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Jae-ha x reader

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/M
Fandom: Akatsuki no Yona | Yona of the Dawn
Relationships: Son Hak/Yona, Jae-Ha (Akatsuki no Yona)/Reader
Characters: Son Hak, Kija (Akatsuki no Yona), Yoon | Yun (Akatsuki no Yona), Yona
(Akatsuki no Yona), Jae-Ha (Akatsuki no Yona), Shin-Ah (Akatsuki no
Yona), Zeno (Akatsuki no Yona), Soo-Won (Akatsuki no Yona)
Additional Tags: Su won is aroace cause I say so, everyone has trauma let’s be honest,
Also reader is chronically ill because if I suffer so do the people I write,
Not Beta Read
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2024-04-13 Words: 2,271 Chapters: 1/1
Jae-ha x reader
by ember0510


Be warned this is an extremely self indulgent fic that’s more of thinly veiled oc x Jae-ha
because I love him more then i should, plot is gonna be chaotic, cheesy romance, for both
reader/Jae-ha and hak and yona, i make no promises for consistent updates in fact i promise
the opposite!
“ General Tae-woo, may I have a few moment of your time?” (Y/N) asked as she approached
the young general.

Tae-woo paused his conversation with Han-dae to turn to face the woman, tilting his head
slightly, “ of course ma’am what can I help you with?” He asked as he crossed his arms
behind his head.

“Well, there’s something I wish to discuss with Princess yona and her companions, but I
believe having you with me will both put them at ease as well as make them trust that my
position does hold enough standing for what I’ll be asking to be true” The woman explained
calmly, “ I swear it’s nothing bad, in fact I believe that you’ll benefit from the proposal as
well, though if I’m turned down that will be the end of it,”

“ Something you wanna ask lord Hak and the princess? I suppose I can go with you, but I
don’t know where exactly they are at the moment” Tae woo responded, more properly
turning his attention to woman.

She tilted her head slightly, a small laugh leaving her lips “ did you not hear his rather loud
confession earlier? I know where they are, we’ve been keeping track of their location while
they’re so close to his majesty, I just thought that having you with me rather then general Joo-
doh or one of his majesty’s other men would put them more at ease.”

Han-dae loudly laughed, moving to lean on Tae-woo’s shoulders, “oh we definitely heard
that, I would have loved to have been around when he did it I’m sure all of their faces were
priceless” the blond looked over to the woman, “ if you’re just going to talk to them about
something then can I come too? Sense it’s not the title you’re looking for?”

(Y/N) nodded, “ that’s not an issues, I really just need someone they trust so that they know I
don’t carry and alternative motives due to my relations to the king, and their previous
intentions with strangers” she explained, “ shall we go then?”

The two teens happily agreed, both cheering “ yep! Let’s go” in unison bright excited smiles
on their faces

(Y/N) nodded slightly, waiting for their excitement to calm down before beginning to lead the
way to the happy hungry bunch.

After a few minus of walking the sound of laughter could hear, as a clearing was reached.

“This is probably why he never admits to liking us you know, if your reaction to him doing so
it to tease him relentlessly” Yun pointed out with a sigh as he worked on patching up some of
the damage done to Kija’s clothing.

“Perhaps if he just admitted to loving us all more often we wouldn’t make such a big deal out
of him doing so~” Jae-ha countered as he dodged the swing of Hak’s glaive.

Hak was about to give some excuse to attempt to shut the teasing dragon up when he noticed
the approaching nobles, “ Tae-woo? Did something happen?” He asked as he stood up
approaching the young general.

“ nothing happened, but she wanted to talk to you about something,” Tae- woo responded
pointing to (y/n) who stood slightly behind him, “ oh right, you said you brought us so that
we could confirm you have the position to ask whatever you’re asking right, so I should
probably introduce you right?” He asked as he turned to the woman. “Wait, I don’t think I
ever asked your actual position, I know the king listens to you, but do you have an actual title
we’re supposed to use?”

“That introduction is enough, thank you, I am (L/N) (Y/N), I’m one of Su-won’s advisors,
I’m also not a threat, I couldn’t fight any of you even if I wanted to, as such we decided I
would be the best option when it comes to communicating with you and your friends” The
woman explained with a small bow, “As far as what it is that I came to discuss, after the
events that have transpired it’s a matter of how and when bordering nations will make
attempts for the dragon’s power.” She paused slightly as hak narrowed his eyes “ and once
they have even part of the power that they believe the dragons can provide they will become
a threat of the kingdom, as such, we believe that it would be best if you all moved somewhere
secure, where it would be possible to monitor those who are looking for you, as well as
prevent any of you from being taken hostage to bend the others to act against the people of
the kingdom”

“So what you expect us to go be prisoners at the palace you chased us out of? And don’t talk
like you give a damn about us like you weren’t willing to toss us aside for a war no one
wanted,” Hak responded coldly,

“ Where you choose to stay is your choice, as long as it’s somewhere secure, honestly I
believe that Fuga would be the best place, the dragon’s arrival will be over shadowed by your
own meaning that it would be difficult for people seeking the dragons to locate them, the
community close enough that someone who’s acting suspiciously will be noticed quickly, and
the city’s strength is well enough known that the chances of an attempted assault is extremely
low,” (Y/N) responded calmly, “ as far as our response to the dragons being held captive by
Princess Koren, I ask that you allow me to put things into our perspective, four citizens with
only indirect ties of the crown are being held hostage by one of three warring factions of a
kingdom who has been building forces on the kingdoms boarder, the leader of said faction
was close to a nobleman who was apart of a group who kidnapped and held a woman hostage
to gain a favorable result from a peace treaty, only to kill the woman’s upon being given
exactly what they asked for, that woman was a maid who served prince yu hon and lady Youn
hi, they were under the impression that it’s was youn hi, they took her head in front of the
prince as soon as he signed the papers” she sighed slightly, her expression remaining calm, “
in other words, we had to reason to believe that there was a peaceful option, and in the end,
even if she was being honest about her willingness to find a peaceful resolution, had the sky
tribe’s army not come to the border, the only thing that would have changed was the number
of men prepared in the case that the attempted coup that occurred had spilled into the
“So you didn’t trust that we would be released at all, and you wanted to prioritize the
kingdom over the feelings of a handful of people” Jae-ha commented as he walked over to
stand beside hak, “ and in the end I suppose your caution was proved to have a reasonable

