C. thời gian D. công việc)
- Thông tin: Often, computer-animation companies first do motion tests with simple computer-generated line
drawings before selling their computers to the task of calculating the high-resolution, realistic-looking images:
Thông thường, các công ty hoạt hình máy tính trước tiên thực hiện thử nghiệm chuyển động bằng các đường vẽ
đơn giản do máy tính tạo ra trước khi bán máy tính của họ để tính toán các hình ảnh có độ phân giải cao, trông
giống như thật.

79. Which of the following statements is supported by the passage?

A. Animation involves a wide range of technical and artistic skills.
B. In the future, traditional artists will no longer be needed.
C. Artists are unable to produce drawings as high in quality as computer drawings.
D. Computers have reduced the costs of animation.
(Câu nào sau đây được hỗ trợ bởi đoạn văn?
A. Hoạt hình bao gồm nhiều kỹ năng kỹ thuật và nghệ thuật.
B. Trong tương lai, nghệ sĩ truyền thống sẽ không còn cần thiết nữa.
C. Nghệ sĩ không thể tạo ra những bức vẽ có chất lượng cao như những bức vẽ trên máy tính.
D. Máy tính đã giảm chi phí hoạt hình.)
- Thông tin: Highly trained professionals are needed to produce such effects because animation that obtains high
degrees of realism involves computer techniques for three-dimensional transformation, shading, and curvatures:
Cần có những chuyên gia được đào tạo bài bản để tạo ra những hiệu ứng như vậy vì hoạt hình đạt được độ chân

thực cao liên quan đến các kỹ thuật máy tính để chuyển đổi, tạo bóng và uốn cong ba chiều.

80. What aspect of computer animation does the passage mainly discuss?
A. The role of the artist B. The equipment needed
C. The high cost D. The production process
(Đoạn văn chủ yếu thảo luận về khía cạnh nào của hoạt hình máy tính?
A. Vai trò của nghệ sĩ B. Thiết bị cần thiết
C. Chi phí cao D. Quy trình sản xuất)
- Giải thích: Đoạn văn chủ yếu thảo luận về quá trình sản xuất hoạt hình máy tính. Nó mô tả cách hoạt hình được
thực hiện theo truyền thống bằng cách vẽ tay hoặc vẽ các khung hình liên tiếp, sau đó chuyển sang thảo luận về
cách hoạt động của hoạt hình máy tính. Nó bao gồm nhiều khía cạnh khác nhau của quá trình sản xuất, chẳng hạn
như sự tham gia của máy tính vào việc vẽ khung, sử dụng các công thức toán học phức tạp, nhu cầu về các chuyên
gia được đào tạo chuyên sâu, thiết bị cần thiết (như hệ thống máy tính đắt tiền và máy ghi phim) và các bước tham
gia vào việc ghi lại và phát triển hoạt hình. Những chi tiết này tập trung vào quá trình tạo hoạt hình máy tính hơn
là vai trò của nghệ sĩ, thiết bị cần thiết hoặc chi phí cao.
- Có thể thấy A, B và C đều nằm trong D.

SECTION E: WRITING (20.0 points)

Question I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to
the sentence printed before it. (5.0 points)
81. Press photographers are banned from taking photographs backstage.
→ On no account are press photographers allowed to take photographs backstage.
- On no account TĐT S Vnt: Với bất kì lý do gì cũng không
Dịch: Trong bất kỳ lý do gì các nhiếp ảnh gia báo chí cũng không được phép chụp ảnh ở hậu trường.

82. Vitamin intake and intelligence are not connected.

→ There is no connection between vitamin intake and intelligence.
- There is no connection between: không có sự liên quan giữa
Dịch: Không có mối liên hệ nào giữa lượng vitamin và trí thông minh.

83. More people are infected with HIV this year than they were five years ago.
→ Not as many people were infected with HIV five years ago as they are this year.
- So sánh bằng: as + many/much/little/few + N + as
Dịch: Cách đây 5 năm không có nhiều người nhiễm HIV như năm nay.

84. The Mountain Rescue Team is pessimistic about the missing climbers.
→ The Mountain Rescue Team doesn't hold out much hope for the missing climbers.
- not hold out much hope for: không nuôi hi vọng về cái gì
Dịch: Đội cứu hộ miền núi không nuôi hy vọng cho những người leo núi mất tích.

85. I really admire you for your improvement.

→ I take my hat off to you for your improvement.
- take one’s hat off to sb: ngả mũ thán phục ai
Dịch: Tôi ngả mũ thán phục bạn vì sự tiến bộ của bạn.

Question II. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word
given. Do not change the word given. (5.0 points)
86. Pauline doesn't want to be given a main part in the school play. RATHER
→ Pauline would rather not be given a main part in the school play.
- would rather (not) Vnt: (không) muốn làm gì
Dịch: Pauline thà không được phân vai chính trong vở kịch của trường.

87. The minister's popularity suffered as a result of the scandal. EFFECT

→ The scandal had a negative/bad effect on the minister's popularity.
- have a negative/bad effect on sth: có ảnh hưởng xấu/ tiêu cực lên cái gì
Dịch: Vụ bê bối đã ảnh hưởng xấu đến sự phổ biến của bộ trưởng.

88. When she sold the jewelry at such a low price, she was cheated. RIDE
→ When she sold the jewelry at such a low price, she was taken for a ride.
- take sb for a ride: lừa ai
Dịch: Khi cô bán đồ trang sức với giá rẻ như vậy, cô đã bị lừa.

89. "Let's not make any plans and just see what happens". EAR
→ Peter suggested playing it by ear and just seeing what happened.
- suggest Ving: gợi ý làm gì; play it by ear: tuỳ cơ ứng biến.
Dịch: Peter đề xuất chỉ chơi theo cảm tính/ tuỳ cơ ứng biến và chỉ việc xem chuyện gì sẽ diễn ra.

90. The Japanese are the best at making pocket-sized technology. COMES

→ The Japanese are second to none when it comes to making pocket-sized technology.
- second to none: không thua kém ai
- when it comes to sth: khi nói đến
Dịch: Khi nói đến việc sản xuất công nghệ cỡ túi của, người Nhật là số một.

Question III. Paragraph writing. (10.0 points)

In recent years in Vietnam, many students no longer show their respects to their teachers as much as
students in the past used to. Which factors have led to this change in students' attitude?
Write a paragraph (130-160 words) to show your point of view about this.
In contemporary Vietnam, there has been a noticeable decline in the demonstration of reverence towards educators
by students, marking a departure from longstanding cultural norms. This shift can be attributed to several factors.
Firstly, societal transformations have ushered in a more individualistic ethos, diminishing the traditional emphasis
on deference to authority figures such as teachers. Moreover, the pervasive influence of Western media and
cultural paradigms has introduced alternative role models, potentially diluting the reverence traditionally afforded
to educators. Additionally, shifts in educational methodologies towards more collaborative and student-centered
approaches may have inadvertently altered the traditional teacher-student dynamic, potentially reducing the
perceived need for overt displays of respect. Economic pressures and the intense competitiveness within the
educational landscape may also influence students to view teachers more instrumentally, as facilitators of
academic achievement, rather than as figures deserving of inherent respect. Collectively, these multifaceted
societal, cultural, educational, and economic factors underscore the complex nature of the observed decline in
students' reverence for their teachers in Vietnam.


ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề)

(Đề thi có 12 trang)

PART A. LISTENING (Each recording will be played TWICE)
Section 1
Question 1-10
You will hear a woman from a job agency giving information to a man about work in a restaurant.
Fill in the blanks with the information you hear.
Question 1-5
Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
(1) ____________ provided for all staff
(2) ____________ during weekdays at all Milo's Restaurants
(3) ____________ provided after midnight
Person specification
- must be prepared to work well in a team
- must care about maintaining a high standard of (4) ____________.
- must have a qualification in (5) ____________.

Question 6-10
Complete the table below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Location Job title Responsibilities include Pay and conditions
(6) ____________ Breakfast supervisor Checking portions, etc. are Starting salary (8) £
Street correct ____________ per hour
Making sure (7) Start work at 5.30 a.m
____________ is clean
City Road Junior chef Supporting senior chefs Annual salary £23,000
Maintaining stock and No work on a (10)
organizing (9) ____________ ____________ once a

Section 2
Questions 11-15
Label the map below. Write the correct letter, A-H, next to the questions 11-15.

City Museum

11. _____________ Box Office

12. _____________ Children's Room
13. _____________ Cafe
14. _____________ Multimedia Room
15. _____________ Showroom

Section 3
Questions 16-20
You will hear part of a radio interview with Martin Middleton, who makes wildlife programmes for
television. For questions 16-20, choose the best answer (A, B or C).

16. When he visited Borneo, Martin _____________.

A. made a programme about life on the river
B. had no fixed expectations
C. became more interested in filming old buildings

17. Since the early 1960s, wildlife filming has become _____________.
A. more organised
B. more relaxed
C. more creative
18. When he takes a holiday, Martin prefers to _____________.
A. relax by the sea
B. travel for a particular reason
C. stay in comfortable surroundings
19. Martin thought that the holidaymakers he saw in the Dominican Republic were _____________.
A. risking their health
B. wasting opportunities
C. lacking entertainment
20. What is Martin's opinion of tourism?
A. It should be discouraged
B. It is well managed
C. It can be a good thing

Section 1. Choose the correct option marked A, B, C, or D to complete the following sentences.
1. I haven't had a very ____________ week. I seem to have done nothing at all.
A. extensive B. productive C. enthusiastic D. economic
2. Janet put a ____________ in her husband's ear about getting the children a dog for Christmas.
A. bug B. bee C. fly D. butterfly
3. I ___________ doubt whether he will actually carry out his threats.
A. highly B. deeply C. absolutely D. seriously
4. Young children often ask many questions because they are naturally ___________.
A. intriguing B. inquisitive C. ingenious D. captivating
5. We know people are generally more aware of the importance of ___________ a healthy and active lifestyle than
they were.
A. leading B. taking C. doing D. making
6. Teacher: "Self-studying is an inseparable part of effective learning."
Student: " __________ "
A. I'll say! B. Good job! C. By all means! D. I got a clue.
7. Cable TV revolutionized communications; __________, the very existence of that service is now threatened by

