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Câu 1. Hung is talking to Lam at recess.- Hung: "Would you like to have dinner with me?" - Lam: “________”
A. Yes, so do I B. Don't mention it C. Yes, it is D. Yes, I'd love to
Câu 2. Laura and Michael are talking about their school rules.- Laura: "I think that all students must wear uniforms at
school." - Michael: "________. Wearing uniforms helps students feel equal in many ways."
A. I can't agree with you B. I don't think so C. There is no doubt about it D. I disagree with you
Câu 3. She dropped a________ on their first date by telling him that she didn't like pets. Unfortunately, he's always
been a real sucker for pets. A. block B. tile C. stone D. brick
Câu 4. She said that she had talked to me but I didn't remember______ her before.
A. not seeing B. seeing C. see D. to see
Câu 5. His parents don't approve of what he does,______? A. don't they B. do they C. doesn't he D. does he
Câu 6. With lack of fresh water and poor sanitation, people________ in this small area face a threat of developing
infectious diseases. A. to live B. is living C. lived D. living
Câu 7. My cousin and I_______ on the computer when there was a power-cut.
A. am playing B. played C. were playing D. had played
Câu 8. The injured________ to the hospital in an ambulance right after the accident.
A. were rushed B. was rushing C. were rushing D. was rushed
Câu 9. It is imperative that all the assignments________ before the students break up.
A. be handed in B. were handed in C. hand in D. will hand in
Câu 10. Rapid ________ happened during the period of industrialization in Europe and North America in the 19th and
early 20th centuries.A. urbanize B. urbanized C. urbanizing D. urbanization
Câu 11. Yesterday, John told me that he wishes he_______ harder in high school because then university might not be
so difficult for him. A. studied B. studies C. had studied D. would study
Câu 12. Pete has________ strange hobbies like collecting bottle caps and inventing secret codes.
A. gone on B. gone with C. taken up D. taken off
Câu 13. I bought________ new shirt yesterday. It was very nice.A. an B. the C. a D. X (no article)
Câu 14. I think spring is_______ season of the year.
A. very beautiful B. the most beautiful C. more beautiful D. beautiful
Câu 15. Our group________ a new method to carry out the survey into teenagers' attitudes towards online learning.
A. engaged B. employed C. occupied D. recruited
Câu 16. Police said the thieves were obviously well acquainted________ the alarm system at the department store.
A. in B. of C. to D. with
Câu 17. It's a popular restaurant, and you'll have to_________ a table in advance.
A. reserve B. conserve C. preserve D. maintain
Câu 18. A. stuff B. soft C. sugar D. song
Câu 19. A. rake B. stage C. grade D. sand
Câu 20. A. attract B. destroy C. succeed D. strengthen
Câu 21. A. influence B. penalize C. encourage D. demonstrate
Câu 22. He is writing a letter of acceptance to the employer with the hope to get his favorite position in the company.
A. refusal B. agreement C. confirmation D. admission OPPOSITE
Câu 23. They are always optimistic although they don't have a penny to their name.
A. are very poor B. are very rich C. are very mean D. are very healthy
Câu 24. The professor provided adequate resources for the research project to ensure that students have necessary
materials. CLOSEST A. sufficient B. limited C. lack D. abundant
Câu 25. The conservation efforts aim to protect vulnerable species from extinction.
A. endangered B. harmful C. abundant D. dangerous
Câu 26. A beaver uses the strong front teeth to cut down trees and peel off its bark.
Câu 27. I wish I had known about this medicine sooner. It is so efficient that I only needed to take one spoonful to get
rid of my stomachache.
Câu 28. A paragraph is a portion of a text consists of one or more sentences related to the same idea.
Câu 29. She is snowed under with work. She cannot go out with her friends at weekend.
A. She wishes she were snowed under with work, she could go out with her friends at weekend.
B. Provided that she is snowed under with work, she cannot go out with her friends at weekend.
C. If she weren't snowed under with work, she could go out with her friends at weekend.
D. If she were snowed under with work, she couldn't go out with her friends at weekend.
Câu 30. She went to live in France. She realized how much she loved England.
