Wood 1968

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midal nerve cells contralateral to the 4. E. R. John and K. F. Killam, J. Nerv. Ment.

Dis. 131, 183 (1960).

avoid unknown, competing sources of
used paw. 5. W. Penfield, Res. Publ. Ass. Res. Nerv. attraction and unpredictable air move-
These data merit only the conclusion Ment. Dis. 36, 210 (1958). ments. The site (20 hectares) was
6. L. B. Flexner, J. B. Flexner, R. B. Roberts,
that there is a correlation between the G. de la Haba, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S. located near the south fork of Willow
increased neuronal protein synthesis 52, 1165 (1964); L. B. Flexner, J. B. Flexner, Creek, Madera County, California, in a
E. Stellar, Exp. Neurol. 13, 264 (1965).
and the increased neural activity during 7. W. W. Meissner, J. Psychiat. Res. 4, 235
drainage with a relatively consistent up-
the experimental conditions. It seems 8. E. Egyhazi and H. Hyd6n, J. Biophys. and down-valley wind system. Insect
clear that the electrical activity changes Biochem. Cytol. 19, 403 (1961).
9. G. M. Peterson, Comp. Psychol. Monogr. 9, traps were placed on 20-m centers in
significantly in the hippocampus, at the 1 (1934); and P. E. Barnett, J. Comp. two lines, 400 m apart, perpendicular
consolidation of learning. In addition, Physiol. Psychol. 54, 382 (1961); G. M. to the prevailing winds. Each treatment
Peterson and J. V. Devine, ibid. 56, 752
in his experiments on visual discrimi- (1963). was replicated once in each line, and
10. K. L. Wentworth, Genet. Psychol. Monogr.
nation, Adey (2) found spatial as well 26, 55 (1942). the trap positions were randomly as-
as temporal changes of the electrical 11. H. Hyd6n, Nature 184, 433 (1959).
12. , K. Bjurstam, B. McEwen, Analyt.
signed at the beginning of each experi-
activity within the hippocampus. In Biochem. 17, 1 (1966); H. Hyd6n and P. ment. The endemic flying populations
early training the phase pattern was re- Lange, in preparation; V. Neuhoff, Arznei- were probably emerging from naturally
mittel-Forsch. 18, 35 (1968).
versed to that found in fully trained 13. B. S. McEwen and H. Hyd6n, J. Neuro- infested, ponderosa pine logging slash
animals. chem. 13, 823 (1966); B. W. Moore, Bio- within 1 km of the experimental area.
chem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 19, 739 (1965).
The two protein fractions we investi- 14. B. W. Agranoff and P. D. Ktinger, Science All tests were begun when the prevailing
gated move near the anode front at 146, 952 (1964).
15. D. J. Albert, Neuropsychologia 4, 79 (1966). winds were moving at 6 to 13 km/hr
electrophoresis. They immediately fol- 16. S. H. Barondes and H. D. Cohen, Brain Res.
4, 44 (1967). up the valley toward the infestation. The
low the protein fractions constituting 17. This study has been supported by the temperature fluctuated between 20° and
the acidic protein of brain cell, S100 Swedish Medical Research Council, by Knut 31°C.
and Alice Wallenberg's Foundation, and by
(13). This protein is of interest because the U.S. Air Force European Office of The traps consisted of hardware-cloth
of its specificity for the central nervous Aerospace Research (grant No. EOAR 66-8).
We thank Mrs. Inger Jansson, Miss Maj-Britt (mesh of 0.64 to 0.96 cm) cylinders,
system, its acidic character, and its lo- Magnusson, and Miss Birgitta Svensson for
technical assistance.
30 by 12 cm in diameter, each fastened
calization to the nuclei of the neurons. 11 February 1968
to the end of a 1.5-m rod driven into
The basic histones of the nucleus are the ground. The cylinders were dipped
considered to regulate gene activities in warm "Stickem Special," so that
and the presence of acidic proteins may most of the squares remained open. Air
involve also regulatory effects on the Response of Ips confusus was metered from a portable pressur-
histones. to Synthetic Sex ized tank through a charcoal filter and
The results, for example, of Flexner Pheromones in Nature then through nylon tubing (0.32 cm in
(6) in mice, or Agranoff (14) in gold- outside diameter) to an aluminum tube
fish, and of Albert (15) in rats, seem Abstract. The first flight response of containing the attractants. We main-
to link protein synthesis to the neural bark beetles to synthetic sex phero- tained a flow rate of 50 cm3/min with
processes responsible for learning and mones under natural conditions is re- a regulator and a capillary (0.02 cm in
storage of information. Barondes (16), ported. Two insect species predaceous inside diameter by 5 cm) in series. The
on the other hand, has not found ex- on this bark beetle also responded. The exit port was placed in the center of the
perimental evidence for the view that synthetic compounds delivered in an trap. One male-infested bolt in each line
synthesis of a protein is required for airstream from a substrate of Carbo- was the standard source of natural at-
