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ications. Tha information ee se conatlons. No insfilnt. This section st 74 Kin east of Dimapur town which isthe nearest ral Had ans Pc ties Moan, 129,64 & MHA, Maaband the captas rare captl of Beaton of i drainage, septage manager sate wre Pose ne kan cave of by Khir Munna) Co" scant of rh xan Sts Eastern Region Capital ities Device. = tank Kohima since as coe CUCCEECE € CeCe’ wists cei septa srsau (rowan) Te bap ana al of ein enn ays of 00 10 00 Te my eo ‘Some Orcver mh ae ito nae ny Te pent ves am a ame 02 ‘me Th writs aevren cea nay asus 20. RIEFDESCRIPTION OF WoRKS 21 General seope ‘The Scope of this turnkey contract (i) SuppW of 8 nos: of vacuum tankers ‘Commissioning of a 99 cubic mete per day expasty Sepage Treatment Plan in Noni an ‘Admnistatve Buling cum laboratory, scary eatin, opeatore vet room, sa quarters, cpesators cua [erage wortshop ete andi) One Year OM as derrbedn th secln 22 VaccumTankers ‘The Purchaser intends 1 esate § nos. of $000 ve capac and 3 nas. of 3000 Sve capaci Veco tas ‘These tankers are required forthe apvation of eestage from the sepicanks aftached othe house hold odes of Kohan ‘Mostof these houreholds are not acceso to The sapage Tamers ve 10 the hil tein ofthe Oty. Agro murder of tnowses a located 200 to $00 Fat anc 350 $0 200 m geap frre tne motrabe oud of he City, Hence the tankers hl re salable scton felt fr siphoning cit the Leploe eliciemy under high vacuum through # sugmantad suction Rothe tank wth the aid of quick recace nove couping arangement. Since his a cia reaiarement ‘ealloading& running shallbeconductedin Kohima subsequent cn the delivery of wiles ate by the supple” “ankars fied on Diesel Powered Truck chasis and vacuurs puns, hose a water tank ee shal Us rahe ‘Deer of the Vehicles shal be fines each wth 000 Mt cipasy tank, whl rest festa be fed win 2009 it caps, ‘Tank each Trucks tral be new and maeufactored by repated manctactucer. ach Tucks be supplied i ready 10 vse Petre for puting tne vehicles in operations, The spciicanons forthe vacuum enters sal slit deals pf Vacuurn Taare se atsorated ncesadren for approvl before Aualary Power-tae of uit cateé a the gearbox. Theale braing/ compressed and sutabe forthe application. ‘the septage storage tak shal be fabiatd fom 5 mm thick MS. Plates conforming to 12062 Gini“ standars hot cippeegavonsing vod wl havea vlumerri apacy of S000 of 5000 es acer to te regureren ‘The tanks sal be of cylnccal uvig to wand the operating conn: prelig from vcusm & pressure Tor. Grericakaishedends dal ve prowded to essre acompate & fas cloning ofthe seplage. The tank sak be mounted Gas hea Cooeconed tub ama t provide addifonal sve.rlsuength tothe chasis oe. Als the tank sab be revs by tao henry duryhinge arangements a aciate 2 hydroube png ofthe clected sepage Tesouad The Woann cyince state Font end mounted and ofa culstge design t achive The Forward ed of te tone sal be fted wit ust adsl supports sexing fray on the Vapi tne andi sel prince pferce er eur. Dene 1 he rear doo ad is raing& lowe Sha be wt Ine ad of two sutably dmensoned Coste on sabe ety rte dort acini tthe vara oding at seg ote dos aula robust ces aed crc othe a's ese al. Te ae be fitted with a level indicator and two 7Soum drain-cum-suction valves. A High quality ‘hollow “O° yiacnecpan sce ge sal vies ere edo" be tk od. The gel abso bel Sou ors es “Opio1S ar ivi el uth vovrapharicl aed wd ‘on 2 sub-rame, fabricated frm IMC 150 channel sections. This arrangement a payload every over the chssis and renders the arrangement orque @5sta te ited witha rotary siding vane, posve placement Pe ated with ig vemperture east woos tee vanes and shall nave ee ieomprenor shall be of reputed make equivalent ia oe and be peotded wih tre folowing: a. Conlon ot ds incorporated 4vay valve The way change-over vt he Emplover TLELELELELLELLLELE, € eaten tn, SOE I> chanae uicty trom the presure made fo the sucton mode and vice-versa A pump inlet tar ef adequate (25280 shal be incorportes in the site forth protection ofthe pump agit any rest of foreign parece while a ‘Bath the section and the overpestre ose of operation. The presiwre rebel and vacuum ral waives shal be ne ‘austed to protect he equipment & system or over pressure or eacesie vacuum caspecivey. The valves sal De {etory vet to control