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A. Direction: Multiple choice, select the best response that answers the question or statement.

1. Which of the following statements about under-keel clearance is FALSE?

a) It is measured from the waterline to the seabed.
b) It ensures the ship's keel does not touch the seabed.
c) It is always the same for all ships regardless of their size and draft.
d) It is influenced by the ship's draft, tidal height, and local hydrographic conditions.
2. When calculating under keel clearance, what should be considered?
a) Tidal range c) Cargo weight
b) Ship's speed d) Atmospheric pressure
3. Why is it important to calculate under keel clearance and overhead clearance?
a) To maximize the ship's speed c) To reduce fuel consumption
b) To avoid damage to the ship d) To ensure safe passage of the ship
4. Which of the following factors are essential for calculating under keel clearance?
a) Depth of water and ship's draft c) Length and width of the ship
b) Ship's speed and cargo weight d) Air draft and tidal height
5. Which of the following factors affect tidal predictions?
a) Moon's phase and ship's speed c) Ship's draft and wind direction
b) Sun's position and wind speed d) Moon's phase and sun's position
6. When considering the overhead clearance for a ship's passage, what additional factors
should the captain take into account besides the air draft of the vessel?
a) The height of any bridges or overhead obstructions along the planned route
b) The potential for the ship's cargo or equipment to extend the overall height of the vessel
c) The predicted tide levels at the time of the transit
d) All of the above
7. How do tidal prediction software programs typically obtain the data necessary for
calculating tide levels?
a) By receiving real-time data from coastal monitoring stations
b) By integrating with weather forecasting models
c) By using historical tide records
d) All of the above
8. What is the primary difference between under-keel clearance and overhead clearance when
planning a ship's passage?
a) Under-keel clearance is more critical for shallow water navigation, while overhead clearance
is more important for passages under bridges.
b) Under-keel clearance is measured in meters, while overhead clearance is measured in feet.
c) Under-keel clearance is the responsibility of the ship's captain, while overhead clearance is
the responsibility of the port authority.
d) There is no difference, as both are equally important for safe passage.
9. How can under-keel clearance (UKC) be calculated using tidal prediction software?
a) By multiplying the ship's draft with the predicted water depth
b) By subtracting the ship's draft from the predicted water depth
c) By dividing the ship's draft by the predicted water depth
d) By adding the ship's draft to the predicted water depth

10. How can CATZOC information help a vessel avoid potential groundings?
a) By providing the recommended route
b) By indicating the maximum safe speed
c) By improving the accuracy of UKC calculations
d) By showing the location of submerged obstacles
11. What is the purpose of CATZOC information on an ENC?
a) To show the water depth d) To determine the accuracy of the
b) To indicate the chart datum sounding
c) To display the vessel's position
12. What does CATZOC stand for on an Electronic Navigational Chart (ENC)?
a) Category of Zonal Confidence c) Categorization of Zonal Coordination
b) Category of Zone of Confidence d) Categorization of Zonal Certification
13. Which CATZOC value would you expect to see in a highly trafficked shipping lane with
recently updated survey data?
14. How does the CATZOC value affect the level of caution a vessel's captain should exercise
during navigation?
a) It has no impact on the level of caution
b) It has CATZOC only affects the vessel's speed.
c) A higher CATZOC value requires more caution.
d) A lower CATZOC value requires more caution.
15. Which of the following is the LEAST important factor in determining a ship's safe passage?
a) Tidal range c) Water depth
b) Ship's draft d) Ship's speed
16. What is the primary purpose of monitoring UKC and overhead clearance during a ship's
a) To avoid damage to the ship's hull c) To ensure the safety of the crew
b) To comply with navigation regulations d) All of the above
17. What is the recommended minimum UKC for a ship to safely navigate in shallow waters?
a) 1 meter c) 10% of the ship's draft
b) 0.5 meter d) 20% of the ship's draft
18. When calculating under keel clearance (UKC), which of the following factors should be
a) Ship's draft c) Tidal range
b) Water depth d) All of the above
19. What is the primary source of data used by tidal prediction software?
a) Weather forecasts c) Astronomical data
b) Satellite imagery d) Hydrographic surveys
20. Which of the following situations would require the most careful consideration of UKC and
overhead clearance?
a) Open ocean navigation c) Docking maneuver
b) Passage through a narrow channel d) Crossing a river

