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Dragon and Thunderbeast: Their Story

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: F/M
Fandom: Akatsuki no Yona | Yona of the Dawn
Relationships: Son Hak/Yona, Son Hak & Yona
Characters: Yona (Akatsuki no Yona), Son Hak
Additional Tags: Son Hak-centric, Background Son Hak/Yona, Pining Son Hak, Akatsuki
no Yona Manga Spoilers, Manga: Akatsuki no Yona | Yona of the Dawn,
Orgasm Edging, Penis In Vagina Sex, Sexual Content, First Time, First
Kiss, My First Fanfic, My First Work in This Fandom, My First Smut,
My First AO3 Post
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2024-06-21 Words: 3,130 Chapters: 1/1
Dragon and Thunderbeast: Their Story
by Dwan2227


Read and find out


Hello! Quick note from the author, the italics in this story represent the character's thoughts
dialogue is in quotes

R18 warning for sexual content

I also want you to know that this is my first time writing fanfiction. I don't consider myself a
part of the Akatsuki no Yona Fandom, a casual fan at the very least. This was intended for my
best friend, then she and others reccomended that I post this on AO3 so here we are. Whether
you praise it to the moon or bash it, know that this is a low effort fanfiction and that mistakes
are bound to happen.

See the end of the work for more notes

It's late, Yona thought, the purple shroud of night streaking across the sky.

Will I do it again tonight? She wonders, her gaze turning to the obsession of her nightly
escapades. “Ready to turn in for the night, Princess?” Hak asks, tucking away his Guandao
and turning to the Dragons and Yun.

Stay calm, Yona chants to herself,don't let it show. A princess shouldn't act like this, I have a
kingdom to reclaim. I shouldn't be thinking about that but....

Muscles ripple and flex,the blade glazed red, as crimson as her hair.

Hak's face, a beautiful and fierce expression whilst rending armor and flesh.

An enchanting symphony of power and carnage.

A dance only the Thunderbeast could choreograph.

Just tonight and it will be the last! I swear on Koka it will be the last! She thought, her blood
rushing to color her pale cheeks, a sight not unnoticed by a certain someone....

Dead silence. Patiently she listens, enduring Yun's light snores. Not like I could even sleep
anyways, she thought. Moments where she and Hak stood body to body, shoulder to shoulder.

You're always so close yet so far away from me, a forlorn expression tainting her youthful

THATS IT!! As silent as a shadow so as to not wake the snoring Yun, she determinedly
walked out of their shared tent, walking past the other tent, peeking within to check on the
sleeping inhabitants. Everyone's asleep....Good

Releasing an exhale like a crisis averted, she hurriedly ran off running as though the devil
himself knew of the debauched thoughts racing through her head.

Here... A little grove a bit away from their encampment...I can be myself. Sliding down the
tree trunk, her hand draws to the sash holding her skirt together.

A deep inhale, her hand slightly trembling from anticipation.

It's my sixth time doing it but even doing it now feels so... Back and forth, to and fro, fingers
glide across the folds of her womanhood.
Haaaaaak... The moment they met as children when father introduced him.

“Haaaa-haaa-haaa” she pants, the memory of when she, Hak and Suwon laid together in bed,
sick from a cold. Fingers slick with arousal continue their frantic restless rhythm, aching to
caress the body of he whom they yearn for…

“AHHHHH!” The blood, Father lays still on the ground. Red seeping out of him. Her kin,
Her cousin, Her beloved Su Won holding the blade that stilled her father's heart and...

Warmth... The warm arms of her protector,

Her friend,

Her guardian,

Her fortress,

Her Hak.

He draws in a breath, the vision of her pleasuring herself, always a bewitching sight. I
wonder...who does she think about when she's off in her own world like this, he ponders.

“Haaa-Haaa”, she pants again, still oblivious to his presence. “Haaaa-Haaaa, Haaaak!”

The world halts, all breath leaves him.

What? What did she say? His face, the face of yearning, of a man starved in a desert seeking
an oasis finally finding that meager drip of water, gazes upon Yona's pleasure-stricken face..




All this time, he thought, all those times she went out to do her dirty business, it was about was ALWAYS about me....

“Hahahaha”... A light laugh, his body quaking before erupting into full on

the ecstatic high of reciprocated love flashes across Hak's face.

Is this what it feels like to have the person you like, like you back? Hak asks himself, hand to
mouth stifling his euphoria.

If it is...

It's FUCKING AMAZING the infatuated bodyguard thought.

