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I lay my heart down with the rest at his feet

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: Akatsuki no Yona | Yona of the Dawn
Relationship: Son Hak/Soo-Won
Characters: Soo-Won (Akatsuki no Yona), Son Hak
Additional Tags: First Time, Boys In Love, A little bit of angst, Hak is a good boyfriend,
Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Touch-Starved
Language: English
Series: Part 8 of Flufftober-Kinktober 2023 (English translations)
Stats: Published: 2023-10-17 Words: 2,530 Chapters: 1/1
I lay my heart down with the rest at his feet
by ANYislife


There's nothin' sweeter than my baby

I'd never want once from the cherry tree
'Cause my baby's sweet as can be
He give me toothaches just from kissin' me
He walked down the hallway of the white hospital with his visitor's badge as he had done
every day for the past week towards the intensive care area. He gave the name of the patient
he was going to visit and took a seat next to the gurney where the blond was lying in an
undefined sleep.

He took that thin, paler-than-normal hand in his own, begging the universe and all the gods
of the world that those beautiful brown eyes would open again, and that those lips he had
enjoyed kissing for several months could move again to explain with their usual enthusiasm
about some new project he had been involved in as an assistant, or about his daily

He began to tell his day, which felt incomplete without him. He didn't mind so much not being
heard, the simple feeling of talking (even if it was one-sided) to him was enough to keep him
from breaking down. He had to see the blond’s face daily to remind himself that his special
person was still in this world, just comatose.

“Come back to me please," he murmured, stroking the back of his hand over the smooth skin
on his beloved's cheek, before leaning in slightly and placing a kiss on his forehead in
farewell. Visiting time was over.

That was Hak's routine for nine consecutive days. Nine stormy and distressing days when
Soo-Won would not wake up after suffering a severe episode of his illness, putting him into a
coma. It wasn’t until the tenth day that he received the news that his partner had awakened
and was stable. Fortunately, he suffered no serious or irreversible damage and would now
reside for a couple of days in the general area for observation.

At the news he basically walked out in the middle of class and took a cab to the hospital. His
nerves prevented him from waiting for the bus to pass, he needed to see Soo-Won now.

Almost two weeks had passed since the reunion in which the couple ended up crying in each
other's arms. The first days after the discharge were reserved for the bond’s reintegration to
his daily activities, trying not to put too much pressure on himself or make too much effort.
Days in which the dark-haired male was in charge of taking care of him and helping him with
whatever he needed.

Although Soo-Won felt stronger and healthier every day, Hak remained as his constant
shadow, always ready to help him with whatever he needed. Those days of unknown now
seemed like a very bad dream in the memory of the brunet who seemed to never want to be
separated from him anymore. Even the most everyday activities that weeks ago he took for
granted, he now enjoyed one hundred percent, even if it was just sitting down to eat together
during their overlapping free hours or visiting the other's house to do homework and study

In more public settings he began to intertwine their hands more often, when they were with
friends or in a more solitary setting Hak found a sense of reassurance and security in
wrapping his arm around the blond's waist from behind, who seemed to enjoy the increased
displays of affection in public. There were even times when they would briefly kiss each
other's lips as a spontaneous gesture of affection, unconcerned about the curious stares of
others, and at other times their kisses were longer and slower when they met in some lonely
college hallway.

One afternoon, while studying at Hak's house, Soo-Won looked up from his book and smiled.
Hak, distracted by his own notes, raised an eyebrow and asked, "Is something wrong?”

Soo-Won leaned forward, took Hak's face in his hands and kissed him tenderly.

“Well, I love you, just that," the younger boy mentioned sweetly, returning to his place on the
other side of the table. Feigning total innocence.

Such a statement always made Hak's heartbeat, making him make a silly smile, but he knew
that in his mind there were other matters that he was probably trying to avoid, so he took his
hand and looked into his eyes and spoke: “I already know that, now tell me what's going on
in that head of yours,” he said, gently tapping the blond’s forehead with his finger, who let
out a short indignant groan with fake annoyance.

