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Viking Wood and Stone Lifting

By Wild Hunt Conditioning

Viking warriors were some of the strongest human beings in history.

In 1000 AD, a warrior named Orm Stórolfsson walked three steps carrying a ship mast
weighing 1,433 lbs. and measuring 33 feet long - a feat modern World’s Strongest
Man competitors Eddie Hall, Brian Shaw and Robert Oberst were all unable to

And the Berserkers were the strongest of ALL Viking warriors…

Selected for their great size and strength, they went to battle wearing bearskins
instead of armor and fought in a psychedelic battle frenzy that terrified their

This program sheds light on how they built the strength to hack through shield walls,
without ever setting foot in a gym.

45 minutes per day.

4 days per week.

4 weeks.

-If you cannot find logs, branches or rocks heavy enough to challenge you, double
the number of reps. If that doesn’t work, double it again.

-Take your time in learning to perform these movements with good form. Irregular
objects like stone and wood require more attention and more strength to stabilize.
Stay focused.

-All of these exercises can be performed with standard equipment like barbells as

-Wear work gloves. You’ll be better able to handle wood and stone.

-Vikings ate two meals per day:
Nattmal (primary meal in the evening) and Dagmal (morning meal consisting of
leftovers from the night before).

Though they were considered barbarians by their neighbors, their diet was generally
far superior - being higher in protein, abundant in superfoods from both ocean and
land, and having greater overall nutritional density and variety.

Common foods were:

• Seafood (fish, eels, squid, seals, and whales)
• Meat (beef, venison, goat, wild boar, chicken, duck, seabirds)
• Dairy (milk, cheese, curds, whey)
• Grains (wheat, rye, barley, oats)
• Fruit (strawberries, raspberries, blackberries,, apples)
• Nuts (hazelnuts and walnuts)
• Vegetables (peas, beans, onions, cabbage, leeks, turnips)


-My Book: ‘A History of Physical Fitness’:

-THUG LIFE: The 500 Mile Ultramarathon Story:

-Discount codes for the best GEAR and SUPPLEMENTS on earth:




-All Links:

-Wild Hunt History Library:

-The Functional Strength Oracle. Consult her here:

FREE Wild Hunt Training Library:

Week 1:

Day 1:
-Zercher Squat with Log: four sets of 8.
-Log Shoulder Carry: 200 feet (per shoulder) with moderately heavy log. Keep good
posture and a controlled walk under the weight. Break up the total distance as
needed based on your endurance and available space. You may also use a heavy
-Bear Hug Squats: four sets of 6. Lift a moderately heavy stone to sternum height.
Hugging it securely, proceed to do wide stance squats. Lift the stone from an
elevated platform to make it easier to reach. You may also use a heavy sandbag.
-Mountain Climbers: three sets of 90 seconds at high intensity. Maintain the highest
pace you can for every one of those ninety seconds.
-Tree Sit: perform a ‘wall sit’ against a tree (or a wall) to the point of failure for the
three sets. Push yourself, don’t quit early.

Day 2:
-Tree Branch Pull Ups: perform a pull up using a tree branch (or a pull up bar) to the
point of failure for the four sets.
-Log Press: four sets of 8. Perform a standing strict press with a log (or a severed tree
branch, a sandbag or a barbell). The last set should take you to the point of failure.
-Push Ups: five sets of 1 minute. Perform as many reps with perfect form as possible
within the allotted time per set.
-Bucket Carry: 300 feet total distance. Use a bucket or bag filled with stones, gravel or
sand (or any suitable heavy object). Moderately heavy to heavy. Keep good posture
and a controlled walk under the weight. Break up the total distance as needed based
on your endurance and available space.
-Sit-Ups: do four sets to the point of failure.

Day 3:
-Single Arm Plank: two sets to failure/per side. Perform a single arm plank on one
fully extended arm, holding to the point of complete fatigue. Switch arms and
-Stone Lift: four sets of 6. If you have mobility issues that make lifting from the
ground difficult, begin by lifting from knee-height using any type of elevated
-Log Zercher March: four sets of 30 seconds with a heavy log, tree branch, barbell or
-Upright Bucket Row: four sets of 12. Perform an upright row using a bucket or bag
filled with stones, gravel or sand (or any suitable heavy object). Moderately heavy
-Tree Push: push against a tree (or a wall - or any immovable vertical surface) using
both hands and all the strength in your legs for four sets of 6 seconds at MAX effort.
Switch your lead foot after each set.