That's it, no more time to waste. What I want is right in front of me and I'll TAKE IT.

Fire in his eyes, a surety to his step. The thunderbeast embarks to conquer his greatest
challenge yet: his own heart.

A shadow looms over her face. Eyebrows shooting up in shock, Yona opens her mouth to
scream, “AHHH--mmmmphhh!”

A hand covers her mouth before she could alert her companions. Shhhhh Hak gestures.

Not so loud he mouths. “Hak!” Relief flooded her system, that her assailant was a familiar

Until the sudden mortification settled in like a dropping guillotine. Here, she lay in all her
naked glory, bare legs, unshaved womanhood and belly button exposed to the last person she
wanted to see. With both hands, she removes the hand covering her mouth and walks away.

“HEY! Where are you going?” Hak asks exasperated.

“To find a hole to die in, be sure to leave ‘died from literal exposure’ on my tombstone,”
Yona replied, ready to end it all and wishing this embarrassing night was over already.

“Princess WAIT!” Hak yells catching up and locking her arm.

“NO WAY I–” Warm lips envelop hers. Warm arms, the same arms that once comforted her
when her world came crashing down, embraced her, cradling her as though she were the most
cherished treasure in the world.

When she looked up she saw his eyes, eyes as black as opal, eyes that she could recognise in
a heartbeat,

Eyes that she had incessantly fantasized about,

Eyes that now gazed upon her with profound mirth and joy.

Is that..? The muscle of his tongue was caressing her's sliding to and fro, an invitation of

He's kissing me…he's ACTUALLY KISSING ME…then… then… here is my answer.

Like a shy kitten, her own reaches out to meet his inviting tongue. A tango of excited
tongues, eager to explore and reach out to meet the other.

One hand on her waist, the other lovingly caressing her face. The Thunderbeasts' deep,
baritone voice whispered sweet nothings to her ear...

“Princess, do you know how long I've wanted this?” A kiss to her temple.

“I always thought of you as an idiot who couldn't care for herself and always needed my
protection.” A kiss upon one of her eyes.

“But when I saw you break down that day after you lost your father, after you lost
everything”, he mouths down to her neck sucking harshly.

“Haaaaa,” Yona exhales from dual pain and pleasure. “I wanted to comfort you, to wipe those
tears, to tell you that everything will be alright."

Sucking turns to light biting, hickeys dotting her fair skin in the wake of Hak's assault.

“But after seeing you take life for the first time and becoming the leader that you are now…”
The biting stops, followed by deafening silence.

“Hak?” Yona forces out. “Why did you stop?” One hand directs her gaze to look him dead in
the eye.
“I find myself wanting you more and more, even to the point pleasuring myself to the thought
of you at times.”

Upon uttering these words, the other hand creeps up to harshly grope her breast. Screams fall
out, evoken from a rough touch.

Like a keening animal, Yona's breath and heart rate accelerate in response to the newfound

Less pressure, more pressure, a rough tug here and there.

Has my chest always been this sensitive? She wonders, her pale skin blooming into a red hue,
her arousal awakening, and a warm wetness coating the area between her legs.

“Princess…” The hand on her waist pushes her towards his front till... Is that...?

“Hak your hard down here.” His response? A teasing smirk. “I am and you know why?”

She gulps nervously, I do but I don't want to say it. Like the cat that got the cream, that smirk
widens even more.

He cranes his head to lean closer to her ear and whispers: “it's because of YOU.”

Suddenly, both hands quickly yet precisely undo the sash tying her robe; exposing her chest,
her nipples, her whole torso bared at last before the impatient Hak.

“NOOO!!! DON'T LOOK!” Her mortification increasing tenfold. Hands quickly come to
cover her bosom in an attempt to preserve what was left of her modesty.

Gently yet firmly, both of his rough larger hands engulf hers’ accompanied by a featherlight
kiss to each.

“There's no point in being shy now, I already heard you say my name earlier and....”

Both hands raise to cup her face, his thumbs swaying back and forth in an attempt to soothe

“You're beautiful, you're hesitant to admit it but to my eyes, you are the most beautiful
woman in the world. No one can compare.The only woman I want.”

Dazed, Yona stared spellbound at her Thunderbeast, heart still riveting at such a declaration.
Maybe it was his words, maybe it was the spur of the moment but...

Both hands seize his collar. “OFF! I want to see you too!” She replies, chest thrumming-
unable to contain the joy locked within

“Hehehehe! WOAH! Slow down! Not so fast you greedy dragon!” His tinkering laughter a
soothing melody to her ears.