the operating pressure ad vacuum pacarnters ofthe tyitem ‘The genarattacheical data are seatcted beiow Snipe length sections of YSmen damier 3 m arg heavy duty ght 2nd easy to handle howe of suitable ‘rater elong with quick connects hove-end fitngs shall be provided forthe suction aplication. The totam ofthese ‘segmented hoses shal be 200 m foreach tanker. Am suction hose end none suction sree fabricated fram role steel ane each ted with a table quick elense coupling shall be provided withthe equipment af standard accessor ‘wo lockable hove eck forthe stowage of hates willbe provide on atharsde of me equipment. ‘She hysvaule ump of ape capa to ret the operational requirements ofthe stern sal be provided ‘whan itatorage tank of stable capacty, sicton and return ne fies, rection contol valves and as ontine pot ‘Speed check valve for the tank toping ccule to ensure safety apainst creeping back ofthe tank. All draule conmectont shall te = comBinaton of heb-oteise seamiat plpes and Ueutle hoses, to facikate exsy repocerers/repe, The Drwe forthe vacuum purng/corapesior a ao the hydaic urn shale sive by the factory ted ice FTO cf the vehicle tough proselr shaft and aleuble Vbeit A pully configuration. The hydraulic pum wil unin fender with the vecaum pump. The arargerent sll alow the operator to Rup the puro without necessitating stoppage ofthe truct'sengine Both the exterior and interior ofthe tank shall be sanded arior to gaining The tank exterior shall be speay ‘ainted with two coats of superior quay anticorrobivepruver and twa coats of enamel metal pai of a reputed make ‘and colour snade 25 per the cholee af tha purchaser To rit coeraio, the clean water compartment shal be nterly ‘coated with to oats of anteearrosive peer and two coats of gray ename pant Te seplage collection cemmgariment ‘Shallbe Internal costes with two coats. of «pony paint to resist cososion due toweak acids ‘One Pressure Relief Value of reputed mate shall be proved af fited in a stable postion to provide safety to ‘the socage tank a wl the complete sym. The vabe sal be of sing landed adjeatable ype and capable to prove ‘continuo dele tn the system's pressure exceeds the ares init re Vacuum feet Valve of reputed make shal be provied a tte in stabi postion and set to function ” slog wale for polecing the purp as well ay the cormplete FyBem fom ope"a0ng under undesie Vacuum condinons. As tha system reaches the st vacua eel, this uaa Ute andverlates the system Byvitue of ey Sr sytem to protect the exraste/sompreeor rom te harmulefects ofan accidental ingreas Hfoveign particles ciused due to an avertiow from the Iquid waste tank shail be péowided and fitted ‘and on the tank tp, Ths specially cesgned dice shal consist of w stainless steel ball ies and sea gas fubber sea a rest manson an eel, tus earning he vero into the sate. Shataff sytem shall ba provided and tes inmeciately alter the primary buat. x sn26 any pobable carryover of susperiad water and sludge particles which may be drawn nto nthe sludge campariment ve ee sou romnn) Gre Suton Fits shal be incorporated in the stow cre between the ucondary shut an he eum. TNs ‘Salbsisastasies steel basket type stety Fite designed to hod thu pugs flow Tag sir out the soi end ‘seriselé pareciate impure of Sie Deyo tit of re pumps handling onsen Sanity. one Esha Stance shal be fied onthe puns exhaust ide ef the ation cut inorder to darnoen ‘sion wth minimum back presse in the site ante reg the ope chal ole ives conueraby 23 Tremere rant ne Emoloyers Requirement bad on tentative planning & design hat bean rife in tis clon. Me cope of OU SLs Torey Contract Package incdes Design & Contiucton ofthe Septige Tretment Pant tod soca RTE elaine itt Land Oevetooment (2 infrastructures (3) Bulking work (3) Taatmert Rant Wors[3) Ep tor ePaRRle 61 coast and Bubings 7) Vacuum Tanks ee. The proposed nyut ofthe part te attached value 3.0.4 Os document. The Bier hal ates the scope of works fom the teacition of he scope of the cone RSE oaths seston an ine tence srawings in Volume 3 he absrac of woras bated onthe asin ofthe Lmpoer ‘stabulated asunder, 2.3.1 Land Dewlopment ‘Ske Grading ‘eternal Rass Retaining als tthe ste ore well ACC water tank Aandseapiog& greenbelt 232 Approscr Resto ste ‘283 Oiherintrastuctares ‘a. Pome Line Extension circa substation ‘igh Mast Yara