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CE-3 CE122-2/A21

Transportation in Metro Manila

In Metro Manila, the public transportation

system is not sufficient to serve the versatility and
other requirements of its densely populated region.
This might result to several problems wherein the
public authority has neglected to offer a solution to the
problem. Heavy traffic exists in Metro Manila, as stated
by Waze, regarding to traffic congestions, it is one of
the most noticeably terrible in the world besides in
India, Russia, Colombia, Turkey, and Ukraine. Due to
the absence of insufficient public transportation, many people decide to purchase a vehicle for
their own convenience which in turn makes the traffic congestions worsen each passing year. As
of late, various government planned to improve the system through various infrastructure
projects to decrease the issues in the means of transportation. There are number of public
vehicles that one can utilize when travelling to or into Metro Manila. This includes trains, taxis,
jeepneys, buses, airplanes, and many more.

For the most part, transportation is an

intermediate function, a means to an end. The pace of
economic recuperation will generously influence the
interest for a wide range of transportation. The
resumption of pre-COVID-19 economic and different
activities will heavily rely upon the capacity to get back
to typical life and work securely in that time, people and
organizations have adjusted practices and modified
practices to moderate the impacts of the pandemic.
In today’s time, there are a lot of changes in transport behavior due to the COVID-19
crisis. The limitations set up to restrict the diffusion and impacts of COVID-19 have had a
widespread impact on people’s day-to-day lives and routine. One of the greatest effects has
been the decrease in public transport demand, because of the combination of lockdowns and
the fear of contracting and spreading the virus when utilizing mass transportation modes. The
crisis has affected all types of transport, from vehicles, and public vehicle in urban areas, to

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buses, trains, and planes on both nationally and internationally. Worldwide street transport
activity was practically 50% below the 2019 average by the end of mid-April 2020. Public
vehicles have likewise been affected.

Transportation planning is a
preparation method utilized for the
activity, provision, and the
management of facilities and
administrations for the various
methods of transportation to achieve
a more secure and more convenient
movement of people and products. A
good transportation planning will
greatly aid and improve the traffic
scenario in Metro Manila by reducing
the congestion in the metro.
Transportation planning will maximize
the use of every road there is. It will
also aid the authorities to analyze and
design efficient transportation facilities to improve the public transportation system, create bike
lanes, etc.

Professional civil engineers use quality vision

when planning urban transportation foundation. Vision
is the thing that empowers transportation to be created
for the present yet developed for what's to come. Urban
Transportation system requires new viewpoints,
adaptability, and great arranging. As a future
professional civil engineer, I would utilize my vision
during the planning and designing process to aid and
prepare urban transportation systems for ideal
execution in the future.
As a future professional civil engineer, to eradicate traffic congestions and accidents, I
would consider on having a meeting with the DOTr (Department of Transportation) and DPWH
(Department of Public Works and Highways) and have a lengthy conversation regarding on
getting an upgrade of the power traffic lights with artificial intelligence and separating different
forms of transportation on different streets.

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I believe that if we consider getting a power traffic light that uses artificial intelligence,
the system will allow for the traffic lights to be precise and more coordinated to avoid traffic
congestions on every highway and roads, extinguish noise and car pollution etc. The A.I. will
automatically adjust signals based on real-time data and I believe that would ease the traffic
sooner or later.
On the other hand, the DPWH should consider various types of transportation on a
specific road nationwide. Willa Ng (Director of Mobility at Sidewalk Labs at New York) stated
that assigning roads for every method of transportation, I believe this would incorporate
vehicles to the major arteries, making transit spines on most active roads and providing a dense
network of streets for the most proficient mod (bicycles and scooters). By tailoring each street
to the speed and vulnerability of that mode, we can circumvent the dangers of mixing fast
moving, loud, emissions-spewing cars with bikes and pedestrians.


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