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Last update: 06 November, 2022 by Tìtstewan

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’ [ʔ] (tìftang, Apostrophe, Glottal Stop)

‘ä’ [ʔæʔ] intj. oops! ‘evi [ˈʔɛ.vi] n. kid (affectionate form of)
‘a’aw [ˈʔa.ʔaw] adj. a few, several ‘ewan [ˈʔɛ.wan] adj. young
‘ä’o [ˈʔæ.ʔo] n. pitcher plant ‘ewll [ˈʔɛ.wḷ] n. plant
‘ak [ʔak̚ ] intj. ow, ouch ‘ewrang [ˈʔɛw.ɾaŋ] n. loom
‘akra [ˈʔak.ɾa] n. soil (fertile) ‘eylan [ˈʔɛj.lan] n. friend
‘aku [ˈʔ·a.k·u] vtr. remove, take away, ‘eylanay [ʔɛˈnaj] n. acquaintance
take off (with the potential for becoming a friend)
‘al [ʔ·al] vtr. waste ‘eyng [ʔ·ɛjŋ] v. answer, respond,
‘älek [ˈʔæ.lɛk̚ ] adj. determined respond to
‘ali’ä [ʔa.ˈli.ʔæ] n. collar / choker ‘eyt [ʔɛjt̚ ] n. the symbol 8 (not the value
‘ampi [ˈʔ·am.p·i] vtr. touch eight)
‘ampirikx [ˈʔam.pi.ɾik’] n. leaf pitcher ‘i’a [ˈʔ·iʔ.·a] vin. end, conclude
plant ‘ì’awn [ʔ·ɪ.ˈʔ·awn] vin. remain, stay
‘ana [ˈʔ] n. hanging vine ‘ia [ˈʔ·i.·a] vin. lose oneself (spiritual
‘ango [ˈʔa.ŋo] adj. soft (of a sound) sense)
‘angtsìk [ˈʔaŋ.t͡ sɪk̚ ] n. hammerhead ‘ìheyu [ʔɪ.ˈhɛ.ju] n. spiral
‘anla [ˈʔ·an.l·a] vtr. yearn for ‘ìn [ʔ·ɪn] svin. be busy, be occupied
‘änsyem [ʔæn.ˈsjɛm] adj. complete ‘Ìnglìsì [ˈʔɪŋ.lɪ.sɪ] n. English language
‘are [ˈʔa.ɾɛ] n. poncho, cape, shawl ‘ìp [ʔ·ɪp̚ ] vin. disappear, vanish, recede
‘ärìp [ˈʔ·æ.ɾ·ɪp̚ ] vtr. move from view
‘asap [ˈʔ̚ ] n. sudden shock ‘ipu [ˈʔi.pu] adj. humorous, funny,
‘asap si [ˈʔ s·i] vin. be shocked, be amusing
startled ‘it [ʔit̚ ] n. bit, a small amount
‘avun [ˈʔ·a.v·un] vtr. save (time, food, ‘itan [ˈʔi.tan] n. son
etc.) ‘ite [ˈʔi.tɛ] n. daughter
‘aw [ʔaw] num. one ‘itetsyìp [ˈʔi.tɛ.t͡ sjɪp̚ ] n. little daughter
‘awkx [ʔawk’] n. cliff (term of endearment)
‘awlie [ʔaw.ˈli.ɛ] adv. once (in the past) ‘llngo [ˈʔḷ.ŋo] n. hip
‘awlo [ˈʔaw.lo] adv. once ‘o’ [ʔoʔ] adj. bringing fun, exciting
‘awm [ʔawm] n. camp ‘ok [ʔok̚ ] n. remembrance
‘awnìm [ˈʔ·aw.nɪm] vtr. avoid ‘okrol [ʔok.ˈɾol] n. history (ancient)
‘awpo [ˈʔaw.po] pn. one individual ‘oktrr [ˈʔok.tṛ] n. day of commemoration
‘awsiteng [ʔˈtɛŋ] adv. together ‘okvur [ʔok.ˈvuɾ] n. history (nonancient)
‘awstengyem [ʔaw.stɛŋ.ˈj·ɛm] vtr. bind / ‘om [ʔom] adj. violet, purple, magenta
bring two or more things together (ii) ‘ompin [ˈʔ] n. violet, purple,
‘awve [ˈʔaw.vɛ] adj. first (ordinal) magenta
‘e’al [ˈʔɛ.ʔal] adj. worst ‘on [ʔon] n. shape, form
‘e’in [ʔɛ.ˈʔin] n. pod, gourd ‘on si [ˈʔon s·i] vin. shape, give shape (to
‘e’insey [ʔɛ.ˈʔin.Sɛj] n. drinking gourd something)
‘efu [ˈʔ·ɛ.f·u] vtr. feel, sense, perceive ‘ong [ʔ·oŋ] vin. unfold, blossom
‘eko [ˈʔ·ɛ.k·o] vtr. attack ‘onglawn [ˈʔoŋ.lawn] n. exhilaration of
‘ekong [ˈʔɛ.koŋ] n. beat (rhythmic) first bonding
‘ekxin [ʔɛ.ˈk’in] adj. tight ‘ongokx [ˈʔ·o.ŋ·ok’] vin. be born
‘ekxinum [ʔɛ.ˈk’i.num] n. degree of ‘ongop [ˈʔo.ŋ·op̚ ] vtr. design
tightness, looseness ‘ongopyu [ˈʔo.ŋop.ju] n. designer
‘ekxinumpe [ʔɛ.ˈk’i.num.pɛ] inter. how ‘opin [ˈʔ] n. color
tight, loose? ‘opinsung [ˈʔ·uŋ] vtr. color, color
‘ele’wll [ˈʔɛ.lɛʔ.wḷ] n. thorny paw, cactus in
’em [ʔ·ɛm] vtr. cook ‘opinvultsyìp [ˈʔ͡ sjɪp̚ ] n. crayon
’emyu [ˈʔɛm.ju] n. cook, cooker ‘ora [ˈʔo.ɾa] n. lake
‘en [ʔɛn] n. guess, informed guess, ‘oratsyìp [ˈʔo.ɾa.t͡ sjɪp̚ ] n. pond, pool
hunch, intuition ‘otxang [ʔo.ˈt’aŋ] n. musical instrument
‘en si [ˈʔɛn ˈs·i] vin. make an informed (generic term)
guess ‘rrko [ˈʔ·ṛ.k·o] vin. roll
‘eng [ʔɛŋ] n. beak of a bird or animal ‘rrpxom [ˈʔṛ.p’om] n. thunder
‘engeng [ˈʔɛŋ.ɛŋ] adj. level ‘Rrta [ˈʔṛ.ta] prop.n. Earth
‘eoio [ˈʔɛ.o.i.o] adj. ceremonious ‘u [ʔu] n. thing (object, fact, abstraction)
‘etnaw [ˈʔɛt.naw] n. shoulder ‘ul [ʔ·ul] vin. increase
‘evan [ˈʔɛ.van] n. boy (colloquial) ‘umtsa [ˈʔum.t͡ sa] n. medicine
‘eve [ˈʔɛ.vɛ] n. girl (colloquial) ‘uo [ˈʔu.o] pn. something
‘eveng [ˈʔɛ.vɛŋ] n. child ‘upe [ˈʔu.pɛ] inter. what (thing)
‘evengan [ˈʔɛ.vɛ.ŋan] n. boy ‘upxare [ʔu.ˈp’a.ɾɛ] n. message
‘evenge [ˈʔɛ.vɛ.ŋɛ] n. girl ‘ur [ʔuɾ] n. sight, look, appearance
‘evi [ˈʔɛ.vi] n. kid (affectionate form of)

