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English By : Jaideep Singh

1. If you would have (A)/ told me earlier (B)/ I would not have (C)/ submitted my
papers. (D)/ No error (E)

2. If that student does not (A)/ completed his work, (B)/the teacher will punish him.
(C)/ No error (D)

3. My father told me that he would not talk to me (A)/ If I do not attend (B)/ to what
he said. (C)/ No error (D)

4. Had they not been brave,(A)/ they would have lose (B)/the battle. (C)/ No error (D)

5. Had you not (A)/ reached in time, (B)/ we would have lost (C)/ all our belongings.
(D)/ No error (E)

6. Would I not have joined (A)/ your friend’s party, (B)/ have you informed me timely?
(C)/ No error (D)

7. If Preeti had (A)/ worked hard, she (B)/ will have got the job (C)/she desired. (D)/
No error (E)

8. If I had realized (A)/ what a bad teacher you are (B)/ I would not have come (C)/ to
you for any guidance. (D)/ No error (E)

9. Had they have been in (A)/ my condition (B)/ they would have felt (C)/ miserable
and thought of committing suicide. (D)/ No error (E)

10. If you were the Prime Minister of India, (A)/ what steps would you (B)/ have taken
to end unemployment ? (C)/ No error (D)

11. Every man is conditioned by the age in which believes (A)/ and if he were to return
to another age (B)/ be would not be happy (C)/ No error (D)

12. If the teacher did (A)/ not teach you mathematics, (B)/you will not pass any
examination. (C)/ No error (D)

13. If it were possible (A)/ to get near when (B)/ one of the volcanic eruptions take
place (C)/ we should see a grand sight. (D)/ No error (E)

14. Had he read with me, (A)/ he would pass (B)/ with good marks in the examination.
(C)/ No error (D)

English By : Jaideep Singh
15. I would have asked (A)/ you for dinner (B)/ if I had known (C)/ that you are
staying here tonight. (D)/ No error (E)

16. I am sure you maybe (A)/ a good cricketer if you (B)/ had not wasted your time on
trifles. (C)/ No error (D)

17. If I was the king (A)/ I would change the face (B)/ of my country (C)/ No error (D)

18. If the bus hadn't (A)/ broken down (B)/ we will be at home now. (C)/ No error (D)

19. I would have (A)/ enjoyed the journey more (B)/ if the man in the berth below mine
(C)/ would not have snored all the time. No error (E)

20. If I would be a (A)/ millionaire, I would not (B)/ be wasting my time (C)/ waiting for
a bus. (D)/ No error (E)

21. If I would have (A)/ worked regularly, (B)/ I would have passed (C)/ the
examination. (D)/ No error (E)

22. Had the teacher teach (A)/ us English timely, we would have got (B)/ good marks
in the examination. (C)/ No error (D)

23. If I Was you (A)/ I would not attend (B)/the function. (C)/ No error (D)

24. If Ram does not (A)/ came here (B)/ with you, I shall never pardon him. (C)/ No
error (D)

25. The government warned the meat sellers (A)/ that if they persist in charging (B)/
unfair prices their licences (C)/ would be cancelled (D)/ No error (E)

26. If we'd have heard (A)/ about the auction in time (B)/ we'd have probably put in a
(C)/ bit for the exquisite statue. (D)/ No error (E)

27. Had it rained timely, (A)/ the farmers would have got (B)/ good crops. (C)/ No error

28. If they were knowing (A)/ about the crab, they would (B)/ not have decided to
picnic there, (C)/ No error (D)

English By : Jaideep Singh
29. If he had informed (A)/ me of his difficulties, (B)/ I would have (C)/ sent the
money. (D)/ No error (E)

30. If you sought my (A)/ help in time, you (B)/ would not have got into (C)/ trouble in
the first place. (D)/ No error (E)

31. If any of the founding fathers of our constitution (A)/ was to return to life for a day
(B)/ his opinion of (C)/ our amendments would be interesting. (D)/ No error (E)

32. Had this notification (A)/ been amended earlier, (B)/ we could have stopped (C)/
the transfer of funds. (D)/ No error (E)

33. He would have lent (A)/ me a pen, if he was knowing (B)/ that I didn't have one.
(C)/ No error (D)

34. If he would have (A)/ tried he would (B)/ have succeeded. (C)/ No error (D)

35. Had he not cautioned me (A)/ I may have come to you (B)/ with this proposal. (C)/
No error (D)

36. If I would have realized (A)/ what a clumsy person you were (B)/ I would not have
come (C)/ with you to this place. (D)/ No error (E)

37. If I would have realised (A)/ what a bad person my friend is (B)/ I would have
discarded his friendship. (C)/ No error (D)