21. What is the primary international regulation that requires ships to carry up-to-date nautical
charts and publications?
a) SOLAS (International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea)
b) MARPOL (International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships)
c) COLREGS (International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea)
d) STCW (International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for
22. According to national regulations, how often should nautical charts and publications be
a) Monthly c) Annually
b) Quarterly d) As required
23. Why is it important for mariners to be familiar with the process of correcting nautical charts
and publications?
a) To ensure they can accurately record the corrections in the ship's logbook.
b) To complete the necessary updates and maintain safe navigation.
c) To avoid conflicts with port authorities during inspections.
d) To demonstrate their technical expertise to their peers.
24. How do Notices to Mariners (NtMs) typically provide information about changes to nautical
charts and publications?
a) They list all the updated charts and publications without further explanation.
b) They include detailed instructions on how to make the necessary corrections.
c) They provide a summary of the changes without specific correction details.
d) They offer a comprehensive analysis of the reasons for the changes.
25. What is the primary purpose of correcting nautical charts and publications?
a) To ensure compliance with regulations
b) To improve the aesthetics of the charts
c) To reduce the workload of the crew
d) To keep the information up-to-date and accurate for safe navigation
26. What is the main source of corrections for nautical charts and publications?
a) Maritime authorities c) Company
b) Notices to Mariners d) Shipowners
27. What is the legal requirement for mariners to keep their charts and publications up-to-
a) It's just a suggestion, not required by law
b) It's enforced through port state control inspections
c) It's a personal responsibility, not a legal requirement
d) It only applies to commercial vessels on international voyages
28. What is the main purpose of regularly correcting nautical charts and publications?
a) To follow national and international maritime regulations
b) To ensure the information is accurate and safe for navigation
c) To make the charts look nice
d) Both b and c
29. Which of the following best describes the relationship between nautical charts and Notices
to Mariners?

a) Nautical charts are completely separate from Notices to Mariners
b) Notices to Mariners are used to fix errors in the production of charts
c) Mariners must regularly apply the corrections from Notices to Mariners
d) Notices to Mariners are automatically included in the latest chart editions
30. Which of the following would be the most significant factor in determining the effectiveness
of a mariner's system for keeping their nautical charts and publications up-to-date?
a) The cost of purchasing new chart editions
b) The time and effort required to apply corrections
c) The frequency of navigational incidents and accidents
d) The mariner's level of compliance with regulatory requirements
31. Which of the following would be the most effective method for a hydrographic office to
distribute Notices to Mariners to ensure mariners are aware of and applying the latest corrections?
a) Sending the Notices directly to ship owners, who can then pass them on to their crews
b) Relying on port authorities to inform mariners of any important chart updates
c) Implementing a centralized, digital platform that automatically notifies registered users
d) Publishing the Notices on the hydrographic office's website and expecting mariners to check it
32. Which of the following would be the most likely consequence of a mariner failing to apply
the corrections communicated in a Notice to Mariners?
a) Reduced risk of collisions and groundings
b) Improved fuel efficiency and voyage planning
c) Enhanced situational awareness and decision-making
d) Inaccurate information that could lead to accidents or incidents
33. What type of information is typically included in Notices to Mariners?
a) Updates on new nautical chart editions
b) Changes to maritime laws and regulations
c) Forecasts of upcoming weather events and hazards
d) Corrections and updates to nautical charts and publications
34. Which organization issues the ADMIRALTY Notices to Mariners?
a) International Maritime Organization (IMO)
b) United Nations (UN)
c) United States Coast Guard (USCG)
d) United Kingdom Hydrographic Office (UKHO)
35. Which publication contains detailed information about navigational aids such as lighthouses
and buoys?
a) The Weekly Edition of ADMIRALTY Notices to Mariners c) The List of Lights and Fog Signals
b) The Annual Summary of ADMIRALTY Notices to Mariners d) The Sailing Directions
36. What is the purpose of the Annual Summary of ADMIRALTY Notices to Mariners?
a) To provide a list of all Notices to Mariners issued during the year
b) To summarize changes to navigational charts and publications
c) To provide historical information about maritime accidents
d) To list upcoming maritime events
37. What is the purpose of the Cumulative List of ADMIRALTY Notices to Mariners?
a) To summarize the changes to navigational charts and publications

