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(OCT TMNT IE Ur lie sYAK 29 : TTT KUMAR PMT rors eee orien A) i goezale BVI: user fear SoCIOIe TANS? Se: Internet GT YBT oH “International Network” Stet & aie $3i (Ect Hf gotrer ar “siers- orempa” aft we Barer 3, si att 1969 F fic ak wtb aie sort stow weft ot gps fear em, sod goczaic wr fit aft war oieH B | ws Ff smut am ¢ bt soczoie “aicah wr acab’ 8, Sri bt “sent siz uae” ea F aw aeitact SHI are dicac Aa | 2S. 3a sie) Hor F Confusion A al Bon Hi aieac cen Bear Sait “olead>” St er at sift eyes Real wl smear a ciisHz soren sre Ve BAS Ste &. Confusion Internet Gt gI6at B fFcTDY Gort 8, CW Inter IHF GAT Net. AD Short Name &, FAO YT ‘GHIA Inter eIfoft International af Net aroft Network Bar S, Szfere eit $A “International Network” Wél SIT &... GOCE WI SSA (History Of Internet) RR. sesoie Ht ySaret AEs veer sidifYeor Ieir feromor 3 gam er | gps Ft SoezoIe wT Secor oT Yeon wr wep crys H Gay wexes s sister a fere feoer oien enshz atk1969 ARPANET toil (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network) offgI@> Bw dicadh at Mere eben ara shiz 1970 ® Garey dt sacl ws Soil H wracd A sis fea art, SRD as SAH! “ARPANET” F Internet Oia FA (ERM SRA | ‘Internet Course Page 3 sdf amet acm & ht “soczale” cor Sera YRaieht dt orsae aicach wht ae fear oar Sh ais H STATA savi Tecra siren ore FS-GS Serer Ursae FH Arorforep we fear sear oii araft ana acfarrat # Ga ur 2s S cht socore Haw fere 8, sacsore wr SEciarey SI VD orarfses We Aa B | ss af 1970 Hf aduerat soc IoIe CHT GBSITT "Vinton Gray Cerf gH ‘Bob Kanh' @ GR et as eff, sor Stott ot fires “soczaic” wT anfdteepr' foe, safere sos 'soczoie oor fir aft wero é | Confusion HF saat gar ¢ Ht soeoie wr feoait we cafe of otéf Gore emt, Hors et, fSrot ciheit of Bast Weel SAU cist (det Zorn St soe oie wr {leit solr FAM... Wal- HIV dt Soro MHI SevVsiar Aare FR AVA SoCIOIC WI SSN PS AHI GS H YH Fal ext | Beier “orgrorer” curokt ot aia dt soczore cht ySai frat sae aig efy-eff soczore cht ats BH ws Bis accra aft amet CPt... ws Ba Eel goczole chi Biter aS-aS great Ht ges fear ara YS RL TS 1996 df Vey Sct ASC aot (SACHT OAT rediffmail FAT sre HVA H SocIoIe Ha WI ss 15 sTSTSeT 1995 Ft Fee OEM err HVA HI AIA USC AIAISC GH CHT & Ww sa dt Bas Ed “chi 1996 (gas) st aie orem Gel ur soerale saan Wat cbt alten dt ort 2 1999 Ht “Webdunia” & oat Zt wep easse colt Git cbt fect dH em siz 2000 e Garp Fi sian ang sfiz sidigror sfSer oizht tase aoft siz ame sreft Gxa separ S cht Ser a soe fepciot Bi Aaase sor Ge & racht Hrs roth aft ort S Confusion arses dib- ep ban Vento Stet Ur socroie Ht erent GH sureft & | ‘Internet Course Page 4 Wol- SoCIOIe Wh CAT. 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SMO Foe * GA Tet Game Wierst Fi suf a art F fSrevt cr sors Fae Us Gy Tana US HATS ‘Internet Course Page 5 ww soca H GAA sna wrot J wa Gr gure oi Been siz saver arerer Sey utter feben om Bese & a vs Fs OH HMR aT Ite Aca’ at &, Rrereor suet fade Su F felt Wiest, Ape a {eft aS euch F weiter fen siren S {SRT SAT LAN (Local Area Netwok) sft Dara | ws “Sorwle” DI &o fear om Beal & Her “serale” wI adi, aeilfed a ys aze Z yee aeadh an 8, saat Ew wron Hla at al ongsrleoor & | H amar arr S HY SAD Access Dot & fee Aas USC User Name dH Password for GHAI S aE “orate” Hime d Oma Grn B, or sal Baht Hor yor ot Hz Bevel- Wal- UFAGIOC (Extranet ) Te Sle } ? sez F sraepr ae g Hr vaagial, sqraic wr st vw ser S | Sa WIS cap saczaie GRI SIA F Access DRA S CH SA Access DAI chi ott Ulva arf S, FS St “wagraie” er oer 8 sialic Sta WIE CAkep SocIole WI SAIC DAM S shi aS sitoft strorepyrSt wr suet seach spr @ wer Uciot Myon are & A sa aVSH cafep DWI wap User Id she Password OBZ SOCBAT CH GIA SICT IM HIGIO-UGTOL Wail SICA & | ‘Internet Course. Page 6 Wl- SOCIO, SCION GH LAAN a sie Tare FR: SCI, STOIC FH VaAGIoc Fi fersorferact gies S ‘SOCIO (Internet) ‘SGIdIC (Intranet) BaAGIIC (Extranet) SOCWIC DI SMa HIS aft | SeToIe I Rab vp Ben st | vaagieie PI ew A sana cafe wz Bers | den ape & SAT Te Bea B | SOCLAC WI SHIT Wot ® fere a User Name et seer ust S siz on é Password ¢Bt | Gah sgloic WI szelailct war & fee User Name 3h URzas Hh sera ust S | vaugioie wr sft seer ‘Wat eh fee Was User Name SHE Password ht TERT uscté | oP aI ocZoIc WT Ree DW S at ext Security smuep farsa uz feriz Wor | sR snap farsa H a Security F at dhep & Gort sel Haar auwdds| SAT Security Firewall US forsiz wait 2 | sabi Security Soezoic, vaugieie DW Firewall Uz forsiz pzar | goczale DI ule stead warormné Aka s€ieie wp uisdie aicach aia 2 | vaugiole aft ursde ica 3 of fee ufecip aca ft Berra H Ser Wr sireror- oro DIS Gil: Firewall Ue dicacb Security System Bat & Git Incoming 3 Outgoing dicach Sftbas @ difercz Ham she Hele Pra &............ 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HM Dor Sle B-—- a) Domain Name System a) URL b) Domain No System b) WWW c) Duplicate Name System ‘Internet Course Paye 54 a) Sordi AOI at ARPA Or ae aief Aer B ? a) Advanced Reaserach Project Agency 9) b) American Reaserach Project Agency ©) Asian Reasearch Project Agency a) sori] Nang ol 10) Uw Aaatsc A Gaz Aaise uz silat Hi uftper at wear 8? a) sisfier b) SoicifSear ©) stuchfsar @) soldi Tals ol 11) IP er air aicretea alent & ? a) Internet Protect b) Internet Protocol ©) Internet Perfect 4) Internet Program 12) Web @1 feral oil Bape B- a) asiis a b) ohetis oasis i a) sordt A sit 13) Bari senar pat at er geiler Peper sire ® a) eg b) FIT ©) feier @) soldi Vals orl laale vp dwygy stor waeyey wy are sucteer are & a 3H float onret J stro ons? a) Gawd b) Sica ade ©) wreflesoror az a) wot 15) SRIcI artgerat hi ahs att ach S ? a) Aor b) age eflalt o) wadtat @) soi AME ol 16) soi A alot wep asifoiensor Afar weefleeror 8? 