Tearing through each cloth and barrier that separated them until at last... Hak was unrobed.
He was beautiful,

A healthy tan to his skin and rippling muscle spanning his whole body.

A few scars littered here and there likely from one of their previous battles.

A true God of War in the flesh,

The epitome of male beauty that no other man in her life could ever compare.

"Humph! Like what you see princess?"

There it is, again, that devil-may-care smirk as if he did not already know the answer to his
own query.

He gently takes her hand and again, pressing a sweet kiss to her palm before guiding it to
caress his face.

“Command me my Princess,

Order me,

Lead me,


He spoke with absolute conviction his willingness and submission presented to her like a
wrapped present, waiting for her to unravel.

In a burst of excitement, she pushes him down before promptly straddling him.

He meets her gaze, like a lowly mortal admiring a divine being. His body ready for any
command she could issue, his heart bursting with joy for what is to come. Wherever she
leads, he shall follow.



So that's a man's member? It felt hard when he pushed me towards it. Is it still hard now?

Tentatively, she reaches out and touches his penis, moving her hand here and there. On reflex,
his hand squeezes the blades of grass underneath him

“Haaaaaaah princess”... His moans reverberate throughout her being.

I want to hear more of those sounds. He's usually so confident but hearing him like this...
With her other hand she engulfs most of his shaft and begins a vigorous up and down motion.

Hak in response... “Haaaaa-haaaaa” “Haaaaa-haaaaa”

Both hands, still on her waist, squeeze in a vice grip, hard enough to bruise, If anyone saw
such a sight, they could have never imagined the notorious Thunderbeast of Koka trembling
from the touch of a mere girl half his height yet..

“Aaaah-Aaaah Ahhhhhh Yo, Yo, ... Yona...YONAAAA!” Eyes shut tight, knuckles gripping
the very grass, and an expression locked between pain and pleasure, the Mighty Thunderbeast
came in a great spurt of come; white staining everything: the ground, her hands, their clothes,
their torsos.

Hak's face... When he was like that, he looked so beautiful... I want to see more. I want to see
more of this side of him. I want to see what other expressions he can make. I think I still
remember what Yoo-Lan told me about what should happen when a woman wants to lay with
a man...

She had felt it herself, Hak's manhood standing erect and flaming red; a testament to his
virility and arousal, arousal for her AND HER alone.

Still… I hope I don't mess this up.

I know that he's handsome and that a lot of women are attracted to him, but I want to be his
One and Only.

I want to be the only one he looks at, I want to be the ONLY woman at his side, I want to be
the only woman he says 'I love you' to. I want him to BE MINE.

Her pride inflamed, she steadily lifted herself, her palms flat on Hak's pectorals for balance;
nails scratching his firm skin, in eager anticipation.

Gritting her teeth and fisting her hands she steadily lowers herself onto his manhood until
their bodies are joined. Hak's hands on her thigh stop her from proceeding. “Princess....Yona.
If you continue there's no going back. Do you really want this?”

Hearing those words her mind flashes; father's death, meeting his tribe, walking barefoot
along the wall, the human traffickers, the Tully tribe, her own near death experiences.

They've both experienced so much together. How could a big step in their relationship ever
compare to the excruciating pain she felt during those moments when she thought she had
nearly lost him. Let this act be the culmination of their passion for each other; proof of all
they have endured to reach this point.

With no hesitation, she bravely soldiered on to fully join both of their bodies. It's a bit
uncomfortable but it's worth it. I'm sure of it.
They rock to each other in a slow steady rhythm. The moans of two inexperienced souls echo
in the grove. Their senses lost to reality.

An erotic sensual dance in their own little world where only she and him exist.

There was no war,

There was no tears,

There was no pain.

Only Passion.



When Yona thrusted forward, Hak would follow to meet her - more moans uttered.

They would pull back only to return with more ferocity.

Am I dreaming? Hak asked himself. His manhood enveloped in tight wet warmth. Yona's
breasts bouncing to and fro in tandem with their lovemaking.

Her rosy pink nipples stood out. Their color, in starch contrast to pale skin, called out to him
inviting him to...

A wet warmth on her chest, Yona looked down to see Hak mouthing at her bosom. A wet kiss
here, a firm bite there. Hickeys in hues of blue, red, and purple painted across her skin.

Like a reverent worshipper worshipping his God, Hak lavished attention upon one breast
before moving on to the other.

