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Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: General Audiences

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Akatsuki no Yona | Yona of the Dawn
Relationships: Jae-Ha/Kija (Akatsuki no Yona), Jae-Ha & Kija (Akatsuki no Yona)
Characters: Jae-Ha (Akatsuki no Yona), Kija (Akatsuki no Yona), Yona (Akatsuki no
Yona), Son Hak
Additional Tags: Love Confessions, Hurt/Comfort, First Kiss, Alternate Universe - Canon
Divergence, chapter 245 and 246 spoilers, I wrote this at 4am, I needed
comfort after the latest chapters, no beta we die like mizari, I love them
so much, Happy Ending
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-11-01 Words: 2,082 Chapters: 1/1
by Kenno


This is based on and inspired by chapters 245 and 246 of the manga, so proceed with caution
cuz I don't want to accidentally spoil anyone.


When all hope is lost, what bad can happen when someone confesses their love at death's
door? Well... Jae-Ha found out when he did.

See the end of the work for notes
“Princess.” Hak serious tone woke Yona from a nightmare, or was it a vision?

“Hak?” She mumbled, still half asleep.

The tall man pointed to the door. “White snake is acting strange outside.”

They left in a hurry. The last few days had been as if hell had risen from its depths. After the
fall of Hiryuu Castle, three of the four dragon warriors had been kidnapped and were
currently missing. Only the poor white dragon had managed to escape from Kai’s hands. He
couldn’t save them.

Outside, the full moon shone upon Kija’s features making him somewhat ethereal if it
weren’t for his terrorized expression. A tall man with a low ponytail stood in front of him
motionless, only the cold breeze of the night moved his silky hair and long robes. They
seemed more alive than the person wearing them.

“Jae-Ha!” Yona yelled when she recognized who it was. “Are you alright? How's your
body?” She ran towards him.

The green dragon could barely speak, “-na dear…”

“Jae-Ha.” She called his name with affection.

“Don’t…” Jae-Ha’s voice didn’t sound like his usual flamboyant self. It was sinister,
hoarse… Supplicating. “Stay away!” He warned, covering his face with his hand, both
monster-like. He went on his knees, begging himself for this nightmare to come to an end.
“I’m not human anymore.”

Kija stepped forward and crouched down in front of the green dragon. “Jae-Ha. It’s me.” He
tried to stay as calm as possible, even if he knew and felt what the other was going through.
“Is this what you are feeling…? My body feels odd as if it never belonged to me. It’s like I
have to cling to my consciousness so I don’t lose sight of who I am. I’m not sure if it’s
because of my wounds or…” He paused. “Or because of the fall of Hiryuu Castle… Will I
too transform into a dragon?”

Yona tried to stay positive. “This has already happened before, hasn’t it? I’m sure you will
return to normal if you heal your wounds in Kouka. Everything will be fine.” She reassured
them and herself, even though she doubted her own words. “So, let’s go home together, Jae-



“No…” Jae-Ha denied with an anguished voice. “No, this is goodbye.”

I wanted to go home . He thought. To where I can hear everyone’s voices and laughter. But…
I can’t get across to where they are.

There was a faint barrier between Jae-Ha and the trio, like a rift in the soil where one couldn’t
see where it ended. Maybe its destination was hell because heaven didn’t suit him.

Jae-Ha moved in the direction of the tall dark-haired man, “Hak… Protect her… Protect
Yona for me. As long as the Crimson Dragon is alive, no ,” He rephrased, “As long as Yona
is alive our life will have a meaning and we will be reborn again.”

The barrier between them grew.

He turned to Yona, to his master. Words so simple yet so heavy. “Yona dear…” Jae-Ha
gestured in the air as if he was caressing her cheek. “I’m sorry… Thank you…” He smiled.
“How nice it would have been to be able to touch your hand again.”