A. moreover B. consequently C. eventually D. nevertheless
8. Beacon Hill, __________ cobblestone streets, is one of Boston's most charming historical sections.
A. where Colonial brick houses line B. where Colonial brick lines houses
C. Colonial brick houses line where D. houses where Colonial brick lining
9. I'm sure that this isn't a true story. He ___________ it up.
A. must have made B. should have made
C. would have made D. can have made
10. Accompaniment is a musical line that is secondary ___________ the melody; and accompaniment parts
support the melody.
A. of B. in C. with D. to
11. Some city residents voiced their objection when the old houses were __________ to build a new supermarket.
A. pulled down B. caught on C. put aside D. turned over
12. Her filmography spans more than a decade and she __________ in over 50 movies.
A. was acting B. has acted C. has been acting D. had acted
13. The ancient monastery is now __________ to tourists because of numerous landslides.
A. inadvertent B. inaccessible C. impractical D. impervious
14. The boy who is standing over there has just won the first prize in the contest, _________?
A. did he B. hasn't he C. didn't he D. doesn't he
15. Looking down at the coral reef, we saw _________ of tiny, multi-coloured fish.
A. teams B. flocks C. schools D. swarms
16. If you get lost, just ask me for directions. I know this part of town like ________.
A. the ring on my finger B. the toes of my foot
C. the back of my hand D. the knee of my leg
17. __________, modelling is actually hard work.
A. Glamorous although it may seem B. Even it may seem glamorous
C. However glamorous it may seem D. So glamorous may it seem
18. Don't be _________ by false advertisements. If something looks too good to be true, it probably is.
A. put off B. given up C. taken in D. put down
19. The findings of the report read that by the year 2028, famine in the Third World countries will reach epidemic
A. proportions B. spread C. ratio D. range
20. In The Sociology of Science, _________ a classic, Robert Merton discusses cultural, economic and social
forces that contributed to the development of modern science.

A. now considering B. now considered
C. which considers D. which considered

Section 2. The passage below contains TEN mistakes. Underline the mistakes and provide the corrections in
the spaces below.
Line Mistakes Corrections
1 skill skills
... ... ...

Line 1 One of the essential skill parents and teachers should equip young people with is
Line 2 map reading. If you are interpreting a road map, a plan of a city, or a relief map showed
Line 3 the physical features of an area, familiarity with maps is a great asset without that
Line 4 individuals may well feel deprived.
Line 5 The science of making maps, charts and globes is called cartography. Even
Line 6 though the first ever atlas, "Geographical", was the work of a second-century Greek
Line 7 geography who went by the name of Ptolemy, it was in the 15th and 16th centuries,
Line 8 during the Renaissance, which cartography really took off. This facilitated the great
Line 9 explorations of the time.
Line 10 Photography have succeeded in making cartography a precise science. As a
Line 11 result, we may not realize how difficult it must have been to produce accurate maps
Line 12 before this innovation came into use. Nowadays, satellites and even space probes have
Line 13 come to the aid of cartographers, opening with a wide range of new possibilities. In the
Line 14 imaging of other planets such as Mars, to mapping the Earth's continents from space
Line 15 using state-to-the-art radar technology, cartography has certainly make a long way.
Line 16 Radar technology has the ability to reveal details as small as thirty metres across, in
Line 17 addition to present the images in three dimensions.

Section 3. Supply the correct form of the word provided to the right of each blank.
For a period of its history, the city of Coventry had a considerable reputation as the main centre of clock
and watchmaking in Britain, and Coventry timepieces made then were (1) __________ (SYNONYM) with both
quality and (2) _____________ (RELY). Few people in the city today will have heard of Samuel Watson, but he
almost (3) ______________ (HAND) paved the way for Coventry's involvement in the clock and watch business.
He was at the (4) ________________ (FRONT) of the watchmaking revolution in the 1680s, and although it is

not known how Watson became involved in the trade, he was a trailblazer for others.
Watson made his name in 1682 when he sold a clock to King Charles II and was invited to be the King's
(5) _______________ (MATHEMATICS). The following year he began work on an astronomical clock for the
King, complete with planets and signs of the zodiac, which took seven years to build. It not only told the time of
day but also the (6) _____________ (POSITION) changes of the planets. Queen Mary acquired it in 1691 and it
is still in the (7) ______________ (OWN) of the Royal Family. He built several other clocks, and by 1690 the
clamour for Watson's clocks was such that he left Coventry and took up (8) ____________ (RESIDE) in London.
He became Master of the London Clockmakers' Company in 1692, which is testament to his (9) ____________
(STAND) in the growing industry.
In 1712, Samuel Watson's name disappeared from the records of the London Clockmakers' Company, and
the (10) ______________ (LIKELY) is that he died in that year.

Section 1. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
What does it say about a nation that when a national newspaper recently set out to establish the best
television adverts of all time, as many as 10.000 people responded? The answer (1) ________ in the fact that the
British have (2) _________ an intense admiration for a genre that has developed into an art (3) _________ in its
own right. In 1955, when Gibbs SR toothpaste broadcast the first TV commercial, it was inconceivable that ads
would ever end up being (4) _________ as sophisticated and innovative as the programs surrounding them. Yet by
1978, the author Jonathan Price was able to declare:" Financially, commercials represent the pinnacle of our
popular culture's artistic expression. More money and thought per second goes into their making and more cash (5)
_________ from their impact than in the case for any movie, opera, stage play, painting or videotape."
Today with the (6) __________ of channels and websites, there is more onus than ever on the advertiser to
shock, amuse, enthrall, and entertain in its 30 second slot. But are ads really (7) ________ of cultural appraisal, in
the same way programs are? And what make an advertisement truly great? Aesthetically, it's something that is
watchable for 1.000 viewings and still (8) _________ fresh," says Robert Opie, the founder of the Museum and
Advertising and Packaging. "Often, this is to do perfect acting and with every single last detail being correct.
There are so many (9) _________ that you can watch it many times, like listening to a(n) (10) ________ of
classical music.
1. A. stays B. falls C. lies D. goes
2. A. grew B. developed C. thrived D. rose
3. A. means B. kinds C. form D. type
4. A. thought B. regarded C. considered D. referred

5. A. casts B. drips C. leaks D. flows
6. A. explosion B. advent C. burst D. downcast
7. A. aware B. worthy C. conscious D. indicative
8. A. maintain B. retain C. remain D. behold
9. A. ideas B. meanings C. layers D. floors
10. A. item B. piece C. part D. score

Section 2. Read the following passage and think of a word which best fits each space. Use only ONE word
for each space.
This bird is about the same size as the European roller, and has many features in common (1) ___________
its near relatives. (2) __________ the European family, however, the cuckoo roller can reverse its outer toes, (3)
________ it to perch by gripping a branch with two toes forward and two back. Its eating habits are also quite
different. (4) __________ nearly all other rollers take food on the wing or pluck reptiles or large insects from the
ground, the cuckoo roller stays high up in the forest canopy, (5) ________ on caterpillars, stick insects and, most
important of all, chameleons.
Subtly blending its colours to the forest backcloth, and (6) _________ leaving the safety of the branches
except to cross from one tree to another, the chameleon is an elusive prey. Even on open ground, (7) _________
myriad dangers it normally avoids, the chameleon's slow, swaying walk makes it difficult to see against the leaves.
(8) __________ good is it camouflage that the cuckoo roller has to put up with long periods of watching and
waiting (9) __________ a tell-tale movement betrays its victim's presence. At least, experts assume this is what
happens, because despite the fact that this bird is widespread throughout Madagascar, (10) __________ observer
has yet seen it in the process of catching its prey.

Section 3. Read the following passage and choose the best option marked A, B, C or D to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions.
New surveys suggest that the technological tools we use to make our lives easier are killing our leisure
time. We are working longer hours, taking fewer and shorter vacations (and when we do go away, we take our cell
phones, PDAs, and laptops along). And, we are more stressed than ever as increased use of e-mail, voice mail, cell
phones, and the Internet is destroying any idea of privacy and leisure.
Since the Industrial Revolution, people have assumed that new labor-saving devices would free them from
the burdens of the workplace and give them more time to grow intellectually, creatively, and socially - exploring
the arts, keeping up with current events, spending more time with friends and family, and even just 'goofing off.
But here we are at the start of the 21st century, enjoying one of the greatest technological boom times in

human history, and nothing could be further from the truth. The very tools that were supposed to liberate us have
bound us to our work and study in ways that were inconceivable just a few years ago. It would seem that
technology almost never does what we expect.
In 'the old days', the lines between work and leisure time were markedly clearer. People left their offices at
a predictable time, were often completely disconnected from and out of touch with their jobs as they traveled to
and from work, and were off-duty once they were home. That is no longer true. In today's highly competitive job
market, employers demand increased productivity, expecting workers to put in longer hours and to keep in touch
almost constantly via fax, cell phones, e-mail, or other communications devices. As a result, employees feel the
need to check in on what is going on at the office, even on days off. They feel pressured to work after hours just to
catch up on everything they have to do. Workers work harder and longer, change their work tasks more frequently,
and have more and more reasons to worry about job security.
Bosses, colleagues, family members, lovers, and friends expect instant responses to voice mail and e-mail
messages. Even college students have become bound to their desks by an environment in which faculty, friends,
and other members of the college community increasingly do their work online. Studies of time spent on instant
messaging services would probably show staggering use.
This is not what technology was supposed to be doing for us. New technologies, from genetic research to
the Internet, offer all sorts of benefits and opportunities. But, when new tools make life more difficult and stressful
rather than easier and more meaningful - and we are, as a society, barely conscious of it - then something has gone
seriously awry, both with our expectations for technology and our understanding of how it should benefit us.
(From "Summit 1" by Joan Saslow & Allen Ascher)

1. According to the first three paragraphs, technological tools that were designed to make our lives easier ______.
A. have brought us complete happiness
B. have fully met our expectations
C. have not interfered with our privacy
D. have turned out to do us more harm than good
2. Which of the following is NOT true about technological tools, according to new surveys?
A. They make our life more stressful.
B. They bring more leisure to our life.
C. They are used even during vacations.
D. They are being increasingly used.
3. Which of the following is true, according to the passage?
A. People have more opportunities to get access to technological applications.
B. Employees were supposed to make technology do what they expected.