memory storage. Our findings, however, wax 20M on Chromosorb A appear to tractant. Each bolt held 20 male beetles
are in agreement with those of Flexner elicit the same response as the natural confined within preformed entrance tun-
and Agranoff. Neither type of finding attractant from male-infested bolts of nels beneath wire screen. The logs were
gives any information about the speci- ponderosa pine elicits. exposed 48 hours after confinement.
ficity of proteins. The synthetic attractants were con-
The trend to lateralization of the We report the first flight response of fined to an aeration tube consisting of
highest degree of protein synthesis to bark beetles to synthetic sex phero- aluminum tubing which had an outside
the learning side of the hippocampus is mones (1) under natural field condi- diameter of 1 cm. A solution of 0.5 g
interesting but surprising with respect tions. These pheromones are three of Carbowax 20M in methanol was
to the wealth of activities reaching and terpene alcohols-compound I: (-)-2- added to 9.5 g of Chromosorb A, and
cross-reacting with the limbic area. methyl-6-methylene-7-octen-4-ol; com- most of the methanol was evaporated.
HOLGER HYD£N pound II: (+)-cis-verbenol; compound A solution of 1.5 mg of compound I in
PAUL W. LANGE III: ( + ) -2 -methyl-6 -methylene -2,7 - pentane was added to 7 ml of the above
Institute of Neurobiology, Faculty of octadien-4-ol-which were isolated from substrate. The excess pentane was evap-
Medicine, University of G6teborg, frass from male Ips confusus (LeConte) orated, and the mixture was poured into
Goteborg, Sweden (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) (2), identified, a 15-cm length of tubing (section A).
References and Notes
and synthesized (3). These compounds A second 15-cm tube (section B) was
appear to elicit the same response as filled with the same substrate to which
1. W. B. Scoville and B. Milner, J. Neurol.
Neurosurg. Psychiat. 20, 11 (1957); R. G. male-infested bolts of ponderosa pine a solution of 1.5 mg of compound I,
Ojemann, Neurosci. Res.
4, 1 (1966).
Prog. Bull. (Suppi.) do; therefore, they are probably the 1 mg of compound II, and 1 mg of
2. W. R. Adey, Fed. Proc. 20, 617 (1961); chemical messengers that evoke the con- compound III in pentane was applied in
Progress in Brain Research, W. R. Adey and centration flight and subsequent mass
T. Tokizane, Eds. (Elsevier, Amsterdam, the same way. Glass-wool plugs were
1967), vol. 27, p. 228. attack of I. confusus. inserted into the ends of the tubes. Then
3. E. Grastyan, in Brain Mechanisms and Experiments were performed in a
Learning, J. F. Delafresnaye, Ed. (Blackwell, the tubes were joined together with a
Oxford, 1961 ), p. 153. gently rolling, treeless brush field to short piece of rubber tubing. In the
22 MARCH 1968 1373
Table 1. Numbers of 1. confusus trapped in lool was 28, 30, 20, and 19, respectively; incide Nwith the bark beetle mass attack
response to extract of male frass, male-infested after 6 hours, it was 61, 68, 50, and 52.
bolts, and synthetic pheromones, Madera (5). Hence, these predators may use the
County, California, September 1967. Number Apiezon L, silicone oil (DC550), and chemical messenger produced by the
trapped at each time period represents the silicone rubber (SE30) on Chromosorb bark beetle to find high-prey densities.
total of two replications. A, 6 hours after
start; B, 12 hours after start. A and DC550 on washed sea sand gave The ternary mixture also attracted four
low recoveries (approximately 5 per- (three males and one female) Temno-
13 September 14 September cent) of compounds II and III. Good chila virescens chlorodia (Mannerheim)
A B A B recoveries were obtained with uncoated (Coleoptera: Ostomidae).
Compounds 1, II, and III sand, Carbowax 20M on sand, and un- These studies demonstrate that the
57 58 40 41 coated cellulose powder, but the reten- chemoklinotaxis exhibited by pedestrian
Extract of male frass (2 g) tion time was much shorter. Nitrogen beetles to the sex pheromone in the lab-
13 28 15 21
Male-infested bolts used as a carrier gas provided no im- oratory olfactometer reflects the flight
72 108 59 83 provement. The good results with Car- response of the insects to the same ol-
Blanks bowax on Chromosorb A may be due factory stimuli. A direct correlation be-
0 0 0 0 to inactivation of the support. tween the walking and flight response
In the first successful field experi- is crucial to isolation and identification
ment, l. confusus was attracted to the of sex pheromones, in which a labora-
same manner, extract of 2 g of male ternary synthetic mixture and to the tory bioassay is used. The field response
frass was applied to the substrate in a male-infested bolt on 2 successive days to these attractants also indicates the
15-cm tube. (Table 1). The individual components dominance of olfactory stimuli during