Both Hak and Yona were too stunned to speak, as they didn’t understand what was happening
in front of them. But Kija… Kija knew. As a fellow dragon warrior, he knew. Just like Jae-
Ha, he too could hear his name being called by sweet, enchanting, nearly hypnotizing voices.
They called for him. For them. To go to the other side.

The barrier between them grew even more.

Jae-Ha’s silhouette was getting fainter by the second. His body changed between his human
and dragon form as if deciding what fit him best.

And finally, he turned to Kija, who was kneeling on the ground with his head low.

“Hakuryuu… Kija, my love.” While saying those words, his farewells, Jae-Ha’s face wore a
robe of longing for the man in front of him. He had never felt so much regret in his life. So
many words left unsaid. So many things left undone. Yet Jae-Ha felt a sense of relief,
remembering their moments together. He was glad they had so many memories (even though
most of them were just him teasing the hell out of the poor white dragon. But what else could
he do when Kija’s pale white face turned to a frustrated pink when he called him ‘Kija
dear’?). He remembered the times they fought together side by side. How Kija instinctively
put his body in front of the green dragon to shield him, to protect him. Jae-Ha knew he would
do it with every member of their group, even Zeno, but he couldn’t help but think he wasn’t
worthy of such divine protection.

He remembered the times they both stayed up all night during night watch, how they would
talk about all kinds of things until Jae-Ha said something inappropriate, leaving the other

He remembered the fine, slim, and yet built figure that made it hard to fall asleep every night.
The angelic pale face with cheeks always brushed with a soft pink which made his heart
pound heavily. The white, smooth hair that was always so annoyingly clean and straight
which only made Jae-Ha want to pull it and mess it up. That voice, as sweet as sugar, with
such a polite dialect, which made him wonder how it would sound moaning his name. And
those ocean eyes. Oh, those blue eyes where Jae-Ha lost track of space and time when he
looked at them. He wished he could gaze at them one last time, even if it was just a simple

Upon hearing those words, Kija lifted his head up. Tears fell from his eyes, tracing his cheeks
down to his chin.

“I wish I could make you understand how much your existence meant in my life.” Jae-Ha
continued. Past tense, not because he no longer felt that way, but because he was no longer of
this world. “How much I treasured you… How much I loved you…” He wished to say a
million more things to his beloved, but his time was running out.

And Kija hated it. He hated every single one of those words. What was the green dragon even
talking about? Meant? Treasured? Loved?



The barrier between them was now so wide one could fit a carriage, it was beyond the point
of no return.

“Idiot.” Kija, instinctively as always, reached his human hand towards the man on the other
side. The electric shock from the collision between both worlds made his arm back off.

“I love you, Kija dear…” Jae-Ha’s figure could disappear at any moment now, it was so faint
one could question if he was still there or if it was a hallucination.

“Tch.” Kija clicked his tongue. He transferred all the power he could into his dragon hand,
trying again. The sharp claws pierced the barrier which sent a spike of electricity down his
spine. The pain was tremendous, but he endured it. He had to. The voices calling for the
white dragon didn’t help either, they hugged him like they had limbs, pushing him towards
the bottomless pit. They whispered and giggled in his ears like lovers, enchanting him with
death poison.

Kija screamed, pushing his body as much as he could to the border between the material and
the nonmaterial world. Reaching for the last hint of hope.

At last, the white dragon's hand grabbed the green dragon's leg.

“Say that to my face, you idiot!” Kija pulled the green-haired man, whose face was as baffled
as the previous electric shock, to this side with all his might.

Jae-Ha’s human body materialized as he passed the barrier. The voices screamed loudly. They
were angry that their bewitchment wasn’t working. They reached for him like hungry beasts,
but Jae-Ha was no longer under their spell. He had fallen for another one.

The rift closed as Kija did one last hard pull with his remaining strength. Their hands reached
for each other. The loud voices ceased and they both fell to the ground, Jae-Ha falling on top
of Kija. Hands intertwined.

