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On behalf of the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, we acknowledge your
innova�ve approach, unwavering commitment to excellence and the outstanding work that you and your
organiza�on,Fusion VR, have already rendered towards our "Science and Heritage Research Ini�a�ve"
(SHRI) program.

Your extensive experience in the areas of VR, AR, 3D Scanning, Stereoscopic 3D, 4D, Holography,
3D Projec�on-Mapping, Sound & Light Mul�sensory experience design, and other cu�ng-edge
technologies has enabled us to elevate the digital experiences and Museum 2.0 concepts within the SHRI

- Member Secretary - Science and Heritage Research Ini�a�ve,

DST - New Delhi

Research & Development Partner:

Fusion VR partners with IIITM Pravartak Technologies Founda�on (hosted as a Technology Innova�on Hub
by IIT Madras) to revolu�onize Museum 2.0, Digital Experience Centre, and Digital Heritage using
cu�ng-edge immersive technologies and innova�ve solu�ons.

Doctorate in stereoscopic 3D (Virtual Reality)

Dr.C.SS Bharathy
New Generation of
Year 2012 - 2014: Launched ImmeX-Zone First ever VR product in India and Indian Leaders using
International Best Practices
Singapore. Developed indigenous VR-HMD, Dynamic Hap�cs & Effects
integrated Simula�on-Pla�orm for an ul�mate VR-Experience. Listed in

Adobe cer�fied video specialist and the “First” Cer�fied instructor of South
East Asia in 2004.

Cer�fied Industry 4.0 Professional.

Started AIM Mul�media - India’s first & only training ins�tute authorized
by Adobe, Autodesk, Corel & Wacom in 2007.

An evangelist for adop�on of immersive technologies for Next-

Gen Interac�ve Museums. Consulted, architected and executed the
country’s most innova�ve 7D shows, Light & Sound shows, storytelling Dr. CSS Bharathy
museums and digital experience centres. Founder - Fusion VR

Nearly 3 decades of professional industry experience in consultancy,

teaching, training, research & product development in Singapore and
Dr. CSS Bharathy, Founder, Fusion VR
Consul�ng to Ministry for developing na�on’s XR Policy.


Consul�ng to Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of cinema and instrumental for the
India for Virtual-Reality projects in Archaeological sites. successful comple�on of few
historical projects to his credit.
Upon special invita�on by the Digital Exhibi�ons Execu�ve There on working
Commi�ee, Ministry of Culture, Govt of India, he has provided as a consultant for HD
technology exper�se. filming. He had the
privilege of visi�ng and
Designed & Executed various VR projects for Defence-Expos, working with major studios in
Aero-India Exhibits & DRDO, Govt of India since 2012. Singapore, Indonesia, Hong
Kong, New Zealand and
Research and Achievements include VR/AR/MR (XR), Stereoscopic Europe. He has done
3D imaging, Photogrammetry-3D Reconstruc�on, 3D Scanning, presenta�ons for product
Stereo-3D 180/360 VR Anima�on & Filming Cinematographic launching sessions of Sony
techniques P3D-Projec�on Mapping, Mul�screen Stereo Singapore for their new
Projec�ons, Holography, Mo�on-Capture, 7D Simula�ons, Sound & cameras.
Light - Fountain Shows and other latest immersive technologies.
Contributed Research ar�cles
Year 2004: was the �me when High Defini�on (HD) video was for Science Magazines and
emerging and it is new to the then visual media and industry, Awarded as “Dis�nguished
Bharathy has played a key role in the technical work-flow Scien�st” @ Interna�onal
Conference on Systemics, Founder - Fusion VR
development for HD movie making with Panasonic Singapore
together with AV8 Media Singapore in the making of a HD Pilot and Cyberne�cs and Informa�cs held
it was a successful effort demonstrated the feasibility of at Hyderabad in 2012.
digital cinema in Europe and South East Asia. His historical
contribu�on in this regard paved the way for digital cinema and
posi�ve growth of its Eco system.

