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Pink Snow

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences

Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/M, Gen, M/M, Other
Fandom: Akatsuki no Yona | Yona of the Dawn
Characters: Soo-Won (Akatsuki no Yona), Yona (Akatsuki no Yona), Son Hak
Additional Tags: Angst, Slow Burn, Slow Build, Slow Romance, Betrayal
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-12-19 Updated: 2024-01-25 Words: 3,977 Chapters: 2/?
Pink Snow
by Yoyogospin


The Red Dragon is the leader of the Four Dragon Warriors: Blue, Green, Yellow, and White.
For he is the only one of true draconic descent, they were bond by oath to forever protect
him, yet that is not the only oath the dragon warriors made to the divine beings who lent them
their power.

For the Red Dragon was not the only one who descended into the mortal realm.
6 Days
Chapter Summary

You're practicing your skill with the bow when you get an unexpected visitor.

Night time is meant for rest, a chance to have a piece of peace in this horrid world. But this is
also the best time for someone to strike. Drawing another arrow from your quiver, you nock it
onto the string of your bow. Archery is not as swift as the swing a dagger or sword. It is a
practice of precision and concentration, how fast a person can calm their mind and heart.

You take a deep breath and steady your hands, not to stop them from shaking, but to feel the
warm hot blood flow through your veins. Its so different compared to the chill of the night
air, compared to the coolness of the sweat on your skin.

Raising the bow that is much taller than you into the air, you pull back your dominant arm in
preparation to shoot. Gone are the thoughts of politics, charades, appearances; in their place
is the surprising light weight of the bow in your hand, how skinny its body is as it rests in
your palm, how perfect the bow bends to your will.

Its as if the world around you has stopped, and only you are left alive. The target is in front of
you lays still, unmoving. The red dot stares back at you even though it is merely an object
without eyes.

But that is why you've come to the practice range, to live without the eyes of all trying to tear
at your flesh and peer into your soul.

As you continue to breathe, your heartbeat slows but its loud in your ears. How long has it
been since you've heard that sound? Your own heart?

You focus on it, allow it to guide the pace of your breath, listening as it grows louder and
louder. Its a moment you'll savor. You don't know when you'll be able to listen to its steady
beat again.

A drum line, you think. A crescendo in preparation for what is to come, the release of your

You let out a final breath, fingers ghosting against the feathers as it left your grip. Your bow
swings till the string hits the back of your hand with a soft thump and your ears perk as you
listen to the wail of your arrow.

It cuts through the silence of the night, like how easily a knife could end this peace, striking
the center of the target without trouble.
"I never get tired watching you shoot." Soo-Won's compliment draws you out of your
transient state. His voice is light and airy as it always is, one children would love to listen to
if he were to read them a story. "Its a beautiful sight!"

You pull another arrow from your quiver, determined to keep shooting despite his
interruption, eyes still focused on the arrow you had just embedded in the target.

"Why are you here?" Its a simple question for a not so simple man, as much as he likes to
make himself seem a fool. You hear Soo-Won walk closer to you, hear as he comes to stand
few behind you. A safe enough distance to not get in-between you and the target.

"Can't I just talk to one of my most favorite people in this world?" He whines. If you turn to
face him, you're sure he'd be sporting a pout that rivals a puppy dog.

The man comes closer to you, close enough to place his hands on your shoulders, leaning a
bit of his weight into you.

You feel the heat radiating off his body, feel how the warmth of his hands spread across your
skin through your clothes.

If you were any weaker of a person, you'd be tempted to lean back into his chest.

Lowering your bow, you allow it to hang at your side. However, you keep the arrow in your
hand, a clear indication for Soo-Won to keep whatever he had to say to you brief so that you
could continue your routine.

"You could've talked to me earlier." He could've talked to you in broad daylight, let people
know of your meeting. You're sure he hasn't announced his presence in the castle, or Yona
would've been tugging at your sleeve and talking your ear off about how she definitely was
going to confess this time.

No, he made sure to catch you in one of the few times you're truly left alone. When he knew
no one else would be able to hear the two of you talk.

"Its something I can't let anyone else hear!" He makes it sound like some silly secret, like he
was the one who ate the last pastry when your caregiver told you all no more sweets.

How badly do you wish he would just leave you alone and allow you to continue to shoot
your arrows. Its rare that you ever get the opportunity to do so, say once every 3 months, if

But that has you more certain that this is a deliberate meeting, one he carefully waited for.

"Go on." I'll entertain you for now.

"Well... " He slides one hand down your dominate arm, fingertips ghosting against the skin of
your forearm. You feel the hairs on the back of your neck raise as he leans in even closer to

Danger. Your instincts tell you to create some distance, and you take a half a step forward.
Since he demands your attention, you'll gladly give it to him if that gets him to leave you in
peace any sooner. Your gaze finally leaves the arrow and you focus on his eyes.

