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Psychiatry Research 94 Ž2000.


Brief report

Mood effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic

stimulation of left prefrontal cortex in healthy

Urs P. Mosimann, Tonia A. Rihs, Judith Engeler, Hans-Ulrich Fisch,

Thomas E. Schlaepfer U
Psychiatric Neuroimaging Group, Department of Psychiatry, Uni¨ ersity Hospital Bern, Murtenstrasse 21, 3010 Bern,

Received 28 October 1999; received in revised form 25 February 2000; accepted 8 March 2000


This study investigated the effect of high-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation ŽHF-rTMS. of the
left prefrontal cortex ŽLPFC. on mood in a sham-controlled crossover design. Twenty-five healthy male subjects
received HF-rTMS of the LPFC in real and sham conditions. Forty trains Žfrequency 20 Hz, stimulation intensity
100% of individual motor threshold, train duration 2 s, intertrain interval 28 s. were applied in each session. Mood
change from baseline was measured with five visual analog scales ŽVAS. for sadness, anxiety, happiness, tiredness
and painrdiscomfort. We were unable to demonstrate significant mood changes from baseline on visual analog scales
after either sham or real stimulation of LPFC. There is insufficient evidence to support the general conclusion that
HF-rTMS of LPFC has mood effects in healthy volunteers. Future studies should be sham-controlled, have larger
sample sizes, and strictly stimulate one single region per session in order to exclude interaction effects with the
previous stimulation. 䊚 2000 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Visual analog scales; Affect; Transcranial magnetic stimulation; Prefrontal cortex

Corresponding author. Tel.: q41-31-632-8811; fax: q41-31-632-8944.
E-mail address: ŽT.E. Schlaepfer..

0165-1781r00r$ - see front matter 䊚 2000 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 1 6 5 - 1 7 8 1 Ž 0 0 . 0 0 1 4 6 - 3
252 U.P. Mosimann et al. r Psychiatry Research 94 (2000) 251᎐256

1. Introduction groups with respect to gender, age, handedness

and nicotine consumption. To avoid interaction of
It is of obvious importance to elucidate the mood changes of two different stimulation sites
exact structural and functional bases of affect to and to exclude interaction of the previous stimu-
understand the neurobiology of and putative ther- lation, only the LPFC was stimulated and only
apeutic approaches to human disorders like de- one stimulation was performed per session. A
pression and mania. Today it is widely accepted sham-controlled crossover design was used to ex-
ŽGeorge et al., 1995. that the system mediating clude non-specific effects such as discomfort and
emotion consists of several brain regions that are noise.
reciprocally interconnected. Among them, the
limbic system integrates external stimuli with in-
ternal drives and is part of a distributed neural 2. Methods
network that imbues stimuli and events with posi-
tive or negative value ŽDamasio et al., 1991; Saver Thirty male subjects were recruited for this
and Damasio, 1991; Aggleton, 1993.. In addition, study by advertisements. Included were male,
mood has been mapped to prefrontal cortex, al- right-handed, non-smoking subjects with an age
though with considerable variability ŽPardo et al., between 20 and 25 years, all of whom were naive
1993; George et al., 1995; Gemar et al., 1996; to the rTMS method. Exclusion criteria were cur-
Lane et al., 1997; Paradiso et al., 1997.. Focal rent or past history of head surgery, epilepsy, any
limbic Žanterior cingulate., paralimbic Žventral psychiatric disorder, or the intake of any drug.
frontal, anterior insular cortex. and neocortical Psychiatric disorders were assessed by the
Žprefrontal, parietal. abnormalities have also been PRIME-MD interview ŽSpitzer et al., 1994. and
identified in affective disorders ŽRobinson et al., an in-depth clinical interview with a board-certi-
1984; Baxter et al., 1989; Bench et al., 1992.. fied psychiatrist before the subject’s inclusion in
Of considerable interest for the understanding the study.
of the basic neurophysiology of mood generation Twenty-five subjects Žmean age 22.4" 1.9. sat-
and modulation are recent studies of non-invasive isfied criteria for inclusion in the study; five of the
high-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic initially evaluated subjects were excluded before
stimulation ŽHF-rTMS. in healthy subjects. Five randomization because they did not meet inclu-
studies ŽGeorge et al., 1996; Pascual-Leone et al., sion criteria. Subjects were compensated with
1996; Dearing et al., 1997; Cohrs et al., 1998; US$50 Ž75 sFr.. Safety guidelines of the Interna-
Nedjat et al., 1998. investigated the effect of tional Society of Transcranial Magnetic Stimula-
prefrontal HF-rTMS on mood systems in normal tion ŽISTS. were followed ŽWassermann, 1998..
volunteers. In three studies ŽGeorge et al., 1996; The Institutional Review Board of the medical
Pascual-Leone et al., 1996; Dearing et al., 1997. faculty of the University of Bern approved of the
HF-rTMS over the left prefrontal cortex ŽLPFC. study, and all subjects gave written informed con-
transiently induced a decrease in self-rated happi- sent.
ness and an increase of sadness compared to the All stimulations were performed using a
effects of right prefrontal cortical HF-rTMS. In Magstim high-speed stimulator ŽMagstim Com-
none of those studies, however, were mood pany Limited, Wales, UK. by the same investiga-
changes clinically apparent to either the investi- tor ŽU.M.. with a figure-8-shaped air-cooled coil.
gators or the subjects themselves. Two more re- Motor threshold ŽMT. was determined individu-
cent studies ŽCohrs et al., 1998; Nedjat et al., ally before real and sham stimulation. Stimulation
1998. failed to demonstrate any mood effects in intensity was 100% of MT of the right abductor
healthy volunteers. pollucis brevis muscle, frequency was 20 Hz and
The aim of this study was to reproduce previ- intertrain interval was 30 s. Forty trains were
ous findings in a larger number of subjects who applied in 20 min Ž1600 pulses per session.. The
were more homogeneous than previous study LPFC was defined as the location 5 cm anterior
U.P. Mosimann et al. r Psychiatry Research 94 (2000) 251᎐256 253

