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Follow Me

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: F/M
Fandom: Akatsuki no Yona | Yona of the Dawn
Relationships: Son Hak/Yona, Son Hak & Yona
Characters: Yona (Akatsuki no Yona), Son Hak
Additional Tags: Hak x Yona, thunder beast and his princess, the dark dragon - Freeform,
and the happy hungry bunch, is this fandom dead?, its probably dead
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2019-11-22 Updated: 2024-02-14 Words: 3,231 Chapters: 4/?
Follow Me
by sailorshadzter


in here will be a collection of any and all akatsuki no yona works.

Chapter 1

Who was she? What was to become of her? Of her kingdom?

These were the questions she asked herself daily; ever since that awful night, the night of her
sixteenth year, when she had been forced from her castle and the only life she had ever
known. Once a princess and now she was a nobody. It was cruel of fate, to reduce her to this,
to force her from her home and to leave her an orphan. But as the days had worn on, and she
bore witness to the state of her father's kingdom, to the death and destruction and chaos of the
outside world, she knew what plagued her was nothing. She could adapt, she could learn, and
she would. she would become strong and one day, reclaim her kingdom as its queen. A strong
queen that her people could believe in. they deserved that much.

It was late at night. The others were all asleep, or at least she thought they were. Having been
unable to sleep despite the day of traveling, Yona found herself sneaking away from the
camp, bow and arrows in hand. Though she hated the creatures, she found she identified
more and more with a snake these days- at least in the aspect of shedding its skin. In a short
time, she had shed her skin and become a whole new person entirely- almost unrecognizable
to those who had once known her. Gone was her beautiful long locks, cut short by her own
hand in order to save her beloved Hak. Gone were her lovely silk dresses and beautiful
jewelry. Gone were her carefree days of youth. And in truth, she truly didn't miss them, the
trivial things at least. She missed her father deeply; some days the pain hurt so much she
thought she might crumble. Some days she thought she might not even make it through. But
then Hak was there, or Yoon, or even one of her faithful Dragons. They were what kept her
going, what kept her from falling prey to her own inner demons and darkness.

Casting aside her cloak, she drew back her bow, arrow poised and ready to fly. She released
it, her aim for the center of a nearby tree- it hit her target, albeit a little off-center, but hit it all
the same. She could not help but to smile in her moment of pride, but that wasn't nearly good
enough. Again she shot an arrow, aiming for the same spot, missing this time by a few inches.
Groaning inwardly, she aimed again, this time hitting the mark she had aimed for. Over and
over again she shot her arrows, stopping every few minutes to retrieve them from the tree, to
reuse in her efforts.

From a short distance away, blue eyes peered out, watching her every movement. He had
been awakened by her footsteps, soft as they had been. Unable to stop himself, he followed
after her, keeping his distance so she might not notice his presence; he was surprised to see
her, taking up her bow and arrow, practicing her aim so late at night. He could not help but to
spy, to keep his eyes upon her- he had promised to protect her, and he could not do that if he
wasn't at her side. He knew she needed time to herself, there was a lot she had to deal with, a
lot she was still coming to terms with… But… He hated not having her beside him, even for
a moment.

Lifting his gaze to the sky above, he sent out a silent call to the late King, hoping he was out
there somewhere watching over his daughter. Look at what she's become, he told the King,
hoping he might still be able to hear his words. Hak returned his gaze to Yona then and was
shocked to see the tears that were coursing down her cheeks. She was sobbing softly, but
made no movement to try and stem the flow, or even wipe them away. She continued to
shoot, her entire being shaking until she could no longer even hold the bow steady. Though
he had promised himself he was going to stay away, Hak could not. He couldn't leave her like

She couldn't see, her tears were blurring her vision too much now. The bow slipped from her
hands and fell to the ground, the arrow missing its mark completely. Her hands came up,
battered and bleeding, to cover her face as she cried. Her tears were for her father, for the loss
of him. They were for her kingdom, the one that she could do nothing for. Until she was
strong, she could do nothing at all. Her knees were wobbling, threatening to crumple beneath
her weight, when she heard the footsteps. Hands lowered, Yona looked up, violet eyes
swimming with her anguish, as Hak slowly approached her. "Hak…"

Her soft vocals had hardly reached him before she was hitting her knees, hands curling into
fists, her face down-turned. Hak stood above her for a moment, his eyes glimmering in the
moonlight; he dipped down, casting aside all formalities to take her into his arms, enfolding
her into his warm, safe embrace.

Yona stiffened at first, but then her arms came around him as well, and she buried her face
into his shoulder as she cried all the harder. This was the only thing that felt right in her life,
the only thing that was familiar. The only thing that left her feeling safe and loved. Hak had
always been there, in passing at first, but even then he had offered her protection and warmth.
Then, once he had become her body guard, he had always been there- never straying far from
her side, even at the palace. In all honesty, Yona could hardly remember a moment where
Hak hadn't been there.