He smiles, pulling away from you.

"Once I tell you this, there's no going back." Suddenly, he's a lot more serious. Gone is the
mask of the fool he loves to play, Who stands before you now is the competent son of a war

The look in his eyes. Its a dark lust, one you easily recognize. Not the sexual kind of lust, but
a deep wanting of blood. Not yours. He had the opportunity to attack when you had your
back turned. But someone else's.

It had to be someone you knew, or else he wouldn't be telling you this now. But who
warranted the ire of Soo-Won?

"And if I don't hear this?" You tighten your grip on your bow. Its not a bow meant for actual
combat. Its meant for the practice of a sort of meditation, something to calm the mind and
still the body.

At this range, the most you can use it for is a big stick to whack him with and stab him with
the arrow, stall any attack he might attempt.

Not that you don't have any other weapon on you. You keep a few daggers hidden on your
person at all times just for situations like these. But Soo-Won could practically breathe down
your neck if he wanted to.

You're fast, faster than him, but you're not in the best position to fully dodge a blade.

Soo-Won gives you another smile, one that looks more teasing than anything. He's got you in
the palm of his hand, and he's enjoying the feeling of it.

"I can't say anything bad will happen to you... " He shrugs, hiding his hands in his sleeves.
"But, I think you'd prefer to be in the loop instead of being left out to dry."

In the loop. He's got others in on his plan, his secretive plan. A plan that makes his pretty
gem colored eyes fill with bloodlust. You wrack your head as you try to think of what this
plan may be.

The only thing you can think of is an assassination plot. Nothing else makes any sense. You
can make the guess that it's someone high up.

But you have no idea who exactly.

You sigh. "Just tell me."

Soo-Won already confirmed that no harm would come to you, and he's a man of his word.
You can at least place some trust in that.
"I'm going to kill King Il a 6 days from tonight." He says it with such a calm passiveness that
you would've never thought he was uttering treasonous words.

A moment later, your bow is left on the ground and you've got the tip of your arrow
threatening to dig into his neck, your free hand practically chocking one of his wrists in its

"You just told me you are going to kill the king. I could have both your tongue and your head
for this mutiny." Its a threat spat through gritted teeth, but both you know it holds little

To so boldly announce his treason to you, the second heir to the throne who currently
possesses a weapon in hand, means he's confident that the plot will go through even with his

He's already got the palace under his thumb. Everyone is in on the assassination. All but the
most loyal, of course.

"But you won't do anything." He takes a step closer and you stand your ground, eyes boring
into his as blood starts to trickle from where the arrow meets his skin. He tilts his head at this,
long hair swaying from the movement. "Will you, second heir?"

"... " You won't. There's no point in killing him if the plot is too far along to stop.

Or do you just not care enough to save the king's life?

You let go of his wrist and remove the arrow from his neck, glancing at the blood that now
paints its tip. It's a bright red, even in this dimly lit night.

"6 days from now is Yona's birthday... " It only makes sense to kill King Il the night his
primary heir reaches the age of adulthood. Had this plot been carried out any time before,
Yona would've been put into protection and it'd be harder to contest her for the throne.

Still, the thought of it weighs on your mind.

"You'll allow me to kill the King." Soo-Won pauses, thinking over what you had just said.
"You'll allow me to kill your father, but you're worried about your elder sister Yona?"

Ignoring him for a moment, you lick the tip of the arrow clean before placing it back in your
quiver, careful to not cut your tongue in the process. "Your plot is to kill King Il, not the first
Princess. The time frame makes sense, but it is a pity that that girl will have the memory of
the day she reach adulthood tainted by the death of her father."

Soo-Won laughs, not even attempting to hide his gleeful surprise. You're fine with him killing
you father and causing political unrest within the kingdom. You're fine with the fact that Soo-
Won is deliberately messing with the line of succession.

But you feel pity for the sister you've called naive and incapable of inheriting the throne.
The same sister who you seemingly have a worse relationship with than your father who
you're so willing to allow death.

"I'm glad my sympathy is entertaining to you." You spit. Soo-Won shakes his head, patting
his chest as he quiets his laughter.

Picking up your bow, you dust it off with your hand. You don't have the energy to keep up
this conversation, nor do you feel like shooting your bow anymore.

"I suggest you leave." You shoo him with your hand, walking towards the storage area of the
shooting range. "I'm turning in for the night."

Even though you're not looking at him, you can feel Soo-Won looking at you, looking at the
back of your head as you walk away from him.