38. If the gardener (A)/ watered the plants timely, (B)/ the flowers will not wilt. (C)/ No
error (D)

39. Had he worked hard (A)/ he would pass the examination (B)/ in first class. (C)/ No
error (D)

40. If I were (A)/ in his shoes (B)/ I would die with shame. (C)/ No error (D)

41. If you had not (A)/ reached so quickly, (B)/ we might well (C)/ have had a disaster.
(D)/ No error (E)

42. If you would have (A)/ informed me I would have (B)/ immediately taken some (C)/
action against him. (D)/ No error (E)

English By : Jaideep Singh
43. Had an effort been make(A)/ to make the villagers literate, (B)/ their standard of
living would have improved. (C)/ No error (D)

44. If the boys do not go out of the room (A)/ in five minutes, the principal (B)/ would
phone the police.(C)/No error (D)

45. Had Ram’s brother (A)/ taken to hospital timely, (B)/ his life would have been
saved. (C)/ No error (D)

46. If I was told earlier (A)/ I would have (B)/ certainly helped you. (C)/ No error (D)

47. Had he confess his mistake (A)/ and had he begged pardon from all his friends,
(B)/ he would have been excused. (C)/ No error (D)

48. Had I served God with (A)/ half the devotion I served you, (B)/ He would not leave
(C)/ me in my dark days. (D)/ No error (E)

49. If he would not have (A)/ confessed it himself, (B)/ the crime could scarcely have
been (C)/ brought home to him. (D)/ No error.

50. Had some people (A)/ not instigate the mob, (B)/ the riot would have been
controlled. (C)/ No error(D)

51. If you had told me (A)/ I would have helped you (B)/ solve the problem. (C)/ No
error (D)

52. His father would have been pleased (A)/ to get him a wrist watch (B)/ if he would
have worked (C)/ harder and secured hi1 marks in the university examination.
(D)/ No error (E)

53. John would have told (A)/ you the truth (B)/ if you had asked him. (C)/ No error

54. If you had told me (A)/ before I would give you (B)/ advice on the matter. (C)/No
error (D)

55. Had I not been an (A)/ eye-witness to it, I could (B)/ not have believed it. (C)/ No
error (D)

56. Would I leave (A)/ my friend far behind (B)/ if I drive the car fast? (C)/ No error (D)

English By : Jaideep Singh
57. Had the tailor sew (A)/ the clothes timely, we would have gone (B)/ to Delhi with
you. (C)/ No error (D)

58. If you would have arranged these red flowers (A)/ in a vase together with some
white ones (B)/ they would have looked pretty (C)/ No error (D)

59. Had you (A)/ encouraged him in (B)/ his endeavour he (C)/ would had succeeded.
(D)/ No error (E)

60. If he went to Agra, (A)/ he would have seen (B)/ the Taj Mahal. (C)/ No error (D)

61. Had the teacher not beat (A)/ the child, the guardian would not have complained
(B)/ to the principal. (C)/ No error (D)

62. Had you informed me earlier (A)/ I would have (B)/ certainly purchase (C)/ the car
from you. (D)/ No error (E)

63. Had the ministers performed (A)/ their duties properly, (B)/ the empire would not
declined so easily. (C)/ No error (D)

64. You would have certainly (A)/ completed the working (B)/ the allotted time (C)/
had you planned it properly. (D)/ No error (E)

65. He refused to marry her because (A)/ be did not like her photograph; (B)/ if he saw
her he would (C)/ not have done it. (D)/ No error (E)

66. If the streets would have been (A)/ clearly marked, (B)/ it would not have taken us
(C)/ so long to find out his house. (D)/ No error (E)

67. Had you indicated (A)/ your choice clearly (B)/ this confusion would (C)/ had been
avoided. (D)/ No error (E)

68. If the tourists (A)/ would have come here, (B)/ I would certainly have (C)/ taken
them around. (D)/ No error (E)

69. We had (A)/ helped him (B)/ if he had (C)/ requested us earlier. (D)/ No error (E)

70. If I saved some money every month (A)/ I would be able to buy a vehicle of my
choice (B)/ in no time. (C)/ No error (D)

English By : Jaideep Singh
71. If Indian government did not (A)/ help the flood-affected people, (B)/ they will
starve to death.(C)/No error (D)

72. Had we known (A)/ that there was a catch (B)/ in the offer we (C)/ would not have
accepted it. (D)/ No error (E)

73. Had the police not reached (A)/ there in time, the bandits (B)/ had killed him. (C)/
No error (D)

74. If the ozone gases of the atmosphere did not filter out (A)/ the ultraviolet rays of
the sun, life as (B) we know it (C) would not have evolved on earth (D)

75. He told me that if he would have (A)/ spoken to his father (B)/ as I spoke to him,
(C)/ his father would have beaten him. (D)/ No error(E)

76. We would have (A)/ accompanied you to (B)/the picnic spot if you (C)/ would have
told us in advance. (D)/ No error (E)