At times gently sweet; trailing light feathery kisses down the valley of her cleavage or a light
kiss to her rosy buds.

At times violently rough; using teeth and harshly biting her flesh to leave marks...HIS marks
upon the mounds of her breast.

Let the world know that this woman is his,

The woman whom he entrusted his heart to

The woman whom he would gladly lay down his life for.

The woman who owned him heart and soul.

Suddenly, rough hands grab his hair, their slow lovemaking paused from the intrusion.

A pair of violet orbs stared at him, her face expressionless before finally caressing his face
and saying: “Hak, you've been with me ever since I was a child.

I want to make love to you,

Not because my father appointed you to protect me

Not because I'm the reincarnation of a dragon

Not because I'm your princess

But because I'm Yona.... I'm YOUR Yona.

Say it Hak, what's my name?”


at once Yona surges forth, her right hand gripped his chin, locking his face for a sloppy wet

“Yon-Mmmmph” His voice silenced by her mouth. No words could escape, only muffled
moans and the sounds of tongues dueling.

Her left hand trailed down to squeeze his nipple. Although not as soft as her own, the
resulting grunt from her beloved triggered more sinful thoughts:

He was mouthing my chest earlier, let me do it for him too. Her lips stop their frantic
exploration, instead kissing down his Adam's apple to where her prize awaited below.

I'll start with my teeth first. A cautious suck on Hak's right nipple, followed by a shy kiss



He places his hand behind her head - a silent encouragement for her to continue. Keep going,
his opal eyes tell her. Don't stop now.

Using his shoulders to lift herself, till only his tip was still in, she roughly slams down again

“Aaaaaaahh,” triggering moans from both of them.

Again and again they repeat this erotic dance. The sight of his nipples swaying back and forth
from their rhythm catches her sight.

Releasing one hand, she pinches his left nipple, while again silencing his moans with her
mouth “Yona I'm...I'm....Oh Gods! I... I 'm...I'm about to…” Hearing him, she halts...
“What?! Why did you stop? I was about to-”

Only to promptly resume, this time faster than before. As fast as she could muster. Feeling a
bit confident, she even squeezes and pulls his nipple in tandem with their rough fornication.

Again and again like a switch, she brings him closer and closer to that abyss

Only to cruelly drag him back further and further away.

More moans ensue repeating like a broken record

“Yona that's ENOUGH just let me..”

“NO! I won't stop until I'm satisfied,

Until I'm sated.

Until I'm sure the only woman in your mind is me.”

With renewed vigor she clashes with him again and again until once more; white splatters
across everything.

Their fluids spill forth, heralding the end of their lovemaking.

Yona, spent and exhausted, collapses on top of him hurriedly trying to catch her breath.

Hak fares no better, one arm slung across her back embracing her from the night's chill. Their
clothes lay strewn across the grass, messied and dirty with their spent and dirt.

“Hehehehehehe” “Hak? What's so funny?” She asks, one hand resting on his chest, the other
curled up to his side.

“You just did what no other man could ever accomplish…”

“What did I do?”

“You made the Thunderbeast of Koka submit to you. He's finally met his match”

“Hmmmm, rather than submit I'd prefer tame”

“Just you wait princess, next time I'm going on top but for now…”

Warm hands move to embrace her. Rubbing slow lazy circles at the small of her back. A quiet
moment just between them, their calm breaths, and the silence of the night. Both of them
basking in the shared afterglow of their first time.

“Let's just enjoy the moment.”


"By the way...why didn't you let me come earlier while you were riding me?"

"Oh that? That's because... "

Boop. A playful push on his nose

"Payback for all the times you teased me"

His response?

A small sensation of pain pricked her shoulder


"Mark my words next time, I'll make you regret pulling me to the edge"

"Admit it you liked it! You were screaming 'Yoonaaa, Yonaaa'"

"No I didn't"

"Yes you did"

"No I did not"



On and on their bickering continues....

unbeknownst to them..

Little Ao chomps on an acorn watching this comedic banter

End Notes

This was a one-off, something I wrote for my best friend since she ships these two deeply.
Believe it or not this whole shebang started from an unhinged online group chat, from the
video game: Sky, about edging. Yep you read that right.

P.S I was NOT involved in that group chat

Dedicated to my BFF! Love you!

Leave a Kudos or comment if you liked Dragon and Thunderbeast. If there's enough
demand., I'll consider writing part two but with the dynamic switched. Have a good one!

Please drop by the Archive and comment to let the creator know if you enjoyed their work!

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