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Maritime Cyber Security – Securing the Digital Seaways

Article in Engineering & Technology Reference · January 2014

DOI: 10.1049/etr.2014.0009


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1 author:

Hugh Boyes
The University of Warwick


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ISSN 2041-5923

Maritime Cyber Security – Securing the Digital

H.A. Boyes
The Institution of Engineering and Technology, Stevenage, UK

Abstract: Maritime transport is critical to the global economy. In a competitive environment, the industry is
constantly seeking economies of scale and efficiencies. This has led to the introduction of larger vessels and
an increasing use of IT to achieve greater automation, both in ports and at sea. The technologies employed
are vulnerable to the same cyber-security threats as those in other sectors affecting commercial, production
and government systems. This paper reviews the threats in the maritime environment and examines the need
for increased awareness and protection of what are in effect maritime industrial control systems.

Keywords: maritime systems, port systems, cyber–physical systems, navigation systems, cyber-security

1 Introduction This paper examines the IT systems currently used in

marine transportation, both shipboard and in ports and
Society is heavily dependent on reliable and secure seaborne cargo terminals. It examines some of the potential
delivery of goods and raw materials. Maritime transport is consequences of cyber-security incidents which can include
responsible for handling over 80% by volume of global loss of life, damage to or destruction of vessels and their
trade and accounts for over 70% of its value [1]. The cargo, economic or environmental damage and severe
worldwide shipping fleet continues to expand, in the 4 disruptions to society’s supply chains. The paper considers
years to January 2012, there was an increase of over 37% in the need for improvements in maritime cyber-security and
the deadweight tonnage [2]. Mirroring this growth in trade the steps that might be taken to reduce the cyber-security
and shipping capacity, world container port throughput risks.
increased by an estimated 12.6% in 2010 and further
double digit growth was forecast for 2011 and 2012 [3].
There is also extensive use of maritime transport by both 2 How is IT used in Maritime
ferry and cruise industries.
From an IT perspective, maritime transport can be
Alongside this expansion in trade, ship owners and
considered to involve two connected but distinct domains.
operators have taken advantage of technology advances to
The shore-based technologies associated with the operation
derived benefit from operational economies of scale, for
of ports and the seaborne elements related to the operation
example, through construction of increasingly large ships
of the ships.
[3]. These larger ships require efficiencies both in operation
at sea and management of port services. This has
encouraged greater use of automation and information
technology (IT), both on ship and ashore. A study by
2.1 Use of IT in ports
ENISA found low levels of cyber-security awareness in the To both efficiently handle the increasing volume of
maritime sector and that current maritime regulations and passengers and trade, and to provide appropriate border
policies primarily focus on the physical aspects of security security, ports make extensive use of IT. The systems used
and safety [4]. in a port may include [5]:

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† Security systems – For example, access control through † Navigation systems, these can include electronic charts
the use of security or identity card systems to control entry (ECDIS), global positioning systems (GPS), positioning
to sensitive or restricted areas through doors or personnel systems [7], radar, and automatic identification system (AIS).
gates. Use of CCTV for monitoring perimeters and the
access to sensitive areas. Use of automatic number plate † Communications systems including radio (terrestrial and
recognition (ANPR) to manage access to the site by cars satellite), and data communications (broadband, Internet
and road haulage vehicles. The access control systems may access, e-mail).
also be used by customs and border security personnel
where the port is handling passenger traffic, e.g. for cruise † An integrated bridge, with computer based consoles and
liners. all systems interconnected [8].