2) Google a) Facebook b) YouTube ©) Said AD ol 1D WET A fAfsioor Aa tar Wz wea s- a) JaaIsyIZ b) Aa ade ©) wf iarss2 a) sont AOI ot 18) Foret pla S- a) Bw aiear iinet b) WH Aaa ©) aise a) ayfStep cere 19) foisor dH alot socole A sale ol 8 a) LAN b) RAM ©) WAN @) Router 20)... 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Instant Mesaaging a. soidi 3 aw ot $a @ caeit fee omen ? a. Domain name afi user name I sictal ol eb fers b. Domain name fiz user name @ VHALel sisal W fee c. bat a. sot FOIE o1ét waa seer wet soto fA aro ore é- a. Foie ar b. ae cc. Ror ar d. Duck Duck Go eI Google Wet tht wuoit & 2 a. ser b. sidifsr c. aifgeferen 2. SHUI seo & SRI silolaicl aR I wal % fare edi suet eee Fi ae w2oll aise ? a. bE dg wr Sor ase b, goczaic walagiat dG We Son afer c. Anti Virus I Ueiler Wor alee a. Hwy D wide DI Sor alee 10) fersor a H plot soczare Basalt 6g ETS? a. dias b, Router c. WAN a. HTTPS 1) E-Commerce WI YI Olle Tel Bear 2 a. Electronic Commerce b, Element Commerce c. English & Commerce 4. sot Aas otal 12) www ObT Alot fApwet Feber err? a. dat geht cf b, areef detor c. aii 4. aft at 13) 8a feieo wr velter Wel-wel wz wpa é- a. Brbaasiser a b, wall stare Dz wea c. Rrb siforensot afar & zarer a. sol VO weal at 3 14) www Ol Usell aR cauD wu 3 ucrifere feberr aren err. 1980 1970 1945 a. 1990 18) Socal AAA usd wei valet Sail ar? sfsar . FOUSes ICA Uo goclus ope ao pp Page 58 16) “”dt siocomputerzone & a. Bee DT oa b, SIOl I aT ¢. Ae wl ons a. WAR I OMe 17) @.... a. ud so1or b. siforensor diéar dazse c. aiforcigor giftier aazrse @. sodi ABS et 18) faked fort Wel Sotot er Ueiler a orl De eel da aisgz bias asa |. aiiforez 19) forsor dt SF wlor Ar Deror Aew’s ? . SoesaIe Fadi cnrat [rer b. socole Taal arfer shah S ©. socdie @ sia ea ysl gforit bt maz a aoa s a. waft wero acts 20) staff cep IP USAr a fees version & 2 ae te 2 1 D) 3 |. storfstort Bape Answer Sheet 1-A, 2-A, 3-A, 4-C, 5-C, 6-A, 7-A, 8-B, 9 C,10-A, I-A, 12-A, 13-B, 14-D, 15-B, 16-A, 17-A, 18-A, 19-D, 20-B Page 59 | Internet Course: Day 1 What is the Internet? Ans: The full name of the Internet is "International Network". It was started in 1969 by Vint Cerf. and his other partner, also known as the Father of the Internet. ~% Let me tell you that the Internet is a "network of networks” with "goverment and private" local to global scope networks. 2 Note: “Network” is a group created by interlinking two or more computer systems, Confusion Internet is composed of two words, one Inter and the other Net. This is a Short Name, its full name is Inter = International and Net = Network, so it is called "International Network" History Of Internet Ans: The Internet was first launched at the U.S. Department of Defense. Initially, the Internet was used to send secret information from one computer to another, and in the year 1969, a network called ARPANET i.e. (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network) was developed and connected to computers in many countries in the 1970s. , after which it was named Internet from "ARPANET". ss Let me tell you that the "Internet" was initially used as a private network, and later as it changed, it was made public from private and you are currently able to see that the Internet is for everyone, , the Internet can be used by every citizen, > In the year 1970, the First Internet was introduced by “Vinton Gray Cerf” and “Bob Kanh”, together they invented the Internet, and so they are also called the father of the Internet. Confusion The Internet was not created by one person, but those who first worked on it were considered to be the father of the Internet........ History of the Internet in India. ‘Ans: The history of the Internet in India began sometime later. First the "National" company launched the Internet in India, and gradually the Internet has led to a lot of changes... First Internet facility introduced in big cities 2 Then in 1996 an email site named rediffimail was created 2. Internet service in India was launched in August 15, 1995 2 India's first website 2 The first "Café" in India opened in 1996 (Mumbai) where internet use was facilitated 2 In 1999, a Hindi website called “Webdunia” was created. And in the 2000s, India became a website like Yahoo and Amazon India and you can now see how many websites have been created within India? Which have no count? Confusion Cafe ~a place where internet facility is provided. Advantages of internet ‘Ans: The advantages of the Internet are following... > Through the Internet, we can easily make contact with another person. °S Through the Internet, we can talk to anyone in any country. 2 Through the Internet, we can easily read or watch broadcasts of any events that are happening in the world sitting at home. > Through the Internet, we can complete our studies at home > All companies can also propagate their own through the Internet. = We can transact our money easily and securely through the internet. We can find solutions to any kind of problems we can find through the Internet. 