A. Not until she had realized how much she loved England did she go to live in France.
B. Were she to go to live in France, she would realize how much she loved England.
C. Had she gone to live in France, she would have realized how much she loved England.
D. Only when she went to live in France, did she realize how much she loved England.
Câu 31. It is compulsory for every student in my class to finish their homework before class.
A. Every student in my class needn't finish their homework before class. B. Every student in my class could finish
their homework before class. C. Every student in my class must finish their homework before class.
D. Every student in my class can't finish their homework before class.
Câu 32. It is over twenty years since I last got in touch with them.
A. I haven't gotten in touch with them for over 20 years. B. I can't help keeping getting in touch with them for over 20
C. I used to get in touch with them for over 20 years. D. I have been getting in touch with them for over 20 years.
Câu 33. "We will not leave until we see the manager." said the customers.
A. The customers promised to leave before they saw the manager. B. The customers decided to leave because they
didn't see the manager. C. The customers agreed to leave before they saw the manager.
D. The customers refused to leave until they saw the manager.
The Cold War, a tense global conflict between the U.S and the Soviet Union, affected today's world in many major
ways. And one of its results was The Space Race: a historical period during which both countries constantly
demonstrated new technologies to prove that they are better at space exploration.
The beginning of the Space Race was marked with the launch of the Soviet satellite Sputnik 1 in 1957. The public in
the U.S was shocked when they saw that the Soviet Union, whose economy was still recovering after World War II,
achieved this milestone first, especially when the U.S. government had already formed a plan to launch its own
artificial satellite, something they did not manage to do until 1958 with the Explorer 1. That same year, NASA was
officially founded and publicly announced the creation of a program to send human passengers into space.
In the first half of the space race, the Soviet Union was considered to be ahead. Its engineers accomplished many firsts,
including the first probe to reach the moon, Luna 2. In April 1961, the Soviets obtained another spectacular victory
with the successful flight of Yuri Gagarin, the first person to fly in space. Upon his safe return to Earth, Gagarin
was hailed as an international hero.
Then, in 1969, the Space Race reached its peak with the Apollo 11 mission, in which Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin
landed on the moon and walked on its surface. Even though the race did not officially reach its conclusion after this
historic event, it was widely believed to have been won by the U.S at this point. Eventually, as the Cold War was
slowly coming to an end, both sides agreed to stop the Race and cooperate in space, and this led to the construction of
the International Space Station (ISS), which officially began in 1998. (Adapted from
Câu 34. What is the passage mainly about?
A. How the Cold War affected the Space Race B. The beginning of the Space Race
C. Why the United States won the Space Race D. A brief history of the Space Race
Câu 35. According to paragraph 2, why was the public in the U.S surprised when Sputnik 1 was launched?
A. Because after World War II, the Soviet Union's economy was still recovering.
B. Because the U.S had already built and was preparing to launch its own satellite.
C. Because the Sputnik 1 launch happened one year before the Explorer 1 launch.
D. Because the Soviet government had not announced any plans before the launch.
Câu 36. The phrase "hailed" in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to_______.
A. confirmed B. celebrated C. assisted D. recommended
Câu 37. The word "its" in paragraph 4 refers to_______. A. conclusion. B. event C. point D. race
Câu 38. Which of the following is NOT TRUE, according to the passage?
A. After the Apollo 11 mission, many believed that the U.S won the Space Race.
B. At the end of the Space Race in 1998, the ISS was fully constructed.
C. In 1958, NASA decided to start a space travel program for human passengers.
D. Yuri Gagarin became the first person in history to travel into space.
A new chatbot has passed one million users in less than a week, the project behind it says. ChatGPT was publicly
released on Wednesday by OpenAl, an artificial intelligence research firm whose founders included Elon Musk.
ChatGPT is the latest in a series of Als which the firm refers to as GPTS, an acronym which (39)________ for
Generative Pre-Trained Transformer. To develop the system, an early version was fine-tuned through conversations
with human trainers. The system also learned from access to Twitter data according to a tweet from Elon Musk,
(40)_________ is no longer part of OpenAl's board. The Twitter boss wrote that he had paused access "for now". The
results have impressed (41)________ people who have tried out the chatbot. OpenAl chief executive Sam Altman
revealed the level of interest in the artificial conversationalist in a tweet. The project says the chat format allows the Al
to answer "follow-up questions, admit its mistakes, challenge incorrect premises and reject inappropriate requests".