† Communications systems – These can range from mobile † Control systems [9], to manage and operate a wide range
radio, email and websites to specialist cargo-related messages of electro-mechanical systems, for example, the main engine,
to support cargo tracking and customs clearance. Some generators, ballast tanks, life support, fuel & oil pumps, water
communications may use fixed cable-based networks, but tight doors, fire alarm & control, cargo hold fans and
increasingly wireless networking technology is used to allow environmental control.
greater flexibility.
As illustrated by this range of systems, many ships have
† Business systems, including – Terminal Operation become complex computer-controlled platforms, where the
System (TOS), Container Terminal Management System operators have limited physical control over critical systems.
(CTMS) and traditional back office systems such as payroll The use of digital communications to link seaborne systems
and human resource systems. to shore-based applications means that the vessels are also
part of a hyper-connected world which is dominated by the
† Terminal automation systems, including scheduling Internet.
software covering vessels, yard equipment and maintenance.
These systems can be used to optimise the use of berths,
cranes and yards to ensure efficient and timely turnaround
2.3 Technology convergence and
of vessels. cyber–physical systems
The use of electronics for navigation, communications and
† Ports also make extensive use of control systems for cranes, control is not new. Ship borne radar was developed
yard equipment, remote monitoring of equipment, building following the Second World War, and maritime radio was
management and to control gates and access to buildings. in use prior to that. Electrical and electronic control
Some ports are now using driverless cranes and other systems are both well-established technologies and the
vehicles to enable automated handling of containers. systems were often designed or customised for specific
applications and vessels. However, there has been a move
These port systems are increasingly used in an integrated to use commercially available technologies in
fashion. For example, to enable automated container communications and control systems rather than
terminal entry, where an ANPR system reads the vehicle undertaking bespoke developments. This has the benefit of
number plate and optical character recognition (OCR) is reducing development times and cost, but the result is that
used to read the container number. The system checks the the systems are based on similar technologies and operating
vehicle and container identities against pre-booked delivery systems to those found in our personal and office IT systems.
schedules and allows access to the site to approved vehicles
and containers. Imaging systems may also be used to detect The maritime systems described in the preceding sections
container damage prior to its entry to the terminal. If any are effectively cyber – physical systems. They are computer-
damage is detected the system can alert terminal staff to based (cyber) systems which embed a combination of
investigate prior to further handling of the container. sensors, processors and actuators in the real world to
manage or control specific outcomes. Whilst there are
many similarities between conventional data processing and
2.2 Use of IT on ships cyber – physical systems, there are also some significant
Information technology is extensively used on ships. For differences. Two critical differences are:
example in the cruise industry, vessels in the Carnival
Cruise Line OASIS class are equipped with 900+ wireless † cyber – physical systems are control systems working in
access points, 30 000+ IP ports and 1200 wireless phones real-time to influence physical outcomes in the real world; and
linked by 600 000 m of fibre cable and 44 network
switching locations [6]. † there can be serious physical consequences arising from
failure or malfunction of a cyber – physical system,
More generally there is extensive use of IT-based seaborne potentially including loss of life, damage to property,
systems to support vessel automation, including [5]: pollution and environmental harm.

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Given the increasing prevalence of cyber – physical systems consequences could be economically damaging and may
and the potential consequence of their failure, it is important even lead to loss of the vessel.
that they are trustworthy [10], i.e. operate in a reliable, safe
and secure manner. It is not just the control systems that are vulnerable,
reliance on GPS for navigation and position keeping is also
a vulnerability [15]. Relatively weak signals for GPS
3 Why is cyber security an issue? satellites are susceptible to jamming and there are readily
3.1 What do we mean by cyber security? available devices on sale which can interfere with the signal.
It is reported that the spoofing of GPS signals has also
The impression given by some media coverage of cyber been successfully demonstrated [16]. Spoofing is a
security is that it primarily affects the Internet. It is technique which involves creating false signals, in this case
important to recognise that cyber security affects more than false civil GPS signals. It allowed a third party to gain
the IP-based networks. An internationally agreed definition control of a vessel’s GPS receivers and, in this case, to do
[11] which recognises this broader scope of cyber security is so without it being apparent to the ship’s navigator.
‘the collection of tools, policies, security concepts, security
safeguards, guidelines, risk management approaches, actions, The use of commercially available WiFi technology on
training, best practices, assurance and technologies that can be ships can offer another means of gaining control or
used to protect the cyber environment and organisation and disabling the controls systems. This is particularly an issue
user’s assets ’. where the WiFi is poorly protected and provides
connectivity to critical control networks and systems.
This definition refers to the ‘cyber environment’ (also
known as cyberspace), which effectively comprises the 3.3 Cyber security & trustworthiness in
interconnected networks of electronic, computer-based and
wireless systems. The definition also refers to ‘organisation
maritime systems
and user’s assets’, which effectively includes all connected Information security, the forerunner to cyber security, is often
computing devices, personnel, infrastructure, applications, characterised by the CIA triad, which represents the three
services, telecommunication systems, and the totality of core principles [17]:
transmitted, processed and/or stored data and information
in the cyber environment. † Confidentiality – this encompasses privacy, control and
authorisation of access to data or information, and any
It is important to recognise that cyber security ability to process, modify or delete data or information;
encompasses not only the technology, but people and
process aspects. The behaviour of individual system users, † Integrity – this includes the trustworthiness of the data or
implementation of poor processes, and failure to follow information storage, the authenticity of data and results, and
standard operating procedures can all weaken a system and the safe operation of electronic systems; and
create cyber-security vulnerabilities.
† Availability – the availability of the systems and associated
business or operational functions when needed.
3.2 Does cyber-security matter in marine
transport? When considering the cyber security of maritime cyber –
A report by ENISA indicates that cyber-security awareness in physical systems, the three principles do not fully address
the maritime sector is currently low to non-existent [4]. the critical characteristics of a maritime system. Building on
Maritime operators have been fortunate that to date there the work by NIST in the United States [18] and the
have been few if any attacks directed towards shipboard Trustworthy Software Initiative (TSI) [19] in the United
systems [12]. The same is not true of port systems where Kingdom, it may be more appropriate think in terms of
attacks are alleged to have occurred allowing theft of system trustworthiness as illustrated in Figure 1 [10].
valuable contents from shipping containers.

