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My Sweet Lie

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences

Archive Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con
Category: F/M
Fandom: Akatsuki no Yona | Yona of the Dawn
Relationships: Jae-Ha (Akatsuki no Yona)/Original Character(s), Son Hak/Yona
Characters: Yoon | Yun (Akatsuki no Yona), Yona (Akatsuki no Yona), Son Hak, Kija
(Akatsuki no Yona), Ik-Soo (Akatsuki no Yona), Jae-Ha (Akatsuki no
Yona), Shin-Ah (Akatsuki no Yona), Zeno (Akatsuki no Yona), Soo-Won
(Akatsuki no Yona), Lone (Original Character), Han Joo-Doh, Kye-Sook
(Akatsuki no Yona), Gigan (Akatsuki no Yona)
Additional Tags: Slow Burn Romance, Kuuto, Kouka kingdom - Freeform, Yona of the
Dawn, Romance, Adventure, dead, Family, Fire, People, Demons,
Dragons, Supernatural - Freeform, King - Freeform, Queen - Freeform,
Guards, Slow Burn, Love, Hate
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2024-03-16 Updated: 2024-07-11 Words: 99,130 Chapters:
My Sweet Lie
by askjhje



She is a child of nobles living in Kuuto, the Imperial Capital of Kouka Kingdom. Growing
up, she was friends with Yona, Hak and Soo-Won. But she also grew up with what she used
to call "Demons". Now, she doesn't even talk about them. Not since that night when her
parents and sister died. She blamed herself, but the truth is, nobody would ever believe her
And a few days after King Il was murdered, the second most important family in all Kouka
was burned down along with their house.
Also, as Hak and Yona escaped the castle and Lone was waiting for death to come claim her,
who she didn't know was her ennemy puts an end to her misery, only to welcome her at the
gates of hell. But somehow, her friends' path and hers will cross again.


This is my first work on here, so I hope it doesn't go unnoticed. I also really hope you will
love reading this story as much as I loved writing it. But please, show patience and
comprehension as my first language is not english. I do know a lot of people say that, but I
wanted to warn you in case you find a few mistakes here and there or if the sentence slightly
don't make sense. Also, sometimes, I might use words more familiar to my first language by
accident, so if you don't understand what it means, please feel free to tell me and ask me to
rephrase it. Thank you.
Concerning my posting times, I will post every week on saturday.
Enjoy! :)
Make it so it Reaches Them

It was there... lurking in the corner. Staring at me with so much desire and hunger like it
wanted to eat me, devour me and I had this crippling feeling like... like it would enjoy every
second, every bite it would take out of my skin, my body, my flesh. But it had never touched
me. They had never even approached me. And yet, their presence alone never failed to make
me fear for my life... for my sanity.

There were women, men and children equal. They looked dead, with their pale skin and their
thin limbs. They always wore black and white attires that were a size too big, but I dare say I
think it fit them before. But they're souls, ghosts, invisible monsters, and they're my demons.
I should never have to think they were somehow alive creatures - humans - before they ended
up here, in front of me with the only purpose of haunting me until my last day on this earth.


I swore I just heard someone call my name. It's faint, but present. And yet, the demon's
mouth is not forming any words, even though sometimes I see it form some. As if it were
trying to tell me something, but I can't quite hear the words. It's almost like they are too far
away from me... out of reach. I cannot see who is talking to me...

"Lone!" an echo.

It's an echo that called my name. A distant voice. Maybe it's the demons'.


No. I recognize this voice. And it doesn't belong to any monster. It's my...

"Mother. I'm fine" I said, finally coming back to my body, my mother standing in front of me.

She looked effrayed. She was stealing a few glances in the direction my eyes were glued on
just a few seconds ago. She was shaking me, yelling my name. I wonder where I went for me
to not hear her. It's as if she were too far away... like those monsters when their mouths move.
Is she becoming one of them? Or am I venturing too close to my demons?

"You don't look fine" she said, worry filling her eyes little by little. "Come sit."

She took my hand in hers and pulled me over to the couch. I sat with her, wondering what
that was for. Did she want to talk to me? Does this mean I have to talk about... them?

"What's wrong, Lone? I've seen you act surprised a few times over the past few years. But
lately, it's gotten worse. You're scared of the dark, and you've never been scared of it.
Sometimes, you suddenly become so pale I think you might faint. And often, I also see you
staring at a corner of the room you're in, fear in your eyes. It's like you're paralyzed. What is
going on, my precious child?"
She was begging me to explain why I was acting the way I was. I wanted to tell her that if she
was seeing the same things as me, she'd understand why the only thing keeping me sane was
the light. But I owed her more. So I opened my mouth, and pronounced the words that would
certainly send me to my death if I was talking to anyone that wasn't my mother.

"I... I think I'm insane. Mother... I see things I shouldn't be able to see" I whispered, tears
creating themselves in my eyes. "I see people. I don't know who they are... But they scare

I was hugging myself, as if I were trying to protect myself from anything that might bring me
harm. I couldn't face my mother's eyes, so I closed mine. I didn't want to set my eyes upon
her realization that her youngest child might actually be insane. But her arms soon joined
mine around my body and she leaned her head over mine. And at one point, I could feel the
watery feeling of her tears falling on my head, wetting my hair. My eyes shot open. She was

"It's gonna be okay, Lone. Believe me, okay? Everything's gonna be fine, my sweet girl" she
reassured me, and I could feel the honesty of a mother.

When, finally, she took my face in hers, pulling me away from our embrace, she stared right
into my eyes, claiming my attention.

"You will listen to me, Lone. I want you to write your feelings on paper. I want you to spill
them out. And if it requires any more effort for you to understand what you're going through,
then explode. Explode, if it's what it takes for you to free yourself. And then, you are going to
burn the letter, sending it to the heavens. When they will hear you, your demands, your silent
begging, they will free you, my daughter. Once it has completely disappeared will it reach
them. Then, you shall be free..."

She let out the last words in a whisper so low that I thought she didn't say them. She let go of
my face and got up. She took my hand in hers.

"Do you want me to fetch you a paper and a pen?"

"Yes, mother, I beg of you. I don't want to be scared anymore" I begged as I was looking into
her eyes.

"I promise, you won't be scared anymore" she breathed out.

She slowly let go of my hand and walked out of the room, leaving me utterly alone.

I wished she wouldn't have. I wanted to get rid of them, but now... I could feel their hate from
behind me. I didn't want to turn around towards them. I didn't want to face my fears once
more, because they felt multiplied by what I had just accepted to do. But it offered one
satisfaction ; it would get rid of them.

When my mother came back, she had brought ink, a pen and a few sheets of paper. She then
left me alone in the setting sun. I wrote and then I crushed it between my hands. It wasn't
good enough. It wasn't my feelings. I was writing nonsense... because I wanted to be freed as
soon as possible. But I was not taking my time and I knew that if I dared approach the
fireplace with any of those letters I just wrote, I would be instantly declined by the heavens
before my supposed feelings reached them. So I spent hours before paper, with words
scrambling in my head, the pen in between my fingers, having to refill the ink a few times
here and there. The closer I was to my freedom, the closer the demons were. I could feel their
presence still. How enormous they seemed in such a small room. And I couldn't concentrate.
With the pressure they were placing upon my shoulders, I felt their desire to torture me for
the sentences I had already written.

It was three hours later, when I took a loud, long, exhausted breath, did I have the courage to
chase the demons away. If even for a few minutes could they leave me alone with my mind, I
would be able to explode. So I did. For five minutes straight, without interruption, I wrote
until my fingers were too tired to press the pen against the paper. Until my whole body was
worned out. Once I was done, I stood up, leaving the pen in the small jar of ink and edged
near the fireplace. I took a match, lit it and threw it. I looked at the folded letter I had just
written and finally, before they could reach me, I let it fall from my hands. I stayed until it
had become ash.

And when I quit the room, the sun had completely set. I have never felt that safe walking in
the halls of my parents' house in the complete dark of the night.
The Fire
Chapter Notes

I really don't know what's wrong with me, honestly. I could almost write a chapter PER
day, like I have SO much free time it's inimaginable. I said I would publish only on
saturdays because I thought I could set it apart for a week and work on my other books,
but I really want to continue this one, so here we go. Also, I would really like to thank
AlexisTasartir for leaving a Kudos and bookmarking it. Also, thanks to 8 guests for
leaving Kudos, it warms my heart. Let's just say it made my day when I came back on
here to check up on this story. Anyway, let's go. Enjoy this new chapter.

See you soon,

askjhje <3

6 years later

I would have chosen a forever freedom over a transient one. Shortly after that first night
when my mother told me to write my feelings - my terror and my fear - down on paper, the
demons came back. I didn't tell mother, but I kept her words close, and I continued writing
my thoughts and throwing them in the fire. I would wait until the paper was only ash and
their presence would disappear. I did that at least 50 times over the last six years. Writing and
throwing had become a monthly habit.

I hadn't told my father or my sister. It was a secret only my mother and I shared. My father
would call me crazy and I would be his greatest disappointment. He and mother didn't
succeed in procreating a boy, an heir to our family, so his line would end with me and my
older sister. Still, he loved us very much, but I doubt he would accept hearing his last
daughter was a crazy kind of monster. His monster, his failure. My sister, in her case, couldn't
bother less. She had always kept her eyes on her own self all her life, without giving a care in
the world to anything that didn't concern her. At least, the ring on her left hand would get rid
of my bully. I couldn't wait to attend that wedding ; I would be clapping to her depart. I still
pity that man that fell in love with such a person.

I was writing those words down, because as much as these monsters were my demons, they
were not my only ones. I was wishing for the wedding day to come faster and I was hoping I
would find myself someone to love as well so I could get as far away as I could from a
potential traitor. A person of my own blood. But I couldn't push away the only person to ever
believe in my sanity : my mother. I put the pen back in the jar of ink and took the paper in my
hands and read through the lines one, two and three times, until I was sure the entirety of my
thoughts reflected the exact way I was feeling. I could feel their presence behind me. Even if
the moonlight had never been this strong, it still left the other part of my room in the
darkness. So I stood up from my chair and folded the letter. I took the lantern standing on my
desk, its light glowing through the little windows and opened my door to even more
darkness. I fought my fears and dived into the dark of the hallways. I tried my best to ignore
their moving mouths and their eyes that could pop out of their skull at any moment. I arrived
in the living room less than a minute later. I stood there, near the doors, the lantern up close
to my face. I had to do this. I put the lantern down on the table and approached the fireplace. I
was cold, on my naked feet, my nightgown the only piece of clothing convering my frail
body. I took a match between my fingers, lighting the red end of it and brought it close to my
face, the red and orange mysterious light as mesmerising as always. And then, I threw it
amonst the woodlogs, the fire growing as the seconds passed, warming my cold limbs.

I lowered my eyes to the folded letter and then kneeled in front of the fire. I slowly brought it
to the glowing red and one corner of the slightly yellow coloured paper caught the fire.
Between my fingers, I watched it consume my thoughts and when, finally, I was ready to let
them go, a hand suddenly grabbed my wrist. I felt my heart pounding against my chest,
warning me that it was scared. I turned my head toward the presence. Its eyes were as
bloodshot as always, its mouth was moving, but I couldn't hear anything out of it, except a
faint whisper. I couldn't distinguish any words. I struggled against its hold on my wrist. I took
my attention back to the paper, whose fire was dangerously approaching my fingers. I didn't
want to let it fall, so I was fighting, but it was unnecessary, it was too strong. But even
through the fear in my eyes and my trembling body, my senses were not dull. I recognised the
fact that it was touching me. They had never done such a thing before. They had never even
set foot away from their corner in the dark. But now that it was in the light, I could see its
details. And I could guess one thing ; it was certainly dead.

Before I knew it, the fire was hitting my thumb and I had no choice but to let the paper fall on
the ground... on the carpet. I tried to extinguish the fire with my feet or my left hand, but the
demon pushed me away, my head hitting the table hard enough so that the lantern I had
brought to the living room fell on the floor, immediately lighting the carpet in fire and then
the couch. My head was spinning, everything was blurred. I tried standing up, but my feet
could barely hold me. I could see the fire spreading. And then a voice.

"Lady Lone! Lady Lone, we have to go!", the servant screamed.

It was Min-Ren, my servant ; the woman who always took care of me.

"The fire...", was the only thing that left my mouth.

"I know... I know, Lady Lone! But we have to leave the manor, or else we will burn with it!"

She drapped a cloak on my shoulders, turning my face away from the disaster. We walked out
of the room and before we disappeared in the hallway, I looked one last time and saw the
demon with my letter in its hands. It had not burn... not completely.

Min-Ren kept her arms around me, leading me out of the manor. But I soon realised what I
had done.

"Min-Ren! Wait, we have to go back. My mother, my father... Si-Yook, too. We have to go

get them!", I begged her, pulling on her hand, trying to turn around.
But she kept dragging me the opposite way.

"It's too late, Lady Lone", she said.

I suddenly stopped struggling and brought my eyes to her face, watching her reaction.
Sadness drowned her expression. Grief and sorrow.

"It's too late for them, Lady Lone. They're already dead."

"No! It's impossible. The fire hasn't caught up to them yet!"

"It wasn't the fire that killed them. They were murdered."

Far behind us, standing amongst the flames, I could see them... the demons. They were
smiling wickedly, their eyes were glowing red. Min-Ren was trying to pull me toward the

"Come on, Lady Lone! We are almost out", she screamed, coughing.

The fire was spreading and so was the smoke. If we didn't get out soon, we would die in here.
So I gave strength to my legs, and I tried my best to pull us toward the doors. She was
loosing strength, too, but I couldn't let her down. I couldn't let us down.

"Come on - *cough*, Min-Ren, *cough*, we have to get out!"

"Go on ahead, Lady Lone, *cough*, you can get out safely!"

"No! I'm not leaving you here!"

I looked around, trying to see if there were any servants around that were getting out as well,
but it looked like the manor was empty.

"What happened to the other servants?", I finished my sentence, coughing, the sound
escaping my throat a dangerous alarm.

"I don't know! *cough*. It was weird... It's as if they were pulled by something. They
disappeared in the dark and then died screaming in pain.", she let out another cough, the
terror in her expression sending shivers down my nape, on my arms, through my entire body.

Once we arrived in front of the closed doors, I slowly put Min-Ren down on the floor and
pulled on the handles as hard as I could, coughing my lungs out, the smoke becoming more
dense as the fire spread through the house. Debris were falling, the protraits were breaking,
the lamps were shattering. A minute later, when the doors finally opened under my pulling,
the cold draft of the night hitting my skin, I took a sharp breath, I was relieved I was alive. I
looked back at Min-Ren, laying on the ground, looking outside with a relieved expression
and a happy smile.

"We need to get out fast", I told her. "Or else, the house will scrumble on us."
I tried to get to her, but she was pulled back by something. She looked up to me in terror, the
relief entirely gone.

"Min-Ren?", I asked and I tried to grab her hands as fast as I could, but she flew back into the
darkness, her screams hitting my ears with such power.

The next second, the only thing I knew was that I was thrown out of the house by another
kind of force. It felt like the air had arms. Then, my body hit the ground, a feeling of nausea
appearing in my stomach. My breath was cut short. Then, a few seconds later, when my
senses were returned to me, I sat up. Meters in front of me, the doors closed, pushing the
smoke to my face. I had to shield my eyes from the ash and the debris leaving the house.
When I pulled my arms away from my face, a demon was standing in front of me. It was the
same one who held my wrist earlier on. My fear turned into anger.

"Why did you do this?!", I screamed.

"You cannot get rid of us, Lady Lone", it spoke.

"Leave me alone!"

"We did all this for you. Your sister was mean to you, your father was your ennemy and your
mother took you away from us! It was written in the letters!"

"No!", I screamed, tears falling down my cheeks."Why did you have to kill all of them?!"

"We could not. We had to leave one alive so she could get you out."

"Then why kill her?! She helped save me, didn't she?"

"Yes, but you wouldn't be accused of murder if she was still here, wouldn't you? She would
have defended you until her very last breath"

"What?", I asked in confusion.

It looked down to my hands. And I followed its gaze. My eyes widened when I saw the knife
I was holding and the blood that was drenching my clothes.

"This is revenge, Lady Lone. For casting us aside for the last 6 years. Now, you only have to
hope someone will believe you and will save you."

I looked at it with so much hate and anger. I wouldn't give them the chance to torment me

"I hope I die before someone stops the executor from offering me my death on a silver

It gave me a sly smile before disappearing. Dawn had broke.

The Verdict
Chapter Notes

Hello my darling readers!! Just because I said in the note at the beginning of chapter 2
that I could almost post one chapter everyday doesn't mean I will take away saturday's
chapter, so here I am. I also realized, rereading my chapters yesterday, that I said Lone
was the oldest child, but in the second chapter, I mention her being the youngest, so I
corrected it, so sorry if you were confused. And I also corrected a few dumb mistakes
here and there. Maybe not all of them, but as a perfectionist, I could not leave it like
that. That should teach me to never again plan nothing in advance, but I wanted to try
something I had not tried in a while and let my imagination go free and see where this
story leads me. But anyway, if I have anything to add, it'll be in the note at the end. So
thank you to empyreanwwx, AlexisTasartir and 8 guests for leaving Kudos. Also thank
you to AlexisTasartir for bookmarking it. And thank you to everyone who hit this story
and if you're still there, I hope you enjoyed it and see you soon.

Have a good read,

askjhje <3

See the end of the chapter for more notes

I was thrown to the ground, shackles joining my hands behind my back, the man behind me
pulling on the chains the only thing keeping me from landing face first into the brownish
ground. It had rained and the mud had splashed my clothes ; the dress that had been soiled by
the smoke coming from the fire. The dress that had made me the killer of the second most
important family in all Kouka Kingdom, drenched in blood. But I didn't care anymore, I was
just waiting for Death to come claim me.

"Lady Lone, daughter of Lady Jie-Roon and Lord Han-Rae, you are accused of murdering
Lady Jie-Roon, Lord Han-Rae and Lady Si-Yook who was to be married in less than two full
moons. You are also accused of murdering the entirety of the staff at the Hakkon House. Your
punishment for such a crime has been decided. You are to be hanged before noon today."

I could not care less for whoever was speaking. I would gladly put the noose around my neck
myself so I could save them their words so they could skip to another criminal. I am to be
hanged, and I have never been that excited for such a doomed future. I just wanted to be over
with it, so I could go on with my life in the afterlife, so I could explain myself to my mother.

"Any last words, Lady Lone?" he asked me.

But with the shadow in my eyes, my apparent refusal to answer him was showed to him, to
them all, in the next few seconds filled with utter silence. I raised my head up to him, daring
him to end my life himself. But my head suddenly turned to the scream of a man in deep

"Burn her! Burn the murderer!" it was my sister's fiance.

He was trying to climb over the line of soldiers. He wanted to get his revenge. I understood
him. I understood him as I watched the demon stare at me from afar, his wicked smile the
only monstrosity on his face from where he stood. In this moment, I wished everyone could
see him, see what caused it all. I looked back to my sister's fiance, whose screams didn't stop.
People joined him, pushed against the barrier that kept them from harassing me. I couldn't
believe I was protected and defended even in a moment like this. I let a small laugh escape
my lips. So he stopped screaming. They all did. They looked at me with so much hate and
disgust, some even had fear haunting their eyes. But none shadowed mine. With a smile on
my face, the executioner looked down at me.

"Why don't you let them kill me here and now?!" I screamed to him, everyone listening to
me. "And let this be over quicker!"

He was disgusted by my reaction. He was outraged by the fact that I was giving him an order,
me, Lady Lone, a murderer, a criminal. He looked to his soldiers as if he was about to order
them to let them pass, to let them destroy me themselves, but I didn't let my smile fade. Until
time stopped... or at least, it looked like it.

"Enough!" A voice shouted. One I recognized. But I couldn't quite place it.

Accompanied by two men, Soo-Won made his way to us. What was my childhood friend
doing here? And why was he guarded like Princess Yona of King Il would be?

"What is happening here?!"

The executioner got down on one knee, and so did everybody else. I frowned, confused.
Keeping his head down, the executioner answered to Soo-Won.

"Lord Soo-Won... This girl has killed her entire family last night, including the entire staff at
the Hakkon House. She is to be hanged before noon today, it was decided."

"Nonsense!" he yelled, his eyes moving to mine. My confusion was obvious to him, but he
nodded to me, asking me, through his eyes, if I was fine. I didn't dare answer. "Free her from
these shackles at once!"

"But, Sir...! We found her kneeling in front of the Hakkon House, drenched in blood, a knife
in her hands! She killed her family and burned them down with her home!"

Soo-Won turned his attention to the executioner, his anger nothing I have seen before coming
from my sweet innocent friend. "Do you dare disobey your soon-to-be king's orders, Loon-

SOON-TO-BE KING?! What the hell happened here? What happened to King Il and Princess
Yona? Was Hak still at the castle? What happened? And why didn't such news reach us at
Hakkon House?!

The executioner didn't dare answer him.

"I know this woman and she dit not kill her family, no matter what you say!"

The executioner rapidly looked up to Soo-Won, fear filling his eyes, slowly realizing that the
monster that I was would not be punished for her monstruous sins.

"Sir! Then, how do you explain the knife and the blood?"

"She picked up the blade in shock when she found the dead bodies of her parents. Then,
trying to see if they were still alive, her hands pressing on their wounds, trying to save them ;
the blood got on her hands. She then wiped it on her dress. So, as I said previously, I
personnaly know Lady Lone, and she never would have killed her family!"

I didn't want to be saved, but here he was, offering me my second chance at life. But, alive,
walking the same earth of the people who think I have no business breathing, I will be hated
and despised by everyone until my very last breath. I didn't want to know why Soo-Won
decided to slide with the truth, the truth that I hadn't even spoken, but if he claimed to know
me, no... he did not.

"Free her!" he ordered, and so the soldiers kneeling got up and ran to me, taking the shackles

They fell to the ground and I stood up, my legs wobbling under me. I turned my head, my
attention landing on the same demon that kept following me. His smile as he was waving the
letter in front of him will haunt me forever. It will remind me that I will never again be freed
from them, so even if they freed me from these shackles, I would still not be freed. Soo-Won
then approached me as he was taking his cloak off his shoulders.

"Lord Soo-Won!" it came from General Joo-Doh, whom was guarding my friend since
they've arrived.

"It's okay, General Joo-Doh. You have nothing to fear. She won't do anything to me."

He threw his cloak over my shoulders and put his arm around me, claiming my protection.
But not everyone was agreeing with his decision... the soon-to-be king's decision.

"She killed my fiancee! How dare you not punish her for her sins?!" it was my sister's fiance.
I would never forgive myself for the truth I was hiding from him. I would never forgive
myself for not offering him closure.

I turned toward him, making Soo-Won stop in his tracks. It reminded me when Min-Ren was
pushing me toward the exit, trying to save my life. I would have loved to fight for hers like
she fought for mine. Sadness found its way to my face and the only words that could get out
of my mouth were : "I'm sorry".

Even through the silence, my whisper was loud enough so that he heard.
"Come", Soo-Won whispered into my ear, pulling me forward. So I followed him and behind
me, anger unleashed itself. The screams were louder than before, their violence now
accompanied by their unfilled desire of revenge. But I couldn't do anything for that. The
soldiers would follow their King's orders. They would not let them harm me...

A few hours ago

In the waking sun, the fire still burned. The house was not my home anymore. It no longer
looked like it. Everything was falling apart and I didn't know how I was supposed to look
strong. Was I really supposed to look like the murderer I apparently was before them all? Was
I suppposed to prove to them that I deserved whatever punishment I was to be given and that
I was proud of it? How was I supposed to accept this pain if, as my demon said, a certain
someone saved me from my death? But I didn't want to be saved. I didn't want to face my
monsters again. I didn't want to live with them until my very last breath. How can I escape it
in any other way than to die? Is there even another way?...

Even as voices reached me from where I kneeled, an hour or two later, maybe even three, I
did not dare move a muscle. The shock and fatigue that had hit me earlier did not leave me.
And so, I heard them stop in their tracks and point their arrows at me.

"Lady! Lady, put your hands in the air and turn around slowly!", they ordered me.

"How about you shoot me here and now, soldiers? I am to die today anyway, whatever way
you use", I said.

"Lady, we will not repeat ourselves. Lift your hands and turn around!"

And so I did. I lifted my hands in the air and slowly got up to my feet, turning toward the
people behind me. Their arrows pointed at me didn't scare me.

"Drop the knife!"

And so I did. They approached me and searched me for any other potential weapon.

"We will now guide you to Hiryuu Castle, where your punishment awaits."

And so they guided me toward the castle and threw me in a cell. I lay there, refusing to move.
My body ached and did nothing but ache. Once they closed the door, I spoke.

"My name is Lady Lone, daughter of Lady Jie-Roon and Lord Han-Rae and I plead guilty to
murdering my family and the staff of Hakkon House. I ensured their deaths by burning my
home to the ground."

The guards outside my cell had stopped to listen to my words. From the corner of my eyes, I
could see their movements... they looked at each other, confused by the "so-called" truth I
was speaking. Then, they left... And I cried without anyone noticing.
Chapter End Notes

I know darling Lady Lone doesn't look as strong as some of you would want her to look.
But, in the next chapter, you will learn of her real strengths and more about her and her
past. But she is not like Princess Yona, our favorite redhead. Just wait and I will show
you soon. Anyway, hope you enjoyed it. Feel free to leave a comment to give your
opinion or simply say you like it or leave a kudos if you love it. See you soon,

Be patient 'till next time,

askjhje <3
The Welcoming
Chapter Notes

Hello again, sweet readers! As I promised you, this chapter will reflect on Lone's past
and her friendship with Soo-Won, Yona and Hak. Anyway, I have nothing more to say.
Thank you to empyreanwwx, AlexisTasartir and 8 guests for leaving Kudos, also thank
you to AlexisTasartir for bookmarking it. See you soon.

Have a great read,

askjhje <3

See the end of the chapter for more notes

The rage had not stopped. Being in the midst of so much action in a short period of time had
never been something I was used to. I had a peaceful childhood, even with a blade between
my hands. Growing up, even though the demons were my daily life, I enjoyed getting older
as the years passed. We were happy, my mother, my father, my sister and I. There was a time
when my sister and I were bestfriend, but something in her clicked one day and she turned
her back to me. She slowly started to take up more space in our family until she was the only
one my parents looked at. I had lost my family, our bond. So I had no other choice but to turn
to my friends. They were the only ones who never abandonned me or pushed me away. I
learned how to fight, how to defend myself, even though King Il had banned war. And so
weapons were almost as forbidden as the term. Hak and Soo-Won still carried them around,
and so I followed. My father agreed and sometimes trained me here and there when my sister
decided to manage herself. He had fought in the war, too... alongside Soo-Won's late father.
Soo-Won... Soo-Won that was dragging me around the castle, his arm still around my
shoulders as he was giving orders.

"Prepare a room for my friend here please, Ko-Tae! Bring fresh new clothes please, San!
Would you ming helping Lady Lone wash herself please, Nami" he ordered around, nodding
to the servant in question who approached me without hesitation.

Nami took the cloak off my shoulders and started to lead me away from everyone. I stopped
in my tracks, confused.

"Wait, Soo-Won!" I shouted and he turned around with an innocent smile. I was then mute in
front of his change of expression.

"Yes?", he asked.

"What happened here? Nothing got to us... to Hakkon House. Where are Princess Yona and
Hak? What happened to King Il?" I breathed out, my head spinning.
My friend approached me slowly and put a hand on my shoulder. "You should take it slow,
my friend. You need to relax, you seem exhausted."

He gave me a smile and walked away as Nami pushed me toward what was probably the
bathing room. I obviously needed a shower and a change of clothes.

Later That Day

After bathing in the hot water and brushing the soap everywhere on my body and
shampooing my hair with so much force I was completely hopeless after that, Nami helped
me dress into a new gown, into a new nightgown and I watched as the other dress, my blood
drenched nightgown was taken away to be burned to ash. I was glad. I had no interest in
keeping a nightmare filled piece of clothing. Nami then accompanied me to my room, but I
didn't see her leave as my eyes closed instantly and my mind drift off to sleep. I had not slept
at all last night because of the accident, so I was as sleep deprived as I could be. I slept
through the day and when I woke up, I was still heavily tired. Even though my eyes stayed
close for long, my mind could not relax, not when the nightmares were all that I remembered.
Nami kept me company, brought me my first meal, took me on a walk, listened as I talked
about how happy I was about my life before all this. She didn't dare ask me about anything.
But I asked her about her life, if it was hard for her to live as a Castle's servant. She seemed
completely honest and genuine with me. She showed no fear. And eventually, I couldn't stop
myself from being curious.

"Why aren't you scared of me, of what I did, Nami?"

She kept looking in front of us or at her feet. She would barely look at me.

"Because the young Lord is persuaded you did not commit the crime you supposedly did."

"But what of your own thoughts, your own opinion?"

"Answer me honestly, then, Lady Lone. Did you commit the crime you supposedly

"No, I did not."

I spoke truth as Soo-Won, but Nami had still no way to believe me, or to prove our words.

"Even though you said the contrary in the cell? Word travelled fast. Everyone knew..."

"Then, I knew I was about to die... and I wanted to make it quick. Now... I don't even know."

"You do"

I looked at her, eyebrows furrowed. She turned to look at me and stopped in her tracks, taking
my hands in hers.
"Deep in your heart, Lady Lone, you wanted to survive. That's why you didn't contradict
Lord Soo-Won when he interrupted the moment before your death", she said, then started
walking again, her eyes flying away from mine.

I followed after her. Silence filled the space between us, but then, I spoke more words. Words
I hadn't told Soo-Won... probably because I didn't have time. I haven't seen him since this
morning, when he left me in Nami's care.

"I don't even know how the blood splashed my nightgown and the knife ended in my hand... I
don't even... I didn't even go in my parents' or sister's rooms. The servant tending to me since
I was young was the one who saved me. She led me outside the mansion, but she couldn't
make it out on time... As all the other servants..."

I didn't mention the flying or the presence of my demons.

"You're one lucky girl, Lady Lone. You should try to accept it."

I shaked my head. That wasn't true. "I am a cursed child, Nami. There's no luck in my blood,
on my skin, in my bones. I... I am cursed."

She didn't dare repeat her words, probably because she knew that I wasn't telling the whole
truth of my story. She didn't push and led me back to my room, where I spent the rest of the
day. When night fell upon Kouka, I didn't have to pray to the Heavens above to let me sleep.
But then again, the only thing haunting my sleep was brutal nightmares... ones that I felt were
going to follow me for a long while.

The Next Day

I had bathed, eaten breakfast and I had not seen Soo-Won yet after yesterday. Nami was
keeping me company and she didn't seem to bother. I was brushing my hair, savoring its
silken soft texture between my fingers.

"Let me ask you a question, Lady Lone"

She had also become slightly more opened to me. She asked me questions sometimes,
making conversation easier. I had shown her my interest in wanting to know how she found
life at the castle and in her life in general. My friendly desire to make conversation probably
propelled her to enlighten her curiosity.

"Go on, Nami, I'm listening."

"Do you think you'll end up marrying Lord Soo-Won? Now that your parents are dead. Don't
you have to find youself a husband?"

I blushed at her remark. But she was right. Now that I was alone, I had to find a husband...

"I have no interest in marrying Lord Soo-Won, Nami. He is one of my childhood friends ; I
cannot do this to our friendship. But if it is a last resort, then I won't have a choice."
"What do you plan to do for now, then?"

"I've always wanted a love match, like my sister had...", mentioning my sister immediately
brought back the memories of the incident. I tried to chase away my grief, offering her a
smile. "But now that I've become the most feared criminal, I have no chance of finding a

"It's not entirely true. The General Hak of the Wind Tribe is the most feared criminal. Added
to his title "The Thunder Beast", he killed King Il and kidnapped Princess Yona."

My jaw fell and I frowned. I felt tears stinging my eyes.

"What? Impossible..", was all that left my mouth.

Hak respected King Il... He would never have killed him and kidnapped Princess Yona,
whom we all knew loved her more than anything, even when he tried to hide it.

"Oh, sorry, Lady Lone.. You didn't know that..."

"It's okay... I had to learn it one way or another..."

But I had no time to feel the pain of their loss that I heard steps approaching my room. I lifted
my head, thinking Soo-Won would appear at the door, but instead, words found their way to
my room. "Why would King Il call in a meeting with the Five Tribes?", someone asked.

"I don't know, Lord Geun-Tae."

Lord Geun-Tae?! The General of the Earth Tribe? What's he doing here?!

"Is he preparing for a war and asking the Tribes for their help?"

His excited shouting faded in the wind as he walked farther away from my room.

"What the hell was that?", I asked.

"Lord Soo-Won has organised a meeting with the Tribes, Lady Lone. I thought you knew."

"No, I did not. I haven't seen Soo-Won since yesterday. When is it supposed to begin?"

"In a few minutes"

"I should go. I want to know what's to be said."

But Nami stopped me in my tracks.

"You are not to attend this meeting, Lady Lone. You will stay here with me until they have

I sighed, sitting back down. I continued brushing my hair and putting on jewelry to see which
one suited me better. And then, suddenly...
"I'm thirsty, Nami"

"No problem, then, Lady Lone. Since the servants are all attending to our guests, I will be the
one fetching you a cup of tea. Just wait here, I'll be back in a few minutes."

And she disappeared behind the door. I slowly stood up as I heard her leave toward the
servants' quarter and waited a few more seconds to make sure she didn't come back to lock
me in my room if she caught me, and then I opened the door slowly, making my way out. I
walked around, trying to find where the meeting was being held, until I heard multiple male
voices. Soo-Won had just entered the room. I stopped in front of the doors, then taking a peek
in, recognizing every General, even Elder Mundok... I then leaned my back against the doors,
listening to the meeting.

"His Majesty was murdered by someone 6 days ago", Soo-Won began. "We don't know
where Princess Yona or General Hak are.

"Lord Soo-Won... Then surely he...", Lord Geun-Tae started, but got cut off by Soo-Won.

"We are currently searching for them. Please leave this matter to us. Contact the castle if you
find them. You are not permitted to harm them or mention this to anyone outside."

"But...", Lord Geun-Tae again tried to step in.

"If this matter is made public, then it will cause confusion within the kingdom. It will only
instigate conflicts between the tribes, won't it?

"Even if we don't do that, there is already instability within the kingdom. We don't know
when the country of Keitai to the North or Xing and Sei to the south will attack us", Lord
Joon-Gi of the Water Tribe countered.

They continued their conversation, mentioning the previous actions of the late King Il and the
strength they lost in King Il's rein. But what really striked me were the words of the Lord of
the Fire Tribe.

"We also... need a new king"

Silence fell amongst the group, until Soo-Won's adviser, whose name I didn't know, spoke up.

"While it is a matter of concern... Princess Yona is currently absent. There is one who has
royal blood flowing through them... right here", he said, probably talking about Soo-Won.
"Lord Soo-Won alone. Lord Soo-Won is the son of Emperor Il's brother, Lord Yu-Hon.
Originally, he would have been the crowned Prince. Even though it's to crown a new king...
there shouldn't be a problem."

The Generals slowly agreed to that decision, Fire Tribe first, but Elder Mundok showed some
resistance. I wonder if he knew something...

"I'm tired", he said, excusing himself.

But the other tribes didn't want to let him leave without his approval. But Mundok was no
longer General, it was Hak... his grandson, who had the title. But none cared, they wanted his
approval, or else, they would be suspecting a revolt coming from the Wind Tribe. Soo-Won
showed to be only a little deceived by him, but Mundok told him that if he was to marry
Princess Yona, he would gladly accept his crowning without hesitation. But he knew that Hak
would never leave the Castle without a reason and that because of that, he could not approve
his ascension to the throne.

"3 days from now... the coronation ceremony will be held. If I don't get the approval of the
Wind Tribe, then we won't go through with it. However, I believe without a doubt that you
will attend 3 days from now, Elder Mundok."

But Mundok changed the subject, which surprised me.

"I also heard about the incident at Hakkon House. You saved Lady Lone from being hanged
for her crimes. Like Hak, I've always thought of you two as my grandchildren, and I refuse to
believe Lady Lone had a part in this. But marrying her would be an alternative."

Soo-Won didn't answer. And I walked away before Mundok could see me and alert everyone.
So I followed him to the stables, where he was mounting his horse.

"Elder Mundok...", I called.

He slowly turned around, recognizing my voice.

"Lone...", he called, relief spreading through his face, opening his arms to me.

I took refuge against his chest, remembering how warm it used to be for us as kids. I have
also thought of him as my grandfather and have always cherished him. Tears flowed down
my cheeks.

"How are you?", he asked me, pushing me at arms' length, breaking the hug.

"As well as I could be after witnessing my family's death and fleeing Hakkon House as it
burned down and almost being hanged for my sins."

"If Soo-Won wouldn't have saved you, I would have given him more reason not to accept his
ascension to the throne."

"Do you know what happened to Yona and Hak?", I asked, my bottom lip trembling.

"No. But I am returning to Fuuga this instant and I have a feeling they're waiting for me
there", he whispered.

I let out of sigh of relief.

"Make sure they're safe, Elder Mundok, please... I have lost my family... I don't want to lose
my friends as well."

He mounted his horse, preparing to leave.

"I'll make sure they're okay, Lone, I promise."

He touched my cheek with his hand, offering me a smile and then he left, galloping toward
Fuuga, where I hope Hak and Yona were waiting. Anger soon replaced my sadness and I
started searching throughout the entire castle for Soo-Won. I would describe my anger as rage
for the grudge I held for not telling me about King Il, Yona and Hak. I passed the Fire Tribe's
General, ignoring him completely and bumped into Soo-Won a few hallways after. Disgust
and anger gave me the energy to push him against the wall, each opening of his cloack
emprisoned in the balls of my hands. His shock as his head hit the wall didn't stop me.

"Why didn't you tell me?! Why would you accuse Hak of such crimes?! He's our friend, Soo-
Won! How dare you think he did it!"

He looked down to me, breathing heavily.

"You know..."

"Yes, I know! I learned from Nami that everyone thought he killed King Il and kidnapped
Princess Yona! Then you confirmed it at the damn meeting! What is your problem?!"

His eyes shut up to people arriving behind me. I turned around, my hands still gripping his
cloak. It was the General and the adviser. Soo-Won lift his hand in the air, stopping them
from coming closer.

"It's okay, General Joo-Doh, Adviser Kye-Sook. I can handle this."

"WHY?!", I screamed, turning back to his face, tears burning my eyes.

"I cannot tell you everything, Lone, but that's what happened. You can't deny it, I know what
happened. I was there."

I mocked him with a laugh. "Physically perhaps, but mentally, you were nothing but absent.
Have we not known the same person since we were young?! We both know Hak and we
both know that he would have never done that!"

"Look, Lone, I cannot tell you what you want to hear."

"I want the truth! I want the real criminal! I want Yona and Hak to be freed! Don't you want
that, too?!"

I saw pain glimmer in his eyes for one second but then it was gone.

"Hak deserves the death penalty for his crimes and when Yona is retrieved, dead or alive, she
shall return to Hyriuu Castle."

"How dare you say those words with a straight face?", I asked, freeing him of my grip.

Nami then arrived, running. She was exhausted, sweat piling down her forehead.
"I swear to God, Lord Soo-Won. I left for two minutes to fetch her tea. When I came back,
she was gone! I'm sorry"

I turned back to watch Soo-Won's expression at what she said. He was serious, but I was
disgusted. How dare he betray my trust this way?! He then looked down to me and said, his
eyes fixing mine :

"Nami, bring back Lady Lone to her room. And for yourself, Lady Lone, I shall keep you
occupied in the next few days. If you want, you will be able to pick up training where you
left it."


"Look, Lone!", I turned around to see what Princess Yona wanted.

She wanted me to look at the snow ball she had succeeded in making then threw it at Hak's
face, who was laying on the ground, making what seemed to be an angel. I sustained a laugh,
but as Yona exploded, I could not restrain myself anymore and joined her, bending myself in
two, a hand on my stomach. Soo-Won then picked up snow and tried to make a ball with it,
but failed as the snow fell from his hand to the ground, returning with the rest.

"How did you do it, Yona? Mine can't even stay in my hand!", Soo-Won complained.

But Yona and I were still laughing. Hak propped himself on his elbows.

"You're such children!", he shouted.

I stopped laughing, approaching him, leaning over his face. "Like you're much more older
than me, dumbass"

"Even Soo-Won is older than you, so don't try!", he claimed.

"Only a few months more!"

A snow ball landed in Hak's face as he fell to the ground. "Shut up", Yona defended me.
"Lone is almost stronger than you, Hak!"

"In her dreams", he teased.

"It's not because I'm a girl and younger than you that I can't be stronger than you!", I said.

"You can't be stronger than the future General of the Wind Tribe", he said, confident as he put
his hands behind his head and crossed his legs. I slowly lowered myself to the ground and
made a snow ball in my hands. I stood back up and threw it in his face with as much strength
as I could. It splashed in his face and I laughed so hard I thought I would never stop. Yona
joined me in my laughter. Hak stood up, and I soon realized I had triggered him. I stopped
laughing when I saw the snow ball in his hands.
"Guys, there's no need to start a fight!", Soo-Won tried to convince us it wasn't necessary but
Hak already threw the snow ball, landing on my back as I was running away.

"Come on, Yona! We need to run away from the big, fat monster!", I screamed as our hands

It didn't take us long before we fell face first into the snow. We turned around, seeing as Hak
was approaching us, two snow balls in his hands. We started screaming, making snow balls
and throwing them at him, trying to save ourselves. It ended up in a fight. And we all ended
up sick, laying in bed for 2 days...

Chapter End Notes

*Just to be clear, Hak and Lone have the same birthday, but one year apart.
The News
Chapter Notes

Hi darling readers! If you're still here after four chapters, thank you! I just remembered
what I wanted to tell y'all, but I guess right now, it's obvious, but still. If you haven't
already guessed it, Jae-Ha and Lone's meeting is not for a little while. Though I'm still
debating if I should make them meet in Awa or later, when she meets with Yona and
Hak. Considering that the Awa Arc is my favorite arc THROUGHOUT the manga, I
guess it's obvious how it's gonna be ;). Anyway, let's go. Thank you to empyreanwwx
and AlexisTasartir and 8 guests for leaving kudos and to AlexisTasartir for bookmarking
my story. Also, thank you to everyone who have clicked on this story and if you have
clicked on it to read chapter 5, hope you'll enjoy it enough to continue through Lone's

Have a good read!

askjhje <3

I had refused to see Soo-Won after the fight we had yesterday. I had ran through time by
reinforcing my swordsmanship skills, which I had not been practicing because we all had
been occupied with the preparations regarding my sister's wedding. A small thought toward
her fiancee made me stop swinging my blade around as General Joo-Doh was blocking my
attacks with his double-edged sword. He had to brake in his movements to avoid hitting me
gravely. He deepened his frown, making it almost undistinguishable that he was confused.

"What is wrong with you?" he asked.

"Nothing", I shook my head, taking back my fighting stance.

He also prepared to fight, swinging his sword around him. I smile, running for him, bringing
my blade up into the sky as I was jumping off the ground, giving myself momentum, making
my body spin until I ended up in front of Joo-Doh again, my simple sword hitting his double-
edged one. Our blades didn't slide against each other as we both put our entire strength into
our weapon, trying to break the other's stance and defense.

"You look concerned, Lady Lone", he then told me.

I squinted at him, not losing my concentration on our swords.

"I am not!", I countered, sliding my blade against his as I pushed myself away from the harm
the sharpness of the blade could bring me.
Anger drove me to hit him over and over, but it didn't destabilize him enough to not be able
to defend himself. From up, and down. From the right, and the left. In diagonal from every
side. But it didn't stop him from dodging my moves with both sides of his weapon. But he
was backing off.

"This is not your usual strategy, Lady Lone. You're angry"

"And you are not angry enough!", I screamed, hitting him from above.

He defended himself with the steal-made stick between the two blades of his sword, his
hands on either side of it, far away enough from my sword. If he wouldn't have had his
weapon, I would have split his head in two equal pieces. But he didn't seem scared, no hint of
fear glinting in his eyes. I didn't loosen my grip on the hilt even so.

"You are soft today, General Joo-Doh."

"Am I?", he asked me, one of his brows lifting, as if he were surprised.

"I've known you more agressive before... as my teacher"

"I thought I would go easy on you today, since you have not been practicing for a while."

My expression became more serious as I lifted the sword up and hit him again in less than a
second. He seemed startled, replacing his stance so he didn't fall to the ground under my hit.

"What is it, General Joo-Doh? Am I too fast for you?", I asked, a cocky grin lifting the
corners of my lips.

"No", he said, lifting his head up to look at me with a different sort of smile. "Just proud. I
kind of missed that double hits of yours. I still can't believe you are almost as strong as The
Thunder Beast."

"Why? Because I'm a woman?"

"No. Because even I fear you sometimes. You are another kind of crazy."

I escaped a small laugh at that, but I didn't let it fool me. I didn't lose my concentration as he
tried to take this opportunity to push against my sword. Then, using one of my favorite
strategies, I acted as if he really pushed me away, stumbling over my feet. As he was about to
end the fight, I strengthened my stance and my grip on my sword, swinging it around,
spinning my body, hitting and defending as fast as I could. General Joo-Doh was destabilized
enough that he defended himself last second, the sharp blade of my sword only a few
centimeters away from hitting him. I then lowered the sword, hitting near his hand on one
side, near enough that he took it off, but he was not fast enough to put it back as I used this
opportunity to disharm him, taking his loosened grip on his sword into my advantage. Fast,
smooth and full of power, my next hit sent his sword flying into the air. And before it could
hit the ground, I brought my blade near his throat. A few feet away behind me, the sword hit
the ground, one of the blades piercing the dirt.

"Game over, General Joo-Doh. I win... again."

"Unbelievable... I train every day to protect the King, but you haven't even practice in
whoever knows how many weeks and you still beat me."

I lowered my sword, bringing it to my side. I started walking away and he followed after me.

"As I said earlier, you are another kind of crazy. It should be your name, like General Hak has
one. Remind me why you don't have one again?", he pulled his double-edged sword out of
the ground.

"Because I am a woman, General Joo-Doh. And because I am not recognized as a young

General and that I have no one else to see my strength other than you, General Hak, Lord
Soo-Won and my late father, the only ones who ever bothered to look at my potential on a
battlefield", I said, my amusement from earlier leaving place to disppointment and sadness.

"Then, I guess it's to your advantage then. I will pity everyone who underestimate you, Lady
Lone. As long as your strength is hidden, you will defeat everyone in your path... whoever
you may have to kill to defend yourself."

He arrived beside me and I stopped in my tracks, looking up at him, smiling.

"Thank you, General Joo-Doh."

"No need to thank me, Lady Lone. I'm only telling the truth."

"Anyway, aren't you supposed to guard your soon-to-be King? Why agree to train with me?",
I asked out of utter curiosity.

"Because training would have been way too boring for you otherwise, Lady Lone. I have
once been your teacher and I was one of the only ones with whom sparring hadn't finished in
less than 10 seconds. You even beat your own father ; I still remember, after all these years,
the proud smile on his lips when he realized how strong you were. And to this day, General
Hak has been the only one who has beaten you."

"Lord Soo-Won didn't bother getting rid of you for a few hours, then?"

"No. His security is high enough. As long as he doesn't step out of the Castle's perimeter, he'll
be fine."

"I see Lady Lone has once again beaten you, General Joo-Doh", someone said, making my
head shot up toward Soo-Won.

I still hadn't forgave him after yesterday. The friend at my side straightened, taking back his

"Maybe I should make her the General of the Sky Tribe instead of you, General Joo-Doh", he

I lifted an eyebrow, and Joo-Doh only looked at me in confusion.

"No offense, Lord Soo-Won, but you can't make a Lady your servant", I said, walking toward

"At least, you would be less tense than General Joo-Doh and more friendly", Soo-Won added.
"Talking about that, why are your expressions so different when you're with Lady Lone than
with me, General Joo-Doh?"

"Obviously because I'm funnier to be with than you, Lord Soo-Won", I said, passing beside

He followed after me, sliding to my side. General Joo-Doh caught up to us, staying a few feet
away behind us.

"Are you still angry at me?", he asked.

I looked up at him. "What is your first guess, Lord Soo-Won?"

But he didn't have time to answer, because a servant stopped us dead in our tracks, almost
bumping into us in the mean time.

"What's wrong, Bae-Roon?", Soo-Won asked, concern crippling over his face at the nervous
expression and the heavy breathing of the servant.

"The second son of the General of the Fire Tribe, Master Kan Tae-Jun has some news for
you, Your Majesty."

"Lead the way, please."

And so he led us to where he was waiting. My hand was resting on my sword placed in my

"Oh my, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting, Lord Tae-Jun! What brought you here today?"

I had stilled when I realized the aura surrounding the second son of the Fire Tribe. Soo-Won
showed only a little surprise, but his joyous welcome rapidly switched to worried
seriousness. He kept approaching the young Lord.

"I apologize... for coming two days before your important coronation ceremony... I came
because... there was something I wanted to give you at all costs", he announced, handing him
a well folded handkerchief.

As he unfolded it, the bright red hair laying upon the white soft fabric was enough to block
the air from finding a way to my lungs. Tears soon appeared at the corner of my eyes.

"Princess Yona... has died."

As the facts he was speaking became more and more of a reality, shaking my head from one
side to the other over and over, refusing to believe my bestfriend had died.
"On the border of the Fire and Wind... in the northern mountains... we pursued General Hak
and Princess Yona... We almost had them, but...the two of them fell to the bottom of the

"What?!", General Joo-Doh exclaimed.

I brought my hand to my sword and unsheathed it. The blind rage refused to dissipate as I
was only a few seconds away from separating his head from his body.

"How dare you...?", I asked him, my breathing an unsteady rhythm. "You killed my

I lunged for him, my sword a few centimeters away from his neck, but General Joo-Doh
stopped me in time as his sword only grazed Lord Tae-Jun's skin. I took my sword away,
looking the General with grief in my eyes, but when I looked back at the young Lord, there
was nothing but anger haunting my heart.

"You will never be forgiven. You killed my bestfriends... You shall never be forgiven...", I
said, a cold rage stealing my soul.

"That's right... I killed them...", the grief and regret marking his expression didn't stop me
from wanting to kill him... like he killed Yona and Hak. "Please pass your judgement on

I looked back at Soo-Won, but he didn't answer.

"Lord Soo-Won?", General Joo-Doh called.

"Rest at the Castle for today. I want you to attend the coronation ceremony in two days."

I looked at Soo-Won with disbelief in my eyes, in every trait of my face, but I couldn't say
anything. I ran away before I could break down.

"NO! Punish me! Please!!", Lord Tae-Jun screamed.

General Joo-Doh's protest and the call for Soo-Won's attention were the last things I heard
before I was out of ear reach. I locked myself in my room, and I cried all night. I refused to
eat dinner and when I succumbed to sleep, I surprisingly didn't have a nigthmare. I dreamed
of flowers... flowers in a pot. Someone was putting them on a table for decoration and then I
woke up. Sitting up, sweat bedding my forehead, my breathing fast and uneven, I realized it
was still night. I stood up and approached the doors, that I slid opened to let some fresh air
come in the room. I sat down on the floor, looking up at the sky, the moonlight as bright as it
could be. Suddenly, in the corner of my eyes, I saw something that wasn't there before. I
turned my head to my nightstand only to notice the flowers.

"I wonder who put them there", I wondered.

"I did", I turned toward Soo-Won in a jump, but I didn't reproach him anything. He was
sitting, his back against the wall, looking at me.
"How long have you been in my room?", I asked.

"A few hours..."

"Won't it alert the guards if you suddenly disappear two days before your coronation
ceremony? I personnaly don't want to be accused of anything, Soo-Won, so I suggest you
leave now."

"Here is the only place I can hide."

"And I do not approve of it", I simply said, looking up to the moon again.

"You know, I, too, am sad of Yona's and Hak's death."

"Don't mention it. I don't want to hear about it."

"You don't believe me...", well, at least he realized that.

"Let's put it simply, no. You prove it by chasing them as if they were monsters. I wish I could
hear their side of the story."

"What do you mean?"

"It is none of your business. You can go, now."

"And if I refuse?"

I looked at him, frowning.

"What the hell is wrong with you?", I asked.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh! You know perfectly what I'm talking about. What changed you? I miss my old friend...
You're the only one left..."

He looked away, not daring to answer.

"Why didn't you punish him?"


"Lord Kan Tae-Jun? Why didn't you punish him?", I repeated.

"Because he deserves a second chance."

"And Hak and Yona didn't?"

"It's not like that... You don't understand."

"Get out", I ordered him, that cold rage coming back.

"Wait, Lone, let me explain myself."

"You had all the time to explain yourself, but you didn't. And now it's too late, so get out."


"Get out! I don't want to see you!"

He got up reluctantly and passed beside me to get out, disappearing at a corner. I stayed there
for a little while, wondering if they could see me from above. I let the tears slide free on my
cheeks, unable to keep the pain in, as if it were too strong.

"I can't... I can't deal with this... Hak... Yona... Why did you have to go, too?"

The coronation ceremony was held two days later. Elder Mundok attended the ceremony with
the new General of the Wind Tribe, younger than Hak. All emotions had been robbed from
me. I had suffered losses that I never thought I would go through some day. I didn't know
what to believe anymore. I couldn't differentiate the truths from the lies. What was I even
doing on this Earth? What was my purpose...?

I should have stood up that day and pled guilty until the rope had strangled the life out of me.
I should have been right. But still, far into a corner, I could see them... the demons, their
hunger... But I offered them no fear as I turned my head toward the crown sitting atop his
head. And I listened, as he gave his speech. How did it end up like this, I wonder? We were
so happy, as children... Why couldn't we have stayed children? I would have pressed 'pass' a
million times if I knew what I was getting into when I wished I would grow up faster. I now
wish to go back in time, where my parents are and where my sister is, where Yona and Hak
are and where the real Soo-Won is... Where everyone is...

Why can't I just go back?...

The Truth
Chapter Notes

Hello fellow readers! I wanted to say that I know what I'm talking about when I'm
writing about those dead people that others can see. Human people, that is. My sister,
when she was younger, used to scare the shit out of me when we slept in the same
bedroom. I can't imagine how it must have been like for her. As the years went by, she
got in contact with a friend of our family, a psychic, as in someone who can see the dead
and contact them, build links. But she refused to get involve even more. Now, she
doesn't get through those episodes anymore and I'm glad for her. If you do not believe in
that sort of thing, it's okay, I'm just sharing my point of view on this story. I've also
watched a movie with that same subject, where the dead people can actually talk to you
and a psychic can communicate with them. So don't worry if this story didn't make sense
to you until now, I should have explained this to you before. If you didn't know about
this before, now you do :). Then let's begin.

Have a good read,

askjhje <3

See the end of the chapter for more notes

After the coronation ceremony in which Soo-Won was declared the new King of Kouka, it
didn't take long for everyone to leave. Sure, there was a feast, but no matter who's fault it
was, I could not attend it. Guards took me back to my room and kept me locked in it for the
rest of the day. The only person that visited me in the next few hours was Nami, the servant
that had been tending to me since I was saved from being hanged. Though the guards at my
door wore heavy armor and dangerous weapons, I didn't know if it was for my safety or for
the safety of the people attending the party. So it was unfortunately impossible for me to talk
to Elder Mundok. I wanted to ask him if he had seen Yona and Hak, but it's not like it
mattered anymore. Reminding myself of their deaths was the only way to stay sane while I
was locked in my room. I didn't need to know if they were safe since they were probably
laying at the bottom of the cliff, bloody and dead... I shook my head, chasing away these
thoughts. When I opened my watery eyes, my head was hurting. My gaze followed the dark
presence lingering in the darkest corner of my room. It was there, staring at me with the
maniac smile it always knew how to wear.

"What do you want from me, now?", I asked of it. "You don't bother me for a week, you stay
as far away from me as you possibly can, but it's only now that you decide to approach me?"

I kept my attention wholly toward it, waiting for an answer. But it didn't give me one. Its lips
suddenly started moving, forming words, but like I couldn't before ; nothing, no sound, no
words reached my ears. I squeezed my eyes shut, reopening them to see if it had disappeared.
But it was still there, his lips continued moving. I tried to remember how I heard it speaking
the night my family died and my home burned to the ground, but I couldn't recall any effort
that I could have done to be able to hear it... and its hideous words. I had concentrated
millions of times before and it had never worked. So I didn't bother. But I wanted to hear
what it had to say. I needed to. While fire was devouring my house, the demon foreshadowed
into my future. It knew that I would be saved, however it would happened. It would not just
offer my death only to have no one else to torment. Their revenge was not to kill me after my
entire family, it was to give me the hope that I would join them but then, save me afterward,
only to torment me for the rest of my life. And since I cannot push them away anymore, I
might as well get closer to them.

I then heard a cough coming from behind me. I jumped, put a hand on my mouth to muffle
the sound of my screaming as I turned around to see who the hell was in my room. But
blending in the dark, there was a small individual. I squinted to try to see who it was, but it
didn't help me.

"Who are you?", I asked, my breath uneven.

The small person took his time to sit in a cross-legged position on the floor, and came
forward only a little bit. The face I then saw seemed unreal. It looked so much like mine, but
the traits that were similar to mine sat on a little boy's face. I squinted even more, trying to
see if I would remember where I once saw this face before, if I even saw it some time in my

"Who are you?", I repeated, a little less tense.