Uahtng ‘lecrication senee peer ‘Water Sepp 2h aaegwee ee einer pa aradriaecru ies Fi criorcey vaca nee Site Alt Blower & Store | Sere tare ‘Garege cum Workshop supmay ovina) oases yn 85 Suomersible Miners or Equaaaton Tanks Feed Pumps for Dewatering Cqupret ‘Sewaterng Equipment ‘Sedge Recreutoton Pumps UASOR Feed rept Une Feesing System Poy theo Cosing Syatern ‘Wypechiorte Ootina sistem re btngutters Sener Parreezn as 287 & vacuum Tankers 3000 res 3No Vacuums Tankers SooDUtres No 24 Bite Outing of Requed Treatment Procast The Employers sesign ofthe Septage Pants ebatacted in tis section for ganara svccines. The westment Droces a brued en both aerobic and anaerob aelon and shall at be devatad. Bidder can aagatat enpcovemes in ‘rewtment process, design parameters and unas during pe:bu meeting trough letter for conatration ofthe employer. feroloyer consiers any suggestion worth inplementaban then bid document wil be amended through adam ‘However the Sie wl submit techical id strictly a5 per employe’ teatent process and deslan paarneters ar! the amendanentsf 20), The Bier can svat fr inearporating 3 othat sonal inprovemets 10 the propoted process ‘esign for achieving a more ecient and effective veatrent of septage without any radical destin from the adopted ‘mathodolagy of the Employer. Suck properals wil be ken consferston while evaluating the techies bi. Unless ctherwise such Geviations are exresiyprowided by the Sider in the Techn Bid and budgeted in the Price Bi, the ‘minimum scope of the Contract shall be deemed as the Emplover's Raqurement. Any other itams required far the {uliment of the Success & sustainable consmissoning ofthe resiment plant shal lo be deemed 1 be covered inthe Contract. Hence the Bder shall taka utmost care i Budgeting this contract sackage in the Price 8a. The Bidder sal Invariably provide with bt following: (0) Genecai Layout with uit sees ofthe Treatment Plas & ancilary Works {G)_ Data ofthe vacsum Tanker, Mechanical Eletnical and instrumentation ems (i) yea Flow Diagram ()_aign ofthe Teeatmen: ant [oth Plan Stectures &Eguloeent) 1M. Powe load, Power Consumgvan, Quant of Cnamical required and OBN stall ecuired forthe ant (si) Ust of Laboratory Equipment Isa) Assured incermesiat & final quality of svege and eluent Timecode sopidhonh pos og a eet cee ac esac pa tay ein loon oes tea wl oaf Maciel nen ekar base a Seeerremeanestenetedryenece stsncingal Calan ecto: all span tlie i ot id the nop. Tate Qf we hed rom BeBe ae near tos cram curcuaiae comets alla hee cpt: ron Phislesl and Chemical Characters of Septage Reege Valve Range 80mg 49 = 78600 mg 31909 mgt 34105 gl 23100mgiit inns a pase) 86 mau (OnDAN) les expecta that septa in Wohin wil be of ow svangth as meat of the eptage wl bern the {$RyRe tanks an very wna quanety only wl be caw fram the pits The Septage Quality conrad for the design of ‘h prorouedtnstment systems gen blow in Table 22. ‘eble 221 Appronmate value of Contaminata Saptage Voie "3000 wa Savoioa i030 ash 3% Yo00 mas soranimately “4200 el epercuimatly Dario implamersaion the Contactor Wa orepare Ns detaied design ster conducting appropiate study of {Seis uty ro the samples coinctad fam re EM tants and approval tlre characterises For deur. fmelove-Howeve, at this bidding sage, values Under Table 2.1 h 22 raay be 3d0pte8 for design Te intetmasate 3rd Saha Pamtaly fly arated taptage and elfawts shall be clearly mentioned by the bidder in hi {he ean proceso sepoee vesinens conto he olonng unt ooestins ) Preventmant rw setae or eariting Eualten condoning & ssn a So ud Sparta inary Car a) tion in an Up flow Anaetobic Sludge Blankee Reactor (UASBR) {v) Awrobic Stabilzaticn in an MBBR {vi} ae Secondary Clee) (ui) Oninfecion of Sledge (il) Sledge Thickening (ix) Machanical Dewatering of the Processed Sludge (x) Star Owing of the Sclids to form Manure Cahes Ini} Safe disposal of the Finat The septage shall be transported by KM from the City ‘by Mts own vacuum tankers and discharged into the leon mie th proces inte aay ne, own hare tal fo shee aarti Chaney articles hike sad it 1 non-bie-degradabie wil be remcvad pariocically from the de-gitin charsel. Two de-art ‘annals ob wera and one say wb rca! win iin pa The senegal se po kee {2 coating hk Thi ut shal be ta conparnarted The ow eplage ae Noatond at eae Submerged mistrs. Ale, lene