Air was passed through the tube and all of their combinations were then the aggregation of this bark beetle. The
from section A to section B at the rate exposed under the same conditions. The elution of 1.5 mg of compound I, 1 mg
of 50 cm3imin at 40°C (an extreme beetles were again highly responsive to of II, and 0.5 mg of III [compounds I
field temperature). The effluent was col- the ternary mixture on 4 days-20, 21, and III are mixtures of both (+) and
lected in v-shaped, glass tubes cooled in 25, and 26 September. The total num- (-) isomers] throughout the 6-hour
a bath of dry ice and acetone. The glass ber of beetles trapped in the two repli- test period makes available to the flying
tubes were changed at intervals and cations each day by the synthetic insect extraordinarily low concentrations
rinsed with pentane; the pentane solu- attractants was 80, 102, 16, and 52. of attractant. There are now exciting
tions were analyzed by gas chromatog- During the same test period, the in- possibilities for investigating flight biol-
raphy. The analysis was performed by fested bolts attracted 70, 151, 27, and ogy and manipulation of populations.
an Aerograph 204 equipped with a hy- 80 beetles. The sex ratio (males to fe- DAVID L. WOOD
drogen-flame detector and a Carbowax males) for the total 4-day catch was LLOYD E. BROWNE
20M column (10 percent on Chromo- 0.43 and 0.42 for the infested bolts and Department of Entomology and
sorb W, aluminum tubing with an out- the synthetic attractants, respectively. Parasitology, University of
side diameter of 1.52 by 3.2 mm) at a This mixture appeared to be as effective California, Berkeley
column temperature of 120°C and a as the male-infested bolts. A mixture of WILLIAM D. BEDARD
flow rate of 20 cm3 of helium per min- compounds I and III attracted only PAUL E. TILDEN
ute. Retention times were 21/2, 33/4, and three beetles. No other compound or Pacific Southwest Forest and Range
41/4 minutes for compounds I, II, and combination was active. These results Experiment Station, U.S. Department
III, respectively. Linalool was used in support those from an earlier study in of Agriculture, Berkeley
laboratory tests as a reference com- which isolated compounds I and III and ROBERT M. SILVERSTEIN
pound. Because compound I traveled synthetic compound II were exposed in J. OTTO RODIN
through this substrate faster than com- the field (4). Life Sciences Division,
pounds II and III, it was distributed In earlier trials, solutions of com- Stanford Research Institute,
over twice the length (sections A and pounds I, II, and III in hexane or hep- Menlo Park, California
B). After 3 hours, the percentage of re- tane evaporated from cotton or paper
References and Notes
covery of compounds I, II, III, and lina- wicks elicited a very weak response.
We do not understand how the solvent 1. We retain this terminology for reasons pre-
viously stated [D. L. Wood, R. M. Silver-
interfered with the attractant response; stein, J. 0. Rodin, Science 156, 105 (1967)].
Table 2. Numbers of E. lecontei trapped in nor do we understand why extracts of 2. D. L. Wood, L. E. Browne, R. M. Silver-
response to synthetic pheromones presented stein, J. 0. Rodin, J. Insect Physiol. 12,
individually and in combination. Number male frass always remained attractive 523 (1966).
3. R. M. Silverstein, J. 0. Rodin, D. L. Wood,
trapped each day represents the total of two for a longer period than the synthetic L. E. Browne, Tetrahedron 22, 1929 (1966);
replications. A, 20 September; B, 26 Septem- compounds did (Table 1). R. M. Silverstein, J. 0. Rodin, D. L. Wood,
ber; C, 21 September; D, 25 September. Science 154, 509 (1966).
The response of both male and fe- 4. D. L. Wood, R. W. Stark, R. M. Silverstein,
Duplicate runs male Enoclerus lecontei (Wolcott) J. 0. Rodin, Nature 215. 206 (1967).
Treatment 5. A. A. Berryman, Can. Entomol. 98, 519
A B C D (Coleoptera: Cleridae) to the synthetic (1966); J. P. Vit6 and R. I. Gara. Contrib.
attractants was a unique aspect of this Boyce Thompson Inst. 21, 251 (1962).
6. Supported by the Forest Service, U.S. Depart-
I, II, and III 10 2 4 2 study. Only compound II failed to elicit ment of Agriculture, under contract 13-267
I 3 3 to Stanford Research Institute and grant 5
II 0 0 a response from this predator (Table to University of California, Berkeley. Sup-
III 3 5 2). Although few predators were plementary support of work at the University
of California was provided by the California
I and II 0 1 caught, the ternary mixture appeared to Division of Forestry, T. B. Walker and Surd-
l and III 2 1 na Foundations, and various forest industries.
II and III 0 1 be as attractive as the male-infested We thank the many graduate students and
Infested bolts 2 6 0 5 bolt. The arrival of adult predators on summer field assistants for their help.
Blanks 0 0 0 0
the host tree has been observed to co- 15 December 1967

1374 SCIENCE, VOL. 159

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