In modern vessels the critical systems are typically digital

systems using industrial control systems technology, often
with network connectivity allowing real-time sharing of
information with other shipboard and shore-based systems.
Industrial control systems are clearly targets for cyber-
attacks as illustrated by two pieces of malware – Stuxnet
[13] and Duqu [14]. The combination of technology and
connectivity exposes maritime control systems to this type
of attack. If a large cargo vessel were to be disabled at sea
due to a malware attack disabling key ship systems, the Figure 1 Characteristics of a trustworthy system [10]

58 Resilience, Security and Risk in Transport, 2013, pp. 56– 63

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If a cyber – physical system is trustworthy it should be checking information to validate system operation. For
predictable in response to faults, errors, and failures and example, the grounding on 10 June 1995 of a Panamanian
also be more secure from threats of attack. Assessing passenger ship ‘Royal Majesty’ off Nantucket Island,
trustworthiness of a system, will involve the design and Massachusetts. The accident investigation [24] by the US
performance of both cyber and physical elements being NTSB determined that the probable causes of the
taken into account. grounding were the watch officers’ overreliance on the
automated features of the integrated bridge system, failure
to ensure that its officers were adequately trained in the
4 Risk Management and automated features of the integrated bridge system, and in
Maritime IT Systems the implications of this automation for bridge resource
In the maritime transport sector there is considerable management. The NTSB also identified deficiencies in the
interaction between systems. On ships this manifests itself as design and implementation of the integrated bridge system
integrated bridges [20], on shore it is the complex terminal and in the procedures for its operation. The root causes of
management systems used to marshal the handling of goods this accident were a fault with the GPS antenna cable
and where applicable passengers. These are complex leading to loss of signal and an integration issue between
systems-of-systems and often involving integration of cyber– the GPS and the autopilot.
physical systems with conventional IT systems.
4.3 Understanding impact of
4.1 Risk Management of complex dependencies
systems The maritime transport industry is part of a global supply
Across a number of engineering sectors, a review of chain, and through use of information and communications
systematic failures indicates they occur due to fragility in technologies its systems exist in a hyper-connected world
complex systems [21]. The review suggests that complex [25]. This connectivity delivers a diverse range of functions,
systems are fragile due to their scale, non-linearity, and addition of new interconnections provides additional
interconnectedness and interactions with humans and the functionality. However, in these complex systems we may
environment. Cumulative effects of multiple abnormalities also get functions interacting to create new functions. To
may propagate in a variety of ways, resulting in systemic understand the consequences of failure or cyber-attack we
failure. The failure to identify all serious potential hazards need to understand this network of functions and
is a common failing in disasters involving complex systems. relationships. This makes it easier to understand multi-
hazard risk and their impact on system resilience [26].
In conventional risk management methodologies it is often
difficult to identify all serious potential hazards. A novel As the maritime systems are not working in isolation, the
approach called Anticipatory Failure Determination (AFD) interdependency of the systems on critical infrastructure
Prediction has been proposed [21]. This approach employs needs to be understood. A study [27] has led to the
a method which identifies potential failures not by asking
what might go wrong, but can we make it go wrong and
how would we prevent that failure. The aim is to encourage
generation of scenarios from combinations of single failures
that might have greater impact than individual failures.