in suspension wil be added to correct the ‘pH and for conditionag the septage for better Rriesepr ender radar ely geatendtaepiorrpecger Mla sohtsin he angels 02%. Te oa ine ‘Garifar(CLF3) or sali secartion cee “ ‘The sols trom the hme tabled eptage wll be lair by Seay Saparation Process glace Sue trae Yn or pu ure See Tere eed pgs nea i n axctr (UASER) unit. The underflow Un udp fn Ho wil be pericacay Page i arn orien ‘Secondary lath (CU2 0 the separation of bloat rm Ue process wnt: the ear evo form CLE2 wil ve ‘hen to iinet ut on the undertow int the sage soreg anh jhe say codec in Saige storage tanh Wil ave 4 oid Contamvation of appronvmta 5 to 3%. Th ‘Sie wil fe to Sage Thichener wherein 8 substantiate habe decanted. The Ure ( ‘sage wach wil have upto 8X solids concenalion] Hom te Thchea’ wl be eect Ine Thckenad Sludge Vor {nd te overflow wil be taken to lniermadateholing a placed Uk of UASHA The sludge rom the thickened side tank wil be fed to » mechanical sludwe ving saviomen (udge ‘revenue Sele Bow Carte or Her Pian wl be usa for ths pupae, The den Cate paso out Worst vet ‘shal he munory 25 % sols a wl be of sprendale coitency. thal be stated for further drveg 44 then eshed & daponed 9M for ute as Frm mane The lui rom the ug squeeze il be sent back Wo the Inlet Chamba for re processin. Peyslecche at be sade for improve slésiqu separation nthe sige thickener & sludge sgutetsr 2419, The eluent (Overflow) {rom te Saconsory Clr wil be disinfected and disposed off no Inland wurtace wate. The sda fom saconcey {Gage wal ve party recirculated to MBDA and eemainder to Sludge Storage tank. The Process Flow Clayams are wer \olume 3 ot ths bis document. The tentawe unt designs Ouine baoa State Dyas srangesnent Sh be prod Teen Desig of Trautman Plat suuctures Daiaipiion Flow? ToaLaBeunTane aT 180 sae Volume required 2.49 cum Depth = oom wat 20m Length *3000'm {Ear length provided forilet ovat chamber) MOC = ACY wt epoxy ning ower alnaralsutacas “Tha flow hes teen worked out Based on the sumption that 4 takes each of 3000 Gt capacity wll be empying out the Splage aa tne win 1S minutes se acted blow ‘no. of Tankers To acre ina day Time avaiable oof Tankers Unloading attire Empiying Tne Tonker Volume * low 14 when aout are loading RT requces Velume Depth ‘een oft Dimensions dey era | PemaryGaaerico age Lan = Ee = eT ph - % Becca a | a ee Vela aae sem ons Moe tenn ccs Ser renee oa | erasiaten io nave | Yel vow ale fous minimum ny | Few rate minimum 70 nihe | | sarsermincum iow 1 Your Volume ae Nootcomparmens 1 Veli oteach lam enn 39 om foe 59 Sin out 20 om MOC! Epony fined RCC or MS | Tpasw owen Some | Pow wee Saket URS Aescor” | COD cocamuaton = 750 at | coo ove oy Sy. | loaaingcme $0 sotune 50 on | ve 10 ai | olmesorsuces ong 2nd Seen ae | eran ee sess 57s Daeter inn Fe oft foreting a) oan He foesstrnen joie Free beara as Tan osha restr 70 om cODremovaeiency » * tesco 25000 mt ‘ower 100 143500 gl | 140: Epary lined RCC or AS | Flow male ‘00 cone 12500 malt ea ee sirniy oman) dt ethene st tocoa0) Sater unm caeonaaiy os | var a Jen unet0 Wot mac ane as om aia oxen a ie 4 Oe te ies NO aoe dee te toon nse neh ramen ire gat ou 800 nso na Seecadary Gee Cy 9000 m/s nga ee cate iene nino Pianta, Ree icin Nesiasaed a econ ner oe eth aes ro 3 tous oe ee ist) a oom ene ee ot: frond AC MS [Siecianerien | arama Wasa | Population 25000 parsons, | ‘oid care ek stefan 2805 glee Solids load day ms 49884 balday. ‘Solis production aren Soaps teatnfat 025 kw/kgB0D removed opis 33750 ialéey et ok ocd Ba hea) Line sation ate 20 hams Se reuse 1sa00 ley “ol cae osc 10004 Kedar 1 Se a pa am eke fhe 150m init a Yolume of tank Dimensions: spray KOHINAR) Depth ares Diameter Dimensions adopted ‘Sold losing Rate ‘Concentration of sois ia feed ‘Sold conten in iniow Sole content uadersiow Vetume of undertion, Volume of supernatant ‘Mo Epon line RCC 1 1 12579 S00 4193 730 7Amdax3somsee 24.00 a 126 3 20 Bn Epoxy ined Thetened idae voumme tar Sump volume Dimensions Depth wea Suametee ca Met: IEpory lined 8 Mot for tanks. esas ec, hing sexta Suet =i oud nave seagate sche tad wh silt est ah tcines af a0 micens (nium ined wah Hee Bas ig ‘Propet sue prparnicn ving asa ec sal be dae Ucar pang f hn. Acceaae roe sect he tank wth eon panto 00 iron iene ae tee tac presen HSU Pawson baa OHA) re i stu ria, ‘Table 24 