It smiled at me.

"He's scaring you, isn't he?", he asked, pointing toward the demon standing in the corner.

His words reminded me of the other's presence and I turned my head toward it in a sudden
movement. It hadn't move.

"Don't worry, it cannot come any closer."

"How do you know that? It did once", I said, as if he would know what that demon did, what
they all did. "You should know. Aren't you one of them?"

"Me? Yes and no", he simply said.

"What does that even mean?", I was so confused and my face betrayed me on this fact. The
little boy was visibly taking his time explaining it to me.

"Yes, I'm dead. Yes, I'm a ghost. But no, I do not torment you."

"They all torment me."

"No, they don't. I don't. It must count for something."

"Why wouldn't you?"

"Have you ever seen me with the others?"

I thought, as hard as I could, to remember if I had once seen it amongst all the others. But a
face as familiar as his wouldn't go unnoticed.

"No. Who are you? What are you? How are you even here if I never saw you before?"

"Like I said, I'm dead, a ghost, whatever you would like to call me."

"Don't you have a name?"

"Yes, I do. My name is Aro."

"Aro? I recognize this name..."

I tried to remember as hard as I could where I had heard it, but it didn't came to mind.

"You can't remember it ; you were too young."

"Explain yourself", I ordered.

"Miscarriage. Our mother miscarried in the third trimester. Our parents had promised, even
before Si-Yook, our older sister, was even born, that they would try until they had a boy. The
damage that was done to her body when she miscarried me was serious enough that she lost
her womb, stealing her ability to have children. Our father thought they were cursed. But they
had always planned to name their first boy Aro..."

"Our? You keep saying "our". What is that nonsense you even speak of?"

"It is not nonsense, Lady Lone. I am your late brother who never had the chance to see the
sun through his human eyes."

"How do you say that with a straight face?"

He sighed, his face devoid of any fight.

"You don't believe me, do you?", he asked.

"No, I don't... I'm sorry."

"You've believed in demons or monsters... You've believed that they killed your family and
burned your house down. You saw unspeakable things inside that house that night and you
can't even believe that I am your brother?"


He shook his head, rolling his eyes, sighing again.

"How do you explain that I can see you, but I can't see my parents, then? If they're dead, I
should be able to see them, shouldn't I?"
"No, not necessarily. Look, you can only see the dead that have unfinished business..."

"English, please?"

"Our parents and our sister, before they died, probably forgave their killer before their last

"How do you forgive monsters like them?", I exclaimed, finding no reasonable explanation
throughout his words.

The doors to my room suddenly opened, letting the moonlight penetrate the room, two
shadows blocking some part of it.

"Who are you talking to?", one of them asked.

"No one! I was probably just mumbling in my sleep."

"Okay... Then, how about you try to keep that mouth of yours shut while you sleep, Lady,
before you freak me out enough to give up my guard and defy the King's orders."

He closed the doors before I could protest. I turned my head toward the little boy, who was
still there, in the dark.

"Soo-Won ordered my imprisonment?", I said to myself in disbelief.

"That man is not the person you have always believed him to be, sister"

I lifted my head toward him.

"Stop giving me such a headache, would you? Please", I almost begged of him.

"Sorry. It wasn't my purpose, Lady Lone. But I really need you to understand why I'm here.
Would you like me to come back later?"

"No. No... It's fine. You can stay... You're the only one that hasn't scared me... yet."

"And I'm not here to scare you... I promise. I just want to help you."

"How do you plan to help me?"

"I'm here to accompany you through everything. But only in the dark. The other demons...
you can't hear them, because they don't want you to. Me, on the other hand, I do."

"But how do you appear in front of me as a little boy, if you never got to be alive?"

"Because I've grown up in death like I would have grown up in life."

"How old would you have been, then?"

"Right now, I'm 10 years old."

"Right... I had a big gap with Si-Yook, too."

Then, I remembered our previous conversation before the guards interrupted us.

"You said Soo-Won wasn't the person I thought he was, what were you talking about?"

"I cannot tell you that sort of thing, Lady Lone. You have to discover it on your own."

"Then what can you tell me?", I was slightly disappointed. I was impatient.

"I can only tell you small details that will guide you."

I sighed, deceit taking hold of me.

"I shall then spy on the new King... Isn't that punishable by death, though?"

"Yes. Indeed, it is. But do remember that you are one of his childhood friends. You can
wander through this castle as you please."

"Not really. Didn't you see the guards placed by my door?"

"They won't be there forever. But I will tell you another thing...You did spy on the King
once... during the Meeting of the Tribes."

And he slowly backed off into the dark of my room.

"Wait, Aro, I still need you", I called after him, as low as possible so I did not attract the
guards' attention.

"You shall call my name again when night has fallen and you require my company or help.
For now, you must sleep. The next days aren't going to be easy for you."

His presence entirely vanished, but the other demon's persisted as I tried to sleep.

A Few Days Later

I had tried to keep in mind the words that Aro told me. I didn't call his name after that,
because I didn't need his help. But he haunted my thoughts day and night. If what he said was
true, then I could have had a brother... my father would have been proud... Everything would
have been different... I also didn't encounter Soo-Won, or General Joo-Doh, or Adviser Kye-
Sook during those days. I had trained on my own every time I could. The guards that were in
front of my doors soon went back to their job of wandering around the castle grounds,
fulfilling their boring purpose of guarding every square inch of the King's property. I had put
my ear against every door, every wall to see if they weren't talking about something that
would reveal why my brother was so sure Soo-Won wasn't the person I always knew he was.
But I had to agree with him. I have had my own doubts about him since he saved me ; that
dark aura nothing like the sweet, innocent one that always surrounded him. And it's exactly
two weeks after I talked to my brother that I knew what he meant when he said Soo-Won
wasn't who he seemed to be. That man... was not my childhood friend.

"When are you going to tell her?", the General asked him.

"She looks mad enough at me. I cannot add another reason to the list of why she hates me",
Soo-Won answered.

"She could be an important ally", the adviser countered.

"Her friends are dead. Her family is dead. She has nothing else, no one else!. She might as
well be on our side", Joo-Doh continued.

"Be on our side?", Soo-Won was in disbelief. "I killed King Il and I put the blame on Hak and
also accused him on kidnapping Princess Yona. How can you even imagine she would be on
our side?!", he screamed into a whisper.

My jaw fell. Tears, my new companion before falling asleep at night, appeared at the corner
of my eyes, soon sliding along my cheeks as they grazed the sensible paths my other tears
had stained. I brought my hands to my mouth, muffling my sobs as I listened to the rest of the

"You cannot wait any longer!", the Adviser told him, his voice impatient. "She could hear it
from someone else. Then, she would be way more angry at you for not telling her yourself."

"She would be angry if I told her. I refuse to tell her, not until she feels better."

"Then ask her in marriage. It'll brighten her mood", Joo-Doh suggested.

A moment of silence...

"I can't do that."

"Why not? Isn't she your childhood friend? What would be wrong about you two getting
married?", Kye-Sook asked.

"I was serious, by the way. Just make her your wife", Joo-Doh added.

"And risk revolt? The people think she killed her family! I cannot offer her people who hate

"You could almost read it in the stars that's what's gonna happen", Joo-Doh wrongly
predicted. "She has no where to go. She will stay here, no matter the cost. So tell her the truth
and then ask her to be your wife."

Another moment of silence...

"I will try", he whispered.

As steps approached the doors, I ran away, using the dark of the night as cover. When I
finally reached my room, I hid under the blankets and let the tears, the pain and the fear
escape. The reality slammed in. He had killed the King. He had accused my bestfriend of
killing a man he respected and kidnapping the girl he loved. And he was to ask me to marry
him. I could not refuse his demand... he was my King... But I refused to be his Queen...

I refuse to be his Queen.

I slowly brought my hand up to my face and wiped away the tears, any grief that had shown
in my eyes, in my trembling ; gone. I threw the blankets off me and stood up, determined. I
would not accept dying here as a murderer's and usurpor's wife. He may have been my
childhood friend. But visibly, that young and sweet soul died years ago. I walked over to my
sword and slightly separated the blade from the sheath and looked at the mirroring effect on
the clean sharp blade.

"I shall be no one's queen."

I closed it and put it back against the wall. Suddenly, I heard a knock against my door.
Nervous, I slowly tiptoed my way to the doors of my room and opened them. To my relief, it
was just Nami standing in front of me. I did my best to offer her a smile.

"Is everything okay, Lady Lone? Do you need anything before I retreat to the servants'
quarter to sleep?", she asked me.

"No. I'm fine, Nami. You can go to sleep. I'll see you tomorrow", lie.

She offered me her brightest smile.

"I wish you a good night sleep, then"

"I wish you the same, Nami."

I closed the doors as she was leaving. I leaned my back against them, sighing in relief. I
would not sleep tonight, though. I would not stay one more moment in this castle.

Chapter End Notes

So, I have good and bad news. Next friday, I'm headed to my grandparents and there's
actually no wifi there, so I don't know if I'll be able to publish a chapter saturday. But I
will publish one more chapter this week before leaving and while I'm there, I will write
on my free time. I think I'm coming back tuesday or wednesday, so I'll keep you updated
then. Here's this saturday's chapter, hope you enjoyed it and see you soon.

askjhje <3
The Silent Goodbyes
Chapter Notes

Hi, my dear readers! So let me just say something, okay? I'm MAD. Like deeply MAD.
I once read in the manga that Joo-Doh had A DOUBLE-EDGED SWORD, not two
damn simple swords. I was so deceived, but he seems cooler with a double-edged
sword, honestly. I will not put myself in the trouble of changing the double-edged sword
parts, so sorry for the misunderstanding, if even you've realized some... Anyway, let's

Hope you enjoy,


See the end of the chapter for more notes

Sleep was the least of my concern as I was preparing to leave. I put the clothes I usually put
on when I train on and placed my sword a bit below my waist, letting it sit on my hips. I
already knew I would have to stop by the kitchen to gather some provisions for a few weeks
as I traveled through Kouka. I had already planned that I first would go see if my bestfriends'
bodies were still at the bottom of the cliff. I would use a different way to get there and
probably the safest one (obviously). But I wanted to be sure, I wanted to confirm what had
been said. And if their bodies were still laying on the ground, I would offer them a proper
burial to honor them... because they deserved it.

I had created a bag with my blankets. It wasn't heavy, it looked solid enough to hold
everything I wanted to bring. And even if I wanted a bag, I didn't know where they kept them
and I didn't want to risk waking up someone while searching for them. Moreover, all my
belongings had burned down with my house, so I had nothing.

I had always been better with the sword, but I had also planned to stop by the armory to steal
a bow and arrows so I could hunt for food. It had been part of my father's training so I wasn't
worried I would do well out in the world alone. I had traveled with my family, but mostly
with father. He had brought me through every tribe, through the poorest territories of Fire to
the richest, through the beauty of my bestfriend's home, Wind, through the charming and
calming territories of Water and the mysterious and yet beautiful cities and villages of Earth.
But my favorite place had always been the city of Awa Port. There were a few ports in Water,
but I never could have compared Awa to the others. Awa just offered me some kind of
freshness no other place could bring me. It felt good and it looked good. The sea, the
merchants, the friendly aura, the air... I loved it all. And I hope it still was what I knew it to

As I repeated to myself what I needed, made sure I was a 100% ready, knocks sounded at my
door. I stiffened, suddenly nervous. Did Nami come back to make sure I was okay? It was
night, everybody should be asleep. Alarmed by the fact that I was not dressed for the night, I
destroyed the bag made of my blankets and threw one over my shoulders, making sure it was
covering my whole body, hiding the unusual attire I was wearing. I made sure to appear tired,
to show the person who had woken me up that they had deranged me. I approached the doors
and knocks came again. I opened the doors, revealing a very nervous Soo-Won. You better be
kidding me...-

"Hi, Lady Lone. Did I wake you up?", he asked, realising the way I answered him and his
incessant knocks. He seemed like he regretted coming here.

I hoped, standing in that spot, that he would not ask me in marriage right here and then. I
would not be able to refuse... Soo-Won, I would be, but my King... it was another kind of
problem. My heart was beating as fast as I've ever felt it. I could hear its beats in my head. It
was making my head spin, as if I would lose consciousness because I was too nervous for my
body to handle it.

"Does it seem to you that I was awake?", I asked, pointing at my face, talking to my friend.

His lips pursed. "No... I'm sorry."

"You shouldn't be sorry for anything as my King. Though, I will not apologize for the way I
spoke to you", I said, a little smile tugging on my lips.

He smiled as well, a soft laugh escaping his lips. I lost mine as I slowly realized that I
wouldn't be doing this if I hadn't overheard their conversation about our potential marriage
and the fact he killed the King. If he had kept that sweet soul, I would never be preparing to
leave this place. But since he had bad intentions, I had no one left.

"Don't worry about that. You're still my childhood friend."

"You take your new title so lightly."

"No, I don't. I realize the importance behind it. But it doesn't stop me from acting the way I
have always had with my friends."

I then lost every possible glimpse of happiness, or joy. I could not hide my disappointment
anymore. "What are you doing here, anyway, My King?", I asked, looking up at him, now
speaking to the King.

"I wanted to speak with you", he revealed. "Can I come in?"

"I'm sorry, Lord Soo-Won, but I've had an exhausting day training with the sword. I am in
extreme need of sleep. Could we talk tomorrow?"

Sad... He seemed sad.

"Sure, Lady Lone. Whatever you wish. Goodnight, then."

"Goodnight...", I gave him a small smile, bowing my head. I waited for him to have turned
the corner before I slid the doors closed, leaning my body against them as I slid to the
ground. I sighed, my nervosity fading as the seconds past. That was close... I took a few
breaths before I jumped to my feet, dropped the blankets away from my shoulders, and put it
in the same way I had before, recreating the bag. I reviewed everything I needed and headed
straight to my doors, opening them slightly as I looked around, making sure no one would see
me leave. I got out, slowly and quietly closed the doors and found my way to the kitchen
first. Lucky me, I hadn't encountered any guards on the way there and there was no one
guarding the room. I envelopped in a cloth bread, some slices of cheese and some other
foods. I then put it the self-made bag and got out of the kitchen. I wouldn't need any meat
from here, since I would be hunting for it. So, I found my way to the armory, more silently
than when I walked to the kitchen. There were more guards near that part of the Castle. It
didn't tickle my curiosity, because it was obvious why they were placed there to begin with.
So I distracted them as I was waiting around the corner, hiding from their sight. I threw
something in the opposite direction of where I was.

"You five, go check it out!", someone whisper-yelled.

I peered my head over the corner as I witnessed five out of seven of the guards disappearing
to go check out what the noise had been. The two other guards were standing a few feet in
front of the doors to the armory. That was an idiotic placement, but I took my chances, and
uncovered myself, sliding my back across the wall, my steps as light as feathers. When I
arrived in front of the doors, I realized that it would be another challenge to open them. Using
my speed as an advantage, I quickly opened the door and closed it behind me as swiflty as I
could, leaning my back against the other door I had not opened. For them, this would have
probably looked like light wind ; they would have looked at the doors and seen them closed. I
waited a few seconds, making sure they wouldn't come to open the doors and then I ventured
in the room, trying to find what I needed. Coming here often with my father as a child, I
patted my way to the bows and arrows. I put the bow over my shoulders and took three stacks
of arrows, putting two in my self-made bag. I would prevent not having enough on me at
some point. Yes, I will make them myself when I would need new ones, but I needed to be
sure I was prepared for any complications. As I realised the trouble I had to go through to get
out of the armory, my heart started beating faster. Of course there would be a slight mistake
in my plan. I would have to bruise some people. So I approached the doors and slightly
opened one of them. I soon noticed the presence of the five guards that came back. So I didn't
waste time ; I pulled the door opened and ran.

"Hey, you!", one of the guards screamed at me. "Stop right there!"

I turned the corner and leaned against the wall.

"Go after her!"

Guards soon came running and when the sound of their boots seemed close enough, I pulled
my boot over the wall and I witnessed, as each and every one of them fell to the ground one
after the other. One looked at me, anger filling his traits, the other guards all on top of him.

"You little brat!", he called as I gave him a mischievous smile.

"See ya!", I said, offering them a wave of my hand before running.

"Catch that little pest!", he screamed, ordering the other guards. "And tell the King that his
protegee stole from him! Tell him that she has betrayed him!"

His voice became quieter as I ran throughout the Castle, finding my way to the gates. I was
sure everyone heard him and they would soon all be looking for me. As I neared the gates, I
stopped, noticing the usual guards standing in front of them. I hid.

"Find her!", General Joo-Doh screamed. For the first time since I escaped my room, shivers
went down my spine. But, it was worry that haunted his words. But the glint of anger still
loomed over his tone. "She must not leave here!"

"Where could she have gone?", Adviser Kye-Sook asked.

"Nowhere far. We have to find her."

"And how come she suddenly wanted to leave? It doesn't make sense."

General Joo-Doh was watching straight in front of him, his double-edged sword in his right
hand. "Somehow, it does make sense..."

Soo-Won then appeared, anger filling his eyes. It could destroy everyone in his path if he
wished to. He went past the General and his Adviser.

"Wait, Lord Soo-Won, where are you going?", the Adviser asked.

"To make sure she is found."

He stopped right in front of the people guarding the gates. "I need everyone to find her. She
must not be far. Catch her and bring her to me", he ordered them.

They then ran from their post with the clear purpose of finding me.

"What are you going to do to her?", the General asked.

"What I will do to her is none of your business."

"Did you speak to her?", the Adviser asked.

"I tried to, but she refused me ; said she was tired. I should have known..."

"You can't predict that sort of thing", the General said.

"But she is my friend! I should have predicted it!", he screamed, shame blinding his eyes.

"She seemed prepared well enough", the Adviser said. "As if she had been preparing her
escape for some while, now. She stole from the kitchen and from the heavily guarded armory.
She is skilled."

"Don't talk about her like she's an ennemy, Kye-Sook", Soo-Won warned him.

"Isn't she what she is? Now, maybe you'll think twice before you cut in her execution"
His words made Soo-Won jump.

"I am not giving her the death sentence."

"You won't, but the people will. It is not your choice anymore. She has killed her family and
has commited treason. The crown dictates that that sort of crime must be punished by death."

"My King!", one of the guards screamed. "We might have found evidence!"

Their attention shot up toward the guard and they ran to them, disappearing. Above, thunder
screamed. I hadn't noticed the grey clouds covering the sky when I got out of my room.
Maybe, they just appeared... Luckily, it would start raining soon and it would erase my steps.
I ran to the gates and pushed and pushed until they opened. At that moment, as a bolt of
lightning speared the sky and another loud thud of thunder sounded, heavy rain fell from the
sky. So I didn't waste much more time and I ran.

"Stop there, Lady Lone!"

I stopped in my tracks, not even ten feet away from the gates. I didn't dare turn around. Yet, I
knew who that screaming voice belonged to.

General Joo-Doh.

"If you take another step, Lady Lone, I will be obliged to kill you", I felt the restrain in his
voice, knowing desperatly he didn't want to say those words. "As the Sky Tribe's General, I
give you the order to turn around and come back!"

My breathing shaky, I slowly turned around, my hands in the air. He was prepared to fight.

"Please, come back into the castle, Lady Lone! We can save you before it's too late!"

"I am not going back there, General Joo-Doh! It's either you let me leave or you are forced to
kill me right here and now."

From where I was, I could see the pain in his eyes as I pronounced the last words.

"Just- Please! Come back! I do not want to have to kill you!"

"It's pointless, General Joo-Doh! I cannot come back... If I stay, it's either I die or I'm married
to my monster of a friend."

His eyes widened, surprise hitting his expression. "You heard our conversation..."

"Yes, I did. But completely by accident. That's why I cannot force myself to stay here and
suffer through a boring life as a Queen whose people hate her for a crime she didn't commit."

He only stared at me with pain in his eyes, realizing he could not change my mind.

"Isn't it ironic? Until now, I have never commited a crime. But this one might actually be
worst than the one I was wrongly accused for."
He didn't say anything.

"I will leave, now, General Joo-Doh. And I hope you reconsider your choice of killing me.
For the sake of both of us."

I turned toward the path engraved into the ground and started walking.

"Stop! Please, Lady Lone! I beg of you, please! Stop!"

It was the last words I heard from his mouth as I walked farther away from the Castle. In the
end, he didn't have the strength to kill me...

Chapter End Notes

Hehe, people. So I will see you next tuesday, since I leave for my grandparents
tomorrow and I won't be able to post a chapter saturday, considering the fact that I will
not have any wifi, so anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter.

askjhje <3
The Fake Death
Chapter Notes

Hi, my sweet readers. I am now back after 5 days. As I promised to you, here is one
chapter today. Also, I wrote this on paper, so I'm glad to not have the damn red lines
under each word. It's probably because my laptop is in french (I'm French Canadian), so
it keeps suggesting french words or REALLY stupid words to replace the ones I wrote.
Look, dear computer, I think I know what I want to write. Anyway, now that our darling
Lady Lone has fled the castle, let's see how it's going for her now. I think it might have
been 1 or 2 weeks since she left, the castle has been searching for her thoroughly. While
the people want her dead, Soo-Won is finding ways to save her.

Thank you to larme_obscure, empyreanwwx, AlexisTasartir and 8 guests for leaving

Kudos and to AlexisTasartir for bookmarking my story. I hope you are still reading!
Also, thank you to everyone who have hit on "My Sweet Lie" and enormous thanks to
everyone who have impatiently waited for this tuesday's chapter and excitedly clicked
on the title, curious to know what is new in Lady Lone's life. So let's go on. I hope you
enjoy this new chapter.

Have a good read,

askjhje <3

My days are resumed to : Wake up, eat a small breakfast that I probably hunted for the day
before ; if I'm lucky I would take a bath, then cover some ground, trying to hide for the
Castle's guards, my last meal a little before sundown so I could hunt, and lastly, I would find
a place to sleep, normally in the forest and spend the night.

The hardest part though, was to get where I wanted to go without crossing any guards. I
would certainly already be there if every path I tried to take wasn't haunted by at least two
guards' presence. Which made me think that they somehow knew where I had planned to go.
So I had no choice but to linger in town, well undercover as I tried to listen to people. A few
days ago, I heard something about a guy who could grant any wish. Not with any magic trick,
though, but with realistic manners. Apparently, he had wonderful connections that allowed
him to make a lot of things possible. He didn't seem real at all, but I would still try. And so, I
searched for him for days, trying to find clues in people's words and looking around,
thinnking I could recognize him in a crowd full of men and women alike, when I didn't even
know what he looked like.

It was a few hours after the sun had set, when normally, I would have been laying down on
the ground, trying to fall asleep, that his shadows brightened against the earth. I had recently
found out that he would probably appear at night, even though he existed in the daylight in
everybody's minds.
When I felt his power, his presence, I understood why he held such importante in this town.
You didn't need a description to know when he stood beside you. But, in my case, he was
walking a few feet ahead as I followed him as discreetly as I could. When he finally headed
into a dark alley, I place my hand on my sword's hilt, preparing to unsheath it if I ever needed
to. We were the only ones there, the sound of our boots the only noise present between us. He
suddenly slowed down and approached a door engraved in the wall on our right. Let's just
say, if you weren't searching for it or had no knowledge of it ever existing, you wouldn't find

Before he could go in, I pushed myself in his direction, unsheathing my sword as I pulled on
his cloack, and slammed him against the wall, dangerously placing the blade against his neck.
I couldn't hide my surprise when I realized how young he looked. He looked infinitely
beautiful. He seemed to only be a few years older than me. But what unsettled me the most
was his expression. He had a grin plastering his face. He wasn't alarmed by the blade I kept
close to his skin. He kept his calm.

"Lady Lone", he said my name. "I was waiting for you to make a move."

I thew myself off of him, positionning my body in my fighting stance, my blade prepared to
hit. He rubbed the spot where my blade was seconds ago.

"How do you know me?", I asked.

"Everyone knows you, Lady Lone. Everyone knows what happened at Hakkon House. But I
personally made my own research. I've been waiting for you for a few days now. I honestly
thought you would find me sooner."

I frowned ; what the hell was he talking about? He realized my concern before I could
express it.

"I need to know everything about my clients, Lady Lone. I've been following you. I know
you've been trying to walk past the guards blocking your way to the bottom of the cliff where
your friends died."

"Did you see their bodies?", I asked, hope glinting in my eyes as I lowered my sword, letting
down my guard.

"No. I don't know anything about the late Son and Princess. All I know is that they're dead.
They were more discreet than you, so they weren't considered as clients."

Deceit replaced my hope. I'll have to find out on my own, which brought me back to reality.

"Can you help me?"

"The question is not whether or not I can help you, it's whether or not you can endure
everything". He soon realized what he'd said. "But, looking back at your history, I doubt you
would not be able to go through even more pain... or maybe not. Maybe you're not strong
"I am."

"Are you sure?", he asked.

"Yes. What would you require of me?"

"Your death."

I freezed. I was not waiting for this.

"Shall we go inside to discuss more about this? There are ears everywhere since you fled the
Castle, Lady Lone, even more than before."

I pushed away my worry and took back the strength I had lost as he revealed to me the price I
would have to pay to get to my friends. I sheathed my sword and let him lead the way. He
opened the door and went in as I followed, letting the door close with a loud thud. The
hallway was dim, barely any light illuminating it.

"There are no risks of people following us?", I asked.

"Don't worry about that. We are all protected."

I didn't say anything else. We walked for a few minutes until we reached another door. He
placed his hand on the handle, but didn't open it yet. He turned toward me.

"I trust you, Lady Lone. I know you wish your identity to be kept a secret in this town, and
it's the same for us."

"Yet, everyone knows who you are..."

"Yes, but only a few know where we are. Only people who are worthy of our help."

I stayed silent.

"We are a big group of people. And we also have a lot of connections outside of this building.
We're gonna use everything we have to help you."

I didn't answer, but his words were now part of me. He opened the door, revealing a lively
and colorful room full of people dancing, singing and drinking. This looked more like a bar
or a club than anything else.

"Follow me", he ordered and I stayed behind him as we walked.

He stopped at the bar, where a man stood while he was drying a glass with a cloth. When he
was done, he threw the piece of cloth over his shoulders, slamming the glass on the counter,
in the young guy's face.

"The usual, Na-Ho?", the barman asked, not noticing me standing behind.

"Not necessary. I'm here to see the boss."

That's only then that he looked at me. "She finally found you."

"Took her a while, but yes, she did."

"I'm gonna call for her. She should be in her office."

The barman disappeared, leaving Na-Ho and me alone. I took this chance to ask him a
question : "The boss? I thought you were the boss. The way everyone was talking about you."

"No, I'm only her assistant. But I almost have as much power as she has. I do the research, I
organize the plans, I always take care of the clients, staying with them every step of the way."

"You call us clients, but you haven't mentionned how I would have to pay you for your help."

"Logically, Lady Lone, you can't pay if you're dead. We can't leave any trace of our clients
behind. Otherwise, our help would have been ruined. Your payment is the strength you give

"You seemed to have already planned how it would go", I realized.

"Indeed. It took a little more time for you to appear, so I used it to plan everything

"How much time will it take, then?"

"Considering every detail, I would say that by tomorrow evening, you should be able to get to
your friends' bodies."

I only nodded in thanks as the barman suddenly came back.

"The boss is ready to see you", he announced upon arriving.

"Thank you, man", Na-Ho said, walking away toward another door. The barman went back to
his job.

Na-Ho slid the doors open and let me in before closing them behind us. He pressed his hand
behind my back, leading me toward another set of doors at the end of a short hallway. Na-Ho
opened the doors without knocking, which surprised me. The woman in the room was seated
on a small cushion in front of a long low table. She had a pen in one hand, dipping the tip of
it in a small bottle of ink, similar to the one I used when I wrote my letters to the Heavens.
She had multiple sheets of paper spread on the table. She was young ; as young as Na-Ho.
She looked strong still, kind and proud.

"So you are Lady Lone, the last member of the Hakkon House family", she said, examining
me, the usual long cloak of Kouka, the hood still covering my head. Hiding behind my cloak
was my sword, which I knew she sensed it. "I am Rin, the Leader of our group."

"The pleasure's mine", I said, respectfully bowing before her.

"Oh, please, girl. You have more importance than I ever will ; I should be the one bowing
before you."

"Not anymore", I said, straightening my upper body. "You should know ; everyone does."

"Such a tragedy, yes. The only person who should be punished for this crime is the one who
made Hakkon House fall."

I frowned, surprised. "How come you believe in this truth while everyone else think I did it?"

"Because we know everything about everyone, girl. Everyone may only represent our clients,
but we still know everything about them."

"Your reasons and your proof might be enough to free me from my crimes", I said, throwing
my thoughts into a whisper.

"Unfortunately, no. We can do everything but that. Our existence is secret, our help is not
offered on a silver platter, so don't expect us to go scream the truth upon every rooftop so you
can go back to Hiryuu Castle alongside your King."

"I have no desire to go back to Kuuto. Never."

"You know, he didn't want any harm", Na-Ho cut in.

He certainly meant Soo-Won. "He didn't want any harm? To me or to Hak and Yona?"

"To you. I know nothing of how he felt toward your two other friends."

"It didn't stop him from planning to ask me in marriage."

"He didn't want to ; the General and your King's Adviser pressured him. He knew you didn't
feel the same as he did."

"The same as he did?", I asked, confused. "What the hell are you talking about?"

Na-Ho looked to Rin and back to me over and over again. Rin did the same, as if it were

"He was in love with you", Na-Ho revealed, making my jaw drop.

"No, no, you got it wrong ; we're childhood friends."

"Believe it or not, he does love you."

I kept shaking my head from side to side, waving away that horrible truth. "Can we just talk
about the plan you created, Na-Ho?", I said, talking to my new friend, if I could even call him

Na-Ho gave me a small smile, answering my question.

"Take a seat, then. We shall discuss this plan", Rin offered, pointing to the cushions on the
other side of the low table, opposite hers. So we sat in front of her.

"This plan has for purpose to erase your name, kill you without killing you", Na-Ho revealed,
going straight to the point.

"How do you plan to do that, exactly?", I asked, confused, slightly doubting their abilities.

"We will publicly announce your death. In this very town. Since you are a Wanted Criminal,
the news of your death will travel fast, reaching the Castle in a few hours, and the rest of the
country in a little more time."

"Please, Na-Ho, do not linger ; speak already", Rin said, visibly impatient.

"Tomorrow, a few hours before sundown, we will begin. Someone will be disguised as you
and some of our people will be running after you... well, technically, attracting the attention
of the people around. The disguise will be wearing heavy protection hidden beneath her
cloak. Eventually, we will start shooting arrows, because we won't be able to get her to stop."

"How is it gonna look, though, if villagers shoot illegally at her?", I asked.

"We have a good amount of uniforms belonging to each of the tribes. We won't use the Castle
guards' though, since it would be obvious to them that none of them shot", Rin explained.

"And who's gonna wear the disguise?", I asked. "I say it because you need someone who
looks a lot like me physically and also considering my physical abilities."

"You mean your speed", Rin said, perfectly aware of everything concerning the plan. "We
have a jewel that can run almost as fast as you can. Though, her face doesn't exactly mirror
your features as others might, we have a darling who has the best hand when talking about

I nodded, impressed by their readiness.

"As she receives multiple arrows in the back, she will fall to the ground as we approach her
body. We will be the ones taking care of it, declaring your death. It won't be long before they
each leave their posts, returning to the Castle", Na-Ho finished.

"I guess they are that desperate to get rid of me."

"According to them, you would have had what you deserved. The only difference is that your
punishment will not be delivered by the crown", Rin said.

"And what about my identity?", I asked. "If I'm dead, I cannot be called Lone, can I?"

"We always leave this choice to our clients", Na-Ho revealed. "It's either you change one or
two letters in your name and you still use it... or a part of it at least. The other alternative
would be to keep Lone to yourself but change your name wherever you go, having only one
or multiple. So, you would have one name in a place and another in a different place. Your
backstory, though, you do whatever you want with it."
I nodded, this new reality slowly sinking in. Tomorrow, I would be dead. Tomorrow, I would
be free. I wouldn't have to deal with any guards everywhere I would go as Lady Lone. I
would be no Lady. I would be Sou-Ri or Van or Alna to anyone who asked, a member of the
Water Tribe, born close to the water, in a friendly port city. My mother died giving birth to
me and my father forgot me as he drank, hour after hour, day after day. I am an only child,
with no family left. I'm just a normal traveler, looking for a peaceful life. But right now, I was
still the young criminal, traitor to the crown.

And I needed to rest before the big day.

The Plan
Chapter Notes

Hello, readers! I'm gonna make this quick since I'm tired. I posted late today because of
a little problem ; there were ants coming out everywhere and they were walking around
my room, so my dad had to spray something and I was busy washing my bed and
everything. It was a disturbing day, let's just say. Anyway,

have a good read,

askjhje <3

Na-Ho had pulled me away after discussing with Rin about the plan. He wanted to leave the
poor woman alone, considering the ton of work she still had to do during the day. He had
brought me to meet the members of the team that would help us tomorrow. I had an
interesting conversation with the girl who would disguise as me. Everyone seemed so eager
to finally have a job after a few weeks. They did like to party all day, but sometimes,
something else to distract them is favorable. They do realize how much their missions
represent pure danger, but the adrenaline they take in it gives them joy and excitement. That's
why they always look like no risks, no matter the importance of it, would stop them. I looked
up to them, to their strength, to their will. I would forever be in their debt for what they
accepted to do for me ; one of the most Wanted Criminal of Kouka Kiingdom. In these
moments, I smiled... I genuinely smiled since I left the Castle, since I learned of my
bestfriends' deaths. I felt accepted and it showed. In my face, in my movements and in my
thoughts. I had tossed away my problems, reliving the parts of my life where I was innocent ;
a young girl with a family and friends and no problems except for her demons. Even that part
appealed to me. It didn't let any grief show through my features. I was happy and I would not
let them ruin it.

But, even with the smile on my face, my honest laugh, my innocent thoughts, it didn't stop
the nightmares from visiting me once more. The horror of it. Their faces, looking at me as if I
really did it, I really killed them, the knife between my hands, stabbing them over and over
again until the only noise left was the squeaking of the bed and the plunging of the blade in
their flesh, their skin. Soo-Won's face as he killed the previous King, accused Hak of his own
crime and chased our bestfriends with so much intent and anger that he killed them. In the
end, as much as Kan Tae-Jun was their killer, it didn't cast away Soo-Won from the picture.
He was the sole reason why they had died in the first place.

That's when I woke up, drenched in sweat, the nightgown one of the girls had given me a
useless piece of clothe now. I couldn't go back to sleep into such uncomfortable clothes. So I
got up and opened the doors of the room they had lent me. It was pure silence in the building.
The sound : the music had died down at the first hours of the day. As I passed beside the bar,
there was only a couple of people seated at the bar, drinking from their mid-filled glasses,
what looked like grief dancing in their eyes. I made my way to the showers, turned the
wooden sign to "Women" and the other one to "Occupied", and went through the doors. I
chose a box and put my sweaty nightgown in it, leaving me utterly naked. I pulled my hair
up, leaving a few strands falling here and there, on my neck or on my forehead, my cheeks,
my collarbones. And I made my way to the showers. When I entered the room, surprise filled
my expression as I took in another woman's presence. Her back to me, her arms united on the
edge of the big bath, her head resting on them. I silently made my way to it, letting my cold
sweaty feet touch the hot water. I went deeper into the water until it went up to my neck,
leaving the little strands of hair floating around me. It's only then that the woman turned
around to see who had joined her, a faint sleepy smile on her face. She offered me a silent
welcome and I recognized her. It was Ori, my disguise. She leaned her back against the wall
of the bathtub, still looking at me.

"Couldn't sleep?", she asked me.

"Nightmares", I told her. "The usual"

"Yeah", she sighed in relief, escaping a laugh. "I understand. I went through them at some
point, too. Not funny."

"No, indeed ; it's not. What about you?"

"The couple in the room beside mine were at it... again", she said, losing her smile, her
irritation as clear as water. "I thought I could distract myself by coming here for a few
hours... I don't know what to expect when I go back."

"There's only one way to know", I said. "If it hasn't stopped, come back."

"I'll have to sleep at some point", she said, worried. "We have a big day tomorrow."

"Indeed we have..."

Silence fell and I took this moment to lean my head onto the edge of the bathtub, closing my
eyes. It has been a while since I had the chance to take a real bath.

"I suppose you flipped the wooden signs to "Women" and "Occupied"", she suddenly said,
making me lift my head, opening my eyes.

"If I don't want to be bothered by annoying men, I sure will", I said, answering her. "I guess it
wasn't the same for you if you didn't even bother to change them."

"No, it wasn't. I won't push away a little attention. With the lives we have, we would be
satisfied with the men seating at the bar all day everyday, an alcohol filled glass in their
hands, another prepared for them even before the one they have is empty."

She looked sad, looking in the distance as if she could see her future embedded in the walls
of the bathroom. "How about you, girl? Did you have any luck out there? I heard the new
King has a thing for you... Oh, how I would like to be rich, floating in pretty jewels and in
endless money. And be married to a King... what a dream. What got to your head girl for you
to refuse a man like that?"

My lips pursed. Maybe it was shame or maybe regret. Regret that could never make them
understand. The nightmared and horror filled man that would have been my husband if ever
he had had the chance to ask me. I didn't know how to be truthful ; my every words could be
used against me.

"If you want him, he's all yours", I only said.

Her expression lightened when she saw my face. I felt like she understood...

"With what I heard about him, he would have no interest other than you. He doesn't seem like
the man who would desperately be looking for a woman to marry and force her to be his
wife, and make children like it's raining on a cloudy day."

"I don't love him"

"You wish for a love match, then. Such a rare possibility in this world."

"My sister had one. But she died before she could even marry him. Her fiance never forgave
me and he never will. He would kill me himself if he could."

She smiled, realizing the irony. "He won't have the chance to."

I only nodded.

"What do you plan to do after you technically die?", she then asked me.

"Whatever life pushes my way. Wherever the wind drives me..."

"You should be a poet, then", she was laughing. "But you would be way to recognizable. If
your sketched face ends up on paper, you're doomed."

"Yeah", I laughed. "Better skip it."

We laughed in unison. A yawn reached my face and I remembered I was tired. So, I found
my way outside of the bathtub and pulled on a towel, wrapping it around my body. When I
turned toward her, she was looking at me. The little hairs were sticking to my neck and my
face, droplets falling on the ground.

"Aren't you tired?", I asked her.

"Very much", she said, giving her body a push, getting out of the bathtub just like I did a few
seconds ago. She gripped another towel, wrapping it around herself. "I assume the nightgown
one of the girls gave you is hopeless now."

I gave her a shy smile.

"Follow me, then." She took her own nightgown and we headed toward her room, a few
doors away from mine. The noises she was hearing a few hours ago seemed to have gone
down to snores. She ruffled through her things and finally handed me a new nightgown a
minute later.

"Thank you", I said.

She talked again before I could walk away toward my room. "Try not to join me in the
showers again if they ever decide to wake up before dawn", she said, pointing toward the
door beside hers.

I escaped a low laugh. "I'll try... See you tomorrow, Ori."

"See you tomorrow, Lone." She waved a hand at me and disappeared in her room.

I walked to mine and let the towel fall to the floor as I slid the nightgown over my head. I sat
on my mattress, thinking about my conversation with Ori, what I got to know about her. And
then, another person flashed in my mind.

"What do you think about them, Aro?", I said, my voice only a whisper.

I felt him appear near me. I couldn't see him, since we were both in the complete darkness. I
didn't feel comfortable going to sleep yet. A few hours ago, there was the light from the party
room, but now, nothing.

"Their souls are darkened, that's for sure", he said and I felt his regret. "But their help is
genuine, precisely Na-Ho and Ori."

"I presume tomorrow will go well then?", I asked, hoping he would offer me some positive

"I think so. There's nothing that would say otherwise."


"I thought you forgot about me. I was worried for a while."

"I was nervous in the last two weeks, Aro. I have been trying to escape the Castle's Guards
everyday and it's not the easiest task... There was a lot on my mind, that's what I'm trying to

"It's okay. At least, you called my name tonight."

"Where do you go when I don't call for you?", I asked, pure curiosity filling my senses.

"I stay within range, but you don't see me. I keep an eye on you and your surroundings."

"I presume I should thank you for this."

"...Not necessarily. I mean, I'm doing it voluntarily."

"I'm still thanking you. I don't know anyone in this world who would do the same as you're
doing right now."

"The late Son Hak and Princess Yona would have done the same as me."

The thought of them brought a smile to my face. Remembering our childhood. Hak's teasing,
Yona's complaining. And Soo-Won's presence. I lost my smile, however sad it was and let my
thoughts be poisoned by him. My nemesis...

"You're wondering if Soo-Won would do the same, too?", he suddenly asked me, taking me
by surprise.

"Is it bad to think about him after all that happened?"

"No, it's completely normal, in fact. But considering his new position, what you mean to him,
I think he wouldn't hesitate."

"I'd rather he would", I found myself saying.

He stayed silent. But he was not gone yet. I knew he was there.

"You should sleep, Lady Lone. You have a big day tomorrow."

I stared at nothing in particular, my eyes set in the dark, trying to see if there were any
demons in the room. I don't know if I wanted to sleep just yet. But he was right, I should rest,
considering what would happen tomorrow. It would certainly take a lot of energy. So I said ;
"You're right. I'll call for you tomorrow evening, after I'm settled for the night."

"I'll wait for you, then."

He slowly disappeared, his comforting presence leaving a hole in the room, in my safety. I
lay on the mattress, my eyes wide open, as if they could stop them from approaching. They
slowly closed as the hours passed. I didn't have any nightmares during this second part of my
sleep, but it was filled with ill intentions, uncomfortability. And when I woke up for the last
time, I could hear chatter on the other side of the door. It was time to wake up, now. We were
today and today was the day I would die.

I got out of bed and put on my clothes, wrapping my sword around me, beneath my cloak. I
folded the nightgown and put one bag strap over my shoulder, deciding I would not come
back in this room. I opened the door, closing it behind me. I made my way toward Ori's
room, finding it empty of her presence. I left the nightgown on her bed and got out of her
room, heading toward the boss's office. We would be to meet there first thing in the morning,
so I made my way there. The guards at her doors let me pass and I walked the little length of
the hallway before pushing on the last doors to her office, not knocking as Na-Ho had done
the day before. They were all looking at me now ; everyone on the team. I was the last to
arrive. They were all standing in front of a seated Rin. She was the first to speak.

"Well, we were waiting for you, Lady Lone. You can put your bag on the floor near the wall
and join us."
And so I did. And I approached Ori, who seemed ready for today. "You slept well?", I asked.

"Like a baby. You?"

"Good... somehow."

She smiled in answer.

"So", the boss started, her leader-like tone filling the room. "Now that you are all here, we
shall discuss the last preparations. You four...", she said, pointing to the four guys on the
right. "... you will be wearing the usual uniform of the Wind Tribe guards. As for you, Na-
Ho, you are to accompany Lady Lone until the end ; you will be wearing plain clothes, like
the citizens of the town. And lastly, concerning Ori and Lady Lone, it's a much more
complicated matter."

I nodded, aware of it.

"Lady Lone, do you care about your clothes, the self-made bag you made out of... blankets?,
or anything that you own?", she asked me.

"I hold no emotional attachment to anything I presently own, boss."

"Perfect. So if you don't bother, you will be giving your clothes and your bag to Ori.
Concerning your weapons, we would like to give back the bow and the remaining of the
arrows that you took. Your sword, you can keep it."

"I assume you will be providing everything that I need?", I asked.

"Yes. You will be given fresh new clothes and a real bag to carry everything you desire to
bring with you. I know there's still a little food left in that bag of yours, and we will be giving
some for your journey."

"I thank you for your help, Rin", I said, bowing my head.

She offered me a smile, pure happiness decorating her face.

"We will also give you another set of arrows, as well as a new bow... and a knife, if you ever
need it. I see you're wearing no jewelry, which will save us one problem. And for you, Ori,
you better put on the protections Na-Ho designed for you before we begin with the plan."

"Yes, ma'am", Ori said.

"Well then,", Rin said, clapping her hands, dismissing us. "you have until noon to fill your
bellies. And when it hits 12, I want you to begin. Na-Ho, you are in charge of the team. I am
counting on you."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Now, go", she ordered us, chasing us away with a sharp wave of her hand.
I stayed behind, desiring of a small conversation with her, before I never see her again. She
realized what I was doing as everyone hurried through the doors to go eat some breakfast
until their stomachs exploded.

"What is it?", she asked me, her voice calm, the leader from previously tucked aside.

"You're not coming with us? Seeing as you're young and strong, I thought you were to join

A sad smile appeared on her face.

"Everyone in here has a backstory, girl. Mine is slightly different, though, a little more...
violent. Do you wish to hear it?"

"I would very like to"

"Well, then, ready your ears. When I was young, my family was poor, which was the case of
more than half the people in this building. My mother had died from an unknown illness a
few years after I was born. My father threw me out of the house with a kick to my back at the
age of 8. I had to take care of myself. I had barely to eat, barely to drink, almost died a few
times. But I guess you should expect so when you are born in Fire territories. I could barely
move. I was bones walking. One day, a man approached me ; I was 12. He said he could help
me, and I, naive as I was back then, believed him. He brought me back to his house and
before I knew it, he would make money thanks to me... by selling my body. I was raped by
him and multiple other people throughout the years, men and women alike. I tried to flee at
the age of 18, but I got into an incident that paralyzed me from the waist and below. I could
not walk anymore. Na-Ho was the one who found me. We became friends and we soon
started talking about something we could build ; this", she said, looking around. "It became
real one year later. We had bought this bulding with the money I had stolen from the man
who kidnapped me and made me his toy. We started searching for people who would like to
join us, people like us ; poor and who would like to help people in need. It's been 6 years
now, and I don't regret a thing."

I was smiling, though her story saddened me.

"I'm sorry for what you went through at such a young age."

A smile brighter than mine appeared on her face. "Don't worry, they all got what they
deserved. Every one of them."

Good, I thought. "Well, then, I'll leave to do your thing. It was a pleasure to meet you", I said
as I walked toward the door.

"Wait, Lady Lone", she called after me. I turned toward her.

"What is it?", I asked.

"Don't hesitate to let the arrow fly or your sword swing."

I smiled at her, nodded slowly and waved my hand, leaving her alone with her ton of papers.
"You ready?", Na-Ho asked me, his hand placed on the door, ready to push it.

I took a deep breath. The four guards had gone out a few minutes ago, acting as if they were
on duty. Ori had probably just walked out of the alley, disguised as me. I was truly impressed
by the make-up skills of the girl they talked about ; Ori was my mirror. I turned toward Na-
Ho and nodded. He pushed the door and we got out. He looked around, making sure no one
was near, watching us. He looked up and his eyes met another of their men and they both
nodded, which meant we were clear.

"Let's go!", he whisper screamed, taking my hand in his, leading me toward the exit of the
alley. As we looked around, checking both sides of the street, the four guards were making
contact with Ori.

"Hey, you", they called after her.

They touched her shoulder and turned her toward them. Seeing as it was me beneath the
hood, two of them pulled out their swords while the others readied their bows, giving Ori
enough time to start to run.

"Stop there! We got you, Lady Lone!" they screamed while the people around finally looked.

We could hear their gasps and their murmurs. Everyone was letting them pass, none of them
wanted to be trampled on or pushed aside violently.

"Now's our chance", he told me as we walked out in the street, acting as if we were surprised
and disappearing again.

"It's an order, Lady Lone! Stop right there, or we're gonna have to shoot!"

Ori looked back at them, making her hood flap off her head, revealing her face to everyone.
The guards around, as much Castle's ones or Wind Tribe's ones, were flustered as they
watched the scene develop under their eyes. They didn't dare intercept. As the two archers
took their positions, my hearbeat accelerated.

"Lady Lone, this is your last chance!"

But she didn't stop, so they pulled on the arrow and unleashed them, taking out another one
as the other flew... and landed in Ori's back, both of them. Two others soon made their way to
her back, making her fall instantly. But the loud thud following her fall took us all by surprise
; this wasn't what we rehearsed. She was supposed to carefully fall to the ground, make sure
she didn't get hurt, but it visibly wasn't the case, because it looked like she dropped dead...- I
turned toward Na-Ho, worry drawing itself upon my face. The same look sat upon his. The
guards rushed over, their bows and swords still in their hands. One of them put two fingers to
her neck, checking her pulse. People around were waiting for their judgment, what it would
result in ; her death or her barely alive body. They looked up, hidden fear glinting in their
eyes... hidden fear for us...

"She's dead. Lady Lone has died."

I felt Na-Ho tense beside me.

"No. She was supposed to wear the protection. I thought she put it on", Na-Ho said, visibly

Fear shone in my eyes. Other guards came along, checking if their facts were true. They even
checked themselves, which confirmed, for us, that Ori had really died. One tear slowly fell
down my cheek, remembering the sad expression in her eyes before she went out of the
building, as if she were apologizing to me. The conversation we had the night before made
me realize the sad life she knew she was living, how she wanted more, how she wasn't
happy... I wondered if I could have had stopped this from happening. But Na-Ho's tug
brought me back to reality.

"Lady Lone, I'll take care of this later, but we have to go now, or else, you might get
discovered", he told me, pulling on my hand gently.

I turned toward him, sadness pearling in my eyes as I debated my next move. But I had no
choice to go with him ; I could not let Ori's sacrifice be ruined by my worry. And so I let him
pull me away toward an unknown destination as I felt a wave of wind pass beside my ear and
I heard her voice.

"Live your life now, Lone. I hope mine wasn't given for nothing. You're worth it."

I had to restrain the tears from spilling ; I could not let these words enter one ear and go out
the other, so I looked up, drying my eyes, waving my tears away as I reluctantly followed Na-

I was dead.

And I planned to stay dead.

The Priest
Chapter Notes

Hi, readers! As I'm on the verge of beginning to write chapter 10, I'm listening to my
favorite song EVER, so I highly suggest you go listen to it. "Love is a Battlefield", by
Pat Benatar. Enjoy ;)

Have a good read,

askjhje <3

It was morning.

My name had stayed behind me... as well as Ori. I had talked with Aro last night and I had
asked him if he had seen Ori, but he had told me that he felt her leave, fly up to the heavens.
That she forgave everyone in this life and made her way to endless happiness. She apparently
thanked me for this opportunity and to not put the blame on myself. A message she passed
on, the very same essence following her as she was leaving the earth. She was truthful ; or
else she wouldn't have made her way to the skies ; she would have stayed down to torment
me until I died, like every one of them. It's what Aro told me and I hung to it as I walked
through the trees of the Fire Tribe territory. I was keeping close to the cliff, the high moutains
where they fell from. But I found no trace of their deaths. Aro couldn't tell me anything about
them when I asked him. He made some research, but he wound up with absolutely nothing.
So I continued my research by myself.

It looked like their bodies had already been taken to be buried or cremated. It's as if their
dead bodies were never here, as if Kan Tae-Jun had lied... But-

What if they survived?

No. I'm just trying to persuade myself of an unrealistic lie. No one can survive such a fall, not
even Hak. The outcome is inevitable. So I continued searching, but unless there were
someone living in these woods - which I believed to be unlikely - their bodies would still be
lying somewhere near.

"Ow!", I heard, followed by a loud thud.

My reflexes made my feet run, hope penetrating my limbs, but as I arrived toward someone
that didn't look like Yona or Hak, I stopped dead in my tracks and hid behind a tree. The man
seemed dirty, his blonde hair falling in front of his eyes. He had the rest tied in a small braid.
He looked so innocent. He slowly got to his feet and looked around. As he was about to take
a step, he tripped on nothing and fell again. I frowned.
What the-

This is unreal. It is impossible for a human being to inhabit that much clumsiness. I sighed ;
this man would definitely do no harm to me and he looked like he needed help. So I
approached him and offered him a hand.

"Need help?", I asked.

He looked up, my eyes meeting hair. But I was sure he was looking at me, he saw my face, its
details, who I was. He brought his hand to mine and I pulled him up.

"Do you live near here?"

"Yes, just a little farther that way", he told me as I was holding onto him.

Once we arrived at his little house, I took the spectacle in. It looked like it needed a little
cleaning... and him too. I slowly let go of his arm and helped him sit on the edge. Let's hope
he wasn't as clumsy seated than he was standing. I walked in, dipping my hands in the cold
water that was stored. I found a cloth near and drowned it in it. When I finally came back to
his injured body, he accepted the cloth I gave him and rubbed his face with it, getting rid of
the dirt. As he gave it back to me, I went back to the water, put it in again and washed away
the traces of dirt.

"Thank you, Lady Lone, for your kindness", he said and my back straightened. I turned
around, unsheathing my sword, leaving the cloth in the water as I kept away.

"How do you know me?", I asked, ready to strike.

"Because they told me."

What?! Who told him? Hak and Yona? No. Impossible. They were dead.

"Who are you talking about?"

"The Gods up there. They talk to me"

"What are you ; some kind of priest?!"

"I am. My name is Ik-Soo and I was chased away from the castle because my condition was...

"I understand them", I said, slowly putting down my sword. "It's not everyday that you see a
priest who conveys the voice of God."

I sheathed my sword and picked up the cloth, twisting it to get most of the water out. When I
turned back around, he was looking at me.

"You believe me?"

"Why wouldn't I? The Gods have answered my prayers for the past six years. I suppose you
know that, too."

"Yes. They told me everything. You're apparently dead."

"Yes ; I made a call for help and... let's just say, I used illegal methods"

"But you're safe, now, aren't you?"

"I suppose... As long as you don't try to reveal my identity"

"You have nothing to fear of me, Lady Lone. I shall protect what I know of you."

I gave him a smile, grateful. I spent the rest of the day helping him clean his house and giving
him a hand with changing and taking a bath. He was sitting on the edge, watching the sun set
through the trees when I joined him. He had a drawing between his hands.

"Ik-Soo", I called and handed him a bowl full of food as he turned toward me, putting the
drawing away.

I sat beside him, looking in no direction in particular.

"You remind me so much of him...", he whispered, tears sliding down his face.

I looked down at the drawing on his other side. "Who is it?"

He turned to me and smiled. "He was my bestfriend. He lived in a poor village of Fire. He
threw a rock at me one day, trying to steal from me. He was just a child"

I smiled, pain and sadness tainting it. It was sad that even children had to use violence to
survive in this cruel world.

"I helped him design sandals", he said, pointing down at his feet. They seemed new. "He did
them better than I ever made them, the first time. I came back later and he begged me to bring
him with me. So I did."

"How old is he, now?"

"He's fifteen."

"And where is he?"

"He left on an adventure. I told him to go."

I sadly nodded.

"His name's Yoon", he said, picking up the drawing and folding it over and over. He handed it
over to me. "Keep it, please. If ever you find him out there, it will be a sign that I'm doing
good, that I'm still alive. I hope it will be enough to reassure him."

I took the folded paper and tucked it in my sash.

"You really cared about each other, huh?"

"We still do."

I smiled ; a never-ending feeling of love between two people even when they're apart. Oh,
how I would love to have that sort of bond.

"You're wondering if you'll ever feel like that again?", he suddenly said, taking me by

I looked down, ashamed of being so opened to someone I barely knew, even though he knew
me better than I ever will.

"Yes", I said, shy.

"You will ; if that can reassure you. Much more powerful than any other relationship who've
had since the beginning of your life. And you'll even find some old energies in other people's
souls. At least, that's what the Gods keep telling me. They won't give me names."

I only smiled... and nodded, over and over again, too tired to let the words out. He understood
and suggested we prepare to go to sleep. I tiredly nodded again and retreated, hoping he
would restrain from being clumsy even for one minute, for him to get to his futon and fall
asleep without waking up again during the next hours.

I've never closed my eyes so fast as I did that night. I was exhausted. And I felt secure, like
nothing bad could reach me. I felt Aro's protective attention on me. No disgustingly horrible
presence lurked in the corner and no nightmares haunted my sleep. It was the calmest night
I've had in forever and I felt my energy regenerate itself. I felt full.

I heard some sort of voice calling me. I didn't know where it came from, but it sounded like a
chant. Such a beautiful melody, coming from an unknown place, an unknown mouth. I
wouldn't doubt it would come from a beautiful person, as pretty as her voice. I followed it,
after waking up and watering my face. Ik-Soo had disappeared. I walked through the trees,
getting farther and farther before I could even realize it. When I finally arrived at the last line
of trees, I passed through, the nature revealing to me the valley expanding in front of me, I
couldn't hide the awe finding its way to my face. There he was, also, his pale figure sitting
cross-legged, his blond hair so organized and desorganized at the same time. I approached
him, but stayed a few steps back as he was probably receiving the voice of God. He opened
his eyes a few seconds later, inviting me by his side. And so, I sat next to him.

"Who's singing?", I asked.

"So you hear it, too?"

I looked up at him, frowning. "Because no one else can actually hear this?"

"No, only me... usually", he said, looking down to me at the last word. "Well, it makes sense.
I hear the voice of God, you hear the voices of the dead. Somehow... these two jobs are

"Jobs? Mine's a curse"

"I wouldn't consider it like that, Lady Lone. God tells me he offered you this gift because it
would be of use to you."