A journalist for technology news site Mashable who tried out ChatGPT reported it is hard to provoke the model into
saying offensive things. (42)________, OpenAl warns that "ChatGPT sometimes writes plausible-sounding but
incorrect or nonsensical answers". Briefly questioned by the BBC for this article, ChatGPT revealed itself to be a
cautious interviewee (43)________ of expressing itself clearly and accurately in English.
Câu 39. A. takes B. cares C. looks D. stands
Câu 40. A. whose B. who C. which D. where
Câu 41. A. each B. little C. much D. many
Câu 42. A. So B. As a result C. Therefore D. However
Câu 43. A. capable B. able C. afraid D. fond
Think of an endangered species. What comes to mind?.The giant panda and the blue whale? And what do these
creatures all have in common? They're known as 'charismatic megafauna', in other words, large species of animals
which appeal to a lot of people. However, less well-known or 'exciting' creatures are far more likely to actually
become extinct because they don't get enough attention from researchers.
The Ugly Animal Preservation Society's mascot is the blob fish, voted the world's ugliest animal. With its tiny eyes,
big mouth and slimy pink body, it's far from attractive. This marine creature lives deep in the ocean, where the
pressure is very high. As a result, it has tiny fins and no skeleton, which keeps it from being crushed by the water
pressure. Unfortunately, when fishing boats sweep the ocean floor, looking for other fish and crustaceans, these fish
can get swept into the nets accidentally, which is causing their numbers to drop.
The California condor is another accidental victim of human activity. These huge birds with bald heads and big beaks
weigh up to fourteen kilos, have a wingspan of up to 2 metres and can live as long as 60 years. They play an important
role in the ecosystem by feeding on dead animals, thus preventing the spread of disease. Reintroduced into the wild
after becoming extinct, other than in captivity, they are now under threat once more because of chemical pesticides
introduced into the food chain and lead poisoning from the ammunition used to kill the animals they feed on.
Other creatures become endangered precisely because people find them ugly. Take the aye aye for example. Found
only on the island of Madagascar, the aye aye is the world's largest nocturnal primate. During the day they sleep in
nests in the trees, coming out to hunt at night. They are solitary creatures, furry, but strange looking, with big eyes,
large ears and long, thin, pointed fingers. The middle finger is particularly thin and they use it to gently knock on trees.
Then they reach into the tree and pull out any insects that respond to the knocking.
Unfortunately, the way they look means that they are traditionally considered an omen of bad luck. Some people even
believe that if they point that thin middle finger at someone, they will die. As a result, they are often killed, even
though, like many endangered species, they are now protected by law.
Câu 44. Which best serves as the title for the passage?
A. They Need Saving Too! B. Are Endangered Species Getting Enough Attention?
C. 'Ugly Animals': Why Do They Become Extinct? D. Conservation Programmes for Unattractive Species
Câu 45. The phrase appeal to in paragraph 1 mostly means_______.
A. request B. damage C. interest D. replace
Câu 46. According to paragraph 1, what features do the giant panda and the blue whale share?
A. They don't get attention from researchers. B. They aren't being saved from extinction.
C. They have attractive appearances. D. They aren't popular in the animal world.
Câu 47. The word they in paragraph 3 refers to_______.
A. chemical pesticides B. the California condors C. kilos D. dead animals
Câu 48. The word omen in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to_______.A. origin B. behaviour C. speed D. sign
Câu 49. Which of the following is true, according to the passage?
A. The California condor is under threat due to chemical pollution. B. The water pressure poses a threat to the
survival of the blob fish. C. The aye aye has the habit of hunting just after the sunrise.
D. The life expectancy of the California condor is rather low.
Câu 50. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
A. The complete disappearance of the California condor can affect the food chain.
B. The blob fish is vulnerable to humans due to their natural defence mechanism.
C. The number of the aye aye is dropping significantly because of their middle finger.
D. The spread of disease could be encouraged by the extinction of the California condor.

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