b) To provide a list of all Notices to Mariners issued during the year
c) To provide historical information about maritime accidents
d) To list upcoming maritime events
38. Why is it important to check for missed corrections on a chart?
a) To avoid cluttering the chart with unnecessary information.
b) To ensure that all corrections have been properly applied.
c) To save time and effort in chart correction.
d) To make the chart look neater.
39. What is the purpose of writing the number of the correction in the bottom left corner of the
a) To identify the chart d) To keep track of the number of
b) To make the chart look neater. corrections made.
c) To sign the chart as proof of correction.
40. How can you tell if a chart is up to date?
a) By looking at the bottom left corner of the chart for the correction number.
b) By counting the number of navigation aids.
c) By checking the official deck logbook.
d) By checking publication

41. Why are blocks used for larger corrections on nautical charts?
a) Because they are cheaper. c) Because they are easier to use.
b) Because they are waterproof. d) Because they cover larger areas.
42. Which of the following is NOT a type of correction commonly found in NtMs?
a) New hazards to navigation c) Updates to weather forecasts
b) Changes to buoy positions d) Corrections to lighthouse characteristics
43. How often are NtMs typically published?
a) Daily c) Monthly
b) Weekly d) Annually
44. When would you use a pencil to make corrections on a nautical chart?
a) To make permanent corrections c) To make temporary corrections
b) To apply chart correction patches d) To record corrections in a log
45. It is the reduction of under-keel clearance resulting from bodily sinkage and change of trim which
occurs when a ship moves through the water.
a. Bank effect b. Shallow water effect c. Squat d. Speed reduction
46. It is defined as the immersed cross-section of the ship’s mid-section divided by the cross-section
of water within the canal or river.
a. Stowage factor b. Trim factor c. Blockage coefficient d. None of the above
47. Means the minimum clearance available between the deepest point on the vessel and the bottom in still
a. UKC b. freeboard c. Draft d. Trim
48. What does "Lowest Astronomical Tide" (LAT) represent in maritime navigation?
a) The lowest possible tide predicted by astronomical calculations.
b) The highest tide observed during a specific time period.
c) The minimum depth of water recorded in a navigational chart.

d) The depth of water below the ship's keel at a specific location.
49. In the context of UKC, which term refers to the minimum allowable clearance of a vessel in order
to safely navigate through a particular area?
a) Lowest Astronomical Tide (LAT) c) Height of Tide
b) Draft d) Company UKC Policy
50. How is the draft of a vessel typically measured?
a) From the waterline to the top of the mast c) From the waterline to the highest point of the
b) From the waterline to the bottom of the keel superstructure
d) From the waterline to the highest point of the hull
51. What does the "Height of Tide" represent in relation to Under Keel Clearance (UKC)?
a) The distance between the waterline and the top of the ship's mast.
b) The difference between the observed water level and the Lowest Astronomical Tide (LAT).
c) The depth of water beneath the ship's keel at high tide.
d) The maximum allowable depth of water for safe navigation.
52. Which of the following factors is typically included in a company's UKC policy?
a) Maximum cargo capacity c) Minimum required UKC for safe navigation
b) Crew training requirements d) Fuel consumption guidelines
53. In a company's UKC policy, what does the term "Minimum Required UKC" refer to?
a) The lowest depth of water allowed for vessel operation.
b) The minimum distance between the ship's hull and the seabed.
c) The maximum allowable draft for safe navigation.
d) The company's guidelines for managing cargo weight.
54. How does the height of tide affect Under Keel Clearance (UKC) calculations?
a) Higher tides decrease the risk of grounding. c) Tidal variations have no impact on UKC.
b) Lower tides provide greater clearance for vessel passage. d) UKC remains constant regardless of tide height.
55. Why is it important for mariners to adhere to their company's UKC policy?
a) To avoid penalties from regulatory authorities. c) To minimize the risk of accidents or groundings.
b) To ensure compliance with international standards. d) To maximize fuel efficiency during voyages.
56. What factors contribute to the draft of a vessel?
a) Cargo weight, ballast, and trim c) Crew size and experience
b) Wind speed and direction d) Engine power and fuel type
57. In UKC calculations, why is it important to consider the dynamic effects of squat?
a) Squat increases the stability of the vessel. c) Squat increases the draft of the vessel.
b) Squat reduces the risk of grounding in shallow waters. d) Squat has no impact on Under Keel Clearance.
58. Which statement accurately describes the relationship between UKC and vessel speed?
a) Higher vessel speeds require greater UKC. c) Vessel speed has no impact on UKC.
b) Lower vessel speeds decrease the need for UKC. d) UKC is only relevant during stationary periods.
59. What role does the company's risk assessment play in determining UKC requirements?
a) It establishes guidelines for vessel speed limits.
b) It identifies potential hazards and sets UKC standards accordingly.
c) It determines the crew's training and certification levels.
d) It regulates the use of navigational equipment onboard.
60. How do tidal variations impact the calculation of UKC?
a) Higher tides increases UKC. b) Lower tides increase the risk of grounding.