A [a]

a [a] part. clause level attributive marker atanvi [a.ˈ] n. ray

afpawng [a.ˈfpawŋ] n. grief atanzaw [a.ˈtan.zaw] n. forked lightning
afpawng si [a.ˈfpawŋ s·i] vin. grieve Ateyitan [a.ˈtɛj.i.tan] prop.n. son of
aho [·a.ˈh·o] vin. pray Ateyo
akrrmaw [a.ˈkṛ.maw] conj. after Ateyo [a.ˈtɛ.jo] prop.n. male Na’vi
(temporal) atokirina’ [ˈɾi.naʔ] n. seeds of the
akrrta [a.ˈkṛ.ta] conj. since (temporal) great tree
akum [a.ˈkum] conj. that (as a result) atxar [a.ˈt’aɾ] adj. smell of living animals,
Akwey [ak.ˈwɛj] prop.n. male Na’vi as found around a watering hole
alaksi [a.ˈ] adj. ready atxkxe [at’.ˈk’ɛ] n. land
alìm [a.ˈlɪm] adv. far away, at a distance atxkxerel [at’.ˈk’ɛ.ɾɛl] n. map
alo [ˈa.lo] n. time, turn, instance, one of au [a.ˈu] intj. exclamation of
a number of repeated or recurring actions consternation
alu [ˈ] conj. that is, in other words au [ˈa.u] n. drum (made of skin)
alunta [a.ˈlun.ta] conj. because, from the aungia [a.ˈu.ŋi.a] n. sign, omen
reason awaiei [a.wa.i.ˈɛ.i] n. banshee of
am’a [am.ˈʔa] n. doubt paradise
am’ake [am.ˈʔa.kɛ] adj. sure, confident awnga [aw.ˈŋa] pn. we
am’aluke [am.ˈʔɛ] adv. without a ayfo [aj.ˈfo] or [ˈ] pn. they
doubt aylaru [aj.ˈla.ɾu] pn. to the others
Amhul [am.ˈhul] prop.n. female Na’vi aynga [aj.ˈŋa] pn. you all, you (pl.)
anìheyu [a.nɪ.ˈhɛ.ju] n. fibonacci, blue ayoe [aj.ˈo.ɛ] pn. we, us (exclusive)
spiral plant ayoeng [aj.ˈwɛŋ] pn. we, us (inclusive)
Anurai [ˈɾa.i] prop.n. Na’vi Clan ayRam aLusìng [aj.ˈɾamˈsɪŋ]
name prop.n. the Floating Mountains
Aonung [a.o.nuŋ] prop.n. male Na’vi of aystampe [aj.ˈstam.pɛ] inter. what men
the Metkayina Clan aystepe [aj.ˈstɛ.pɛ] inter. what women
apxa [a.ˈp’a] adj. large aysupe [aj.ˈsu.pɛ] inter. what people
apxangrr [a.ˈp’a.ŋṛ] n. delta tree ayu [a.ˈju] n. things
asim [a.ˈsim] adv. nearby, at close range ayVitrayä Ramunong [aj.vit.ˈɾa.jæ ɾa.
atan [a.ˈtan] n. light ˈmu.noŋ] prop.n. Well of Souls
atanvi [a.ˈ] n. ray

Ä [æ]

äie [æ.ˈi.ɛ] n. vision (spiritual) äzan si [æ.ˈzan s·i] vin. force, compel
Änsìt [ˈæn.sɪt̚ ] prop.n. male Na’vi äzanluke [æ.ˈɛ] adv. voluntarily,
äo [ˈæ.o] adp. under, below without force or compulsion
ätxäle [æ.ˈt’æ.lɛ] n. request äzantu [æ.ˈzan.tu] n. domineering
ätxäle si [æ.ˈt’æ.lɛ ˈs·i] vin. request (with person; one who is bossy, authoritarian, or
tsnì clause for object) dictatorial
äzan [æ.ˈzan] n. force, compulsion
äzan si [æ.ˈzan s·i] vin. force, compel

E [ɛ]

eampin [ˈɛ] n. blue, green hold small toxic arachnid

ean [ˈɛ.an] adj. blue, green etrìp [ˈɛt.ɾɪp̚ ] adj. favorable, auspicious
eanean [ˈɛ.an.ˈɛ.an] n. cheadle, Europa [ɛ.u.ˈɾ] prop.n. Europe
herbaceous plant ewktswo [ˈɛwk.t͡ swo] n. (sense of) taste
ekxan [ɛ.ˈk’an] n. barricade, obstruction ewku [ˈ·ɛw.k·u] vtr. taste (not
ekxan si [ɛ.ˈk’an s·i] vin. exclude, keep intentionally)
out, bar ewro [ˈɛw.ɾo] n. euro
ekxtxu [ɛk’.ˈt’u] adj. rough eyawr [ɛ.ˈjawɾ] adj. correct, right
eltu [ˈɛl.tu] n. brain eyawrfya [ɛ.ˈjawɾ.fja] n. right way (of
eltu lefngap [ˈɛl.tu lɛ.ˈfŋap̚ ] n. computer doing something), correct path
eltu si [ˈɛl.tu s·i] vin. pay attention, quit eyaye [ɛ.ˈja.jɛ] n. warbonnet
goofing off eyk [·ɛjk̚ ] vtr. lead
eltungawng [ˈɛl.tu.ŋawŋ] n. brainworm, eyktan [ˈɛjk.tan] n. leader
glow worm eyktanay [ɛjk.ta.ˈnaj] n. deputy, general,
eltur tìtxen si [ˈɛl.tuɾ tɪ.ˈt’ɛn s·i] vin. be one step down from leader
interesting, intriguing eykyu [ˈɛjk.ju] n. leader (typically
emkä [ɛm.ˈk·æ] vtr. cross temporary, of a small group like a hunting
emkäfya [ɛm.ˈkæ.fja] n. ford, crossing party)
emrey [ɛm.ˈɾ·ɛj] vin. survive Eytukan [ˈɛj.tu.kan] prop.n. male leader
emza’u [ɛm.ˈz·a.ʔ·u] vtr. pass (a test), of the Omatikaya
overcome Eywa [ˈɛj.wa] prop.n. world spirit, Gaia
Entu [ˈɛn.tu] prop.n. male Na’vi Eywa’eveng [ˌɛj.wa.ˈʔɛ.vɛŋ] prop.n.
eo [ˈɛ.o] adp. before, in front of (place) Pandora
eolì’uvi [ˈɛ.o.lɪ.ʔ] n. prefix Eyweveng [ɛj.ˈwɛ.vɛŋ] prop.n. Pandora
ep’ang [ɛp.ˈʔaŋ] adj. complex (colloquial, short for Eywa’eveng)
epxang [ɛ.ˈp’aŋ] n. stone jar used to

