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English By : Jaideep Singh

1. He doesn't(A)/ want some cakes(B)/ but he would like(C)/ to have some lemonade(D)
2. How could any(A)/of us know where you(B) had gone when(C)you did not leave some
word behind(D)
3. Any of my stationery(A)/ is missing from the drawer(B)/Do any of you(C)/ know it
might have gone(D) ?
4. Mr. Lam is such a shrewd(A)/ man that(B)/ there are little people(C)/ whom he
5. This went on for much(A)/ months. Just when the man(B)/ thought that he
could(C)/ propose to the widow, something happened(D)
6. Once, there was a very(A)/ rich man. He was neither(B)/ handsome nor clever
but(C)/ he worked hard and save little money(D)
7. He didn't(A)/ give me many(B)/ good advice although(C)/ he said a lot of things(D).
8. I'm sorry there isn't(A)/ many food left but(B)/ I can make some(C)/sandwiches if you
9. I did not have(A)/ many luggage, so I(B)/ offered to let her put(C)/ a few of her
dresses in my bag(D).
10. Not many traffic passes(A)/ this way during(B)/ the day, but at night(C)/ many cars
go to and fro(D).
11. I did not have much(A)/ luggage, so I offered(B)/ to let her put(C)/ a little of her
dresses in my bag(D).
12. He didn't bring(A)/ his money (B)/so he borrowed(C)/ a little dollars from me(D).
13. She asked me(A)/ for any magazines(B)/ but I could(C)/ not find any(D).
14. I wrote to all (A)/ my friends(B)/, but only little(C)/ of them replied(D).
15. She knows something about(A)/ what has happened(B)/ here, but she will not(C)/
say something about it to us(D).
16. Somebody who saw the accident(A)/ is reporting to the police(B)/. It was a serious
accident(C)/, and anyone was killed(D)
17. There is someone(A)/ in the house(B)/. I can hear any(C)/ sounds from the back(D).
18. Won't you have anything(A)/ to drink while(B)/ you wait for her ? She'll take(C)/
some time to change(D).
19. Some teachers(A)/ dislike him(B)/ he does his work anytime(C)/ without taking any
trouble over it(D).

English By : Jaideep Singh
20. A man may have some(A)/ wealth and yet not be any(B)/ happier for it. any poor(C)/
men are happier than rich men(D).
21. Although not everybody(A)/ came, a large number turned up(B)/. some famous
men(C)/ received recognition only after their deaths(D).
22. She(A)/ does a great number(B)/ of research(C)/ in the library(D).
23. If you're going somewhere(A)/ near the market, do get(B)/ me some onions(C)/. There
aren't any left in the house(D).
24. We don't have some (A)/ time to do anything(B)/ further now. We'll(C)/ continue at
some other time(D).
25. He doesn't have many(A)/ liking for her, but there(B)/ are a few occasions when(C)/
he can't help admiring her(D).
26. She hasn't much(A)/ children but she(B)/ has much difficulty(C)/ in making ends
27. We don't hear many(A)/ news about the war at the front(B)/ because not many(C)/
reporters dare to travel around there(D).
28. My brother doesn't(A)/ read much books(B)/ as he doesn't(C)/ have much interest in
29. "There are any boy(A)/ scouts outside, sir," the maid said(B)/. "They want to
know(C)/ if you have any odd jobs that they can do(D)."
30. Whose books are those(A)/ ? They have been lying(B)/ on the desk for a long time
but(C)/ none of the girls have claimed them(D).
31. Which of the books is yours(A)/ ? There are so much (B)/ of them here that I
don't(C)/ know which of them belongs to me either(D).
32. There is(A)/ many rice(B)/ in the pot. So eat(C)/ as much as you can(D).
33. Let's run(A)/. We don't(B)/ have many time to(C)/ catch the train(D).
34. There isn't (A)/ many improvement (B)/ in his health (C)/ He is still very weak(D).
35. He came back much(A)/ later than usual(B)/ because he met few(C)/ friends on the
36. "How much money(A)/ have you(B)/ I have only a little (C)/ coins in my purse(D)."
37. Not many eggs(A)/ were collected last week(B)/ because the few(C)/ of the hens had

English By : Jaideep Singh
38. Put a little cornflour in(A)/ the gravy to thicken it(B)/. Simmer the gravy for little
minutes(C)/ before taking it off the stove(D).
39. How much rice is(A)/ there in the pot(B)/ ? We need only(C)/ a few to feed the catd
40. I have some furniture(A)/ in my(B)/ house because(C)/ of my young children(D).
41. Some of my stationery(A)/ is missing from the drawer(B)/. Do some of you(C)/ know
it might have gone(D) ?
42. Although not(A)/ everybody came(B)/, a great number(C)/ turned up(D).
43. Did you buy(A)/ much (B)/souvenirs when(C)/ you went to Japan(D) ?
44. I can't see(A)/ some advantage of(B)/ driving so(C)/ early in the morning(D).
45. There isn't many(A)/ petrol in the tank(B)/, so we'll have to stop(C)/ at a petrol
station on the way(D).
46. Help yourself to any(A)/ of these biscuits(B)/. You may have(C)/ some of those
sweets, too(D).
47. Isn't there anyone(A)/ knocking at(B)/ the door ? I was sure(C)/ I heard someone out
48. I'm tired but I'll finish(A)/ the work anyhow(B)/ I wish somebody(C)/ would help me
with it(D).

