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School Rules and Regulations for Students

At Neelan School, we believe in fostering a positive and productive learning
environment for all students. To ensure a smooth and successful academic year, we have
outlined the following rules and regulations. These guidelines are essential for
maintaining discipline, respect, and a sense of community within the school premises.

Attendance and Punctuality:

Students are expected to be regular and punctual. Arriving at least 5 minutes before the
assembly bell is important.

Language and Communication:

English is the medium of instruction. Students are encouraged to communicate solely
in English everywhere inside as well as outside the school premises.

Uniform and Appearance:

Students must wear the prescribed uniform neatly and tidily, including ironed clothes,
clean socks and shoes, and house-colored ribbons (Red, Blue,Green & Yellow) for

 Students must enter the school premises only in school uniform for any purpose
they visit the school
 Wearing excessive jewellery, valuables, flowers, cosmetics, or long unkempt hair is
not permitted. Only studs permitted.

 Boys should maintain a clean and trimmed hair appearance.

 Girls with long hair must keep it neatly plaited and tied with black or house

 Students must pare their nails regularly.

Prohibited Items:
Chewing gum, bringing electronics like Mobile phones or Smart Watches etc.. and
unnecessary items like magazines, CDs, or pen drives are strictly forbidden.
Confiscated items will not be returned.
 Stationery: Only Uniball pens or ink pens are allowed. Costly pens, lead pencils,
and steel rulers are not permitted.
Financial Transactions:
Lending or borrowing money or other articles within the school campus is not allowed.

Respect for School Property:

Students are responsible for maintaining school property. Damaging furniture, writing on walls or
furniture, or engaging in any destructive behaviour will result in disciplinary action.

 Accidental damage should be reported immediately to the class teacher or grade in charge.
 Students must also take care of other students' belongings and avoid causing any damage.

Conduct and Discipline:

Engaging in violence, disruptive activities, or unfair means during examinations will lead to
disciplinary action as determined by the school management.

General Behaviour:
Students must maintain a disciplined and respectful demeanour within the school building.
Moving in single line, avoiding noise, and greeting teachers are expected behaviors.

Social Responsibility:
Students are encouraged to use positive language, express good thoughts, and behave politely.
Socializing with peers and contributing to a positive school environment is important.

 Outside School: Students are expected to represent the school positively even outside the
school premises. This includes behaving responsibly, using kind language, and respecting
others, including fellow cyclists.

 Cyclists should avoid damaging other bicycles and follow safety regulations while riding.

By adhering to these rules and regulations, you contribute to a Safe, Respectful, and productive learning
environment for yourself and your fellow students.

R Mahalakshmi

Chief Discipline Officer – Students

By Management

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