2 We can also do our business on the Internet and make money online. 2 You can also take online exams through the Internet 2 We can also shopping online with the help of the Internet. Dis-advantages of internet > Ifyou run the Internet in your computer or mobile phone, it is very likely to cause viruses. =. Any information sent to the Internet can be stolen. s There are many information on the Internet that is wrong and inflammatory. ~% Hacker can steal and use some of your debit or credit card information through the Internet incorrectly. > If you share any of your documents on the Internet, people can use it incorrectly so that you may face a lot of difficulties. > Photo can be stolen from your phone through internet and used incorrectly. [J Internet Course: Day 2 What is Intranet? Ans: A group of private computer networks within one organization is called "Intranet", 2 Itis a type of private network which is used exclusively in a college, school ora large company, which we also known LAN (Local Area Network) 3 "Internet" can be hacked but not an "Intranet" because it is a completely secure network. It is not difficult to hack . Let me tell you that User Name and Password are first asked to access it. It works just like an "Internet" but not everyone can use it. What is Extranet? ‘Ans: Extranet is a part of the Intranet, When a person accesses the Intranet through the Intemet, the process of accessing this is called Extranet. > That is, when a person uses the Internet and wants to provide his information outside his network area, that outsider has to exchange data coming through the Internet by giving a User Id and Password. Difference between Internet, Intranet and Extranet Internet Intranet Extranet Anyone can use the Internet, Only one institution can run the intranet, The extranet can run more than one institution. No User Name & Password is required to use the Internet. While using intranet required ‘User Name and Password. Extranet also requires a User ‘Name and Password to use. If you use the Intemet, its Security will depend on your device. If your device has that | Its Security depends on | Its Security Internet depends Security, otherwise you may | Firewall. on the Firewall of the Extranet, have problems, Internet. is called public) But intranet is a private | Extranet’ is also a private network network. network that interacts with the help of public network. Note: Firewall is a network Security System that monitors and controls Incoming and Outgoing network traffic. Internet Connection Ans: As you know, first we need an Internet connection to use the Internet. The Internet connection is of many kinds, now it depends on the two components of the "bandwidth and its price" depending on which Internet connection you want to take. Types of Internet Connection:- (1) Dial-Up-Connection Such a connection was taken in the earlier days because it was the only means to connect to the Internet with the help of telephone lines. ‘~ Whenever a user runs Dial-Up-Connection, the first modem dials the phone number of the Internet Service Provider (ISP) that is designed to receive a Dial-Up call and then establish an ISP connection that normally takes 10 seconds. % Let me tell you that ISP is used for companies that provide Internet connections to users such as Airtel, Vodafone, Jio, ete. (2) Broad-Band-Connection "Broad Band" is commonly used to access high speed internet. "Broad band" uses telephone lines to connect to the Internet. %& "Broad band" allows users to connect to the Internet at a fast speed through a dial-up connection. "Broad-Band" has a variety of High-Speed Technology. (i) DSL (Digital-Subscriber-Line) DSL is a connection in which Internet Access digital data is transmitted by wires from local telephone networks. It's just like a dial sub-service, but it works faster than that. ‘This requires a DSL modem to connect the telephone line and computer (i) Cable Modem Through this, you can get internet facilities through cable. (ii) Optical Fiber Let me tell you that "optical fiber" is a thin wire that uses light to transfer data at a very high speed. 2 "Optical fiber" is infused with light; its speed is accelerated using light. Optical fiber is a wire made of thin glass or plastic, which flows information in the form of light. ‘Internet Course Page 8 What is TCP? TCP's full name is Transmission Control Protocol, which is the only thing that when we upload or download any data to the Internet with the help of our computer, mobile or other device, the entire control of the process is "TCP". 2% When we upload or download any data on the Internet, for some reason we stop it at half, and after some time we want downloading or uploading. When we stop downloading or uploading in between, some data is uploaded or downloaded, which starts again from the same, it is the work of TCP. IP address (Internet Protocol Address) When we search for anything on the Internet, the IP address only shows the router where to collect and send the data, and the router works to find our data and send it to our IP address. 