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Name: Sworov Tanchangya

ID: 231002103

Department: BA in English

Course code: ENG 101

Assignment: Free hand writing

submitted to: Shahidul Chowdhury

Date: 10/04/2023
Walking Alone On the City Streets

I had been busy for a long time. I was so busy with work, studies, and many other things that

I was feeling bored. I was very tired. It’s been a long time since I went out. I felt a bit relieved

after my university midterm exam was over and got a few days off. Finally I can go out now.

Although I could go out with my friends on the days off but I was thinking to do something

different. I wanted to be alone for a while so I decided to go out alone.

My original hometown is Rangamati. I came to Chattogram after admission in East Delta

University. I was living in Mojaffor-Nogor, Chattogram. It had been like three month since i was

there in Chattogram. It was 3 April 2023, Monday, at around 5pm, I went out. As usual my mom

asked me where I was going. I gave some excuse to my mom. After having a chat with my mom

i came outside of my house. The weather was very good and it was a sunny day. At first I did not

know where to go. So I kept walking straight. Although i had been there for three months,

streets of the city were still new to me. I as far as I know I was heading towards “Tachnical


Walking alone I felt different. I was experiencing the scene of the surrounding environment.

While walking and looking around, I did not realize that I had reached the Tachnical Mor where

the highway passes. Thousands of cars are constantly running to meet the needs of people. Then

I headed towards 2No Gate. As I walked, i could see small and big buildings and various shops.

Some were selling and some were begging on the street. Some people are touched by such

poverty that it makes them curious to know their history. As soon as I went a little further, I

stopped to see the piles to dirt! People littered everywhere. There are no people to clean it and it
stinks. It made me sad. I kept walking straight and thought about it. Then I saw some poor boys

in front of me who are supposed to study instead of working. I saw some beggars who had lost

their various limbs. I was amazed to see how poor people are struggling for their lives. People’s

lives can be like that! I wanted to help them but i did not dare. which was beyond my ability.

Different classes of people in the city were clearly visible. After a while I saw a pile of dirt

again. I kept thinking about all of it .Then the question arose in my mind how we will build a

country like a developed country! Maybe We are all responsible for this. And again while

thinking, I didn’t realize that I reached the 2No Gate.

I didn’t go any further, I decided to go back. I was feeling tired so I took a taxi. When I was

coming back I kept thinking about what can be done about these things. I kept thinking about the

poor people and the dirts. I used to think my life was very difficult. But after the experience of

that day, my life felt like a heaven and all complaints in my life were gone. After some time I

reached at home. I sat at home, drank water and started thinking again. What a great experience!

Maybe I wouldn’t understand if I didn’t go alone and look around.

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