"I hate it", I whispered, looking down at my hands as I played with my fingers, trying to untie
this boring sort of feeling inside of me. I've had this conversation before a thousand times and
it always resulted in me not accepting this "gift". It wouldn't end differently this time. Ik-Soo
seemed to realize my uneasiness.

"God also told me something else... about you."

I suddenly looked up from my fingers as my hands stopped moving, resting on my lap. I was
waiting for his next words. What could God have to say about me that would be so important
that he would share it with the priest?

"He showed me a way to guide you in your next steps. I see water... ocean and happiness.
Endless happiness and acceptation. You are surrounded by many people, each one of their
energy different from the other. They're special, in a way... like you are. Maybe not in the
same way, but they are. I also see adventure and hate. But love in that hate. It's so weird...
Usually, they're clearer about what they tell me, but this time it's like they're keeping things to
themselves, things they do not want you to know... But, just know, Lady Lone ; are not alone...

...there will always be someone by your side. And I don't see your death anytime soon. You
will live such a happy life, full and complete."

I nodded as tears fell down my cheeks, one by one as they were falling to my hands, wetting
my fingerprints. For the first time in forever, I've believed someone who told me my life
would get easier. Maybe not outright, but soon... soon it will be, I'm sure of it. I just have to
wait, and be patient.

"I know where to go next, then."

"I'm glad you do. Not many people do. I hope you will find what you seek."

"Thank you, Ik-Soo", I said, as I was standing up. I put a hand on his shoulder, my back
turned to the valley. "I hope you can handle yourself from now."

He looked up to me, a smile on his face. He placed a hand on mine. "You don't have to worry
about me, Lady Lone. I shall pursue my life as best I can. Fly... while you still can."

I gave him a nod, smiled and walked away as the voice followed me, its hypnotizing song
grazing my ears.
I had walked the rest of the day after eating. My empty stomach was screaming for food by
the time I got back to Ik-Soo's little house. I would have been farther west if I hadn't been
pushed back by the Castle's guards, but what was more important now was to get to the view
Ik-Soo mentionned. He said he saw the ocean, so I had decided I would head toward Awa
Port, in hopes to find my future there. Whatever it was.

I had stopped at the edge of the mountains of the Fire Tribe. Up on a low cliff, a small village
down below me, I was looking up at the night sky, the stars vibrating, replacing the usual
bright light of the moon, who was only a sliver in the sky tonight. I was smiling through the
tears as I was trying to let the words out.

"Hey... mother... I wonder if you can hear my voice from where you are. I'm sorry for what
happened at Hakkon House ; I wish I could go back in time and stop this from ever
happening. I know better things are in reserve for me, but I just want my friends and family
back... I want you all back... at my side, with me... forever. If only I could go back in time..."

Looking down at my hands like I could still see their blood, I don't know what I was thinking.

"It feels wrong, what happened... It doesn't feel real ; I wish you would be there to tell me. I
can see everyone else, but not you. It would have been easier for me to go through life if you
had been my side, mother, even in death. I miss you and I hope you think the same... up there.
But a lot of things happened since you burned down with Hakkon House. As I was about to
be hanged for what I did, Soo-Won saved me, and he was about to be king ; he had killed the
previous king, making the Princess and Hak flee. He had put the blame on Hak... Once I
knew that, I left the Castle. But it wasn't only because of that ; he wanted to ask me in
marriage, but I didn't want to be married to a monster like him, even though I was no
different in a way."

I looked up again, letting the tears slide freely down and down, until I felt empty.

"Then I was dead. I actually died. Everyone thinks I am... I think it's better like that... but I've
been thinking since then that what am I doing on this earth if I do not even exist anymore?
But there was that priest who told me I will have a purpose... that I just have to chase it. But
if I don't want to chase it? What if I just want to curl up somewhere and rot? I don't know
what to do anymore..."

A few seconds passed. Silence filled the trees, except for the sound of the birds. Until I heard
footsteps. Light, but they were there. But before I could turn around to see who they were, or
get up to defend myself, a bag of tissue blinded me. I kicked and punched and struggled
against their strength, but they had the element of surprise on their side... I could not beat

"Stop moving, you stupid brat", he said, punching me in the face so hard I almost lost
consciousness. Then, another punch in the gut. The pain blinded all my other senses and it
wasn't long before I couldn't move anymore. My breath had been cut short... I slowly closed
my eyes, my hands on the bag slowly soften their handle and fell to the ground as my mind
wandered off somewhere else entirely.
The First Scar
Chapter Notes

Hello sweet readers! I'm feeling silly right now. Or mean... you decide, for leaving you
on such an ugly cliff hanger. But be prepared ; the next two chapters are gonna be hard
for sensitive people. There will be violence, torture and rape (non-described, don't
worry). If you want to skip them, it is your choice, but I am writing these to give Lone
something she doesn't have yet and to give her even more strength. It's unfair, but it is a
realistic world they live in, more especially if darling Lady Lone was a wanted criminal
until a few days ago and that she had to talk about her life right when bandits walked
by... but anyway, let's go.

Have a good read (I hope),


My head was hurting...

I felt nauseated.

I felt cold.

I could feel the traces of earth sticking to my skin.

I could feel the bruises already appearing on my stomach and my left cheek. Breathing hurt,
reacting to the pain hurt.

I tried to soften my face as best as I could as I slowly opened my eyes. I greeted the light in,
but there was almost none so it didn't blind me. I looked up to see that my arms were attached
with ropes to the ceiling. I gripped them and pulled on them as hard as I could, but it couldn't
be helped ; I was tied solidly. And so I looked down. My feet were barely touching the

I soon realized it ; the white cloth wrapped around my head, so tight in my mouth it would
stop me from screaming. So whoever they were, they didn't want me to be found or heard by
anyone. At the reminder of my kidnapping, a ball of stress slowly formed itself in my
stomach, right under my newly appeared bruise. My breathing fastened and tears started to
fall down along my cheeks, grazing the sensitive spot on my left one. I tried to calm my
breaths, to diminish the pain, but in that position, I was hopeless.

Noise from outside made me shoot my head up toward the door, my breathing worse. They
were back. I mentally prepared myself for their arrival. A few seconds later, they slid the
door open, coming in, throwing the results of their hunt on the floor a little farther. One of the
guys soon lifted his head toward me, realizing I was awake.

"Oh, so you're finally awake, Lady Lone", he said.

My eyes widened. But I couldn't let the words out, the barrier that was the cloth blocking my
voice. I wanted to ask him how he knew that. Everyone knew I was dead, so how come he
knew my identity? He saw my terror and approached me. My whole body stiffened, as if
ready to fight, even when I was unable to do anything right now. He pulled the cloth out of
my mouth, leaving it resting on my neck, on my collarbones.

"What do you want to say in your defense, girl?", he said again.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I am no Lady Lone, so let me go", I said, hoping
they would believe me and untie me so I could run as far away as I could.

"Nuh huh huh", the same guy said, moving his finger in front of my face, telling me to not
play with him. "We heard you talking yesterday, girl ; we know damn well you're the Lady
Lone everyone's talking about. The crazy bitch who slaughtered her whole family and burned
down her home with it. People say you fucked with the new king to get saved. You should
have died, girl."

"Moreover, you look identical to the poster they put around everywhere in town a week
before your so-called death", another added.

"Yeah and? I had a hard life and I somehow look like that Lady who died, okay? Just let me
go and I'm not gonna tell anyone", I tried so hard to defend myself, but they looked like they
wouldn't change their mind on my identity.

"Lying won't do you no good, girl. Whether you deny it or not, you're the Lady we know you
are", a third one said.

I gave up then. So I sneered at them, trying to prove I was not a poor and fragile girl. If I was
untied, I would unsheath my sword and slash through their necks, beheading them with no

"You will regret it, you will see. Once I get out of these ropes, you're dead. You hear me?
You're dead!", I screamed, spitting in the guy's face in front of me.

Anger spread through his entire face in a matter of seconds. He took out a small blade and
brought it to my right cheek. "You stupid bitch. Do that again, and that knife is going through

"Come on, now, Lan. We want her unscathed"

"What is the problem with her being bloody when we offer her to the Castle. We'll only lose a
few pennies of the amount we're to be promised."

They put a damn ransom on my head, too? What an explainable way to explain why I was
kidnapped in the first place.
"She's a Lady, Lan. Maybe she deserves death, but she's still important. We'll lose all the
money, then, if there's a scratch on her"

"You know I'm supposed to be dead, right? They most certainly took away the ransom
anyway", I said, trying to escape going back to the castle.

The guy named Lan turned his head back to me. "You know... you're right", he said, hope
returning to my eyes as he turned away. "We could just keep her to ourselves, give us a little
pleasure, play with her for a while before we get rid of her", he then proposed, sending horror
filled shivers down my back. I felt the need to throw up right then and there. I hoped the
other guy would defend me. "It's not everyday you get to do that with a Lady"

"Let's just remind you that I'm no Lady anymore"

He turned back to me again, his impatience showing, as if he could kill me right here and
now, with that knife in his hand, his knuckles whitening as he gripped it even harder. His
companions wouldn't even be able to stop him. He slowly approached, and I hoped that was
him trying to contain his anger. And I wished in that moment that I would have just shut my
mouth. Maybe that was enough of me defending myself, it wouldn't even get me anywhere.
My next swallow got caught in my throat, making it hard for me to breathe. His face was
mere inches from mine and I was trying not to cough. I felt threatened ; he could do anything
to me right now and I'm sure he wouldn't restrain himself. And I couldn't even defend myself
even if I wanted to, because I didn't have my sword-

Wait. I don't have my sword... Slightly moving my left leg so they wouldn't notice, the
absence of my blade bouncing on my thigh made my heart race even faster. Of course they
wouldn't leave it on ; they were bandits. They would steal everything that was worth to keep.
And my life looked like a perfect target.

"Anything else to say, Lady?", his voice was mocking me. He was daring me. But I kept my
lips shut, I wouldn't talk anymore, even if I had to betray the Castle to get free. I wanted him
to back off. But I couldn't make a move that might bring me my prematured death. Maybe I
would have liked to keep my previous mindset from before, when I was kneeling in the mud,
shackles joining my arms behind my back, just before Soo-Won saved me or after my family
was killed and I promised I wouldn't let my demons ruin my life even more. I couldn't hide
my fear, but I tried to diminish it as best as I could.

Soon, he backed off and joined his companions again. And I took this opportunity to look
around for my stuff... my sword and relief spread through me as I realized their presence in a
corner of this shed. Turning my head back, neutralizing my expression, I kept an eye on the
five guys standing not too far away from me. They were talking, whispering so I couldn't

And while they weren't looking, I tried to loosen the tension in my arms. After staying up for
so long, I wasn't surprised they would tire. My feet would soon tire themselves out trying to
keep my toes to the ground so I could breathe, even a little. But until they would leave, even
for a little while, I wouldn't be able to pull on the ropes to lift me up so breathing wouldn't be
that hard. It was a privilege in my condition. I wouldn't even die by their hands at this point, I
would die of suffocation. But maybe that was better than getting tortured until my very last
breath. Who knows what they might do to me. But I didn't want to die...

"And I don't see your death anytime soon. You will live such a happy life, full and complete."

I didn't question his ability, I never intend to, but I have a feeling that what I'm going to go
through in the next days... weeks or maybe months isn't gonna be the easiest experience. It
might actually be my worst... And I was scared how this would end, how it would leave me.

The same guy approached me again, a playful smile on his face, his knife up ready to leave a
scratch... or worse. I contained any fear that might show, any anger, any tears that might fall.
I tried my best to not give them any sort of excitement. He pressed the blade on my right
cheek, almost in the exact same spot where he previously put it and keeping his maniac
expression, he said :

"We're gonna go prepare the meat so we can eat tonight", he started explaining as he looked
down to the cloth still sitting around my neck. "And when we come back, we're gonna decide
what to do with you", as he finished his sentence, his eyes went down my body with hungry
eyes and I was sure I would throw up soon.

He took away the knife, put it back in his belt and rolled up the cloth to mute me again. And I
looked at them as they left, leaving me alone once again. It's only then that I pulled on the
ropes, lifting me up so I could breathe. It was harder than I expected, because my hands
weren't tied together, but well apart and it made me work harder. And it made the muscles of
my abdomen work, the bruise hurting even more, letting me fall back the first time I tried to
lift myself up. The pain made my eyes go blurry, but I had to stay awake. I fought it, I didn't
want to be at their mercy. It made everything worse. The pain, my breathing, my vision, my
nervosity. Everything. I felt like I was on the verge of death, and maybe I was. But after
reminding myself, for the millionth time, Ik-Soo's words, it was enough to slow down my
heartbeats and my heavy breathing. So I fought the pain and I pulled myself up, again and
again and again, until pain became an habit and my senses came back to me. And until they
came back, I pulled myself up, taking deep breaths and slowly got down, taking a few
seconds off, before going at it again. I lost track of time at some point, but I know it was still
daytime when I heard their footsteps on the other side of the door. And so I stopped and let
myself hang low, my toes now lifting my whole body again. I would have a few hours before
my legs would lose the strength to keep me up.

I looked at them as they walked in, almost as they had when I woke up.

"So", one of them said. "It's not like it's your choice, but should we get you back to the
Castle... or should we keep you to ourselves?"

Visibly, even if I wanted to answer, I couldn't ; the cloth was still in my mouth. They
completely stepped in, slid the door closed behind them and they comfortably installed
themselves around the little room. One of them sat on the floor in a corner and started
sharpening his knives, another stayed up on his feet, leaning against a wall, crossing one leg
over the other, spinning one knife between his fingers. The one who had stopped the leader
from killing me on the spot earlier today sat near the door and waited as the other stayed up
near the door, his arms crossed. The leader, the one who kept threatening me, was standing in
front of me, ready to make conversation. They were all wearing a maniacal smile. But my
eyes kept their unbothering look ; at least they tried, because it wasn't the easiest thing to do.
He only had to lift his arm from where he was, pull on the cloth to make it fall around my

"Do you have an opinion on this?", he asked me and I chose not to respond.

I felt the sting on my cheek following his slap. The hit made my head tilt to the side and it
made it more unbearable once I realized he had hurt my left cheek... again. I slowly brought
my attention back to him and I stared at him. "Did your mother ever tell you to never hit a

I knew I would trigger his anger even more, but I didn't care. He had triggered mine first and
I knew that he didn't know what I would do to each one of them when I got out of these
ropes. It would amount to nothing compared to what they would do to me. He didn't slap me
again though, nor did he punch me or kick me or touch me. He only wanted to talk and he
wanted me to answer only when he wanted me to talk at all.

"So, we either have the choice to bring you back to the Castle, earn the money placed on your
head and get rid of you. You would die not much later, too. But if we keep you, you get to
eat, to drink, but not without a cost. You get to live... but not without a cost either. It's not
your choice, I will repeat", an order not to speak. "so we will silently make a choice while we
speak. How's that?"


"Good. So! Why even flee the castle in the first place?"

Oh? So I guess I'm supposed to be an open book now. I wonder if it would be smart to lie. I
wasn't really loving that my life could be their toy to play with.

"Because I was gonna get hanged"

Another mark left on my left cheek. The hit was faster this time, angrier.

"Liar!", he shouted. "There's more to it! The King had protected you ; he wasn't gonna let you
go anytime soon. So you learned something, tell us"

I had no choice, but I still didn't want to tell the truth.

"TELL US!", he screamed, making me shut my eyes.

"Because he had planned to marry me! He was the one who killed the previous king and he
put the blame on his bestfriend. That's why!"

"Ouhh, interesting..."

I regret it.
"So maybe...", he hesitated, realizing the potential hidden in his intentions. "Maybe we could
soil you and then get you back to the Castle. The King's not gonna want to marry you, you're
gonna die from shame. That's so bad, too. Oh, I actually love this..."

He seemed excited. I wanted to throw up. I couldn't tell if it was from my hunger or his
disgusting words anymore.

"Or maybe he would end up deciding to hang you in the end. A soiled unmarried woman in
this world is so much worse than a woman who killed her entire family"

One look at one of his companion. A nod. They were taunting me, teasing me. They already
knew what they were gonna do with me.

"Maybe you would have been better marrying the man ; you wouldn't be here today"

I didn't care.

"Or maybe, if you would have been more discreet, we wouldn't have caught you yesterday"

I don't care.

"Oh, wait! Maybe, if you wouldn't have killed your entire family"

"I don't care!", I screamed.

I opened my eyes. He was still looking at me. As if waiting for an answer. But I didn't care. I
didn't say it out loud. I couldn't. They were only taunting me, see if I would break, no- They
were waiting for me to break. But I wouldn't be giving them the pleasure to watch me break.

"Fine", he said. "I think you've heard enough. And I think you know you're never going back
to the Castle anyway"

Good. At least I wouldn't have to see his face when he realizes I am still alive but ruined. I
would never have to see his face when the noose is around my neck. I would never have to
see his face again.

"You're staying here, until your very last breath and I think you're gonna regret opening your
mouth last night. I think you're gonna beg for your life until the very end. And since we're
safe to do whatever we like to you, to your body, to your mind, we're gonna start with this",
he said as he took out his knife. He walked over to me, lifting the blade up and up.

Once he was close enough, he placed the tip of the small sword under my right eye and
pressed, a small drop of blood peering from the miniscule wound. And he pressed harder and
harder, making me wince. He shook his head, the knife still pressed against my skin, blood
falling on the blade, its silverish color tainted with red.

"Not enough. Maybe a little deeper", he pressed again and I had to keep the tears from falling
down. And I had to keep my head up, or else, the knife would penetrate my eye, blinding me
or killing me. I didn't like either of these potential outcomes.
And then, he pulled the knife down, down and down my cheek, drawing a scar, leaving a
mark. It hurt, it hurt so bad, that I tried to shut my lids as hard as I could to bring my attention
to another type of pain, but it wasn't enough. So I had no choice to endure, endure until he
was done. He slid the knife against my jaw, finally leaving my skin. I felt the blood rush out,
felt it fall. It slid down on my neck, in the small crevices of my collarbones, on my clothes,
finding its way under them, flowing between my breasts, descending on my stomach, tickling
my bruise, a bit pooling in my navel, but continued down and down on my legs until it
reached the floor. My vision was getting blurry, the pain unbearable. He had cut so deep and
so slowly that I felt everything. I had felt the skin tearing, separating. I had felt the blood
rushing to my cheek, happy to finally get out of this prison that was my body. I felt dizzy,
disgusting and I knew, deep down, that I would feel worse than that... because that...

That was just the beginning...

The Freedom
Chapter Notes

Hey, I'll be brief. You can also skip this one if you're not comfortable with violence and
Thank you to Any3, larme_obscure, empyreanwwx, AlexisTasartir and 8 guests for
leaving Kudos on my work. Also thanks to AlexisTasartir for bookmarking this story.
Hope you'll enjoy this chapter,
askjhje <3

It's been a few days, but each time they approach me, the next moments last an eternity.

I am so tired. When I'm not up, my wrists tied by ropes to the ceiling, I'm down on the floor
trying to fight the pain of whatever they're doing to me. But the most haunting part is their
weight on me, their horrible stench that's slowly becoming mine, the bruises they make when
they grip me, either it is my arms, my legs, my waist, my hips, my breasts, my face. It's not
just the cuts, the beating or the burns, it is their mark of pleasure, of their excitement on me,
in me. I feel disgsuting. I feel like not even a bath could take this trash scent and feeling off
me... not even time.

The shaking of my entire body suddenly stopped, my eyes stayed closed with exhaustion.
There was only one left before I could go back up. I couldn't wait to go back up...

"It's your turn, Nano", the guy who just finished said.

"Nah, put her back up. I'll have my take later"

I didn't have the feeling to throw up anymore. Instead, my body was destroying itself. But at
least, I would be going back up. WIth the help of two of the other guys, they lifted me up and
attached my wrists... again. I couldn't count the amount of times they had done that process in
the last few days. Tightening as best as he could, it still didn't feel like the same hold it
always had. But with the low amount of strength I had left, I could barely pull on the ropes.

The long scar from my eye to my jaw was slowly healing, closing up, but I knew it would
always stay there. Whenever I would look in the mirror, or in a surface of water, it would
remind me of the pain and his knife and the long seconds he took pushing the blade through
my skin, down and down. They had done more minor cuts to my arms and legs, as if to test if
their blades were sharp enough. Sometimes, it held that reason. On other terms, they did it for
fun, for the pleasure to see me bleed. They had also played with fire, brought it close to my
skin, close enough to leave burns. Not as bad as the other things, though, thankfully... But I
still think about how I'm gonna get out of here, out of these bonds, out of their presence. I
hated it, I hated it more than when I learned Soo-Won wanted to make me his wife.
"Doesn't she start to feel and look less good?", I heard one of them say.

"Yeah, that's probably because you're going too hard"

An echo of laughter.

"Okay, but he's right. She's dying ; she's not worth anything anymore"

"Yeah, we should get rid of her soon. Her smell's gonna get too close to someone who could
find her"

"Okay, then", the leader said. I would always recognize his voice. I heard it in my dreamless
nights. His voice haunted every corner of my sleep. "We'll keep her for one or two days more,
then we'll kill her. She's already supposed to be dead ; it won't be a problem to hide her

They were talking as if I were already dead. But I was still there, even when I was dripping
blood and looked barely alive, I was still there. They had not killed me yet and it was never
gonna happen. I wasn't gonna let it happen.

"Hey, Tou-Rie? What time is it?", he asked.

I could barely see, but I heard the door open, a quick few seconds before it closed again.

"A few hours before sunset", Tou-Rie answered.

"Okay, time to hunt!", the leader shouted, getting up on his feet. "Feed her and give her some
water so she doesn't die in the next few hours while we're gone."

Oh! Energy. It will be easier for me to try and get out of the ropes. I had to use everything in
my advantage right now, because it might be too late 24 hours from now, maybe even less. I
heard some noise and then footsteps. Closer and closer to me. Whoever it was, he lifted my
chin with one finger, my eyes still half closed with exhaustion and he approached a bowl to
my lips.

"Drink", he told me as I parted my lips to cold and reassuring water. I felt it go down my
throat, feeling better the more sips I was taking. He violently took it away from my mouth a
few seconds later. "Wouldn't want you drinking all of our water, would we?"

He walked away and came back with a few pieces of meat and fed them to me. I felt my
stomach fill, giving my body something to digest. For the next hour or two, I would have
more energy if they finally decided to leave. I would be able to breath, swallow and think
better than a few minutes ago. Yes, technically, I would need more food, but I could do with
this. Anyway, I had no time to lose ; this would be the first and last time that the ropes would
be loosely tight like it was. It was the first and only chance I would have to get free and I
could not let it go.

After giving me a few pieces of food, he gave me a little more water, to make it all go down
easier. And then he backed away, they all did. I heard the door sliding open then close ; they
were gone. Hope filling my limbs through my nose, I let the air in and opened my eyes,
slowly looking around, pulling on my sore arms, making me wince. It has been a while since
I haven't had this much energy. I felt strong enough to do anything. And I wouldn't let this
strength go to waste. I am not going to let them go unpunished. If I can't bring them in front
of justice, then I will bring justice to them, and it will be much more fair than whatever
"legal" way can give them, can bring to them. I will honor the women before me, I will give
them the rest they deserve, closure, even in death, and I will protect every women who would
have been harassed by these pigs. It is not only for myself. It will never be just for me.

Setting aside the pain, I concentrated on my very first task, find a way to get out of one set of
ropes. If I got out of one, I could get out of the other. I had one or two hours before they came
back. Until then, I had to do everything I could. I looked up to my wrists and pulled on them
lightly to see which one was less tight. Lucky me, my right hand seemed to be the easiest
path to freedom. I looked down to my feet, found a way to place myself without pulling on
my right wrist, which would tighten the hold of the ropes. I pushed my left foot as hard as I
could into the ground to lift myself up, trying to balance myself with my left hand, giving
myself the right to pull on the rope tied to this wrist. It wasn't easy and it required every
ounce of my strength. I gritted my teeth, pain seering through every pore of my body. I felt
like giving up, I felt exhausted, I felt like sleeping in the hopes of never waking up, I felt like
drinking and eating. But if I kept going, I would be able to do all that, to sleep, eat and drink
like I could just a few days ago. I could be free, not without trauma, not without rest, but I
would be alive. I would walk the earth like I never have before, and I would thank Ik-Soo for
making me truly believe I would survive. And I will.

I slightly backed away from my right wrist, trying to give myself momentum without ruining
my chances. And I pushed myself as hard as I could, jumping as high as I could, trying to
grab a faraway point on the rope holding my right wrist prisoner. The first time failed and I
bounced back on the ground, just a few millimeters away from disaster. If I had lost my
balance, not planned for this to happen, the rope would have tighten. I redid the same thing
again, slightly moving to the left and pushed myself harder, targeting that place on the rope
where I wanted to grip. But I had totally forgotten about the other wrist and the sudden stop
took me by surprise and I hadn't planned for that. I had put the goal higher than I should have
had, but I still reached for the rope, because this was my last chance, my balance was lost and
I would fall down like a dead body, my feet incapable of holding me back up again and the
ropes would have been way to tight to undo. So I reached for it and the thread scratched
against my skin for a few centimeters before I got hold of it, my hand closed firmly on it. It
wasn't as high as I hope it would be, but it would have to do. So I didn't waste time before I
pulled on the rope and approached my teeth to it, pulling on it, trying to undo the knot. I was
stongly pulling on my left arm's muscles and it hurt, so bad I might dislocate a bone if I didn't
free myself anytime soon. As the seconds went by, and the solid grips I had on the small parts
of the rope was slowly freeing me, I felt closer and closer to the normal happy life I had been
promised. And so I continued pulling with my teeth, keeping his words in my mind,
reminding me of them every ten seconds that passed, each time I felt like giving up, every
time I felt like I had no chance. But I was so close, I would be free. I just had to pull ; Oh! I
succeeded in getting out the first length of the thread out of a knot. There were only a few left
and I could take care of the other hand. The hand gripping the rope felt more tired the more
time I was taking. I was scared I would let go soon, so I fastened my pace, pulling and
pulling until another length of rope got out of a knot, then another and then the last.
I slowly reached my feet for the floor again, lowering my body. I let go of the rope that had
tied my right hand and looked up to my left one. That was another challenge now, but I had
my fingers to completely free myself. Pulling and pulling and falling, I had tighten the thread
around my left hand so much it cut my blood circulation. As soon as I got out, I would have
to leave it a couple of minutes to come back, but not long, because if they had found
something interesting to eat in the first thirty minutes of their hunt, they would be coming
back soon. If I could guess how much time they had been gone now, I would say above half
an hour and time was slowly running out. Reminding myself of these statistics, it made my
heart beat faster. It attacked me like fireworks exploding right next to me ; the time I had
taken to free myself of the rope on my right hand and I don't know if I had enough strength to
pull on the tightened thread around my other emprisonned wrist.

Without my will, tears appeared at the corner of my eyes. I wouldn't be able to do it. I had
lost. I was so exhausted, the strength I had left had quit my body trying to encourage myself,
to give my body hope that I could get out. But as soon as they came back, they were killing
me, they were ending my life there and then, because I was hopeless ; I had no way of getting
out. I was doomed... I leaned my whole weight on the last thread of rope left, tying my left
wrist to the ceiling and let the water droplets fall down my cheeks. But they didn't go far ;
they fell straight to the ground after a road halfway through my face. I felt on the verge of
death and I probably was. Sleep danced in my eyes and I felt so tired I might pass out. I didn't
have any strength left in my body anymore. I had lost my chances...

"No! Get up, Lone! Get up, I order you!", I heard faintly, not enough to make me raise my
head. It was in my head, all of this was happening in my head. I created that voice as a last
resort to give me hope... but it wouldn't work. I couldn't force myself to do something I
couldn't do. My body wouldn't cooperate.

"I swear to the Heavens, Lone, if you don't get back up on your feet, you're gonna hear from
me, even in death!", who was even talking? I could barely recognize the voice, but it was the
one of a child, screaming in pain, tears building up in their mouth. Who did that voice belong
to? I don't know, but I wanted to.

"Please! Lone! Get up! Our parents wouldn't like to see you enter the gates of afterlife that
early in your life. Please! I beg of you! Don't let yourself die like this! You still have a
chance! I bet even Si-Yook is rooting for you up there. No no no no! Lone, come back! Don't
fall asleep, please! You're supposed to be strong, remember?! You're supposed to go through
life with your sword and swing it around without any pity, remember?! COME BACK!
LONEE!", an echo of a voice, but I knew who was talking. I knew who was ordering me to
not give up. And I suddenly opened up my eyes, taking a deep breath.

"Aro!", I called, making him appear in front of me. "You reached me..."

"Yeah, I did", he said, not believing it himself, his sad tears transforming into happy ones. He
tried not to smile brightly ; he seemed so relieved. "And you're going to lift yourself up and
untie that rope"

"I don't know how", I said, desperation in my voice. "I've lost all my strength, I can barely
"No, you can do everything. You can control it. Remember, Lone, you can do everything."

"I can do everything", I repeated, slowly and repeatedly nodding my head, believing it on my
own. "I can do everything."

"You can do everything, Lone, you can do this."

"I can do this, I have the strength to. I know I can. I can do this."

"Yes, you can."

Giving it my all, I pushed to my feet and slowly, assuredly brought myself up.

"That's it! Keep it like that. Slow and sure, you got this!"

"I got this", I repeated over and over, until my right arm reached up, pulling on the rope,
trying to untighten it even just a little. I kept pulling as Aro kept encouraging me, sending
words of affirmation my way. But, alarmed, a few minutes later, I lifted my head up sharply,
fear resettling itself.

"They're back", I whispered. "How much time as it been?"

"Over an hour, Lone."

I took a deep breath, preparing myself for this. "I need to do this alone... in case it goes down
the wrong way."

"No. No! Lone, you need me!"

He slowly disappeared and I gave him a small smile imprinted with pain and love. I mimed a
"See you soon" with my lips, hoping he'd understand. The door slid opened in a fast
movement, like I've always known them in the last few days. A loud thud as it fell on the
other side, slightly sliding back. The guy pushed it completely off, before he lifted his head
up. It was the leader. The shock and surprise that settled on his face dared me to smile.

"You- How did you get out of the ropes?!", he shouted loud enough so the others could hear.
They rushed to the door, anger filling their senses. Lan approached me dangerously, ready to
kill me, his fists up ready. I gripped the untied bit of rope with my other hand and with
miraculous strength, I pulled myself up and rolled my legs around his neck, twisting it in a
swift move, as I'd always known my body to be. My speed slowly came back into me, my
habits slightly changed in the last couple of days. I looked down at his dead body, his soul
probably wishing it was me laying there in lieu of him. I reached for the knife tucked in the
same place he always kept it and brought it to the rope.

"Oh, no, you are not getting away with this", said another guy, his knife ready to plunge into
my skin. I averted my eyes from the rope I was cutting and pulled myself up once more to
push my bare feet against his chest. He fell to the ground, hitting his friends with him as he
went ; they had been following their leader close behind, giving me more time to cut the
rope, breaking me free a few seconds later. I rapidly untied it, the knots now falling apart
easily since there were two ends perfectly able to fit out of the knots. My hand was numb, but
I couldn't waste any thoughts on this. I ran for my stuff, but my weak body wasn't as fast as
I'd hoped it to be ; one of the men caught me from behind, placing his knife against the skin
of my neck. A swift easy kill for him, but he had to waste words.

"You thought you were gonna win this, huh, stupid bitch? Maybe I should fuck you one more
time just to prove to you how powerless you are against men our size. Yes, you killed our
leader, but it didn't mean you would get free of us"

"Don't underestimate me, bandit. The only person to have beaten me on a bare-hand fight or
with swords is The Thunder Beast"

I didn't give him time to react as I pushed my elbow into his stomach, the pain sharp enough
to offer me time to get out of his hold. I turned around, kicking where it truly hurt. "Maybe
rethink your intentions the next time you try to harass a woman... again"

Pain left him kneeling on the ground, his hands covering his crotch. As if it would help. I
turned around, gripping the hilt of my sword, freeing it from the scabbard and turning toward
the man again. "Or maybe you won't have a next time"

Without any mercy, I cut through his neck, separating his head from the rest of his body. The
head fell to the ground, rolling a little farther away. Death filling my eyes, blood coating my
face, my shredded clothes, going down my throat, I looked up to the other bandits, who
seemed ready to fight. "You wanna keep underestimating me again, bandits? Or you want me
to give you the chance to run away, tail between your legs as I chase after you."

"You got luck with these two, it won't be a piece of cake to fight three of us at the same
time", one of them said, a maniacal smile drawing itself on each of their lips. I smiled as well,
but dropped it a second later.

"Seems like child's play to me"

Using my speed to my advantage as best as I could, I ran to them and slashed two of their
throats, leaving them to fall to the ground to bleed out until they died. I slowly looked toward
the other guy who had gotten away from my blade. I was nearest the door than he was, so I
closed it. He suddenly felt nervous, watching death dancing in my eyes.

"Nobody will hear your screams ; don't bother wasting your last sound on such a useless
shout for help", I said as the dying sounds of the two other guys reached our ears.

"We should have killed you before!", he said, and I frowned. I recognized his voice. It had
relieved me a little more over an hour ago.

"Nah, put her back up. I'll have my take later"

I giggled, finding it funny. I took one step over to him and he fell to the ground, tripping over
his own feet. Oh? I had only taken one step, and yet, he thought that was the killing blow. He
backed away to the wall, his breaths heavy and short.
"Maybe you should have had your last take before you regretted not to, huh, little guy?", I
teased, slowly leaning over, a few feet away, my hands resting on my knees.

"Please don't kill me! I'll do anything! Seriously anything! Whatever you ask of me!"

I lost my smile. "So you can roam this earth and continue ruining lives? I sure as hell won't
accept that", I said, swinging my sword.

"No-!", he screamed, his last word a mere "no" shouted in hopes that I would save him. What
a stupid thought.

My clothes were in shambles, was the first thing I realized while looking around. I walked
over to my stuff and kneeled. I picked up my coat, glad they hadn't touched it. It had been
probably too small for them to wear it, anyway. But I'm glad they hadn't gotten rid of it. I
took my bag, not surprised to find it empty, but I would be okay. My bow was still there, but
the arrows had all been used by these filthy men. I suddenly remembered the small purse full
of coins they had stolen yesterday or the day before ; I didn't quite remember, but I then
searched through their things, finding it hidden beneath a pile of clothes. I would need it ;
really sorry to whoever it belonged. I would have to make a quick travel into town to
replenish my needs. As I slid the purse into my bag, I headed toward the door, but a faint
sound came to my ears as I stopped in front of the exit, no other sound than silence floating
over the room. But I thought I heard breathing and I turned around. I had seen them all died ;
which pig had still dared to breathe after my strike to end their life. I soon remembered that I
had twisted the leader's neck, and maybe it hadn't killed him entirely, but only left him in
unbearable pain. I slowly walked over to him, stepping over the dead bodies and turned his
bodies over. He was, in fact, still alive... but barely. His eyes were blinking a few times here
and there, but other than his barely audible breathing, I wouldn't have been able to tell if he
were alive or not. I scoffed, rolling my eyes.

"You're lucky I found you before heading out. You deserve worse than death"

"Why... didn't you go... then?", he talked in bits, death slowly taking his life away.

"Because I couldn't risk anybody finding you alive. You would live to see another day in that
case. I can't afford that"

He didn't say anything, the pain destroying him. I kneeled down beside him and held up the
sword over his face. "In your next life, each time you will try to hurt a woman or even have
bad intentions toward any of them, I want you to remember my legs snapping your neck and
then my sword opening a hole in your skull."

With a soft grunt, I pulled the blade down his head, killing him instantly. I stood up and
walked toward the door, sliding it open, leaving their dead bodies untouched. I wanted- no, I
needed someone to find them and realize someone got rid of monsters. The worst kind of
monsters out there, even worse than Soo-Won, worse than my demons. And I gave the world
a favor by ending each of their lives.

"I hope you have a good death"

A Way to Heal
Chapter Notes

Hey, sweet readers! I have wonderful news! Lone meets Jea-Ha soon! I'm not gonna tell
you when because it'll ruin the fun, but still, really sorry about the long story building,
but it was necessary. But get ready for even MORE. Because this is a slowburn.
Also, don't get mistaken, last chapter doesn't make Lone the kind of woman who thinks
she can always be independant ; she's still a seventeen year old girl lacking physical
touch and envying every girl who have their perfect love story, like her sister. It's just
that what she went through made her appear colder ; it traumatized her.
Anyway, enjoy this new chapter.
askjhje <3

See the end of the chapter for more notes

It has been almost two weeks.

Two weeks since I was freed.

Freed from the shackles that kept me up for an eternity. Freed from their weight on me. Freed
from their knives sliding down my skin. Freed from their hands everywhere on my body.

But not freed from the nightmares, or the sleepless nights. Not one night passed since I killed
them that I genuinely wanted to fall asleep. I would end up closing my eyes only from
exhaustion. But as soon as their imaginary bodies approached me, I was back to reality,
where I could barely control my breaths and I felt like dying all over again. Beads of sweat
perling my body, from my scalp to the bottom of my feet. Each one of my limbs shaking
uncontrollably. It always took me a few minutes to calm down, for me to stand up and walk,
for me to feel safe, to remind myself that they cannot reach me anymore. And they can't ;
except for one. Aro told me they all made their up to the Heavens, except one. And I felt it
the first night. Felt his presence, lurking behind a tree, watching me with a wicked smile on
his face. He would haunt me, until my very last day on this earth. He became one of them...
and I had expected it. I had known it and yet ; even in death, he followed me, made this life
become my worst nightmare.

I hated the moon, the stars and the dark skies. I hated the clouds, or the thunder. The rain and
the wind. The sun became my best friend, blue became my favorite color. Night became part
of my nightmares, asleep or awake and day became my solace... my only one indeed. I felt
myself die from within every day that went by. I was alone. Utterly alone and I felt like I
couldn't be saved. But I kept asking myself if maybe I was my own salvation. I kept asking
the shadows around me if what Ik-Soo said wasn't just to hide the truth, to give me the hope
to keep on living, to fight for my life. I kept wondering if I should have died in that shed, if
Ik-Soo's words were only trying to change the future course of actions or the previous one...
And maybe because of that I shouldn't have breathed a day more that day. Maybe I shouldn't
be walking toward Awa City right now. Maybe their cuts, their beating, or their weight on me
should have killed me. Maybe I could have been up in the Heavens with my family,
apologizing over and over again for what happened at Hakkon House. I would have been
with Yona and Hak, far and far away from Soo-Won. I would have been safe, no trauma
present to torment me until my last breaths. I would have been at peace...

But maybe Ik-Soo was truthful and I deserved these steps and these breaths. I deserved these
words and these looks. I deserved these drinks and these foods. Because I fought for it until
the very end, even when I needed someone's hand on my shoulder for me to keep going, to
never give up. I earned it... and yet I still wondered if I really did.

I was a few hours from Awa now. I had entered the territories of Earth a few days ago. My
body and mind required rest and so I had done the least I could every day. I had lost a lot of
weight during the days I was chained up. I had lost my strength and my daily habits. My
body had tired itself to the worst after killing the bandits, but I had been under adrenaline, my
sudden freedom offered to me on a silver platter. So I had taken it, but I had gone over my
limits, earning days and weeks of recovery as I was moving west everyday that passed. I had
also done my best to travel as far away from the Castle as I could. Even if I was supposedly
dead, I didn't want anyone who knew me to find me. Not in my condition, I would not
survive... I would not be able to flee or to even fight my way out. With my wounds, my
opponents would be more ready than me to fight and they would know my weaknesses. My
minor cuts had completely healed, but the long scar on my right cheek was still fragile. When
I caught myself laying on my right side, my face touching the rough touch of the ground, I
usually flinched, shoting back up in a seated position. I always forgot it. I didn't feel it, except
when I touched it, when I grazed it. I had been used to live with a silky smooth skin, but now,
I had to get used to something else ; a different body that somehow and sometimes felt like it
wasn't mine. I hated it, hated what it had become, but I refused to give up, not after
everything I had gone through.

Night had fallen. My back was leaning on a tree. My eyes were fixed forward, his standing
body a few feet in front of me. He wasn't moving ; he never had. But I was scared if I took
away my gaze even for a second, he would be mere inches from my face, his hand around my
throat the second I looked back. And in the last two weeks, Aro found a way to counter the
rule where I had to call his name for him to appear. Every night, he would arrive at my side
and watch over me. As if I needed to know he did. The first night after I had run away, he had
blamed me for casting him away when the bandits arrived.

"Nothing's going to happen to me tonight either, Aro. You know that, right?", I said as I felt
his presence appear at my side. He sat beside me, his legs crossed, his hands joined at his

"You're stubborn, Lady Lone, we never know what might happen"

"For the millionth time, Aro, do not call me Lady. I am not that title anymore"

"And yet, I wish you were"

"I heard that. If you wanted me not to hear you, you should have disappeared first"
"On the contrary, sister"

"Anyway, I'm dead, Aro, you know damn well I can't be a Lady anymore. Mother and Father
died, our sister too. I fled from the castle and found a way to die, so I'm no Lady. I'm only
Lone... to you"

"You know that's not what I'm talking about, Lone"

I didn't say anything. Even if I knew what he was referring to, I refused to argue on that
subject again. We can't go back to the past to correct previous mistakes, but he seemed to
think not.

"Are you gonna ignore me?"

"Why shouldn't I? What I have once said went through an ear and got out the other... visibly.
No offense, but I'm not wasting my words on something you don't understand"

"Maybe because I don't know what happened in that shed?"

"And I've already said that I don't want to talk about it"

"I just- I just want to know why you've changed so much. I don't recognize you"

I sadly smiled. He was 10 years old, and he lived in death less than he would have lived in
life. He didn't know a thing about a monster's behavior. I didn't want to ruin his stay by my
side, traumatize him by what I had gone through. He was way too young for that.

"What are you going to do in the future?", he asked me, which made me turn my head in his
direction. "What are you going to do when people ask? Ask about the scar's backstory. It's

"I'm gonna stay as mysterious as it is", I said, offering him a smile.

Sad, he only looked down at his feet, at his hands and smiled with that grim look on his face.

"I could have lost you in that shed, right?", he asked, taking me by surprise. It was the first
time he asked me about a potential death. I guess he wanted to brush it away with a simple
wave of his hand... the possibility that I could have died. But now that he realized my
answers will be kept brief, he probably thought a different approach would be - maybe - more
acceptable. But he was already aware of how it felt to die...

"Yes...", I simply answered.

"Would you have gone up to the Heavens, or would you have stayed down here, roaming the
earth with me?"

"Who knows...", I said with a shrug. "We will know when the time comes. If I ever forgive
everyone who did me wrong, if I ever feel like my time on this earth has truly been fulfilling.
I didn't die, my choice at the time will forever be different than the one I will make when my
time comes. Maybe then, like you said, your unfinished business will be completed and you
will find your way to the Gods. Join our family"


He didn't agree with my answer, wasn't feeling it to be honest. But I wouldn't know how to
truly answer his question ; I had no way to know. He became sadder and sadder each day that
passed, as if my feelings were rubbing onto him, as if he could feel my very emotions. I
hoped not. I crossed my fingers that he couldn't feel my pain. Maybe he was just worried.
Worried about the fact that it could very well kill me. That secret... That it could make me
take up a sword and push it through my skin until my heart stopped beating. Maybe that's
why he asked me where I would go when I die.

"I don't know, Aro. To be honest with you, I haven't got a goddamn clue if I were to fly up to
the Heavens or stay down here. I don't know, because that day is far enough away from me"

He looked up at me, and I could see stars slowly appearing in the dark color of his eyes.
That's what he wanted to hear... and I meant it. I meant every word I said.

"I haven't fought my way out of these freaking ropes only to die a little while later. You can
count on me, Aro, I'm not going anywhere"

He smiled at me and I could see the fight in his face ; he was trying not to cry... His hand fell
near my leg, resting on the ground. His next words made me see through this action.

"You should sleep"

It was a diversion. He was bringing my attention away by putting his hand there and saying
those words. He knew I couldn't sleep. But I felt his energy... he was sad, he was grieving
what he could have lost... and he wanted to hug me, wanted to touch me, wanted to lay that
hand on my knee to reassure me, but also reassure himself. I couldn't imagine what it was
like to never feel human touch. He had died before experiencing it. He didn't know what it
was like and yet, his body was already used to using physical touch for any reason, as he
would have been able to do in life.

"You know I won't be able to sleep, Aro"

From the corner of my eye, I could see him nodding, but refusing to say anything else. I
smiled, hating to see this expression on his face. Not when he just made me forget about my
problems. About the guy that stood feet before me. Remembering him, I turned my head in
his direction and stared.

"Stay with me, Aro... Please"

His eyes filled with surprise, he turned his head up toward me and looked at me with a smile.

"Of course, Lone"

I didn't sleep all night, as usual. I dozed off for a few minutes at some point, a noise making
me come back. A bird had flew near us. It was nearly dawn, his standing body was slowly
disappearing. As I turned my head toward where Aro sat, I realized he was sleeping, his body
leaning against the tree. I couldn't stop my mind and my body from envying this rest he was
able to get. I was also surprised to realize he was able to sleep. His peaceful face didn't mirror
my situation. He would soon disappear as well. As soon as the sun bathed the forest, he
would be gone from my sight. And slowly, but surely, it was going up and up into the sky.
And so I leaned in and gave him a ghost of a kiss on his forehead. Even if he couldn't feel it, I
know I did it.

"See you tonight, Aro", I whispered, getting up. I gathered my things and the next thing I
knew after sparing a look for my late brother was that I was walking toward Awa Port. There
were only three to four hours before I could reach it. First thing I did after getting out of the
forest, I stopped by a village and ate breakfast, which would have me ready to continue on
my way.

I was one or two kilometers away from Awa, I knew it, smelled the sea breeze even that far ;
it was becoming stronger and stronger. I was zigzaging between the trees, trying to keep
going forward, not rotating my direction. I hoped it would get me where I wanted to go. My
head started to hurt, my body started to weaken. I needed to eat. Once in Awa, the first thing I
would do would sign in in an inn, so I can keep my things somewhere, and since I still had
money to last me a few years, I would be fine for a while. I would eat, fill my stomach and
then, I will see how it goes. I had planned to stop at Awa and stay there, for no matter how
much time, but until I felt like changing places. Until I felt like I didn't feel secure.

The forest was becoming less dense the more I walked. And soon, the sun peered through the
trees and blinded me, welcoming me into a new place. My hand over my eyes, I slightly
opened them, looking around. A smile appeared on my face at the sight that was offered to
me. Below, the city of Awa Port was full of life, merchants everywhere, citizens walking here
and there, buying stuff or just looking. And right in front of me was the sea. A magnificent
immensity of water and the reflection of the sun made it sparkle. This view is what I had
fought for, it is what I was waiting for. I was glad to be standing here and I hoped Aro could
feel it. I hoped he knew that I was happy, even if it were just a little.

Chapter End Notes

I wrote the beginning note a few days ago, consider that end note being written on
saturday, a while before I posted this chapter. I also finally found a new job, so my
schedule will be more packed than usual. But I'll try to keep my two chapters a week. As
you can see, I've been posting each 3 to 4 days, either tuesday or wednesday and
saturday, so I will keep it like that. It has been difficult writing this chapter, because of a
lack of ideas. My description of this chapter was so short I had to add a lot of details in.
Also, I damn well know I haven't described Lone's appearance, and I really don't care
how you imagine her and I believe we all have our view of this strong woman. But I
wanted to say that she has long hair and that she often ties it up. Anyway, I hoped you
loved this and see you next week.
askjhje <3
An accident
Chapter Notes

Hey, my sweet readers! I'm gonna keep it short since I don't have anything to say. So
thank you to AlexisTasartir for commenting on my last two chapters, it warmed my
heart! Anyway, I really hope you're gonna like this one. See you on the next chapter

Have a good read,


I didn't waste time before I made my way to the city. I had been so absorbed by the beauty of
it from above that I hadn't seen the details hiding in the shadows. The lack of smiles on
people's faces was blatant, the presence of joy was completly, utterly missing. When I first
wished to come here and meet the same people I always did, wandering the streets when I
was younger, I'd imagined them to be as happy and full of life as they were back then.
Offering the widest of smiles to any traveler who arrived at the city, conversations so full of
purpose. Now, they all seemed empty, like life here had been stolen by someone, or some
people. It looked like something so important happened that it ruined everyone's life. And I
had been walking between the streets for only fifteen minutes, but I wished I understood
where that pain, that grief came from.

I continued to make my way farther and farther through the port, the colors dimmer than I
remembered them to be. As my eyes set down for a few seconds, my peripheral vision still
hidden by the hood of my cloak, I heard someone call for me.

"Hey, miss!"

As I turned my head toward the merchant, the old man standing behind the small booth
waved to me, hurrying me to come forward. He looked like a wise man and the small smile
he offered me seemed coated by years of experience and I knew, thanks to that, that his was
truthful. And so, I approached the merchant and let my eyes float over what he was selling.

Third Person POV

And not far behind her, following the same path she did, a dark haired man passed by. His
blue and black clothes didn't stand out much, but if Lone had seen him, her eyes would have
made him stand out. This man had left his group on the cliff above the city to take a sweep
through the streets to buy a few things for them while they attempted to find the person who
holds the power of the Green Dragon of legend. They had planned to stay there for a while,
but in no way were they considering standing out as one in the city of Awa. Not when one
had bright red hair, another held immense strength in his right hand, his fingers as claws, plus
one guy who would walk around in a mask, one who was the Thunder Beast who was
supposed to be dead walking around with his usual weapon and finally, one young pretty boy.
A suspicious group indeed. But unfortunately, Lone had not ran into Hak, and neither did he
run into his childhood bestfriend. And so he continued on his way, while Lone bought an
item from the kind old man who had called out to her a few minutes ago. As she left the
booth, she continued on her way with no purpose whatsoever.

Lone's POV

I had been walking around the city, looking around, buying nice and cute stuff that seemed
worth it. I was living a normal life ; this was a normal life. I smiled each time I reminded
myself of such a beautiful thought. Oh, how I had wished to have a normal life. And now, it
was daylight, no demons in sight to bother me or my calmed mind. I was at peace, even
though the desolated expressions on people's faces did not mirror mine. I promised myself
then that I would know what was happening in this once lively city. I took that opportunity to
find an inn. My bag, as light as it could be, started to feel heavier as the hours passed. I
needed rest. Way too exhausted to even search for a decent one, I picked the first one I saw
and made my way into it. I then approached the worker, walking in between the tables and
chairs on which often sat people.

"I'd like a room, please"

The madam on the other side was on a certain speed limit, 'cause she was on snail mode right
now. She slowly raised an eyebrow, as if surprised. She definitely looked like she hated her
job. I slightly cringed at the expression on her face while she looked at me.

"A room for one?", she asked, a high pitched voice reaching my ears.

"Yes", I nodded, my lips pursed.

She soon handed me a key. I gently took it away from her hands, slightly scared she might
close her fingers on it like a trap. She saw the scar, she saw my darkened face. She was
suspicious, I had no doubt.

"Here you go. Have a great stay."

I nodded, trying not to look rude and rapidly made my way up to the rooms. I unlocked my
door and made my way in. I closed the door behind me, leaning against it, falling to the
ground. I took a few breaths, finally relieved to be able to sit, my legs no longer obligated to
stand despite their strength. But it was suffocating in here ; I could barely breathe. So I stood
up, escaping a sigh and opened the small window. The wave of freah air that made its way in
reassured me greatly. I then made my way to the bed, letting me fall limply on the mattress
after throwing my bag away on the ground. At least, I would have a bed tonight. Or maybe
now. Now definitely felt like a good time to sleep, to be honest.

"P- Please stop!!", someone screamed.

I sat up in alert, perfectly aware that that sound came from outside.

"What? We're Awa officers", a guy said as I stood up and made my way to the window. I
leaned over, my eyes meeting an image these guys would have never hoped I had witnessed.

"Just who do you think it's thanks to that you can go on living your life?", the other said, his
voice slightly different.

I cringed. I felt my blood boiling in my veins. Even if I didn't want to interfere, I couldn't let
that woman be harassed by pigs like officers who thought they had every right in the world to
do anything they desired just because they felt like it. But I took a deep breath, calming
myself, fully returning back in my room. I couldn't ruin this new image. I couldn't let my life
go to waste again. I had fought hard for this... Maybe someone would help her. Surely, there
will be someone who will help her. You can't just let a woman be harassed by monsters, can


"Tell me how much I can buy you for. That's not bad, is it?"

And that one just pulled my last straw.

I turned back toward the window and ran to it. Grabbing the upper part of it, I slid my body
through the hole and jumped out, landing perfectly on my feet. I couldn't say I didn't feel the
ground crumble under me, because I sure felt like I would fall to the ground. But for that
woman, I would not run. Not ever.

"You're bothering me... let me go!", the woman screamed before her gaze turned to mine.

The officers turned their heads toward me as I lowered mine, hiding my face as best as I

"She said you were bothering her. So. Let. Her. Go."

They laughed. "And who are you to order us around?", one of them asked.

I chuckled and unsheathed my sword. I took one big step to them and knocked one of them
out with the hilt of my sword. He fell to the ground like a doll and as the other guy stood
there, afraid and shocked, I approached him and hit him on the head. Next thing I knew, he
was falling to the ground like his companion. And as I turned around to see if the woman was
fine, there was already someone with her, playing doctor... or whatever the hell it was he was
doing. But what shocked me most was that... his hair was green?!

Third Person POV

Lone hid her face, propelling her gaze forward. Even with only one look toward the green
haired man, she found him heavily suspicious. Trying to act as innocent as she could, she
continued on her way, refusing to go back into the inn. Yes, sure, he could have seen her
jump out the window, but if she returned right now, he would see her face and she couldn't let
that happen. The only problem was jumping from the window weakened her legs even more.
It was only a matter of minutes before they gave up on her.

"Hey, miss! How can I thank you for your help?", the woman called after Lone.

'Great', she thought. That woman probably attracted more attention to her than she would
have preferred. Now that man's gaze could linger on her back, way too curious to let her go.

"Stay here, would you? I'm gonna be back as soon as I can. I promise", the green haired man
said, a seductive note to his voice. And then, footsteps... louder and louder toward Lone. She
tried to reassure herself, tried to believe that he was just following the same path as she did.
But no, he was not.

"Hey... Miss...", he called after her, the same playful voice accompanying his words. "What's
your name?"

"I'd suggest you leave me alone", she said, keeping her face hidden from his gaze.

"Or what? You're gonna knock me out like you did to those officers?"

"If I do, are you gonna leave me alone?"

"I've never been beat by a woman, so it would be a first. But how much better does it feel
than being hit by a man, according to you?"

"Seeing as you are also a pervert, I might kill you as well. Like I should have done to those

"I'd like to see you try", he was teasing, daring her to try. And she wouldn't let his words go

She turned around, her hands gripping his coat as she pulled him in an alley just beside where
they stood and threw a hand in her sash to take out a knife, bringing it dangerously close to
his neck as she pressed her left forearm on his chest. She lifted her head up to him, meeting
his gaze. His eyes grew more serious as the seconds passed and he realized that death itself
was dancing in hers. The scar along her cheek was something he realized a few seconds later.
It just brought more to his questions.

"I can't believe I'm about to say this, but I'm actually scared to die."

No response. He slightly frowned, turning his head to the side in question, in wonder.

"Who are you?", he asked, desperately needing to know. It wasn't just curiosity that made
those words get passed his lips... it was a need. He had never met a woman capable of being
such a threat. Everyone he met usually dulled in his presence. What had happened to this girl
that made her become so scared and fearless at the same time. But he welcomed back his
cocky smile, acting as if he didn't just see something in that woman's eyes.

She pushed herself away from him and put the knife back where it had been before she took
it out. "You never met me."
The next thing he knew, the woman had disappeared in the blink of an eye. She was so fast
and swift. She made no sound, disguising herself against the wind. Confused, the green
haired man brought his hand up behind his head and scratched.

"I guess I should go back to the girl."

As he walked back to where the guards had been knocked out, he tried looking out for the
woman, but he didn't see a single trace left behind. And once he arrived, the girl was no
where to be seen, but there was a man, crouched near one of the unconscious bodies of the
two officers.

"Where did she go?", the green haired man asked, making the other man's head lift up.

"I told her she could leave. Get to a safe place before other officers come. Talking about
officers, that woman had skills... strength. The only thing bothering me is the fact that she
was barely able to stand."

"What?", the pervert said, turning around as if she would be there standing behind him. He
was surprised.

"Her legs almost gave out when she jumped out the window."

"What an eye"

"It doesn't add up..."

"What doesn't add up?"

"Her speed, her form... that sword... I only know one person that represents that description...
But it's impossible", he whispered, making it impossible for the green guy to hear anything he

The dark haired man stood up fast, looking in the direction Lone had run toward. "We should
run. Officers could get here soon."

"In fa-"

"Hey, there! Stop! Don't move!"

"Shit! All that only to get in trouble anyway", the dark haired man commented.

Without any word to the other, they both started running as officers followed them from
behind. One of them stopped to make sure their companions were fine while the others
continued on their way. But soon, officers came running from forward, making the men stop
in their tracks.

"We're trapped"

"There's only one way to get out of this", the green man countered.
The other man sighed, categorically refusing to admit he was right. While the green guy
jumped, knocking two of them out with his foot, the dark haired man used his fists and his
strength to knock out the others. And they were running again.