77. If I were in your position (A)/ I would have respected (B)/ the wishes of my parents
(C)/ and made them happy. (D)/ No error (E)

78. If I am well (A)/ I would (B)/ prefer tea (C)/ to cold drinks. (D)/ No error (E)

79. If I was you (A)/ I would have told (B)/ the chairman to keep (C)/ his mouth shut.
(D)/ No error (E)

80. He wonders how close (A)/ to death be would have been (B)/ if be took the first
(C)/ doctor's advice as gospel. (D)/ No error (E)

81. Had he gone to market, (A)/ he must brought (B)/ a beautiful present for you. (C)/
No error (D)

82. Had I realised (A)/ bow deeply you were committed to completing this work by
today, (B)/ I would not interrupt you so often (C)/ No error (D)


1. (A) would have had

2. (B) completed complete

English By : Jaideep Singh
3. (B) do did

4. (B) lose lost

5. (E) No error

6. (A) have had

7. (C) will would

8. (E) No error

9. (A) have

10. (C) have taken take

11. (D) No error

12. (A) did does

13. (C) take took

14. (B) would pass would have pass

15. (E) No error

16. (A) may be might

17. (A) was were

18. (C) will be would have been

19. (A) would not have had not

20. (A) would be were

21. (A) would have had

22. (A) teach taught

23. (A) was were

English By : Jaideep Singh
24. (B) came come

25. (B) pessist Pessisted

26. (A) have

27. (D) No error

28. (A) were knowing had known

29. (E) No error

30. (A) you sought you had sought

31. (B) was were

32. (E) No error

33. (B) was knowing had known

34. (A) would have had

35. (B) may might

36. (A) would have had

37. (A) would have had

38. (B) watered waters

39. (B) pass have passed

40. (D) No error

41. (E) No error

42. (A) would have had

43. (A) make made

44. (C) would will

English By : Jaideep Singh
45. (B) taken been

46. (A) was had been

47. (A) confess confessed

48. (C) leave have

49. (A) would not have had not

50. (B) instigate instigated

51. (D) No error

52. (C) would have had

53. (D) No error

54. (B) gave have given

55. (D) No error

56. (A) would shall

57. (A) sew sown

58. (A) would have had

59. (D) had have

60. (C) will be would have been

61. (A) beat beaten

62. (C) Purchase Purchased

63. (C) not declined no have declined

64. (E) No error

65. (C) saw had seen

English By : Jaideep Singh
66. (A) would have had

67. (D) Had have

68. (B) would have had

69. (A) had would have

70. (D) No error

71. (A) did does

72. (E) No error

73. (C) had would have

74. (A) did not filter had not filtered

75. (A) would have had

76. (A) would have had

77. (A) were had been

78. (A) am were

79. (A) was had been

80. (C) took had taken

81. (B) must brought must have brought

82. (C) interrupt have interrupted


1. If I was you(a)/ I would not have (b)/ committed this blunder (c)/ No error (d)

2. If I had known (a)/ this yesterday (b)/ I will have helped him (c)/ No error (d)

English By : Jaideep Singh
3. He fell from a running train (a)/ and would have died (b)/ if the villagers did not get him
admitted in the nearby hospital immediately (c)/ No error (d)

4. This room would look much better (a)/ if you put a furniture (b)/ in that corner. (c)/ No
error (d)

5. His father would have been pleased (a)/ to get him a wrist watch (b)/ if he would have
worked (c)/ harder and secured higher marks in the university examination. (d)/ No error

6. Had you informed me earlier (a)/ I would have (b)/ certainly purchase (c)/ the car from
you. (d)/ No error (e)

7. If he had informed (a)/ me of his difficulties, (b)/ I would have (c)/ sent the money. (d)/
No error (e)

8. Had I realised (a)/ bow deeply you were committed to completing this work by today, (b)/
I would not interrupt you so often (c)/ No error (d)

9. Had he worked hard (a)/ he would pass the examination (b)/ in first class. (c)/ No error

10. I would have (a)/ enjoyed the journey more (b)/ if the man in the berth below mine (c)/
would not have snored all the time. No error (e)

11. If I was you (a)/ I would have told (b)/ the chairman to keep (c)/ his mouth shut. (d)/ No
error (e)

12. If you would have (a)/ told me earlier (b)/ I would not have (c)/ submitted my papers. (d)/
No error (e)

13. You would have certainly (a)/ completed the working (b)/ the allotted time (c)/ had you
planned it properly. (d)/ No error (e)

14. Had we known (a)/ that there was a catch (b)/ in the offer we (c)/ would not have
accepted it. (d)/ No error (e)

15. I would have asked him (a)/ to leave our house immediately (b)/ if my father would not
have been (c)/ at home and awake (d)/ No error (e)