and 2 cm on the left of the parasagittal plane

from the location of the motor threshold of the
right abductor pollucis brevis muscle. Real and
sham stimulation were performed at the same
place on the scull, but for the sham stimulation
the figure-8-shaped coil was held at an angle of
90⬚ and the edge of the coil was put on the LPFC.
All subjects were stimulated in the time inter-
val from 14.00 to 16.00 h. There was a delay of
2᎐3 days between the two stimulation sessions.
Volunteers rated themselves before the stimula-
tion Žbaseline T0 . and 20 min after HF-rTMS
ŽT20 . on five 100-mm visual analog scales ŽVAS.. Fig. 1. Mean change from baseline with S.E. Žmm. of five
different visual analog scales ŽVAS. after HF-rTMS of left
Similar to the procedures followed in previous
prefrontal cortex. Positive changes indicate increase, and neg-
studies, sadness, anxiety, happiness, tiredness and ative changes indicate decrease of the variable. Empty bars
painrdiscomfort were assessed with the VAS represent sham HF-rTMS stimulation, filled ones real HF-
ŽGeorge et al., 1996; Pascual-Leone et al., 1996; rTMS.
Dearing et al., 1997; Cohrs et al., 1998; Nedjat et
al., 1998.. To avoid interference among the dif-
ferent scales, each scale was presented on an 4. Discussion
individual cardboard card in randomized order.
For descriptive statistics, the mean and S.E. dis- It is controversial whether high-frequency
tances Žmm. of the changes from baseline ratings repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation ŽHF-
were calculated for each VAS for real vs. sham rTMS. of the prefrontal cortex has an influence
stimulation. Two-way repeated measures analysis on mood. This study investigated the effect of left
of variance ŽANOVA. with the main effects prefrontal cortical ŽLPFC. HF-rTMS on mood
shamrreal stimulation and order effect was used with five visual analog scales ŽVAS. in a sham-
and the interaction of these effects was tested. controlled crossover design and failed to demon-
strate significant mood changes from baseline at
20 min after real and sham stimulation. Two
other studies ŽCohrs et al., 1998; Nedjat et al.,
3. Results 1998. also failed to demonstrate mood effects in
healthy volunteers after prefrontal HF-rTMS.
However, several cases of clinically observable
No subject had to be excluded after randomiza- mood changes as side effects ŽNedjat et al., 1998.
tion. Five of the 25 subjects complained of a mild of rTMS have been reported. Furthermore, three
headache 20 min after the stimulation. Four sub- studies specifically designed to study mood
jects recovered spontaneously, one after a single ŽGeorge et al., 1996; Pascual-Leone et al., 1996;
dose of paracetamol, 500 mg. No obvious mood Dearing et al., 1997. found mood changes after
changes were observed. Fig. 1 shows the mean HF-rTMS of prefrontal cortex that were not clini-
change from baseline Žmm. and S.E. of all VAS cally apparent to either the investigators or the
for real and sham stimulation. Two-way repeated subjects themselves.
measures ANOVA did not reject the null hy- Table 1 summarizes our own findings and the
pothesis of each VAS Že.g. happiness, sadness, findings of previous studies using HF-rTMS for
tiredness, painrdiscomfort. for the main effects comparison and discussion: study goals and de-
mood change after shamrreal stimulation and signs were slightly different. The subjects in our
order effect. Furthermore, no significant interac- study were homogeneous with respect to gender,
tion of these effects was detected. age, handedness and nicotine consumption. Three
Table 1
Summary of HF-rTMS mood studies in healthy subjects a

Pascual-Leone George et al. Dearing et al. Nedjat et al. Cohrs et al. Mosimann et al.
et al. Ž1996. Ž1996. Ž1997. Ž1998. Ž1998. Ž2000.

