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Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/M
Fandom: Akatsuki no Yona | Yona of the Dawn
Relationships: Kaya/Zeno (Akatsuki no Yona), Kaya & Zeno (Akatsuki no Yona)
Characters: Kaya (Akatsuki no Yona), Zeno (Akatsuki no Yona)
Additional Tags: Fluff, Angst, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Modern Era, Married
Life, Married Couple, Kissing
Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Zeno&Kaya life
Stats: Published: 2024-01-04 Words: 1,611 Chapters: 1/1
by Zahb


Moments in their married life


My frist time writing here so hope you enjoy it

Tbh it's been a while since i read a fiction about them since it's been more than 6 years or
more when they have been shown together.
Like it's only one episode even not all and only 1-2 chapters this couple need more
recognition T.T

See the end of the work for more notes

Kaya and zeno have been married since they age 21. It was kinda of expected . They where
with each other since they where born . They where neighbors enter school together even
enter the same collage.

Many have been jealous of how deeply in love they where and what's even shocking they
never touched each other since elementary school!!!. Saying they grow up and now
understand how they feel . Always saying we will get married anyway why do we need to do
all this before be officially. Saying it's better if they are pure its the best gift they can give
each other in the wedding day.

There wedding day was memorable to both of them. After yearning for each other to get a
glimpse of touch they finally get it . The waiting was really worth waiting for. It's been a
month since their wedding and they find new things about each other since they live with
each other under one rufe .

1#Moment one

Sometime zeno would snore loud but when he gets back way to exhausted to the point he was
so silent in his sleep don't move a muscle or a finger

The First time kaya was tariffed to death.

Kaya is heavy sleeper it would be a miracle to wake her up but she always wake up if it's feel
something is wrong.

Zeno and kaya was sleeping soundly. Both of them was exhausted. At the middle of the night
kaya felt there is something wrong

Kaya:*mmh.... Why is it so silent? Did then got up already?*

She then tried to reach out for zeno's space and he was there

Kaya opened her eyes:*huh... He is here . Wait he is here?! That's weird he normally would
be loud.*

She reached her hand to his face. He was so pale and cold. He didn't move.not a sound.

Kaya:* huh? What is happening* checking his heart beat it was slower than average.

Kaya:" Zeno wake up... Hey zeno do you hear me " she was at the average of crying and she
shook him very hard. Still no answer.

Kaya was really crying and calling his name. She thought he is dieing or going in coma. Was
thinking what have happened today to get to this point.
After 15 minutes zeno felt there is something wet against his chest. Opening his eye slowly
he saw kaya crying.

Zeno:"kaya are you alright? Why are you crying? Did something happened? Did you have a

Kaya the moment she heard his voice looked up her face of that saw a ghost. Zeno was really
shocked this is his first time seeing her terrifying to dies .

He was about to say something when he felt armies around his neck and a body above him.
She was hugging him like it's the only thing that's keeps her alive

Zeno hugging her back:" what's wrong kaya what ha-"

Kaya :" you .... Do you know how worried i was when you didn't move even an inch or didn't
make a sound! I was trying to wake you up for 15 minutes bit still no response " counting

Zeno finally understood what happened with a smile on his face" sorry about that i was to
exhausted and totally forgot to tell you "

Kaya :"don't do this to me again alright "

Zeno :" yes hunny"

Kaya with a little blush:" you know it's not the time to tease right "

Zeno:"what do you mean how can i be not when i saw you worried about me that much "

Kaya :" hehe .... you and your teasing attitude "


Both kaya and zeno's cooking are passable. They don't have a talent for cooking but still
eatable. That's if each cooked alone.

Zeno with a smile :" kaya let's cook together"

Kaya:" you remember the last time we did that right"

Zeno:" so what i am sure nothing will happened this time "

Kaya:" the same thing you said before making the water caught fire"

Zeno:" hehe... Will how knows what will happen" with a teasing smile

Kaya:" fine let's do this"

And they shouldn't. the kitchen catch fire.


Kissing between husband and his wife is normal. But for some people it's like they would
explode if that happened.

Kaya:"zeno " ... Zeno:" yes sweetheart"

Kaya:"you know kissing between us is now normal yeah?"