2% The IP address is very large and in points, which is very difficult to remember, so it is divided into four parts so that it is remembered quickly, Which is between 0 and 255. Types of IP Address:- (i) Private IP Address: When two or more computer systems or devices connect with each other through cable or wireless networking to form a private network and exchange data, this private network is provided with a separate IP address. The IP address of all computer systems or devices connected to the network is called private IP address. (ii) Public IP Address: Public IP address is provided by Internet service provider. Through which your device gets recognized in the outside internet world. Its type (a) Static IP Address: This is permanent IP Address in our device or computer that we cannot change. (b) Dynamic IP Address: This kind of IP address that always changes. There are two Versions of the IP address- (i IPV4 (internet Protocol Version4) - 23:242:212:23 (Occurs in four parts) (ii) IPV6 (Internet Protocol Version6) - 2408:4864:491 :a8b9:c27a:e69f:3d9f.ef72 (IPV6 has such an IP address) 2% Let me tell you that IPV4 Old Version while IPV6 is upgraded to new Version, IPV4 used to provide a low IP address that is lower according to today's population, so it provides so much new IP address that if a person uses even I lakh devices, the IP address will never end- RTD ASE ee SMR eR TOT aE ste 2% hope no new Version of IP address will come after this. Because it is providing so much IP ‘Address that no IP address is required now. What is FTP? The full name of FTP is File Transfer Protocol. It is used to transfer files from one computer to another. FTP is a type of protocol that defines certain rules for exchanging files between two systems. 2S Let me tell you that the FTP protocol is a very old protocol and is still using these tools that people who work on the website. Let me tell you that when a Web developer creates a website, files on that website have to be uploaded to the server and FTP is used for this work, which allows large files to be uploaded on Server, Download, Rename, Delete Helps copy and move, ete. ‘Internet Course Page 10 Internet Course: Day 3 How do you run the internet in a laptop or desktop computer? Ans: There are many types of running the Internet in a laptop or computer, I will tell you about all the effects alternately. (i) If your laptop or desktop computer has a Wi-Fi system, you can easily use the Internet and you can use Wi-Fi even if your laptop or computer doesn't have a Wi-Fi system. Tf your laptop or computer has Wi-Fi First you tum on Wi-Fi on your laptop or desktop computer, then turn on the hotpot in your mobile or buy a wireless router separately and then click on it and connect - If your laptop or computer does not have Wi-Fi then: If your laptop or desktop computer is not a Wi-Fi system, then you will have to buy a separate Wi-Fi Dongle and install it in your laptop or desktop computer along with a CD. a> winced oe x Wi-Fi Dongle Wireless Router You can use one in both ‘Internet Course Page 12 (ii) You can also use the Internet with USB Cable- ‘You have to connect this cable to mobile and a computer or laptop, after that you haye to tum on internet in mobile. Step (1) Go To Setting Step (2) Then Click Protable Hotpot Step (3) Then, “On" Portable Hotspot After doing so, "Internet" will be connected to your laptop or desktop computer. (iii) You can also run the Internet in a laptop or desktop computer via Modem When you put it in your laptop or computer, it will be connected first when it installs one of its drivers- You need to enter a SIM card that has an Internet pack What is Wi Fi? Answer - Wi Fi is full name “Wireless fidelity” which is a wireless network technology. It connects Mobile, Computer and other devices with Wireless Signal, which easily connects to our device without Wire Cable. ~ Let me tell you that there is a fixed area of Wi Fi. It can connect any device for the some distance. What is a hotspot? ‘Answer - Hotspot is a means through which you can connect internet from one device to another. Nowadays, hotspot is provided in all mobile phones, which is a very good means of Internet transfer. Question- What is Modem? Answer - Modem is an input device that converts Digital Signal into Analog Signal and Analog Signal into Digital Signal, through which we can easily run internet in our computer. Modem is made up of two words - MO: Modulator - converting digital signal to analog signal Dem: Demodulator - converting analog signal into digital signal ‘Internet Course Page 14 What is a Browser or Web Browser? And which Browser is best? Answer - This is a type of software which can be for Mobile, Computer, and Tablet ete, With its help, you can find, view or search for all the information currently available on the Internet, such as Image, Audio, Video, Documents etc, ~ Let me tell you that to search any web page, we first type in the URL (Uniform Recourse Locator) in Browser. If you want to get any information from Google or any other search engine, then you haye to write the URL of that search engine in Browser like "". I mean to say that Web Browser works to find "Web Page". Confusion What is a Web Page- Documents that are shown in Browser or you can say that when we open or search any website with the help of Browser, the current page that appears in front of us is called aweb page. | 2% A website can have many "web pages” which are basically written by "HTML" or other