C. People now enjoy greater freedom thanks to the technological boom.
D. Students used to have to study more about technological advances.
4. The word "inconceivable" in the passage is closest in meaning to __________.
A. unforgettable B. unimaginable C. predictable D. foreseeable
5. With the phrase "at a predictable time", the author implies that __________.
A. people had to predict the time they were allowed to leave offices
B. people wanted to be completely disconnected from their work
C . people were unable to foresee their working hours
D. people used to have more time and privacy after work
6. It can be inferred from the fourth paragraph that __________.
A. it is compulsory that employees go to the office, even on days off
B. employees have more freedom to decide what time they start and finish work
C. employers are more demanding and have efficient means to monitor employees
D. life is more relaxing with cell phones and other technological devices
7. The word "They" in the fourth paragraph refers to _________.
A. employers B. employees C. workers D. tasks
8. Which of the following could be the main idea of the fifth paragraph?
A. New technological applications are wise entertainment choices of our modern time.
B. The coming of new technological advances has spoiled family and social relationships.
C. New technological advances have added more stress to daily life.
D. New technological advances have reduced work performance.
9. This passage has probably been taken from __________.
A. a science review B. a political journal
C. an advertisement D. a fashion magazine
10. Which of the following could best serve as the title of the passage?
A. Expectations and Plain Reality B. Benefits of Technology
C. Research on the Roles of Computers D. Changes at the Workplace

Section 4. You are going to read a passage and choose the headings given in the box below with their
appropriate numbers (1-5) that lead the five paragraphs and write the letters A-H next to the corresponding
numbers. (The headings outnumber the paragraphs, so you will not use all of them).
A. A disadvantage of fast communication
B. High speed of communication and its benefits
C. Our shrinking world

D. Communication devices
E. A brief history of communication development
F. Modern communication and a change in thinking pattern
G. The changing world resulting from fast communication
H. Modern communication and expected responsibility

1. __________
Telephone, television, radio, and the telegraph all help people communicate with each other. Because of
these devices, ideas and news of events spread quickly all over the world. For example, within seconds, people can
know the results of an election in Japan or Argentina. An international soccer match comes into the home of
everyone with a television set. News of a disaster such as an earthquake or a flood can bring help from distant
countries. Within hours, help is on the way.

2. __________
How has speed of communication changed the world? To many people, the world has become smaller. Of
course, this does not mean that the world is physically smaller. Two hundred years ago, communication between
the continents took a long time. All news was carried on ships that took weeks or even months to cross the oceans.
In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, it took six weeks for news from Europe to reach the Americas. This
time difference influenced people's actions. For example, one battle in the war of 1812 between the English and
the United States armies could have been avoided if the warring sides had known that a peace agreement had
already been signed. Peace was made in England, but the news of peace took six weeks to reach America. During
those six weeks, the large and serious Battle of New Orleans was fought and many lives were lost.

3. __________
An important part of the history of the world is the history of communication. In prehistoric times, people
had limited knowledge of the world. They had little information about geography, the study of the Earth. People
knew very little beyond their small groups except what was happening near their homes. Later, people were
organized into villages, and verbal communication between small towns was possible. Still, the people's
knowledge was limited because they had no outside information. Kingdoms and small countries then developed,
with a king directing the people. Cities developed, too, but still communication was limited to the small
geographical area of the country. Much later in history, after the invention of the printing press, many more people
learned to read, and communication was improved.

4. __________

In this modern age, communication is so fast that it is almost instant. People's lives have been changed
because of the immediate spread of news. Sometimes the speed is so great that it does not allow people time to
think. For example, leaders of countries have only minutes, or, at most, hours to consider all the parts of a
problem. They are expected to answer immediately. Once they had days and weeks to think before making

5. __________
The speed of communication demands a new responsibility from all people of the world. People in
different countries must try harder to understand each other. An example is that people with different religions
must try to understand each other's beliefs and values, even if they do not accept them. Sometimes their cultures
are quite different. What one group considers a normal part of life is strange to another culture. In some cases, a
normal part of one culture might be bad or impolite to people of another culture. That kind of difference is a
possible basis for misunderstanding. People must learn not to judge others, but to accept them as they are. As the
world grows smaller, people must learn to talk to each other more effectively as well as communicate more

Section 1. Rewrite the sentence beginning with the word(s) given so that it has the closest meaning to the
original one.
1. As people grow older, they become more and more forgetful.
→ The ..............................................................................................................................................................
2. Melissa's father was very busy, but he still played with her.
→ Busy ............................................................................................................................................................
3. Richard only took over the family business because his father decided to retire early.
→ But for .........................................................................................................................................................
4. We shouldn't overstate the importance of finishing the project on time.
→ We shouldn't put .........................................................................................................................................
5. The students' riotous behaviors should have been severely punished.
→ The students deserved .................................................................................................................................

Section 2. Write an essay within 250 words on the following topic:

It is the responsibility of schools to teach children good behavior in addition to providing formal education.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?


ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề)

(Đề thi có 11 trang)

PART A. LISTENING (Each recording will be played TWICE)
Section 1
Question 1-10
You will hear a woman from a job agency giving information to a man about work in a restaurant.
Fill in the blanks with the information you hear.
Question 1-5
Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
(1) ______training______ provided for all staff
(2) ______discount______ during weekdays at all Milo's Restaurants
(3) ______taxi______ provided after midnight
Person specification
- must be prepared to work well in a team
- must care about maintaining a high standard of (4) ______service______.
- must have a qualification in (5) ______English______.

WOMAN: So, I understand you're interested in restaurant work?
MAN: Yes. I've got a bit of experience and I can provide references.
WOMAN: That's good. I can check all that later. Now, Milo's Restaurants have some vacancies at the moment.
They're a really good company to work for. Lots of benefits.
MAN: Oh right.
WOMAN: Yes. They've got a very good reputation for looking after staff. For example, all employees get
training – even temporary staff.
MAN: Oh really? That's quite unusual, isn't it?
WOMAN: Certainly is.
MAN: And do staff get free uniforms too?
WOMAN: Um... you just need to wear a white T-shirt and black trousers, it says here. So I guess not... But

another benefit of working for a big company like this is that you can get a discount at any of their restaurants.
MAN: Even at weekends?
WOMAN: No, but you'll be working then anyway.
MAN: Oh yes. I suppose so. Most of their restaurants are in the city centre, aren't they? So, easy to get to by bus?
WOMAN: Yes. That's right. But if you have to do a late shift and finish work after midnight, the company will
pay for you to get a taxi home.
MAN: I probably won't need one. I think I'd use my bike.
WOMAN: OK. Now, they do have some quite specific requirements for the kind of person they're looking for.
Milo's is a young, dynamic company and they're really keen on creating a strong team. It's really important that
you can fit in and get on well with everyone.
MAN: Yeah. I've got no problem with that. It sounds good, actually. The last place I worked for was quite
demanding too. We had to make sure we gave a really high level of service.
WOMAN: That's good to hear because that will be equally important at Milo's. I know they want people who
have an eye for detail.
MAN: That's fine. I'm very used to working in that kind of environment.
WOMAN: Perfect. So the only other thing that's required is good communication skills, so you'll need to have a
certificate in English.
MAN: Sure.

Question 6-10
Complete the table below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Location Job title Responsibilities include Pay and conditions
(6) __Wivenhoe___ Breakfast supervisor Checking portions, etc. are Starting salary (8) £
Street correct ___9.75___ per hour
Making sure (7) Start work at 5.30 a.m
__equipment_ is clean
City Road Junior chef Supporting senior chefs Annual salary £23,000
Maintaining stock and No work on a (10)
organizing (9) __deliveries__ ___Sunday__ once a

WOMAN: OK. Let's have a look at the current job vacancies at Milo's. The first one is in Wivenhoe Street.
MAN: Sorry, where?

WOMAN: Wivenhoe. W-I-V-E-N-H-O-E. It's quite central, just off Cork Street.
MAN: Oh right.
WOMAN: They're looking for a breakfast supervisor.
MAN: That would be OK.
WOMAN: So you're probably familiar with the kind of responsibilities involved. Obviously checking that all the
portions are correct, etc., and then things like checking all the procedures for cleaning the equipment are being
MAN: OK. And what about the salary? In my last job I was getting £9.50 per hour. I was hoping to get a bit more
than that.
WOMAN: Well, to begin with, you'd be getting £9.75 but that goes up to £11.25 after three months.
MAN: That's not too bad. And I suppose it's a very early start?
WOMAN: Mmm. That's the only unattractive thing about this job. But then you have the afternoons and evenings
free. So the restaurant starts serving breakfast from 7 a.m. And you'd have to be there at 5.30 to set everything up.
But you'd be finished at 12.30.
MAN: Mmm. Well, as you say, there are advantages to that.
WOMAN: Now, you might also be interested in the job at the City Road branch. That's for a junior chef, so again
a position of responsibility.
MAN: I might prefer that, actually.
WOMAN: Right, well obviously this role would involve supporting the sous chef and other senior staff. And
you'd be responsible for making sure there's enough stock each week – and sorting out all the deliveries.
MAN: I've never done that before, but I imagine it's fairly straightforward, once you get the hang of it.
WOMAN: Yes, and you'd be working alongside more experienced staff to begin with, so I'm sure it wouldn't be a
problem. The salary's slightly higher here. It's an annual salary of £23,000.
MAN: Right.
WOMAN: I know that if they like you, it's likely you'll be promoted quite quickly. So that's worth thinking about.
MAN: Yes. It does sound interesting. What are the hours like?
WOMAN: The usual, I think. There's a lot of evening and weekend work, but they're closed on Mondays. But you
do get one Sunday off every four weeks. So would you like me to send off your …

Section 2
Questions 11-15
Label the map below. Write the correct letter, A-H, next to the questions 11-15.