F [f] (Fä)

fa [fa] adp. with, by means of (mentally)

fahew [fa.ˈhɛw] n. smell fpomtokx [fpom.ˈtok’] n. health
fäkä [fæ.ˈk·æ] vin. go up, ascend (physical)
faoi [ˈfa.o.i] adj. smooth fpomtokxnga’ [fpom.ˈtok’.ŋaʔ] adj.
fäpa [ˈfæ.pa] n. top healthful (physically)
fäpyo [ˈfæ] n. roof fpxafaw [ˈfp’a.faw] n. medusa
fayluta [faj.ˈlu.ta] sbd. these words fpxäkìm [ˈfp’·æ.k·ɪm] vin. enter
fäza’u [fæ.ˈz·a.ʔ·u] vin. come up, fpxamo [ˈfp’] adj. terrible, horrible,
ascend awful
fe’ [fɛʔ] adj. bad fra’u [ˈfɾa.ʔu] pn. everything
fe’lup [ˈfɛʔ.lup̚ ] adj. tacky, in poor taste frafya [ˈfɾa.fja] adv. in every way
fe’pey [fɛʔ.ˈp·ɛj] vin. feel dread, expect frakrr [ˈfɾa.kṛ] adv. always, all the time
something bad to happen, fear (with tsnì fralo [ˈfɾa.lo] adv. every time, every
for thing dreaded) (ii) instance, each time
fe’ran [ˈfɛʔ.ɾan] n. flawed nature, frapo [ˈfɾa.po] pn. everyone
something illconceived or inherently frato [ˈfɾ] part. superlative marker
defective than all
fe’ranvi [ˈfɛʔ.ɾ] n. blemish, fratrr [fɾa.ˈtṛ] adv. daily, every day
deformity, stain, flawed feature fratseng [ˈfɾa.t͡ sɛŋ] adv. everywhere
fe’ul [ˈfɛ.ʔ·ul] vin. worsen, get worse fratxon [fɾa.ˈt’on] adv. every night
fekem [ˈfɛ.kɛm] n. accident frawzo [fɾaw.ˈzo] intj. all is well,
fekum [ˈfɛ.kum] n. disadvantage, everything is fine or OK
drawback, downside frìp [fɾ·ɪp̚ ] vtr. bite
fekumnga’ [ˈfɛ.kum.ŋaʔ] adj. frir [fɾiɾ] n. layer
disadvantageous frrfen [ˈf·ṛ.f·ɛn] vtr. visit
few [fɛw] adp. across, aiming for the frrtu [ˈfṛ.tu] n. guest, visitor
opposite side of fta [fta] n. knot
fewi [ˈf·ɛ.w·i] vtr. chase fta si [fta s·i] vin. knot, make or tie a knot
fewtusok [ˈfɛw.tu.sok̚ ] adj. opposite, on ftang [ft·aŋ] vim. stop
the opposite side ftanglen [ft·aŋ.ˈl·ɛn] vtr. prevent
fì’u [fɪ.ˈʔu] pn. this (thing) ftär [ftæɾ] adj. left (not right)
fìfya [fɪ.ˈfja] adv. this way, like this ftärpa [ˈftæɾ.pa] n. left side
fìkem [fɪ.ˈkɛm] pn. this (action) ftawnemkrr [ftaw.ˈnɛm.kṛ] n. past
fil [fil] n. child’s toy, plaything fte [ftɛ] conj. so that, in order to
fìpo [ˈfɪ.po] pn. this one person or thing fteke [ˈftɛ.kɛ] conj. so that not, lest
fìtrr [fɪ.ˈtṛ] adv. today ftem [ft·ɛm] vtr. pass by (something)
fìtsap [fɪ.ˈt͡ sap̚ ] adv. each other ftia [ft·i.ˈ·a] vtr. study
fìtseng [fɪ.ˈt͡ sɛŋ] adv., n. here, this place ftu [ftu] adp. from (direction)
fìtsenge [fɪ.ˈt͡ sɛ.ŋɛ] adv., n. here, this ftue [ˈftu.ɛ] adj. easy, simple
place ftumfa [ˈftum.fa] adp. out of, from inside
fìtxan [fɪ.ˈt’an] adv. so, to such an extent ftuopa [ˈ] adp. from behind
fìtxon [fɪ.ˈt’on] adv., n. tonight ftxavang [ˈft’a.vaŋ] adj. passionate
fkan [fk·an] vin. resemble in a sensory ftxey [ft’ɛj] conj. whether, or
modality, come to the senses as ftxey [ft’·ɛj] vtr. choose
fkarut [ˈfk·a.ɾ·ut̚ ] vtr. peel ftxì [ft’ɪ] n. tongue
fkay [fkaj] adj. hateful ftxìlor [ft’ɪ.ˈloɾ] adj. delicious, good
fkew [fkɛw] adj. mighty tasting
fkeytok [ˈfkɛj.t·ok̚ ] vin. exist ftxìvä’ [ft’ɪ.ˈvæʔ] adj. bad tasting
fkio [ˈfki.o] n. tetrapteron ftxozä [ft’o.ˈzæ] n. celebration, happy
fkip [fkip̚ ] adp. up among occasion
fko [fko] pn. one, they (singular usage) ftxozä si [ft’o.ˈzæ s·i] vin. celebrate
(unspecified agent) ftxulì’u [ft’·u.ˈlɪ.ʔu] vin. orate, give
fkxake [ˈfk’·a.k·ɛ] v. itch speech
fkxakewll [ˈfk’a.kɛ.wḷ] n. itch plant ftxulì’uyu [ft’u.ˈlɪ.ʔu.ju] n. orator, (public)
fkxara [ˈfk’a.ɾa] n. stress (mental or speaker
emotional feeling) fu [fu] conj. or
fkxaranga’ [ˈfk’a.ɾa.ŋaʔ] adj. stressful fuke [fu.ˈkɛ] conj. or not
fkxen [fk’ɛn] n. vegetable (food) fula [ˈ] sbd. that
fkxile [ˈfk’i.lɛ] n. bib necklace fura [ˈfu.ɾa] sbd. that
flä [fl·æ] vin. succeed furia [ˈfu.ɾi.a] sbd. that
flawkx [flawk’] n. leather futa [ˈfu.ta] sbd. that
flawm [flawm] n. cheek fwa [fwa] sbd. that (subordinate clause
flefle [ˈflɛ.flɛ] n. Sol’s delight, marker)
magnetotrophic plant fwäkì [ˈfwæ.kɪ] n. mantis
flew [flɛw] n. throat fwäkìwll [ˈfwæ.kɪ.wḷ] n. mantis orchid
flì [flɪ] adj. thin fwal [fw·al] vtr. wipe
flìnutx [flɪ.ˈnut’] n. thickness fwampop [ˈfwam.pop̚ ] n. tapirus
flrr [flṛ] adj. gentle, mild, tender (people fwang [fwaŋ] adj. savory, umami, rich
or things) fwefwi [ˈfw·ɛ.fw·i] vin. whistle
fmal [fm·al] vtr. sustain fwel [fwɛl] adj. broken
fmawn [fmawn] n. news, something to fwem [fwɛm] adj. dull, blunt (as a point)
report fwep [fwɛp̚ ] n. dust (on a surface)
fmawnta [ˈfmawn.ta] sbd. that news fwew [fw·ɛw] vtr. look for, seek, search
fmetok [ˈfm·ɛ.t·ok̚ ] vtr. test fwi [fw·i] vin. slip, slide
fmi [fm·i] vtrm. try, attempt fwìng [fwɪŋ] n. humiliation,
fmokx [fmok’] n. jealousy, envy embarrassment, loss of face
fmong [fm·oŋ] vtr. steal, rob fwìng si [fwɪŋ s·i] vin. humiliate
fmongyu [ˈfmoŋ.ju] n. thief fwopx [fwop’] n. dust (in the air)
fnan [fn·an] vtr. be good at fwum [fw·um] vin. float (on the surface of
fnawe’ [fna.ˈwɛʔ] adj. cowardly a liquid)
fnawe’tu [fna.ˈwɛʔ.tu] n. coward fya’o [ˈfja.ʔo] n. path, way, manner
fnel [fnɛl] n. kind, type fyalì’u [ˈfja.lɪ.ʔu] n. adverb
fnelan [ˈfnɛ.lan] n. male fyan [fjan] n. constructed device for
fnele [ˈfnɛ.lɛ] n. female keeping something off the ground and
fnepe [ˈfnɛ.pɛ] inter. which kind clean
fnetxum [fnɛ.ˈt’um] n. allergen fyanyì [ˈfjan.jɪ] n. shelf
fngä’ [fŋ·æʔ] vin. relieve oneself; (on fyanyo [ˈ] n. table, elevated
Earth) use the restroom, go to the utilitarian surface
bathroom fyape [ˈfja.pɛ] inter. how
fngä’tseng [ˈfŋæʔ.t͡ sɛŋ] n. restroom (on fyawìntxu [fja.w·ɪn.ˈt’·u] vin. guide (with
Earth) dative of thing guided)
fngap [fŋap̚ ] n. metal fyawìntxuyu [fja.wɪn.ˈt’u.ju] n. guide
fngapsutxwll [ˈfŋap.sut’.wḷ] n. fyel [fj·ɛl] vtr. seal, make impervious
metalfollowing plant fyeng [fjɛŋ] adj. steep
fngo’ [fŋ·oʔ] vtr. require, demand fyengkekin [ˈfjɛŋ.kɛ.kin] intj. no need to
fnu [fn·u] vin. quiet, be quiet use honorific language
fo [fo] pn. they fyep [fj·ɛp̚ ] vtr. hold in the hand, grasp,
fpak [fp·ak̚ ] vin. hold off, suspend action grip
fpap [fp·ap̚ ] vtr. pound fyeyn [fjɛjn] adj. ripe, mature, adult
fpe’ [fp·ɛʔ] vtr. send fyeyntu [ˈfjɛjn.tu] n. adult person
fpeio [fpɛ.ˈi.o] n. challenge (ceremonial) fyin [fjin] adj. simple
fpi+ [fpi] adp. for the sake of, for the fyinep’ang [fjin.ɛp.ˈʔaŋ] n. degree of
benefit of complexity
fpìl [fp·ɪl] vtr. think fyinep’angpe [fjin.ɛp.ˈʔaŋ.pɛ] inter. how
fpìlfya [ˈfpɪl.fja] n. thought pattern, way complex?
of thinking fyìp [fjɪp̚ ] n. tendril, tentacle
fpivìl [fpi.ˈvɪl] intj. hmm, let’s see, let me fyìpmaut [ˈfjɪ̚ ] n. squid fruit tree
think fyole [ˈfjo.lɛ] adj. sublime, beyond
fpom [fpom] n. wellbeing, peace, perfection
happiness fyolup [ˈfjo.lup̚ ] adj. exquisite, sublime in
fpomron [fpom.ˈɾon] n. health or style
wellbeing (mental) fyuatx [fju.ˈat’] n. anemonoid
fpomronga’ [fpom.ˈɾo.ŋaʔ] adj. healthful