Desion ot Teeatmont Plant Eautpment Rage raaha oaks xg; ——— ‘Air sopply one oi: "Wekeres ute had ton lume 4209 m3 A Suppy Rate ons 3/n/min Regie or Thshnad sud Tank oe 3fnun Length of it Chant 1000 " Alesunpi rate 08 nmin ‘Ne Reairea te Gr Chanel 040 3/nin Alcreqreafor MOR 0.25 wwe 00 ond 20 4/208 pes Onveen supply rate, 4aL75 waldo Seen element sas cum Volume of oxygen ous ums Air quaatity 10 % Tanstreficency 922250 noid ‘108 a guanity 69 m3/min Total ieReguied 25 niin Stowe Cpacy 4850 m3frour oot BIowers 2ftWerking «1 58) we win Lobe Tye Rotary AlrBlower Presse 0 akon ek {Si merked’& Repused Brand We tone Yves Canal sense peed Sap -Sultabato tt in Clare iamater 280m 25 me SAO +0 5 £8 Met -Alsiemereedpans-hot dp panied. Squeetes- in neoprene rier Anche, ftense in $5316 Motor Ist marked & Reputed Brand Sveezes- in neaorene under Anchors fastenes es, -in $5336 slShmanied 6 Reputed Brand “Centrally driven, sow speed RAMP fin stucgeeiceneot7 Som diametery3 30m Swoe matmgimin oy, | Aiereauired for Suggs Stooge Tank 035°: $ nalmin fe giant & eo e s & es & hb pa ee 2 » » » » Sy OS SS Woe CE RENT omen gen a 2 Retnapmaos uace > & pares - ioe . S feseroe 3 > oes thos ob provide minimum for epraon and matraee 2 Tle 2 at Reuaneot ter Tetment Mat scares ~ the [eae [Fone Reaawed » ae SS ig ] ton 5 f | » > Fient Operon aaaletaah | leer ‘aaenaany war epee) uno oevicpuat The comour pion of he Ste is attached In Volume 3 Drawings. The land needs terocing and ining to ‘Sccommocate the Flan structures ad other uuites The terracing sal be planned in accordance withthe low Sagan (of tie varus unts ofthe Plant. Stove water drains and retaining was are also required os shown ine tentative Unt Pian attache in Volume 3. . Site Geasing Section shal be done wing hydric excvtor C30 & Uppers wit igo vp im lo Ste ding anc a hydra exavatssalbe attaches wen 0.90 cum capacity buhet. The paral nature ane te AOS ondary rock The Eider shal scares the uartun sn nature Ol work telat qvoting he oa, prgoias boo map terracing of We lard 0 estblsn alte ules of the plat one parton aod te he ar porn, The sei fay sloping area a hence Were is the vik of renal hom the ape he weer bodies down! Prowons for siinage intercepts (anparrneatie ing ard cohort nel and eerie vata sos wate dais sabe aken cae during cotcetion pane ssxontions shall ve conducted dung dy estes 10 ovid devel hamid impacts and ether wil therefore De a Nak of preding dust. Ths se sn allocation and cine for owe ony wil navertilens be needed 10 reduce shit Xo provide 2 hulle an ite shal reretoe sake water inthe woring areas and Hoshpled od donna cry shal be compacted vytarnatzali lays yah and each compacts layer shi not ike, viteatory/wienp toot and static rollers shall be used as required by the. of Compaction shal be araured by tasting the Bald specimens of the compacted ‘Cntistor 10 be undertaken atthe se shall be grading the ste based on his roid wth» Layout Pan owing Wk vis and anciery werk, Myre ‘2 sludge quality report, contour an, for approval. The Contactor shal Mamnant processes end justifications for lay out plan. The shal ee: The tentative layout of 0 vo ey 3° the ‘eacliding sage oft wastmert plat wots he ond shal bern Sa we wen 375m A rik wy land eng required. The sre spcicaio or the intr rad una be ata the ADoreach Road date i subvagonrtsacvan Open RCC arin of see S0em20m mininury shal Be consteted song born sides of ‘ond Sia line10G0rm pipe culvert srg RCC NPAs shal berated at appropiate ection plot ot ‘rajer Menage. The tor wate rom the STP ite sha te safey verted to agent tua torr wate dirs \onetor shal prove detailed Gesian & rami of te rans aie the te as wl os extension rata ‘snprval peor othe commencement atthe work ‘Retaining walls Treatment Plant ste, ‘The she grating sal be prope panne to equate the cating nd fing of te and tothe mica extere ‘ossile by raguting deep cats nd high lng Neestayrelaing wal of adecquate tit length sal be constucted fitstretes as per Graning eciosed with Bid Socumert ‘Boundary Wat All ciametar inside witnlaunders and channels 35 per the drawings given i Valume 3 [The minimum inside ect is 7.00 my SHWD and 0.5m fee board with arid sope frre perioher to cera cletion st. Ath other specifications ere es forthe grit channel ard iat chamber ated above The Contractor shal provise deine _Rructura/iabication