7 Lover Journal 3

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Thats Journal. Belong e AUGUST 29, 2010 20 years ee . may 19, 2003 13 years ers Bata CC OUD awuc’ 8 | | ; : eS Jinx FE ses Sie ae Boone Ree yer e FIO ay Vin mom pi ce Foo! me oh leorogel wet wt ep, she wes loc again, = sad \ A on caer nee oe he c gf Ges Js cat Jou tery as orn Siege. oe oe Ge Eee a je KZ, ah, nee 7. ots ES s . TX, ma! Sonx Tae ane ae Neonat Ooeat o. - a net ase Kee ww Pyar nysci ave and nO ee breha Gown Cry ng. Ths. Te Wank ib Sd bad buR Poetics Scared Be of wunak patg a nor happe al Windy eet nosey TC ave loom aro) The omore dwn gees Gyre nn Aousn. oe ae FYOLLR to lerrencT FAL Watares cud! \aneotne i GU .. Oregfte oy... DRMay, Nesvui (We TS nod Geinng- Pn j = geen Oe® Ge den} Anew) ee Gen oe = morybe, be VERE “4 7 ce VRE erKQ achKwes Cax- Spore Neo mony rey ef . Oo Ww oO UK ohox* =e suns. 141 Nese TW 2ous Vth mew 1 can Randle rk Tym ohoy. TN be Sng, L Mm - Ye rAgs Tn dailenbedy Thay" Ul See Te te as Teel Ge choy, Se es & FO angon. cont ae ~Ew ony 1. ‘Wwe Gllowroc) £0 Mt, anak rope? On tis Ok By Geta toy Drory, °F tea3 masremiiag, TT xtois op eR oo oe to “RCA yeeordd ‘and od ae srr 0.02 Mouse Pod chottad”’ OWASS thom, ie sli f1_an_girl SW ah i are adn mL. Sua ef rc monday e ene. sha would be ork aa ee . dro wiohond. han Fr headed coin & CaitcQ E Be Resorts and mah hen Te 2s: Fray Par a bekende, iy F Pradat and vice preadent t 2 et E Sho. war! 0 L Bes Sa enon AZ Hes oat Baoan ieee pal ene wsIms— do dis BILL VWO XY snout Coke. SWS cade Wore Ke 4 Pega God Son . 99 wr ond sey, Rar ng_ Sie bie £ pS ae aa Mo. Wei, aie a St pack. aie oe tha co fonan’y Vout aes ragis co, ra ee Pevorsag “se UP WA Ree re ny msn “Dy jum HokL de S2a_ yor C oa —— om Wo dns Veh es and ho MSeanp a Wor -\wed coreor . £ wt polit agnelS Fees) ay Se : os dh Le eae E “Radia JVSn seawa! S ' of ae Mass’s whasne Won A. o Se Thaw. Ure N velo. me = deat Mo oa — dene & od Xe we dha aiding. end amu: 2S- COX Coptct . GCAABS. GeSn'o- oS nite? Than wre wsams— co gon eee and ae Otseben \S 22ecS OCTOBER 15, 2003 13 years | WYyornssing Wea, TZ really haw eer Thar ison asl lake aes ce When you me ao eGy ae Es Cog | whow Venery body oo SS dont pane thal Sot mw entra gercutge Hy ee" \ S vwys0o MaherS ao moa. a= oess “D2 yn FUSS Fo anons WW mo people 3 ee fe atin” Ag acc) enough june 3 Soxvdey 1A M weather: ne on the radio today: Me what's going on? Yve Beanon e ‘ ‘o | am excited about asst ast ante vaoio’ Tve So ons cha \le ogre The senor my concerns: VYude- fo yous’ Usewnss Tugs / feel: Gvreok. Feal Wier car Pas trrort. CS wally paying ToncOrrars: Luv Piotgaid rookie Tae at tre A lavye COA 5 Ov owt Ou Goth. tea os 20 DECEMBER 30, 2007 ai = \ 3 st ‘ 3 i : 7 a S apdegzce Cer ooh wr a Lut Nise, Thane TE Ino wns lege A fo har oygpenel Bate Elgin eal So pi Ade Crass T+ war SSE eee - \nod) TEE Wi Swit Ged cee , Se i a loree? ta late? emvcloses surgler eve = — Thos - some howe o) wre ¢ Zt (innstwaag Dnt, wey frod oud Sr ws era Sere To re Bet do We More cee ttis ; cents Tao Suscrsd \iKo (00 re BY dace. spre ase ae ee Chopusrdig, re one An OR Wood “Tien McGraw" on Tee Cacho \ dre Rew OWE & Awd To couddns laehheuo i+! any iy wade Wt __Twa fe excited. Thy Ut suchan \pour ondh . ora 429. Sp ie ——weteclievalsie —\he. Dine ca — wi yr 4 : ay 50 mation ve ws Aa Dre a ey > Oe asa oe DY SOD rrortony bp sec HM). Cg OD. ipa Feyey Je forhey wad a, core WO Tgqve ron cred | fer weg creodt- Tae \nad bad ; a “| Seg \. mq xb vp - Te Lory Upad, And The ye “kh vrawels a Silke He Wel Chaar Ava