City Museum

11. _______C______ Box Office
12. _______B______ Children's Room
13. _______E______ Cafe
14. _______H______ Multimedia Room
15. _______G______ Showroom

As the final matter for today's meeting, I am delighted to show you the plans for our proposed new
extension to the reception area. Please turn your attention to the plan in front of you. If you enter through the
entrance doors and go around the sharp corner, you will find on your left the new box office. From this position,
the box office manager can both sell tickets and ensure that no visitors are able to enter the museum without
paying. From here, if you walk towards the door on the far left wall, you will come across our new children's
room, where visitors can leave their children to play whilst they explore our displays. Directly to the right of the
children's room is where we originally intended to locate the cafe. But we felt that it would be better placed in the
bottom right corner of the plan, where we can create a more intimate atmosphere. Due to generous donations, we
now have the available funds to build a fantastic new multimedia room, where visitors will have access to
computers, cameras and TVs. This exciting new space will be in the top right corner, where it is safely away from
the entrance doors. Finally, the showroom will be built in the top left corner directly opposite the new multimedia
room. I hope that you are all as excited about this new space as I am. Another time finished, I would be happy to
answer any questions.

Section 3
Questions 16-20
You will hear part of a radio interview with Martin Middleton, who makes wildlife programmes for
television. For questions 16-20, choose the best answer (A, B or C).

16. When he visited Borneo, Martin _____________.

A. made a programme about life on the river
B. had no fixed expectations
C. became more interested in filming old buildings
17. Since the early 1960s, wildlife filming has become _____________.
A. more organised
B. more relaxed
C. more creative
18. When he takes a holiday, Martin prefers to _____________.
A. relax by the sea
B. travel for a particular reason
C. stay in comfortable surroundings
19. Martin thought that the holidaymakers he saw in the Dominican Republic were _____________.
A. risking their health
B. wasting opportunities
C. lacking entertainment
20. What is Martin's opinion of tourism?
A. It should be discouraged
B. It is well managed
C. It can be a good thing
Interviewer: Today’s guest needs no introduction. He is a man who has given us hours of interest and
entertainment over the years, with his weekly series of wildlife programmes. He is, of course, Martin Middleton.
Martin, you’ve been to the four corners of the Earth in search of material. Where did this love of adventures come
Martin: I don’t really know … I didn’t travel much as a child, but I remember reading about the East and being
fascinated by it. Then, when I was about 12, I met someone who’d been to Singapore – and to me that seemed
incredible … and, of course, when I started in television, back in the early 1960s, you didn’t travel to make a

wildlife programme … you went along and filmed at the local zoo. So, when I said I’d like to go and film in
Africa, the Head of Programmes just laughed at me.
Interviewer: … and, did you go to Africa?
Martin: On that occasion, no! But I eventually got them to allow me to go to Borneo in 1962. There was just me
and a cameraman. We went off for four months, filming wherever we found something interesting (Q16). We
bought a canoe, sailed up-river for ten days and ended up in a traditional longhouse. Nowadays, of course, it’s all
quite different.
Interviewer: Different? In what way …?
Martin: We do months of preparation before we set off, so when we start filming, we know exactly what scenes
we want to get (Q17). I mean, you don’t get up in the morning and say to your team, ‘What shall we do this
morning?’ You have to know exactly what each scene is going to show … to work to a strict plan.
Interviewer: Some of your programmes have taken place in some pretty remote areas. It’s hard to imagine other
programme-makers wanting to risk the dangers or discomfort that you’ve experienced.
Martin: Well, if you want original material – you’ve got to go off the beaten track … but you can find yourself
doing some pretty strange things … um … like, for example, on one occasion, jumping out of a helicopter onto an
iceberg. There I was … freezing cold … then it started to snow … and the helicopter had gone back to the ship and
couldn’t take off again. So I was stuck there, on this iceberg, thinking, ‘This is crazy … I didn’t even want to come
Interviewer: What I wonder is … where does somebody like yourself, who travels to all these exotic places as
part of their work, go on holiday?
Martin: (laughs) I’m not very good at lying on a beach – that’s for sure. I wouldn’t go to a place just to sit
around. It’s nice to have an objective when you’re travelling … to have something you want to film … mm (Q18)
… I’ve just come back from the Dominican Republic, and we were put up for the first night in a big hotel … The
place was absolutely full of people, just lying there sunbathing. They seemed quite happy to spend the whole day
stretched out around the pool … they never seemed to want to go and explore the amazing things there were to see
outside the hotel. For me, that would be a very boring way to spend a holiday. (Q19)
Interviewer: Your programmes, though, must have inspired a lot of people to take their holidays in remote and
little-known places.
Martin: You are probably right, but … well … I have mixed feelings about all this. I go back to the places where,
years ago, I was the only European, and now there are cruise ships coming three times a day. So, you worry that in
ten years or so, every remote place on the planet will be swallowed up, because everyone will be visiting it. But,
on the other hand, I am in favour of tourism that is done in a way that protects the environment (Q20). You can see
a good example of this in the Galapagos Islands, where the tourism is carefully managed. That’s very successful,
and could be a model for the future …

Section 1. Choose the correct option marked A, B, C, or D to complete the following sentences.
1. I haven't had a very ____________ week. I seem to have done nothing at all.
A. extensive B. productive C. enthusiastic D. economic
- extensive (adj): rộng lớn, to lớn
- productive (adj): hiệu quả
- enthusiastic (adj): nhiệt tình, hăng hái
- economic (adj): thuộc về kinh tế
Dịch: Tôi chưa có một tuần làm việc hiệu quả. Dường như tôi đã không làm gì cả.

2. Janet put a ____________ in her husband's ear about getting the children a dog for Christmas.
A. bug B. bee C. fly D. butterfly
- Idiom "put a bug in someone's ear" có nghĩa là thảo luận hoặc đề xuất một ý tưởng, một kế hoạch hoặc một mong
muốn với ai đó một cách rất nhẹ nhàng hoặc giấu diếm, thường để thuyết phục hoặc để họ cân nhắc về điều gì đó.
Dịch : Janet đã nhẹ nhàng đề xuất với chồng cô về việc mua cho các con một chú chó vào dịp Giáng Sinh.

3. I ___________ doubt whether he will actually carry out his threats.

A. highly B. deeply C. absolutely D. seriously
- "seriously doubt" là một collocation thường, được sử dụng để diễn đạt sự hoặc mức độ của sự nghi ngờ hoặc hoài
nghi. Nó có nghĩa là nghiêm túc, thật sự không tin hoặc nghi ngờ về một điều gì đó.
Dịch: Tôi nghiêm túc hoài nghi liệu anh ấy có thực sự thực hiện những đe dọa của mình hay không.

4. Young children often ask many questions because they are naturally ___________.
A. intriguing B. inquisitive C. ingenious D. captivating
- intriguing (adj): lôi cuốn, hấp dẫn
- inquisitive (adj): tò mò, ham học hỏi
- ingenious (adj): khéo léo, tài tình
- captivating (adj): cuốn hút, quyến rũ
Dịch: Trẻ em nhỏ thường đặt nhiều câu hỏi vì chúng có bản chất là tò mò.

5. We know people are generally more aware of the importance of ___________ a healthy and active lifestyle than
they were.
A. leading B. taking C. doing D. making

- lead a healthy and active lifestyle là một collocation, thường được sử dụng cùng nhau để diễn đạt ý nghĩa của
việc sống một lối sống lành mạnh và năng động.
Dịch: Chúng ta biết rằng mọi người nói chung hiện giờ nhận thức về sự quan trọng của việc duy trì một lối sống
lành mạnh và năng động hơn so với trước đây.

6. Teacher: "Self-studying is an inseparable part of effective learning."

Student: " __________ "
A. I'll say! B. Good job! C. By all means! D. I got a clue.
- I'll say!: Tôi đồng ý! hoặc Đúng vậy!
- Good job!: Làm tốt lắm!
- By all means!: Tất nhiên! hoặc Bằng mọi cách!
- I got a clue: Tôi hiểu rồi.
Dịch: Giáo viên: "Tự học là một phần không thể tách rời của việc học hiệu quả."
Học sinh: "Em đồng ý!"

7. Cable TV revolutionized communications; __________, the very existence of that service is now threatened by
A. moreover B. consequently C. eventually D. nevertheless
- moreover: hơn nữa, thêm vào đó
- consequently: do đó, kết quả là
- eventually: cuối cùng, sau cùng
- nevertheless: tuy nhiên, mặc dù vậy
Dịch: Truyền hình cáp đã cách mạng hóa việc truyền thông; tuy nhiên, sự tồn tại của dịch vụ đó hiện đang bị đe
dọa bởi các vệ tinh.

8. Beacon Hill, __________ cobblestone streets, is one of Boston's most charming historical sections.
A. where Colonial brick houses line B. where Colonial brick lines houses
C. Colonial brick houses line where D. houses where Colonial brick lining
- Loại C và D vì where thay cho Beacon Hill thì sẽ đứng ngay sau nó. Giả sử câu D where thay cho houses nhưng
thiếu mất V của mệnh đề quan hệ => loại D
- Lưu ý, V của mệnh đề quan hệ ở đây là line (v): nằm dọc theo => Chọn A
Dịch: Đồi Beacon, nơi những ngôi nhà gạch thuộc địa nằm dọc những con đường lát đá cuội, là một trong những
khu vực lịch sử quyến rũ nhất của Boston.

9. I'm sure that this isn't a true story. He ___________ it up.
A. must have made B. should have made
C. would have made D. can have made
- must have p2: chắc chắn đã làm gì trong QK
- should have p2: lẽ ra nên làm gì trong QK nhưng lại không làm
- would have p2 sử dụng trong mệnh đề chính của câu điều kiện loại 3
- can have p2 – không tồn tại
Dịch: Tôi chắc chắn rằng đây không phải là một câu chuyện có thật. Chắc chắn là anh ấy đã bịa ra.

10. Accompaniment is a musical line that is secondary ___________ the melody; and accompaniment parts
support the melody.
A. of B. in C. with D. to
- secondary to sth: không quan trọng bằng
Dịch: Hòa âm là một dòng nhạc phụ thuộc vào giai điệu; và các phần hòa âm hỗ trợ giai điệu.

11. Some city residents voiced their objection when the old houses were __________ to build a new supermarket.
A. pulled down B. caught on C. put aside D. turned over
- pull down: phá hủy, phá bỏ
- catch on: trở nên phổ biến, được chấp nhận
- put aside: để sang một bên, bỏ qua
- turn over: lật ngược, kiểm tra
Dịch: Một số cư dân thành phố đã bày tỏ sự phản đối khi những ngôi nhà cũ đã bị phá hủy để xây dựng một siêu
thị mới.

