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World Count: 1583

Week 2: How Rent The Runway Became A Fashion Hit

A. Learning: I learned that fashion has been a personal experience, with customers
purchasing and storing clothing. RTR, on the other hand, defied convention by
offering novel means of sharing fashion. This creates a network where fashionistas
may connect while pursuing their own unique style. Hipsters will connect with the
brand if you create a community.

B. Recommendation: I recommend that RTR should conduct seminars, workshops on

how to dress for each body frame and skin tones. This will not only educate
customers, but it will also actively engage them in order to increase brand resonance
and brand loyalty.

Week 3: Positioning Airbnb

A. Learning: I learned that the proper symbol may assist firms communicate their
mission and positioning to customers. In this case, Airbnb used a new re-
designed symbol called Belo, which is made up of four basic symbols: a head for
people, a geographical indicator for place, a peace, heart sign for indicating victory &
love, and an A for Airbnb. When consumers see the Belo symbol, they are reminded
of Airbnb's mission of connecting people from all walks of life to feel connected and
loved through Airbnb.

B. Recommendation: I recommend that Airbnb should allow customers to specify
certain interests in their profiles. This will permit customers to connect with hosts
who share common skills, which will be a wonderful idea to break the ice between
strangers. Through these shared themes, hosts and customers would be able to
communicate more easily with one another. Including this feature in their applications
would assist to emphasize Airbnb's objective of eliminating the word "stranger"
between hosts and customers.

Week 4: Budweiser: Taking Back The 'AmeriCan' Summer

A. Learning: I learned that modifications in packaging can have a significant influence
on consumers purchasing behaviour and sales. It was a bold statement to replace
Budweiser's brand name on the primary package with America; it helped establish
Emotional Connection to the Brand with consumers, and it would retain the target
market loyal and returning to the brand. This action also made Budweiser portray
themselves as a brand that is dedicated to Americans and America.

B. Recommendation: I recommend that Budweiser should allow customers to write few

lines about their favourite aspect of America or American culture on a weekly basis,
with the best narrative being published on Budweiser's official social media pages.

Week 5: Manulife Singapore: Museum of Claims

A. Learning: I learned that conveying proper and creative content and message may aid
the brand in boosting the brand awareness and recommendation among people. In this
case, Manulife Singapore; introducing Singapore's First 'Museum of Claims' to raise
insurance coverage awareness in a way that has never been done before. When
customers visit the Museum of Claims, they will interact with real-life examples of
disability cases and are reminded that Manulife's disability coverage plan is available
to assist and help them if such unforeseen occurrence occurs, for example.

B. Recommendation: I would recommend Manulife to hold seminars/workshops on

what are the benefits of saving and investments (and try to expand in these areas as
well along with life insurance) this will attract wider demographic. This will not only
educate the customers but they also will attentively engaged with Manulife, enhancing
brand resonance and recognition.

Week 6: McDonald's Singapore: Capacity-Based McDelivery 2.0

A. Learning: I learned that using colours and elements as visual mnemonic devices and
artistically integrating them may assist a brand in increasing brand awareness and

expressing its positioning to customers. In this case, McDonald's takes over the Grab
app, changing its car icons with McDonald's colours and the iconic Golden Arches
logo; users may associate the Grab app with McDonald's quality of service,
popularity, trustworthiness, and dependability when they see it.

B. Recommendation: I recommend that MacDonald's should collaborate with other

food delivery brands such as Food Panda and Deliveroo. As the target market and
customers of both companies are merged, assist MacDonald in expanding their client
base. People who aren't typically part of a brand's target market, or who aren't
particularly familiar of brand, will be introduced to their products and services. And it
will send a signal to the customers that; from one brand that the other brand can be

Week 7: Singtel: Only True Fans Get It

A. Learning: I learned that customer engagement and feedback are enhanced by
personalized marketing. In this case Singtel choose to attract those who are highly
knowledgeable, hold great interest in football and named them as “experts”, this will
make the fans feel that Singtel is specifically trying to communicate with them and
not with the layperson, this personalization made the football fans feel more
connected to and actively involved with Singtel’s advertisement. With these
advertisements the football fan will feel a sense of personal attachment with Singtel’s
message and content they are trying to convey.