He has also contributed significantly to the promo�on of digital


Company Profile

Fusion VR is one the leaders in the Interac�ve Museum & Corporate Experience Centre Achievements
segments. We have established a fine reputa�on for developing and commissioning Siliconindia - 2018: “20 Most Promising Virtual
breath-taking digital and immersive experiences for all kinds of museums. Every visitor has a Reality Solu�on Providers”
magical and truly unforge�able experience from the moment they step in un�l they leave.
Fortune India - 2021 “One of the Most Dynamic
Museums are no longer a collec�on of exhibits with some informa�on for visitors to read Companies to Maximize the Deployment of VR,
from. We collaborate with museum curators and deliver an interac�ve experience that is truly AR, MR & Digital Twins”
extraordinary, as we combine the right technology and crea�ve content. Our team of content
developers, designers, so�ware engineers, historians, writers and technologists work
together and deliver a unique experience in accordance with your vision for the museums.

Our clients are both na�onal and global, across private, governmental and not-for-profit
sectors. We provide superior value for our customers in their digital journey with truly
immersive experiences for a futuris�c smart museum.

The key to success is not just the advanced hardware or so�ware technologies deployed, but
a clear idea of the immersive and engaging experiences that the museums or corporate
clients want for its visitors. Our endeavour is to make every minute spent at the museum truly
worthwhile. Fusion VR
Contributors in Shaping
Our passionate and commi�ed team of crea�ve and technology experts have a keen Modern India
understanding of what it takes to create unforge�able experiences. Partner with Fusion VR
right away to learn more about our offerings and crea�ve concepts that make Listed in

Digital-Museums really unique in the 21st century!


Advisory Commi�ee

Fusion VR is immensely fortunate and blessed to be supported by a world class advisory panel that comes from very
diverse backgrounds with decades of experience. This esteemed panel of experts along with the mentorship of Swami
Shantatmananda, Secretary, Ramakrishna Mission, Delhi would provide guidance and advice to the Fusion VR
Leadership team as required. With their depth of knowledge and experience, Fusion VR aspires to engage and diversify
in strategic areas to deliver sustained growth and customer sa�sfac�on.

We believe we will succeed with the wisdom and advice of our valued advisory commi�ee.

Secretary | Ramakrishna Mission | Delhi


M.Tech Chemical | Former Chief General Cer�fied Industry 4.0 Assessor B.Tech Metallurgy | Process Engineering
Manager | Chennai Petroleum Oil & Gas Consultant and Trainer 3D Scanning | Surveying & CAD
Corpora�on Limited 20 + Years of Experience Expert.


M.Tech Solid Mechanics and Design M.S | Electrical & Electronics Engineering MBBS | PG in Pediatric Intensive Care
IIT – Kanpur | Industry 4.0 Digital Nanyang Technological University | Singapore Fellowship in ECMO | Healthcare
Transforma�on Evangelist Six-Sigma Expert | handled 10K + Belts Simula�on Expert.


Master’s from University of Albany
New York | Chapter President - VR AR
Associa�on AlbertaCanada




Amma Museum & Knowledge Park

Museum of Late Dr.J.Jayalalithaa

The Amma Museum and Knowledge Park at Chennai showcases some of

the best interac�ve digital museum experiences in our country. This
museum is an important part of the memorial unveiled recently in
honour of the late Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, Dr. J. Jayalalithaa. The
Amma Museum vividly brings to life the beloved leader’s life story and
contribu�ons to the people of Tamil Nadu and India. Fusion VR executed
this project within a record �me of 8 weeks in ac�ve coordina�on with
the Government of Tamil Nadu and private contractors. The apprecia�on
from the press and public has been tremendous on the innova�ve use of
immersive digital technologies. This project also stands as a testament to
Fusion VR’s superior technological and project execu�on skills.