drawings for appiowal belove the commencement of works, 06 Rescior Tari. “This 8 vectangular tank of 4.60 m x 460 m sige dnssions with 400 m SWD and OS mn tre hoard, minimum lear death with launders and channels 35 wall as mild hope from pariphery 10 cental calection pt as shown in the rawines piven in Volume 3. Aik other specticatons are a6 for the gt chancel and init chamber stated above. The Contractor shall provide detalia sruxtvralfabrication drawings for approval before the commencement werkt Secondary Caitior ‘Bis crear tank sn Ro the nancy ii 280m dametr in wt nundees ad chanel 8 shown in the drawings given in Volume 3. The minimum inside depth is 3.09 %n with a mild slope from periphery to central Calection oA other speicstons area for he git channel dpgt amo Hated sone, The Contacts Da rovge seated sucura/fabicnion sonings er approval bear the commencement wos, ‘of 3.24 mx 3.24 m inside dimensions with 2:50 m minimum clear depth with 2 itd collection ait. asin the drawings and diagrams of Volume 3. Al-other specifications ter nse with laoders and channel a inthe drawings and diagrams genio 2.00 m with & mid slope trom periphery to central collection pit. All other | and inlet chamber discussed above The Contractor shall provide detalied before the commencement of works -deptn as inthe drawings pawns $ sions roman) ie aver HVE earl Yon aa laine Tatar wa Gast B ica. WH protein. ‘nd aie Tor oparaion on 418 Vole, 50 i KE supp. Mot Stl ba Confirms 2 ‘elevat Cade atted bao: relearn i aT (Ea iesormcion, Spree (S12H1 —| induction motes, ree pa ack nour ieaoa9 —| duchon motors res phate gules fering HiEaasI —T Gestanations tor types of conaracion and moving aranaamerts t relating slairical macrnes WaaT — bagruet of protection prodded by wnconires to Whang eee | aaa tating lar enerires alicanty of mato ot ener and | Menviement ard eralutlon of vorton of rotating, ect machines Ear —| rid ag Tor ating saci mach pUUUUUUCtCeterece eevee f Taran Wi voRE rie Mier Conon Fgh —_ a ene ad cine emis [sbistes vig Gide cy nsced sd Sramcaly Galea cs newna Gae Hig Grade au nacre a Sartre Caraming to ee ‘inet and outlet Slencers, Pressure gauge, Safety Valve, Vibration tsolation Pas, Air Fa at ste Guard ova forvebat &pe Taine “owt be tesed for capac, pee bout coripion Pa leve and waraion, the atvencors 0p far BIBT, Dynamic sari ol ota nd sha salle 8 Per_ so i549, ‘Scope of Supply ‘Blowers and Motors duly mounted on the Baie frame and fitted with all accessories ‘mernoned stove tod paced i gait nial Pata ut Dats a0 fasteners rater ried for esa lowes nce | Decameninian ral awa Gain Tanda aU ERA WAR estan coma tia thet Gea deaivabackabsae_| pores, rustisofcestn of ern pa make Reig another femenart Tiga pncamant Supp] Several aranginan ya Foundation Ugwine oe EGA, orser ‘4a Sop Te eats Repos Fear SS OR rasa pe WaT rgued fortwo yous opeatan panier ne shal ba central driven, sow speed of site suitable to fit the clara of 2.80 m dlamater zad pth All submerged port sl be of hot dp galvanied ld steel and the squeeses in neoprene The unit shall be Insalieg Inthe primary cater tank and propery aligned. The scope Incudes of the arve unk, paral boar, cablce. elecusicaton, wal run aed commisioning ete, complete, below sna a 1403 Sten (x 7 Sedeeseraper arma seaees ot soronat notaia * All ts fstnar te: equa fr bsnog the nahantm and fr lag in haan Nevnhel rove tre sacl ener ots neg vienna ining Specifiatons fterea canes Cet At even iachanam, Mechanic et sproved mae Suny be acetate, The (eaekcespnas tr any ence Cetra ive uit eve ead shal be of gh quay consrction wih interna {4 200 nv sas ato 29 8 dean . 109600, Gned mat sal oe pent Se lye shal be oe wit rope ons td hal be ota or oa cece nace nei eietRoenen aise eaee SOPRERLEE erent ioe sn tomate ps va an ne Smee gr arctan see wl van manu spec bes bcd Sars Mota For aed gin deel as ow Mier Smee’ elotope aetna eee ees nd Not Si galvanized. Structure above watar level shal be provided with tro com of te ode primar and sh oat site enaal pit bee sates nae Share snalecvevees Paseo fs iMpononcesmustea eat Jnerever paintings recommended, snly prin shal be applied i the manufacturer's workshop, Topco shall beapeieg atte oncomsietonoferctonsnan bg it ‘Sgueases shall be of bray or neoprene rubber: Ente machanim after ifstalatio io tank shall be tested