B. Recommendation: I recommend that Singtel should explore connecting with fans of

other sports, such as basketball during the NBA season and cricket during the World
Cup (these are number 2 and 3 most played out-door sports in Singapore). This will
enable Singtel in projecting an image of a sports-loving company that loves sports and
is committed to individuals who are sports enthusiasts.

Week 8: Unilever in India

A. Learning: I learned that assisting the poor necessitates a thorough understanding of
the local community and culture. In this case, Hindustan Unilever (HUL) required
managers to live in a village for a month during their first year, which resulted in the
success of the rural India initiative. Managers got a first-hand look at how rural
consumers live and learned about their needs and ambitions. They acquire insights
from this intimate experience that they could never get from reading papers or
attending traditional market trips. Living with rural consumers gave the manager a
lively experience of what are the concerns and problems faced by these consumers
what making a purchasing decision.

B. Recommendation: I recommend that Hindustan Unilever organise Interactive Games
in rural areas, since innovative, fun-filled games pique the interest of the rural
population. The game's winner could be awarded with Hindustan Unilever products or
gift hampers. Such games may sometimes assure a high level of consumer
engagement while also increasing the amount of contact between the marketers and
the target audience.

Week 9: How Goldman Sachs Built A Presence In Consumer Banking

A. Learning: I learned that deep insights and study are required for a successful brand
extension. In this case, Goldman Sachs created a product totally based on the needs of
the customers, created messaging totally based on the needs of the customer, and
targeted the product to the needs of the customer. Consumer used Goldman Sachs' not
merely because they were influenced by brands’ marketing but, they find value in
Goldman Sachs' products and services as, they were totally designed as per what
customers need and not what they might need or consider using.

B. Recommendation: I recommend that Goldman Sachs should include sales promotion

in their marketing strategy, so that when a customer purchases an Apple product using
Goldman Sachs credit card, they would receive a discount. This will improve
Goldman Sachs' brand reputation and attract new customers as well as returning

Week 10: Tooheys New: The Official Currency of the Beer Economy
A. Learning: I learned that in order to detect the problem faced by a brand or its product
it is important to conduct a proper research, the research aim must be correctly
defined, and research questions must specify the scope of the (5W) and (1H), or Who,
Why, How, When, Where, and What. In this case, it was found that Tooheys taste
wasn’t as issue, it was about the brand that was causing decline in Tooheys sales.
Consumers wasn’t proud to show off Toohey, associate they with the brand and
recommend it to their friends or family.

B. Recommendation: I recommend that Toohey should leverage celebrity endorsement

(Hugh Jackman, Chris Hemsworth, etc.) as this will benefit Toohey in differentiating
itself from the surrounding clutter, establish stronger brand equity, gives credibility
and glamour to the brand, and make people believe the product contributes to
superstar status. This will result in making Toohey's customers proud to be a customer
of the brand.

Week 11: Nokia: The Rise & Fall

A. Learning: I learned that brands must be managed throughout time in order to remain
viable and maintain its reputation among the target market, regardless of how well-
known or powerful they are. Nokia was pushing the creation of its own operating
systems and hardware in this case, but it couldn't match with Apple's iPhone's power,
screen size, and ground-breaking touch-screen interface. Nokia was comfortable,
assuming no one could defeat them and was simply unprepared.

B. Recommendation: I recommend that Nokia focus on brand revitalization as it is a

viable strategy for reviving a fading brand with a strong legacy and positioning, and
that they work cooperatively with Tesla to do so. Seeing as, Tesla is seen as an
innovative and advanced brand, this will assist Nokia in reclaiming its market position
as a technically advanced and innovative brand. It will also assist Nokia in engaging
with a larger target market with more potential customers, and a collaboration is a
signal from a brand that the other brand can be trusted.

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