"Are you a soldier? It seems you've gone through some considerable training."

"No, I'm just a traveler."

"A traveler...?"

"How about you? You don't seem ordinary yourself."

"Eh?! I'm not ordinary, as in I'm beautiful?"

"No, that's not what I'm saying."

They finally both turned in an alley as they slowed down to a stop.

"Did we lose them?", the dark haired man asked.

"Anyway, looks like we did. But I gotta go now."


"Look behind you, who's that?", the green haired man teased, bringing his hand to his
forehead as if to see farther.

The man fell for that. And when he realized, he turned around, realizing he was gone. He
sighed, looking around in disbelief.

"Who even was that?", he asked himself. "Anyway, I really need to get back to Yona and the
others. Though that woman intrigues me..."

He ended up going back to Yona and the others, but one thing Hak knew, was that Lady
Lone, one of his childhood friends, had died a few weeks back. The news had reached Awa in
a matter of hours and Yona had cried for two days after that. He had been hurt, deeply. Lone
always was like a sister to him... But what he didn't know was that the woman who jumped
out the window and hit two officers was really the person he had thought it was.
A Few Descriptions
Chapter Notes

Well, hi! I didn't even know if I would be able to to publish this saturday. My formation
at work has driven me tired, so at the end of the day, I was way too exhausted to write.
But I've been writing for a few hours now and now that I'm finished, I thought I hadn't
written a lot, thought this was gonna be a short chapter, but I'm laughing at myself at
how wrong I actually was. This chapter is approximately the same length my other
chapters usually have. But anyway!

Have a great read,

askjhje <3
and see you next week on tuesday! ;)

I really hope today will be different than yesterday.

After I ran away from the green haired guy, I slowly made my way back to the inn and to the
comfort of my borrowed room, earning a few looks from the worker, since I hadn't used the
door to get out in the first place. I was even lucky to have kept my door unlocked after I
arrived, because I didn't have my key on me when I decided to jump out the window. But
anyway, when I arrived back to my room, I fell on the mattress and slept throughout the day.
It had been long since I had slept like I did. It was a dreamless sleep filled with
uncomfortability from his ghostly presence somewhere in a shadowed corner of my room.
But I slept is what counts. I had eaten a bit after I woke up, part of the few people already
assembled around the tables. I'm glad my somewhat scary and not approachable appearance
stopped anyone from joining me as I drank and ate. I had made my way back to my room
afterwards, resting until I fell asleep... again. It was a few hours before dawn when I woke up
again, disturbed by a myriad of disturbing events that my mind forced on me to witness.
Dressed in a nightgown, I had brought a chair to the window and had stared out at the stars
and the moon slowly disappearing as I decided what I would do during this new day, slightly
hoping I would not meet that weird man again. Even though walking the streets trying to get
to know more about this city wasn't gonna be easy.

But as I walked around in the city and I felt a hand tap my shoulder, I debated running away
as fast as I could or turning around and putting a knife to the throat of whoever was bothering
me in this early hour of the morning. I slowly turned around, not enough for them to see my
face, but as I recognized the female presence behind me, I fully turned around toward her.

"You...", was the only word that got out of my mouth when my eyes met hers.

"I wasn't sure if it was you under the hood... But the scar gave it away", she says, offering me
a small timid smile. "I wanted to thank you for saving me yesterday. I owe you."
I shook my head in disagreement. "No, you don't owe me anything. I only did what I thought
was good."

I remembered how much I had hesitated before throwing myself out of the window. "But you
look so small with the cloak on. Yet, you hold so much strength...", she wondered.

I smiled at her comment. If she had seen me two weeks ago, she would have held so much
more awe. I brush the thought, my expression changing. Maybe I could trust her. I wanted to
know a lot about this place ; this place that was most certainly her home.

"Hey", I called out. "Do you mind explaining what is going on here? I mean, in Awa?"

"Yeah! Sure. Do you mind following me? I wouldn't want indiscreet ears to hear us."

"Sure. Lead the way."

We ended up in a small house, that I came to the conclusion was hers. She offered me a seat
and she joined me with tea. I accepted the cup she was pushing my way as I debated where to

"I heard that the Lord of Awa was Yang Kum-Ji."

She gave me a sad smile. "Yes..."

"So the officers are all under his power, I suppose?"

"Indeed. They are violent and sometimes ransack stores and take away women who catch
their eye. And we can do nothing about it. The whole town lives in fear of Kum-Ji. We have
to go day after day in hopes that everything we do is enough not to anger him or his officers."

"It's not a life..."

"We don't have a choice... It's been like that since the last king... But now that there's a new
king... I still believe this town is in for no change... We're stuck with him."

"Maybe you're not...", I say, mostly to myself, thinking about Soo-Won. He proved he was
not the person I always knew him to be. He's not the sweet child I grew up with. But maybe
he can bring some changes to this country. "Is there no one that help you...? In any way?"

She took a few seconds to think and then she looked at me.

"Yeah... I mean, they're pirates."

"Pirates?", I asked in shock. "Pirates are helping you?"

"As hard as it is to believe, they're not attacking us. In fact... the only thing they are attacking
is Yang Kum-Ji's boats..."

"So there are people who help you... Do you know anything about what is on these ships?"
"There are rumors floating around the city"

"And what are they?"

"They think Kum-Ji is transporting important merchandise to Kaitei country... to the north."

"Important merchandise?", I wondered aloud, curious of what he may want to transport to

Kai that would be so important.

"Human trafficking", she said, her throat tight as she said the words. "Women and children."

"Pardon?", I succeeded in saying, disbelief washing away my confusion. "Are these rumors

"Nobody knows. I'm sorry."

"Do you think Kum-Ji to be as cruel as this? Be honest."

Silence. Utter silence coming from her. She was hesitating. She knew his officers, knew what
they could do... and yet, I really hoped that this place's lord was not following through with
the damn rumors.


Her answer had me pinned to the floor, realizing what this meant. The cruelty of Kum-Ji and
his cronies was unbelievably demonic. But I shouldn't be surprised. After seeing what they
were trying to do to this woman yesterday, it just proved to me how men can be monsters,
low-lives. And I'm gonna help. I will not accept any other woman or child to be trafficked to
another country so they can go through worse than I did. I won't accept. So I looked up to the
woman sitting in front of me and I stared at her, perfectly knowing that death was dancing in
my eyes.

"Do you know anything about the pirates?"

"Unfortunately, no...", she answered, her voice trembling.

"Thank you for this information. I will take my leave now."

I stood up and walked to the door. Before sliding the door opened, I half turned my head to
her, my face still hidden beneath my hood. "Be careful..."

And I vanished, making my way out of her house within seconds, closing the door as I
moved away from her home. I had planned on going back to the inn to plan my next move,
but I was interrupted by someone. As I halted in my steps, my eyes opened only to see the
green-haired man standing in front of me, while he was not the last time I had my eyes

Where did he came from?

The disgust on my face didn't wave him away.

"I highly suggest you step out of my way, pervert. I am in no mood for your curiousness."

"We'll have to change that name you give me. My real one is Jea-Ha. What's yours?", he said,
a hand covering his heart as he slightly bowed.

"What am I, your queen? You might as well lick my boots while you're at it", I complained as
I made my way around him.

"For you, I'd be on my knees in an instant", he whispered in my ear as he followed near

behind me.

"How many times have you offered that horrible line and to how many women?", I pointed,
not daring a look in his direction.

"Actually... none. Usually, they're the ones on their knees."

I rolled my eyes as I couldn't suppress a small smile, amused.

"I'm sorry I'm not up to your standards, but I have better shit to do than stare at you in awe,
thinking you're the best man to ever exist. Now, since that's the case ; leave. me. alone."

"And why should I do that?", he asked, challenging me even further.

"Maybe because I just asked you to? Visibly, harassment is unknown to you and I think it
would be a good idea for you two to get to know each other", I said as I turned around
towards him, making him stop in his tracks, almost bumping right into me. "And weirdly, for
no reason in particular, I'm the one introducing them to you."

"What's the fun in getting to know something that has never even approached me in all my
life? Every other girl would argue with you that I'm the most attractive man they've ever

I lifted an eyebrow and crossed my arms over my chest. "Hmm? Is that so?", I wondered
sarcastically, a playful smile decorating my lips.

"That is very so."

"Then prove it", I said, dropping the smile.

"You're in for a very dangerous game, do you realize that?"

"I don't know, you tell me"

"Perfect. Just watch"

"I'm right here"

And as he slowly approached a small group of women, I made my way into an alley, hiding
not far away from him. I heard the women's gigglings, their timid words and I could even
hear the blushing that appeared across their faces.
"Okay, girls, I promise to meet you all later. But I really need to get back to an important
someone, so see you later."

"See you later, Jea-Ha", they all said in unison, a sing-song voice accompanying their words
of farewell.

And as I heard them walk away, I felt his footsteps approach where we once stood.


I could feel his cocky smile spreading.

"Smart little thing...", he mumbled, walking away.

I giggled as I made my way back to the inn, not encoutering any glimpse of this 'Jae-Ha'. And
I hoped I never will again.

Third Person POV

The next day, Lone is standing in front of a board, staring at two pictures drawn side by side.
She was watching their faces, reading their description. She didn't remember the other man
drawn and didn't bother paying it more attention as she concentrated on Jea-Ha's, restraining
a laugh as she turned her head in multiple angles, trying to make sense of this poor drawing.
But what reassured her was that at least, hers was not drawn amongst these faces. Her victims
had probably not gotten a good look at her face, but they still put a small description between
the two men. "Mysterious woman wearing a cloak". Sure, that was gonna help. She laughed
quietly as her head turned to the sides to verify that no one was staring weirdly at her. But her
eyes landed on the green-haired man approaching her direction and nervosity spreaded to her
face as she swiftly ran away to hide somewhere far away from him. She watched him walk
by the board and as his eyes swiftly navigated it, he stopped and walked back before it.

He stared and stared. And then laughed loudly.

"AAAAHAHAHA! It's not pretty, but I know!! I understand what it wants to say!!"

Lone watched him, rolled her eyes, shook her head in disbelief and walked away to go buy
some things.

"Well, it'll be easy to persuade him now that he's a wanted man. There's no where he can

"Who will be easy to persuade?", someone said from behind him.

He turned his head in Hak's direction, not even thinking it could be him. "Hnnn? Well, I
never got his name-wait- WHOAAA!!"

Hak might have just realized the mistake he had made. "Are you in any position to be
laughing? They posted a description of your face too, didn't they?"
Fast, his head turned toward the board again, eyeing for the pictures. "Me?", he asked, his
eyes landing on the description beside Hak's. "Hahaha! This face looks funny, too."

"It's your face. It looks just like you."

"I couldn't quite hear you."

"It's your face. It looks just like you", he repeated.

"They have bad eyesight."

"Seriously", Hak agreed.

Jae-Ha's eyes swiped between his description and Hak's and squinted as he read the few
words. "Oh!", he exclaimed as Hak approached the board as well.

"Who's that supposed to be?", Hak asked.

"It's the woman who saved the other girl!"

"Her? Well, I guess it's normal for her to be on there... More than us... Though, she isn't

"I mean, she was hidden. The only thing they know is that she's mysterious and wears a
cloak. Nobody's gonna search for her. But, talking about her! I saw her yesterday ; she's quite
the woman."

"Did she lose consciousness like all your other girlfriends at the sight of your face?"

"No, it's the contrary... She's so mean..."

"Well I would be, too, if I were her. An annoying brat such as you isn't worth the hype."

"I wonder if she left Awa Port... I have been trying to find her all day", Jae-Ha mutters,
ignoring Hak's words.

"Maybe I should have done just like she did..."

"Oh yeah!", Jae-Ha exclaimed. "Talking about finding her, I've been trying to find you, too!
Wow, how lucky am I..."

"Oh? I'm not going to a shop like that again. Go by yourself."

"No, no. You're wrong. Actually, today... I want you!", he shouted, gripping the man's wrist
with his two hands as people around stared at them, whispering among each other.

"I don't swing that way. Sorry", he nonchalantly said, walking away from the green-haired

"Ahhhh, wait, wait! You're wrong! You've got it all wrong! I think you're a great man! This
isn't the right place so let's go someplace where nobody's around...", he tried rescuing the
situation, grabbing Hak at the waist and shoulder. Hak was trying to push him away with all
the strength he had, but it was useless.

"What the hell are you planning to do by going to a place where nobody's around?!!!"

"I-", but he couldn't finish.

"Shut up!!", he screamed, punching Jae-Ha in the face with no mercy whatsoever. "The more
you talk, the more I understand that 'mysterious' woman."

But as he lay on the ground, bleeding, Hak became slightly worried of what he might have
just done. But a few seconds later, using his feet to lift himself up, he was standing, a horrible
grin spread across his face as he continued bleeding.

Hak was disgusted. "You're a pervert, aren't you?!"

"Oh, that name sounds familiar... But that punch just now... felt great..."

Alarmed by his quiet voice, Hak couldn't hear a thing he was saying and quickly decided it
was best to run away from this creep. But as he felt the white dragon's presence nearing, Jae-
Ha jumped away, landing on a rooftop as he finally could breathe more normally.

Farther away from there, Lone had just thanked a merchant with a smile as she walked away
with food she brought to her mouth in an instant, glad to taste something as delicious as this.
A Reunion
Chapter Notes

Hi, sweet readers, I've enjoyed writing this chapter so much and I really hope you like it.
Be warned, it's emotional. Anyway,

Have a beautiful read,

askjhje <3
and see you on saturday ;)

Third Person POV

The narrator agrees with this ; it's ridiculous that Hak, Yona and Lone are walking the same
streets, but they still manage to never encounter each other. Yona and Lone hiding their hair,
their face or their scars under a hood while Hak walks around like he isn't one of the most
researched people in all Kouka. Unbothered Thunder Beast is the daily life of the Princess
and the previous General's small group. Yet, somehow, a member always ends up alarmed
when another member's about to attract more attention that they're supposed to.

But the narrator also agrees with this : this is certainly not voluntary... ;)

And yet, as Hak and Yona go on different paths again after the incident in a store where a
little child lost his life, neither of them was awaiting the next events of the day. And as Lone
walks not so far from Hak, the only thing separating their paths a wall of bricks, they both
don't realize how close they are to discovering the truth. And even as two people wearing
cloaks walk in each other's steps, the only thing separating them being thick clothes covering
their entire bodies, their heads, their faces, deeming them impossible of recognition. But in
someone's mind, when someone's known and has been declared to be dead, the simple idea of
them actually being alive is usually an illusion of the eyes, a deep desire within the heart that
only hope can bring to life. Hope and love. Caring and memories. Memories that hold so
much importance that not even death can make them die... disappear. It haunts you more than
usual, staying with you until you realize that what you've lost can never be found again, that
you have to move on whatever your heart tells you. Eventually, what happens in the past
stays in the past, even if we share our thoughts, our feelings, our hurt. It stays what it will
always and forever be considered like ; memories. Parts of life that we've always cherished
more than some other that hold less importance.

And the next seconds will forever be engraved in each of their minds as a relief they've been
wanting to take grasp of...
Lone's POV

I have been walking around without any purpose whatsoever, enjoying the fresh air that
entered and left my lungs. I took advantage of the strength my legs held when I walked. I felt
different, I felt safe. This felt like my true salvation ; my way out of these nightmares, out of
this horror. A beautiful ending to a life that might have not always been that pretty. And that's
what I desired, what I've been searching for, what I've been seeking.

And as I turned a corner, I stopped dead in my tracks as words reached my ear, accompanied
by the ringing of a familiar voice.

"Thank you for waiting, Hak."

I freezed. I can't move. What was going on? What was my mind doing? Why was it only
now, in this town that it decided to make me hear things? I could continue on my way and
ignore that voice, ignore those words. Or I could wander toward it, toward them.

"Oh? Who is that?"

A wonder, a sweet angel voice belonging to a timid, fragile and weak girl. Yet, that can't be
possible. My feet won't drag me forward, won't give me the opportunity to witness such a
dream. And then I heard grunts of pain and the beating of my heart reached my skull, my
brain, vibrating through my entire body. Who could that pain belong to?

"What's wrong?", a manly voice asked, practically unbothered.

"Hey. Are you okay?", that same sweet voice, worried. "You're really burning up...!",
concern, confusion.

"Thank you... young lady. I'm fine now..."

That voice made me freeze even more. My heart skipped a beat. A flirty and yet hurt voice,
full of pain. I recognized it. And despite these presences being at the same place at the same
time, the impossibility of hearing those voices despite them having completely been erased, I
jumped forward and turned in a small alley. I halted again, my breath catching in my throat as
I witnessed what was happening before me. A small figure hidden beneath a cloak, a tall one
by her side, the dark of his hair the exact same I've always stared that. And then, just before
them, a green-haired man that only sent chills down my back. I didn't dare say a word as I

"Ryokuryuu...? You're Ryokuryuu, right?", she asked and I knew, I was sure. It's her. It's them
both. It's Hak and Yona.

But the green-haired man didn't answer. Instead, he looked beyond their shoulders and his
eyes landed on me, meeting mine. They looked me up and down with a grin, even though I
saw the pain written across it.

"You couldn't get enough of me, darling?", he asked, confusing the others. "Looks like you've
found me. I won't have to go through the problem of searching for you..."
But I was not listening, I was only staring at them, at the back of their heads. And when their
gaze followed his, they slowly turned and as my mind put a name on evertyhing that they
were, I felt myself weaken with relief considerably. They were fully turned toward me now,
eyes widening every second as they took me in, realized who I was. Then, thanks to a
magical wind passing by, it swept over my hood, waving it off my head, discovering my face,
my hair, my scar. Everything that I'd been trying to hide. I first saw the tears begininng to
appear at the corner of her eyes, then I felt mine.

"Lone?", she said in a tiny voice, as if scared to be wrong. I smiled, happy to hear that name
coming from her mouth, making everything more real than it was, than it could be. "Is that

I nodded, as tears blurred my vision. I saw spots. Spots of red, blue and green, but I saw
them. I could not answer in any other way. My throat was blocked, I could barely swallow.
Then she took a step toward me, slowly closing the distance. And then, as I approached as
well, our proximity chased our doubts away. I wrapped my arms over her shoulders as I felt
hers wrap around my waist. She was squeezing me tightly, as if she was using every strength
she could muster. And I did, too. I had always been taller than her. Her body had always felt
like a child's, even at 15. But now, she was 16, a runaway, and yet she didn't look like the
princess I've always known her to be. Weak and fragile and a complete crybaby. My spoiled
childhood bestfriend didn't look like the princess I grew up with. And as I brought her at
arms' length, I slowly took off the hood away from her head and looked at her. Her hair was
short, her face was gentle, as gentle as always, but I could see the fight in her eyes, in her

Then, I looked to my side to a grinning Hak and as his fist bounced off my head, I was
grinning as well.

"I knew it was you who beat those damn officers", he said.

I shook my head in disbelief. "Always the emotional one, huh, Hak?", I teased, looking back
at Yona.

She was thinking. "Wait, the description in between the posters was you?"

I nodded, my lips pursed. I didn't know if I should be ashamed or proud, but I still smiled.

"Can someone explain to me what is happening here?", the green guy asked.

I then fully turned toward him, resting my fists on my hips as I raised an eyebrow. "A
reunion, what do you think? Or are you too blind to realize that? Or is it just when people are
annoyed by your presence that your eyes seem to ignore their annoyance?"

"Since it doesn't happen really often, not to say never, I assumed you would warm up to me."

"Looks like it isn't gonna happen anytime soon", Hak pointed out.

I giggled, looking back at Hak with a 'thank you' smile. And then my eyes caught on a group
of two people. I rapidly pulled the hood back on my head by reflex. And as Yona took their
presences in, she slowly pulled back hers as well, though she didn't look alarmed. My eyes
examined the small boy, as if I had seen his face somewhere. I thought, I thought ; and before
I knew it, my hand was reaching beneath my sash and unfolding the paper with precaution. It
was one of the few things that hadn't been destroyed by their filthy hands. They hadn't even
known it was there in the first place. I held it up beside his face. He was looking at me
suspiciously, untrusting of my presence. His name was Yoon. I approached him and offered
him the drawing. I gave him a small smile and after he examined the whole paper, his eyes
dragged up to me with hope. I nodded, giving him a silent answer to his silent question.

"He was kind enough to offer me shelter for one night. And without him, I would never be
here today, giving you this drawing. He's clumsy as hell, but he'll be fine", I said and I saw
water rise in his eyes. He laughed lightly, making me smile.

"Thank you"

I slightly bowed and turned toward everyone else. Hak and Yona were smiling, though Jae-
Ha and the white guy weren't moving much, confused.

"I think I will make my way away, now", the green haired guy said as he winked at me.

"Princess! This is the Green Dragon!", the white guy suddenly shouted.

Hak was behind him in an instant as he kept a chokehold on him. "You'll be on your way,

"I'm Ryokuryuu..."

Hak loosened his hold, letting him go. "You were Ryokuryuu...?", he asked, visibly confused.
And I was even more confused.

"Wait, what? Ryokuryuu as in the Green Dragon of Legend?", I asked.

Hak looked up at me. "We'll explain to you later I promise"

I nodded, even more confused as they went on with their conversation.

"Oh, you're the one from that wanted poster?", Yona realized. "I heard about you from Hak...
and wanted to meet you. I'm glad you turned out to be Ryokuryuu. I'm Yona. What's your

"It's nice to meet you. My name is Jae-Ha", he introduced himself, making me cringe because
of how he said it. He seemed in a transe, worse than the flirting. "I didn't want to meet you at
all", harsh. "...young lady."

"Did you know I was here?", Yona asked, slightly surprised.

"I didn't think you were this cute of a girl, but I've been feeling the presence of Hakuryuu and
Seiryuu around here lately, so I knew"
Hakuryuu ; the white dragon, which I assumed was the guy standing not too far, listening to
the conversation. My eyes ventured down to his arm, the one that's said to contain the power
of the white dragon's claws. Impressive. But Seiryuu wasn't anywhere with them. The one
possessing the power of the blue dragon's eyes. Indeed, dangerous...

"If they came along with their master, I was planning to say ; "I have no interest in serving
you. Please go home.""

They all stayed silent. The princess was the one to break the silence. "I'm not Hakuryuu or
Seiryuu's master. Right now, they are lending me their powers. I came because I want to ask
you to lend me your power, too"

"I'm glad I seem reliable to a cute girl... or two...", he said, shifitng his gaze to me for a few
seconds. I frowned, showing him how much I disliked him. I couldn't tell that I could take of
myself, because he already knew that. He was just teasing me, triggering me ; and it was
working. "But I'm sorry. I don't happen to have the ambition to... live and die for King
Hiryuu's sake like Hakuryuu does. I'll choose the people I need to protect... and I'll decide for
myself where I'll die. So I'm not interested in lending you my power, miss."

"Jae-Ha. You don't need to act so menacing. It's alright"

I was as surprised as Jae-Ha could be. Yona would have fought for him. Like she would fight
for anything she asked and the King would give without question. What a change... "Eh..."

"I understand. I'll give up on you"

"Princess...!", the Hakuryuu screamed.

"I'm just asking a favor of him. It's not a command"

"You're stepping back rather quickly...", he looked almost annoyed she didn't put up a fight.

"Should have chosen a different kind of person for that conversation, you green pervert", I
said, offering him a grin. He looked at me, shaking his head in disbelief.

"You're telling me outright. Not listening to you is an unsightly thing to do. It's really, really
too bad. I wonder why? When I meet one of the four dragons... it feels really hard to separate
from them", there was the princess I knew. Complaining about what she can't have. And yet,
there was an old part of her I didn't see in this conversation.

"I feel bad, too. You're the first cute girl I've met in a while... or more like the second...", he
said, sparing an eye in my direction. A comment I rolled my eyes at. "Besides, I was planning
on making him and her a friend...", he added, looking at Hak then at me again.

"Not listening to me is an unsightly thing to do", Hak said, echoing Yona's words.

"And you already know my opinion on this problem", I voiced.

"Hak? Lone?", Yona asked, visibly confused.

"He says he's a pirate", a pirate? Could he be someone I was unconsciouly looking for. "He's
been annoying me for a while, telling me to meet his captain"

"That's cold", Jae-Ha said.

"Has been annoying me on different circumstances, though", I commented, mad at him for
not telling me he was a pirate.

"I would have annoyed you with this, too, if you hadn't hid from me all day", he said, giving
me his cocky smile.

"A pirate?", Yona asked. "Jae-Ha... I want to talk to your captain"

"Why? So you can give Hak and Lone to us?"

"No, I'm not handing them over", blunt. "You're the ones who are fighting against Lord Yang
Kum-JI, right?"

I was impatiently waiting for an answer. Because if they were, I would be fighting on their
side in an instant, without hesitation.

"Yesterday, I saw a government officer kill a child. I remember that, and even now I can't
stop shaking with anger... and at me, who couldn't do anything. I don't want to see another
child murdered for no reason. Is there something we can do to help you all fight against

"I see. I'll set aside young miss' request to cooperate for now. If you bring Hak and Lone to
us, you'll be able to meet the captain. Tomorrow... come to our ship", he said as he strode

Don't worry, green guy, I will be there, accompanied by them or not.

A Future Only ; No Past
Chapter Notes

Hi, readers! Okay, yes, I know. It's late on saturday (at least for me). I was working, for
my defense, but anyway, here it is ; hope you weren't too impatient ;).

Have a good read,

askjhje <3

see you on tuesday :)

I have left the inn and joined Yona and Hak on the cliff at the edge of the forest. I have met
everyone. We have discussed about many, many things, but they mostly explained to me what
happened the night of Yona's sixteenth birthday until I discovered them. They explained the
purpose of their journey, and it made sense. It made sense even when we were talking about
prophecies and dragons and powers. Anyone sane enough would have pushed this possibility
aside. But I was the least sane person this world had known. Yona and Hak did not know
about my... ability to see the dead. And nor did I plan on telling them. This was my sweet
secret, never to be told, to be whispered or to be written. It was to stay an untold truth
between very few people who understood what I bore.

We have laughed and smiled and discussed until it was time for supper. We ate, sat around a
fire. The sun had gone down, no trace of it above the darkened sea. The only light present
was the stars, the moon and the flames dancing, bringing so much meaning to the silence
surrounding us. At least, it did to me. I remembered falling against the table, knocking the
lamp off of it, illuminating the room with a new sort of light. A deadly one. It felt as though it
happened an eternity ago. It didn't feel like a few weeks, it felt like years, decades...
centuries. It felt as though I had died and been reborn again and again. It felt like a memory
of an ancient life. After all I'd gone through, from my leave of the castle to my arrival at Awa
Port, I'd almost forgotten about the accident at Hakkon House. Almost. The gentle memory of
my mother and her silk like hair, her deep ocean eyes, the smile so sweet and innocent she
used to give me. The hours spent with my father training, his harsh words of an unborn heir
he couldn't bring to the world ; a thought toward Aro, my late brother who never could see
the light and never could know the beauties and the uglies of living. My bully of a sister, her
plans of marriage ; her once sweet words and face becoming a swirl of ugliness coated by lies
and mockery, insults and hate.

Everyone had finished eating, Yoon had taken each of our plates and put them in water. I
watched him go, watched them all go. They were sitting around the fire, staring at the bright
light emanating from it, the flames going up and up into the sky. Yona was squeezing her
cloak around herself harder and harder, as if she were cold. It was, indeed, a chill night.
Unusual for a summer night. She had that look on her face in which you could see she was
lost in her thoughts. Of memories, just like I was moments before. The white dragon was
screaming away bugs and such, the blue dragon stayed still, petting his squirrel that was
named Ao. His mask made me wonder what was under it, the color of his eyes, their
intensity. My thoughts wandered to the green dragon, his annoying personnality, his flirty
smiles, the stares. And then I realized the grave mistake I had just done. I shook my head
violently and ignored his cocky smile and his smart words.

"You couldn't get enough of me, darling?", or something like that. I could't quite remember ;
the only thing haunting my mind was their presence right in front of me. I closed my eyes
hard enough to believe it would whisk away his face. And then, I was brought back to reality
by a gentle, soft voice.

"Lone... It's your turn. Tell us your story", Yona said, still staring at the fire. And then she
turned her attention toward me as she realized that I wasn't speaking. She was pleading, with
her eyes, her face. I saw her gaze drift to my scar, watched her eyes as they lingered on my
right cheek. "I want to know."

I sighed, bringing my cloak tighter around my shoulders. I could feel Aro's presence behind
me. He wanted to know what happened ; the story behind the scar, but little did he know I
was gonna keep that part out. For my sake. For everyone's sake.

I lifted my head up and realized they were all looking at me. They were all interested. Maybe
not all in my story, but in my scar. I smiled, slowly nodded as I decided I was gonna tell them
my story, just like Yona had asked. "The information by which your father had died had never
reached Hakkon House", I started as I looked at Yona. "My family had died and I had not
known that yours had, too. I didn't have a clue as I ran out of my burning house. Everyone
was gone by the time I had gone out", my eyes were now solely on the fire, my mouth
forming the words. I was remembering Min-Ren and the fear in her eyes, the fear replacing
the hope and the relief. I remembered her body as it was dragged in the house by an invisible
force. "I was taken to the palace, thrown in a cell and as far as they knew, I was the one who
murdered my family and the staff at Hakkon House and burned my house down. I was
waiting for death to come claim me. I wanted to die in that very moment ; not of shame, not
of guilt, but because I was scared and grieving. I wanted to die until Soo-Won saved me. I
would have rather kept on arguing with him, argue that I had done it than accept his help if I
had known what he had done. I will skip my boring stay at the castle, however calm it was.
The day I left, I had overheard a conversation between Soo-Won, his advisor Kye-Sook and
the General, Joo-Doh", I remembred Joo-Doh's screams under the rain, his begging for my
going back into the castle, the one I went against. I remembered the guilt in his eyes as he
said he would have to kill me, and the despair in his face when he realized he couldn't. "They
thought I would make a great ally. They thought I would be on their side. They were trying to
persuade Soo-Won to tell me about what truly happened. They were trying to persuade him to
tell me he had killed King Il and that he put the blame on Hak, also accusing him of
kidnapping Princess Yona. But the worst was ; he wanted to marry me. By force or not. I
couldn't say no ; I could not refuse the King. I would have to go against my will, my desires.
I escaped getting married that night, when he came knocking at my door. I hated him ; I
always will. So I fled. It's funny to say this, but I had planned on finding your bodies", I said
as I offered a smile to Yona and Hak before returning my gaze to the fire. "I wanted to make
sure they got a proper burial. You deserved that much. But I encountered a problem ; several
castle guards blocking my way whatever way I used. And I met a group of people. I'll spare
you the details, but they made sure I 'technically' died. They orchestrated my death. But the
person who acted as me actually died that day. She had sacrificed herself. I had a feeling she
wasn't happy, but I never thought she wanted to die", I remembered the realization when we
knew something was wrong. I remembered her words as she flew past me and up into the
Heavens. "I made my way toward where your bodies had been said to lay dead. But I found
nothing ; instead I found a clumsy priest", I continued as I glanced toward Yoon. "Without
me telling him, he knew everything about me. Things I couldn't have known until I lived
them. And then I left, and slowly, surely, made my way to Awa Port"

I looked up at Yona. The look in her eyes told me she was deceived. She listened to my story.
But did not hear what she was waiting for the most. She wanted the reason behind my injured
cheek, wanted to know what her bestfriend had gone through. The others knew, too, but
didn't ask. I stood up abruptly and made my way toward the forest.

"I'm going for a walk. Going to be back in a few minutes"

I wasn't entirely truthfull. I had revisited every moment of my life telling them my story ; the
simple reminder of what I had gone through was enough to make panic rise inside of me. I
had needed a breath of fresh air, even if that were one of the only things surrounding us, I felt
crushed by a lack of it. The people listening, looking at me as if they could see through me
and know exactly what happened ; a part of my story I didn't want to tell. The scar was the
proof they all needed to know the moment existed. If it hadn't been there, I wouldn't have to
pretend like nothing had happened. I wouldn't have to pretend that the torture I went through
for several days hadn't existed. But it did, and even if they didn't know what exactly, they
knew, thanks to that cut sliding from my eye to my jaw. It ruined my face. It was only a
couple of minutes later, when I was far away from them, that I let my short heavy breaths
show. I let the tears fall along my cheeks. My bottom lip was trembling, my legs could barely
hold me up. I slid down against a tree, my breathing fast and uneven. I couldn't control the
tears, the panic, my breathing. I couldn't control anything. I hated this. I hated everything. I
hated myself.

I hate myself.

Then, after what seemed like an eternity, I got hold of my breaths. My cheeks had dried. I
was fixing a faraway point, my gaze not drifting away as I inhaled and exhaled like my life
depended on it. Slow and steady until I was calmed down enough. His presence appeared at
the corner of my eyes. I tried to ignore it. But then, Aro walked right in front of me, his fists
on his hips, looking down at me with deception.

"You have to be kidding me, Lone"

I was in no mood for this. "Please, Aro, if you have to scold me for anything, do it another
day. I'm way too exhausted to endure that right now"

"Why didn't you tell them?"

"For the same reason I didn't tell you, little brother. And as far as I know, it is none of your
business what I decide to keep to myself. This secret stays with me, even if the scar betrays

"Anyway, they are going to worry. You've been gone for way more than a few minutes"

"Nothing will happen to me, Aro. I can take care of myself"

"I know. But how would you feel if one of them got away from you again and didn't return
for a long while?"

I felt my chest thighten. He was right.

"I will be going back soon, trust me. Just give me time to appear presentable. My eyes
probably look red and puffy... ugly"

"Okay, change of subject then. What about that pervert guy? What was his name again? Jae-

"What about him?", I asked innocently.

"Are you kidding me? The guy's litteraly flirting with you"

I raised an eyebrow. "He's flirting with everybody, Aro. I don't know if you realized, but I'm
just another girl he has to make fall in love with him"

"And you are?"

"I am not in love with someone who considers women as a hobby"

"It's not really a hobby. He just admires them"

"Well, he has a special way of showing them he does, but that doesn't go right by me. You
don't have to be a prostitute to fall in the arms of a guy like that. Everyone does"

"And you will, too?"

"Have you not heard me? I wish for true love, not a one-sided relationship with someone who
sees me only for my beauty. Or someone who only admires me", I finished, mocking Aro.

"Aren't you gonna tell him off?"

I stood up, patting the dirt off my cloak. I started my way toward Awa, Aro's footsteps
echoing behind me.


"I already did. And he visibly didn't understand well"

"So what are you gonna do?"

"Who knows? One day, I'll grow tired enough to tell him off again. Right now, he's
"So you're gonna play with him?"

"Play with him? What's the problem with that? He's doing the same with me"

"Which makes you no better than him"

"Nuh uh. If I were really no better than him, I would not show him I don't care... or that I'm
not interested"

"If you say so...", he finally said, raising his hands in the air in surrender as I arrived near the
group a few minutes later.

"You all right, Lone?", Yoon asked me.

I offered him a smile, my gaze drifting to the sea spreading before me. "Yes. Much better"

He nodded, letting me know he understood. He seemed relieved. Yona was still by the fire,
alone. Hak and the others had gone to sleep. "I'm going to sleep. Make sure to drown out the
fire before you go, too", Yoon said.

"Sure will", I let him know as I approached Yona. I sat not too far away from her, my gaze
lingering on the fire. I saw her look up at me, a neutral expression on her face, but I could
tell, without even seeing it, that she was sad and tired. But she looked back toward the fire a
few seconds later.

"Is it that bad... whatever happened to you?", it didn't take me by surprise. I was waiting for
this, somehow. I knew she was the only one capable of asking this question outright, even if I
felt like not talking about it. A small smile appeared on my face. Like the one an older sister
would wear for her younger sister to tell her everything's alright, that she didn't have to worry
about anything. The only difference in that situation was that I was at least gonna explain to
her how bad it had been.

"Yes... Yona. It is the worst thing I've had to go through in all my life. I've debated letting
myself die. I almost did... But I'm here now, so there's nothing to worry about"

"I'm sorry you had to go through that..."

"It's not your fault. If I had been more careful, it wouldn't have happened..."

She looked up at me, tears slowly swelling her eyes. If her question hadn't surprised me, that
surely did. I turned toward her, my own tears threatening to appear at the corner of my eyes.
She threw her arms around my neck. I stayed still until my arms wrapped around her waist.

"I wish I could have been there for you, Lone!", she cried against my shoulder. "I wish you
would have been with us since we fled the castle!"

I let her cry on my shoulder for a few minutes. If the others were deranged by her screams
and cries and sorries, they didn't complain. After a while, she unwrapped her arms and looked
me in the eyes. She smiled and got up. She fell asleep near Hak. I put out the fire and joined
Though, I stayed far enough away from them so that when I woke up, in the middle of night,
panting and sweating, I wouldn't have to wake anyone because of my sudden movements. I
looked around, a little giddy. Then, putting a hand on my chest, where my heart should be, I
took a few minutes to calm my breaths. I had had another nightmare. I stood up and made my
way to the cliff. I kept my sword with me ; I didn't want to risk anything. I sat on the edge
and crossed my legs. I don't know how much time I've slept, but I wish the sun would rise

"You had a nightmare?", someone asked, making me jump. But Hak's familiar voice
restrained me from pointing my sword at him. He took a place beside me, looking toward the

"Like always... A usual thing during the last few weeks, let's just say... What about you?"

"I always keep an eye open. I heard you wake up, so I decided to join you"

"What a kind move..."

"Oh, I can go back to sleep if you want", he said, pointing back toward the others.

"No. No... Stay. Makes me feel less alone"

Silence fell, but I could guess he was preparing his next words.

"Must have been hard... being alone all this time. I heard your conversation with Yona earlier
last night"

"I never thought I would see you alive again, so it kinda makes me forget my loneliness.
Doesn't mean I would do it all over again though"

"I wouldn't, either... But, you know, the scar doesn't look that bad"

I smiled sadly, bringing my hand to my right cheek, grazing the fragile skin around the scar.
"I hate it...", there was no point in hiding that truth away from him.

"It makes you appear more mysterious and dare I say, sexier"

"Oh please, shut up!", I shouted, leaning against him to push him with my shoulder

"No, I'm for real, Lone. Use this scar as a trophy. Use it as a threat, a weapon. That wound,
added with the look in your eyes... the new one ; you won't be underestimated"

"Okay? And what does the fact that I'm sexier have anything to do with that?"

"You've grown more mature in the last weeks, Lone. Like Yona. The scar on your cheek's like
Yona's hair"

"So you admit Yona's sexier, too?", I asked, teasing him.

He shook his head, trying to block out the words I just said.

"You know, you're the only one who can say that to me without me actually threatening you
for it"

I chuckled. "Oh, that's because I'm your favorite"

"Or maybe because you're a woman"

"Hahaha", I fake laughed. "Keep lying to yourself, Hak"

"Okay, that's it. I'm going back to sleep"

"You're gonna leave me alone?"

"I sure am. You're annoying"

"And you love me for it"

"Stop talking, or I'll have to mark an "x" on 'Never hit a woman'"

A little while after he was gone, I kept smiling. Maybe it was me realizing I hadn't lost people
I extremely cared for. Maybe it was me acting with old friends like I always did, everyday of
my life, until King Il's death. Or maybe it was just a new beginning, with our friendship the
only thing following us from the past. Because for me, in that moment, nothing from my past
has followed me here, right now.
A Test of Trust
Chapter Notes

Hi, dear readers! This chapter is less about Lone's life and more about Yona's test when
aboard the pirates' ship. Yes, it's in Lone's point of view and the characters have no
choice but to acknowledge her presence (duh, she's a character, too), but anyway, there
are a lot of quotes copied from the manga, considering that Lone has joined the group.
But I promise, it will not be like that for long! I think this is the only one in which Lone
doesn't have an important part.

Hope you'll enjoy this chapter,

askjhje <3

see y'all on saturday ;)

We were all standing there, on the pirates' boat, in front of them. If my eyesight didn't betray
me, the captain of this crew was that woman, her hair-up with her pipe in her hand. She was
old, kind of looked like she should be retired, but I guessed that if she was up, standing
before us with that determined look on her face, it's because that meant she earned her place.
Her trust, though, didn't look like it would be easily earned.

"I'm Yona. Are you the captain?", Yona asked, presenting herself.

"...I am... Captain Gi-Gan", she looked distrustful. Like she wanted us off her boat this

"I heard something from Jae-Ha. He said you want to cooperate with us", Yona said.

"Yes", the captain agreed.

The captain approached us and stopped before Shin-Ha.

"What's with that mask?"

I wondered right then if she was going to try to rip it off his face and what would be his
reaction about that.

"Take it off", but she did it herself, making Shin-Ha bring his hands up to his face, instantly
hiding his eyes. And as she tried to get him to take his hands away, I couldn't restrain a small
laugh. Yoon came to Shin-Ha's defense.

"O-oh, he's an extremely shy person!"

She suddenly let go of him, turning toward us, toward Yoon, as if she was specifically talking
to him.

"The thing that matters to me the most is trust"


"Who would ask for the help of people who can't be trusted?"


I turned my attention toward Hak, waiting for his next words. He was grinning stupidly.

"We're strong, captain"

She looked like she was considering something. I backed away a few steps to let them get the
spotlight. Gi-Gan's men were surrounding them slowly. This was a show of their abilities.
And she wasn't gonna be deceived.

"If this is all they have we'll definitely win", one of them said.

"Captain, we're outnumbered no matter how you look at it", another added.

"You're right. This is too much. Right?", Hak said, making me grin.

"Yes", Ki-Ja seemed to agree.

"I alone am enough to take them all down", they both said at the same time.

The other men seemed insulted, as if they really believed they were strong enough to defeat
Hak, the white dragon and the blue dragon by themselves. "Just try it!!", one screamed. And I
watched as each one of them got beat up to the ground. They were lucky they went soft on
them, because they would have been dead otherwise. My arms were crossed on my chest,
watching the halo of bodies surrounding the three men. Jae-Ha was leaning against a door,
watching them.

"How are you feeling, Captain Gi-Gan?", he asked. She didn't look impressed ; she kept her
neutral expression.

"Do you want us now?", Hak asked her, as though daring her to refuse them, despite their
strength. He knew he had made an impression.

"It's no use, Captain. Their strength is abnormal", one of the bodies laying on the ground said.

"They're like three of me", Jae-Ha bragged, although I wouldn't put it like that. He then
looked up at me, his eyes piercing. I could see the silent question in his gaze. Why didn't I
join them? I won't have anything to prove now. I looked away, following the captain's
"You pass", she said as Yona and Yoon seemed relieved. "Don't relax too quickly, you brats.
What can you do?"

"I don't like violence, so I don't fight", Yoon answered. "Other than that, I can do anything.
Cooking, sewing, hunting, treating the wounded, and if I have the ingredients, I can make
explosives. I'm also a pretty boy"

I watched her as her gaze passed to me. "What about you?", she asked, pointing her pipe
toward me. So I lifted my head, letting some light reflect on my face. For a few seconds, she
looked at me, straight in my eyes. And for less than one, her gaze lingered on my scar,
realizing its presence. She slightly smiled. The soft look in her eyes made me freeze. This
woman... she knew. She knew what I've been through without even asking. She looked at me,
stared in my eyes, barely looked at my scar. But she saw death dancing in them. Dancing in
my eyes. She saw the pain and understood it. But for my own sake, I had to answer.

"I can fight. I'm stronger than you might think"

"Oh, I don't underestimate your abilities. With a cut like this, girl, you've got a lot on your
back, and yet, you still walk with your head high. I like you", she said, loud enough for others
to hear. And then, as her eyes shifted to Yona, I looked at my friend.

"And you? What can you do?"

"Me...? What... I can do..."

I could see the sweat rolling down her face as she tried to find things she could do on her
own. I felt bad for her, but this was her challenge, this was her fight ; not mine.

"Nothing, huh? Someone who can't do anything here will be a hindrance."


"Kum-Ji had a large number of difficult people working for him in this town. But if you don't
have the strength, then even if you fight back, you will only lose your life. It's impossible for
a little girl like you. Go home"

Even if her words were harsh, they were true, no matter the way you looked at it. But seeing
how she had grown, I knew Yona could find a way to prove herself.

"If this person cannot join then we-", the white dragon started, making me look right at him,

"Ki-Ja", Yona interrupted him. She couldn't let herself be continuously protected by other
men, other people, because in that case, she won't be able to fight for herself. But if it ended
with her not being able to prove herself, then I will find a way she will. "It's fine. It's as
captain Gi-Gan says. But there's a reason I can't retreat, either"

I could see, in the corner of my eyes, some of the men's faces lighting with surprise. But on
mine, a smile grew and as my attention drifted to the captain, I could see she saw the resolve
in Yona's heart.
"Isn't that nice? How about I give you a job... that will prove whether or not you'll be useful...
or whether you'll be a person I can place my trust in? A high-risk job"

"A high-risk job...?", Yona asked, curious.

"Yes. Right now, you're extra baggage that serves no purpose. If the baggage is to fight
alongside us against Kum-JI... I'll need to see if you are appropriately prepared to do it"


I kept staring at them, a little confused of how much importance that test held. The riddle in
the captain's voice made me impatient.

"Understood", Yona agreed. "What should I do?"

"How about you go and pick the senjusou?"

And as I looked around at her crew, the men were really making their worried opinions

"Captain, that's a bit too much..."

"Don't interrupt me! Senjusou grows on the vanishing cape. It's a medicinal remedy that can
cure the sick and wounded three times faster than normal"

I could see in Yoon's eyes how excited he looked, but he did not seem to realize the way
Yona would use to get there. I've been to Awa Port a few times when I was young, and any
normal traveler would say they don't know what the vanishing cape was or where it was, but I
knew almost everything about this beautiful city and I sure knew what it looked like.

"It's a valuable medicine within Kouka Kingdom that only grow on the vanishing cape. The
people in Awa who know about it are small in number", of course I didn't know about it until
now... "Because there is a small amount, it must not be completely plucked. Of course, Kum-
Ji must not come to know of it. They would sell it and place an outrageously high tax on it. If
we have that plant, our injured comrades will recover quicker. It's something we'll greatly
need for future battles. The guy who usually picks it has been injured. If you do it in his
place... You'll be accepted"

"I understand"

"Oh, I forgot to tell you", she said as she approached Yona near enough that their faces were
only a few centimeters apart. Her pipe was pointing above her chest. She was slightly leaned
toward her. Yona was listening. "The senjusou grows on the side of a very steep cliff. Nobody
is to lend you a hand in getting it. And you are to go alone"

"Wha...?!", Yoon and Ki-Ja shouted, visibly concerned. I was frowning, worried. "So that
was your plan from the start!", Yoon said, turning toward our red head friend. "Yona, this is
I wanted to agree with him, help him in dissuading her from getting it, but I had to give her a
chance to do this. I had to believe in her.

"Yoon, please...", Yona called his name, trying to wave away his worries. "This is my job"

"That's the spirit", Gi-Gan said, a smile decorating her lips. "Jae-Ha, guide her"

"Yeah, yeah", he reluctantly agreed, rubbing the back of his head. I watched him as he
approached Yona, daring him to not keep an eye out for her. His gaze met mine and he
winked at me, making me flinch.

"Well, then... I'll be leaving for a bit. I'll be back soon, okay?", Yona said enthusiastically, as
Jae-Ha led her off the boat.

"Is it alright to let her go?", Yoon asked.

"We have no choice", I finally chimed in. "This is her fight, whether we like it or not. I know
your blood is telling you to save her or whatever, but you need to understand that she can't
always rely on you all"

"She's right", Hak agreed, even though he looked heavily worried. He had not said a thing
about Yona's decision, had not reacted, had not even flinched or jumped in surprise until now.
He knew he had to let her go, just as much as I did, even if it was dangerous. I sat beside him.

"I'm pretty sure Jae-Ha's gonna stay close enough to be able to save her if something
happens", I said, trying to reassure him as much as myself.

"I don't care if that droopy-eyed pervert is there to keep an eye out for her, I would have to be
there to keep still"

I gave up trying to calm him down. It was of no use. For the next minutes, I was pacing back
and forth, waiting for her to appear in front of me. The more time she was taking, the more
worried I grew. Smaller conversations were going on between Yoon and the two dragons. A
few others between the crew members. I had let my hood down ; it helped me breathe better.
It let my hair fly with the light wind. To my surprise and satisfaction, it didn't earn me weird
looks and judgement, which made me feel good. And as the minutes went by, and the voices
were low, there was one question that had me looking toward the captain, loud enough so
everyone could hear.

"What's wrong, Captain?", one of them asked.

My eyes set on the woman, watching as her eyes traveled over the sea. She seemed alarmed,

"The sea has become rough"

"Huh? Really?", he asked again, visibly confused. The sea looked as calm as it had a few
mintues before, but I wasn't gonna doubt the intuition of a pirate.

"At this rate, that girl will be in trouble if she doesn't hurry up."
And the next second, Hak was up and away, running toward where Yona and Jae-Ha had
been seen to go.

"Thunder Beast!", Yoon called.

"Hak!", I called after him, running in the same direction he did.

"Lone!", I heard my name being called, but I ignored it. I had to stop Hak before he made a
mistake. But I also had to make sure Yona was okay. I needed to be sure nothing was gonna
happen to her. They all followed us, some slower than others. When we all arrived, the
captain was standing between Hak and Yoon. Yoon looked like he was about to throw up, the
white dragon had already fainted, while the others looked as calm as they always were. I had
some difficulties trying to keep a straight face as my eyes set on the steep cliff I had only
seen once. It had looked smaller and less dangerous in my memories. This was frightening.

"Hey... The senjusou grows in this type of place...?", Yoon asked, trying to convince himself
that it wasn't true, that there was no way that it could be real.

"I said it was a steep cliff, didn't I?", the captain repeated.

"It's too steep!!", Yoon screamed.

The wind was harsh, the water threatening. Yona would be pushed off this cliff with a small
wave. I had to agree with Yoon on this one. But I couldn't object to what my bestfriend had
agreed to. Not now, not until she was truly dead. And I really hope I'll never have to object.

"This is too much! The sea is rough, and the raging winds could have blown her away!",
Yoon shouted, making it even worse.

"I am going down to help her", the white dragon said.

His words had me moving in front of him, blocking his path to Yona.

"Get out of my way! I have to save her!", he screamed at me, trying to find a way around me.
I unsheathed my sword. As much as I didn't want to do this, I had to. I pointed the blade at
his throat. The captain was turned toward us.

"That girl took on this job to earn my trust. Do you all want to tread on her resolve?"

"So back off, please", I said, pleading with my eyes, looking at Ki-Ja.

"Don't you want to save her? She's your bestfriend, isn't she?"

"Yona is just a girl!", Yoon cried out.

"Even women have times when they must fight", the captain said, making my gaze fly toward
her. "Don't underestimate them"

I could see the chills going down Yoon's back ; the expression on his face said that much. He
looked scared, scared of her.
"Are you fine with this, Hak?", Ki-Ja asked, turning to the guy in question. "Even if Lone
won't help her, surely you would save her, right? Hak!"

He had that look on his face ; like he wanted to do something but he knew he couldn't. He
didn't look approachable.

"Yona...", Yoon murmured, tears appearing in his eyes, as if he somehow knew that Yona was
dead. And that if she weren't yet, she was going to.

"Don't despair, yet!", I shouted. "Believe in her, a little, would you? She's way stronger than
in your thoughts, you stupid brats!"

Then, I saw the blue dragon pat Yoon on the shoulder. He was pointing in a direction, which I
immediately looked in. I squinted, trying to see what Shin-Ha was seeing, but I couldn't see

"Yona!!", Yoon called, finally noticing her presence.

A relieved smile appeared on my face, making me breathe more easily as I realized she was
still alive.

"You all came!", Yona screamed, happy to see us. Yoon was the first one to run towards her,
his arms out, ready to hug her. But she wasn't entirely done with this test.

"Where is the senjusou?", the captain asked.

"Right here", Yona said, pulling a small bag out of her cloak.

"Indeed, it is", Gi-Gan confirmed as she looked within the bag after taking it away from
Yona's hands as she offered it to her. "Then, did you keep your promise...?"

"No", my eyes widened. "I received help from Jae-Ha"

As I looked toward him, he looked as alarmed as I was.

"Yona!", he screamed, trying to dissuade her from making a mistake.

"A big wave suddenly came and almost threw me out to sea... Jae-Ha rescued me", she didn't
feel ashamed of being honest. She was ready to take responsibility for all of it. "I wasn't able
to use my own strength"

"Does that meant you're giving up?", the captain asked, visibly confused of what Yona
wanted to do. What was her purpose exactly?

"No. I'll go get it again by myself"

I only smiled, but I watched the captain's expression. She was surprised, but then exploded
laughing. "If Jae-Ha had stood by and let a girl who had fallen into the sea die, I would have
thrown him into the sea myself", she approached her, examining her. "Your eyes are red. You
cried a great deal, didn't you?"
"Salt water just got into my eyes!", she said, but I could see she was ashamed of that.

"Your hands are injured, and your legs are wobbly. You have guts, don't you? People like you
never abandon their comrades even when they're in the face of danger. I don't dislike idiots
like that. Get on the boat"

I smiled as I heard people cheer her on. And as her eyes met mine, finally, she smiled. I
approached her and wrapped my arms around her, earning complaints from the guys around.

"I'm proud of you, Yona", I said, as her arms wrapped around my waist.

I broke the hug a few seconds after, watching her fall to her knees as she let out an exhausted

"You should get some rest, Yona!", the white dragon screamed, alarmed by her sudden fall. I
shook my head as I walked away, toward the edge of the cliff. I kept my gaze on the sea, on
the bright sun mirroring against its bluish color. I smiled, realizing how much of a good day
today was.
From Me to Another
Chapter Notes

I'm gonna be honest. I promised myself I would not previously arrange every chapter of
this story, but visibly, I broke that promise. I've just organized the next chapters, from 19
to 30, and I'm gonna be honest. Prepare yourselves, because they're gonna be HARSH.
I'm sorry, really, but I love the outcome of everything. Hope you'll love them. So here is
the first chapter of an emotional ride. It's not over.

Enjoy this wonderful chapter,

askjhje <3
see you tomorrow (you read right) ;)

I'm staring in nothing in particular. I'm staring at my own thoughts. How I was ready to let
Yona die so she could earn the captain's trust. I don't know what I was thinking. I only now
realize how mean and horrible I had been to myself. Realizing the violent death that could
have taken Yona away from me, I feel disgusting at my previous reaction. I can't stop
thinking about how I would have lost her, and how torturous it would have been to remind
me everyday that I was part of the reason why she had died. I kept trying to remind myself,
though, that she hadn't, that she had survived, even if it was with shaky legs, injured hands
and red eyes. She was there, I was there and that's all that mattered. But it didn't chase away
my worries. I don't know what I would have done if she would have perished among the

I was standing near the edge of the cliff, looking straight in front of me, thinking. Thinking
and thinking and thinking until I could get back to the boat. My feet refused to move, refused
to bring me away. But maybe I didn't want to. Maybe until the guilt was gone, I couldn't
allow myself to walk, to walk away from the horror of my thoughts. I kept staring and
thinking until a voice reached my ears.

"You have the strength, but do you have the will to use it?"

I turned around and there she was. The old woman, the captain of the pirates. She might have
seen me, thought about why I would have been standing there, at the edge of the cliff. I felt
ashamed of how vulnerable I looked like to her.

"You think my reasons for joining you are not as convincing as Yona's?"

"Maybe... Maybe not. You tell me"

"I don't want to stand by while other women are being treated like toys, like entertainment. I
don't want to stand by while the officers in this town, as well as Kum-Ji, keep thinking it is
their right to act like dogs, animals, however right it may look to them"

"There's that look you had earlier. I was wondering if it were just an act ; if I could believe
the pain behind them"

"I wouldn't fake that pain", it felt like I was being accused of something I hadn't done. I was
angry... angry at this woman for believing it was an act, for believing my past was just a joke.

"I sure as hell don't know the exact story behind those eyes, but I know some of the lines.
Guessed them"

"Why am I not surprised? You look old enough to have experienced a few things yourself"

She was looking at me in wonder. She had a small smile floating on her lips, as if she weren't
sure she wanted it there. As if she were hesitating. She knew I was not the type of woman to
let myself be brought down by another, and if I ever was, I would be up in no time, not giving
them the chance to realize that I had not succumbed to them.

"What happened to them?", she asked out of pure curiousness. I could see its glints, its marks
in her eyes, but that was it. There was nothing else on her face that would tell me she wanted
to know. It was telling me enough about that woman. She had learned to disguise her
feelings, her past, her emotions. She recognized her younger self in me, knew what it had
been like to act as if nothing ever happened, as if the pain was not there. I turned toward the
horizon, leaving her to gaze at my back.

"I killed them", I said coldly. She found her way to my side and we soon shared the same
view. "Every single one of them"

"How many?"


She did not answer. She did not apologize for what I had gone through. And I was glad she
didn't. Until the men were brought down to their knees and begging for our forgiveness,
begging to offer us their apologies, I would not accept any from any men or women on this
earth. I felt her reaction to be the only one I would ever accept with wide arms. Then, she
turned toward me.

"I think you blame yourself for not suggesting you help your friend, earlier"

I kept silent, turning my attention toward her. I hated the way she could read me like a book.