4.2 Human factors in complex systems

User behaviour may also severely affect even the best designed
systems. Whether through negligence, error, laziness or poor
training, systems operators can compromise systems by
failing to attend to alarms, failing to investigate unusual
behaviour or by simply taking unauthorised short cuts in
their day-to-day operations. For example in the 1997 MS
Herald of Free Enterprise accident [22], a combination of
design, process and user error (a member of the crew being
asleep rather than at his duty station) led to the sinking of
a ferry with loss of 193 lives. There a numerous other
examples of systems failures where human factors are a
contributory element [23].

There is also a tendency to heavily rely on automated

systems, ignoring minor irregularities and often not cross- Figure 2 Dimensions describing interdependencies [27]

Resilience, Security and Risk in Transport, 2013, pp. 56– 63 59

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identification of six dependency dimensions as shown in † Malicious insider: These are connected to the vessel or the
Figure 2. It also proposed a hierarchy of elements: part, port and may be employees of the owner, operator or port,
unit, subsystem, system, infrastructure and interdependent contractors, vessel crews, or third parties with authorised
infrastructure. For example a vessel navigation system is access to the systems. A malicious insider will use their
dependent on position data (e.g. from GPS), geographic authorised or privileged access for a purpose that it was not
data (e.g. charts), the proposed course, and interfaces to intended.
vessel propulsion and steering systems. In the case of ‘Royal
Majesty’ there was a failure of part (the antenna cable) and † Non-malicious insider: Unlike the malicious insider, these
a systems failure of systems interfaces (the GPS to autopilot individuals cause an incident of security breach through error,
interface). The antenna cable had been unprotected and omission, ignorance or negligence.
was subject to mechanical damage, whilst the interface
issue related to an incompatibility between the systems in † Nature: This can be any non-human factor which disrupts
the event of a loss of GPS signal. Both failures were critical or impairs the operation of the maritime IT systems, thus
dependencies and were single points of failure. affecting the correct operation of a vessel or port.

When examining dependencies it is worth considering the An assessment of the cyber-security risks to maritime
findings from a review of major mishaps and accidents [28]. transport systems needs to consider the impact of threats
This revealed that incidents have several characteristics in from the above four groups.
common, including:

† Severe production pressures/tight schedule and

5.2 Threats to shore-based IT
unchecked risk build-up; The move to electronic documents such as waybills, letters of
credit, customs clearance, etc., coupled with the automation
† Pressing need for safety, but eroding safety margins, of cargo terminals offer opportunities for disruption by:
obscured by pressure to produce;
† Hacking or use of malware to obtain commercially
† Over confidence, based on past success, replacing due sensitive information about cargo, vessels and their
diligence; destinations. This may allow the perpetrator to obtain
commercial advantage.
† Failure to revisit and revise initial assessments or
reinterpret facts in light of new evidence; † Access to cargo information to allow for theft the port or
damage to material in transit.
† Breakdown of communications at organisational
boundaries. † Unauthorised access to security information and systems
to enable criminal activities, including smuggling and fraud.
In 2007, an accident involving the ANNABELLA sailing in
the Baltic Sea illustrates many of these common characteristics. Malicious interference with control and automation
In bad weather, a stack of containers collapsed causing damage systems could severely disrupt efficient operation of a port,
to some containers of Butylene gas. The investigation report cause reputational and/or physical damage. This could
[29] identifies issues with the intensity and speed of include attacks on critical infrastructure such as electricity
operations, communications breakdowns regarding the substations or steam plants. If the embedded program logic
loading plan, and problems with the load planning software in heavy cranes was interfered with this may lead to loss of
regarding the stacking of 30-ft containers. In this incident cargo, hull damage, or in extreme cases, serious injury or
an explosion was avoided, but one could easily have loss of life of port or ship personnel [12].
occurred, resulting in loss of life and/or the vessel.
5.3 Threats to shipboard IT
5 Nature of the Cyber-Security The greatest risk to shipboard systems is that malicious
Threats instructions or software could be used to disable or damage
critical ship systems, for example, navigation, propulsion,
5.1 Threat agents emergency communications, life support and ballast
Cyber-security threats potentially emanate from one of four systems. This could lead to a vessel being unable to proceed
groups: under its own power and jeopardise its safety. At present
piracy typically involves an armed takeover of vessels;
† Malicious outsider: This is a person unconnected with the however in future, with suitable expertise, vessels could be
vessel owner/operator or the port. There are a diverse range disabled through unplanned systems shutdown, or
of malicious outsiders including hackers, cyber criminals, interference with the navigation systems so the ship
activists, terrorists and state-supported attackers. rendezvous with the pirates.

