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ESSP Important Questions

Q1. Differentiate between soft skills and hard skills.

Hard Skills Soft Skills
Hard skills imply the technical skills Soft skills refer to the set of
specific to the job, which a person personality traits, which defines an
has acquired through proper training individual's relationships in a work
and learning. environment, with others.
It shows how perfect a candidate is, It shows how perfectly a candidate
for the job adapt or fit into the work environment
Key occupational requirements for Widely acceptable skills
the job
Acquired through formal Education Acquired through informal process,
and Training Programme i.e. upbringing, and social
Techniques, mechanism and Relationships and social
professional competence related to competence related to the people
the job
It is easy to measure and easy to It is not measurable, as it is
prove using evidence, such as associated with personal attributes,
certificate, degree, diploma, awards, and so these are difficult to prove
etc because they are intangible
These are possible to transfer from May or may not be transferable,
one to other varying from person to person

Q2. Listening is the key to effective communication. Justify the


Ans.Listening involves the ability to accurately receive and interpret messages

in the communication process. Without the ability to listen effectively, which
involves desire and awareness, messages are easily misunderstood or
misinterpreted. Communication breaks down and is followed by all kinds of
issues. Good listening skills can lead to better customer relations, increased
customer satisfaction, greater productivity and fewer mistakes. More creative
and innovative work as individuals and in teams will result. Honing your
listening skills will also improve relations in your personal life. Listening is not
the same as hearing. Hearing simply is the physical process referring to
sounds that enter your ears. Listening is much more than that. It requires a
focus and concentrated effort, both mental and physical. It means paying
attention, being aware of verbal and non-verbal messages. It is not a passive
process. The listener must be engaged as much as the speaker.
Q3. How would you define personality? Discuss the way of developing
one’s personality to improve one’s career.

Personality refers to the enduring characteristics and behavior that comprise a
person's unique adjustment to life, including major traits, interests, drives,
values, self-concept, abilities, and emotional patterns.
Personality is complex organization of the entire system of habits, interests,
attitudes, thoughts and the like in an individual. Cattell defines personality by
taking into account its predictive characteristics. He writes, “Personality is that
which permits a prediction of what a person will do in a given situation.

Developing one’s personality will improve one’s career as-

1. Personality development grooms an individual and helps him
make a mark of his/her own. Individuals need to have a style of their
own for others to follow them.
2. Personality development goes a long way in reducing stress and
conflicts. It encourages individuals to look at the brighter sides of life.
3. Personality development helps you develop a positive attitude in
life. An individual with a negative attitude finds a problem in every
4. Personality development plays an important role in developing not
only your outer but also inner self.
5. Personality development helps an individual to inculcate positive
qualities like punctuality, flexible attitude, willingness to learn,
friendly nature, eagerness to help others and so on.

Q4. Discuss the different ways of being an interpersonal communicator

in the professional world.

