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Chapter 2

You can custom map buttons and menu items to the following places:

ff Multibutton mouse
ff Keyboard Top Level (keys displayed when not pressing the Shift key)
ff Keyboard Shift Level (keys displayed while pressing the Shift key)
ff Buttons below the Source and Record windows
ff Timeline Toolbar
ff The Fast Menu Tool Palette

You can map selections from the following menus:

ff All the main menus at the top of the screen (for example, File, Clip, Tools, Windows,
and so on).
ff The Timeline Window's Fast Menu (the hamburger-looking icon in the lower-left
corner of the Timeline window).
ff The Clip Name Menu (the menu above the Source window or Record window that
includes selections such as Clear Monitor and Load Filler).

How to do it...
This recipe will focus on mapping buttons; see the There's more… section for details on
mapping menu selections. To map buttons perform the following steps:

1. Start with one or more of the following:

‰‰ Open the keyboard settings by going to the Project window, clicking on the
Settings tab, and double-clicking on Keyboard
‰‰ Open the mouse settings by going to the Project window, clicking on the
Settings tab, and double-clicking on Mouse
‰‰ Open the Fast Menu Tool Palette by clicking on it, and then drag the palette
up or down to "tear it off" and keep it open for mapping and resizing

2. Open the Command Palette by clicking on Tools menu | Command Palette.

3. Enable Button to Button Reassignment in the lower-left corner of the palette window.
4. Locate a button function from any of the tabbed sections.
5. Drag-and-drop a button function to the button location of your choice in the interface,
on the keyboard, or on the mouse. If there is already a function there, then what you
map will replace it. Remember that you can map to both the top level and the shift
level of the keyboard.

See the There's more... section for additional information and see the Settings overview
discussion for more information about activating, naming, duplicating, deleting, and
restoring settings.


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