W1_Line graph

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Homework 1:
The line graph illustrates/ compares the amount of fish, chicken, lamb and beef
consumed in a nation in Europe from 1970 to 2004.
It is clear/ noticeable that the amount of fish consumed was by far lowest during the
research period. Additionally, only chicken consumption increased, while the figure
for beef, lamb and fish all declined within a 25-years period.
In 1979, the number of people in Europe who consumed beef was significantly highest,
at 223 grams per person per week, while the figure for fish was lower, at 63 grams.
140grams individuals in a European eaten chicken. At the same time, there were 150
grams of people consuming lamb.
Body 2:
In 2004, the amount of chicken consumed in Europe increased dramatically by 110 grams
to 240 grams and became the highest figure in the line graph. The year 2004 witnessed a
rapid decrease of 110 grams to 100 grams in the quantity people consumed beef.
Similarly, there were a decline of 50 grams and 70 grams in the number of people
consumed fish and lamb respectively.

Homework 2:

The line graph indicates/ compares/ illustrates the percentage of the citizens who were
aged 65 and more from 1940 to 2040 in Japan, Sweden and the USA.
=population= citizens
It is noticeable/clear that the percentage of senior citizens in three countries are all
expected to increase during the research period. Additionally, the figure for Japan is
predicted to experience the most dramatic change.

In 1940, the number of people in the USA aged 65 and over was highest, approximately
10% while the figure for Sweden was lower, roughly 7%. Meanwhile, people in the 65
and more than 65 age group made up 5% of Japan population. In the early 1980s, the
percentage of senior citizens in Japan slightly decreased and reached the lowest point of
less than 5%, while the figures for Sweden and the USA rose gradually.
+ Japan ko N nha 
Body 2:
In 2040, THE Japanese are predicted to account for the highest of the line graph, around
28%. At the same time the number of people in America aged 65 and more than is likely
to be increased significantly by 13% to 23%. While the figure for Sweden is expected to
grow dramatically by 18% to 25%.
+ Nếu dung Japanese thì nhớ thêm THE vào, đọc lại cuốn Mai Lan Hương phần mạo từ
giúp ) Nói hoài

Homework 3:
The charts indicate/ illustrate the proportion of yearly expenditure a specific school
in the UK in two years 1981 and 1991.
+ The pie charts= the charts
+ show= indicate= compare= illustrate
+ annual = yearly
+ spending= expenditure
+ particular = specific
It is clear/ noticeable that the percentage/proportion of expenditure teacher’s
wages/salaries was highest in 1981 and 1991. Additionally, spending on insurance was
lowest in both these years.

 Body 1:
In 1981, the percentage of school spending in the British for teacher’s salary was
highest, at 40% while the figure for furniture and equipment and resources books
were lower, at 15% respectively. There was 28% spending for other worker’s
salary. At the same time, only 2% for Insurance in school spending.
 Body 2:
In 1991, the proportion of spending in education systems in the UK for teacher’s
salary was increased dramatically by 10% to 50%, remained highest in the pie
chart. Furniture and equipment saw a dropped significantly by 10% to 5%.
Meanwhile, resources made up 20%, which grew slightly to 5%. The percentage
of other work’s salary in the UK spending at school was gradual fell to 22%,
compared the figure for Insurance was still lowest, at 3%.

Which was grew => WHICH GREW ( 142 words: OK)

The line graph compares/indicates/ illustrates/ the weekly consumption of three
different types of fast food in the UK between 1970 and 1990.

It is clear/ noticeable FROM THE GRAPH that the amount of fish & Chips
consumed per week experienced the most dramatic change during the research
period. Additionally, while the quantities of Hamburger and Fish & Chips eaten
both rose significantly, there was a slight decrease in the figure for pizza.

In 1970, the amount of pizza consumed was highest, at more than 300 grams,
while the figure for Hamburger was significantly lower, at only around 30 grams.
Meanwhile, approximately 80 grams of Fish and Chips were eaten by the UK
people. In 1985, pizza consumption slightly fell and reached the lowest point of
200 grams, whereas the other two figures gradually went up.

In 1990, Fish & Chips weekly consumption increased dramatically to 500 grams
and became the highest figure in the line graph, while Hamburger’s figure
experienced a slight rise to about 300 grams. At the same time, the amount of
Pizza eaten remained stable at roughly 200 grams.

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