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Learning outcomes Length of curves Center of mass of solid of revolution Centroid of plain figure Area of Surface of Revolution Work

ution Work Velocity

Further Applications of Integration: Part 2

Frans Nghinaundiyele Ndinodiva

Namibia University of Science and Technology

October 21, 2020

Ndinodiva NUST others

Further Applications of Integration: Part 2
Learning outcomes Length of curves Center of mass of solid of revolution Centroid of plain figure Area of Surface of Revolution Work Velocity

1 Learning outcomes
2 Length of curves
Arc length for parametric equations
3 Center of mass of solid of revolution
4 Centroid of plain figure
5 Area of Surface of Revolution
Surface Area for parametric equations
6 Work
7 Velocity

Ndinodiva NUST others

Further Applications of Integration: Part 2
Learning outcomes Length of curves Center of mass of solid of revolution Centroid of plain figure Area of Surface of Revolution Work Velocity

Learning outcomes

By the end of this chapter, you should be able to:

Draw a 2-dimensional perspective of the region to be rotated about
the axis of revolution and partition the region to be rotated based on
its position in relation to the axis of revolution (whether along the x
or the y ),
State the definition for arc length and be able to explain how to
rewrite the formula for arc length in terms of dy dx
dx or dy ,
Visualize and sketch the surface generated by revolving a graph of a
function about an axis,
Calculate the moment and center of mass of a system of point
masses on a line,
Understand and explain what is meant by a variable force acting in a

Ndinodiva NUST others

Further Applications of Integration: Part 2
Learning outcomes Length of curves Center of mass of solid of revolution Centroid of plain figure Area of Surface of Revolution Work Velocity

Length of curves
Consider a real function f(x) such that f(x) and f 0 (x) = dy
dx (its derivative
with respect to x) are continuous on [a, b]. The length s of the part of
the graph of f between x = a and x = b can be found by Considering an
infinitesimal part of the curve ∆s and approximate it with a right angle
triangle as follows:

Ndinodiva NUST others

Further Applications of Integration: Part 2
Learning outcomes Length of curves Center of mass of solid of revolution Centroid of plain figure Area of Surface of Revolution Work Velocity

According to Pythagorass theorem ∆s 2 = ∆x 2 + ∆y 2 , from which:

∆s 2 ∆y 2
= 1+
∆x 2 s ∆x 

ds dy
= 1+ as ∆s → 0
dx dx
s  2
Z b
s = 1+ dx integrating both sides with respect to x
a dx

The length of the curve y = f (x).

Ndinodiva NUST others

Further Applications of Integration: Part 2
Learning outcomes Length of curves Center of mass of solid of revolution Centroid of plain figure Area of Surface of Revolution Work Velocity


Determine the length of each of the following curve.

1 x = 32 (y − 1) 2 , between 1 ≤ y ≤ 4.
2 y = ln(secx), between 0 ≤ x ≤ 4.
dx √
Solution 1. using the formula above to get: dy = y − 1 and therefore

r 4

Z p 2 Z
L = 1+ y −1 = y
1 1
2 3 4 14
= y 2 |1 =
3 3

Ndinodiva NUST others

Further Applications of Integration: Part 2
Learning outcomes Length of curves Center of mass of solid of revolution Centroid of plain figure Area of Surface of Revolution Work Velocity

Arc length for parametric equations

Arc length for parametric equations

We already know how to find the length L of a curve C given in the form
y = F (x), a ≤ x ≤ b. That is, if F 0 is continuous, then
s  2
Z b
L= 1+ dx
a dx

Suppose that C can also be described by the parametric equations

x = f (t) and y = g (t), α ≤ t ≤ β, where f 0 (t) > 0. This means that C
is traversed once, from left to right, as t increases from a α to β and
f (α) = a, f (β) = b. By substituting into the above equation we get the
arc length formula as follows:
s v !2
Z b  2 Z βu dy
dy u
dt dx
L= 1+ dx = t 1 + dx dt
a dx α dt

Ndinodiva NUST others

Further Applications of Integration: Part 2
Learning outcomes Length of curves Center of mass of solid of revolution Centroid of plain figure Area of Surface of Revolution Work Velocity

Arc length for parametric equations

After algebraic manipulations we get

Z β  2  2
dx dy
L= + dt
α dt dt

Example: Find the length one arch of the cycloid

x = r (θ − sinθ) y = r (θ − sinθ)

Ndinodiva NUST others

Further Applications of Integration: Part 2
Learning outcomes Length of curves Center of mass of solid of revolution Centroid of plain figure Area of Surface of Revolution Work Velocity

Arc length for parametric equations

Ndinodiva NUST others

Further Applications of Integration: Part 2
Learning outcomes Length of curves Center of mass of solid of revolution Centroid of plain figure Area of Surface of Revolution Work Velocity

Center of mass of solid of revolution

The first moment of volume is the product of the volume and the
perpendicular distance of its center from a given axis in the plane of the
Let y = f (x) ≥ 0 on [a, b], and S be the solid of revolution by rotating
the region under the graph of f (x) about the x−axis. If we partition [a, b]
into n subintervals [xi , xi+1 ], i = 1, 2, ..., n, then the ith disks volume is

π(f (xi ))2 ∆xi .