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Experience Vivekananda
RKM Museums across India

The Ramakrishna Mission (RKM) hosts digital interac�ve experiences

such as Experience Vivekananda at its RKM Museums across the country.
That highlight the life and teachings of Sri Ramakrishna and Swami
Vivekananda. Fusion VR developed and installed the 3D Stereoscopic
movie experience that brings to life Swami Vivekananda’s historic speech
in Chicago at the World Parliament of Religions in 1893. Another
impressive experience at the museum is the Sound and Light SFX show on
Sri Ramakrishna. We also commissioned “Ask Vivekananda”, the first
full-fledged Augmented Reality (AR) experience of Swami Vivekananda
and “Tears of Vivekananda – Transforma�on of India”, the first 4D Virtual
Reality (VR) short movie on Swami Vivekananda. These experiences were
dedicated to the na�on by Shri Prahlad Singh Patel, Hon’ble Minister of
State for Culture and Tourism, Govt. of India at Vivekananda House,
Chennai. Fusion VR is extremely proud to have been associated with the
na�on building ini�a�ves of RKM.

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Chronicles India, Mahabalipuram
Pallava Dynasty - A Time Travel (7DX Experience)

Dr.V.Irai Anbu, IAS Magnificient work, well documented, educa�onal.

Chei� Secretary It is well presented. Thanks for your commendable effort
Government of Tamilnadu
- Dr. Ghada Hijjawi-Qaddumi
President - WCC(UNESCO) - Asia Pacific Region

Fusion VR pioneered the crea�on and installa�on of a 7DX

experience theatre called Pallava, Dynasty - A Time Travel for
Chronicles India. This unforge�able experience Presents the rich
history, architectural and cultural splendour of the Pallavas Dynasty
at Mamallapuram, just outside Chennai. This concept provided
entertainment, educa�on and a fine apprecia�on of India’s rich
cultural history for both young and old. Fusion VR used movie
mo�on chairs, 3D glasses, special effects such as wind, rain and Honorary Member & Advisor - WCC (UNESCO)
(Immediate Past President)
aroma and expertly developed historical content and special effects.
Fusion VR packaged an exci�ng experience for tourist, a first in India
at a UNESCO World Heritage site and also received a congratulatory
message from UNESCO. Chronicles India not only won the hearts PREVIEW
and minds of its patrons, but also received many awards for its
innova�ve design from the travel industry. Need Internet Connection


Immex Zone, Chennai & Singapore
Virtual Reality (VR) Amusement Rides

ImmeX-Zone was the first ever commercially launched real immersive VR

product in India and also interna�onally in Singapore and Dubai in 2014.
Fusion VR introduced and popularized the VR experience for the general
public, making it easily accessible at amusement parks when VR was in its
infancy. ImmeX Zone provided an immersive 3D 360 visual experience
and included addi�onal sensory informa�on, such as 3D posi�onal sound
and physical FX such as vibrators, pokers, �cklers, blasters, hot/cold air,
aroma etc., to make you believe that you’re in an imaginary world while
actually wearing a VR headset and seated on a chair with moves along
with the body dynamics. This proved to be a safe and unforge�able
experience for people of all ages.


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Kurukshetra Water Screen Mul�media Show
Water Screen Show

Fusion VR takes pride in its contribu�ons for the Water Screen Show at
the lake around Kurukshetra, Haryana. We collaborated with the best
crea�ve and engineering exper�se in the country and delivered a
comprehensive project report for the execu�on of this project. This
required detailed engineering of water screen with a floa�ng pla�orm
design and its hydraulics factoring in clima�c condi�ons, water quality
etc. and combining that with the crea�ve requirements to deliver a
spectacular mul�media experience for pilgrims and general public. We
are thankful for having support & Knowledge Transfer from The Centre for
Water Resources, Anna University on this project. Fusion VR has
demonstrated the exper�se to collaborate with various stakeholders to
deliver the required scope and an excep�onal experience.


