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Patient Name: SABITHA DARJEE Ref. Doctor: Dr.

Yapral BD
Patient Id: 0001959645 Lab Id: 07243214478
OP Id: HY-CMG-0724-00341 Sample Collection Date & Time: 15-07-2024 01:33 PM
Age/Gender: 47 Years/Female Reporting Date & time: 16-07-2024 04:47 AM

Investigation Result Normal Reference Range

Specimen:Blood (K2EDTA)
Total Leukocyte Count 10.08 X 10³/uL 4.0-10.0 X 10³/uL
(Method: Flowcytometry)

Total Red Blood Cell Count 4.48 X10¹²/L 3.8 - 4.8 X 10¹²/L
(Method: Hydrodynamic Focussing Method)

Hb 11.4 g/dL 12.0 - 15.0 g/dL

(Method: SLS - HB)

HCT 35.4 % 36 - 46 %
(Method: Calculated)

Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV) 79.0 fl 83 - 101 fl

(Method: RBC Histogram)

Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin (MCH) 25.4 pg 27 - 32 pg

(Method: Calculated)

MCHC 32.2 g/dl 31.5 - 34.5 g/dl

(Method: Calculated)

Platelet Count 256 X 10³/uL 150 - 410 X 10³/uL

(Method: Hydrodynamic Focussing Method)


Neutrophils 75.2 % 2.0-7.5 X 10³/uL (40 - 80%)
Lymphocytes 8.4 % 1.0-4.0 X 10³/uL (20 - 40%)
Monocytes 3.8 % 0.2-1.0 X 10³/uL(2 - 10%)
Eosinophils 12.0 % 0.02-0.5 X 10³/uL (1-6%)
Basophils 0.6 % 0.02 - 0.1 X 10³/uL (1-2%)
Method Flowcytometry
Notes --

Test Performed By : Clpath Consultant Pathologist

Lab Address: Telangana Diagnostics , Central Lab , IPM Campus, Narayanaguda, Hyd - 500029.
Lab Address: Telangana Diagnostics , Central Lab , IPM Campus, Narayanaguda, Hyd - 500029.
Patient Name: SABITHA DARJEE Ref. Doctor: Dr.Yapral BD
Patient Id: 0001959645 Lab Id: 07243214478
OP Id: HY-CMG-0724-00341 Sample Collection Date & Time: 15-07-2024 01:33 PM
Age/Gender: 47 Years/Female Reporting Date & time: 15-07-2024 10:39 PM

Investigation Result Normal Reference Range

Rheumatoid Factor - Quantitative 5.72 IU/ml < 15 IU/ml
(Method: Immunoturbidimetry)

Interpretation Rheumatoid factor is detectable in the serum of upto 75-80% of patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
It may be negative in some patients of rheumatoid arthritis in early stages of the illness. If initially
negative, the test can be repeated after six to twelve months. Higher levels of rheumatoid factor
may correlate with increased disease activity and poorer prognosis. However, RF is a non-specific
test and Rheumatoid factor may also be detected in 1-5% of healthy population at low titres and in
15-20% of elderly subjects with other chronic disease states. A positive RF test may also occur in
patients with other autoimmune conditions (e.g. systemic lupus erythematosus, Sjögren’s),
infections (e.g. infectious mononucleosis, hepatitis viruses, syphilis, tuberculosis), and other
conditions (e.g. cirrhosis, sarcoidosis).


Test Performed By : clsumayyah Consultant Microbiologist

Lab Address: Telangana Diagnostics , Central Lab , IPM Campus, Narayanaguda, Hyd - 500029.
Lab Address: Telangana Diagnostics , Central Lab , IPM Campus, Narayanaguda, Hyd - 500029.
Patient Name: SABITHA DARJEE Ref. Doctor: Dr.Yapral BD
Patient Id: 0001959645 Lab Id: 07243214478
OP Id: HY-CMG-0724-00341 Sample Collection Date & Time: 15-07-2024 01:33 PM
Age/Gender: 47 Years/Female Reporting Date & time: 15-07-2024 09:54 PM

Investigation Result Biological Reference Interval

Specimen:Whole Blood
HbA1c 6.1 % 4-6%
(Method: Immunoturbidimetry)

Interpretation : HbA1c is a form of hemoglobin that is measured primarily to identify the three-month average
plasma glucose concentration

Please correlate clinically

Test Performed By : cljyothi Consultant Biochemist

Lab Address: Telangana Diagnostics , Central Lab , IPM Campus, Narayanaguda, Hyd - 500029.
Lab Address: Telangana Diagnostics , Central Lab , IPM Campus, Narayanaguda, Hyd - 500029.
Patient Name: SABITHA DARJEE Ref. Doctor: Dr.Yapral BD
Patient Id: 0001959645 Lab Id: 07243214478
OP Id: HY-CMG-0724-00341 Sample Collection Date & Time: 15-07-2024 01:33 PM
Age/Gender: 47 Years/Female Reporting Date & time: 16-07-2024 04:00 AM

Investigation Result Normal Reference Range

Specimen:Blood (K2EDTA)
Result : 22 mm/hr 0 - 12 mm/hr
Method Modified Westergrens
Interpretation 1. ESR is never a diagnosis of a specific disease. It is an acute phase reactant which indicates
presence and intensity of an inflammatory process. 2. ESR Test is used to monitor the course or
response to treatment of certain diseases. 3. ESR is indirect measure of inflammatory diseases
(infections, rheumatic diseases), relative / absolute increase of globulins (nephrotic syndrome,
myeloma) tissue necrosis (myocardial infarction, tumors).

Test Performed By : Clpath Consultant Pathologist

Lab Address: Telangana Diagnostics , Central Lab , IPM Campus, Narayanaguda, Hyd - 500029.
Lab Address: Telangana Diagnostics , Central Lab , IPM Campus, Narayanaguda, Hyd - 500029.
Patient Name: SABITHA DARJEE Ref. Doctor: Dr.Yapral BD
Patient Id: 0001959645 Lab Id: 07243214478
OP Id: HY-CMG-0724-00341 Sample Collection Date & Time: 15-07-2024 01:33 PM
Age/Gender: 47 Years/Female Reporting Date & time: 16-07-2024 06:05 AM

Investigation Result Biological Reference Interval

S.Uric Acid 6.5 mg/dL 2.6 - 6.0 mg/dL
(Method: Uricase)

Please correlate clinically

Test Performed By : cldakshyyani Consultant Biochemist

Lab Address: Telangana Diagnostics , Central Lab , IPM Campus, Narayanaguda, Hyd - 500029.

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