Let CM be center of mass, then the first moment of the ith disk is

Mi = (x − CM)∆vi .

Ndinodiva NUST others

Further Applications of Integration: Part 2
Learning outcomes Length of curves Center of mass of solid of revolution Centroid of plain figure Area of Surface of Revolution Work Velocity

Center of mass of solid of revolution

This implies that center of mass equation (CME) is

CME = (x − CM)π(f (xi ))2 ∆xi = 0, as n→∞

and as ∆xi → 0 we have that,

Z b
(x − CM)π(f (x))2 dx = 0

thus Rb
x(f (x))2 dx
CM = Ra b = x̄, ȳ = 0
(f (x))2 dx

Ndinodiva NUST others

Further Applications of Integration: Part 2
Learning outcomes Length of curves Center of mass of solid of revolution Centroid of plain figure Area of Surface of Revolution Work Velocity


Find the center of gravity of the solid formed when the plane figure
bounded by the curve x 2 + y 2 = 16, the x−axis and the ordinates x = 1
and x = 3, rotates about the x−axis.Solution

Ndinodiva NUST others

Further Applications of Integration: Part 2
Learning outcomes Length of curves Center of mass of solid of revolution Centroid of plain figure Area of Surface of Revolution Work Velocity

Centroid of plain figure

A lamina is a thin, flat sheet having uniform thickness. The centre of
gravity of a lamina is the point where it balances perfectly, i.e. the
laminas centre of mass.
Centre of area or centroid is the point where the centre of gravity of a
lamina of that shape would lie.

The first moment of area is the product of the area and the perpendicular
distance of its centroid from a given axis in the plane of the area.

Let y = f (x) ≥ 0 on [a, b], and A be the area of the region under the
graph of f (x) as shown below. If we partition [a, b] into n subintervals
(strips) [xi , xi+1 ], i = 1, 2, ..., n, each of width δx, then the ith strip area
is y δx. The centroid, C , has coordinates (x, y2 ).
Ndinodiva NUST others
Further Applications of Integration: Part 2
Learning outcomes Length of curves Center of mass of solid of revolution Centroid of plain figure Area of Surface of Revolution Work Velocity

From the diagram we see that,

1 First moment of area of shaded strip about axis 0y = xy δx. Total
first moment of area PQRS about axis
Z b
0y = lim xy δx = xydx.
δx→0 a

2 First moment of area of shaded strip about axis 0x = 12 y 2 δx. Total

first moment of area PQRS about axis
1 b 2
1 2
0x = lim y δx = y dx.
δx→0 2 2 a
Ndinodiva NUST others
Further Applications of Integration: Part 2
Learning outcomes Length of curves Center of mass of solid of revolution Centroid of plain figure Area of Surface of Revolution Work Velocity

Let x̄ and ȳ be the distances of the centroid of area A about 0y and 0x

respectively as shown below

then, x̄A =total first moment of area A about axis 0y , from which
x̄ = Ra b and
ȳA =total first moment of area A about axis 0x, from which
1 b 2
y dx
ȳ = 2 R ab .
Ndinodiva NUST others
Further Applications of Integration: Part 2
Learning outcomes Length of curves Center of mass of solid of revolution Centroid of plain figure Area of Surface of Revolution Work Velocity

Find the position of the centroid of the area bounded by the curve
y = 3x 2 , the x−axis and the ordinates x = 0 and x = 2. Solution If
(x̄, x̄) are co-ordinates of the centroid of the given area then:

Ndinodiva NUST others

Further Applications of Integration: Part 2
Learning outcomes Length of curves Center of mass of solid of revolution Centroid of plain figure Area of Surface of Revolution Work Velocity

Area of Surface of Revolution

If an arc length is rotated about x or y axis it will generate a surface.
Consider the following small element of arc δs units long, with a thin
band of area δA,

if we rotate it around x- axis, we get something in a form of a frustum


Ndinodiva NUST others

Further Applications of Integration: Part 2
Learning outcomes Length of curves Center of mass of solid of revolution Centroid of plain figure Area of Surface of Revolution Work Velocity

Area of Surface of Revolution

It can be shown that the area of a frustum above is A = 2πrl. Therefore,

the area of the arc is
δA δs
A = 2πy δs =⇒ = 2πy
δx δx
since the length (s) will only change as a result of a change in x. We
know that asδx → 0
s  2
dA ds ds dy
= 2πy , but = 1+ .
dx dx dx dx

Integrating both side with respect with x gives us the area equation.