H [h] (Hä)

ha [ha] conj. so, in that case herwìva [ˈhɛɾ.wɪ.va] n. snowflake

ha’ [h·aʔ] vin. fit, suit, complement, hewne [ˈhɛw.nɛ] adj. soft (of an object)
inherently enhance heyn [h·ɛjn] vin. sit
ha’ngir [haʔ.ˈŋiɾ] n. afternoon heyr [hɛjɾ] n. chest
hafyon [ha.ˈfjon] n. wisdom hì’ang [ˈhɪ.ʔaŋ] n. insect
hafyonga’ [ha.ˈfjo.ŋaʔ] adj. wise hì’i [ˈhɪ.ʔi] adj. small, little (in size)
hahaw [ˈh·a.h·aw] vin. sleep hifwo [ˈh·i.fw·o] vin. flee, escape
ham [ham] adj. previous hìkrr [ˈhɪ.kṛ] n. second, very short time
hamalo [ha.ˈma.lo] adv. last time hìm [hɪm] adj. small (in quantity)
hametsì [ha.ˈmɛ.t͡ sɪ] n. leavened bread hìmpxì [hɪm.ˈp’ɪ] n. minority, least, small
han [h·an] vtr. lose part
hän [hæn] n. net, web hìmtxampe [hɪm.ˈt’am.pɛ] inter. how
hangham [ˈh·aŋ.h·am] vin. laugh much
hangvur [ˈhaŋ.vuɾ] n. joke, funny story hìmtxan [hɪm.ˈt’an] n. amount
hapxì [ha.ˈp’ɪ] n. part hìmtxew [hɪm.ˈt’ɛw] n. minimum
hapxìtu [ha.ˈp’ɪ.tu] n. member hìmtxewvay [hɪm.ˈt’ɛw.vaj] adv.
hasey [ha.ˈsɛj] adj. done, finished minimally
hasey si [ha.ˈsɛj ˈs·i] vin. accomplish, hìno [hɪ.ˈno] adj. fine, detailed, precise,
bring to a conclusion intricate (of things)
hawl [h·awl] vtr. prepare hìpey [ˈhɪ.p·ɛj] vin. hesitate, hold back
hawmpam [ˈhawm.pam] n. noise. for a short time
sound that is excessive, unnecessary, hipx [h·ip’] vtr. control
inappropriate, unexpected or startling hìrumwll [hɪ.ˈɾum.wḷ] n. puffer plant
hawng [hawŋ] n. overabundance hìtxoa [hɪ.ˈt’o.a] intj. excuse me
hawngkrr [ˈhawŋ.kṛ] adv. late hiup [ˈh·i.·up̚ ] vin., vtr. spit, spit out
hawntsyokx [hawn.ˈt͡ sjok’] n. glove hiyìk [ˈhi.jɪk̚ ] adj. funny, strange
hawnu [ˈh·aw.n·u] vtr. protect, shelter hoan [ˈ] n. comfort
hawnven [hawn.ˈvɛn] n. shoe hoet [ˈho.ɛt̚ ] adj. vast, broad, expansive
hawre’ [haw.ˈɾɛʔ] n. hat hol [hol] adj. few
hawtsyìp [ˈhaw.t͡ sjɪp̚ ] n. nap holpxay [hol.ˈp’aj] n. number
hay [haj] adj. next holpxaype [hol.ˈp’aj.pɛ] inter. how many
hayalo [ha.ˈja.lo] adv. next time hona [ˈ] adj. endearing, adorable,
hayalovay [ha.ˈja.lo.vaj] intj. until next cute
time horenleykekyu [ho.ˌɾɛn.lɛj.ˈkɛk.ju] n.
he’a [ˈh·ɛ.ʔ·a] vin. cough law enforcer, police officer
hefi [ˈh·ɛ.f·i] vtr. smell (not intentionally) hrrap [ˈhṛ.ap̚ ] n. danger
hefitswo [ˈhɛ.fi.t͡ swo] n. (sense of) smell hu [hu] adp. with (accompaniment)
hek [h·ɛk̚ ] vin. be curious, odd, strange, hufwa [hu.ˈfwa] conj. although
unexpected hufwe [hu.ˈfwɛ] n. wind
hena [ˈh·ɛ.n·a] vtr. carry hufwetsyìp [hu.ˈfwɛ.t͡ sjɪp̚ ] n. breeze, light
henga [ˈhɛ.ŋa] n. formally polite behavior wind
henga si [ˈhɛ.ŋa s·i] vin. act in a formally hultstxem [h·ul.ˈt͡ st’·ɛm] vtr. hinder
polite or honorific way hum [h·um] vin. leave, depart
hermeyp [hɛɾ.ˈmɛjp̚ ] n. snow flurry hupx [h·up’] vtr. miss, not hit a target
hertxayo [ˈhɛɾ.t’] n. snow field huru [ˈhu.ɾu] n. cooking pot
herwì [ˈhɛɾ.wɪ] n. snow
herwìva [ˈhɛɾ.wɪ.va] n. snowflake

I [i]

i’en [ˈiʔ.ɛn] n. stringed instrument puzzling, enigmatic

Iknimaya [ˌˈma.ja] prop.n. Stairway ingyentsim [ˈiŋ.jɛn.t͡ sim] n. mystery,
to Heaven, the rite of passage for young riddle, enigma, conundrum
Na’vi ingyentsyìp [ˈiŋ.jɛn.t͡ sjɪp̚ ] n. trick, sleight
ikran [ˈik.ɾan] n. banshee of hand, clever/special methodology
ikranay [ik.ɾa.ˈnaj] n. forest banshee io [ˈi.o] adp. over, above
ikut [ˈi.kut̚ ] n. large pestle (grinding tool); ioang [i.ˈo.aŋ] n. animal, beast
mealmashing pole ioi [i.ˈo.i] n. adornment, or ceremonial
il [·il] vin. bend apparel (item of)
ilu [ˈ] n. large plesiosaurlike sea ioi säpi [i.ˈo.i sæ.ˌp·i] vin. adorn oneself
creature ioi si [i.ˈo.i s·i] vin. adorn
inan [·i.ˈn·an] vtr. read (e.g. the forest), ionar [ˈi.o.naɾ] n. banshee rider visor
gain knowledge from sensory input irayo [i.ˈɾ] n., intj. thank you, thanks
inanfya [i.ˈnan.fja] n. sense (means of irayo si [i.ˈɾ ˈs·i] vin. thank, give
perception) thanks
ingyen [ˈiŋ.jɛn] n. feeling of mystery or Jakesully [ʒɛjk’.ˈ] n. moron, toruk
incomprehension maktoyu
ingyenga’ [ˈiŋ.jɛ.ŋaʔ] adj. mysterious,

Ì [ɪ]

ìì [ɪ:] intj. um, er ìlva [ˈɪ] n. flake, drop, chip

ìlä+ [ˈɪ.læ] or [ɪ.ˈlæ] adp. by, via, ìpxa [ɪ.ˈp’a] n. fern
following, according to Ìstaw [ɪ.ˈstaw] prop.n. male Na’vi
ìley [ɪ.ˈlɛj] intj. war cry
ìlva [ˈɪ] n. flake, drop, chip

K [k] (KeK)

ka [ka] adp. across, covering thoroughly kesätarenga’ [kɛ.sæ.ˈta.ɾɛ.ŋaʔ] adj.