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For liners there are also cyber-security risks associated with perspectives, it is undesirable from a security perspective.
the extensive use of IT by the passengers. These ‘floating Leaving known vulnerabilities unpatched can significantly
towns’ could be targets for typical consumer-oriented increase the risk of cyber-attacks.
malware aimed at stealing banking and personal information.
The global nature of the maritime transport industry can
introduce complexities into the maintenance and operation
6 Discussion of maritime systems. For example, in the data breach survey
The three incidents highlighted in this paper are accidents [30] there were some significant differences in the
that have been investigated by the relevant maritime distribution of root causes by country. Breaches due to
authority. The incidents involving the ‘Royal Majesty’ and system glitches were significantly higher in India (46%) than
the ANNABELLA, were caused by the failure of electronic in the UK (29%), the US (26%) and Germany (16%). In
processing systems – the GPS and the load planning comparison, malicious attacks were significantly higher in the
software respectively. They could therefore be regarded as US (41%), UK (34%) and Germany (48%), than in India
cyber-security incidents and in neither case were the (25%). While these survey results were not for industrial
systems trustworthy. control systems, they suggest that cyber-security threats will
vary from country to country. This has implications for the
With increasing connectivity of systems and operators’ management of system security given the mobility of vessels.
reliance on information displayed on their consoles there is
a need to improve the trustworthiness of systems. This will A common theme across virtually all engineering and
have benefits from both safety and security perspectives. In technology businesses is the skills gap. The recent
making improvements it is essential that system integration roundtable held in London [31] suggests that the maritime
aspects are properly addressed. sector is suffering in the same way as organisations involved
in the cyber security.
The failure of the GPS system on the ‘Royal Majesty’ could
have been spotted if an incompatibility in the interface
between the GPS and autopilot system had been 7 Conclusions and
understood. When the GPS unit lost the satellite signal a
bit (error flag) was set to indicate loss of signal. The
autopilot system assumed that in the event of signal loss Increasing sophistication and integration of maritime IT
the GPS receiver would stop sending data and also ignored systems and their connectivity to the global
the presence of the error flag set in the GPS unit output. communications systems means that the maritime domain
is now part of cyberspace. This exposes the systems to
It is important to recognise that cyber security is not just significant levels of cyber-security threat. The ENISA
about the prevention of malicious actions. A recent survey report indicates a lack of awareness of these threats and a
on data breaches [30] found that 37% were attributable to need for improvements in the cyber security of maritime
malicious or criminal acts. The remainder were split systems.
between system glitches (29%) and human factors (35%).
Human factors were defined as errors or negligence by the To address the lack of awareness, the professional
user/operator and system glitches included both IT and engineering organisations should develop an awareness
business process failures. programme in collaboration with the maritime industry.
The aim should be to provide material suitable for use at
Onshore there are rapid technological innovations owner, officer and crew levels. Cyber-security awareness
affecting commercial IT environments. These include should also be built into training programmes for all
innovations such as bring-your-own-device (BYOD), mariners and shore-based personnel to reduce the risks
transfer of business applications into the ‘cloud’ and arising from ignorance or a lack of education.
delivered using software-as-a-service (SAAS) models, and
increasing use of mobile IT and wireless technologies. The issues related to systems engineering should be
Deployment of these technologies in the maritime domain addressed by ensuring cyber security, best practice from
will potentially increase the cyber-security risks and further other engineering sectors is tailored to make it applicable in
complicate the task of protection maritime transport assets. maritime situations. Steps should be taken to transfer
knowledge and skills to the maritime transport industry
To address the vulnerabilities in the industrial control from sectors that already have a greater experience of cyber-
systems that control many of the critical maritime security attacks and the need for protection of industrial
functions, there will need to be close collaboration between control systems.
the systems engineers, security and safety professionals. For
example with many control systems there may be little of To achieve these improvements will require collaboration
no patching of the operating systems. Whilst this may be between professional engineering organisations, maritime
desirable from the system engineering and safety operators, systems engineers, safety and security

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