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Attunement to the Zodiacal Initiation of Aries

by Thoth

In the Lemurian period, the Zodiacal sign of Aries was called "Pythia," a term which
much later in history was used in conjunction with the Oracles of Delphi in Greece. The
Lemurian word, "Pythia," meant to keep sovereign or pure. It also meant to "sustain, to
mark, and to give in offering." Despite the various meanings, the essence of all these
definitions was "to hold above all else as cherished and without blemish."

To the Lemurians and the Atlanteans, all Zodiacal signs were feminine in their inner
mystery, and masculine in their elemental power. Aries, or "Lady Pythia", is the first sign
of the Zodiac, and as such, offers the birth of the other eleven signs as her mark of purity
in the heavens. She gives birth to the eleven initiations that come after her, for she
contains the consciousness of all twelve within her nature. Yet all but the first,
Pythia/Aries herself, remain unborn within the womb until humanity brings her
consciousness into its being.

In Mur-Atlan (the cross-culture of Lemuria-Atlantis) symbology, Lady Pythia was

depicted as a fair-haired woman standing somewhat like the statue of liberty, holding a
torch high in her right hand to light the way through the twelve Zodiacal initiations to
follow. In her left hand she carries a red stone, held in her open palm, as in a gesture of
offering. This stone symbolizes the blood of the womb, which we might now associate
symbolically with the Blood of the Lamb. It is her offering of gestation. "From the womb
of Pythia shall the sons of heaven and earth be born."

On Pythia's's left arm hangs a small woven basket, with three small serpents peering
above the rim. These are the three-fold powers of creation in the earth: conception,
gestation and birth. This symbol reveals Pythia to not only be an archetype of the
cosmos, but to also be intimately connected with the rituals of birth and re-birth in the
realm of the earth. Even though she is a being of "pure aether," her works are performed
within the serpentine creational fires of earth.

The true role of the Goddess in the earth, or the feminine principle, is not to be found
within the elements themselves, but as a steward or power over the elements. The divine
feminine hierarchical station is within the world of the aether--an uncontaminated
substance of fire/air. Her power is utilized to direct and protect the earth. The elements
are comprised of cosmic energy which is crystallized within the matter plane of the earth,
and which represents a masculine/positive polarity.

With the progressive lowering of the planetary etheric vibration through the ages, it has
been necessary for the divine feminine nature of the aether to descend ever closer into
proximity with the bonding forces of the elements. She now touches the core of the fire
within the atom. However, the quality of the negative polarity which is referred to as the
divine feminine has never been, nor ever will be, the elemental serpentine fire itself.

Therefore, in a higher plane of perception Aries represents the Immaculate Conception

of all spiritual consciousness held within in the twelve Zodiacal signs. Indeed, the actual
physical birth of Mari Anna, the Mother of Yeshua, was within the sign of Aries. Her
birth date was April 16th; while Yeshua, the host for the Christ incarnate, was born in
Taurus on April 24th. From the fiery aether of Aries, the "immaculate" gives birth to the
sacred word or logos within the Taurean earth.

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