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Join Telegram -Vocab Wonders English by Prashant Sir

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Join Telegram -Vocab Wonders English by Prashant Sir

1. Abandon - To leave somebody with no intention of returning. ( NkM
s +nsuk)
Synonym - Relinquish, Desert, Leave, Forsake, Discard, Dump, Quit, Renounce.
Antonym - Keep , Claim, Continue
2. Abolish - to ofcially end a law, a system or an institution. (lekIr djuk)
Synonym - Eliminate, Abrogate, Wipe-out, Obliterate, Expunge.
Antonym - Retain, Create
3. Abidge - To make a book, play, etc. Shorter by leaving parts out. (?kVkuk)
Synonym - Shorten, Lessen, Curtail, Reduce, Trim.
Antonym - Extend, Lengthen, Prolong
4. Abrogate - To abolish by authoritative action. (jí djuk)
Synonym - Repeal, Abolish, Anuul, Quash, Cancel, Revoke.
Antonym - Establish, Enact, Legislate
5. Absolve - To state formally that somebody is not guilty or responsible for something. ( nk"k
s eq
Dr d juk)
Synonym - Pardon, Acquit, Exculpate, Exonerate.
Antonym - Accuse, Indict, Impeach, Charge
6. Absurd - Extremely silly; not logical and sensible. ( csr dq k)
Synonym - Ridiculous, Insane, Silly, Illogical
Antonym - Sensible, Prudent, Judicious
7. Abundant - Existing in large quantities; more than enough. ( i p
z jq ek=kk es)a
Synonym - Ample, Bountiful, Plenty, Plentiful, Copious
Antonym - Minimal, Insufcient, Lacking
8. Accrue - To increase over a period of time. ( o`f¼ d juk)
Synonym - Gather, Collect, Amss, Accumulate
Antonym - Fall, Diminish, Abate
9. Accurate - Correct and true in every detail. (lgh)
Synonym - Correct, Precise, Reliable, Meticulous
Antonym - Wrong, Incorrect, False.
10. Achieve - To succeeed in reaching a particular goal. ( i kzIr d juk)
Synonym - Acquire, Obtain, Attain, Accomplish
Antonym - Abandon, Neglect, Forfeit
11. Adept - Good at doing something that is quite Difcult. ( d 'qky)
Synonym - Skilled, Procient, Adroit, Wizard, Dexterous.
Antonym - Incapable, Amateur, Inept
12. Adjourn - to stop a meeting or an ofcial process, especially a trial, for a period of time. ( nsjh d juk)
Synonym - Postpone, Delay
Antonym - Encourage, Expedite, Advance

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Join Telegram -Vocab Wonders English by Prashant Sir
13. Adjust - To change something so as to make it suitable for a new situation. ( v uq
d yu
w d juk)
Synonym - Acclimate, Accommodate, Adapt
Antonym - Disarrage, Disorganize, Disperse
14. Adulation - Great praise, Especially when it is greater than necessary. ( p ki yw
l h d juk)
Synonym - Adoration, Veneration, Awe, Flattery, Plaudits, Fawning.
Antonym - Abuse, Censure, Reprimand
15. Advantageous - Good or usefull in a particular situation. ( mi ; kxh
Synonym - Favourahble, Benecial, Lucrative
Antonym - Harmful, Unfortunate, Detrimental
16. Advocate - To speak or write in favour of. (odhy)
Synonym - Adherence, Support, Vindication
Antonym - Critic, Foe
17. Afuent - Having a lot of money and a good standard of living. (vehj)
Synonym - Wealthy, Opulent, Prosperous, Well-off.
Antonym - Destitute, Indigent, Penurious
18. Afraid - Feeling fear; frightened because you think that you might be hurt or suffer. ( Mjk gq
v k)
Synonym - Scared, Terried, Horried
Antonym - Courageous, Intrepid, Brave
19. Alleviate - To make something less strong or bad. (?kVkuk)
Synonym - Attenuate, Soothe, Assuage
Antonym - Provoke, Increase, Agitate
20. Alluring - Attractive and exciting in a mysterious way. ( v kd "kd
Synonym - Fascinating, Charming, Captivating
Antonym - Repulsive, Dreadful
21. Altruist - Showing a wish to help or being advantages to others ( i jkis d kjh)
Synonym - Philanthropist, Almoner, Patron, Benefactor.
Antonym - Antagonist, Beneciary
22. Amass - to collect or put together a large quantity of something. (,d=k djuk)
Synonym - Gather, Assemble, Collect, Hoard
Antonym - Dissipate, Disperse, Disintegrate
23. Ambiguous - Not clearly stated or dened. (vLi"V)
Synonym - Doubtful, Gloomy, Obscure, Equivocal
Antonym - Obvious, Articulate, Unequivocal

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Join Telegram -Vocab Wonders English by Prashant Sir

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