Zeno:"yes ? We literally kiss each other daily "

Kaya:" no not that i mean on the...*blushing so hard "

Zeno blushed a little" oh ..... Um .... We can try ?"

Kaya get close to zeno and also zeno close to kaya.

But both of them couldn't handle it and get away with blushing faces

Kaya:" i should be this hard we have done it in our wedding"

Zeno:"yes only one time with the help of our families "

Kaya with a sad face"are we cursed or what "

Zeno " well it will take a while but.... I can give you this "

Zeno kissed her cheeks and forehead showering it with kisses

Kaya:"stop hahahaha "

Zeno:"no you seem to enjoy being loved"

Kaya:"of course who doesn't want to enjoy being loved by there lovable partner hahaha"

Zeno really love seeing his wife laughing to her heart contact it always makes his stomach
has butterflies.

Kaya then pushed zeno down . He was surprised. Both his hands where hanged by here . She
was sitting on his stomach so he wont be able to bush her with his legs.

Kaya:" got you" with a teasing smile

Zeno :" yes you got me hehehe "

Zeno really loved being like this enjoying kaya's laugh and beauty.

Zeno:"it's really worth waiting"

Kaya:" huh what did yo sa-ahhh"

Zeno catch the hands who was hanging him making kaya full.

Kaya:" zeno you-mmmh "

Kaya felt there is something on her lips

As soon as she felt it as soon it disappeared

Zeno:" okay we need to do our course now i will cook you can do the clothes"

Zeno then get out quickly

Kaya:* huh ..... Did he just* touching her lips then blushed really hard

Zeno on the other hand when he reached the kitchen he fall out not feeling his legs

Zeno:* i did it . I really didn't* he was madly blushing.

Zeno and kaya:* why am i blushing like a tomato*

They could look at each other for the entire day after that.


Some days when there is nothing to do and get bored they think why not do something
interesting. And their interests maybe a little different of each other

Kaya:" zeno want to read a book?"

Zeno:" nah I don't like them what about playing video games?"

Kaya:" you know i am not good with them "

And the list will continue and in the end they decided to watch a movie.


Both of them are working. Kaya is a teacher while zeno works as a waiter in a nearby cafe.
He did work at a company for a bit but he didn't like it there and didn't feel it's right to him.
Kaya support him when he said he wants to change jobs.
She understands him the most after all. He always got home to tired. Can't be with his wife
most of the time. Sometimes he had to sleep there for weeks to finish the projects.with all of
that and not paid enough for all of these. So he took the choice.

Honestly kaya wanted to say that to zeno for a long time. She didn't like it when he was
working for that company. Glad he did that before she said anything.

What's the more surprising part is that zeno found a cafe corner away from kaya's school.
They can go together all the time now. It was fun.

It was blessing to both the couple but hell to students who skip school to that particular cafe.
They don't know that there teacher and waiter are married. Zeno always watching the
students and reports to his beloved wife.

Kaya always laughs at it even if it kinda sad he don't say anything about her but looking at it
it's really a good thing now she can know whose bad and good who works hard and who skip.

One time kaya told the students to make a project about someone. Of course there would be
a group who will study at the cafe

Student 1: " ahh why I don't find any useful information about him"

Student 2 :" keep searching maybe you didn't look good"

Zeno notice them he knows that's his wife's students

Zeno:" are you all okay? I think this is not good day for you"

Student3:" we can't find any thing about "name" i feel like it's been fabricated in the internet.

Zeno :" will how about i help you a little"

Student 2:" you know him ?"

Zeno:" of course i had that project when i was in school to .... Here write what iam about to

After a week

Kaya:" zeno did you helped my students in this "

Zeno :" how did you know " with a smile on his face

Kaya:" only you how can put a sentence like "kill all ya all " as a sentence this man always
say even if he don't "

Zeno :" you caught me hehe... The students was about to fall apart crying so i thought little
help well be good"
Kaya:" pffft and by making my name in an invisible way "

Zeno:" my way to help them "

Kaya:" hahaha okay okay you and your ways of help hehehe"

Zeno :" will that's my way and you love it "

Kaya:" yeah love you so much"

Zeno:" me too hun love you"

End Notes

Finally finished it
I hope you like it
Tbh i want to do more but i think this is good for now.
I think i will do more but with different backgrounds like one with police and one with age
differences and so if there is any idea comment below

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