Interpersonal communication in the workplace plays an important role in
employee satisfaction, motivation, collaboration and business success.
Interpersonal communication is the process of exchange of information, ideas
and feelings between two or more people through verbal or non-verbal
methods. It often includes face-to-face exchange of information, in a form of
voice, facial expressions, body language and gestures. The level of one’s
interpersonal communication skills is measured through the effectiveness of
transferring messages to others.
Commonly used interpersonal communication within an organization include
daily internal employee communication, client meetings, employee
performance reviews and project discussions.
Interpersonal Communication helps us in-
1. Problem solving - Interpersonal communication skills are necessary
because they allow people to discuss problems and weigh the pros and
cons of alternatives before coming up with the final solution.
2. Alignment with business goals - Poor communication between
employers and employees can harm the business in many ways. When
managers and leaders are unable to clearly communicate tasks,
workers can quickly become frustrated and disconnected with the
business goals.
3. Trust - Lack of trust and transparency are some of the most common
causes of poor workplace communication. Interpersonal communication
skills are crucial for improving trust and workplace communication, and
all employees, especially business leaders, should therefore improve
communication with their employees.
4. Change management - Good interpersonal communication is very
important during change management efforts within organizations.
Effective employee communication helps employees better understand
the change, align with it and collaboratively work towards implementing
the change successfully.
5. Company culture - Interpersonal relationships, especially when
executed well, are important for an organizational culture to thrive.
When employees possess good interpersonal communication skills,
organizational culture becomes more synergic and positive.
6. Workplace miscommunication - Managers who maintain
professionalism, open workplace communication and a positive attitude
are more likely to be seen as approachable by their employees. When
employees feel like they can speak openly with decision-makers,
workplace miscommunication, gossip and rumors are much less likely
to happen.
7. Personal relationships - Interpersonal skills are extremely important
for creating and maintaining meaningful personal relationships in the
workplace. People with good interpersonal communication skills can,
therefore, build healthy relationships with their colleagues and work
much better as a team.
8. Effective management and leadership - The ability to foster
interpersonal relationships, establish trust and communicate clearly are
all crucial skills for an effective leader. When a manager has poor
interpersonal communication skills, they can expect to irritate and
confuse employees.
9. Employee success - Good interpersonal communication skills are also
necessary for managers to help their employees do their jobs
successfully. Leaders need to be able to pass on the right skills to the
employees that will enable them to perform their tasks and achieve
business goals.
10. Conflict management - Conflict is normal in the workplace, and
we can’t always expect from our employees to resolve conflicts in a
calm and timely manner. When conflicts like this arise, interpersonal
communication becomes crucial for resolving them.
11. Career development - As many employers are looking for
workers with good communication skills, continuous improvements of
interpersonal communication skills can bring career progressions for
many employees.

Q5. Discuss the different ways of developing a good mindset in the


A positive mindset in the workplace is essential for both personal and
organizational success. It not only helps employees stay motivated and
engaged but also contributes to a positive work environment. Developing a
good mindset takes time and effort, but it is possible.

Different ways to develop a positive mindset in the workplace are as follows:

1. Self-reflection and self-awareness: Self-reflection and self-awareness
are essential to developing a good mindset. It helps individuals identify
their strengths, weaknesses, and areas of improvement. Employees
who understand their strengths can use them to achieve their goals,
while those who understand their weaknesses can work on them and
improve their skills.
2. Gratitude and positivity: Practicing gratitude and positivity can go a
long way in developing a good mindset. Gratitude involves
acknowledging the good things in life, while positivity involves focusing
on the good in every situation. Employees who practice gratitude and
positivity are more likely to be happy, motivated, and engaged in their
3. Continuous learning: Continuous learning is essential for personal
and professional growth. Employees who are committed to learning new
skills and improving their knowledge are more likely to be successful in
their careers. Continuous learning also helps individuals adapt to
changing work environments and stay relevant in their industry.
4. Effective communication: Effective communication is critical for
building strong relationships with colleagues, superiors, and clients.
Employees who communicate effectively are more likely to be
successful in their jobs and achieve their goals. Effective
communication also helps to build trust and respect in the workplace.
5. Mindfulness and stress management: Mindfulness and stress
management are essential for maintaining a good mindset. Mindfulness
involves being present and focused on the present moment, while
stress management involves developing strategies to cope with stress.
Employees who practice mindfulness and stress management are more
likely to be resilient and handle challenging situations with ease.
6. Goal setting: Setting goals is essential for achieving personal and
organizational success. Goals provide direction and motivation and help
employees focus their efforts on achieving specific outcomes.
Employees who set realistic and achievable goals are more likely to be
successful in their careers.
7. Supportive workplace culture: A supportive workplace culture is
essential for developing a good mindset. A culture that encourages
teamwork, collaboration, and open communication can go a long way in
promoting a positive work environment. Employees who feel supported
by their colleagues and superiors are more likely to be happy and
engaged in their work.

Q6. Importance of humor in workplace.