kä [k·æ] vin. go irrelevant
kä’ärìp [kæ.ˈʔ·æ.ɾ·ɪp̚ ] vtr. push kesran [kɛ.ˈsɾan] adj. soso, mediocre
kakan [ˈka.kan] adj. rough keteng [ˈkɛ.tɛŋ] adj. different
kakpam [kak.ˈpam] adj. deaf ketrìp [ˈkɛt.ɾɪp̚ ] adj. unfortunate,
kakrel [kak.ˈɾɛl] adj. blind inauspicious
kali’weya [ka.liʔ.ˈwɛ.ja] n. species of ketsran [kɛ.ˈt͡ sɾan] adj., conj. no matter,
poisonous arachnid no matter what, whatever
kalin [ka.ˈlin] adj. sweet to the taste ketsukanom [kɛ.t͡ su.ˈka.nom] adj.
kaltxì [kal.ˈt’ɪ] intj. hello unavailable, unobtainable
kaltxì si [kal.ˈt’ɪ ˈs·i] vin. say hello, greet ketsuklewn [kɛ.t͡ suk.ˈlɛwn] adj.
kalweyaveng [kal.ˈwɛj.a.vɛŋ] n. son of a intolerable, unacceptable
bitch (vulgar) ketsuktiam [kɛ.t͡ suk.ˈ] adj.
kam [kam] adp. ago uncountable, infinite
kämakto [kæ.ˈm·ak.t·o] vin. ride out ketsuktswa’ [kɛ.t͡ suk.ˈt͡ swaʔ] adj.
kame [ˈk·a.m·ɛ] vtr. see, see into, unforgettable
understand, know (spiritual sense) ketuwong [ˈkɛ.tu.woŋ] n. alien
Kamun [ˈka.mun] prop.n. male Na’vi kew [kɛw] num. zero
kämunge [kæ.ˈm·u.ŋ·ɛ] vtr. take kewan [ˈkɛ.wan] n. age
kan [k·an] vtrm., vtr. aim, to intend; aim, kewong [ˈkɛ.woŋ] adj. alien
to direct a weapon or other object at a key [kɛj] n. face
target keyawr [kɛ.ˈjawɾ] adj. incorrect, wrong,
kan’ìn [ˈk·an.ʔ·ɪn] vtr. focus on, not right
specialize in, be particularly interested in keye’ung [kɛ.ˈjɛ.ʔuŋ] n. insanity
kanfpìl [ˈk·an.fp·ɪl] vin. concentrate, keyn [k·ɛjn] vtr. put down
focus one’s attention keynven [k·ɛjn.ˈvɛn] vin. step
kangay [ka.ˈŋaj] adj. valid keyrel [ˈkɛj.ɾɛl] n. facial expression
kangay si [ka.ˈŋaj s·i] vin. validate, kezemplltxe [kɛ.zɛm.pḷ.ˈt’ɛ] adv. of
confirm course, needless to say
kanom [ˈk·a.n·om] vtr. acquire, get kezin [ˈkɛ.zin] adj. untangled
kantseng [ˈkan.t͡ sɛŋ] n. destination ki [ki] conj. but rather, but instead
kanu [ˈ] adj. smart, intelligent kì’ong [kɪ.ˈʔoŋ] adj. slow
käpxì [kæ.ˈp’ɪ] n. rear (part or section) kian [k·i.ˈ·an] vtr. blame
kar [k·aɾ] vtr. teach kiantu [ki.ˈan.tu] n. blameworthy person
kärìp [ˈk·æ.ɾ·ɪp̚ ] vtr. push kifkey [ki.ˈfkɛj] n. world (physical, solid)
karyu [ˈkaɾ.ju] n. teacher kilvan [kil.ˈvan] n. river
karyunay [kaɾ.ju.ˈnaj] n. apprentice kìm [k·ɪm] vtr. spin, to spin (something)
teacher kìmar [kɪ.ˈmaɾ] adj. in season (of foods,
käsatseng [kæ.ˈsa.t͡ sɛŋ] adv. out there vegetable or animal)
käsrìn [kæ.ˈsɾ·ɪn] vtr. lend kin [k·in] vtr. need
käteng [ˈk·æ.tɛŋ] vin. spend time with, kinä [ˈki.næ] num. seven
hang out with kinam [ki.ˈnam] n. leg
kato [ˈ] n. rhythm kinamtil [ki.ˈnam.til] n. knee
kavan [ˈk·a.v·an] vtr. support (physically) kìng [kɪŋ] n. thread
kavuk [ka.ˈvuk̚ ] n. treachery kintrr [ˈkin.tṛ] n. week
kavuk si [ka.ˈvuk̚ ˈs·i] vin. betray kintrram [ˈkin.tṛ.am] n. last week
kaw’it [kaw.ˈʔit̚ ] adv. not at all, not a bit kintrray [ˈkin.tṛ.aj] n. next week
(used with ke; see ke kaw’it not…at all in kip [kip̚ ] adp. among
phrases) kipxì [ki.ˈp’ɪ] n. one-seventh
kawkrr [ˈkaw.kṛ] adv. never kìte’e [kɪ.tɛ.ˈʔɛ] n. service
kawkxan [kaw.ˈk’an] adj. free, kìte’e si [kɪ.tɛ.ˈʔɛ ˈs·i] vin. serve
unblocked, unobstructed, clear kive [ˈki.vɛ] adj. seventh (ordinal)
kawl [kawl] adv. hard, diligently kllfro’ [kḷ.ˈfɾ·oʔ] svin. be responsible
kawng [kawŋ] adj. bad, evil kllkä [kḷ.ˈk·æ] vin. go down, descend
kawnglan [ˈkawŋ.lan] adj. malicious, kllkulat [kḷ.ˈk·u.l·at̚ ] vtr. dig up
bad hearted kllkxem [kḷ.ˈk’·ɛm] vin. stand
kawngsar [ˈkawŋ.s·aɾ] vtr. exploit kllpa [ˈkḷ.pa] n. bottom
kawngtu [ˈkawŋ.tu] n. bad person, “bad kllpä [kḷ.ˈp·æ] vin. land, reach the
guy” ground
