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 Tell me about yourself

I’m hard working, focus and commited. I Always like to learn things that make me

I’m Evelyn, i’m 30 yers old, I got married 3 years ago, dont have kids, I was born in
Manaus and I've always lived here. I graduated from CIESA University in
Administration, I also cursed 5 periods of psychology in Fmf Wyden. I’ve been working
at Salcomp for the last year as a Buyer, and before Salcomp I worked with planning
logistics process. I started with buying a group of cappacitores and resistors, only
imported items. And because of my performance with the items I taked care I have the
opportunity to took the place of a senior buyer and started taking care of Apple's
projects. So I started buy all type of components, Class A to C, cells, Ic’s PCB Diodes
Mosfets Solder Underfill and others, directs and indirect items.

I really liked of purchasing area, I don’t have problem to work with pressure, and small
deadlines, I like to work with urgencies, In this area every day we have a different
challenge and I like it, it motivates me. And today i'm here because i really want to
grow in my career and I think that Samsung is the best place to do it, it’s a great
companny with so much opportunities and I want to do part of your team.

 What are your strengths and weaknesses
 Where do you see yourself in 5 years? I see myself working as i sênior buyer , i want to
have done a post graduation in the supply chain area, i want to be more fluent in my
english and continuous learning
 Why do you want to leave your current job? Because there is no room to grown in my
 What are the 3 things your former manager like you to improve on? she wanted me to
improve the way I showed my results, because I was doing a great job but I wasn't
marketing my work and improve more my fluency in english
 Are you willing to relocate? Yes,
 Atre you willing to travel? Yes
 Tell me about a time you made a mistake: I sent a Po to supplier for an expensive item,
but in the same day we had a demand decrease and I deal with supplier so they can
not consider the PO and was solved in the next day.
 How did you heard about this position? Bete Saboia found me in Linkedin and give me
a opportunity to mke this interview.
 Discuss your education background
 Describe yourself: Let me describe myself, I’m hard worker, very dedicate and
 Why should we hired you? Why do you think you’re suited for this position?
Because I have a high sense of urgency to do this job, i’m proactive and do my job
 Would you work holidays and weekends? Yes, no problem
 How do you deal with a angry costumer?
 Give a time when you went above and beyond the requirements for a Project
 Whats your availability?
 Whats is the name of your CEO? The owner is KAty and the CEO is Tony
 Whats is your carrear goals? I want to be a sênior buyer
 Whats get you up in the morning?
 Whats was the last book you read for fun?
 What are your co-worker pet peeves? Don’t delivery in time, don’t have a commitment
or responsability
 What’s makes you uncomfortable?
 Would you work plus 40hr for wk? Yes
 Whats questions havent i have you?
 What questions do you have for me?
 How do you react to criticism?
 How do you work under pressure?
 What are three of your best accomplishments?
 What do you do in your free time? I visit my parente, spend time with my
Family and go to the movies, bowling
 Describe your work style
 Why Are You Interested In This Job?
 What Do You Know About This Company?
 What Salary Range Are You Looking For?

 cell phones, tablets, notebooks, digital

cameras, TV's, smartwatches, CDs, DVDs,

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