c) Tidal variations have no effect on UKC. d) UKC is inversely proportional to tidal changes.
61. What is the purpose of including a safety margin in UKC calculations?
a) To account for uncertainties and variations in environmental conditions
b) To minimize the time required for navigation
c) To reduce the number of required crew members
d) To increase cargo capacity without compromising safety
63.What is the significance of conducting regular soundings and surveys in areas with restricted depths?
a) To monitor changes in water depth over time c) To assess the crew's performance during navigation
b) To determine the optimal vessel speed for navigation d) To calculate the vessel's fuel consumption accurately
64. What does ENC stand for in the context of maritime navigation?
a) Electronic Navigation Chart c) Enhanced Navigation Coordination
b) Emergency Navigation Control d) Exclusionary Nautical Chart
65. What is the primary purpose of correcting ENCs?
A) To update the charts with weather data C) To add decorative elements for visual appeal
B) To improve chart accuracy and reliability D) To reduce the size of the chart files
66. What is the purpose of Admiralty Information Overlay (AIO) when applied to ENCs?
A) To display navigational warnings and notices to mariners C) To provide information on marine wildlife habitats
B) To enhance the aesthetics of the chart display D) To indicate the location of underwater obstructions
67. Which organization is responsible for providing official Admiralty Information Overlay (AIO)
updates for ENCs?
A) International Maritime Organization (IMO) C) United Kingdom Hydrographic Office (UKHO)
B) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) D) European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA)
68. What type of information is typically included in Admiralty Information Overlay (AIO) updates?
A) Historical shipwreck locations C) Notices to Mariners and navigational warnings
B) Current ocean currents and tides D) Recreational boating regulations
69. How often should mariners check for updates to Admiralty Information Overlay (AIO) data?
A) Quarterly C) Monthly
B) Annually D) Weekly
70. In which format are Admiralty Information Overlay (AIO) updates typically provided to mariners?
A) PDF documents C) Electronic files compatible with ECDIS
B) Printed charts D) Text messages
71. Which of the following is NOT a common method for correcting ENCs?
A) Manual plotting using paper charts
B) Automatic updates from satellite data
C) Receiving corrections from official hydrographic offices
D) Using correction software provided by chart manufacturers
72. What is the purpose of applying the "caution area" in Admiralty Information Overlay (AIO)?
A) To indicate areas with high levels of maritime traffic
B) To highlight regions prone to extreme weather conditions
C) To mark the presence of marine mammals
D) To identify areas where navigational hazards may exist
73. Which term is used to describe the process of applying Admiralty Information Overlay (AIO)
updates to Electronic Navigational Charts (ENCs)?
A) Chart synchronization C) ENC correction
B) Overlay integration D) AIO integration