kawnomum [kaw.ˈno.mum] adj. kllpxìltu [kḷ.ˈp’ɪl.tu] n. territory
unknown kllpxiwll [kḷ.ˈp’i.wḷ] n. lionberry
kawtseng [ˈkaw.t͡ sɛŋ] adv. nowhere kllrikx [kḷ.ˈɾik’] n. earthquake
kawtu [ˈkaw.tu] pn. noone kllte [ˈkḷ.tɛ] n. ground
kay [kaj] adp. from now (in the future) klltseng [ˈkḷ.t͡ sɛŋ] n. position
kaym [kajm] n. evening (before twilight), klltxay [kḷ.ˈt’·aj] vin. lie on the ground
late afternoon klltxeykay [kḷ.t’ɛj.ˈk·aj] vtr. lay
ke [kɛ] adv. not (something) on the ground
ke’aw [kɛ.ˈʔaw] adj. divided, torn apart, kllvawm [ˈkḷ.vawm] adj. brown
striferidden kllwo [kḷ.ˈw·o] vin. alight, land (process
ke’u [ˈkɛ.ʔu] pn. nothing of)
kea [ˈkɛ.a] adj. no (before a noun) kllyem [kḷ.ˈj·ɛm] vtr. bury
kefpomronga’ [kɛ.fpom.ˈɾo.ŋaʔ] adj. kllza’u [kḷ.ˈz·a.ʔ·u] vin. come down,
unhealthful (mentally) descend
kefpomtokxnga’ [kɛ.fpom.ˈtok’.ŋaʔ] ko [ko] part. solicit agreement
adj. unhealthful (physically) ko’on [ˈko.ʔon] n. ring, oval, closed
keftxo [kɛ.ˈft’o] adj., intj. unhappy, shape roughly circular
upset, ‘How sad!’ koak [ˈko.ak̚ ] adj. old, aged (for living
kefyak [kɛ.ˈfjak̚ ] part. isn’t it?, right? things)
kehe [ˈkɛ.hɛ] part., intj. no koaktan [ˈko.ak.tan] n. old man
kekem [ˈkɛ.kɛm] pn., adv. no action or koakte [ˈko.ak.tɛ] n. old woman
activity koaktu [ˈko.ak.tu] n. old person
Kekunan [ˈkɛ.ku.nan] prop.n. Na’vi Clan koaktutral [ko.ˈak.tut.ɾal] n. goblin
name thistle
kelemweypey [kɛ.lɛm.ˈwɛj.pɛj] adj. kolan [ko.ˈlan] intj. I mean, rather
impatient (selfcorrecting)
kelfpomron [kɛl.fpom.ˈɾon] adj. kom [k·om] vim. dare
unhealthy (mentally) kop [kop̚ ] adv. too, also, additionally
kelfpomtokx [kɛl.fpom.ˈtok’] adj. kop [kop̚ ] conj. and also
unhealthy (physically) koren [ko.ˈɾɛn] n. rule, guideline
kelha’ [kɛl.ˈhaʔ] adj. inappropriate koren ayll [ko.ɾɛn a.ˈjḷ] n. law, societal
kelhoan [kɛl.ˈ] adj. uncomfortable rule
kelkin [kɛl.ˈkin] adj. unnecessary kosman [ko.ˈsman] adj. wonderful,
kelku [ˈkɛl.ku] n. home, house terrific, fantastic
kelku si [ˈkɛl.ku ˈs·i] vin. live, dwell koum [ˈ] adj. rounded, curved
Kelnì [ˈkɛl.nɪ] prop.n. Köln, Cologne krr [kṛ] n. time
kelpxìmrun [kɛl.ˈp’ɪm.ɾun] adj. rare krra [ˈkṛ.a] conj. when, at the time that
kelsar [kɛl.ˈsaɾ] adj. useless, in vain krrka [ˈkṛ.ka] adp. during
keltrrtrr [kɛl.ˈtṛ.tṛ] adj. unusual krrnekx [kṛ.ˈn·ɛk’] vin. take/consume
keltsun [kɛl.ˈt͡ sun] adj. impossible time (ii)
Kelutral [ˈkɛl.ut.ɾal] prop.n. Hometree krro krro [ˈkɾ ̣.o ˈkɾ ̣.o] ph. at times, on
kem [kɛm] n. thing (action), deed occasion
kem si [ˈkɛm ˈs·i] vin. do krrpe [ˈkṛ.pɛ] inter. when
kemlì’u [ˈkɛm.lɪ.ʔu] n. verb ku’up [ˈku.ʔup̚ ] adj. heavy (physical
kemlì’uvi [ˈkɛm.lɪ.ʔ] n. infix weight)
kempe [ˈkɛm.pɛ] inter. what (action) kulat [ˈk·u.l·at̚ ] vtr. reveal, bring forth,
kemuia [kɛ.ˈmu.i.a] n. dishonor uncover (literally and metaphorically)
kemuia si [kɛ.ˈmu.i.a s·i] vin. dishonor kum [kum] n. result
kemuianga’ [kɛ.ˈmu.i.a.ŋaʔ] adj. kuma [ˈkum.a] conj. that (as a result)
dishonorable kung [kuŋ] adj. putrid, fetid, rotten
kemwiä [kɛm.ˈwi.æ] adj. improper, kunsìp [ˈkun.sɪp̚ ] n. gunship
unfair, wrong, unjustified kur [k·uɾ] vin. hang
ken’aw [kɛn.ˈʔaw] adv. not only kurakx [k·u.ˈɾ·ak’] vtr. drive out
keng [kɛŋ] adv. even, so much as kurfyan [ˈkuɾ.fjan] n. hamper or
kenong [ˈk·ɛ.n·oŋ] vtr. model, represent, suspended rack
exemplify (ii) kurfyavi [ˈkuɾ] n. hook (for hanging
kenten [ˈkɛn.tɛn] n. fan lizard or suspending an item)
kenzen [kɛn.ˈzɛn] adv. not necessarily kurkung [ˈkuɾ.kuŋ] n. asshole (vulgar)
kerusey [ˈkɛ.ɾu.sɛj] adj. dead kuru [ˈku.ɾu] n. neural queue
kesätarenga’ [kɛ.sæ.ˈta.ɾɛ.ŋaʔ] adj.