“Well... maybe I'm just thinking too much as usual, and I want you to know that I love you
beyond what words can express, but I also want you to remain yourself and live your life.
You have dreams, goals, and a life ahead of you, and I don't want it all to revolve around me.
I'm fine, we'll be fine even if life throws more roadblocks our way. The coma made me
realize how uncertain life is, but what I want most is for you to be able to move on too if
someday I'm not around, or if our lives take different paths," he confessed somewhat
uncertainly, not wanting to send the wrong message to his partner.

Hak listened attentively to Soo-Won's words, appreciating the sincerity with which he shared
his thoughts. He met his beloved's brown eyes, and Hak smiled tenderly.

“I totally understand what you're trying to say, but I don't want you to think you're limiting
me in any way. I would never have aspired to more than I am right now had I not met you. I
always wanted to be on your level, and at some point in my life I started to genuinely enjoy
everything I was accomplishing on my own, and all thanks to you and your ability to move
and inspire the people around you," he replied, tentatively stroking the shorter one's cheek.

Soo-Won's gaze clouded due to the tears that began to silently flow from his beautiful hazel
eyes. Totally moved he drew the raven-haired man to kiss him tenderly, placing his hands on
the back of his neck to keep him close, as if wanting to merge in an eternal embrace.

In a matter of minutes that kiss became something more passionate. Their every move, every
caress, expressed the unbridled need they had been repressing for so long. Hak realized how
much he had missed this, but for assorted reasons hadn't really thought about how needy he
felt to touch the blond, to kiss him, to feel his presence and his body heat.
Calloused fingers explored every nook and cranny of Soo-Won's still clothed body with
desire, as if wanting to make sure the blond was really there with him. Their lips met with a
voracity that reflected the need accumulated during those harrowing days in the hospital.

Hak clung to the gorgeous man beneath him as if he feared he would disappear at any
moment, and Soo-Won responded to his desire with the same intensity. Their gazes met
again, being able to read the uncertainty in each other, but also their enormous desire to
continue, to not stop until they were one and the same. To take a step further in their
relationship and explore new facets of themselves together.

“May I?” asked Hak, taking the blond's sweater, anxious to discard it.

“Please," replied the younger boy, smiling with some nervousness, but helping his boyfriend
remove his clothes anyway, also taking off Hak’s shirt and then his pants in the process.

Soo-won leaned down and softly kissed his boyfriend’s exposed neck as he continued to
gently remove his last pieces of attire before letting out a slight gasp of surprise at seeing
Hak's toned and muscular body in its entirety. He might have seen him naked on other
occasions, but never in the kind of situation they were in right now. This was new. He let go
of Hak's underwear, tossing it on the floor, and instead let his hands travel across all the scars
and moles scattered around his body in a silent and reverent curiosity.

He then spoke up suddenly. "Would you mind letting me do it?"

Hak's head turned around to look at Soo-Won with a mixture of confusion and amusement,
the latter perhaps originating from his lover's serious tone of voice when speaking of taking
the lead. Still, he tried to hide his laughter as he looked back at his partner, who in turn tried
to hide his embarrassment.

"Do what, love?” Hak asked in a cautious and somewhat amused tone.

Soo-Won's face darkened into a deep red. "You know... that," he murmured, the blush
spreading over his entire complexion; his arms trembling slightly in embarrassment. This was
awkward, but he was really looking forward to it.

Hak, who had been trying to hide his laughter, ended up giving into his amusement and
responded with a smile. "Yes, yes, I know what you mean". He leaned up and planted a sweet
kiss on Soo-Won's smooth and delicate lips. "Do what you must, love."

With due consent, the blond grabbed Hak again, pulling him close to seal their lips again in a
slow, sensual kiss.

Moans soon escaped their mouths, the fact that they were fully uncovered made each touch
much more intimate. A trembling hand cupped both erections, stroking up and down
experimentally, being rewarded with a moan from Hak at such an action, which seemed to
encourage the other to continue his activity, now with more vehemence and assurance.

It wasn't long before they both came for the first time, and the sensation proved to be much
more pleasurable than doing it alone.
They stayed for a while longer, embracing and in silence, as they enjoyed the pleasure and
satisfaction of having finally taken that step. Eventually, their breathing finally calmed down.

“You know?” Soo-Won asked softly, not wanting to break the comfortable and calm
atmosphere that had formed. His body lay on top of the light blue-eyed man, their limbs
entwined like vines.