TAFE-Learning & Experience Centre
Virtual Reality (VR) Amusement Rides

The TAFE Learning & Experience Centre is a brilliant exposi�on of the use of technology to highlight product features and benefits to corporate
customers, suppliers, vendors and technology partners. Fusion VR provided consul�ng services for the latest interac�ve technologies such as AR,
VR, MR, Holography and Design. The most exci�ng exhibit at this centre is the Virtual Reality Product Explorer which was developed and
commissioned by Fusion VR. It garnered immense praise from TAFE leadership for implemen�ng a concept ahead of its �me in the country.

Defence Exhibi�ons
Aero India & DefExpo's

Fusion VR has partnered with the Defence Research and Development

Organiza�on (DRDO) for the Aero India Exhibi�on & DefExpo. It was our
pleasure to be associated with the premier research establishment in the
country to showcase the latest defence technologies using the latest
immersive technologies. Our team has delivered innova�ve digital
experiences such as the 3D Stereoscopic movie, Interac�ve Virtual Reality
Experiences, Holography, Touch interac�ve Kiosks at the Aero India
Exhibi�ons. For the DefExpos held at Lucknow, Fusion VR delivered
Interac�ve Virtual Reality Movies, and 2D/3D Animated mo�on graphics
content. Our contribu�ons engaged and enthralled the dignitaries and
interna�onal visitors who a�ended the event.

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Amma Memorial Museum & Knowledge Park

The Job has been executed with very high level of professionalism and perfectly done given the �me taken for execu�on.
The so�ware development and anima�on work are very commendable.
- Centre for Industrial Consultancy & Sponsored Research (IC&SR) INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY MADRAS (IIT Madras)

Delhi 911 - Stereoscopic Movie | VR, AR Experience

The VR and AR experience installed in the permanent Vivekananda Exhibition at our premises were the creations of team of
experts from Fusion VR. Dr. Bharathy is extremely creative, capable, committed, very trust worthy and has been rendering
quality service to us for nearly a decade.
- Swami Shantatmananda, Secretary, Ramakrishna Mission, Delhi

Tears of Vivekananda 4D - VR Experience Ask Vivekananda - AR Experience | 2D Holography 3D
Holography Experience
Fusion VR has shown us repeatedly the ingenuity to make high quality media content in 3D/VR/AR and other cu�ng
edge technologies which could be achieved only by heavy weight interna�onal media produc�on houses at a reasonable
budget. With Dr.Bharathy steering the team, we regard him as Dr.RELIABLE and he always over delivers more than we ask for.
- Media Lab, Sri Ramakrishna Math, Chennai


Kolkata Sound & Light Show | 3D Theatre & Other Interac�ve Experiences
We express our gratefulness to you and your team for the project that could not have seen the light of success without your
exper�se in the field.
- Swami Jnanalokananda, Secretary, Ramakrishna Mission Swami Vivekananda's Ancestral House & Cultural Centre, Kolkata

The 7DX show Pallava Dynasty -Time Travel from Chronicles India is a unique way to present the rich cultural heritage of our
na�on to visitors from home and abroad. We have received a lot of apprecia�on from everyone, par�cularly from teachers,
school children about this show. We appreciate everyone on the Chronicles India team for making this a great success.
-Pallava Dynasty | Chronicles of India, Mahabalipuram

CDAC, Chennai has approached M/s Fusion VR for making VR on Industry 4.0 for the Defense Organiza�on and provided very
short �me to finish the project. Fusion VR team has grasped the complete requirement In-Depth and made the excellent
quality product and successfully delivered in �me with the 100% impressive service.
- Centre for Development of Advanced Compu�ng, Govt of India

Wow! That is what we hear from all our visitors who have experienced the Immex Zone show. Your team has made it possible
for people of all ages and backgrounds to have a great VR experience. We wish the team all the very best and hope for future
engagements on other exci�ng public entertainment projects.
– Immex Zone | Singapore