Ndinodiva NUST others

Further Applications of Integration: Part 2
Learning outcomes Length of curves Center of mass of solid of revolution Centroid of plain figure Area of Surface of Revolution Work Velocity

Area of Surface of Revolution

The area generated when the arc of a curve between x = a and x = b
rotates about the x− axis is
s  2
Z b
A= 2πy 1 + dx and
a dx

The area generated when the arc of a curve between y = c and y = d

rotates about the y − axis is
s  2
Z d
A= 2πy 1 + dx
c dx

Ndinodiva NUST others

Further Applications of Integration: Part 2
Learning outcomes Length of curves Center of mass of solid of revolution Centroid of plain figure Area of Surface of Revolution Work Velocity

Find the area generated when the arc of the parabola y 2 = 8x between
x = 0 to x = 2 rotates about x− axis.Solution

Ndinodiva NUST others

Further Applications of Integration: Part 2
Learning outcomes Length of curves Center of mass of solid of revolution Centroid of plain figure Area of Surface of Revolution Work Velocity

Surface Area for parametric equations

Surface Area for parametric equations

In the same way as for arc length, we can adapt the surface area formula
above to obtain a formula for surface area described parametric
equations. If the curve given by the parametric equations x = f (t) and
y = g (t), α ≤ t ≤ β,, is rotated about the x-axis, where f 0 and g 0 are
continuous and g (t) ≥ 0, then the area of the resulting surface is given by
Z β 2  2
dx dy
S= 2πy + dt
α dt dt

Example: Show that the surface area of a sphere of radius r is 4πr 2 .

Ndinodiva NUST others

Further Applications of Integration: Part 2
Learning outcomes Length of curves Center of mass of solid of revolution Centroid of plain figure Area of Surface of Revolution Work Velocity

Surface Area for parametric equations

Ndinodiva NUST others

Further Applications of Integration: Part 2
Learning outcomes Length of curves Center of mass of solid of revolution Centroid of plain figure Area of Surface of Revolution Work Velocity

We know that W =Force× Distance. Suppose the object moves a long
the x−axis in the positive direction from x = a to x = b, and that f (x)
is the force acting on each x. Diving [a, b] in to n subintervals with equal
width ∆x , then the work(Wi ) done in moving the particle from xi to
xi+1 is

Wi ≈ f (xi )∆x,

for any xi ∈ [xi , xi+1 ]. Therefore, the total work done is approximately
X ∗
W = f (xi )∆x

as n → ∞, i.e. ∆x → 0 the work done in moving the object from a

to b is
X Z b

W = lim f (xi )∆x = f (x)dx.
n→∞ a

Ndinodiva NUST others

Further Applications of Integration: Part 2
Learning outcomes Length of curves Center of mass of solid of revolution Centroid of plain figure Area of Surface of Revolution Work Velocity


1 When a particle is located a distance x km from the origin, a force

of x 2 + 2x newton acts on it. Ho much work is done in moving it
from x = 1 to x = 3?
2 A force of 40N is required to hold a spring that has been stretched
from its natural length of 10cm to a length of 15cm. How much
work is done in stretching the spring from 15cm to 18cm?

Ndinodiva NUST others

Further Applications of Integration: Part 2
Learning outcomes Length of curves Center of mass of solid of revolution Centroid of plain figure Area of Surface of Revolution Work Velocity


Ndinodiva NUST others

Further Applications of Integration: Part 2
Learning outcomes Length of curves Center of mass of solid of revolution Centroid of plain figure Area of Surface of Revolution Work Velocity


This is used when we are interested in the position of an object at time

t(say on the x−axis) and we know its position at time t0 . Let S(t)
denote the position of the object at time t(its distance from a reference
point), then the net change in position between t0 and t is S(t) − S(t0 ).
Since S(t) is an anti-derivative of the velocity function V (t), we can
write Z t
S(t) = S(t0 ) + V (u)du

and Z t
V (t) = V (t0 ) + a(u)du,

since V (t) is the anti-derivative of the acceleration a(t).

Ndinodiva NUST others

Further Applications of Integration: Part 2
Learning outcomes Length of curves Center of mass of solid of revolution Centroid of plain figure Area of Surface of Revolution Work Velocity


The acceleration of an object is given by a(t) = cos(πt), and its velocity

at time t = 0 is 2π . Find both the net net and the total distance
travelled in the 1st 1.5 seconds.
Solution is left for you to find.

Ndinodiva NUST others

Further Applications of Integration: Part 2

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