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Important attributes of effective team

1. Effective teams have inter dependent members.

2. Effective teams help members be more efficient working together than alone.
3. Effective teams function so well that they create their own magnetism.
4. Effective teams do not always have the same team leader.
5. In Effective teams, members care form and nurture one another.
6. Effective teams have members who cheer for and bolster the leader and vice-
7. Effective teams have a high level of trust among one another.

Team Development

It is well understood that all teams progress through stages of development.

These stages cause the dynamics within the team to change, the relationships
among team members to shift, effective leader behaviours to be modify.

The research shows that team tend to develop through four separate sequential
stages. Their

1. Forming
2. Norming
3. Storming
4. Performing

The forming stage-The team is faced with the need to be become acquainted with its
members, its purpose and its boundary. Relationship must be formed and trust
established. Clarity of direction is needed from team leaders.

The Norming Stage - The team is faced with creating cohesion and unit, differentiating
roles, identifying expectation for members, and enhancing commitment. Providing
supporting feedback and fostering committement to a vision are needed from team

The Stormig Stage- The team is faced with disagreements counter dependence and
need to manage conflict. Challenges include violence of team norms and expectations
and overcoming groupthink. Focusing on process improvement recognizing team
achievement, and fostering win/win relationships are needed from team leaders.

The Performing Stage- The team is faced with need for continiuos improvement, in
obetion, speed and capitalizing on core competence. Sponsoring team members’ new
ideas, orchestrating their implements, and fostering extra ordinary performance are
needed from team leaders.

Ways to build team leader credibility

Team leaders build credibility with their members by

1. Demonstrating integrity, representing authenticity and displaying congruence

2. Being clear and consistent about what they want to achieve
3. Creating positive energy by being optimistic and complementary
4. Building a base of agreement among team members before moving on, with a
focus on task accomplishment.
5. Managing agreement and disagreement among team members by using one
sided and two sided arguments appropriately – one sided situation when all team
members agreed, two sided when consensious is not pre existing.
6. Encouraging and coaching team members to help them improve.
7. Sharing information about the team itself, providing perspective from external
sources and encouraging participation.

Task facilitating roles

1. Direction giving
For ex “this is the way we were instructed to approach our task” .” everyone write
down your ideas then share them”.
2. Information Siking
For ex “What do you mean that?”
“Does any one else have more information about this?”
3. Information giving
For ex- “Here are some relevant data”
I want to share some information that may be helpful
4. Elaborating
For Ex-‘Building on your idea, here is an additional alternatives”
“An example of what you just said is………”
5. Urging
For Ex- “We have only ten minutes left, so we need to move more quickly”
“we can’t quit now we are close to finalize our proposal”
6. Monitoring
For Ex”You maintain accountability for the first recommendations, and I will
handle the second”.
7. Process analyzing
For Ex-“It seems as if the energy level in the team is beginning to decline”
“I have notice that the females are participating less than the males in our team”
8. Reality Testing Role
Ex- “Let us see if this is really practical ”.
“Do you think this is workable given our resources?”.
9. Enforcing role
Ex-“We are beginning wander in our comments, let us stay on task”
“since we agree not to interrupt I suggest we stick to our packed ”
10. Summerrizing
Ex-“It seems to that these are the conclusions we have reached”.
“in summary you have made three point”

Relationship Building


Ex-“Your ideas is terific”

“I relay appreciate your honesty and openness it is refressing”


Ex-“I here the two of your saying essentially the same thing ”.

“the disagreement being expressed don’t seems to be all that crusial”.

Tension Relieving

Ex-“Hey folks, let us lightien”

“Thius remind me of the new confenerce table we but its sleep”


Ex-“How does your comment address to the topic we are discussing?”

“You are not taking as much responsibility as the other team members”


Ex-“Your insights are terrific ”

“This team is the most enjoyable group , I have been in for a long time”


Ex-“How can I help you?”

“Let me give you some assistance with that”.

Consensus building

Ex-“It since like we are all saying pretty much the same thing ”

“Can you all at least agree on ”

1. “Even if we disagree with the race?”


Ex-“I know how you fill”

“This must be a sensitive topic for you given your personal expense”

Rules for effective feedback

Effective feedback In effective feedback

Focus on behavior Focus on the person
Focus on observation Focus on inference
Focus on description Focus on evaluation
Focus on specific situation or incident Focus on abstract or general situation
Focus on sharing ideas and information Focus on given advice
Focus on the hear-and-now Focus on the past
Give feedback i.e. valuable to the Give feedback that provides an
receiver emotional release.
Give feedback at an appropriate time Give feedback when it is convenient you
and place

Management Skills for high performing teams

Leading teams

 Develop credibility
 Atticulate a vision

Team Membership

 Play task facilitation role

 Play relationship –building role
 Provide feedback

Team Development

 Diagnose stage development

 Foster team development and high performance
High Performing teams

 Desired out comes

 Shared purpose
 Accountability
 Blurred distinction
 Coordinated roles
 Efficiency and participation
 High quality
 Creative continuous improvement
 Credibility and trust
 Core competence

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