"But I think that's because you believe the same thing as I did. I think you know women have
to fight to survive, and that it's necessary in this life. I think you hated the way these boiys
were trying to get rid of that war for her. The war standing atop her shoulders. It was her
fight, and you hated that they almost stole it away from her"

After a few seconds, I nodded, slowly and hesitantly, but I nodded.

"I feel guilty. What if she had died?"

"Then, it would have meant she was not strong enough for this life. She chose a different path
than most women, like you did, which means she has to fight for each step to stay on that
path. Below is a precipice, dangerous, deadly, unwelcoming. There are far worse things that
can happen in one's life than retrieving that medicinal plant, and you know it. You've gone
through it. And there's worse than that, still, and I know you know that"

I escaped a small laugh, rolling my eyes.

"How do I stop you from reading me like an open book, Captain Gi-Gan?"

"Years and years of experience. As you get older, you learn to hide it more. And it gives you
the ability to see yourself in the younger ones. As I do with you"

I nodded in understanding. "Did you tell anyone? Of what you went through"

"No. And do not take my answer to be yours. Because you do whatever you like with this...
secret of yours. You can tell it, you can keep it, you can hide it in riddles, in lies, in wonders,
or you can draw it, write it, sing it, dance it. You can do whatever you want with it, but do not
base your choice off of mine. Do not ever base your choices off of other people's"

I could see myself through this woman. I could relate to her every words, and sentences. I
could relate to her.

"Can I bother you ladies with my beautiful and charming presence?"

I turned toward that male voice.

"Do not call me lady", I said.

"You should revisit your ways of calling out to women", Gi-Gan stated, turning toward Jae-

"Why? They work each and every time"

"Stop lying to yourself", I said.

"Oh, I doubt that", the Captain added.

He seemed pensive. He was slowly approaching us.

"You two sound like two versions of the same person. How lucky am I?"

"The only thing you'll be lucky to have is a bruise on your face"

"Why, do me the honor to have your hands on me, Lady Lone"

He was near enough that I leaned forward, pointing my finger to his chest as I said my next
"Call me 'Lady Lone' one more time, and I'll stick to what I had planned on doing the first
time we met"

"Oh, I would beg to be killed by your hands, Lone", he was staring at me with his usual
smirk, as if he knew he was winning the game.

"Do you?", the captain asked." 'Cause I've just heard you retracting the noble title"

Jae-Ha turned to look at her, straightening his back.

"Did I?"

"You did, I assure you", I added, returning his attention back to me in an instant, his flirty
expression back on like it had never disappeared.

"Well, if I die, I won't have the chance to make you two fall in love with me. It would be a
pity, would it not?", he spoke like he was only speaking to me. He was looking at me, even
when he meant both of us women.

"I think not"

"Stop flirting with me, or I'll give you a reason to die. And I'll kill you myself", the captain

She always talked with unbothered calm. Even when she was pushing him away over and
over again. She looked like she was tired of his manners, but not of his presence. I had no
idea for how long these two had known each other, but I was sure she had warmed up to him.
And I wondered, for less than a second, if I ever would as well.

"I hate when your attention is away from me. What are you even contemplating, Lone?", Jae-
Ha asked, bringing me back to reality. I frowned, looking up at him. The sound of my bare
name on his lips made me flinch.

"Should we not get back to the boat?", I said, going around him, completely running away
from his questions and his eyes. I would do anything, right now, to avoid his gaze. I would do
anything to stop looking at him. He did not stop me as I ran back to the boat, and I thanked
the Heavens that he did not.

Jae-Ha 's POV

I watched her as she ran away. The hood of her cloak bouncing on her back as she ran, her
dark hair floating around her head.

"What are you on, you stupid brat?", Captain asked, as she walked passed me, following the
same path Lone used.

"What do you mean? I am not on anything. I am completely sober", I said, following her.

"Sure you are. Your flirting looks forced, as if you're unsure"

"Unsure of what exactly, Captain? Of whether or not I want your attention?", I teased.

"Stop this, Jae-Ha, you know who I'm talking about"

"No, be more precise, please. I have had a lot of relationships before, and I do not know
which one you are talking about"

"Relationships? Please, you've never had anything serious with anyone before. Or maybe you
hope there would be more than one night stands with that girl ; that's why you hesitate"

"What? Me? Come on, Captain, you know me better than this. I make people fall in love, I
am charming, I am attractive. I have my fun, that's all"

"That's exactly my point. I know you. And I know when you are flawlessly flirting. I know
when your only purpose is to bring them to your bed or let them dull enough so you can get
into theirs"

"No, it's a bonus. They want to. I'd rather spend quality time with a woman, than sleep with

"Isn't that the same thing for you?"

"Come on, captain, you cannot compare quality time over quantity..."

"Sure. So what's your purpose now?"

"To please, to do what I do best. Make girls fall in love with me. Be charmed by me"

"And I reckon you only know of one who has never fallen for your charm"

"Well, Captain, you speak of yourself so highly!"

"Shut your mouth, we're not talking about me. I don't count"

"Well, then, we're talking about Lone?"

"Yes, obviously. What are you gonna do about her?"

"What am I- Captain. I'm going to make her succumb to my charms"

I could see one of her eyebrows rise within the corner of my eye. "What if you succumb to
hers, first? She sure is different than the others"

"It doesn't usually happen. So why would it, now?"

"The day you're gonna stop pretending you're immune to love, you're gonna come beg for me
to console you when that girl rejects you for good"

"I have no idea of what you speak, captain"

"Yeah, those girls didn't either"

I had no idea what she was talking about, truly. But when we were back on the boat, my eyes
searched for her. It's like I could not control my gaze. It's like I could not stop my mind from
wanting to see her. And when my eyes stopped on her hidden figure, wrapped in her cloak,
my eyes lingered on her face. She kept a hand on the ramp, her eyes watching the horizon.
Her hair was driven by the wind. It wasn't strong. But it was strong enough to raise a few
strands of hair. Her gaze seemed soft. She looked pensive. And I wanted to go toward her, I
wanted to walk to her, talk to her, flirt with her, but I was way too scared I would bother her.
Why would I be scared of that, though? It had never been a concern of mine before, so why
would I restrain myself from approaching her? From talking to her. I wanted to. And as I was
about to take a step forward, I was stopped.

"Hey, Jae-Ha! You need to show us how you throw your knives! We've been thinking about a
new way we could fight."

I saw her gaze shift toward mine just before I turned to look toward them. Why did they have
to interrupt me? And as I brought my eyes back to her, she was already looking at the sea. I
looked at her... no, I stared at her until I could not see her anymore, until she was out of my
line of sight, wishing she would just turn and meet my gaze. But she did no such thing...
Chapter Notes

Hi, dear readers! I'm gonna take this opportunity to remind you people that this story is a
slow burn and to say that it will stretch over the manga, so I'm warning you ; there will
be spoilers. Anyway, let's go. Thank you to Yokaz, Any3, larme_obscure,
empyreanwwx, AlexisTasartir and 8 guests for leaving Kudos on my story and thank
you to AlexisTasartir for bookmarking it. I might be too excited for this, but thank you
for the 200 hits!

I hope you love this,

askjhje <3

and see you on tuesday ;)

"It's exquisite, Yoon, thank you", I said as I brought the chopsticks to my mouth.

The young boy slightly blushed, proud to be praised. His food has always been good. These
days, I found myself choosing his cooking instead of the professional cooks at Hakkon House
or the Castle. Plus, he took this opportunity to make a meal with seafood. I had eaten seafood
before, but whatever Yoon used to compliment his meals made the seafood soup a hundred
times better than I had anticipated.

"Well, thank you, Lone. I'm glad you like it"

"Delicious...!", Yona sang.

"Well, of course. It's my pirate deluxe seafood soup! With all these fancy ingredients, there's
no way it wouldn't be good"

I laughed. "No need to explain yourself, Yoon. Your cooking will stay one of the best!", I

"Ki-Ja thinks it's good, too", Yona exclaimed, turning toward the white dragon.

"W-w-w- what kind of bug is this?!", he screamed, a crab leg between his chopsticks.

"That's crab! Watch and learn from Shin-Ha. He can devour anything"

"I don't think using Shin-Ha as an example is quite useful, Yoon", I said to Yoon as I turned
toward Ki-Ja, his face pale. "Look, just eat it. It's not gonna hurt you ; it's dead. And
moreover, it's delicious"
"This is really good, kid! Come be my wife!", one of the pirates shouted before Ki-Ja could

"No way. Not to a rogue who has no job. By the way, does anyone know what happened to
my honey?"

"Aaah, this pirate soup is nice and warm", Hak said, as if diverting Yoon's attention away
from him. I squinted, leaning toward him.

"Do you have anything to do with this?", I asked.

He leaned in, looking around as if to make sure certain people were far enough not to hear.

"I might have used a big part of it to help Yona get rid of the splinters in her hands"

"Uh-huh? You don't need all of the bottle to do that, Hak. What the hell happened?"

He straightened up and lifted the bowl over his mouth, sliding the food with his chopsticks
directly in his mouth. Then, he put the bowl down and got up. I was still waiting for my

"Wow. I'm full. I think I'm gonna go for a walk. What about a swim?", I shook my head and
rolled my eyes as he walked away. My eyes landed on Yona, as she walked over to the
captain and offered her some food.

I watched them lean over the ramp, their mouths moving even when I couldn't hear them. I
found some comfort in watching them acting as serene as they could be. It looked to me like
a conversation between mother and daughter. It seemed to me like an honest conversation.
After a while, I emptied the food in my bowl and picked up Hak's. I approached Yoon and
gave him the bowls.

"Yoon, do you need help with the dishes?" I asked.

"No, but thank you for offering your help"

"Of course", I said as I turned to leave. My eyes met someone else's. I stopped in my tracks,
surprised. He looked like he had been staring for a while. He was leaning against a wall, and I
could barely distinguish the blue of his eyes because of the distance separating us and the
dark of the night. My smile dropped slowly as I held my gaze. With a single look, I dared him
to move, to break this contact. He seemed to understand, because he suddenly grinned. He
wanted to play. But as I blinked, and I opened my eyes, he was jumping away. I ignored him
and went back to sit where I had been sitting. I lost myself in my thoughts, rethinking the
previous events of the day. When I was up on the cliff with Gi-Gan and Jae-Ha, when he
came back after I had run away, and I barely met his gaze as he had been called by some of
the other pirates. I had been so surprised that I had turned my head back toward the sea and I
stared at it, refusing to let my mind wander off to his face just before he took his attention
away from me. It still stuck with me. And now, this...
I was distracted from my thoughts as a chill wind passed by me. I lifted me head, only to see
Shin-Ha walking toward the ramp, staring toward the horizon. I frowned, looking up at him.
And as Yona came back from whatever discussion she had with Gi-Gan, she called his name.

"Shin-Ha... What's wrong?", she said as I stood up. Confused, I slowly walked closer to them.

"Boats", he said, deepening my frown. "Boats have gathered at the harbour"

I knew everybody had listened to him. I stood beside him and looked forward at what I
couldn't see.

"How many are there?", I asked as I turned my head toward him.


"7 boats?!", someone shouted, making me run back to the others.

"People with weapons are on board"

I turned toward the captain as she spoke. "That damn Kum-Ji! Does he plan on intimidating
us? Gather the brats"

"I'm gonna go find Hak", I said, running toward where I had seen him leave earlier.

"Kum-JI is probably planning to go through with a large-scale trafficking deal soon. The
recipient will be the Kai Empire", the captain stated.

"The Kai Empire?!", Yona exclaimed, seeming surprised.

"Kum-Ji has had relations with them over the years, since he became the lord of this city", I
said, looking at my friend. "It's only normal that he has clients over there. Given his cruelty, it
would only be normal to think of the Kai Empire as a recipient in this case. Awa is close to
the country"

"Exactly", Gi-Gan approved, looking toward me. "Kum-Ji has been slowly building up
manpower. Perhaps it's because the upcoming transaction is of utmost importance to him.
And also so he can finally crush the pirates who have confronted him all these years. If shots
are fired at the harbour, the people living in the area will end up getting hurt, so we will
attack Kum-JI's boat instead. The deal will go down in the middle of the ocean between Awa
and the Kai Empire"

"The problem is we don't know when it will be carried out", Jae-Ha added, visibly worried.
"And we don't know what boat the girls will be on"

"That's right", the captain said. "Kum-Ji will have people at the dealing that can be used as
hostages. If we recklessly attack the boats, the people being sold will get mixed up in the
fight. On the other hand, the girls will be taken to the Kai Empire if we stand by and do
nothing. Is there any other way to ensure the safety of those women?"
"But the possibility of Kum-Ji being there for this important deal is high, right?", one of the
pirate shouted, making me turn my head toward the captain, hope and anger shining in my

"Finding him and stopping him ought to be quick for us, right?", another added. "After all...,
this time we have allies backing us up!"

"Stop him?", I asked, their heads turning toward me with curiosity, as if I was going to
counter their words. "By stopping him, I hope you mean killing him..."

"Do what you want, but we still need a little more information", she said as she turned toward
the wall to retrieve a knife. "For us, this is the perfect opportunity. We will beat down Yang
Kum-Ji and the officers who have oppressed the people of Awa and have corrupted this town
for more than ten years. No matter what it takes. We will restore freedom to this town", with
a swing, she stabbed her knife through the wood of the table on which the map was laying.
"This time, I too will take up my blades. Follow me until the very end... you brats!"

As her men shouted in agreement, I only smiled. Turning on my heels, I found my way out of
the room. I arrived on deck and walked to the ramp, staring at the dark and calm sea
spreading before me. The moon was high up into the sky. The stars were making it brighter,
illuminating the water just a little to make it sparkle. And as I heard footsteps behind me, my
heart began beating faster. I had thought they were not following me, but my hand grabbed
the hilt of my sword and I unsheathed it, bringing the tip of the blade to the person's throat,
rotating on my heels. Jae-Ha had his hands lifted into the air, as if in surrender, a grin pulling
on the corner of his lips.

"What the hell are you doing out here?", I asked as I willed my heart to a calmer beat.

"Making sure you were okay. It's night"

"And we're on a boat... with people we know... so there's nothing to worry about"

"Exactly. So why are you so on edge?", I squinted my eyes at him, angry. I didn't answer,
though. And when his eyes finally drifted away from mine, he looked down at the blade still
mere inches from his neck.

"Are you gonna lower your sword?"

"Should I? Considering how much of a pervert you are, I'd choose otherwise", even then, I
lowered in an sheathed it.

"With such slim limbs and see-through skin, I'm surprised you can still find the strength to
bring a sword to my neck"

"After seeing me jump out of a window and knock out two guards, you're still surprised at
how much power I wield?"

He squinted as well, slowly losing his smile.

"Who are you? What have you gone through that made you so cold?"
"I am fighting everyday to become as strong as I was when I left the castle", I let out, turning
to lean against the ramp. Jae-Ha joined me.

"What happened when you left it?"

"Something I'd rather not talk about"

"Is 'what you don't want to talk about' what or who gave you that scar?"

"You're asking too many questions"

"I just want to know"

"And I don't want you to"

"Why not?"

"Stop pushing"

"What if I don't?"

"It won't get you anywhere, Jae-Ha, so stop pushing"


Stunned by his answer, I backed away from the ramp and looked at him with anger and fear.
"What?", I asked, as he turned toward me.

"Men did this to you?"

I stayed silent. I kept staring at him and I could see the worry in his eyes. I tried to shut out
my emotions... the memories.

"This look in your eyes..."

"What about it?"

"Nothing. I'm sorry"

He looked away, toward the sea, the sky. Whatever was in front of him. I saw a smile making
his way back to his face.

"Ah, it's not funny being serious. I'm sorry for that. I shouldn't have pushed you"

I frowned, confused by his sudden change of expression. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

He turned his head toward me, his flirty expression back on his face. "Men can be the worst
monsters you'll ever encounter. But this can't stop me from making you fall in love with me,
I lifted both my eyebrows and leaned my side against the ramp. "What makes you think I'll
ever love you one day?"

"It's written in the stars", he teased, looking up into the sky. I couldn't stop myself from

"Yeah? And you gave that line to how many women?", I asked, visibly amused.


"I bet you answer each one of them this when they ask you that question"

"No, I'm serious, Lone. If you didn't hear me before, I don't even have the time to say that to
them that they're already at my feet. But who knows, maybe it is really written in the stars?"



I scoffed, shaking my head in annoyance. "And I'm serious when I say that I won't ever fall in
love with you, Jae-Ha, so get over me before you fall for me"

Jae-Ha's POV

I watched her as she walked away. I sighed, losing my playful expression, turning my head
toward the sea. "I'm afraid it might too late"

I thought back to the expression on her face. The look in her eyes. As if you could see death
itself moving around in her gaze. It felt like it was her only defense. At least, I think that's
what she thinks. She has a sword and a strength that would impress anyone ; why didn't she
use it? What doesn't she use it? I keep asking myselt what this woman would have done to
deserve whatever punishment she got. I kept thinking about her face, the anger and the fear in
it when I first met her. She had been so scared back then, looked like she was capable of
doing anything to me in that moment.

And I kept wondering as I went to bed, locking myself in my room.

I tossed and turned all night, trying to find sleep. I wondered at some point if she had
difficulty sleeping as well. I had to fight the urge to go knock on her door and ask whether or
not she was awake. It's ridiculous how much it infuriates me ; that I would want to do that. I
suddenly remembered the previous conversation I had with Captain Gi-Gan before the blue
dragon saw the boats.

"I want to, but he said he didn't want to leave with me", Yona had said.

"He still can't leave the nest, huh?", the captain asked, amused.

"That's not true, captain. I really prefer being on my own. When the pirates disband, I'll just
set out on my own. What will happen to me if I start hanging out with those monstruous
dragons? I would consider it if it were just Yona and I traveling together. Oh, but...", I said as
I jumped off of where I was sitting. "Babysitting wears me out. Maybe I would do it it if you
were a ltitle older"

"You're a bully! Just like Hak", she said, frustrated as she walked away.

"That's interesting..."

"How unusual. When you see women, you usually spout nothing but sweet talk. Is it because
of Lone? Have you become uneasy because of her?"

"Lone who?"

She scoffed, not amused by my diversion.

But she didn't have time to answer because Shin-Ha had realized the presence of the boats at
the harbour. And yet, I wonder... if the captain was right. If I have become uneasy because of

"Lone who?"

I smacked my hand over my face.

What is my problem?
Plus One
Chapter Notes

The 21st chapter posted on the 21st day of the month, enjoy my little darling readers!
askjhje <3

We have been carrying things around all morning. Some others were training, with Shin-Ha's
help or Hak's, who couldn't bother offering it for free. Yoon was scolding the injured, nursing
them in some way.

Personnally, I had been of extra help only. It's not like I didn't want to train, it's that I was too
scared that I would have lost all my strength and skills. I have been waiting to gain some
weight before training again, and I felt like my swordsmanship had taken a great hit. From
the corner of my eyes, I watched Yona struggle with a heavy bag with what I guessed was
flour in it. I approached her and took it off her shoulders.

"It's fine Yona. Let me take care of it"

I was surprised when I struggled to lift it up. Before, I would have been able to support twice
maybe thrice that weight. And I realize, for the hundredth time since that day, that it'll take
some time to heal fully. And whether I'd like to admit it or not ; I wasn't helping myself.

"You can take a break, you know!", one of the pirates said, passing beside me with Ki-Ja.

"Leave this task to us, Yona", I said, as I started walking with the boys.

"You mean, leave this task to me!", Ki-Ja beamed, trying to take the bag of flour away from
me. Throwing it over my shoulder, I lifted an eyebrow.

"Come on, White Snake, I bet I'm stronger than you", I said.

"Don't call me White Snake!"

"Why not? Hak does, why shouldn't I?", I laughed, making it visible I was laughing at him.

"And you're not stronger than me!", he suddenly reacted, remembering the other half of my

"All your strength is in your right arm, you stupid dragon. Your left arm is merely stronger
than a child's"

"You can't compare the strength of the Hakuryuu!"

"Oh, hell yes I can!", I shouted as I threw the bag off my shoulder and on the ground. "And I
just did"

I walked away without giving him another chance to object. The other crew members that
were moving things around were discouraging him of starting a fight with me, reminding him
of his job for today. When I get back towards the others, Yona is no where to be seen.

"Where is Yona?", I asked.

"Gone to town with Jae-Ha", a pirate said.

Surprised, I only nodded. I shrugged as I slowly made my way towards the people who were
training. I unsheathed my sword, swinging it, grazing the ground with it as dust lifted off in
the air.

"Hey, Lone! Wanna exchange blows?", I looked to the side, watching as a few of the pirates
had their sword lifted, ready to fight. I thought for merely two seconds before I had made my

This would be fun. I wouldn't refuse warming up.

"Sure", I accepted. "But I don't promise you anything. I haven't trained for a few weeks", I
said as I put a hand on my shoulder and rolled it back and forth, my sword in hand.

"That should be easy, then", one of them said.

I grinned. Let's just hope I still have plenty of strength to fight each one of them off.

"Who's first?"

"I am!"

He approached me and I lifted an eyebrow. They were waiting on the side while another was
standing between us.

"3, 2, 1, FIGHT!", he screamed as I watched my opponent jump towards me. I was a little
startled by his sudden take of action, but I shouldn't expect less from a pirate. I blocked each
one of his attacks, before pushing him away effortlessly with one hand behind my back.
Sliding toward him, I hit the hilt of the sword where his fingers weren't and stared as it went
flying, hitting the ground not far away.

"What the hell was that?"

"She moved so fast!"

"I didn't even see her!"

"Again!", my opponent said before going to retrieve his sword.

I looked at him, unsurprised. "Maybe you should leave your comrades here get a taste before
you spar with me again", I said. "Or maybe train a little more before you come back only to
get beaten by a woman"

"You're dreaming! You were just lucky!", he shouted as he joined his friends.

"Sure... Lucky. Who's next?"

Another one made his way in front of me, while the made-up referee of this little game
shouted for us to commence. I made a swift move to approach my opponent, dropping low as
I kicked my leg, sliding my foot against the ground as I rotated, bringing him down as my
foot hit his legs. He fell to the ground, and as I brought my blade to his throat, the match was
over before it had began.

"She didn't use her sword to render him powerless!", one complained.

"Aren't we supposed to use swords?"

"You must be capable of anything to defeat your opponent", I said. "You need to use your
head and your body. Sometimes, the sword is only an accessory, as well as the bow and
arrow, or knives, daggers or spears, whatever you usually use on a battlefield"

"Okay! So I'll go next!", another one said as he came out of the crowd, coming to stand
before me.


And he was in front of me in a matter of milliseconds. He was fast! But it didn't faze me ; I
had my sword up as his ricocheted with mine. He jumped a few feet away from me, before
charging toward me again. Before he could even realize it, I was moving out of the way
before his sword met mine. I was standing behind him, but he had enough time to react, as he
turned around, attacking me. I kept a straight face as I slid my blade across his, making him
almost stumble to the ground. I was behind him in less than a second, my blade against his
neck. But before he could use his body to attack me, I hit the back of his knees, making him
fall to the ground.

"You're dead", I said, finally. He was up, standing in front of me with an embarassed smile.
He rubbed the back of his head. "But impressive. The average person can't even hold a fight
for more than 10 seconds"

He smiled a new smile, proud of himself. For an hour afterward, I sparred against every crew
member, except the wounded and I beat every single one of them. Some others even wanted
to challenge me again and I let them, until they were too tired to even stand. My warm up had
turned into my full training.

"Come on, Lone! Go a little easier on them!", Yoon shouted. "I don't think we have enough
Senjusou for this!"
"Get over it, Yoon. Most of their injuries are minor cuts and bruises... or their egos, so you
don't have to use Senjusou"

My eyes met with Jae-Ha's. It was clear he had been staring at me for a while. He had seen
me fight against them. But what struck me most was that he was back from town. I wanted to
ask him what he had learned, since I heard from Yona that their visit into town was fruitful,
but a hand landed on my shoulder. I turned around, meeting Hak's eyes.

"So, how do you feel about a little match between us?"

"Really?", I asked, forgetting all about my previous intentions. "I don't know why you always
sound so excited about fight me when you win every single time"

"It's because you're the only person who has come closest to beat me in a fight. I always
enjoy exchanging blows with you, as long as you don't try to kill me"

"I don't know, Hak, I'm exhausted. I'll bet you'll change your mind after this if we fight. I
used all my strength on them"

"Come on, it'll be fun"

I looked at him and I could see the pleading in his eyes.

"Fine! But don't go easy on me because I said I was exhausted. I won't forgive you"

"Never", he teased as he swung his spear around him.

I shook my head and waited for him to swing first, and I didn't wait long, because I had only
the time to take a fighting stance. He aimed his spear above my head. I ducked easily. I saw
his slight movement as he lowered it, making me jump the second before I saw it pass below
me. The next swing was supposed to hit my head again, but as I ducked this time, I brought
my sword high as I hit his spear away from me. I attacked from right and left, as fast as I
could for a few seconds, watching him defend as he backed away the more I hit. From the
corner of my eye, I could see the people gathering. Seeing my eyes detach from his, Hak took
this opportunity to push me away, but he knew damn well that my focus had not been pulled
away. We had fought too many times for him not to know that. And it's for that same reason
that I knew that fighting against a spear was hard. He brought the spear above his head,
aiming above mine. I backed away enough for him to hit the ground. I put a foot on the blade
as I felt it lift from the ground, bringing me with it. He brought it up and up, forcing me to
jump off. I landed, turning around towards him, lucky to even be able to block his next
attack, which almost sent me flying. I kept my ground as he hit harder and harder the more
hits he sent my way.

"Careful, Hak!", I heard Yoon complain again. "You could kill her!"

My eyes catched Jae-Ha's gaze and the grave expression in them. He seemed heavily worried,
ready to jump in if ever something happened. I felt anger rise in me. I was tired of men
thinking I couldn't defend myself. His eyes, whatever meaning they held, I had to prove to
him that I could take care of myself and that I didn't need his damn help. My next option
wasn't defending myself. And dangerous as it may look, I broke my defense as I watched his
spear swing toward me. I dropped to the ground, swinging my whole body with my sword. I
used the back of the blade to hit his leg so I didn't hurt him bad, destabilizing him enough so I
could get back up and attack him. He defended himself just as my blade would have reached
his face.

"That's gonna leave a hell of a bruise, Lone"

"Consider yourself lucky I didn't cut your leg off"

He laughed and pushed me away. I was about to attack again, but I didn't see his spear
dangerously coming for me and I barely had the time to dodge it that I felt the tip of his blade
scratch skin. I looked down only to see a small cut a little below my right breast.

"Oh come on, Hak, you cut through my clothes!", I said as I ran toward him, ready to hit him.
He seemed ready to stop it and hit it with another. He only had a large grin dancing above his
lips. I took this opportunity to jump and use his shoulders as support and I flung myself
above his head, watching his spear starting to reach me. With my hand on his shoulder, I
brought him down with me. Luckily for him, I was not as small as Yona, but still a few inches
shorter than him. I brought my sword against his neck, but before I could even make a next
move to bring him down, he was lifting me up. I had no choice but to retract my sword. I
tried to free myself of his hold on my hand in mid-air. I realized, a few seconds before hitting
the ground, that I had no choice but to find another way to avoid hitting it. If I hit it, I would
lose. The air would be pushed out of my lungs and I would see the blade of his spear come
for my throat before I could even roll away. So, I threw my sword to the ground and gripped
his hand that was holding my own and twisted my body, voluntarily letting myself fall and
slide on the ground between his legs, forcing him to let me go. I got up, air still flowing in
my lungs.

"How are you gonna defeat me, now, Lone? With no sword"

"I had never planned on defeating you, remember?", I said with a grin, running towards him.
I watched as his spear was swung toward me. I saw his hand go further along the handle,
bringing the other end to hit me, so I would not die by his blade. Even when I knew I could
be hit, I moved a little to the side, and swung my fist back as I brought it to his stomach, the
end of his spear hitting my leg in the process. I restrained a cry of pain, but lucky me, it had
not broken, and before he could beat me, I sent my fist flying under his jaw, giving me a few
seconds to fetch my sword that was laying not to far away from us. But before I could even
reach it, I received a hit in the legs that made me fall to the ground on my front. I tried to
crawl toward my sword, but I felt his footsteps approach me. He tugged on my left boot and I
turned on my back and rolled over twice, avoiding his spear, before he put his boot against
my neck and the blade of his spear above my head. I was breathing hard, exhausted. But even
then, I was still close enough to my sword. I reached my left arm over to it and before he
could see, I had brought it to his head.

"We're both dead", I said, earning a grin from him. I laughed as I felt his boot lift off my
neck. He backed off and offered me his hand. I took it and let him help get me on my feet. I
wiped the dirt off my clothes and my hair with one hand as I watched him walk away. "Nuh-
uh!", I screamed as he turned.
I swung my sword, the blade grazing the skin of his arm. "That's for cutting me"

"We're even, then", he said. "But I'm impressed"

I laughed wildly at his words, throwing my head back.

"No, I'm for real. For a girl who said she was exhausted, you were better this time than all the
others times we fought. How do you think we both ended up losing and winning, huh?"

I looked down at my feet, losing my smile. "I don't know, Hak. I haven't trained in a long
time and if you didn't see, I don't particularly have enough meat on my bones"

"But you're still strong. Stronger, I might add"

I considered his words as I watched him walk before me. I had stopped in my tracks,
thinking. I remembered that day and the unbelievable amount of strength that had possessed
me as I killed every monster that had touched me, that had brought a knife against my skin.

That made me stronger?

I looked up into the sky as I watched the sun slowly set over the sea. I smiled and made my
way to the ship.

That night we were all reunited. All in one small room. The captain repeated all that Jae-Ha
and Yona had learned today. About how Kum-Ji's boats would sail three days from now.
They explained how the girls eventually came to be trapped and kidnapped by Kum-Ji as
they were innocently trying to find a job, but were picked by officers who deemed them
pretty enough to be sent to Kai as merchandise. Jae-Ha had added that when he asked the
employee that worked at the shop, he said they stopped hiring at noon on the day after

"So three days from now... at least we have an idea, but Kum-Ji's a greedy man. If there's
high merchandise on the line... he will wait until the very last moment", the captain said. "If
he's going to move the boats, it will be in the middle of the night when the sun has set. But...
we don't know on which boat the girls will be on"

"From the boat... if someting like a firework is fired from the boat the women are on, will we
be able to rescue the women a little more quickly?", I frowned.

"That may work. But who will fire it?", the captain asked.

"I will", Yona said, making me freeze as I felt my heart skip a beat. "I'll sneak into the human
trafficking camp. I will launch the firework. Other than bringing down Kum-Ji, the goal this
time is to save the women being sold, right? We need to quickly find the boat they're on and
take them to a safe place. For that purpose, I will creep into the boat to let you know which
boat it is"

"Wait. I'm a little against that idea", Hak said.

"Right!", Ki-Ja agreed. "Penetrating the stronghold of Kum-JI and his officers... such a thing
is too dangerous!"

"I'm against it, too", Yoon said.

"Yoon", Yona called his name.

"To launch the firework means you'll have to carry an explosive onto the boat you've
captured, then you'll have to go up on deck by sneaking past the lookouts from within the
boat! If they find you, they'll kill you! It's absolutely impossible!!", Yoon shouted, but still
Yona kept a straight unbothered expression. She wasn't gonna change her mind that easily.

"It will be difficult overall to let your comrades know where you are with a small firework
you manage to bring on", Hak added.

"If Shin-Ha is there, he should be able to see my signal, no matter how far away I am", Yona

Hak didn't say anything else as he looked at me, asking me silently to support him.

"I mean, it has potential", I let out. "It's worth it. It may be dangerous, but it's possible", I
added as I looked toward Yoon.

"But, still-!", Yoon tried to say, but got cut off.

"The enemy's number is large. We don't have time to look inside one boat to the next. It will
be too late if the women are handed over to the Kai Empire while we're fighting!", Yona
shouted. "To stop that from happening, by going in amongst the women to ensure their safety,
that's a job only I can do, right? Captain Gi-Gan, please, let me fight, too"

I smiled, crossed my arms over my chest and dared the captain to refuse her. I saw the
surprise sweep over the captain's face before she smiled as well. "If we are to succeed, we
must certainly be able to rescue the women", she said.

"Captain?", Jae-Ha asked, scared she would agree with Yona's request.

"However, going in alone is reckless. One other person, at least, should sneak in with you in
order for this plan to work"

"I will", both Hak and Ki-Ja said, as I face-palmed myself.

"I was going to say it had to be someone who can wear female clothing and look feminine",
the captain added. "This is Kum-Ji's most important merchandise, afterall. If you're not as
beautiful as the other girls, you'll be turned down at the front gate"

"I will", they said again as Jae-Ha decided to join. I was pinching the bridge of my nose by
this point.

"Don't you listen to what people tell you? Are you that impossibly confident? The brawn has
increased by one more person this time, too. Well, there is one other among the less skilled
men here", she said as she looked toward Yoon. "And you can handle gunpowder. You'll be
undeniably helpful"

"Eh? Wait a mintue! When it comes to women's clothing, I definitely wouldn't lose to the
girls around there, but our opponent is a corrupt overlord. I'm still against Yona going, you
know? Even if I join her, we don't know whether or not the plan will work..."

"Then, we throw in another person. Another person able to protect the two of you", the
captain added as she looked toward me. I held her gaze as I took a deep breath.

"No", I instantly answered. "I won't be able to go in"

She was looking at me with a look that said that I could do everything if I wanted to. I shook
my head. "I- You could use me to fight Kum-JI's men off. You can't discard me..."

"I am not discarding you, I'm sending you on a different boat"

"But still, I will be turned away by the employees. I have no chance of entering that place. I
won't be considered as pretty enough to sell high. I'm damaged...", despite my best efforts, I
could not cast away the pain from my voice.

"That's not true. That scar can be hidden with enough makeup. We will make it happen.
Nonetheless, you don't realize the beauty you hold, Lone. With or without the scar", she said.

"I agree", Jae-Ha said as I looked toward him, daring him to say another word. He lifted his
hands up in the air as if in surrender.

I looked back toward the captain, then toward Yoon and Yona, who were hoping I'd say yes. I
closed my eyes, took a deep breath and looked at Gi-Gan again.

"Fine. I'll do it"

"Wonderful", she said. "We're infiltrating tomorrow, so go to sleep, get rest ; you'll need it"

I was brushing my hair, going over the strands I'd already brushed, rethinking my decision.
Even without the trace of the scar against my skin, I would still feel as ugly and dirty as I've
always felt, my ugliness would show through my confidence. I tried to find why I even
accepted to come, why I accepted to help. I don't know anymore if I did it for me, for Yona
and Yoon, or for those women. I was long lost in my thoughts when I heard a knock on my

"Come in!"

I thought it would be Yona. We were sleeping in the same room. She was still outside,
breathing some fresh air, but as I saw Jae-Ha open the door and lean against the door frame, I
realized Yona probably wouldn't have knocked. We shared a room, it was as much hers as it
was mine...

"What do you want?", I asked, returning to brushing my hair.

"Does it hurt?", he asked, pointing to his own ribs on his right side. He was talking about the
scar that Hak had given me.

"It's no pain that I'm already used to"

"Does it still hurt, though?"

"No, it doesn't"

"You know, you aren't ugly"

I straightened my neck and put down the hair brush on the small table. "So you came to
knock on my door only to tell me that?"

"I wanted you to know. Indeed, you... you are beautiful"

I rolled my eyes. "Sure. I'll listen to one of the many sentences you give every girl. I'm not in
for your bullshit, Jae-Ha. I'm exhausted, get out"

"No. I'm not kidding. It's not just a word thrown at you. I'm not expecting you to fall to my
feet in thanks... or jump in my bed. I want you to understand it. You are pretty, with or
without the scar"

"I don't care whether or not you mean it when you speak. I'm exhausted, Jae-Ha"

"I would put the highest number on your head if I were Kum-Ji. I would sell you for more
than the others"

I sighed, tired of hearing him. He had that small flirty smile on his face.

"I'm exhausted, Jae-Ha", I repeated, harder this time.

"Goodnight, then"

I didn't say anything as he closed the door and left me to my thoughts.

"I would put the the highest number on your head if I were Kum-JI. I would sell you for more
than the others"

I slept on those words and I was surprised, when I woke up, that I didn't have any nightmares.
I couldn't see his presence anywhere, not in any corner of my dream. He was no where. Only
peace and that annoying droopy eyed pervert.
Chapter Notes

Hi, dear readers! I'm so sorry, I was so busy today! But we're still saturday where I am,
so enjoy!

askjhje <3

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Watching oneself in a glass is not the same as watching oneself in a surface of water. The
image is much clearer, revealing parts of yourself you'd rather not look at. I'd escaped a
mirror since that day my family died and Hakkon House burned down to cinders. I hadn't
wanted to look into the eyes of a monster. And even today, despite me not being as much of a
monster anymore, I still was a victim. Victim of horrors I wouldn't wish on anyone, certainly
not on those women who had been promised a job but instead got trapped into something the
opposite of their previous dreams. Each of my thoughts had belonged to them since we had
discussed the rest of the plan, since last night.

And as I looked at my reflection, I still thought of them. The scar on my cheek was still
fragile, somewhat fresh, but the gentle touch of the brush on my skin didn't stir up any pain. I
stayed still as Yoon spread the makeup over my cheek, slowly but surely hiding the cut
sliding from my eye to my jaw. I could see through the glass someone who resembled me, but
who wasn't quite me. It had been before, and the paint reminded me of that person. I looked
like her, yet I was so very different. I stared and lost myself in my reflection, until Yoon
stepped back, brush still in hand and contemplated my face, what he had succeeding in doing,
in hiding. He seemed proud. But as I looked in the mirror, I did not see me, I did not see who
I was.

"That should do it", he said, laying the brush down on the small table before the mirror after
watering away the remnants of the paint. I watched as he did it all. Until he walked toward
the door. He put his hand on the doorframe and turned toward me. "I'm gonna go prepare
myself to leave. We'll be on deck in half an hour, if you want to see us off before we go", he
said, leaving me in my room as I kept my eyes on the other person across from me.

We had planned for Yoon and Yona to go in first, so we could escape the suspicious looks.
Two friends was nice, one accompanying the other so they could share a job together, but
three ; too much, too suspicious, and certainly not subtle. So Yona and Yoon were to go first,
because they had less strength alone, on their own. They would be safer together. As for I, I
could take care of myself... at least, better than they could. So I would go in alone, a few
hours later than they did.
I did not see them off. I stayed in my room, rethinking over and over again the mask I would
have to put on when I'd enter that damn shop, the fake smile I'd have to force on my lips. As
if I did not know what they were doing, the horror of their lack of mercy, of pity, of humanity
toward us girls, women who did not deserve this. As if I did not hate them. I could already
picture my princess-perfect smile plastered on my face, looking at the employee all too happy
to have found a worthy high-paying job, not knowing I would be kidnapped not long after
that. If my lack of confidence wouldn't show through my face, if the shadow of my scar didn't
appear through the makeup, I would be fine. I would be pretty enough to sell high. Then, my
thoughts went back on the words that had been said yesterday evening. Ones I'd dreamed on
all night.

"I would put the highest number on your head if I were Kum-Ji. I would sell you for more
than the others"

And as I still thought about that now, I realized how much of sweet talk that was about
something that wasn't as sweet. Knocks ripped me away from my mind, an undesirable
action. I turned toward the door and looked at Jae-Ha, who was leaning against the
doorframe, his arms crossed over his chest.

"I couldn't restrain myself from realizing the lack of your presence on deck. Couldn't say
goodbye to your friends?", he straightened when he saw the rest of my face. I did not give
him time to comment on it.

"I couldn't care less if my presence was missed, surely not by you. As to my friends, I'll see
them in a few hours, so why does it matter?"

"So you could wish them good luck? Say "see you soon", with a bright smile on your face?
Like you meant them. The words and the smile"

"Why?", I asked, not daring to end the question, just because I was lazy, because I didn't feel
strong enough to finish it.

"Why what?"

I stayed silent. And he repeated. "Why what, Lone?"

"Why do you concern yourself with anything that I am? You could have restrained yourself
from coming over here. You could have restrained yourself from bothering me, like you
always do"

"What if I say that I care? I've rarely seen a woman as broken as you are, not to say never.
Because, really, you're the first woman I've seen hurt like you are"

"You don't care, Jae-Ha. Stop feeding me this bullshit. I already know your attachment to
caring for women you don't know. Apart from jumping in their beds, your only concern is to
make sure they are alright, that they are going to be alright. But I am not, but you know that
already ; you said it. And I don't need your help, or anyone's for that matter. I don't want you
to make me feel better, as if that's possible", I said as I lost myself once again in my
reflection, bringing my hand to my cheek without touching the makeup.
I could see I hurt him, hurt his feelings, brought him down like he wasn't worth more than
how I'd described him.

"What is going on with you?", he asked.

I could hear the real meaning behind those words ; "What is wrong with you?"

"You are cold. You're not the same person"

"I am always cold"

"Then, you're colder"

But I was already contemplating his other words. "How do you want me to be the same
person I am when the only thing that truly is me is hidden beneath fake skin?"

"So this is the you before the scar?"

"This is the me lost between the two", I said, not even caring what words came out of my

A short silence fell between us until he spoke again. "You say you hate the scar, how it makes
you ugly and yet, you hate when it is not there, when it is hidden. I don't understand"

"There's nothing for you to understand, Jae-Ha. I lost myself with that scar. Whether I like it
or not, it is there, it is there to remind me of what I went through, and for me to wave it away,
to hide it with paint, it's denying who I am, what happened to me"

He did not say a single thing to that. "Rest, Lone. I'm gonna come fetch you when it's time"

And he left. And I did not move. Not until it was time to leave.

It felt like I was being dragged, pushed forward though I did not want to move. I felt like a
puppet, its strings being pulled by the master, whoever they were. I was walking behind Jae-
Ha, head down, completely absent from this time and place. I tried to muster most of my
strength into my will. It was hard, because I was scared and I know that they had been, too.
Yona and Yoon, before leaving this boat. Every step they tried to make, I know they were
scared, because even I was. But I also knew the women were scared, and I tried to remind
myself, over and over, that I was doing this for them. Would it ever help me? I don't know. I
don't know if it could bring me closure, some sort of acceptance, of forgiveness. But in this
exact moment, I could tell you that I had no plan to ever decide to live with it, for I was not

I arrived on deck. I was completely ready. The last part of the plan was the worst. I had to
walk through town and enter that shop with the sole desire to get a job. I had to keep the
horror, the fear and the hatred away from my eyes, for my traits. I had to keep his eyes away
from my right cheek. I had to do a lot just to appear as I was supposed to. I was still lost in
my thoughts, about how I could ever make this work. But maybe, I was overthinking it...
Was I...?

"Lone?", Hak called my name, bringing me back to reality. I looked up at him ; he seemed
nervous and I could see the shift in his eyes, when he realized I had not been entirely there.
He knew I was not feeling good.

"Are you okay? Do you want us to retract you from this mission?", he asked.



"Are you sure? You look... absent"

I looked up at him, realizing how much I could hurt him if I did this wrong. How much I
could hurt Yona and Yoon. And me. I realized I didn't want that to happen. I couldn't let that

"I am present. You can trust me... Hak", I said with a new sort of confidence I forced on.
Watching his expression from the corner of my eyes, I saw his eyes relax, calm under my
words. It worked. And somehow, this false confidence succeeded in adding to my real
confidence ; the one hiding beneath the paint.

"I trust you, Lone", and I knew then, that I could not, and would not fail this mission.
Because his trust had been placed within me... And I could not let it go.

"Lone", captain Gi-Gan called, coming forward. We turned toward her, my eyes locking with

"Yes, Captain"

She approached until she was a few feet away from me, from us. Hak and I.

"Are you ready?"

"Yes", I answered.

Her eyebrows lowered over her eyes, shadowing her gaze. "Are you truly ready?", she asked
again, making me wonder if she heard my short conversation with Hak earlier. If she had
somehow sensed the fear in my voice. I stood straighter, lifting my head up slightly.

"I am ready", she smiled and nodded, proud and happy.

"Then, go. We will see you tomorrow night"

"Yes, Captain"

She walked away and I offered one last look to Hak before I walked off the boat. I did not
look behind me as I walked away and ventured into town. I looked down at the kimono I was
wearing. I hated how feminine it looked. It was tight, tighter than my usual clothes. But
somehow, Yona and Yoon hadn't needed the same kimono as I did. I made no promise that it
would be returned unripped though. I could feel the absence of my sword at my hip. I missed
the cold touch of it against my leg. I didn't have any weapons on me ; I would only have to
use my body to defend myself, or Yoon or Yona, which was much harder, much difficult to
do when I did not have the weapons to move faster. My hair had been braided up. I was not
used to it not falling loosely on the skin of my neck and shoulders. I hated it. But I continued
walking and as I approached the shop, I wished I could have spinned on my heels. But I
willed the thought away and closed the gap between my feet and the door.

I felt it screaming for me, felt it begging for me to open it. I was looking down at it, debating
again, as I felt my hand reach for it. I slided it open and made my way in, closing the door
behind me. One swift move, fast, so I didn't have the time to decide I wanted out.

"Hi! How may I help you?", someone said.

And I turned toward the worker as he scrutinized me from head to toe. I tried to wave away
the disgust I felt driving through my entire spine. I silently screamed at my smile to keep
itself raised. I could not be bothered to offer a genuine smile, even if I wanted to.

"Hi. I'm actually looking for a job and I heard you were hiring?", I said plainly, a voice I did
not know belonged to me speaking the words with confidence.

And I knew I did not have to act more. I knew I had given him enough.

"Oh, yes. Absolutely. If you'd like to follow me, please?", he asked, a wicked grin finding its
way to his lips as he turned around. He led me into an empty room and left me all alone in it
as he told me to wait for a while. I innocently nodded, making sure I still looked like how I'd
imagined I should look. And then, before I could even realize it, the floor was collapsing and
I was met with pure, utter darkness.



Two years ago

"Oi!! Lone!", he shouted her name, visibly happy to finally see her again.

She turned toward the sound of his voice and as her eyes met his, she could not have been
more happy.

"Soo-Won! You finally came to see us!", she exclaimed, running towards him, her arms
wrapping around his neck. His arms wrapped around her waist.

"Of course. I wouldn't miss Hak's birthday and yours!", he said as he spun her around in his
"Look who decided to pay us a visit", Hak said, his glaive leaning against the edge of the
balcony as he crossed his arms over his chest, and an ankle over the other. He had a grin
displayed on his face.

"You always had the greatest talent in the entire world, huh, Hak?", she said, her fists pressed
against her hips.

"And what is it?", he asked, lifting an eyebrow.

"You always appear at the worst time possible. I was speaking with Soo-Won! Now, I won't
even be able to say a word"

"That's not true. You always succeed to speak, somehow", he said, pushing himself off the
edge of the balcony, taking his glaive with him.

"That's the point, Hak. Maybe, it's time to revisit your way to treat people", she teased,
walking away, sticking her tongue out as Hak did the same, turning her back to her. He was
now looking at Soo-Won, who was trying to glance over his shoulder. He lifted an eyebrow.
His jaw fell.

"No! Are you..?", he said, gesturing to him. Soo-Won flushed, just completely entirely
flushed red.

"No! No. That's not what you think!", he tried to dissuade him, waving his hands in front of

"Hmmm..", Hak thought. "Here I was, thinking it would be nice for you to marry Princess
Yona, so I could protect you both. But... maybe it would be more appropriate for you to
become Lord Lone!"

"Keep your voice down!", Soo-Won whisper-screamed, looking around to see if other people
had heard what his bestfriend had said.

"Oh! So you do-"

"No, don't speak another word!"

"Fine, fine", Hak finally said, raising his hands in the air as if in surrender. "But you are in
love wtih Lone"


"What are they doing?", Lone said, watching Soo-Won chase after Hak, flustered, from
Yona's bedroom.

"Who?", the princess asked, lifting her head from whatever she was doing.

"Hak and Soo-Won. Soo-Won's running after Hak. I wonder what could have triggered him
like that"
"Who knows?", Yona only shrugged, turning her head toward the mirror to again look at the
redness of her hair. Lone looked away, sighing desperately. Yona ended up pouting, which
made Lone roll her eyes.

"Stop staring at yourself that much, Yona, you're gonna start thinking you're ugly"

"This hair is enough to make-"

"Just! Stop talking. I don't want to hear another word"

Yona then stared at Lone and ran over to her, leaning over the window to look outside at what
Lone was staring at.

"They seem to be having fun", Yona exclaimed, examining her friend's face.

She took a deep breath, shaking her head as if she were coming back to reality. "Yeah, they

"What was that?", Yona asked.

"What was what?", Lone asked innocently.

"That look on your face. I seem to have seen it before...", she teased, making Lone look in
her direction.

"What are you talking about?"

Yona started counting on her fingers. "When you watched Soo-Won practice the bow with
Hak, or when you watched Soo-Won and Hak fight... with fists or swords. Oh, no, wait! Also,
when you watched Soo-Won play a board game with Hak. I kept wondering if it was because
of Hak, but I caught you staring at solely Soo-Won sometimes, so I finally came to a
realization ; you're in love with Soo-Won"

"Oh! God, no! Yona!", she screamed, hiding her face in her palms. "That is ridiculous!"

"It is not!"

"Ugh! Fine, go back to complaining on your red hair, I don't care anymore"

"I do, though. This is more interesting"

Chapter End Notes

Before any of you say that it doesn't make sense because of how Lone talked about Soo-
Won in the first chapters, just wait, I'm not done with their story. And also! I mentionned
how it was soon Hak's and Lone's birthday and it was two years earlier. I'm just gonna
clear something up. It's actually Lone's 15th birthday and Hak's 16th. So that's it. See
you on tuesday, hope you liked this one!

askjhje <3
Whatever Happens
Chapter Notes

Hi, dear readers! Here's another precious chapter. I might post another one friday, but if
not, see you on saturday. Have a wonderful end of the week ;)

askjhje <3

Even with my eyes open, I couldn't see anything. The only thing my vision met was the dark
color of a bag, its feeling over my head suffocating me. They were pushing me, whoever they
were. A hand on my shoulder, occasionally against my stiffened back. It took every inch of
my strength to restrain my fist to fly up to his jaw, so I concentrated on the path I had to
follow. When finally, a door swung open and the cloth was ripped away from around my
head, I looked around, desperately searching their eyes. When I met Yona's, I had to restrain a
smile of relief. This was still a play after all. A hard push on my back almost made me fall to
the ground. And then the sound of a door closing.

"Yona", I called. "Yoon", I lowered to the floor and sat.

"We're here", Yoon said as I heard footsteps.

It took a few minutes for my eyes to adjust to the darkness. And when I could see them, my
hands went instantly to Yona's cheeks as I cupped her face.

"Thank God, you're alright", I said, bringing her forehead to mine.

"Apart from a swollen ankle, I should be fine", she said, which probably was an attempt to
reassure me. At least, she was being honest. My eyes drifted to her ankle and anger swept
through me.

"How about you? Nothing bad happened?", she asked.

"No, nothing. I'm fine"

I saw her nod and then, as Yoon spoke, my head turned toward him, my eyes meeting his.

"Kum-Ji came here", he said. My brows furrowed at his words.


"He came here, thought Yona could have been the princess"
"Does he know?", I asked.

"No", Yona said, her voice soft. "Though Yoon got hit trying to protect me"

"Other than that, we should be fine", Yoon added.

I didn't say anything. I was looking around, watching the scared girls around us, all sitting in

"So you know each other?", a voice spoke.

My eyes landed on the woman who's lips were moving. I frowned.

"They know about us. We told them", Yona said.

"Why would they send three of their people? Wasn't two enough?", she asked, distant,

I looked at her, frowning. "I'm mostly here to protect you all. To defend my friends as they
complete their mission. And to fight Kum-Ji's forces from here"

"This is ridiculous. Will sending you to help us really be useful? Aren't a woman? You're just
like us...", I could tell from her voice that she didn't want to be mean ; she was scared, so
scared she couldn't think straight, couldn't think of all the possibilities. And I understood that
more than anything.

"Don't underestimate me, girl. Too many have, some have lost their lives because of it"

She didn't say another word. And I looked back at Yona and Yoon. We stayed silent
throughout the rest of the day and night. Until we were ordered to get out. I lost my friends as
they blindfolded us and tied our wrists together. The feeling of the ropes against my skin
made me feel nauseated. I fought against the familiar feeling and waited, trying to keep my
calm. I wanted to fight against the ties, wanted to get out of them immediately, wanted to
imagine myself fighting against the horror those ropes brought, but I stayed still. Until Ao
came to find me. The boat had started moving by then. As she jumped on my lap, I smiled
slightly. She made her way at my back and ate up the ropes, freeing me instantly. And the
first thing I did wasn't take off the blindfold, it was shaking away the horrible feeling off my
skin. And then I brought my hands to my face, taking the cloth away from my eyes, clearing
my vision. Yona and Yoon were already setting up the trap as I looked around to see the
women intact.

"Stay still, act as innocent as you can", I said through the small crowd. "We're gonna get you
out, I promise. Just don't say a word"

I approached my friends, and as they nodded, I hit my fists against the wall of the boat a few
times, before the guard on the other side of the door pushed the door opened and let his eyes
roam over the room.

"Hey! What's all the commotion?!", he screamed. And he soon realized that everything
seemed normal. All the women he could see were tied up, perfectly calm. Until Yoon threw a
needle into his neck.

"Wh- What was that?", he shouted, giving me time to wrap the rope around his feet, giving
Yona the green flag to pull on it. And as she did, the man fell to the floor with a loud thud.
Lying on it, he slightly turned around toward Yona.

"You little..", he called. He rapidly got up, his knife unsheathed, pointed toward Yona. "You
think you can get away with that and live?!"

"As if you're gonna be able to stab someone", I said, appearing at his side. I grabbed his wrist
hard enough to make him drop the weapon in his hand. And before it could hit the floor, I
grabbed it, bringing the blade close to his neck. I could see the fear in his eyes before I used
the butt of the knife to hit him on his head. I let go of his wrist, making him fall to the floor,
unconscious. Around us, the women were taking their blindfold off, Ao having cut off the
ropes of each one of their wrists.

"Close the door! Hurry!!", Yoon shouted, two girls running for it, shutting it, just as Yoon had

"I-is he dead?", one of the women asked.

"No, I hit him with an anesthetic needle from the start, so he just fainted. He won't be up for
another twelve hours with this"

"Honestly... are you planning on escaping?", a woman said. I turned toward her as she
watched Yona. She then approached her.

"You're shaking... and you leg is injured too, isn't it? Even with that, you were able to do that.

"I... came to help you all", Yona said, fear and pain stealing her gaze.

"Even with cuts all over your body, exhaustion your only companion, as long as you have the
will to survive, you can do much more than that", I said as her head turned toward me. She
frowned, but didn't say anything.

"Lone... it's okay", Yona said, and then looked at the woman. "Letting my comrades know
where this boat is located is my job. Just hold on. We'll... help you without fail. Let's go", she
said, looking up at me and Yoon.

"Alright", Yoon agreed, but my hand was already on the doorknob.

"W- wait", the woman said. "I... I will... help, too", but I was already out of the room, making
sure nobody was around.

I got back in, walking toward the unconscious guard. My hands placed under his armpits, I
dragged him out, letting him lean on the wall, looking asleep. "We're lucky", I said. "It looks
like all the main fighting forces have been stationed on other boats. From here, we just need
to climb the stairs and get up onto the deck"
"Captain Gi-Gan will begin to move, which will distract the officers there, and we'll quickly
set off the fireworks", Yoon added. I only nodded in agreement. "So, will you be okay?
Um...", Yoon asked, looking at the other woman.

"Yu-Ri. I can't let children like you do something as dangerous as going up against the
officers alone", she said, making me chuckle.

"Well, these children sure have a lot more strength than you think they do", I said, a grin
pulling on the corner of my mouth.

"I'm Yoon. Don't do anything to ruin our plan, okay"

"I'm... uh... Lina"

"Lone", I said, not bothering to let another unknown name pass my lips.

We went far enough to realize the other officers' presence. Yoon was the one who would act
as the decoy. Once I saw him come back, hiding behind a wall, I looked toward Yu-Ri and
Yona, giving them the sign they needed to detach the ropes restraining the barrels. As they
did so, the officers made their way into the room, confused while they watched it all unfold.
The barrels were enough to knock them down on the floor, but then Yoon leaned over them,
ready to shoot a needle in each of their necks. But he was too slow, and the boat wavered,
making us fall. Yoon fell against a wall. I was close enough to Yona, so I hold on to her,
trying to spare her the pain of another injury. But as her hand grabbed me, the sleeve of her
kimono slid across my face. And not far, Yu-Ri was falling against the barrels, hitting the
men burying below them. The horror on Yoon's face as his eyes drifted from Yu-Ri to me. I
frowned as my gaze traveled to Yu-Ri and the officer not so far away from her. And it's only
then that I realized that I did not have the knife in my hand anymore.


"Ow... that hurt", Yu-Ri said, a hand covering her mouth, a knife reaching for her throat.

"Don't move", the man said.

"Yu-Ri...!", Yona screamed.

Yoon was looking at me, shock on his face. But I was more preoccupied by Yu-Ri's situation
than by whatever Yoon was trying to tell me.