74. What is the primary advantage of using electronic methods for correcting ENCs compared to
traditional paper chart corrections?
A) Electronic corrections are less expensive
B) Electronic corrections are more accurate and efficient
C) Electronic corrections are not affected by weather conditions
D) Electronic corrections do not require specialized training
75. Which of the following is a potential consequence of using outdated ENCs without applying
Admiralty Information Overlay (AIO) updates?
A) Improved navigational accuracy C) Reduced fuel consumption
B) Increased risk of maritime accidents D) Enhanced crew morale
76. How can mariners ensure they have the latest Admiralty Information Overlay (AIO) updates for
their ENCs?
A) By manually drawing corrections on paper charts
B) By subscribing to official update services provided by hydrographic offices
C) By relying on information obtained from social media
D) By conducting regular visual inspections of navigational aids
77. Which organization is responsible for issuing Notices to Mariners, which may contain Admiralty
Information Overlay (AIO) updates?
A) International Maritime Organization (IMO)
B) United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
C) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
D) Hydrographic offices of individual countries
78. Which of the following is NOT typically included in Admiralty Information Overlay (AIO) updates?
A) Changes to navigational aids C) Warnings of recent marine accidents
B) Updates on local fishing regulations D) Notices of temporary navigation restrictions
79. What specific type of information is provided in T & P Corrections notices?
a) Changes in maritime regulations
b) Updates to navigational aids such as buoys and lights
c) Amendments and alterations to nautical charts and publications
d) Reports of marine life sightings
80. In Notices to Mariners, what does the instruction "move" typically indicate?
a) A navigational aid has been relocated to a new position
b) A temporary obstruction has been removed from the waterway
c) A change in the speed limit for vessels in a particular area
d) A new navigational beacon has been installed
81.How should mariners respond to the instruction "delete" in a Notice to Mariners?
a) Disregard the deletion and continue to navigate as usual
b) Remove the specified feature or information from the nautical chart
c) Add the deleted feature or information to the nautical chart
d) Consult with local authorities for clarification
82. What action should mariners take when encountering the instruction "insert" in a Notice to
a) Ignore the insertion and continue navigation based on existing charts
b) Add the specified feature or information to the nautical chart

c) Remove the specified feature or information from the nautical chart
d) Consult with other vessels in the area for guidance
83. In correcting a chart, the term used when one feature replaces an existing feature and the
position remains as charted.
a) Replace c) Move
b) Insert d) Delete
84. What does the symbol "DW" represent in Notices to Mariners?
a) Danger Warning c) Dive Warning
b) Deep Water d) Draft Warning
85. In NTM tracing, any information that needs to be amended will be accompanied by_________.
a) In Exchange b) In favor c) In accordance d) In lieu
B. Company’s UKC Policy States that Ship’s minimum UKC should be 10% of the deepest draft.
Choose the correct minimum UKC from the choices with the given Ship’s draft .
a) 1.42m b) 1.28m c. 1.36 d) 1.25 e) 0.90m

86. 12.5m 87. 13.6m 88. 12.8m 89. 9.0m 90. 14.2m
C. True or False: Write A if the statement is True and B if the statement is False
91. Move is used for features whose characteristic or descriptions remain unchanged but are to be
moved no more than 3cm on the chart.
92.A feature that has been moved will be shown in its new position with the “arrow” drawn from its
93. Please note that the command “Insert and Delete” will be used if a feature needs to move more
than 3cm on the chart.
94. "Your pen must use “Violet or magenta ink and not Red when applying permanent correction.
95. A Temporary Notice to Mariners (T) is issued where early promulgation to mariners is needed and
work will soon taking place.
96. Any information that needs to be insert will be accompanied by "in Lieu"."
97. A Preliminary Notice to Mariners (P) is issued where the information will remain valid only for a
limited period.
98.A Magenta Ink will disappear under red lighting often used at night onboard ships.
99.A good quality scalpel will enable you to stick down block, notes, and tables into charts.
100.A Hacksaw Blade with pen attachment should be used for drawing a large circular area.

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