English By : Jaideep Singh
16. If you had (a)/ just hinted at your difficulty, (b)/ I would most certainly help you. (c)/ No
error (d)

17. If I would have realized (a)/ what a bad driver you were (b)/ would not have (c)/ come
with you. (d)/No error (e)

18. If you have read (a)/ the instructions carefully (b)/ you would not have (c)/ answered the
questions wrongly. (d)/ No error (e)

19. If you have read (a)/ the instructions carefully (b)/ you would not have (c)/ answered the
questions wrongly. (d)/ No error (e)

20. Had he not reached in time (a)/ he would have missed (b)/ a golden opportunity which
comes (c)/ once in a while. (d)/ No error (e)

21. If we had Mohan (a)/ in our team we(b)/ would have won the match (c)/ against your
team. (d)/No error (e)

22. If I would have come (a)/ a little earlier, I would have (b)/ got a glimpse (c)/ of my beloved
leader. (d)/ No error (e)

23. If you had read (a)/ the relevant literature carefully (b)/you would have answered (c)/
most of the questions correctly. (d)/ No error (e)

24. You would not have used (a)/ such an insulting language (b)/ if you would have been
accompanied (c)/ by your elder brother. (d)/ No error (e)

25. Had he done (a)/ his home work well (b)/ he would not have (c)/ suffered this
embarrassment (d)/No error (e)

26. If I would have realized (a)/ what a clumsy person you were (b)/ I would not have come
(c)/ with you to this place. (d)/ No error (e)

27. If I had realized (a)/ what a bad teacher you are (b)/ I would not have come (c)/ to you for
any guidance. (d)/ No error (e)

28. The government warned the meat-sellers (a)/ that if they persist in charging (b)/ unfair
prices their licenses (c)/ would be cancelled (d)/ No error (e)

English By : Jaideep Singh
28. Had he not cautioned me (a)/ I may have come to you (b)/ with this proposal. (c)/ No
error (d)

29. Had the police not reached (a)/ there in time, the bandits (b)/ had killed him. (c)/ No
error (d)

30. Had I not been an (a)/ eye-witness to it, I could (b)/ not have believed it. (c)/ No error (d)

31. I am sure you maybe (a)/ a good cricketer if you (b)/ had not wasted your time on trifles.
(c)/ No error (d)

32. If they were knowing (a)/ about the crab, they would (b)/ not have decided to picnic
there, (c)/ No error (d)

33. If you were the Prime Minister of India, (a)/ what steps would you (b)/ have taken to end
unemployment ? (c)/ No error (d)

35. If I would be a (a)/ millionaire, I would not (b)/ be wasting my time (c)/ waiting for a bus.
(d)/ No error (e)

36. He refused to marry her because (a)/ be did not like her photograph; (b)/ if he saw her he
would (c)/ not have done it. (d)/ No error (e)

37. If you had told me (a)/ before I would give you (b)/ advice on the matter. (c)/No error (d)

38. If he would have (a)/ tried he would (b)/ have succeeded. (c)/ No error (d)

39. If I were (a)/ in his shoes (b)/ I would die with shame. (c)/ No error (d)

40. John would have told (a)/ you the truth (b)/ if you had asked him. (c)/No error (d)

41. If I would have realised (a)/ what a bad person my friend is (b)/ I would have discarded
his friendship. (c)/No error (d)

42. If you had invited me (a)/ I would attend (b)/ your marriage. (c)/ No error (d)

43. If her grandfather (a)/ would have lived three more days (b)/ be would have been too
years old. (c)/ No error (d)

44. Had the train services been normal (a)/ I would have reached (b)/ the place quite well
(c)/ ahead of the scheduled time. (d)/ No error (e)

English By : Jaideep Singh

1. (a) was had been use

2. (c) will would

3. (c) did not get had not got

4. (d) put V2 put

5. (c) would have had not got

6. (c) purchase purchased use

7. (e) No error.

8. (c) would not interrupt would not have interrupted use

9. (b) would pass would have passed use

10. (d) would not have had not use

11. (a) was ds had been use

12. (a) would have had use

13. (e) No error.

14. (e) No error.

15. (c) would not have been had not been use

16. (c) would most certainly help would have most certainly helped use

17. (a) would have had use

18. (a) have had use

19. (a) have had use

20. (e) No error.

English By : Jaideep Singh
21. (a) had had

22. (a) would have have use

23. (e) No error.

24. (c) would have had use

25. (e) No error.

26. (a) would have had use

27. (e) No error.

28. (b) persist persisted use

29. (b) may might use

30. (c) had would have use

31. (d) No error.

32. (a) may be might/would have been use

33. (a) were knowing had known use

34. (c) have taken take use

35. (a) would be were use

36. (c) saw had seen use

37. (b) would give would have given use

38. (a) would have had use

39. (d) No error.