Humor in the workplace is any interaction, situation or document that is funny
and can include any lighthearted remark or joke. It's important to be
professional and considerate when using humor in the workplace so that all
employees feel respected and valued. Humor is importance in workplace as:
1. Reduces stress: The workplace can be a stressful environment, but
humor can help reduce stress levels. Humor can help employees feel
more relaxed and less tense, which can lead to improved productivity
and job satisfaction.
2. Improves morale: A positive and humorous work environment can
improve morale and create a sense of camaraderie among employees.
Humor can create a sense of unity, help employees bond, and improve
relationships between colleagues.
3. Enhances creativity: Humor can enhance creativity and help
employees think outside the box. It can lead to a more innovative and
creative work environment, as employees are encouraged to take risks
and try new things.
4. Boosts productivity: Humor can boost productivity by improving
employee engagement and motivation. When employees are happy and
engaged, they are more likely to be productive and achieve their goals.
5. Improves communication: Humor can improve communication
between colleagues and superiors. It can help break down barriers and
improve the flow of communication, leading to more effective
collaboration and problem-solving.
6. Enhances customer service: Humor can enhance customer service
by creating a more relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Customers are
more likely to feel at ease when interacting with employees who have a
good sense of humor, leading to better customer experiences.

Q7. Describe the significance of soft skills in the workplace.

Soft skills refer to personal attributes that enable individuals to interact
effectively and harmoniously with others in the workplace. They are non-
technical skills that complement an individual's technical abilities and are
essential for success in the workplace.
Soft skills are significant in the workplace as:
1. Teamwork: Soft skills such as communication, collaboration, and
conflict resolution are crucial for effective teamwork. Employees who
possess these skills can work effectively with others, build strong
relationships, and achieve shared goals.
2. Customer service: Soft skills such as empathy, listening, and problem-
solving are essential for providing excellent customer service.
Employees who possess these skills can effectively address customer
needs and concerns, leading to improved customer satisfaction and
3. Leadership: Soft skills such as communication, delegation, and
decision-making are essential for effective leadership. Leaders who
possess these skills can inspire and motivate their teams, make sound
decisions, and achieve organizational goals.
4. Adaptability: Soft skills such as flexibility and adaptability are essential
for success in today's fast-paced and ever-changing work environment.
Employees who possess these skills can adapt to new situations and
challenges, embrace change, and remain productive and effective.
5. Communication: Soft skills such as verbal and written communication,
active listening, and empathy are critical for effective communication in
the workplace. Employees who possess these skills can communicate
clearly and effectively, avoid misunderstandings, and build strong
relationships with colleagues and clients.
6. Problem-solving: Soft skills such as critical thinking, creativity, and
problem-solving are essential for identifying and resolving workplace
challenges. Employees who possess these skills can effectively analyze
problems, develop solutions, and implement them effectively.
Q8. What is the importance of financial manager as soft skill?

Financial managers play a crucial role in the success of an organization by
overseeing financial operations and ensuring the organization's financial
health. However, in addition to technical financial skills, financial managers
also require soft skills that are essential for effective leadership and
Financial managers require soft skills because:
1. Communication: Financial managers need excellent communication
skills to effectively communicate financial information to other
departments, stakeholders, and investors. They must be able to present
complex financial data in a clear and concise manner and make
recommendations to senior management based on their findings.
2. Leadership: Financial managers need to possess strong leadership
skills to effectively manage teams and coordinate financial operations.
They must be able to motivate and inspire their teams to achieve
financial goals and objectives.
3. Problem-solving: Financial managers need strong problem-solving
skills to identify and resolve financial issues and challenges. They must
be able to analyze financial data, identify trends and patterns, and
develop strategies to address financial issues effectively.
4. Strategic thinking: Financial managers must possess strategic
thinking skills to develop and implement financial strategies that align
with the organization's goals and objectives. They must be able to
anticipate future financial trends and develop plans to address them
5. Interpersonal skills: Financial managers must possess strong
interpersonal skills to effectively build and maintain relationships with
other departments, stakeholders, and investors. They must be able to
collaborate effectively with others and negotiate financial terms and

Q9. Discuss the role positive attitude at work.