He doesn't respond, rightly guessing you're not in the mood to hear more of his dribble.
Dress Choices
Chapter Summary

Now with the knowledge that Soo-Won plans to kill King Il, you're left to prepare for
Yona's birthday celebration knowing the day she turns 16, she'll be without a father.

"This year marks the 10th anniversary of the death of my father the Great King... " King Il
starts his speech but you aren't listening to him all that much. You've heard it many times
already. He had you help revise it over and over till it was perfect, so he says.

Rather, you're thinking about how this will be the last speech he makes to the public. Five
days from now, he will be assassinated under the direction of his nephew, and you have done
nothing to alert him of the danger.

It'd be so easy for you to walk up to him now, whisper in his ear the threat on his life, and
help him prepare to protect himself just like how you helped him prepare his speech.

You could stay up with him long into the night, ironing out his defenses like how you helped
him pick out his words, be there to stand at his side when the attack finally happens.

Yet you stand still, just a few feet behind him, his back to you, listening to him make his

Would he still think it was perfect knowing it'd be the last one he would ever make?


You're pulled out of your head when you feel someone nudge your side.

"Where's the Princess?" Hak whispers, eyes looking down into yours. All you can offer him
is a shrug, gaze rooted on the king's back. It's likely he'll be stabbed through the heart to
make the assassination quick and easy.

Makes you wonder who will deal the killing blow.

Probably Soo-Won.

"One guess."

"She's still getting ready?" He says, a hint of disbelief in his voice, but he also doesn't sound
all that surprised.
"Mhm. Even summoned, ah, should I say, requested my presence to help her pick out an
outfit." There's a hierarchy when it comes to royalty. As the second heir, or really, younger
child of King Il, you are to obey the orders of all those in the royal house above you.

Yona sometimes likes to abuse this power when she knows you'll likely refuse a big ask of
hers; making you wake much earlier than the palace servants today just to help her pick out

Hak looks you over with a sort of pity.

"And she's still late?"

"She probably won't make it." You know she won't make it. She was still debating the color
of her dress when you left, something about the thread color used to hem the dress clashing
with her accessories, and that was half an hour before the speech.

"Must because he's here..." Hak's remark makes you perk up. The he he's referring to can
only mean one person.

"Soo-Won is here?" He sure came quick, quicker than you expected. You would've thought
he'd announce his presence tomorrow at minimum. The two of you were up pretty late last
night. Surely he would've like to take a moment to rest. You know you would.

"He got here earlier this morning."

Earlier this morning, morning had yet to even conclude! He must've came back to the palace
once the sun had risen.

"Well, I'm sure he's tired from his travels." There's no way he got any proper rest last night.
Having to escape the palace under the cover of the fading darkness just to come back not long
after the first light graced the lands: did that soft complexion of his gain dark circles?

He's always so well put together. Even when his hair and clothes are displaced from training
or any other physical activity, he looks almost perfect, you dare say beautiful!

You can't be the only one looking a little rough after a lack of sleep! You'll have to go and
check for yourself.

"I'll be sure to properly greet him so that he is comfortable."

"Please!" Hak scoffs, crossing his arms as you both watch the crowd cheer with the end of
King Il's speech.

"I'll be sure to properly greet him." He mocks your voice in a nasally high pitched tone. You
fight the urge to roll you eyes, instead bowing as the King approaches you with his usual

Hak follows suit and the King looks between the two of you.

"Now, what are you two talking about? Sounds interesting."

"Their royal highness here wants to use Soo-Won as a way to shirk their duty of greeting the

Oh heavens, you forgot about that! With the day now closing in on its halfway mark, many of
the nobles who would be attending Yona's birthday celebration would start arriving.

While it may be Yona's birthday and responsibility to greet her incoming guests, she couldn't
possibly greet the whole of the nobility that makes up the Kouka Kingdom.

As a dutiful younger sibling to the throne's heir, it is your responsibility to help ease the
burden of her shoulders somewhat, so that she can fully thrive come the day she is to reach

But, Yona is a big girl. Surely she can handle herself for awhile yes?

"I merely wish to accommodate him after going so far out of his way to attend Yona's
birthday." A good enough excuse, and King Il seems to agree.

He places a gentle hand on Hak's shoulder, and the young man relaxes at his touch.

"There's nothing wrong with being considerate Hak."

"They aren't being considerate though... "

"To be considerate is to be accommodating to others needs." You hush the guard, turning
your head so that he can't see your face. It'd be rude of you to show him the delightfully
devious smirk you're wearing after all.

"Yona will need someone headstrong and well versed in dealing with nobility to help her in
her duties whilst I am gone." Taking a deep breath, you steady your expression, and turn to
face King Il.

"Perhaps Hak can temporarily " You do mean indefinitely, "Take my position whilst I
accommodate Soo-Won?"

