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Thematic Analysis of Questions from Chapter Parliament & State Legislature

Year No. of Ques. Theme of Question

1. Deputy Speaker of LS(Election,conventions,powers,appointment)
2022 3 2. Exclusive powers of Lok Sabha
3. Constitutional amendment Bills(Procedure,role of president,joint sitting)
1. Parliamentary democracy (India & britain diff.)
2021 3 2. Constitutional Government
3. Contesting lok sabha election from multiple constituencies(rules & history)
1. Parliamentarty govt. def.
2. Equal Powers of Lok Sabha & Rajya Sabha
3. Sessions of Parliament(who calls, duration,constitutional Provision)
2020 7 4. Disqualification of ROPA
6. Budget & related documents presented
7. Constitutional Govt. definition
1. Disqualification & office of Profit
2019 2
2. state assembly functioning rules
1. Leader of opposition & appointment procedure
2. Function of particular parliamentary committee
2018 5 3. What contitutes a money bill
4. Vacancy of Speakers office
5. Parliament & 9th Schedule
1. Residency & citizenship conditions of lok sabha election
2. Speaker conventions, votes reqd for winning election in lok sabha
2017 5 3. Parliament control over COM(with diff kinds of motions)
4. Private Member bills
5. Parliamentary form of Govt. advantages
1. Lapse of bill in Lok Sabha & Rajya Sabha
2016 2
2. Parliament making laws on state list subject
1. Joint Sitting(bills send & passed)
2. Budget Dept, CFI, Public Account
2015 4
3. Parliamentary form of govt. Why?
4. Legislative council(size, chairman)
1. No Confidence motion(Procedure, Constitition mention)
2014 2
2. Largest Parliamentary Committee
1. Money Bill & Rajya Sabha powers regarding it
2. Chairman & deputy chairmanof Rajya sabha(member of house), election of Vice President
2013 5 3. Public accounts committee(members & functions)
4. Parliament making laws on international treaties
5. amendment procedure of constitution
1. Joint Sitting(when called)
2. Parliament control over public finance(measures)
3. Adjourment motion(purpose)
2012 6
4. office of speaker(pleasure of president, resignation, member of house)
5. Special powers of Rajya Sabha
6. election disputes, UTs in rajya sabha
1. Diff between vote on account & interim budget
2. Budget(what happens when not presented)
2011 4
3. CFI authorisation
4. use of diff funds & accounts of govt.
2010 1 1. Dept presenting budget
1. Size of legislative assembly, Min age of election
2008 2
2. Largest lok sabha constituency

Prelims PYQ Analysis of questions from Parliament & state legislature Chapter. Themes are color coded. Same color means theme has been repeated. Black is

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