Kija was panting heavily. He reduced the size of his dragon hand to its normal size and
slowly placed it on top of Jae-Ha’s back, caressing it. “Don’t ever.” He stopped to take a deep
breath. “Don’t ever scare me like that again, Jae-Ha.” He couldn’t stop the tears from falling.

Jae-Ha pushed himself up on all fours to look at his one and only. With his thumb, he traced
the bottom of Kija's right blue eye, cleaning the incoming tears. “… I’m sorry, my love…”
He smiled fondly at the exhausted red face below him.

“You are an idiot!” Kija scolded him, cupping his face.

“I am, I am-“ Jae-Ha agreed but got interrupted by a warmth in his lips. Kija leaned forward
and kissed him, desperately and full of hunger. Yet the kiss was slow and delicate, trying to
erase the feeling of longing they both had inside their chests.
Jae-Ha, being the one who always takes the first step, was caught by surprise. Kija had really
beaten him to it. He smiled between the kisses and when they were about to let go, Jae-Ha
kissed his lover again and again and again. With as much intensity as the ones Kija gifted

After some time, they finally let go of each other’s mouths. They were parted open as if the
only place they felt right was in one another.

Jae-Ha didn’t want to have more regrets in his life and so he confessed again, “I love you.”
Now looking at the person he was destined to be with, not that he believed in destiny, but
because it brought him a sense of comfort thinking that way. He caressed the other’s cheek
tenderly, smiling as he did.

Violet eyes meeting blue. Done so many times, yet this one was entirely different. It felt… It
felt like home.

“I love you too.” Kija also confessed, trying his best to not sound embarrassed.

Their foreheads leaned on each other as they chuckled from happiness.

However, there had been two more people listening to all of that. Yona and Hak’s faces were
as red as a pair of cherries.

“Can I be the groom’s best man?” Hak broke the mood. Yona smacked him hard on the head
with her hand.

“Hak!” She reprimanded him.

The two lovebirds look at them. “Ah-“ They exclaimed in unison. If they thought their
cheeks couldn’t get redder, they were very wrong.
“Aaaaaa, embarrassing, embarrassing, embarrassing!” Kija came out from under Jae-Ha,
trying to find a hole to bury himself.

Yona walked forward and crouched down in front of him. She put a hand on his shoulder,
making Kija look at her from the touch. “Kija.” She said with a sweet voice.

“Your Highness, I deeply apologize you had to see me in such a state. I am not worthy-“

“Kija.” She interrupted him from talking nonsense. “Thank you for bringing Jae-Ha back… I
am so happy for you.” She smiled at him and then at Jae-Ha, who had already gotten up.

The white dragon’s face lit up from his master’s approval. He nodded and reciprocated the

In the background, Jae-Ha and Hak high-fived, grinning at each other. Probably talking about
inappropriate things, as usual.

“And you, Jae-Ha!” Yona got up yelling at the green-haired man.

Jae-Ha flinched and hid himself behind the dark dragon.

“Don’t get me involved in this.” Hak moved to the side.

“What kind of nonsense were you talking about?” She continued. “We have told you many
times before, if there’s something wrong, if there’s anything troubling you, you have to tell
us. Or at least tell Kija, or Shin-Ah or Zeno since they are also dragons like you!”

“... I’m sorry to have scared you…” Jae-Ha apologized. He leaned to Hak and whispered,
“She’s scary when she’s angry.”
“Oh, that she is.” Hak looked at her with devotion in his eyes.

“Let’s find Shin-Ah and Zeno.” Yona said, grabbing her things from the floor.

“I can sense them that way.” Kija pointed his finger, relieved he could feel the presence of the
blue and yellow dragons, even if faint.

She started walking. “And then let’s go home. Together.”

The others nodded in unison and followed her.

“Let's go home… To Kouka.”

End Notes

Thank you so much for reading! This idea hadn't left my mind since August and one night
when I couldn't sleep I wrote all of it!

They will all be alright, trust me 😭 sending hugs to everyone aaaaa

Please drop by the Archive and comment to let the creator know if you enjoyed their work!

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