seit... gieok- Qin, oS ackva tty Lew: Kuss S 4c us ) cove gm wanking, eBiebe FS Jou de so?” g Graig WOE TE UWS TH Wer Word love rhe Wn WU th now tn ome FTocv' & Pl ane Ded “ ‘qe, my waee’e, ve rd OQ : acrvaSixy wd one ie Tee UNAS. ares vaewed Ve, looked or yoy Orsgesets; we WO a ereised. eyed. ceo ye \yenp tortor CnASnrcoy) | 4e\0 —- ae 3 ous Oinwan. et ey Remrse Ber, = Wouddat io ene ee Yrewnwe erDitrod you: Awd iF SZ Bossi BF you, ad ad) ve Teen va Sworn oF Aw b&b L$ rows \n Kee ers phon WAYSIS Wwooe® Fer xa \wr —a oe ve ot arnoante coups que Best pey Mode We oy cS aoe a I chowldn's Vonre roan on OVD ae : - Lanne *e2aviion, TS We wrtid VR Can he Grow wy Sand “Teer crt — Brass ¢ and Wien ss (2woQ far nes pen Ww ve cSosensed Util *r “as Wace We." a ; Oro ‘ony: aes wee ntl One cacs NO. a ae oQees . mmm i eae Hohl Re ge eee lai Sk&uae YOR Sie OV nS: ended on Se ended (amd WN Gosek 5S,;see Jere’ Cexus os} Caw Sted. TA WN cee aay san nce , ) ee yo wary coh nou et 2° Cone aie We liwvays ertat ts off jes node) ose Cason S-Sep! Ww Why Wrtle Ullog.g? TuUevoundad wy fey “cacrte mo bia PEC Tre Journ Was bulk iw Vee \Wo0d'S. Cue Lored ds Tey MYL. See (ANG AQ CARE poured CG aye Quam \> el) Savi Co Wage, Wore ees Beene Cy Ae Bo Ora ene Variopy Tad {eae Seed, Corte) pore atoly Sel. = acanualhy od. Anywoy epee aT ‘ad « lod ns Onrkr sy C2 ont ory cavern we Canmeoe, T> Jon Gants WhO tH do Pex MWe ‘Nwan yidte, Wray TUCK. SH enperdtend Sy “a aud mobdasg, eee co yer WIAA Cownr ed ayo ahi. = Ber do Srveared wa, plorys on mM las Pro deasg~s Than Flew yo fran fr Muy £60 ‘SL Le Convery ACA MA LAMde “CE bone oo Ven) Pensa Ae oe Ie Tre ann Sako ny Dee Gt, —=5 eee eel oe i NG : i Ax 7 f Ace QQ gp ROrQ an§ nce my SS ea an aa Ae Tae Fash Soe pe ee 4 vo S Ge _“Prre__plarno are — 205 CAwe® chen rg “D> oa oe a i gs st a eae ee Z x _ _ _ . PerEEPCrEAE - Vicdke de a ea ees ; = oak heokes, so aaa WE Ai anand pladagsd 8 Ee ay =. wer fo excised, re Son Te Ww Maung TANS 4 SUA RADA Od TLDS VG Con PA cyp Wor, TESS 30 const df aid os TKR OG SURARR AR an Teann SO Wor _ 7 Saath RES Bes a clevd abi us Uwaxye 1d Tan nix \aABoawy eee enor co o0sd Trou»! Dao-k} (Odsou Way 3 Shots’ a 4 QUI, ws wot Come ack Fo Sess! oT Suvened out Oo _* ee QA GUwga, Ty Seo Mm xpe2e Ts eae “Os St 2 Step. rine = Wor Song Wha. mosh Re let Kee NS — The oN Tus — FO4a_L oe eo vane el Tr Massed a 3 wy TU Hud, ree DA. io oa oO A . 2 a Tee ween \ x My o> S22 A rr AAU Q_ _A Pye Ss TS cant Le 0 e.0 ™ , ye TID kh PAGO IA Pee im. ViEUg Q so nth, Feidow Uscoa & Wore. eo Awe olen Tron aren an AS ay — Qarvsovy Peace! aoe oO oR. Tuy: -Osioats | Made oe Wwe woken ANCOR CA re | -Oodlerwape you PEPE — BSN Nees ce COWRA SW239+ Yor Ose gas an Flock See ee oe he Tron AiConed of Ae Was (eve is ae SHS EEE Was. Lare eo Ac Lore Uo Qie RB w Pron Tre J. ne oO Tene onde \nod +8 eee ae Ond Wis ors Can Wack fo wo TU 5a AU ae ae or AL WW ican Ana NOAA) Laat Cin Yount pelichonad : \acau Ww a Onl ov du eg a —sy ip - ss aaa On 6b ee Yow So: A ue, yuas An Wnra novus Thir Mere Ne be Tey Wan ty aad [cc eee SECeeEEEEHEee Tair Novo is aGing Bact, Pvonn Tro deod oh Trrepe Lands edie fet thg And aes Go (Que Sree vr loro edt Cr AOKI MAI Bao AE glare OTe eco, Vlose- nordic Y\nad oe ee c Toc Cand Tair lore Cano ack Your Kiss i iray ee SR Cratched) you Leauge Sa Commi, on Gar en i I~ yo € Ge OO. pangs A ome Stee NG eel Spo e— tea ae Nowe oer A> 99 a MAY 30, 2014 24 years Ke are ook apy CW ak GAcgural pan ard “=> Wei A ee eee i ( io . MW oe © : a (naked Se “a Oe

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