A positive attitude at work can play a significant role in an individual's success
and overall well-being. A positive attitude can have numerous benefits in the
workplace, including increased productivity, improved teamwork, enhanced
job satisfaction, encouragement of creativity and innovation, reduced stress,
and improved customer service.
Positive attitude can benefit the workplace as:
1. Increases productivity: Employees with a positive attitude tend to be
more productive and motivated. They are more likely to approach tasks
with enthusiasm and a can-do attitude, leading to higher levels of
2. Improves teamwork: A positive attitude can help foster a more
collaborative and supportive work environment. Employees with a
positive attitude are more likely to help others and work effectively with
colleagues, leading to improved teamwork and a more harmonious
3. Enhances job satisfaction: A positive attitude can help employees
enjoy their work more, leading to higher levels of job satisfaction. When
employees are happy and satisfied in their work, they are more likely to
be committed to the organization and less likely to seek employment
4. Encourages creativity and innovation: A positive attitude can help
employees feel more open to new ideas and creative solutions. They
are more likely to take risks and experiment with new approaches,
leading to increased creativity and innovation in the workplace.
5. Reduces stress: A positive attitude can help reduce stress levels in the
workplace. Employees who approach work with a positive attitude are
more likely to feel in control of their work and less likely to feel
overwhelmed or stressed.
6. Improves customer service: A positive attitude can have a significant
impact on customer service. Employees with a positive attitude are
more likely to be friendly, helpful, and approachable, leading to
improved customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Q10. How can a person overcome procrastination in the workplace?

Procrastination is a common problem in the workplace and can lead to missed
deadlines, decreased productivity, and increased stress. However, there are
several strategies that individuals can use to overcome procrastination and
improve their work habits.

Common methods to overcome procrastination in the workplace are-

1. Set clear goals and priorities: It is essential to set clear goals and
priorities to avoid feeling overwhelmed and disorganized. Identify the
most critical tasks that need to be completed and break them down into
smaller, more manageable tasks.
2. Create a schedule: Developing a schedule can help individuals stay on
track and manage their time effectively. Prioritize the most critical tasks
and allocate specific blocks of time to work on them.
3. Eliminate distractions: Distractions such as social media, email
notifications, and personal phone calls can be a significant hindrance to
productivity. Minimize distractions by turning off notifications and setting
aside specific times to check email and social media.
4. Use the Pomodoro Technique: The Pomodoro Technique involves
working for a set period of time, typically 25 minutes, followed by a short
break. This technique can help individuals stay focused and motivated
while avoiding burnout.
5. Break tasks into smaller pieces: Large tasks can be overwhelming
and lead to procrastination. Breaking them down into smaller, more
manageable tasks can help make them less daunting and easier to
6. Get organized: A cluttered workspace can be a significant distraction
and lead to procrastination. Take time to organize your workspace and
eliminate any unnecessary items.
7. Hold yourself accountable: Set deadlines and hold yourself
accountable for meeting them. Share your goals and deadlines with
colleagues or a supervisor to create accountability and encourage