"No Awa woman is gonna make a mockery out of us. If you had only escaped, we would
have just captured you. But this time you need to be punished!"

And then, their eyes landed on me. "Oh, what's that?", he had a wicked grin on his face. "You
would rather take the risk of coming onto this boat with makeup on than stay away? What
sullied beauty. I guess we won't have a choice, then"

And I realized. I realized what Yoon was trying to say. The makeup had been wiped away
somehow. And I remembered Yona's sleeve brushing against my cheek. It was just below my
eye, but it must have ruined a part of the makeup. I brought my hand to my cheek, feeling
even more vulnerable now.

"We're precious merchandise, aren't we?", Yoon shouted, trying to dissuade them from
harming us in any way. Yu-Ri might be safe, but I was not. "If you decide to injure us on your
own accord, Lord Kum-Ji will..."

"Shut up!! We'll make an example out of you! We'll kill you so those from Awa will never try
to defy us again!"

"Stop! She had nothing to do with us!", Yona shouted.

"These three were only going along with what I told them to do", Yoon said, and I threw my
head in his direction, fear coating my tongue, dancing before my eyes. "They really have
nothing to do with this. So forgive them"

"What?", an officer asked.

"I'm actually a pirate", his swords traveled down my spine, leaving cold chills in their leave.
"I infiltrated this boat as a spy", he said, taking the stuffing out of under his clothes, revealing
a part of him we did so well in hiding.

"A male?!"

"A pirate?!"

"Yoon, no!", I screamed, but he looked toward me, sharp eyes meeting mine. He didn't want
me to interfere.

"You bastard", one of them called, kicking him in the gut. "You know what'll happen to you,

"Ah... Hold on. Hold on", he let out, a hand raised in silent plea. "I have something to say. I
placed an explosive on the deck of the boat"


"If I don't stop it, it'll explode soon"

"You're lying! There wasn't something like that on deck!"

"Of course. Only I know where it is"

"What do we do?", one officer asked the other.

"Take those girls back to the room. I'll take this guy to the deck"

I watched as Yoon's arms got tied up behind his back. When my eyes met his, he winked and
I saw his eyes roam over my right cheek, to the tip of my scar showing. He was warning me.
I shook my head, a grimace deforming my face.
I would not go back to that room and let him be taken on deck.

I will not let him be a sacrifice. I had to do something, quick! But what?

"What'll happen to him once they know where the explosive is?", Yona asked.

"They'll lop off his head and give him back to the pirates", I felt my blood become cold and I
froze at the words. I saw the sorry expression on his face as he looked back toward us one
last time. And then, Yona tried to reach for him. But got stopped in her tracks by the officer
who was supposed to bring us back to the room. I watched as she bit into his arm.

"You bitch!", he screamed, kicking her off of him.

"Oh, fuck this! I don't care anymore", I said, pure rage taking control of me. The officer was
now looking at me as I reached for the bottom of my too tight kimono and ripped off the
tissue, leaving the skin below my knees uncovered. A distraction as Yona took a bow and
arrows and made her way to the deck.

"Wait...", the officer called, trying to reach for her.

"Hey!", I screamed. Slowly, I wiped away the makeup away from my cheek with the piece of
my kimono, revealing the long, ugly scar lingering on the right side of my face. And behind
him, Yu-Ri's shadow appeared above his head and hit him. I dipped my chin in her direction
once, thanking her silently. She did the same and I made my way toward the deck as well, no
weapon in hand. When I arrived, Yona had shot an arrow toward them. I frowned, looking
around for any sign of Yoon and realized his presence beneath one of their foot.

"Get away from Yoon. I'll shoot down anyone who gets close to him"

"What's this? The girl from before? What can she do with such a flimsy arrow...?", the man
who had been down with us said. I slowly walked toward Yona, head down, death completely
still in my eyes. As I placed myself before her, I raised my fists up and placed myself in a
fighting stance. The officer laughed. They all laughed.

"And you, too? What do you think you can do with your weak hands?"

But they soon dropped their smiles, their grins and their confidence, watching Yona's raised
bow, the look in her eyes and my own. Our determination.

"Yona! Lone! My explosive! Hurry... take it to that fire", Yoon screamed. Yona took a step
and offered me the bow. She made her way toward Yoon, confusing the other men on board. I
aimed the next arrow at them, my presence, my simple action enough to threaten them, warn
them. Yona's hand reached into Yoon's sash.

"Hey!", someone behind me said. I turned, lowering the bow, ready to use my fists, but
piercing pain went through me as I looked down to see a knife plunged into my stomach. The
bow I had in my hands fell to the ground. I looked up to meet the officer's eyes, pain
deforming my face, death disappearing from my stare. My breaths were suddenly short and
"Lone!", Yoon screamed and Yona stopped in her tracks as she was about to light the
firework. It was near enough to the fire but she did not move. My back was against the
officer's chest, his arm in a chokehold against my neck. He was slowly dragging me to the
edge. The officers had not moved from their places, thanks to the arrow I had pointed at
them, but they were now trying to walk toward her, slowly and carefully.

"Drop that firework or I'll throw her into the sea!", the officer holding me shouted. "She's
already injured. If I throw her in the water, it's only a matter of time before she dies!"

Yona was looking at me with pain in her eyes, lost between me and the firework. But I was
looking at her with determination in my face.

"Do it, Yona. Launch it", I said, weakly.

"DO IT AND SHE DIES!", the officer repeated.

"I can't...", Yona cried, looking at me as tears appeared in the corner of her eyes. "I can't
launch it... I can't do it!"

"Yona! Launch the damn firework!", I screamed.

"Do not launch it"

"Yona", I said harshly.

She closed her eyes, her lips trembling. Tears were sliding down my cheeks as I offered her a
light smile. "I'm sorry", she whispered.

And she reached toward the fire, the firework catching and launching into the sky.

"NO!", the officer shouted. The arm against my neck loosened and I allowed myself to look
up into the sky and witnessed the beauty of the fireworks, the color spreading into the dark
night sky. A small and proud smile spread over my lips, tears still slidng along my cheeks.
And then, two hands against my shoulders pushed me to the edge. Panic rose in my stomach.

"Lone!", Yona cried out, trying to reach for me.

"Yona", I called, looking at her as my back collided against the edge of the boat and I fell
backward, my feet flying over the ramp. I heard Yona's scream of pain, of despair. I might
have seen her rush to the ramp, trying to reach for me with one arm, in vain. And I might
have seen the guards holding her back. The oxygen was pushed out of my lungs as my back
collided with the cold water. The shock was enough to make me lose my senses. I closed my
eyes as I painfully made my way to the surface, my hand on my wound. i winced.

How much strength do I have left before I go under and never come back up?

As soon as Shin-Ha saw the succesfully launched fireworks, he reached for me. I didn't need
to hear his words for me to understand what he was trying to say. I let him jump on my back.
I waited until he pointed in the direction where he saw the fireworks, then I jumped. From
boat to boat, I jumped, searching desperately for the boat on which the women were on. But I
could not see it yet. Despite my attempts at going faster, I could only go as fast as my foot let
me. And then, as I watched Shin-Ha's arm swing beside my face, pointing in the same
direction he was leading to, I raised my head, hoping to see the boat and as my eyes landed
on it, determination swayed in me.

In the exact moment my feet touched the wood of the deck, Shin-Ha jumped off my back and
started fighting. As for I, my eyes were searching desperately for any sign of them, of her. I
saw Yona being pulled away by the arms and I ran to her, kicking and fighting away each of
the guards that stopped her. I watched her as she ran to Yoon, helping him get rid of the
restraints around his arms. She couldn't stop the tears from escaping her eyes. I looked
around, but could not find any sign of her, could not find her presence. I looked toward Yona
again, at Yoon.

"Yona, where's Lone?", fear appeared in her eyes, as if she recalled what had happened to her.
She looked up at me, sorrow filling her gaze. Hesitantly, I repeated, harsher than before.
"Where's Lone?"

"She got stabbed", I froze on the spot as Yoon said the words, pain possessing his throat,
blocking his next words.

"Where is she now?", I asked, but they wouldn't talk. I turned toward the guards that were
approaching us and I kicked and threw small knives in their direction as I screamed her name
over and over, desperate to hear an answer. "LONEEE!"

And I turned toward my friends again. "Where is she?! Yona, tell me!"

"She got pushed off the boat, Jae-Ha", she said, but I didn't care that she had no hope left in
her, didn't care that she didn't have any fight left in her.

"Where?", I asked again and I waited impatiently until she pointed in the direction she saw
her fall. And I jumped from where I was, reaching for the ramp. I made my way over it and
let myself fall toward the water.
It's Over
Chapter Notes

Hi, my wonderful readers, if I had listened to myself, I would have posted this yesterday,
but I was too tired to open my computer when I came home from work yesterday, so I
said "At least, I'll post a day earlier...", but anyway, I have good news! I have a six-day
break from work, so I'll have the chance to post more during those next few days. I've
missed writing and there's a major plottwist that awaits you, just be ready is all I'm
saying. But other than that, I hope you've had a great day and wherever you are, I hope
you have a good time.

Have a great read,

askjhje <3

see you all tomorrow still ;)

Third Person POV

His feet hit the water first. The impact brought him a few inches under water, as he
desperately tried to look for Lone with every passing second. But his eyes could not see
anything through the bubbles floating around him. So he made his way up and let air
penetrate his lungs before looking all around himself.

"Lone!", he called and then, his eyes landed on a barely floating figure a few feet away from
him, still in the water. In the dark of the night, searching for her presence was not an easy
task. He reached for her as she went under the water. He saw the relief in her eyes as she saw
him. Barely, but she did. She trusted him enough to offer him her life, the control of it,
whether or not it could continue. "No!", he screamed and he did not hesitate before driving
his body downward in the water, blindly searching for her body in the darkened sea. His hand
gripped the side of her kimono and kicking at the water over and over, he brought her up with
him, fighting for both their lives. Over the water, Jae-Ha brought her body close to his,
pressing himself against her so he could be able to lift her head up above possible death. He
could see through the small slits of her eyes that she was looking at him. Death was no longer
dancing in her eyes, it wasn't there at all. The fight in her face, in her gaze had disappeared, it
had vanished. The fear she had felt and had spit on him the day before was gone as well,
replaced by sadness. She looked ready to accept any fate that might come her way. She barely
looked like she wanted to live. Maybe she hadn't even considered it a possibilty. But there he
was, holding on to her like his life depended on it. He had jumped into the water without
hesitating and had saved her without a second thought.
"Jae-Ha...", she let out, a weak sound that made his gut twist in pain and worry.

"Yona said you'd been stabbed", he said, then started searching for any wound, slowly, trying
not to hurt her even more. When he hit the spot where the blade had hit her on her stomach,
she winced in pain, her vision blurring. She felt dizzy in his arms. "It's okay, Lone. You're
gonna be fine, okay? We're gonna save you"

"You... are going to save... m-me?", she asked, as if hope sparked in her eyes at last.

"Yes", he shouted, happy to see her will coming back to her. "I am going to save you, yes.
Yes, I am"

He saw her smile lightly before her head started to dip backward as her lips soon went limp.
Consciousness was starting to leave her body.

"No! No, Lone! Fight! Fight, Lone! I refuse to let you win 1 to 0, Lone, do you hear me?!
You better stay awake. If you die, then I’ll have to admit there was one woman in my life
who never admired me or ever felt attracted to me or ever fell in love with me. Lone, I’m
supposed to make you fall in love with me, so don’t die!”, he said, all while giving her small
slaps on her un-scarred cheek, trying to bring her back from whatever slumber she almost
succumbed to. When she raised her head again in reflex, she looked weak and fragile.

Through a sad smile, she said : "Then, make sure to make it happen in our next life", he knew
she barely had any fight in her, any life. But he would do anything just to keep her with him a
little longer.

"I don't care about a promise in another life, Lone! I care about the promises we'll make in
this one!", he screamed, worry dancing in his eyes.

"You have to go fight with the others... They need you...", she said as she limply let her hand
land on his arm, as if she were trying to push him away.

"Don't you understand?”, he asked, almost desperate. But he couldn’t tell her the truth,
couldn’t let his other thoughts follow these words. He couldn’t bring himself to tell her more,
couldn’t bring himself to tell her that he cared more about her life than the safety of the
women on this boat just mere meters away from them. Because, somehow, he knew they
would be fine, but her. She wouldn’t be if he decided to join his dragon friend. And he could
not accept that. But saving her had never been a choice, it had always been an obligation, and
he knew that now. And yet, this action didn’t stand amongst all his other reasons. He didn’t
do it for respect toward women. He didn’t do it to see her in awe before him, kneeling in
front of him, kissing his boots in thanks for saving her. He didn’t do it because of some
promise he made to himself to always protect women, to always make sure they lived the
way they deserved to. In fact, he didn’t care if she still hated him after this, didn’t care if she
offered him the silent treatment for no reason, didn’t care how she acted afterwards, as long
as she stayed alive. As long as she was still breathing after this battle, so he could tease her,
and admire her from afar. As long as he could still look around hoping to catch her gaze. As
long as he could still look at her, stare at her like she bore the same beauty a night sky bore,
or the sea with a setting sun. He just wanted her to stay alive so he could still hope she would
fall in love with him. So she would feel even an ounce of attraction toward him.
And as if she understood what he was trying to say, as if she heard his thoughts, she said,
“It’s fine, Jae-Ha. I’ve come near death a few times before that I’m not scared anymore.
Please... I trust you, Jae-Ha, save those women. But, promise me-“, she winced in pain, the
dizziness overtaking her.

“Lone. Promise you what?”

”Promise me… that you will… you will not let me rot at the bottom of this sea…”, she said
as her eyes fluttered close.

“You will not die, Lone. I refuse to let you, do you hear me?! You don’t get to tell me to
abandon you here! It’s my choice, not yours!”

She tried to smile, but she was so weak she couldn’t lift the corners of her mouth. “It still is
mine, Jae-Ha… I get to decide whether I want to live or not”

“You’re not hearing me… You’re so fucking stubborn it’s unbelievable"

"Hurry up! We need to leave!", he heard someone scream. As he let his head turn toward the
voice, he noticed a small boat not too far away from them. And on it was Kum-Ji and one of
his men. Jae-Ha gritted his teeth as he watched them paddle away.

"Well... it would be fun to tear them limb from limb, but I won't let it worry me. I'll return to
my estate and reorganize my company..."

And his other words became a blur to his ears as he turned toward Lone once again, his
worried eyes roaming over her face in horror and in pain. He could see through her opened
eyes that she was looking toward Kum-Ji, proof of anger slowly making its way to her face.
In her next push against his arm, she seemed stronger, more determined to let him go. "You
have to go, Jae-Ha", but he only pulled her more tightly against him, the pressure against her
wound making her wince. "This is a once in a lifetime possibility... You have to kill him,
while you still can"

He looked between Kum-Ji's boat and Lone's weak body over and over again, reminding
himself of all the pain he had to witness in the last few years. He couldn't decide, but he knew
she could. "Are you sure?", he asked.

She nodded without hesitation, a small weak and fragile smile appearing on her face. "I'm

He closed his eyes and put his lips against her forehead, pressing a kiss on her skin. "I'm
sorry, Lone. I'll come back to get you, I promise", and he let her go, swimming toward Kum-
Ji's boat, fighting the tears that threatened to fall on his cheeks, fighting the pain that tore at
his heart, his mind.

"My Lord!", his officer screamed. "He's coming this way!"

Jae-Ha went to take some of his daggers as he watched Kum-Ji take out his bow, knocking an
arrow on its string.
"I've wished a thousand times over the years to kill that flying beast", he heard him say as he
threw his daggers over the water at where Kum-Ji stood. He grimaced when he succeeded in
escaping the small knives and tried to swim away as he witnessed his arrow leaving the bow.
But he was too slow and the arrow scraped against the skin of his cheek. Barely, but enough
to draw blood. The next seconds felt like a blur, as he kept his eyes on the Lord of this city,
and watched as his grip on the bow loosened and he looked up. Jae-Ha followed his gaze,
realizing Yona's presence on deck, a bow between her hands, an arrow pointed in Kum-Ji's
direction. And Jae-Ha was looking when the arrow flew and landed in the man's chest, in his
heart and he fell into the water.

He was dead.

Finally, he thought. Finally. It's over.

She wasn't scared. She wasn't scared when he left her. When her body fully went under and
she had to keep her breath in. She knew she didn't have any strength left in her body, knew
she couldn't fight anymore. But she hung onto his words. Hung onto the promise he made,
believed he meant every word, believed he would come get her when all of this was done and
save her, even when she believed she couldn't do anything more than this. Wait and fall
deeper and deeper into the sea, the darkness slowly envelopping her. Her head was turned up
toward the surface, her eyes barely open as she witnessed the small light of the night leave
her vision. She closed her eyes and waited. She felt the blood leave her body, felt the wound
begging to be treated. She felt her heart begin to beat slower, felt her body relax when it
realized she finally got to get some rest after all this fight. She felt reassured. And when she
opened her eyes, she met his. Met Aro's. Even through the water, she could see his tears. She
smiled slightly, showing him that she wasn't scared and reached a hand up to his cheek, even
if she couldn't touch it. His bottom lip was trembling. He knew, after their fight, not to force
her to do something she didn't want to do, so he only stayed and looked at her with pain in his

After a while, her eyes fluttered closed. Her lifted hand left his imaginary cheek and he
watched as she coughed for air, but only met water. Her body fought against the water
making its way into her lungs, fought for air, begged to live, but her mind had already made
its choice. Her heart already knew what Lone wanted. And then, her heart stopped beating,
she stopped fighting and her eyelids gave up and revealed her dead eyes. She was dead. She
had succumbed to the water. Any fight had officially left her...
No Better than Them
Chapter Notes

Hi, dear readers! I'm so sorry I didn't post yesterday as I was supposed to! I completely
forgot I had diner with some friends of my mother, so I didn't have time to write, but I
here you go!

I hope you cna enjoy this chapter,

askjhje <3
see you soon ;)

Her eyes wandered over to him in the water. After having shot an arrow toward the Lord of
Awa and succeeded in killing him, Yona had noticed Jae-Ha's presence in the water. She had
looked around him, looked farther, trying to catch a glimpse of Lone's body. But she didn't
see anything. She scanned Jae-Ha's face for any answer, anything that would tell her what
happened to Lone, but she didn't find anything. Her head turned toward Shin-Ha as he
finished slaying the last of their enemies. His head lifted up toward her, meeting her eyes.

"Shin-Ha, go find Lone, please!", she shouted and he turned toward the side of the ship where
he had previously seen Jae-Ha jump and he sheathed his sword, making his way toward the
edge, scanning the sea before jumping in as well. Diving in head first, he swimmed deeper
and deeper within the dark sea, trying to catch a glimpse of Lone's body. He saw the blood
first on his right. And didn't wait before he swam toward it, deeper and deeper still.

It took Jae-Ha a few seconds before he was back in this reality. Despite his desire to save
Lone, his mind had wandered off somewhere he didn't want it to go. The speed with which he
had been killed, how it all had happened. It had taken him by surprise, so much that he forgot
about Lone. But when memory of her pleading face came back to mind, he knew what he had
to do. He began swimming back toward where he had left her, and, catching sight of the
rising sun, dived into the water. Deeper, when he finally reached Shin-Ha, he grabbed his
boot. When his masked friend turned to look at him, he assessed his presence, then pointed in
the direction he saw Lone. Jae-Ha hurried him to go back up, silently asking him to go make
sure the others were all right. And then, he swam deeper and deeper, the pressure in his ears
becoming more unbearable the deeper he went. He was following the small thread of blood
and when his eyes landed on Lone's falling body, he knew her heart had stopped beating. But
he wouldn't stop hoping until she was really gone. He hurried in the dense water, but his
lungs were starting to beg for air. He watched as her back hit against the solid ground of the
sea. And he wished he would have been faster in this water, faster, smoother. He felt useless,
powerless against the pressure. And when he reached her, he gripped the edges of her kimono
and screamed in her face, screamed her name, willed her to come back. and then, his feet hit
the sand-made bottom and he jumped. He did not go as high or as far as he would have hoped
to go, but it made him save a couple more seconds. A few meters before he reached the
surface, Shin-Ha joined him and he helped him carry her weight through the rest of the way.
The blue dragon held her while Jae-Ha breathed and then he took her from his arms. He was
gripping her by the edges of her kimono still, her head had fallen backward due to her state.
He screamed her name, begged her to come back. He shook her, but it wouldn't help.


It sounded like an echo. It reverberated through my skull. And yet, I couldn't reach it,
couldn't touch it. I could only hear it, and somehow see a blur. A mixt of blue and green and
the feeling of water. The knowledge of air, but nothing more. It didn't come in and didn't go
out of me. And that's when I opened my eyes as I sat up in horror. I looked around myself but
I wasn't in the water, wasn't in a familiar room. I couldn't see Jae-Ha, or Shin-Ha, or Yona or
Hak. Nobody. I was utterly alone in...

Hell? Was this hell?

"Your soul has not yet abandonned life", a sweet and gentle voice made its way to my ears.
The familiarity of it, the comfort it brought made me whirl in her direction. Tears were
already blurring my vision as I met my mother's eyes. I stood up and ran in her direction.
Nobody would have had the time to implore me to go toward her, it was a need only my body
understood. I wrapped my arms around her neck and I felt hers wrap around my waist. I
burried my face in her neck as I let the sobs take control over me. And then, after a while, I
broke our hug and I receded away from her.

"How are you here? Where am I, even?", I asked.

"Somewhere between life and death. As to how I am here, before you ; it's thanks to you.
Your... ability. I fought hard trying to convince your soul to stay, to give you another chance. I
fear you have forgotten what the Priest said"

I thought about how life had promised me love and happiness. About how I had fought to
escape pure torture. I brought my hand up to my scarred cheek.

"I'm so sorry this has happened to you, my sweet child", she said, grief pearling in her eyes.
My mind seemed to recall the lack of her presence among the dead.

"But... How did I not see you before? I can see you now, but... I don't understand"

"I hear your unborn brother told you a lot about our situation, but not all"

"What are you talking about?"

Sadness, regret, fear is what replaced that grief. Her face, her eyes pleaded with me not to ask

"Mother... what are you talking about?", I asked again, even more curious now.
"Aro told you that you couldn't see us because we had willingly made our way to the
Heavens... But, for us to do that, we have to forgive the ones who killed us, the ones who
'ruined' our lives"

I shook my head in disbelief. "I asked Aro how it was possible for you to forgive those
demons... he never answered me"

"It's because your demons cannot kill. They cannot touch you... they have never been able to.
They are dead..."


Reluctantly, she asked her next question. "Do you wish to know what really happened the
night Hakkon House fell?"

"What really happened? What are you talking about? How could I have forgotten what really

"The shock, the reality. Your demons have played with the truth, they have twisted it to your
liking. You have replaced awful memories with more... acceptable ones. Your mind refused to
accept the truth of what really happened"

"Was it worse then? Was it worse than what I have always thought happened?"

"I cannot tell you. It is for you to decide how to treat the information, the reality"

"I... I want to know", I hesitated and then I closed my eyes, willing my mind to recall the
events of that night, the twisted memories. And I untwisted them.


I was seated at my small desk, writing yet another letter to burn. The ink was running out, its
faded color against the paper bringing me back to reality. I dipped it again in the pot and
wrote more and more words. But I threw the pen in its pot and leaned against my chair. This
was ridiculous. I couldn't write from the heart. I took the paper in my hands and ripped it. I
ripped it until there was only shreds of it, spilled on my desk. I would take care of that
tomorrow, I was too tired right now. Too tired my mind won't let me write the exact words. I
pushed against the desk, hearing the scraping of the chair against the floor. I walked toward
my bed and fell on it, sighing. The fire in the lamp was still burning. And as I closed my
eyes, sleep took over me. But their whispers, their presence.. I could feel them through my
every bones. My eyes shot opened at the feeling of breathing against my face. My eyes met
with discoloured ones. Dead ones. I brought a hand to my mouth in horror, restraining a
scream from escaping. This is just a nightmare. A nightmare... I closed my eyes again, willed
my body to wake up, but when I opened them again, my eyes met glowing eyes in the
complete darkness. Scared, I sat up, the presence dissipating. I threw myself on my desk to
light another small fire in my lamp. I was desperate for a small sun, a small hope in this
darkness. When I lifted it up to chase away any demons, I was met with circles and circles of
death. They were surrounding me, staring at me neutraly. But this is just a nightmare... This is
not happening. Wake up! Wake up!
I ran to my door, trying to ignore their presence all around me, hunging over my shoulder.
The chills that traveled across my skin made me want to cry. I wasn't feeling good. I ran to
the kitchens, knowing damn well if any protection were offered to me, the most effective one
would be somewhere in the kitchen. I opened drawer after drawer, their handle feeling numb
against my sweaty skin. I grabbed a big, long and large knife and looked at my reflection in
its clean blade. My breathing was heavy. Holding the lamp near my face, I walked through
the hallways, stabbing away any demons that dared approach me too much. My feet dragged
me to my sister's room. I opened her door and reached her mat, almost joining her under the

"Sister! Sister! Please, I'm scared! They're everywhere", I screamed.

It's just a nightmare. Just a nightmare.

Her body sat up on her bed. I was expecting a scolding, her begging for me to go back to my
room, but the voice that I heard was no where near being hers. "You're scared? Let me
reassure you, my darling little sister", it said and as I lifted my head, I screamed in horror. I
raised the knife in the air and I let it plunge in its body, multiple times, over and over again.
When I opened my eyes, my sister's dead body was laying on the mattress, blood everywhere
; on my hands, on my nightgown, on her sheets, splashes of it everywhere on her face, her
bare legs, the wall, the ceiling. I screamed. I screamed, cried, fought against this nightmare. I
ran away. I ran out of her room and reached our parents'. I barged in as I did my sister.

"Mother! Si-Yook is dead! They killed her! Mother!", I screamed, jumping on the bed. I
shook their bodies under my hands, trying desperately to wake them up. Yet, I was faced with
other demons. They were in the bed, all around in the room. I swung the knife, up and down,
from the right to the left, chasing them away. And when I stopped hearing their whispering,
their presence, I opened my eyes. I met theirs... I met their dead eyes. My father's and my
mother's. They were opened, looking at me in horror.

"NO!", I screamed. I got out of bed, knife still in hand, blood on my hands, on my nightgown.
Blood everywhere. I cried. They wouldn't stop sliding down my cheeks. I kept crying, kept
screaming for help, as if anyone would help me. "I just want to wake up! LET ME WAKE

I picked up the lamp I had dropped near their opened door and ran down the hallway. This is
just a nightmare. It's just a nightmare. I made my way to the living room and I opened the
doors and placed the lamp on the low table. I approached the hearth and light a fire. I looked
at it, looked at the knife, at my bloodied hands. I angled the knife, the blade toward my
stomach. If I die... I'll wake up, right?


A hand grabbed my wrist, and stopped my hands from plunging the knife into my stomach. I
opened my eyes and met Min-Ren's. The horror in her eyes told me enough. My eyes shifted
between reality and lies. I could see the demon's hand on my wrist, stopping me from
throwing my letter in the fire, from freeing myself. And on the other side, I could see Min-
Ren's in its place, her hand on my wrist, stopping me from stabbing myself, killing myself in
this nightmare so I could come back in my bed, so I could wake up, so I could be free from
this horror. But this isn't it, right? This isn't a nightmare..., is it?

Reality hit me and I stumbled backward. I felt dizzy, my eyes blurred. I fell to the ground, my
head hitting the table. A sharp sound, glass shattering. I looked to my right. Fire. Heat.
Dangerous. If I stayed here, I was gonna die. Si-Yook, my mother and my father are gonna
die, too. But I don't move. I can't move.

"Lone!", I heard. I turned my head toward Min-Ren. I found strength to get up and followed
her. Into the darkness, I saw the dead bodies sprawling on the floor, the ones of the servants..
of everyone working in this mansion. Far away, I could see their souls being restrained away.
Their hands were reaching for me, as if begging me to run, to flee. "Lady Lone! We must
go!", she shouted and I followed.

"But! Si-Yook! My parents! We have to save them!"

Min-Ren was fully turned toward me now, stopped, her sorry eyes gleaming. "Lady Lone...
They are gone..."

And I remembered. Rememebred the knife, remembered my arms, remembered the blood. I
remembered everything. While I thought I was in a nightmare, while I thought I was stabbing
the demons away from me... I was killing everyone in Hakkon House.

I am the real killer of Hakkon House...

I tried to reach for Min-Ren, tried to find something to support me as I stumbled on my weak
feet, on the fear and hatred weighing on my shoulders. But my hand passed through hers. My
bottom lip trembled as I looked up to her.

"You... you are dead, too?", I asked, tears blurring my vision.

She offered me a sad smile, but no hatred, no accusation gleamed in her eyes. She... she
forgave me.

"I got killed by the fire in the living room while trying to stop you from killing yourself"

"I'm so sorry. I'm sorry, Min-Ren"

"It's okay, Lady Lone. But I saw your parents and sister for a few seconds before they went to
the Heavens. They wanted me to conjure you a message"

The fire was slowly approaching us. "But we need to go, Lady Lone! We need to go while
you can still live"

Dragging my eyes toward Min-Ren, dragging my eyes away from the fire, I ran, ran with her
as I tried to escape death for the first time. When we reached the doors, I used every bit of my
strength to open it, until fresh air slammed against me.

"Lady Lone, what your family wanted to say-!"

Dead arms wrapped around her waist, her neck, a hand clapped over her mouth as they
brought her away, farther into the house. Demons appeared a few feet before me. They were
walking toward me, faster and faster each step they took. Walking backwards, I tried to
escape them. Step after step, until my foot hit a stone and I fell on my back, pushing the air
out of my lungs.

"My sweet child... I'm sorry I couldn't be of any more help to you... I love you and I hope, one
day, you forgive yourself"

"Lone... I'm sorry I couldn't teach you more of the sword, more about fighting. I am so proud
of you, my little girl"

"Hey, little sister. I didn't really hate you. I guess I was just jealous... Somehow. I'm sorry I've
been such a shitty sister, you deserved better. I hope you can forgive me... like I forgive you"




Tear after tear...

Water mixed with blood...

Cold blade, cold metal against cold skin...

And I'm asking myself ...

What the hell...

Did I do...?
They Care and She Cares
Chapter Notes

Hi, my sweet readers! I cannot be happier enough about how this story is growing! And
so I hope you enjoy this chapter.

askjhje <3
see you soon ;)

He's throwing her body on the deck of the pirate boat. He's soaked, from head to toe. As well
as Shin-Ha. Lone is laying on the ground, water dripping from her hair on the wood,
darkening its pale brown to a more darker color. Blood is staining her kimono. She has lost a
lot of blood, it is undeniable. The lower part of her clothes had been ripped, that the others
could tell. Yona was sobbing ; Hak had an arm over her shoulders, trying to calm her grief as
much as his. But Jae-Ha put his two hands above her chest and started pushing against it with
a steady rhythm. Then, after a few, he put his mouth against hers and forced oxygen to go
down to her lungs. He kept at it for an unbearable and unbeleivable amount of time. But no
one dared to stop him.

"Maybe we can try to give her some senjusou", Yoon said, pain slowly starting to show on
his face.

"No, it won't work", the captain said, pip between her fingers. "If we want to heal that wound,
we need her alive"

"Then, what do we do?", Yona asked, panic rising in her voice.

"We keep trying", Jae-Ha said between gritted teeth. "I am not letting her go, Yona"

"Then... if she comes back-!", she said, hope shining in her eyes.

"Prepare the medical tools to keep her here", Gi-Gan added.

"I'm on it!", Yoon screamed, running toward where he kept his things.

Jae-Ha kept pushing against her chest ; he would not give up. Even if it was too late, he
would continue until he was too exhausted to stand ; he would continue until he would fall
unconscious, he would continue until he died as well. He needed her to come back, for his
sake, but also for the people who still cared for her. She needed to come back.

Lone's POV
I had fallen to my knees, hands raised to my face, hiding the shame distorting my traits. I was
scared, I was pained. I was my own monster.

"How did I get so lost in reality to forget I was in it?", I let out through an unsteady breath.
My mother was still here. But I couldn't dare look up at her eyes and witness the hatred and
the pain she was feeling toward me.

"Because you believed you were dreaming. Their presence was overwhelming you, it blurred
your vision", she said in her usually sweet and gentle voice.

"Why? Why do you not resent me all? For what I have done to our family, to our lives? Why
do you not blame me?", I asked.

"Because, my sweet child, it is not your fault. Even if you are crazy, what you have done is
not your fault. You were born able to see the dead and they know it. You have always had a
brave and kind heart, Lone. Don't believe anything anyone tells you. You were not in control
that night. You were scared. You thought you were defending yourself against these demons"

"But I killed you. I killed my family, and truly believed I was innocent...", the tears were cold
and wet against my cheeks, as realization kept hitting me over and over again. "I should have
died... I should have died"

"Don't say that. You were given another chance at life for a reason"

"What good can I do to this world? I am a monster, I played the fool. Why am I still

I lifted my head at last and she was before me, kneeling on the ground, hands on her thighs.
She had no hatred glimming in her eyes, nothing blinded her vision, not rage or fear. She was
calm, serious. I freezed at the image offering itself to me. I freezed at the reflection I saw in
her eyes. I freezed at the way she looked at me, as she has always done.

"Lone, I have always loved you. You were always my most sensitive child, and yet, the
strongest. You are still in this world because you deserve your place in it. There is something
you must achieve before you join us. And neither of us will blame you ; we will embrace
your presence, we will remind you that we never stopped loving you. You deserve more. You
deserve better"

"I only deserve hatred and death"

"Why do you think so?", she asked, sadness grazing her skin, her traits.

"Because... because I killed you all... And I hid away the memories, to make me think that I
didn't. I am a monster"

"No, you are not"

"Why do you think so?", I asked, repeating the words she had sent my way a few seconds
"Because you are gentle, you are kind. Even with a sword between your hands, even with that
fierce look in your eyes, you are an angel. Those demons, your demons have been darkening
your soul, but it doesn't make it evil"

"I am not a monster?", I asked, as if I needed confirmation again.

"No. You are not a monster", she said, even more gently now.

"I am not a monster", I said, still numb. I refused to believe them, but I let the words sink in, I
let their meaning penetrate my skin. I am not a monster to them. I am not a monster.

She smiled, happy to hear me say the words. But then, worry started to etch itself on her

"You should go back. They're waiting for you", she said.

"What if I don't wanna go back?"

"You do. Your soul does. Because it wouldn't have stayed even after I kept begging it to stay.
A small part of you wants to live, Lone. Honor it. But I feel the bigger part of it overtaking
you. It's trying to go, it's trying to reach its hand toward Death. Lone, be true to yourself ; do
you want to leave them?"

"No... I don't want to", I said without hesitation.

"Do you want to throw away everything you have built?"


"Do you want to live?"

I looked down at my hands and remembered the blood splattered on them, the knife laying on
the grass. I remembered the tears as they fell uncontrolably as I kneeled before my home, at
what I had done. I stayed there until dawn broke, and the house was nothing but rubbles and
ash. Until the Castle guards came to fetch me away from the site, from this murder scene.
And I thought of everything that happened afterward, of all the pain and grief and joy I went
through. I remembered Jae-Ha's words through all of this, remembered the promise he made.
I regretted thinking of that, regretted thinking of him. But I looked up at my mother once

"Yes... Yes, I want to live"

"Lone", Yona cried. "Please, come back... come back to us"

"You're supposed to beat me before you can go, Lone", Hak said, restraining the tears. "Come
on, come back"

"Come back to me, Lone", Jae-Ha said. "Come back to us, I beg of you"
He kept pushing. He kept blowing air into her mouth. He kept trying to bring her back. Some
had already given up on her, but Jae-Ha wouldn't, nor would Yona and Hak. Yoon was
kneeling on her other side, ready if ever she came back, ready to tend to her wound, ready to
keep her alive, but he did not believe her breaths would come back. He did not believe the
blood in her veins would start flowing again. And when, finally, Jae-Ha's arms gave up,
exhausted, he rested his head on her stomach, the only sound they could hear being his sobs.
Yona silently hid her face in Hak's chest, searching comfort despite both their grief. He
wrapped his arms around her shaking body, his eyes silently pleading Lone's body to come
back to life. And right before she shot right up in a sitting position, Jae-Ha felt her chest lift
up and down for a brief second, making him straighten his back. Then, she was throwing up
the water that had killed her as she welcomed air back into her lungs. But shock overtook her,
she felt naked, barren. She turned her head from left to right in a frenzy. Her breaths were
uneven, uncontrollable. And when she saw Yoon's hands trying to reach for her, trying to
calm her down, she pushed her hands and feet into the wood of the deck, backing up,
desperately trying to search for safety. Her back hit against something. No, not something.


Arms wrapped around her, trying their best to comfort her. "Lone, it's me. It's me. It's all of
us. You're okay", Jae-Ha's voice said in her ear. Her back was leaning against his chest, her
arms had been shackled by his, unmoving, except for her forearms, which she brought her
hands to meet his own arms. "Breathe in... Breathe out", he said, slowly, bringing her back to
reality. Calming her down as he did so. When her breathing had steadied, she seemed to
recall the wound at her stomach, because she winced. She fought her way out of Jae-Ha's

"I'm fine", she said sharply.

"No, you're not", Yoon said. "I need to stitch up your wound and then give you some
Senjusou so you heal faster"

She nodded, accepting silently. She layed down on the deck again, not without gritting her
teeth against the pain. She ignored Jae-Ha's gaze as she welcomed Yona and Hak to her side.
She wiped away the tears sliding down the cheeks of her friend. Yona was relieved, happy,
which made Lone happy. "I will go fetch you your clothes", Yona said, standing up to walk
toward their room. Hak was sitting near Lone, looking at her with sadness in his stare, flecks
of joy piercing holes in it.

"I really thought you were dead", he said.

"I did, too", she answered, honest, a sad smile appearing on her face.

"Here you go, Lone", Yoon said. "All stitched up. Just wait here, I'm gonna give you some

She looked at him and smiled. "Thank you", she whispered.

When Yona came back, Lone was standing. Yona pushed her clothes into her hands, hurrying
her to change, but Lone only laughed lightly. "I'm not going to change in front of them all",
she said, turning away, her face turning grim.

"I would love to see that", Jae-Ha teased, head leaning against his fist, his elbow resting on
the ramp of the boat, watching Lone as she walked away.

"Already back to your normal self as if nothing had happened, huh?", Lone commented, still
walking toward the room she was sharing with Yona.

"I don't know what you're talking about", she rolled her eyes, but did not turn.

No one joined her in the room. No one saw her change. And no one saw her break down in
tears as she sobbed violently. No one saw her...
A Secret Between Us
Chapter Notes

Beware, readers! This is an important chapter!

Hope you'll like it!

askjhje <3
see you very soon ;)

A few hours have passed into this new day. I can hear the laughs of joy, the screams of
freedom, the alcohol dipped cries. I stayed in my room after I got changed, kept still in its
comfort, its safety. I was looking through the small window, at the vast ocean on the other
side of this wall. I was seated on pillows, hugging my legs to my chest protectively. I kept
recalling the blood, the demons, the knife, kept recalling the fire, my house, my family. I kept
recalling the true memories. I had died, and came back to life with a different view of my
past. A different view of the beginning of my journey. And it made sense. My mind
continuously showed me what my hurt heart wanted to see. That it wasn't my fault, not
entirely, but theirs. My mind had made me believe they were able to touch, to possess, to
move things and people with their mind, as if they posessed magic. They were dead. They
couldn't do one single thing that I thought of while I hid away the truth. I felt every bit the
fool, that I could lie to myself with such impossibilities, and yet it was true, what I had
remembered. A small figure appeared in the room then. I didn't turn my attention to him,
couldn't face his prying eyes.

"You knew, didn't you?", I asked, blame coating my tongue.

He didn't answer. I knew that he knew. I was just trying to see if he had the courage to lie to
my face. He had known all this time and kept the secret away from me.

"Why didn't you say anything?", I asked, suddenly turning my full attention toward him. He
looked sorry.

"Because I didn't want to hurt you"

"I'm already hurt, Aro. I can't believe you'd rather see me revel in a lie, than know the truth"

"You wouldn't have been able to handle the truth"

"And I'm much more fit to handle it now?", I asked, turning my gaze away from him. "How
could you look at me with those kind eyes when you knew what I had done?"

He couldn't find a proper answer. And I couldn't stand his presence. "Leave, Aro. I don't want
to see you"

"Leave", I blew in a whisper.

He heard me, because he faded in the light that the small window offered. Knocks came at
the door a few minutes afterward. "Come in", I said, hoping not to see the green hair of my
annoying savior.

But I was glad to see Yona walk up to me. "Are you fine? You seem lost, distant since you
came back to life... Did something happen while you were... gone?"

"Would you believe me if I said nothing happened?", I asked, not fighting the voice begging
me not to say more.

"No", she said flatly, completely honest, without hesitation.

I traveled my gaze away from her face, from her eyes and made myself look out, at the blue
sea, at the blue sky, at its white clouds, at the shining sun, at everything that wasn't my friend
standing beside me. She carefully took a place in front of me, tucking her legs close to her
chest just like I did, but in no way for the same reason I did. "I want to know everything", she
said instantly, sure and sharp. I was surprised by her sudden demand. So much that when I
turned my head toward her, I couldn't hide it, couldn't hide the expression on my face, the
fear and the grief making its way to my traits.

"You might not look at me the same after I tell you everything", I said, a sad smile creeping
over my lips. "I am ashamed of what I have done, of what I went through. They are horrors I
wish on no one in this world"

"I don't care. You are my bestfriend... and I care about you deeply. I can't stomach looking at
you and see you hurt, and not comprehend this pain you constantly go through. I am sure... I
am certain I want to know. Please, Lone, share your story with me"

My face was dropping the more shame I felt. My eyes moved from her eyes, her face, to my
fingers, nervously fidgeting. I wanted to tell her, wanted her to know everything, and even
though I wasn't forcing any information on her, I knew she would regret staying to hear the
words. But she asked me... I shall tell her.

"Since I was a child, I've been... seeing things", I started hesitantly. "I still do see these things.
They haunt me, everyday, but mostly at night. They have took upon my dreams, made them
nightmares. They have only stood in dark corners of everywhere I went, but it made those
corners more dreadful than they already were. I've been seeing dead people for years, now. I
still see them. I would have been considered too dangerous to be let into this world if higher
ranked people knew about this... part of me. I would have been considered crazy by my own
father if he had ever known. My mother knew... she was the only one who knew", I said each
word without looking her in the eyes. I didn't want to see the disgust, the shame, the fear, the
hatred. I didn't want to see the distortion in her face while I told her everything. So I kept my
eyes on the ocean, willed my vision to blur enough to hide her face.
"Since that night, when Hakkon House fell, I've believed much less evil things had
happened... to my family, to me. I had lied to myself, until... until I died and got to know the
truth. As weird as it might sound, I saw my mother and by my demand, I saw everything I
had done. I thought those monsters had killed my family, I thought it was because of them
that I was about to die, that I was about to be wrongfully accused. That's what I thought in the
beginning. But I forgot something trivial ; they can't touch, can't even kill. They speak, they
exist, they move... but they don't touch ; they don't kill. I've seen through my own eyes,
through the horror I thought was a nightmare. I killed my family because they overwhelmed
me. I thought I was innocent, and yet ; I'm every bit the murderer. Whether it is my fault or
not, I killed them, I was the one who plunged that knife in them over and over again thinking
it was these demons. I mistook their bodies for these monsters. I have done such a horrible
thing... and yet, it was so unlike me that Soo-Won believed I didn't do it. I was on his side,
believed his words, when he said he knew me, while I didn't even know myself. I heard
everything that had happened... to you, to your father, to Hak. I defended you like it was my
mission in life, but he didn't care. I did, until the night where everything changed, once again.
I knew that he had killed the king, put the blame on Hak, also accusing him of kidnapping
you, but I didn't believe any of it. Then, I heard he wanted to marry me. I was in pure shock. I
ran away, not without The General trying to stop me. He threatened me, said he would kill
me if I didn't go back into the Castle. I offered him my life, because there was no way I was
going into this Castle to die. He didn't have the strength to kill me. He didn't even had the
chance to. My period in the Wind Tribe territory was difficult. I couldn't go around the Castle
guards, I couldn't leave the village. Until I heard something about a secret organization that
made your every wish come true. Apparently, they already knew I was searching for them,
they already knew of my presence. I didn't spend much time there, but enough to meet the
one who would disguise herself as me. She was pained, not happy. But I never thought she
might want to kill herself. I was so shocked that she had truly offered her life so mine could
go on. She might have did it for me, but I believe she did it for herself too, saw in this
mission an opportunity to leave this world, to free herself from this miserable life...", I dipped
my head down, my eyes staring straight into my lap. She didn't talk, didn't cut in. She kept
silent, even made me think I was speaking to a wall. I still wasn't able to look her in the eye. I
shook my head, remembering her limp body as it fell to the ground in a concerning thud. I
remembered how it shouldn't have sounded like that, remembered how this accident shouldn't
have happened at all.

"I then made my way to the bottom of the cliff where I heard your bodies were still laying. I
didn't found them, but I found Ik-Soo, that clumsy priest", I smiled lightly. "But he was so
kind. I helped him and he helped me. He told me that I wouldn't die anytime soon, told me
that I would live a happy life. That I would find love. I don't remember it all, but these words
marked me. But shortly after...", it was difficult to bring up this part of my life. I looked up
toward the window, tears blinding my view. "I was kidnapped... I was tortured. This scar on
my face was the first time they ever ran their knife down my body. They were five ; their
leader did this to me. And then, they spent the next days raping me continuously, torturing me
over and over. They knew I was the Lady Lone that had died ; they kept debating whether or
not they should bring me back to the Castle, but they ended up deciding to keep me for
themselves. I was their toy to play with", my sobs had become too uncontrollable. My bottom
lip was trembling, I squeezed my eyes tightly, remembering each and everyone of my pleas to
the Heavens, to let me go, to let me live. "I kept remembering what Ik-Soo had said to me, to
give me hope through it all. I barely had anything to eat, anything to drink. It was difficult ; I
was weak. But then, they made a decision about when they would kill me. I fought... hard. I
almost gave up. But thanks to my dead brother who never got to see the sun, to breathe, I
survived. He screamed at me, begged me to keep going. I killed them all, without mercy. I
don't regret the pain I inflicted upon them, I don't regret killing them ; I never will. After that,
I made my way to Awa, slowly ; I was healing, so it was difficult for me to go forward with
my usual strength, will... everything. I had not eaten a lot, I was bonier than I am today.
Eating is remembering their hands feeding me, the same ones they put on me. It has been
difficult, nearly impossible. But I was glad I was alive. I saw him in my nightmares, saw him
standing in the dark when I was awake. I still see him. He still haunts me. I have never talked
about this to anyone, I had never planned to", I said as I finally forced myself to look at my

She was silently crying. Tears kept going down her face, her mouth was barely open, but I
could see her bottom lip trembling, just as mine had. The surprise on my face pushed her to
wrap her arms around my neck. Surprised and shocked by her reaction, I wrapped mine
around her waist hesitantly, slowly. She was crying against my shoulder, she didn't say a
word, didn't apologize for what I went through, she only stroked my hair in an effort to
reassure me. And it worked.

"I am so happy that you told me everything... I will keep this to me... I will bring it to my
grave... I promise"

I closed my eyes as a tear escaped and pulled her tightly to me, thanking her for listening,
thanking her for keeping all that I had just said to herself. Then, other knocks came on the
door. I jumped, not wanting anyone to see me as vulnerable as I was.

"What are you both doing?", Hak. "The party's outside", he opened the door and I could feel
his alarm as he realized the tears and pain upon Yona's face. "What happened?", he asked.
Yona pulled back and wiped her tears, the corners of her lips lifting up in a genuine smile.

"I'm fine. We were just talking ; it became very emotional"

"Okay... But like I said, the party's outside", he pointed a thumb behind him.

"I'm coming", Yona said as she stood up and joined Hak. I looked in her direction and with a
hand on the doorframe, she turned toward me. "Are you coming?"

"I'll join you later", I said, offering her a small smile. She did the same before disappearing
with Hak.
A Night I'll Never Remember
Chapter Notes

Oh my God ; hey people! Hey, readers, it's been a few days! Anyway, today I actually
have a question for you, and I would really love to hear your answers, so please, please,
please, leave a comment! I want to know how you've been imagining Lone since the
beginning. Short/long/mid hair, what color ; her hair, her eyes. But anyway, I want to
know it all! So tell me, please!

Anyway, here you go, this majestic chapter 28. I love it so, so much, for real ; and so I
hope you do too.

Have a wonderful read,

askjhje <3

see you on tuesday lol ;)

It was a challenge to go against the very desire of my bones. I should probably respect their
wish to stay still, unmoved, unbothered. But somehow, as I got up, it was not the grunting of
my entire body that begged me to leave it alone, it was my suddenly lightened steps when I
walked that surprised me, made me want to continue walking, only to make sure the weight
really had been lifted. As if my confiding in my friend had been the key to feeling better.
Though I felt more liberated, I would think twice before telling anyone else my story.

When I arrived on deck, the sea-salt filled air greeted me. It reached my lungs deeper than
when I had been in my borrowed room. It felt good, though it made me dizzy for an instant. I
found my way to the stairs and walked them down. I tried to keep my eyes up, away from my
hands, away from the awful memories. As I looked around, I realized they were all having
fun, witnessed their laughing, their drinking, and I felt foreign. My whole body, my mind felt
foreign. I wanted to get back on the boat and hide away, cry and sulk until I was too
exhausted to keep going, until sleep stole the pain away from me, but I had told Yona I would
come and I didn't want to worry her, so I stayed.

Maybe a small part of me wanted to be a part of this, wanted to have fun and drink and laugh
like nothing else mattered. But everything else did matter. I did not accept the possibility of
letting my mind wander off elsewhere while I forgot about what I did. Mother would
probably say something like ; "It's okay, my sweet child. We forgive you. You should forgive
yourself. Now go on with your life, and live it to the fullest. Keep a thought or two for us, but
live before this tragedy." Maybe she was right, maybe she wasn't. Whether or not I lived
while ignoring this crime, it still haunted me. The sheer fact that I killed my family had me
asking myself who I actually was. Yona looked like she didn't blame me either. She looked
like she would be on my mother's side, screaming at me that I was innocent, that the way I
was born was nothing I could control, but what if it was? What if I had grown up learning to
control the fear it brought me, the anger? What if I refreined myself from writing these letters
every other day? What if I had grown up with the knowledge, but had refused for them to
ruin my life? The simple belief had been enough to send them away, but maybe their constant
return was a sign.

But then I remembered the last letter I had written. In this reality, I had shredded the words,
in the other, I had been stolen the chance to burn it. But it wasn't the paper that had been
placed in my hands at that time... it was the knife. The knife that had apparently appeared in
my hands, the blood that had splashed itself over my gown, in my hands, on my arms, my
skin right after I got out of Hakkon House. I had thought, back then, that they had put it in
my hands themselves, but as I remembered my mother telling me of the tricks they played
with my mind, I also remembered the demon who had supposedly held my wrist, talked to
me, and waved the damn unexisting half burnt letter in his hand every chance he got. I had
never been stolen the chance to free myself of their presence. It was all a play of the mind, a
play of the heart. And even now, I could still decide to sit down in front of yellowed paper
and black ink and pour my emotions into words... written words. I could still send that
message to the Heavens, could still free myself every once in a while to feel better.

But it wouldn't make me feel better...

Would it?

I have complained of their presence everytime they came back. Today, it became a habit that
still haunted my dreams, but their constant presence made my life easier, because I was
waiting for it. I had been used to it. I raised my head as pirates asked me to move gently, as I
had been standing right before the stairs leading up to the boat. My eyes landed on a
shadowed piece of land, on the demon standing right before the small shop. He was grinning
at me, but it did not startle me like it would have before. I didn't smile back at it. I only
looked away. Looked toward a small woman who was running over to me. She had a cheerful
smile on her face, reminding me of the win we had stolen from Kum-Ji, from his men and the
mercenaries he had employed. She was weighing a plate of multiple drinks in her hand and
she stopped in front of me.

"Would you like a drink? You look like you would need it", she said. I looked at her, at the
drinks she presented me, offered me. I considered the offer... she was right. I needed one. I
reached my hand toward the plate and took a drink from her.

"Thank you", I said, earning me a welcoming smile in return. And once she was gone
parading to the next person, I took a big sip of the drink I had in my hands.

I didn't know how much time had passed. I did not know how many drinks I'd accepted, but
no one tried to stop me from reaching my hand toward another and another as the sun danced
toward the sea. But contrary to the others, I did not have fun losing my mind to alcohol, it
brought me deeper in melancholy, the pain sinking its claws into my skin, deep into my
bones. It was softened pain that awaited me in the depths of these glasses, but it was pain
nonetheless. Dulled pain, pleasing pain, but still pain. I sat on a rock on the hill not far from
the party. I sat on this hill not far from the water, not far from the sea. My place offered a
beautiful view, another thing to lose myself into. In my mind, I danced and sang. I had fun
while I drank, but here I was, sitting on a lowly rock, on a hill, away from everyone, away
from the party, away from the fun.

I felt and heard footsteps approaching me. I did not dare look toward that annoying presence,
whoever they were. Anyone would be a bother to my drunken mind in this very moment, and
therefore, annoyance seemed to be my only companion. I stiffened when I saw a glint of
green hair. I did not school myself into acting more proper, I did not straighten my back, nor
did I hide the fact that I was drinking. I did not throw the glass in the grass, I did not
accidentally spilled the complete content of the drink. Instead, I brought it to my lips, trying
to make him understand his presence was undesired. Yet, he did not seem to understand.

"Maybe you should stop drinking, Lone... You've drank a lot"

"I have, thanks for letting me know. Though I did not know you were watching me"

"And I probably am the only one in this time of day. Indeed, I worry about your current

"Why would you? Why would you go as low as to care for me in this very moment ; it is
undesired, unnecessary and bothering, if you ask me"

"The drinking has brought out the rude in you, I see. The hateful one"

I scoffed. "'Rude in me', whatever are you talking about? I may have a hazed mind, but I
seem to recall I have never treated you differently"

"Well, it may be because of my unhazed mind, but I do recall that you have softened around
me lately"

"Are you sure you're not the one who has drank?"

"Says the person who is holding a glass full of... whatever the hell people have offered you"

"Why are you even here? After everything I've thrown your way, you still find a way to stay
annoyingly close to me"

"Because your mean comments and rude attitude should be enough to push me away?"

"No, because my hatred in your character is flagrant and you seem to understand none of it"

"Sorry if I counter your words, young Lady, but I don't believe you"

My blood froze. I turned my head in his direction in a frenzy, my hair almost dipping in the
contents of my drink. I yanked my head away, almost spilling the drink in the mean time. "Do
not call me 'Lady'"

"I did not use the word as a title, Lone"

I returned my attention to my drink, to the sea, the grass, the setting sun and the rising moon.
I pulled my attention away from his droopy eyes, his grinning face, everything that was him.
"I don't care how you use the damn word, just don't voice it when speaking to me"

He did not say anything else, until he decided to make a mistake.

"Lady...", he tentatively said, which had me furrowing my brow.

"Fuck off, Jae-ha"

He laughed. He laughed. Which did not help my annoyance. It only grew. Then, from the
corner of my eye, he willed his face to seriousness. I knew my next words might hurt him
deep, but if it were to become the only words to push him away completely, perhaps I might
not regret them at all.

"I'm surprised you're not taking advantage of my situation. I would assume you would flirt
your way to a woman's bed mostly when they were drunk", I saw it. I saw the moment it
struck. The expression in his eyes shifted. He turned toward me and as his fingers wrapped
themselves around the glass in my hand, I barely had the time to react that he stole it away
from me. He brought it to his lips and drank. He did not empty the glass, but he did not give
it back to me either.

"You have drank enough tonight, Lone. Go to sleep. Are you even old enough to drink,

"Probably not"

He seemed surprised, as if he waited for me to say that I had every right to be holding that
cup when I was not. He turned toward me, frowning.

"How old are you?"

"17", I said.

"Oh, what the hell, you're just a child!", he shouted, slapping his face with his empty hand.

"What the hell did you expect me to say, anyway? At least, I know it will keep you from my
bed for a couple of years"

"That's not-", he started but stopped, already giving up on what he wanted to say. I did not
push him to reveal more ; I had no interest in wanting to know more.

"But, anyway", I said, taking the glass away from his hand and into my own again.
"Technically, there's only a couple of weeks before I turn 18. So I'm okay with drinking", I
turned toward him and brought the glass to my lips. "And for all I know, you're not my father,
so you have no opinion in what I do", I finished as I drank the rest of the glass.

"No... I am not your father..."

I put the glass on the grass and contemplated the horizon. The silence almost made me
believe he was not by my side anymore, but I could still see his green hair in the corner of my
eyes. I wished I could erase that part of my vision, or will the guy to go away and leave me
alone with the simple demand of my silent mind, but he wouldn't hear. And he probably
wouldn't even listen to me if I voiced those thoughts.

"Maybe you should go to sleep. You look like you would need some rest, Lone", he was
being honest and serious. There were no reproach in his voice, no hate, only concern and a
desire to help. But the act of sleep reminded me of the memories I was trying to avoid.