Hak gave a slight smile, looking down at his partner in silence, encouraging him to speak.


“I've wanted this for months, but I've never really found the courage to propose it," he
mentioned, letting his hand roam over the brunet's chest with gentle caresses.

“I wanted this too," he said with his heart beating kind of fiercely, lightly touching the long-
haired man's spine with his fingers, making him tremble. “But I was afraid to make you feel

Soo-Won leaned back on Hak's shoulders, and rested his head on the other one’s neck.

“You don't need to be afraid," he said, "I would never feel pressured or uncomfortable with

At this, the two young men kissed again, slowly feeling their lividity rise again.

Soo-Won pulled Hak closer, grabbing him by the back of the neck to deepen the kiss. He
slowly circled his hand around his waist and moved down the path until he reached his
buttocks, but before proceeding with his task, he reached with his other hand to the drawer of
his bedside table and took out a small bottle of lubricant, at which Hak stared at him with
some doubt and disbelief in his eyes.

“What?” he asked innocently. “I experimented a little on myself so I could know what to do

with you," he explained matter-of-factly, provoking a feeling of anticipation and excitement
in the opposite, who finally relaxed a little more knowing that his boyfriend would probably
know how to handle the situation.

Hak smiled at Soo-Won's simple response. The blond was so innocent, yet so curious that he
found it tender that he had considered experimenting with his body to get to know it more.
He allowed a pillow to be placed on his lower back, followed by feeling a caress on his
buttocks, before a long finger, wet and cold from the slippery liquid was inserted into him,
making him let out a gasp at the uncomfortable sensation.

The shorter one kissed and caressed different places to distract him from the uncomfortable
intrusion, which seemed to work, for within minutes and many more kisses, he was enjoying
being fucked by three digits that were making more and more space between his velvety

That truly felt amazing, and Hak could only let out another gasp and a low moan as he looked
in the eyes of his lover, who smiled gently at him while continuing his rhythmic movement.
Soo-Won then leaned forward and let his chin rest in Hak’s neck, moaning as he got closer,
making him shiver even more.

Hak's moan increased as the movement increased. He could feel his body trembling while his
legs were slightly bent forward, his heart beating like crazy. Hak was so lost in the sensations,
that he almost didn't hear what Soo-Won had told him.

"May I put it in?" Soo-Won asked, holding back his big urge to just do whatever he felt the
need to. At the end, they both had to enjoy this moment.

Hak looked up to Soo-Wan's face, who seemed nervous about what his answer would be. He
closed his eyes and sighed. Hell yeah, he wanted to try it, he was sure about that.

"Well, serve yourself," the ravenette said in a sly tone, bringing the blond one closer to him
with an embrace.

Soo-Won's eyes grew as he heard Hak's acceptance. With trembling hands he reached into the
bedside drawer again, taking from it the same bottle of lubricant that he used before and a
condom, putting it on with nervousness. An anxious gasp left his lips as he applied some
lubricant on his tip. He looked back at his boyfriend with a worried face. Would this hurt?
Would he like it? He knew from experience it could feel weird and be painful the first time,
but with the proper preparation he hoped it wouldn’t be the case.

“I love you," whispered the blond before finally putting it in slowly, distracting his lover
again with the same kisses, caresses and words of comfort and affection that he had used
when he used his fingers.

Hak's heart was pounding and his mouth was very dry. He was trying hard to calm down as
he felt how the cock was entering him inch by inch, the sensation and discomfort was very
strange but not painful, and then a small moan escaped his lips. He looked at Soo-Won's face
and saw that he was also enjoying himself.

Soon the pain and the uncomfortable sensation were replaced by delight and ecstasy. He was
trembling, trying not to scream in pleasure when Soo-Won hit a special spot, and then kept
pounding it until he couldn´t hold back his orgasm anymore, finally coming for the second

He was so lost on himself that he didn´t noticed how his lover came too, throwing away the
condom and taking space next to him.

In the room’s silence they embraced each other lovingly, feeling the beating of their hearts
slowing in perfect synchrony. When they regained some energy, they cleaned themselves up,
and then taking a shower together. Hak had to tell Mundok he would stay the night with Soo-
Won, to which the old one responded permissively.
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