in dry Fereilon shal be designed and fabricated (or nonfeving and roseless operation in tank Vendor sal have Lo recty ‘manutactuting defect noted at any me ater instalation of mechani ask. ‘Ger Mechanism for Secondary Carfe (ane uit) ‘The mechanism shall 82 cectaty driven, sow speed of ire suitable to fitin the clare af 2 20m darter and 3.90 m peripheral ful depth, Al submerged pare shall Ne of hot dip galvanand mild tee andthe squeeses in Peoprene ‘otoer The anchors, fasteners ete shell bein S516, The motors reduction gear Horas ans bearings shad be (| marked “and of seputed brand, The uit shal be intalid in the sacondary clarifier task and propetl agnes, The scope induces Bupaly and instalation of the dive unit, pene! boerd, cading elecification, tral rua and commmasening ete complete. Spaciications for secondary clafier echan't wil be sana a6 ven above for resary carer mchaicm. S ‘Thickener Mechanism fore) nhs ‘The mechanism shal be cent even. ow speed of sive suitable tot in the thlcenee tank oF 7.30 4.00 m pevipheral full depth, All suormerged parts shail be of hot sipped galvaniged mld steel and the bar. Tha anchars, fasteners ete shall be in $5 3.18. The motors, reduction paar boxasand bearings sad of reputed brand, The unk shal be installed in the sludge thickener tank abd propery hare. The and installation ofthe sive unt panel board cabling eleueaton tslean and commisionng ete charer mechanism willbe same a gen fr Frnarylaiier mecnlam, for Equalization Tank 2 units) ‘shal be submersible yp propeller anil low moar suitable forthe equalzaton tanks, low propeller and shaft $5326 or palyarepyiane with retrieving and fining machanison. The moter, reduction thal be Il marked ani of reputed brand The unt si be lnstale inthe two equalization Yanks Inchudes supply and installation of thm river units, panel boards, cabling, setifiation. ‘She recreation Pumas (2 units including one stanciy) seater Demos sal be horton cee nan oe of aba 7 cums 25m dchage Sh hae cheung nyse a Pure shale, npelee of saan scl a9 seem The How saeed metor and Leng te ba 5 mated ad of reputed ran. Te ut shal Bete ma Sommionnge MOM are ree ne rapc meee Noe at Te Pumps, lu ‘Semmissioning ec complete. [UASBR Feed ups (unis ncusing on tna) =A datapath ncn apc 2 cau @ 1s. pred eaten pe bend ner antos ne ene oa ingelar fais sel tas hermes a ene aleraaee guano tn = ‘tank ta UASER ine S08 les soy anion ofthe pumps, pan Besta Sar, Sesmbcston. wal nad connasoninnetiormniee ine oon nena AO onset ah G/F ype ao wth ow gtr nd Suir ine apa mura oa oiennet Thee sal be oe nattemtne es Tasatet Merna th erm wan of he opened Tresmas Mam 6 om ws v6 oodiase by the Amercian rate tes aon ao ni Kaneen SrOpi the wow of work ar cier toparertrenoremns opracnene ratruet ial 10m 6 ohe ‘gata ti ali Wa tad rn he Sevens Tranmere Hae IP peta OWA Wat 6 Ket Natio | he Gents mtor WAAAY GBOABLNOL A NOmeSteg EA Ney On = razed em ot of Eg Ste et os ss (We Nentered price ofthe Cortraior Ader Al oven Wk evil propose 8 ded deren ofthe masratehogn which re gxcccams we me * tr ‘Wd ohiey AAA =e renee nut ual aMuarcn woa'm for sutng, ating Aner Waning tha Contraes, win GO days ha hoe ane intimated ty the Konglowar ta prea wn th wet plane keen pepe eeptporne ont so {rang methane wd sera squipart, wopperad agra, 476 gna sarge: : md necarsary Comments of the Frayact Monegan in Die sore Geng ona sha gta dre oe ie teats scoaaera penn keteeeeene 4 lant and drawing shall be subeniied in sequence as par 4 s par wescation Gea in lowes mentioned i the specications. 4 ‘The Contractor shal intimate the Project Manager vith all nacasary technical documents cert Geawings te. suficienly shes before testing any ofthe equip or plant ab whoke forthe sspersion 4nd approval (Of the Project Manager concerned, The testing and commisloning wil be binding on the Contractor subject to the ‘appre! ofthe Proc Manager In writing pumps, Air comoresors ee Jnl be vesed at se In cordance wit vppicabe ands. A motors, varaformers, switch geat and panels as specied Inthe elevant nd Standards Mmanulocuresé wotks Mechanical runing of the egupment shal Ye saath wi nove ard iets. ‘Satine vara RT | Camraton chine stat are song of ing ‘retoronce etal 5H ASO Me reguncyncadng vbraen menncemen contig re | Capacity in tom / ios. | Deine bagi ‘Wiley ane ecg ty ‘own absorbs he pu