We are happy with the professional approach, experience and excellent execu�on of our projects by Dr. Bharathy and his
team. The project included design and development of Virtual Reality content, successful deployment, training and
maintenance. We found the Fusion VR team to be highly skilled, dedicated and commi�ed to ensure �mely comple�on and
specified quality standards.
- IT, Innova�on & Learning Division, Tractors and Farm Equipment Ltd, India

We are happy to note that Fusion VR has successfully delivered our HSE-Virtual Reality Training project on schedule. We
believe their team has essen�al technical skills and experience in providing consulta�on and execu�on of AR/VR solu�ons for
Industry 4.0 applica�ons. We look forward to more collabora�ve opportuni�es with them in future
- Indian Oil Corpora�on Limited, India

This is to cer�fy that M/s Fusion VR has carried out the “Crea�on of interac�ve VR applica�on and Holographic content” for
Aero Engine at GTRE, Bangalore and the project has been sa�sfactorily completed.
-GTRE, Bangalore

We are impressed with the works done and the abili�es of Dr.Bharathy & FusionVR team in the smart Manufacturing space.
We also appreciate the wonderful Industry 4.0 services provided by Fusion VR par�cularly in the field of extended reality
solu�ons for Digital-Transforma�on.
- Na�onal Ins�tute of Ocean Technology, India


As a unique value proposi�on, Fusion VR’s solu�on is comprehensive IT brand which has complete solu�on on VR, AR and MR.
- Chennai Petroleum Corpora�on Ltd, India

Dr. Bharathy brings a high level of posi�ve energy and real experiences in customer’s projects for more than 7 years. All the
Industry 4.0 projects under Fusion VR were different yet consistently delivering value that meets the objec�ves and expecta�on
of customers.
– Global Training Solu�ons Centre, Yokogawa Engineering Asia Pte Ltd, Singapore

Fusion VR have been simply superb and their customer service is great. Dr. Bharathy is lively and dexterous intellectual
personality showing very much interest and energy
– Digital Geospa�al Technologies, L&T Construc�on, India

Your solu�on will certainly help many of our clients who are in manufacturing sector. Session has helped our client innova�on
team to look for use cases for op�mizing training and preven�ve maintenance ac�vi�es. Looking forward to see your other
- Intelligent Automa�on | Ernst & Young LLP, India


“We have approached Fusion VR for demonstra�ng our virtual concept factory for an event. The project was tagged to cri�cal
�meline and commitment. Fusion VR with their in-depth knowledge on this field, have understood the requirement so quickly
and delivered on-�me with promisingly good quality. I appreciate Dr. Bharathy and the en�re team who supported from
- Digital Manufacturing, L&T group, India

Very impressed with Dr.Bharathy & Fusion VR's technical capabili�es on this emerging latest technologies. Enthralled on their
ability in transforming the VR/AR applica�on to prac�cal digital training & evalua�on modules for Oil and Gas, Petrochemical
and process sector is highly commendable.
- Chennai Petroleum Corpora�on Ltd, India

We evaluated more than 30 solu�on partners for our AR/VR project requirements and shortlisted Fusion VR for their ability to
quickly gain perspec�ves on the requirement, suggest meaningful & crea�ve solu�ons, high quality of work, and me�culous
detail orienta�on.
- Hewle� Packard Enterprise, India

We sincerely appreciate Dr. Bharathy and his team at Fusion VR for their technical skills, domain exper�se, quality, �mely
delivery, customer focus and results orienta�on demonstrated on the successful comple�on of the Dis�lla�on Column VR
Simula�on project. We look forward to future engagements with Fusion VR as a reliable technology partner and wish them the
very best!
-Honeywell Process Solu�ons, India



Dr. CSS Bharathy, Founder, Fusion VR

Thank You



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