Her tears slowly lessened until they were nothing more than sniffles, and that was when Hak
pulled back, his hands still gently resting upon her shoulders. Yona's eyes shined like gems in
the moonlight as they stared at him, her lips parting as if she meant to speak. But no words
would come. His hand slowly left her shoulder, to rise up, his thumb swiping across both of
her cheeks, erasing away the remnants of her tears, his skin warm against hers. He reached
down then, to take her hands into his, blue hues inspecting the damage done; in an instant, he
was tearing the cloth of his cloak into two long strips, which he set about tying around her
injured palms, glancing up only once when she gave a little squeak of pain at his touch.
"Yoon should look at these tomorrow," he finally said, breaking the silence between them, his
eyes finding hers, hands still clasped together. She mutely nodded, a sweet smile the only
thanks he truly needed. He rose up, meaning to take her back to camp, but she held fast to his
hands, keeping him there on his knees. "Princess…"

Yona shook her head, a smile reappearing. He didn't need to say a thing. Leaning over, she
lightly brushed her lips to his cheek, a simple gesture that left him blushing furiously. She
rose up on her own then, proof of her triumph over whatever demon she had been facing that
evening. Turning, she simply walked away, leaving Hak on the ground, his hand reaching up,
fingertips pressing against the spot her lips had just been. He watched her go, watched the
way she walked, the way her red hair gleamed in the moonlight; and then her figure faded
from his sights, swallowed up by the darkness of the trees. It was only then that he too stood,
picking up her forgotten cloak, and followed after her.
He would always follow her.
Chapter 2

He would never forget what she looked like there in the moonlight.

His heart beats fast, his pulse like thunder in his ears. It is with a slightly shaking hand that he
reaches for her, fingertips ghosting across the skin of her jaw. Thumb swiping her lower lip,
breath catching in his throat when her hand caught his, Hak knows there isn't anything in the
world that would stop whatever it was that came next. "Hak..." Her voice is sweet and low,
like music to his ears. The clouds shift above and a moon beam illuminates her, a soft, white
glow that gives her the most ethereal look that takes his breath away.

In an instant, she's in his arms, right where she belongs.

Leaning down, he captures her mouth with his own, hyper aware of the way her body is
pressed against his own. "Princess..." He murmurs as he draws back, instead pressing feather
soft kisses against the corner of her mouth, down her jaw, and against her neck. Her petal soft
skin breaks beneath his teeth and Hak can barely contain himself when he hears her breath
catch. "What have you done to me..." he laments aloud, one hand running the length of her
body, the other slipping into her vibrant red locks. "You are more like a witch than a
princess." His mouth is on hers again and Hak can feel her as she slides her hands into place
on either side of his head, cupping his cheeks into her palms. Her kiss is her only response,
proof of what she feels for him.

All he can hope is that his kiss is as telling as hers.

He thinks about every moment that has led them to this one, standing there in the moonlight
of Kouka kingdom, on the cusp of something new and wonderful. He thinks about the long
years that have passed since her push from the castle, since the night her father was
murdered. He thinks about his pledge to protect her with his life, his pledge to fight for her
happiness, fleeting as it might sometimes be. He thinks about how it felt the first time her lips
touched his, surprising him more than any other moment with her ever had. He thinks about
the softness of her hand in his, of the way her violet eyes burned with such intensity he
thought her gaze would swallow him whole.

He would think about her forever, if only time would permit it.

"Hak..." Her voice pulls him free from his mind and he draws back so he can look upon her,
the feel of her hands still yet on his cheeks. "Call me Yona... Just this once," her lips curve
into a smile and Hak feels warmth pooling in his stomach as he pulls her back towards him.
Her arms wind around his waist then, head tipped back as their lips meet in a slow, passionate
kiss that very well could knock him off his feet.

"I'm yours to command... Yona," he breathes her name against the shell of her ear, speaking
her given name for the first time in what had to be years. It feels strange, yet familiar all the
same. He can feel the shudder of pleasure that rushes through her and he grins, tipping his
forehead against hers. "So, command me, my sweet," his words hold new meaning and he
chuckles as the heat floods her face. She is the only woman he knows that can look sensual
when she blushes red. But then she gains her confidence because she swallows and he can
feel her hands on the front of his robes, pulling them apart to reveal his bare chest to her
wandering touch.

"Be mine," she says simply, before her mouth is on his yet again.

As if he wasn't already.
your touch
Chapter Summary

just a little something since i finally caught up on the manga :c


He stands there watching her, worry etched into his solemn features, but still she does not
budge. In fact, it’s as if she cannot even hear him, for her violet eyes never stray from the
direction in which they gaze. He swallows, taking another step closer. “Princess?” Louder
this time, but she is lost to him, entranced by her own thoughts, her own worries, her own
mind. This time his hand falls into place against her shoulder, gently turning her to face him
as he speaks one last time. “Princess.”