And maybe it was the alcohol speaking, but I said : "I can't go to sleep on my own, because I
don't want to chose to see them and what I've done. I don't want to see it all..."

"What are you talking about? You're alive ; everything's gonna be okay"

I shook my head in disbelief. "I'm not talking about my death. I'm talking about other
people's death... caused by me and my stupid and cursed mind"

He escaped a nervous laugh. "What are you talking about?"

"None of your business. I should get another drink", I said, starting to get up. "In the hopes
that I don't let myself tell you more than you already know"

I felt his fingers wrap around my wrist and tug me back on the rock before I could take
another step toward an awaiting drink. "You've gotten enough"

"It's not nearly enough. I can't even forget it. I just want to escape the horrors of my life only
once. Once and I promise I'll stand up to it, I'll fight my way through this ugly life, I just want
to forget everything... just for one night"

"Is it really that bad?"

"What?", I asked, my eyes staring at where the sun had previously been before disappearing
below the surface, below the sea.

"Your life... your past"

"I can't answer for you, so may you be the master of your decisions. But I won't tell you any
of it, anyway, so you can give up"

"What if I don't?"

"Then, I'll resume the threatening I started the day I met you. I might even make it real, who

In a move that I hope was the alchohol taking control of me, I let my head fall. I turned it in
his direction, my point of view of his face being sideways. I examined him, squinted as if
trying to see more, see better. He was looking at me with barely frowned eyebrows, but the
crinkles were there and I could see the confusion in his eyes.
"You would look fine with short hair", I blurted out and I didn't feel any shame. I didn't
reproach myself of anything. In this very moment, speaking foreign to my usual tongue
wasn't bothering me.

He looked surprised, but it was as if my brain didn't see it, didn't recognize his reaction.
Though, my eyes did. "What?", he asked and I could see the hope appearing in his eyes. I
lifted my head and propped it up in the palm of my hand and watched the sea and the slowly
darkening sky.

"Though, you still look fine with long hair. Doesn't push away the fact that I prefer it tied...
Though untied is also nice"

I couldn't see if he was still reacting, didn't care, not even a little. But what I did realize, was
that he wasn't answering. And so I continued on.

"I mean, you are attractive in general ; it would be a lie to say otherwise. Yet, I can't
understand it, can't understand myself ; I've only felt this way only toward one person before
and after what I've gone through, I never thought I would feel attracted to anyone before a
longgg, long time. And maybe I hate myself for it. And maybe that's why I hate you too,
because I blame you for my attraction, though I will have to agree with myself that it's your
fault, but anyway... whatever, you're still annoying and you bear a perverted mind, which
makes you way less attractive... in some way. It makes you creepy..."

I stopped speaking, stopped hearing the words go passed my lips, stopped feeling my jaw
moving. I was tired of speaking, tired of talking. I wanted to sleep, but drinking seemed
funnier, seemed like the right choice. I stood up in a swift move and started to make my way
to the others, to get another drink. My previous companion did not accompany me. I made
my way to a half-full drink, not giving any care in the world whose it might be. I picked it up
and brought the cup to my mouth.

"Hey, pretty lady", a man said not far away, his words laced with drunk behavior. I lowered
the glass and glared at him.

"What the hell do you want? Though, using that word is not a good way to call after me", I
said, which only made him seem more interested. I cringed and looked away, bringing the
cup to my mouth again, hoping he would leave me alone.

"Well... how about you join me for a night of fun, huh? What do you say? We're both drunk,
so we're not gonna remember anything"

I could see he was dangerously approaching me, but I kept thinking that if I showed him I
wasn't interested, maybe he would go away. But as I felt his arms wrap arround my waist and
grab my breasts, I felt a need to throw up. I struggled and fought against his strength, his
hold, but the alcohol made my arms numb, my legs numb. I felt I was approaching the edge
of exhaustion. I was almost screaming for him to let me go.

"Let me go! What the hell are you doing?!"

"Come on, we're gonna have fun. It'll just be the two of us"
"Leave me alone ; I said no!", and then, his arms were gone and a loud thud made its way to
my ears. I turned, startled, toward the sound. I saw the guy, laying on the ground, out cold.
And then, an arm wrapped around my shoulder and the other was rested against my cheek,
turning my head toward whoever was trying to catch my attention. I saw green. I smiled.

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you? Are you hurt anywhere?", but I only looked into his eyes
with recognition. And maybe it's the many many drinks that made me hug him.

"Thank you...", I whispered, burrying my face in his chest.

He seemed surprised, but he wrapped his arms around my shoulders and he squeezed me
tight, as if protectively. The contact made my heart soften, made my senses calm. I felt in full
security, I felt comfortable. It felt reassuring to feel this way. Since those days, I have never
thought I would ever need this physical touch ever again. I have never thought I would
appreciate it.
Blurry Memories
Chapter Notes

Hey, dear readers! I am so happy to be back with this 29th chapter. I hope you have had
a wonderful weekend. Now, there's only one chapter left concerning the Awa Arc, after
that we go forward through the manga ; after (evidently), meeting Zeno. But anyway, I
hope you have a wonderful end of week.

Have a good read,

and see you on saturday ;)

Third Person POV

Lone had lost consciousness in Jae-Ha's arms eventually. He had not trusted anyone else to
bring her safely to her room. He couldn't. After what he had witnessed, he could not possibly
let another man handle her, so with an arm beneath her knees and the other holding her back,
he walked away from the party. Her head was falling backward, the smooth and calm
expression on her face taking hold of his very attention, of his desires. Her hair had
succumbed to gravity. Every inch of her face was discovered and it was Heaven to look at.
Once he put her down on her mat, he gently took off her boots and draped a thin blanket over
her body.

"I mean, you are attractive in general ; it would be a lie to say otherwise. Yet, I can't
understand it, can't understand myself ; I've only felt this way only toward one person and
after what I've gone through, I never thought I would feel attracted to anyone before a
longgg, long time. And maybe I hate myself for it. And maybe that's why I hate you too,
because I blame you for my attraction, though I will have to agree with myself that it's your
fault, but anyway... whatever, you're still annoying and you bear a perverted mind, which
makes you way less attractive... in some way. It makes you creepy..."

It was replaying in his mind, over and over. The words became a song, and its melody was
enough to make his mind wander elsewhere. Wander far away, but close to her. Her fingers
were grazing his brain ; her mouth was leaving tantalizing kisses over his heart. It made him
shiver, thinking about her, thinking about what she could do to him if she ever wanted, if she
ever started to feel a quarter of what he was feeling everyday. It was not love ; that he knew.
The Captain had always told him that he would know once he fell in love. He would know
because his heart would sing with the birds in the morning, the butterflies would be dancing
in his stomach, his body would be aching to be near that person. Everything about him would
be made about her. And maybe, he just realized it was near that type of feeling. Maybe, he
was scared now to realize that it might as well become that. Love. Though, in this very
moment, it was deep attraction and a desire to protect her, a desire to make sure she was fine.
And could he do that if she was gone with his master and the other dragons? Taging along
with the dragons, with Yona only to make sure Lone would be okay, to make sure she
wouldn't die, that she wouldn't be abused and unrespected like she was that night. He would
follow them to see her smile and laugh. But he would also make sure she never disappeared
away from his sight, that she stayed by his side, no matter where she was... no matter where
he was.

Beside him, she moved slightly, lifting up her sleeve to scratch at a tingle he could not see.
But his eyes stuck on her skin and the many, many scars atop it. They were all perfectly
healed, but the slight change of color, the small stitches of natural closing ; he saw it and
recognized it. He could imagine a dozen other small cuts all over her arms and legs, her
whole body. Could imagine the pain she went through and he grimaced. He frowned and his
eyes traveled to her serene face. He reached up a hand to push away a strand of hair, his
fingers brushing against her soft skin. She felt the light touch, because wrinkles appeared on
her forehead and she turned away from his touch. She turned on her side, gathering her hands
near her chest. The blanket slid down to her waist, revealing her upper body to the fresh air of
night. He didn't pull it up to cover her arms, he only pulled on her sleeve to cover her skin.

He then turned toward the door in a rapid movement, ready to strike whoever came in, but
calmed down when he realized it was only Yona.

"Jae-Ha?", she called.

"Yes", he said, returning his gaze to Lone's face.

"What happened?", she asked, and he knew she was talking about Lone.

"She was drunk. A man tried to force himself onto her", he could see she straightened in the
corner of his eye. "And she lost consciousness in my arms after I politely told him to leave
her alone"

"Something tells me you were not polite"

He chuckled. "I kicked him. He's alive, just not awake"

She smiled and sat down on her mattress as she looked at her friend. "Thank you for saving

He frowned. "You know something of her past, don't you?", he asked.

Yona looked up at him, but nothing in her expression told him what she really knew. "I can't
answer that question, Jae-Ha. I know you wish to know more, but it is not my secret to talk

"I understand... I just wished I could understand her", he whispered, returning his eyes to her
calm face.

Yona put a small hand on his shoulder. He looked up at her, then got up on his feet. "I was
waiting for you ; I could not possibly leave her alone. I'm gonna go now"
She nodded, but didn't say anything else. Once he reached the door, Yona forced herself to
speak despite sleep starting to take a hold of her. "Thank you, Jae-Ha. For looking out for her.
I shall forever be indebted to you. She may have a cold expression, but she has a kind heart"

He smiled and left her alone with her friend. His feet brought him where the Captain was. He
had realized her presence was missing among the others, so he had promised to himself that
he would find her when he would be tired of the party. He found her finally and entered the
room without knocking.

"May I join you... beautiful?"

She was sitting at a table, drinking from a tiny cup. "Get lost, you lanky brat"

"No matter when I hear them, your harsh words are numbing, captain", he said in a sing-
songy voice. "Captain is my ideal type of woman. If only I had been born 50 years sooner"

"The blow Kum-Ji received with that arrow was here, right?", she said, angling a knife to his
face, while Jae-Ha stopped her wrist.

"Oh my, the 50 years thing bothered you", the captain gave up her hold on the knife and
brought the cup back to her mouth, smiling.

"I often tell you you're in a position to go with another woman"

"Oh my, I'm envious"

"Do you know... who that girl is?", he knew she would bring up Lone sooner or later, but for
now, the conversation turned toward the red-haired girl, reincarnation to the Crimson Dragon

"Well... somewhat. I don't have a taste for girls that play the koto", he said, trying to bring her
away from the girl whom he really felt attracted to.

"That's harsh", the captain commented. "Are you following that girl... because you're one of
the dragons of destiny then?", he offered once again his thoughts to her gentle face, a smiling,
happy expression, one he so desired to see one day. Some part of him wanted to follow Yona
because he wanted to protect her, because he wouldn't endure seeing her away, seeing her out
of his reach, but it was his true heart, his true desires to follow them to protect Lone.

"... I have no idea. It's just... I won't be able to keep my cool if I can't keep my eye on her"

"It seems to me that you mean those words, yet your thoughts are not toward the red-haired

"That image of her shooting an arrow was fascinating", he said, trying to bring her away from
a conversation he didn't want to bring up. "I'm a little envious that Kum-Ji was shot by her"

"It's great you're on such dropdead good terms", she commented, pouring herself another
drink. "A pervert like you needs to hurry and get out of here. Don't bother coming back
again", she seriously said, standing up, the bottle still in her hand as she walked toward the

"That's cold. Won't you say, "your home will always be here"?

She stopped in her tracks and turned toward him. "I can't say that, because when I recall the
face you bore when you tried to bring her back to life, home is much more by her side than it
is by mine"

"I don't know what you're talking about", he said, bringing the other bottle she had with her
to his mouth. He drank a mouthful.

"You don't? I remember your face, the pleading in your eyes. You can't tell me you tried to
bring her back to life only because you generally care about women. You will be lucky if you
are to have her heart. With everything she went through, I would imagine trusting anyone
with her heart, her body would not be the easiest thing for her"

After a few seconds of assimilating her words, he realized that she was speaking of her past, a
past he tried to get out of Yona. When he looked up at her, in the hopes of asking for what she
knew, her absence could not have been obvious enough. He smiled, escaped a small laugh
and shook his head in disbelief.

Lone's POV

"Lone", someone called my name. It was a familiar voice and yet, I couldn't place a face or a
name on it. Couldn't recognize who it belonged to.

My mind was blurry. There were bits of conversation here, unwanted touches there, mixed
feelings everywhere. I couldn't understand what my brain wanted my heart to know, to
recognize. I remembered comfort, gentleness, shared words, truth and the drinks. Each and
every one of the substances I let down my throat, their disgusting taste, but the comforting
feeling they brought.


Who was calling for me? I was tired, exhausted. Why was someone trying to disturb this
calmness? And then I opened my eyes, and I slowly adjusted to the light. I looked around,
stretching and realized Hak was sitting on Yona's bed, looking at me. So he had been the one
trying to wake me up. "Whatever you want, can't you leave me alone for a few hours? I don't
feel like doing anything right now", I said, turning on my side, offering him my back to stare

"That's not very ladylike of you"

"Bring this up again, and I will take pleasure in separating your head from your body"

He laughed. And it reminded me of another one. Another laugh that did not belong to him. I
had felt outraged when I heard it, yet felt a warm feeling settle inside me at the sound of it. I
waved away the thought.

"Yesterday night was rough, huh?", he asked, a grin tugging on a corner of his lips.

"I don't know, Hak ; ask someone who actually saw me. I don't remember anything after I
accepted the first drink someone offered me"

"I did ask droopy eyes about what happened, he didn't want to tell me ; said it didn't matter"

"Droopy eyes? What the hell does Jae-Ha have to do with this?"

"He was the only one who approached you last night. In the last hour of your delusions, that

"I guess you couldn't care less if I got drunk and misplaced?"

"It's not that. Yona did keep an eye on you. As for I, I tried to stop you, but Yona told me to
leave you alone. Said that as long as we kept an eye out for you, you would be fine"


"What happened to you?", he asked.

"I don't know", I said, and then remembered it all. Remembered how I died, remembered my
mother and the truth of what happened at Hakkon House the night my family died,
remembered the blood and the knife and the murders and the innocent lives I took. I turned
toward Hak as I started seeing stars. My vision was blurring. I felt my stomach ready itself to
make me regret all of what I had consumed the night before.

"I feel like I'm going to throw up", I said, putting a hand to my chest. Unexpectedly, he
brought a bucket to my face and I almost uglied the floor beneath as I threw up the contents
of my stomach. When I was finished, he took the bucket down and I sat up, feeling slightly
better. My head hurt though. I wished I could go back to sleep. I brought two fingers to my
temples in a failed attempt to make the hurting disappear.

"Usually happens when you drink more than your stomach can handle. It's the first time it has
happened to you, hasn't it?"

"Yes, and the last time"

"I said that, too, after my first hangover. Believe me, it'll happen again"

"Nope. I just wanted to forget everything for one night. And that's what's gonna happen. It
was just one night"

He lifted his hands up in the air, giving up on trying to dissuade me.

"Anyway, Yona disappeared early this morning. I've been trying to search for her, but
couldn't find any trace of her presence. Would you mind going into town with me?"
"Sure. Why not?", I said as I threw the blanket off of me. I put my boots on. Hak was
watching me, lifting up an eyebrow. "What?"

"You kept your clothes from yesterday?"

"Why should I care? I don't remember yesterday and drunk as I was, I can't possibly tear off
my clothes from my body. Though, my boots, I have no memory of taking them off"

When I was done tying them, I stood up and walked to my sword. I wrapped it around my
waist and looked toward my friend. "Ready? We're going to find Yona", I said as I walked
toward the door. I heard him jump onto his feet as he made his way to me. We walked side by
side in the long corridor leading to the deck.

"Any idea why she would want to wander alone into town?", I asked.

"I mean, the town is safe. And when I woke up, the others were slowly waking up as well, so
I would guess she woke up first and decided to go into town for a walk"

I shrugged. "I hope she doesn't encounter anyone that might want to hurt her"

He stayed silent. And then, his heard turned in my direction.

"You leave your hood down, now?", he asked, surprised.

"Yes", I simply said.


"Because I have no wish for my face to remain hidden anymore"

"Weird. I thought you would delight in the makeup Yoon put on your face. I thought you
would prefer the normalness to the scar"

"What is the point in being normal if normal is not me? I have it, it makes me who I am ; if I
cover it, I am no longer what it makes me. It's a part of me ; I don't want to forget it"

He nodded, bringing his attention toward the path in front of us. I stopped, making him stop
as well. "Maybe we should separate ; we'll cover more ground that way", I said, already
going a different way than we were heading toward.

"You're right. Let's meet back at the boat in an hour"


And he went his way as I focused my eyes on where I was heading. I was looking around,
hoping to spot red hair, but in the mean time, I was avoiding the glances and taking deep
breaths, trying to control my anxiety. It was hard keeping the hood down ; because it
discovered something I was most scared of people seeing. It was ugly and it changed my face
in a way others wouldn't expect to see on a woman's face. No one would expect a woman to
be a warrior, hence the damn glances in my direction. They were not subtle and I tried my
best to ignore them. Suddenly, cries and screams reached my ears as I stiffened, stopping in
my tracks. I recognized that voice ; it was Yona. I turned left, running toward where the
sound was coming from, but as I met his eyes, my back hit the wall in an attempt to hide. But
it was too late. My heart was hammering against my chest, remembering the cold calm
resting in his gaze. Our eyes had met for a split second, but I knew he recognized me ; the
way his eyes began to widen before I violently tugged myself away from his line of vision. I
put a hand to my chest and regained control over my body as I crept away from there and
away from him. I couldn't allow myself to be found, not after all the things I had gone
through. I waited for him to pass, accompanied by General Joo-Doh and two other men. I
could not see them, but I could hear them.

"Your Majesty, what are you on about now?", the General asked, temper rising in his voice.

"Did you see something, Your Majesty?", one of the men asked, more gently.

A few seconds passed before Soo-Won answered. "No, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bother you.
Shall we be on our way?"

"We shall", the General said in a harsh tone.

I started breathing normally when their footsteps had gone silent. I found my way to the path
I had been following and tried remembering where I had previously heard the sound of cries.
I walked and walked, until I stopped short. There they were, the Princess and the Thunder
Beast ; my dear bestfriends. Hak was looking up, probably where Soo-Won had headed
toward after his altercation with the Princess. He was looking at me, now, with dark eyes. I
returned the same look, nodding slowly, confirming what he feared.

Soo-Won was in Awa.

Chapter Notes

Hey, dear readers! This is the end of Awa Arc, and I can't wait to write the rest, which
will cover the totality of the manga. I've begun organizing the Fire Tribe Arc, though it's
still a long way to go, so that's why you should enjoy this chapter as much as you can,
because I will only publish another chapter on saturday. I have to work on the next arc
and perfect it so you won't be deceived. Give me a few days and you'll have the first of
many. But anyway, I'm also really sorry for the late update. Yesterday, I was busy, so I
didn't have time to write it all. But here I am!

I hope you love this chapter,


and see you on saturday ;)

Many, many things have changed in my life, and in a short amount of time as well. I have felt
as though I had lived a lifetime. In 17 years, I have gone through more than I can handle. I
have lost my family, my home, I have betrayed the crown, the King was killed and the blame
was put on my innocent bestfriend, who also took this opportunity to kidnap the daughter of
said king ; I have fled a castle, where I could have become Queen and live in security until
my last breath ; to the world, I was dead, I had encountered a priest, who had once been
chased out of the castle, and I have heard of a happy future, I have listened to him telling me
of many tales described in swift and weak words ; I have been kidnapped myself, tortured
and raped, but I found a way to escape ; I found my bestfriends who had been confirmed dead
in a city where I thought my life could happily end, but we were recruited by pirates to help
them get rid of the Port's evil Lord ; And in the last fight against him, in which he died, I had
also succumbed to the same faith and in death I have learned of my crimes ; and finally I had
been brought back to life. And maybe after all of this has happened, I still can't be the woman
I had hoped I would become.

Only because I have been raised a fighter by my father, that the only person able to defeat me
was the Thunder Beast himself, I had thought I was invincible. I had thought I was strong and
that my life as a woman had great meaning, but in the end, I was weak. My lack of
experience with the outside world had driven me weak, had made me realize that my training
had never been enough to save me in a world I hadn't grown up in.

But maybe... as I go on in life, I might become strong enough to become history, to bear
enough strength that everyone who would approach me would fear my wrath.

"Do I wish to be feared?", I asked myself.

I was looking at my reflection, at my barely covered breasts as I was slowly unwrapping the
bandages. Once I had thrown away the used cloth, I felt cold. My wound felt cold. It was
uncomfortable, but I didn't shiver. I stared at the scar below my breasts. I admired for a few
seconds how fast it was healing. And wondered as my eyes shifted to my cheek, if it could
have healed better with the senjusou. But it was something I could never get to know. The
long scar had healed completely ; it was useless to hope. Then, my attention wandered back
to the other one ; the one I was supposed to be tending to. I had refused any help after they
took care of me when I came back to life. I couldn't stand other people taking care of me, not
when I had been alone for weeks. And then, I found myself staring... staring at how thin I
was. I had been worse, but I was barely better. My body was not as strong as before. It was a
long journey... recovery. And I would have hoped I understood that before.

I snatched the perfectly rolled set of bandages and took the next minutes concentrating on
this task. Wrapping it around my body, I made sure it was not too tight, but not too loose. I
was taking deep breaths throughout the entire process. It was challenging, taking care of one's
wounds. But I would get accustomed to it. Once I was finished, I put my clothes back on,
tying the sash in place. I looked at myself now and realized how much it really covered.
These clothes weren't originally mine ; I had bought them after I survived my kidnapping.
They were not cheap, but also not for the rich. I had no desire to waste all my money on high
quality clothes while I starved. But it was fine enough for my liking. I stood up and sheathed
my sword at my hip. As I was preparing myself to leave the room, the door opened. It was

"Oh, Lone. I was searching for you"

"I was just changing my bandages", I said, putting a hand on my stomach.

"Is it better?"


"The wound. Does it look better?"

"Oh, yes. It's almost completely healed. I'm glad we had the senjusou"

"Me too. But anyway! Would you like to follow me? I wanted to go for a walk"

"Sure, why not? I was heading out anyway"

A smile appeared on her face at the words. And so I followed her. We stayed silent as we
made our way off the boat. Some of the pirates greeted us on the deck. Yet, not one of our
party members were to be seen. I shrugged it off, though ; I had a moment with Yona, alone.
A heart-to-heart, maybe? At least, I hoped...

"You changed out of your other dress", I remarked.

"Yes... Embarassing story that I do not want to recall"

"Does it have anything to do with your meeting with him?", I didn't want to speak his name,
couldn't dare to. We were both affected by what he had done, both in different ways, but for
the same reasons in the end. I watched her straighten from the corner of my eye. It was a
sensible subject of conversation. I remembered our eyes meeting. By now, he should think it
was just an illusion, that he imagined it. I was dead to the world, and so dead to him. I hoped
it stayed that way.

"Maybe... I am still... surprised by what happened"


"Fine. Startled, angry, sad"

"I get it"

"Of course you would. Up until some time ago, you were in love with him. I would
understand if what he did broke as much your heart as it did mine. He was family to me, but
he could have been more to you"

"Some time ago? It precedes the death of my parents. It has been over a year even. I am glad
I lost feelings..."

"But why did it happen? You were searching for a love match... you had it"

"Because the dead, as much as they traumatized me, warned me away from him without my
realizing. When I took notice, it became different. Somehow, I had always thought he would
find someone else, and I thought myself that I should find someone new that I don't know and
leave him alone. I forced myself to forget about him and I fell out of love. Maybe... maybe it
wasn't true love then"

"But you were close"

"And yet far away. We were completely, utterly different ; him and I. We still are. I would
never wish such ill intentions over the people I love", I felt anger shadow my view. I knew I
looked scary and menacing enough to make anyone back off. But not Yona. She put a hand
on my shoulder, softening my expression. I smiled sadly at her. It was a sad fact to realize
what our childhood friend had become. It was ridiculous and ugly, but it was like this
nonetheless, whether we liked it or not.

I suddenly stopped in my tracks and I turned myself toward the horizon. The view reminded
me so much of what I had seen in a state of dizziness, blurryness and utter non presence. But
I couldn't remember what happened, could only recall the feelings that overwhelmed me
while I was getting drunk over drinks so multiple I didn't know I could handle them all.

"What is wrong?", Yona asked me.

"Blurred memories..."

"Ah", she said and then her eyes brightened when she recognized the place. "You were seated
on that rock last night. I watched you and then Jae-Ha joined you and I felt my shoulders
lighten so much then"

"You trust him", it wasn't a question ; it was a fact.

"Yes. He kept an eye on you while you drank and kicked a guy unconscious after he grabbed
you... in unnecessary places"

"Yeah. I remember the unwanted touches on my breasts. I was sure it was Jae-Ha taking
advantage of me. Guess I was wrong"

"He would never do that... certainly not to you"

"Why would you say that?"

"Because, deep in his heart, he has a feeling about what happened to you"

"What? You told him?!"

"No. He came to me. He knows, Lone"

"What the hell did I say to him yesterday?", I asked, mostly to myself.

"Apparently enough to make him guess correctly"

"Ahh, I hate myself", I whined, slapping myself in the face.

"Shall we sit?"

I slid my hands away from my face. And then, I followed her as she ran in the grass, passing
by the rock I sat on yesterday and plopping herself on the grass. I walked to her and
smoothed the back of my dress so I could sit properly. And then I realized she was holding
someone else's clothes. I hadn't really taken it into consideration, but now that the familiarity
of its color and texture flashed before my eyes, I could not erase its presence.

"Isn't this Hak's?"

"Yes...", she answered, ashamed. "I spilled some food over my dress and began undressing
before everyone. Hak fortunately dropped this on my back, told me to go change in the
Captain's room", she was completely red as she was speaking the words. I couldn't stop a
smile from reaching my lips. I chuckled. "This isn't funny, Lone! It's embarassing"

"Hak stopped you. He was kind to do so, Yona. I just find it somehow... funny that you lost
yourself so far in your thoughts that you couldn't stop your actions from being touched by

She didn't say anything else ; she just stared away at the horizon. Her gaze softened,

"Pukkyu!", Ao let out, which had me realizing her presence. I offered her my hand and she
jumped into it. I brought her up to my shoulders, on which she nestled against my neck in a
comfortable position. I smiled.

"A lot of things have happened... since I came outside...", she said and my eyes dragged
toward Hak's body as he laid down on the grass, hands behind his head.

"You're right...", he said, which surprised Yona.

"Whoa!", she screamed. "You surprised me, Hak! You're everywhere, aren't you?"

"Yeah... Everywhere you are", he said, sitting up. "This morning I was negligent... and fell
asleep, but... Since I'm originally your exclusive bodyguard, I'm by your side to the point
where it's annoying. If anything happens, please call me"

I smiled lightly at the words and I turned my attention toward Yona. "And even if I'm not
yours, I'm still your friend", I said. "Call my name, as well"

"...okay", she said after a while, smiling as she looked toward the horizon once again. "Hak,
Lone, I am leaving this place"

I tore my eyes away from the sea and turned my head in her direction. Ao shifted on my
shoulder and I felt she was listening too.

"Come with me", she looked at us then and my answer was etched on my face, in my traits, I
knew it.

"...Okay", Hak simply said.

"Of course, Yona"

Rustling came to our ears. The odd sound was coming from behind and I watched Yona turn
as I did the same.

"You guys-! What are you doing?", she asked, which had me giggling. I brought a curled fist
to my mouth, smiling against it.

"Ah! I- well", Ki-Ja started, crushing Yoon under his dragon arm.

"Hold on, Yona", Yoon said, getting up from his position behind the rock, as well as everyone
else. "Tell that sort of thing to us, too"

"Huh?", she made a sound, visibly confused.

"Don't "huh me. I'm talking about the departure. It's not fair if you don't say that when
everyone is around!"

"That is right, princess!", Ki-Ja shouted.

I stood up, Hak following my movements. I patted away the grass and dirt as I lifted my head
up to look at everyone.
"Pukkyu!", Ao shouted and I brought my finger up to her rounded cheek and petted her.

"We four dragons would go to the ends of the earth if you ordered us to!", Ki-Ja confirmed as
he wrapped his arms around Shin-Ha.

"You can go home now", Hak nonchalantly said, scratching his ear with his pinky finger.


"There are only two of you "four dragons" in the first place"

"Shut up!", Ki-Ja screamed, grabbing the hilt of Hak's glaive. Behind him, Yoon and Shin-Ha
were trying to calm them down.

"Everyone!", Yona shouted, bringing their attention toward her. "Tomorrow, I am leaving
Awa. Could you... come along with me?", she asked, which made me smile once again.

"Together!", Ki-Ja said after a while.

Shin-Ha kept quiet and Yoon seemed exasperated. "What a pain.."

"What?!", Yona cried.

I shook my head in disbelief as I approached my bestfriend. I put a hand on her shoulder and
once she was looking at me as well, I spoke. "Don't worry, Yona, we'll come with you, no
matter what"

And I found myself thinking of his green hair and his cocky grin, his flirtious expression and
words. He was annoying, but if it weren't for him, I wouldn't have seen another day. I am
grateful... whatever I said.

The next day, when it was finally time for us to leave, pirates and villagers were gathered
before us. I had put my hood back on. I couldn't risk anyone recognizing me on the road ;
being discovered could cost me my life.

"Are you finally leaving, Yona?", one of them cried.

"Boy, come again! Make sure you come back! Come back even if you're dead!", a guy
shouted, patting Yoon on his back.


My eyes dragged over to my two bestfriends, but they stopped on Yona. She also had her
hood on, for security matters, same as mine - and also because her red hair was suspicious -,
but I could see her head moving, as if she were looking around, searching for something... or

"What's wrong, princess?", Hak wondered aloud.

"Jae-Ha isn't here", she started and I rolled my eyes. "There were a lot of things I wanted to
thank him for"

"Not seeing him for one last time is actually for the best. I say "good riddance", to be honest",
I openly complained, which earned me her elbow in the ribs. I flinched against the small
pressure near my wound.

"You have nothing to say. Most of the things I want to thank him for is for everything he has
done for you"

"I mean, Lone's right. Who cares about that droopy eyes?", Hak said.

"That's not nice! He helped me a lot!", Yona whined. "Without him, who knows what would
have happened to Lone or me! Parting like this is just...", but her eyes landed on a familiar
woman, smoking from her pipe. "Captain Gi-Gan! Do you know where Jae-Ha is?"

"Who cares about that droopy eyes?", she repeated.

"Whaaaaat?!", Yona screamed and I chuckled.

"Jae-Ha, huh? Oh well, you should come by Awa again some day"


"Don't forget, all right?"


"If you ever need a boat, talk to me. I'll have one prepared"

"Thank you"

"The swelling on your face hasn't gone down quite yet"

"I'm fine", Yona answered with a smile.

"The frail girl who looked like she'd go flying if the wind blew has become strong, hasn't

"Frail girl?", she asked, confused. "I'm not that bad!"

"No, when you had just arrived here, you were a frail girl who couldn't do anything. Well,
even now, you flat-out can't clean, do laundry, or cook. Hurry up and learn. Nobody will take
you to be their bride if your only redeeming feature is your recklessness"

"That's none of your concern!"

"It won't be a problem if Lady Yona finds a husband who will do the laundry in the river
while she cuts grass in the mountain"

"Hak, be quiet!", she shouted, irritated.

"Yona, the main cuisine of Awa is fish", one of the pirates said. "If you can roast one, you'll
be alright!"

"Oh, if you have no where to go, come to my place", another one said.

"I won't go! Jeez, you're all being rude! I'm leaving!", she said, storming off in the direction
leading out of Awa.

"Ah wait!", the Captain stopped her. "Take this", she said, offering her a bag full of senjusou.

"Oh! The senjusou!", Yoon shouted, surprised.

"Don't catch a cold", Gi-Gan warned, patting Yona on the head.

Yona's eyes soon started to water. I watched the captain's head turn toward me and she
approached me, cupping my face in her hands. "As for you, your strength as a woman is
something I would only dream of. Don't tire yourself, girl, but never give up. Recovery takes
a lot of time, but you can still live through it all. And if ever you want someone to talk to,
come to me"

She freed my face from her hands and I smiled at her. The connection that had built itself
between us was warm and familiar, but also welcoming. She reminded me of my mother.

"Goodbye", I said. "Thank you"

"Thank you for everything", Yona added. And we walked away with the cheers of goodbyes
following us. But then, Yona stopped in her tracks.

"...Yona?", Yoon called. We were all turned toward her, surprised at her sudden stop. The
guys that stood behind Gi-Gan stopped cheering and watched. And then, she turned toward
them, tears flowing out of her eyes and ran to the Captain, arms wide as she wrapped them
around her, hugging her. I smiled at the warm embrace that startled the old woman. She
smiled as she watched her cry. And I smiled as well, because Yona really did care for all of
these people, no matter for how much time she knew them.

And I did, too. In my own way.

But now, where were we headed to? What would follow? I had a long way to go before I
would ever forgive myself and truly live up to what other people thought I deserved. I had to
accept each thought that appeared in my mind. And in this very moment, I asked myself how
it would be possible. How would it be possible to forgive myself, with all I have done? How
can I live with such guilt? Will I ever be able to sleep in peace? Will I ever be able to smile
happily? What's in store for me? Will it become worse... or better? Who is this so called love
Ik-Soo was talking about? Who would know? Only the future will be able to tell us... and I'm
slowly heading toward it.
A New Friend
Chapter Notes

Hey, guys! I have nothing to say, except for the next chapters that cover the Fire Tribe
arc are all covered! I'm so excited. And here's the next chapter you've been waiting for,
for a week!

Have a wonderful read, Misses and Misters

askjhje <3

See you next tuesday or wednesday ;)

"Yona... stop crying already!", Yoon cried out.

"You are crying, too, Yoon", Ki-Ja called.

"You're the one crying the most, White Snake", Hak stated.

How the hell did we end up here? Hak looks toward me as I lift my eyebrows. I shake my
head in disbelief. From the corner of my eye, I can see he's doing the same. We're both so
confused as to why Yoon and Ki-Ja decided to join Yona in her sorrow. Though, I stopped
asking questions a few minutes ago, when it was clear they wouldn't stop.

"But... I wasn't able to say goodbye to Jae-Ha after all", Yona said, even more tears spilling
down her cheeks.

"Jae-Ha? I thought we were over him", I said and I was going to add more to it, but Ki-Ja
stopped me.

"Jae-Ha? He became our comrade, did he not?"

I frowned, my head slowly turning in his direction with murderous intent. "What the hell are
you talking about, Ki-Ja?" I asked.

"Eh?", Yona said, confused.

And behind us, Shin-Ha unsheathed his sword, making us turn in his direction as he cut down
a tree. Next thing we knew, screams were dangerously approaching the ground until a loud
thud landed not far away from our group.

"Oh, you have to be kidding me", I muttered under my breath.

"Jae-Ha!", Yona screamed, somehow relieved to see the green haired man.
"Hi, Yona dear!", he greeted in a sing-songy voice.

"Why...?", Yona asked. And I might have asked the question as well if she hadn't herself.

"He was close by... all along", Shin-Ha explained as I brought my fists to my hips.

"So not only are you a damn pervert, but you're a stalker", I said, turning away.

"Hi, Lone!", he called and I rolled my eyes as I kept ignoring him. "Well", he continued as he
sat up. "Since I now have a bit of free time, I was thinking that traveling around with Yona
may not be such a bad thing, but.. you looked like you were about to cry as you were looking
around for me and I become unbearably agitated. Oops! I missed the chance to call out to
you", I frowned at his words, completely and utterly disgusted.

"He's as perverted as ever", Hak commented.

"Say that louder, Hak, for the people in the back", I said, loud enough for everyone to hear.

"I feel like he gives off the same smell as you, Thunder Beast", Yoon added.

"God, Yoon, you've gone one hell of a nose", I chuckled, looking at him with disbelief in my

"Oh? But...", Yona started, surprised and teasing. "You said you didn't like being bound to the
decree of the Four Dragons. To go that far..."

"This has nothing to do with the Four Dragons", Jae-Ha countered, serious, and I raised an
eyebrow. "Up until now and from here on out, as well, I'll simply follow the path I wish to
choose for myself. Nothing is violating my principles of beauty. Right now, I just can't leave
you alone. Take me... Yona", he said, taking her hand in his.

"Don't make up excuses", Hak called out, hitting him with his cloth covered glaive.

"That's right", Yoon confirmed. "Since you're not just traveling with Yona, you'll need to
introduce yourself to the rest of us, too"

"What an embarrassment", I whispered, amused by his current situation.

"Sorry about that", Jae-Ha said. "Well then, again... My name is Jae-Ha. I'm the beautiful
monster that carries the dragon within his right leg. I hope we'll get along from here on out"

I was seconds from laughing and I really wanted to escape that. So I looked up toward the
other, a fist lifted up to my mouth to hide my amusement. "We already knew that, green head,
now if it wouldn't bother you all, I'd like for us to be on our way", I said, rotating on my heels
as I walked farther away into the forest, and farther away from Awa.

We had already stopped for a while before I finally heard Jae-Ha footsteps approach the
camp. We had each taken a small shower and Yoon was getting ready to prepare dinner. The
green-haired man threw the animal on the ground and clapped his hands as if to signify a job
well done. I would bet he's proud. I rolled my eyes. And I knew, when I looked at him again,
that he had seen me. I did not look away. But before he could say anything else, Yoon walked
over to him.

"Wow! It's a fawn. Nice catch!"

"It was difficult trying to jump while carrying it", he said, visibly trying to make someone
pity his "poor" condition. Mister I'm-the-cleaniest-and-most-perfect-and-can't-endure-not-
having-any-eyes-on-me-at-all decided it was his time to shine. I rolled my eyes again, though
this time, he did not see me. But still, there was an edge to his body and face that told me he
still wanted to confront me.

"Jae-Ha's legs are really amazing", Yona stated.

"He suddenly jumped off into the eastern sky. So I thought he had finally been summoned to
the Heavens"

"That fact is overrated, Yona", I said, sighing.

"Ready to do better, Lone?", Jae-Ha suddenly asked. "Go right ahead, show me what you got.
You win if you bring the biggest beast"

"No thank you, I have no interest in battling in something as insignicant as this... and

"Well, I made full use of this power when I was a boy to fly all around Kouka", he said, as if
in a daze, ignoring my comment, remembering the old memories.

"By the way, you ran away from the village of Ryokuryuu, right? Why?", I looked back at
Jae-Ha, slightly curious as well. The question came from Ki-Ja, though.

"Why?", he said, as if the answer was obvious. "Would you consider it acceptable if both
your hands and feet were bound by chains?", he said, and I winced, looking away. I had been
in a similar situation, though only for a couple of days.

"Chains?!", the White Dragon exclaimed.

"As an innocent, young, beautiful boy, I was tied up in chains. My milky white supple body
was exposed to the curious gazes of the adults and I was blinded and assaulted within a cage
day after day", he recited, as if from a poem.

"You're no poet, that's for sure", I commented.

"Hold on, don't overlap the pretty boy character, okay?", Yoon stopped him, and I chuckled.

"Eh?! Eh?! What?! I do not understand the village of Ryokuryuu", Ki-Ja cried.

"Don't believe him so easily. There's probably some wild delusions involved", Hak finished,
making me laugh.
Jae-Ha spared me a glance, as if to glare at me. "That's generally the fate of the Ryokuryuu as
soon as they're born"

"Generally?!", Ki-Ja screamed.

"Well, it's that, isn't it?", Hak asked, unimpressed. "It would be hard for the Ryokuryuu to
stop themselves from jumping around"

"Actually, that's it"

"But since you're so quick, we'll be able to track down and find Ouryuu no matter where they
are", Yona said.

"Oh, I had forgotten about the Ouryuu", I said, getting up. I kneeled again in the dirt and
placed my bag against a rock.

"You were too busy thinking about me, I bet?", Jae-Ha teased.

"You wish. Actually, I was busy thinking about Ki-Ja's perfect face and Shin-Ha's mysterious
eyes", I answered, leaning back on the ground, hands behind my head as I fell on the bag.

"Well, anyway, since I've come so far, getting a look at Ouryuu's face might not be so bad",
Jae-Ha said, turning the conversation in another direction. "I'll find him"

"No. Leave that task to me. Wait.. Perfect face..?", Ki-Ja said, way to excited.

The three dragons began to argue over a subject I was not particularly interested in, while
Yoon asked Hak to start the fire and went to discuss with Yona. I closed my eyes, trying to
relax my mind and body as much as I could. Sleep wasn't getting better these days and I was
exhausted. But the important part was I ate more than enough and sometimes, Yoon would
leave more food for me, because he knew how thin I was. I was also training, regularly. I was
taking back my strength and the habits I had lost. It felt good to get started again, but it was
not for the weak. My limbs were more sore than before and because of my physical
condition, I got tired easily. But I was working hard. Hard to become stronger and fiercer. I
didn't want to fall in the hands of ennemies again ; it felt too much like a nightmare, and only
the Heavens knew how much I had those every night.

And suddenly, stomach noises reached my ears. I slightly opened an eye when I realized it
wasn't me who was making that sound and then, my eyes stopped on a yellow clothed male,
sitting right beside Yona, praying with his eyes closed, hands together before his face. As a
reflex, I brought my hand to my hip and unsheathed my sword in a swift movement as I stood
up and approached him. My blade was but mere inches away from his face. Unbothered, he
turned to look at me, a smile on his innocent face. Unlike him, I was frowning, distrust
painting my face.

"Well, how violent you are, Miss", he said, as a way of greeting, and then, looked at Yona.
"That's splending, but... everything that lives will return to heaven someday", he explained,
probably talking about the small thanks that Yona had murmured a bit before Lone opened
her eyes. "You put your hands together and thanked him. He will forgive you"
Drool started to go down the corners of his mouth and he did not seem bothered by it. I
cringed and straightened, but kept my eye on him. "You're drooling...", Yoon said, visibly
confused by who this man might be and what he was doing in their camp. "And your stomach
is growling. Anyway, who are you?"

"Oh, no need to be concerned. Just passing through. Drool always comes out", I cringed
again, frowning.

"Wipe it off!", Yoon screamed, as if it had been obvious from the first time he remarked it.

"There was a tasty smell. So I came!"

"It still smells like raw meat and blood", Yoon stated.

"You doing that a lot?", I asked.

"Do what a lot?", he asked, looking toward me again as he wiped the drool off.

"Passing through unknown camps?"

"Oh, well, it's a current hobby of mine, since I can't seem to do anything to survive", He said,
laughing it off.

"Anyway, are you hungry?", Yona asked.

I gave her a look, an eyebrow raised. "Unnaturally hungry", the guy responded.

A while later, the food was ready. Yona, Hak, Yoon, the stranger and I were seated around the
fire, ready to dig in. Though, the presence of the other three dragons were very obviously

"Ooh, it looks good", Hak sang.

"Eat as much as you want today, there's plenty", Yoon explained.

"This is great. It's been a while since we've had meat", Hak beamed and then looked up at
me. "You gotta be happy. It's gonna make some to put on your bones"

I rolled my eyes. "What's wrong with the miss?", the guy asked, looking at me.

"Trauma", I simply answered, wishing to wave away the conversation as quickly as possible.
He didn't say anything else.

"By the way, who is that?", Hak suddenly asked, pointing at the guy.

"Oh... a wanderer? I don't know either", Yoon answered.

"Since he looked hungry, I invited him", Yona explained.

I watched as Yona offered the stranger a cup of water. "By the way, Ki-Ja ; do you know
anything about Ouryuu? Where he might live?", Yoon asked the White Dragon. "Or any
special characteristics he might have?"

"According to the country's founding legend, he's the one with the strong body, right?", Yona
said, excited.

"Is his body made of scales?", Yoon asked, purely curious.

"Or is he a sturdy man?", Hak proposed.

Realizing Ki-Ja might not answer anytime soon, I turned toward the three dragons gathered a
few feet away and called after them. "Hey, you guys! Come over here and eat!"

"...What do you think?", Ki-Ja asked, visibly uncertain of something. I frowned.

"Hmm. There's no mistake about him", Jae-Ha confirmed.

"Huh? What's up?", Yoon asked, confused.

"Well, how should I put it? It's about that boy there that's been eating meat for a while now.
We think... he's Ouryuu", my eyes widened at the fact and I turned toward the yellow guy.

"What?", I let out. "He's the yellow dragon of legend?"

"Hm? You called?", the guy said, as if it were natural.

"Oh! On closer inspection", he started, examining the three figures standing before him.
"There's Hakuryuu, Seiryuu and even Ryokuryuu! This means... everyone is together now",
he finished with a bow, crossing the meat sticks over his head.

"Whattttt?!", we all screamed and then they rushed him to answer questions. I was stunned.

"You're all so restless. Zeno is properly sitting down and eating. Isn't Zeno a good boy?", he
asked. "Oh, Zeno is my name"

"What's with that lazy self introduction?", Yoon shouted.

"I had a feeling Ouryuu was nearby", Ki-Ja shared. "But he was so close, I doubted my

"Right?", Jae-Ha agreed. "You didn't notice we were close by?"

"It's not about noticing or not noticing... Zeno is just leisurely traveling. Without a real care
about the other dragons"

"You don't care...?", the Green Dragon asked.

"You, on the other hand, really did care about the other dragons", Hak teased, visibly

"You're just traveling at your leisure?", Ki-Ja asked.


"Alone? What about your village?"

"Left it a long time ago"

"Our master could have come to meet you! Yet you wandered about aimlessly?! Right! Your
master... Don't you feel anything when you look at Lady Yona?!"

"Master?", Zeno asked, confused.

"This is Princess Yona!", he said, introducing her. "She is the master of the Four Dragons!"

"No need to be so theatrical, Ki-Ja love", I said, patting his shoulder. "Yona can introduce

"'Love'?!", he screamed, blushing, hands covering his cheeks.

"Princess... Master...", he whispered and Yona waited, as if uncertain what to say or do.

"Don't feel anything? Now that would be rude! She's super cute! Zeno's heart is pounding!"

"I know that! That is not what I mean! It can't be... he didn't feel that initiation", he said,
which had me frowning.

"That initiation that even had me thinking, "Boil me, take me, do whatever you want
already"...?!", Jae-Ha explained.

"What kind of initiation is that?", Hak asked.

"Right?", I let out, sharing a look with my bestfriend.

"Is he that strong..?"

"Or is he just very simply minded...?"

"But if you left your village to leisurely travel alone like this, isn't that...", Yona started.

"That's what?"

"Asking you to join us... may be difficult. We're looking for the dragons to ask them to lend
us their power. If you..."


My eyes widened in surprise and I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Huh?", Yona let out.

"It's fine. Zeno is just traveling wherever Zeno wants. There's no particular destination. And
nothing to do! Above all, your food was super delicious! It's a precious hobby, to be grateful
for the food"

"That should be a principle", Yoon commented.

"It's nice to meet you. And here's to more delicious food from tomorrow on!", he exclaimed,
shaking Yoon's hand in respect.

"What the... He wandered in and became our comrade the fastest", Ki-Ja sighed.

"Or maybe because he was just starving", Yoon said.

"He broke your record, White Snake"

"Ouryuu Zeno", Ki-Ja called instantly.


"I am Hakuryuu Ki-Ja. I possess the power of the dragon within my right hand. If you are a
dragon that protects the princess like us, show us your power"


"That is right"

"Ah, Zeno isn't very powerful, but my body is sturdy!"

"Oh. So it was that, after all"

"Somehow, I still doubt that would be your power", I let out, bringing my fingers to my chin,
trying to think.

"How sturdy are you?", Hak asked, a meat stick in his mouth as he punched the poor guy in
the face. He flew away like a fly would have died. I put my hands over my mouth, shocked.
"Did that hurt you?", Zeno was holding his cheek, on the verge of tears.

"Your body is weak! You're just a regular person! Are you really Ouryuu?", Yoon shouted.

"No, no, he's just weird", Zeno cried, defending himself. "The strength his arm has is

"I'm often hit, too", Jae-Ha added. "By Hak's strong fists"

"You don't count, Jae-Ha", I said.

"You always look like you enjoy it for some reason", Yoon said and he approached Zeno,
holding his arm up. "Your body isn't particularly tough. Your skin is squishy"

"Zeno's skin is smooth. It gets dirty sometimes, though"

"The Thunder Beast's body is rock solid. I'd be convinced if he claimed he was Ouryuu"
"I have kept quiet until now, but I am actually Ouryuu", Hak said, dead serious, arms crossed.

"If you were a dragon, you would be the evil dark dragon!", Ki-Ja screamed and
Hak grinned. "Aren't you mortified?! He is threatening your position! Remember your pride
as a dragon!!"

"Okay, okay, fellow friend", I started and put my hands on his shoulders, stepping in between
him and the yellow dragon. "Don't put such uncanny thoughts in a mind so innocent ; we
wouldn't want Ouryuu becoming a little too much like White Snake, now, would we?

"But!", he screamed, looking over my shoulder. "You neglected to train your body, didn't
you? The Four Dragons must always keep their powers refined and sharp for the sake of their

"Hold on", Jae-Ha stopped him. "Ouryuu has his own life to live. Pushing your values onto
others isn't one of your good points!"

"But- The Four Dragons... the four brothers of ancient time have finally gathered. For the
first time since time of the legend... we have met for the first time in thousands of years. It
has finally... been fulfilled... in our time! I...! That's amazing if you really think about it. But
it feels a little too anticlimatic"

Jae-Ha and Shin-Ha were surrounding Ki-Ja, trying to reassure him. While, not far away,
Yona looked toward Zeno as I did the same and we watched him smile slightly. Not the
innocent smile of the boy we met earlier on. There was something else about that smile...
nothing not so innocent.

I was laying on the ground again, head turned up toward the sky, stargazing. The little
miniscules spots of light were so many that I couldn't keep my eyes on just one. And yet, the
spectacle was as amazing as it always was. I heard a loud thud beside me as I turned my
head. I hadn't seen him coming, but Zeno had took a seat right beside me.

"I do not desire to offend you, but may I ask how miss ended up with the group? I am rather
curious... of your story", he asked, then he turned his head toward me. I could see, in the
shadows of his eyes, that he was watching my scar.

"I am not offended, but I also do not intend to answer that question fully. I would guess that
you want to know what happened to me, but the only way you could know is if you could
somehow guess"

"Anything the miss can tell me, I will be satisfied with"

I sighed and smiled, returning my eyes to the dotted sky.

"I have grown up with Hak and Yona by my side. My parents died after the King and I was
supposed to marry the current King for politics. I ran away before that. It was a long journey
that followed, before it led me to Awa, where I finally rejoined with the rest of the group"
"So you were not with the other miss and mister since the beginning"


"It is quite a coincidence that you were to find their group in Awa... of all places", he said,
and his suspicious tone averted my eyes, making me look at him. I frowned.

"If you would rather think of ill thoughts toward me, I would assure you not to. It is not a
plea, but a warning. I have no desire to start a fight, but if you ever accuse me of treason,
actually send me to the castle"

"Why would I do that?"

"Because I am accused of treason to the crown and to have killed my entire family as well as
having burned down my house"

"Are the accusations true?"

Before, I would have immediately said no, because I had been persuaded that I was innocent,
but now...

"It is complicated"

"I see... You know, it is rare to see a noble woman take up a sword"

"Noble woman? How-"

"You are Lady Lone, aren't you? The Lady who has lost everything, the one who was
presumed dead in a city of Wind. You really are a reason for talking, even now, miss"

"I never wished to be. If things had stayed the way they were, all this wouldn't have been

He shrugged.

"By pure curiosity, do you ever ask yourself why you're still alive after your family died?
After everyone died...?", there was another meaning to his words that I couldn't quite
understand. But..

"Yes, I do. On a daily basis, indeed. It is torture"

He didn't say anything else. He just looked up at the sparkling sky and stared and stared. This
boy was a wonder to look at. For now, it was too early to ask, but he was hiding something.
To go from completely innocent to having another whole personnality in less than two
seconds is something I cannot fathom.

"You were the only one who acted on their impulse when you saw me", he pointed out.

"If Hak would have seen you first, he would have beheaded you on the spot"
"But it was the Miss who was there", he said and then looked at me. He smiled and stood up.
"I like you"

I watched as he walked away. This boy was a wonder, indeed...

"He Saved my Life"
Chapter Notes

Hey guys! I'm so sorry for the late update! I had a lot on my plate, but here you go. I'll
post next chapter tuesday!

Have a good read,


I wanted to sleep this morning, but it looked like my new companions didn't agree with my
plans. I started to twist and turn under the thin blanket, trying to rid my ears of the unwanted
noises that happened outside of my head. But before I could realize it, I was already awake. I
kept my eyes closed, hoping that it would keep whoever was fooling around from bothering
me this early in the morning. What time was it, anyway?

But before I had the time to do anything, heavy weight landed on my legs, which made me
open my eyes in a frenzy. I sat up, the body still laying against my legs and watched as the
Blue Dragon was rubbing the back of his head, as if I had been the one to hurt him.

"What the hell is this racket at this hour?", I screamed, looking around.

"That was your alarm ticking on, beautiful", Jae-Ha sang.

I glared at him, ignoring his comment. And then, Shin-Ha got up on his feet and ran to Zeno.
Jae-Ha and Ki-Ja enventually got tangled up in the mess. I took my time standing up and
rubbing my eyes. Stretching was a blessing in this very moment.

"BE QUIET, YOU ANIMALS!!", Yoon shouted, which made me interrupt my early morning
wake up. I opened an eye and rubbed the other as I looked at them all. "And pay attention!"

"What a scary boy..", Zeno said.

"This self-proclaimed pretty boy has more right to speak than the rest of us", Hak added,
arms crossed.

"Our first goal has been reached", Yoon continued on. "We've gathered the Four Dragons", as
he said the words, the others seemed so proud it made me giggle. I had nothing to do with
this gathering, for my purpose had never been to find these dragons alongside my friends,
who I once thought dead. "Now... There's still one thing that's been on my mind. It's Ik-Soo's

"Oh, Ik-Soo?", I said. "The priest that gave me your drawing"

"Indeed", he found himself saying, looking a little sad, as if he had been trying to avoid
feeling like this.

"He saved my life on multiple occasions without even knowing. I owe him a lot"

"Really?", Hak asked, visibly confused.

"Nothing you can top, Thunder Beast", I commented.

"But anyway! According to the prophecy, once the Four Dragons have finished gathering, the
sword and the shield that protects the King are supposed to awaken", Yoon went on. "I think
the king it's referring to is Yona"

"Me?", my red-haired friend asked.

"I thought something was supposed to happen once the dragons came together, but nothing
special occured"

"Is it saying we need to find a sword and a shield that Yona is supposed to use?", Ki-Ja asked.

"Yeah, because it is that easy", I let out.


"I hope you understand how dumb that plan sounded like, Hakuryuu. I doubt the sword and
shield is something you can easily find in an armory. It has to go deeper than that"

"Though, if the king it's referring to is Soo-Won", Yoon added, making me tense. "We'll have
to rethink what we should do"

"That man is a traitor who took the throne by force and expelled the Princess from the castle.
He is not the true king", Ki-Ja countered.

"Even if Soo-Won is the "king" from the prophecy... we're going to Ik-Soo, to hear what he
has to say about it"

I nodded in agreement. "You're just worried about that carefree priest, aren't you?", Hak

"No!", Yoon defended.

And we were on our way shortly after. It took us a few days of sleeping and walking to
finally arrive in the northern mountains of the Wind Tribe. It was quite serene to walk on for
a long period of time. I would barely talk. Jae-Ha and I didn't talk ; we didn't even end up
alone somewhere together, and I felt reassured. I wasn't exactly scared of him, I was more
scared of myself, of what he could do to me. But my thoughts were always worsened when I
found him staring. The way his eyes wandered from my eyes to my lips and traveled down
my body felt way too intimate for me to endure. I couldn't stop my cheeks from flushing
raging red. But as long as he was not approaching me, or speaking to me, I hoped I could stay
"We're here!", Yoon finally said after we had been in the forest for a couple of hours. I spared
a look toward the valley where I learned a lot of things about my life and then continued on
with the others. I would very much love to be coming back here later.

"It hasn't even been three months since we left, but... it feels as if we haven't been back in
years", Hak said.

I only contemplated the fact. It truly felt as if an entire lifetime had separated the moment it
all begun and today.

"You said it as if you were about to pick up something you forgot like it was no big deal... so
I was under the impression it was close by", Jae-Ha let out.

"We have to walk around discreetly, so we went the roundabout way", Yoon explained.

I watched as Ik-Soo's place came into view and Yoon ran to the door, screaming his name in
anticipation. I saw his expression change to worry as he realized the spectacle unfolding
before his eyes. I arrived at his side and noticed the damage that had been done to the place.

"What... is this?", Yoon asked.

"Yoon!", Yona shouted.

"Ik-Soo!!", Yoon screamed as my eyes landed on his body laying on the ground. He seemed
to be bleeding. "Ik-Soo! What happened?! Was it thieves?"

I kept looking at them, worry stealing a part of my mind, my heart. I couldn't move. The
sense of danger was too important. But then, Ik-Soo spoke as Yoon put his arm underneath
his head, holding him up.

"Huh...? Yoon..?", I took a deep breath then, reassured to see him alive and breathing.