KX [k’] (KxeKx)

kxa [k’a] n. mouth kxem [k’·ɛm] vin. be vertical

kxakx [k’·ak’] vin. break, snap in two kxemyo [ˈk’ɛ] n. wall, vertical
kxam [k’am] n. middle, midpoint surface
kxamlä [ˈk’am.læ] adp. through (via the kxener [ˈk’ɛ.nɛɾ] n. smoke
middle of) kxetse [ˈk’ɛ.t͡ sɛ] n. tail
kxamtrr [ˈk’am.tṛ] n. midday, noon kxeyey [ˈk’ɛ.jɛj] n. error, mistake
kxamtrrmaw [ˈk’am.tṛ.maw] n. the time kxì [k’ɪ] intj. hello (casual)
immediately after noon, early afternoon kxìm [k’·ɪm] vtr. command, order, assign
kxamtseng [ˈk’am.t͡ sɛŋ] n. center, place a task
in the middle kxìmyu [ˈk’ɪm.ju] n. commander, one
kxamtxomaw [ˈk’am.t’o.maw] n. after with authority over another
midnight kxitx [k’it’] n. death
kxamtxon [ˈk’am.t’on] n. midnight kxll [k’ḷ] n. charge, running attack
kxamyì [ˈk’am.jɪ] n. intermediate level kxll si [ˈk’ḷ ˈs·i] vin. charge
kxänäng [ˈk’æ.næŋ] adj. smell of kxor [k’oɾ] n. a wall or bank of powerful
decaying animal/flesh, rotting, putrid waterfalls noted for its deafening roar and
kxangangang [ˈk’aŋ.aŋ.aŋ] intj. boom deadly force (countable, but only rarely)
(onomatopoeic) kxu [k’u] n. harm
kxange [ˈk’·a.ŋ·ɛ] vin. yawn kxu si [k’u s·i] vin. harm
kxanì [ˈk’a.nɪ] adj. forbidden kxuke [ˈk’u.kɛ] adj. safe
kxap [k’ap̚ ] n. threat kxukx [k’·uk’] vtr. swallow
kxap si [k’ap s·i] vin. threaten kxum [k’um] adj. viscous, gelatinous,
kxapnga’ [ˈk’ap.ŋaʔ] adj. threatening thick
kxawm [k’awm] adv. perhaps, maybe kxumpay [ˈk’um.paj] n. viscous liquid,
kxayl [k’ajl] adj. high gel
kxaylte [ˈk’ajl.tɛ] n. cillaphant kxumpaysyar [ˈk’um.paj.sjaɾ] n. glue
kxaylyì [ˈk’ajl.jɪ] n. high level kxutslu [ˈk’u.t͡ slu] n. risk
kxeltek [ˈk’·ɛl.t·ɛk̚ ] vtr. pick up, lift kxutu [ˈk’u.tu] n. enemy
kxem [k’·ɛm] vin. be vertical