She blinks back to the present, her cheeks stained with tears, her rosy lips wobbling as she
looks at him now. “Hak…” Her voice is soft, barely more than a whisper, and the sight of her
in such a state breaks his heart. He’s not seen her in such a way since those days so very long
ago, those days when they had to run from her home. Hak knows the pain of being away
from her dragons, of watching Jae-ha fade as he had… To almost seeing Kija do the same…
N0, Hak forces away such a thought, for the white dragon lay in a tent, resting his wounds
and body right then and there, still with them, still here.

Reaching for her then, he takes her into his arms without another word, drawing her in close,
breathing her in, hoping what strength he has becomes hers with the touch of his hand. She is
so small and trembling, shaking with the tears racing down her cheeks, burying her face into
his chest as the sobs escape. And all he can do is hold her tightly as he dares, one hand at the
small of her back, the other in her hair. She cries until he fears she will break, until her knees
buckle beneath the weight of her sorrow and he must hold her up. He would always hold her
up. “Hak…” She whispers as his hands come underneath her, picking her up as he’s done
hundreds of times before. Her head against his shoulder, she breathes easier, as she always
does when Hak holds her in such a way.

“All will be well, princess, you will see,” he says softly as his lips touch down upon the
crown of her head. “We will find the other dragons and be together again.” Yona swallows,
tilting back her head so for a moment their eyes meet- and then she’s kissing him, so soft and
warm, her hands on either side of his face. When she draws back, her cheeks are pink and
she’s smiling for the first time in what he thinks must be days.

“You’re right,” she says with a nod, reminding herself that she is stronger than this pain. That
no matter how things seem right then, with Hak at her side, she could do anything. He was
right, they would find Jae-ha and Shin-Ah and Zeno, then they would return to Yoon and be a
family once more.

All would be well, just as he said.

a broken family.
Chapter Summary

the newest chapter just about took me out T_T

something inspired by it!

Left alone in the aftermath, she feels numb.

Hak has come and gone, building a fire, hunting and cooking a rabbit that still sits untouched
at her feet, draping his cloak over her shoulders, yet still she cannot move. She cannot bear to
take a single step forward, a single step back, a single step anywhere. Not without them. Not
without her dragons. Not without her beloved comrades.

She simply cannot believe that this would be the end of them, that after all they’d been
through together, after all they had endured, that this truly would be the end. Yona doesn’t
know it, but tears are streaking her cheeks, staining the front of her dress as she cries silently,
the pain intense. Somehow, this feels even worse than the murder of her own father, of losing
her home and the only life she’d ever known. This feels as if a part of her were gone, taken
from her without warning, leaving behind a ghost of who she once was. Her dragons had
been more than comrades, more than friends, they were a part of her, just as she was a part of
them. And to no longer have them at her side, to touch or to hold, to scold or to pester, she
simply cannot imagine it.

It simply cannot be.

His own pain is evident, the bonds of friendship he’s forged with each of the dragons left
behind by the imprints on his heart and mind. He too cannot bear to think that it was all over,
that there would be no returning of their beloved friends, their dragon friends, their family.
After all they’ve been through together, every fight, every win, every loss, every moment , he
can’t begin to imagine that it was all over now. He’s cried his tears, though, and Hak knows
he must be strong, perhaps stronger than he’s ever had to be before.
And so, as he crosses across the campsite, dropping the wood he carries beside the burning
fire, simply so he might kneel down in front of the crying girl, putting both of his hands on
her shoulders. “Princess…” He speaks softly, gently, but she does not react, as if she cannot
even hear him through her anguish. “Princess.” He tries again, stronger; she sucks in a breath,
reacting, but not responding. “Yona!” He calls her by her name, something he never does,
and it does the trick- she blinks back into the present, her violet eyes swollen and gleaming
like the most precious of jewels. “You need rest, sweetheart,” he softens again and she
swallows, nodding, having no energy left to argue.

As he sits back on his hunches, prepared to rise back up, he feels the tug of her hands on the
front of his robes. “Don’t go,” she whispers, pained, a fresh wave of tears filling her
desperate eyes. Hak’s heart breaks all over again, but he steels himself against the pain,
nodding his head. How could he ever leave her side, after all?

Carefully he navigates her down to the ground, still wrapped in his cloak, shielding her from
the world around her with his own body. She squirms against him, burying her face into his
chest, one single hand still yet twisting around the fabric of his robes, as if it were the one
thing anchoring her to this world. He slides his arm around her slim frame, drawing her in,
leaning in simply so he might press a kiss to the top of her head.

For how long they lay like that, Hak can’t really say, but he knows it doesn’t take long for her
breathing to slow, for her grip on his robes to slacken, for her to drift off to what he can only
hope is a peaceful sleep. As twilight turns to night, he watches over her sleeping frame, never
once moving, intent on not disturbing her slumber, listening to the crackle of the burning
embers and her soft breathing. He sighs quietly, peering down at her face, the tear tracks still
yet evident on her cheeks, the sight like a knife to his heart.

It is right then and there that he vows to bring the dragons back to her, so their family might
be whole once more. He swears it, on his own life and hers, that she would spend no more
nights crying herself to sleep, for they would be a happy family once more, no matter the

He would bring the dragons back and her smile, too, that was his vow.
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