programming language. What is a URL - URL is an address to reach any website. The URL of all the website is different so that people can reach that website easily. ‘Internet Course Page 15 Names of some browsers (i) Google Chrome - "Google Chrome", which we also know by the name of Chrome. This is the popular and favorite Browser, created by the Google Company in 2008. Google Chrome & With the help of this browser, if you search amy} yieo.vovser webpage, it gives the result very quickly. At the | @ same time, it supports more than 50 languages. gzeplecometone “Geog chrome arose atom Wed tronser evoepe oy Soage a treated 200 crook ss, Available Browser for- Windows, Linux, Mac, Tos } [zz sfatetP nm macos 0s anzoi e bows & Android Paton te woo aps epoca (ii) Mozila Firefox- "Mozilla Firefox", also known as Firefox. This Browser is slightly less popular than the "Chrome" Browser. It is less popular for mobile but it is still right, it was built by Mozilla Corporation / Mozilla Foundation in the year 2002 Available Browser For Windows, Linux, Mac, Ios & | Effex Android © metmopernetener tata Feb py ef. same angen ute we ‘roa ees esas ty ‘eat pon Foxe a yep ee ‘Internet Course. Page 16 (iii) Opera ~ "Opera Browser" was created in 1995 by "Opera Limited”. This browser is very good and it also supports many languages. (iv) Safari- "Safari Browser" was created in 2003 by the company "Apple". This browser is very good for Apple users. 10, macos ane ux opran ters, wep Opera ‘Sotware Opa a Conn based wows ug he Bt nln dt: 145 1005 Programming nguages: C+ Deveepers: Opa Sete lato Camorzen ‘pecan ystems: Ai, La, erst Wades, Macs, ueene: Frew, Pepeeta teat, Sao (v) Internet Explorer- "Internet Explorer" was created in 1995 by a Microsoft company, which is given by Internet Explorer < Default in all Windows computers. sete byte ar ces te is vo ine op ‘juens angi os Haste pr e308 poctage Pt ears 9 ayn nse a ola ts 15 avr: cs Capita rgnee Tso rowan ngugesCo+ ‘Oprng aston cc i, a0, io, ‘Internet Course Page 17 > Finally you have seen how many Web Browsers are there, but the most used browser in the whole world is Google Chrome, so I am going to give you Google Chrome Notes. When you open Google Chrome for the first time Google ©. sauch ote pea (1) Search Google Or Type a URL= Here you can enter the URL, name or other things of any website. Google sours ee QM Otmey Cine Siew Gitte Most Trted Sean in naa | Boot Your Pods Wh Seal compu one - ab wean evel = An One Lenovo PC | Urgadeable & Space Saving POs Gawewlonmocon!= sam {Wpent seer stam encore ae Results after AocoMPUTER ZONE. YuTte : concrete searching re AO COMPUTER ZONE. YouTube (2) Add Shortcut - By creating this option, you can open any URL at one click First click on Add Shortcut, Then enter the name and URL, Then click on done Now this will look like in your Google Chrome browser:- You can see in the circle that a shorteut has been 0, sewch eng oyeom website at ‘once. (3) One Step Back- By clicking on this option, you will become a Step Back- (4) One Step Forward- By clicking on this option, you will become a Step Forward- (5) Reload / Refresh - By clicking on it, any of your web page will open again, That is, if any kind of error comes while using any website, we refresh it using this option, (6) Search of Voice- Through this you can search about anything through your voice. (7) Customize - When you click on the option with Customize, you will see many options open like... (i) Chrome Background By clicking on it you can change the background of Chrome browser. But it will have an image created by Google Chrome (ii) Upload an image Click on it, according to your own background image (iii) Restore Default Shortcut It is used to restore all the created shortcut, (iv) Restore Defalt Background Google ©, seach oon ype nt © cromintoont ‘Internet Course Page 20 (8) Gmail - This is the option through which you can easily login or create a new account by clicking on your email account here. (9) Image- When you click on this option, some such option will open in front of you .... 2% You can enter the URL of any website and see all the Image inside it, or you can also upload your Image to it. Google RT ic camiennin ™ See] (10) When you click on this 9 Dot option, you'll see some more websites created by Google that are very helpful to you- See below the examples Google © seechciege ann oun - @ + Google © seven cnoge rhea (11) New Tab- After opening Google Chrome, we have only one tab in front of us, which we know as New Tab. (12) “+” By clicking on this option, another new tab will open in front of you. If you want, you can open more than one new tab and work in different tabs... See below the picture CSN SN © (13) Actually it is vertically 3 dot. Clicking here, you will see an option like this After clicking ©, sewch ong orype UL Thave already told about it. If you want, you can press Ctrl + T in the keyboard to open the new tab. Every time you press Ctrl + T, new tabs will open... If we press "Ctrl +N" in any software then a new page or project opens in front of us. In the same way, when you press “trl + N" in Google Chrome, a new page will open, which will not be related to the previous page... This is an amazing option. Because when you click on this option, then Chrome Browser will open in a black screen in