12. Her filmography spans more than a decade and she __________ in over 50 movies.
A. was acting B. has acted C. has been acting D. had acted
- Dựa vào spans chia HTĐ => Loại A và D vì hiện tại không đi với QK
- 50 movies là 1 con số => nhấn mạnh kết quả => chọn HTHT thay vì HTHTTD (nhấn mạnh thời gian/ quá trình)
Dịch: Quá trình đóng phim của cô kéo dài hơn một thập kỷ và cô đã đóng hơn 50 bộ phim.

13. The ancient monastery is now __________ to tourists because of numerous landslides.
A. inadvertent B. inaccessible C. impractical D. impervious
- inadvertent (adj): không cố ý, không chú ý
- inaccessible (adj): không thể tiếp cận được, không thể vào được

- impractical (adj): không thực tế, không thực hiện được
- impervious (adj): không thấm, không thấm nước
Dịch: Ngôi tu viện cổ xưa hiện không thể tiếp cận được đối với du khách vì nhiều vụ lở đất.

14. The boy who is standing over there has just won the first prize in the contest, _________?
A. did he B. hasn't he C. didn't he D. doesn't he
- Hỏi đuôi của HTHT là has/have S.
- Trước khẳng định => sau phủ định.
Dịch: Cậu bé đứng đằng kia vừa đoạt giải nhất cuộc thi phải không?

15. Looking down at the coral reef, we saw _________ of tiny, multi-coloured fish.
A. teams B. flocks C. schools D. swarms
- "schools of fish" là một collocation, thường được sử dụng để chỉ một nhóm cá cùng loài di chuyển hoặc sống
cùng nhau.
Dịch : Nhìn xuống rặng san hô, chúng tôi nhìn thấy đàn cá nhỏ, đa màu sắc.

16. If you get lost, just ask me for directions. I know this part of town like ________.
A. the ring on my finger B. the toes of my foot
C. the back of my hand D. the knee of my leg
- know sth like the back of one’s hand: biết cái gì rõ như lòng bàn tay.
Dịch câu: Nếu bạn lạc đường, chỉ cần hỏi tôi về hướng đi. Tôi biết phần này của thị trấn như lòng bàn tay.

17. __________, modelling is actually hard work.

A. Glamorous although it may seem B. Even it may seem glamorous
C. However glamorous it may seem D. So glamorous may it seem
- Loại A vì adj/adv + as/though SV, SV: mặc dù ... nhưng ...
- Loại B vì even though SV, SV
- Loại D vì so + adj + tobe + S + that
- However + adj/adv SV, SV = although SV, SV: mặc dù
Dịch: Dù có vẻ hào nhoáng đến đâu, việc làm người mẫu thực sự là một công việc khó khăn.

18. Don't be _________ by false advertisements. If something looks too good to be true, it probably is.
A. put off B. given up C. taken in D. put down
- put off: trì hoãn, làm mất hứng thú

- give up: từ bỏ, từ chối
- take sb in: lừa ai, tin vào cái gì đó một cách không chín chắn
- put down: đặt xuống, làm mất tự tin
Dịch: Đừng để bị lừa bởi các quảng cáo giả dối. Nếu một cái gì đó trông quá tốt để có thể là sự thật, có lẽ đó là

19. The findings of the report read that by the year 2028, famine in the Third World countries will reach epidemic
A. proportions B. spread C. ratio D. range
- proportion (n): tỷ lệ, phần trăm, quy mô
- spread (n): sự lan rộng, phạm vi
- ratio (n): tỷ lệ, tỷ số
- range (n): phạm vi, dãy số
- Trong trường hợp này, "epidemic proportions" là một collocation, thường được sử dụng để chỉ quy mô lớn và
nghiêm trọng của một tình trạng hoặc vấn đề.
Dịch: Các kết quả của báo cáo cho biết vào năm 2028, nạn đói ở các nước Thế giới Thứ ba sẽ đạt đến quy mô dịch

20. In The Sociology of Science, _________ a classic, Robert Merton discusses cultural, economic and social
forces that contributed to the development of modern science.
A. now considering B. now considered
C. which considers D. which considered
- Rút gọn mệnh đề quan hệ ở dạng bị động => p2
- Loại C và D vì cần bị động
Dịch: Trong cuốn Xã hội học về Khoa học, hiện được coi là tác phẩm kinh điển, Robert Merton thảo luận về các
lực lượng văn hóa, kinh tế và xã hội góp phần vào sự phát triển của khoa học hiện đại.

Section 2. The passage below contains TEN mistakes. Underline the mistakes and provide the corrections in
the spaces below.
Line Mistakes Corrections
1 skill skills
... ... ...

Line 1 One of the essential skill parents and teachers should equip young people with is
Line 2 map reading. If you are interpreting a road map, a plan of a city, or a relief map showed
Line 3 the physical features of an area, familiarity with maps is a great asset without that
Line 4 individuals may well feel deprived.
Line 5 The science of making maps, charts and globes is called cartography. Even
Line 6 though the first ever atlas, "Geographical", was the work of a second-century Greek
Line 7 geography who went by the name of Ptolemy, it was in the 15th and 16th centuries,
Line 8 during the Renaissance, which cartography really took off. This facilitated the great
Line 9 explorations of the time.
Line 10 Photography have succeeded in making cartography a precise science. As a
Line 11 result, we may not realize how difficult it must have been to produce accurate maps
Line 12 before this innovation came into use. Nowadays, satellites and even space probes have
Line 13 come to the aid of cartographers, opening with a wide range of new possibilities. In the
Line 14 imaging of other planets such as Mars, to mapping the Earth's continents from space
Line 15 using state-to-the-art radar technology, cartography has certainly make a long way.
Line 16 Radar technology has the ability to reveal details as small as thirty metres across, in
Line 17 addition to present the images in three dimensions.

1. Line 2: showed => showing (rút gọn mệnh đề quan hệ ở dạng chủ động => Ving)
2. Line 3: that => which (thay cho asset thì có thể dùng that/which nhưng chỉ có which mới đứng sau giới từ trong
mệnh đề quan hệ)
Dịch: Một trong những kỹ năng cần thiết mà cha mẹ và giáo viên nên trang bị cho trẻ là đọc bản đồ. Nếu bạn đang
diễn giải một bản đồ đường đi, một quy hoạch của một thành phố, hoặc một bản đồ phù điêu thể hiện các đặc điểm
tự nhiên của một khu vực, thì sự quen thuộc với bản đồ là một tài sản quý giá mà nếu không có nó thì các cá nhân
có thể cảm thấy thiếu thốn.
3. Line 7: geography (n): địa lý => geographer (n): nhà địa lý (do có who phía sau, thay thế cho N chỉ người)
4. Line 8: which => that (câu chẻ/ nhấn mạnh: It is/was + thành phần cần nhấn mạnh + that)
Dịch: Khoa học tạo ra bản đồ, biểu đồ và quả địa cầu được gọi là bản đồ học. Mặc dù tập bản đồ đầu tiên, "Địa lý",
là tác phẩm của một nhà địa lý Hy Lạp thế kỷ thứ hai tên là Ptolemy, nhưng phải đến thế kỷ 15 và 16, trong thời kỳ
Phục hưng, ngành bản đồ học mới thực sự phát triển. Điều này tạo điều kiện thuận lợi cho những cuộc khám phá
vĩ đại vào thời điểm đó.
5. Line 10: have => has (Vì chủ ngữ số ít)
6. Line 13: with => up (open up: mở ra)
7. Line 13: In => From (from ... to ...)

8. Line 15: state-to-the-art => state-of-the-art (adj): tối tân, hiện đại
9. Line 15: make => come (come a long way: đạt được thành công/ nhiều tiến bộ)
10. Line 17: present => presenting (In addition to Ving: ngoài cái gì đó ra)
Dịch: Nhiếp ảnh đã thành công trong việc biến bản đồ thành một môn khoa học chính xác. Kết quả là chúng ta có
thể không nhận ra rằng việc tạo ra những bản đồ chính xác đã khó khăn như thế nào trước khi sự đổi mới này được
đưa vào sử dụng. Ngày nay, các vệ tinh và thậm chí cả tàu thăm dò không gian đã hỗ trợ người vẽ bản đồ, mở ra
nhiều khả năng mới. Từ việc chụp ảnh các hành tinh khác như Sao Hỏa, đến lập bản đồ các lục địa trên Trái đất từ
không gian bằng công nghệ radar tiên tiến, bản đồ học chắc chắn đã đạt được thành công. Công nghệ radar có khả
năng tiết lộ các chi tiết nhỏ có chiều ngang ba mươi mét, ngoài việc hiển thị hình ảnh theo ba chiều.

Section 3. Supply the correct form of the word provided to the right of each blank.
For a period of its history, the city of Coventry had a considerable reputation as the main centre of clock
and watchmaking in Britain, and Coventry timepieces made then were (1) _____synonymous_____ (SYNONYM)
with both quality and (2) _______reliability______ (RELY). Few people in the city today will have heard of
Samuel Watson, but he almost (3) _______single-handedly_______ (HAND) paved the way for Coventry's
involvement in the clock and watch business. He was at the (4) _________forefront_______ (FRONT) of the
watchmaking revolution in the 1680s, and although it is not known how Watson became involved in the trade, he
was a trailblazer for others.
1. Sau tobe là adj => synonymous (adj): đồng nghĩa
2. Cấu trúc song song N and N => reliability (n): sự đáng tin cậy
Dịch: Trong một khoảng thời gian lịch sử của mình, thành phố Coventry đã nổi tiếng là trung tâm chế tạo đồng hồ
và đồng hồ chính ở Anh, và những chiếc đồng hồ Coventry được sản xuất khi đó đồng nghĩa với cả chất lượng và
độ tin cậy.
3. Bổ nghĩa cho V dùng adv => single-handedly (adv): một mình
Dịch: Ngày nay, rất ít người trong thành phố biết đến Samuel Watson, nhưng ông gần như một mình mở đường
cho sự tham gia của Coventry vào lĩnh vực kinh doanh đồng hồ đeo tay.
4. at the forefront of: dẫn đầu, đi đầu
Dịch: Ông là người đi đầu trong cuộc cách mạng chế tạo đồng hồ vào những năm 1680, và mặc dù không biết
Watson tham gia vào lĩnh vực này bằng cách nào nhưng ông vẫn là người tiên phong cho những người khác.