40. (d) No error.

41. (a) would have had use

English By : Jaideep Singh
42. (b) would attend would have attended use

43. (b) would have lived had lived use

44. (e) No error.

English By : Jaideep Singh
English By : Jaideep Singh
1. Stop taking bribe lest you are caught.

(A) might be caught (B) should be caught

(C) may be caught (D)No improvement

2. If I hadn’t seen the car coming, I might have been killed.

(A) If I had seen the car coming (B) When I hadn’t seen the car coming

(C) Since I hadn’t seen the car coming (D) No improvement

3. Have you come to bless me on my birthday, would have been very grateful to you.

(A) Had you come (B) Has you come

(C) Have you came (D) No improvement

4. If I was you, I would not sign the document.

(A) If I have been you (B) If I were you

(C) If I had been you (D) No improvement

5. If the maid servant clean the room properly, we shall not make any comment.

(A) cleaned (B) will clean (C) cleans (D) No improvement

6. In case if it rains, I shall not visit you.

(A) If so (B) In case of (C) If/In case (D) No improvement

7. If the room had been brighter. I would have been able to read for a while before
going to bed.

(A) If the room was brighter (B) If the room are brighter

(C) Had the room been brighter (D)No improvement

8. If Ram will call me at his home, I shall be v happy.

(A) If Ram called (B) If Ram has called

(C) If Ram calls (D) No improvement

English By : Jaideep Singh
9. Walk carefully lest you do not fall.

(A) lest you might not fall (B) lest you fall

(C) lest you should not fall (D)No improvement

10. I will buy the house provided it is quite sound.

(A) unless (B) whether (C) until (D) No improvement

11. If I had the money I would have bought the house.

(A) If I have had the money I would have bought the house.

(B) If 1 had had the money I would have bought the house.

(C) If have the money I would have bought the house.

(D) No improvement

12. You can’t get good marks unless you don’t work hard.

(A) till you don’t (B) unless you

(C) until you don’t (D) No improvement

13. If one works hard, you have got the reward.

(A) one gets (B) one has got

(C) one will get (D) No improvement

14. In the absence of your support, he would have lost the election.

(A) Lacking your support, he would have lost the election

(B) But for your support, he would have lost the election

(C) He would have lost the election if you had not supported him.

(D) No improvement

15. The price cannot be quoted except we are allowed to examine the sample.

English By : Jaideep Singh
(A) if (B) unless (C) because (D) No improvement

16. If you are a cricket fan, make sure you are witness the grand opening ceremony

(A) you witnessed (B) you witnessing

(C) you witness (D)No improvement

17. Be quick otherwise you would miss the train.

(A) otherwise you could have

(B) No Improvement

(C) otherwise you will

(D) otherwise you will have

18. Had that painter put good colours in my painter, we would have given him

(A) will have given (B) would give

(C) will give (D) No improvement

19. Mr. Dev will not go to the wedding reception without being called.

(A) if he is not invited (B) till he is invited

(C) unless he is invited (D) No improvement

20. If a man remains as careful as he is in the beginning, there will be no failure.

(A) he was in the beginning

(B) he in the beginning

(C) he at the beginning

(D)No improvement

21. As soon as I reached my house, I opened my cupboard.

English By : Jaideep Singh
(A) I reached my house as soon as I opened my cupboard.

(B) As soon as I opened my cupboard I reached my house.

(C) No sooner had I reached my house that I opened my cupboard.

(D)No improvement.

22. Had the contractor informs me, I would have reacted there at once.

(A) informed (B) will inform

(C) inform (D) No improvement

23. If I will get an opportunity, I shall attend the seminar.

(A) get (B) got (C) No Improvement (D) shall get

24. Had he not being scold, he would not have insulted.

(A) Have he not being scolded

(B) Had he not been scolded

(C) Has he not been scolded

(D)No improvement

25. If I am a bird, I would fly to him/her/it.

(A) were (B) was

(C) had been (D) No improvement

26. He will revise it when he is comes back.

(A) when he come back

(B) on coming back

(C) when he came back

(D)No improvement

English By : Jaideep Singh
27. If he has time he will telephone.

(A) could (B) might

(C) would (D) No improvement

28. If he would have tried he would have succeeded.

(A) had tried (B) is tried

(C) was tried (D) No improvement

29. If I were you, I will not do so.

(A) was not (B) would not

(C) would not have been (D)No improvement

30. If god appears here, we would not let him go.

(A) appeared (B) appear

(C) have appear (D) No improvement

31. If I had gone to Mumbai, I would surely bring your books.

(A) would have surely brought

(B) could have surely brought

(C) might have brought

(D) No improvement

32. When I shall go to Agra, I shall visit the Taj Mahal.

(A) have gone (B) shall travel

(C) go (D) No improvement

33. If the room had been brighter, Shweta would have been able to read for a
while before bedtime.

English By : Jaideep Singh
(A) If the room was brighter, Shweta would have been able to read for a while
before bedtime.