L [l] (LeL)

la’a [ˈla.ʔa] n. physical separation, letsaktap [lɛ.ˈt͡ sak.tap̚ ] adj. violent

distance between two places or objects letsim [lɛ.ˈt͡ sim] adj. original, unique, not
la’ang [ˈla.ʔaŋ] n. pile of stinking, rotting derived from another source
animal matter letskxe [lɛ.ˈt͡ sk’ɛ] adj. stony, of stone
la’ape [ˈla.ʔa.pɛ] inter. how near, how letsranten [lɛ.ˈt͡ sɾan.tɛn] adj. important
far, what distance letsunslu [lɛ.ˈt͡ sun.slu] adj. possible
la’um [ˈl·a.ʔ·um] vin. pretend (use with letswal [lɛ.ˈt͡ swal] adj. powerful
tsnì) letut [lɛ.ˈtut̚ ] adj. constant, continual
lafyon [la.ˈfjon] adj. wise letwan [lɛt.ˈwan] adj. dodgy, sneaky (of
lahe [ˈla.hɛ] adj. other, else a person)
lal [lal] adj. old (opposite of mip) letxi [lɛ.ˈt’i] adj. hurried, frenzied
lam [l·am] vin. seem, appear letxiluke [lɛ.ˈt’ɛ] adj. unhurried
lamaytxa [la.maj.ˈt’a] n. flood lew [lɛw] n. cover, lid
lan [lan] n. resin lew säpi [ˈlɛw sæ.ˌp·i] vin. cover oneself
lanay’ka [la.ˈnajʔ.ka] n. slinger lew si [ˈlɛw ˈs·i] vin. cover
lang [l·aŋ] vtr. investigate, explore lewäte [lɛ.wæ.ˈtɛ] adj. disagreeable,
lanutral [ˈla.nut.ɾal] n. dandetiger argumentative (of an agent)
lapo [ˈla.po] pn. other one person or leweopx [lɛ.wɛ.ˈop’] adj. wavelike
thing lewn [l·ɛwn] vtr. endure, stand, tolerate
laro [ˈla.ɾo] adj. clean lewng [lɛwŋ] n. shame
laro si [ˈla.ɾo s·i] vin. clean, make free of lewnga’ [ˈlɛw.ŋaʔ] adj. shameful (nfp)
dirt ley [l·ɛj] vin. be of value, have some
latem [ˈl·a.t·ɛm] vin. change positive value, be worth something
latsi [l·a.ˈt͡ s·i] vin. keep up with someone leyapay [lɛ.ˈja.paj] adj. foggy, misty
lätxayn [l·æ.ˈt’·ajn] vtr. defeat in battle, leye’krr [lɛ.ˈjɛʔ.kṛ] adj. early
conquer leyewla [lɛ.ˈjɛ] adj. disappointing
law [law] adj. clear, certain leykek [lɛj.ˈk·ɛk̚ ] vtr. enforce
law si [ˈlaw ˈs·i] vin. make clear leykekyu [lɛj.ˈkɛk.ju] n. law enforcer,
lawk [l·awk̚ ] vtr. discourse on, talk about, police officer (colloquial, short for
say something concerning horenleykekyu)
lawnol [ˈlaw.nol] n. great joy leym [l·ɛjm] vin. call, cry out, exclaim
lawnoltsim [ˈlaw.nol.t͡ sim] n. source of leymfe’ [l·ɛjm.ˈfɛʔ] vin. complain
(great) joy leymkem [l·ɛjm.ˈkɛm] vin. protest
lawr [lawɾ] n. melody leyn [l·ɛjn] vtr. repeat, do again
layompin [la.ˈ] n. black leyr [lɛjɾ] adj. frozen
layon [la.ˈjon] adj. black leyr si [ˈlɛjɾ s·i] vin. freeze (something)
le’al [lɛ.ˈʔal] adj. wasteful leytslam [ˈlɛj.t͡ sl·am] vtr. appreciate
le’aw [lɛ.ˈʔaw] adj. only lezeswa [lɛ.ˈzɛ.swa] adj. grassy
le’awtu [lɛ.ˈʔaw.tu] adj. alone, on one’s li [li] adv. already
own, by one’s self; lonely lì’fya [ˈlɪʔ.fja] n. language
le’en [lɛ.ˈʔɛn] adj. speculative, intuitive lì’fyaolo’ [ˈlɪʔ.fja.o.ˈloʔ] n. language
le’Ìnglìsì [lɛ.ˈʔɪŋ.lɪ.sɪ] adj. English, of the group, language users
English language lì’fyavi [ˈlɪʔ] n. expression, bit of
lefkeytongay [lɛ.fkɛˈŋaj] adj. real language
lefkrr [lɛ.ˈfkṛ] adj. current lì’fyeng [lɪʔ.ˈfjɛŋ] n. honorific language
lefnelan [lɛ.ˈfnɛ.lan] adj. male lì’fyeng si [lɪʔ.ˈfjɛŋ s·i] vin. use honorific
lefnele [lɛ.ˈfnɛ.lɛ] adj. female language
lefngap [lɛ.ˈfŋap̚ ] adj. metallic lì’kong [ˈlɪʔ.koŋ] n. syllable
lefpom [lɛ.ˈfpom] adj. happy, peaceful, Li’ona [li.ˈʔ] prop.n. Na’vi Clan
joyous, pleasant name
lefpomron [lɛ.fpom.ˈɾon] adj. healthy lì’u [ˈlɪ.ʔu] n. word
(mentally) lì’ukìng [ˈlɪ.ʔu.kɪŋ] n. sentence
lefpomtokx [lɛ.fpom.ˈtok’] adj. healthy lì’ukìngvi [ˈlɪ.ʔu.kɪŋ.vi] n. phrase
(physically) lì’upam [ˈlɪ.ʔu.pam] n. accent,
lefrir [lɛ.ˈfɾiɾ] adj. layered pronunciation
leftxozä [lɛ.ˈft’o.zæ] adj. celebratory lì’upe [ˈlɪ.ʔu.pɛ] inter. what (word,
leha’ [lɛ.ˈhaʔ] adj. appropriate, suitable, utterance)
fitting lì’upuk [ˈlɪ.ʔu.puk̚ ] n. dictionary
lehawmpam [lɛ.ˈhawm.pam] adj. noisy lì’uvan [ˈlɪ.ʔu.van] n. pun, wordplay
lehawng [lɛ.ˈhawŋ] adj. excessive lì’uvi [ˈlɪ.ʔ] n. affix
lehawngkrr [lɛ.ˈhawŋ.kṛ] adj. late lie [ˈli.ɛ] n. experience
leheng [lɛ.ˈhɛŋ] adj. formally polite lie si [ˈli.ɛ s·i] vin. experience
lehìpey [lɛ.ˈhɪ.pɛj] adj. hesitant, in a state lìktap [ˈlɪk.tap̚ ] adj. crooked
of hesitation lìm [l·ɪm] svin. be far
lehoan [lɛ.ˈ] adj. comfortable lìmsimpe [ˈlɪm.sim.pɛ] inter. how near,
lehrrap [lɛ.ˈhṛ.ap̚ ] adj. dangerous how far
leioae [lɛ.i.o.ˈa.ɛ] n. respect lìng [l·ɪŋ] vin. float in the air, hover
leioae si [lɛ.i.o.ˈa.ɛ s·i] vin. to respect lìngtskxe [ˈlɪŋ.t͡ sk’ɛ] n. unobtanium
lek [l·ɛk̚ ] vtr. heed, obey lini [ˈ] n. young of an animal, bird,
lekin [lɛ.ˈkin] adj. necessary fish, insect
lekoren [lɛ.ko.ˈɾɛn] adj. lawlike lipx [l·ip’] vin. drip
lekxan [lɛ.ˈk’an] adj. blocked, lisre+ [ˈli.sɾɛ] adp. by, before, up to but
obstructed; frustrated not after

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