front of you... 2 This me: in every way, because history, screenshot, cookies, etc, are not saved in it ...... that when you arch anything in this black chrome browser, then you will be safe Shortcut Key- Ctrl+ShifttN oer Records everything that has been searched in the history browser. But history can be deleted. Shortcut key- Ctrl+H If you download any file through internet, you will find all the files in the download option- Shortcut Key- Ctrl+J = Download ‘Internet Course Page 24 (vi) Bookmarks- Let me tell you that this option works just like a book because you can save a link to all websites or any web page by creating a file inside it. And you can open it with just one click - Shorteut keys (i) Ctrl+D - Bookmarks this page (ii) Cl+Shift+D — - Bookmarks open pages (iii) Ctrl+Shift*B — - Show bookmarks bar (iv) Ctrl+Shift}O - Bookmarks manager You can create Bookmarks in two ways — Direct ~ Such bookmarks will appear in front of you and will open as soon as you click. By Folder- Just like you used to keep any file by creating a folder in your computer, in the same way you can save any URL or link of web page as a folder through bookmarks option and open it whenever you want. ... > I mean to say that you can save category wise websites by making a folder and you can also open it if needed, you will not have to search that website again and again on Google... Rules: Step (i) First you open a single website or any web page..... Step (ii) Then click on the 3 dot option in the right side of the Chrome browser... Step (iii) Then you save it by giving name Now, you must see the top part of the Chrome browser add that bookmarks... (vii) Zoom- As soon as you slightly, i.e. The page size will increase slightly. And when you click on the "=" sign, the zoom out means it will be shortened.... ick on the "+" sign, the page of your Chrome browser will zoom (viii) Print (Ctrl+P) - By clicking on this option, you can print the current page and create a pdf... (ix) Find- If you want to find for anything within the current page, you can use this optio Shortcut key- Ctrl+F (x) More tools:- Save page as, Create shortcut, Clear browsing data, Extensions, Task manager, Developer tools... © seer congleoypea Save page as- Through this, the current page can be saved in your computer. Extensions- Just as there is software for computer or mobile, in the same way there is some small software for Chrome Browser which is called Chrome Extension. On the Internet you will find many free extensions and some Paid extensions. These Extensions are already installed in our Chrome browser. ¢ 20 eae = You can search for any extension from the web store and install it in your Chrome browser and use it with that Chrome browser. ‘Internet Course Page 27 Developer tools- By clicking on this tool, you can see all the functions of the browser developer, what coding has been done to make this browser. You can see many more things like- Elements, Console, Sources, Network, Performance, Security Etc. Google sch sone or urea Shortcut Key (i) Save page as — Ctrl +S (ii) Clear browsing data- Ctrl+Shift+Delete (iii) Task manager- Shift+Esc (iv) Developer tools- Ctrl+ShiftH1 (xi) Edit- Cut, Copy & Paste All people know that I don't need to tell about it... Ctrl+X- Cut, Ctrl+C- Copy, Ctrl+V- Paste (xii) Setting- It has all the settings in Google Chrome that you can use according to you... Get oogl smans in chrome remtege mtn, (xiii) Help+ You can take Help from Google Chrome... F1=Help (xiv) Exit- With this option you can exit the chrome browser... Alt+F4= Close Chrome Browser (14) This is the Logo of your Google account when you've done Log In via email in this Chrome browser... (15) You can edit or manage your bookmarks by clicking on this option... a U Internet Course: Day 5 What is the website? Answer - A website is a group of several "Web Pages" in which all Web pages are connected to cach other by Hyperlink. There are many "Web Pages" in a website, not only that the home page of the website is called Web Page. Note: The first page on the website is called "Home Page". Web Page Hyperlink: Hyperlink is a link. By clicking on it, the web page opens and through which we easily jump from one page to another. Web Page: A Web Page is like a document created by HTML or another Programming Language. Home Page: The first page of any website is called Home Page. What is the search engine ? Answer - "search engine" is a type of website that s ches the information available on the * Inamatanahesve te ae Google BING onthe seach | Baigea Yandex engine, then that search engine shows you all the Its related to that t “yaHioo! results related to that topic. 