Q11. Write short notes on –

A. Business Etiquettes

Business etiquette refers to the code of conduct and behavior that individuals
are expected to adhere to in a professional setting. Following proper business
etiquette can help individuals build relationships, establish credibility, and
demonstrate professionalism.
Key aspects of business etiquette are:
1. Communication: Communication is a critical aspect of business
etiquette. Individuals should communicate clearly, respectfully, and
professionally. They should avoid using slang, inappropriate language,
or making derogatory comments.
2. Dress code: Dressing appropriately is an essential aspect of business
etiquette. Dressing professionally can help individuals establish
credibility and demonstrate respect for their colleagues and clients.
Individuals should dress according to the dress code of their workplace
and industry.
3. Punctuality: Punctuality is an important aspect of business etiquette.
Arriving on time to meetings, appointments, and work-related events
demonstrates respect for colleagues and clients.
4. Respect for personal space: Respecting personal space is an
important aspect of business etiquette. Individuals should avoid
invading personal space, interrupting conversations, or making others
feel uncomfortable.
5. Use of technology: The use of technology, including mobile devices
and social media, should be done professionally and appropriately.
Individuals should avoid using their phones during meetings, avoid
checking social media during work hours, and refrain from using
inappropriate language or making derogatory comments on social
6. Gift-giving: Gift-giving is a common practice in business, particularly
when building relationships with clients or partners. However,
individuals should be familiar with the proper etiquette surrounding gift-
giving, including the appropriateness of gifts and the timing of gift-

B. Ethics in workplace

Ethics in the workplace refers to the principles and values that guide the
behavior of individuals and organizations in a professional setting. Ethical
behavior is essential for maintaining trust and credibility with colleagues,
customers, and other stakeholders.
Important ethics in the workplace:
1. Honesty and Integrity: Honesty and integrity are essential components
of ethical behavior in the workplace. Individuals should be truthful and
transparent in their communication with colleagues and customers.
2. Respect for Others: Ethical behavior involves showing respect for the
dignity, rights, and beliefs of others. Individuals should avoid
discrimination, harassment, or any behavior that may be perceived as
disrespectful or offensive.
3. Fairness and Equity: Ethical behavior involves treating others fairly
and equitably, without prejudice or bias. Individuals should avoid
favoritism, nepotism, or any behavior that may be perceived as unfair.
4. Responsibility and Accountability: Ethical behavior involves taking
responsibility for one's actions and being accountable for their
consequences. Individuals should avoid blaming others or making
excuses for their behavior.
5. Confidentiality: Ethical behavior involves respecting the privacy and
confidentiality of colleagues and customers. Individuals should avoid
disclosing confidential information without authorization.
6. Conflict of Interest: Ethical behavior involves avoiding conflicts of
interest that may compromise one's professional judgment or integrity.
Individuals should avoid any behavior that may result in personal gain at
the expense of others.
7. Social Responsibility: Ethical behavior involves being socially
responsible and contributing to the well-being of society. Organizations
should avoid any behavior that may have a negative impact on the
environment or society.

C. Team Leader vs Boss

Team leaders and bosses are both crucial roles in organizations, but they
have different approaches to management and leadership.

Team Leader Boss

Team leaders are focused on Bosses often use a top-down
leading by example, building approach to management, providing
relationships, and fostering directives and expecting compliance
collaboration among team members. without much input or collaboration
They emphasize teamwork, from team members.
encourage feedback, and empower
team members to take ownership of
their work.
Team leaders often use a Bosses, on the other hand, may use
participative communication style, a directive communication style,
encouraging open and transparent providing instructions without much
communication among team explanation or feedback.
members. They listen actively to
feedback, and provide regular
feedback and coaching to help team
members improve.
Team leaders often involve team Bosses often make decisions
members in decision-making, unilaterally, without much input or
encouraging input and feedback feedback from team members.
from all team members. They seek
consensus and consider the opinions
and perspectives of others before
making a decision.
Team leaders focus on the Bosses may focus more on meeting
development of their team members, targets and achieving goals, without
providing coaching, mentoring, and much attention to the development
training to help team members and growth of team members.
improve and grow. They seek to
create a supportive environment that
encourages learning and
Team leaders focus on building Bosses may focus more on task
relationships with team members, completion and meeting deadlines,
creating a positive and supportive without much attention to building
work environment. They seek to relationships with team members.
understand the strengths and
weaknesses of team members and
provide support and guidance where

While both team leaders and bosses are important roles in organizations, they
have different approaches to management and leadership. Team leaders
focus on leading by example, building relationships, and fostering
collaboration, while bosses may use a top-down approach to management
and prioritize task completion over relationship building and development of
team members.

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