"What a great idea!" King Il starts to pull Hak in some odd direction, probably to go greet
Yona. You turn and start making your way towards Soo-Won's quarters.


"Not sleeping?" You had knocked, truthfully you had. But you had gotten no response.
Normally you would've turned around and kept on your way. If someone didn't want to be
bothered, then why bother them. But Soo-Won was your excuse for getting out of work, so
you had to at least see his face.

Soo-Won looks up from the table where he sits, looking as put together as always.
You can't help but frown at the sight.

"Sorry I didn't hear you." He lifts up the book he has in his hands. "I was so focused on this
story you see."

"A story?" For a man who had met you so late in the night for treason, you find it odd for him
to be reading a fiction book now. He loves to play the part of the gentle son of the
warmonger. You always thought that was just a facade he put on, modeling the personality he
had in his early youth.

But maybe you're wrong. Maybe he truly does have a softer soul.

Soo-Won nods, curling his hand in a gesture for you to come into the room. As much as you'd
like to keep your distance, its a better option than standing by the door like a servant waiting
to be called upon.

You walk closer and stand a few feet away from where he sits. A slight pout tugs at his lips
from your overtly formal attitude.

Posture straight and stiff, arms crossed behind your back, eyes narrow as they peer down at
him over your nose. All this is to you is an excuse to shirk your duty. No bone in your body is
willing to find comfort or be friendly with a two-faced man just yet.

Soo-Won can't do anything but be upset. You are just following the proper etiquette of
greeting a guest in their quarters after all. Sure, your shared childhoods may tell of a closer
bond, you could easily say you've grown to be more mature with age.

"Come sit down! Your neck will hurt if you keep staring down at me like that."

The blond reaches up and grasps at your sleeve, tugging on it much like a child would.

"It'll be just like when we were younger!"

"We're older now, Soo-Won." An outright refusal. "We've grown past sneaking into the
library to read."

Soo-Won is still for a moment, thinking about something. His eyes are left to stare into yours,
and you feel the prying nature of his gaze. You find it unnerving, so different than his usual
soft gaze that goes no deeper than the surface.

There's a want there, to find more, to see more of you, but he holds himself back. He closes
his book and places it on the table, coming to rise with a deceitful smile on his face.

"Then I'll just stand." He's back to looking like the beautiful carefree idiot you've always seen
him be, smile now inviting as a blanket on a cold night.

You sigh.

“No need to keep the refund act up around me.” He loops his arm around yours, pulling you
close into his side. “We’re close, aren’t we?”

The way he tilts his head makes his hair fall to frame his face perfectly, eyes keen to keep
looking into your’s through his long lashes. Even through your clothes, you can feel how
warm he his, feel how his fingertips brush against your wrist, hesitant to go further down and
take your hand in his.

If any of the court ladies took you know, you’re sure they would throw jealous glares at you
for the next month.

“Mhm.” You’ve got nothing to refute about that. You two were friendly before, friendly
enough to discuss the most trivial thing, but last night truly tied your fates together,
something you still have some reservations about.

Soo-Won grins at your compliance, obviously expecting you to brush him off once again.
Progress, he thinks. It’s small, but it’s still progress.

“What were you reading just now?” Best for you to kill more time.

“Ah, I don’t think it’s something you’d be interested in.” Soo-Won throws a “You were
always more of a realest after all.”

The comment made you quirk a brow. You may be well versed in historical books, so much
so that your tutor bragged about your ability to recall quotes and passages from the most
random source, but that doesn’t mean you haven’t read your fair share of fiction and

Ignoring your curiosity, Soo-Won tugs you towards the door.

"Enough about books. Let’s take a walk!” He brings his free hand up to cup your cheek.
Leaning in closer to your face, close enough that his lashes ghost over your skin, he tilts your
head so that you’re looking him straight in the eye.

His tone of voice is lower, somewhat airy-er, and his speech is slowed.

"I’d much rather catch up with you.”

He finally gains the confidence to move his hand down and thread your fingers together and
you can’t help but scoff at the action.

You may like sweets, but you won’t fall for such an obvious honey trap.

You grab the hand at your cheek in a tight hold, pulling it away from you before throwing the
blond a brief but pointed glare.

"I'm not so easily seduced."

Soo-Won can only laugh at your words, not once making the move to pull his wrist away
from your no doubt bruising grip.
A masochistic man with such a sweet face.

What a strange combination.

"If seduction worked on you, maybe things would be easier on my end."

Whatever he means by that, you can’t find it in yourself to care. Instead, you let go of his
wrist and pull him towards the door. If he wants to walk with you, then you’ll allow it.

It’s a good enough excuse to kill time and avoid your duties anyway.
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