(B) If the room been brighter, Shweta would have been able to read for a while
before bedtime.

(C) Had the room been brighter, Shweta would have been able to read for a while
before bedtime.

(D)No improvement

34. You can borrow my laptop as long as you promise not to misuse it.

(A) only long as (B) too long as

(C) so long as (D) No improvement

35. I wish I knew what is wrong with my car.

(A) I wish I knew what was wrong with my car.

(B) I wish I had known what is wrong with my car.

(C) I wish I know what is wrong with my car.

(D)No improvement

36. Supposing if he comes, what should I do?

(A) If he comes (B) In case he will come

(C) In the event of his being come (D)No improvement

37. If you have studied hard, you would have got a first class.

(A) If you studied hard. (B) If you had studied hard.

(C) If you would study hard. (D)No improvement.

38. If I am the P.M. I would ban all processions.

(A) will be (B) were (C) am (D) No improvement

English By : Jaideep Singh
39. If I had played well, I would have won the match.

(A) I played well (B) I play well

(C) I am playing will (D)No improvement

40. If I had followed your advice, I would not regret today.

(A) will not regret (B) had not regretted

(C) would not have regretted (D)No improvement

41. I shall not go until I am invited.

(A) till (B) whether

(C) unless (D) No improvement

42. I shall appreciate if you kindly accept my proposal.

(A) I would appreciate if (B) I shall appreciate it if

(C) I would have appreciate if (D)No improvement

43. If you were the Prime Minister of India what steps would you have taken to end
unemployment ?

(A) will you take (B)will you be taking

(C) would you take (D)No improvement

44. If they were knowing about the crabs, they would not have decided to picnic

(A) had known (B) knew

(C) did know (D) No improvement

45. If he had time he will call you.

(A) would have (B) would have had

(C) has (D) No improvement

English By : Jaideep Singh
46. The concert will start when the conductor comes.

(A) when the conductor arrives

(B) when the curtain has been raising

(C) when the audience will arrive

(D)No improvement

47. Mary would not go to the market unless I go with her.

(A) shall go (B) went

(C) would go (D) No improvement

48. After the letter reached me, I shall know the result.

(A) After the letter reaches

(B) After the letter will reach

(C) After the letter has reached

(D)No improvement

49. If I dyed my hair green, everybody will laugh at me.

(A) would (B) did

(C) may (D) No improvement

50. Unless they modify the system, our future generations will suffer.

(A) Unless the system is modified

(B) Unless the system will be modified

(C) If the system will not be modified

(D)No improvement

51. You cam ot pass as long as you study.

English By : Jaideep Singh
(A) prm :ded (B) unless

(C) less (D) No improvement

52. If a ghost appeared here, all will run away.

(A) all ran away (B) all would have run away

(C) all would run away (D) No improvement

53. The Councillor behaves as if he is the Chief Minister.

(A) has been (B) were

(C) No improvement (D) was

54. If you had told your problem yesterday, we might had helped you.

(a) would have

(b) might have been

(c) would have been

(d) No correction required

55. If you had attended the meeting, you would have benefited a great deal.

(a) would denefit

(b) could benefit

(c) benefited

(d) No improvement

56. Had you helped me, I shall not be miserable.

(a) would not be

(b) should not be

(c) would not have been

English By : Jaideep Singh
(d) No improvement

57. Even if I had stood on a chair, I would not have been able to reach the light

(a) did not reach

(b) could not reach

(c) would not be reaching

(d) No improvement

58. Have you not reached in time, we would have lost our lives.

(a) Had you not reach

(b) If you have not reached

(c) Had you not reached

(d) If you would not have reached

(e) No improvement

59. If a person studied this period of history, he would have wondered how such
things had happened in India.

(a) a person had studied

(b) a person would study

(c) a person could have studied

(d) No improvement

60. No matter what experience you have had with forest fires, if you would have
witnessed the fire roaring down through the canyon, you would have been