a the spectiad uty NES Regured tstnon peepee | ‘Saot head ofthe pune [charge when onone pun oeraed inthe sytem Delivery head when only one purnp operated in the vystern Power absorbed when eiyone pump naperatng te Liceney when ent one Bump inoperating stem uaa divans Check spter Spee est ot 69 and SO equeney Dymamcbabnng of rotor & vial examination oot asm, ‘Visual nspeton al texting afar aczerbly Fave of Tes Carfcne of candurer, satel shat bears ‘oatne esto lado test rain easement ers ‘erento of 32 Test port sual and imensiona chee ‘Vinal and dimensional neck eesieation ofl of matriis Fanctona Tes Rvs Tes \Vasiteasons type Test Reporss “Voltage vatio, burden, Class of Accuracy, induced high voltage, appied hgh waltage test for potential anstoimers ‘Current ato, burden, dass of accuracy tet for current transformers. ‘ate symmeticl baking capacty, rmieditakng capaci ted short ve cate ausary “voltage for release coils, impulse with voltage test for Swtten Gear Panels: Test Resuits Relay provided ‘sualinsgexton, mensional cieckand verification of bil ofrmatenals yt arene eames wohage test st HV AND 68 tests a6 per iS: 2026 ton of type results, temperature rela ate se ene Vil ond einen dk Arion of maar at one Soeratonst snectmen test, rdrometc tet Senta tet 7 Them ‘Wal nad dvennnal hac Aeview of hemtal phen ts crete {esta berth rievant tandard nan wecestons ‘roma pessre est actor svar ag of eon for mide pots Chvching th tagty of pany eng ori sel pes sh ‘Tests for Elaciricat Eauipment ‘Ths fetowirg tare shal be caried out tothe satisfaction the Project Manger: Yieual inspection of the whole ofthe instalation; ReeEor set of wicng switch gears, motor atc or easistanc & coninsty Speration ofa main equipments & accesories ectrode resistance ane st pe loop impedance Functional Test of eucas resistance tet for Transformer & KT switch ges. ‘Dielectric strength tests or transformer ol ‘nibh voltage tests for cables, wanstormer Bewitch gear Calibration tating & set of al Any other test Third Party Inspection ‘Tne Employer wi provide a short bt of agencies to undertake inclependent Thsd Fart inspections & tasting ‘Sire the manufacture or fabrication of pipes. pugs & mates and other items of mechanical & electrical easipmert, 2s ‘may be applicable. ror to commencement ofthe Works, the Project Manager in coreulttion withthe Employey, 2a inform sre Contractor af he name of the apacinted agency) who wil e authorized to Conduct independent Third Pay legpactions on he Project Manager's behal. The Cantractr shall be respanle t obtain permsion for ai paouce 2 faces to, such ir for carrngou such inspetons or textng mw may becegored, e8zesesces ‘Armuawaly agyeed quelty assurance plan wil be developed whch proves fr inspection and certification Dy ie thie pan inspection agency at speciied times during the manufacture and fabrication of shiters: The Thid Party Inspection chargos ofthe agency: only wil be borna by the Emplovet: The cast towards omractors patipaion and prowing al facies tothe this arty for earring out specbons oF testing e Shas be ‘bocte by the Contractor within bis quoted price. The indepandent inspections and testing Dy Vi Ui party are generaiy allowing eavioment and Fan tobe incorporated inthe Permanent Works, of the plant and unit wise operation, the Contractor shall run the plant forone month fo the Project Manager. The cost towards Contractor's operating perionnet and spare parts which are required for operation and maintenance of the Plamt anc 10d shall be borne by the Contractor ard shall be included in the lump»sure tendered ‘of tne falies Go net satisfactory achieve the required een a Seana id Seteean mance i 50 ¢ Paid to te graces shall be borne by the employer during tal ron, Plant for ane manth oF more, a6 he be. shall be officiaty none inp he hang oe pa aa lu Won nasa a ‘The Geneva! Arcangemert Drawing of the plant homing all uns and services {auipment Layout forthe Plot a wings ofa Pans & Eauipment as ratio ‘ina layout of ifort units of he Plant [yout nervces ihe Water supe, Sewerage Oainage, Rodd ete ist of pares supplied 8 reared for maintenance ofthe Pant Ee tow contr dag of th ta ater: Lryout of eartrcal equipment, cabin & Lathing Eerting avout Aer et sng oh wo en by one ORM Manual of the Pants ” #ee

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