Day 4:
-Burpees: as many repetitions as you can do in 5 minutes.
-Ruck: 40 minutes with 20% of your body weight. You can find a free rucking
instructional video here:

Week 2:

Day 1:
-Zercher Squat with Log: four sets of 8.
-Log Shoulder Carry: 200 feet (per shoulder) with moderately heavy log. Keep good
posture and a controlled walk under the weight. Break up the total distance as
needed based on your endurance and available space. You may also use a heavy
-Bear Hug Squats: four sets of 6. Lift a moderately heavy stone to sternum height.
Hugging it securely, proceed to do wide stance squats. Lift the stone from an
elevated platform to make it easier to reach. You may also use a heavy sandbag.
-Mountain Climbers: three sets of 90 seconds at high intensity. Maintain the highest
pace you can for every one of those ninety seconds.
-Tree Sit: perform a ‘wall sit’ against a tree (or a wall) to the point of failure for the
three sets. Push yourself, don’t quit early.

Day 2:
-Tree Branch Pull Ups: perform a pull up using a tree branch (or a pull up bar) to the
point of failure for the four sets.
-Log Press: four sets of 8. Perform a standing strict press with a log (or a severed tree
branch, a sandbag or a barbell). The last set should take you to the point of failure.
-Push Ups: five sets of 1 minute. Perform as many reps with perfect form as possible
within the allotted time per set.
-Bucket Carry: 300 feet total distance. Use a bucket or bag filled with stones, gravel or
sand (or any suitable heavy object). Moderately heavy to heavy. Keep good posture
and a controlled walk under the weight. Break up the total distance as needed based
on your endurance and available space.
-Sit-Ups: do four sets to the point of failure.
Day 3:
-Single Arm Plank: two sets to failure/per side. Perform a single arm plank on one
fully extended arm, holding to the point of complete fatigue. Switch arms and
-Stone Lift: four sets of 6. If you have mobility issues that make lifting from the
ground difficult, begin by lifting from knee-height using any type of elevated
-Log Zercher March: four sets of 30 seconds with a heavy log, tree branch, barbell or
-Upright Bucket Row: four sets of 12. Perform an upright row using a bucket or bag
filled with stones, gravel or sand (or any suitable heavy object). Moderately heavy
-Tree Push: push against a tree (or a wall - or any immovable vertical surface) using
both hands and all the strength in your legs for four sets of 6 seconds at MAX effort.
Switch your lead foot after each set.

Day 4:
-Burpees: as many repetitions as you can do in 5 minutes.
-Ruck: 40 minutes with 20% of your body weight. You can find a free rucking
instructional video here:

Week 3:

Day 1:
-Zercher Squat with Log: four sets of 8.
-Log Shoulder Carry: 200 feet (per shoulder) with moderately heavy log. Keep good
posture and a controlled walk under the weight. Break up the total distance as
needed based on your endurance and available space. You may also use a heavy
-Bear Hug Squats: four sets of 6. Lift a moderately heavy stone to sternum height.
Hugging it securely, proceed to do wide stance squats. Lift the stone from an
elevated platform to make it easier to reach. You may also use a heavy sandbag.
-Mountain Climbers: three sets of 90 seconds at high intensity. Maintain the highest
pace you can for every one of those ninety seconds.
-Tree Sit: perform a ‘wall sit’ against a tree (or a wall) to the point of failure for the
three sets. Push yourself, don’t quit early.