(a) if you witnessed

(b) if you had witnessed

English By : Jaideep Singh
(c) if you could witness

(d) No change required

61. If you have been careful, you could have avoided the accident.

(a) If you are

(b) Had you been

(c) Have you had been

(d) Had you have been

(e) No correction required

62. Had I realized how close I was to the edge of the valley, I would not have carried
the bags there.

(a) Had I been realized

(b) If I would have realized

(c) When I realized

(d) Had I had realized

(e) No correction required

63. Had I realised how close I was to falling, I would not have gone to the party.

(a) If would have realised

(b) Had I realise how close

(c) When I realised how close

(d) If I realised close

(e) No change required

64. Had I been there, I would be helped him.

(a) would be helped

English By : Jaideep Singh
(b) Should be helping

(c) could be of help

(d) could have been helped

(e) None of these

65. I would have employed the same strategy had he not forewarned me.

(a) He had not forewarned

(b) He would not have forewarned

(c) He not been forewarned

(d) Had not forewarned

(e) No correction required

66. I would have been in your place, I would not have accepted his suggestion.

(a) If I had in

(b) Had I been with

(c) I had been with

(d) Had I been in

(e) No Correction Required

67. Had he known more about the policies of the company, he might not have
accepted the offer.

(a) He had known more

(b) Did he know more

(c) Since not more was known

(d) If he would know more

(e) No Correction required

English By : Jaideep Singh
68. If I leave early from home, I could have made it on time to the airport.

(a) If I would leave early

(b) Had I leave earlier

(c) If I could left early

(d) Had I left earlier

(e) No correction required

69. If he would have tried he would have succeeded.

(a) is triad

(b) was tried

(c) had tried

(d) No improvement

70. If you have studied hard, you would have got a first class.

(a) If you studied hard

(b) If you had studied hard

(c) If you would study hard

(d) No improvement

71. If I had played well, I would have won the match.

(a) I played well

(b) I play well

(c) I am playing well

(d) No improvement

72. If I hadn't seen the car coming, I might have been killed.

English By : Jaideep Singh
(a) If I had seen the car coming

(b) When I hadn't seen the car coming

(c) Since I hadn't seen the car coming

(d) No improvement

73. Were the politicians to assess themselves, they would find that they have lost
their credibility long back.

(a) have lost their credentials

(b) have been losing their credibility

(c) Had lost their credibility

(d) No improvement

74. If I had the money I would have bought the house.

(a) If I had had the money I would have bought the house

(b) If I have the money I would have bought the house

(c) If I have had the money I would have bought the house

(d) No improvement

75. If you would have remembered to bring the map, we would not have lost our way.

(a) Had remembered

(b) Were remembered

(c) Remembered

(d) No improvement

76. Had you been told us earlier, we would have helped you.

(i) Had you (ii) If you had

(a) Only (i)

English By : Jaideep Singh
(b) Only (ii)

(c) Either (i) or (ii)

(d) No Correction required


Answer Key

1. (B) 2. (D) 3. (A) 4. (B) 5. (C) 6. (C) 7. (D) 8. (C) 9. (B)

10. (D) 11. (B) 12. (B) 13. (A) 14. (C) 15. (B) 16. (C) 17. (C) 18. (D)

19. (C) 20. (D) 21. (D) 22. (A) 23. (A) 24. (B) 25. (A) 26. (B) 27. (D)

28. (A) 29. (B) 30. (A) 31. (A) 32. (C) 33. (D) 34. (C) 35. (A) 36. (A)

37. (B) 38. (B) 39. (D) 40. (C) 41. (C) 42. (D) 43. (C) 44. (A) 45. (C)

46. (A) 47. (B) 48. (C) 49. (A) 50. (A) 51. (B) 52. (C) 54. (A) 55. (D)

56. (C) 57. (D) 58. (C) 59. (A) 60. (B) 61. (B) 62. (E) 63. (E) 64. (E)

65. (E) 66. (D) 67. (E) 68. (D) 69. (C) 70. (B) 71. (D) 72. (D) 73. (D)

74. (A) 75. (A) 76. (C)

English By : Jaideep Singh
English By : Jaideep Singh 1
1. If I had a million dollars, I _____lots of nice Parents for my super-cool Teacher.

(A) Will buy (B) buy (C) would buy (D) Bought

2. If you get a final mark of less than 80%, you _____the level.

(A) will not pass (B) will pass

(C) would not pass (D)would pass

3. If you get a flat tire on your bicycle on the way home again, you _____ walk to a
gas station to pump it up.

(A) have to (B) would have to

(C) will have to (D) had to

4. If I hadn't come to Victoria to study ESL, I _____so many friends from other

(A) will have made (B) will not have made

(C) would have made (D)would not have made

5. It Ravi's parents didn't put so much pressure on him, he _____suicide.

(A) would have attempted (B) will not have attempted

(C) will have attempted (D)would not have attempted

6. If we don't do more to protect our environment, The consequences for our planet

(A) will be (B) would be

(C) would not be (D) will not be

7. If you _____ so much at the party last night you would not feel so sick now.

(A) had drunk (B) had not drunk

(C) would drunk (D) would not drunk

English By : Jaideep Singh 2

8. If we don't do something to help the victims of the earth quake now, hundreds of
people _____die.

(A) die (B) will be die

(C) will die (D) would die

9. If someone Ask me for money on the street, I usually _____him.

(A) will Ignore (B) Ignore

(C) will not Ignore (D) would Ignore.