Watson made his name in 1682 when he sold a clock to King Charles II and was invited to be the King's
(5) ________mathematician_______ (MATHEMATICS). The following year he began work on an astronomical
clock for the King, complete with planets and signs of the zodiac, which took seven years to build. It not only told
the time of day but also the (6) _______positional______ (POSITION) changes of the planets. Queen Mary

acquired it in 1691 and it is still in the (7) _______ownership_______ (OWN) of the Royal Family. He built
several other clocks, and by 1690 the clamour for Watson's clocks was such that he left Coventry and took up (8)
______residence______ (RESIDE) in London. He became Master of the London Clockmakers' Company in
1692, which is testament to his (9) ______standing______ (STAND) in the growing industry.
5. Sau sở hữu cách là N => mathematician (n): nhà toán học
Dịch: Watson đã thành danh vào năm 1682 khi bán một chiếc đồng hồ cho vua Charles II và được mời làm nhà
toán học cho nhà vua.
6. Trước N là adj => positional (adj): thuộc về vị trí
Dịch: Năm sau, ông bắt đầu làm việc trên một chiếc đồng hồ thiên văn cho Nhà vua, hoàn chỉnh với các hành tinh
và cung hoàng đạo, mất bảy năm để chế tạo. Nó không chỉ cho biết thời gian trong ngày mà còn cả sự thay đổi vị
trí của các hành tinh.
7. Sau mạo từ là N => ownership (n): quyền sở hữu
Dịch: Nữ hoàng Mary mua lại nó vào năm 1691 và nó vẫn thuộc quyền sở hữu của Hoàng gia.
8. take up sth: bắt đầu làm gì => residence (n): sự sinh sống
Dịch: Ông đã chế tạo một số đồng hồ khác, và đến năm 1690, nhu cầu về đồng hồ của Watson ngày càng lớn khiến
ông rời Coventry và đến sống ở London.
9. Sau tính từ sở hữu là N/Ving => standing (n): danh tiếng, địa vị
Dịch: Ông trở thành Chủ nhân của Công ty Thợ đồng hồ Luân Đôn vào năm 1692, đây là minh chứng cho vị thế
của ông trong ngành công nghiệp đang phát triển.

In 1712, Samuel Watson's name disappeared from the records of the London Clockmakers' Company, and
the (10) _______likelihood_______ (LIKELY) is that he died in that year.
10. Sau mạo từ là N => likelihood (n): khả năng
Dịch: Năm 1712, tên của Samuel Watson biến mất khỏi hồ sơ của Công ty thợ đồng hồ London, và rất có thể ông
đã qua đời vào năm đó.

Section 1. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
What does it say about a nation that when a national newspaper recently set out to establish the best
television adverts of all time, as many as 10.000 people responded? The answer (1) ________ in the fact that the
British have (2) _________ an intense admiration for a genre that has developed into an art (3) _________ in its
own right. In 1955, when Gibbs SR toothpaste broadcast the first TV commercial, it was inconceivable that ads
would ever end up being (4) _________ as sophisticated and innovative as the programs surrounding them. Yet by

1978, the author Jonathan Price was able to declare:" Financially, commercials represent the pinnacle of our
popular culture's artistic expression. More money and thought per second goes into their making and more cash (5)
_________ from their impact than in the case for any movie, opera, stage play, painting or videotape."
1. A. stays B. falls C. lies D. goes
- lie in: nằm ở

2. A. grew B. developed C. thrived D. rose

- develop (v): to start to have a feeling or quality that then becomes stronger: phát triển

3. A. means B. kinds C. form D. type

- art form: loại hình nghệ thuật

4. A. thought B. regarded C. considered D. referred

- be considered adj: được coi là như thế nào đó
Dịch: Nó nói gì về một quốc gia mà khi một tờ báo quốc gia gần đây bắt đầu đưa ra những quảng cáo truyền hình
hay nhất mọi thời đại, có tới 10.000 người phản hồi? Câu trả lời nằm ở chỗ người Anh đã phát triển sự ngưỡng mộ
mãnh liệt đối với một thể loại đã phát triển thành một loại hình nghệ thuật theo đúng nghĩa của nó. Vào năm 1955,
khi kem đánh răng Gibbs SR phát sóng quảng cáo truyền hình đầu tiên, không thể tưởng tượng được rằng các
quảng cáo lại được coi là phức tạp và sáng tạo như các chương trình xung quanh chúng.

5. A. casts B. drips C. leaks D. flows

- cash flow: luồng tiền
Dịch: Nhiều tiền và suy nghĩ hơn mỗi giây được tạo ra và nhiều dòng tiền từ tác động của chúng hơn so với bất kỳ
bộ phim, vở opera, vở kịch sân khấu, hội họa hoặc băng video nào."

Today with the (6) __________ of channels and websites, there is more onus than ever on the advertiser to
shock, amuse, enthrall, and entertain in its 30 second slot. But are ads really (7) ________ of cultural appraisal, in
the same way programs are? And what make an advertisement truly great? Aesthetically, it's something that is
watchable for 1.000 viewings and still (8) _________ fresh," says Robert Opie, the founder of the Museum and
Advertising and Packaging. "Often, this is to do perfect acting and with every single last detail being correct.
There are so many (9) _________ that you can watch it many times, like listening to a(n) (10) ________ of
classical music.
6. A. explosion B. advent C. burst D. downcast
- explosion (n): sự nổ, sự bùng nổ

- advent (n): sự xuất hiện, sự ra đời
- burst (n): sự bộc phát
- downcast (adj): chán nản, buồn bã
Dịch: Hôm nay, với sự bùng nổ của các kênh và trang web, có nhiều trách nhiệm hơn bao giờ hết đối với người
quảng cáo để làm cho quảng cáo của họ gây sốc, làm cho vui vẻ, cuốn hút và giải trí trong khung 30 giây của nó.

7. A. aware B. worthy C. conscious D. indicative

- aware (adj): nhận thức, nhận biết
- worthy (adj): đáng giá, xứng đáng
- conscious (adj): có ý thức, tỉnh táo
- indicative (adj): biểu thị, chỉ ra
Dịch: Nhưng liệu quảng cáo có thực sự có đáng được nhận sự khen ngợi về văn hóa, cũng giống như các chương
trình không?

8. A. maintain B. retain C. remain D. behold

- maintain (v): duy trì, giữ vững
- retain (v): giữ lại, giữ nguyên
- remain (v): vẫn còn + adj
- behold (v): nhìn, ngắm nhìn
Dịch: Về mặt thẩm mỹ, đó là thứ có thể xem được với 1.000 lượt xem mà vẫn còn mới mẻ,” Robert Opie, người
sáng lập Bảo tàng, Quảng cáo và Bao bì, cho biết.

9. A. ideas B. meanings C. layers D. floors

- idea (n): ý tưởng, suy nghĩ
- meaning (n): ý nghĩa
- layer (n): lớp
- floor (n): sàn nhà, tầng

10. A. item B. piece C. part D. score

- collocation: piece of music: bản nhạc
Dịch: Có rất nhiều lớp mà bạn có thể xem nó nhiều lần, giống như nghe một bản nhạc cổ điển.

Section 2. Read the following passage and think of a word which best fits each space. Use only ONE word
for each space.

This bird is about the same size as the European roller, and has many features in common (1) ___with___
its near relatives. (2) ____Unlike____ the European family, however, the cuckoo roller can reverse its outer toes,
(3) __enabling__ it to perch by gripping a branch with two toes forward and two back. Its eating habits are also
quite different. (4) ____Although/Though__ nearly all other rollers take food on the wing or pluck reptiles or large
insects from the ground, the cuckoo roller stays high up in the forest canopy, (5) __feeding__ on caterpillars, stick
insects and, most important of all, chameleons.
1. have sth in common with: có điểm chung với
2. Unlike + N: không giống với
3. enable sb/sth to V: làm cho ai/ cái gì có thể làm gì (rút gọn 2 mệnh đề cùng chủ ngữ ở dạng chủ động => Ving)
4. Although/ Though SV, SV: mặc dù (from the ground >< high)
5. feed on: ăn (rút gọn 2 mệnh đề cùng chủ ngữ ở dạng chủ động => Ving)
Dịch: Loài chim này có kích thước tương đương với loài chim lăn châu Âu và có nhiều đặc điểm chung với họ
hàng gần của nó. Tuy nhiên, không giống như họ châu Âu, chim cu cu cuộn có thể đảo ngược các ngón chân bên
ngoài của nó, giúp nó có thể đậu bằng cách bám chặt vào một cành cây bằng hai ngón chân hướng về phía trước và
hai ngón chân ở phía sau. Thói quen ăn uống của nó cũng khá khác biệt. Mặc dù gần như tất cả các loài Cu cu
cuộn khác lấy thức ăn trên cánh hoặc nhổ các loài bò sát hoặc côn trùng lớn trên mặt đất, nhưng Cu cu cuộn vẫn ở
trên cao trong tán rừng, ăn sâu bướm, côn trùng dính và quan trọng nhất là tắc kè hoa.

Subtly blending its colours to the forest backcloth, and (6) __seldom__ leaving the safety of the branches
except to cross from one tree to another, the chameleon is an elusive prey. Even on open ground, (7) ___whose___
myriad dangers it normally avoids, the chameleon's slow, swaying walk makes it difficult to see against the leaves.
(8) ___So__ good is it camouflage that the cuckoo roller has to put up with long periods of watching and waiting
(9) ___until__ a tell-tale movement betrays its victim's presence. At least, experts assume this is what happens,
because despite the fact that this bird is widespread throughout Madagascar, (10) __no__ observer has yet seen it
in the process of catching its prey.
6. seldom (adv): hiếm khi
7. whose + N
8. So adj + tobe S that
9. wait until: đợi cho đến khi
10. No + N (yet đi với câu phủ định, thường là not, nhưng no + N)
Dịch: Pha trộn màu sắc của nó một cách tinh tế với tấm nền rừng và hiếm khi rời khỏi cành cây an toàn ngoại trừ
việc băng từ cây này sang cây khác, tắc kè hoa là một con mồi khó nắm bắt. Ngay cả trên bãi đất trống, nơi nó
thường tránh được vô số nguy hiểm, bước đi lắc lư chậm chạp của tắc kè hoa khiến việc nhìn qua lá cây trở nên

khó khăn. Khả năng ngụy trang tốt đến mức con cu cu lăn phải chịu đựng trong thời gian dài theo dõi và chờ đợi
cho đến khi có chuyển động báo hiệu tiết lộ sự hiện diện của nạn nhân. Ít nhất, các chuyên gia cho rằng đây là
những gì sẽ xảy ra, bởi vì mặc dù thực tế là loài chim này phổ biến khắp Madagascar nhưng vẫn chưa có người
quan sát nào nhìn thấy nó trong quá trình bắt con mồi.

