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New Primary Language Curriculum Reading Progression Steps E-H

Learning E F G H
outcomes: The child... The child... The child... The child...
1. Engagement Independently and with Enjoys exploring a wider Enjoys interpreting text With others, enjoys evaluating

others enjoys listening range of genres and uses and illustration and shares texts on areas of interest
to, reading and exploring illustrations and text to these while listening to and information, identifies,
a range of genres, and share predictions and and questioning others’ interprets and summarises
shares their interpretation infer meaning. interpretations. main messages in text and
of meaning held in both shares these.
illustration and text.

2. Motivation Explicitly shares reasons Can identify and select Chooses books from a Enjoys sharing experiences
and choice for their book choices. books of interest that are range of genres identifying with texts on an area of
readable by them. a favourite genre or type of interest, with others and uses
book and shares reasons. key points from texts for a
specific purpose.

3. Conventions of Demonstrates one-to-one Uses correct word order Uses spaces and question Uses quotation marks
Print and sen- correspondence between when reading and adheres marks to punctuate and add and exclamation marks to
tence structure written and spoken to fullstops to punctuate intonation to reading. punctuate and add intonation
words, identifies letters, their reading. to reading.
words, sentences, capital
letters and full-stops and
points out cover, title and
author in books.

4. Phonological and Blends onset rime and Divides words into Uses syllables in new words Breaks new words into
phoneme awareness counts, pronounces, their onset-rime and heard to divide and blend. syllables, with confidence.
segments and blends reproduces common letter
syllables in spoken words. patterns and groups. Recognises that some Identifies and discusses
words contain silent sounds sounds and patterns in words
Identifies initial, terminal Verbally segments which are not spoken. in English, Irish and other
and medial sounds in spoken single and multi- languages.
words of three phonemes syllable words into their
and segments and complete sequence of
blends spoken words individual sounds. verbally
of two, three, four and deletes and substitutes
five phonemes. individual sounds to make

new words.

Recognises consonant/
vowel sound patterns in
syllables of spoken words.

5. Phonics, word Names and sounds all Recognises some digraphs Deletes, adds and substitutes Reads increasingly demanding
recognition and lower- and upper-case and blends and reads letters to create and digraphs, letter patterns and
word study letters, recognises words containing short and identify words, consonant and vowel digraphs
short vowel sounds, long vowel sounds. and uses phonological
blends phonemes and Recognises similar sounds skills flexibly.
recognises some common from different letter
Uses their knowledge of
letter patterns. combinations and reads Uses a range of word
sight-words, letter patterns, a range of words with identification strategies
Reads a range of high- digraphs, letter patterns and flexibly and confidently to
frequency words and CVC sounds and cues from some with consonant and identify words.
words, and reads short, surrounding text to read vowel digraphs.
simple sentences. uses Identifies some differences in
cues from pictures and words and uses some word Uses their knowledge of letter sound relationships in
from sentences to read. identification strategies syllables, prior knowledge L1 and L2.
and cues from the context
with growing confidence. to read words and uses
a growing range of word
Begins to distinguish identification strategies with
between letter sound
Identifies similarities in
relationships in L1 and L2.
letter- sound relationships in
L1 and L2.
New Primary Language Curriculum Reading Progression Steps E-H

Learning E F G H
outcomes: The child... The child... The child... The child...

6. Vocabulary Acquires new words and Uses a range of strategies Identifies and uses new words Uses dictionaries and other
phrases from a variety of to understand and discuss and phrases appropriately in a references to find word meanings.
instructional and independent new words in texts and variety of contexts and begins
level texts and the teacher, understands that the same to use dictionaries to find Flexibly uses a range of strategies
and talks about their meaning. idea can be conveyed using word meanings. including knowledge of synonyms,
uses some new words in different phrases. homonyms, antonyms, affixes
responses to texts. Recognises some synonyms, and root words to understand
Explores words that have the homonyms, antonyms, prefixes, unfamiliar words.
same meaning and words that suffixes and root words.
have the same sound but a
different meaning.

7. Purpose, Enjoys reading a range of Enjoys reading a wide range of Begins to read texts for specific Reads texts for specific purposes
stories, rhymes, poems and fictional and non-fictional texts purposes, identifying some and justifies preferences
genre and voice non-fictional texts and begins and describing differences. differences between genres and and opinions.
to distinguish between a story begins to justify preferences
and a poem or rhyme. Between stories, poems and opinions. Uses lists and diagrams in simple
and non-fictional texts, and non-fictional texts to gather
uses language playfully and Begins to use a table of contents specific information.
imaginatively in response to in simple non-fictional texts to
texts read. gather information.

8. Response and Expresses thoughts, feelings Begins to identify, with support Expresses personal opinions Explains their understanding and
and opinions in relation to and direction, the author’s about texts and about the ideas interpretation of a text, justifying
authors intent a text and gives reasons intent and discusses the presented in texts. their responses logically, referring
for their opinions based on point of view being presented to evidence in the text and
the information provided in a text. Identifies the author’s point of discussing the author’s intent and
in the text. view presented in a text. Uses point of view.
Begins to use evidence from evidence from the text to support
the text to support their views. their views.

9. Listens to stories, poems Uses language from texts Uses language from text to retell Summarises key points from
and informational texts and to retell main points along main events adding key details. a range of genres determining
Comprehension retells main points with some with characters and setting their importance and omitting
Exploring and Using

sequencing. in sequence and adds key Generates and responds to any unnecessary information
details from the texts. questions on text in a range of and sequences main points while
Modifies predictions based on genres◊, clarifies their responses reflecting on and making sense of
new information and draws Shows knowledge of the and provides justifications information and adding detail.
inferences while listening to structure of a range of drawing on prior knowledge.
stories or informational text. narrative and procedural text Responds to questions
genres and identifies the Uses some text features such disregarding unnecessary
Recounts orally key points central idea or theme of a text. as table of contents and sub- information, infers drawing on
of information in expository headings, to identify key points prior knowledge and information
text with others, reads and Takes part in class discussion of information in text and adds and cites specific textual evidence
discusses stories, poems, while responding to narrative supporting detail using an to clarify their responses and to
simple instructions, and and expository text, asks appropriate graphic organiser. support a particular viewpoint.
informational texts showing questions, discusses
understanding. predictions and inferences Discusses miscomprehension Uses text features such as
and clarifies their reasons. in a text. indexes to locate key facts and
Demonstrates the ability information.
to visualise the story while With help, uses simple graphic
listening to it, through their organisers to identify key Uses a range of comprehension
modified predictions and points in expository texts. strategies flexibly and confidently.
inferences during the story
and in their retelling of
the story.

10. Fluency and Shows a reasonable pace Tracks words in text read Maintains a reasonable pace Maintains a reasonable pace
reading repetitive language with their eyes. reads text at reading text with support from with decodable text using phonic
self-correction patterns and some familiar instructional and independent more complex repetitive language knowledge, sight vocabulary and
sight vocabulary. levels with good pace, phrasing, patterns, sight vocabulary, common letter patterns, and rarely
expression and understanding. common letter patterns and initial loses their place.
Reads text word by word sound cues.
tracking with finger or Recognises when a line or word
object and rereads familiar is lost and self-corrects using
or independent-level text syntactical cues.
supported by illustrations,
building fluency.

Self-corrects using
pictorial, sound, visual and
contextual cues.

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