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1- Can you describe a recent situation where you felt a strong emotion? How did you handle

2- How do you usually react when you receive negative feedback? Can you give an

3- What are your biggest strengths and weaknesses in managing your emotions?

4- How do you recognize when you are feeling stressed or overwhelmed?

5- Can you think of a time when your emotions influenced your decision-making? What was
the outcome?


1- How do you calm yourself down when you’re feeling stressed or anxious?

2- Can you think of a time when you had to control an impulse or resist temptation? How did
you manage it?

3- What strategies do you use to stay motivated, even when things are tough?

4- How do you deal with unexpected changes or disruptions to your plans?

5- What techniques do you use to maintain a positive outlook during challenging times?


1- What are your personal and professional goals, and what motivates you to achieve them?

2- Can you share a story about a time when you overcame a significant challenge? What
kept you going?

3- How do you stay optimistic and positive, even when faced with setbacks?

4- What drives you to perform well in your studies or work?

5- How do you measure success for yourself?


1- Can you recall a situation where you had to empathize with someone else’s feelings?

2- How did you handle it?

3- How do you usually respond when a friend or colleague comes to you with a problem?
4- What do you think are the most important qualities for understanding and relating to
others’ emotions?

5- How do you show someone that you are actively listening to them?

6- Can you describe a time when you helped someone feel understood or supported?

Social Skills

1- How do you build and maintain positive relationships with others?

2- Can you describe a conflict you’ve had with someone and how you resolved it?

3- What role does active listening play in your interactions with others? Can you give an

4- How do you handle situations where you need to work as part of a team with differing

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