7 fone 3 When we search for any to] Some examples of search engines:~ (i) (Google) (ii) (Yahoo) (iii) (Bing) (iv) (Ask) (v) (DuckDuckGo) (vi) (Aol) What is the URL (Uniform Resource Locator)? Answer - URL is an address through which we can access any website or web page. All ifferent URL. websites/web page have different. URL- This is called URL. We can also short this URL after which it will be called Hyperlink. ‘Internet Course Page 31 Parts of URL:- First Part: https/http- This is called Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure/Hypertext Transfer Protocol. With the help of this, data transfer is done over the Internet. Second Part: www — It is also called Subdomain or Server which helps in finding a web page. Google's original website = Ex (i) mail (mail has been used in place of www) Ex (ii) (mail has been used in place of www) Ex (iii) site. (mail has been used in place of www) ae These are the three Subdomains-——-- Third Part; aiocomputerzone - This is the name of an institution- Fourth Part: .com- This is a domain code. Domain code indicates which type of website. Some Examples Domain Code-—— (i) .gov- government (ii) .org- organization (iii) .net- network (iv) edu- education (v) _ .in- India There are many kinds of URL Example (i) 1234567 Such URLs are called Messy URLs which are a type of standard and large URLs. This type of URL consists of Alphabet and Number. Example (ii)$website This type of URL is called Dynamic URL which is made up of Alphabet, Number and different types of symbols. Ex- #@%8-*&! Example (iii) https:/ This type of URL is created by HTML which is called Static URL. This type of URL can never be changed — View the Web Page of some websites and check its URL. O Ce reecanonn ene! (8 Frequently Asked Questions vain A 7 (@ coraadhaar > thc hn op Sata, italian nt hagtin v@ LIKEWAP OSS Poorer ctr ie Sn, Seg ar t= ng A eget aro isang, Hp Sng are -hicraie otmv Fae Somewhere you can see this type of URL. htt The section with terms-and-condition is called File Location / Path. So unless he selects the file onditior 01 rm: 00g! name or path, he will not open any particular web page. So all web pages have different URLs ‘Internet Course. Page 33 a LJ Internet Course: 6th Day What is Domain Name? Answer- when we create any website, then we are given an IP address which is the identity of that website. If we have to go to that website, first of all we have to write the IP address of that website in any browser, and then only we can go to that website But this IP address is in digits, that too in four parts, which is very difficult for any human to remember like - (IP Address - Internet Protocol Addresses) Therefore, the "Domain Name" was replaced with the IP address so that it can be casily remembered like -, ‘Type of Domain:- (i) TLD- TLD means "Top Level Domain" is used for information globally- such as .com, .org, edu, .net, .gov & .info -Now we understand the meaning of this Domain code-— (i) com- Commercial (ii) .org- Organisation (iii) net- Network Resources (iv) .gov- Government (v) .info- Information Organisation (ii) CCTLD ~ "CCTLD" means "Country Code Top Level Domain” . This type of Domain is created by targeting one country- such as wus, .ch, .br, ru, ff, nz, .uk -Now we understand the meaning of this Domain (i) in- India (ii) fi- France (iii) nz- New Zealand (iv) uk- United Kingdom Ete. When is the need of the domain? Answer: We need a domain when we create a website. Because there is no identity of website without domain, There are many types of domains, you can use any one domain according to your requirement. %S Let me tell you that a website is not created only by domain. Apart from this, many other things have to be done in the website, such as - taking hosting, designing the website, making many web pages in the website, ete, 2 If your organization's name i ‘AIO COMPUTER ZONE", after purchasing the domain it will become Now it depends on you which domain code you use .com, .in, net, .info or Gov. Who gives the domain? Answer - Domain gives the website which is "Domain Name Service Provider". First of all, you have to register your name domain by visiting that website. Let me tell you that the price of all domain codes varies, the price of a domain is 100 rupees per year, then the cost of a domain is 300 rupees per year, then in a domain you have to pay 500 rupees per year, now it depends on the domain code Domain Service Provider (i) Godady (ii) Bigrock (iii) Namecheap (iv) Domaineom —_(v) Google Etc What is Web Hosting? Answer - Before I know about Web Hosting, let me give you an example, if we have to protect the image, audio or video, then we buy a memory card or a Pen drive so that my audio, video, image can be replaced. In the same way, web hosting also allows many websites to keep some images, audio, video etc. on the Internet - I mean to say that if we think of creating a website, then first of all we If programmed Web Hosting has to buy because if not buy web hosting, we will take image, audio, video and more things. If we web hosting on your website so we can do more things all the way on your website. There are many plans of web hosting like... (i) Ifyou take 30gb web hosting, then it will have a different price per month- (ii) If you take 100gb of web hosting, then it will have a different price per month. (iii) You can also get unlimited web hosting, but the price will be different every month- You will get all kinds of plans, now it depends on you which plan you want to take. Web Hosting Website- Go daddy, Big rock, Blue host Etc..... What is Web Security? Answer- If I talk Direct, Web Security means that you secure your website because nowadays many people who are engaged in hacking the website, people are harming the website unfairly, in such a situation If you can buy Web Security for your website through another website, after which you will not be able to cause any harm on your website, Let me tell you that many things come in web security like: - a CI Internet Course: 7th Day Question - What is E-mail? Answer - E-mail is full name electronic mail, through it any user can send some message in electronic form to any other person and can read the message sent by others. 