10. If I'm not home by midnight tonight, my parents _____me.

(A) kill me (B) will kill

(C) would kill (D) will not kill

11. If you _____to the potluck party Friday night, In sure you will have lots of fun.

(A) will come (B) came (C) come (D) would some

12. If we don't get any rain soon, The farmer's crops_____.

(A) Die (B) will die (C) Died (D) would die

13. Usually, If I have a headache, I just _____down for a while until if goes away.

(A) lie (B) lied (C) laid (D) will lie

14. If you_____Lokesh, please remind him about this Afternoon's meeting.

(A) saw (B) see (C) will see (D) would see

15. If my Girlfriend _____on me. I would dump him.

(A) Cheat (B) will cheat (C) would cheat (D) cheated

16. If we don't go to the movies tonight, I guess I _____at home and watch TV.

(A) will stay (B) would stay (C) stayed (D) will not stay

17. Mistakes are okay, If we don't make mistakes, we _____anything new.

English By : Jaideep Singh 3

(A) will learn (B) would not learn

(C) learn (D) will not learn

18. If the big sale is still on, you _____get a new pier of shoes for half price.

(A) will be able to (B) would be able to

(C) will not be able to (D)would not be able to

19. If no one _____at home, just leave the package by the front door.

(A) Is (B) are (C) will be (D) would at

20. If you don't do your homework, you _____a good mark.

(A) will get (B) will not get (C) would get (D) would not get

21. If you regularly read for pleasure when you return to your country, your English
_____to improve.

(A) continue (B) will continue

(C) will not continue (D)would not continue

22. If a player touches the ball with his hand in a soccer game, the play

(A) be (B) is (C) will be (D) would be

23. If you put this sweater in the dryer, it _____.

(A) shrunk (B) would shrink (C) will shrink (D) will not shrink

24. If you marry me, I _____ you the happiest woman on earth.

(A) Make (B) would make (C) will make (D) made

25. If Anne _____ coffee in the morning, she gets a little grumpy.

(A) Drinks (B) Drink

(C) Doesn't drink (D) Drunk

English By : Jaideep Singh 4

26. If I eat too much, I always _____terrible afterwards.

(A) felt (B) feel (C) will feel (D) would feel

27. If you put litmus paper into a liquid, it _____red if the solution is very acidic.

(A) Turned (B) would turn (C) will turn (D) will not turn

28. We _____ you after supper if we decide to go to the movie tonight.

(A) phoned (B) would phone (C) will phone (D) will not phone

29. If we didn't have a sun, our entire planet _____a frozen ball of Ice.

(A) would be (B) will be (C) will not be (D) would not be

30. If someone uploaded embarrassing photos of you on to the Internet, what _____?

(A) will you do (B) would you do

(C) will you not do (D) would you not do

31. If hadn't come along at that moment, Rahim……. The one arrested instead of the
real thief.

(a) might be

(b) may have been

(c) can have been

(d) could have been

32. If I had worked hard, I …… very high marks in the examination.


(b) would score

(c) could score

(d) would have scored

33. Had he taken his degree five years ago he …….. got a promotion by now.

(a) might

(b) would have

English By : Jaideep Singh 5

(c) will be

(d) was

34. The accident could have been averted,………. the driver been careful.

(a) if

(b) if only

(c) because

(d) had

35. If I had helped him, he ,………

(a) will not be drowned

(b) would not be drowned

(c) will not have drowned

(d) would not have drowned

36. Had I saved money, I ………. A new car.

(a) will purchase

(b) would purchase

(c) would have purchased

(d) purchased

37. What would you have done if you ……… the train?

(a) have missed

(b) had missed

(c) missed

(d) missing

38. If I ……… her address, I would have called on her.

(a) will have

(b) had known

(c) can have

(d) shall have

English By : Jaideep Singh 6

39. If I …….. a more reliable car, I ……. to Delhi rather than fly.

(a) would have, would drive

(b) had, had driven

(c) had, would drive

(d) would have had, would drive

40. If I had been a millionaire, I ……….. the poor.

(a) have helped

(b) would have helped

(c) can have helped

(d) would help


Answer Key

1. (C) 2. (A) 3. (C) 4. (D) 5. (D) 6. (A) 7. (D) 8. (C) 9. (B)

10. (B) 11. (C) 12. (B) 13. (A) 14. (B) 15. (D) 16. (A) 17. (B) 18. (A)

19. (A) 20. (D) 21. (D) 22. (D) 23. (C) 24. (C) 25. (C) 26. (C) 27. (C)

28. (C) 29. (A) 30. B) 31. (D) 32. (D) 33. (B) 34. (D) 35. (D) 36. (C)

37. (B) 38. (B) 39. (C) 40. (B)

English By : Jaideep Singh 7

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