1. (B) Replace some with any
2. (D) Replace some with any
3. (A) Replace any with some
4. (C) Replace little with few
5. (A) Replace much with several/many
6. (D) Replace little with a lot of
7. (B) Replace many with much
8. (B) Replace many with much
9. (B) Replace many with much
10. (A) Replace many with much
11. (D) Replace a little with a few
12. (D) Replace a little with a few
13. (B) Replace any with some
14. (C) Replace little with a few
15. (D) Replace something with anything
16. (D) Replace anyone with someone

English By : Jaideep Singh
17. (C) Replace any with some
18. (A) Replace any thing with some thing
19. (C) Replace Anytime with sometimes
20. (C) Replace any with some
21. (C) Replace some with a great many
22. (B) Replace A great number with Agreat deal
23. (A) Replace some where with anywhere
24. (A) Replace some with any
25. (A) Replace many with much
26. (A) Replace much with many
27. (A) Replace many with much
28. (B) Replace much with many
29. (A) Replace any with several
30. (A) Replace those with these
31. (B) Replace much with many
32. (B) Replace many with plenty of/much
33. (C) Replace many with much
34. (B) Replace many with much
35. (C) Replace few with a few
36. (C) Replace a little with a few
37. (C) Replace few with a few
38. (C) Replace little with a few
39. (D) Replace a few with a little
40. (A) Replace some with less
41. (C) Replace some with any
42. (C) Replace a great number with a large number
43. (B) Replace much with a lot of/many
44. (B) Replace some with any
45. (A) Replace many with much
46. (A) Replace any with some
47. (A) Replace anyone with someone
48. (B) Replace any how with some how

English By : Jaideep Singh
English By : Jaideep Singh
1. He told me that ____ guests would be (B) much, few
arriving today. As we don't have (C) little, few
____room in our house, he is taking (D) a large quantity
them to a hotel 10. "How (,) strength must I exert ?" the
(A) many , much (B) much, many mechanic asked.
(C) few , A few (D) A few , few (A) much more (B) much
2. It rained heavily. Only ____children (C) many more (D) little
came to school. 11. I wrote to all my friends, but only
(A) much (B) many ____of them replied.
(C) a few (D) a little (A) few (B) Some
3. "Are ____ books yours ?" Madam (C) a few (D) none
Vera asked, holding up a pile of 12. Once, there was a very rich man. He
books. was neither handsome nor clever but
(A) this (B) that he worked hard and save ____money
(C) these (D) those (A) Many (B) several
4. Helmi had some extra exercise books (C) a lot of (D) every
so he gave ____book to Sammy to 13. Living two doors away from him was
use. a beautiful lady. She was a widow
(A) a (B) an with ____children.
(C) the (D) That (A) each (B) several
5. He said that he would give ____for a (C) a lot of (D) every
peaceful life. 14. Our principal showed ____mercy to
(A) much (B) Something boys caught smoking in school.
(C) Anything (D) Some (A) little (B) few
6. He came back ____later than usual (C) a few (D) a little
because he met ____friends on the 15. ____care is necessary when handling
way that delicate machine.
(A) much , A few (B) much, few (A) little (B) few
(C) little, few (D) a few , much (C) a few (D) a little
7. How ____boys bought tickets for the 16. There are ____jobs for university
show ? graduates now because of the
(A) a few (B) some recession.
(C) much (D) many (A) few (B) fewer
8. ____ money is being spent to (C) less (D) little
construct the road, which will be 17. I'm sorry there isn't ____food left but
ready in ____months' time. I can make some sandwiches if you
(A) few , much (B) much, few like.
(C) little, few (D) much , A few (A) Many (B) fewer
9. Although not everybody came, (C) much (D) little
____turned up 18. She has ____respect for lazy bosses
(A) a large number who bully.

English By : Jaideep Singh
(A) Many (B) a little (C) any, nnone (D) Each, every
(C) much (D) little 25. Did anyone see you while you were
19. We canceled the party because ____ coming here ? No, ____ did.
of the people we invited were able to (A) anyone (B) none
come. (C) many (D) no one
(A) Any (B) No 26. ____has happened to him, I'm sure of
(C) none (D) no one it. There wasn't any reply when I
20. I don't think Jill would be a good telephoned him just now.
teacher. She's got ____ patience. (A) anything (B) Something
(A) Many (B) few (C) Some how (D) no one
(C) much (D) little 27. She does ____of research in the
21. There were four books on the table. library.
____book was a different color (A) anything (B) a great deal
(A) Each (B) every (C) a great quantity
(C) few (D) little (D) no one
22. I tried to phone her two or three 28. My brother doesn't read ____ books
times, but ______ time there was no as he doesn't have much interest in
reply. them.
(A) Little (B) every (A) Little (B) Much
(C) few (D) Each (C) Many (D) few
23. We had to pay ____ dollars to watch 29. She is surrounded by many of her
the show, but many of us were friends, yet she feels lonely. I have no
disappointed at the lack of skill in idea what she wants.
the performance. (A) Little (B) Much
(A) Little (B) A little (C) Many (D) few
(C) few (D) A few 30. You need ____ understanding and
24. How could ____of us know where you patience to teach young children.
had gone when you did not leave (A) Little (B) Much
____word behind ? (C) Many (D) few
(A) Any, Any (B) none, any

Answer Key
1. (A) 2. (C) 3. (C) 4. (A) 5. (C) 6. (A) 7. (D) 8. (D)

9. (A) 10. (A) 11. (A) 12. (C) 13. (C) 14. (A) 15. (D) 16. (A)

17. (B) 18. (C) 19. (C) 20. (D) 21. (A) 22. (D) 23. (D) 24. (A)

25. (D) 26. (B) 27. (B) 28. (C) 29. (C) 30. (B)

English By : Jaideep Singh

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