Study goal Influence of rTMS Influence of rTMS Influence of Influence of Influence of rTMS Influence of
on mood on mood, hormone, rTMS on mood rTMS on mood on REM sleep, rTMS on mood
reaction time Žtwo coil shapes. mood
Design Crossover Crossover Crossover Parallel group Crossover Crossover
N 10 10 9 50 12 25

U.P. Mosimann et al. r Psychiatry Research 94 (2000) 251᎐256

Sex ratio ŽM:F. 6:4 6:4 5:4 13:0 25:0
Age 22᎐27 35 " 8.1 33 " 7 26.9" 2.3 22.4" 1.9
Handedness Right Right Right
midfrontal midfrontalroccipitalr right left inferior
cerebellum parietalrmidoccipital
Site of sham None None RPFC, coil None Vertex, coil LPFC, coil
stimulation angled 45⬚r90⬚ angled 90⬚ angled 90⬚
Stimulated sites
per session 6 1 3 1 1
Shape of the coil Figure 8 Figure 8 Figure 8rteardrop Figure 8 Figure 8 Figure 8
Intensity Ž% MT. 110 120 80 80 120 100
Frequency ŽHz. 10 5 20 10 and 20 20 20
No. of trains 10 10 20 20 160 40
Train duration 5 10 2 5 and 2 0.25 2
Intertrain interval 25 120 58 60 8 30
Pulses per site 500 500 800 1000 and 800 800 1600
Time of mood T0 , T1 T0 , T30 , T60 , T90 , T0 , T1 , T1440 T1 T0 , T20
rating ŽTminutes . T180 , T) 480 , T1440
Effect of LPFC Happiness x Happiness x Happiness x Happiness ­
stimulationUU Sadness ­ Sadness ­ Sadness ­ Sadness ­
Effect of RPFC Happiness ­ Happiness ­
stimulationUU Sadness ­ Sadness x
Conclusion rTMS to LPFC: rTMS to LPFC: rTMS to LPFC: No mood effects No mood effects No mood effects
Ž P- 0.05. Happiness x Happiness x Happiness x
Sadness ­

Notes. U not reported; UU relative change from baseline. MT, individual motor threshold of contralateral abductor brevis muscle; LPFC, left prefrontal cortex;

RPFC, right prefrontal cortex; T0 , mood rating at baseline before the stimulation; T1 , mood rating immediately after the stimulation; Tminutes , mood rating after n
minutes after the stimulation Že.g. T20 mood rating 20 min after the stimulation..
U.P. Mosimann et al. r Psychiatry Research 94 (2000) 251᎐256 255

