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Not Strong Enough

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/M
Fandom: Akatsuki no Yona | Yona of the Dawn
Relationship: Son Hak/Yona
Characters: Son Hak, Yona (Akatsuki no Yona), Tetora (Akatsuki no Yona), Ayura
(Akatsuki no Yona)
Additional Tags: Fluff and Smut, Shameless Smut, First Time, Established Relationship
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2024-03-06 Words: 1,798 Chapters: 1/1
Not Strong Enough
by 0ceanborn


Spending a few days in Suiko, Yona suddenly summons Hak, who finds himself in an
awkward position with the princess asking uncomfortable questions while only wearing a
towel. Will he be able to restrain his urges? TW: This story takes place after manga chapter
202. Read at your own discretion. Rated M for the reasons you expect.

See the end of the work for notes
Not Strong Enough
It seemed to surprise Hak how swiftly and easily they got used to amenities after spending so
many nights sleeping outside in their journey. Lili had invited them over to Suiko, the Water
Tribe capital. She wanted to show them the progress on the clinics they set up after the Nadai
incident and to spend time with Yona, he suspected, as the two of them had become quite
close. They were staying at a nice inn and Lili had joined them with the excuse of being a
nice change of pace although Hak had his doubts about it, thinking she probably fought with
his father.

What had him intrigued now was the message Ayura had conveyed to him of the princess
summoning him to the onsen. She and Tetora smirked quite conspicuously after relaying
Yona’s wishes. The four dragons had gone to take a stroll around the city so the inn was
unusually quiet and so he marched on his way to see the princess while mulling over what
reason did she have to summon him.

Soon he was met with the humid atmosphere of the hot springs and as he searched for Yona
through the fog he almost had a heart attack when she approached him from behind wearing
nothing but a towel.

The water glistened on her skin and he couldn’t help to stare at her body and the water
droplets that trickled down her neck, along her collarbone and finally disappearing in her
cleavage. Goodness, he really was lost as he thought he was jealous of the drops caressing
her body. He gulped down and looked away, too aware of how his body might react if he
continued with that train of thought. They had already kissed, sure, but it wasn’t enough now
that he knew how she felt and discovered the sweet taste of her lips.

“Hak…” Yona whispered.

“You called me, Princess?” He replied trying to compose himself with the poker face he had
mastered over all those years pining for her.

“I did.” She said carefully approaching him.

He couldn’t help himself, taking the sight of her too eager and feeling as if the room’s
temperature had suddenly raised. Her lips enticed him so and he couldn’t take his eyes off
her, watching her silhouette and all of her curves: her slim waist, her hips and her naked legs.
He had it bad. She had no idea what she did to him and despite being in a tizzy, he was well-
trained not to let it show.

“You know… I’ve been thinking about the time when we shared the tent in the Kai forest.
You said I shouldn’t fool around lest you attacked me…” Said Yona.

Hak was caught off guard with that comment since that happened after he had kissed her on
the forehead when she told him to do what he wanted.
“Yes, I remember.” He answered trying to forget about the distance between them and how
she was only wearing a towel.

“So I was wondering what exactly did you mean...” She finished, apparently unaware of
Hak’s feelings.

His eyes widened and he felt as if his hunger had increased tenfold by now. Was she really
asking that? Had she no idea of how she was tempting him?

“Princess, it was made in jest. It’s not something to dwell on… Besides, I don’t think I can
explain.” He said trying to get out of the awkward position she had put him into.

“Then show me.” She stated and Hak thought he was going to lose his mind.

He stepped closer to her and bent down to whisper in her ear.

“That’s a dangerous request, princess. And I don’t think I’m strong enough to stop if we tread
down that path… Are you sure?” He asked.

Yona was beet red but she shyly nodded and placed her small hand in his toned chest. Hak
put his hand over hers while his other hand traced the line of her chin and traveled to her lips.

He took her in his arms and kissed them gently, slowly at first but then growing urgent and
voracious. They gasped for air and he grinned when he saw Yona’s eyes glazed over, her
hand gripping his hair.

“If you want to stop, this is your chance.” He offered.

The princess shook her head and caressed his cheek, sealing his lips with a kiss of her own.
Hak grunted and leaned her back against the wall, entangling his tongue with her in a
passionate dance with his hand traveling along her leg to his hips.

He could not longer ignore how his dick twitched inside his garment. He left a trail of kisses
and nibbles down her neck and as if on cue, the towel slid over exposing her breast. He let
out a breath and Yona bit her lip, trying to cover herself with her hand.

“No…” He pleaded with a husky voice and took her hand off before grabbing one of her
breasts with his own and gently caressing her nipple with her thumb.