Day 2:
-Tree Branch Pull Ups: perform a pull up using a tree branch (or a pull up bar) to the
point of failure for the four sets.
-Log Press: four sets of 8. Perform a standing strict press with a log (or a severed tree
branch, a sandbag or a barbell). The last set should take you to the point of failure.
-Push Ups: five sets of 1 minute. Perform as many reps with perfect form as possible
within the allotted time per set.
-Bucket Carry: 300 feet total distance. Use a bucket or bag filled with stones, gravel or
sand (or any suitable heavy object). Moderately heavy to heavy. Keep good posture
and a controlled walk under the weight. Break up the total distance as needed based
on your endurance and available space.
-Sit-Ups: do four sets to the point of failure.

Day 3:
-Single Arm Plank: two sets to failure/per side. Perform a single arm plank on one
fully extended arm, holding to the point of complete fatigue. Switch arms and
-Stone Lift: four sets of 6. If you have mobility issues that make lifting from the
ground difficult, begin by lifting from knee-height using any type of elevated
-Log Zercher March: four sets of 30 seconds with a heavy log, tree branch, barbell or
-Upright Bucket Row: four sets of 12. Perform an upright row using a bucket or bag
filled with stones, gravel or sand (or any suitable heavy object). Moderately heavy
-Tree Push: push against a tree (or a wall - or any immovable vertical surface) using
both hands and all the strength in your legs for four sets of 6 seconds at MAX effort.
Switch your lead foot after each set.

Day 4:
-Burpees: as many repetitions as you can do in 3 minutes.
-Ruck: 40 minutes with 20% of your body weight. You can find a free rucking
instructional video here:

Week 4:

Day 1:
-Zercher Squat with Log: four sets of 8.
-Log Shoulder Carry: 200 feet (per shoulder) with moderately heavy log. Keep good
posture and a controlled walk under the weight. Break up the total distance as
needed based on your endurance and available space. You may also use a heavy
-Bear Hug Squats: four sets of 6. Lift a moderately heavy stone to sternum height.
Hugging it securely, proceed to do wide stance squats. Lift the stone from an
elevated platform to make it easier to reach. You may also use a heavy sandbag.
-Mountain Climbers: three sets of 90 seconds at high intensity. Maintain the highest
pace you can for every one of those ninety seconds.
-Tree Sit: perform a ‘wall sit’ against a tree (or a wall) to the point of failure for the
three sets. Push yourself, don’t quit early.

Day 2:
-Tree Branch Pull Ups: perform a pull up using a tree branch (or a pull up bar) to the
point of failure for the four sets.
-Log Press: four sets of 8. Perform a standing strict press with a log (or a severed tree
branch, a sandbag or a barbell). The last set should take you to the point of failure.
-Push Ups: five sets of 1 minute. Perform as many reps with perfect form as possible
within the allotted time per set.
-Bucket Carry: 300 feet total distance. Use a bucket or bag filled with stones, gravel or
sand (or any suitable heavy object). Moderately heavy to heavy. Keep good posture
and a controlled walk under the weight. Break up the total distance as needed based
on your endurance and available space.
-Sit-Ups: do four sets to the point of failure.

Day 3:
-Single Arm Plank: two sets to failure/per side. Perform a single arm plank on one
fully extended arm, holding to the point of complete fatigue. Switch arms and
-Stone Lift: four sets of 6. If you have mobility issues that make lifting from the
ground difficult, begin by lifting from knee-height using any type of elevated
-Log Zercher March: four sets of 30 seconds with a heavy log, tree branch, barbell or
-Upright Bucket Row: four sets of 12. Perform an upright row using a bucket or bag
filled with stones, gravel or sand (or any suitable heavy object). Moderately heavy
-Tree Push: push against a tree (or a wall - or any immovable vertical surface) using
both hands and all the strength in your legs for four sets of 6 seconds at MAX effort.
Switch your lead foot after each set.

Day 4:
-Burpees: as many repetitions as you can do in 8 minutes.
-Ruck: 40 minutes with 20% of your body weight. You can find a free rucking
instructional video here:


-My Book: ‘A History of Physical Fitness’:

-THUG LIFE: The 500 Mile Ultramarathon Story:

-Discount codes for the best GEAR and SUPPLEMENTS on earth:




-All Links:

-Wild Hunt History Library:

-The Functional Strength Oracle. Consult her here:

FREE Wild Hunt Training Library:

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