studies ŽGeorge et al., 1996; Pascual-Leone et al., ŽGeorge et al., 1996; Pascual-Leone et al., 1996;
1996; Nedjat et al., 1998. were not sham-con- Dearing et al., 1997. is rather a consequence of
trolled, although sham control is particularly im- an interaction of two different prefrontal stimula-
portant in rTMS studies to control for the marked tions than a specific effect of HF-rTMS of the
non-specific effects of the procedure, such as LPFC. For the rating of sadness, the same inter-
discomfort and noise. In the controlled studies action Ži.e. increase of sadness after HF-rTMS of
ŽDearing et al., 1997; Cohrs et al., 1998., compar- LPFC and decrease of sadness after HF-rTMS of
ison is difficult because sham stimulation was RPFC. has not been found consistently.
performed with different methods Ži.e. angles of All studies investigating mood effects in healthy
the coil 45⬚ or 90⬚. and consequently with differ- volunteers have used visual analog scales ŽVAS.
ent putative influences on scalp and brain. Sham to measure mood changes. However, only two
stimulation in our study was different from that studies ŽPascual-Leone et al., 1996; Dearing et al.,
used in the study of Dearing et al. Ž1997. in order 1997. found mood changes on VAS by comparing
to ensure that no magnetic stimulation of the HF-rTMS of the LPFC with HF-rTMS of the
brain occurred. RPFC. In one study ŽGeorge et al., 1996., VAS-
Mood effects of prefrontal HF-rTMS were assessed mood changes were not observed, and
observed with stimulation intensities both above mood effects were apparent only with the modi-
and below the motor threshold. In our study, the fied version of the National Institute of Mental
stimulation intensity Ž100% of motor threshold. Health ŽNIMH. mood scale, which includes ex-
was in the middle range of the intensities used in plicit questions about sadness and happiness.
the three previous studies Žrange 80᎐120%. that Although the VAS were the same in all studies
reported mood effects ŽGeorge et al., 1996; Pas- ŽGeorge et al., 1996; Pascual-Leone et al., 1996;
cual-Leone et al., 1996; Dearing et al., 1997.. The Dearing et al., 1997; Cohrs et al., 1998; Nedjat et
number of pulses per stimulation site was con- al., 1998., the time of rating was different. Two
siderably larger in our study Žour study 1600 studies ŽGeorge et al., 1996; Dearing et al., 1997.
pulses, previous studies 500᎐1000 pulses.. showed that mood ratings are dependent on the
In two studies that reported effects on mood time interval after baseline rating. Multiple test-
ŽPascual-Leone et al., 1996; Dearing et al., 1997., ing and non-specific effects Že.g. different sensory
different sites were stimulated in the same ses- inputs: events during the course of the day,
sion. In one study, the number of stimulations per watching TV, caffeine consumption. can influ-
session was not reported ŽNedjat et al., 1998.. To ence mood rating during the day ŽRogers and
avoid interaction of mood changes of two differ- Dernoncourt, 1998. and the interpretation of rat-
ent stimulation sites and to exclude interaction of ings at long intervals after the stimulation can be
the previous stimulation, only one location should difficult. To avoid these biasing effects of VAS
be stimulated per session. rating and because the study of Dearing et al.
In two of three studies that reported a decrease Ž1997. found the largest mood changes 20 min
of happiness after HF-rTMS of LPFC ŽGeorge et after stimulation, mood was rated before and 20
al., 1996; Pascual-Leone et al., 1996., the effect min after stimulation in our study. To exclude
was always reported in comparison to a relative possible interaction effects of the five VAS, the
increase of happiness after HF-rTMS of the right scales in our study were presented on individual
prefrontal cortex ŽRPFC.. In the third study cardboard cards.
ŽDearing et al., 1997., the decrease of happiness In conclusion, there is insufficient evidence to
was only found when comparing HF-rTMS of support the general conclusion that HF-rTMS of
LPFC with HF-rTMS of RPFC, not by comparing the left prefrontal cortex has an effect on mood
HF-rTMS of LPFC and sham RPFC stimulation. in healthy volunteers. The mood effects reported
Our data, together with these observations, sug- in previous studies are small and clinically insig-
gest the interpretation that the reported decrease nificant, and appear to be a consequence of two
of happiness after HF-rTMS of the LPFC different effects of left and right prefrontal stimu-
256 U.P. Mosimann et al. r Psychiatry Research 94 (2000) 251᎐256

lation. HF-rTMS would be an extremely useful bral activity: a PET study in normal subjects. Depression 4,
tool in the assessment of the location of brain 81᎐88.
George, M.S., Ketter, T.A., Parekh, P.I., Horwitz, B., Hersco-
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relative non-invasiveness and its ability to stimu- sadness and happiness in healthy women. American Jour-
late specific cortical regions. Unfortunately, the nal of Psychiatry 152, 341᎐351.
body of data published to date does not yet sup- George, M.S., Wassermann, E.M., Williams, W.A., Steppel, J.,
port such use, although variation of parameters Pascual-Leone, A., Basser, P., Hallett, M., Post, R.M., 1996.
Changes in mood and hormone levels after rapid-rate trans-
such as stimulation amplitude and frequency
cranial magnetic stimulation ŽrTMS. of the prefrontal cor-
might lead to that ultimate goal in the near tex. Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience
future. 8, 172᎐180.
Lane, R.D., Reiman, E.M., Ahern, G.L., Schwartz, G.E.,
Davidson, R.J., 1997. Neuroanatomical correlates of happi-
Acknowledgements ness, sadness, and disgust. American Journal of Psychiatry
154, 926᎐933.
Nedjat, S., Folkerts, H.W., Michael, N.D., Arolt, V., 1998.
This work was supported by grants of the Swiss Evaluation of the side effects after rapid-rate transcranial
National Foundation ŽDr Schlaepfer. grant num- magnetic stimulation over the left prefrontal cortex in
bers 4038-044046 and 3231-044523. Thanks are normal volunteers. Clinical Neurophysiology 107, 96P.
owed to P. Ballinari, Statistician, Department of Paradiso, S., Robinson, R.G., Andreasen, N.C., Downhill, J.E.,
Davidson, R.J., Kirchner, P.T., Watkins, G.L., Ponto, L.L.,
Psychology, University of Bern, for statistical sup- Hichwa, R.D., 1997. Emotional activation of limbic cir-
port. cuitry in elderly normal subjects in a PET study. American
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