“A good king puts his people before his own heart, and Xing started preparing for war before
we did, it would have been foolish to not take that threat seriously, and their willingness to
take hostages only further proves how much of a threat they were willing to be” A small sigh
left (y/n) lips, “ though it seems like princess Koren is willing to follow the peace treaty that’s
been laid out, so our main concern is the priest and his underlings, He’s the one that will most
like make some sort of attempt to get his hands on the dragons, and will most likely end up
spreading word of your existence outside of kouka, seems as though he was also most likely
stoking the fire between the two princesses in an attempt for power”

“ just because its logical doesn’t mean its kind! Do you have any idea what you’ve put them
through!” Yun countered, crossing his arms as he stood slightly behind hak,

“Less then il put the citizens of this kingdom though, but still more the they as ignorant
bystanders deserved, but tell me boy, do you think soo-jin would have done everything in his
power to insure an exit gate was left unguarded?” (Y/N) responded calmly, her eyes briefly
shifting to look at the boy before returning to hak, a heavy sigh leaving her lips, “ though I
can’t force you, and even if you choose not to return to fuga and discuss returning to your
original position as the princess’s body guard with pay, i would at the very least proceed with
some degree of caution, I’ve never met a religious man willing to give up on his twisted

The woman turned to leave reaching the edge of the clearing before speaking again, “ oh and
general, I’ll send to the others to get their signed acknowledgements of me having read
through their records rooms like I requested, that was the term you and mun doke set for me
to do so to yours correct?”

Tae woo looked back before nodding, “ yeah, we just want to make sure you aren’t looking
for dirt or something weird like that, I’m sure you understand,”

(Y/N) nodded, laughing slightly, “ we understand completely, it was a lack of foresight on my

part for not preemptively getting such paperwork in line before our arrival” the woman gave
a small wave before continuing to walk to kouka’s main camp.

“So…. Did she just bring us along so that we would try and convince lord hak to come back?
Or did she really not have another way to prove her identity?” Han dae asked tae too once the
woman’s footsteps could no longer be heard

“Maybe a mix of both? But unless she’s lying… and stupid, she’s right that we can’t be
convinced to turned against lord hak and his friends” Tae woo responded, leaning closer to
the blond as he spoke

“We can still hear you you idiots” Hak said with a heavy sigh, shaking his head and he
ruffled the pair’s hair. “ and what did she mean by going through the wind tribe’s records?”
Tae woo laughed, grabbing Hak’s wrist in an attempt to keep his hand close. “ Apparently
she’s gone through all of the other tribe’s records room, somethin about having a good
enough memory to be able to become a reference for the king to be able to use whenever it
comes to matters involving only one tribe or something, said the wind’s the only tribe she
hasn’t already read through, but gramps wants to make sure she’s actually read through them
to make sure she’s not looking for something specific to try and use against us” he explained

“So she’s close to su won huh? Do you know what their relationship to one another is?” Jae-
ha asked, coming up to lean against hak.

“ when ayame asked if they were together the both fake gaged and asked if she would ever
consider marrying me or hak, so, whatever that makes their relationship” Tae woo responded,
“ but he and the others close to him seem rather protective other her, i think i heard his other
Advior call her princess a few times but it didn’t seem like she’s a fan of that”

“If his other advisor is who i think it is he has a very punchable face…” Hak mumbled under
his breath before turning to face the rest of the happy hungry bunch, “ so, what’s the plan?
Find somewhere hidden to lay low for a while, or go rest back h- in Fuga”

“Did you just almost say home?”

“ shut up white snake you’re hearing things”

“ I mean, as long as none of you mind going back, I’d really like to see mun doke again”
Yona said with a small smile,

Tae woo and han dae nodded in unison , “ of course! We’d be happy to have ya!”

“ I’m sure gramps will be happy to see you again too! Plus he’ll be happy to see lord hak
made more friend!” Han dae added with a smile and a bright laugh.

“Well then I guess we should gather everything and join you back at the main camp then
right?” Yun said as he started to repack his bag. “ hopefully nothing bad happens for at least a
week… so everyone can at least start to recover.. the woman also mentioned you getting paid,
having a consistent income might be nice, though I know you probably don’t want to go
though the trouble of interacting with anyone to do with su won”

“they were smart, sending someone neither of us had met or seen before, if we go though her
it might be easier,” Yona responded looking over at hak, “ though I don’t think it would be
fair if only you get paid when we all work together to keep each other safe”

Hak sighed running a hand through his bangs as he spoke, “ I’ll see about talking to her about
it once we get back to camp, I’ll also try and quiz her, see if I can figure out if she’s really
just reading though all the records, or just looking for something,”

“ we dragons don’t need money to protect you princess! We do it because it’s our duty!
Money is so such object to us!” Kija spouted out dramatically in response.
“ more money means more hotels, more hotels means fewer bugs kija” Yun responded dryly,
handing a blanket over to the white dragon to carry, “ now let’s go! Sooner we get everything
settled sooner we can relax!”
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