Section 3. Read the following passage and choose the best option marked A, B, C or D to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions.
New surveys suggest that the technological tools we use to make our lives easier are killing our leisure
time. We are working longer hours, taking fewer and shorter vacations (and when we do go away, we take our cell
phones, PDAs, and laptops along). And, we are more stressed than ever as increased use of e-mail, voice mail, cell
phones, and the Internet is destroying any idea of privacy and leisure.
Since the Industrial Revolution, people have assumed that new labor-saving devices would free them from
the burdens of the workplace and give them more time to grow intellectually, creatively, and socially - exploring
the arts, keeping up with current events, spending more time with friends and family, and even just 'goofing off.
But here we are at the start of the 21st century, enjoying one of the greatest technological boom times in
human history, and nothing could be further from the truth. The very tools that were supposed to liberate us have
bound us to our work and study in ways that were inconceivable just a few years ago. It would seem that
technology almost never does what we expect.
In 'the old days', the lines between work and leisure time were markedly clearer. People left their offices at
a predictable time, were often completely disconnected from and out of touch with their jobs as they traveled to
and from work, and were off-duty once they were home. That is no longer true. In today's highly competitive job
market, employers demand increased productivity, expecting workers to put in longer hours and to keep in touch
almost constantly via fax, cell phones, e-mail, or other communications devices. As a result, employees feel the
need to check in on what is going on at the office, even on days off. They feel pressured to work after hours just to
catch up on everything they have to do. Workers work harder and longer, change their work tasks more frequently,
and have more and more reasons to worry about job security.
Bosses, colleagues, family members, lovers, and friends expect instant responses to voice mail and e-mail
messages. Even college students have become bound to their desks by an environment in which faculty, friends,
and other members of the college community increasingly do their work online. Studies of time spent on instant
messaging services would probably show staggering use.
This is not what technology was supposed to be doing for us. New technologies, from genetic research to
the Internet, offer all sorts of benefits and opportunities. But, when new tools make life more difficult and stressful
rather than easier and more meaningful - and we are, as a society, barely conscious of it - then something has gone
seriously awry, both with our expectations for technology and our understanding of how it should benefit us.

(From "Summit 1" by Joan Saslow & Allen Ascher)
1. According to the first three paragraphs, technological tools that were designed to make our lives easier ______.
A. have brought us complete happiness
B. have fully met our expectations
C. have not interfered with our privacy
D. have turned out to do us more harm than good
(Theo ba đoạn văn đầu tiên, các công cụ công nghệ được thiết kế để giúp cuộc sống của chúng ta dễ dàng hơn
A. đã mang lại cho chúng ta hạnh phúc trọn vẹn
B. đã đáp ứng đầy đủ mong đợi của chúng tôi
C. đã không can thiệp vào quyền riêng tư của chúng tôi
D. hóa ra lại làm hại chúng ta nhiều hơn là có lợi)
- Thông tin: New surveys suggest that the technological tools we use to make our lives easier are killing our
leisure time. We are working longer hours, taking fewer and shorter vacations (and when we do go away, we take
our cell phones, PDAs, and laptops along). And, we are more stressed than ever as increased use of e-mail, voice
mail, cell phones, and the Internet is destroying any idea of privacy and leisure: Các cuộc khảo sát mới cho thấy
rằng các công cụ công nghệ mà chúng ta sử dụng để giúp cuộc sống dễ dàng hơn đang giết chết thời gian rảnh rỗi
của chúng ta. Chúng ta đang làm việc nhiều giờ hơn, ngày nghỉ ngày càng ngắn hơn (và khi đi xa, chúng ta mang
theo điện thoại di động, PDA và máy tính xách tay). Và chúng ta đang căng thẳng hơn bao giờ hết khi việc sử
dụng e-mail, thư thoại, điện thoại di động và Internet ngày càng gia tăng đang hủy hoại mọi ý tưởng về quyền
riêng tư và giải trí.

2. Which of the following is NOT true about technological tools, according to new surveys?
A. They make our life more stressful.
B. They bring more leisure to our life.
C. They are used even during vacations.
D. They are being increasingly used.
(Theo các cuộc khảo sát mới, điều nào sau đây KHÔNG đúng về các công cụ công nghệ?
A. Chúng khiến cuộc sống của chúng ta căng thẳng hơn.
B. Chúng mang lại nhiều thời gian rảnh rỗi hơn cho cuộc sống của chúng ta.
C. Chúng được sử dụng ngay cả trong những kỳ nghỉ.
D. Chúng đang được sử dụng ngày càng nhiều.)
- Thông tin: New surveys suggest that the technological tools we use to make our lives easier are killing our
leisure time. We are working longer hours, taking fewer and shorter vacations (and when we do go away, we take

our cell phones, PDAs, and laptops along). And, we are more stressed than ever as increased use of e-mail, voice
mail, cell phones, and the Internet is destroying any idea of privacy and leisure: Các cuộc khảo sát mới cho thấy
rằng các công cụ công nghệ mà chúng ta sử dụng để giúp cuộc sống dễ dàng hơn đang giết chết thời gian rảnh rỗi
của chúng ta. Chúng ta đang làm việc nhiều giờ hơn, ngày nghỉ ngày càng ngắn hơn (và khi đi xa, chúng ta mang
theo điện thoại di động, PDA và máy tính xách tay). Và chúng ta đang căng thẳng hơn bao giờ hết khi việc sử
dụng e-mail, thư thoại, điện thoại di động và Internet ngày càng gia tăng đang hủy hoại mọi ý tưởng về quyền
riêng tư và giải trí.

3. Which of the following is true, according to the passage?

A. People have more opportunities to get access to technological applications.
B. Employees were supposed to make technology do what they expected.
C. People now enjoy greater freedom thanks to the technological boom.
D. Students used to have to study more about technological advances.
(Điều nào sau đây là đúng, theo đoạn văn?
A. Người dân có nhiều cơ hội tiếp cận các ứng dụng công nghệ hơn.
B. Nhân viên phải làm cho công nghệ làm được những gì họ mong đợi.
C. Con người ngày nay được hưởng nhiều tự do hơn nhờ sự bùng nổ công nghệ.
D. Học sinh thường phải học nhiều hơn về tiến bộ công nghệ.)
- Thông tin: We are working longer hours, taking fewer and shorter vacations (and when we do go away, we take
our cell phones, PDAs, and laptops along). And, we are more stressed than ever as increased use of e-mail, voice
mail, cell phones, and the Internet is destroying any idea of privacy and leisure: Chúng ta đang làm việc nhiều giờ
hơn, ngày nghỉ ngày càng ngắn hơn (và khi đi xa, chúng ta mang theo điện thoại di động, PDA và máy tính xách
tay). Và chúng ta đang căng thẳng hơn bao giờ hết khi việc sử dụng e-mail, thư thoại, điện thoại di động và
Internet ngày càng gia tăng đang hủy hoại mọi ý tưởng về quyền riêng tư và giải trí.

4. The word "inconceivable" in the passage is closest in meaning to __________.

A. unforgettable B. unimaginable C. predictable D. foreseeable
(Từ "không thể tưởng tượng được" trong đoạn văn gần nghĩa nhất với __________.
A. không thể nào quên B. không thể tưởng tượng được
C. có thể dự đoán được D. có thể thấy trước)
- Thông tin: The very tools that were supposed to liberate us have bound us to our work and study in ways that
were inconceivable just a few years ago: Chính những công cụ được cho là sẽ giải phóng chúng ta đã ràng buộc
chúng ta vào công việc và học tập theo những cách không thể tưởng tượng được chỉ vài năm trước đây.

5. With the phrase "at a predictable time", the author implies that __________.
A. people had to predict the time they were allowed to leave offices
B. people wanted to be completely disconnected from their work
C. people were unable to foresee their working hours
D. people used to have more time and privacy after work
(Với cụm từ "tại một thời điểm có thể dự đoán được", tác giả ngụ ý rằng __________.
A. mọi người phải dự đoán thời gian họ được phép rời khỏi văn phòng
B. mọi người muốn hoàn toàn tách khỏi công việc của họ
C. mọi người không thể thấy trước giờ làm việc của họ
D. mọi người thường có nhiều thời gian và sự riêng tư hơn sau giờ làm việc)
- Thông tin: People left their offices at a predictable time, were often completely disconnected from and out of
touch with their jobs as they traveled to and from work, and were off-duty once they were home. That is no longer
true: Mọi người rời văn phòng của họ vào một thời điểm có thể dự đoán được, thường hoàn toàn mất kết nối và
không liên lạc với công việc của họ khi họ đi làm và về nhà, và không làm nhiệm vụ khi họ về nhà. Đó là không
còn đúng nữa.

6. It can be inferred from the fourth paragraph that __________.

A. it is compulsory that employees go to the office, even on days off
B. employees have more freedom to decide what time they start and finish work
C. employers are more demanding and have efficient means to monitor employees
D. life is more relaxing with cell phones and other technological devices
(Có thể suy ra từ đoạn thứ tư rằng __________.
A. Nhân viên bắt buộc phải đến văn phòng kể cả ngày nghỉ
B. nhân viên có nhiều quyền tự do hơn trong việc quyết định thời gian họ bắt đầu và kết thúc công việc
C. người sử dụng lao động có yêu cầu cao hơn và có phương tiện hiệu quả để giám sát nhân viên
D. cuộc sống thư giãn hơn với điện thoại di động và các thiết bị công nghệ khác)
- Thông tin: In today's highly competitive job market, employers demand increased productivity, expecting
workers to put in longer hours and to keep in touch almost constantly via fax, cell phones, e-mail, or other
communications devices: Trong thị trường việc làm cạnh tranh cao hiện nay, người sử dụng lao động yêu cầu tăng
năng suất, mong đợi người lao động làm việc nhiều giờ hơn và giữ liên lạc gần như liên tục qua fax, điện thoại di
động, e-mail hoặc các thiết bị liên lạc khác.