"Ik-Soo! Hold on, I'll treat you now!", Yoon said as he turned his head toward me. He was
asking me to help him, and so I headed over where they kept the water.

"I was so hungry... that I knocked everything over", I stopped in my tracks, startled by his
words, but I kept on going as Ik-Soo realized everyone's presence. The water was almost
empty, but there was enough to drown a cloth in it and give it to Yoon so he could wash Ik-
Soo's wounds. We tidied the small house and Yoon wrapped Ik-Soo's head. I heard the young
boy shout at his friend in anger, before Ik-Soo turned toward us.

"It's become so lively", he said and it made me smile. "It looks like the princess has gone
through a lot of experiences, too", his eyes wandered from Yona to me. "And the other young
woman as well. I am glad you found your people", I nodded in thanks and he returned the

"Ik-Soo", Yoon called. "The Four Dragons are assembled"

I felt someone approach me from behind, but I didn't turn around. From the corner of my
eyes, I saw green hair fall over my shoulder. I crossed my arms over my chest and waited.
"You know him?", he asked and I frowned.

"Of course I know him. He saved my life"

"Mm, interesting", he whispered and backed away. I then concentrated on what the others
were saying. Yoon continued on.

"What are the sword and shield that protects the King? Is the "King" Yona? Or is it the
current King, Soo-Won?"

Ik-Soo's lips parted, searching for an answer. He took a deep breath and spoke.

"It seems the sword and shield meant to protect the King both need a little more time to
appear. When the time comes, you'll definetely know"

"Hm...", Yoon let out. "So the time isn't now, huh? Then, what should we do? If we can't go
out and look for the sword and shield, then..."

"I want to enhance my powers a little more", Ki-Ja cut in.

"Oh, you wanna go?", Hak asked in a teasing voice.

But I agreed. It would be a good time to take back the strength I lost and take more. I was not
used to this world, but I could learn to get used to it, to its horrors and everything.

"I can't guarantee you will live", Ki-Ja spoke out.

"Oh?", Hak asked, as if debating his words.

"...Say?", Zeno said, which had me looking in his direction with a raised eyebrow. "Why are
you all avoiding the real issue at hand?", I frowned.

"Miss... what did you want to gather the Four Dragons for?", I spared a look in Yona's
direction, hoping I could see even a glimpse of an answer, but instead, I looked back at Zeno
as he continued speaking after Yona showed her misunderstanding.

"You and that guy over there were kicked out of the castle, so it's understandable if you need
the power to fight"

"It was to survive", Yona countered.

"But... then what? Are you going to run away forever?", Zeno asked.

"No", Yona answered.

"No? Then... are you thinking of overthrowing Soo-Won who stole the title of the King to
take back Hiryuu Castle and the throne?"

I saw Yona's eyes go blank before I felt the shivers go down my spine. I straightened and
stiffened. What he was saying... was he serious? I've seen that expression on his face the day
we met him for the first time... I wondered what it hid.

"Th- that's impossible! No matter how many dragons we have, we can't attack the castle with
this many people..!", Yoon complained.

"It's not whether we can or can't", Zeno continued. "It's whether we want to or not. Besides...
If we Four Dragons use our powers seriously, it won't be impossible for us to take down one
castle", his words made me reach for my sword in reflex. Not that I felt threatened, but I
didn't feel secure. Hak and Yona visibly couldn't hide their surprise as their eyes widened.
But then, the Yellow Dragon bursted out laughing, bringing a hand behind his head.

"But Zeno doesn't have that kind of power, anyway!", my hand fell away from my sword and
I raised an eyebrow in concern.

"You-", Ki-Ja approached him, as if ready to tear off his head.

"The newbie is sorry! Sorry", Zeno apologized. "Zeno wasn't suggesting we do that. It was
just a simple question about what we're going to do. It was Zeno's own decision to come
along. Miss is free to think what she wants, too. More importantly, Zeno is hungry!"

"You are so restless... I guess I should make some food for now"

"Ya-y! Food!", Zeno exclaimed, a big contrast to his serious demeanor just a few seconds
ago. Though, my stomach reacted to his words also. His timing couldn't be more perfect.

I was sitting on the edge of the cliff, overlooking the valley. The waterfall looked infinitely
beautiful. Yona was by my side, watching the same spectacle as I was. The stars were
illuminating the sky, alongside the shining moon. She was hugging her knees to her chest.
My legs were folded on one side, my opposite hand resting on the ground. Footsteps
approached and I heard the rustling of leaves. But before I could fully turn around, the person
was speaking.

"It's a lovely night, isn't it?", Ik-Soo asked.

"Ik-Soo?", Yona called, slightly surprised. He came to sit beside us.

"Have you been thinking about what happened earlier?", Ik-Soo asked. "Ah, but... it looks to
me like your face isn't showing any doubt"

"I... for the first time in my life, I talked to people outside the castle, held a weapon, which
my father didn't allow... and walked until I was worn and tired. What I heard was the voices
of bitter resentment toward my deceased father and the unchanged state of the country. It was
painful. Because this country wasn't the happy one of my peace-loving father at all. The more
I found out, the more painful it was. It was because I was too weak. But when there were
people who desperately reached out their hands for help, there were people there to grab
them. When they didn't have enough strength, there were people who turned around and lent
them a hand. In this country... there are many people I want to protect. I don't regret taking
down Awa's overlord, Kum-Ji"
"Princess...", the priest called, but I only stared. I had been thinking all along how difficult it
had been for me, but I had never considered the feelings my bestfriend held. I had never
considered the horror she went through.

"I've been thinking... since the battle in Awa ended. There may still be towns like Awa in
Kouka. So from this point on, I'll stand upon the ground and look out over the country of
Kouka. I want to help people who are being crushed in situations of crisis. And... I'll never be
able to do this from within the castle", she was looking up into the sky, as if it held her future
within its constellations. And maybe it did.

"Ik-Soo. I think it's apparent to you, so I'll say it. I met Soo-Won in Awa. I thought I resented
him... I thought I couldn't forgive him. B-but... I couldn't pull out the sword", I put a shaking
hand upon hers.

"No matter how foolish and incomprehensible it is, certainly there are sentiments that can't be
thrown away", Ik-Soo said. "Even if you try to stop your heart by cause of being unable to
forgive yourself, there will be times when the heart starts running again much to your despair.
King Hiryuu said it, too. 'I am human. Even if I am despised and betrayed by humans... I still
loved them'. That is why I think people are endearing"

"They are endearing...", I repeated. "Yet, most of them, you can't find a reason to find them

"Then, what do you think of it?", Ik-Soo asked.

"They're hateful, so much that you can feel they searched for it"

"They searched for your hate?"

"Yes... they did", and I knew that he knew I was thinking of the five people who ruined my
life. He knew. "And revenge tasted like a sweet piece of fruit. It has never tasted bitter"

"Do you feel you haven't done enough? Do you feel you haven't made them suffer as much as
they made you suffer?"

I hesitated. I looked down at my hands and watched as my fingers fidgeted. Of course.

"No matter how much they would have suffered, it never would have been enough", a single
drop slid down my cheek. I couldn't fight the pain or the sadness, my anger.

"But you found comfort", he said, and I knew he meant Yona. I nodded. "I'm glad you opened
yourself up"

I giggled. "It never would have happened if the Princess wouldn't have been the Princess..."

Yona smiled. And I smiled... despite the urge to cry on her shoulder. For once, I would fight
the tears and smile truly. Smile through it all, because I knew I couldn't suffer for the rest of
my life.
The Dark Dragon and the Happy Hungry Bunch
Chapter Notes

Hi, dear readers! Thank you for the guests who have left a Kudos on this story and to
everyone who has clicked on "My Sweet Lie", hope you'll enjoy this next chapter.

Have a wonderful read,

askjhje <3

My sleep was again disrupted by undesired horrors. But since it was an early hour where
some people usually woke up, I decided to start my day earlier than I usually did. I stretched
and yawned after I sat up on the small mattress. I looked around and noticed everyone was
asleep. I stood up and silently made my way out of the small room after sheathing my sword
around my hip. Rubbing my eyes, trying to rid them of the fatigue that was still overtaking
me, I eventually tumbled on in the main hall.

It had been a few days since we've arrived at Ik-Soo, and our days did not consist of a lot. We
usually rested and helped Ik-Soo around the small house, but I mostly asked Yoon to teach
me what he knew about medicine and cooking and laundry and everything he usually did
alone. And since Yona started asking around if they could show her swordsmanship, I took
matters into my own hands. So I've also been teaching her the sword at the end of the day.

I arrived near the water basin and realized we were low on water. Refilling it would probably
be something to do today. I still plunged my hands in it and doused my face in its cold
temperature. Afterward, my eyes didn't feel as tired and my face as dry.

And then, from outside, I heard a loud thud, as if something had been put down. I approached
the door and opened it, peering out. The sun blinded me for a few seconds, but then I could
see Yoon and Ik-Soo standing not too far away from each other. Yoon had his fists on his

"I think that'll be enough", he said, proud of his work. Just in front of him lay a large cart full
of food and supplies. I fully got out of the house as Yoon started pulling on the handles,
bringing him and the cart away. But Ik-Soo stopped him.

"Yoon", he called, making him stop in his tracks. He turned toward his friend, not realizing
my presence not far behind.

"Where is everyone?", Yoon asked.

"Still sleeping", the priest answered. "Are you going?"

"Yeah", the boy answered, which had me approaching them.

"Where are you going?", I asked and they both turned toward me.

"To the nearest village, to give food and supplies", he answered.

"Oh, can I come?"

"Of course. You can help me"

"Can't I go, too?", Ik-Soo then asked.

"No! You stay here. I'm this kind of self-satisfying hypocrite after all"

"No", the priest countered and hugged his smaller friend to his chest. "No. You're a kind boy,

I smiled as I saw him tear up a little, and then we were on our way. I kept my hood on as we
entered the village.

"Oh, it's Yoon", the children exclaimed.

"He brought someone with him", one of them said, approaching me. "Who are you, miss?",
he asked, pulled on my hands.

"I'm here to help Yoon", I answered and the child suddenly pulled on one of my hands, letting
go of the other.

"Come with me, then, I want to show you something"

"Sure. Lead the way"

The little guy started showing me around the village and a couple others joined him in his
touring. I smiled through it all, and eventually, I found myself pulling the hood off my head,
as if to see everything brighter.

"Miss, what happened to your face?", one little girl asked me. I smiled at her, and kneeled
before them.

"Miss has had an accident a while ago. That's why", I explained calmly.

"Was it bad guys?", one of them asked.

"Yes. Bad, bad people", I answered, keeping my smile on.

"Is it gonna happen to us, too?", another girl asked.

"No, I promise. I will make sure nothing happens to you", I told them. Her little hands were
between mine, a reassuring move that made her face shine. Joy was back on her features.

"Hey, miss, wanna play with us?", a little boy asked.

"Su-", I started to say, but I turned around as an old man spoke to Yoon.
"By the way, are those people behind you friends of yours?"

"What?", Yoon let out and turned. I realized at the same time as him that everyone was
standing there, behind him like the old man had said. I smiled, escaping a small laugh. But
then, I felt little hands tug on my sleeve.

"Miss, do you know them?", I turned toward them at the words.

"Yes. And I should go see why they've joined us. I promise I'll play with you later, though"

"Promise?", another asked, looking a little deceived.

"I promise"

And then he beamed again, as well as all the others. They each went running away, letting out
excited sounds. I got up on my feet and approached my friends, who were already speaking
with an angry Yoon.

"You can't! You'll attract attention!", Yoon was shouting. I arrived beside him and put a hand
on his shoulder.

"Calm down, Yoon, you'll alarm everyone. They can help us if they want, it'll offer an extra
hand. Also, I think everyone's hungry ; shall we prepare breakfast?"

"But they are suspicious!", he kept on arguing and I shook my head in disbelief. "This place
has sick people and isn't safe. It isn't the kind of place a princess should come to"

"Yoon", Yona cut him off. "It is because I am Kouka's Princess and especially because I am
King Il's daughter that I think it is a place I should come to. I want to know the effects of the
things my father did", Yoon looked genuinely suprised, but everyone else looked proud.

"I get it! Help me out", he shouted then.

During the next hours, we helped Yoon as we provided for the village. I would personally
walk around and ask people if they wanted some help to do something or any medicine or
treatment as Yoon prepared breakfast. I arrived near the next door and I knocked, peering my
head in. The old man was laying on a futon, relaxing.

"Hey, old man, can I get anything for you?", I asked, fully entering the room.

"Uh, yes", he hesitated. "Can you help me get outside? I'd really love it if I could get a little
sun in"

"Of course", I answered and went to kneel at his side. With his help, I sat him up, and then I
helped him walk to the door. He stopped before we got out, leaning against the door frame.

"It's been a few days since I haven't gotten out of this house"

"Come on, let's sit you somewhere so you can benefit of the good weather"
"You are so kind, young lady"

"The pleasure's mine", I told him as I brought my arms away from him. "Are you comfortable
this way?", I asked, straightening my back as I got down the small step. He looked up at me.

"Yes, I am. Thank you for your help"

"Would you like anything else before we serve breakfast?"

"No need to trouble yourself even more, I am fine for now"

"No problem, then, I'll bring you a bowl of food when it's ready. Call for me if you ever need
anything, old man"

He waved a hand at me as I walked away. I joined Yoon where he was preparing food. Yona
was kneeling on the ground not far away. "Is food ready?", I asked.

"Yeah, but let's feed the village before the other idiots. I'll go tell them, start pouring bowls"

"Yup, smart pretty boy, I'm at it", and I watched as he approached each and everyone of our
friend and they each told him they had already eaten and were not hungry anymore, but the
rumbles of their stomach sounded out right after. It made Yoon angry, but they had good
intentions. He soon came back.

"Yona, you'll eat, right?", Yoon asked.

"Oh, my stomach's also fu..-", and her stomach grumbled. "Could you hear that?"

"Yep, I could", Yoon answered, and I watched as they both bursted out laughing. I smiled as I
stared. Zeno was still showing Ki-Ja how to silence the rumbles of a stomach, but the White
Dragon was definitely embarassed at how easily he was failing.

"Excuse me? May I bother you for a second?", someone asked and I turned around. The
spoon fell from my hands and I put the bowl down, bringing my hands behind my head to
bring the hood up as I realized what their uniforms meant. They were Fire Tribe officers.
"Where is the village chief?"

"Shit...", I whispered and grabbed Yona by the arm, hurrying her away to find the others.

"Th-the chief is over there", Yoon answered and made sure we were walking away.

"Hak! Jae-Ha!", I shouted and saw them turn around. "Officers have come ; we need to hide"

"Officers?", Jae-Ha asked.

"Really? Let's see", Hak said.

"Hell no! Don't you understand what this means?"

I heard footsteps approach us and when I turned around in a frenzy, Yoon was running in our

"It's bad, you need to hide", he shouted. "You absolutely cannot show your faces!"

But then, sounds of shattering and rattling reached us. I turned around, a hand on my sword.

"You can't pay, you say?", an officer said. "You want to go without paying them again?"

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry!", the chief begged on his knees, head down to the ground. "But the rice
crops this year didn't produce much, and we hardly have enough to eat for ourselves. Taxes
on top of that are..."

But he was interrupted by a foot to his head, pushing him down again. "Hold your tongue! If
you can't pay, sell your children off!"

"N-no, I couldn't!"

I felt anger come up to my face, burning my senses. The hand at my sword fully turned
around the handle and I unsheathed it, ready to strike. I couldn't see Yoon, but I heard him
trying to calm us down. "C-calm down, Ki-Ja. If you come out with that hand, they'll take
you away even if you don't do anything. Right, Yona?"

Yona had already pulled an arrow and was ready to shoot, but I kept my attention solely on
the officers and the harm they brought to the villagers. If ever I could interrupt without
causing any trouble... "Y-Yona, you can't, okay?", Yoon tried to dissuade her. "Because if
they find you, it will be the worst, okay?!"

"Master Dol-Bal, there's food over here", an officer revealed, approaching the cart Yoon had

"See? You had some, didn't you? It looks like you don't have rice, but this will do, right?
Carry it out", I felt my feet were burning beneath my weight. I wanted to jump forward and
stop them from doing these horrors, but then, I watched as a little girl, one that had asked me
to play with her, pulled on the robes of one of the officers.

"No!", she screamed. "Yoon and the lady brought those for us!", the shivers that went down
my spine were of pure fright.

"Move. You're in the way", one of the officers ordered, pushing her away with a small kick of
his leg.

"No!!", the child screamed again.

"This is just the right amount, isn't it?", the officer asked. "Let's take that child, too"

"Let's sell the child to make up for the insufficient tax", the master announced and I could
barely care about the consequences now.
"Please have mercy...!", a poor villager stepped in, trying to save the child. "She's a child who
knows nothing of this"

"Father! Noo, let go!!", the child cried.

"If you don't want this, prepare some rice or money! Let's go!"

"Lone, no!", was the last thing I heard when I realized I was actually running toward them.

"Gya!!", an officer cried out as an arrow hit his shoulder, blood sputtering out. I kicked at his
boots as he fell to the ground and I brought the child to my chest protectively as I pointed my
sword at the officers.

"What kind of monsters proposes to sell off children because your own Lord can't even
comprehend the poverty his own villages suffer through?"

"A woman?! Pff! Bring her as well! We won't tolerate such actions of rebellious intent!", the
Master shouted. "Find the one who shot the arrow!"

"Heeereee! It's me!", Jae-Ha called out, a hand in the air. My eyes widened.

"Who are you? You aren't a part of this village, are you?"

"Me? They call me the soaring Green Dragon", he exclaimed as I rolled my eyes, shaking my
head in disbelief.

"Be careful! He's a fool", an officer shouted.

I slightly heard Yoon complaining about Jae-Ha's show of strength before he stared at me
with anger. I offered him the same glare, because whatever Jae-Ha had said, I was agreeing
with him.

Hak was the next to come out, Shin-Ha's fur covering his head. "An even stranger one has
appeared!", the officer shouted.

"Is he a demon?"

"A mountain man?"

"Moreover, is his stomach growling?"

"Something is living on his head"

"Oh, me?", Hak said. "They call me the Dark Dragon"

"Ah! I recognize that long sword", one of them realized, but Hak had already thrown it away.

"He chucked it?!"

"What?! That man doesn't need to hold on to his sword?"

"You-", Ki-Ja started and I ripped my eyes away from my friend. "You demons... You are
frightening the villagers, aren't you?!"

"Uwaaa! What's with his hand?!", one shouted in horror and fear. It left the White Dragon

"A monster?!"

And lastly, I saw my childhood friend head out of her hiding place, stepping in front of our
entire group. "You snot-nosed good for nothings!! Are you aware that you are causing havoc
in our territory?!",

Our territory?! The officers were as stunned as I was.

"Another woman?"

"Your territory?"

"Are you bandits?!"

"That's right!", Yona shouted in agreement.

"The food over there", she pointed toward the cart and then to me, to the child in my arms.
"That child and these villagers' things all belond to us! If you understand, turn tail right now
and don't come back! You brats!"

"Pff-ha!", Hak let out and I glared at him, even though he couldn't see me.

"Don't laugh at me, Dark Dragon"

"Excuse me"

"May I ask you something?", Jae-Ha said. "That voice kind of sounded nostalgic"

"It's an imitation of Captain Gi-Gan", Yona explained and it made me smile.

"They're a foolish group. Throw them out", Master Dol-Bal ordered and my traits went
severe again.

"Yonaaaa...", Yoon cried out.

"Yoon, I'm sorry. I've been prepared to fight for the people of Kouka for a long time", and I
felt his eyes on me next.

"Lone?! You're the most reasonable person here!"

I smiled up at him, proud of my actions. "I will never be reasonable when people's lives are

"That being the case", Yona continued.

"It can't be helped, can it?", Hak asked.

"Boss?", Jae-Ha said.

I stayed back, the child holding on to my arm with a strength I never thought one could
possess. And I witnessed each and every one of the officers be trampled on like a mere ant.
"Do.. you people think... you'll get away with this?!", Master Dol-Bal asked, angry.

"You're the ones who should learn your lesson", Yona spit out, visibly content with this.
"Don't come near this village again. If something happens to this village next time, we..."

"... the Dark Dragon...", Hak started.

"...and the Happy Hungry Bunch...", Zeno continued.

"...will make you pay for it!", Yona finished.

I stayed still as the officers emptied the village of their presence and then from the corner of
my eyes, a lumpy character found his way to me, nearly falling to the ground in the mean
time. He kneeled beside me and then lowered his head to the ground.

"Thank you, miss. I owe you a lot! Thank you for saving my sweet daughter!", he thanked
me and I felt the child struggle against my arms. I let her go and smiled at the man as he
looked up at me.

"Of course. I promised I would never let anything happen to them, after all"
Chapter Notes

Oh my god, it's been too long! I'm really sorry for not posting on saturday, I was
working and I barely had any time before, but anyway! Done with the negative, here's
the positive... which is this next chapter. Enjoy!

askjhje <3
see you thursday ;)

See the end of the chapter for more notes

"Well, I wonder if it'll be fine to become a bandit just once in my life", Yona asked herself, a
finger to her chin.

"Yona dear, didn't you give out our bandit group name just a moment ago?", Jae-Ha asked my
friend, a smile plastered on his cocky face.

"Oh, that's right", Yona let out, realizing his words.

"What's with that lightness as if you're just changing jobs?!", Yoon screamed, outraged by the
show of power we have performed.

"There's no getting around it. I've already given them our name", Yona tried to put sense into
our friend.

"What idiotic things are you saying?! We have to hurry and run away! They said they would
definitely come again. Next time, they'll bring a horde of soldiers with them!", Yoon shouted,
and I approached him, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"It's gonna be okay, Yoon. We got this. Moreover, it could offer us a possibility", I said.

"What possibility?!"

"Lone's right", Yona added. "Yoon, there are many villages like this in the Fire Tribe, right?"

"That's right..."

"And everywhere is impoverished and has heavy taxes?"

".....Yes", he finally answered after a long pause, as if reticent to give in.

"Then, we will become unruly bandits", she added with a smile. "And expand our territory. If
we do that, we'll be able to protect the people who has had heavy taxes unjustly levied upon

"The problem isn't that simple!", Yoon countered. "If they fall behind in collections, they levy
even stricter taxes! Meanwhile, if we manage to pull it off poorly, the soldiers from Saika
Castle will make their move!"

"They can come anytime", she said, serious. And as he saw the expression on her face, Yoon
knew he could not try to persuade her anymore... no matter what he would say.

"If they desert impoverished children and the sick in order to protect themselves from danger,
they have their priorities backwards. Besides, I don't think I'll lose to them. As long as
everyone's here"


"Yoon. Surely you should understand, Yoon. You know how to efficiently move to make the
officers come under pressure"

"Well, now that it's settled!", Zeno shouted. "Let's start the revolt of The Dark Dragon and the
Happy Hungry Bunch!"

"First of all, that name won't pressurize them!", Yoon complained.

"But it's nice", I added. "And it's fun. If we use unfunny methods, than what is our purpose
anyway? We want to restore peace in the Fire Tribe. Isn't it your home, Yoon? Shouldn't you
want this?"

"Yes, but... not this way...", I smiled slightly. I got his point, but not everything could be
achieved legally.

"Sometimes, we have to use our own ways to make things happen. Yona has that power and
the dragons are willing to help her. Hak and I would do anything for Yona and I would do
anything for these children, these people. But anyway, you should appreciate what she's
doing, since she won't turn back"

"No... she sure won't"

I smiled and stared down at him. He was looking at a faraway point, thinking. I put a hand on
his shoulder and left his side a few seconds later.

It's been three days now, since that conversation. Since Yona stubbornly countered the Fire
Tribe's officers and argued with our youngest member about what was right and what wasn't.
Despite the complains of our dear friend, we have been defending Fire Tribe villages for the
past three days. We have been stopping the officers from stripping away every right a villager
could have in his poor conditions. We have acted as bandits, only to protect the villages of
this Tribe, the ones who were never taken care of.

We had gotten rid of officers in the next village and given back what belonged to the village.
We had reassured the children and kept our bandit mask on as we paraded through the streets.
Yoon and Hak were sitting on a step, Yona was crouching on the ground, petting Ao, while
Jae-Ha, Shin-Ha, Ki-Ja and I were standing not too far away.

"Which village will we go to next, Yoon?", Yona asked.

"Let's see. At this time, the officers are supposed to go to Shuu Village, too"

"Is that far?", Hak asked.

"Yeah, a little. What should we do? Officers might come to Katan Village again, too"

"Then I'll go guard Katan Village at once", Jae-Ha spoke.

"Oh, that would be a big help", Yoon thanked him. "Yona will wait here"

"Hm?", she let out, surprised. "Why, I'm going too-"

"The next place is far", Yoon explained, cutting her. "We don't know if officers will come.
For our fighting force, the Thunder Beast and Lone and... right, if Ki-Ja is there, it will be

"Then, Zeno will hold down the fort with the Miss!"

"Don't you just run around in the middle of battle? This time I will teach you the ways of
fighting like one of the Four Dragons. Come", Ki-Ja announced, dark-eyed, a clawed hand on
the Yellow Dragon's shoulder.

"Shin-Ha, we're entrusting the Princess to you", Ki-Ja told him, to which Shin-Ha only
nodded in agreement.

"I will stay, also", I added.

"What? You don't want to come to the next village?", Yoon let out.

"I'd rather stay here in case something happens", I lied, offering them a smile. We watched as
they went. I was too exhausted to walk to another village. I was almost too exhausted to
stand. I just wanted a break. We had been moving nonstop for three days ; I needed this.

We were all sitting on the edge of a step and Yona seemed to be bored.

"You know, you could have gone, too, Lone", Yona said. "No need to stay back for me"

"It's fine, Yona. Really. I need a break anyway"

Shin-Ha was petting Ao, unbothered by our conversation. "It couldn't be helped, I guess. It
was out of my control", Yona said. "Say, Lone, can I practice with your sword?"

"You sure? You've been practicing with small knives until now. Are you sure you want the
big sword?"
"Yes, I'm sure", she said, her face lighting up, even just a little. And so I stood up and
unsheathed by sword. I walked away from the step, away from Shin-Ha and she followed me.
I offered her the handle and when she took it, she slightly lost her balance before placing

"Woaw...", she let out, impressed.

"What's wrong?", I asked, lifting an eyebrow.

"It's heavy!", I giggled.

"Well, yeah... Swords are usually forged for men, and it was the weapon my father had
planned to entrust to his son, but I got it instead, so it's quite heavy"

"How much time did it take you to be able to lift it up and fight accordingly to its strength?",
she asked, starting to swing the blade around using the techniques I've been teaching her.

"My father offered it to me at age 7. I was able to lift it at age 9, though. Then, it was
experience and everything that helped me through the years"

"You've had it for ten years, then. How old is it?"

"It has a couple decades, that's for sure"

I was looking at her when she turned her gaze towards our dragon friend. "Shin-Ha... Why
did you first start learning the sword? You already have the power of the dragon eyes"

I saw as he lifted his head, but didn't say anything. "You don't have to talk about it if you
don't want to", Yona added.

"The one...", he started, which surprised me. "The one who taught me swordsmanship told
me I must not use the power of the eyes"

"Why?", I asked.

"Because they're a double-edged sword"

"Is that because they hurt you, too?", Yona asked. "What on earth kind of powers are yours,
Shin-Ha?", he seemed to remember then what it felt like, as if he once used it, despite his
teacher's warnings. He brought his hands to his mask and fell on his knees to the ground.
Yona fell to the ground as well and let his head rest on her shoulder as she spoke his name.
"Shin-Ha. Shin-Ha", she said in a soothing voice, trying to calm him down. I just stared. She
lifted his head up and she looked him in what should have been his eyes and pulled her
forehead to his. "Sorry, Shin-Ha. I won't ask again", but then, she tried to lift his mask, which
made him break the contact. "You can't remove your mask?", she asked. "Shin-Ha. You don't
have to use your power. It's just... I want to look you in the eyes when we talk", I smiled. "It'll
be fine someday. Let me see your smiling face, okay? Lift the edges of your mouth and perk
up a smile. I'm sure it will be lovely"
And as he was about to try, a little boy screamed. "The Dark Dragon... and the Happy Hungry
Bunch-'s boss lady"

"Wh- what's up?", she asked, putting on her bandit mask.

"Give me some candy", he looked hungry, starved. It was a sad image to look at.

"I... don't have any more", she timidly answered, her stomach growling. "Hold on. I'll shoot
down a bird for ya", I watched as she walked away, an arrow knocked, ready to shoot it.

"She said... smiling face", I heard and looked back at a confused Shin-Ha. He looked down at
Ao and then tried to copy her smile by lifting up to corners of his mouth with his fingers. I
stared at him in wonder and hoped he would get it right. When, suddenly, kids attacked him.

"The Dark Dragon and the Happy Hungry Bunch!", said one of them.

"Bandits have appeared! Let's get rid of them!", chimed another. "I got his sword!", he
screamed, lifting up Shin-Ha's sword in the air. I watched as Shin-Ha carefuly stood up,
worried and trying to get his sword back. But the children ran away, and so he ran after them.
I stayed back, taking a seat on the step, staring at my image reflected on the blade of my

After a while, I realized Hak and the others were taking a lot more time than usual.
Everything was silent. Until...

"KYAAAAA!", a child's scream, I realized. I straightened up and noticed it came from where
Shin-Ha had gone toward. I stood up and ran toward the noise. I freezed when I saw the small
boy that had teased Shin-Ha not long ago. Blood was dripping down his mouth and standing
up not far away from his body was bandits.

Real bandits.

"Tae-Sik! Tae-Sik!", the mother called, hopelessly shaking his body to wake him up. My face

"Hey, hey, 's not your fault", who seemed to be the leader said. "That kid pointed a sword at
us a minute ago"

I gritted my teeth, angry at his words. How could he kill a harmless kid? He was innocent. I
felt a presence approach me from behind and I turned to notice it was Yona.

"Bandits?", she asked.

"Stay back, I'll take care of it"

"No. I'm not letting you fight alone"

"You don't have a choice, Yona. I won't let you endanger yourself"

"I do have a choice. And it's mine to take", she said and ran away.
"Yona!", I whisper-screamed at her, trying to bring her back, but turned my attention to the

"Well, whatever. Round up all the alcohol and meat in this village. If ya go against us, you'll
end up just like this kid"

I walked toward them with a strong foot. "How dare you 'whatever' this village, you stupid
brats. I've endured idiots like you before, and your worth is not much", I planted my feet and
lifted my sword.

"What?", he let out, lifting an eyebrow. Then, he laughed, putting a hand on his stomach. "A
woman? You think you can fight us?"

"It's not that I think, it's that I know. And instead of underestimating us, maybe start showing
us a little respect instead"

Then, they were all laughing. Every single one of them were laughing. And from the corner
of my eye, I watched Yona as she climbed onto the roof of a house and pointed her arrow at
the bandits. "GET OUUTTTTTTT!", she screamed, her voice traveling to my ears. She shot
the arrow and aimed at his shoulder, making him fall to the ground.

"That hurt!", he complained, a hand covering his arm as he sat up. "Dammit, who did that?!
I'll kill 'em!"

"You're the ones who need to get outta here if ya don't wanna get killed!", she shouted. "This
village is the territory of the Dark Dragon and the Happy Hungry Bunch! There's nothing you
third-rate thieves can do about it!!"

"Dark Dragon and the Hungry- what? Sorry, what the hell was that?", one of them asked,
visibly mocking us.

"I won't say it again, you snot-nosed brat!"

"It's a woman", I heard one of them say.

"Hey. If ya don't get out right now, this arrow'll shoot right through your head this time!!"

"Hey, hey, calm down. What did we do?"

"Don't screw with me, you killed a child...", but she couldn't finish, because her leg was being

"Ah! Ahhhh!", she screamed and fell.

"Yona!", I shouted her name and dared the bandits to look my way. The leader sent most of
his men my way and I realized then, the strength that I currently held. I was exhausted...
would I be able to make my way to her?

"YONAA!", I screamed again, trying to make sure she was okay after I heard a loud thud.
"Uh-oh, you were violent with her", I slightly heard, already concentrating on my opponents.

"Did ya kill her?", shivers. And a desire for vengeance. A desire to hurt.

"She's alive"

"Well, isn't she better than I expected"

"She'll be good. There's nothing but old ladies here"

"Leave her alone!", I screamed as I swung my sword, hitting a bit of skin, earning a cry.

I saw his head lift up, and he stared gravely at his men. "Are you not already done with her?"

"No, sir, but we're at it!"

"Bring the alcohol! Bring it here!!", the leader suddenly shouted, returning to his business.
But a lot of men were surrounding me ; it was overwhelming. I couldn't dare kill them ; it
wasn't our purpose. But I knew my blade was sharp, and I knew that if I wanted to, I could
kill them all in less than ten seconds, but I didn't want unnecessary blood on my hands... not
now. I was leaving small cuts here and there and probably bruises a little bit of everywhere. I
became fiercer when I noticed the leader throwing her body over his shoulder. And then, I
started wondering where the hell was Shin-Ha and what had happened to him. The sword
used to kill the small boy was his, after all.

"Just take their food!", the leader shouted. "It'll be a pain in the ass if the officers arrive.
Make it quick!"

And then suddenly, Shin-Ha appeared at my side and with a single swing of his hand, put
down one of their men. I was distracted for a second, but rapidly brought my attention back
to my opponents as I blocked an attack.

"Shin-Ha!", I cried. He looked toward me then. "Save Yona! I'm gonna be fine!"

He nodded and continued beating down the bandits while I turned back toward the men
surrounding me. "Ya gonna be fine, ya say?", one asked.

I hoped so...

For the next minutes, as I tried to make them retreat, it felt like more were coming, it's like
they were never backing down. I felt my body considerably lose its strength, I felt fatigued,
exhausted. I found myself asking when the others would be back. Bandits were insulting
Shin-Ha as he beat his way through the thick crowd of men.

"Yona... that person... give her back!", he screamed and I heard. I could barely see because I
had to concentrate on my battle, but soon after a horde attacked him, he could not defend
himself anymore. He didn't have his sword... But I saw the sword plunging into his skin. I
saw the blood errupting out of his body. And I couldn't help but fully turn toward him.
"SHIN-HA!", I screamed and the next thing I knew, I was receiving a blow to the jaw. I fell
to the floor, suddenly powerless. I could still feel the handle of my sword in my right hand,
but I was seeing stars. "Shin-Ha... save Yona", I whispered, my mind hazy.

I could barely see through the slits of my eyes, I could barely stay awaken, but when I
catched the sight that offered itself above me ; the multiple men standing just before me, it
reminded me of them. It reminded me when they were only a few seconds away from making
me go through hell. They were only a few instants away from disgracing my body, engraving
their knives in my skin. They stood above my body exactly like these men were when they
wanted to hurt me.

I don't know where I found the strength to lift up my sword. Maybe in pain, maybe in fear,
but I grunted as I lifted it. I didn't want to go through it again, I didn't want to be as helpless
as I was back then. I didn't want to suffer anymore. I swung it high as I sat up in the dirt. As I
slit the man's throat, blood spattered my clothes and my face, landed in my mouth, almost
blinded my vision. I heard screams of pain, before a loud thud. I heard my name being called.
But my ears were ringing. I was swinging and swinging... swinging away the dark memories
of before. They were all dying, they were falling to the ground like puppets, like dolls. I was
completely drenched in blood, but I didn't care.

I didn't want to suffer anymore.


When I stopped slashing skin, my sight cleared and I looked around. I looked around at the
disaster I had caused. "Hold her down!", I heard screaming as a man placed himself behind
me and tugged on my arms, bringing them behind my back. I was too weak to fight back. I
couldn't move, couldn't do anything when he kicked in my legs and I fell on my knees. My
sword fell to the ground. But then, I saw... I could see everything. Shin-Ha was on the
ground, unmoving. He looked dead. Yona was awake, trying to struggle out of the man's grip.

"No! Shin-Ha! Lone!! Don't kill them!! Please!", I heard her screaming.

"Wake up... wake up, Shin-Ha. Save Yona", I whispered.

"He stopped moving"

"Did he die?"

"Leave the finishing blow to me"

"Wait. Let's see his face before we kill him. That's one strange mask he's wearing. He must be
scared and crying", he said as he bend down to take off the mask, discovering his eyes.


"Golden eyes?!

"Wha... what are they? This guy's eyes... I can't... look away"
"My body... my body... can't mo... move"

The screams that followed sent shivers down my every limb, down my back, reaching in
every bone. I closed my eyes as he turned to look at me. The man behind me fell, screaming.
I opened my eyes to look behind me... he was paralyzed. I looked back to Shin-Ha... to Yona.
He was walking toward her. The screaming wouldn't stop, the loud noises either. It was
torture to the ears. It was unbearable, horrible. I could see a man crying about his arm being
cut off. Yona was confused. But I couldn't get up, couldn't do anything. Except, I only
realized I had been moving when my back hit a wall. I couldn't back off more, I couldn't
disappear... I couldn't, couldn't couldn't couldn't do anything. Even when I put my hands over
my ears, I could not mute the voices, the excruciable screams of pain. Even when I shut my
eyes, I could not erase the memories of their pain, written all over their faces. I can't escape
this.. I can't, can't can't can't escape this. Can't can't can't can't can't can't. I can't do anything.
I can't defend myself. I can't defend Yona. I can't defend anyone.

I'm not strong. I'm weak. I can't stand. I can't fight. I can't move. I need my sword. Where is
my sword? But there are men above me, men who are going to hurt me. Men are standing
just there, over me, and I can't do anything. I can't swing my sword. I don't have it. I have to
find my sword. Where is it? Panic. I can't defend myself. I feel panic. I don't have control, I
can't do anything. I'm nothing without my sword.

"You're nothing if you can't defend yourself in this world, son- daughter. You know that,
right... Lone? Lone, are you listening to me? Lone?"


It's my name. Who is it? I need my sword. I need to defend myself. I don't know who this is.
Who is calling my name? Is it father? Is he going to say I'm worthless if I don't know how to
fight? Is he going to punish me for not training? Is he going to hit me if he finds out I'm not a
boy? But no. No no no. It can't be father. He's dead.

Remember? He's dead, Lone. Your father's dead, remember? He can't do anything to hurt
you... not anymore.

I need to defend myself. I don't know anyone. I don't know anyone. I can't trust anyone. I
need my sword. I need my sword. Where is my sword? I can't breathe. I can't think. I can't
move. I need to move. I need to find my sword. I need to fight. I need to... I need to fight. I
need to protect... I need to protect Yona and Shin-Ha and the children. That's right... I need to
protect to protect the children. I can't let anything happen to them. But I can't breathe. I can't

I can't do anything.


The screaming has stopped. But I can't hear anything else. I can't see anything. What is
happening? What is going on?

"What is happening?", I let out in a cry.

Panic. Panic. Panic.

"Yona!", I know this voice. This is... this is Yoon...

But I'm screaming. I can feel my hands covering my ears. I can feel my eyes shut tight. But I
can hear everything now. I can hear myself screaming. I'm screaming, I'm crying. I'm
panicking. And yet, I need to find my sword. Where is my sword? I need to get it. But there
are men... the men are there, right in front of me. They are above me. There are cutting me...
I'm bleeding, I'm suffering. I'm back in the shed, I'm hungry, I'm hurt, I'm sad. I need to get


"Lone! Lone! Come back. Come back to me!", hands are grabbing my forearms, my eyes are
shutting open. Green. This is a man. I need to fight. Where is my sword? I'm panicking. I
can't defend myself. I'm struggling. I'm fighting. "LONE! It's me, Jae-Ha. You're gonna be

Jae-Ha. I'm gonna be fine... I'm gonna be fine. I don't need my sword. I don't need it. Not this
time. Because... because there is a man... a man? Protecting... protecting me? There is a man
protecting me?

"You have to listen to me, Lone. Most men are dangerous ; you must know to defend yourself
against every man, even when they seem kind, gentle. No man will want your safety. No man
will ever protect you. You must do it yourself. And now that you're 7 of age, I will give you
this sword. The one that will protect you"

But... father, this man... this man is protecting me. I feel... I feel calm. My heart is beating
slower. Panic is declining. I'm safe. I feel safe. I'm safe...

And I see dark. I hear static. I can finally sleep.

Chapter End Notes

Hi, readers! It is currently 10h43 pm and I'm crying. I've just finished this chapter, and
when I tell you, it was difficult to write, I mean it. But still, I'm leaving you with this
and I'm giving you another on thursday, so be ready!

askjhje <3
Because of Trauma
Chapter Notes

Hi readers! I am so sorry for the wait! I said I would be able to publish on thursday, but
it has been hard for me in the last couple of days, but I'm trying to get better. But I'd like
to thank the new Kudos I've received, from Strawbear_007 and a few guests! And here
is the new chapter!

Have a great read!

askjhje <3

"She looked crazy. What the hell happened to her?", I heard a voice ask.

"She was panicked", a feminine voice said.

"That's what you call 'panicked'? She looked like she was ready to rip her ears away from her
skull! That's not normal behavior", Hak. This was Hak's voice. I would recognize the harsh
tone and deep voice everywhere.

"You don't know that!"

"Oh, and you do?", they were all panicked, worried words, but they were also angry and
fearful. They didn't know why I suddenly reacted this way. And to be honest, neither did I.

"I know what she's gone through!"

"And what is that? This is not our friend, Princess, you have to see it!"

"Maybe it would be better if we left her alone to rest?", Yoon.

"I don't care about her resting! We need an explanation! The Lone we knew would never have
reacted this way!"

"The friend I know went through horrible things that you wouldn't even be able to endure!"

Silence. Utter silence. My mind took this opportunity to fully wake up, as if silence was more
bothering than loud screams and cries. I slowly opened my eyes and watched as Hak stormed
out of the tent as Yona followed. Other than them, there were only Jae-Ha and Yoon. I sat up
on the ground and brought a hand to my head as a headache showed itself.

"Lone! You should rest!", Yoon screamed, throwing himself on the ground, kneeling beside
"I'm fine", I said, unable to force a smile upon my lips.

"No, you're not", I lifted my head up, my eyes staring into his. I looked away, ashamed. They
had all seen me, seen me panicked and shocked, and almost mad, the crazy sort of mad.

"What exactly happened?", Yoon asked with a calmed and reassuring voice.

All that had happened flashed through my mind. And maybe my reaction to such violence
became clearer to me. I felt like I was fighting alone. I had to save my bestfriend, while
trying to save myself. I had to save Shin-Ha and Yona when I couldn't even save myself.
That's right... Yona and Shin-Ha.

"Are Shin-Ha and Yona fine? Are they alright? What happened to the bandits?", what
happened to the ones I killed. What happened to the ones that tried to torture me. Again and

I saw Yoon facepalm himself and escape a sigh of disbelief. I frowned, suddenly feeling
guilty for a reason I wasn't aware of. "After all that, you still care more about other people's
situation than yours. But, to answer your question, Shin-Ha is still paralyzed ; he's resting.
Yona's fine. Though, for the bandits... Half of them were found dead, their throats slashed, or
their head separated from their body. For the others, they were paralyzed... We left them not
far on a road so the officers can find them"

"I wasn't able to save them..."

Yoon and Jae-Ha frowned, looking at each other as I stared down at my clean hands.

"Is that why you reacted like that?", Yoon hesitated. "Because you thought you were

I didn't answer. Only recalling their presence standing above me, my father's words echoing
in my head, through my every thought, my sword laying so far away from me, I felt my life
ending. I was scared, helpless, panicked, shocked. I was everything I didn't want to be. I
realized I had my lips parted when I closed them. And then, Yona erupted in the tent, landing
on her knees at my side, her arms around my shoulders.

"Lone! Thank God! You're awake! I was so scared for you! Never do this to me ever again!",
I smiled and as I looked up, Hak was staring at me from the opening of the tent, a dark aura
surrounding him. I returned the look, but offered a heartwarming smile to my bestfriend
when she pushed me at arms' length.

I had not been out for long. I had to fight my way through the thick wall of orders that was
Yoon for me to get out of the tent. I could not possibly rest, not after I had remembered what
I had done. And yet, I could not stop myself from thinking that maybe it would have been
better to stay in the tent, where this horrible view was hidden from me. I could feel Yoon's
body standing right behind me, staring at the same horror I was lividly looking at. Bodies
laying on the ground, lifeless. Blood everywhere. There were heads separated from their
bodies. It was unnerving to look at, confusing, ugly and horrific.
"The bandits were thrown out on the road. Eventually, officers will pick them out", he
explained, his voice stern.

"You mean, the ones I didn't kill"

He didn't say anything, but I knew what I had to do.

"I'm gonna take care of it", I let out.

"No, you should rest. Let us take care of it", he countered, but I wouldn't give him reason.

"It is my mess!", I shouted, angry. Angry with myself for lashing out, angry with those men
for bringing ugly memories to the surface, for triggering my trauma, angry with Yoon for not
letting me do the one thing I should do in this very instant. I shouldn't even be arguing with
him. "I will take care of it. And I will do it alone", I said more calmly, my voice almost a
whisper. I took a step forward and I was glad to notice he did not follow me. Though I could
still feel the breaking of a small vein in my heart. I did not want to do this... but I had to. It
was my responsibilty, whether I liked it or not.

It was hard starting a fire when I knew it was for the people I killed. Piling wood logs upon
wood logs became my first task. I then watched as I light another wood log and threw it
amongst the unlit ones. I watched as the fire spread and grew. I watched as the smoke lifted
up into the skies. I turned around and began cleaning. I brought their dead bodies, grabbing
them under the armpits, to their cremation. Their weight was considerably heavy, considering
I had been exhausted just a few minutes ago when I fought the same monsters I was bringing
to their closure, to their freedom. But then, I caught sight of someone beside me. This
someone was pulling on something and when I turned my head in their direction,
straightening my body, I realized the old man was bringing the dead man's body to the fire as
well. I stayed shocked and our eyes met and he offered me a smile.

"No, mister, let me take care of it! You need to rest!", I screamed, angry.

"I seem to have heard that you are fragile as well, miss", he countered, his smile never
leaving his lips. He then leaned over the body and continued to pull.

"No... This is my fault. I should be the one correcting it"

"You saved our lives. You protected this village with your life. We owe you that, at least", a
woman said as I turned around toward her. She was pulling one of the corpses by the legs,
leaving a trail of blood where his head should have been.

"This is not right. This is disgusting... I can't accept for you to get your hands bloodied
because of my... my fear, my panic"

"You don't have to accept anything", the woman said.

"This is our choice", another man added.

"But...-", I didn't know what to say. I visibly couldn't say anything that would change their
minds... and I couldn't stop them physically. I looked around, shocked and full of
incomprehension. I didn't understand why these kind-hearted people would help a cursed
child like me. But I had to continue cleaning this mess up before the villagers did most of it.
It was still my mess... afterall. For an hour, we threw corpses in the fire, headless figures. We
threw their missing heads among the other parts. We went to fetch water not far away. I
helped gather some for the village to drink or to use to bathe, while the rest we used to throw
on the bloodied grounds of their village. It had been a disaster, but with the help of these
selfless people, we have been able to restore some kind of beauty to the village. I was not
proud of what I had done, I was not proud of the mess I had done, but looking right into the
eyes of the fire, I knew that even if I couldn't excuse my actions, and the reason behind them,
the villagers could. And I would very much like that it didn't always resort to this, each and
every time I did a horrible mistake. I had to learn not to depend on my trauma and act
because of it. And Hak was right, I would never have reacted like that before...

"We're back", I heard. It was Hak and Jae-Ha. I stared as the latter offered Yoon a bird he had
caught. But before I could approach them, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see another
woman, a sad expression upon her face. She was dark-haired and she had rimmed eyes. I
lowered my head, silently apologizing for something I didn't even know I could have done,
but I was sorry still.

"The man who killed my son did not get the punishement he deserved", she started and I
lifted my head in surprise and confusion. "I will forever be grateful for what you did to save
our village. But as a mother to a newly deceased child, I would wish the same fate would
have ended the man who ruined my life"

I felt tears blooming in my eyes. They did not fall, but I felt them. Felt the pain they brought
with them. I felt sorry for what I couldn't do for this mother's child, and for her as well.

"I would like for you to attend his burial"

"Yes, with pleasure", I said and I could see the glimpse of a smile appear on her lips.

I attended his burial, just as I had promised. The sun had set. The bonfire burning in front of
us was a gift to this child who lost his life prematurely. I felt sorry, as if I could have
prevented the events of his death. I was shocked to realize the villagers actually were grateful
for what I did for their village. In the beginning, it was all about Yona, or Shin-Ha. It was all
about not killing to avoid consequences. It was all about not letting my emotions take the
upper hand. But I had never thought about these poor villagers, what I had saved them from,
in my own way. Even if I was fighting my fears in the end, they were only thinking about my
stepping up to these bandits. They were only thinking about the fact that I stepped up and
fought, even when I could not control myself at some point, even when I lost control. They
were not thinking about that part and it left me staring at nothing. It left me thinking about
what I had thought I was.

I was Yona's and Hak's bestfriend. I was the dragons' companion. I was Yoon's student. I was
part of this group, and I had always thought that I was in this group with the purpose of
protecting Yona with my life, like Hak had been entitled to do for the rest of his life. I
thought the reason I was walking this earth was because I had to help my friend accomplish
her purpose. But what if...
What if I have my own? What if my life doesn't revolve around her? What if it's because of
that fact that Ik-Soo told me a completely different story, one only assigned to me? What if
I'm actually here to have a life of my own, and not someone else's entirely?

"Oh, that's right. I can't use the tent today", I heard Yona say. I lifted my head up, taking my
attention away from my sword, which I was sharpening, and stared at my friends.

"Sorry. Shin-Ha still hasn't recovered, so I'll tend to his side", Yoon explained and I returned
my eyes to my sword as I continued to slide the rock along the sharp edges of the blade.

"It's fine. I'll sleep outside"

"Oh no, Princess... You can't sleep outside", Ki-Ja countered.

"Yona dear, come to my side!", Jae-Ha chanted.

"I'll be fine. Because I'll sleep with Hak", she said and I freezed, stopping my movement. I
realized we were all startled by what she suddenly said, Hak precisely. The wood logs he had
been transporting fell to the ground in a loud clatter. "No?"

"It's not a problem", Hak finally agreed, taking the logs back from the ground into his arms.

"Yona dear, that's dangerous. The Thunder Beast is a beast!", Jae-Ha shouted, earning him a
log on the head.

"Don't group me with you, Droopy Eyes", Hak added. Ki-Ja looked disturbed.

"Miss, sleep with Zeno for a change!", Zeno screamed, wrapping his arms around Yona's

"Sorry, Zeno. Hak's good", she said and I lifted an eyebrow. I eventually returned to
sharpening my sword.

"Is that so? Then Zeno will sleep close to Ryokuryuu!"

"I'll pass", Jae-Ha answered, pushing the Yellow Dragon away. "I'd rather sleep next to Lone,

"Not in a million years", I openly responded.

"Yoon, I have an emergency. My chest hurt terribly", Ki-Ja cried.

"I can't fix that..", Yoon unbotheredly answered.

"It's an incurable disease!!", Ki-Ja countered.

A few minutes later, as everyone had installed themselves, I sheathed my sword at my side
and leaned on the tree, closing my eyes. But after hearing what I was sure was twigs
snapping, I straightened and opened my eyes, frightened. It was suddenly cold as I looked
around to see that everyone was asleep. I rubbed my arms in an attempt to warm my body,
but it was pointless. I stood up cautiously as I heard another sound coming from the forest.

"Hello?", I called, my voice echoing. "Is someone there?"

I stepped farther into the dark of the trees and walked and walked and walked until I was so
far from the camp that I feared I would never find my way back. When my fingers began
tracing a path to my sword, I felt slightly safer, until I realized that it was not hanging at my
hip. My heart doubled its speed and it became difficult to control my breaths. And then
suddenly, a colder hand on my shoulder, forcing me to turn around.

"Is this what you were searching for?", a familiar voice as my very own sword was stabbed
through my skull, causing me to drop my jaw as I tried to scream but nothing seemed to
come out. My sword was pulled out of my skull and when I touched my face, breathless, I
was unscathed. I lifted my head up, trying to catch a glimpse of the man who had been
haunting the every corner of my nightmares, the every spots the dark covered, but the only
thing I saw was me. I was standing at a doorway, bloodied sword in hand, my clothes almost
completely ripped. And as I looked around, I saw their bodies, scattered everywhere. But
when I looked up to see my old self, she was not there anymore. I ran then. I ran toward her,
but she was so far away I could never reach her. And I followed her in an inn, but when I
pushed through the door, fire was surrounding me. I was no where to be seen. And I
recognized the place to be Hakkon House. Fire and smoke was everywhere and as I looked
down to see what I felt was in my hand, I could see blood and a knife. When I looked up
again, I saw my dead parents, my dead sister, and the horror I had done. I let the knife fall to
the ground and brought my hands to my face. I couldn't breathe. I felt paralyzed. I backed
away into a wall, closing my eyes, trying to calm myself, but when I reopened them, I was
panicking. I couldn't see anything, I was crying, and screaming and searching for my sword. I
had killed everyone, everyone... There was even more blood on my hands and...


...and there was someone calling my name.

"Lone! Listen to me!", Th- this was my father. I turned my head and I found my self standing
in front of my father. My eyes dragged down to my sword, that I was gripping tight. "Lone!
This is not the way you have to swing it. Have you not listened to what I kept telling you?!
Over and over again you keep ignoring what I tell you!"

I felt my bottom lip tremble, tears threatening to fall.

"Lone, I have not raised you effortlessly this way only for you to act like a girl! You are
supposed to be strong and invincible! You are supposed to act like a true man! As my son,
you should be able to do what I tell you!"

I looked down again and I noticed my small hands barely able to hold on to the sword and I
looked up at my father again, only this time I was taller. And when I looked down, I was
keeping the sword at my side, a stern expression on my face.

"I am not your son", I said. I watched as his expression went from stern to sorry and pained.
"Right. But you understand, right? That I'm doing this for you? Right, Lone? Right... Lone?"

I was walking away, turning my back on him. I had to escape, and yet, I never felt free. I
offered him one last look, filled with pity and pain, but when I turned around again, I was
stopped short, a sword plunged into my stomach. But I didn't have mine. I couldn't defend
myself... not as I was pushed overboard. I was falling... falling and falling into an endless
pitch... until I hit water. A cold shock, even colder than the cold of the forest. Even colder
than the hand on my shoulder. And I felt this coldness penetrate my lungs, and take away my
ability to breathe. But soon enough, I stopped breathing. My heart stopped beating.

I woke up, my first breath like a gasp. I was sweaty, but cold. My heart went wild and I put a
hand on my chest. I forced my breathing to slow down, forced my body to realize I was safe,
forced my mind to understand it was just a bad dream. I looked around to see if I had woken
anybody up, and my eyes met his. He was staring, worried. I looked away, ashamed and I
stood up, making sure my sword was still sheathed at my hip, and I made my way out of the

At each of my side, I could see the dead. Multiple of them, surrounding me. I couldn't know
if it was to protect me, or to warn me. I didn't know and I didn't feel like caring. Except for
one, one I had forgotten about. Aro. For a while, I have been trying to call for his name, but
he never answered, never appeared. And I found myself missing his presence at night, his
reassuring words.

And as I heard footsteps approaching, I felt my heart race again, my mind suddenly nervous.
I turned around and brought my arms up in front of me and the moment I saw the presence
approaching way too close, I extended my right arm, offering to the man a punch to the nose.
But I realized too late that it was actually Jae-Ha.

"What was that for?", he shouted with a low voice.

"I thought you were someone dangerous!", I exclaimed, borrowing his tone.

"In a forest?!"

"Well, yes, what do you think? That I thought we were in an inn and you were following me
to kill me?! No!"

"You're so on guard for nothing, God! The only people at this hour is our party sleeping not
far away anyway. You only have to scream and they'll be at your side"

"I can take care of myself, thank you", I spit out, angry.

"I can see that. But anyway, what are you doing out of bed?"

"I could ask you the same question"

"You were talking in your sleep. It woke me up"

"Well, sorry about that, you can go back to your beauty sleep now. You don't have to worry
about me, anymore"
"What tells you I was worried about you?", he asked me, taking me off guard.

"Why did you follow me?", I asked, almost timidly.

"...because you worried me"

I didn't answer to that comment. I kept my mouth shut and I soon realized that this was the
first time we spoke to each other since we left Awa.

"Do you remember?", he hesitantly asked.

"Remember what?", I impatiently responded.

"The night of the party where we celebrated the pirates' victory"

"The night I got drunk", I realized aloud.

"Yes", he let out, a little bit of hope illuminating his voice.

"No, I don't remember anything apart from my pain and bits of undesired feelings"

"...", I could see he wished to speak. He wished to tell me about that night. I lifted my head
up toward him and I stared.

"What are you not saying?", he was taken by surprise by my words.

"Nothing!", he immediately answered, on the defensive. "It's better if you don't know what
happened", he looked slightly sad as he spoke, but I only frowned, confused. "Goodnight,

I could not wish it back to him, as confused as I was. I kept thinking though, what he could
be hiding. I remembered the day after that night, Yona... or was it Hak? That told me
something was weird with Jae-Ha and that when either Yona or Hak asked him what
happened the night before, he did not answer. I could not stop thinking about what had been
said between us two. But eventually, I went back to the camp and slept on these thoughts.
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