2 Email Account We can create free through any email program like Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo, Hotmail, Reddifmail etc. Some such facility was also provided on the Internet, through which you can also create a professional email, but for this you will have to pay some money monthly or yearly like: - , 2% When your Email becomes A / c, the Email Program gives you an Email ID. For example, is a Mail ID. This Email ID is created by Google's Mail Program "Gmail", Username Username is the part before the @ of the Email ID. It is used to log in to Email Account and it is also the identity of the person to whom email is sent and received. Domain Name In Email Address, the part after @ is the Domain Name. This is the name of the server from where our information is exchanged through the Internet. In the email address shown above, is a Domain Name, in which a Top Level Domain is also associated and .com is a Top Level Domain. In our mentioned Email Address, "Gmail" is a Service Provider and indicates the type of .com Service Provider. Sign of @ It is called AT, it is used to separate Username and Domain Name in Email Address. ‘Internet Course. Page 37 Step (i) Go to the official site, Step (ii) Click on, Create a new account Get njore done with Gmail Type First Name, Last Name, and Create your Google Recount someone your OWN corneicen User Name that will be the main identity of your Email and in the final you create a password that_must be in at least 8 alphabet or number ‘Internet Course. Page 38 Create your Google Account After next, you will be asked for your mobile number, after putting it, you again next ‘Internet Course Page 39 Now follow what is being told below. covery era ses (oon) Sra oe] = er eur persenalnfo 1 pecate ans sate ny wea fers intrmation If you want to enter Recovery a Put an OTP on your phone can enter or else there is number here no need. Then you fill in your DOB, choose Its Gender Page 40 Googe Get more from your number Dy ee ntncae meee Privacy and Terms Page 41 Finally your email has been created, which is visible in front of you..... Note: If you're already logged into your computer, you need to... = M cma a ° congo "ag oo to Page 42 Googe Sign in ante tot Page 43 Internet Course: 8th Day (Miscellaneous Questionnaire) Other important information related to the Internet Question- What is Social Networking? Answer - It is a social network created through the Internet. Through this, any person coming under social network can make contact with any other person, Example - Facebook, Twitter, Instagram Ete. Question - What is a server? Answer - A server is a computer that has the ability to provide information to those using the Internet, The server is the most prominent and central computer in the network which all other computers in the network are connected to the server. Let me tell you that all the data on the Internet is kept on the server. Question- What is a Repeater? ‘Answer - A repeater is an electronic device that receives a low level signal and sends it back to a high level signal. At the same time, let me tell you that the "repeater" saves the weakening signal and helps a lot to speed it up = Question- What is chatting? Answer- Chatting is the means by which we can communicate with each other through the internet and share things with each other like video, image, audio ete. Such as: - Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter Etc... Q-What is Video Conferencing? Answer - Video Conferencing is a means through which one or more people can talk face to face while away from each other. For this you need high speed internet speed, cameras, output speakers and an audio microphone. Question- What is E-Learning? Answer - It is a means of aequiring knowledge from computer or internet, through which we can study our computer related, internet related, online related ete. which can be trained electronically, by looking at the output. Question- What is E-Banking? Answer - Through this internet user can manage his account anywhere through his mobile or computer like transferring money, withdrawing money, mobile, DTH etc. Many more things can be done through this, such as bill payment, online shopping, booking railway tickets, etc. Question - What is E-Shopping? Answer- Through this, users can buy any items like shoes, TV, toys, software, hardware etc. online... Sea a eae oT Commerce means E = Electronic... Question- What is E-Commerce? Answer- It involves the transaction of any goods online through intemet, boosting business relations, sharing business information with each other, transaction of money, etc., it means internet related business Question: What is M-Commerce? Answer- Through m-commerce, people can pay many bills such as: - Bill payment, buying and selling goods and services, booking movie tickets, making railway reservations, buying books, ete, It is E-commerce in a way, but these things are done through mobile, so it is called M- Commerce i.e, Mobile Commerce...

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