7. The word "They" in the fourth paragraph refers to _________.

A. employers B. employees C. workers D. tasks

(Từ "Họ" trong đoạn thứ tư đề cập đến _________.
A. người sử dụng lao động B. nhân viên
C. công nhân D. nhiệm vụ)
- Thông tin: As a result, employees feel the need to check in on what is going on at the office, even on days off.
They feel pressured to work after hours just to catch up on everything they have to do: Do đó, nhân viên cảm thấy
cần phải kiểm tra những gì đang diễn ra tại văn phòng, ngay cả trong những ngày nghỉ. Họ cảm thấy bị áp lực phải
làm việc ngoài giờ chỉ để hoàn thành mọi việc họ phải làm.

8. Which of the following could be the main idea of the fifth paragraph?
A. New technological applications are wise entertainment choices of our modern time.
B. The coming of new technological advances has spoiled family and social relationships.
C. New technological advances have added more stress to daily life.
D. New technological advances have reduced work performance.
(Điều nào sau đây có thể là ý chính của đoạn thứ năm?
A. Ứng dụng công nghệ mới là sự lựa chọn giải trí khôn ngoan của thời đại chúng ta.
B. Sự xuất hiện của những tiến bộ công nghệ mới đã làm hỏng các mối quan hệ gia đình và xã hội.
C. Những tiến bộ công nghệ mới đã gây thêm căng thẳng cho cuộc sống hàng ngày.
D. Những tiến bộ công nghệ mới đã làm giảm hiệu suất công việc.)
- Thông tin: Bosses, colleagues, family members, lovers, and friends expect instant responses to voice mail and e-
mail messages. Even college students have become bound to their desks by an environment in which faculty,
friends, and other members of the college community increasingly do their work online: Sếp, đồng nghiệp, thành
viên gia đình, người yêu và bạn bè mong đợi phản hồi ngay lập tức đối với thư thoại và tin nhắn e-mail. Ngay cả
sinh viên đại học cũng bị ràng buộc với bàn làm việc của mình bởi một môi trường trong đó giảng viên, bạn bè và
các thành viên khác trong cộng đồng đại học ngày càng làm việc trực tuyến.

9. This passage has probably been taken from __________.

A. a science review B. a political journal
C. an advertisement D. a fashion magazine
(Đoạn văn này có lẽ được lấy từ __________.
A. một bài phê bình khoa học B. một tạp chí chính trị
C. một quảng cáo D. một tạp chí thời trang)
- Thông tin: New surveys suggest that the technological tools we use to make our lives easier are killing our
leisure time. => Liên quan đến khoa học.

10. Which of the following could best serve as the title of the passage?
A. Expectations and Plain Reality B. Benefits of Technology
C. Research on the Roles of Computers D. Changes at the Workplace
(Điều nào sau đây có thể dùng làm tiêu đề của đoạn văn tốt nhất?
A. Kỳ vọng và thực tế rõ ràng B. Lợi ích của công nghệ
C. Nghiên cứu về vai trò của máy tính D. Những thay đổi tại nơi làm việc)
- Thông tin: It would seem that technology almost never does what we expect: Có vẻ như công nghệ gần như
không bao giờ làm được điều chúng ta mong đợi.

Section 4. You are going to read a passage and choose the headings given in the box below with their
appropriate numbers (1-5) that lead the five paragraphs and write the letters A-H next to the corresponding
numbers. (The headings outnumber the paragraphs, so you will not use all of them).
A. A disadvantage of fast communication
B. High speed of communication and its benefits
C. Our shrinking world
D. Communication devices
E. A brief history of communication development
F. Modern communication and a change in thinking pattern
G. The changing world resulting from fast communication
H. Modern communication and expected responsibility

1. _____D_____ Communication devices (Thiết bị liên lạc)

Telephone, television, radio, and the telegraph all help people communicate with each other (Điện thoại,
tivi, radio và điện báo đều giúp con người liên lạc với nhau). Because of these devices, ideas and news of events
spread quickly all over the world. For example, within seconds, people can know the results of an election in Japan
or Argentina. An international soccer match comes into the home of everyone with a television set. News of a
disaster such as an earthquake or a flood can bring help from distant countries. Within hours, help is on the way.

2. _____C_____ Our shrinking world (Thế giới đang thu hẹp lại)
How has speed of communication changed the world? To many people, the world has become smaller (Đối
với nhiều người, thế giới đã trở nên nhỏ bé hơn). Of course, this does not mean that the world is physically
smaller. Two hundred years ago, communication between the continents took a long time. All news was carried on
ships that took weeks or even months to cross the oceans. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, it took six
weeks for news from Europe to reach the Americas. This time difference influenced people's actions. For example,

one battle in the war of 1812 between the English and the United States armies could have been avoided if the
warring sides had known that a peace agreement had already been signed. Peace was made in England, but the
news of peace took six weeks to reach America. During those six weeks, the large and serious Battle of New
Orleans was fought and many lives were lost.

3. _____E_____ A brief history of communication development (Sơ lược lịch sử phát triển truyền thông)
An important part of the history of the world is the history of communication (Một phần quan trọng của
lịch sử thế giới là lịch sử truyền thông). In prehistoric times, people had limited knowledge of the world. They had
little information about geography, the study of the Earth. People knew very little beyond their small groups except
what was happening near their homes. Later, people were organized into villages, and verbal communication
between small towns was possible. Still, the people's knowledge was limited because they had no outside
information. Kingdoms and small countries then developed, with a king directing the people. Cities developed,
too, but still communication was limited to the small geographical area of the country. Much later in history, after
the invention of the printing press, many more people learned to read, and communication was improved.

4. _____A_____ A disadvantage of fast communication (Nhược điểm của liên lạc nhanh chóng)
In this modern age, communication is so fast that it is almost instant. People's lives have been changed
because of the immediate spread of news. Sometimes the speed is so great that it does not allow people time to
think (Đôi khi tốc độ quá lớn khiến con người không có thời gian để suy nghĩ). For example, leaders of countries
have only minutes, or, at most, hours to consider all the parts of a problem. They are expected to answer
immediately. Once they had days and weeks to think before making decisions.

5. _____H_____ Modern communication and expected responsibility (Truyền thông hiện đại và trách nhiệm được
mong đợi)
The speed of communication demands a new responsibility from all people of the world (Tốc độ truyền
thông đòi hỏi trách nhiệm mới của tất cả mọi người trên thế giới). People in different countries must try harder to
understand each other. An example is that people with different religions must try to understand each other's
beliefs and values, even if they do not accept them. Sometimes their cultures are quite different. What one group
considers a normal part of life is strange to another culture. In some cases, a normal part of one culture might be
bad or impolite to people of another culture. That kind of difference is a possible basis for misunderstanding.
People must learn not to judge others, but to accept them as they are. As the world grows smaller, people must
learn to talk to each other more effectively as well as communicate more rapidly.


Section 1. Rewrite the sentence beginning with the word(s) given so that it has the closest meaning to the
original one.
1. As people grow older, they become more and more forgetful.
→ The older people grow, the more forgetful they become.
- So sánh càng thì càng: the + so sánh hơn/kém SV, the + so sánh hơn/ kém SV.
Dịch: Người càng lớn càng hay quên.

2. Melissa's father was very busy, but he still played with her.
→ Busy as/though Melissa’s father was, he still played with her.
- adj/adv + as/though SV, SV: mặc dù ... nhưng ....
Dịch: Dù bố của Melissa bận rộn nhưng ông vẫn chơi với cô.

3. Richard only took over the family business because his father decided to retire early.
→ But for his father’s early retirement, Richard wouldn’t have taken over the family business.
- But for + N/ Ving: nếu không có/ nếu không vì (là dấu hiệu của điều kiện loại 2/3, do có took và decided là ở
QK, trái QK nên dùng loại 3)
Dịch: Nếu không có việc bố anh ta nghỉ hưu sớm, Richard sẽ không tiếp quản công việc kinh doanh của gia đình.

4. We shouldn't overstate the importance of finishing the project on time.

→ We shouldn't put too much emphasis on the importance of finishing the project on time.
- put emphasis on: coi trọng/ nhấn mạnh
Dịch: Chúng ta không nên nhấn mạnh quá nhiều vào tầm quan trọng của việc hoàn thành dự án đúng thời hạn.

5. The students' riotous behaviors should have been severely punished.

→ The students deserved severe punishment for their riotous behaviors.
- deserve sth: đáng có được, punishment for: bị phạt vì
Dịch: Học sinh đáng bị phạt nặng vì hành vi bạo loạn.

Section 2. Write an essay within 250 words on the following topic:

It is the responsibility of schools to teach children good behavior in addition to providing formal education.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Schools play a crucial role in shaping not only students' academic knowledge but also their character and
behavior. While formal education equips students with necessary skills and knowledge, teaching good behavior is

equally important for their holistic development. I firmly agree that schools have a responsibility to instill positive
behavior in children, alongside academic instruction.
Firstly, schools are environments where children spend a significant portion of their formative years.
During this time, they learn social skills, interaction norms, and values that greatly influence their behavior. By
incorporating lessons on respect, empathy, cooperation, and responsibility into the curriculum, schools can help
foster a conducive environment for healthy social development.
Moreover, teaching good behavior in schools prepares students for life beyond academia. In the real world,
success often depends not only on academic prowess but also on interpersonal skills and ethical conduct. Schools
that prioritize character education instill in students the values and principles necessary for success in various
aspects of life, including relationships, careers, and citizenship.
Furthermore, schools serve as microcosms of society, where diversity and inclusivity are emphasized.
Teaching good behavior reinforces the importance of respecting differences, embracing diversity, and fostering a
sense of community. These values are essential for creating harmonious environments where every individual feels
valued and included.
In conclusion, while formal education is essential for academic growth, schools must also prioritize
teaching good behavior to ensure the holistic development of students. By instilling positive values and fostering a
culture of respect and empathy, schools contribute not only to the academic success but also to the overall well-
being of their students, preparing them to become responsible and productive members of society.



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