She was beautiful, gorgeous, and he couldn’t get enough of her. Her sighs and moans had his
mind reeling, drowning in his arousal. He bit down her collarbone and grabbed her rear.

“Hak…” She cried. Gods, hearing her saying his name like that drove him crazy, he wanted
to drink in the sight of his princess coming undone, the sheen of her sweat on her forehead
and her now swollen lips slightly parted.

He came back to his senses when he felt her hands trying to undress him. He groaned and put
her down on the floor, the towel now discarded. He admired her naked form before helping
her to take off his coat and his robe. Suddenly growing bold, the princess trailed her hand
over the noticeable bulge in his pants, eliciting from him a pleased grunt which managed to
boost her confidence.

“Princess…” He said out of breath.

“Yona, call me Yona” She told him, surprising him by pulling down the waist of his pants. He
took them off completely and kicked them aside, laying Yona down on his coat and kissing
her with fervor.

His hand traveled along her body and climbed up her thigh. Her breath hitched and she
squirmed beneath him earning a chuckle from him. He kissed her collarbone and her
shoulders, going down her breast until he was licking her nipple.

Yona moaned and said his name breathy. He continued to tease her, his hand inching close to
her sex but not quite. He was enjoying this too much, feeling her growing desperate for his

He let out a groan when he felt her hand slide down his undergarment trying to take it off.
Eagerly complying he finally freed his throbbing erection, watching her reaction as she bit
her lip and slowly took the length of it in her small hand.

“Haah, prin- Yona…” He breathed hiding his face in the crook of her neck.

She smiled and grabbed his shaft firmly and rubbed it slowly up and down. Her touch was
doing wonders for him so not wanting to be left behind he finally slid his hand between her
folds, teasing her clit. She gasped and grabbed his balls, taking him aback.

“It seems the princess has a devious streak.” He grinned, pushing his finger inside of her and
kissing her neck.

She groaned and pumped his dick faster, as if that was her little revenge. He inserted a second
finger while tracing circles with his thumb across her clit and almost lost it as she let out a
long moan. Her voice was heavenly and alas, how much he wanted to burn this sight in his
memory, with her back arched, her eyes shut and his name in her mouth. Finally, he took off
her hand and looking into her eyes he asked once again.

“Are you sure? I don’t think I’ll be able to restrain once I do this.” He warned. “I’ve made up
my mind. I don’t want this with anyone but you.” She smiled and briefly kissed his lips.

“You better, because I would tear his limbs if anyone tries to” He said half jokingly, half a
truth. Yona laughed and he positioned himself between her now parted legs. He was itching
to be inside of her but he tried to reign some control and slowly pushed the tip in her vagina,
carefully watching for any sign of discomfort.

She shut her eyes, slowly adjusting to the foreign sensation. He was huge, she thought. Hak
continued to push his penis inside, pausing when he was completely inside. Gods, it felt so
good. She was so tight around him but he wanted to take it slow since it was their first time.
She bit her lip, slightly uncomfortable. The pain was gradually subsiding and once she felt
ready, she nodded, digging her fingers in his hair and his back.
Hak took the hint and slowly started to thrust in and out, feeling her walls clenching over his
dick. He thought he could finally die in peace as he grunted, losing himself to the pleasure,
loving more and more how Yona sighed his name and tried to match his rhythm with her
hips. He grabbed her breast while his other hand trailed along her back, her skin prickling
after his touch. He had once accidentally learned her back was a sensitive spot for the
princess but he never had the opportunity to test how much until now.

“Mmm… Haaah… Hak” She moaned digging her nails on his back. He was sure she was
going to leave a mark. He bit and sucked her neck, deciding to leave his trace too and sped up
the rhythm of his thrusts, slowly feeling the pleasure built up on his stomach.

Taking one of her legs, he put it in his shoulder, almost coming at the sensation.

Yona was practically screaming at this point so he greedily kissed her lips, cupping her face
in his hand.

“Haah, Hak… I’m a-about t-to” She stammered.

He was incredibly close too so he thrust inside of her once… twice… thrice and finally
coming at the sound of his name when she clenched her walls tight and let a long moan as
she came too.

He finally put her leg down and slowly left her body, lying beside her. They were both
panting, leisurely gathering their breath. She placed her head on his chest and he took her
chin to kiss her gently.

“I love you” She said looking him in the eye.

“I love you too, princess” he replied lovingly gazing into her eyes. He felt like the luckiest
man in the whole world.
End Notes

Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did writing it. Comments
are appreciated!
Disclaimer: Akatsuki no Yona does not belong to me, credits go to original author Mizuho
Kusanagi. This is written by and for fans.

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